the constitutionalist. - · ral pt-ces. she dlaorrtml it i m lost t» ' £1 i?...

JERSEY. TEIUO—TWO MHJUBIIH1 PKOFKSIOMAL CAKDS. s w a JMit W. DAT, SOMERSET HOTEL, c.tiiiiniiiEuiiia.iiniriiiiiiitii. BUSINESS CABDS. I*. P.V»uir«dnlc PIANO TUNER. SEES Jas. M. Dunn, GEOCEEU5S. PROVISIONS, refetobltt, Fruits. eU: No. We Park Ay OPtOuMTK NOBTH AYXBUM.' THORBUHH k GO'S GARDEN SUDS, JOHN CHANDLER, ..UTtlSS * HUM3LER. Butter* e g g s & f» roduce. ll»li ..< «U Hindi, IOITIAU INRlUa KTIIIIIUWI. C*. W. FORCE, FAIL AND WINTER STOCK Boots and Suoes at Low Prices I I f V « M r » n t , •9-. •W r . FORCE. TO m PUBLIC ! LBHIGH COAL, Fi-iah from the A.B.C00K&BE0. J. Hervey Doane, 6 PARK AVENUE. Watches, Clocks THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. N. J- hrHTJ'RSTJA.Y. FBBBTJJSLEY 19.1891> JSLE 8. HOTiLfc ASD SALOONS. FORCE'S HOTEL ORTH AVENUE, \B •AH. .re>i SSMT HOTEL, Dime S i i h p Institutloa Faints, Varnishes. Glass. WALL PAPERS! Woolaton PAINTERS, Wall Papers, LEWIS a CODDISGTOH, 'tare aii Freiikt JijrtH! C.E.&J.W, BROWN, WTLLPAPER. MlNfKtumi if Window Sildtl, A. M. ,S EQUINE, Livery Stables ! Mr. D. 8. ROBERTS IRT NOIRTH AVENUE, FfljE Star and Merchants Star and Merch And Jewelry.' *"$m°&£ .pslrlog aeslly and] promptly ( SSSsSsSSSrf"* SiTEAN H-USB Steam. Marble Or*init« Work*. I Orinlt* «wum Alex; WiHett. DUI.I1!. BOOT» 1 IHOU, lit*. •«»M.TM Afniw. K • ***. . , i i - ***" WILLIAM A.WOODRUFF, FIRE AID LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Want. ftHtSl.iiiPirtA ; PLAINFIELD, N- J- ttallttate fir Sale ilukaut MONEY TO LOAN J. O. Pope <fc Cfo* German American Ins. Oo. ol Mnr Turk. ; B77ILDIJTG LOT§ s. runBTMXT, 1ST. "D._ Fmk ul Sail Hall, PMIBI, BS Mis. SCRIBNER •HIM NEWTOHS SCHOOL FOR GIBLS 1X0 KINDSRGAKTIH, H. EOSERDINfl, •Vo. 17 Park A-venue, PL.AINFIELD. N. J. AIHTK&8 * PAINTSKSSTJFPUBB JL. SWALM, WM. B. RANDOLPH, PBACTICAL BAUBSB, *jn> ArUitlo Hair Dresser, . M ' A I K AVINUI, T. J. GILLIE*. lutineer&Beallitatuieit. 4BSBB3?—•"""" Parlor StOTes, B ANOE9, M Timothy Seed. SOUH Furnishing* O»™1 J. J. HEIDELOFF. C1MEY BEOS., Ag'ts, 11 SOMERSETST. CANOPIES 'or Weddinen, Parties, Etc., TO H1BE. CEUI&ES 1EUW11ILE 3ugo Weigman, M1A8T rkOMT.TtaaT. PLllSM.LI GRAPE WINES, fNFERKENTED C TINNERS, PLUMBERS, I CAS FITTERS. PARLOR STOVES. COOK STOVES, HEATERS. AO-M fOBAQCXl, 8 InO-is.Y.tW Of M. FINK, Mlir U •i«"i * MBB»U> 9BOAB.81I- this moment. Ills talker's whole prop- er^ is In his bands, sadtanUwealth;. So t hardly think ha is looking wtth 'and, bats*; 3 W m « wn turn of mind, h. thinks It Keys of All Kinds ire Bbdc Here. Tinware Made to Order. Ranges, Brick and portable Furnaces SANITARY riA'MKINU. air of it by baring- JOBpermit u_ fallow.'a. you call hlnvlogotoeoort •afl allow Urn lo make bis plea. I doB-t aak to pmulse yoor band to - "1 ha has done thia-oot yon rt- th*r*is s.^dofT 1 aT aot *HH won u* foiBf la ifcUin IOT. matter yon rci)uire we can bt Of terrice to you; whether it be >TOB win doabU*ss fall Inlor* with -"SU££ Speer's Part Grape Wine, FOI-K «BUB* lll.W. Yes—If JOB ksip wuttr Uraoaai '*'' Mr. HoAMer ataslaal | n t l « M i i rfujii (»afciissi i, and be hsa sKmna a> *MaUeBt Maeb- who will b> hare s m * U s . n-x> WMk. H* will mill* hi* hi-me withM md win dcroto hi. whol* Um. to ion. will p«7 him w.u lor It, sad win |i MMn ano a* Boskwoed. yon ustod, hart rteat Walts* OnilaZtorI hs.. SANITARY PLUMBING, TIN BOOHI&, Mtsvte i n i i t . ud ihnaftl ksr hjdter -swfally go—.' aa4 w—t back 4. FWAGR*NT OFFERING. 7*ss thas—|BSSJSM, taw Injl s t t v Graham ha waoM), I stakll (o wlih- T'dsw.- ssU Ltwyrr M«Alrt«, . *1«W1BC hi* Int* dmacwMr with 21±S? •tib, j « . - pmMd ra ihink then Li mTHll toUiW> fellow on think h* m i d bs m p__ snd Tiro wonld auke s nrilsr »&Ur of It, wttfcmt uf loTe t* . udwflt to, ho. t h Hl it t <> Ui fOK GIRLS AND BOYS HOW DOES HE COME AND GO'. •cr in Lh* t v « s & aM Wvnd H»iU H learned L> b o U f M H t W . "A t V«,- MiwJ. -M ' I t h l WTV.S. lo«r »h« i it Pro*. -UMIJ th* baftanLBC. ProL Bannawsll not oolj b—«ht Slinnls aulc and bouaj. but lor». It *as 'sssfw berto*T • * - cmtkwflrowBad, Bar her tosderlj. "Then, littl* OBB, if jo* lore me sa ti-alr, TOU esm tcnWa u In i UU1* as tried to tie ber Idektsg" egal Bo she wae t™t wrapped is an •Id shawl, that the eorda might not hurl tr. Diesaed in this way, aad riding In boggy, shelooked so mwih lib* tha letarf in your book that we all said: This little pigwenyji market," Tbougfa her new home was as elee ss pen eould be. the little pig diJ not u aDd^my w»j home." tar » mjKlf, U ibe would lun noppnl ^.ll^to^ For rimr-. bit bnmcr t^de isd bsen three miles iong. HoweTer. •Yrs. Walter Glmaam. 1 not forget the. gotten and refowd fu >«e rgiir father wrote, ashlpg m ^ut nlat th* mrt'DI e om*J~rl»r fur time uul •tatlnr th» oase H it stoed. TI u !«•! v- 1 b»d reorlved s thevoagfa _. aledniMtloa In Umun<. which enabled mr to pi o; tar part welL I JM t »ed to-Ui^ttai,^. th,™ w « - o dmnmr of TOW rwoKolcne me. and yonr^ther and motlwr * harm, should beallowed the fres- of the barn-yard. At last she So. when Kai-i.T went to th* lake (01 u PifK l tttd bhid Ul igiy with yon." Jost thenUr father came In. "So ho!" be cried, "you hare 0 . adad to aooept that horrid. Inipniient, ell. well, I am glad that things hare \y- Take her. Prof. " " r half as good wife as iba fa daughter, to .pile of her a pr repml haring tangbtnmdo. j girl, "Sow. pkase abow u B TOD HOW gMat |D> 1 oft*! il friends spsak of them.' mir, old IsUow- Mj waj, jot ""TWS an itgM. To wo«rt • 7 glTfnt ••"» (*h>* m ^ J 0 " •if IB' the panlrj, wDI JosT It's I d h - H n she slept was this: A p«le little boy, oat of ranoing. bunt it th tt ft I h g t u t after I There was s l hm-h'wrth dintDg-room the lamp t into the dintDgroom had lighted the lamp, ittl tbU i hi i prodwida . lor ao eignt-yMr-old 007, Foldrng J. •fully, b* laid it .way I>1 a a n a - of book-enpboam. whers ht oftsa pots thing,torsr- k*epteg. iTben TridsT DUBS, aad ha weot to g v t ^ i i paper, it mrm Tbs whl frit >Mi eonld apt be (oond; ited UttK baj had to ml Iti |4 then wu gleaning, b. sKa fouBd MTery pntty H mtbefibttomof an mad. o l « i . . U u « ( paper loloaaly packedfevether.Tbe writing on tbe stripe sUfrVtad her at- -- ion: Bad, after eanh|ly mat<- ' ral pt-ces. she dlaorrtml it I M lost ' £1 i? ESPIONAGE IN FRAi'CE. e Third Kepablic U u fmr tb*n u y prrrtoos F m r h rtinmn. «aj» _ -.w inthe FhOadehAia Tlnuu. from Uil derp taint erf whit the FYeorl r> watea rm Bore alosely roand tbe stire populatioa thaa has m t bsu le ewe InSt. Petersbarv Ertdmna [ this fanmight easily be foond In the Kret history of the Boolangiat n,. -__nriBd Ingbytoroii m hut. Kakimo Ray and , fm for nsp^ dog Bnjder from riew! t j Aeor neighbor a sedocttTe yoango anrd«ra=rat<-hedhi.»VrouVsndrsB ' an, -rit). whom ht enters ^ _ ™ " r " llls.bl1Bil as a unail 0 !^ oouf* " "'j dikpl»y» IMrow. of glitt«W *«^ :ay r Soon s .ery . Hrally enough, iwr TUIVT ImlgllMW this 'itlle f^oe ** all <kMbr out of that bright, "aaj. •Urlingr' I vrwB dm tni*re at lioerty. r,anny s hm^iMf f.^ ^^^ ihpldf Ttir—am Two »™u m*AMMMmi •*•**]•- bat Dangv by mistake, she was trsatod ^^H^^^%i^ «••»••*"•• xtoetor* (*« w«J Editor—Thg klea! * was far fetched.—«• of HtroUer at MoBt rashli j "n. what *as i Daehley— Way, haaatshhsit a I was al aj t a gnat Doctor—Thsa why in thaodar da yaa J«rj. "*___ -Peapls wosll say that be was •saTaki i SmalL" asked a aroapaetrn •r. -whkl ia your ebar«s per i " _iH-*J_Ii r ?i 11—»•

