sunday, january 19, 2020 | 2nd sunday in ordinary time domingo … · sunday, january 19, 2020 |...

Sunday, January 19, 2020 | 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Domingo 19 de enero de 2020 | 2do domingo del empo ordinario 10955 SE 25th Avenue, Milwaukie, OR 97222 PARISHI OFFICE: 503-654-5449|Tue-Fri 9:00 AM—5:00 PM| SCHOOL OFFICE: 503-654-0200|Mon-Fri 7:30 AM—4:00 PM| ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH

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Sunday, January 19, 2020 | 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Domingo 19 de enero de 2020 | 2do domingo del tiempo ordinario

10955 SE 25th Avenue, Milwaukie, OR 97222 PARISHI OFFICE: 503-654-5449|Tue-Fri 9:00 AM—5:00 PM|

SCHOOL OFFICE: 503-654-0200|Mon-Fri 7:30 AM—4:00 PM|


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Again (like last Sunday) we are at the Jordan River at the time of Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist. In today’s Gospel, John the Baptist testifies to his disciples what he witnessed when he baptized Jesus. He gives an eyewitness account to what we contemplated last Sunday that when Jesus came out from the water the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus and remained upon Him. It was from what John witnessed that cemented his belief that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. The Baptism of the Lord underscores both Jesus identity and calling as our baptism does for us.

Identity. When Jesus came up from the water, God the Father ripped open the heavens and declared to the world that Jesus is His Beloved Son, in whom He was well pleased. Jesus’ unique identity is contained in that heavenly title as the Beloved Son.

Obviously, John the Baptist heard the voice of the Father which gave him certitude to profess that Jesus is the Son of God. This same identity is something Jesus shares with us through the Sacrament of Baptism since the Sacrament bestows a new identity on the newly baptized. By virtue of Baptism, all the baptized become beloved sons and daughters of God and when God the Father sees us He sees His Son.

Calling. Jesus’ baptism also points towards His calling as the Beloved Son. From His baptism, Jesus inaugurates His public ministry. It’s a game-changer in Jesus’ life since for the last 30 years, He has lived a quiet and private life in Nazareth. Similarly, our baptism is and should be a gamechanger in our lives. Baptism is not a one and done event but is something that is lived out throughout our entire life. Baptism doesn’t mean we have it all together like Jesus, nevertheless, we have everything at our disposal to fulfill what we have been called to be and do. Like John the Baptist, we are called to point others to Jesus through our good actions and words.

The Holy Spirit which descended upon Jesus at His baptism similarly descended upon us. Regardless of how often we have taken for granted the gift of Baptism or even tried to return such a gift, it can never be taken back. This Holy Spirit that we have been given is the love between the Father and the Son (Jesus). It is the love between the Father and Son and of us (the baptized) in the Spirit. We have been baptized into a. intimate relationship with the Triune God, do our lives reflect this union. What have we done to bring others into this relationship or been obstacles to others in experiencing God?

Pastor’s Corner

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Rincón del pastor

Sunday, January 19, 2020 | 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Domingo 19 de enero de 2020 | 2do domingo del tiempo ordinario

Nuevamente (como el domingo pasado) estamos en el río Jordán en el

momento del bautismo de Jesús por Juan el Bautista. En el Evangelio de hoy,

Juan el Bautista testifica a sus discípulos lo que presenció cuando bautizó a

Jesús. Él da un testimonio de lo que contemplamos el domingo pasado que

cuando Jesús salió del agua, el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre Jesús y

permaneció sobre él. Fue de lo que Juan presenció que cimentó su creencia

de que Jesús es el Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo.

El bautismo del Señor subraya la identidad y el llamado de Jesús como lo hace

nuestro bautismo por nosotros.

Identidad. Cuando Jesús salió del agua, Dios el Padre abrió los cielos y declaró

al mundo que Jesús es su Hijo amado, en quien estaba muy complacido. La

identidad única de Jesús está contenida en ese título celestial como el Hijo

Amado. Obviamente, Juan el Bautista escuchó la voz del Padre que le dio la certeza de profesar que Jesús es el Hijo

de Dios. Esta misma identidad es algo que Jesús comparte con nosotros a través del Sacramento del Bautismo, ya

que el Sacramento otorga una nueva identidad a los recién bautizados. En virtud del bautismo, todos los bautizados

se convierten en amados hijos e hijas de Dios y cuando Dios el Padre nos ve, Él ve a Su Hijo.

