submission environmental design strategies k14eds pkp v3.0


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Page 1: Submission Environmental Design Strategies K14EDS PKP V3.0

11 April, 2011







Module Convenor Student

– Dr Lucelia Rodrigues

– Peh Ke Pin (ID: 4151764)

Page 2: Submission Environmental Design Strategies K14EDS PKP V3.0

MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

Peh Ke Pin [email protected] , [email protected]

Page 2 of 39

Department of the Built Environment


Singapore has a mere 740km2 land mass and very populated with 5 million people. Singapore is generally characterised by uniform temperature, pressure, high relative humidity and showered with abundant of rain falls through the year.

1. Sunpath and Radiation Analysis

The basis of Environmental Design Strategies involves a detailed analysis of Sunpath and it’s incident solar radiation over building envelope, shading and solar access of the key surfaces which will affect the key spaces within the building.

1.1. Solar Radiation Overview

Simulations were carried out on a simplified model as shown in Fig. 1 with Singapore Solar Sunpath superimposed. The need for simplified model is due to constraints from the availability of good processing power and time factor. Yan Fook Building as shown in Fig 1 will experience a shadow cast from Building A in the west.

Figure 1 Simplified Yan Fook Building with Singapore Sunpath superimposed, ECOTECT.

A graphical display of Annual Incident Solar Radiation of Yan Fook North Facing façade is shown below in Fig 2. It can be observed that for approximately 4 months of the year, the North façade received more than 2,000kWh/m2.

Building A Yan Fook Building Level Profile, 3 floors

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

Peh Ke Pin [email protected] , [email protected]

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Department of the Built Environment

Figure 2 Annual Incident Solar Radiation of Yan Fook Building North Facing Facade, ECOTECT.

An Optimum Orientation analysis was carried out with Ecotect with the same model and Fig 3 was generated. The Optimum Orientation is South East at 165o .

Figure 3 Optimum Orientation of Yan Fook Building, ECOTECT.

The Annual Incident Solar Radiation at near Optimum Orientation as shown in Fig 4 was generated in Ecotect again and it was evident that we have lower Incident Solar Radiation throughout the year, with only approximately 2 months with more than 2,000 kWh/m2 of radiation received.

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

Peh Ke Pin [email protected] , [email protected]

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Department of the Built Environment

Figure 4 Annual Incident Solar Radiation at near Optimum Orientation, ECOTECT.

1.2. Incident Solar Radiation

Simulation Calculation was carried out in Ecotect to provide a visualization of the Average Daily Incident Solar Radiation of Yan Fook’s façade, see Fig 5.

Figure 5 Calculated Visualization of Avg. Daily Incident Radiation of Yan Fook Building Facade in Ecotect

1.3. Transmitted Radiation

From the same simulated calculation, another visualization of Average Daily Transmitted Radiation can be displayed for study on heat gain into Building through glazing and concrete walls. As can be seen in Fig 6. The Incident Radiation transmitted into the Building are mainly through the Single

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

Peh Ke Pin [email protected] , [email protected]

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Department of the Built Environment

Glazed Windows. No Radiation was transmitted through the Concrete walls, because Concrete appear Opaque for Electromagnetic waves.

Figure 6 Average Daily Transmitted Radiation, ECOTECT.

1.4. Absorbed Radiation

Another important attribute to study is the amount of Radiation Absorbed and which object in the building absorb the most. Fig 7. Shows clearly that the Concrete absorb most of the incident radiation, as Concrete appear opaque while Glazing’s appear near transparent to Radiation, see Fig 6. Since most or all incident radiation on the façade walls were absorbed, the amount of energy which is stored in the Concrete is very much higher than the Glazing due to its high heat capacity. Special façade Aluminium features, coatings, in-wall insulation etc are some of the very common solution to reduce the transmitted heat through Glazing’s and absorption or irradiation of the absorbed heat.

Figure 7 Avg Daily Absorbed Radiation, ECOTECT.

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

Peh Ke Pin [email protected] , [email protected]

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Department of the Built Environment

1.5. Analysis Grid

Analysis Grid is particularly useful to allow designer to get a good idea through simulation and visualization of how Radiation could affect the internal environment. As show in Figure 8 below.

Figure 8 Analysis Grid within the Building (Left) and Isolated Grid (Right), ECOTECT

Designer could better plan for internal zoning, partitioning and also add on designs, plants etc to create a more liveable environment, comfortable and yet aesthetically pleasing to the Occupants.