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Page 1: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. - · ral pt-ces. she dlaorrtml it I M lost t» ' £1 i? ESPIONAGE IN FRAi'CE. e Third Kepablic U u fmr tb*n uy prrrtoos Fmrh rtinmn. «aj»






JMit W. DAT, . j . j . .

SOMERSET HOTEL,c.tiiiiniiiEuiiia.iiniriiiiiiitii.


I*. P.V»uir«dnlcPIANO TUNER.



refetobltt, Fruits. eU:





Butter* e g g s & f» roduce.l l » l i ..< «U Hindi,



FAIL AND WINTER STOCKBoots and Suoes at Low Prices

I I f V « M r » n • t ,

•9-. •Wr. F O R C E .



Fi-iah from the


J. Hervey Doane,






•AH. • .re>i



Dime S i i h p Institutloa Faints, Varnishes. Glass.



Wall Papers,


' tare aii Freiikt JijrtH!


WTLLPAPER.MlNfKtumi if Window Sildtl,


Livery Stables !Mr. D. 8. ROBERTS


FfljEStar and MerchantsStar and Merch

And Jewelry.' *"$m°&£.pslrlog aeslly and] promptly ( SSSsSsSSSrf"*


Steam. MarbleOr*init« Work*.

I Orinlt* «wum

Alex; WiHett.DUI.I1!.


lit*. •« »M.TM Afniw.

K • ***. . , i i - ***"




ttallttate fir Sale ilukautMONEY TO LOAN

J . O. P o p e <fc Cfo*

German American Ins. Oo.ol Mnr Turk. ;


s. r u n BTMXT,

1ST. "D._

Fmk u l Sail Hall, PMIBI, BS





H. EOSERDINfl ,•Vo. 1 7 P a r k A-venue,



JL. S W A L M ,



ArUitlo Hair Dresser,. M ' A I K AVINUI,




Parlor StOTes,B ANOE9,

M Timothy Seed.

SOUH Furnishing* O»™1


C1MEY BEOS., Ag'ts,



'or Weddinen, Parties, Etc.,TO H1BE. CEUI&ES 1EUW11ILE

3ugo Weigman,M 1A8T rkOMT.TtaaT. PLllSM.LI












Of M. FINK,Mlir U • i « " i * MBB»U>


this moment. Ills talker's whole prop-er^ is In his bands, sad tan U wealth;.So t hardly think ha is looking wtth

'and, bats*; 3 W m « wnturn of mind, h. thinks It

Keys of All Kinds ire Bbdc Here.

Tinware Made to Order.

Ranges, Brick andportable Furnaces


air of it by baring- JOB permit u _fallow.'a. you call hlnvlogotoeoort•afl allow Urn lo make bis plea. IdoB-t aak j « to pmulse yoor band to

- "1 ha has done thia-oot yon rt-

th*r*is s .^dofT 1 aT aot* H H wonu* foiBf la ifcUin IOT.

matter yon rci)uire we can btOf terrice to you; whether it be

>TOB win doabU*ss fall In lor* with


Speer's Part Grape Wine,FOI-K « B U B * lll.W.

Yes—If JOB ksip wuttr Uraoaai

' * ' ' Mr. HoAMer

ataslaal | n t l « M i i rfujii (»afciissi i,and be hsa sKmna a> *MaUeBt Maeb-

who will b> hare s m * U s . n-x>WMk. H* will mill* hi* hi-me with Mmd win dcroto hi. whol* Um. to ion.will p«7 him w.u lor It, sad ; « win

|i MMn anoa* Boskwoed. yon u stod, hart

rteat Walts* OnilaZ tor I hs..



Mtsvte i n i i t . u d ihnaftl ksrhjdter -swfally go—.' aa4 w—t back


7*ss thas—|BSSJSM, taw Injl

s t t v Graham

ha waoM), I stakll (o wlih-

T'dsw.- ssU Ltwyrr M«Alrt«,. *1«W1BC hi* Int* dmacwMr with


•tib, j« . - pmMdr a ihink then Li

mTHll to UiW> fellowon think h* m i d bs m p _ _snd Tiro wonld auke s nr i l s r»&Ur of It, wttfcmt u f loTe t*

. u d w f l t to, ho. th H l it t <> Ui fOK GIRLS AND BOYS


•cr in Lh* tv«s& aM Wvnd H » i UH learned L> b o U f MHtW.

"A t V « , - MiwJ. - M™ ' I t h l

WTV.S.lo«r »h«i it Pro*.

- U M I J th* baftanLBC. ProLBannawsll not oolj b—«ht Slinnlsa u l c and bouaj. but lor». It *as

'sssfw ber to *T • * -cmtkwflrowBad, Bar

her tosderlj."Then, littl* OBB, if jo* lore me sa

ti-alr, TOU esm tcnWa u I n i UU1*

as tried to tie ber Idektsg"egal Bo she wae t™t wrapped is an•Id shawl, that the eorda might not hurltr. Diesaed in this way, aad riding Inboggy, she looked so mwih lib* thaletarf in your book that we all said:This little pig wenyji market,"Tbougfa her new home was as elee sspen eould be. the little pig diJ not

u aDd my w»j home."

tar » mjKlf, U ibe would l u n noppnl^.ll^to^ For rimr-. b i t bnmcr t deisd bsen three miles iong. HoweTer.

•Yrs. Walter Glmaam.

1 not forget the.

gotten and refowd fu >«ergiir father wrote, ashlpg m^ut nlat th* mrt'DI e o m * J ~ r l » r fur• time uul •tatlnr th» oase H it stoed.

