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OF '


3 Marlinton, West Virginia

t \ i a n i i & i m rn t ft. m ft n *p t a


Organizing for the Annual- "Oh ye*, 1*11 bo thereSelling ads and '‘our

school". “Oh yea, I'll be there." Picture*, superlative*, copy, layout- "Will it

never end?" * "Bring me a coke,I'm starved." - Move over, I can't type without

a Chair," - "What * a apllt infinitive"? * "No, not again!" - ‘'Whnt'i the deadline:

not the date, the hour?**

These remarks issuing from a small group of student* and advisors, behind

closed doors, way up in the NEW STAFF ROOM, might convey (hr right idea-that 4

they are working on the ANNUAL, linking fun with honest-to-goodneSs labor, and

hoping that when the Annuals are attributed, the verdict will be, "Belter than

ever!" . ‘‘

Layout Editors - jane Ellen Seagraves - Lewis Edward Waugh

✓ -


Typiati-NUrthA VAndevtnder, MaryGodwin* Dotty Mullen*, Robert Croat.

Photography * Pa t Sharp, Ruth Sharp,Don Ware, Ronnie Evan a.

$ ports - Ernie Frltl* Gath* Gibson, Don Van Keenan, Dwain Wilcox,



administration 8-1 I

classes 12- J?

activities 18-52



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[ * 7 tT-fJ [■v * * ' 5* *''u km. p - - - m1


kv t

L J *

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W Bualne** and A d v e r t i ■ In g - Marilyn Harper, Polly A$tin( Don Ware, W ini r ed Fertig, Tom Burn*, Don VanRetnan, Barbara Brummage, Jerry Thomas*



* *




So * m r a- Mlt^ry record* Hfnry Biker o( Itlehmo'di Virginia *a* the fir at t**ch*r to cfo,« the AUeghanie*, a Ml the *choo. -«ht in the Dnnren c abin * * the p;oree r Of pioneer school*,

A * r + *ChOO< wtrr r)ti!^ittifd by th< Mate of Vlr^InU for the people beyond the ntonMain*' , bat bec*'i>e of the dl*lane t end the danger from |h# Indian* the people of tH# community established wh^t were known a* *^b *C r tptlO’ ichooU. Each family paid at fording to the number of chlSdre* they hjd enrolled.

Following the Driven raid and the death of Henrv Bak*-~ :hr school **s moved to * point ne*r the Stony Creek rtdyr rear , The school l<-rm «#p m ter Ovtf

thrr or four month* i < « al I> held d.rmg the summer. The teacher* mere local CltUfTii, a^d the q + a. if u j: ton • we re that they co -Id ‘ * r r ad * * rite , a* d be ar4e to t Ipher ** d be re * pec fed c :: 1 .* e * * of good morvl character" Thc»r teacher a -ere paid t> e equivalent of iu r Of ten dollar* * mo--th 1- (,r* or *rai- .**d were boarded by- thr patron*.

>omeOf the e*rl> teacher* mere I*jjk Moor^ *fd Stf*»ri Bustard. I * Ui Moore o^r Of the tir*t teacher* £0 a Tv ot *te the * ilert method of *1 *d) ir contrant to *1 idytne a load*

Aooit ; ■*»{>- school w* * e *tar4ished in a ore room building 1 r h r i c e M o . ♦ o w M * r - inton. The 1 and *> 1 given ;>v Andrew McLaughlin ar>3 1* wa* called O * Marhn Bottom School* Everything was taught from first grade to college work,

O* e of e ma*£ latere Miftg of early teacher ■ vi • Charle * Cook Of Boston, who w*i * graduate of University , Ke erne Soitt during the C1 War **vd after the -*r settled near Ed ray, Dr, Cook taught * thool for *boi,: twenty year*. In* *torv l • told of him that upon ore OCte* tor. they **r# having # 1 ommurity meeting *r.d a

bo* * •' being conducted* Th-* idea **« that certain question* should br a*ked and lomeone called up¬ on to the question with - ipeerh, Dr* Cook drew the q-.-r vtlon What can be do-e to improve this eommuel* *V , Hearoaeand raid* Eight or tc T r%: c. * a a funer¬ al*** *^d aat do-fi. Needle * ■ to uy, the meeting broke up.

Mta* Anna Wallace ran • private school abq*t l+$b.

The Old school KOiir >i giv * e tO the colored people soon 1 ^ r the Court Ko-tf *0 moved to Mar,in*on.

The nr * two room school houae w it built on the ba? k t of Knapp* Cff f * 'ear the per tent site of the Method 1*1

Church* The t>« tiding it still * landing and la row used as ati apartment ho « • e p It *•» jaedaaa school ho .#e for about fifteen years.

