sts. peter & paul catholic church · 2020. 10. 1. · sts. peter & paul catholic church fundraiser...

66192 St. Mary Drive, Pearl River, Louisiana 70452 Öٮݫ Ê¥ ÄÙù ø , Ä : òÙù Ùò . óùÄ . ÖùÝÝ , ò . ¥ . ÃÊÝã Ùò . ¦Ù¦ÊÙù Ã. ùÃÊÄ , . ., Ù«®Ý«ÊÖ Ê¥ Äó ÊÙ½ÄÝ Parish Mission Statement: It is the mission of our Church Parish to follow the commands of Jesus to Saints Peter and Paul: “Feed My sheep” and “Carry My name among the nations.” OCTOBER 4, 2020 TWENTYǦSEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church CLERGY ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW ORLEANS Pastor Rev. Travis J. Clark tclark@archͲ Deacon Rev. Mr. Francis “Frank” W. Drake (reƟred) MASS SCHEDULE Monday Communion Services—Check Calendar Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 a.m. Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Saturday 5:00 p.m. (Vigil) Sunday 7:00, 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. HOLY DAY MASSES Vigil and Holy Day Mass Ɵmes vary; please see bulleƟn and website. RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. Wednesday 6:00 to 6:15 p.m. or by request SPECIAL DEVOTIONS Tuesday St. Jude Novena immediately following 8 a.m. Mass Thursday Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena following 8 a.m. Mass Thursday PatrioƟc Rosary in Church at 7 p.m. First Friday The Most Blessed Sacrament and EucharisƟc AdoraƟon following 8 a.m. Mass unƟl 5 p.m. closing with BenedicƟon OFFICE HOURS Monday: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. TuesdayThursday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. CONTACT Phone: 985Ͳ863Ͳ7935 (Press 0) Fax: 985Ͳ863Ͳ5431 Email: [email protected] PARISH STAFF Bonnie Milczarek, Oĸce Manager [email protected] Jerry Broussard, Facility Custodian Mary KiƩel, Director of Religious EducaƟon [email protected] Elizabeth KiƩel, Web site Karen Dickerson, Oĸce ANTONIANS (Assistance) 985Ͳ863Ͳ7646 (leave message)

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  • 66192 St. Mary Drive, Pearl River, Louisiana 70452

    , : . . , . . . . , . .,

    Parish Mission Statement: It is the mission of our Church Parish to follow the

    commands of Jesus to Saints Peter and Paul: “Feed My sheep” and “Carry My name among the nations.”


    Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church

    CLERGYARCHDIOCESE OF NEW ORLEANS Pastor Rev. Travis J. Clark tclark@arch Deacon Rev. Mr. Francis “Frank” W. Drake (re red) MASS SCHEDULE Monday Communion Services—Check Calendar Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 a.m. Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Saturday 5:00 p.m. (Vigil) Sunday 7:00, 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. HOLY DAY MASSES Vigil and Holy Day Mass mes vary; please see bulle n and website. RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. Wednesday 6:00 to 6:15 p.m. or by request SPECIAL DEVOTIONS Tuesday St. Jude Novena immediately following 8 a.m. Mass Thursday Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena following 8 a.m. Mass Thursday Patrio c Rosary in Church at 7 p.m. First Friday The Most Blessed Sacrament and Eucharis c Adora on following 8 a.m. Mass un l 5 p.m. closing with Benedic on

    OFFICE HOURS Monday: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday–Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. CONTACTPhone: 985 863 7935 (Press 0) Fax: 985 863 5431 Email: [email protected] PARISH STAFF Bonnie Milczarek, O ce Manager [email protected] Jerry Broussard, Facility Custodian Mary Ki el, Director of Religious Educa on [email protected] Elizabeth Ki el, Web site Karen Dickerson, O ce ANTONIANS (Assistance) 985 863 7646 (leave message)

  • October 4, 2020 Vol. XXXVI, No. 402

    READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday, October 5 Gal 1:6 12; Lk 10:25 37 Tuesday, October 6 Gal 1:13 24; Lk 10:38 42 Wednesday, October 7 Gal 2:1 2, 7 14; Lk 11:1 4 Thursday, October 8 Gal 3:1 5; Lk 11:5 13 Friday, October 9 Gal 3:7 14; Lk 11:15 26 Saturday, October 10 Gal 3:22 29; Lk 11:27 28 Sunday, October 11