TI u !«•! v- 1 b»d reorlved s thevoagfa_ . aledniMtloa In Umun<. whichenabled mr to pi o; tar part welL I JM

t »ed to-Ui^ttai,^. th,™ w « - odmnmr of TOW rwoKolcne me. andyonr^ther and motlwr *

harm, should be allowed the fres-of the barn-yard. At last she

So. when Kai-i.T went to th* lake (01u PifK l t t t d b h i d Ul

igiy with yon."Jost then U r father came In."So ho!" be cried, "you hare 0 .adad to aooept that horrid. Inipniient,

ell. well, I am glad that things hare\y- Take her. Prof.

" " r halfas good • wife as iba fadaughter, to .pile of her a

pr repml haring tangbtnmdo.

j girl, "Sow. pkase abow uB TOD HOW gMat | D > 1 oft*!

il friends spsak of them.'

mir, old IsUow- Mj waj, jot

" " T W S an itgM. T o wo«rt• 7 glTfnt n » • • •"» (*h>* m J 0 "• i f IB' the panlrj, wDI JosT It's I

d h - H

n she slept was this:A p«le little boy, oat of

ranoing. bunt i t tht t ft I hgtu t after IThere was s l


the lampt into the dintDgroomhad lighted the lamp,

ittl t b U i hi i

prodwida .lor ao eignt-yMr-old 007, Foldrng J.

•fully, b* laid it .way I>1 a a n a - of— book-enpboam. whers ht oftsa potsthing, tor sr- k*epteg. iTben TridsTDUBS, aad ha weot to gvt^ii paper, itm r m Tbs whl frit > M i

eonld apt be (oond;ited UttK baj had toml Iti |4 then w u

gleaning, b. sKa fouBd M Tery pnttyH m tbe fibttom of an

mad. o l « i . . U u « ( paperloloaaly packed fevether. Tbe

writing on tbe stripe sUfrVtad her at--- ion: Bad, after eanh|ly mat<- '

ral pt-ces. she dlaorrtml it IM lost t» '



e Third Kepablic U u fmr tb*nu y prrrtoos F m r h rtinmn. «aj»

_ - . w in the FhOadehAia Tlnuu.from Uil derp taint erf whit the FYeorl

r> watea rm Bore alosely roand tbestire populatioa thaa has m t b s ule ewe In St. Petersbarv Ertdmna[ this fan might easily be foond In theKret history of the Boolangiat n , .

-__nriBd Ingbytoroiim hut. Kakimo Ray and , fm for nsp^

dog Bnjder from riew! t j Aeor neighbor a sedocttTe yoangoanrd«ra=rat<-hedhi.»VrouVsndrsB ' an, -rit). whom ht enters ^ _ ™ " r "

llls.bl1Bil as a unail0!^ oouf* " "'j dikpl»y» I M row. of gl i tt«W * « ^

:ayr Soon s .ery . Hrally enough, iwr TUIVT ImlgllMW this'itlle f oe ** all <kMbr out of that bright, "aaj.•Urlingr' I

vrwB d m tni*re at lioerty. r,anny s hm^iMf f. ^^^ ihpldf Ttir— am Two »™u m*AMMMmi •*•**]•-

bat Dangv by mistake, she was trsatod ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ % i ^ «••»••*"•• xtoetor* ( * « w«J

Editor—Thg klea! *

was far fetched.—«•

of HtroUer at MoBtrashli j "n. what *as iDaehley— Way, haaatshhsit a I

was al • aj t a gnat

Doctor—Thsa why in thaodar da yaa

J«rj. "*___

-Peapls wosll say that be was •saTaki

i SmalL" asked a aroapaetrn•r. -whkl ia your ebar«s per

i "

™ _iH-*J_I i r ?i 11— »•

Page 2: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. - · ral pt-ces. she dlaorrtml it I M lost t» ' £1 i? ESPIONAGE IN FRAi'CE. e Third Kepablic U u fmr tb*n uy prrrtoos Fmrh rtinmn. «aj»

, FEBBUABY l6, 189.1

Botkaow. I oalr kaowla the pina brli (er tba bearftt of

I* wlb'a bHlib I alway*A anUamaa of leaf than mrdteai

atanaat ta the aa-aUwvar-of tba

polota o « l

•U.OOO.UQOMr. Car lk le or>™i

declaration thai

attould unexpectedly n » P l * a

al ly b a p o « w . a n g n i a t t o t annual rx-

peorftturw or •* &••« to •«**"* "** 1 ° -

Staattflt, aad told bin *hi

after Duller. Tha

. wa. KkMMlUdBj

( t taarwiatF / tha WaacMd M..W1

SooletT- iMtodHc H» « « « . ot w «

l« turned and Bountedt**. .tain

tbe SecraLt^-r'^Stoo (boated: -Why, whatl tbe

Alfred A. Talt haa retaraail (rrtn•ill M before ln« opanlng ut ibe Preat-

HM-Jlwife aad taailly th* lump j bonu

tb« BortHi«fa-* FMloe DvparUMat, wbo Oer to tbepvLand tbo otben, withhitft ml* , bordered with b lak L b

brv taondnd ueopla of tba Trinity Br-

"Well,-replied batter, -tb*>tKxibla

la qnleklr eipliinr*. I « ™ ! u> New

Tn*ratt-..f ilaitlT'inudii. • «r* ea-llj

U- i.iawelf. aad kit faailly. leftbnid da) light, br tr.. In, HI*

i'a,, BU4W. ot Ui* paalor, a n > ulilof at

Ooiemaienl. I rated tbe on-ney mj-

Mlf. I made the cjtv foot &e blllaThey ^

ar that I «oU«ct«f. tnd

BaTelii* TOMhTri bare™"]

leeted any rnoory vbleb doe« not ap-

ar. or If I fan ex-

w T r i u . *allj

6l.t«>ded. hi. tuck ejw. bora »itbaxMion; aia eoarae, blaek haii

fc:™ »bmt hla i»» . and hte th ..-*

Urlj iood. Thay m»l«iail aiuob t attrr.

WlalM. Tha full dioriu. b o -

blnblj u that a Toocher, I am reaponaibl . >'w.

crude— but, aa Intlaulad

abo»». tb* Soolatjr M • wbMd did r-aiark-aUy well.

aulnetloo at Oouond'aby Km, Annie Mopner-BurCth. Ibe

would not b . but


wheat* MIK afoMiej *h*aanf with Mr

rch Iron tb* aaae piece of mH.1L

I»vtii, UH teaor aoloMt ut tb-

pujol&—tbe rtctlio witli tbe AnperMimof cfVtain de* ih, tba aoldier to uphold

D Puner. 'Xbht iwubtiy <aw UOTCT fur-get the Valiant *etvlc*«. tiintar Tbl* waa all to* property tbat Burdy

bliairtwaattlbahkdia take.

The hcu» whtei, be*! la to-da.

Dnt u rmy axpeAaea *Jre dltaJ-1 f rf h

M.-D >oal I, tna B»IB

« p i w . « d io ihiti

Hnt bj Jjdgo Tin

Pl!ti'»lj llff-UlJ ,A ll.t-Lll-lll UP-L till- drawn from tho en»mj, •Tbiawaeheld la*t Tbuitnl.j ev«i]lgu M tbeinu lo ciirL-u-n our tlly "ColoradaOt) - , «M.. u d to lav

nitrated br kia career in Xew Orlf

« > M bealaw. Tba ri:.' *M

prevailed.Martial law w u flMt dMlaral. After

nnlelpal reflation, -a*luw Intel

r*purta 111* lather;

U. 31<i.'•'[.I, u much bailor.

nd lh«ro U ••*rii «lll go UiriMQii

8eu*lf. The Uul IHWIJ IOKKU II to

uf curpejtatioo* [wIiHtlieT ttiry •'"I b

a* h-aviii- as those rvho didle It. Tbe tmm. howmr, wen


A fund w*e qnickiy rntablihhed to clemnMbita

one. But thia Wi

BhKWfl-Jd. wi but half tfc. popjilaltai or-fiaJnBald, II ratlTO*d for a e n

Stalfi, we

and OtttdrnMowa uid

of thB Prana.vlvapiBi train. TSB slunrfe

lenation opene* with * dWou

wax tvatteren all ! ak^Iisof aacrifieedprtapnenof wmrB | (ienrrmi ae) mto tbe walk: the eDldierelsinw

