the eagle project: simulating the evolution and assembly of … · 2014. 10. 3. · the eagle...

Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 000–000 (0000) Printed 3 October 2014 (MN L A T E X style file v2.2) The EAGLE project: Simulating the evolution and assembly of galaxies and their environments Joop Schaye, 1? Robert A. Crain, 1 Richard G. Bower, 2 Michelle Furlong, 2 Matthieu Schaller, 2 Tom Theuns, 2,3 Claudio Dalla Vecchia, 4,5 Carlos S. Frenk, 2 I. G. McCarthy, 6 John C. Helly, 2 Adrian Jenkins, 2 Y. M. Rosas-Guevara, 2 Simon D. M. White, 7 Maarten Baes, 8 C. M. Booth, 1,9 Peter Camps, 8 Julio F. Navarro, 10 Yan Qu, 2 Alireza Rahmati, 7 Till Sawala, 2 Peter A. Thomas, 11 James Trayford 2 1 Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, P.O. Box 9513, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands 2 Institute for Computational Cosmology, Department of Physics, University of Durham, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK 3 Department of Physics, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerpen, Belgium 4 Instituto de Astrof´ ısica de Canarias, C/ V´ ıa L´ actea s/n,38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain 5 Departamento de Astrof´ sica, Universidad de La Laguna, Av. del Astrof´ ısico Franciso S´ anchez s/n, 38206 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain 6 Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, 146 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L3 5RF, UK 7 Max-Planck-Institut fur Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, D-85748 Garching, Germany 8 Sterrenkundig Observatorium, Universiteit Gent, Krijgslaan 281-S9, B-9000 Gent, Belgium 9 Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA 10 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC V8P 5C2, Canada 11 Astronomy Centre, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH, UK 3 October 2014 ABSTRACT We introduce the Virgo Consortium’s EAGLE project, a suite of hydrodynamical simulations that follow the formation of galaxies and supermassive black holes in cosmologically representative volumes of a standard ΛCDM universe. We discuss the limitations of such simulations in light of their finite resolution and poorly constrained subgrid physics, and how these affect their predictive power. One major improvement is our treatment of feedback from massive stars and AGN in which thermal energy is injected into the gas without the need to turn off cooling or decouple hydrodynam- ical forces, allowing winds to develop without predetermined speed or mass loading factors. Because the feedback efficiencies cannot be predicted from first principles, we calibrate them to the present-day galaxy stellar mass function and the amplitude of the galaxy-central black hole mass relation, also taking galaxy sizes into account. The observed galaxy stellar mass function is reproduced to < 0.2 dex over the full resolved mass range, 10 8 <M * /M < 10 11 , a level of agreement close to that at- tained by semi-analytic models, and unprecedented for hydrodynamical simulations. We compare our results to a representative set of low-redshift observables not con- sidered in the calibration, and find good agreement with the observed galaxy specific star formation rates, passive fractions, Tully-Fisher relation, total stellar luminosities of galaxy clusters, and column density distributions of intergalactic C iv and O vi. While the mass-metallicity relations for gas and stars are consistent with observations for M * > 10 9 M (M * > 10 10 M at intermediate resolution), they are insufficiently steep at lower masses. For the reference model the gas fractions and temperatures are too high for clusters of galaxies, but for galaxy groups these discrepancies can be resolved by adopting a higher heating temperature in the subgrid prescription for AGN feedback. The EAGLE simulation suite, which also includes physics variations and higher-resolution zoomed-in volumes described elsewhere, constitutes a valuable new resource for studies of galaxy formation. Key words: cosmology: theory – galaxies: formation – galaxies: evolution c 0000 RAS arXiv:1407.7040v2 [astro-ph.GA] 2 Oct 2014

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Page 1: The EAGLE project: Simulating the evolution and assembly of … · 2014. 10. 3. · The EAGLE simulation project 3 enrichment, energy feedback from star formation, gas accre-tion

Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 000–000 (0000) Printed 3 October 2014 (MN LATEX style file v2.2)

The EAGLE project: Simulating the evolution andassembly of galaxies and their environments

Joop Schaye,1? Robert A. Crain,1 Richard G. Bower,2 Michelle Furlong,2

Matthieu Schaller,2 Tom Theuns,2,3 Claudio Dalla Vecchia,4,5 Carlos S. Frenk,2

I. G. McCarthy,6 John C. Helly,2 Adrian Jenkins,2 Y. M. Rosas-Guevara,2

Simon D. M. White,7 Maarten Baes,8 C. M. Booth,1,9 Peter Camps,8

Julio F. Navarro,10 Yan Qu,2 Alireza Rahmati,7 Till Sawala,2 Peter A. Thomas,11

James Trayford21 Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, P.O. Box 9513, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands2 Institute for Computational Cosmology, Department of Physics, University of Durham, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK3 Department of Physics, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerpen, Belgium4 Instituto de Astrofısica de Canarias, C/ Vıa Lactea s/n,38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain5 Departamento de Astrofsica, Universidad de La Laguna, Av. del Astrofısico Franciso Sanchez s/n, 38206 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain6 Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, 146 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L3 5RF, UK7 Max-Planck-Institut fur Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, D-85748 Garching, Germany8 Sterrenkundig Observatorium, Universiteit Gent, Krijgslaan 281-S9, B-9000 Gent, Belgium9 Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA10 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC V8P 5C2, Canada11 Astronomy Centre, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH, UK

3 October 2014

ABSTRACTWe introduce the Virgo Consortium’s EAGLE project, a suite of hydrodynamicalsimulations that follow the formation of galaxies and supermassive black holes incosmologically representative volumes of a standard ΛCDM universe. We discuss thelimitations of such simulations in light of their finite resolution and poorly constrainedsubgrid physics, and how these affect their predictive power. One major improvementis our treatment of feedback from massive stars and AGN in which thermal energy isinjected into the gas without the need to turn off cooling or decouple hydrodynam-ical forces, allowing winds to develop without predetermined speed or mass loadingfactors. Because the feedback efficiencies cannot be predicted from first principles,we calibrate them to the present-day galaxy stellar mass function and the amplitudeof the galaxy-central black hole mass relation, also taking galaxy sizes into account.The observed galaxy stellar mass function is reproduced to <∼ 0.2 dex over the full

resolved mass range, 108 < M∗/M <∼ 1011, a level of agreement close to that at-tained by semi-analytic models, and unprecedented for hydrodynamical simulations.We compare our results to a representative set of low-redshift observables not con-sidered in the calibration, and find good agreement with the observed galaxy specificstar formation rates, passive fractions, Tully-Fisher relation, total stellar luminositiesof galaxy clusters, and column density distributions of intergalactic C iv and Ovi.While the mass-metallicity relations for gas and stars are consistent with observationsfor M∗ >∼ 109 M (M∗ >∼ 1010 M at intermediate resolution), they are insufficientlysteep at lower masses. For the reference model the gas fractions and temperaturesare too high for clusters of galaxies, but for galaxy groups these discrepancies canbe resolved by adopting a higher heating temperature in the subgrid prescription forAGN feedback. The EAGLE simulation suite, which also includes physics variationsand higher-resolution zoomed-in volumes described elsewhere, constitutes a valuablenew resource for studies of galaxy formation.

Key words: cosmology: theory – galaxies: formation – galaxies: evolution

? E-mail: [email protected]

c© 0000 RAS





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Cosmological simulations have greatly improved our under-standing of the physics of galaxy formation and are widelyused to guide the interpretation of observations and the de-sign of new observational campaigns and instruments. Sim-ulations enable astronomers to “turn the knobs” much asexperimental physicists are able to in the laboratory. Whilesuch numerical experiments can be valuable even if the sim-ulations fail to reproduce observations, in general our con-fidence in the conclusions drawn from simulations, and thenumber of applications they can be used for, increases withthe level of agreement between the best-fit model and theobservations.

For many years the overall agreement between hydrody-namical simulations and observations of galaxies was poor.Most simulations produced galaxy mass functions with thewrong shape and normalisation, the galaxies were too mas-sive and too compact, and the stars formed too early.Star formation in high-mass galaxies was not quenched andthe models could not simultaneously reproduce the stellarmasses and the thermodynamic properties of the gas ingroups and clusters (e.g. Scannapieco et al. 2012 and ref-erences therein).

Driven in part by the failure of hydrodynamical sim-ulations to reproduce key observations, semi-analytic andhalo-based models have become the tools of choice for de-tailed comparisons between galaxy surveys and theory (seeBaugh 2006 and Cooray & Sheth 2002 for reviews). Thanksto their flexibility and relatively modest computational ex-pense, these approaches have proven valuable for many pur-poses. Examples include the interpretation of observationsof galaxies within the context of the cold dark matter frame-work, relating galaxy populations at different redshifts, thecreation of mock galaxy catalogues to investigate selectioneffects or to translate measurements of galaxy clustering intoinformation concerning the occupation of dark matter haloesby galaxies.

However, hydrodynamical simulations have a numberof important advantages over these other approaches. Therisk that a poor or invalid approximation may lead to over-confidence in an extrapolation, interpretation or applicationof the model is potentially smaller, because they do notneed to make as many simplifying assumptions. Althoughthe subgrid models employed by current hydrodynamicalsimulations often resemble the ingredients of semi-analyticmodels, there are important parts of the problem for whichsubgrid models are no longer required. Since hydrodynami-cal simulations evolve the dark matter and baryonic compo-nents self-consistently, they automatically include the back-reaction of the baryons on the collisionless matter, both in-side and outside of haloes. The higher resolution descriptionof the baryonic component provided by hydrodynamical sim-ulations also enables one to ask more detailed questions andto compare with many more observables. Cosmological hy-drodynamical simulations can be used to model galaxies andthe intergalactic medium (IGM) simultaneously, includingthe interface between the two, which may well be critical tounderstanding the fuelling and feedback cycles of galaxies.

The agreement between hydrodynamical simulations ofgalaxy formation and observations has improved signifi-cantly in recent years. Simulations of the diffuse IGM al-

ready broadly reproduced quasar absorption line observa-tions of the Lyα forest two decades ago (e.g. Cen et al. 1994;Zhang et al. 1995; Hernquist et al. 1996; Theuns et al. 1998;Dave et al. 1999). The agreement is sufficiently good thatcomparisons between theory and observation can be used tomeasure cosmological and physical parameters (e.g. Croftet al. 1998; Schaye et al. 2000; Viel et al. 2004; McDonaldet al. 2005). More recently, simulations that have been re-processed using radiative transfer of ionizing radiation havesucceeded in matching key properties of the high-columndensity H i absorbers (e.g. Pontzen et al. 2008; Altay et al.2011; McQuinn et al. 2011; Rahmati et al. 2013a).

Reproducing observations of galaxies and the gas inclusters of galaxies has proven to be more difficult thanmatching observations of the low-density IGM, but severalgroups have now independently succeeded in producing discgalaxies with more realistic sizes and masses (e.g. Gover-nato et al. 2004, 2010; Okamoto et al. 2005; Agertz et al.2011; Guedes et al. 2011; McCarthy et al. 2012; Brook et al.2012; Stinson et al. 2013; Munshi et al. 2013; Aumer et al.2013; Hopkins et al. 2013; Vogelsberger et al. 2013, 2014b;Marinacci et al. 2014). For the thermodynamic propertiesof groups and clusters of galaxies the progress has also beenrapid (e.g. Puchwein et al. 2008; McCarthy et al. 2010; Fab-jan et al. 2010; Le Brun et al. 2014). The improvement inthe realism of the simulated galaxies has been accompaniedby better agreement between simulations and observationsof the metals in circumgalactic and intergalactic gas (e.g.Stinson et al. 2012; Oppenheimer et al. 2012), which sug-gests that a more appropriate description of galactic windsmay have been responsible for much of the progress.

Indeed, the key to the increase in the realism of the sim-ulated galaxies has been the use of subgrid models for feed-back from star formation that are more effective in generat-ing galactic winds and, at the high-mass end, the inclusionof subgrid models for feedback from active galactic nuclei(AGN). The improvement in the resolution afforded by in-creases in computing power and code efficiency has also beenimportant, but perhaps mostly because higher resolution hashelped to make the implemented feedback more efficient byreducing spurious, numerical radiative losses. Improvementsin the numerical techniques to solve the hydrodynamics havealso been made (e.g. Price 2008; Springel 2010; Read et al.2010; Saitoh & Makino 2013; Hopkins 2013) and may evenbe critical for particular applications (e.g. Agertz et al. 2007;Bauer & Springel 2012), but overall their effect appears to besmall compared to reasonable variations in subgrid modelsfor feedback processes (Scannapieco et al. 2012).

Here we present the EAGLE project1, which stands forEvolution and Assembly of GaLaxies and their Environ-ments. EAGLE consists of a suite of cosmological, hydro-dynamical simulations of a standard ΛCDM universe. Themain models were run in volumes of 25 to 100 comovingMpc (cMpc) on a side and employ a resolution that is suf-ficient to marginally resolve the Jeans scales in the warm(T ∼ 104 K) interstellar medium (ISM). The simulations usestate-of-the-art numerical techniques and subgrid models forradiative cooling, star formation, stellar mass loss and metal

1 EAGLE is a project of the Virgo consortium for cosmologicalsupercomputer simulations.

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The EAGLE simulation project 3

enrichment, energy feedback from star formation, gas accre-tion onto, and mergers of, supermassive black holes (BHs),and AGN feedback. The efficiency of the stellar feedbackand the BH accretion were calibrated to broadly match theobserved z ∼ 0 galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) subjectto the constraint that the galaxy sizes must also be reason-able, while the efficiency of the AGN feedback was calibratedto the observed relation between stellar mass and BH mass.The goal was to reproduce these observables using, in ouropinion, simpler and more natural prescriptions for feedbackthan used in previous work with similar objectives.

By “simpler” and “more natural”, which are obviouslysubjective terms, we mean the following. Apart from stel-lar mass loss, we employ only one type of stellar feedback,which captures the collective effects of processes such asstellar winds, radiation pressure on dust grains, and su-pernovae. These and other feedback mechanisms are oftenimplemented individually, but we believe they cannot beproperly distinguished at the resolution of 102–103 pc thatis currently typical for simulations that sample a represen-tative volume of the universe. Similarly, we employ only onetype of AGN feedback (as opposed to e.g. both a “radio”and “quasar” mode). Contrary to most previous work, stel-lar (and AGN) feedback is injected in thermal form withoutturning off radiative cooling and without turning off hydro-dynamical forces. Hence, galactic winds are generated with-out specifying a wind direction, velocity, mass loading factor,or metal mass loading factor. We also do not need to boostthe BH Bondi-Hoyle accretion rates by an ad-hoc factor. Fi-nally, the amount of feedback energy (and momentum) thatis injected per unit stellar mass depends on local gas prop-erties rather than on non-local or non-baryonic propertiessuch as the dark matter velocity dispersion or halo mass.

The EAGLE suite includes many simulations that willbe presented elsewhere. It includes higher-resolution simu-lations that zoom into individual galaxies or galaxy groups(e.g. Sawala et al. 2014a). It also includes variations in thenumerical techniques (Schaller et al. 2014) and in the sub-grid models (Crain et al. 2014) that can be used to test therobustness of the predictions and to isolate the effects ofindividual processes.

This paper is organised as follows. We begin in §2 witha discussion of the use and pitfalls of cosmological hydro-dynamical simulations in light of the critical role played bysubgrid processes. We focus in particular on the implica-tions for the interpretation and the predictive power of thesimulations, and the role of numerical convergence. In §3 wedescribe the simulations and our definition of a galaxy. Thissection also briefly discusses the numerical techniques andsubgrid physics. The subgrid models are discussed in depthin §4; readers not interested in the details may wish to skipthis section. In §5 we show the results for observables thatwere considered in the calibration of the subgrid models,namely the z ∼ 0 GSMF, the related relation between stellarmass and halo mass, galaxy sizes, and the relations betweenBH mass and stellar mass. We also consider the importanceof the choice of aperture used to measure stellar masses andinvestigate both weak and strong convergence (terms thatare defined in §2). In §6 we present a diverse and representa-tive set of predictions that were not used for the calibration,including specific star formation rates and passive fractions,the Tully-Fisher relation, the mass-metallicity relations, var-

ious properties of the intracluster medium, and the columndensity distributions of intergalactic metals. All results pre-sented here are for z ∼ 0. We defer an investigation of theevolution to Furlong et al. (2014) and other future papers.We summarize and discuss our conclusions in §7. Finally,our implementation of the hydrodynamics and our methodfor generating the initial conditions are summarized in Ap-pendices A and B, respectively.


In this section we discuss what, in our view, the conse-quences of our reliance on subgrid models for feedback arefor the predictive power of the simulations (§2.1) and for therole of numerical convergence (§2.2).

2.1 The need for calibration

Because the recent improvement in the match between sim-ulated and observed galaxies can, for the most part, be at-tributed to the implementation of more effective subgridmodels for feedback, the success of the hydrodynamical sim-ulations is subject to two important caveats that are morecommonly associated with semi-analytic models.

First, while it is clear that effective feedback is required,the simulations can only provide limited insight into the na-ture and source of the feedback processes. For example, sup-pose that the implemented subgrid model for supernovae istoo inefficient because, for numerical reasons, too much ofthe energy is radiated away, too much of the momentumcancels out, or the energy/momentum are coupled to thegas at the wrong scale. If we were unaware of such numeri-cal problems, then we might erroneously conclude that ad-ditional feedback processes such as radiation pressure arerequired. The converse is, of course, also possible: the im-plemented feedback can also be too efficient, for examplebecause the subgrid model underestimates the actual radia-tive losses. The risk of misinterpretation is real, because itcan be shown that many simulations underestimate the ef-fectiveness of feedback due to excessive radiative losses (e.g.Dalla Vecchia & Schaye 2012), which themselves are causedby a lack of resolution and insufficiently realistic modellingof the ISM.

Second, the ab initio predictive power of the simula-tions is currently limited when it comes to the propertiesof galaxies. If the efficiency of the feedback processes de-pends on subgrid prescriptions that may not be good ap-proximations to the outcome of unresolved processes, or ifthe outcome depends on resolution, then the true efficienciescannot be predicted from first principles. Note that the useof subgrid models does not in itself remove predictive power.If the physical processes that operate below the resolutionlimit and their connection with the physical conditions onlarger scales are fully understood and can be modelled orobserved, then it may be possible to create a subgrid modelthat is sufficiently realistic to retain full predictive power.However, this is currently not the case for feedback fromstar formation and AGN. As we shall explain below, thisimplies that simulations that appeal to a subgrid prescrip-tion for the generation of outflows are unable to predict the

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4 J. Schaye et al.

stellar masses of galaxies. Similarly, for galaxies whose evolu-tion is controlled by AGN feedback, such simulations cannotpredict the masses of their central BHs.

To illustrate this, it is helpful to consider a simplemodel. Let us assume that galaxy evolution is self-regulated,in the sense that galaxies tend to evolve towards a quasi-equilibrium state in which the gas outflow rate balances thedifference between the gas inflow rate and the rate at whichgas is locked up in stars and BHs. The mean rate of in-flow (e.g. in the form of cold streams) evolves with redshiftand tracks the accretion rate of dark matter onto haloes,which is determined by the cosmological initial conditions.For simplicity, let us further assume that the outflow rateis large compared to the rate at which the gas is locked up.Although our conclusions do not depend on the validity ofthis last assumption, it simplifies the arguments because itimplies that the outflow rate balances the inflow rate, whenaveraged over appropriate length and time scales. Note thatthe observed low efficiency of galaxy formation (see Fig. 8in §5.2) suggests that this may actually be a reasonable ap-proximation, particularly for low-mass galaxies.

This toy model is obviously incorrect in detail. For ex-ample, it ignores the re-accretion of matter ejected by winds,the recycling of stellar mass loss, and the interaction of out-flows and inflows. However, recent numerical experimentsand analytic models provide some support for the generalidea (e.g. Finlator & Dave 2008; Schaye et al. 2010; Booth& Schaye 2010; Dave et al. 2012; Haas et al. 2013a,b; Feld-mann 2013; Dekel et al. 2013; Altay et al. 2013; Lilly et al.2013; Sanchez Almeida et al. 2014). This idea in itself is cer-tainly not new and follows from the existence of a feedbackloop (e.g. White & Frenk 1991), as can be seen as follows. Ifthe inflow rate exceeds the outflow rate, then the gas fractionwill increase and this will in turn increase the star forma-tion rate (and/or, on a smaller scale, the BH accretion rate)and hence also the outflow rate. If, on the other hand, theoutflow rate exceeds the inflow rate, then the gas fractionwill decrease and this will in turn decrease the star forma-tion rate (and/or the BH accretion rate) and hence also theoutflow rate.

In this self-regulated picture of galaxy evolution the out-flow rate is determined by the inflow rate. Hence, the outflowrate is not determined by the efficiency of the implementedfeedback. Therefore, if the outflow is driven by feedback fromstar formation, then the star formation rate will adjust untilthe outflow rate balances the inflow rate, irrespective of the(nonzero) feedback efficiency. However, the star formationrate for which this balance is achieved, and hence also ulti-mately the stellar mass, do depend on the efficiency of theimplemented feedback. If the true feedback efficiency cannotbe predicted, then neither can the stellar mass. Similarly, ifthe outflow rate is driven by AGN feedback, then the BHaccretion rate will adjust until the outflow rate balances theinflow rate (again averaged over appropriate length and timescales). The BH accretion rate, and hence the BH mass, forwhich this balance is achieved depend on the efficiency ofthe implemented feedback, which has to be assumed. Ac-cording to this toy model, which appears to be a reasonabledescription of the evolution of simulated galaxies, the stel-lar and BH masses are thus determined by the efficienciesof the (subgrid) implementations for stellar and AGN feed-back, respectively.

