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  • 8/14/2019 tambuli 2006 02


    Volume XXXII Issue No. 1 February 2006

    TambuliOfficial Publication of The Philippine-New York Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees), Inc

    2006 starts with a Big Bang

    Message from the President

    Dearest Fellow Officers, Members, Past Presidents and Senators,

    Allow me to first extend my unending appreciation and congratula-tions to all of you for an outstanding job on our first two months inoffice!!! We had an outstanding first General Membership/BusinessMeeting on Parliamentary Procedures conducted by Senator Jesse

    Arteche held last Jan 31 with over 30 people in attendance, chairedby MSVP Gary Abasolo ably assisted by MDVP Elaine Magalona

    Dayoan, and IDVP Patrick Villavert, Senators Jocelyn Bernal andRichard Rillera.

    We also just concluded another successful event last Friday, Feb. 24in our first Individual Development Networking Socials // Happy HourKaraoke nite which became our first fundraiser response to the LeyteRelief Mudslide disaster in the Philippines. Headed by Patrick Vil-lavert, we had a total of 26 people in attendance. What made thisevening significant was not only the FUN that everyone had thatevening, the membership support for our fundraising benefit projectbut the Chapter visitations from the Long Island Jaycees PresidentGina Pelletieri and COB Martin Dekom as well as JCI Caribbean NYPresident Darin Frazier and COB Christine D'Andrade along with

    their two members and some guests of our own members includingAlumni Ed and Gill Addison. Thank you all for your support and hav-ing an enjoyable evening with us!!! Continued on page 4.

    January GMM

    We are the 2005 Comeback Chapter of the Year

    From Left to Right Gary Abasolo, 2006 MSVP, Willi Gamboa, 2005 Region SouthDirector, 2006 Pres Vivian Velasco, 2006 IAVP Florina Monroy, Sen. Richard Rillera,2005 NYSJC President Suzanne Delaney, Jayne Cassidy JC Rillera, Gov. JulietRillera, Gov. Krizteen Dulay, Hector Concepcion and 2006 IAVP Patrick Villavert.

    On January 13-15, members of the Philippine New York JuniorChamber led by 2006 President Vivian Velasco attended the state-wide year-end celebration meeting of the New York Junior Chamber

    in Poughkeepsie, NY. This convention brought together local Jayceechapters from across the state to share in the outstanding efforts ofvarious chapters, members, officers who contributed to their localcommunities. Despite having a membership roster of 30 individualsthe Philippine New York Junior Chamber was able to deliver over 10quality projects throughout the year.

    Looking back at 2005, Philippine New York Junior Chamber is proudto have been able to continue with projects that impacted communi-ties, locally, nationally and globally. In the area of Community in-volvement, the chapter supported or initiated successful projectssuch as the Kids Day America (Health Awareness Day), MakingStrides Against Breast Cancer Walkathon which raised over $600,the annual Water Station at the NYC Marathon, our annual co-sponsorship of the Simbang Gabi at the Philippine Consulate.

    2005 was also the first year that we partnered with Building FuturesTogether, Inc. Aside from having over 15 participants to the 6th An-nual Walk for Poverty (to benefit projects in Samar, Philippines), thechapter also brought in over $2,000 for this cause. In the area ofInternational cooperation, the chapter hosted a Toy LibraryFunraiser which raised over $600 to benefit a library in Manila, Phil-ippines.

    (continued on page 2)

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    Volume XXXII Issue No. 1 February 2006

    (Comeback chapter.from page 1)

    Aside from these impact projects, the chapter also had a very suc-cessful Sayaw series featuring favorite ballroom dances. Membersand friends were able to learn the Manila Swing, Tango, Cha-Chaand Salsa/Merengue. In the area of Business development, thechapter hosted a speaker event featuring a past member who set up

    his own business. During his presentation, he laid the groundwork ofwhat it takes to set up a business. We also featured a member of alocal Toastmasters organization to present to us, The Art of Com-munication. The annual summer picnic provided members andfriends an opportunity to relax, enjoy the outdoors and build camara-derie through group fun and games. We also raised money for thevictims of the Katrina disaster by selling Kites.

