term two brochure.pdf

WILLIAMSTOWN ROAD CORONATION STREET SCARBOROUGH BEACH ROAD HALE ROAD WEAPONESS RD ALVER ROAD EWEN STREET Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation TERM TWO 2 01 5 TIMETABLE The Maranatha Centre is the Adult Faith Formation agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth. Maranatha is for anyone seeking to enrich their understanding of their faith in an interactive, friendly and assignment/exam-free environment. Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation Located at Newman Siena Centre 33 Williamstown Road DOUBLEVIEW WA 6018 Phone: (08) 9241 5221 Fax: (08) 9241 5225 Email: [email protected] Web: www.maranathacentre.org.au Director: Dr. Michelle Jones P: 08 9241 5220 E: [email protected] Office Manager: Tracy Stevens P: 08 9241 5221 E: [email protected]

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    Maranatha Centrefor Adult Faith Formation

    MaranathaCentre for Adult Faith Formation


    2015T I M E T A B L E

    The Maranatha Centre is the Adult Faith Formation agency of the Catholic Archdiocese

    of Perth. Maranatha is for anyone seeking to enrich their understanding of their faith in an interactive, friendly and

    assignment/exam-free environment.

    Maranatha Centrefor Adult Faith Formation

    Located at Newman Siena Centre33 Williamstown RoadDOUBLEVIEW WA 6018

    Phone: (08) 9241 5221Fax: (08) 9241 5225

    Email: [email protected]: www.maranathacentre.org.au

    Director:Dr. Michelle JonesP: 08 9241 5220E: [email protected]

    Office Manager:Tracy Stevens

    P: 08 9241 5221E: [email protected]

  • Gods Gracious Presence in Creation:Forging an Evolutionary Christianity

    On: Tuesdays 28th April 9th June From: From 10.00am 12.30pm (6 Classes) (No Class 19th May)With: Mr John AuerAt: Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview

    Almost one hundred years ago Teilhard de Chardin began his momentous exploration of the ramifications of an evolutionary worldview from within a Christian framework. In the succeeding decades, as scientific discoveries have challenged long held theological views, Christian thinkers have engaged in a process of articulating a reasoned response which integrates science and their Christian faith. Come explore these exciting developments through the writings of contemporary Christian thinkers including Elizabeth Johnson, John Haught and Denis Edwards. Evolutionary theology suggests that the body of Christ, which in a real sense includes the whole cosmos, is still in the process of being formed (John Haught).

    Psalms for TodayOn: Wednesdays 29th April 17th June From: 10.00am 12.30pm (8 Classes)With: Sr Shelley Barlow, RNDM At: Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview

    We celebrate the Psalms integral to Jewish and Christian prayer. The Psalms give voice to all the cries and deep intuitions of the human heart. This course considers their unabashed images of God and spirituality, their beauty, poetry, rigour and power to refresh every generation.

    Jewish-Christian Relations in the Light of Vatican IIOn: Wednesdays 6th 27th May From: 1.00pm 3.30pm (4 Classes)With: Rabbi Sheryl Nosan-LantzkeAt: Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview

    Christianity and Judaism share a long and complicated relationship as sister traditions and religions. Vatican II redefined the relationships between our faiths and peoples; how and why did this change occur? What did Vatican II mean 50 years ago, how has it shaped Jewish-Christian relations over the last decades, and what does it mean for us today? Explore with Rabbi Sheryl Nosan-Lantzke in lively interfaith exploration and discovery!

    daytime courses

    Psychology and Spirituality: Discovering the Link

    On: Thursdays 21st & 28th May From: 1.00pm 3.00pm (2 Classes)

    With: Sr Jacqueline Jones, SJAAt: Albert Lynch Room, St Benedicts Parish, 115 Ardross St, Applecross

    Much of todays research tells us that we cant aspire towards psychological growth without also aiming at spiritual maturity. The end goal of every human person is to grow in his or her capacity to love with less and less interference from our tendency towards selfishness and self-centredness. To guide us, the course will use both psychological concepts and examples as well as experiences from Christian mystics.

    The Story of Early Christianity: On: Fridays 1st May 19th June From: 10.00am 12.30pm (8 Classes) With: Dr Robert Andrews At: Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview

    This course introduces students to the history and development of early Christianity. From its foundations in Palestine, it examines the way in which early Christianity related to the Jewish tradition, the Greek and Hellenistic contexts and the power of the Roman state. It is from these contexts that we will see how Christianity also shaped and influenced the world around it from the first to the sixth centuries. From the rise of the Church, to the development of Catholic theology and the theological debates of early Christianity, students will experience how the humble followers of a Jewish carpenter came to shape the foundations of the modern world.