Vocación. El bautismo de Jesús también apunta a su llamado como el Hijo Amado. De su bautismo, Jesús inaugura

su ministerio público. Es un cambio de juego en la vida de Jesús, ya que durante los últimos 30 años, ha vivido una

vida tranquila y privada en Nazaret. Del mismo modo, nuestro bautismo es y debería ser un cambio de juego en

nuestras vidas. El bautismo no es un evento único, sino que es algo que se vive a lo largo de toda nuestra vida. El

bautismo no significa que lo tenemos todo junto como Jesús, sin embargo, tenemos todo a nuestra disposición

para cumplir lo que hemos sido llamados a ser y hacer. Al igual que Juan el Bautista, estamos llamados a señalar a

otros a Jesús a través de nuestras buenas acciones y palabras.

El Espíritu Santo que descendió sobre Jesús en su bautismo descendió de manera similar sobre nosotros.

Independientemente de la frecuencia con la que hayamos dado por sentado el regalo del Bautismo o incluso inten-

tado devolverlo, nunca se puede recuperar. Este Espíritu Santo que se nos ha dado es el amor entre el Padre y el

Hijo (Jesús). Es el amor entre el Padre y el Hijo y de nosotros (los bautizados) en el Espíritu. Hemos sido bautizados

en a. relación íntima con el Dios Triuno, nuestras vidas reflejan esta unión. ¿Qué hemos hecho para atraer a otros a

esta relación o hemos sido obstáculos para que otros experimenten a Dios?

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Pastor’s Question Box

Cuadro de preguntas del pastor

Sunday, January 19, 2020 | 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Domingo 19 de enero de 2020 | 2do domingo del tiempo ordinario

It has been brought to my attention that some parishioners have been asking questions about some of the modifications around the parish so I would like to offer some explanations to some of these questions: Why did we rearrange or remove some of the furniture in the sanctuary in the church? According to liturgical norms, there is to be a presider’s chair for the priest and if necessary, a chair for the assisting deacon in the sanctuary. To maintain simplicity, the other chairs were removed with the exception of some chairs for the altar servers. Readers have been directed to sit in the pews and come forward to read from wherever they are seated in the body of the church. The placement of the presider’s chair and deacon’s chair is to prevent any obstructed view to the crucifix for the congregation. Why are we not reciting the SJB Family prayer? According to liturgical norms, nothing may be added or deleted from the celebration of Holy Mass. Although the SJB Family prayer has been recited after the Prayers of the Faithful for several years, this is not the place to pray such a prayer. I am still consulting with staff and my advisers to determine the future of this prayer and when it will be recited on Sundays. Me han llamado la atención que algunos feligreses han estado haciendo preguntas sobre algunas de las mod-ificaciones en la parroquia, por lo que me gustaría ofrecer algunas explicaciones a algunas de estas pregun-tas: ¿Por qué reorganizamos o quitamos algunos de los muebles en el santuario de la iglesia? Según las normas litúrgicas, debe haber una silla de presidencia para el sacerdote y, si es necesario, una silla para el diácono asistente en el santuario. Para mantener la simplicidad, se quitaron las otras sillas con la ex-cepción de algunas sillas para los servidores del altar. Se ha ordenado a los lectores que se sienten en los bancos y se acerquen a leer desde donde estén sentados en el cuerpo de la iglesia. La colocación de la silla del presidente y la silla del diácono es para evitar cualquier vista obstruida al crucifijo para la congregación. ¿Por qué no estamos recitando la oración SJB Family? Según las normas litúrgicas, no se puede agregar ni eliminar nada de la celebración de la Santa Misa. Aunque la oración de la Familia SJB se ha recitado después de las Oraciones de los Fieles durante varios años, este no es el lugar para rezar tal oración. Todavía estoy consultando con el personal y mis asesores para determinar el futuro de esta oración y cuándo se recitará los domingos.

