term 1, week 7, 2013

[1] Kia ora Parents, Whanau, and Caregivers, We had some exciting arrivals last week...aer months of waiting we had 17 brand new i-pad minis arrive. These are great tools to support teaching and learning and will compliment our existing i-pads. We also hope to source some grants in the near future to purchase a further amount of i-pad mini’s so that each class in the school can have there own set to support teaching and learning. We also had a great event on during the weekend with several of our senior students competing at the Top Schools Competition. Thank you to all of the children and parents who supported the event on the day and turned up in the rain to cheer on the kids. Also, a huge thanks to Mr Page for the time he invested in preparing the team and for his commitment on the day, he looked the part in his Redband gumboots! We have an article on the day with some photos later in the newsletter so enjoy ;) Naku noa ra, Nik House - Principal Newsletter # 7 Wednesday 20th March, 2013 School Roll 277 UPDATE Teachers Paid Union Meeting Thanks to everyone for supporting our teachers last Friday so that they could attend the Teacher’s Union meeting. Last Friday, all teachers from Welcome Bay Primary and other Tauranga schools attended a stop work union meeting at Mount Maunganui. Aer the meeting and voting about our collective agreement, over 500 teachers met at Tay Street holding signs and showing our collective strength as professionals. Every Tuesday, schools around Tauranga are wearing yellow and purple t-shirts to show their collective strength stating “Stand up for Kids, Protect our Schools”. This week we send out a very warm welcome and Haere mai to our new team members at Welcome Bay School. George Kyd, India Keam, Jacob Carr We know you will fly in your life and learning at Welcome Bay School!

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School newsletter


Page 1: Term 1, week 7, 2013


Kia ora Parents, Whanau, and Caregivers,We had some exciting arrivals last week...a!er months of waiting we had 17 brand new i-pad minis arrive. These are great tools to support teaching and learning and will compliment our existing i-pads. We also hope to source some grants in the near future to purchase a further amount of i-pad mini’s so that each class in the school can have there own set to support teaching and learning.

We also had a great event on during the weekend with several of our senior students competing at the Top Schools Competition. Thank you to all of the children and parents who supported the event on the day and turned up in the rain to cheer on the kids. Also, a huge thanks to Mr Page for the time he invested in preparing the team and for his commitment on the day, he looked the part in his Redband gumboots! We have an article on the day with some photos later in the newsletter so enjoy ;)

Naku noa ra,

Nik House - Principal

Newsletter # 7Wednesday 20th March, 2013

School Roll


UPDATETeachers Paid Union Meeting

Thanks to everyone for supporting our teachers last Friday so that they could attend the Teacher’s Union meeting.

Last Friday, all teachers from Welcome Bay Primary and other Tauranga schools attended a stop work union meeting at Mount Maunganui. A!er the meeting and voting about our collective agreement, over 500 teachers met at Tay Street holding signs and showing our collective strength as professionals.Every Tuesday, schools around Tauranga are wearing yellow and purple t-shirts to showtheir collective strength stating “Stand up for Kids, Protect our Schools”.

This week we send out a very warm welcome and Haere mai to our new team members at Welcome Bay School.

George Kyd, India Keam, Jacob CarrWe know you will fly in your life and learning at Welcome Bay School!

Page 2: Term 1, week 7, 2013



Junior SchoolJunior SchoolJunior School

H a r a k e k e Tyreece Miller Being able to write his name by himself. You are trying hard in all areas. Awesome!

T o e t o e Te Waiora Kingi Amazing maths and reading. You are using problem solving skills.

K a p o n g a Denzel Thompson For the way you are role-modeling good choices in Room Kaponga. You are polite and respectful.

Kia kaha, you are flying high.

K o p u k a p u k a Tarawera Terry For your awesome progress and attitude in swimming. Kia Kaha Tawakura. You are 100% effort.

K a r a k a Makere Toki For being a helpful and kind person in Karaka. Makere is also putting in an awesome effort into


K o w h a i Melissa Jansen A fantastic effort at our swimming display. You are rolling on your back to breathe and can do a

whole length on your back! Ka pai.

Middle SchoolMiddle SchoolMiddle School

M ir o Romeo Newton For your positive contributions and amazing respectful manner in our class. Always ready for

learning! Ka pai!