    Finally on Dec 9, 2005, during the annual dinner dance held at theCrown Plaza LaGuardia, the chapter presented the 2006 Distin-guished Service Award to Mr. Ben Santos. Ms. Loudette Avelinowas presented with the Outstanding Humanitarian award for her workin the province of Samar. Concurrently, 2005 President ChristinaCorcuera showed her appreciation to chapter members for their par-ticipation during the year. It was at this event that the chapter wasgraced with the presence of Consul General Cecile Rebong andDeputy Consul General Millie Sta. Maria Thomeczek. Both wereconferred an honorary lifetime membership with the Philippine NewYork Junior Chamber. Incidentally, Deputy Consul General Thomec-zek was a past president of the JCI-Manilena chapter in the Philip-pines.

    With all these projects, it did not come as a surprise that the chapterand its members were recognized as one of the most outstanding inthe state. Philippine New York Junior Chamber received five awardsfrom the Region South Jaycees, five awards from the Metro areaJaycees and ten awards from the New York State Jaycees.

    In the individual category, Gary Abasolo received a plaque for win-ning 1st Place in the NYS Convention First Timers category, VivianVelasco, who served as 2005 Community Development Vice Presi-dent two awards from New York State as Outstanding Local VicePresident and also two awards from the Metro Area Jaycees in thesame category. Florina Monroy received the Outstanding RookiePlaque for the 4th Qtr from the Region South Jaycees, while ElaineMagalona-Dayoan received the Outstanding Rookie of the YearPlaque from the Region South Jaycees.

    2005 President Christina Corcuera was recognized as OutstandingPresident for the 4th Qtr and for the year by the Region South Jay-cees and she also received the Presidential Award of Honor from theNew York State.

    In the project category, the Simbang Gabi project chaired by JaimeTorrejon, the Annual Summer Picnic chaired by Hector Concep-

    cion and Krizteen Dulay and the Sixth Annual Walk for Povertychaired by Arnold de Jesus and Vicky Chang and the Distin-guished Service Award Banquet and Presidential Gala chaired byJoe Valdez were all judged the best local projects in the Metro Areaand in the State. Additionally, the Simbang Gabi Chairman's Plan-ning Guide won 2nd Place in this competitive category.

    In the chapter category, the Philippine New York Junior Chamberwas awarded the Chapter of the Year plaque by the Metro Area Jay-cees for the 4th Qtr and was adjudged as the best chapter in the Re-gion for year-end 2005. The most significant accolade was garneringthe Comeback trophy- presented annually to a chapter that has over-come great odds to rise up beyond expectations. 2006 has begunwith a great start and the organization will continue to contribute to-wards the improvement of our local and global communities as wellas providing young people with an opportunity to develop themselvesas more productive citizens.

    Chapter awards from 2005 PresidentChristina Corcuera

    During the Presidential Gala held last Dec 9, 2005 President Chris-tina Corcuera gave some awards to our deserving members andchairpersons. Congratulations to one and all!

    Achievement Awards:

    Mile 17 Water Station/ NYC Marathon - Florina Monroy Walk for Poverty - Arnold DeJesus, Vicky Chang, VivianVelasco 2005 Summer Picnic Hector Concepcion Art of Communication - Krizteen Dulay JCI World Prez Book signing - Willi Gamboa Stride for Breat Cancer - Ares Ebreo 2005 Chapter Elections - Serg Estrada and Joe Valdez 2005 Simbang Gabi - Jaime Torrejon2nd Half Awards:

    Outstanding Jaycee - Vicky Chang Outstanding Board Member - Vivian Velasco Outstanding Proj Chair - Hector Concepcion

    Outstanding Rookie - Florina Monroy Most Valued Adviser - Serg Estrada2005 YE Awards:

    Outstanding Jaycee - Jocelyn Bernal Outstanding Board Member - Vivian Velasco Outstanding Proj Chair - Hector Concepcion Outstanding Proj - Toy Library FunRaiser Outstanding Rookie - Elaine Magalona - Dayoan Most Valued Adviser - Cristina Ramos

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees provides an avenue for young people to develop themselves as leaders, entrepreneurs and socially responsible individuals

    through business training, social activities and purposeful impact projects that benefit our local and national communities and the global world that we live in. Page 2

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    Volume XXXII Issue No. 1 February 2006

    2005 Outstanding HumanitarianLourdes Loudette Avelino

    As a member of the Filipino Community in the US, Loudette advo-cated or initiated projects to serve her countrymen and helped pre-serve her countrys history and culture in a foreign land. The FolkloricFilipino Dance Company, Childrens Workshop, Simbang Gabi and

    other similar projects are testimony to these contributions.