InlA90-^l A, M* Byrd ot Virginia established a school to leach more advanced subject*' 10 boy« and girls* The folio* ing year he reorganised If into a military school for boy 1* which ran (or about two year*. The boy* wore Confederate grey uniform* and drilled with old discarded army me*-et*, Th# school wip held in the H>rlo« Waugh building on Main Street near the river bridge.

lr .'JC6 *h|le Andrew Price « u president of the Board of Education the prevent brick bwlldlog wa« erected at 1

co*f of aboot ten thousand dollar*. The citi/er.* voted for an e;g'(| month* ichool in thi« building#

It an over o^-e hundred and twenty year* I com the time Henry Baker taught the fir*t *choo* until Mr . L. W. Bum established t‘ r flr*t high vchool in Marlinton in The fall Of I'fOT,

At Ur*t the school offered 1 |v*o year co<f ir, and It wai t# ughl in Ihe a .ditOM^m of the grade school* Th* courrr* taugkl eerr entirely college preparatory.

During the fir «T five year* of it* eesatence term of the high school wa* eight month*, and since that time 11 ha* been for nine month terms.

Prior to l'-lb two luif * had been graduated from the high school. One al the completion of * t'O yr*r co*n*

- the other at the com pie Hon of a three year courae ,

I's toil Mr. ft .ms resigned a*d Mr. A. 0. Often* of Parkersburg served for ore year. H* an succeeded by M.C, B. Cor-well.

1 •) 1 ^ I A Mr* T. M. Mar tin bee a me the nr - print ip il, Star sing this year the high school was organised a* a four year high school.

Jr I fj I o M; ■ * Mi * it Jane Morrells arcame the fin: woman principal of the high school.

lo illb the ne* high, school buildinH *** bollt. While it wa ' be;r ^ o r. 1 Tig1 schOO. c . sa*e * *e re he A 1- the Co.rt House. In 191? |^e fir*l Classes wft* he.d In r*e new b", i d i r. g , and the first four*year cU** was graduated,

tn 19U Me* Victor Emery *11 the principal.

In 19-20 C * Ram try wa* elected *-d served for three year*.

From 19ZJ to I 'M! Mr* C. D, McNeil, *1* principal. was the first native son to hold this position. During his term the school increased in rr.rolImee.T and n* service 10 the community * The gymnasium addition to the building was built Ie 192b,

Mr, McNeill tr signed sr T‘>41 and <*11 auccrede 3 Mr. H« A. Teager*

In 1^4? a ' * - biildir^ a it consiractcd. In this building t n r Vo Department a< d grade* aeve- »p4 rlijM were housed as part of the high school,

!n 1 9S> if- addition to the ilKlrtic dressing room* wa* constructed;

Since tke fir a t pupils graduated in 191? until thr last class graduated thi* * p r 1 n g there have l Sb9 ynd .ate *. These g r ad (Mm have established thSRisrlvea In the community and the atate.


With great pride and icnic of achievement

on the part of the class of 19V7, we dedicate

th i * annual to the task of recording very

precious hour■> of our high school years*

In ye a r s to come, our school mates will

be scattered all over the world, and the

only contact we will have will be through

our annual.

We hope that in the future your annual w ill

bring back memories of all your high

school day * - - memories filled Aith victory • * | ~ 4 #

and defeat, happiness and sorrow, ecstasy

and depression, memories of the first day

Of enrollment; the chants and yell* of cheer¬

leaders at pep meetings; band rehearsals;

Forest Festival parade; State inaugural at

the capitol; initiation ceremonies in

assembly; junior and senior plays; foot¬

ball* basketball*baseball; juke box dancing

at noon; the Christian Youth Week; ordering

rings and announcements; Junior-Senior

banquet and prom; Class Night and

presentation o f the Marlintonian; Com¬

mencement sermon; graduation exercises;

our last class party*-oh, so many activi¬

ties- -the se a r e just a few to remind us




M. H, B^ook^ j. K« Arbogast Superintendent Assistant Superintendent


A .. things mutt end, even good thing*, and you are now approaching the end of one part of your life. In many way* the laat year of high school is the most important of *11 school years, for it provides a good chance to clarify your thinking about ideals and goals. This last year in high school is an excellent time to overcome personal deficiencies, build needed strengths, and get the moat from the friendship* and opportunities your high school provides. Soon you will be leaving the protective atmosphere of Msrllnton High School, and you must make important de¬ risions as to jobs, future education, and the responsibilities of adult citizenship. The decisions you make will probably affect the rest of your life, for every adult is influenced by his answers IO his youthful problem*.

1? is the nature of society for new problems to arise constantly. and the best society can do Is to become adept in solving problems. The purpose of your education is to test one idea against another idea, one method against another method, to inquire into and to examine until men can know the true from the false.