Flntier framed the fun% bll? of TTA, ; b&&j toe l**a owo, mad bfcara tt awaywhich waa .Icf&ud by the

the hollow mouth of tho id

ilm brd »!Lli blood, Tbe dead awn Ii

regular »r(nT? officers wrrr-artuo-

The; had nerer • , • ' . • - - areateflfalaling' Oeneral. Ontlcr waited

fa)j boiun liy Mo K utsiKLl<jn*. Com

building undiT cooatrucUoo begive to tba war* Ho penoaal av-

dpKuudiKLaBd through ibe Mg

of work n t i

aad npreaacd irpmliUM froaaaoBbtaad a* tttere wa* IB ) » t

one of laM ntabt .lotw. Tbeoffloan

ttm Wsaifleld BocH-ty

mind which m%bt renult In Haij

I Tbe *oa, A iruirHf Pxprter,' wbo bas Jual tiled, added la Uiat fame

by MtTicea in <ue civil war wblcb wen

drove abeul reimnilr** of protekta. Onedaj he atnt for Uenrral God&VT lVeit-|u»l aa Mr. StuU'*

rwult In Wllwn'o «rttlng»hiit at

blauelf hen

GTUTDC riiiTi fcinrt oo. ibe auoject of freei «H»«r c-ilnage proclaim tiia ibe ••uo-

Cbeni •otH <Aaiierh« la Ibe P.stdeaiUcbalr a maa, aurmouatnd by an ancea-

iral ami. wu J f«*. tb.i be haM done hkJ.iil duly »i.-u he any. ibat !i Oin^reai

tJSwo made, m bet of t-n bnsdred doUxw

Ast be cunld Tlmit a.number of fmabioo-*ple recxptioiu on • *in«4a afte.-coca

I»e hundred dollmr** worth

ebapel: )w. H1!,; Walter M. M. i ••-. t., f>•!„.,

and Treaiurar; Qi ^ B. blluhell. Jarne. I

MBO*. and Jobn of 1. D. Cook i Bro.bUv htry*at cmditorm, h•nakr » w pajmrnM, '

afwM«*a«h>u,that fartnnewanM torn. W n « b*

1 « tbe bet be wa* Pot to *! H»ae when, be -a* known. Hfy picked oct a liit JSi rewptian

cwty paper, cmlied a cab modbla predutory .ipeditloB.

! Sr*t bnnae he w about to take a• (fUrer-monnted bmah from tbe acu'ii U i f

kay of tba aituatlooraiulnlog alx. Will not at (nut

out boldlf

Ola property ID the Ooofca,tb»j tail itood bi him

tine U*tb eoBTiiiced bun tbmt tas artiela

eOee haa bn<n Bkctedavenue h

ii f»fona

oorpa af

V dropped 'the bmah and eontenttvlilnuelf with » » other article. BaJi*iled tlmn ot four pi»o*a. and at eachS»lc »metbh»e of mae. Finally, just3ft*r be bad mlipped aereral apoou intoTI» pocket a4 one pUi*. a Ug maa with% hcarr mini ache aaid to him: 'Hanjou eTtrr tiling TOO wantr

• "Affecting to nnoerttand tbe other to*efLT to tbo —•tnhlTi. he o!4ba bet an-jtwered: VM. thank yonj 111 Dot rot«ny thing more.' When tbe j o m ^


y Dumber ol I-Uplltt. pill move

on(r* day aftar d*rbad to dlipoae of fumitur

. ; . ' . . < . ! . In order In ke>pI fao

•hi." to make a lltlng ban. a, d could rl

Hook and Ladder Truck Ka. 1.tarrlan • « • tal

of th. U. . „ «

pat to food aarrlo* In Wavldg tbe Olaan

dwHUDii. .hlcb wa. tooklna

a iWuctire, saw him jet Into 1

•Ilr- [.»» tahra *iiii hln ihHbtnf

J Sew V.^, edit

•brity aaid:

prmcliliener. r«ut waa diieby a lore of jettera." liethe print*!"* U-oof, and waa

work wilhontllutler Imew WVitid's

engineer cffieer. ^ There •

that table. Write tba atrongTSIthat Tt. ! . . t ' ••-

burned. Tuta Uaw

Two boiMe. twowrra owned; bj Hra-

whlob khn rinlTad. fron beraeit mod inil with this: - l i t \xgxa a l*fil> politician, but w a di- 3


f jbj a low ot tritlerB.-— J

log I no Ko. Iaerrlae, bat kept It ID btwn ao that

M cot ba Wt aaprvUot

tb'tke uad^btlx polra and

lt*dlDB p«jplfl burnOatUTda;i . - runii-ii.-l (lie K- • Vn'fc J.>urr,»ln

' • k 1 1 1 1 t-i:i'ii«lnll".W am Weitxel, warn • Wat Point Kradmte.Strong arterward*

Knrt «hat b.vB ,,,,L t n a . iuled hi tbatel FurOHT;

ruaner* iV.r that taieiI...HW BartfjF

it be wa" nAJy gravely dUau^Bd). Do UKaDiNher aart "t

and being detuned In tbatolty while ro-

ot Ibe pUya now running la tbat

la* J.'nuii- llouKiit- i! has

Weluei explained

Implored StrootX to prfer. -Jtrorn

l f

It and It dwbad ol fullthrooirh Hookitew a*.pae. Turning laU

i l 4 oapturad bj Roller lf«™*d to htm

tbe woeda: "Strofur. l'*e had tronbla

*oough with WeitBiL Ikon't bother ma

with jc-ttr adploe.

Vu. h or > U M Tk(*c.

Patleot—L, iatt dropped inj thai 1 am . . ; , - . .

tauoand in Nav Vork Ot•aid—art- daily iT£^of aalar time.• > . , • • • : . - • t b . - - B . - 4

Mlas l>c Jone*-Aw jon a lorah ofhawnonj. ~Ar Jv Lewd^Vlneenl L. Prawe parted to-.ay on •

week'* pleasure trip 6i Bostix. and otherpoint*

ant Ix>tell JOda Jolcr 1 i. .L.-ii

ip Europe hut ranuner.

II..P«I want Is bev it, oWStronc departed ereetfmllen, and' ra-

the Bar. WaahV Hartlo owhbulac Cectnlcaptures, as baring bnnn In tha

' put tw«nlfF n w haa been

J. ». Cult-r tba paat (II-teaBTeara. u d it I* but luat th.t both

knp»'k.H' Bvwarac. L am not barroirlbir anj

WauiMton. Ill* book.Ib»-edo u t that b* hidmaod at .Sew O H M M and m r jthat bad been •xsaDded. Kor H W««er-fBaiBiag».T Ob, yea. u h .

l *^J?,« u ^ u » i s . Btaual u. L. ibl. ha- aioelaait i l m l Hanllaf. TV Bew i " ~ r ^ ~ ~ T ™ "el«lrtc llf*t Wrtee -i* t-med on a. r.r M 3E»«.?»» M

beior. Keerewry SOutoo o « d . ; - t t h

Wa Mfar a 3 bi. Toocbera. ^Luitoo[ « r rear. u >

b ™ ilrto, k.

Surta Oanala*. uada* tbaWoed.

pots of tbaai auj h.v. a tendld Umr.fa*ad at hia eoekad hat. hi* abonldar

atrapa and bk .word, and aaked hkm

what ba wanted.-IVa ]n.t ao«* from New Ort*an*,-

•aid tba OcsetaL -1 wast U> avtUa KT

To M i EURO* g( T n F wheld hi tba BapU-t ah

Mr. *• view haa n a - H MMM a foaWM boa U a w of debt,

"" "* TSUiu^ """* *° "Ti»J-iaiii1Tl H. afaaoa. • • i - t h . r —wbobwakMofao-awllh Oaar-a B. WO.