1.6. Superimpose Insolation Analysis Grid with Building Façade

Finally, ECOTECT is used to superimpose both the Insolation Analysis Grid and the Average Daily Radiation Simulation. Figure 9, shows very clearly on how simulations carried can give an even clearer visualization to Designers and even Engineers to further improve their design to achieve lower energy usage than before. Radiation transmitted as show in Fig 6 had resulted the contours of Insolation Grid as show in Fig 8. Though the simulations were run separately, we can successfully superimpose both to form a fairly accurate result and visualization as show in Fig 9.

Figure 9 Insolation Analysis Grid superimposed with Average Daily Transmitted Radiation, ECOTECT.

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

Peh Ke Pin [email protected] , [email protected]

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Department of the Built Environment

2. Shading Analysis

External shading device place on windows can eliminate and minimize the solar radiation coming from

direct beam radiation and from diffuse radiation. Ecotect was used to calculate for the percentage shading,

overshadowing and sunlight hours on the model.

2.1. Sunlight Hours

Figure 10 (view from the south) and Figure 11 (view from the North) shows the results of the daily average

of total sunlight hours taken for the whole year, on the external walls and windows. The range of colours is

from 2 to 6 hours.

Figure 10 Daily average total sunlight of the model viewed from the south, ECOTECT.

Figure 11 Daily average total sunlight on the model viewed from the North, ECOTECT.

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

Peh Ke Pin [email protected] , [email protected]

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Department of the Built Environment

2.2. Percentage of Shading

Figure 12 (view from the North) and Figure 13 (view from the South) shows the results of the Daily average

percentage of shading from sunlight taken for the whole year, on the external walls and windows. The

range of colors is from 40% to 80%.

Figure 12 Average Daily percentage of shading from sunlight for the model viewed from the North, ECOTECT.

Figure 13 Average Daily percentage of shading from sunlight for the model viewed from the south, ECOTECT.

2.3. Overshadowing

Ecotect was used to generate the stereographic sunpath diagram for the model, showing the sunpath line

from January to December. The sun’s azimuth and altitude for any given time and date may be read from

the diagram. Vertical and horizontal shadow angles can be taken from the diagram in relation to a façade or

window on the model, this information can be used for shading design.

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

Peh Ke Pin [email protected] , [email protected]

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Department of the Built Environment

Figure 14 shows the stereographic sunpath diagram for a selected window facing south with the overshadowing

from adjacent structures, ECOTECT.

Figure 15 shows the stereographic sunpath diagram for a selected window facing North with the overshadowing

from adjacent structures, ECOTECT.

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

Peh Ke Pin [email protected] , [email protected]

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Department of the Built Environment

2.4. Shading Design

From the results obtained in the above calculations, it is recommended that the model must consider

shading in the retrofitting of the model to reduce its total energy consumption. A more precise

determination of the overheated period including internal heat gain and solar radiation must be considered.

A detailed study of the sunpath diagram will establish the horizontal and vertical shadow angles for the

design of the selected shading devices that will met the performance specifications.

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

Peh Ke Pin [email protected] , [email protected]

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Department of the Built Environment

3. Wind Analysis

As Singapore is located along the equator, it enjoys the tropical climate and also seasonal monsoons. Singapore is primarily affected by two monsoon periods – the Northeast Monsoon and the Southwest Monsoon. It is key to note that the exact start and end of the monsoon seasons are not very well-defined; therefore some slight variation in the beginning and the end of the monsoon period from year to year must be taken into account. The Northeast monsoon season brings along cooler climatic conditions and starts approximately from November/ December through to March1. During the early part of the Northeast Monsoon season, the weather is ‘generally cloudy and windy with rain periods lasting for 2 to 3 days at a stretch’2. The cool Northeast winds that are attributed for this slight seasonal variation experienced, originates from the cold winter conditions of the inner regions of the continent of Asia. As shown below in the wind rose diagrams extracted from the Ecotect Analysis software, November through to March shows the greatest amount of wind flow coming in from the North-eastern direction and slowly progresses to a more variable wind direction before transiting to the South-eastern winds which characterise the Southeast Monsoon season. This transition period between the monsoon seasons are referred to as inter-monsoon periods3. The temperature data extracted from the Ecotect Analysis software shows that the temperatures from November to March being observably lower than the rest of the year. It can be inferred that the monsoon season brings about colder and wetter weather conditions that in turn lower the overall recorded temperatures of the area.