Sincerely yours,

M* H. Brooks. Superintendent

J* K. Arbogsst, Assistant Superintendent

C. a i ■ of 1 957 you have reached another mile* atone in your march to success, By tuccr it I do not mean material gain* It is my solemn belief that real success ii meaaurcd in terms of what service we can render to our fellowmen* If we hove done our job well we will leave this world a better place for our having been here. 1 congratulate you on your progress to date*

H. A * Y c a ge r

FLORENCE M, BAILEY * A.B,; M.A., Librarian; Bethany College; New York University; Concord College, JAMES S, BRILL * B.5,; M.A.; Band; West Virginia University- F. C, BRUMMAGE - A.B.; Physical Educa¬ tion; Davis and Elkins; Graduate Study. West Virginia University. ROSEMARY C, COYNKR * A.B,; M.A.; English; Speech; West Virginia University. NANCY M, CURRENCE - A.B,; History; Mary Baldwin College; West Virginia University; Columbia,





■ M

I MRS. MOSES and MRS, SHARP, 7th grade advisors, take time out' for the MR, GEHAUF, 8th grade advisors . exchange ideas, Fre>hman advisors, MRS. and MR. WOODELL, check class records.

photographers, MRS, SKAGGS and KILLINGS WORTH, MR. Me MANN,

ORR LEE Me MANN - B,5*; M.A.; Vocational Agriculture; West Virginia University; Potomac State, ALICE M. MOORE - A.B.; English; West Virginia University; Breadloaf School of English; Middlcbury College, GLENNA S. MOSES - B.S.; Social Studies; West Virginia University; Duke University. CLARENCE MULHEREN, JR. - B.S,; Physical Education; Commerce; Concord College, IDA H, PRITCHARD * A.B.; Mathematics; Glenville State College,

LESLIE GEHAUF - A.B.; Mathematics; Marshall College. LEETA KILLINGS WORTH - B.S.; 1LE.. Horn* Economics; Marshall College; West Virginia University, EDITH MAY * A,B*; Music; Shenandoah College; Conservatory of Music; Ohio State College. CHARLES E. McELWEE - B,S,; M.A.; Biological Science; Potomac State; Wes! Virginia University* FRANCIS H* McELWEE - A.B.; English; Latin; Hampden ^Sydney; Marshall College; Davis and Elkins College*


Sophomore advisors, MR, BRILL. MRS, CURRENGE, and MRS, MOORE, are pleasantly surprised by class schedules,* * What no hookey?? Junior advisors, MISS SH1F FLER and MR, FRANCIS McELWEE, prepare modern advertising display for class survey. Senior advisors, MRS. COYNER and MR, CHARLES McELWEE, check decorations for senior sock hop.

GRACE M. SHARP - A.B.; Science; Davis and Elkins; Duke University; Concord College; Transylvania Uni¬ versity. MADGE SH1KFLER - B.S.; Business; Concord College. MARY SKAGGS - English; Glenvillc State College; Fairmont State College; Davis and Elkins College. ALICE ROWAN WAUGH - A.B.; M.A.; Reading and Spelling; Marshall College; ARCH WOODELL - B.S,; Physical Education; Social Studies; West Virginia University,


Eighth Grade , t a » t « ... Evilcnt Erie I Seventh Grade , . « ..Fairley Workman Sophomore. . . . . . . *•« ..William Clarkson Senior Vice - President. . , ..Tom Burns FreahmAn ... Linda Burns Junior. ... William Hockenberry


On September 5, 195b, the el an of ‘57 began its last and busiest year, Therr were many senior class meetings for the election of officers, selection of calling cards, announcements * committees, queens, superlatives, picnics, and drives. All during the year the MARL1NTON1AN staff was busy with this publication. Then came our senior play ,*DINO'*« One of the first signs of the approaching graduation was the Junior-Senior Banquet and Prom, It seemed just a short time liter that ‘'Pomp and Circumstance' * and the march down the aisle ended our busy, prosperous, happy, sad, and very successful “Senior YcarM.


PRESIDENT Ernest Keith Shaw

VICE PRESIDENT Thomas Wayne Burns

SECRETARY Marilyn Carol Harper

TREASURER Pauline A at in

Berth* G*y Beverage Barbara Lynne Brummige

Charles Loy Burge** David Gayle Buzzard Tommy Grey Campbell


Winfred John Fcrtig

Kyle Clyde Friel

Nancy Frances Frlcl ^ ^ i

Clifton Rceir Friel

Carolyn Fay Gibson

Ernest Hanson Frii*l _ M 'll - WM it AkA1 * m M _ ' # Js

Leroy Lawrence Friel

Gotha Lens Gibson


PAULINE ASTIN - Nations; Honor Society 3(4;A.D,D#i 2*3*4, Treasurer 4; F,H,A, i .2*3,4; Chorus 2*3: Class Treasurer; Marlintonian Staff 4; Junior Play; Senior Play; Office Staff 4*

WILLIAM IRA BARLOW - Lane High School-Student Council 1; Albmerale High School * F,F.A, 1; Marlin - ton High School * F,F*A. I; 4-H 1 *2*1*4.