U a > . . t t b . C r w » t r b « w » C T - 0 -ao l

n the EM. road, of

V- J i... K. r I-va doaw"GoodfJtVhy ha-a

the t " « * t actor InJ M biat fail o* a

as hi. iiJif- rilj i that "pat ol IN) the ptodR. at Hop* sbanel. only 3haw kept It." I emphatically

Mvht auHaa. t baa to•tot*, there la a IPMII Bereeataca wbo dou . buttb.Bilorit iwaodollntbec.ud

Ib. pladfa. belonn to Ihn

l Bundei-acbool and are

Mr. FoaaUla kaaw* thka lo be K . u beboMalea. Wood waa • i w W w - tmtbuilder, aad bl* atatkod* o( I t - — haw.oaM la Baaainnwara tb* *aan *a haTarjaanat aaeb *tab»a>ta baton


uraad a* bet«w kvaak u( a>r. Tba peo-P - ~ 1 U . [ l 1 U 1 4 l . h 4 H W ^ l lakjM. »d ***r alawL « th. oeatnat•Ua-lataa. Tba « « - » • . a . to bar.the Uakta la o^amtoa la aarlr Juaarrw4 *kMt tt waa ama a BKVU'( n u .alaa s« HUM . ht ««•*« br t*ai taaa te ba«»

III 11h> Voctb WtJataR B>- bt

Uat Ml- a-4 Kra.Mr. a** Hra. Wood ara tha

•wt* of .van•B~a<* t . adwtiM tkelr downiaU Wade

waaaWKalaraaHaibrrolU"If. twlna! Botb boyW- w l a i u e d

M W u n k i w kHtT^

, w.11! I adtwtkn. tor » l . j

•Mo 11. Tha*f tka HoaMfaa «aa amtj b. aeerad-


kbtHOWDl Ik* ana* Ml with a

a»,baaUlaa-l«atfa.aUr((r-* h wtl • I• •• I lUplH M l J i l i l l of

tb.- . t l ra.n. i , j . -Wb. b .fcptho BiiUhaaW *a a >w»ommiilady, and bar BUM »• • • • * • bate*,

jA reuluuua do*« Ilr. BaUWaL ••«

Mi T—thaitam th. ubto. Tbaofl-aaraa*>*;Mg^l^tf: It. loolnd M

to £ r l a » ^haapMml.' "•••i^TSf im^W.'H* . CM* Ml

Page 3: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. - · ral pt-ces. she dlaorrtml it I M lost t» ' £1 i? ESPIONAGE IN FRAi'CE. e Third Kepablic U u fmr tb*n uy prrrtoos Fmrh rtinmn. «aj»


r •



Mi. u i I n . KTCH F. «urr.j taft atovnoiu. FAPM or THI arm,

OODSTT A*i> TBK CITf, U l U l i j i lcnoMJTmm or u i F Aftx

OOVRTT or onor

. A. DCMAREST, • • M l * CAtar

- -J7irtriff> im.JOB* U Hall. tiilMl.ij Ms •' rf | |

ot th le m y t•""HM'-W. Ora»t»*.bac*say Ibat fse ChrtMaM seopto of Flaiab

- T h - tKNH* o l M r . M III*. JambTliltlil, IN West Fourth MnM, wa*sappy Us* » • * bj Ik* iflunt

Ity. •> DU kisjHr i h u aay astkorttyOomBdt N J . H B .

rhrf.ti*n1tj b w i ta. burden

bcllwtwwAI BkBtec. D m W t t l I v w

« - . . u « b* h». pla»d tacn all la U*Udnn'c HiiBt untii tbey ea> be dia-

. I l l ^ l x . ^ ^ r P - X k*r BOB*.tab n t , I* about« iwl i rrwn He.w

©lock: FaTaa faaUly of Fatbar Baayon b » i i »reoori for looi«vit7. m- iron ble

. ' bMOfeadtth waaand a wonUpar at Hops chapel. • B*>

AT FIMDBRNE STATION,OroUtl KUIrMd at H-» I*$wj, will . ] . . ; . tm u l e > Uiya

•II Klnfo and f»r all 1'nrposen. Also

^nr~Xterythlng wai*abte4.te represented

WM. C. SMITH, SuptrintUHCH » » > L K . No 4 * Facade An., asd itf*. 11 -tiad B • > ^ « I n .

: Havtng nontivt In fu m l,li sH m m ii> Hew Vul Ealiruad*. I u obligedktr old HfltBss, wBlch 4 K U , W

etty guvwraBMBt tawatd the raa tr»«c.tbc ass* Ir tb«a awale

iu*l, ta Canrrf tbe dsilL Va «e-d . Ot U* Bvn

on* lived to to almoat BlaMy,elghty-DbM, the *U -os, uddsptotsd la powerful lan'- i i on tii- side ot' right and J

Oawyagalnat alleged Uw-breaiere,

habruUllj deserted ihi wife *hom Bnprotec* aad

man? D m Out kaiw what g w ca

-fh«*. Fr-y. M lOQ We**

disorderly endue*, va Tuesday

H a n purity, sad sobriety, u drlghtoonsBB**. and Christianity, u d God,u y rlnha wblch the oily gorernawat ofn«™ Orasd KHtrr ot Mew J>n»y

t.i i'lirc. who will h(v« chare* of Eh*k di*rlrt. In which are lorat-d

..DiBytuo.*hen the girt told her tuber and« e r that she *aa going to bet e U i m they ulaaded with her In gin

luntltuUoo of the llciaor trsttc, u dsa Itwau Moass>fully abollahed Lberririilarly *vk year fur twenly-thna

n-naw on •ubierlsUoo. Of UMresi* be lalt that b> was approschlna hi.

Kb Una be renewed faU anh.

to, all right. Opento Trinity nburDb;lee* "poUUcal pull-

B; « 1 S4. Ih- HI proceed* ot UH> !••• ti Friday%loek. |The rector, tbe Bm. E H

nan, end tbe B*r. T. 'Luges Unrpbj•a church nffieuited.

•DM"all the! mad*' life dear~tb<

• of tbe family, of the home and. olIndoraad by DuOwortf*f Orange, who. tbej bold,

u u much Hehtto dictate whatomiprtBa • •

haaMn-lXMikworth-aTtir next cirp for tbe KeaUsc*

-Iftbeytakeaoy-laio*al of'tbe gnardlas appsdnted, bat to

good ground. 1ST

n. daughter uf th* 1st* Th™. F. »»n-oli=h Of ttfa city, eonje* from

E.1. M r . . .pi.Jr..

Baodolph, tbe Tbe >l->tli oceurrMl Tuesday43 LaGrande i renn , of

Otmrcy.<i\ been told of In tbsH

k I tbo begin

IU!i. *UI ban ^'benefit at-Mule11*11. Tumi*? eianlug, tbc Mth lost.i >>. it.' Welch sad th« ehumtng

. &oltte P ic , will appear.hii[li-»»!« nark of atum.Uow

!Rof» ohapel *•»i i M , Yesterday thla

M . » . I , JUS bein. ! . . « nm 1k. of!»W w u let.tlu. wile •>! John Moon of *9

baa "w*n natond (rom By 9m. Lowrfe andth", Uniily feel Ter;

, and v> i )" in '»•; wish ihu-

Fi™t -Tueic'* \b* r.-.jt-ii man whiobuy* hla doililoe; nutn .-;.•». hurrah

iigb'leaa mat.who t»troui»oe t-ia, blgh and tubtuliry

tbele»>l way and la aatMactory u> ikewoijU-

tbe bmly U» Knlgbu(le. and one daughter. I n John H.K-MiTnuunr, Harj Hons of PUlo-iMd; B^rMaiT. Hannab W«,tph« of

Mr. Mim that DO drtlbksnl «iulil Inhrrll tbe

Hearea, aa<i yat th*t •*»of (Jut drunfcaid

tome lime afterward•ded In geulu. Mi*,

1 her, but Peltnoo m r r

good good* and a Bm tHa»" Hi H i beF. Cootoy -wu m«rtog Ptaty-yeart of ag«, bsTliiir been bom inCork cliv. tlucb G. 18W.

ooi b-run tbe Work Jj.ob.U cute Igeu

w prom,city h*ve

laid down by tbe aaloooa, let us


-WurkootborfowdaUu oCHall IDIQ ihe Dbnwd h u bsr a found Uii: be waa well-nig

4, u d bad had ta burrow *5 fromA* ha * • • climbinghome tsutidcy we s possible tbat auah

might urersll. flabeld tli.L If J. girl h uWH Ji., . k-

wire plea, ed wl

abuse *Bd brutil tre

rs.lhf Yalerao Kuuana of EltBibatlirp b-log roj-alij-«it*rt»lKwi. rtof PUIOBBW* nelghUHbood kao-wn

Two flrldce*. Ju*t backto Babwtj.

ham Ifrra'A aaje: "Thele DJH t 1H"UIB ColtBd Stataa, avid


nny [*-rr« "f Mil H HH« to haireu,,.i - i-i... But bii •> II Ii, It m t .(osda wbca

hin* Ju. In* ul<l aloe* *» a prto* to getLut Mond.y Mn. FCUTHI h>.•re wtQIng Xn use God's book ta Jadg-

ot thbt dty.Kew Tuck city, at N

t, where ho wtll ( I n

and paloUng- Hr. JUaafftalw, In tbe elRBlar lu whkl

of hit

le. The body lay la th*w Pumpkin Patch bridge.F in ya* i* ago BaUey'a- • r r f . ' i u c t tea" Bundootrd by th*