The simulations therefore need to be calibrated to pro-duce the correct stellar and BH masses. Moreover, if the trueefficiency varies systematically with the physical conditionson a scale resolved by the simulations, then the implementedsubgrid efficiency would also have to be a function of the lo-cal physical conditions in order to produce the correct massfunctions of galaxies and BHs.

A similar story applies to the gas fractions of galaxiesor, more precisely, for the amount of gas above the assumedstar formation threshold, even if the simulations have beencalibrated to produce the correct GSMF. We can see thisas follows. If the outflow rate is determined by the inflowrate, then it is not determined by the assumed subgrid starformation law. Hence, if we modify the star formation law,2

then the mean outflow rate should remain unchanged. Andif the outflow rate remains unchanged, then so must the starformation rate because for a fixed feedback efficiency the starformation rate will adjust to the rate required for outflowsto balance inflows. If the star formation rate is independentof the star formation law, then the galaxies must adjust theamount of star-forming gas that they contain when the starformation law is changed.

Hence, to predict the correct amount of star-forminggas, we need to calibrate the subgrid model for star forma-tion to the observed star formation law. Fortunately, the starformation law is relatively well characterised observationallyon the ∼ 102 − 103 pc scales resolved by large-volume simu-lations, although there are important unanswered questions,e.g. regarding the dependence on metallicity. Ultimately thestar formation law must be predicted by simulations andwill probably depend on the true efficiency of feedback pro-cesses within the ISM, but resolving such processes is notyet possible in simulations of cosmological volumes.

It is not obvious how the efficiency of feedback from starformation should be calibrated. We could choose to calibrateto observations of outflow rates relative to star formationrates. However, those outflow rates are highly uncertain andmay be affected by AGN feedback. It is also unclear on whatscale the outflow rate should be calibrated. In addition, theoutflow velocity and the wind mass loading may be individu-ally important. Moreover, unless the interaction of the windwith the circumgalactic medium is modelled correctly andresolved, then obtaining a correct outflow rate on the scaleused for the calibration does not necessarily imply that it isalso correct for the other scales that matter.

We choose to calibrate the feedback efficiency using theobserved present-day GSMF, as is also common practice forsemi-analytic models. We do this mostly because it is rela-tively well constrained observationally and because obtain-ing the correct stellar mass - halo mass relation, and hencethe correct GSMF if the cosmological initial conditions areknown, is a pre-condition for many applications of cosmo-logical simulations. For example, the physical properties ofthe circumgalactic medium (CGM) are likely sensitive tothe halo mass, but because halo mass is difficult to mea-sure, observations and simulations of the CGM are typicallycompared for galaxies of the same stellar mass.

One may wonder what the point of hydrodynamical

2 The argument breaks down if the gas consumption time scalebecomes longer than the Hubble time.

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The EAGLE simulation project 5

simulations (or, indeed, semi-analytic models) is if they can-not predict stellar masses or BH masses. This is a validquestion for which there are several answers. One is thatthe simulations can still make predictions for observablesthat were not used for the calibration, and we will presentsuch predictions in §6 and in subsequent papers. However,which observables are unrelated is not always unambiguous.One way to proceed, and an excellent way to learn aboutthe physics of galaxy formation, is to run multiple simula-tions with varying subgrid models. It is particularly usefulto have multiple prescriptions calibrated to the same observ-ables. EAGLE comprises many variations, including severalthat reproduce the z ∼ 0 GSMF through different means(Crain et al. 2014).

A second answer is that making good use of simulationsof galaxy formation does not necessarily mean making quan-titative predictions for observables of the galaxy population.We can use the simulations to gain insight into physical pro-cesses, to explore possible scenarios, and to make qualitativepredictions. How does gas get into galaxies? What factorscontrol the size of galaxies? What is the origin of scatterin galaxy scaling relations? What is the potential effect ofoutflows on cosmology using weak gravitational lensing orthe Lyα forest? The list of interesting questions is nearlyendless.

A third answer is that cosmological, hydrodynamicalsimulations can make robust, quantitative predictions formore diffuse components, such as the low-density IGM andperhaps the outer parts of clusters of galaxies.

A fourth answer is that calibrated simulations can beuseful to guide the interpretation and planning of observa-tions, as the use of semi-analytic and halo models has clearlydemonstrated. In this respect hydrodynamical simulationscan provide more detailed information on both the galaxiesand their gaseous environments.

2.2 Numerical convergence

The need to calibrate the efficiency of the feedback and theassociated limits on the predictive power of the simulationscall the role of numerical convergence into question. Theconventional point of view is that subgrid models should bedesigned to yield numerically converged predictions. Conver-gence is clearly a necessary condition for predictive power.However, we have just concluded that current simulationscannot, in any case, make ab initio predictions for some ofthe most fundamental observables of the galaxy population.

While it is obvious that we should demand convergencefor predictions that are relatively robust to the choice ofsubgrid model, e.g. the statistics of the Lyα forest, it is lessobvious that the same is required for observables that de-pend strongly and directly on the efficiency of the subgridfeedback. One could argue that, instead, we only need con-vergence after recalibration of the subgrid model. We willcall this “weak convergence”, as opposed to the “strong con-vergence” that is obtained if the results do not change withresolution when the model is held fixed.

If only weak convergence is required, then the demandsplaced on the subgrid model are much reduced, which hastwo advantages:

First, we can take better advantage of increases in res-olution. The subgrid scale can now move along with the res-

olution limit, so we can potentially model the physics morefaithfully if we adopt higher resolution.

A second advantage of demanding only weak conver-gence is that we do not have to make the sacrifices that arerequired to improve the strong convergence and that mighthave undesirable consequences. We will provide three exam-ples of compromises that are commonly made.

Simulations that sample a representative volume cur-rently lack the resolution and the physics to predict the ra-diative losses to which outflows are subject within the ISM.Strong convergence can nevertheless be achieved if theselosses are somehow removed altogether, for example, by tem-porarily turning off radiative cooling and calibrating the cri-terion for switching it back on (e.g. Gerritsen 1997; Stinsonet al. 2006). However, it is then unclear for which gas thecooling should be switched off. Only the gas elements intowhich the subgrid feedback was directly injected? Or alsothe surrounding gas that is subsequently shock-heated?

Other ways to circumvent radiative losses in the ISMare to generate the outflow outside the galaxy or to turnoff the hydrodynamic interaction between the wind and theISM (e.g. Springel & Hernquist 2003; Oppenheimer & Dave2006; Oppenheimer et al. 2010; Puchwein & Springel 2013;Vogelsberger et al. 2013, 2014b). This is a valid choice, butone that eliminates the possibility of capturing any aspectof the feedback other than mass loss, such as puffing upof discs, blowing holes, driving turbulence, collimating out-flows, ejecting gas clouds, generating small-scale galacticfountains, etc. Furthermore, it necessarily introduces newparameters that control where the outflow is generated andwhen the hydrodynamics is turned back on. These param-eters may directly affect results of interest, including thestate of gas around galaxies, and may also re-introduce res-olution effects. A potential solution to this problem is tonever re-couple and hence to evaluate all wind interactionsusing a subgrid model, even outside the galaxies, as is donein semi-analytic models.

However, bypassing radiative losses in the ISM is notby itself sufficient to achieve strong convergence. In addi-tion, the feedback must not depend on physical conditionsin the ISM since those are unlikely to be converged. Instead,one can make the feedback depend on properties defined bythe dark matter, such as its local velocity dispersion or halomass (e.g. Oppenheimer & Dave 2006; Okamoto et al. 2010;Oppenheimer et al. 2010; Puchwein & Springel 2013; Vo-gelsberger et al. 2013, 2014b), which are generally betterconverged than the properties of the gas. As was the casefor turning off cooling or hydrodynamic forces, this choicemakes the simulations less “hydrodynamical”, moving themin the direction of more phenomenological approaches, andit also introduces new problems. How do we treat satellitegalaxies given that their subhalo mass and dark matter ve-locity dispersion are affected by the host halo? Or worse,what about star clusters or tidal dwarf galaxies that are nothosted by dark matter haloes?

In practice, however, the distinction between weak andstrong convergence is often unclear. One may surmise thatkeeping the physical model fixed is equivalent to keeping thecode and subgrid parameters fixed (apart from the numer-ical parameters controlling the resolution), but this is notnecessarily the case because of the reliance on subgrid pre-scriptions and the inability to resolve the first generations

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Table 1. The cosmological parameters used for the EAGLE simu-lations: Ωm, ΩΛ, and Ωb are the average densities of matter, dark

energy and baryonic matter in units of the critical density at red-

shift zero; H0 is the Hubble parameter, σ8 is the square root of thelinear variance of the matter distribution when smoothed with a

top-hat filter of radius 8 h−1 cMpc, ns is the scalar power-law in-

dex of the power spectrum of primordial adiabatic perturbations,and Y is the primordial abundance of helium.

Cosmological parameter Value

Ωm 0.307ΩΛ 0.693

Ωb 0.04825

h ≡ H0/(100 km s−1 Mpc−1) 0.6777σ8 0.8288

ns 0.9611

Y 0.248

of stars and BHs. For typical subgrid prescriptions, the en-ergy, the mass, and the momentum involved in individualfeedback events, and the number or intermittency of feed-back events do not all remain fixed when the resolution ischanged. Any such changes could affect the efficiency of thefeedback. Consider, for example, a star-forming region andassume that feedback energy from young stars is distributedlocally at every time step. If the resolution is increased, thenthe time step and the particle mass will become smaller.If the total star formation rate remains the same, then thefeedback energy that is injected per time step will be smallerbecause of the decrease in the time step. If the gas mass alsoremains the same, then the temperature increase per timestep will be smaller. A lower post-feedback temperature of-ten leads to larger thermal losses. If, instead, the subgridmodel specifies the temperature jump (or wind velocity),then the post-feedback temperature will remain the samewhen the resolution is increased, but the number of heatingevents will increase because the same amount of feedback en-ergy has to be distributed over lower-mass particles. There isno guarantee that more frequent, lower-energy events drivethe same outflows as less frequent, higher-energy events.

Moreover, for cosmological initial conditions, higher res-olution implies resolving smaller haloes, and hence tracingthe progenitors of present-day galaxies to higher redshifts.If these progenitors drive winds, then this may impact thesubsequent evolution.

In §5.1 we investigate both the weak and strong con-vergence of our simulations, focusing on the GSMF. We testthe weak convergence for a wide variety of predictions insections 5 and 6.


EAGLE was run using a modified version of the N -BodyTree-PM smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) codegadget 3, which was last described in Springel (2005). Themain modifications are the formulation of SPH, the timestepping and, most importantly, the subgrid physics.

The subgrid physics used in EAGLE is based on thatdeveloped for OWLS (Schaye et al. 2010), and used also inGIMIC (Crain et al. 2009) and cosmo-OWLS (Le Brun et al.

2014). We include element-by-element radiative cooling for11 elements, star formation, stellar mass loss, energy feed-back from star formation, gas accretion onto and mergers ofsupermassive black holes (BHs), and AGN feedback. As wewill detail in §4, we made a number of changes with respectto OWLS. The most important changes concern the imple-mentations of energy feedback from star formation (which isnow thermal rather than kinetic), the accretion of gas ontoBHs (which now accounts for angular momentum), and thestar formation law (which now depends on metallicity).

In the simulations presented here the amount of feed-back energy that is injected per unit stellar mass decreaseswith the metallicity and increases with the gas density. Itis bounded between one third and three times the energyprovided by supernovae and, on average, it is about equalto that amount. The metallicity dependence is motivated bythe fact that we expect greater (unresolved) thermal losseswhen the metallicity exceeds ∼ 10−1 Z, the value for whichmetal-line cooling becomes important. The density depen-dence compensates for spurious, numerical radiative losseswhich, as expected, are still present at our resolution eventhough they are greatly reduced by the use of the stochasticprescription of Dalla Vecchia & Schaye (2012). The simula-tions were calibrated against observational data by runninga series of high-resolution 12.5 cMpc and intermediate reso-lution 25 cMpc test runs with somewhat different dependen-cies on metallicity and particularly density. From the modelsthat predicted reasonable physical sizes for disc galaxies, weselected the one that best fit the z ∼ 0 GSMF. For moredetails on the subgrid model for energy feedback from starformation we refer the reader to §4.5.

As described in more detail in Appendix A, we make useof the conservative pressure-entropy formulation of SPH de-rived by Hopkins (2013), the artificial viscosity switch fromCullen & Dehnen (2010), an artificial conduction switchsimilar to that of Price (2008), the C2 Wendland (1995)kernel and the time step limiters of Durier & Dalla Vec-chia (2012). We will refer to these numerical methods col-lectively as “Anarchy”. Anarchy will be described in moredetail by Dalla Vecchia (in preparation), who also demon-strates its good performance on standard hydrodynamicaltests (see Hu et al. 2014 for tests of a similar set of meth-ods). In Schaller et al. (2014) we will show the relevanceof the new hydrodynamical techniques and time steppingscheme for the results of the EAGLE simulations. Althoughthe Anarchy implementation yields dramatic improvementsin the performance on some standard hydrodynamical testsas compared to the original implementation of the hydrody-namics in gadget 3, we generally find that the impact onthe results of the cosmological simulations is small comparedto those resulting from reasonable variations in the subgridphysics (see also Scannapieco et al. 2012).

The values of the cosmological parameters used for theEAGLE simulations are taken from the most recent Planckresults (Planck Collaboration 2013, Table 9) and are listedin Table 1. A transfer function with these parameters wasgenerated using CAMB (Lewis et al. 2000, version Jan 12).The linear matter power spectrum was generated by multi-plying a power-law primordial power spectrum with an in-dex of ns = 0.9611 by the square of the dark matter trans-

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Table 2. Box sizes and resolutions of the main EAGLE simulations. From left-to-right the columns show: simulation name suffix;comoving box size; number of dark matter particles (there is initially an equal number of baryonic particles); initial baryonic particle

mass; dark matter particle mass; comoving, Plummer-equivalent gravitational softening length; maximum proper softening length.

Name L N mg mdm εcom εprop

(comoving Mpc) (M) (M) (comoving kpc) (proper kpc)

L025N0376 25 3763 1.81× 106 9.70× 106 2.66 0.70

L025N0752 25 7523 2.26× 105 1.21× 106 1.33 0.35L050N0752 50 7523 1.81× 106 9.70× 106 2.66 0.70

L100N1504 100 15043 1.81× 106 9.70× 106 2.66 0.70

fer function evaluated at redshift zero3. Particles arrangedin a glass-like initial configuration were displaced accord-ing to 2nd-order Lagrangian perturbation theory using themethod of Jenkins (2010) and the public Gaussian whitenoise field Panphasia (Jenkins 2013; Jenkins & Booth 2013).The methods used to generate the initial conditions are de-scribed in detail in Appendix B.

Table 2 lists box sizes and resolutions of the main EA-GLE simulations. All simulations were run to redshift z = 0.Note that contrary to convention, box sizes, particles massesand gravitational softening lengths are not quoted in unitsof h−1. The gravitational softening was kept fixed in comov-ing units down to z = 2.8 and in proper units thereafter. Wewill refer to simulations with the same mass and spatial res-olution as L100N1504 as intermediate resolution runs andto simulations with the same resolution as L025N0752 ashigh-resolution runs.

Particle properties were recorded for 29 snapshots be-tween redshifts 20 and 0. In addition, we saved a reduced setof particle properties (“snipshots”) at 400 redshifts between20 and 0. The largest simulation, L100N1504, took about4.5 M CPU hours to reach z = 0 on a machine with 32 TBof memory, with the EAGLE subgrid physics typically tak-ing less than 25 per cent of the CPU time.

The resolution of EAGLE suffices to marginally resolvethe Jeans scales in the warm ISM. The Jeans mass andlength for a cloud with gas fraction, fg, are, respectively,

MJ ≈ 1×107 M f3/2g (nH/10−1 cm−3)−1/2(T/104 K)3/2 and

LJ ≈ 2 kpc f1/2g (nH/10−1 cm−3)−1/2(T/104 K)1/2, where

nH and T are the total hydrogen number density and thetemperature, respectively. These Jeans scales can be com-pared to the gas particle masses and maximum proper grav-itational softening lengths listed in columns 4 and 7 of Ta-ble 2.

Simulations with the same subgrid physics and numer-ical techniques as used for L100N1504 were carried out forall box sizes (12.5 – 100 cMpc) and particles numbers (1883

– 15043). We will refer to this physical model as the ref-erence model and will indicate the corresponding simula-tions with the prefix “Ref-” (e.g. Ref-L100N1504). As de-tailed in §4, we re-ran the high-resolution simulations withrecalibrated parameter values for the subgrid stellar andAGN feedback to improve the match to the observed z ∼ 0GSMF. We will use the prefix “Recal-” when referring to thesimulations with this alternative set of subgrid parameters

3 The CAMB input parameter file and the linear power spectrum

are available at

Table 3. Values of the subgrid parameters that vary between themodels presented here. The parameters nH,0 and nn control, re-

spectively, the characteristic density and the power-law slope of

the density dependence of the energy feedback from star forma-tion (see equation 7 in §4.5.1). The parameter Cvisc controls the

sensitivity of the BH accretion rate to the angular momentum of

the gas (see equation 9 in §4.6.2) and ∆TAGN is the temperatureincrease of the gas during AGN feedback (see §4.6.4).

Prefix nH,0 nn Cvisc ∆TAGN

(cm−3) (K)

Ref 0.67 2/ ln 10 2π 108.5

Recal 0.25 1/ ln 10 2π × 103 109

AGNdT9 0.67 2/ ln 10 2π × 102 109

(e.g. Recal-L025N0752). Note that in terms of weak con-vergence, Ref-L100N1504 is more similar to model Recal-L025N0752 than to model Ref-L025N0752 (see §2.2 for adiscussion of weak and strong convergence). In addition,we repeated the L050N0752 run with adjusted AGN pa-rameters in order to further improve the agreement withobservations for high-mass galaxies. We will refer to thismodel with the prefix “AGNdT9”. Table 3 summarizes thevalues of the four subgrid parameters that vary betweenthe models presented here. Crain et al. (2014) and Schalleret al. (2014) will present the remaining EAGLE simula-tions, which concern variations in the subgrid physics andthe numerical techniques, respectively. Finally, Sawala et al.(2014a) present very high-resolution zoomed simulations ofLocal Group like systems run with the EAGLE code and aphysical model that is nearly identical to the one used forthe Ref-L100N1504 model described here.

Figure 1 illustrates the large dynamic range of EA-GLE. It shows the large-scale gas distribution in a thickslice through the z = 0 output of the Ref-L100N1504 run,colour-coded by the gas temperature. The insets zoom inon an individual galaxy. The first zoom shows the gas,but the last zoom shows the stellar light after account-ing for dust extinction. This image was created using threemonochromatic radiative transfer simulations with the codeskirt (Baes et al. 2011) at the effective wavelengths of theSloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) u, g & r filters. Dust ex-tinction is implemented using the metal distribution pre-dicted by the simulations and assuming that 30 per centof the metal mass is locked up in dust grains. Only mate-rial within a spherical aperture with a radius of 30 pkpc isincluded in the radiative transfer calculation. More exam-ples of skirt images of galaxies are shown in Figure 2, in

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Figure 1. A 100× 100× 20 cMpc slice through the Ref-L100N1504 simulation at z = 0. The intensity shows the gas density while the

colour encodes the gas temperature using different colour channels for gas with T < 104.5 K (blue), 104.5 K < T < 105.5 K (green), andT > 105.5 K (red). The insets show regions of 10 cMpc and 60 ckpc on a side and zoom into an individual galaxy with a stellar mass of

3× 1010 M. The 60 ckpc image shows the stellar light based on monochromatic u, g and r band SDSS filter means and accounting fordust extinction. It was created using the radiative transfer code skirt (Baes et al. 2011).

the form of a Hubble sequence. This figure illustrates thewide range of morphologies present in EAGLE. Note thatVogelsberger et al. (2014a) showed a similar figure for theirIllustris simulation. In future work we will investigate howmorphology correlates with other galaxy properties. Moreimages, as well as videos, can be found on the EAGLE websites at Leiden,, andDurham,

We define galaxies as gravitationally bound subhaloesidentified by the subfind algorithm (Springel et al. 2001;Dolag et al. 2009). The procedure consists of three mainsteps. First we find haloes by running the Friends-of-Friends(FoF; Davis et al. 1985) algorithm on the dark matter par-ticles with linking length 0.2 times the mean interparticle

separation. Gas and star particles are assigned to the same,if any, FoF halo as their nearest dark matter particles. Sec-ond, subfind defines substructure candidates by identifyingoverdense regions within the FoF halo that are bounded bysaddle points in the density distribution. Note that whereasFoF considers only dark matter particles, subfind uses allparticle types within the FoF halo. Third, particles that arenot gravitationally bound to the substructure are removedand the resulting substructures are referred to as subhaloes.Finally, we merged subhaloes separated by less than the min-imum of 3 pkpc and the stellar half-mass radius. This laststep removes a very small number of very low-mass sub-haloes whose mass is dominated by a single particle such asa supermassive BH.

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Figure 2. Examples of galaxies taken from simulation Ref-L100N1504 illustrating the z = 0 Hubble sequence of galaxy morphologies.The images were created with the radiative transfer code skirt (Baes et al. 2011). They show the stellar light based on monochromatic

u, g and r band SDSS filter means and accounting for dust extinction. Each image is 60 ckpc on a side. For disc galaxies both face-onand edge-on projections are shown. Except for the 3rd elliptical from the left, which has a stellar mass of 1× 1011 M, and the merger

in the bottom-left, which has a total stellar mass of 8× 1010 M, all galaxies shown have stellar masses of 5–6× 1010 M.