JAMES EDWARD BAXTER -4*111,2,3,4; F,F.A, 1,2,4; President 2; 4-H Club Congress 3,4,

LEWIS CLIFTON BEALE - F . F . A . 1,2,3,4, National Honor Society 3,4; Junior Play; Chorus 4; Senior Play,

HERTHA CAV BEVERAGE - 4-H Club 2,3,4 , Secretary 2; Reporter 3; Office Staff 4,

BARBARA LYNNE BRUMMAGE * Salem High School ■ Head Cheerleader 1; ‘S ' Club 1, “S'* Club Queen 1; 4-H 1; Band 1; Ba*ket ball 1; T ambling Team 1: Marlin- ion H igh School - Cheerleader 2,3,4; 4-H 2,3*4; Song And Recreation Leader 2; Treasurer 3, President 4; B a * k e t b a 11 2,3*4; F,H,A , 2,3*4; J unior Play; Office Staff 4; Delegate to C,imp Horseshoe Le aderah ip Train¬ ing Camp 2; Marlintoman Staff 4; D.incc Band 4; Senior PLiy; Vice * President of Te^nCenter 4; United Christian Youth Week 4.

CHARLES LOY BURGESS * F ,F,A, 1 *2 *3,4; 4-H Club 4,

THOMAS WAYNE BURNS - Football 1 ,2 *3,4 , Co-Cap¬ tain 3,4; Basketball 1,2,3.4, Co-Capta in 2 , C apt air* 4; Baseball 1*2,3; National Thespian 4; Class President 1,2*3; Vice-President 4; Delegate to Camp Horseshoe Leadership Training Camp 1* Class Captain of Maga¬ zine Drive 4; Senior Play; President of Teen Center 4; United Christian Week 4-

DAV1D GAYLE BUZZARD - Football 1 ,2,3*4; Senior PUy,

TOMMY GREY CAMPBELL * F *F «A • 1 *2.3,4, Vice- President 3,4; 4-H 2,3,4.

WILHAM IRA CLENDENEN * Band 2,3,4; National Thespians 4,

ROBERT CRAIG CROSS - 4 - H Club 1; F.F.A, 1,2; Basketball 4; Senior Play; National Thespians 4,

GAY NAOMI DEAN - Chorus 3,4; K ,H .A • I; National Thespians 4.

STERL HAROLD DEAN - Football 3 ,4; Basketball 4; Baseball 1; National Thespians 3,

NANCY CAROL DEFIB A UGH - F , H , A * I ; Band 3*1; Chorus 3,4; Class Cheerleader 3; Senior Play; National Thespians 4; Attendant to Football Queen 2.

TYRONE DUANE DILLEY - Senior Play p Football 3,

GLADYS KATHERN DOYLE - Band ! , 2; F ,H*A, 1,2;

National Thespians 4,

RONALD WHITNEY EVANS - Football 1,2.3*4; Bask- ball I ,2.3*4; Baseball 1,2; 4-H Club 1, Vice-Preaid* 2,3,4; National Thespians4; Marlintonian Staff 4; Sen- Pi ay .

WINFRED JOHN FERT1G - Band I ,2 ,3*4; Chorus Senior Play*

CLIFTON REESE FRIEL * F .F *A * 1; 4-H I ,2,3 ,4 , Vic President 3,4; Football 2,3,4; Baseball Manager 2,

ERNEST HANSON FRIEL - Marlintonian Staff 4; Fo< ball t ,2,3,4, Co-Captain 4; Class Sergeant of Arms Attendant to Basketball King 3; Junior Play; Seni Play; Basketball 2,3; National Thespians i,

KYLE CLYDE FRIEL - F . F , A , 1 .2*3 ,4; 4-H 1,2,3 Baseball 3,4.

LEROY LAW’RENCE FRIEL -F.F.A. 1.2; Football 3 4-H 1,2.


CAROLYN FAYE GIBSON - F *H,A, I *2.3 *4: Band 2,3 Basketball 1 ,2,3,4; Junior Play.