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Mark Your Calendar for February 25th

What a wonderful way to get involved. Looking for

individuals to chair up this fun filled event. Contact Kim

Zea in the office

Marque su calendario para el 25 de febrero

Qué maravillosa manera de involucrarse. Buscando personas para presidir este evento lleno de diversión.

Contacta a Kim Zea en la oficina

December Year End 01/04/2020 Donations: WeShare 2019 01/05/2020 1/11&12/2020 Offertory Collection $ 12,466.16 $ 3,630.00 $ 8,489.00 $9,826.00 Christmas $ 370.00 Solemnity of Mary $ 2,633.00 Building Maintenance Fund $ 625.00 $ 225.00 $ 710.00 $ 300.00 School Support/CEEF/SAS $ 385.00 $ 500.00 $ 175.00 Retirement Fund for Religious $ 365.00 $ 86.00 Mass Stipends/All Souls $ 10.00 Thank you for your continued generosity!


Sunday, January 19, 2020 | 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Domingo 19 de enero de 2020 | 2do domingo del tiempo ordinario

Fin de año de diciembre 01/04/2020 Donaciones: WeShare 2019 05/01/2020 1/11&12/2020 Colección del ofertorio $ 12,466.16 $ 3,630.00 $ 8,489.00 $9,826.00 Navidad $ 370.00 Solemnidad de María $ 2,633.00 Fondo de mantenimiento del edificio $ 625.00 $ 225.00 $ 710.00 $ 300.00 Apoyo escolar / CEEF / SAS $ 385.00 $ 500.00 $ 175.00 Fondo de Retiro para Religiosos $ 365.00 $ 86.00 Estipendios masivos/Todas las almas$ 10.00 ¡Gracias por su continua generosidad!

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Mass Times/Tiempos de Misas Daily Mass/Misa Diaria Monday—Tuesday 7:30 AM Wed.—Saturday 8:30 AM Lunes—Martes 7:30 AM Miércoles Sábado 8:30 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation/Sacramento de Reconciliacion Saturday 4:00-5:00 PM or by appt. Sabado 4:00-5:00 PM o con cita Vigil Mass/Misa de Vigilia Saturday/Sabado 5:30 PM Sunday Masses/Misas de Domingo English/Ingles 7:30 & 10:00 AM, 6:30 PM Spanish/Espanol 12:00 PM Daily Adoration Chapel/Diaria Capilla de Adoracion 6:00 AM-11:00PM

Parish Staff/Equipo Parroquial Clergy: Rev. John Marshall, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Nazario Atukunda (In Residence) [email protected] Deacon Jim Hix [email protected] Faith Formation & Music: Kim Zea, Pastoral Ass., Care Ministry [email protected] Tim Kluge, Youth Ministry [email protected] Rudy Lopez, Music Ministry Coordinator rudyl@ocp Administration: Barbara Downey, Business Manager [email protected] Mary Jenck, Admin. Assistant [email protected] Support Services: Debbie Guthrie [email protected] School: Amber Ploussard, Principal [email protected] Lucero Silva, Admin. Assistant [email protected]

Monday/Lunes, Jan. 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day NO MASS TODAY No School Today SVDP 1:30 PM Jordan Alanon/Beginners 6:30 PM Saalfeld Alateen 7:00 PM Jordan AA 7:00 PM Cafeteria Tuesday/Martes, Jan. 21 NO MASS TODAY Legion of Mary 9:30 AM Jordan SVDP 1:30 PM Jordan Confirmation 6:30 PM Saal/Kit RCIA 7:00 PM RE Rm Divine Mercy Grp 7:00 PM Teen Rm SVDP 7:00 PM Church Wednesday/Miercoles, Jan. 22 Mass/Fr. Rigert 8:30 AM Church Bible Study 10:00 AM Saalfeld Pinochle 1:00 PM Saalfeld SVDP 1:30 PM Jordan Religious ED 6:00 PM School Spanish Choir 7:30 PM Church Thursday/Jueves, Jan. 23 Mass/Fr. John 8:30 AM Church St. Vincent de Paul 1:30 PM Jordan School Advisory Coun 6:00 PM School Choir 7:00 PM Church Parish Workshop 7:00 PM Saalfeld Friday/Viernes, Jan. 24 School Open House All Day Mass/Fr. John 8:30 AM Church 8th Grade Leading School Annual Brunch 9:30AM Saalfeld St. Vincent de Paul 1:30 PM Jordan

