term 2, week 5 friday 21 may, 2021

Term 2, Week 5 Friday 21 May, 2021 Bellevue Hill Public School PH: 9389 3928 EMAIL: [email protected] Bellevue Hill Public School PRINCIPALS REPORT Reconciliation Week National Reconciliation Week (NRW) occurs on the 27 May - 3 June and is a chance for all Austral- ians to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Is- lander culture. Reconciliation Australias theme for 2021, More than a word. Reconciliation takes action, urges the reconciliation movement to- wards braver and more impactful action. National Reconciliation Week (NRW) started as the Week of Prayer for Reconciliation in 1993 (the International Year of the Worlds Indigenous Peo- ples) and was supported by Australias major faith communities. In 1996, the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation launched Australias first NRW. In 2000, Reconcil- iation Australia was established to continue to provide national leadership on reconciliation. In the same year, approximately 300,000 people walked across Sydney Harbour Bridge as part of NRW, to show their support for reconciliation. Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this journey are relationships between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 2021 marks twenty years of Reconciliation Aus- tralia and almost three decades of Australias for- mal reconciliation process. Today, NRW is cele- brated by businesses, schools and early learning services, organisations, and individuals Australia-wide. Reconciliation Week activities: As part of the Department, the Aboriginal Out- comes and Partnerships Directorate (AOPD) is conducting a Virtual NAIDOC week that will be streamed across five days from 21 to 25 June 2021. In addition, the Djamu Program offers opportunities for indige- nous students to learn about art, culture & vocational pathways. Year 6 student, Amina C will be participating in these workshops at the art gallery over two days during Reconciliation Week. BH Leading the Way: Professional Learning On Thursday afternoon, Bellevue Hill hosted a professional learning session on Teaching Reading for x50 early career teachers from fif- teen schools in the Bondi Network. Partici- pants were grateful to be given this opportuni- ty to learn together and network with col- leagues from different schools.. Next Monday, x60 participants consisting of Principals & Executive teams from schools across the Bondi Network will attend another professional learning session with the Director, School Leadership and Principal, School Lead- ership regarding school strategic planning 20212024. Excursion & Incursions Excursions and incursions have commenced again with Year 1 attending a visit to Vaucluse House and Year 4 having an exciting incursion with a planetarium being set up in the hall. Kindergarten are excited about their caterpil- lars & butterfly investigations at school as well as their planned excursion to Calmsley Farm which is occurring next week. Sue Bennett Principal

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Page 1: Term 2, Week 5 Friday 21 May, 2021

Term 2, Week 5

Friday 21 May, 2021

B e l l e v u e H i l l P u b l i c S c h o o l P H : 9 3 8 9 3 9 2 8 E M A I L : b e l l e v u e h i - p . a d m i n @ d e t . n s w . e d u . a u

B e l l e v u e H i l l P u b l i c S c h o o l

PRINCIPALS REPORT Reconciliation Week National Reconciliation Week (NRW) occurs on the 27 May - 3 June and is a chance for all Austral-ians to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Is-lander culture. Reconciliation Australia’s theme for 2021, More than a word. Reconciliation takes action, urges the reconciliation movement to-wards braver and more impactful action. National Reconciliation Week (NRW) started as the Week of Prayer for Reconciliation in 1993 (the International Year of the World’s Indigenous Peo-ples) and was supported by Australia’s major faith communities. In 1996, the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation launched Australia’s first NRW. In 2000, Reconcil-iation Australia was established to continue to provide national leadership on reconciliation. In the same year, approximately 300,000 people walked across Sydney Harbour Bridge as part of NRW, to show their support for reconciliation. Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this journey are relationships between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

2021 marks twenty years of Reconciliation Aus-tralia and almost three decades of Australia’s for-mal reconciliation process. Today, NRW is cele-brated by businesses, schools and early learning services, organisations, and individuals Australia-wide.

Reconciliation Week activities: As part of the Department, the Aboriginal Out-comes and Partnerships Directorate (AOPD) is conducting a Virtual NAIDOC week that will be streamed across five days from 21 to 25 June 2021. In addition, the Djamu Program offers opportunities for indige-nous students to learn about art, culture & vocational pathways. Year 6 student, Amina C will be participating in these workshops at the art gallery over two days during Reconciliation Week. BH Leading the Way: Professional Learning On Thursday afternoon, Bellevue Hill hosted a professional learning session on Teaching Reading for x50 early career teachers from fif-teen schools in the Bondi Network. Partici-pants were grateful to be given this opportuni-ty to learn together and network with col-leagues from different schools.. Next Monday, x60 participants consisting of Principals & Executive teams from schools across the Bondi Network will attend another professional learning session with the Director, School Leadership and Principal, School Lead-ership regarding school strategic planning 2021—2024. Excursion & Incursions Excursions and incursions have commenced again with Year 1 attending a visit to Vaucluse House and Year 4 having an exciting incursion with a planetarium being set up in the hall. Kindergarten are excited about their caterpil-lars & butterfly investigations at school as well as their planned excursion to Calmsley Farm which is occurring next week.