For each FoF halo we define the subhalo that containsthe particle with the lowest value of the gravitational poten-tial to be the central galaxy while any remaining subhaloesare classified as satellite galaxies. The position of each galaxyis defined to be the location of the particle belonging to thesubhalo for which the gravitational potential is minimum.

The stellar mass of a galaxy is defined to be the sum ofthe masses of all star particles that belong to the correspond-ing subhalo and that are within a 3-D aperture with radius30 pkpc. Unless stated otherwise, other galaxy properties,such as the star formation rate, metallicity, and half-massradius, are also computed using only particles within the3-D aperture. In §5.1.1 we show that this aperture gives anearly identical GSMF as the 2-D Petrosian apertures thatare frequently used in observational studies.

We find the effect of the aperture to be negligible forM∗ < 1011 M for all galaxy properties that we consider.However, for more massive galaxies the aperture reduces thestellar masses somewhat by cutting out intracluster light.For example, at a stellar mass M∗ = 1011 M as measuredusing a 30 pkpc aperture, the median subhalo stellar massis 0.1 dex higher (see §5.1.1 for the effect on the GSMF).Without the aperture, metallicities are slightly lower andhalf-mass radii are slightly larger for M∗ > 1011 M, butthe effect on the star formation rate is negligible.


In this section we provide a thorough description and mo-tivation for the subgrid physics implemented in EAGLE:radiative cooling (§4.1), reionisation (§4.2), star formation(§4.3), stellar mass loss and metal enrichment (§4.4), en-ergy feedback from star formation (§4.5), and supermassiveblack holes and AGN feedback (§4.6). These subsections canbe read separately. Readers who are mainly interested in theresults may skip this section.

4.1 Radiative cooling

Radiative cooling and photoheating are implementedelement-by-element following Wiersma et al. (2009a), in-cluding all 11 elements that they found to be important:H, He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ca, and Fe. Wiersma et al.(2009a) used cloudy version4 07.02 (Ferland et al. 1998) totabulate the rates as a function of density, temperature, andredshift assuming the gas to be in ionisation equilibrium andexposed to the cosmic microwave background (CMB) andthe Haardt & Madau (2001) model for the evolving UV/X-ray background from galaxies and quasars. By computing

4 Note that OWLS used tables based on version 05.07.

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the rates element-by-element, we account not only for varia-tions in the metallicity, but also for variations in the relativeabundances of the elements.

We caution that our assumption of ionisation equilib-rium and the neglect of local sources of ionizing radiationmay cause us to overestimate the cooling rate in certain sit-uations, e.g. in gas that is cooling rapidly (e.g. Oppenheimer& Schaye 2013b) or that has recently been exposed to radi-ation from a local AGN (Oppenheimer & Schaye 2013a).

We have also chosen to ignore self-shielding, which maycause us to underestimate the cooling rates in dense gas.While we could have accounted for this effect, e.g. using thefitting formula of Rahmati et al. (2013a), we opted againstdoing so because there are other complicating factors. Self-shielding is only expected to play a role for nH > 10−2 cm−3

and T <∼ 104 K (e.g. Rahmati et al. 2013a), but at such highdensities the radiation from local stellar sources, which weneglect here, is expected to be at least as important asthe background radiation (e.g. Schaye 2001; Rahmati et al.2013b).

4.2 Reionization

Hydrogen reionization is implemented by turning on thetime-dependent, spatially-uniform ionizing background fromHaardt & Madau (2001). This is done at redshift z = 11.5,consistent with the optical depth measurements from PlanckCollaboration (2013). At higher redshifts we use net coolingrates for gas exposed to the CMB and the photo-dissociatingbackground obtained by cutting the z = 9 Haardt & Madau(2001) spectrum above 1 Ryd.

To account for the boost in the photoheating rates dur-ing reionization relative to the optically thin rates assumedhere, we inject 2 eV per proton mass. This ensures that thephotoionised gas is quickly heated to ∼ 104 K. For H thisis done instantaneously, but for He ii the extra heat is dis-tributed in redshift with a Gaussian centred on z = 3.5 ofwidth σ(z) = 0.5. Wiersma et al. (2009b) showed that thischoice results in broad agreement with the thermal historyof the intergalactic gas as measured by Schaye et al. (2000).

4.3 Star formation

Star formation is implemented following Schaye & DallaVecchia (2008), but with the metallicity-dependent den-sity threshold of Schaye (2004) and a different temperaturethreshold, as detailed below. Contrary to standard practice,we take the star formation rate to depend on pressure ratherthan density. As demonstrated by Schaye & Dalla Vecchia(2008), this has two important advantages. First, under theassumption that the gas is self-gravitating, we can rewritethe observed Kennicutt-Schmidt star formation law (Kenni-cutt 1998), Σ∗ = A(Σg/1 M pc−2)n, as a pressure law:

m∗ = mgA(1 M pc−2

)−n ( γGfgP


, (1)

where mg is the gas particle mass, γ = 5/3 is the ratioof specific heats, G is the gravitational constant, fg is themass fraction in gas (assumed to be unity), and P is thetotal pressure. Hence, the free parameters A and n are de-termined by observations of the gas and star formation rate

surface densities of galaxies and no tuning is necessary. Sec-ond, if we impose an equation of state, P = Peos(ρ), thenthe observed Kennicutt-Schmidt star formation law will stillbe reproduced without having to change the star formationparameters. In contrast, if star formation is implemented us-ing a volume density rather than a pressure law, then thepredicted Kennicutt-Schmidt law will depend on the thick-ness of the disc and thus on the equation of state of the starforming gas. Hence, in that case the star formation law notonly has to be calibrated, it has to be recalibrated if the im-posed equation of state is changed. In practice, this is rarelydone.

Equation (1) is implemented stochastically. The proba-bility that a gas particle is converted into a collisionless starparticle during a time step ∆t is min(m∗∆t/mg, 1).

We use A = 1.515 × 10−4 M yr−1 kpc−2 and n = 1.4,where we have decreased the amplitude by a factor 1.65 rela-tive to the value used by Kennicutt (1998) because we use aChabrier rather than a Salpeter stellar initial mass function(IMF). We increase n to 2 for nH > 103 cm−3, because thereis some evidence for a steepening at high densities (e.g. Liuet al. 2011; Genzel et al. 2010), but this does not have asignificant effect on the results since only ∼ 1% of the starsform at such high densities in our simulations.

Star formation is observed to occur in cold (T 104 K),molecular gas. Because simulations of large cosmological vol-umes, such as ours, lack the resolution and the physics tomodel the cold, interstellar gas phase, it is appropriate to im-pose a star formation threshold at the density above whicha cold phase is expected to form. In OWLS we used a con-stant threshold of n∗

H = 10−1 cm−3, which was motivatedby theoretical considerations and yields a critical gas sur-face density ∼ 10 M pc−2 (Schaye 2004; Schaye & DallaVecchia 2008). The critical volume density, nH = 0.1 cm−3,is also similar to the value used in other work of compara-ble resolution (e.g. Springel & Hernquist 2003; Vogelsbergeret al. 2013). Here we instead use the metallicity-dependentdensity threshold of Schaye (2004) as implemented in OWLSmodel “SFTHRESZ” (eq. 4 of Schaye et al. 2010; equations19 and 24 of Schaye 2004),

n∗H(Z) = 10−1 cm−3




, (2)

where Z is the gas metallicity (i.e. the fraction of the gasmass in elements heavier than helium). In the code thethreshold is evaluated as a mass density rather than a totalhydrogen number density. To prevent an additional depen-dence on the hydrogen mass fraction (beyond that impliedby equation 2), we convert nH into a mass density assum-ing the initial hydrogen mass fraction, X = 0.752. Becausethe Schaye (2004) relation diverges at low metallicities, weimpose an upper limit of n∗

H = 10 cm−3. To prevent starformation in low overdensity gas at very high redshift, wealso require the gas density to exceed 57.7 times the cosmicmean, but the results are insensitive to this value.

The metallicity dependence accounts for the fact thatthe transition from a warm, neutral to a cold, molecularphase occurs at lower densities and pressures if the metal-licity, and hence also the dust-to-gas ratio, is higher. Thephase transition shifts to lower pressures if the metallicityis increased due to the higher formation rate of molecularhydrogen, the increased cooling due to metals and the in-

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creased shielding by dust (e.g. Schaye 2001, 2004; Pelupessyet al. 2006; Krumholz et al. 2008; Gnedin et al. 2009; Rich-ings et al. 2014). Our metallicity-dependent density thresh-old causes the critical gas surface density below which theKennicutt-Schmidt law steepens to decrease with increasingmetallicity.

Because our simulations do not model the cold gasphase, we impose a temperature floor, Teos(ρg), correspond-

ing to the equation of state Peos ∝ ρ4/3g , normalised to5

Teos = 8 × 103 K at nH = 10−1 cm−3, a temperature thatis typical for the warm ISM (e.g. Richings et al. 2014). Theslope of 4/3 guarantees that the Jeans mass, and the ratio ofthe Jeans length to the SPH kernel, are independent of thedensity, which prevents spurious fragmentation due to thefinite resolution (Schaye & Dalla Vecchia 2008; Robertson &Kravtsov 2008). Following Dalla Vecchia & Schaye (2012),gas is eligible to form stars if log10 T < log10 Teos + 0.5and nH > n∗

H, where n∗H depends on metallicity as speci-

fied above.Because of the existence of a temperature floor, the tem-

perature of star forming (i.e. interstellar) gas in the simu-lation merely reflects the effective pressure imposed on theunresolved, multiphase ISM, which may in reality be domi-nated by turbulent rather than thermal pressure. If the tem-perature of this gas needs to be specified, e.g. when com-puting neutral hydrogen fractions in post-processing, thenone should assume a value based on physical considerationsrather than use the formal simulation temperatures at facevalue.

In addition to the minimum pressure corresponding tothe equation of state with slope 4/3, we impose a tempera-ture floor of 8000 K for densities nH > 10−5 cm−3 in orderto prevent very metal-rich particles from cooling to temper-atures characteristic of cold, interstellar gas. This constanttemperature floor was not used in OWLS and is unimpor-tant for our results. We impose it because we do not wishto include a cold interstellar phase since we do not modelall the physical processes that are needed to describe it.We only impose this limit for densities nH > 10−5 cm−3,because we should not prevent the existence of cold, adia-batically cooled, intergalactic gas, which our algorithms canmodel accurately.

4.4 Stellar mass loss and type Ia supernovae

Star particles are treated as simple stellar populations(SSPs) with a Chabrier (2003) IMF in the range 0.1 −100 M. The implementation of stellar mass loss is based onWiersma et al. (2009b). At each time step6 and for each stel-

5 For the purpose of imposing temperature floors, Teos(ρg) is con-verted into an entropy assuming a fixed mean molecular weightof 1.2285, which corresponds to an atomic, primordial gas. Other

conversions in the code use the actual mean molecular weight andhydrogen abundance, but we keep them fixed here to prevent par-ticles with different abundances from following different effectiveequations of state.6 To reduce the computational cost associated with neighbourfinding for stars, we implement the enrichment every 10 gravi-

tational time steps for star particles older than 0.1 Gyr; for the

high-resolution run, Recal-L025N0752, this is further reduced toonce every 100 time steps for star particles older than 1 Gyr. We

lar particle, we compute which stellar masses reach the endof the main sequence phase using the metallicity-dependentlifetimes of Portinari et al. (1998). The fraction of the initialparticle mass reaching this evolutionary stage is used, to-gether with the initial elemental abundances, to compute themass of each element that is lost through winds from AGBstars, winds from massive stars, and core collapse super-novae using the nucleosynthetic yields from Marigo (2001)and Portinari et al. (1998). The elements H, He, C, N, O,Ne, Mg, Si, and Fe are tracked individually, while for Caand S we assume fixed mass ratios relative to Si of 0.094and 0.605, respectively (Wiersma et al. 2009b). In addition,we compute the mass and energy lost through supernovaeof type Ia.

The mass lost by star particles is distributed amongthe neighbouring SPH particles using the SPH kernel, butsetting the mass of the gas particles equal to the constantinitial value, mg. Each SPH neighbour k that is separatedby a distance rk from a star particle with smoothing lengthh then receives a fraction


ρkW (rk, h)/Σi


ρiW (ri, h) of the

mass lost during the time step, where W is the SPH kerneland the sum is over all SPH neighbours. To speed up thecalculation, we use only 48 neighbours for stellar mass lossrather than the 58 neighbours used for the SPH.

In Wiersma et al. (2009b) and OWLS we used the cur-rent gas particle masses rather than the constant, initialgas particle mass when computing the weights. The prob-lem with that approach is that gas particles that are moremassive than their neighbours, due to having received moremass lost by stars, carry more weight and therefore becomeeven more massive relative to their neighbours. We foundthat this runaway process can cause a very small fractionof particles to end up with masses that far exceed the ini-tial particle mass. The fraction of very massive particles isalways small, because massive particles are typically alsometal rich and relatively quickly converted into star par-ticles. Nevertheless, it is still undesirable to preferentiallydirect the lost mass to relatively massive gas particles. Wetherefore removed this bias by using the fixed initial particlemass rather than the current particle mass, effectively tak-ing the dependence on gas particle mass out of the equationfor the distribution of stellar mass loss.

We also account for the transfer of momentum and en-ergy associated with the transfer of mass from star to gasparticles. We refer here to the momentum and energy re-lated to the difference in velocity between the star particleand the receiving gas particles, in addition to that associatedwith the mass loss process itself (e.g. winds or supernovae).We assume that winds from AGB stars have a velocity of10 km s−1 (Bergeat & Chevallier 2005). After adjusting thevelocities of the receiving gas particles to conserve momen-tum, energy conservation is achieved by adjusting their en-tropies. Momentum and energy transfer may, for example,play a role if the differential velocity between the stellarand gas components is similar to or greater than the soundspeed of the gas, although we should keep in mind that thechange in the mass of a gas particle during a cooling time istypically small.

have verified that our results are unaffected by this reduction inthe sampling of stellar mass loss from older SSPs.

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As in Wiersma et al. (2009b), the abundances used toevaluate the radiative cooling rates are computed as the ra-tio of the mass density of an element to the total gas density,where both are calculated using the SPH formalism. Starparticles inherit their parent gas particles’ kernel-smoothedabundances7 and we use those to compute their lifetimes andyields. The use of SPH-smoothed abundances, rather thanthe mass fractions of the elements stored in each particle, isconsistent with the SPH formalism. It helps to alleviate thesymptoms of the lack of metal mixing that occurs when met-als are fixed to particles. However, as discussed in Wiersmaet al. (2009b), it does not solve the problem that SPH mayunderestimate metal mixing. The implementation of diffu-sion can be used to increase the mixing (e.g. Greif et al. 2009;Shen et al. 2010), but we have opted not to do this becausethe effective diffusion coefficients that are appropriate forthe ISM and IGM remain unknown.

The rate of supernovae of type Ia (SNIa) per unit initialstellar mass is given by,

NSNIa = νe−t/τ

τ, (3)

where ν is the total number of SNIa per unit initial stel-lar mass and exp(−t/τ)/τ is a normalised, empirical de-lay time distribution function. We set τ = 2 Gyr andν = 2× 10−3 M

−1. Figure 3 shows that these choices yieldbroad agreement with the observed evolution of the SNIarate density for the intermediate resolution simulations, al-though the AGNdT9-L050N0752 may overestimate the rateby ∼ 30 per cent for lookback times of 4–7 Gyr. The high-resolution model, Recal-L025N0752, is consistent with theobservations at all times.

At each time step for which the mass loss is evaluated,star particles transfer the mass and energy associated withSNIa ejecta to their neighbours. We use the SNIa yields ofthe W7 model of Thielemann et al. (2003). Energy feedbackfrom SNIa is implemented identically as for prompt stel-lar feedback using the stochastic thermal feedback model ofDalla Vecchia & Schaye (2012) summarized in §4.5, using∆T = 107.5 K and 1051 erg per SNIa.

4.5 Energy feedback from star formation

Stars can inject energy and momentum into the ISM throughstellar winds, radiation, and supernovae. These processesare particularly important for massive and hence short-livedstars. If star formation is sufficiently vigorous, the associatedfeedback can drive large-scale galactic outflows (e.g. Veilleuxet al. 2005).

Cosmological, hydrodynamical simulations have tradi-tionally struggled to make stellar feedback as efficient asis required to match observed galaxy masses, sizes, outflowrates and other data. If the energy is injected thermally, ittends to be quickly radiated away rather than to drive awind (e.g. Katz et al. 1996). This “overcooling” problem istypically attributed to a lack of numerical resolution. If the

7 Note that this implies that metal mass is only approximatelyconserved. However, Wiersma et al. (2009b) demonstrated that

the error in the total metal mass is negligible even for simulationsthat are much smaller than EAGLE.

Figure 3. The evolution of the supernova Ia rate density. Data

points show observations from SDSS Stripe 82 (Dilday et al.

2010), SDSS-DR7 (Graur & Maoz 2013), SNLS (Perrett et al.2012), GOODS (Dahlen et al. 2008), SDF (Graur et al. 2011), and

CLASH (Graur et al. 2014), as compiled by Graur et al. (2014).

Only data classified by Graur et al. 2014 as the “most accurateand precise measurements” are shown. The 1σ error bars account

for both statistical and systematic uncertainties. The simulations

assume that the rate is a convolution of the star formation ratedensity with an exponential delay time distribution (eq. 3) with

e-folding time τ = 2 Gyr, normalised to yield ν = 2×10−3 M−1

supernovae Ia per unit stellar mass when integrated over all time.

simulation does not contain dense, cold clouds, then the starformation is not sufficiently clumpy and the feedback energyis distributed too smoothly. Moreover, since in reality coldclouds contain a large fraction of the mass of the ISM, insimulations without a cold interstellar phase the density ofthe warm, diffuse phase, and hence its cooling rate, is over-estimated.

While these factors may well contribute to the prob-lem, Dalla Vecchia & Schaye (2012, see also Dalla Vecchia& Schaye 2008, Creasey et al. 2011 and Keller et al. 2014)argued that the fact that the energy is distributed over toomuch mass may be a more fundamental issue. For a stan-dard IMF there is ∼ 1 supernova per 100 M of SSP massand, in reality, all the associated mechanical energy is ini-tially deposited in a few solar masses of ejecta, leading tovery high initial temperatures (e.g. ∼ 2×108 K if 1051 erg isdeposited in 10 M of gas). In contrast, in SPH simulationsthat distribute the energy produced by a star particle overits SPH neighbours, the ratio of the heated mass to the massof the SSP will be much greater than unity. The mismatchin the mass ratio implies that the maximum temperatureof the directly heated gas is far lower than in reality, andhence that its radiative cooling time is much too short. Be-cause the mass ratio of SPH to star particles is independentof resolution, to first order this problem is independent ofresolution. At second order, higher resolution does help, be-cause the thermal feedback can be effective in generating anoutflow if the cooling time is large compared with the soundcrossing time across a resolution element, and the latter de-creases with increasing resolution (but only as m

1/3g ).

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Thus, subgrid models are needed to generate galac-tic winds in large-volume cosmological simulations. Threetypes of prescriptions are widely used: injecting energy inkinetic form (e.g. Navarro & White 1993; Springel & Hern-quist 2003; Dalla Vecchia & Schaye 2008; Dubois & Teyssier2008) often in combination with temporarily disabling hy-drodynamical forces acting on wind particles (e.g. Springel& Hernquist 2003; Okamoto et al. 2005; Oppenheimer &Dave 2006), temporarily turning off radiative cooling (e.g.Gerritsen 1997; Stinson et al. 2006), and explicitly decou-pling different thermal phases (also within single particles)(e.g. Marri & White 2003; Scannapieco et al. 2006; Muranteet al. 2010; Keller et al. 2014). Here we follow Dalla Vecchia& Schaye (2012, see also Kay et al. 2003) and opt for a differ-ent type of solution: stochastic thermal feedback. By makingthe feedback stochastic, we can control the amount of energyper feedback event even if we fix the mean energy injectedper unit mass of stars formed. We specify the temperaturejump of gas particles receiving feedback energy, ∆T , anduse the fraction of the total amount of energy from core col-lapse supernovae per unit stellar mass that is injected onaverage, fth, to set the probability that an SPH neighbourof a young star particle is heated. We perform this opera-tion only once, when the stellar particle has reached the age3 × 107 yr, which corresponds to the maximum lifetime ofstars that explode as core collapse supernovae.

The value fth = 1 corresponds to an expectation valuefor the injected energy of 8.73× 1015 erg g−1 of stellar massformed, which corresponds to the energy available from corecollapse supernovae for a Chabrier IMF if we assume 1051 ergper supernova and that stars with mass 6−100 M explode(6 − 8 M stars explode as electron capture supernovae inmodels with convective overshoot; e.g. Chiosi et al. 1992).

If ∆T is sufficiently high, then the initial (spurious, nu-merical) thermal losses will be small and we can control theoverall efficiency of the feedback using fth. This freedomis justified, because there will be physical radiative lossesin reality that we cannot predict accurately for the ISM.Moreover, because the true radiative losses likely depend onthe physical conditions, we may choose to vary fth with therelevant, local properties of the gas.