    Is 25:6 10a; Phil 4:12 14, 19 20; Mt 22:1 14

    WHERE ARE THE GRAPES? Jesus' parable is a li le di erent from the one in the rst reading. Isaiah has the vineyard under good and faithful care, but s ll it produces wild grapes. In the Gospel, the vineyard presumably had a good harvest, but the workers refuse to give any of the grapes to the landowner. The ques on for us is, which parable is about me? Do I ignore all that God does to help me be a good disciple? Am I too busy to take me to pray or read the Bible? Do I hold onto grudges instead of forgiving and releasing them? Do I only go to church when someone drags me there, or only at Christmas and Easter? (If that were true, I probably would not be reading this bulle n.) Do I decline the invita ons to go on a retreat? Am I afraid to share my faith with someone who needs encouragement? If any of these are true, I might be like the vineyard in the rst reading, producing no fruit despite all the opportuni es God has given me. Or we may be the other side of the coin. We had our children bap zed when they were babies, sent them to the parish school or religion classes. We went to church every Sunday and took them with us. We gave them as good an example as we could, teaching them to love others and be generous with what they have. Yet they grew up and dri ed away from the faith. Then we have to remember how pa ent God is with us, God's people who do not always produce the fruits of faith. The Gospel is a li le more di cult to relate to. The tenants in the parable refer to those who mistreated or killed the prophets sent by God or the people who would have Jesus cruci ed. Yet the kingdom of God is s ll being proclaimed in spite of them. God is pa ent with them. Look what happened to Saul, who persecuted many Chris ans before he became one himself. In our second reading he tells us to follow his example as he follows Christ. Then, he says, the peace of God will be with us, too (Philippians 4:6 9). Tom Schmidt THE GIFT OF THE REIGN OF GOD Ma hew’s Gospel today expands on Isaiah’s ballad considerably. A comparison with the same story in Mark’s Gospel clearly shows us that here the author is busy teaching this community of Jewish Chris ans: “This is a story about Israel a long me ago; this is also a story about Jesus and the skep cal leaders.” Jesus as much as told these Jewish leaders that they were the tenants who rst stoned their own prophets. And He told the leaders they were the tenants who would soon even dispose of Him—Jesus—and, in doing so, would forfeit their privileged place of presen ng to the world the promised Messiah. “And this,” says Ma hew’s Gospel, “is a story about you, the inheritors of what was rst o ered to Israel.” The reign of God was rst opened to Israel and is now given to the whole world, but it must be received as a gi . The rst Chris

    ans are the new tenants in the vineyard. The deeper reality of the reign or kingdom of God is that it is available to everyone on the face of the earth—Israel included J. S. PALUCH CO., INC.

    TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The vineyard of the LORD is the house of Israel (Isaiah 5:1 7). Second Reading — God’s peace will guard your hearts and minds (Philippians 4:6 9). Gospel — The kingdom of God will be given to those who will produce its fruit (Ma hew 21:33 43).

  • October 4, 2020 Vol. XXXVI, No. 40

    This week, the Tabernacle Lamp in the Sanctuary burns in memory of

    † All Unborn Children † TABERNACLE


    MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 5 8:00 A Communion Service Tuesday, October 6 8:00 A † Ruth Olson Wednesday, October 7 6:30 P Purgatorial Society Thursday, October 8 8:00 A Tom and Pat Cuccia Friday, October 9 8:00 A † Clairita Schrieber Saturday, October 10 5:00 P Antonians Living & Deceased † Maurice Bersuder, Sr.

    Gina Caruso † Joseph D’Antoni, Jr. † Brian Dobronich † Gloria V. Earhart Jill Gaudet † Louis J. Mangano, Jr. † Louis J. Mangano, Sr.

    † Tina Mangano † Rosemary Poché † Joseph, Jr. & Sylvia Purcella † Ken & Adele Salzer Roszczynialski/ Stottman Families † Sanford Silver † Lee & Yvonne Tracey † Captain Pete Vogt Sunday, October 11 7:00 A † Steve Navarre 8:30 A Glenn Bun ng Sco and Laura Combel † Deacon Pat Downey † Paul Dubois † Sco Fandal Bruce Frederick & Family † Benny Garay † Mary Joyce Howard † Jimmy Howard † Andrew Lambert Barbara Perez † Alan Ruiz 10:30 A People of the Parish

    PRAY FOR THE SICK Alvin Noggerath, Sr. Audrey Bonnet Augie & Sondra Pare Bunny Shriver Cathy Smith Diana Bradshaw Diane Bourgeois

    Dotsy Chedville Ed Roszczynialski Elizabeth Ki el Glorie e Kiern JoAnn Brewin Maria Kalcic Mary Salzer Brown

    Mary Ware May Caballero Norris Ripp Patricia Cuccia Shirley Callais Virgie Hurstell Zachary Cresson

    Let us pray with the Holy Father, “that by the virtue of bap sm, the laity, especially women, may par cipate more in areas of responsibility in the Church.”