Saturday/Sabado, Jan. 25 Men’s Group 7:00 AM Jordan NO 8:30 AM Mass Confessions 4:00 PM Church Mass/Fr. Jim Mayo 5:30 PM Church Sunday/Domingo, Jan. 26 Coffee & Donuts after 7:30 AM Cafeteria Coffee & Donuts after 10:00 AM School School Open House from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM Mass/Fr. John 7:30 AM Church Mass/Fr. John 10:00 AM Church Liturgy of Word 10:00 AM Jor/RE Spanish Mass/Fr. John 12:00 PM Church Scouts 4:30 PM Jordan Boy Scouts 5:00 PM Cafeteria Mass/Fr. John 6:30 PM Church

Weekly Calendar/Calendario

All are Welcome/Todos son Bienvenidos Parishioners, New Members, Visitors and Guests: Thank you for joining our

worshipping community. Please stop by our parish office to register and let us know if we can be of assistance.

Parroquianos, nuevos miembros, visitantes e invitados: Gracias por unirse a nuestra comunidad de adoración. Pase por la oficina de nuestra parroquia para registrarse y háganos saber si podemos ser de ayuda.


Sunday, January 19, 2020 | 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Domingo 19 de enero de 2020 | 2do domingo del tiempo ordinario

We would like you to be more involved in our SJB community! We are looking for individuals who are willing to lead a group of parishioners in some of these activities.

Exercise Class Book Club

Weekly Coffee Shop Social Art Class

Garden Club Wine Tasting

Other ideas or skills welcomed Contact Kim Zea in the office if you would like to share your gifts with our parish community.

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Daily Scripture/Lecturas Diarias

Monday/Lunes, Jan. 20 1 Sm 15:16-23/Ps 50:8-23/Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday/ Martes, Jan. 21 1 Sm 16:1-13/Ps 89:20-28/Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday/Miercoles, Jan. 22 1 Sm 17:32-51/Ps 144:1-10/Mk 3:1-6 Thursday/Jueves, Jan. 23 1 Sm 18:6-9;19:1-7/Ps 56:1-2/ Mk 2:7-12 Friday/Viernes, Jan. 24 1 Sm 24:3-21/Ps 57:2-11/Mk 3:13-19 Saturday/Sabado, Jan. 25 acts 22:3-16/Ps 117:1-2/Mk 16:15-18 Sunday/Domingo, Jan. 26 Is 8:23-9:3/Ps 27:1-14/ 1 Cor 1:10-17/ Mt 4:12-23

Mass Int. /Intenciones de la Misa

Monday/Lunes, Jan. 20 NO MASS TODAY Tuesday/Martes, Jan. 21 NO MASS TODAY Wednesday/Miercoles, Jan. 22 8:30 AM | + Maryanne Leahy from John Leahy Thursday/Jueves, Jan 23 8:30 AM | +Lourdes Borromeo from Santos Family Friday/Viernes, Jan. 24 8:30 AM | +Michael Anderson from Rosemary Hutchinson Saturday/Sabado, Jan. 25 NO 8:30 AM Mass 5:30 PM | +Lou & Beulah Casale from Casale Family Sunday/Domingo, Jan. 26 7:30 AM | +Glen Brumale from Mary Ann Bruder 10:00 For the People of the Parish from The Pastor 12:00 PM | +Leo Kabigting from Santos Family 6:30 PM | +Jeffrey Magana from Family

Funeral and Care Ministry Information/Informacion del Ministerio de Funerales y Cuidados

To plan or schedule a funeral or to arrange ministry to the homebound, please contact the Care Ministry Coordinator, Kim Zea at the church, 503-654-5449 weekdays Wed-Friday or anytime by email to [email protected]. Plan o planificar un funeral o para organizar el Ministerio a los enfermos, por favor póngase en contacto con el cuidado Ministerio Coordinador, Kim Zea en la iglesia, 503-654-5449, días de la semana el lunes y miércoles y viernes, o en cualquier momento por correo electrónico a [email protected]

