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Post on 08-Nov-2015




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husky siberiano









PURPOSE.The manual has been produced with the intention notonly give information to its owner but also be aguide for the education of your dog through theunderstanding of the nature and origins of huskySiberian.Despite its resemblance to the wolf, husky is a loyal dogto its owner.However it is essential that frompuppy lives with humans, otherwisedo a little isolated and independent.Furthermore theylove nature and outdoor air so it isconvenient monitor them continuously so as not toescape, This and many more details will be discussed in thismanual you enjoy

General characteristics:

Group: Fifth Height at withers: 44-60 cm. Weight: From 22-30 kg.

Coat: All colors are admitted.

Average life: Twelve to thirteen ye a rs.

Car to character: Independent and prone to escape butfriendly and affectionate.

Or n relationship with CHILDREN: Very good.

Or n relationship with other dogs: Good.

Skills: Dog sled dog Neither company (not a goodguard dog).

Space requirements: Due to their car to character ru stico and hisgreat need to exercise what is best m to s i n a garden.

You need a lot of exercise or return to destructor.

SUPPLY or n: About 450 g.food (or n for racispecimens that do not do much exercise).

Arrangement:None.Simply brush three times a week.Toremove dead hairs and maintain its glossy coat.

For bathroom must use a special shampoo for dogsand then rinse with plenty of water to avoid leaving tracesdetergent: it should be dried with a towel firstthen with electric dryer to ensure yourhair is completely dry to avoid problemsskin moisture.

Maintenance Cost: Medium.Origins of the race.Siberian Husky history is closely linked to theGold Rush to the extent that it is probable that if notI had found gold in the region of Alaska would never haverace prospered.

The term husky, which means twisted, served principleto encompass all the sled dogs used by theinhabitants of these inhospitable lands.

As siberian husky breed is native to the endNortheast Asia and more specifically thetchukchos peninsula, bordered on the east by the riverKolyma, where the Inuit people lived chukcho or chukiaway from any contact with Western civilization.

Actually, not much is known about the tchhukchos or howciaban their dogs. However it is known that do admitin his personal life and that made a real choice.

Indeed suppressed most females bitafter birth and kept only the mostrobust, meanwhile leaving castrated malesintact only those who met the characteristicsworthy to devote to playing.

These practices, combined with natural conditionsextremely hard and isolatingEskimos, allowed the creation of a canine populationtype well defined and pure.

In July 1986 huge gold nuggets were discovered inYukon convergence of the Klondike, this I unleashedhuge competition from America to Alaska.

Soon hikers realized two thingswere essential to survive in the arctic soil,sugar and sled dogs.

First explorers has not made contact withthe natives which resulted from recognizing theirdogs and therefore their excellent qualities.

However they had to dip into what theyallow transport their basic utensils that wereutensils and tools, which was quiteheavy and bulky.

Home sheepdogs and even setters were used.Some kind used dogs smarter San Bernardoand Newfoundland, which at that time were devoted to transportationwood and were most appropriate to work in that climate.The native dogs were discovered gradually andthus appreciated its usefulness, however it was very difficultget them because they were prized by residentslocal. Also needed ability to educate and makeand a dog team to work efficiently.

This led to the birth of a new profession, that ofmusher, who were the main disseminators of dogslocal between the explorers. From the beginning they used themalamutes robust highly valued because they were able todrag heavy loads over long distances

Subsequently more speed and power would seekmaking crosses between malamutes and all races,thus gave way to the birth of local races, whichbetting they became popular quickly. Thesled racing became all fun whosesuccess continues today.

Nome became the capital of racing sledswhich was organized early last century a career650 kilometers. That's where it became important thechoice of dogs that covered the requirements to meetwith such a heavy commitment. Of course the huskieslived in Siberia at a relatively short distanceAlaska began to be the most wanted. The firstsearch for the huskies was a trader of Russian origin,William Goosak. In the beginning many people did not believe that thesedogs, so small compared to others could beworthy opponents in these races but his shot is notwill soon occupy the top spots. Finally John Johnson won the event with a throw of Siberian Huskies in1910 breaking the previous record. In 1914 repeat thefeat.

Leonhard Seppala, Norway subsequently win theTest 3 consecutive years.

Seppala began the most glorious period in the history ofSiberian Husky. The census of the breed was established bySiberian imports of great value.

Finally the race was consolidated throughout North America to1925. In January this year the town of Nome fella diphtheria epidemic, antibiotics were not enough.Necessary medications were sent from Anchorage rail, however could not continue beyondNenana (which is over 1000 kilometers from Nome)due to the difficult climate of that time of year. The onlyhope rested in the sleigh to deliver medicines.

Nineteen shots of huskies, ie, 163 dogs were surveyedto deliver the precious cargo through the intense coldalmost total darkness. Seppala also participated outNome.

The feat was quickly spread throughout North America andcame to erect a statue in honor of Balto in Central ParkNew York.

Of course this triggered huskye fever inNorth America because everyone wanted to meet thiswonderful breed so Seppala began a tourthroughout the United States during which ceded some of theirdogs.In 1930 the American Kennel Club recognized the siberian huskyas a race. In 1932 the sled was accepted as a sportdisplay at the Olympics.

In 1939 the popularity of the Siberian Husky crestedand founded the Siberian Husky Club of America with whichformalized the breed standard.