Average Monthly temperatures – extracted from the Ecotect Analysis software4

1 National Environment Agency, Singapore. Meterological Services Division, Your Weather Resource - FAQ. 2007. 26 01 2011


2 National Environment Agency, Singapore. Meterological Services Division, Your Weather Resource - FAQ. 2007. 26 01 2011


3 National Environment Agency, Singapore. Meterological Services Division, Your Weather Resource - FAQ. 2007. 26 01 2011


4 Software, Ecotect Analysis. Average Monthly Temperatures. Singapore, 18.01.2011

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

Peh Ke Pin [email protected] , [email protected]

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Department of the Built Environment

Wind rose diagrams indicating wind direction, speed and temperature over the course of the

year– extracted from the Ecotect Analysis software5

1 0 k m / h

2 0 k m / h

3 0 k m / h

4 0 k m / h

5 0 k m / h ° C4 5 +4 03 53 02 52 01 51 05< 0

J a n u a r y

1 0 k m / h

2 0 k m / h

3 0 k m / h

4 0 k m / h

5 0 k m / h ° C4 5 +4 03 53 02 52 01 51 05< 0

F e b r u a r y

1 0 k m / h

2 0 k m / h

3 0 k m / h

4 0 k m / h

5 0 k m / h ° C4 5 +4 03 53 02 52 01 51 05< 0

M a r c h

1 0 k m / h

2 0 k m / h

3 0 k m / h

4 0 k m / h

5 0 k m / h ° C4 5 +4 03 53 02 52 01 51 05< 0

A p r il

1 0 k m / h

2 0 k m / h

3 0 k m / h

4 0 k m / h

5 0 k m / h ° C4 5 +4 03 53 02 52 01 51 05< 0

M a y

1 0 k m / h

2 0 k m / h

3 0 k m / h

4 0 k m / h

5 0 k m / h ° C4 5 +4 03 53 02 52 01 51 05< 0

J u n e

1 0 k m / h

2 0 k m / h

3 0 k m / h

4 0 k m / h

5 0 k m / h ° C4 5 +4 03 53 02 52 01 51 05< 0

J u ly

1 0 k m / h

2 0 k m / h

3 0 k m / h

4 0 k m / h

5 0 k m / h ° C4 5 +4 03 53 02 52 01 51 05< 0

A u g u s t

1 0 k m / h

2 0 k m / h

3 0 k m / h

4 0 k m / h

5 0 k m / h ° C4 5 +4 03 53 02 52 01 51 05< 0

S e p t e m b e r

1 0 k m / h

2 0 k m / h

3 0 k m / h

4 0 k m / h

5 0 k m / h ° C4 5 +4 03 53 02 52 01 51 05< 0

O c t o b e r

1 0 k m / h

2 0 k m / h

3 0 k m / h

4 0 k m / h

5 0 k m / h ° C4 5 +4 03 53 02 52 01 51 05< 0

N o v e m b e r

1 0 k m / h

2 0 k m / h

3 0 k m / h

4 0 k m / h

5 0 k m / h ° C4 5 +4 03 53 02 52 01 51 05< 0

D e c e m b e r

Prevailing WindsA v e ra g e W in d T e mp e ra t u re s

L o c a t io n : S in g a p o re , S G P ( 1 . 2 ° , 1 0 3 . 5 ° )

D a t e : 1 s t J a n u a r y - 3 1 s t D e c e m b e r

T im e : 0 0 : 0 0 - 2 4 : 0 0

© W ea th e r T oo l

5 Software, Ecotect Analysis. Average Monthly Temperatures. Singapore, 18.01.2011.

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

Peh Ke Pin [email protected] , [email protected]

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Department of the Built Environment

Wind rose diagram indicating Prevailing Wind direction and wind frequency over the course of

the year – extracted from the Ecotect Analysis software6

























10 km/ h

20 km/ h

30 km/ h

40 km/ h

50 km/ hhrs











Prevailing WindsWind Frequency (Hrs)

Location: Singapore, SGP (1.2°, 103.5°)

Date: 1st January - 31st December

Time: 00:00 - 24:00© W eather T oo l

The Southwest monsoon period occurs from May to September. This monsoon season is characterised by lower wind speeds. As shown in the following table which charts the Surface wind speed and wind directions, show that the wind speeds experienced during the months of the NE monsoon season is significantly higher than that of the SW monsoon season.