    Gods Gracious Presence in Creation: Forging an Evolutionary Christianity

    On: Mondays 4th May 15th JuneFrom: 7.00pm 9.00pm (6 Classes) (No Class 18th May)

    With: Mr John AuerAt: Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview

    See daytime course description

    On Earth as it is in Heaven:The Living Liturgy of the Church

    On: Tuesdays 5th May 26th MayFrom: 7.00pm 9.00pm (4 Classes) With: Dr Margaret Scharf, OP At: St Jerome Parish, 36 Troode St, Spearwood


    On: Wednesdays 6th May 27th MayFrom: 7.00pm 9.00pm (4 Classes) With: Dr Margaret Scharf, OP At: St Simon Peter Parish, Cnr Prendiville Ave & Constellation Dr, Ocean Reef

    The Liturgy of the Church is a living entity, constantly evolving according to the movement of the Holy Spirit, in order to give expression to our praise and worship of the Trinity. What are the key elements of the Liturgy which remain unchanging? How has our human history played a part in shaping the way we celebrate Liturgy? This program will lead participants through the story of worship in the Catholic Tradition, the spirituality and theology of the Eucharist, the Prayer of the Church, and other devotions. As an added treat, we will discuss the thread of music which weaves itself through the whole liturgical story.

    The Gospel of Luke:In remembrance of his mercy

    On: Wednesdays 6th May 27th MayFrom: 7.00pm 9.00pm (4 Classes)

    With: Sr Clare Sciesinski, PBVM At: Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview

    Lukes Gospel is one of joy, encounter and transformation. We will explore Lukes presentation of Jesus as the fulfilment of the hopes and promises embedded in the Hebrew Scriptures not only for the people of the first century but also for us today. It is the story of our search for mercy, liberation, freedom and salvation through the characters of this Gospel who, through their faith, hope and love discover Jesus and are transformed by him.


    A Woman for Our Times

    On: Friday 1st May until Sunday 3rd MayCost: $50.00 Keynote speakers: Bishop David Walker (Emeritus Bishop of Broken Bay) and Fr Greg Burke, OCDAt: Infant Jesus Parish, 47 Wellington Rd, Morley

    A conference to celebrate the 500th birthday of St Teresa of Avila and to seek her spiritual wisdom for today. The conference begins with wine, cheese and chorizo on Friday evening, and concludes on Sunday evening with Mass. The conference is being co-facilitated by the Maranatha Centre and Infant Jesus Parish.

    eCONFERENCE Religion: Catalyst for Violence or Peace?Probing the Abrahamic traditions for answers

    On: Tuesday 23rd JuneFrom: 10.00am 2.30pm (No charge, lunch provided)At: Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview


    On: Saturday 27th June From: 10.00am 2.30pm (No charge, BYO lunch) At: St Thomas More Parish, Cnr Dean &

    Marsengo Rds, Bateman

    Keynote Speakers: Mohamad Abdalla, AmyJill Levine, Dorothy Lee and Terry Lovat

    This eConference will tap into interfaith issues surrounding the three Abrahamic traditions:

    Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The aim of the eConference is to explore the potential for these

    traditions to cultivate peace in a world that associates religion with violence.

    evening courses


    online course

    Maranatha CentreEnrolment Form TERM TWO 2015

    Name: _____________________________

    Address: ____________________________

    __________________ Postcode _________

    Phone: _____________________________

    Mobile: _____________________________

    Email: ______________________________

    Course Title(s): _______________________




    Course Costs:

    Eight Week Courses $50.00

    Six Week Courses $40.00

    Four Week Courses $25.00

    Three Week Course $20.00

    Two Week Course $10.00

    Payment can be made by cash or cheque at the Maranatha Office or by direct credit to:

    Maranatha Centre: BSB 086-006 Account 48 267 1818 Ref: Surname

    To Enrol: Return or post to Maranatha Centre Newman Siena Centre 33 Williamstown Rd DOUBLEVIEW WA 6018 or Phone (08) 9241 5221 or Email [email protected]


    Who Do You Say I Am?Exploring the Person,

    Life and Message of Jesus

    On: Tuesdays 12th 26th May From: 7.30pm 8.15pm (3 Classes)

    With: The Maranatha Team

    No matter where you are, you can join in this live, interactive online course! This course takes a loving gaze at the person of Jesus. As well as looking at Jesus as a man

    of his times and the Scriptural presentation of Jesus, we will explore how Christian minds over the centuries have expressed what it means for Jesus to be both God and man and

    the centrality of Jesus to the Christian spiritual life.