    Pope Francis' Prayer Inten on for October


    In Our Prayers

    ALTAR FLOWERS The beau ful ower arrangements adorning the altar this weekend were donated in memory of

    † William (Bill) Clark †

    by his loving wife Carolyn on his birthday.

    Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church FUNDRAISER DINNER & SOCIAL



    Event Tickets—$15 Drawdown Tickets—$50 NIGHT OF EVENT

    Only CASH and CHECKS will be ACCEPTED Adults 21

    WITH HEARTFELT SYMPATHY Our sympathy on the death of

    † Kim Dearie † Beloved daughter in law of Erlene Dearie.

    and Our sympathy on the death of

    † Lawrence, Barbara and Debra Lynchard †Of our Parish

  • October 4, 2020 Vol. XXXVI, No. 404

    A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT How does God gure into our budget? A er a short silence, one lad spoke up. “We started wrong,” he said. “let’s give God a quarter rst, and then spend the rest.” So a quarter was budgeted for God and the remaining was spent with the greatest enthusiasm, and no small amount of wisdom. This is a good example to follow our own budge ng. Why leave God un l the end? Why not put God rst in apprecia on for His generosity to us? Then, we can budget the rest with great enthusiasm. A quarter out of every dollar for God? If you have not tried it, you have not discovered the real fun of spending the remainder. Stewardship is what you do a er you say, “I Believe.” CONNECTED TO TRADITION The Church presents today’s Old Testament and Gospel readings together, as a pair. We delight in the symmetry between the two passages. Jesus, who is the Word of God, knows the Hebrew scriptures by heart and intends for His parable to echo Isaiah. As Jesus begins speaking, He summons the words of Isaiah, knowing His learned audience of chief priests and elders will feel comfortable with a familiar scripture passage. These scholars recognize immediately that Jesus is referring to a prophe c passage about sin, about the chosen people’s tendency to turn away from God and grow “wild.” AMAZED BY INNOVATION What Jesus does next surprises his audience. He adds a new twist to Isaiah’s well known words, adding a new character, the landowner’s very own son. Adding this innova on shows that Jesus con rms the prophet’s warning—that God longs for “His cherished plant” to grow according to the divine plan. The narra ve twist also allows Jesus to reveal the fullness of God’s plan in a way His audience can understand. Like a master teacher, Jesus respects the knowledge and faithfulness of the chief priests and elders, and then builds on what they know. By adding the landowner’s son to the parable of the vineyard, Jesus gently expresses His own mission as the Son of God. Ma hew’s Gospel o en depicts the chief priests and elders as opposi onal; they worry that Jesus will abolish the law and foment rebellion. As the Lord said earlier in Ma hew’s Gospel, however, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to ful ll” (Ma hew 5:17). Jesus’ audience is skep cal about Him, horri ed at the thought of a mere human being claiming that He is the Son of God. Jesus’ masterful approach provides an opportunity for His audience to give Him the bene t of the doubt. In this way, Jesus proposes—not imposes—His kingship, invi ng us all to follow Him.


    MON OCT 5

    8:00a 12:00p

    Communion Service GASPP (Parish Hall)

    TUES OCT 6


    7:00p 7:00p

    Tuesday Morning Rosary (Parish Hall) a er 8 am Mass and St. Jude Novena RCIA I & II (Parish Hall) Antonians (Parish Hall)


    OCT 8 7:00p Patriot Rosary (Church) FRI

    OCT 9 SAT

    OCT 10 6 10p Fundraiser Spaghe Dinner & Ra es (Parish Hall)

    SUN OCT 11


    PSR Classes (parents and students meet in Parish Hall for Mass then students report to class)

    Sunday, October 4:

    Envelopes $1,699.00 Loose 4,366.00 Online Giving _760.00 Total $6,795.00

    Second Collec on Catholic Communica on


    Next weekend’s second collection Building and Maintenance Fund.

    Good-bye and Good Luck

    We want to wish Terri Schallenberg best wishes on her new endeavor in life. She will no longer be part of the pastoral staff.