Also evident in the table extracted from the National Environment Agency of Singapore Meteorological Services Division’s document on Singapore’s Weather Statistics, the highest mean daily surface wind speeds experienced in Singapore is a mere 2.4m/s. However, it is key to note

6 Software, Ecotect Analysis. Average Monthly Temperatures. Singapore, 18.01.2011.

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

Peh Ke Pin [email protected] , [email protected]

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Department of the Built Environment

that this data was recorded at the Changi meteorological point where there is little to no obstructions nearby. Despite the abovementioned, Singapore is also a coastal city and will also be affected by prevailing sea winds. This is a minor factor to be considered in the course of this building analysis study as the site is located along the coastal region of Singapore.

extracted from on Singapore’s Weather Statistics

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

Peh Ke Pin [email protected] , [email protected]

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Department of the Built Environment

4. Rain Analysis

The Northeast Monsoon month of December is considered the peak rainfall of the year. The Southwest Monsoon from month of May to September is generally drier period of the year, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Mean Total Rainfall Records By Months for Singapore upto year 2008

4.1. Northeast Monsoon

The Northeast Monsoon Surge results in prolonged and continuous rain falls, which are considered moderate to heavy, and are at time accompanied by surface wind with the speed of upto 10 to 12m/s. As shown in Figure 16 and 17.

Figure 16 Windflow 8 Jan 2006, Length of Arrow denotes Wind Speed of Northeast Monsoon.

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

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Department of the Built Environment

Figure 17 Satellite Image Showing Monsoon Rain Affecting Singapore and neighbouring countries

It can be observed from weather data collected in Table 1, the increase in rainfall can be observed to start in as early as mid-October and peaked in December, while the ending phase of the Northeast Monsoon from February to early March, we can see sharp drop in rainfall due to movement of Monsoon rain-belt Southwest wards to Sumatra and Java. See Figure 18.

Figure 18 Monsoon Rain-belt shifted towards Summatra and Java away from Singapore giving rise the the Dry

Northeast Monsoon Season.

The belt of subtropical high pressure, see Fig 18 and 19, is the fundamental reason for the occurrences of dry seasons in the subtropics. The prevailing Northeasterly Wind actually move the Rain belt further towards Java and the equator with Subtropical High Pressure System, bringing the Dry weather southwards, which happens from February to early March. 7

7 (National Environment Agency, Guide to Singapore's Weather NEA Meteorological Services, 2007)

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

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Department of the Built Environment

Figure 19 Satellite image showing the subtropical high pressure belt and the Monsoon rain-belt.

4.2. Sea Breeze Induced Thunderstorms

If prevailing wind is too strong, it might easily affect the formation of sea breezes. During Inter-monsoon periods, when winds are generally lighter, sea breezes are more common. See Fig 20.

Figure 20 Radar image - sea breeze induced thunderstorms over Singapore. (Bright red means heavy down pour)

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Figure 21 Satellite image – Prevailing Wind opposing a Sea Breeze Induced Thunder Storm can result in some of

the most severe Thunder Storm

It is of significance to design building giving due considerations to rain falls patterns in relation to general Wind direction discussed in preceding chapter, see Wind Rose Diagram generated through Ecotect - Weather Tools. Specific functions of horizontal shades may be considered to provide shelter in case of rain with consideration on Wind Directions.

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

Peh Ke Pin [email protected] , [email protected]

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Department of the Built Environment





With the introduction of many Thermal Protection Building Materials, Architects, Designers, Consultants Owners and Developers (the Decision Makers, DM for short), were presented with a myriad of solutions, from Single Low E (emissivity), Double Low E, Triple Low E, In-Situ Application of Transparent Insulation Glaze Coating, Heat Reflective Coatings for Walls, EPS (Expanded PolyStyrene) Composite Concrete Wall, etc. The above research question had become very relevant to many DM, as they are the professionals most responsible in the selection of good material and technology to complement their Sustainable Design Solutions. And the result derived from this study would ascertain their decision made and would help to continue their commitment to make sustainable building design their way to design in the future.

5.1. Objective

The Focus of this study anchors on Thermal Performance and Evaluation on the various Building material usage and study their contribution to reduction of Cooling load and thermal performance of the Building. Practical assumptions will be made to allow the use of TAC and Ecotect to simulate within the provided computational power and limited simulation time of this study. The model of this study is thus kept as simple as possible while allowing the study to make conclusive assessments on the Building materials used.