Ytians Ladles'kUaaUHial; Soclrtf of UwFint BapllHl .hut.h Thundtf w u a r ilgited by DaUd W. Fond. Pnatdwt

Thr Pond Haahlne Toole writer refers

pB"plv In the hotue mmf«s.tod her >h mefully. wlsdlng u

tBulog ber wedding Hot f hwry pleaHat affair. Alart* aumber ut

panoott of tta JkbaUiiUal *r nrrred tu t»* Udtoa. Tbe

nrl.iu, •t.r^mll of nr.n**, u d U n

me ID one ot I he Fraxee J>a baaBBtd.Uiat abs waalnUskoated at the

u d It U nmond that Baltoynight bUTe boen allcbtly » l u

SO und <>! BROAD ST..


i-ni >i.'i.t i e«i-i*|«T»uftbBu d w r d lbs paparj ionocablc BDuu«ta

ilcbelL' TjBdoubttfdlf 1 am tbespsakerr M d . n N n . 1 hare Juat

two things to aay la reply: First, In n?rSaDdsy Bight I did mat H ; tbat

bad t ui J aw anytbtng" about his

F in hundred n u u i ol the U i uArmy of Uie Bepubllo. u i down to a benqaet at which u-Hsyor Bandolph of tbl*rlty pnrldsd. In HasDnie Hall, Trentoo The deserted wife 1* a comely JOBDJ

.enty ytmra of age,r. • Th» r


BiarriHl, and JovephlDB. gnjw up In


i U s Buta Seform School at;, where he bad been pUeedIs lD«orrtglbllltywa* uo*log ' bis t.lber u<

Krwtoo Drake lntaaTendyoutigrau then aiuoked N

l»d hi* eye, and Injured hi.

S. C. Ej-drr of tMr city,with the Tn-ptoal

Hotel, at Buukledaa, on the Indlu Blver, tbai abjudj tha *>euthseuelTSS, "Well,

was crsdlblyhad mid", eto

I lmm«ll»»elj wroteFund and Informed

wroaglT '"poried,

HAT DO THEY WANT OF KANEJU.U lu>*« t n o but If,sfur «ash day-s work. 1 ua tobe *uMr. Sjder "fill be cleaned

ravHl.. in tbelib, a t l te •'Tropk^."wbo*alBaiia«er.

Panf WThe taboo Counlj Oourt of CDDHBOO

ttiorguo-ksBp- Worth, whoi•nttold of H

Ors't >*trMt nt

ldod. Then, they lightedpipe*, pushed tbe

isd thoroeghly e*Jo;eL. V. F.

elghour's dog Twaday. She climbeol her Istber'aheDS

ghbor'a yard when IbBe aelsMl b(t by I

om It. DnattenOed her. u d

, tbe frightful wound, wbkc

Dr. Irrkn reed tram • repirtb* CBJUreB1* HOBW, pu

l.-.tfw id whichn»«ilck mm pmBl

.nU wlU which U» W a i u d keard by ererybody. u d retailIn the

at BlauUbt.

to myly: HothlngI aald, or am ,.•[. .ri.'-l .i

aajlog, isllected ID ot Feb.

bad oufitrlhuted: In any wayu d a

pivpared of thoM who did not

r.,!l- .u* A. Boolti,

Bdltur<>ad pmprvrtorot lbe *llmlnituii: «Th» marrtag*

«i p i u l c o t tola oltj.j I jtafee plan ID Elm

B,rJ.J..oB MarclJ B. It will b .£ 0. BluV -EirtyBeory W. Bawyer,

Cbap. a E Hill.-Tbe Army ObsoUln;~ Jr. Deal Coo. J. M. Atwond. "Our

'••th. To Vr. Boatti WilmltiRU'd owedu j « « » of fithur n

i w m '.b* many tertlmonlali>. ot publicppnctlatlon pnHDIed him MM I On lib.

dd nothing ot the prassnt l o m (kclear th*tiht-y nupt be picked

e*y that theylekiplaUoD by a aaluvn

wnrt*. My reply ID o»r aeocUtmed an IDtenie

aad 1 serer reOKted «rlouuiy on

by all whoiny c |H-e-hli or reAd a report ct IV

brtds."Mrs. B«T°*ir> ant h u M d

Uau BayarU. ol thl* eltj, by wK.-r hi* J -

w aae aappq^ad berwtl a, an tftlat HIGHWAYMEN STOP A BUTCHER.

of Deo. t \ 18H1. aanooaolUoa of worm »nd •nUnirlae.- and• ••Nervine»t In lWt "it tbe WO

B*«. V. B. llshsrds, tb*Dtu. the ate*. C.

Dr. M. U. FlalnOald. who lafta fortoiwtlOOfiOO. BbueoB kUIr, who U*H at IWAllva atreot, to aitd to be DM of the balra otTaK*oiti.i> of I>-

to '-Uokm Coonty

anMsat, ofwtbanaacna for hi* pardoa

the New JarHy Board of FwnlDD*. Taa

»bout%or. 17. WOT. It*

Two or three FUlBneld pwple, InrfudI the writer, b««* again keenattkeyare among the kslr* t<

j , In the heart ofeit*. vetoed at «00,«U,OUO, an

th* heir* will meat at ladtaMpolli

ATLAS ENGINE la a branwould b a n

led two or tbra* with slMsure. Bu

Burglarstoot o

oiothmg manufactory .In Dunelen. Thurs-day. Tba toots uwllaaac^tlte*' Majkamlth *hop

A a*ae of olothtoa pseksd aog readyks snipped lo • - • Tor*, ws. broamopMi•ad most at Its cunUOU urriea »w»y ts-

la a onat-wagok drlnr. «it>. Who. aan, a* (Hd not

hUarimu. o*ac htaMO.MO. Kra-BU

The astata, ooBiprtati-f IWtW-^itbskaartof X*w Tork aUs. • • *

In 17'JO tor

Q* a m kwt Ui pnswaea of mlad to

DUB'* d*|Mrta>Bwt la tbe oomttj ftor- ha B u b ot hi* .plrited harm. Th* »1 apnng forward la p*ln u d leadaahedtke hlgowajaien to ih* rigi u n . u d that M tkt* and o»er

ptnODsl •fl*lr* of th* BH-B a n lujuredMt. DDU

eo all tbst n good MUI holy.». but h- bad no Um* ens. to look backblB0..but» clue to we bwrglan w

found. Mr. Herlicb w u »i wort


•9 PAKE AtttiUK.erary ntfmri Tk*

ierfatinan ut th* enolkg aid IM* hart,uu) tb* Itria

pwt aa wheela and eutsd U the ta*lotfce D M i t u t Ban*MM. Tork. asq U M , «

sad e*gakw> the r.N O W kswrw, l| tkM w*m• wW ftsh-a woald aatos s loud

Page 4: THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. - · ral pt-ces. she dlaorrtml it I M lost t» ' £1 i? ESPIONAGE IN FRAi'CE. e Third Kepablic U u fmr tb*n uy prrrtoos Fmrh rtinmn. «aj»


ONLY WAIT!Tha sake MiM

!fraW of UWB.


a tani i ; h*t K's lime for•wtBhatafti •t.iUHiji.iaay dear, savII atjMifv a. I ia>l l«w.«r l j R

Csanfi, IMt! B


, BHd**. alUMoch M t of U» ^ u l o t ^

;=SS£«3rS• theTalleyof ll» Uv.KdllltleI f I t i n r i U m * »

bridge, « u oWmahtoo»who prtdwd Uaiatlfan three food thro**—oW book*, old win. u l otd friend.;

to aiv.j-i bnaaini thai ibrj m f t-uoagh tar him. sad enoogto was —(ood ea a f™*t" It waae lonely place,too. M mile* from the ooootj Mm,mod six from the efcatJoau while Ihewhole hamlel of Barton consisted of

the ralley be-low The Squire, thpre-

when not ban; In fall Ubrerj. troublhi. bead about few u>n«> be

d I

•Jtoa. attar aa early din ner. hadep to her o n room far tha im-

mt and Uboruaa work of dreaain*;