GATHA LENA GIBSON - Basketball i *2,3,4; 4-H 3,2, F.H.A* 1 ,2*3.4; Class Cheerleader 3.4; Atiendent Basketball Queen 3; Junior Play; Senior Play: Marli toman Staff 4; National Thespians 4; Football Queen

WILLIAM HOMER GILMORE - *-H F.F.A. 2; Football 1,2,3.4; Sentenial F,F,A* 1.2; National Th spians 4,

SHARON ANN GLADW'ELL F.H.A, I; A.D.D's 3H Band 1,2,3*4; National Thespians 4; Class Checrlead 3,

MARY BROWN GODWIN * Philhpi High School * Th apian Pledge 1; Y-Teen 2*3; Yearbook Staff 3; Sprit Festival Queen 2; Junior-Senior Prom Princess Marlinton High School - Attendant to Football Queen Marllntonian Staff 3; 4-H Club 4; Fji.A, 4; Secreta -Treasurer of Teen Center 4; Basketball Queen 4.

JUANITA KATHERN GREENE - Chorus 3.4; F*H_A. 2-3,4.

MARILYN CAROL HARPER - F.H.A, 1,2,3,4, Vic* President 3; Parliamentarian 4; F,F,A. Chapter Swee heart 1; Class Secretary2,3,4; Chorus 2,3, Treaaur* 3, Vice-President 2; Marllntonian Staff 4; Nation Honor Society 3,4; Junior Guide 3; National F .H.* Convention 3; A.D.D'a 2,3,4, President 4; Junior Pl« 4-H Cl ub 1,2, Vice-President l. President 2; Seme Play; Office Staff 4; Class Cheerleader 2; Salutatoria



£LMER RICHARD JACKSON - Baseball 2,3; Football 2,3; Basketball 2,3; National Honor Society 3,4; Presi¬ dent 4; Senior Play.

VIRGINIA JOYCE JACKSON - F.H.A, 1.2.3; National Honor Society 2.3: Senior Play; Chorua I.

THELMA AGNES JORDAN - F.H.A.; 4-H Club 1,2.3.4.Secretary 4; Basketball Manager 1.2,3; Junior Play.


RICHARD EUGENE KRAMER - F .F .A. 1 ,2; Senior Play.

DELMASJ. LANE - Basketball l .2.3.4, 4-H Club 1.2,3.

ROBERT KEITH MACE - F.F.A. 1.2; Marlintonian Staff 4.

HAZEL LUCENDIA McCHESNEY - B e 11 e f i e 1 d High School - Class President 1; Class Treasurer 1; Bolling High School - Glee Club 2: Greenbrier Chorus; Marlin- ton High School - Chorus 3.4; Attendant to Football Queen 3; F.F.A. Sweetheart 4.

NANCY FRANCIS McCLOUD - Basketball; Band 1,2,3.4; 4-H Club I. National Honor Society 4.

BRADFORD KENT McNEILL - Class Treasurer 1; National Thespians 3; Class Basketball 1,2,1.4; Chorua 4.

FAYE MARIE MOORE - Basketball 1.2.3; F44.A. 1.2; 4-H Club 1,2; Senior Play; Junior Plav.

DOTTY LOU MULLENS - National Honor Society 3.4; National Thespians 3; A.D.D'a 2.3.4. Vice-President 4; Marlintonian Staff 4; Senior Play.

DREAMALEE RATLIFF - F.H.A. 1.2,3.4; Band 2.3.4; Chorus 3,4; National Thespians 4.

JANE ELLEN SEAGRAVES 4-H Club 1.2,3.4. Presi¬ dent 1. Vice-President 2. Recreation Leader 2; F Ji.A. Leader 2.3.4; A.D.D'j 2.3.4. Secretary 4; Band Treasurer 2; Marlintonian Staff 4; Class Captain of Magazine Drive 2.3; Bu*ine*a Manager of Magazine Drive 4; CUa* Cheerleader 3,4; Basketball 1,2,3.4; Copperhead Staff 1; Junior Pity; National Honor Society 4. Secretary 4: !)■ legate to Camp Horse¬ shoe 2; Delegate to Rhododi-ndron Girls State 3; Nation¬ al Thespians 4; J unior Guide 3: Dance Band 1.2.3,4; Office Staff 4: United Christian Youth Week 2,3,4; Senior Play; State F H.A, Convention l; Valedictorian.

PATRICIA WENONA SHARP - 4-H Club dent 3. Seer tary 4; Recreation Leader 1; Delegate to State Youth 4-H Camp 3; F.H.A 1.2.3 .4. Song Leader 2, 3.4; Band 1.2.3,4; Reporter 2. Treasurer 3;Danc« Band 2,3.4; M.H.S Cheerleader 1.2,3.4, Head Cheerleader 2. 3.4; National Honor Society 3.4. Treasurer 4; Class Cheerleader 1.2; Marlintonian Staff 4; United Christian Youth Week 2.3.4: Junior Play; Basketball 1,2,3.4;Office

Staff 4: Junior Citizenship Award 3; Senior Play; State F.H.A, Convention 1; Copperhead Staff 1,2.3; Class Secretary 1.