5.2. Material Selection for the Study

Study of Some Commercially Available Material will include the followings,

1. Adgreencoat8 HeatFlect –

a. A Heat Reflective Coating System for Walls and Roof. b. Reflectivity of incident Solar Radiation of upto 95%. c. Uses specific Heat Reflective Properties of Admafine Powder. d. Coating seeks to reflect heat and provide thermal comfort and energy reduction and

at the same time reduce Thermal footprint and contribute to the mitigation of Global warming. See graph 1 and figure 22.

8 Adgreencoat Pte Ltd, is a registered company in Singapore and all information used in this Study is with permission

granted by the company. Adgreencoat Pte Ltd is the exclusive distributor for Adgreencoat Co Ltd in Japan.

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MSc Sustainable Building Design ‘10-11 Environmental Design Strategies

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Department of the Built Environment

Graph 1 Reflectivity Graph of Adgreencoat Coating system over wavelength, Source: Adgreencoat Pte Ltd.

Figure 22 Principle of Adgreencoat9 Heat Reflective Coating over conventional and Insulation Coatings, Source:

Adgreencoat Pte Ltd.

2. EcoShield9 –

a. A Heat Insulation Transparent Coating over Glazings. b. It has one of the highest Light Transmittance of more than 80% c. It intercepts or reject Infra Red (IR) upto 80% d. UV rejection of upto 99.9% see graph 2. e. EcoShield Glaze coating seeks to reduce Thermal Radiation Heat Gain into Building

and at the same time allow maximum light transmittance, without sacrificing Daylight use for the Office area. See Graph 2.

9 Ecoshield is a product of Japan company, named ABRIDZ Co Ltd, and is exclusively marketed by PQ Farben Pte Ltd for

Singapore Market. The use of information related to Ecoshield is with the permission from PQ Farben Pte Ltd.

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Graph 2 EcoShield Tansmittence % in comparison with Normal Glass and other Suppliers, Source: Adgreencoat

Pte Ltd.

Figure 23 Comprehensive Eco-coating solutions by PQ Farben Pte Ltd. This Study will examine HeatFlect and

EcoShield’s implementation into Yan Fook Building, Source: PQ Farben Pte Ltd

3. Insulated Composite Walls using EPS from Jebsen & Jessen, -

a. The Composite wall will comprise of the following Elements, b. Expanded PolyStyrene (EPS), will be sandwiched within the Wall component for

TAS Simulation on Yan Fook Building. c. Purpose of this composite wall is to provide Insulation to reduce Thermal Heat

Transfer into the Building.

4. Finally, the Study will also implement a combination of these Thermal Performance Building Material in Yan Fook Building to check their full potential in reducing Cooling Load requirement for the building.

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Selection of Commercially Materials from Reputable Suppliers. Most Analysis will focus on the Efficiency, and the Supplier’s claim on their Product’s performance and Cost Savings Achievable by implementing their product on Yan Fook Building. With the use of TAS, ECOTECT or other commercially available Simulation Softwares, this Study provides DM with a very cost effective solution to Simulate the potential reduction in Cooling load and savings achievable and to verify if the implementation is worth their investment. Study can allow informed Decisions be made without the need to send for time consumption and costly Lab Testing and Actual Mock ups.

6.1. Setting the Scene

Assuming the open plot of land next to Marina Bay Sands and the Marina Bay Financial Centre area is where Yan Fook Building will be erected. See Fig

Figure 24 Yan Fook Building in Marina Bay Financial Region with Estimated Sunpath indication in RED and an

insert with Marina Bay Sands Integrated Resort in the background. Source: Google Sketch and Google Earth

The location selected is currently an open space, with Yan Fook Building superimposed. For the purpose of the scope of study, it is reasonable to assume that the shading from the surrounding buildings has minimal impact on our study. The only possible shadow will come from the Sail, which might cast some shadows at around 4 to 5pm in the evening.

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6.2. Scenarios and Conditions

While Shading Design, Location and Material Selection will definitely have an impact and contribution to the Thermal Performance of the Building, However, to narrow the scope of this study and focus on the Research Question, assumption that,

1. The DM do not wish to have any external design of the Building changed, meaning no installation of Aluminium Awnings, Shades, Fins etc, as the Design of the Building have it’s own Significance to the DM.

2. The DM is deciding whether to implement Thermal Protection to both the Wall and the Glazings.

3. The DM had a budget conscious approach and therefore will need the Study to check the respective cost vs impact of the individual implementation

6.3. General Process of Simulation Used

A general process and method adopted in this Study was outlined as follows.