    In June 1986, Loudette, with the help of a lot of people, mounted thefirst Philippine Independence Day Parade culminating in a street fairthat included the showcasing of Filipino talents in the streets of NewYork. The parade/street fair has continued uninterrupted for 1986 tothe present. She also initiated Simbang Gabi at the Philippine Cen-ter. In the past, an expert in parol making was invited to conductclasses for those interested in joining the contest or merely learningto make parols. Loudette is one of the founding members of Folk-lorico Filipino Dance Company which fosters understanding amongthe diverse cultures in the United States through dance and music.Under her chairmanship the dance company for the first time traveled

    and performed overseas, i.e., China and Israel.

    She also started the childrens workshop for children born and raisedin the US to understand the culture and the country of their heritage.The children were not only introduced to Filipino music and dancebut to the bunot, walis, sungkaan, the Philippine flag, etc.

    In 1998 in reaction to the poverty she saw during a routine visit ( avacation ) to Samar in the Philippines, she founded Building FuturesTogether, Inc. and turned into a 501(3) non-profit charitable institu-tion devoted entirely to fighting poverty in the Philippines. The or-ganization offers community-based multidimensional programs in theareas of education, health/nutrition initiatives and livelihood. The

    success of the program is due in part to the outstanding contributionsof our Outstanding Humanitarian Awardee.

    Please watch our for the 7th Annual Walk for Poverty in Sept 2006.

    Deputy Consul General Millie Sta. Maria Thomeczek, Sen. Ner Martinez and2005 Outstanding Humanitarian, Loudette Avelino

    2005 Distinguished Service AwardeeBen Santos

    Consul General Cecille Rebong, 2005 DSA Awardee Ben Santos with his wife, Dr.Zenaida Santos and his son.

    Benjamin H. Santos, RN, is a Vietnam War Veteran, a businessman,and a philanthropist. He served a ten (10) years stint in the militaryservice during which he found himself in the war zones in Vietnam,Southeast Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. He is one of the elite fewwho proudly wears a Master Jumper Badge on the lapel of his

    jacket having been a skydiver, and a High Altitude Low Opening(Halo) jumper. The badge and the scars of war has ingrained in himto ever be vigilant of safety, security and welfare of all his staff andemployees, extending to the patients, countrymen, and foremost, thaof the United States of America.

    Benjamin H. Santos, RN, started his career as a Registered Nurse(1976) in a state Hospital after passing the Nurse Administrator CivilService Examinations in the State of New York. In 1980, he joined

    the Psych Unit of St. Claires Hospital in New York City. In the lastquarter of 1988, he decided to quit his job at St. Claires Hospital andtook over the administrative functions of their own medical clinic inJackson Heights. It was on this significant year, 1988, that UNITEDSTAFFING REGISTRY, INC., d/b/a UNITED HOME CARE, INC. andUNITED TRAVEL WORLD AGENCY, INC. were founded.

    A die-hard civic-minded citizen you would find him amidst disasterareas of heading fund raising campaigns for worthy causes. Apartfrom his direct involvement with local Health Fair Projects, he alsospearheaded the Mission Eyesight Project and Eyesight SavingMission in the Philippines wherein poor farmers in Central Luzonand Eastern Visayas and Cebu City were given free cataract opera-

    tions.All for the love of country and his fellow-men, you will find Ben H.Santos, RN, with the needy, the orphans, the children, the sick, theelderly, and the handicapped, bearing gifts of health care. A heartto heart service where UNITED STAFFING REGISTRY, INC., d/b/aUNITED HOME CARE, INC. are the corporate vehicles that shallcontinue to carry that torch of honesty, integrity, trustworthiness,professionalism, civic-spiritedness and humanitarian services that isthe bible that BEN H. SANTOS lives by.

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees provides an avenue for young people to develop themselves as leaders, entrepreneurs and socially responsible individuals

    through business training, social activities and purposeful impact projects that benefit our local and national communities and the global world that we live in. Page 3

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    Volume XXXII Issue No. 1 February 2006

    US Jaycees RecognitionDid you know that New York State is listed in the top 20 states in thenation?

    Did you also know that Region South and Region West (and theirDirectors) are listed in the top 25 Regions in the Nation!

    Did you also know that District 1, Region South (and its DirectorWilliGamboa) are listed in the top 25 Districts in the Nation!

    Sure does make you feel proud.

    (Message from the President from page 1)

    Let me also personally welcome our new recruits for Jan/Feb 06,Marjerie Rosales, Reggie Rosales, Reyangelo Honrade & LuisPedron!!! --- we will do our best to give you the best of what the Jay-cees can offer and we hope that you allow yourselves to be involvedand experience the friendships, leadership training and communityinvolvement opportunities we offer that will contribute to your ownpersonal growth and development. And to our potential members

    Kenneth Millo, Monica Padilla, Paul Sonera, Mak & Dafina Lacka we look forward to your membership next month!!!