By considering the ratio of the cooling time to the soundcrossing time across a resolution element, Dalla Vecchia &Schaye (2012) derive the maximum density for which thethermal feedback can be efficient (their equation 18),

nH,tc ∼ 10 cm−3(


107.5 K



106 M


, (4)

where T > ∆T is the temperature after the energy injectionand we use ∆T = 107.5 K. This expression assumes that theradiative cooling rate is dominated by free-free emission andwill thus significantly overestimate the value of nH,tc whenline cooling dominates, i.e. for T 107 K. In our simulationssome stars do, in fact, form in gas that far exceeds the crit-ical value nH,tc , particularly in massive galaxies. Althoughthe density of the gas in which the stars inject their energywill generally be lower than that of the gas from which thestar particle formed, since the star particles move relative tothe gas during the 3 × 107 yr delay between star formationand feedback, this does mean that for stars forming at highgas densities the radiative losses may well exceed those that

would occur in a simulation that has the resolution and thephysics required to resolve the small-scale structure of theISM. As we calibrate the total amount of energy that is in-jected per unit stellar mass to achieve a good match to theobserved GSMF, this implies that we may overestimate therequired amount of feedback energy. At the high-mass endAGN feedback controls the efficiency of galaxy formation inour simulations. If the radiative losses from stellar feedbackare overestimated, then this could potentially cause us tooverestimate the required efficiency of AGN feedback.

The critical density, nH,tc , increases with the numer-ical resolution, but also with the temperature jump, ∆T .We could therefore reduce the initial thermal losses by in-creasing ∆T . However, for a fixed amount of energy per unitstellar mass, i.e. for a fixed value of fth, the probability thata particular star particle generates feedback is inversely pro-portional to ∆T . Dalla Vecchia & Schaye (2012) show that,for the case of equal mass particles, the expectation valuefor the number of heated gas particles per star particle is(their equation 8)

〈Nheat〉 ≈ 1.3fth


107.5 K



for our Chabrier IMF and only accounting for supernovaenergy (assuming that supernovae associated with starsin the range 6-100 M each yield 1051 erg). Hence, using∆T 107.5 K or fth 1 would imply that most star parti-cles do not inject any energy from core collapse supernovaeinto their surroundings, which may lead to poor sampling ofthe feedback cycle. We therefore keep the temperature jumpset to ∆T = 107.5 K. Although the stochastic implementa-tion enables efficient thermal feedback without the need toturn off cooling, the thermal losses are unlikely to be con-verged with numerical resolution for simulations such as EA-GLE. Hence, recalibration of fth may be necessary when theresolution is changed.

4.5.1 Dependence on local gas properties

We expect the true thermal losses in the ISM to increasewhen the metallicity becomes sufficiently high for metal-linecooling to become important. For temperatures of 105 K <T < 107K this happens when Z >∼ 10−1 Z (e.g. Wiersmaet al. 2009a). Although the exact dependence on metallicitycannot be predicted without full knowledge of the physicalconditions in the ISM, we can capture the expected, quali-tative transition from cooling losses dominated by H and Heto losses dominated by metals by making fth a function ofmetallicity,

fth = fth,min +fth,max − fth,min

1 +(


)nZ, (6)

where Z = 0.0127 is the solar metallicity and nZ > 0. Notethat fth asymptotes to fth,max and fth,min for Z 0.1Zand Z 0.1Z, respectively.

Since metallicity decreases with redshift at fixed stel-lar mass, this physically motivated metallicity dependencetends to make feedback relatively more efficient at high red-shift. As we show in Crain et al. (2014), this leads to goodagreement with the observed, present-day GSMF. In fact,Crain et al. (2014) show that using a constant fth = 1 ap-

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pears to yield even better agreement with the low-redshiftmass function, but we keep the metallicity dependence be-cause it is physically motivated: we do expect larger radia-tive losses for Z 0.1Z than for Z 0.1Z. If we wereonly interested in the GSMF, then equation (6) (or fth = 1)would suffice. However, we find that pure metallicity depen-dence results in galaxies that are too compact, which indi-cates that the feedback is too inefficient at high gas densities.As discussed above, this is not unexpected given the reso-lution of our simulations. Indeed, we found that increasingthe resolution reduces the problem.

We therefore found it desirable to compensate for theexcessive initial, thermal losses at high densities by addinga density dependence to fth:

fth = fth,min +fth,max − fth,min

1 +(




)−nn, (7)

where nH,birth is the density inherited by the star particle,i.e. the density of its parent gas particle at the time it wasconverted into a stellar particle. Hence, fth increases withdensity at fixed metallicity, while still respecting the originalasymptotic values. We use nZ = nn = 2/ ln 10. The seem-ingly unnatural value 2/ ln 10 ≈ 0.87 of the exponent is aleftover from an equivalent, but more complicated expres-sion that was originally used in the code. Using the roundnumber 1 instead of 0.87 would have worked equally well.We use nH,0 = 0.67 cm−3, a value that was chosen aftercomparing a few test simulations to the observed present-day GSMF and galaxy sizes. The higher resolution simula-tion Recal-L025N0752 instead uses nH,0 = 0.25 cm−3 and apower-law exponent for the density term of −1/ ln 10 ratherthan −2/ ln 10 (see Table 3), which we found gives betteragreement with the GSMF. Note that a density dependenceof fth may also have a physical interpretation. For example,higher mean densities on 102 − 103 pc scales may result inmore clustered star formation, which may reduce thermallosses. However, we stress that our primary motivation wasto counteract the excessive thermal losses in the high-densityISM that can be attributed to our limited resolution.

We use the asymptotic values fth,max = 3 and fth,min =0.3, where the high asymptote fth,max is reached at lowmetallicity and high density, and vice versa for the lowasymptote. As discussed in Crain et al. (2014), where wepresent variations on the reference model, the choice of thehigh asymptote is the more important one. Using a valueof fth,max greater than unity enables us to reproduce theGSMF down to lower masses.

Values of fth greater than unity can be motivated onphysical grounds by appealing to other sources of energythan supernovae, e.g. stellar winds, radiation pressure, orcosmic rays, or if supernovae yield more energy per unitmass than assumed here (e.g. in case of a top-heavy IMF).However, we believe that a more appropriate motivation isagain the need to compensate for the finite numerical res-olution. Galaxies containing few star particles tend to havetoo high stellar fractions (e.g. Haas et al. 2013a), which canbe understood as follows. The first generations of stars canonly form once the halo is resolved with a sufficient numberof particles to sample the high-density gas that is eligibleto form stars. We do not have sufficient resolution to re-solve the smallest galaxies that are expected to form in the

real Universe. Hence, the progenitors of the galaxies in thesimulations started forming stars, and hence driving winds,too late. As a consequence, our galaxies start with too highgas fractions and initially form stars too efficiently. As thegalaxies grow substantially larger than our resolution limit,this initial error becomes progressively less important. Us-ing a higher value of fth,max counteracts this sampling effectas it makes the feedback from the first generations of starsthat form more efficient.

The mean and median values of fth that were usedfor the feedback from the stars present at z = 0.1 inRef-L100N1504 are 1.06 and 0.70, respectively. For Recal-L025N0752 these values are 1.07 and 0.93. Hence, averagedover the entire simulation, the total amount of energy is sim-ilar to that expected from supernovae alone. A more detaileddiscussion of the effects of changing the functional form offth is presented in Crain et al. (2014). In that work we alsopresent models in which fth is constant or depends on halomass or dark matter velocity dispersion.

4.6 Black holes and feedback from AGN

In our simulations feedback from accreting, supermassiveblack holes (BHs) quenches star formation in massive galax-ies, shapes the gas profiles in the inner parts of their hosthaloes, and regulates the growth of the BHs.

Models often make a distinction between “quasar-” and“radio-mode” BH feedback (e.g. Croton et al. 2006; Boweret al. 2006; Sijacki et al. 2007), where the former occurs whenthe BH is accreting efficiently and comes in the form of ahot, nuclear wind, while the radio mode operates when theaccretion rate is low compared to the Eddington rate andthe energy is injected in the form of relativistic jets. Becausecosmological simulations lack the resolution to properly dis-tinguish these two feedback modes and because we want tolimit the number of feedback channels to the minimum re-quired to match the observations of interest, we choose toimplement only a single mode of AGN feedback with a fixedefficiency. The energy is injected thermally at the locationof the BH at a rate that is proportional to the gas accre-tion rate. Our implementation may therefore be closest tothe process referred to as quasar-mode feedback. For OWLSwe found that this method led to excellent agreement withboth optical and detailed X-ray observations of groups andclusters (McCarthy et al. 2010, 2011; Le Brun et al. 2014).

Our implementation consists of two parts: i) prescrip-tions for seeding low-mass galaxies with central BHs andfor their growth via gas accretion and merging (we neglectany growth by accretion of stars and dark matter); ii) a pre-scription for the injection of feedback energy. Our methodfor the growth of BHs is based on the one introduced bySpringel et al. (2005a) and modified by Booth & Schaye(2009) and Rosas-Guevara et al. (2013), while our methodfor AGN feedback is close to the one described in Booth &Schaye (2009). Below we summarize the main ingredientsand discuss the changes to the methods that we made forEAGLE.

4.6.1 BH seeds

The BHs ending up in galactic centres may have originatedfrom the direct collapse of (the inner parts of) metal-free

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dwarf galaxies, from the remnants of very massive, metal-free stars, or from runaway collisions of stars and/or stellarmass BHs (see e.g. Kocsis & Loeb 2013 for a recent review).As none of these processes can be resolved in our simula-tions, we follow Springel et al. (2005a) and place BH seedsat the centre of every halo with total mass greater than1010 M/h that does not already contain a BH. For thispurpose, we regularly run the friends-of-friends (FoF) finderwith linking length 0.2 on the dark matter distribution. Thisis done at times spaced logarithmically in the expansion fac-tor a such that ∆a = 0.005a. The gas particle with the high-est density is converted into a collisionless BH particle withsubgrid BH mass mBH = 105 M/h. The use of a subgridBH mass is necessary because the seed BH mass is smallcompared with the particle mass, at least for our defaultresolution. Calculations of BH properties such as its accre-tion rate are functions of mBH, whereas gravitational inter-actions are computed using the BH particle mass. When thesubgrid BH mass exceeds the particle mass, it is allowed tostochastically accrete neighbouring SPH particles such thatBH particle and subgrid masses grow in step.

Since the simulations cannot model the dynamical fric-tion acting on BHs with masses <∼mg, we force BHs withmass < 100mg to migrate towards the position of the mini-mum of the gravitational potential in the halo. At each timestep the BH is moved to the location of the particle thathas the lowest gravitational potential of all the neighbour-ing particles whose velocity relative to the BH is smallerthan 0.25cs, where cs is the speed of sound, and whose dis-tance is smaller than three gravitational softening lengths.These two conditions prevent BHs in gas poor haloes fromjumping to nearby satellites.

4.6.2 Gas accretion

The rate at which BHs accrete gas depends on the mass ofthe BH, the local density and temperature, the velocity ofthe BH relative to the ambient gas, and the angular mo-mentum of the gas with respect to the BH. Specifically, thegas accretion rate, maccr, is given by the minimum of theEddington rate,

mEdd =4πGmBHmp

εrσTc, (8)


maccr = mBondi ×min(C−1

visc(cs/Vφ)3, 1), (9)

where mBondi is the Bondi-Hoyle (1944) rate for sphericallysymmetric accretion,

mBondi =4πG2m2


(c2s + v2)3/2. (10)

Here mp is the proton mass, σT the Thomson cross section,c the speed of light, εr = 0.1 the radiative efficiency of theaccretion disc, and v the relative velocity of the BH and thegas. Finally, Vφ is the rotation speed of the gas around theBH computed using equation (16) of Rosas-Guevara et al.(2013) and Cvisc is a free parameter related to the viscosityof the (subgrid) accretion disc. The mass growth rate of theBH is given by

mBH = (1− εr)maccr. (11)

The factor (cs/Vφ)3/Cvisc by which the Bondi rate ismultiplied in equation (9) is equivalent to the ratio of theBondi and the viscous time scales (see Rosas-Guevara et al.2013). We set Cvisc = 2π for Ref-L100N1504, but increasethe value of Cvisc by a factor 103 for the recalibrated high-resolution model, Recal-L025N0752, and by a factor 102 forAGNdT9-L050N0752 (see Table 3). Since the critical ratioof Vφ/cs above which angular momentum is assumed to re-

duce the accretion rate scales with C−1/3visc , angular momen-

tum is relatively more important in the recalibrated simula-tions, delaying the onset of quenching by AGN to larger BHmasses. As demonstrated by Rosas-Guevara et al. (2013),the results are only weakly dependent on Cvisc because theratio of Vφ/cs above which the accretion rate is suppressed,

which scales as C−1/3visc , is more important than the actual

suppression factor, which scales as Cvisc.Our prescription for gas accretion differs from previous

work in two respects. First, the Bondi rate is not multipliedby a large, ad-hoc factor, α. Springel et al. (2005a) usedα = 100 while OWLS and Rosas-Guevara et al. 2013 useda density dependent factor that asymptoted to unity belowthe star formation threshold. Although the use of α can bejustified if the simulations underestimate the gas density oroverestimate the temperature near the Bondi radius, the cor-rect value cannot be predicted by the simulations. We foundthat at the resolution of EAGLE, we do not need to boostthe Bondi-Hoyle rate for the BH growth to become self-regulated. Hence, we were able to reduce the number of freeparameters by eliminating α. Second, we use the heuristiccorrection of Rosas-Guevara et al. (2013) to account for thefact that the accretion rate will be lower for gas with moreangular momentum (because the accretion is generally notspherically symmetric as assumed in the Bondi model, butproceeds through an accretion disc).

4.6.3 BH mergers

BHs are merged if they are separated by a distance thatis smaller than both the smoothing kernel of the BH, hBH,and three gravitational softening lengths, and if their rela-tive velocity is smaller than the circular velocity at the dis-tance hBH, vrel <

√GmBH/hBH, where hBH and mBH are,

respectively, the smoothing length and subgrid mass of themost massive BH in the pair. The limit on the allowed rel-ative velocity prevents BHs from merging during the initialstages of galaxy mergers.

4.6.4 AGN feedback

AGN feedback is implemented thermally and stochastically,in a manner analogous to energy feedback from star for-mation. The energy injection rate is εfεrmaccrc

2, whereεf = 0.15 is the fraction of the radiated energy that is cou-pled to the ISM. As was the case for the stellar feedbackefficiency, fth, the value of εf must be chosen by calibratingto observations, in this case the normalisation of the relationbetween BH mass and stellar mass. As demonstrated and ex-plained by Booth & Schaye (2010, see also Booth & Schaye2009), the value of εf only affects the BH masses, which areinversely proportional to εf . In particular, the outflow rategenerated by the AGN and hence also the factor by which

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the star formation is reduced, are highly insensitive to εf pro-vided it is nonzero. This can be explained by self-regulation:the BH accretion rate adjusts until the rate at which energyis injected is sufficient for outflows to balance inflows.

We use the same value for the AGN efficiency as inOWLS, εf = 0.15 and εr = 0.1, which implies that a fractionεfεr = 0.015 of the accreted rest mass energy is returnedto the local ISM. As was the case for stellar feedback, therequired value will depend on the radiative losses in the ISM,which may depend on the resolution and the precise mannerin which the energy is injected. We do not implement adependence on metallicity, because metals are not expectedto dominate the radiative losses at the high temperaturesassociated with AGN feedback. As shown in Figure 10, aconstant value of εf = 0.15 yields broad agreement withobservations of the relation between BH mass and stellarmass.

Each BH carries a “reservoir” of feedback energy, EBH.After each time step ∆t, we add εfεrmaccrc

2∆t to this reser-voir. If the BH has stored sufficient energy to heat at leastnheat particles of massmg, then the BH is allowed to stochas-tically heat each of its SPH neighbours by increasing theirtemperature by ∆TAGN. For each neighbour the heatingprobability is


∆εAGNNngb 〈mg〉, (12)

where ∆εAGN is the change in internal energy per unit masscorresponding to the temperature increase, ∆TAGN (we con-vert the parameter ∆TAGN into ∆εAGN assuming a fullyionised gas with primordial composition), Nngb is the num-ber of gas neighbours of the BH and 〈mg〉 is their meanmass. We then reduce EBH by the expectation value for theinjected energy. We use nheat = 1 and limit the time step ofthe BHs such that we expect8 P < 0.3 (see §A1.1).

The most important parameter for the AGN feedbackis the temperature increase ∆TAGN. Larger values will makeindividual feedback events more energetic, generally result-ing in smaller radiative losses in the ISM. However, largervalues will also make the feedback more intermittent. We set∆TAGN = 108.5 K in the L100N1504 reference model, butuse 109 K for our recalibrated high-resolution model Recal-L025N0752 and model AGNdT9-L050N0752 (see Table 3).These temperatures exceed the value of 108 K used in OWLSand the ∆T = 107.5 K that we use for stellar feedback. Ascan be seen from equation (4), the critical density abovewhich the feedback energy is expected to be radiated awayincreases with the value of ∆T . Because the density of theambient gas around the BH tends to increase with resolu-tion, we found that we need to increase ∆T when increasingthe resolution. Similarly, because the gas density around theBH often reaches values that are much higher than is typicalfor star-forming gas, we require higher temperature jumpsfor AGN feedback than for stellar feedback.

8 Because the expected probability is based on the accretion ratein the previous time step, limiting the BH time step does not

guarantee that P < 0.3. If the probability exceeds 0.3, then welimit it to 0.3 and store the unused energy in EBH.

Figure 4. The galaxy stellar mass function at z = 0.1 for the

EAGLE simulations Ref-L100N1504 (blue), AGNdT9-L050N0752

(red), and Recal-L025N0752 (green-blue). The curves switch fromsolid to dashed at the high-mass end when there are fewer than

10 objects per (0.2 dex) stellar mass bin. At the low-mass end

the curves become dotted when the stellar mass falls below thatcorresponding to 100 baryonic particles. Data points show mea-

surements with 1σ error bars from the GAMA survey (open cir-

cles; z < 0.06; Baldry et al. 2012) and from SDSS (filled cir-cles; z ∼ 0.07; Li & White 2009). The high-resolution model

Recal-L025N0752 is noisier because of its small box size. Theintermediate-resolution models slightly underestimate the galaxy

number density at the knee of the mass function and slightly over-

estimate the abundance at M∗ ∼ 108.5 M. The galaxy numberdensity agrees with the data to <∼ 0.2 dex.


In this section we will compare the main EAGLE simula-tions to z ∼ 0 observations of the GSMF, the related stellarmass - halo mass relation, galaxy sizes, and the relation be-tween BH mass and stellar mass. Since these observableswere considered during the calibration of the subgrid mod-els for feedback, we cannot consider the EAGLE results re-ported in this section to be “predictions”. However, notethat we had no control over the slope of the MBH − M∗relation and that galaxy sizes were only used to rule outstrongly discrepant models (i.e. models without a densitydependence of the energy feedback from star formation).

5.1 The galaxy stellar mass function

Figure 4 shows the z = 0.1 galaxy stellar mass function(GSMF) from EAGLE. The dark blue curve shows Ref-L100N1504, the green curve shows the high-resolution simu-lation Recal-L025N0752, and the red curve shows AGNdT9-L050N0752. Recall that AGNdT9-L050N0752 employs ahigher heating temperature for AGN feedback than thereference model, which makes the feedback more efficient.While this is unimportant for the GSMF, we will see in §6.4that it offers a significant improvement for the intracluster

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medium. At the high-mass end the curves switch from asolid to a dashed line style where there are fewer than 10objects per (0.2 dex) stellar mass bin. At the low-mass endthe curves become dotted when the stellar mass falls belowthat corresponding to 100 baryonic particles, where sam-pling effects associated with the limited resolution becomeimportant, as can be seen by comparing the intermediate-and high-resolution simulations.

The GSMF of the high-resolution simulation Recal-L025N0752 is noisier because the box size is too small toprovide a representative sample. Note that the main prob-lem is not Poisson noise due to the small number of objectsper bin, but the small number of large-scale modes that mod-ulate the local number density of galaxies of various masses.Indeed, Fig. 7 shows that the GSMF of Recal-L025N0752has the same wiggles as that of Ref-L025N0376, which usesthe same box size and, apart from the change in resolution,the same initial conditions. The wiggles that are present forRef-L025N0376 are absent for model Ref-L100N1504, eventhough these two simulations use identical resolutions and(subgrid) parameter values. This confirms that the wigglesin the GSMF of Recal-L025N0752 are caused by the smallsize of its simulation volume. We will therefore focus on thelarger volume simulations when comparing the simulatedand observed GSMFs.

The simulation results are compared with observationsfrom the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey(Baldry et al. 2012; open circles) and from SDSS (Li &White 2009; filled circles). For the intermediate-resolutionsimulations the galaxy number densities agree with the ob-servations to <∼ 0.2 dex over the full mass range for which the

resolution and box size are adequate, i.e. from 2×108 M toover 1011 M (slightly below 1011 M for Recal-L025N0752).The observed shape of the GSMF is thus reproduced well.

At fixed number density, the differences in stellar massbetween the simulations and observations are smaller than0.3 dex for Ref-L100N1504 and AGNdT9-L050N0752. Giventhat even for a fixed IMF, uncertainties in the stellar evolu-tion models used to infer stellar masses are ∼ 0.3 dex (e.g.Conroy et al. 2009; Behroozi et al. 2010; Pforr et al. 2012;Mitchell et al. 2013), there is perhaps little point in tryingto improve the agreement between the models and the datafurther.

The subgrid models for energy feedback from star for-mation and for BH accretion have been calibrated to makethe simulated GSMF fit the observed one, so the excellentagreement with the data cannot be considered a successfulprediction. However, success was by no means guaranteedgiven that the computational expense of hydrodynamicalsimulations severely limits the number of test runs that canbe performed and, more importantly, because the freedombuilt into the model is rather limited. For example, whilethe mass scale above which AGN feedback becomes domi-nant is sensitive to the parameter Cvisc of the subgrid modelfor BH accretion (see equation 9 in §4.6.2), the efficiency ofthe AGN feedback was calibrated to the observed relationbetween BH mass and stellar mass and does not affect theshape of the GSMF (Booth & Schaye 2009, 2010).