RUTH IRENE SHARP • Copperhead Staff 2; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Class Secretary 2; Class Cheerleader 3; 4-H Club2.3.4, Secretary 2, Song Leader 4; F.H.A. 1,2.3.4. Pa r lime nta r la n 2; Attend.nt to Basketball Queen 2; Junior Plav; Marlintonian Staff 4. Senior Play; X Thespians 4.

ERNES I KI ITHSHAW - Football Co-Captain 4; Basketball 1.3; Baseball 2; 4-H Club; F.H.A. 1; Class President 4; National Honor Society 3.4; Class Vice-President 2; Junior Play; Marltnlonian St iff 4; 4-H Club Congress 4. Senior Play; United Christian Youth Week 3.4.

JOHN HOWARD SHELTON - F.F.A. 1.2. Reporter 1. Secretary 2; National Honor Society 3.4; Quill and Scroll Club 3; Junior Play; Basket ball 3,4; Marlintonian Staff 4; Sports Announcer 2,3,4; Captain of Magazine Drive 4; United Christian Youth Week 3. 4-H Club 1.2.4, President 1,2,4; Secretary 3: 4-H Club Congress 4.

JACKIE CLAY SHIELDS - F. F. A . 1.2.3,4; National Thespians 4.

J1 RRY LF E THOMAS - 4-H Club; Baseball 1. 2; Marlintonian Staff; Junior Play; Senior Play.

MARTHA ANN VANDEVENDER - Tygarts Valley High School - Harvest Fair Maid of Honor 3; F.H.A. 3; Glee Club 3; Band 3; Marl inton High School - F.H.A. 1.2,4. Son.; Leader 2; 4-H Club President 1. Song Leader 2; Marlintonian Staff; Class Cheerleader 2.4; Band 1.2.4; Dance Band 4; Chorus 2.

DONALD GRAY VANREENAN- Football 1,2.3.4;Ba*ket - ball 1; Baseball 2.3; Junior Play; Senior Play; Marlin¬ tonian Staff 4; National Thespians 4; Class Basketball

DONALD GENE WARE - F.F.A. 1.2.3,4. Reporter 3. Parlimentarian 4; 4-H Club 1,2; Junior Play; Marlin- toman Staff 4; Senior Play; United Christian Youth Week 4.

LEWIS EDWARD WAUGH - BanU; Marlintonian Staff 4; Dance Band l,2.3.4; National Thespian* 4; Senior Play.

RIVARD DWAIN WILCOX-4-HClub 1,2.3.4, President 2.3; Football 1.2,3.4; Baseball 2.3; Delegate to Camp Horse-hoe 3; Marlintonian Staff 4; National Thespians 4; Junior Play; Class Vice-President 3; Senior Play; Basketball Announcer 4.


DREMA LEA McNELLAN - Post Graduate


MOST TALENTED Winfred Eertig, Jane Seagraves

MOST ATHLETIC Torn Burn*. Ruth Sharp


MOST ATTRACTIVE MR. I. MISS MAR LINTON HIGH SCHOOL Mary Godwin. Bill Gilmore Gathn Gib*on. Tom Burn*


Ruth Sharp, Don VanReenan FRIENDLIEST

Dwtiln Wilcox, Gath* Gibson



Let each junior remember the sc highlight#; * - - cUm organization-election of officer s-C LASS RINGS-nl last I - - magazine drive --sock hopa-- clais tournaments-class picnic*

The thrill and suspense, terror and triumph, a* wp f a c e d our audience to present dr a malic ally **Lovr Your N«ighborM(

And to climax our biggest year and really show our finesse,- remember the excitement and glamour o! the MHS Junior-Senior banquet and prom*- *

RU! Hoc ken berry* . • ■ * * President Jim Marion* . , , * * , Vice - Pre >ident Dottle Bragg . * *.-Secretary John Sharp.. Treasurer

Delores Andi»r*on Patty Arbogaat Dorothy Auldrtdge Brooks Barnett Dottie Bragg

Norma Broyles Larry Burns Linda Clutter Daniel Cooper Louise Currcncc

Vency DUley Annas Friel Eleanor Erie3 Kerch Fncl Wanda Friel

William Gay Roy Gibson Naomi Grimes Eleanor Hannah Constance Heroid


ton* ol 1 el ei



The «opho mores began activities early, electing class officers and organising committee a. Encouraged by faculty and upper classmen, we realized that making worthwhile contribution# and winning friend# were Important parts of high school and we settled into the pattern.