    And as the evening unfolds for our induction nite, we foresee anothersuccessful turnout due to all the hardwork and labor of our MDVPElaine Magalona Dayoan and the Induction committee that includesour Treasurer Almore Dayoan, Secretary Aprille Piamonte, TambuliEditor Jocelyn Bernal, Blue Chip Adviser Krizteen Dulay. DirectorHector Concepcion ably assisted by Antero Martinez. We have beenburning late hours to make this a successful event for one and all.Most especially to our committee members, to our general member-ship, alumni attending, from the bottom of my heart, I say thankyou!!!!

    I would also like to personally extend my gratitude to all our friends inthe community who came to show their support particularly the Phil-ippine Independence Day Council and the National Federation ofFilipino American Association of New York Chapter (NaFFAA-NY)with whom I have working relations with in the past several years;and most especially to Honorable Consul General Cecille Rebongand Deputy Consul General Millie Sta.Maria-Thomeczek for honoringus with the presence. We hope that their attendance will signify anew beginning of greater collaboration and involvement in our chap-ters many noteworthy community and leadership programs.

    These past exciting, busy months are a direct effect of our team ef-fort, and everyones involvement, hard work, dedication to the Jaycee

    movement, commitment and focus on our mission this year. Thankyou all for joining me in our daily pursuit to stay in track as we Sharethe Vision of Team 2006 to our new members, potential recruits andto the community we serve!!!

    As I stand before you with great pride as your 2006 President, itbrings me greater honor to have the privilege and opportunity to beworking with an extraordinary team this year. As the PhilNYJayceesreceived the NY State recognition as a Comeback Chapter of theYear 2005, let us keep the torch burning and move forward with the

    energy and motivation that got us started but keeping in mind that wehave a lot of challenges ahead that will definitely get us frustrated,and dim the path for us if we are not vigilant of these threats andweaknesses. Let us assess our plans monthly and remember tokeep the lines of communication open amongst all of us, allowing allmembers to air their views, opinions, reminders while respectingeach others areas of responsibilities. Let us keep in mind that the

    best plan is always that which works best for the greater good of ourmembers and our chapter. Let us not forget that we all have to bethere for each other as we face not only multiple tasks but also bigprojects ahead of us.

    Let us constantly remind each other of our chapters mission thisyear which is to provide an avenue for young people to developthemselves as leaders, entrepreneurs and socially responsible indi-viduals through programs that enhance our personal growth & devel-opment, business training, social activities and purposeful impactprojects that benefit our local and national communities, and theglobal world that we live in.

    So I appeal to all our members and potential recruits that we need all

    of you to make this chapter grow; we need you to let us know how toserve you best. Join us in the next few months as we prepare for ouvarious seminars and projects that include the OutstandingYoungNew Yorker Scholarship Program, May Health Fair, Youth AgainstSmoking Program, Public Speaking, Leadership Training, Career

    Advancement Seminar, Outstanding, Time Management Seminar,American Cancer Society Relay for Life, Personal Financial Man-agement Seminar, Networking Events, Participation and Volunteerwork in the Philippine Independence Day Parade, Volunteer WaterStation at the annual New York City Marathon, Simbang Gabi, andmany more.

    With this I say thank you to all and I take pride to serve you as your

    43rd President.Yours in Jaycees and Friendship,

    Vivian Velasco, 43rd President

    Planning for Success in 2006By Elaine Magalona-Dayoan

    December 10- For a first time officer like me, attending a PlanningSession is an opportunity that shouldnt be missed. The long hoursof lecture and workshop was worth very minute as we learned moreabout ourselves, our organization and the importance of our partici-pation and leadership in making this organization function smoothly.

    Thanks to the generosity of Past President Richard Aguinaldo, whoaccomodated the team, and Past President Serg Estrada, who pre-pared all the sumptous meals, we were able to spend a day of worth-while learning. Even if the 12-hour and 8-hour sessions - whichincludes breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner and video viewing, maysound a little too long every lecture mattered, many thanks to PastPresidents Ricky Rillera, Jesse Arteche and Richard Aguinaldo.