    Today’s rst reading, Psalm and Gospel concentrate heavily on vineyards. For those of us who do not drink wine or have never set foot in a vineyard, these scriptures may seem inaccessible. But if we consider the tremendous importance of wine to the ancient world, we hear the scriptures asking us to make a life ordeath decision. Choosing death means forsaking our rela onship with God and taking upon ourselves all the anxiety of faithlessness. Choosing life means paying a en on to the kingdom of God on earth, striving to pursue “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious.” Today’s vineyard metaphors invite us to iden fy our highest priority in life and tend to it. If we ask, God will help us order our lives correctly so we are free to cul vate our vineyards in love.

  • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 – 12:30 PM

    llessing of Pets will be held at Sts. Peter & Paul Church today at 12:30 p.m. in observance of the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of Animals. Please join us! Dogs on leash and cats in carriers, please. All species of well socialized animals are welcome! The event is free, however, we will be collec ng items to help support our local animal shelter. If you would

    like to help, please bring an item or two (from the list below) to the blessing.

    October 4, 2020 Vol. XXXVI, No. 405


    Towels/blankets/washcloths Newspaper Wire pet crates of any size Pet leashes of all sizes Pet collars of all sizes Stainless steel food bowls Dry and wet dog or puppy food Dry and wet cat or ki en food Cat li er Pet beds of any size


    Milk bones sm/med/lg Peanut bu er Durable dog toys Cat toys Treats for training


    Clorox bleach 13 Gallon/55 Gallon Trash Bags Laundry detergent Paper Towels



    SLIDELL Sunday, October 4, 2 - 3PM Gause Boulevard

    Signs will be distributed along the route. Call 985-640-8765 for information.Sts. Peter & Paul Standing Loca on: Slidell Memorial Hospital

    COVINGTON Sunday, October 18, 2 - 3PM Highway 21 @ Brewster Road Gather at Lakeshore Church, 15261 Brewster Road, at 1:30 PM for sign

    distribution and instructions. Call 985-502-1343 for more information.

  • October 4, 2020 Vol. XXXVI, No. 406

    To download vendor packet go to: life/christmasfest.cfm

    ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI (1182-1226)October 4 When Franco Zeffirelli's Brother Sun, Sister Moon was released (1972), people were shocked by the movie's graphic nudi-ty in the dramatic conversion scene. Son of a wealthy merchant, Francis' aimless ado-lescence ended when a failed military ex-pedition led to his imprisonment and com-plete breakdown. Once home, Francis rediscovered God in the beauty of nature and the ugliness of human suffer-ing, caring for lepers, praying in the little church of San Damiano, whose crucified Jesus he heard calling, "Repair my house, Francis, which is falling into ruins." Francis sold his possessions--and his father's—to fulfill this com-mand. When his father objected, Francis disrobed: "I re-turn the clothes, your name, and all you gave me: God alone is my Father now." Later, the pope would dream of a ragged friar stretching forth a single hand to prop up the crumbling papal Cathedral of Saint John Lateran. Francis indeed helped rebuild the universal Church, founding the Friars Minor (Franciscans), dying at a young forty-four, bearing the stigmata of the Christ whose living icon he remains—in the Church and far beyond it.

    Our Lady of the RosaryOctober 7 Saint Pius V established this feast in 1573. The purpose was to thank God for the victory of Christians over the Turks at Lepanto—a victory attributed to the praying of the rosary. Clement XI extended the feast to the universal Church in 1716. The development of the rosary has a long history. First a practice devel-oped of praying 150 Our Fathers in imitation of the 150 Psalms. Then there was a parallel practice of praying 150 Hail Mary's. Soon a mystery of Jesus’ life was attached to each Hail Mary. Though Mary’s giving of the rosary to Saint Dominic is recognized as a legend, the development of this prayer form owes much to the followers of Saint Dominic. One of them, Alan de la Roche, was known as “the apostle of the rosary.” He founded the first Confraterni-ty of the Rosary in the 15th century. In the 16th century, the rosary was developed to its present form—with the 15 mys-teries: joyful, sorrowful and glorious. In 2002, Pope John Paul II added five Mysteries of Light to this devotion. Blessed Francis Xavier SeelosOctober 5 Zeal as a preacher and a confes-sor led Father Seelos to works of compassion as well. Born in southern Bavaria, he studied philosophy and theology in Munich. On hearing about the work of the Redemptorists among German-speaking Catholics in the United States, he came to this country in 1843. Ordained at the end of 1844, he was assigned for six years to St. Philomena’s Parish in Pittsburgh as an assistant to Saint John Neumann. The next three years Father Seelos was superior in the same community, and began his service as novice master. Several years in parish ministry in Maryland followed, along with responsibility for training Redemptorist students. During the Civil War, Fr. Seelos went to Washington, D.C., and appealed to President Lincoln that those students not be drafted for military service, although eventually some were. For several years, he preached in English and in German throughout the Midwest and in the Mid-Atlantic states. As-signed to St. Mary of the Assumption Church community in New Orleans, Fr. Seelos served his Redemptorist confreres and parishioners with great zeal. In 1867, he died of yellow fever, having contracted that disease while visiting the sick. He was beatified in 2000. The Liturgical Feast of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos is October 5.