Bill Clarkson.. * President Janie Sharp .... Vice * President Joann Yoho.. .Secretary Barbara Jackson. . , . .Treasurer

Jack Ahff Brenda Anderson Margaret Baxter Mary Lou Bui sard Basil Cain Donald Carr

Miry Circosta Billy Clarkson Elmer Dean Richard Dean Shirley Dcfibaugh Geraldine Dilley

Martha Doyle Douglas Dunbrack Herbert F riel Nadine Friel Harvey Galford Janice Galford

Linda Goldizen Kenneth Hannah Sharon Hannah Juanita Hiner Ba rbara Jackson Nancy Jones

Rita Jones Layton Jordon Sharon Kelley Phyllis Lane Julia Ann Lock ridge Robert Mann


Ann Gay Ma*on Dorothy McCarty Jane McCarty Ronald McCarty Lonnie McLaughlin Lois Me Million

Danny Milam Marie Mitchell Peggy Moore Stephany Morgan Mike Moses Burton Noonan

Patty Parsons Jfimr* Pennybacker James Pifer Don Pryor Verlc Pyles Patricia Rucker

Joaietta Sage Brenda Sharp Grace Sharp Jane Sharp John Shaver William Shelton

Gar Ion Shinaberry George Shinaberry Patricia Simmons Pamela Smith Willard Smith Sally Stewart

Nancy Townsend George Tyler Wilbert VanMctcr Barbara ViinRcrnan Grenetta VnnReenan Phyllis Wcatherholt

Richard Whiting James Wilfong Arnout Yeager Joann Yoho

* A

n- —




When we first stepped into the senior building, we nearly had *'butterflies in our tummy.** Deep down in our hearts we hoped to prove to be able and willing members of Marlinton High School,


Linda Burns. . * Jady Miller . , . Rebecca Wiiuer, Frances Harper

* • , » .President , Vice-President * , , • Secretary . , . i Treasurer

First Row: Ruth Aliff, Robert Alien, Richard Barlow, Thelma Barnett, Layton Beverage, Roy Beverage , Gladys Biggs, Peggy Broyles, Gloria Buckland, Linda Burnt, Second Row: Linda Burr, Phyllis Burr, Lewis Bustard, Joyce Buzzard, Susan Caih, Milliccnt Campbell, Charles Camper, Joyce Circosta, Jerry Clifton, Helen Clutter. Third Row: George Cochrstt, Mac Copeland, Steve Copeland, Wayne Cromer, Paul Cross, Burma Cottrell, Alonso Dean. Marian DitJey. Leona Dulaney. Harold Dumire. Fourth Row: Hilda Fitzgerald, Audrey Fitswater. Eddie Friel. George Friel. Kathryn Friel, Loi* Friel, Ray Friel, Karen Galford, Dan Gilmore, James Godwin.


i S3 .<


RESHMEN ATTAIN SENIOR HIGH SPIRIT y i r 11 How; Mane Goodwin, Sue AnnCreear, Cifl Grimei, jo Ann Grimci, Freddie Hannah, Frances Harper, Dorothy Ha use , Dr lore* Miner, Robert Hockenbcrry* Don Holland. Second Row: Milton Humphreys. James Johnson* Mary Johnson. Roy Jordon, Earl Kelley, Berta Lee Krllison * Patty Kellison, Kay Kershner, G r * n v i 1 Kramer, Charlotte Louder milk. Third Row: Franklin Madison, Nora Madison, Peggy Malcomb, Charles McCarty, Rath McChesnry, James McComb, Douglas McGraw, Sherman McLaughlin, Ear! Michael, Judy Miller, Fourth Row; Donald Morgan, Donald Morrison, Betty Patton, Ernestine Perry, Frances Pyles, Jean Pyles, Carol Reed, Norma Ryder, Shirley Ryder, Janice Schoolcraft, Fifth Row: Tommy Shafer, Don Sharp, Roy Sharp, W illiam Sharpe, Dorothy Shaver, Carolyn Shields, William Shifflett. Jane Shinaberry. Margaret Small, Berton Smith, Sixth Row: Larry Sprouse, Thomas Terry, Loretta Townsend. Will tain Tyler f Pat Vandevender, Vonda VsnRrcnnn. Larry Varney, Edna Wanlcii, J mice Wartless, John Weathcrholt, Seventh Row: Marcellc Wilcox , Oliver Wilfong, Rebecca Winter, Jerry Withers, Gertrude Workman, James Yeager, Sharon Yoho,



Fri*l_. .Pre aident

Jane Kay Michael. Virginia CaUaher.* > * Hugh jActiont • * i i ■ * « * • *

, . Vtce-PreaidciU . , , * „ Secretary .Treaiurcr



Fairley Workman - . Bonnie Defibaugh . * Bonnie Beverage, , , Nancy Jo Morgan * *

* ■

■ 4

P #

a * p

President . , , Vice* President

. Secretary Treasurer

i 4 %

i £h

II *


*1 i - M ■ '





I 1' i

l ii.



