tabulation presentation

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  • 8/2/2019 Tabulation Presentation


  • 8/2/2019 Tabulation Presentation






    Tabulation Section

    Secrecy Section Conduct Section

  • 8/2/2019 Tabulation Presentation


    1. Cut List Preparation2. Admittance Cards Preparation

    3. Result Compilation4. Issuance of Notification and DMCs5. Issuance of Duplicate DMCs & Transcripts6. Issuance of Degrees

    7. Degree / DMC (Detailed Marks Certificate)Verification

    (MODULE - I)

    Tabulation Section

  • 8/2/2019 Tabulation Presentation


    DefinitionThe complied information of the candidates

    retrieved from the admission forms, is calledCut List.

    In simple words, the cut list containsall

    necessary information, that are

    needed for Identification and verification

    of the candidates, appearing in a

    particular Professional Examination


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    Format of Cut List shall be made as under:-

    1. Roll.Nos (not less than 06 digits)2. Name of Candidates3. Fathers Name4. Subjects to appear

    5. No. of Attempts6. Description7. Name of Examination Room

    Order of the Roll Nos. shall be drawn in Cut List asbelow:-Fresh Candidates 1st ChanceDetainee Candidates 2nd Chance & onward)No. of Attempts shall be pasted against each

    description of the candidate.

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    Standard Operating Procedure

    (SOPs) for Preparing Cut List

    There are two stations for preparation ofcut lists, admittance cards and roll nos.


    Station No. 1 (Cut List preparation)

    Station No. 2 (Cut List Verification)

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    Station No. I

    Cut List Preparation

    The following are necessary steps to finalize the cutlist:-

    The admission forms are received by confirming thefollowing:-

    1. Forms are completed in number as mentioned in the

    covering letter.2. That the forms and photographs are properly verified

    by the Dean of the College or the nominee of theDean.


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    3. Examination fee voucher has been attached or notwith covering letter

    4. Relevant documents i.e. DMC (Detailed MarksCertificate) of the previous examination has beenattached.

    5. To check the size of photographs and minimize it

    according the space available at admittance card.

    6. Checking the eligibility constraints i.e.

    a. Number of permissible attempts, (Availed or un-availed)b. Certificate from the Dean,c. Certificate from the candidate him/herself,d. Attendance requirements etc.


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    7. Not to be pending by any disciplinary case fromthe College Discipline Committee.

    8. Segregation of admission forms arrange theseforms

    alphabetically. The procedure is adopted for bothtype of candidates i.e. fresh and detained.

    9. The registration record of the candidates isverified from the hard and soft copy provided bythe Registration Department of the University.

    10. After verification the particulars i.e. Name,fathers Name, Registration No. , No. ofattempts, description

    and examination room no. of the candidates, the

    data shall punched into the computer manually.conti..

    11 A i di it* ll i ti d i t th

  • 8/2/2019 Tabulation Presentation


    11. A six digit* roll no is mentioned against therecord

    of the candidate and the same roll is given onthe

    Admittance card and roll no slips withautomatic

    numbering machines. The roll no record of allcandidates, is recorded in a register manually.

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    Station II

    The cut list prepared at Station-I, is then checked atstation-II.

    The cut list checker certify that the particularsentered are correct in all respects.

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    Cut list distributed to concerned Sections i-e to

    1. Conduct Section

    2. Paper Printing Section3. Secrecy Section4. Results Section for result compilation.

    Despatch of Cut List

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    Then the data of cut list (Self design database) istransferred on Admittance cards (Front end Interface)through mail merging technique.

    Prints of Admittance Cards are taken out from thecomputer and three documents i.e. Roll No. slips,Admission Forms and Admittance Cards, are comparedwith each other to verify that the same Roll No. hasbeen written on all said documents for a particularcandidate.

    Preparation of Admittance Cards

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    The admittance cards are sandwiched into laminationsheet and then laminated by lamination machine withinthe office and then these cards are sorted out Roll No.wise.

    Finally the cut list along with admittance cards, nylonthreads and roll no. slips, is handed over to CollegeDean at least seven days before the commencementof exam and a copy of cut list with Roll No. slips,dispatch to the Invigilation Staff.

    Lamination of Admittance Cards

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    There is a separate station within theTabulation Section

    MBBS (All Professional Examinations)

    Results compilation follows the following procedures.

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    SOPs for Results Compilation

    Name of the Examination Marks Distribution Subject wise (SEQs, MCQs,

    Internal Assessment) with Statutes.

    Fix the Marks of detainee Students in Result Sheet.

    (i.e. Old Posting) Cut list incorporated in Result Sheet.

    Data Punching (Question Wise) of Theory Awardsin Summary sheet. (Named as ALL)

    Prepare the queries of Missing/Duplicate theoryAwards.

    Incorporate queries into Result Sheet.

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    Apply Difficulty Index Formula. (SEQs)

    Difficulty Index Formula will only be applied when at least 10

    Candidates appear in the examination. Difficulty index

    Formula apply into SEQs if less than 10% candidates Passin a question and 90% are failed, the percentage may be varyinstitution to institution.