1. Seek to understand the Climatic condition of the environment where building will be designed

2. Special attention should be paid to the Sunpath Analysis as it is Critical in Sustainable Building Design especially so in Singapore due to it’s Hot and Humid climate, where extensive air-conditioning is used, vast amount of energy about 40 to 50% of the energy consumed by commercial buildings goes to Air-conditioning.

3. Design with Sustainable Building Design Strategies. After knowing the environment, we then deploy Environmental Design Strategies, facing, shading, zoning, Daylighting, sustainably Building Material, etc.

4. Implement various active and technology to improve and compliment the Environment Design Strategies implemented. However in real world it is not possible to address or to use only Environment Design Strategies to achieve the designer’s original intended Sustainability requirement. However, as Society become more conscious about the Environment, we tend to move the yard stick higher by the days. Therefore, It is also very vital to know more new technology which can complement and further movement our passive design and break new barrier in achieve Zero-Energy Building as our final goal

5. We then use Environmental Design Tool to help analyze, test and confirm our design on paper, and giving us more certainty that in the real construction, we might not deviate too much from our intended design criteria and therefore higher probability in achieving our intended Passive Design Criteria and Results

6. Some of the Softwares which are deployed in this study are as follows, and there are many more which are commercially available.

a. First, Building model was created through Drafting and Modelling software as follows,

i. TAS 3D Modeller ii. Google Sketch Up iii. Google Earth iv. Autodesk Revit v. AutoCAD vi. EcoTECT

b. With the models created, we can then set up the conditions with the following steps using TAS Building Simulator and EcoTECT in this Study,

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i. Set up the Singapore Climatic Environment and give the Simulator a set of Climatic conditions as a basis for simulation.

ii. Set up Calendar for the purpose of the Building, in this case, Yan Fook is a commercial Office Building with only 5 days’ work week.

iii. Setting up Building Elements and Assign Building Materials will form the 2nd Important basis for Simulator to run.

iv. In this study, there will be many changes to the Building Materials used to run the simulations with.

v. Set up a Base reference Simulation so that all new material used can be reference to and compared with.

vi. In order to input new material in addition to the material library, the characteristics and specific performance of the various materials were obtained with courtesy from Adgreencoat Pte Ltd, PQ Farben Pte Ltd and Jebsen & Jessen SEA Pte Ltd.

vii. This information were then input into the TAS Construction Database, under the Materials,

1. EcoShield Thermal Performance were entered in the Material Library, see Fig. 25.

Figure 25 EcoShield Thermal Performance Input into TAS Material Library

2. Adgreencoat Heatflect Series, of Heat Reflective Coating is also

keyed into the Material library. See Fig 26.

Figure 26 Adgreencoat HeatFlect Series Thermal Performance Characteristics were keyed into the TAS

Material Database

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3. EPS data is already found in the TAS Material Library.

viii. With the new materials introduced to the database, we then proceed to create Construction System, with standard external wall without Thermal Protection (very common in older Singapore Building), some of the new construction system are as follows,

1. New 200mm Brickwalls with 25mm plasters on each side. 2. New Brickwalls with Heat Reflective Coating, see Fig 27

Figure 27 New Construction with designed for Simulation of Yan Fook Building with Heat Reflective Coating

3. New Cool wall with sandwiched 50mm thick EPS Composite Cool

Wall with Heat Reflective Coating, see Fig 28.

Figure 28 New Coolwall with 50mm EPS and Aerated 150mm hollow blocks Composite wall with Heat Reflective

Coating to Achieve very high Thermal Performance

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4. There are other permutations tried out and this Study had selectively presented the more relevant and significant combinations.

ix. With the desired Construction System in the TAS Construction Library, assignment of these Construction to relevant object item, such as Ceiling, Walls, Window Frames, Glazing types etc were then carried out.

Figure 29 Assignment of Construction system to Building Elements

x. Assigning of Zones to be studied is also done so that we can isolate particular

zones for the Study. xi. Internal Conditions such as the followings were entered to complete the

parameters for simulation particular only to this Study. 1. Standard Air-condition Office with operating hours from 8am to 6pm

on Weekdays and off on Weekends. 2. Thermostat value from 21oC to 24oC.

c. Simulation and Result Viewer

i. Once all parameters are set, Simulation can then be carried out and Result will be displayed in TAS Result Viewer.

ii. TAS Result Viewer allow us to view graphical display, Tabulated format and even export to graphing software like Excel.

iii. TAS Result Viewer also have filters to allow us to isolate and select only the relevant information for analysis.