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees provides an avenue for young people to develop themselves as leaders, entrepreneurs and socially responsible individuals

    through business training, social activities and purposeful impact projects that benefit our local and national communities and the global world that we live in. Page 4

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    Volume XXXII Issue No. 1 February 2006

    The planning session did not just provide an opportunity to learn andto feed our minds. It has also provided us with the chance to knowour team mates better and it has allowed us to be more comfortablewith each other. Better yet, it has allowed us to know the people thatshould be put together in one room so everybody else can sleep inpeace!

    Message from 2006 Management Development VicePresident Elaine Magalona-Dayoan

    Greetings fellow Jaycees! It is my

    pleasure to serve you as the 2006Management Development Vice-President. It is a great honor to beelected as Number Two and I takepride in taking the challenge and serv-ing you.

    As a relatively new Jaycee, thedemands of my position may seemdifficult to fulfill but through your belief, encouragement and support, Iam confident that I can help in making this year successful. How-ever, as hard as we may work for the benefit of our chapter, all oursweat will not be worthy of anything without you. So as we start the

    year with numerous projects, I challenge and call on you - my fellowJaycee, may you be an officer or a member to take on the chal-lenge and be active! Our great organization will not be great withoutyou

    Message from 2006 Community Development VicePresident Jaime Torrejon

    Hello fellow Jaycees. As your Community Development Vice Presi-dent of 2006, I intend to Share the Vision of a year that will hope-fully surpass our own expectations of our capabilities. I always like tlive by the following quote: Whether you think you can, or you think

    you cant, youre right!

    It began with a lunch with Past President Christina Corcuera. I hadcontacted Christina because I wanted to get active in the Jaycees.She had mentioned to me that current President Vivian Velasco,former Community Development Vice President for 2005, was look-ing for a Chairperson for the Simbang Gabi event. I responded bysaying, Whats Simbang Gabi? Being raised here in the UnitedStates, I was unfamiliar with the Filipino tradition. The event in-trigued me so I went for the Chairperson position.

    Simbang GabiDecember 16, 2005

    2006 CHAPTER VISIONThe Philippine New York Jaycees develops leaders through pro-

    grams that enhance our personal growth & development and culti-vates our ability to manage people and projects and empowers usto transform the world we live in through conscientious contribu-

    tions to our community

    An underlying goal of ours was to unify not only our fellow Jaycees,but other young Filipino professional organizations. We did this byworking with members of CORE, FAHSI, DiverseCity Theater Co.,and Kalusugan Coalition. I must say it was a great pleasure to workwith all of these organizations. Their enthusiasm, help, and contribu-tions really made my job a lot easier than I thought it would be. Fur-thermore, I cant say enough about how clutch it was to have CDVPVivian Velascos guidance and support.

    The event was a great success. I think a lot of people left the Philip-pine Consulate that night with a special feeling in them. To hear that

    our Simbang Gabi event was recognized as being in the top five ofthe state was really the icing on the cake for me. As the currentCommunity Development Vice President for 2006, the Simbang Gabievent is definitely one that I am looking forward to being a part ofagain. Thanks to everyone that helped me in my first event. I amsincerely appreciative of all of your contributions. I am looking for-ward to another outstanding year in the area of community service.

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees provides an avenue for young people to develop themselves as leaders, entrepreneurs and socially responsible individuals

    through business training, social activities and purposeful impact projects that benefit our local and national communities and the global world that we live in. Page 5

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    Volume XXXII Issue No. 1 February 2006

    DSA and Presidential Gala-Dec 9, 2005

    Message from Patrick P. Villavert

    2006 Individual Development VicePresident

    Philippine New York Jaycees, welcome to year2006. It is with great pride, humbleness andmuch pleasure to be of service as your chapterIndividual Development Vice President for thisvery exciting year.

    It is time to mix and mingle, mingle and mix.There will be a lot of social and networkingopportunities available for you this year. Ourmeet & greet networking social is on the last

    Friday of every month - bring a lot of business cards. Please feel freeto suggest a location for our next meet & greet.

    PRIME - the training of trainers. I highly recommend that you partici-pate in this State Level training which will be conducted around con-vention time in April. To this date, PRIME is the highlight and mostrewarding experience in my Jaycee life - let it be for you.

    "Share The Vision" - Can you believe there are Filipino Young Pro-fessionals who are missing out on the opportunities that the Jayceescan offer? It's true! Networking events, leadership trainings, projects,sharing ideas and seeing what makes others are just a small part ofthe benefits that we have enjoyed in the organization. This year, let

    us "Share The Vission" with our fellow Filipino Young Professionals."Share The Vission" of creating better leaders for better communities.