.aod had all bM<m>!lewt aadlhewin-4ow waa atlll ajar a* her trte-d bad Wtt ha the m n l s f . BU aa it p e n dark-

er and colder, u d tba a—to— *••••••

ju>n«> beyo

n d In a*

mjalU in-

at timea ah* • » . the plague of hi. iu d at otlam. that without her bedU

child, wfU a fortune of twenty Uxn-

rroirii op ai laat to he a* willful, hlgh-apirited awl charming a j o o u lady ueonld ba fooxl l u l l Ux county abort, was was Uw old man1, pat. andBanafrd by dim of coalln,-. flattery

thine* liltle or biff." aa John Trow-

to manAfetbe moBl filfcay and trooble-

Tbese wen the too who aal chattingtogether a i t arlntry craning la Nonm-ber. oo the +****££?I^-Strwtj. ah( had inulid on haTindinner ps«, and no b M t d v -tl b t i t i " J l f lahe Kid; aad I <mn ha JOB aself.- D d u w m i m r . tbe wtnan l n i u we™ OB tba table, and thai

111 a i m UM boiler, had departed, and atlast (be eould apeak f rrel.v

- l i , dear, dear unele,- she

waa looking to look Bt h the ws»ls Um

"Why, »nj de»r7 Wtll. txwiue yiare sack e. aaogbtr. ID-tempered, agtittle shrimp: and I determined Uspeople ahonlil look al TOOT diamond* Imorrow, if they wouldn't look at jaAs to money, child. 1 only had them neet; they were my another's flft.T year*aso, and ber mother's before that—*

. down at j.™ from tbe other side of the

they shine in the Ifcfhi of the Ore! 1shall be aa grand a. e quern to-morrownight al Ihe ball; and in that lovelydr.™ from Paris. O u lit lei tbe tcrj hap-pleatiMia Cornwall! What < u I u j ,what ean I do, I., thank you—the daar-M, poodorf, wisest of old uncle*7"

-Well. If you wont I n n any o o n

night; be off to bed. as ) lock up yournecklace in a aafe place, and kMp thekej In yoar own pocket. Yon 11 bare athouaand thing, w o o to-morrow: so gonow aad get jour braBtj-alw-p. UuU you

jtrar uKldaor ami gay fr.thcre; and allthe men about your Itrtely faee. But,Bind, tbe Ant-quadrille ia tor • » "

They chaued on for awhile, and aha

eaqneui. and begging: to* eqmai

'ToB-'rai a witch, my dear, ocfUwn nor Iw*. awl jua know it: u d J

tb. diamonde were eelrly looked ap tan old oak eahtwl, and the happy owier. like BKat of tbr hvaeebold. eoao•sleep, ant! dreaming of all *ejoyat

row. de. jjjj BMFZJU. •**>*• *rlt_

at of a, a,

ith the lot lowimr brief aote:

nxaa. wfih-oah paawllaaj aod otd oakf-nitur*. wkJbh opeo-d «rt -pon tb.lawn. 1 U two jrtrU w m In hujb aptr-

"pot away all the (at-laia, and 111 »B

loauad ot i M a . « t » th. b M

r--sr_iBU pa

the Moas >ihad *o ba

f J H

ana ever, in front of

lgfct. ab. waa mWeoJj riartled bj aJight raatllnf acmad beblud bar. a* a

faTtooc and tlias tawntai bar heaaTabaher t u n honnr, a pair of ajea

Lackfly tor her. iha 0 7 waaand ttoen. wttfa a aort of deaner-

t, she turned back to ber old„ -BA .acmin tookea Into the»• If notfcins

looked.who bed hidden himself there lor Borneplan of robbery, aad ber life for themoment waelu his handa; and all de-pended on ber •naeeas or failure la

Withont rtaaif f nd».nptohe7 lu .a i

J l j Ugbtod a wax candle, andd

ep JOB •• of bin

aa if ID a. wUapar to facraeU;

time thla moraine. J ™ mult ethem at ooee. sr I thall not get tl

ed wttfe trrisbUpa atepa t

otn her }e-el-cav. ' A* aba

Klehard to taVv thia noU io the U

-Why,Mr the


it's netting laic, be had better take thepony. Tbe necklaev be c u pnt latothi. box; Fueter ha* tbe key." Andwith tbeae words the handed to the

3lfjei vr.Uhingher Intently from be-"" "IfaecurtajD.

rh allgtftlj puzzled. |thooffht It beatjinoTtn';rt; eapaatally aa he mw

thai Uve yorn^ l»d, wa»>i#elmjy ffoingon with ber toilet and Ud lighted two

MtaowbUa Jsn* be™r« w«. .llghiljouled. bat) beuwa w 11-trained serr-nt. obeyed ber Biatree.- order.

• n n a ' n U b l u t h i pony aa iharp ason -eaa an^ l u n tjkee-' notes at theli-ange and at old Forbes; sod a. yonone back) call at I'onur'i for aCaneinge and 'a neeklace (bit', to go into

-• i ' i VU.J ^ n l . ^ I C i . MJJ r BIl T»,^,t

unaaement bjr ihe nsjipieaia. Tba on*lo Dr. r'u-bca ran tboa: '

••oater. the n l c h n k t r . aiaerly Hidhopele-aly pfHled. r«d W f o l k m

•ntn. rome 1 TM. Betas wBtoh l h . bean.s?amTlr»v». s y &SJX2222» T KTiaaroT-Old Forbea waa Ihe Drat to recorer

from hla aauxement, aud. after a mo-

ua surgery Bod rash eat of tbe luiiisa

hU bit-Beet ttltV— wtthout a word Manh i. that wttcb of B fir!•'• iic i u | i bard aa heIn veo miaatM. red-bat and

sa*. reached the hall door of thebonaa, wbera be waa well

straight to her room wiltoul twlng an-

»allt*t aoi-Uy opaUir. and knockedat lha door . sf tha usk: room, and atOBeaatcrad.

Ilia patieoV with a pale face, aad herion, hair Mraaatlaaj dowa « t bar:Bhooldsat. n , tUoar In a low chair hi

oftba n\mw. Ib. fire bad died

waa *aln. ana < i M 111 lew brain*worda. WhU* tba agony of i II IB i • i •'and fe« b a M ah. h-d - r a r i V ' k ^

Us ewrtaiaat- oat supped Mrii iiiiiiu f, i h i • naif. i w a s Mc Craaip of Ik* hjJaaat ardar, rt

SrX-T3r»-3r^^taJrdCr^baa. rewanhd with baarl* honor atth . day " i l l rlflrt, fb-sraor,- - J .

M K this a » - t < t o n « a aad.«a- lad tr—aaduw fbMMr oa th.«aln, and b> rvahaO aot oalj tha two

Hafcli. bvt UM wWt* trau «C'•daarnada. U tW wJdH. t W .

~Aari to think, BOW. of balne;b/thanl-r-yuaa^gTiLa-kDO—h . HaM tta* 1 waa u.t.inil Iha

of et-rrattoa and miaery. thai Urace's•oCT pra«afla<b tboawk be dsdaotaa-4M>ebi.tB-teortl*poBd. I

."Let Urn to. |at blai fo." abe aaldi"and taks him a-»y at ooce, before UM»«-ira eoaaai bee*. wUeb be a » j do at

frie>dei a t! ""all of /on. lor

t f c t s well filled with books, sajs awrilrr hi Kate Vttla'm WaahingKn.The man wh. waat-a Ubrary <M not

' ready made. II* may. tt ia ttw," books fairly well

lyeeHntiaL Inttebnyintof _1 tbe buyinf of pirtaroe. real din-ilnalionoo-aeaonljthrouei. etitaal

experience, and it la f#»j nnfortanatelo ban too Many bought at a low grade

mlopaawnti bat, on the other kand,«n ahonid watt to bedn hla library1 bia tawaa Is tuiij foraied,or it will

lack many book. wbVh he would (iadlj

vayberepUndbycoodonee. theuatoly, the mind of the' bookwill not aesRut to this plan, bowsrerstrong hia wljl. The book ba taken ofto read it mtarlably the old and shabby

. and IS, ."" "at «t d

•rirttoi•taa bn originally read it: a

. a £a japltivliil bit of oBcaraUon, to pleaari tbe•*jc of therlaitor. Tow pet ltteratww*1"J» taat«a best from tha page on

ennuph forxa to keep. At leaat. icud print shooM be » respectablea new binding will be all the changnl a r y . With tha habitual tU ' '

; their poailion on the pe»re.