Figure 5 shows that the level of correspondence be-tween the data and EAGLE is close to that attained forsemi-analytic models (left panel) and is unprecedented forlarge, hydrodynamical simulations (right panel). As can be

seen from the right panel, even though Oppenheimer et al.(2010), Puchwein & Springel (2013), and Illustris (Vogels-berger et al. 2014a; Genel et al. 2014) all adjusted theirsubgrid feedback models to try to match the data, the fitsto the data are substantially less good than for EAGLE. Inparticular, their models all produce mass functions that aretoo steep below the “knee” of the Schechter function andtoo shallow for larger masses. It is worth noting that each ofthese three groups implemented the feedback from star for-mation kinetically, scaled the wind velocity with the velocitydispersion of the dark matter, determined the dependenceof the wind mass loading on the dark matter velocity disper-sion by assuming a constant wind energy, and temporarilyturned off the hydrodynamical forces on wind particles toallow them to escape the galaxies. This contrasts with EA-GLE, where the feedback was implemented thermally ratherthan kinetically, the feedback energy varied with local gasproperties, and the hydrodynamical forces were never turnedoff.

Hence, contrary to the other models shown, EAGLE’ssubgrid model does not impose any particular wind veloc-ity or mass loading or any dependence on dark matter orhalo properties. The injected energy does depend on the lo-cal metallicity and gas density, but the relation between theoutflow properties and the energy injected at the star forma-tion site is an outcome of the simulation. Crain et al. (2014)will show that while varying the feedback energy with lo-cal gas properties is necessary to obtain reasonable galaxysizes, the z ∼ 0 GSMF is actually also reproduced by theEAGLE model that injects a constant energy per unit stel-lar mass (equal to the energy from supernovae) without anycalibration.

While the excellent fit to the low-z GSMF is encourag-ing, the success of the model can only be judged by compar-ing to a wide range of observables and redshifts, particularlythose that were not considered during the calibration. Wewill consider a diverse selection of observables in §6 and willinvestigate their evolution in Furlong et al. (2014) and otherfuture papers.

5.1.1 Effect of the choice of aperture

For the simulations we chose to define a galaxy’s stellar massas the sum of the mass of the stars that are part of a grav-itationally bound subhalo and that are contained within a3-D aperture of radius 30 proper kiloparsec (see §3). Figure 6shows the effect of the choice of aperture for Ref-L100N1504.For M∗ < 1011 M the results are insensitive to the aper-ture, provided it is >∼ 30 pkpc. However, for M∗ > 1011 Mthe aperture does become important, with larger aperturesgiving larger masses.

The same is true for the observations, as can be seenby comparing the data from Li & White (2009) with there-analysis of SDSS data by Bernardi et al. (2013) (opentriangles in Fig. 6). Baldry et al. (2012) and Li & White(2009) are in good agreement, but Bernardi et al. (2013)find a much shallower bright-end slope than previous anal-yses. For M∗ > 1011 M Bernardi et al. (2013) attributesubstantially more mass to galaxies than Li & White (2009)and Baldry et al. (2012). Part of the difference is due tothe assumed mass-to-light ratios (even though all studies as-sume a Chabrier IMF) and the way in which the background

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Figure 5. Comparisons of the GSMF from EAGLE’s Ref-L100N1504 with the semi-analytic models of Gonzalez-Perez et al. (2014),

Henriques et al. (2013), and Porter et al. (2014) (left panel) and with the large hydrodynamical simulations of Oppenheimer et al.

(2010), Puchwein & Springel (2013), the Illustris simulation (Vogelsberger et al. 2014b, data taken from Genel et al. 2014), and theMassiveBlack-II simulation (Khandai et al. 2014) (right panel). All models are for a Chabrier IMF (Gonzalez-Perez et al. 2014 and

Khandai et al. 2014 have been converted from Kennicutt and Salpeter IMFs, respectively). The EAGLE curve is dotted when galaxies

contain fewer than 100 stellar particles and dashed when there are fewer than 10 galaxies per stellar mass bin. Except for Oppenheimeret al. (2010), all simulations include AGN feedback. Apart from MassiveBlack-II, all models were calibrated to the data (the Galform

semi-analytic model of Gonzalez-Perez et al. 2014 was calibrated to fit the K-band galaxy luminosity function). The agreement with

the data is relatively good for both EAGLE and the semi-analytic models, but EAGLE fits the data substantially better than the otherhydrodynamical simulations do.

is subtracted (see e.g. Bernardi et al. 2013 and Kravtsovet al. 2014 for discussion). Most of the difference betweenLi & White (2009) and Bernardi et al. (2013) can proba-bly be attributed to the way in which a galaxy’s light ismeasured. Li & White (2009) integrate the light within a2-D aperture of size twice the Petrosian radius, defined tobe the radius at which the mean local surface brightnessis 0.2 times the mean internal surface brightness. Bernardiet al. (2013) on the other hand, estimate the total amountof light by integrating Sersic plus exponential profile fits.Hence, the Bernardi et al. (2013) mass function potentiallyincludes intracluster light and the discrepancy between dif-ferent authors is related to the fact that it is unclear wherecD galaxies end. Baldry et al. (2012) integrate single Sersicfits to the light profiles, which we would expect includesless intracluster light than the Sersic plus exponential fitsof Bernardi et al. (2013) but more than the Petrosian aper-tures of Li & White (2009). However, Bernardi et al. (2013)find that the high-mass end of the Baldry et al. (2012) massfunction is affected by their redshift cut (z < 0.06).

We believe the Baldry et al. (2012) and Li & White(2009) data to be the most suitable for comparison to ourresults, since our definition of a galaxy excludes intraclusterlight. For Li & White (2009) this is confirmed by our findingthat a 3-D aperture of 30 pkpc gives nearly identical resultsto a 2-D Petrosian cut, as can be seen from Figure 6.

Thus, for masses > 1011 M comparisons of the GSMFwith observations would benefit from mimicking the partic-ular way in which the mass is estimated for real data. Thiswould, however, have to be done separately for each survey.For our present purposes this is unnecessary, also because

our simulation volume is in any case too small to study theGSMF at masses 1011 M.

5.1.2 Numerical convergence

The left panel of Figure 7 compares the GSMFs for modelRef-L025N0376, which has the same resolution as the largestEAGLE volume Ref-L100N1504, and the higher-resolutionmodel Ref-L025N0752. The two Ref-L025 simulations useidentical subgrid parameters, but the mass and spatial res-olution differ by factors of 8 and 2, respectively. In §2.2 wetermed a comparison between models with identical param-eters a “strong convergence test”. Below 109 M the massfunction is substantially flatter in the high-resolution model.However, at M∗ ∼ 109 M its GSMF is up to 0.4 dex higherthan for the fiducial resolution, leading to disagreement withthe data. The largest discrepancy is the stellar mass corre-sponding to a number density of ∼ 2× 10−2 cMpc−3, whichis about an order of magnitude higher than observed.

The thin curves in Figure 7 show the strong conver-gence test of Vogelsberger et al. (2013) using the galaxyformation model that was also used for Illustris. Clearly,the strong convergence is similarly poor. This is somewhatsurprising, since Illustris uses a subgrid model for feedbackfrom star formation that was designed to give good strongconvergence. In particular, the parameters of the subgridwind model vary with the velocity dispersion of the darkmatter rather than with the properties of the gas and hy-drodynamical interactions between the wind and the ISMare not modelled.

That the strong convergence is not particularly good

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Figure 7. Strong (left panel) and weak (right panel) tests of the convergence of the GSMF with numerical resolution. Models L025N0752

have a better mass and spatial resolution than L025N0376 by factors of 8 and 2, respectively. The strong convergence test compares

models with identical subgrid parameter values, while the weak convergence test compares the original, intermediate-resolution modelRef-L025N0376 with a high-resolution model Recal-L025N0752 for which the parameters of the subgrid models for feedback from star

formation and for gas accretion onto BHs were recalibrated in order to reproduce the observed GSMF. For comparison, the thin curves in

the left panel show the strong convergence test for the galaxy formation model used for the Illustris simulation as reported by Vogelsbergeret al. (2013). The EAGLE curves are dotted where galaxies contain fewer than 100 stellar particles and dashed where there are fewer

than 10 galaxies per stellar mass bin.

Figure 6. The effect of the choice of aperture on the GSMF.

Curves show the z = 0.1 GSMF from Ref-L100N1504 for different3-D apertures: radii of 30, 50, and 100 proper kiloparsec, a 2-D

Petrosian aperture, and no aperture at all. In all cases only stellar

mass bound to a subhalo is considered. The simulation curves aredotted where galaxies contain fewer than 100 stellar particles and

dashed where there are fewer than 10 galaxies per stellar mass

bin. Data points indicate observations. The Li & White (2009)and Bernardi et al. (2013) data points are both for SDSS, but

use Petrosian magnitudes and integrals of Sersic plus exponentialfits, respectively. The Baldry et al. (2012) data points are for theGAMA survey and use integrals of single Sersic fits. The choice of

aperture is important for M∗ > 1011 M, both for the simulation

and the observations.

for EAGLE is unsurprising for the reasons discussed in §2.2and §4.5. For M∗ < 2 × 108 M galaxies in Ref-L025N0376contain fewer than 100 star particles, which is insufficient toproperly sample the feedback from star formation in the con-text of EAGLE’s subgrid model. Because the feedback canbe modelled down to lower masses in Ref-L025N0752, galax-ies with M∗ ∼ 109 M have had systematically different his-tories than galaxies of a similar mass in Ref-L025N0376. Inaddition, higher resolution enables the gas density distri-bution to be populated by particles up to higher densities,where our fiducial implementation of thermal feedback be-comes inefficient (equation 4 in §4.5).

In §2.2 we argued that hydrodynamical simulations suchas EAGLE should recalibrate the efficiency of the subgridfeedback when the resolution is changed substantially. Ingeneral, keeping the subgrid parameters fixed does not im-ply that the physical model remains unchanged, since theenergy, mass or intermittency associated with the feedbackevents changes. Moreover, the efficiency of the feedback can-not, in any case, be predicted from first principles, even ifthe convergence were perfect.

Recal-L025N0752 is our recalibrated high-resolutionsimulation. As detailed in §4.5.1 and Table 3, the depen-dence of the feedback energy per unit stellar mass on thegas density is somewhat different between the different res-olutions. However, the mean values of fth, which is equal tothe expectation value of the amount of injected energy inunits of the energy available from core collapse supernovae,are nearly identical: 1.06 at intermediate resolution (for starsformed at z > 0.1 in Ref-L100N1504) and 1.07 at high res-olution (for stars formed at z > 0.1 in Recal-L025N0752).The asymptotic maximum of fth, reached at low metallic-ity and low gas density, is 3 in both cases. As detailed in

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§4.6.2 and Table 3, Recal-L025N0752 also uses a differentvalue for the parameter that controls the importance of an-gular momentum in suppressing accretion onto BHs, makingthe accretion rate more sensitive to the angular momentumof the accreting gas. Without this change, AGN feedbackwould become important at too low masses. Finally, thehigh-resolution model uses a higher AGN feedback temper-ature, ∆TAGN = 109 K rather than 108.5 K, which helps tosuppress the increase in the cooling losses that would other-wise occur due to the higher gas densities that are resolved inthe higher resolution model. Without this change the AGNfeedback would be insufficiently effective.

The right panel of Figure 7 shows a “weak convergencetest”, i.e. a comparison of the GSMFs of the calibrated in-termediate resolution model Ref-L025N0376 and the recal-ibrated high-resolution model Recal-L025N0752. The twocurves show some of the same bumps and wiggles, becausethe initial conditions used for the two simulations share thesame large-scale modes. In the mass range for which galaxiesin the intermediate-resolution model are resolved with morethan 100 star particles (M∗ > 2 × 108 M) the differencein the galaxy number density is smaller than 0.2 dex. Weconclude that the weak convergence is good.

5.2 The relation between stellar mass and halomass

The GSMF can be thought of as a convolution between themass function of dark matter haloes and a function describ-ing the galaxy content of the haloes as a function of theirmass. The halo mass function can be predicted accuratelywhen the cosmology is known, but the galaxy content ofhaloes is very sensitive to the baryonic processes involved inthe formation of galaxies. As modelling galaxy formation isEAGLE’s primary goal, it is of interest to compare the rela-tion between stellar mass and halo mass in the simulations tothe relation inferred from observations. Because the subgridmodel for feedback was calibrated to fit the z ∼ 0 GSMF,the relation between stellar and halo mass can hardly beconsidered a prediction. We therefore discuss this relationin this section, even though we did not calibrate the simu-lations to fit the relation inferred from observations.

Figure 8 shows the “galaxy formation efficiency”,(M∗/M200)/(Ωb/Ωm), for central galaxies as a function ofeither the mass of their host halo (left panel) or their stel-lar mass (right panel). Here the halo mass, M200, is definedas the total mass contained within the virial radius R200,defined to be the radius within which the mean internaldensity is 200 times the critical density, 3H2/8πG, centredon the dark matter particle of the corresponding FoF halowith the minimum gravitational potential (see §3). If thebaryon fraction in the halo were equal to the cosmic averageof Ωb/Ωm ≈ 0.16, then an efficiency of unity would indi-cate that the stellar mass accounts for all the halo’s shareof baryons. We focus on central galaxies because the strongtidal stripping to which satellite haloes are subject obscuresthe underlying relation between galaxy formation efficiencyand halo mass.

The simulation clearly shows that galaxy formation ismost efficient in haloes with mass ∼ 1012 M, as has beenfound by many others. In fact, it would be more appropriateto say that this is the mass where galaxy formation is “least

inefficient” as the efficiency is only ∼ 10% at the peak. Theefficiency is sharply peaked at a stellar mass of ∼ 1010.4 M,which corresponds to the onset of the knee in the GSMF(Fig. 4). As is the case for most models of galaxy formation,in EAGLE the sharp reduction at lower masses is mostlydue to stellar feedback, while the drop off at higher massescan in part be attributed to inefficient cooling, but is mostlycaused by AGN feedback.

Although halo masses can be measured observationally,e.g. from gravitational lensing or satellite kinematics, the er-rors are still relatively large and it is difficult to disentanglecentral and satellite galaxies. In Figure 8 we therefore com-pare with results obtained through the abundance matchingtechnique. In its most basic form abundance matching re-lates central galaxies to haloes by matching the observedGSMF to the halo mass function predicted from a collision-less simulation, assuming that the stellar masses of galaxiesincrease monotonically with the masses of their host haloes(e.g. Vale & Ostriker 2004). Modern versions allow for scat-ter and evolution, and assume that the masses of satellitegalaxies are set at the last time they were centrals.

Figure 8 compares EAGLE to the abundance matchingresults of Behroozi et al. (2013) and Moster et al. (2013).Note that the abundance matching studies assumed theWMAP7 cosmology, whereas we assume the Planck cosmol-ogy. For EAGLE we use the total mass of the halo in thehydrodynamical simulation, whereas abundance matchingstudies use collisionless simulations. Because feedback pro-cesses reduce halo masses, we expect M200 to be biased highby ∼ 10% for the abundance matching results (e.g. Sawalaet al. 2013; Cui et al. 2014; Velliscig et al. 2014; Cusworthet al. 2014; Martizzi et al. 2014; Sawala et al. 2014a; Vo-gelsberger et al. 2014b), but this effect is small comparedto the dynamic range shown9. Beyond the peak the resultsbecome increasingly sensitive to the aperture used to mea-sure the galaxy’s light. For example, Kravtsov et al. (2014)show that using the Bernardi et al. (2013) GSMF as inputincreases the efficiency by ∼ 0.5 dex at M200 = 1014 Mrelative to the values of Behroozi et al. (2013) and Mosteret al. (2013). However, as discussed in §5.1.1, our use of afixed 30 pkpc aperture means that comparison to Bernardiet al. (2013) is inappropriate at the high-mass end. In §6.4we will show that a more robust comparison with observa-tions of the total stellar content of massive galaxies revealsgood agreement with EAGLE.

The convergence with resolution is good and the galaxyformation efficiency in EAGLE is very close to that inferredfrom abundance matching. This was of course to be ex-pected, given the good convergence and the good agreementwith the observations for the GSMF. The peak efficiency is0.1–0.2 dex lower in EAGLE and is reached at a slightly(∼ 0.2 dex) higher stellar mass, which is consistent with thefact that EAGLE slightly undershoots the observed GSMFat the knee (see Fig. 4).

9 For M200 1010 M the systematic errors in the abundance

matching results are likely to be much greater because only asmall fraction of such low-mass haloes may host galaxies (Sawala

et al. 2013, 2014a).

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Figure 8. The ratio of the stellar to halo mass, relative to the universal baryon fraction, as a function of halo mass (left panel) and stellar

mass (right panel) for central galaxies. The simulation curves are dotted where there are fewer than 100 stellar particles per galaxy.

Filled circles show individual objects where there are fewer than 10 objects per bin. The shaded regions show the 1σ scatter in thesimulations. For clarity we only show the scatter in Recal-L025N0752 for M∗ < 1010 M and in Ref-L100N1504 for M∗ > 1010 M. The

EAGLE results agree with results inferred from observations through the technique of abundance matching (grey, solid curves; Moster

et al. 2013; Behroozi et al. 2013). The small difference between EAGLE and the abundance matching in the location and height of thepeak are consistent with EAGLE’s small underestimate of the GSMF around the knee (see Fig. 4).

5.3 Galaxy sizes

The parameters of the subgrid model for feedback from starformation and AGN were calibrated to observations of thez ∼ 0 GSMF. The parameter that controls the importanceof the angular momentum of the gas in suppressing BH ac-cretion was set to a value for which AGN feedback causes theGSMF to turn over at a mass similar to what is observed.As will be shown in Crain et al. (2014), we found that forEAGLE, calibration of the stellar feedback is actually unnec-essary to reproduce the GSMF. Fixing the amount of energyinjected per unit stellar mass to that available in the form ofcore collapse supernovae, i.e. fth = 1, works well, as does thephysically motivated dependence on the gas metallicity thatwe use (eq. 6). However, such models produce galaxies thatare far too compact because of excessive radiative losses athigh gas densities, and we can show analytically that thesespurious cooling losses are caused by our limited numericalresolution (see §4.5).

We consider it reassuring that the breakdown of thesubgrid model for feedback from star formation at high den-sity is understood and leads to a clear conflict with observa-tions. On the other hand, the fact that such an unrealisticmodel has no trouble matching the observed GSMF em-phasizes the importance of comparing to a wide range ofobservables.

To counteract the numerical radiative losses occurringat high gas densities, we introduced a dependence of thefeedback energy from star formation on the gas density,while keeping both the maximum and mean amounts of en-ergy reasonable (see §4.5.1). Although we could not affordthe computational expense of calibrating the models to fitboth the z ∼ 0 GSMF and the size distribution in detail, wedid reject models that produced galaxies that were far too

Figure 9. Galaxy size as a function of stellar mass for galaxies at

z = 0.1 in proper kiloparsec. The coloured curves show the me-

dian, projected half-mass radii for the simulations and the shadedregions show the 1σ scatter. For clarity we only show the scatter

in Recal-L025N0752 for M∗ < 1010 M and in Ref-L100N1504 for

M∗ > 1010 M. The simulation curves are dotted below the res-olution limit of 600 stellar particles. Where there are fewer than

10 galaxies per bin, individual objects are shown as filled circles.

The models are compared with Sersic half-light radii from SDSS(Shen et al. 2003; the grey, solid line shows the median and the

grey dotted lines indicate 1σ scatter) and GAMA (Baldry et al.2012; data points with error bars indicate the 1σ scatter, shown

separately for blue and red galaxies). The simulations and Shen

et al. (2003) only include late-type galaxies, i.e. a Sersic indexns < 2.5.

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small. As a consequence of this strategy, the z ∼ 0 galaxysizes cannot be regarded as true predictions.

Figure 9 plots the median value of the half-mass radius,R50, i.e. the radius that encloses 50 per cent of the stellarmass in projection, as a function of galaxy stellar mass. Thehalf-mass radii were determined by fitting Sersic laws tothe projected, azimuthally averaged surface density profiles,as in McCarthy et al. (2012). Following Shen et al. (2003),only galaxies with Sersic index ns < 2.5 are included. ForRef-L1001504, 94% of the galaxies with more than 600 starparticles have ns < 2.5.

The high-resolution Recal-L025N0752 agrees very wellwith the intermediate-resolution models for M∗ > 109 M,which corresponds to about 600 star particles for theintermediate-resolution runs. For this mass the median R50

is about three and a half times the maximum gravitationalsoftening length (see Table 2). Hence, we take the stellarmass 600mg as the minimum value for which we can mea-sure half-mass radii. We thus require six times more stellarparticles to measure sizes than we need to measure mass.

The simulations are compared to data from SDSS (Shenet al. 2003) and GAMA (Baldry et al. 2012). Note that theobservations fit surface brightness profiles and provide half-light radii rather than half-mass radii, so the comparisonwith the models is only fair if the stellar mass-to-light ratiodoes not vary strongly with radius. As mentioned above,Shen et al. (2003) select galaxies with ns < 2.5, as we havedone here. Baldry et al. (2012) on the other hand presentresults separately for red and blue galaxies, finding that thelatter are ∼ 0.2 dex more extended at fixed stellar mass.Shen et al. (2003) use Petrosian apertures, which we expectto yield results similar to the 3-D apertures of 30 pkpc thatwe use for the simulations (see §5.1.1).