Sanctuary Candle Offerings/Ofrendas de velas del santuario

Jan. 20 - Jan. 26 | For Janet & Mark Carbaugh

from Patty

The red Sanctuary Lamp above the Tabernacle burns to remind us of the sacramental presence of Jesus Christ. If you wish to have the Sanctuary Candle burning in memory of a loved one, to honor a special occasion, or a special intention, you can make arrangements with the Parish Office. The cost of the candle is $20 and it burns for one week. A notice of your intention will be posted in the bulletin. La lámpara roja del santuario sobre el tabernáculo arde para recordarnos la presencia sacramental de Jesucristo. Si desea que se encienda la Vela del Santuario en memoria de un ser querido, para honrar una ocasión especial o una intención especial, puede hacer arreglos con la Oficina Parroquial. El costo de la vela es de $ 20 y se quema durante una semana. Se publicará un aviso de su intención en el boletín.

Prayer Concerns for Jan. Preocupaciones de oración

para enero Please call the parish office if you

want to be on the January Prayer List.

This week we pray for the following individuals and families/

Esta semana oramos por las siquientes personas y familias

Ralph Vaca

Guadalupe Valencia Miguel Valencia

Juan y Gloria Valladares Geovani Valtierra Patricia Valtierra

Linda VanBlaricom Jose y Diana Vargas

Maria G. Vargas Pedro Vargas y Maria de Jesus Huerta

Liturgy & Sacrament Liturgia y Sacramento

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Religious Education Sacramental Prep

Grades K– 8 Wed evenings from 6-7:30pm

Educacion Religiosa Preparacion Sacramental

Grados K– 8 Miércoles por la noche de 6-7: 30pm

►Bible Study Wed mornings and Thursday Evenings New series through the year. Contact Pat Raschio to join at [email protected]

►Meeting Outline for Principles of Catholic Social Teachings

January 19: The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers February 2: Solidarity February 16: Care for God’s Creation

►Adult Activities Building strong community through Social, Spiritual and Service Activities. TBA

►RCIA (Rite of Christian Initia-tion for Adults) Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith? Join us on Tuesday evening at 7pm Contact Kim Zea in parish office.

►Estudio de la Biblia Miércoles por la mañana y jueves por la noche Nuevas series a lo lar-go del año. Contacta a Pat Raschio para unirte

►Borro de Reuniones para princpios de ensenanzas so-cial es catolicas

19 de enero: La dignidad del tra-bajo y los derechos de los traba-jadores

2 de febrero: solidaridad 16 de febrero: Cuidar la creación

de Dios

►Actividades para adultos Construyendo una comunidad fuer-te a través de lo social, lo espiritual y Actividades de servicio. TBA

►RCIA (Rito de Iniciacion Cristi-ana para Adultos) ¿Estás interesado en aprender más sobre la fe católica? Únase a no-sotros el martes por la noche a las 7 p.m.Contacte a Kim Zea

Reading the Bible Question: What is unique or different about the way Catholics read and are exposed to the Bible? Answer: Catholics are exposed to Scripture primarily through the Sunday readings from a book known as the Lectionary. The Lectionary is a book of selected passages from the Bible set in the context of a liturgical season, such as Advent, Lent, or ordinary time. There are four readings assigned to any Sunday: the first reading (usually from the Old Testament), the responsorial psalm, the second read-ing (usually from a New Testament letter), and the Gospel reading. These readings together give them a new context. The selected readings relate to one another in a unique manner that is not pre-sent in the Bible text itself. In close proximity to each other, these readings now have the opportunity to converse with each other in a way that would have not been possible before. A homilist pays attention to all four readings, preparing a reflection that speaks of this conversation among the readings, enabling us to zero in on what this unique combination of God’s word has to say to us this particular Sunday. Next time you attend Sunday liturgy, try reading the Scripture ahead of time and see how this new relationship among the read-ings addresses and challenges you to be a better Christian here and now. ©LPi

Faith Formation Formacion de fe

Sunday, January 19, 2020 | 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Domingo 19 de enero de 2020 | 2do domingo del tiempo ordinario

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Sundays at the 10am Mass during All Children Preschool to 5th grade are welcome to join us Liturgia Infantil de la Palabra

Domingos en la misa de las 10am durante Todos los niños de preescolar a quinto grado son bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros

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Parish Workshops

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You HAVE to present this

paper flyer at the time of