/ tl

Under the direction of Mi*» May. the Marlinton


High School Chorui group ha' evoked praiae (or

the school with the usual complete program: The

Christmas Cantata, Spring Concert and gradu

> ation music. One of the innovations this year has

been the introduction of male voters*


The Marlinton High School Band, organized seven years ago under the direction of Mr* Brill, In¬ creased membership to sixty this year by ac¬ cepting eleven junior high students who qualified the second semester.

Beginning with the second annual Band Camp at Thornwood in August* she band launched a busy program which included marching in the Labor Day Parade at Covington, Virginia, the For eat Festival * Elkina, West Virginia, and the Hallo* ween and Clean-up Day Parade* at Marlinton,

During football and basketball seasons, the pro¬ gram included marching before games and half* time entertainment.

The Dance Band* enjoying the second year* plny- cd for all Marl inton High School affairs*

Completing the year with the Christmas, Polio, and Spring concerts, the band closed another suc¬ cessful year, ^ \ f


Mr. Jrtt and proud Marlin ton High School atudents Vo-Ag place third in National 4-H Judging Contest.

put knowledge to practical use.

F, F. A, OFFICERS President * Tucker Reynolds; Vice-President Tommy Campbell; Secretary - Kerlh Fnel; Treasurer - Lewis Be Ir; Reporter - James Simmons; Parlimenurian * Don Ware; Sentinenial

* Bill Barlow; Advisor - Mr. Me Mann.

Silly Initiation? ? Formal Initiation



F. H, A, OFFICERS President - Mmrgaret Flemming Johnaon; Vice - Preaide nt - Joann Yofao; See reUry - Hannah; Treasurer - Loci -art Moore; Pjirlimcntnrian - Beverly Nottingham; HUtorUn Defabau^h; Reporter - Kay McLaughlin; Song Leader *-Jane Seat? raves; Pat Sharp* Mrs* KUlingaworth, r#

Eleanor Shirley Advisor

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Sophomore A. D. D.*» Senior A. D. D.‘«i



-4 in %


Junior A, D, D/a

Julia A

rencc Brenda

DU Lockridge • Margaret Johnson • Eleanor Hannah - Dotty Mullens

Anderson - Jane Ellen Seagrave* -

- Beverly Nottingham - Joanne Yoho - Marilyn Harper - Sharon Gladwell Ann Mason - Lockie Moore.

Louise Gur- Polly Aatin

a -


I ^


ADD " a < > 4


1 >

■ p


* O.


. rm tl I

Pat Sharp Marilyn Harper Ernie Shaw Lewi# Beale June Scagrave* Dotty Mullen* Polly Astin Nancy McCloud John Shelton Joyce Jackaoii

Louise Currence IF 4 .

Alice Nelson Beverly Nottingham Judy Sharp Lockie Moore Eleanor Hannah Tucker Reynolds Margaret Johnson Bill Hoekenberry John Sharp


Elmer Jackson, President Mrs* Moore, Sponsor





Elmrr Jackson Pat Sharp

Tom Burn* Jane Ellen Seagravea

Tucker Reynolds

Ernie Shaw

With our theme “Friendship In Christ-- aYe arc my friend* if yc do whatsoever I command you*11 John IS: 14

We observe Christian Youth Week - January 2? -February Presenting the program in a aerie* of three assemblies - - * a a *’Friendship with others1'--- “Friendship in God*'- *'F r 1 e nd ship in Christ1** we included o* our speakers for each program--- a student, a member of the faculty, and a local minister. The members of the Minaterial Association were: Rev, E. H, Flaniken, Rev. C. A, Yoho and Rev, Charles Draper, * k c

Seagravea Sharp

C. Ftrel

E. Friel




M. H. s. 64 Alumni 40 M. H. S. 55 ClrclevUle 19 M. H. s. 75 Crichton 58 M. H. S. 97 Rich wood 76 M. H. s. Crichton 63 M. H. S. 58 Hillsboro 68 M. H. s. 49 Franklin 4 J M. H. S. 68 CirclevUle 74 M. H. s. 77 White Sulphur 69 M. H. S. 67 Roncevertc 97 M. H. s. 80 Lewis burg 43

M M. H. S. 65 Webster Springs gS

M. H. s. 62 Cowen 64 M. H. S. 68 White Sulphur gg M. H. s. 50 Hillsboro M. K. S. 83 Rone evert* 92 M. H, s. 105 Cowen 69 M. H. S. 64 Webster Springs 71

tup* *p

M. H. s. 50 Lewisburg 77 M. H. S. 82 F rank) in go

Robert C ro*t rfri I V ^ -rf* M

Sicr; Dean Cxi [V

CHEERLEADERS Pot Sharp, Lockie Moore, Janie Sharp

Barbara Brummage



A kind smile - a firm manner - a willing hand - a good friend. Mr, VanReenan.