Sue Bennett Principal

Page 2: Term 2, Week 5 Friday 21 May, 2021

Merit Awards

Week 5

Kindergarten: Gigi K F, Joel L, Dasha S, Amaya G, Ivy K, Rafi L, Fintan R, Edie B, Charlie G, Alexa T Year 1: Diego R, Rina G, Lily J, Aaron G, Luna H, Nate S, Marlee C, Mark K Year 2: Nora R, Nadav M, Manvini M, Sophia L, Zev G, Mia G-S, Noa G, Alessia R Year 3: Ethan G, Samuel J, Daniel M, Lachlan S, Brendan L, Millie R Year 4: Mia B, Audrey S, Kian O, Shailee P, Lauren G, Madeline K Year 5: Dani F, Aaron F, Jasper DB, Ashley S, Lior M Year 6: Michelle F, Mia W, John Z, Marlon L, Leon D,

Languages Hebrew: Scarlet K, (YK), Noah W, Jake P (Y1), Jessica S, Leah M (Y2), Hannah G, Charli M (Y3), Leo W, Kira M (Y4), Caleb R, Mia G (Y5), Oscar F Jamie M (Y6) Italian: Alfie E (YK), Joshua H (Y2), Rachel J (Y3), Frankie H (Y5)


Yr K - Excursion Calmsley Hill City Farm

Tuesday 25 May

Years 5 & 6 Camp The Great Aussie Bush Camp

19—21st July

$100 Deposit due by Wednesday 9th June

Balance of $220 due by Wednesday 23rd June

To make a payment at any time go

to the school website:


Go to the top right hand corner— Make a Payment section

You only need to know your child’s

class/year and their date of birth, no need for a reference number.

Page 3: Term 2, Week 5 Friday 21 May, 2021

Student Wellbeing

In Yr 3

Grow Your Mind in a Karma Classroom

In Year 3, we have been combining the

Grow Your Mind breaths with the Karma Classroom yoga poses.

As we’ve been busy with NAPLAN over the past two weeks, we have used these strate-

gies to remain focused and calm.

We’ve loved introducing these Grow Your Mind Breaths and Karma Classroom cards

to the Year 3 classroom and look forward to exploring more of these strategies.

Elijah: “I like the elephant breaths because you get to stretch and use your whole

body. It makes me feel relaxed”.

Jessie F: “Snake breaths are fun and I feel really calm after them”.

Ella: “After I did the imagination vacation, I

felt optimistic and calm”.

Page 4: Term 2, Week 5 Friday 21 May, 2021

Interview with Basketball Star

Alex in Year 6

By Sports Prefect Oscar Last week, Alex in Year 6 had the privilege of participating in the BNSW TAP program This program is run by Basketball NSW to identify new talent and to try to grow kids into international level players. The program is run the same way as the Australian Basketball National and State teams training sessions. Alex was selected through a very competi-tive trial against hundreds of students from Sydney and NSW Country. Alex was delighted to be selected, especial-ly, as it was his 1st year of representative basketball for PCYC Spirits (based at PCYC Marrickville). There were a lot talented stu-dents and Alex feels honoured to have been given the opportunity.

How did you get into the NSW Basketball camp? I got invited to trial to get into the camp. There were so many talented kids, and they were re-ally tall. Initially I was intimidated but once I was on the court I had trust in my abilities and was really focused. How long did you stay there and what did you do? The camp was for three days and two nights. There wasn't much time to sleep. It was a full-on 3 days, which I loved. Five basketball ses-sions per day; athletic testing including the beep test and vertical jumping. There were al-so recovery sessions that included stretching and lots of rolling for our muscles. We also had 8 degree ice baths. These were really cold but helped my body heal and recover. Did you know anyone? Did you make any new friends? I knew a lot of others kids from games I’ve been playing for the Rep side, PCYC Spirits but I also met new friends. It was great to meet new basketball fanatics. I am so passionate about basketball. My parents say that I am ob-sessed with it, so it was great to meet so many like-minded people. The kids came from differ-ent places around NSW. Where did you sleep? We slept in a motel with 4 players per room. The groups were selected randomly which was a great idea because this also helped with meeting new people and to talk about basket-ball. Were the coaches strict? The coaches were strict at times and more re-laxed at other times. It depended on what we were doing. They want us to learn about being respectful and disciplined because these are important qualities athletes need if there is any chance of being successful and playing in the NBL. What did you get out of the camp? I learnt that being respectful is important in life and especially on the basketball court. To be a successful athlete, you need to be committed, take care of your body and never give up. There are a lot of talented kids out there, much better than me, so if I want to make it to the top I need to be disciplined and to train hard.

Page 5: Term 2, Week 5 Friday 21 May, 2021

Parent Tutor Reading Program

We are delighted to announce that we have restarted our fantastic Parent Tutor Reading Program. For this program to give maxi-mum benefit to students we ideally want to provide 3 tutoring sessions per week for each child on the program. Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient tutors to provide all the help we would like. From Monday, our trained volunteers began working with students to develop their reading skills, both in decoding and comprehension. These tutors give up their time to assist the students of Bellevue Hill Public School. I am most grateful for their help and we look for-ward to welcoming them into the school. There will be a another training session on 28th May 2021 at 9.30am. If you know of anyone who would be able to assist for at least 30 minutes per week please have them contact Mrs Beck either through the office or via email – [email protected] We hope that soon we will be able to wel-come many more volunteers to enable us to provide more support for students.

Quick Links and Useful tips

Uniform Shop Order online at any time, your order will be delivered to your child’s classroom once it is processed. https://bhpsus.myshopify.com/ Lunch Orders Delivered to school from Monday to Thursday by Botany Bites. Download the flexischools app to place your order. Before and After school care Available Monday to Friday from 7.30am and til 6pm after school. http://kidsclubosh.com.au/bellevue-kids-club.html Sentral Parent Portal Notify your child’s teacher of any absences from school or download their semester reports Portal - Login (sentral.com.au) After school activities Check out the school website to see the range of activities available to enrol in after school at BHPS After school activities - Bellevue Hill Public School (nsw.gov.au) Go With The Flow You need to be registered to use the GWTF system to drop off or pick up your child outside the school Email [email protected] Band, Music Lessons and Choir Please contact Jennifer Barrett via email at [email protected] for more information about lesson availability and fees. If you have any further questions our

school website has a wealth of information for you!