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With all Material and Construction information entered into the Library, a few models had been carried out according to the Research Objectives,

1. Reference Base Model 1 with most Basic configurations a. External Wall is made up of 25mm lightweight plaster, followed by 200mm bricks

and finished off with 25mm lightweight plaster. b. Window Glazing is made up of Single Glaze 6mm high light transmittance of 0.89. c. This model is very similar to Singapore Olden days Building with no considerations

to Thermal Performance. d. Basic Office Air-conditioning Condition was selected for all Models. And was kept

constant throughout other models too. e. As we are simulating the intermediate floors, we had kept the Ceiling constant as

well, assuming there won’t be significant impact from floor to floor heat transfer f. Internal Wall had been assumed to have less impact on our Study, as the Result of

our study will mainly focus on the incoming radiation over Wall Façade and Glazing. See Table 2, 3 and 4 for Typical Conditions.\

Table 2 Model 1 External Wall conditions

Table 3 Model 1 Window Pane Condition

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Table 4 Model 1 - Internal Condition, Basic Air-Conditioned Office

2. Model 2 – is to investigate the effect of Heat Reflective Coating on the Standard wall a. With all conditions remain unchanged from Model 1. b. A customised construction was implemented with Customized Adgreencoat

HeatFlect Heat Reflective Cool Paint Solution on the External Wall. See Table 5 Table 5 Model 2 - External Wall coated with Adgreencoat - HeatFlect, Cool Paint

3. Model 3 – was simulated with an Insulation in the External Wall with Standard Double Glazed (DG)

a. The Insulated External Wall was constructed with i. 25mm lightweight Plaster ii. 100mm of Aerated Concrete Block iii. 55mm of Glass Fibre iv. 50mm air gap v. 105mm Brickwork

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b. While the Window Pain is now being installed with DGU, see table 6 Table 6 Model 3 - Standard Insulated Wall with Standard DGU on Window Pane

4. Model 4 – was simulated with a Customized wall with a DGU coated with EcoShield a. External Wall were further modified to have EPS Composite Wall with Heat

Reflective Paint Coated as an added protection, See table 7. b. While there is a limitation by TAS, EcoShield cannot be a transparent layer made

adjacent to another Transparent Layer of Glass, therefore, an alternative is to identify a material with similar specification to form the DGU. Please see table 8.

c. This DGU provides very good Thermal Property similar to EcoShield and at the same time with good light transmittance of 0.797, which allows good Daylighting into the Office area. See Table 8.

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Table 7 Model 4 - Customized Wall with EPS sandwiched with Aerated Concrete Block and Protected with Heat

Reflective Coating - Adgreencoat.

Table 8 Model 4 - Customized DGU with near EcoShield Specifications

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Interpretation of results for the Study can be of any months, as it is a study of material performance on the incident radiation the external façade received, thus for the matter, 01 Jun 2011, Friday was selected (day 152). Results were summarized in the tables below, Graph 3 to 6

Graph 3. Model 1 - Standard Construction without Consideration to Thermal Performance (Olden Days

Typical Singapore Building), TAS Result Viewer

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Graph 4. Model 2 - Standard Construction with Adgreencoat Heat Reflective Coating on Wall, TAS Result


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Graph 5. Model 3 - Standard Insulated Wall with DGU, TAS Result Viewer

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Graph 6. Model 4 - Customized EPS Composite Wall with Adgreencoat Heat Reflective Coating and Customized

EcoShield Equivalend DGU, TAS Result Viewer

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For the Scope of Study, the basic understanding of how Solar Radiation transfer energy from Sun to our Building is important and is illustrated in below Figure 30.

Figure 30. The Solar Heat Gain from Sun and The Greenhouse Effect, Source: National Geographic


The Results from the Simulation were summarized by exporting TAS Result Viewer’s data into Excel for comparison between Models. Cooling Load, Solar Gain and Radient Temperature were selected among other parameters for the purpose of this study, and was shown in Graph 7. It is evident that the application of Adgreencoat’s heat reflective coating can reduce the Radiant temperature, but not significant in temperature, because, the concrete may not exhibit high difference in temperature but this minor difference were stored in the Concrete due to its high Heat Capacity, which will affect Cooling load, with a reduction of from 159,667W to 158,586W with the application of Adgreencoat coating system. See Graph 3 and 4 on Model 1 and Model 2 Simulation. With the Introduction of low cost Insulation solution in Model 3, with Standard Insulation External Wall and Standard DGU. There is a significant reduction in Radient temperature, see Graph 5 comparing with Graph 3 and 4. Therefore, the insulation provided by the Air gap and the Glass Fibre provided much more effective Thermal Performance and the Standard DGU also provided very good reduction in Radiant temperature and therefore, Model 3 required much lesser Cooling load. See Graph 7. However, with careful selection of a more High performance 50mm EPS composite wall (S$3.50/m2) in model 4 compared to Model 3’s 55mm Glass (S$1.50/m2) and 50mmAir gap, the performance of the wall improve tremendously. In addition, with the right selection of DGU glass type, we can increase their heat insulation property while still allowing 79% of light transmittance without the need to sacrifice Daylighting benefit of clear glass. This Study does not take into account visual comfort from glare. Therefore Model 4 with the application of EPS, Adgreencoat and EcoShield perform the best among the models. The Saving is significant.