For M∗ 108 M Shen et al. (2003) agree better withthe Baldry et al. (2012) results for red galaxies, even thoughns < 2.5 should pick out more disky and hence bluer galax-ies. The differences between the two data sets are indicativeof the level of correspondence between independent mea-surements of observed galaxy sizes.

For 109 < M∗/M < 1010 the simulation results fallin between those of Baldry et al. (2012) for red and bluegalaxies. For M∗ < 109 M and M∗ > 1010 M the simula-tions agree very well with the sizes of blue and red galaxies,respectively. At 1011 M the red sample of Baldry et al.(2012) gives sizes that are about 0.1–0.2 dex larger thanfound for both the simulations and the data from Shenet al. (2003). This difference may be due to the fact thatShen et al. (2003) use Petrosian sizes, whereas Baldry et al.(2012) do not. Indeed, if we do not impose any 3-D aper-ture, then the simulation curve follows the results of thered sample nearly exactly for M∗>∼ 1011 M, while the sizesof lower-mass galaxies remain unchanged (not shown). Theagreement with Shen et al. (2003) is excellent: the differencewith the simulations is ≤ 0.1 dex for all models and for thefull range of stellar mass.

For M∗ > 1010 M the scatter in the sizes of the sim-ulated galaxies is similar to the observed dispersion, but atlower masses it appears to be smaller. This could be due toa lack of resolution or some other deficiency in the simula-tions or halo finder, but it could also be due to observationalerrors or to the fact that we have ignored variations in thestellar mass-to-light ratio and dust extinction.

5.4 The relation between BH mass and stellarmass

Figure 10 shows the mass of the central supermassive BHas a function of the galaxy’s stellar mass. The simulationresults are compared with the compilation of observationsfrom McConnell & Ma (2013). The observed stellar mass wasobtained by extrapolating a fit to the mass profile of thebulge inferred from kinematic data. Because the observedgalaxies were selected to be early-type, the bulge likely dom-inates the stellar mass, at least for the massive systems.

The three EAGLE simulations give nearly identical re-sults, indicating good convergence. For M∗ 1010 M theBH mass asymptotes to 105 M/h, which is the mass ofthe seed BHs that are inserted into FoF haloes with mass> 1010 M/h that do not already contain BHs. As can beseen from Fig. 8, a halo mass of 1010 M corresponds toM∗ ∼ 108 M. Above M∗ ∼ 1010 M the relation betweenBH mass and stellar mass steepens, but it quickly flattensoff to a relation that agrees very well with the observationsfor M∗>∼ 1011 M. The rapid growth of the BHs between

M∗ = 1010 and 1011 M coincides with the steepening of theGSMF (compare Fig. 4) and the sharp increase in the frac-tion of galaxies that are passive (right panel of Fig. 11). Thisis understandable, as the AGN feedback associated with therapid BH growth quenches star formation.

The agreement with the observations is good, althoughthe observed scatter is larger. In terms of the normalisationof the MBH-M∗ relation the good agreement is perhaps nota surprise. The normalisation is determined by the assumedefficiency of the AGN feedback, εfεr, i.e. the amount of en-ergy that is injected per unit of accreted mass (e.g. Booth &Schaye 2009, 2010). We used the same value (εfεr = 0.015)as was used for OWLS and cosmo-OWLS, which Booth &Schaye (2009) and Le Brun et al. (2014) found to give agree-ment with the observedMBH-M∗ relation. Fig. 10 shows thatthis efficiency also works for EAGLE, even though the massresolution of EAGLE is nearly two orders of magnitude bet-ter than for OWLS and about 3 orders of magnitude betterthan for cosmo-OWLS. Note, however, that we used higherAGN heating temperatures than the ∆TAGN = 108 K thatwas used in OWLS (see Table 3).

It would clearly be desirable to extend the comparisonto observations to lower masses, but in this regime a morecareful analysis is required. This is because of the impor-tance of systematic and selection effects for the observations(e.g. Lauer et al. 2007; Schulze & Wisotzki 2011) and be-cause a bulge-to-disc decomposition would be necessary forthe simulations since most low-mass galaxies are disky. Thesame issues likely also affect the comparison of the scatter.


In this section we will compare the results of EAGLE to adiverse set of low-z observations of galaxies, galaxy clusters,and the IGM. The results reported in this section were notused to calibrate the subgrid models for feedback and cantherefore be considered predictions that can be used as in-dependent consistency checks. During the testing phase, wedid look at earlier, more basic versions of some of the plots

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Figure 10. The relation between the mass of the central super-

massive black hole and the stellar mass of galaxies. The coloured

curves show the median relations for the simulations and theshaded regions show the 1σ scatter. For clarity we only show

the scatter in Recal-L025N0752 for M∗ < 1010 M and in Ref-

L100N1504 for M∗ > 1010 M. Where there are fewer than 10objects per bin, individual objects are shown as filled circles. Data

points with 1σ error bars show the compilation of observations

from McConnell & Ma (2013). The simulations show the totalstellar mass (within a 3-D aperture of 30 pkpc), while observa-

tions show bulge masses. However, the observed galaxies were

selected to be early-type. The simulations agree with the obser-vations, although the observed scatter is larger.

shown here, so most of the predictions cannot be consideredblind. However, we have not adjusted any model parametersto improve the results shown in this section.

There are two exceptions to the above statements. First,we plotted the metal column density distributions (§6.5) forthe first time after the simulations had finished, so this was atruly blind prediction. Second, the discrepancy between thegas fraction in clusters predicted by Ref-L100N1504 and in-ferred from X-ray observations that will be discussed in §6.4was the motivation for running model AGNdT9-L050N0752.This model represents an educated guess in terms of themodifications to the subgrid AGN feedback, because wecould only afford to calibrate models using volumes of 25cMpc on a side, which are too small to contain clusters ofgalaxies.

The observables presented in this section were not se-lected because the models reproduce them accurately. Theywere selected because they give a broad overview of thez ∼ 0 EAGLE universe, because we had the tools to computethem, and because we are currently not preparing separatepapers on them. Future papers will present more observablesas well as results for higher redshifts.

6.1 Specific star formation rates and passivefractions

The left panel of Figure 11 shows the specific star forma-tion rate (SSFR), M∗/M∗, of actively star-forming galaxiesas a function of stellar mass. Here, galaxies are classified to

be star-forming if the SSFR > 0.01 Gyr−1, which is indi-cated by the horizontal, dashed line in the left panel. Thehigher and lower diagonal lines in the left panel indicate theSSFR corresponding to 10 star-forming gas particles (as-suming a gas density of nH = 10−1 cm−3, the star formationthreshold that we impose at the metallicity Z = 0.002) atintermediate and high resolution, respectively. To the leftof these curves resolution effects become important, whichwe indicate by using dotted lines. In particular, the increasein the SSFR at low stellar mass that is clearly visible forthe intermediate resolution simulations is a numerical effect:the curves trace lines of constant numbers of star-formingparticles. Compared with the intermediate-resolution mod-els, the high-resolution simulation Recal-L025N0752 pre-dicts slightly higher SSFRs. The difference is 0.2 dex atM∗ = 109 M and less than 0.1 dex above 1010 M.

The models are compared with observations from Baueret al. (2013), who measured the SSFRs of ∼ 73, 000 galaxiesfrom the GAMA survey using spectroscopic Hα measure-ments and dust corrections based on Balmer decrements.The intermediate-resolution simulations agree with the dataat the high-mass end, but underpredict the SSFR at lowmasses, reaching a maximum discrepancy of 0.3 – 0.4 dex at109 M. The high-resolution model also underpredicts theSSFR, but the discrepancy is less than 0.2 dex. These dif-ferences are comparable to the systematic uncertainty in thedata. For example, even for a fixed IMF the systematic un-certainty in the stellar mass, which shifts the data paral-lel to the diagonal lines, is ∼ 0.3 dex (Conroy et al. 2009;Behroozi et al. 2010; Pforr et al. 2012; Mitchell et al. 2013)and the systematic error in the star formation rate, whichshifts the data vertically, is likely to be at least as large(e.g. Moustakas et al. 2006). The scatter in the simulationsis ∼ 50% smaller than observed, but the observed scatterincludes measurement and systematic uncertainties.

The right panel of Figure 11 shows the fraction ofgalaxies that are passive as a function of stellar mass. Forthe simulations we classify galaxies as passive if they haveSSFR < 0.01 Gyr−1, but the observational papers use some-what different and varying criteria. We leave a more precisecomparison for future work, e.g. using colours and account-ing for dust extinction for the simulated galaxies. At lowstellar masses the curves become dashed where there are, onaverage, fewer than 10 star-forming gas particles in a galaxywith SSFR = 0.01 Gyr−1. These parts of the curves are un-reliable and the upturn of the passive fraction at low mass isthus due to the limited resolution of the simulations. This in-terpretation is confirmed by the fact that the upturn shifts toeight times lower masses if the particle mass is decreased bya factor of eight, switching from the intermediate resolutionRef-L100N1504 to the high-resolution Recal-L025N0752.

For M∗ 109 M, where the simulations are close toconverged, both the simulations and the observations show astrong increase of the passive fraction with mass, from ∼ 10per cent at 109 M to ∼ 90 per cent at 1011.5 M. Relativeto the data, the simulation curves are shifted towards higherstellar masses by about 0.3 dex. This difference is similar tothe systematic uncertainty in the observed stellar masses.We also find shifts of similar magnitudes if we vary the crit-ical SSFR below which simulated galaxies are classified aspassive by a factor of two.

We conclude that in the regime where the simulations

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Figure 11. Left panel: Specific star formation rate, M∗/M∗, for actively star-forming galaxies as a function of stellar mass at z = 0.1.

Galaxies are classified as star-forming if their SSFR > 10−2 Gyr−1, indicated by the horizontal, dashed line. The coloured curves

show simulation medians and the shaded regions show the 1σ scatter. For clarity we only show the scatter in Recal-L025N0752 forM∗ < 1010 M and in Ref-L100N1504 for M∗ > 1010 M, all at z = 0.1. The higher and lower diagonal lines correspond to 10 star-

forming gas particles (assuming nH = 0.1 cm−3) at intermediate and high resolution, respectively. To the left of these lines the curves

are dotted to indicate that the results are unreliable due to sampling effects. In particular, the sharp upturns at the lowest masses tracelines of fixed numbers of star-forming gas particles. The data points show observations from GAMA (0.05 < z < 0.32; Bauer et al.

2013) with the error bars indicating the 1σ scatter. Right panel: Fraction of passive galaxies, i.e. galaxies with SSFR < 10−2 Gyr−1, as

a function of stellar mass at z = 0.1. In both panels the simulation curves are dotted where they are unreliable due to poor resolution(< 10 star-forming gas particles) and dashed were there are < 10 objects per bin. Data points show observations from Bauer et al. (2013)

and Moustakas et al. (2013).

can be trusted, the predicted SSFRs and passive fractionsare slightly lower than the observations but agree with themto within the expected (systematic) errors.

6.2 Tully-Fisher relation

Figure 12 shows the relation between the maximum of therotation curve and stellar mass for disc galaxies, i.e. a closerelative of the Tully-Fisher relation (Tully & Fisher 1977).For the simulations we classify galaxies with Sersic indexns < 2.5 as late-type, as we did when considering galaxysizes (§5.3). We use circular velocities (vc =

√GM(< r)/r)

rather than trying to estimate rotation velocities, since thelatter become noisy for galaxies that are not resolved withmany particles.

The data points with 1σ error bars correspond to theset of homogenised observations of disc galaxies compiledby Avila-Reese et al. (2008) and the grey line indicates themedian. The stellar masses have been reduced by 0.15 dex,which is necessary to convert to a Chabrier IMF (Avila-Reese, private communication). In addition, following Mc-Carthy et al. (2012) and Dutton et al. (2011), we applied asmall correction to the stellar masses using the expressiongiven in the appendix of Li & White (2009) to improve theconsistency with those derived from more accurate five-bandSDSS data.

All simulations track each other very closely, imply-ing excellent numerical convergence. The simulations arein excellent agreement with the data. Over the mass range109 <∼M∗/M < 1011 the difference in velocity between the

models and the data compiled by Avila-Reese et al. (2008) isless than 0.03 dex, which is smaller than the 0.1 dex 1σ erroron the fit to the observations. At higher masses, which areonly probed by Ref-L100N1504, the difference with the ob-servations increases, reaching 0.12 dex at M∗ = 1011.3 M.However, most of these very massive galaxies do not lookdisky and would probably not be selected by Avila-Reeseet al. (2008).

Note that we have not attempted to analyse the simula-tions and the data in the same manner, because this wouldgo beyond the scope of the current study. As mentionedabove, we use maximum circular velocities, whereas the ob-servations are based on maximum gas rotation velocities,which may show more scatter if the orbits are not all circu-lar. In addition, the observations probe only the inner partsof the halo, whereas we consider the entire halo. McCarthyet al. (2012) found that for the GIMIC simulations the max-imum circular velocities are nearly always reached withintwo effective radii for M∗>∼ 109.5 M, and should thereforebe easily accessible to the observations, but it is possiblethat for smaller masses the observations underestimate themaximum rotation velocity.

6.3 Mass-metallicity relations

The left panel of Figure 13 shows the metallicity of the ISM,which we take to be star-forming gas for the simulations, asa function of stellar mass. For both the intermediate- andthe high-resolution models the gas metallicity increases withstellar mass and flattens off for M∗ > 1010 M. However, the

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Figure 12. The relation between the maximum of the rotation

curve and stellar mass, i.e. an analogue of the Tully-Fisher rela-

tion, for late-type galaxies at z = 0.1. The coloured curves showthe medians for the simulations. The curves are dotted below the

resolution limit of 100 stellar particles. Where there are fewer

than 10 galaxies per bin, individual objects are shown as filledcircles. The shaded regions show the 1σ scatter in the simula-

tions. For clarity we only show the scatter in Recal-L025N0752

forM∗ < 1010 M and in Ref-L100N1504 forM∗ > 1010 M. Thesimulation results only include galaxies with Sersic index ns < 2.5

and are based on maximum circular velocities. The data points

with 1σ error bars correspond to the set of homogenised observa-tions of disc galaxies compiled by Avila-Reese et al. (2008) and

the grey line indicates the median. The model predictions are inremarkable agreement with the data.

high-resolution simulation, Recal-L025N0752, predicts sys-tematically lower metallicities. For M∗>∼ 1010 M the differ-ence is less than 0.15 dex, but it increases with decreasingmass, reaching a maximum of 0.4 dex at M∗ ∼ 108.5 M.Because there is no clear mass below which the two resolu-tions diverge, it is unclear where to put the resolution limitand we therefore have not dotted any part of the curves.

Interestingly, model Ref-L025N0752 (not shown) yieldsa mass-metallicity relation that agrees better with Ref-L100N1504 than the prediction of Recal-L025N0752 does,particularly forM∗ < 109 M. The high-resolution run againpredicts lower metallicities than the intermediate-resolutionversion, but the maximum difference is smaller than 0.2 dex.For M∗ < 107.5 M the metallicity is actually lower at in-termediate resolution than at high resolution. Hence, for themass-metallicity relation the strong convergence is consider-ably better than one might infer from the comparison of Ref-L025N0752 and Recal-L025N0752. Recall that the latter wasrecalibrated to fit the GSMF, which meant the efficiency offeedback had to be increased relative to the reference model,particularly at M∗ ∼ 109 M (see Fig. 7). Apparently, thestronger outflows in Recal-L025N0752 reduce the metallicityof the ISM. Thus, the “strong convergence” is better thanthe “weak convergence”. This is possible because in this casethe weak convergence test compares simulations that wereeach calibrated to fit the GSMF, not the mass-metallicityrelation.

The two sets of observations that are shown in theleft panel of Figure 13 are both derived from SDSS data.Tremonti et al. (2004) estimated the metallicity statisticallybased on theoretical model fits to various strong emissionlines, while Zahid et al. (2014) derived metallicities using theR23 strong line method as calibrated by Kobulnicky & Kew-ley (2004). The two studies do not agree with each other.In particular, while Tremonti et al. (2004) and Zahid et al.(2014) agree at M∗ ∼ 1011 M, the former find a steeperrelation than the latter, resulting in metallicities that areabout 0.2 dex lower for 109 − 1010 M. The difference isdue to the uncertain calibration of the emission-line diag-nostics. In fact, as shown by Kewley & Ellison (2008), thesystematic uncertainty is even larger than suggested by thisplot. For example, the empirical calibration of Pilyugin &Thuan (2005) yields a metallicity that is 0.75 dex lower thanthat of Tremonti et al. (2004) at 1011 M and an almost flatrelation with stellar mass, dropping by only 0.2 dex whenthe stellar mass decreases to 109 M. Besides the calibra-tion issues, the gas phase abundance likely underestimatesthe total metallicity of the ISM because a non-negligiblefraction of the metals may condense onto dust-grains (e.g.Dwek 1998; Mattsson & Andersen 2012). Finally, the sys-tematic uncertainty in the stellar mass, for a fixed IMF, isabout 0.3 dex (e.g. Conroy et al. 2009).

The metallicities predicted by the simulations are alsosubject to significant systematic uncertainties unrelated tothe galaxy formation physics. Even for a fixed IMF, the nu-cleosynthetic yields are uncertain at the factor of two level(e.g. Wiersma et al. 2009b). However, we choose not to sim-ply re-scale the simulation metallicities within this uncer-tainty because that would make them inconsistent with theradiative cooling rates used during the simulation.

Given the large systematic uncertainties in boththe normalisation and the shape of the observed mass-metallicity relation, and the systematic uncertainties in theyields adopted in the simulations, care needs to be takenwhen comparing the models and the data. We will never-theless proceed to make such a comparison.

The median mass-metallicity relations predicted by theintermediate-resolution simulations agree with Zahid et al.(2014) to better than 0.2 dex at all masses and to betterthan 0.1 dex for M∗ > 109.5 M, but the observed relationis steeper at lower masses. The predicted scatter is largerthan observed by Tremonti et al. (2004), particularly forthe highest masses. The scatter in the gas metallicity ofthese massive objects is large in the simulations becausethey typically contain very few star-forming gas particles.This causes strong sampling effects and large variations intime following AGN outbursts.

The median metallicity predicted by the high-resolutionmodel Recal-L025N0752 matches Tremonti et al. (2004) tobetter than 0.2 dex over the full mass range covered by boththe simulation and the observations (108.5 < M∗/M <1011) and to better than 0.1 dex for M∗ > 109.2 M. Ap-parently, the increase in the efficiency of energy feedbackfrom star formation that is required to make the GSMF fitthe observations (and which was implemented by changingthe density dependence of the efficiency, see §4.5.1), simul-taneously decreases the metallicity of the ISM of low-massgalaxies to the values observed by Tremonti et al. (2004).

The predicted relations between stellar metallicity and

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Figure 13. The metallicity of the ISM (left panel) and of stars (right panel) as a function of stellar mass. The conversion from the

absolute oxygen abundances shown along the left y-axis in the left panel to the metallicities relative to solar shown along the right y-axis

assumes 12 + log10(O/H) = 8.69 (Allende Prieto et al. 2001). Note that the two panels show the same range in metallicity. Curvesshow the median relations for the simulations at z = 0.1, where we take ISM to be all star-forming gas, and the shaded regions show

the 1σ scatter. For clarity we only show the scatter in Recal-L025N0752 for M∗ < 1010 M and in Ref-L100N1504 for M∗ > 1010 M.

Where there are fewer than 10 galaxies per bin, individual objects are shown as filled circles. The high-mass galaxies with very low gasmetallicities correspond to objects that are nearly devoid of gas, leading to sampling problems in the simulations. The data points show

observations reported by Zahid et al. (2014) and Tremonti et al. (2004) for gas, and by Gallazzi et al. (2005) and Kirby et al. (2013) for

stars (converted to solar abundances assuming Z = 0.0127 and 12 + log10(Fe/H) = 7.52, respectively). The dashed line in the rightpanel shows the best-fit relation given by Kirby et al. (2013), which includes also lower-mass galaxies than shown here.

mass are shown in the right panel of Figure 13 and com-pared with observations from SDSS from Gallazzi et al.(2005) and for dwarf galaxies from Kirby et al. (2013). Thetrends and differences largely parallel those seen for the gas-phase abundances in the left panel. For M∗>∼ 109 M simu-lation Recal-L025N0752 is relatively close to the data, butat lower masses all models predict higher metallicities thanobserved by Kirby et al. (2013). As was the case for the gasmetallicity, the (strong) convergence is actually much betterthan suggested by this figure. For M∗ > 107.5 M simula-tion Ref-L025N0752 (not shown) predicts a stellar metal-licity that is lower, but within 0.1 dex of the metallicitypredicted by Ref-L100N1504. Model AGNdT9-L050N0752predicts slightly higher metallicities than Ref-L100N1504 forM 1010 M, which agrees better with the data.

The main difference between the conclusions that canbe drawn from the gas and stellar metallicities concerns thescatter. While the scatter in the gas phase abundances wasoverestimated in the simulations, the scatter in the stellarabundances appears to be strongly underestimated. How-ever, it would be surprising for the scatter in the observedstellar metallicity to be so much larger than the observedscatter in the gas phase metallicity, which suggests that thescatter in the observed stellar metallicities may be domi-nated by errors. Indeed, while the mean relation from theCALIFA integral field survey is close to that of Gallazzi et al.(2005), the scatter is about a factor of two smaller (GonzalezDelgado et al. 2014).