    I am looking forward to meeting all of you and most definitely wouldlike to hear about your thoughts and ideas concerning personal andprofessional development for 2006. Thank you for the opportunity toserve.

    Challenges from New York State1) MSVP Shonda Ranson challenges chapter to come up with a

    chapter membership packet. Deadline is Friday night ofconvention. Prize Business card holder for the membershiptable.2) CDVP Jonathan Kim inter region Debate competition. Eachchapter must sponsor a team. The winning team shall win abottle of Jack Daniels for the chapter.

    3) CDVP Jonathan Kim issues a challenge for a Regional BowlingTournament.

    4) Maarten Hoffman challenges chapters to complete 50 bed kitsfor Sleeping Children Around the World They will receive Dan-ish waffles.

    5) PP Scott Kingsley challenges Batavia, Buffalo and Rochester.First chapter with 10 paid registrants who are active chaptermembers to attend the April Convention will receive free sweep-ing and mopping services from PP Scott.

    6) From PP Ron Napierkowski Challenge to all chapter presi-dents. Need to grow by +6 for the quarter. If growth occurs, PPRon will bring dessert to each chapter. If growth does not occureach chapter will pay $25 to the NYSJC Foundation.

    Members in Focus

    Jaime Torrejon2006 Community Development Vice President

    Jaime Torrejon began his pro-fessional career with the NewYork Camps Office in January of2005. As with every agent thatrepresents The Camps Office ofJohn Hancock, he went throughextensive training in the areas of

    Life Insurance, Long-Term CareInsurance, Disability Insurance,and Group Health Insurance.Jaimes thirst to learn and master these areas of insurance planningallowed for his practice to grow without delay. He immediately beganservicing Filipino clients that had lost their agents; developed theskills to help individuals with their personal insurance needs; andadvanced his knowledge in helping businesses and associations withemployee benefits through joint work.

    Jaime was also very fortunate when beginning his career. His aunt,Vangie Panal, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF, with over 20 years of experiencein this industry, served as a mentor to him. Through her, Jaime has

    been able to acquire knowledge and expertise that most agents canonly attain through years and years of experience.

    Jaime Jose Torrejon was born in Davao City in the Philippines onDecember 19, 1982. In 1984; Jaime and his family moved to theU.S, Jaime took advantage of the opportunities given to him. Grow-ing up, he was a mainstay in the elementary school honors classes.Going to High School in Secaucus NJ, where he still currently re-sides, his passion for the sport of football took him to great heights ashe was named one of four varsity football captains, led his team to

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees provides an avenue for young people to develop themselves as leaders, entrepreneurs and socially responsible individuals

    through business training, social activities and purposeful impact projects that benefit our local and national communities and the global world that we live in. Page 6

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    Volume XXXII Issue No. 1 February 2006

    the state playoff semi-finals, and received numerous accolades, thehighest of them being named to 3rd Team All-State Group I in NewJersey in 1999.

    Choosing to take an academic scholarship from Rowan Universityover continuing his football career, Jaime again took full advantage ofthe opportunities evident in a college environment. In four years,

    Jaime became a brother in the Delta Chi Fraternity, studied abroad inSevilla, Spain, and graduated from Rowan Universitys College ofBusiness with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. Currently, hecontinues to actively participate in his community.

    Jaime hopes that his passion for helping individuals plan for the fu-ture leads to a successful practice. Jaime will continue to expand hisexpertise in the financial services industry, and eventually wants toaccomplish his future aspiration of earning the prestigious designa-tion of Certified Financial Planner (CFP).

    Krizteen Dulay - President Extraordinaire

    Krizteen Elizabeth A. Dulayjoined the Jaycees in 1999. Sheserved as Chapter President ofthe Philippine-New York Jaycees in2002 and is a recipient of theDon Cavalli Memorial Award bythe New York State Jaycees andthe Charles Kulp Memorial

    Award by the United StatesJaycees for Outstanding ChapterPresident in 2002. Krizteencurrently serves as New YorkState Jaycees GovernorChancellor for Region South. She graduated with honors from St.

    Johns University with a B.A. Degree in Government & Politics andminor in International Relations. Krizteen works for the AmericanEgyptian Cooperation Foundation as Public Relations ProgramsManager.