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Graph 7. Graphs for Comparison of Cooling Load, Solar Gain and Radient Temperature of all 4 Models

There is a 41.4% reduction in cooling load by adopting Model 4 Solution. Assuming that Yan Fook Building Electrical Expenses on Cooling cost about S$800,000 per annum just on cooling. We are looking at a potential recurring savings of approximately S$331,000. Therefore, with the savings

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like this, it will allow DM’s to decide on their expected Return on Investment (ROI) and also consider their Corporate Social responsibilities among others. Estimated area for External Wall, is about 5,800m2, the cost of applying Adgreencoat Heat Reflective Coating will cost about S$90,000 at S$15/m2 for the Building. Whilst for the EPS, it only cost about S$29,000 for the Building. Total Estimated Glazing is about 2,300m2, and therefore the cost of EcoShield will cost the owner about S$345,000 for the Building. Therefore, there will be an estimated amount of about S$465,000 in addition to as compared to conventional construction material, if the DM were to adopt Model 4. This works out to be an ROI of less than 2 years and since the design is passive in nature, the DM can look forward to collect subsequent savings without additional cost less minor maintenance. Other solution not explored is Solar Cell Glazings. When solar cell glazing becomes commercially acceptable in terms of cost and efficiency, Designer ought to give such glazing a consideration for façade receiving the most solar radiation. Putting aside, current limitation by this technology, and assumingly that cost is able to provide a ROI of less than 24 months and that efficiency of such solar technology can reach 60%. In addition to its original intended purpose of generating useful energy from the sun, it can provide visual comfort to occupants through its shading properties, while providing occupants a glimpse of the outside view.

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This Study confirmed the effect and performance of HeatFlect, Heat Reflective coating from Adgreencoat Pte Ltd, EcoShield, Heat Insulation Transparent Glaze Coating from PQ Farben Pte Ltd and the effect of EPS as insulation from Jebsen and Jessen prove to be very effective and capable of high Thermal Performance and provide savings by reducing Cooling Load Required. It is recommended that the DM should go for Model 4 for that additional one-time cost while they can enjoy substantial savings after first 2 years. There are lots of sustainable technologies currently available to Architects, Designers, Consultants and other professionals to use in complement to their sustainable design approach. Having a basic knowledge of Life Cycle Cost would also enable more wide spread adoption of these sustainable technologies, since owner can be more readily acknowledge the Designer’s intent with more information for their decision. Sustainable Building Design needs to achieve wide spread adoption to achieve its impact for the Environment and the Earth and finally, for the Greater Good.

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We have chosen to investigate the model by using Shading, Ventilation and Wall Insulation


Findings from Shading strategies showed that the best result is by reducing the overall height of

the window by raising the window sill and installing horizontal louver shades. It can reduce the

total energy consumption by about 15%.

Ventilation strategies show that operable windows, the size of the existing glazed facades of the

building, which allow for natural ventilation to occur during different periods of the day result in

lowered cooling energy consumptions. However, smaller window from the shading strategies

would (compromise the performance of natural ventilation because of the smaller window

opening) Or (The 1.5m window height recommended from shading is within the range of the

window opening from ventilation strategies and will not affect the flow of natural ventilation).

Wall insulation using Model 4, EPS Composite Wall with Adgreencoat Heat Reflective Coating

materials and EcoShield DGU for the windows can reduce the total energy consumption by 41.4 %.

This percentage savings could be used by DM’s to calculate ROI and allow them to decide if they

would like to proceed with the proposal based on Model 4.

Therefore, in conclusion a well thought balance needs to be achieved before the building’s office

spaces can become a sustainable low energy consumption space, since all building elements and

their factors are interlinked.