6.4 X-ray observations of the intracluster medium

In this section we will consider some parameters that arecommonly measured from X-ray observations of the intra-group and intracluster gas. The comparison to observa-tions is more like-for-like than in previous sections, becauseall simulation results are derived by applying observationalanalysis techniques to virtual X-ray observations of the sim-ulations. Simulation Recal-L025N0752 is not considered herebecause the simulation box is too small to produce clustersof galaxies.

The methods used to generate the plots are identical tothose employed for cosmo-OWLS in Le Brun et al. (2014)and we refer the reader to §2.2 of that paper for details.Briefly, gas density, temperature and metallicity profiles aredetermined by fitting single temperature, single metallic-ity “Astrophysical Plasma Emission Code” (APEC) (Smithet al. 2001) models to synthetic Chandra X-ray spectra inthree-dimensional radial bins centred on the minimum ofthe gravitational potential in the halo. Mass profiles are ob-tained by fitting the functions proposed by Vikhlinin et al.(2006) to the density and temperature profiles and assum-ing hydrostatic equilibrium. We then determine the radiuswithin which the mean internal density equals 500 times thecritical density, R500,hse , and the corresponding sphericaloverdensity mass,M500,hse. We will use the subscript “hse”to indicate that the quantity has been inferred from virtualobservations under the assumption of hydrostatic equilib-rium (which holds only approximately, see Le Brun et al.2014 and references therein). Mean X-ray temperatures andelemental abundances within R500,hse are determined by fit-ting APEC models to a single radial bin. We include all z = 0

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Figure 14. I -Band luminosity within R500,hse as a function of

M500,hse at z = 0. Black data points represent observations of

Sanderson et al. (2013), Gonzalez et al. (2013), and Kravtsovet al. (2014), and the dashed black line represents the SDSS image

stacking results of Budzynski et al. (2014). Where necessary, ob-

servations were converted to the I-band following Le Brun et al.(2014). The observational studies and the simulations both in-

clude contributions from satellites and diffuse intracluster light

(ICL). The simulations agree well with the data.

haloes with FoF mass > 1012.5 M but plot only results forhaloes with M500,hse > 1013 M for which the correspon-dence between M500 and M500,hse is good for most objects,except that M500,hse is systematically biased low by ∼ 20per cent (see Fig. B1 of Le Brun et al. 2014).

Figure 14 shows the (Cousins) I-band luminosity withinR500,hse as a function of M500,hse. Each point correspondsto a single simulated or observed object. The predictedluminosity-mass relation matches the observations very well.As the I-band luminosity is a proxy for stellar mass and thesimulations were calibrated to the observed GSMF, this mayat first sight not be surprising. However, the high-mass tailof the GSMF was not calibrated to any observations, be-cause the test simulations were too small to contain suchrare objects. Moreover, here we plot the total luminositywithin R500, a radius that exceeds the aperture used for theGSMF by more than an order of magnitude. Hence, the re-sults shown here include contributions from satellites andthe intracluster light, both for the observations and simula-tions.

Figure 15 shows the gas mass fraction,Mgas,500,hse/M500,hse as a function of mass M500,hse.Because the gas mass is derived from the (virtual) X-raydata, it only correctly accounts for gas that has a temper-ature similar to that of the gas that dominates the X-rayemission. For the reference model the gas mass inferred fromX-ray observations, under the assumption of hydrostaticequilibrium, is about 0.2 dex higher than observed, exceptperhaps for the two most massive objects.

Figure 15. The z = 0 gas mass fraction within R500,hse as a

function of M500,hse. All quantities are inferred from (virtual)

X-ray observations. Black data points represent observations ofVikhlinin et al. (2006), Maughan et al. (2008), Allen et al. (2008),

Pratt et al. (2009), Sun et al. (2009), and Lin et al. (2012). The

reference model overpredicts the gas fractions. Model AGNdT9-L050N0752, which employs a higher heating temperature for AGN

feedback, performs well for groups of galaxies, but may also over-

predict the gas fraction in higher mass (>∼ 1014 M) clusters.

Le Brun et al. (2014) have shown that the gas frac-tion is particularly sensitive to the temperature to which theAGN heat the surrounding gas in our subgrid prescriptionfor AGN feedback. In particular, higher heating tempera-tures, which correspond to more energetic but less frequentbursts, eject the gas more effectively, yielding lower gas frac-tions. This was the motivation for running model AGNdT9-L050N0752, which uses a heating temperature ∆TAGN of109 K, compared with 108.5 K for the reference model. Be-fore running this model, we used a 25 cMpc version to (ap-proximately) recalibrate the BH accretion model so as tomaintain the good match with the GSMF, in particular thelocation of the knee. We could, however, not afford to runmultiple 50 cMpc models and could therefore not calibrateto observations of groups of galaxies.

As can be seen from Figure 15, contrary to model Ref-L100N1504, model AGNdT9-L050N0752 does appear to re-produce the observations of group gas fractions. That is,for M500,hse < 1013.5 M the simulation points agree withan extrapolation of the observations for high-mass systems.There is a strong hint that the gas fraction may again be-come too high for more massive clusters, although with only1 object with M500,hse > 1013.5 M it is hard to judge thesignificance of this deviation.

Le Brun et al. (2014) found that the cosmo-OWLS sim-ulations, which use 2 × 10243 particles in 400 h−1 cMpcvolumes, reproduce these and many other observations ofgroups and clusters over the full mass range of 1013 −1015 M for ∆TAGN = 108 K. This may seem surprising

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Figure 16. The soft (0.5–2.0 keV) X-ray luminosity as a func-

tion of the X-ray temperature at z = 0. Only points for which

M500,hse > 1013 M are shown. Black data points represent ob-servations of Horner (2001), Osmond & Ponman (2004), Pratt

et al. (2009), and Mehrtens & et al. (2012). The reference model

predicts too high X-ray luminosities for clusters above 1 keV, butsimulation AGNdT9-L050N0752 is consistent with the data.

given that EAGLE requires higher values of ∆TAGN. Note,however, that because the particle mass in cosmo-OWLSis more than 3 orders of magnitudes larger than for EA-GLE, the energy in individual AGN feedback events incosmo-OWLS is still much larger than that in AGNdT9-L050N0752.

Figure 16 shows the X-ray luminosity in the 0.5–2.0 keVband as a function of the temperature measured from the(virtual) X-ray data. For the reference model the agreementwith the observations is reasonably good at low tempera-tures (the lack of simulated points with L 1042 erg s−1

is due to the fact that we only selected systems withM500,hse > 1013 M), but the predicted luminosity is abouta factor of three too high above 1 keV. Model AGNdT9-L050N0752 appears to match the data well, but more objectswith kBT > 1 keV are needed to better assess the degree ofcorrespondence.

6.5 Column density distributions of intergalacticmetals

The galactic outflows that we invoke to reproduce observa-tions of galaxies also disperse heavy elements into the IGM.Furthermore, the winds shock-heat the gas, which may, inturn, change its ionisation balance. Hence, it is interestingto compare the predicted distribution of intergalactic metalions to the observations. This is a strong test for the model,since the subgrid feedback was only calibrated to match thestellar properties of galaxies.

Figure 17 compares the predicted column density dis-tribution functions (CDDFs) of C iv (left panel) and Ovi

(right panel) with measurements derived from quasar ab-sorption line observations, mainly from the Hubble SpaceTelescope (HST). Note that this prediction was completelyblind.

The CDDF is conventionally defined as the number ofabsorbers per unit column density, N , and per unit absorp-tion distance, dX. The number of absorbers per unit ab-sorption distance is obtained from the quantity that is actu-ally observed, the number of absorbers per unit redshift, viadX = dz(H0/H(z))(1+z)2. The redshift ranges of the obser-vations vary and are indicated in the legend. All observationsare for z < 1 and most for much lower redshift. For claritywe only show the simulation results for our z = 0.27 snap-shots. However, limiting the comparison to z = 0.27 doesnot affect our conclusions because the evolution is weak.

For the simulations we compute ion fractions for eachgas particle using cloudy photoionisation models, assum-ing the gas is in ionisation equilibrium and exposed to theHaardt & Madau (2001) model for the UV/X-ray back-ground from galaxies and quasars. We then obtain theCDDF by projecting the simulation cube onto a 2-D gridand applying SPH interpolation to compute the ion columndensity in each cell. We use a grid cell size of 10 ckpc, whichis sufficiently small to obtain convergence, and have verifiedthat projection effects are negligible by comparing resultsobtained from simulations using different box sizes.

Observationally, the CDDF is obtained by decompos-ing the identified absorption features into Voigt profiles andgrouping those into systems using criteria that differ be-tween observers and that are not always well defined. Weintend to mimic the observational procedures more closelyin future work. From Figure 17 it is clear that the dif-ferences between different sets of observations exceed thereported statistical uncertainties, suggesting the presenceof significant systematic errors. Particularly for Ovi, theanalysis of COS spectra by Danforth et al. (2014) yieldssystematically more absorbers than the earlier analyses ofSTIS/FUSE/GHRS data by Danforth & Shull (2008), Thom& Chen (2008), and Tripp et al. (2008).

As discussed in §6.3, even for a fixed IMF the nucle-osynthetic yields are uncertain at the factor of two level(e.g. Wiersma et al. 2009b). This suggests that we are freeto rescale the metal column densities, i.e. to shift the curvesin Figure 17 horizontally by up to 0.3 dex. However, doingso would break the self-consistency of the simulations as themetal abundances determine the cooling rates.

The simulation predictions generally agree well withthe data, falling in between the different sets of observa-tions, both for C iv and Ovi. The simulations appear toproduce too few ultra-strong absorbers, i.e. systems withcolumn densities ∼ 1015 cm−2. However, the frequency ofthese extremely rare systems is particularly sensitive to sys-tematics and hence requires a more careful comparison.

For Ovi the difference between Ref-L100N1504 andRecal-L025N0752 is substantial for NO VI ∼ 1014 cm−2 withthe high-resolution model yielding up to a factor of 3 moreabsorbers. However, this does not lead to any disagreementwith the data as all simulations fall in between the differ-ent sets of observations. Recall that in low-mass galaxiesfeedback from star formation is more effective in the recali-brated, high-resolution model Recal-L025N0752 than in thereference model. It is interesting that while this boost in

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Figure 17. The column density distribution functions of C iv (left panel) and Ovi (right panel). The coloured curves show the simulation

predictions and the data points with 1σ error bars indicate observations taken with STIS/FUSE (Danforth & Shull 2008), COS (Danforthet al. 2014), STIS/FUSE/GHRS (Cooksey et al. 2010), and STIS (Thom & Chen 2008; Tripp et al. 2008). The redshift ranges of the

observations vary and are indicated in the legend. For clarity we only show the simulation results for z = 0.27. The predictions are

consistent with the data.

the feedback efficiency decreases the metallicity of the ISM(Fig. 13), it boosts the abundance of metal ions in the IGM.It is tempting to conclude that the more effective feedbacktransports more metals from galaxies into the IGM. How-ever, whether this is the case is not clear from the resultspresented here due to the importance of ionisation correc-tions.

In future work we will compare with high-redshift dataand with absorption line observations of the gas aroundgalaxies of known mass. For now, we are encouraged by thefact that a model that was calibrated to the GSMF andgalaxy sizes, also yields good agreement with observationsof intergalactic metals.


We have introduced the EAGLE project, where EAGLEstands for “Evolution and Assembly of GaLaxies and theirEnvironments”. EAGLE consists of a suite of large, hydro-dynamical cosmological simulations. In this introductory pa-per we have focused on a set of simulations for which thesubgrid parameters for feedback were calibrated to matchthe observed z ∼ 0 galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF),subject to the constraint that the galaxy sizes must also bereasonable. Crain et al. (2014) will present models in whichthe subgrid physics is varied.

The largest EAGLE simulation, Ref-L100N1504, usesnearly 7 billion (2 × 15043) particles in a 100 cMpc box.This corresponds to an initial baryonic particle mass of1.8×106 M and a force resolution of 0.7 proper kpc (smallerat high redshift), which we refer to as “intermediate res-olution”. The resolution was chosen to marginally resolvethe Jeans scales in the warm (T ∼ 104 K) ISM. The high-resolution model, Recal-L025N0752, has eight times better

mass resolution and two times better spatial resolution, thusresolving a galaxy like the Milky Way with ∼ 106 particles.

The simulations were run with the code gadget 3,but with a modified implementation of SPH, the time step-ping, and the subgrid models. The simulations include sub-grid prescriptions for (element-by-element) radiative cool-ing, star formation, stellar evolution and mass loss, energyfeedback from star formation, the growth of supermassiveBHs, and AGN feedback. The prescription for star formationaccounts for the observation that stars form from molecularclouds and that the H i-H2 transition depends on metallicity.The subgrid model for accretion onto BHs accounts for thefact that angular momentum suppresses the accretion rate.

The most critical parts of the model are the implemen-tations of energy feedback from star formation and AGN.We argued that present-day simulations of representativevolumes cannot predict the efficiency of the feedback pro-cesses from first principles because of their reliance on sub-grid models, because of spurious radiative losses due to thelimited resolution, and because they lack the resolution anddo not include all the physics necessary to model the struc-ture of the ISM.

We discussed some of the implications of the inabilityto predict the efficiency of the feedback from first princi-ples. We argued that current cosmological simulations canpredict neither BH nor stellar masses, which implies thatthe subgrid models for feedback need to be calibrated toobservations. Another consequence is that it is difficult todistinguish different physical feedback mechanisms that op-erate nearly simultaneously, such as winds driven by super-novae and radiation pressure. Furthermore, unless one candemonstrate that the model does not suffer from overcool-ing due to limited numerical resolution, one cannot concludethat there is a need for a new, physical feedback process justbecause the implemented feedback is insufficiently effective.

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Because the spurious radiative losses depend on the res-olution, one may have to recalibrate when the resolution ischanged. We termed this “weak convergence” as opposed tothe “strong convergence” that corresponds to the same phys-ical model giving consistent results at different resolutions.However, we argued that most subgrid models for feedbackeffectively change with resolution even if the subgrid param-eters are kept constant.

The quest for strong convergence of simulations thatlack the resolution to model the ISM has led to signifi-cant sacrifices, which generally involve disabling aspects ofthe hydrodynamics during feedback. Examples include tem-porarily turning off radiative cooling, temporarily turning offhydrodynamical forces, and making the feedback efficiencydependent on dark matter velocity dispersion rather than onlocal properties of the gas. However, until the cooling lossescan be predicted, even fully converged simulations will beunable to predict stellar and BH masses from first principles.We therefore prefer to minimize the sacrifices and to opt forweak convergence. Nevertheless, we demonstrated that thestrong convergence of our model is reasonably good (Fig. 7).

Motivated by the above considerations, we chose to keepour subgrid models for feedback as simple as possible. Weemploy only one type of stellar feedback and hence we do notdistinguish between stellar winds, radiation pressure, andcore collapse supernovae. Similarly, we include only one typeof AGN feedback and therefore do not implement separate“quasar” and “radio modes”. We find that a more complexapproach is not required to match observational data.

We implement both feedback from star formation andAGN thermally using the stochastic prescription of DallaVecchia & Schaye (2012). By injecting the energy stochas-tically rather than at every time step, we can specify boththe temperature jump of the heated gas and the expectationvalue for the amount of energy that is injected. This enablesus to better mimic the physical conditions associated withobserved feedback processes, in particular the high heatingtemperatures that suppress the initial radiative losses, thanwould otherwise be possible given the limited resolution ofthe simulations. The velocities and mass loading factors ofgalactic winds are thus not imposed, but are an outcome ofthe simulation.

The temperature jump associated with feedback eventsis chosen to balance the need to minimize both the initial,radiative losses (which are largely numerical) and the timebetween feedback events (to allow for self-regulation). Theprobability of heating events then needs to be calibratedby comparing the simulation results for some observable toreal data. The subgrid efficiency of the AGN feedback, i.e.the expectation value for the amount of energy that is in-jected into the ISM per unit of accreted gas mass, is constantand was chosen to match the normalisation of the observedrelation between the masses of galaxies and their central su-permassive BHs. This parameter is, however, unimportantfor observables other than the masses of BHs. The subgridefficiency of the feedback from star formation, fth, i.e. the ex-pectation value for the amount of energy that is injected intothe ISM in units of the energy available from core collapsesupernovae, was chosen to reproduce the observed GSMFfor M∗ < 1010.5 M, i.e. below the knee of the Schechterfunction. Finally, the value of the parameter that controlsthe sensitivity of the BH accretion rate to the angular mo-

mentum of the surrounding gas was adjusted to make themass function turn over at the onset of the exponential dropof the observed GSMF.

We made fth a function of both metallicity and density.We use a physically motivated metallicity dependence withfth dropping when the metallicity is increased from values0.1Z to 0.1Z. This reduction in the efficiency is meantto capture the increase in radiative losses that is expectedwhen metal-line cooling becomes important, which happensfor Z > 0.1Z at the temperatures relevant for gas shock-heated in galactic winds (e.g. Wiersma et al. 2009a).

While a constant value of fth = 1, or a pure metal-licity dependence, each give an excellent fit to the GSMF,they result in galaxies that are far too compact (Crain et al.2014). This happens because, at the resolution of EAGLE,the stochastic implementation for stellar feedback is stillsubject to numerical radiative losses at high gas densities, aswe demonstrated analytically. To compensate for these spu-rious losses, we increase fth at high gas densities. However,fth never exceeds 3 and the mean value is smaller than 1.1.

We compared EAGLE to a diverse set of observations ofthe low-redshift Universe, carefully distinguishing betweenobservations that were considered during the calibration(the GSMF and thus also the directly related M∗ −M200

relation, galaxy sizes, and the MBH−M∗ relation) and thosethat were not. We came to the following conclusions:

• The observed GSMF is reproduced over the range 108 <M∗/M<∼ 1011. At fixed mass, the difference in number den-sity relative to the data is <∼ 0.2 dex. At fixed number den-sity, the difference in mass is smaller than 0.3 dex (Fig. 4).Even for a fixed IMF, this discrepancy is comparable to thesystematic uncertainty in the observed masses due to stel-lar evolution alone. This level of agreement with the datais close to that obtained by semi-analytic models and is un-precedented for hydrodynamical simulations (Fig. 5).

• Three-dimensional apertures of 30 proper kpc, whichwe used throughout the paper, give results close to thePetrosian masses that are often used for observations, SDSS. For M∗ > 1011 M larger apertures yield highermasses (Fig. 6).

• The stellar mass - halo mass relation for central galaxiesis close to that inferred from abundance matching. The effi-ciency of galaxy formation,M∗/M200, peaks at the halo massM200 ∼ 1012 M and at the stellar mass M∗ ∼ 1010.4 M(Fig. 8).

• Disc galaxy sizes are well matched to the observations.Over the full range of stellar mass, 108 < M∗/M < 1011.5,the median stellar half-mass radii of late-type galaxies agreewith the observed half-light radii to within 0.1 dex (Fig. 9).

• The median relation between BH mass and stellar massagrees with the observations, but the scatter in the model issmaller than observed. The simulations predict that galaxieswith total stellar masses of 109−1010 M typically host BHswith masses that fall below the extrapolation of the high-mass power-law relation (Fig. 10).

• The predicted relation between the median specific starformation rate (M∗/M∗; SSFR) and stellar mass for star-forming galaxies, i.e. the “main sequence of star formation”,agrees with the observations to within 0.2 dex over the ob-served range of 109 < M∗/M < 1011 at high-resolution and

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to within 0.35 dex at intermediate resolution (Fig. 11, leftpanel).

• The predicted fraction of galaxies that are passive,which we define as SSFR < 10−2 Gyr−1 for the simula-tions, increases sharply with stellar mass between 1010 and1011.5 M, in agreement with the observations (Fig. 11, rightpanel).

• The predicted median relation between the maximumof the rotation curve and stellar mass of late-type galaxies,i.e. a close analogue of the Tully-Fisher relation, agrees withthe observations to better than 0.03 dex over the observedmass range of 109 <∼M∗/M < 1011 (Fig. 12).

• The relations between ISM metallicity and stellar massand between stellar metallicity and stellar mass are pre-dicted to flatten with stellar mass. For the gas the pre-dicted median metallicities agree with the observed valuesto within 0.1 dex for M∗ > 109.5 M at intermediate resolu-tion and down to the lowest observed mass, M∗ ∼ 108.5 M,at high resolution. At lower masses the predicted relationsare less steep than extrapolations of the observed trends.For the stellar metallicities the discrepancies are larger.For M∗ > 1010 M all simulations agree with the data tobetter than 0.2 dex, but the difference increases with de-creasing mass. At M∗ ∼ 108 M the stellar metallicities inthe intermediate- and high-resolution simulations are higherthan observed by about 0.7 and 0.3 dex, respectively.

• For the mass-metallicity relations the strong conver-gence is significantly better than the weak convergence, i.e.simulations that keep the subgrid parameters fixed convergebetter with numerical resolution than simulations for whichthe feedback is (re)calibrated to the z ∼ 0 GSMF at eachresolution. Hence, the increase in the efficiency of the feed-back from star formation that was applied at high resolutionin order to match the observed GSMF, simultaneously steep-ens the Z(M∗) relations, improving the agreement with thedata.

• A comparison to observations of groups and clusters ofgalaxies with M500,hse > 1013 M, where the subscript “hse”indicates that the quantity was estimated from virtual ob-servations under the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium,revealed that:

– The predicted relation between the total I-band lightwithin R500,hse and M500,hse agrees with the data. Notethat this includes contributions from satellites and intra-cluster light (Fig. 14).

– The gas mass fractions, Mgas,500,hse/M500,hse, areoverestimated by about 0.2 dex in the reference model.For M500,hse < 1013.5 M this can be remedied by in-creasing the subgrid AGN heating temperature, as imple-mented in model AGNdT9-L050N0752. At higher massesthis change may be insufficient, although larger simulationvolumes are needed to confirm this (Fig. 15).