M a n u k a

M a t a i Mereana Ringi For working hard at developing your reading skills. You show courage by attempting unknown

words. Ka pai!

K a h ik a t e a Manawaiti Walker For his hunger for knowledge within the classroom. Asking questions through our inquiry and Kia

Kaha to gain a deeper understanding.

Senior SchoolSenior SchoolSenior School

T o t a r a Kelly Ringi Always being willing to help and setting a good example to those around him

K a u r i Amy Mindham For being a great problem solver and being willing to explore different ideas in maths.

R im u Tamanui Pungatara For using expression in his oral reading. Also an excellent effort with all written Reading

Response activities. Kia maia Tamanui!

Attendance at School - Lateness At the end of last year we reported some information regarding our attendance and the fact that we need to improve our overall attendance percentage as a school. We are aiming for 95% attendance this year.

With a focus on attendance it is really important that we alert everyone to how important it is to be at school on time. Our learning for the day begins at 8:55am. However, all classes are open for children to prepare for the day from 8:40am. This is a time when children can get their homework completed, sharpen pencils, talk to the teacher, finish off some prior learning etc. It is a really important time for kids to mentally and emotionally settle into their day ahead.

If I arrive at work late I o#en take a while to settle in and sometimes feel a bit disconnected from what has been going on. It is the same for kids. Our tamariki need to be here before the bell to get themselves prepared emotionally, get there learning tools sorted for the day, and to connect with friends and the teacher.

It is really important that kids have the opportunity to start every day ready to learn. Please be vigilant in making sure your children are at school every morning on time so that they can prepare for the day of learning ahead. We want every child to be ready to FLY every day.

As a school community let’s make ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOL a priority ;)

Page 3: Term 1, week 7, 2013


Top School 2013When I first arrived at Gate Pa school in the morning to set up our gazebo, the arena was quiet and serene, but that was soon about to change. The field started to fill up with excited kids and expectant adults, the fair ground rides went up and last minute checks were made on the events - Top School 2013 was here.The Welcome Bay crew slowly started to arrive and we excitedly awaited the first event. But there was one problem, we were missing 3 boys. A few frantic calls later and it was apparent that we would have to default because we didn’t have enough boys. I was about to break the news to the team when up stepped Antonio Saipaia who was there to watch his brother Levi compete. A#er a couple of bribes Antonio agreed to join our team, even though he had never tried any of the events before.

Our first even was ‘thread the needle’. A fast paced activity that had everyone threading a broom stick ‘needle’ that was attached to a 20m length of hose, through a series of eyes. We did really well at this and everyone went hard. Luckily we had a bye a#erwards so they could have a rest. Unluckily, this was about when the rain decided to show up.

The next event was the horizontal bungy - and once again there was a problem. We needed to have 5 boys, 4 wasn’t enough. Once again a younger brother came to the rescue. Jovic Wilson was dra#ed in and I think we then had the only Y3 in the whole competition. For this event you have to run as fast as you can on slippery polythene while attached to a bungy, then you have to try and throw a tennis ball into a barrel. The kids really enjoyed this one and once again we did really well, beating the two teams we were up against.

Next was our best event of the day, the train tracks. The students roll an exercise ball along lengths of down pipe and really have to concentrate and use team work. They did awesome at this, in the pouring rain and blew the other teams away that they were competing against. Next came bigfoot. Another event that relies heavily on teamwork. Our girls were awesome in this one and really kept us in the race. Magic carpet came next and once again Jovic was in the thick of it as the all-important water carrier. Another great effort by our team.

Tiger woods was our second to last event. An event where you have to throw and catch golf balls. Our poor team were completely soaked and

shivering by now, but they kept going and didn’t complain once. Kia Kaha!

Finally, our last event of the day was the leaky bucket. They had to fill a leaky bucket then slide down a big water slide without spilling any and empty the remaining water in the barrel at the end of the slide. It was a fun way to end the day and they stuck at it right to the end.

I want to say a huge congratulations to the team and especially Jovic and Antonio for filling in. Although we didn’t win the day, everyone showed heaps of mana, and really lived up to the ideals of our school. Kia Maia Welcome Bay Top School team!