Meanwhile, in his homeland, things were not going so welland North America in the twenties came theautomation to these regions. The individual searcherswere displaced by large industries, linesrailroad grew and began to be used airplanesas more efficient transportation means even in thetoday.

Moreover the great depression of 1923 causedthe last adventurers leave the region thus givingend the golden age of the sled as the primary meanstransport.

It should be noted that the police and mail serviceThey continued to use sled dogs until the decade of thesixties.

Obviously in certain territories of many Indians and Alaskanatives continue using sleds and organizing racesbetween villages.In the forties crosses were performed with other dogsmake the fastest husky which caused a decaypure breed.

During World War Siberian husky againmake their appearance in France, 100 Siberian huskies wereimported from Nome with other sled dogs becausewere more discreet and difficult to detect than horses orother animals.

In the 50's came the first copies to otherEurope, mainly Switzerland, Norway and Germany. TheCinilgica International Federation recognized the husky in1966.

It is true that the appearance of wolf dog of this breed called theattention certainly reminds readings as FangWhite, Jack London, His eyes are another featurestriking breed.

Siberian husky behavior.This is definitely not a dog like any other, it isone of the breeds that resemble more the wolf, but notonly for their physical, but also for his personality. This iscurious but many people still find this similaritycause fear but as we know the wolf is not the creaturescary movies.

Far from being a bloodthirsty murderer Animal and lowintelligence wolf is a rather shy animal,extremely intelligent and is governed by a strict codesocial that allows you to live quietly in droves.

All sled dogs retain that featureindependence from other breeds, their instinctto pack and taste for hunting prove it. Since itsbeginning these dogs were used not only as petsshooting but also helped the Huskies to trace thehunting and approaches avoid wild animals.

The husky hunt for itself and if this instinct is toousually done quite strong escapist, unfortunately inlooking for adventure walks both times notfind the way back to hunting. Therefore it isimportant to get plenty of exercise, so iskeep you busy and will not be thinking disappear.Note that it is very good climber and fencesless than 1.50 meters. are not sufficient to contain it.

The Siberian Husky is not a fierce or aggressive dog butsometimes tends to fight with dogs who wantmaster. In ancient times it was considered to dogssled as very sociable animals and someproblematic, however it is important to note that inthose days there was no time for friendshipsthe difficult quality of life of the Indians and Eskimos.

In modern life the siberian husky, whether as a Dogcompany or dog racing is most friendlywith its owner, with the people you know and even with thedo not know. This human warmth is whatwhich makes it not very useful as a guard dog. Another of itsadvantages is that it is very good companion for children.

It has also been mentioned that today are mushersless harsh than those of the old days. Currentlyraces have reached very high levels of selectionemphasizing the psychological preparation in order toachieve the highest possible motivation and intimaterapport between the musher and his team of dogs.

With other dogs generally husky usually showReserved, do not fight entrance but if necessarywill respond to attacks.

They behave differently when it is in thestarting line of the race. In effect, the shot is in astate of tension and excitement to the fullest and dogany viewer that came too couldbe a bad memory.

Like all sled dogs (except Samoyed)the husky barks rarely - so again, do notmakes it suitable for guard -. However howls pack,although the meaning of that howling is still a mystery.

His great kindness, that sometimes falls into warm cordialitywith people and a very demonstrative affection with their environment,not to deny that the Husky also has a spirit ofpronounced independence, which fascinates manyrace fans. By well educated you are and whateveris the degree of intimacy that exists between the owner and he,always something unpredictable. Not always does whatis believed he will do or systematically responds to whatis asked, obeying orders as you think.

Apart from all that does not support loneliness and indifference, or you can be left alone in the house for a long time

if we see it intact again. With the husky lifepack charges a true dimension therefore the ideal isdo part of most of our activities. Inother huskies company accepts no problems thelife in kennels.

It is true that, given his character, the Siberian Husky doessupported the premise lie down and relax in the hot sun.As we have mentioned, have enormousneed for activity and boundless energy that onlychannel may be making long walks and otosexercises as discussed below. To get an ideamore accurate I commented that professionals dogs musttouring, sometimes 1800 kilometers in 11 days with aone day of rest, representing an average of 180Daily kilometers. Of course I'm notsaying that if your husky does not travel these distancesdaily will not be happy, it's just so you knowan idea of how active they are. If your idea is to have it locked up and not take him out invite you to reconsiderand better choose another quieter race.

Later I will give you some tips on what you can doyour husky, but always keep the idea that a huskytired is a happy dog.

The husky is a working dog in the cold and snow.When they realize that they will walk bustingjoy. Obviously the climate of Mexico precludes usgive you a taste of dragging a sled but as one cart oreven the bike where are we going?

The truth is that the husky is the best companion of thePeople who love sports like jogging,bike, run marathons, go camping and evenlong walks, if that's the case you can besure you have chosen the breed for you.

With regard to training the truth is that not one of thebest students, you will see not act as a German Shepherdor a Doberman. When I had the opportunity to trainhuskies in advanced obedience the first thing II have to take care is to be well assured that they cast not run without a leash for this firstDay use a long and very thin string if the case occurs. Run OutBut it is not difficult either obtain a degree quiteacceptable obedience, the secret is to understand theirnature and not push them too. Trainingmotivational gives excellent results with this breed.

Many people say that this dog can not be trained,the truth is that it is not true but if you need a lotpatience and care to achieve tangible results.

Ivan Michel Camacho UgaldePgina 1