    To download vendor packet go to:

    O God, You have put us in this vineyard

    to do Your work on earth. Grant us the diligence and grace to work faithfully un l the end. Graciously hear all these our prayers through Christ our Lord.


    BAPTISM: Usually the third Sunday of the month (except during

    Lent) following 10:30 a.m. Mass. Please call for registra on forms at least three weeks in advance.

    MATRIMONY: By appointment with the parish priest or deacon at least six months in advance. No other arrangements

    should be made before contac ng the priest.

    ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Upon request for the seriously ill, in rm and those

    undergoing major surgery. Please contact the Church O ce when someone is homebound or hospitalized

    and in need of the sacrament.

    FUNERALS: Families should contact the priest (o ce) before

    making arrangements.


    Please call the Church O ce if you know anyone who would bene t from this ministry.


    Please register by lling out a census form located at the entrances of the church and return to the Church

    O ce or register online at:

    October 4, 2020 Vol. XXXVI, No. 407

    ALTAR SERVERS Karen Dickerson 601 337 6401 [email protected]

    ALTAR SOCIETY May Caballero 985 863 2467

    ANTONIANS Steve Fecke 985 863 7646 1st Tuesday each month 7pm

    APOLOGETICS Peter Dakin 985 781 4789 [email protected]

    EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Ellie Ross 985 960 1613 1st Friday each month

    FAITH FORMATION RCIA Angel Vicknair 985 788 0380 [email protected]

    FATHER SEELOS BLESSING Church Office 985 863 7935

    FINANCE Robert Johnson 985 863 7935

    FLORAL DESIGN Cathy Downey 985 863 7947

    GRAND ADULTS (GASPP) Alicia O’Brien 985 863 1938 1st Monday each month 12pm

    KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Jonathan Fandal 985 863 3380 3rd Wednesday each month 7pm

    LECTORS O ce 985 863 7935

    LEGION OF MARY Laurie Howell 985 290 6983 Inactive until 2021

    MINISTERS OF EUCHARIST: SUNDAYS Roger Ruiz 601 799 4527 [email protected]

    MUSIC DIRECTOR Cynthia Ripoll 985 774 9917 [email protected] Mike & Cynthia Ripoll 8:30am Harold & Shelia Loyacano 10:30am

    PATRIOTIC ROSARY Every Thursday 7pm in Church

    PRAYER CHAIN Catherine Lambert 985 863 2749

    ROSARY Eydie Richmond Every Tuesday following 8am Mass

    ST. JOSEPH DAY Shirley Lightell 985 863 2603

    USHERS & GREETERS Howard Hebert, Sr. 985 863 5319 [email protected]

    WIDOWS GROUP Sandra Bailey 985 250 9013 Stella Jenevein 504 884 0106 3rd Friday each month

    WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY Barbara Laughlin 985 290 9482 Inactive until 2021

    YOUTH GROUP Gabby Kern [email protected] Rachael Johnson [email protected] Facebook: SPPY Group Instagram: sppygrouppr


    BULLETIN DEADLINE: The o ce requires informa on no later than Monday, 2 weeks before publica on.

    PREGNANCY HEALTH CENTER 550 Gause Blvd., Ste. 2

    Slidell, Louisiana

    Hours M T W F 10am—2pm

    985 643 4357

    Facebook Page:


    All services are FREE

    In Loving Memory of Louis Joseph Mangano, Sr. Louis Joseph Mangano, Jr. Tina Antoine e Mangano

    Husband, Son and Daughter Sadly missed by Lee Mangano Family

    The deceased members of the

    Barrois, Frayle and Schaefer


    In Loving Memory of

    Council No. 11814 Monthly Mee ngs

    3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.

    Membership is open to Catholic gentlemen and young men in good standing with the Church. To become a Brother Knight, contact: Jonathan Fandal 985 863 3380.

    Knights of Columbus

    Altar Society EVERYONE WELCOME

    Annual dues


    Members receive the bene t of 24 masses per year. All funds raised

    are used for the Church.

    Please check mee ng mes and dates with ministry leaders, the Church O ce or inside the bulle n. Most ministries are not ac ve un l further no ce due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

    JANE L. TRIOLA Attorney & Notary



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