– The reference model predicts soft X-ray luminositiesthat are about 0.5 dex higher than observed for clusterswith spectroscopic temperatures∼ 1 keV. However, modelAGNdT9-L050N0752 is consistent with the observations(Fig. 16).

• The column density distributions of intergalactic C ivand Ovi are in good agreement with the data, falling inbetween the results obtained by different surveys (Fig. 17).

Hence, in the resolved mass range, whichspans 109 <∼M∗/M<∼ 1011 for some observables and

108 <∼M∗/M<∼ 1011 for others, EAGLE agrees with adiverse set of low-redshift observations of galaxies. At thesame time, EAGLE reproduces some key observations ofintergalactic metals. The only discrepancies found in thiswork that substantially exceed observational uncertaintiesconcern the gas and stellar metallicities of dwarf galaxies,which are too high, and the predictions of the referencemodel for X-ray observations of the intracluster medium.The metallicity problem is only substantial at intermediateresolution, so it is possible that it can be resolved simplyby increasing the resolution further. We already demon-strated that the problem with groups of galaxies can beremedied by increasing the heating temperature used in thesubgrid model for AGN feedback, as implemented in modelAGNdT9-L050N0752, without compromising the successesof the reference model. However, larger volumes are neededto judge whether the increase in the heating temperaturethat was implemented in this model suffices to obtainagreement with the data for massive (M500 >∼ 1014 M)clusters of galaxies.

In future papers we will test many more predictions ofEAGLE. Although we will undoubtedly uncover problems,so far we have no reason to believe that the results shownhere are unrepresentative. We will show that the success ofEAGLE extends to other areas that have in the past provento be challenging for hydrodynamical simulations, such asthe bimodal distribution of galaxies in colour-magnitude di-agrams. We will also demonstrate that the relatively goodagreement with the data is not limited to low redshift. Inaddition to further exploring the models that have been pre-sented here, we plan to use the larger suite of physical modelspresented in Crain et al. (2014) to gain insight into the phys-ical processes underlying the observed phenomena. Finally,we have already begun to carry out higher-resolution resim-ulations of individual structures (e.g. Sawala et al. 2014a,b)with the code used for EAGLE.

Although the relatively good agreement between EA-GLE and the observations, as well as that between other re-cent, hydrodynamical simulations of representative volumesand the data (e.g. Vogelsberger et al. 2014a), is encouraging,we should keep in mind that we have not attempted to modelmany of the physical processes that may be important forthe formation and evolution of galaxies. For example, EA-GLE does not include a cold interstellar gas phase, radiationtransport, magnetohydrodynamics, cosmic rays, conduction,or non-equilibrium chemistry, and EAGLE does not distin-guish between different forms of energy feedback from starformation and between different forms of AGN feedback. Weargued that at present there are good reasons for such omis-sions, but many of those arguments would no longer applyif the numerical resolution were increased by several ordersof magnitude. While it will take some time for simulationsof representative volumes to attain the resolution that isrequired to model the cold ISM, simulations of individualobjects can already do much better. Ultimately, simulationsshould be able to predict the efficiencies of the most impor-tant feedback processes and hence to predict, rather thancalibrate to, the GSMF.

We hope that EAGLE will prove to be a useful resource

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for the community.10 The agreement with observations issufficiently good for the simulations to be used in ways thathave so far been reserved for semi-analytic models of galaxyformation. At the same time, because hydrodynamical sim-ulations provide much more detailed 3-D information, makefewer simplifying assumptions, and simultaneously modelthe galaxies and the IGM, EAGLE enables one to ask manyquestions that are difficult to investigate with semi-analyticmodels.


We would like to thank Volker Springel for sharing hiscodes and for his advice and discussions. We gratefully ac-knowledge discussions with Jarle Brinchmann, Shy Genel,Justin Read, Debora Sijacki. We are also thankful to Mar-tin Bourne and Laura Sales for their contributions to theinitial phase of the project, Amandine Le Brun for herhelp with the X-ray plotting routines, Peter Draper andLydia Heck for their help with the computing resources inDurham, and to Wojciech Hellwing for help with computingin Poland. We are also grateful to all the people workingon the analysis of the EAGLE simulations and would liketo thank the anonymous referee for a constructive report.This work used the DiRAC Data Centric system at DurhamUniversity, operated by the Institute for ComputationalCosmology on behalf of the STFC DiRAC HPC Facility( This equipment was funded by BIS Na-tional E-infrastructure capital grant ST/K00042X/1, STFCcapital grant ST/H008519/1, and STFC DiRAC Operationsgrant ST/K003267/1 and Durham University. DiRAC ispart of the National E-Infrastructure. We also gratefully ac-knowledge PRACE for awarding us access to the resourceCurie based in France at Tres Grand Centre de Calcul. Thiswork was sponsored by the Dutch National Computing Fa-cilities Foundation (NCF) for the use of supercomputer fa-cilities, with financial support from the Netherlands Orga-nization for Scientific Research (NWO) and by the HPCInfrastructure for Grand Challenges of Science and Engi-neering Project, co-financed by the European Regional De-velopment Fund under the Innovative Economy OperationalProgramme and conducted at the Institute for Mathemati-cal and Computational Modelling at University of Warsaw.The research was supported in part by the European Re-search Council under the European Union’s Seventh Frame-work Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC Grant agree-ments 278594-GasAroundGalaxies, GA 267291 Cosmiway,and 321334 dustygal, the Interuniversity Attraction PolesProgramme initiated by the Belgian Science Policy Office([AP P7/08 CHARM]), the National Science Foundation un-der Grant No. NSF PHY11-25915, the UK Science and Tech-nology Facilities Council (grant numbers ST/F001166/1 andST/I000976/1), Rolling and Consolodating Grants to the

10 We intend to make the simulation output public in due course,

starting with galaxy properties, which we will make availableusing the SQL interface that was also used for the Millennium

simulation (Lemson & Virgo Consortium 2006; Springel et al.2005b). Details will be provided on the EAGLE web site, see

ICC, Marie Curie Reintegration Grant PERG06-GA-2009-256573.


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Recently, much effort has been directed at solving a well-known issue with the standard SPH implementation: multi-valued particle pressure and large artificial viscosity causingunphysical surface tension at contact discontinuities (for adetailed description of the problem see, e.g. Agertz et al.2007). This surface tension impedes the development of hy-drodynamical instabilities resulting in poor mixing of gasphases, which could in principle compromise simulationsof galaxy formation (e.g. Sijacki et al. 2012; Nelson et al.2013). Several solutions have been suggested in order tosmooth the pressure at contact discontinuities (e.g. Ritchie& Thomas 2001; Price 2008; Read et al. 2010; Saitoh &Makino 2013; Hopkins 2013), and to reduce the artificialviscosity away from shocks (e.g. Morris & Monaghan 1997;Cullen & Dehnen 2010).

As described in more detail below, we employ the fullyconservative SPH formulation derived by Hopkins (2013), ofwhich the solutions suggested by Ritchie & Thomas (2001),Read et al. (2010) and Saitoh & Makino (2013) are specialcases. We use the artificial viscosity switch from Cullen &Dehnen (2010) and a switch for artificial conduction similarto that of Price (2008). We apply the time step limiters ofDurier & Dalla Vecchia (2012).

We adopt the C2 Wendland (1995) kernel with Nngb =58 neighbours. This kernel inhibits particle pairing (Dehnen& Aly 2012) and the number of neighbours was chosen togive an effective resolution that is close to that of the cubicspline kernel with 48 neighbours that was used in OWLS.

The methods used here are collectively referred to as“Anarchy” and will be described in more detail in DallaVecchia (in preparation), who also demonstrates its perfor-mance on standard hydrodynamical tests. In Schaller et al.(2014) we compare the results of EAGLE cosmological sim-ulations with different hydrodynamics and time steppingschemes. Consistent with previous work (e.g. Scannapiecoet al. 2012), we find that our results are generally substan-tially less sensitive to changes in the hydrodynamical tech-niques than to reasonable variations in the subgrid physics.


Following Hopkins (2013), the generalised equation of mo-tion is

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= −N∑j=1



fij∇iWij(hi) +Pjy2j


], (A1)

where mi, vi and Pi are the particle mass, velocity andpressure, respectively; Wij is the SPH kernel; hi is the SPHsmoothing length; fij is the correction term for variablesmoothing lengths (the so-called “grad-h” term), given by

fij = 1− xjxj

(hinD yi


)[1 +

hinD yi



, (A2)

where nD is the number of spatial dimensions. In theabove equations, xi and its SPH smoothed value, yi =∑

jxjWij(hi), define the particle volume, Vi = xi/yi. The

particle smoothing length is defined by the relation

3h3i = NngbVi, (A3)

where Nngb is the number of neighbouring particles.11 Inour implementation we chose xi = mi and yi ≡ ρi =∑

jmjWij(hi), the SPH particle density.

The remaining quantities, xi and yi =∑


define the “thermodynamical volume”, and can be chosenin order to obtain a smooth representation of the pressure.Since we follow the evolution of the gas pseudo entropy,A ≡ P/ργ , the natural choice is then xi = miA

1/γi and

yi ≡ P1/γi =



1/γj Wij(hi) as suggested by Read

et al. (2010). With this definition, the weighted pressure,Pi, is now single-valued and varies smoothly through contactdiscontinuities.

In practice, it is convenient to define a weighted densitythat can be used in the conversion between thermodynam-ical quantities (entropy, internal energy, temperature) andthat can be predicted for inactive particles. We define theweighted density by writing the entropic function, P = Aργ ,as follows:

Pi = Ai




mjA1/γj Wij(hi)

)γ= Aiρ

γi . (A4)

Note that this definition of the density is the only one thatis consistent with the definition of the pressure (Read et al.2010).

The formulation of the SPH equation in terms ofthe pressure and entropy thus introduces the notion of aweighted density ρi. Despite having the units of a density,this quantity should not be confused with the physical den-sity ρi =

∑jmjWij(hi). The weighted density should be

thought of as an intermediate quantity required for the cal-culation of other thermodynamics quantities and for theSPH equation of motion. As a consequence, both densitiesmust be used in the subgrid recipes. If the model requiresa density (cooling, enrichment), then we use the physicaldensity ρi. On the other hand, if the quantity of interest isthe pressure or the temperature, then we use the weighteddensity ρi for consistency with the SPH equations.

11 Note that the number of neighbours, Nngb, is a parameter andnot the actual number of particles within the kernel.

Finally, equation (A1) can be written as








fij∇iWij(hi) +





], (A5)

where the grad-h terms are (see equation A2):

fij = 1− 1





)[1 +




. (A6)

A1.1 Injection of feedback energy

When the equations of SPH are formulated using the pres-sure and entropy as main variables, particles do not carry anumerical field for their internal energy. This quantity hasto be computed as a weighted sum over the particle neigh-bours in the same way as the density is computed in otherformulations of SPH. Energy from feedback events can hencenot be implemented by simply increasing the internal energyof the particle by some amount ∆u. Furthermore, becausethe weighted density, ρi, and the entropic function, Ai, ofa particle are coupled, a naıve change of Ai during energyinjection would be incorrect as the corresponding weighteddensity would also change, making the total thermal energyof the gas (across all particles in the simulation volume)change by an amount different from ∆u.

In Anarchy this problem is partially solved by perform-ing a series of iterations during which Ai and ρi are changeduntil the two quantities have converged:

Ai,n+1 =(γ − 1)(uold + ∆u)



ρi,n+1 =ρi,nA

1/γn −miW (0)A

1/γi,n +miW (0)A



, (A7)

where mi is the mass of particle i and W is the kernel func-tion. This approximation is valid for reasonable values of∆u and is crucial for injecting thermal feedback in the gasphase.

For high thermal jumps with more than one particlebeing heated, as can for example occur for our AGN feed-back scheme, the approximation provided by these iterationsis not sufficiently accurate to properly conserve energy. Wehence limit the amount of energy that can be injected inthe gas phase by AGN in a single event by limiting theheating probability to 0.3 (effectively limiting the numberof particles being heated at the same time in a given neigh-bourhood) for which tests show that the correct amount ofenergy is distributed to the gas.

A2 Artificial viscosity

SPH requires artificial viscosity to capture shocks. The arti-ficial viscosity switch has been implemented following Cullen& Dehnen (2010). Their algorithm enables a precise detec-tion of shocks and avoids excessive viscosity in pure shearflows. As in Cullen & Dehnen (2010), particles are assignedindividual values of the viscosity coefficient, αv,i. This is re-computed at every time step n, and if it exceeds the value

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at the previous step, αnv,i > αn−1v,i , the viscosity coefficient

is set to min (αnv,i, αv,max). If αnv,i ≤ αn−1v,i , the viscosity co-

efficient decays towards αnv,i on a time scale proportional tothe particle’s sound-crossing time, τi = hi/(0.1ci):

αv,i = αnv,i + (αv,i − αnv,i) e−∆t/τi , (A8)

and limiting the minimum allowed value, αv,i ≥ αv,min ≥ 0.We adopt αv,min = 0.05 in order to facilitate particle or-dering, and allow the coefficient to range up to αv,max = 2.We found that if the number of neighbours is sufficientlylarge (∼ 102), the calculation of the velocity divergence ingadget is sufficiently accurate for standard hydrodynami-cal tests. Therefore, we did not implement any expensive ma-trix calculation of the velocity divergence (Cullen & Dehnen2010; Read & Hayfield 2012; Hu et al. 2014).

A3 Entropy diffusion

SPH is by construction non-diffusive. However, some diffu-sion mechanism is required during mixing of gas phases inorder to mimic thermal conduction. We do not attempt tomodel physical diffusion; the implemented diffusion is purelynumerical. We also do not implement diffusion to solve nu-merical problems at contact discontinuities; these are solvedby the adopted SPH scheme.

The thermal energy, u, is diffused according to the fol-lowing equation (e.g. Monaghan 1997; Price 2008),





ρij(ui − uj)∇iWij(hi, hj), (A9)

where vd,ij = max(ci+ cj +vij ·rij/rij , 0), and the diffusioncoefficient, αd,ij , density and kernel derivative are averagesamong particle pairs. The purely numerical switch, similarto the one of Price (2008), is triggered by the spatial secondderivative of the internal energy

αd,i = βhi∇2


, (A10)

where the growth speed of αd,i can be tuned through thecoefficient β. We adopt β = 0.01. With this choice, diffusionis mild and there is no need of any further limiter in thepresence of gravity. Finally, the diffusion coefficient evolveswith time as

αd,i(t+∆t) = αd,i(t)−(αd,i(t)− αd,min

τi− αd,i

)∆t, (A11)

where the decay time scale, τi, is the same as employed inthe artificial viscosity, and αd,min = 0. We set the maximumallowed value to αd,max = 1, but this is unimportant becauseαd,i 1 even for large discontinuities in the internal energy.

A4 Time stepping

The accuracy of the time integration is increased by using atime-step limiter (e.g. Saitoh & Makino 2013). We adoptedthe solution of Durier & Dalla Vecchia (2012) which en-sures that sudden changes in the particle internal energy,e.g. caused by feedback, are promptly captured and prop-agated to neighbouring particles by shortening their timestep and by activating them. We set the maximum ratio ofneighbouring particles’ time steps to four.


We have made two types of initial conditions: dark matteronly with all particles the same mass, and dark matter withgas. The dark matter with gas simulations are created start-ing from a corresponding dark matter only simulation so wefirst describe how the dark matter only initial conditionswere made.

B1 Building dark matter only initial conditions

The initial conditions are created in three steps. Firstly, aparticle load, representing an unperturbed homogeneous pe-riodic universe in a 3-torus is produced. Secondly, a reali-sation of a Gaussian random density field with the appro-priate linear power spectrum is created over the 3-torus.Thirdly the displacements and velocities, consistent withthe pure growing mode of gravitational instability, are cal-culated from the Gaussian realisation and applied to theparticle load producing the initial conditions.

The unperturbed particle loads for the dark matteronly initial conditions have a glass-like particle distributionproduced by applying the method first described in White(1994). This method, available as an option in the gadget-2code (Springel 2005), was applied, with periodic boundaryconditions, to make a “primitive” cubic glass distributionwith 473 particles. The particle loads required for each of theEAGLE initial conditions were built by tiling this primitivecubic glass file n times in each of the three principal coordi-nate directions across a larger cubic 3-torus, giving particleloads with a glass distribution with (47n)3 particles.

The dark matter only initial conditions were generatedusing the ic 2lpt gen code using the method describedin Jenkins (2010) to create second order Lagrangian per-turbation theory (2lpt) resimulation initial conditions. Theic 2lpt gen code outputs Zeldovich initial conditions plusa “2lpt mass” for each particle. The EAGLE version of gad-get 3 is then used to solve a Poisson equation sourced by the2lpt masses placed at their unperturbed positions. The solu-tion of this Poisson equation yields second-order Lagrangiangrowing mode displacements and velocities for each particle.Adding these to the Zeldovich displacements and velocitiesof all the particles produces the final 2lpt initial conditions.The 2lpt masses can then be discarded and the usual equa-tions of motion are solved by integrating the initial condi-tions forward in time.

B2 Choice of phases

Generating a Gaussian random field requires choosing a setof random phases. For the EAGLE simulations we take thesephases from Panphasia which is a public multiscale Gaus-sian white noise field (Jenkins 2013; Jenkins & Booth 2013).Using Panphasia provides a simple way to publish the linearphases that define the EAGLE volumes. Table B1 lists the“phase descriptors” which define the location of the phaseinformation of each volume within the much larger Panpha-sia field (Jenkins 2013). These phase descriptors define thephases on all scales and uniquely determine the phases notonly for the simulations published here, but for any pos-sible zoom simulation of any subregion of these volumes,

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Table B1. The phases for the EAGLE simulation volumes are taken from the public multiscale Gaussian white noise field Panphasia(Jenkins 2013). For completeness we publish the phases for all the volumes in the EAGLE series, but note that we have not yet carried

out baryonic simulations in boxes greater than 100 cMpc. These periodic cubic volumes have side-lengths given by 6.25×2n cMpc, where

n is an integer, n = 0− 10.

Box size Phase Descriptor


6.25 [Panph1,L19,(40044,38524,52597),S3,CH2062909610,EAGLE L0006 VOL1]12.5 [Panph1,L18,(34546,48586,31987),S3,CH1284484552,EAGLE L0012 VOL1]

25 [Panph1,L17,(22872,9140,6502),S3,CH1193192352,EAGLE L0025 VOL1]

50 [Panph1,L16,(9358,44124,48606),S3,CH1323953302,EAGLE L0050 VOL1]100 [Panph1,L16,(31250,23438,39063),S12,CH1050187043,EAGLE L0100 VOL1]

200 [Panph1,L16,(27398,55228,10498),S3,CH664747129,EAGLE L0200 VOL1]

400 [Panph1,L16,(11324,24834,60541),S3,CH846509636,EAGLE L0400 VOL1]800 [Panph1,L16,(65448,27937,42773),S3,CH773405482,EAGLE L0800 VOL1]

1600 [Panph1,L15,(18083,14638,23364),S3,CH1829653368,EAGLE L1600 VOL1]

3200 [Panph1,L14,(2152,5744,757),S3,CH1814785143,EAGLE L3200 VOL1]6400 [Panph1,L13,(3868,2093,2715),S3,CH1320830929,EAGLE L6400 VOL1]

and at any resolution (down to sub-Earth mass resolutionif needed) in the future. In principle sufficient informationis provided in this paper to enable anyone to re-run thesesimulations, or to resimulate objects identified from the EA-GLE database. The information required is provided by thecombination of the phase descriptors, the cosmological pa-rameters and the linear matter power spectrum, and for thevolumes themselves the details of how the particle load wasconstructed.

B3 Particle indexing

To make it possible to trace particles easily between theinitial conditions and snapshots, each particle in the initialconditions was given a unique 42-bit integer index. The in-dex was generated by assigning each particle a location ona space-filling Peano-Hilbert curve defined with a resolutionof 14 bits per Cartesian coordinate over the simulation vol-ume. The location for each particle was determined from itsunperturbed position in the particle load. The particle in-dex therefore encodes a Lagrangian position for the particle.Using a 42-bit index allows the Lagrangian position to bedetermined to a cubic cell of side length 1/16384 of the boxsize. This is small compared to the interparticle separationsof particles in the initial conditions, which means that eachparticle has a unique index. The primitive 473 glass file androutines to calculate the Peano-Hilbert indices are availableat

B4 Making the full initial conditions

The initial conditions for the hydrodynamical simulationsare generated from the dark matter only sets of initial con-ditions. Each dark matter particle is replaced with a pair ofparticles consisting of a dark matter particle and gas parti-cle with a combined mass equal to that of the original darkmatter particle. The ratio of the gas and dark matter par-ticles is equal to Ωbaryon/(Ωmatter −Ωbaryon). These particlepairs are positioned so that the centre of mass of the paircorresponds to the position of the original particle in thedark matter only initial conditions. The particle pairs arealigned with the (1,1,1) coordinate direction and the gas

particle is positioned in the (1,1,1) direction relative to itscorresponding dark matter particle. The magnitude of thedisplacement between the pair is chosen so that an initialcubic grid with mean density in the dark matter only initialconditions would transform into a body-centred cubic gridwith dark matter (gas) particles at the centres of cubic cellsmade of gas (dark matter) particles.

For the hydrodynamical simulations the index of thedark matter particles is taken to be exactly twice that ofthe corresponding index in the dark matter only initial con-ditions. The index of the gas particle is chosen to be onemore than its corresponding dark matter particle. Thus, alldark matter particles have even indices, and all gas particlesodd indices.

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