    Top of World in Metropolitan NY Region Director Willi Gamboa-

    Last year I had the honor of being Region Director for New YorkState Region South, which covers the New York City metro area. Mymain duty was to increase region membership by helping extend(i.e., create) new chapters. I also managed my District Director Jona-thon Kim of the Korean American Junior Chamber, and helped him

    manage the Presidents of the chapters in the region. For most of theyear we had six chapters: Hispanic, Korean American, Long Island,New York City, Philippine New York, and White Plains, among whichLong Island was a new chapter that was chartered in February 2005.Right at year end, we extended another chapter, the JCI CaribbeanNew York chapter.

    The experience of learning to deal with leaders from different cultureswas a very rewarding one. I became more polished and learned toface my fears. The experience was also very fun, since I enjoy bring-

    ing people from different groups together and creating a sense ofcamaraderie. Because of the greater involvement of chapters witheach other and the progressively increasing net growth of the re-gions membership base (40% net growth at year end), the regionwas ranked #4 in the nation for most of the year, as well as #1 inMarch. The year end standings have not been publicized yet, as theywill only be revealed at the national convention in Myrtle Beach in the

    middle of March. However our region is ultimately ranked for 2005, Iremain happy in the knowledge that I had achieved my main goal forthe region, and that was to increase our unity and cohesiveness.

    A member from the Past - Ray Villaflor

    Ray Villaflor is a Senior Benefits Specialist at Kornreich-NIA Group, afull service insurance brokerage firm ranked 9th in the US. Ray hasbeen in the insurance industry for 11 years specializing in EmployeeBenefits. He started his career with Empire Blue Cross Blue Shieldand joined United Healthcare in 2002. He graduated from StonyBrook University in 1995 with a dual degree in Economics and Busi-ness Management. Ray hails from Westchester, NY and is a prouduncle of two nephews, Reineer and Rylee and niece, Regine. Rayserved as our Chapters MSVP in 1998.

    Members Anniversary Months for 2006

    JAN Hector Concepcion, April DequitoTed Martinez Dr. Arnil Neri

    FEB Mabel Arenas Christina CorcueraOliver Guarino Vivian Velasco

    MAR Arnold de Jesus Darwin Ignacio

    APRIL Jocelyn Bernal Vicky Chang Almor Dayoan John Paul DemafelizKrizteen Dulay Elaine Magalona-DayoanTom Panzone Joe Valdez

    MAY Jaime Torrejon

    JUNE Patrick Villavert

    AUG Ares Ebreo Florina MonroyJosef Montanez Catherine Romualdez

    SEPT Gary Abasolo Willi Gamboa

    OCT Richard Aguinaldo Tina Cao

    NOV Marho Migrino

    Welcome to New membersJanuary members: Reggie Rosales

    Marjerie RosalesAprille Piamonte

    February members Reyangelo Honrade

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees provides an avenue for young people to develop themselves as leaders, entrepreneurs and socially responsible individuals

    through business training, social activities and purposeful impact projects that benefit our local and national communities and the global world that we live in. Page 7

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    Volume XXXII Issue No. 1 February 2006

    Happy Birthday to our celebrants!!JAN Elaine Magalona-Dayoan & Catherine RomualdezFEB Ares Ebreo

    Special greetings to Past President Nick Luna who recently cele-brated a milestone day. With over 100 guests at his surprise party, it

    was literally a whos who of Jaycee members from the past two dec-ade. PP Nick wishing you many more birthdays to come.

    Birthdays coming upAPRIL Mabel Arenas, April Dequito, Oliver Guarino, MarhoMigrino


    The Filipino nation mourns over the tragedy which struck BarangayGuinsaugon in St. Bernard, Southern Leyte.

    Massive landslides, triggered by an earthquake, buried more than300 houses in the village. The number of casualties is expected to bein the thousands even as about 1,500 are feared missing.

    President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has already ordered the immedi-ate mobilization of all government resources and coordinated reliefand rescue operations by sea, land and air have been launched bythe National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCCC).

    In response to the Philippine government's request for assistance,the United States government has dispatched two US military shipsand it will provide funds for the response efforts. The United Nations

    will send a special disaster team to assess needs in the calamityarea and the government of Japan will likewise provide relief support.The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Socie-ties had released emergency funds to address the needs of the suvi-vors.

    I wish to appeal to all Filipinos, friends of the Philippines and con-cerned groups and individuals to extend their helping hand to thevictims of this tragedy.

    Mark your calendars

    Philippine New York Jaycees-Afternoon of Bowling

    Location:Leisure Time Bowl, 625 8th Avenue,

    2nd Floor (South Wing), New York,NY (Port Authority)When: Saturday, March 11,1:00pmPhone: (212) 268-6909

    The Philippine NY Jaycees canalways be relied on to answer the call for assistance in the face of anational tragedy. The chapter is hosting an afternoon of bowling toraise funds to benefit the victims of the recent Leyte LandslideTragedy.