ta a room fnH of atraiuje" •:t9>W laboriowl; aoqoireda The l se» fcr flue bindlnapart from the k m of booL. . .the j contain, but tt I. by no mean, anIgnoble tendency, and adda TMtly to the•vtbetlc effect of . well-cbuern library.The hoosine; and care of books, too, laa subject n


I was m tb* office of a CUcago nal-aaUte and loan -agent Uw other *—•aja a writer la tha New York tin,h^d acanely got seated when a w to some charity."With tha greatest

m.-.m," he npUa4. u c

After we had bee n mterrnptad *ourimea, and b* had eheerfnllj writUour cheeks 1 said to him:"Von aertainly Oeacne thetltle of

"But I BMioB th« yon aak BO qnct-tSon* and take ererr thing far graated.Ila*e yon «B lav of being *windl«17"

"•Vet, Ihe people of Chlcajo miahonaaterowd.-

'tih, H uui't that, my daw air. Lat

re drawn on smda. l * ' t ! -

All theae callrra ouai pre-partd to aiwue and explaia andtend, and th-h one of them wonWritfor half an bonr. By glting ttewi

nothing. When—"Here he passed to _

for the eau.Mmhmeut of a eailora-bethel, and then finished:

"Tiea tha cheek* are presented they

^toe^-W»eVB^ad l^aas'ibarJoke. In either raae they oetfr return,aor do they ri" ma away. Try kt, myboy. S r c t i a e , » » e y and«Tab;andit

t b e a n - n t h l "

ee than If yo

binuoe or idiotic aaJBfnaa. and tber* to prIng a .erdict which tof both.- It U a fart that out of every

ntad tor by B-7*FaaaDaoa the part o( the

At tha Baa Carlos aganer *> Apaoha1st a bottle of whUky that hla wif«

is>iii»i r

THE wurnr ou>;mpt


qniiity'of hia raiment that led me tobcllsre that bis ftnaoeaa bad taprotedanffieiently to atud Ihe (train. UawaV1f Ferguson wea/i a shabby coat, but

th« cause o! saj taking it forhat he was in flourUMnc clr-ea. lor be sai4i -This b the• t m t t n r l l e i , batHonlj> dollar*. ••a U • lury a whole mi It at that

"1 dont tkink the party who sold methla baa aa* mot* at that price. '—fnnny hoW^ ~—- to get"."—"

HMF. " I , L I, BL-JW >M » . H I M —

-Mj wtfc-. brother, a young manfrom-New Jersey, ha* been paying- uaa Tislt. Be la a iary ntee yoonf m«m,but he it B.H any boo antart. Well, l ieniornlni- after he arrWed be started outto BBS tka *i«hla. While ekn•roond Ci Ij Hall h* drifted into B

np my wife-sbnKherlaalaslf bs wm

_ _ My(tod, bat In min. tha gripot thaMan. who waa tV> nnectotor of aclothing .tore. w u like that of a candi-date hi a alsaely' contested elestkaa.

that's th* name of my wut1!

"Van, wban U n a u got Tnonaa hvaide, two outer ge-tie me n. a ci erk m*a eaahier, took off hb noat !• tbstwMkllug of u eya, and bad a a*w oaeon him Ilka a flat<h. One of tb*.faatla-men aaid: •<). ain't ha minninjrT Dootdot roat Bt him B^ost like de bah

i, eren If be ia bean New Jersey, soclothie™ b a d a o t m U e In ae 11 ing

_ _ a tweetj-dollar coat for Ba an doi-lara, aHhoogh Tbamu owned up thaUs oonscWnea troubled him for haringswindled tha clotklan. They took o*(b

A boy of fnwrtBB, a l .J me to mo« aUwly a-d ea-lieanTkna-aloaww old mad to tbe

road that winds ten aod ther

GwUjtrw. hare aloor grown up from

WBst Ileeehes. whose flat hranehesIIIIM I H|ill imiil.ri 1 *to tower, of .hrJhteV metal by tbe

doliinc o f . g n j u d

How"h.ppj"tbs boy a In the freedom

owa gnn aa ha tread.'^in'iTrHy bMaoaaewbat noUU, «ter tke tallan iea«a


la> W » » j | B MipillBaia waa> a I

Dr. a a AMK4VW -Owtafe al Odd.-taksa," telk a tragk. tale of n ad-

Onder his breath he ti l l , the connd-hkg; cbiekadeo. and woodpeekors whnk•neraamed-tif danger tbr? would be in

ridge" flstefae* a gUmpae of a rapidly•og brown oofeet that on tbe In-

Wte» nor where tt -aa. BM wtha tort whortlilirflu g»w. In ebaek swamp, e n . baowledg* worth

AlUmigta her mumla AM>hkilled a bear there during the winter,aba dM K * atop to think of that, tmtoaa day started M bamaa where s*w

e. and turned her faee lii—ineii-er W he*k«l w u not qnlle full, and

a-iw flight.Inpeledbytbe lnstmct of the born

apOrtaraao ba throws the gnn to hutshoeJder. and seareelj with aim, but lathe direction of the auaod. poll. triKger

impaNire haate, that fooled him intowmrting a pncSous charge on the inani-

b>t eome dropping and floating d ma bia shot, and is Uiankful that ha iaie only wttoeaa Of bis own toollsbliena.But what Is that? Ain't tbe palterid rnatle of falling leue* cornea a dullabounding thud, followed by the rapUsat apon the leaf-etrtfwn earth. Witb.

Lhs Bomd. afraid to bellere bis aenaea,when be mtm the noble grouse flutter-ing oat feebly hie last gasp.

Be can not be aure that it in not all aarn that may Taniab in a breath, till

3 has the bird amie in hia hand, *adthen be la taint with W " " tberae*er anch a shot? Waald that all tho

f h bef It Jnat for tl

Wrd, nor .uch a.

mad (toally in despair abe threwthe beeket Heell.-

And .till unnded tkrosfh tke %•

oeai. At but aba ooOld ten bar atthrough tba Ihickly-ael trees, bo» pMnly Us tortaooa path. Onestop, and ahe sank, waist-deep, Lyieldine mad of an oU wall, aad1 ft until her In

which la"What waa tba'An lnfsjliblf maUwd of keeping o*

• the .now **

eoat he had jurohaaaj ba bead op m•hop-wars, fr»yed-o«t garment (batwas not m u two dollars He took

Tbej had m, oil oo1 I aMMwoateh my rnakh. It was a preUy good• L. aad 1 caaerf-JIy paid arr« dollen•or II Than they waanHI to wne St



A boy of fnwrtBBB, alart. but wo tanm t U l -d ea-liearty 1.

that day, bat the gkirj of that one ahot

cneed B."tlrTi t b i m . ™ / of"thle!eoTbe bears actual proof, though

. . Inwelf can hardly accept It, tillagain and again he testa It by admiringlook and touch. —Fomat sod stream.

brang thla to*tram*Dt back,muir—Whkt'i tbe matter with It?Uncle Bawbaek—Yon said it was aanner lamp; bnt Sairy ^ nw can't git a







.,»,(',«.«..; . . . 1


•a<,rB....x., .".....»»,

» ! . ' " * ' » . . . . . ! •" .»• . .

•v-era M...J JU,•A '•^m...-\ l I U uf.Iu-.MP7U Jr.w ';.. «

I Three Years Old,f' r- Dozen.

Ales, i ioes, Liquiiii•"'Scgars aid!Wines a Specialty,: i V l i o I < ' . - i t 1 ••• H m l 1 1 • • t it i I.

ttQUORS,| i Family and- Medicinal Use. ti:j

i ' '

W".a"r,* i w.ow.I.—.J.— «,.,.,-•

il.amrtK^ ..MBnfcBL «..Z.j. ..rimtu 1

«. Joe»o6C.; uiwliuii u

' L.


. P. THORN,Avenue,

J NOTICE.New^rooda! >ew Firm

^ & DUNN,F^ncy and Staple Grocer

'e sell [or Gash and will give Sttecial lodocemerts

C ASTORIA3* for Infant* itid Children.

awi» i i> • I la in • fl . I ""LUST "*—"*"* *"* ' ' ""

f'.-; John Brown,, rtnIR

CLEAMD.•lafllH. ».-J. Ort«.,.tli,'lt«]T B»US . Ss. BOB


: TK : """" '

r " ?

In FurnitureOO TO *

23, 25 and 8? PABK ATE.

Barret Q. factor,

In Furniture oo TO *

** U*md *7 PABK AYE. WT«T *>Vitim tuum

■~1" p. Factor,