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Sports NewsIf you have any queries or can offer your time, skills, knowledge, or support in any way please do not hesitate to contact me via email:

[email protected] are some up and coming activities that are available for our children. Have a look and see if any may interest your child. Also check the notice board for sports info outside Tawa.

TriathlonsWeetbix Try-athlonWhen? 24th MarchWhere? Memorial ParkWho? Kids aged 7-15For more information visit: tryathlon.weetbix.co.nz

Tauranga Sports Junior Rugby Club RegistrationMonday 18th March from 6-7pm

Sunday 24th March from 3:30 - 5pmUnder 6's (5yrs old) to Under 13's (12 years old)Ages are as at 1st of January 2013, 12 year olds must present for ClubClub contact details at: www.sportsground.co.nz/tgasportsjuniorrugby –

Netball trialsNext Wednesday 27th March at lunch and a!er school, and Thursday lunch we will be having netball trials at school. Can all players please return their netball notices so we can plan exactly what teams to trial.

Sports ResultsVolleyballYr 5/6 Welcome Bay Hotshots Friday results. The Welcome Bay Hotshots displayed good teamwork and quick thinking and responding in their game against the Mount Maunganui Ballbusters. The game started very evenly, but in the end the final score was 49 - 56 in the Ballbusters' favour.  Abbey Troughton was player of the day for her great play all round and a super enthusiastic attitude!

The WBS Allstars played 2 back to back games on Friday and had some amaxing results. This team is flying and may end up going up a Grade very soon to compete at a higher level! Well done team! The results were:

Game one played Mount Slammers with a win 76 - 28Game two played TAKP (Te Akau Ki Papamoa) Setters with another win 90 - 15!

Flippa BallThe Welcome Bay Bombers had a very evenly matched game against Omokoroa Point School Flippers last Tuesday. Omokoroa took the lead at half time 4-2, but with some great defending in the second half by Amy Mindham and Jenna Warner they didn’t score again in the game. Unfortunately though despite some close opportunities we were only able to score one more goal in the second  half so lost the game 4-3. Amy Mindham was our player of the day for great defending, closely marker her opposition and a great intercept that lead to one of our goals.

Middle School swimming SportsPTA Sausage Sizzle this Friday

$2 sausage & bread$1 Moosies & Juicies

Order forms will be coming home Thursday

Helpers are needed at the BBQ area from 11.30am please

Page 5: Term 1, week 7, 2013


School AssemblyRemember that school assembly is held every

Friday from 9am in our school hall. This is a great way to celebrate student excellence and

you are warmly invited to join us.

Upcoming eventsFriday 22nd March: Middle Swimming Sports

Tuesday 26th March: South Cluster Swimming Sports

Friday 29th March: Good Friday (no school)Happy Easter Break

Wednesday 3rd April: School starts a!er Easter break

Friday 12th April: WBOP Swimming

Friday 19th April: Last day of term 1 Celebration Assembly

TERM DATES 2013Term 1 Monday 14th February -19th April

Term 2 Monday 6th May - Friday 12th July

Term 3 Monday29th July - Friday 27th September

Term 4 Monday 14th October - Wednesday 18th December

Newsletter by WEBTo check out our newsletter in full colour go to our school website

www.welcomebay.school.nz We will also have a calendar tool so you can see what is on at school throughout the year. ;)Check out the website and have a good look at the progress, it is looking great!

KICK Start: Transition to school programme

This programme is for both new parents and children starting at Welcome Bay School and runs for approx seven weeks . The intention of Kick Start is to provide an opportunity for both parents and beginning children to learn about school prior to starting.

NEXT SESSION: Monday 13th May @ 1:30pm (week 2)FOCUS: About our school - Prospectus Overview

Thanks to all of the parents who attended the Kickstart programme this term. It has been wonderful to meet

you all and we hope that you feel informed and prepared as you begin or continue your journey with

us and your child at Welcome Bay School.

Pupil Contact DetailsIn the course of a day there can be situations when we need to urgently contact parents or whanau. This is most commonly related to an injury or illness. There are times when this is urgent and of late we have had a few instances where we have needed to contact parents and either had incorrect details, or no details.

This is simply not safe for our students and can leave us in a difficult situation.

If your details have changed please let us know asap either by calling Cherie Stirling on 5441113 or by emailing Cherie on [email protected] Thanks for your support.