    DIFFICULTY INDEX FORMULA(i) Calculate Total Number of Candidates in each


    (ii) No. of Pass Candidates (i.e. Candidates securing 60% or

    above marks.)(iii) No. of Failed Candidates (i.e. Candidates securing below

    60% marks.)

    (iv) Calculate Pass Percentage in Each Question.

    (v) Delete the question below 10% PassPercentage.

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    Aggregate SEQs

    Write a request to Dean for approval.

    Decoding of Result from Fictitious Roll No. to originalRoll No.

    Post the Punched Data from All to respective sheets.(i.e. Into the Result Sheets of different Colleges)

    Incorporate Absent report in Result Sheet.

    Connect the Summary with Result Sheet using theFormulae.

    Make Sub Total of SEQs marks Questions wise

    Punch MCQs Marks

    Difficulty index Formula In MCQs 10%

    Aggregate MCQs

    Punch Internal Assessment Awards

    Detrimental Cases in Internal Assessment

    Formula of Sum + Range of Formula (Theory Portion)

    Generate Audit Report (Theory Portion)

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    Audit Report

    Use the Technique of ConditionalFormatting to segregate the candidatesfailing by upto 3 marks in Theory Part ofExamination.

    Generate an Audit Report with FictitiousRoll No.

    Send the Audit Report to Secrecy Section

    through Dean.

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    Incorporate Audit Report in Result

    All Observations, UMC Correspondence,

    Letters etc.

    Pass/Fail of Theory

    Punching of Practical/OSPE/OSCE Awards

    Formula of Sum + Range of Formula(Practical Portion)

    Formula of victimization

    Formula of victimization will be applied only if, there is 50%

    difference in

    Practical/Viva Voce awards of Internal & external examiners.

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    The process of Victimization Formula Application consists of 6 major steps.

    Step 1 Calculating the Eligibility for the application of formula.(Note: Victimization formula will be applied if the difference between the

    Viva Awards of Internal & External Examiner is 50% or above)

    Step II Calculate difference (Z) between viva awards of Internal & ExternalExaminers.

    Z = A B (A = Higher Awards, B = Lower Awards)

    Step III Higher Awards Percentage of Maximum Awards (X)

    X= A / Max Marks.

    Step IV Calculte (Y)

    Y = X * B

    Step V Calculate ( P)

    P = Y-Z

    Step VICalculate B (Proposed Viva Awards obtained after the application ofVictimization formula)

    B = P + B

    The propsed awards are replaced with the original awards tominimize the possibility of Victimization.

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    EXAMPLE Total Viva Awards (Internal & External Examiner Each) = 20

    Viva Awards given by Internal Examiner = 02/20

    Viva Awards given by External Examiner = 18/20 A = Higher Awards =18

    B = Lower Awards = 2

    Step I Difference in Awards (Percentage)

    Diff = (A B) / A * 100 %

    Diff = (18 2) / 18 * 100 % = 88.89 %

    (Note: Victimization formula will be applied if the difference is 50% or above)

    Step II Z = A B = 18 2 = 16

    Step III X = A / Max. Awards = 18 / 20 = 0.9

    Step IV Y = X * B = 0.9 * 2 = 1.8

    Step V P = Y - Z = (1.8 16) = 14.2

    Step VI B = P + B = 14.2 + 2 = 16.2

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    Total Marks Formula of the Subject (Theory +Practical)

    Pass/Fail of the Module Calculate and Check the Grand Total and

    the modules to reappear if the candidate isfail in All or any subject with theConcatenate Formulae i.e.

    Grand Total=IF(HH10="Pass",SUM(BM10,DS10,FS10,HE10,),"")



    Failed Subjects =IF(AND(BN10="Fail",DT10="Fail",FT10="Fail",

    HF10="Fail"),"All",CONCATENATE(IF(BN10="Fail","Med.,",""),IF(DT10="Fail","Surg., ",""),IF(FT10="Fail","Obs &Gynae., ",""),IF(HF10="Fail","Paeds., ","")))

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    Join the result sheet of all candidates tocalculate Positions and Distinctions

    Use the technique of ConditionalFormatting to highlight the candidates withDistinction in each Module

    (Note: Distinction is awarded to the candidates securing80% or above marks in a Module and fulfill the followingcriteria)

    i.e If the candidate is:

    * On First Attempt.

    * Has Passed all Modules in first attempt

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    Failed candidates, Check Name of Failed Modules

    R.L Cases must be informed to Dean before

    declaration of Result

    Print the result sheet & send for Master Checking

    Incorporate Mistakes in Result sheet

    Prepare & Print Title page & Notification Print the positions and distinctions on title page

    Master Checking of Notification

    Declare result after signature of relevant staff and

    finally of Dean Prepare DMCs & dispatch to College.

    Maintain Record

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    Document Verification Section

    Verification of Degrees

    Prepare & Issuance of NOCs Verification of DMCs/Notifications

    Verification/Preparation of Transcripts

    Result Binding Station

    Lamination of Admittances Card.

    Lamination of Results Cloth Binding of Tabulated Results

    Maintenance of Store Record

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