    We will collect check-only donations in behalf of the Philippine Em-bassy and the Philippine Consulate General of the Philippines in NewYork. Please make checks payable to the Philippine Embassy. Thereis a post-office in the first floor for those who wishes to purchase amoney-order.

    HOW TO FIND THE GROUP:Please look for JAYCEES signs or call Patrick @ 201.210.5322 whenyou get there.

    COST:Only the cost of your drink, food, bowling game, and shoe rental.

    DIRECTIONS:Take the A, C, E, 1, 2, 3, 7, N, W, Q or R trains to 42nd Street and

    Times Square, then follow the signs to Port Authority. We're on the2nd floor of the south wing.

    Take the D, B, or F trains to 42nd Street and walk west 2 blocks tothe Port Authority. We're on the 2nd floor of the south wing.

    Take the 4,5, or 6 trains to 42nd Street and transfer for the #7 to PortAuthority. We're on the 2nd floor of the south wing.

    CONTACT PERSON: Patrick Villavert, Individual Development VicePresident, Tel: (201) 210-5322 Txt: (347) 249-2049

    Tambuli StaffJocelyn Bernal, Editor in Chief

    Contributors: Vicky Chang, Elaine Magalona-Dayoan, Krizteen Dulay, Jaime Torrejon, PatrickVillavert ,Vivian Velasco

    You are all invited to contribute to the Tambuli.Deadline is every 10th of the month. Pictures andarticles are welcome!!!

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees provides an avenue for young people to develop themselves as leaders, entrepreneurs and socially responsible individuals

    through business training, social activities and purposeful impact projects that benefit our local and national communities and the global world that we live in. Page 8

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    Volume XXXII Issue No. 1 February 2006

    If you are looking for some convention, do join us on April 21-23.

    FOOD, FUN & FRIENDS By Vicky Chang, P.R.O.

    As an avid patron to many restaurants in thecity, I recently enjoyed the citys annual WinterRestaurant Week. I always try to take theopportunity to eat at the citys best restaurants

    during that week because a three-course mealfor $35 (dinner) and $24.07 is a steal. This year,my stops included Brasserie 8 1/2, Blue Smokeand Marseilles.

    Below are my assessments based on dcor,food quality, portion, and service.

    Rating: Excellent Very GoodGood

    Brasserie 8/12 (dinner) Overall Score:This restaurant is a typical upscale New York restaurant with beauti-ful dcor and ambience. When we entered, we went down a windingstaircase which led to a beautiful dining area. Finding the coat checkwas a little confusing, but we managed. Our waiter was attentive andknowledgeable. The food was good, but portions were small. How-ever, despite the small portions, our stomachs were somehow mi-raculously stuffed when we finished our meals (mustve been thewarm bread & butter). The cuisine is French-American. If you wantto impress out-of-towners or a date, this restaurant will fit the bill.

    Blue Smoke (dinner) Overall Score:Blue Smoke makes the all-American barbecue fare in a little moreupscale setting. The dcor is casual, and the atmosphere is loud &fun. The appetizers were good and the main courses (chicken &steak) were very good as well. One of my dining companions had theribs, but wasnt as impressed with his meal as our other friend & Iwere with ours. The desserts were excellent. I had the peanut butter

    mousse and one of my other dining companions had the key limepie. Portion size was good. We came out of the restaurant stuffed.Our waiter was nice and knowledgeable (especially about the steak).Before we left, our waiter gave us a little sample of desserts to takehome. This restaurant is a great place to have a fun, casual dinnerwith friends. Good for all ages.

    Marseilles (lunch) Overall Score:Heres another French restaurant with a more Parisian feel thanBrasserie 8 . The dining area reminded me of a typical Paris cafscene. bright, spacious, down-to-earth. The appetizers were good,main course and desserts were excellent. The portion size of eachcourse was just enough for lunch and was a little more than offeredat other French restaurants. We definitely didnt want to fall asleepwhen we returned to the office. Service was very good: attentive butunobtrusive. This restaurant is a nice neighborhood spot to catch uwith friends, but patrons at this restaurant were older. I think were theyoungest ones there.

    Meet & Greet Feb 24, 2006

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees provides an avenue for young people to develop themselves as leaders, entrepreneurs and socially responsible individuals

    through business training, social activities and purposeful impact projects that benefit our local and national communities and the global world that we live in. Page 10