the evening star, i news d bank the washington. › lccn › sn83045462 › ... · theeveningstar,...

THE EVENING STAR, I THE NEWS . | FROM grWBAT-8 EXTRA " 81/ ~ THE~ ASSASSIN ATIOK THfe i-A VKSTH.» UTlt'VLlRI. TBE ASSASSINATION A OONSPIKACY ! Der»icpm»nu biw been made within the paei twenty.lQ'jr lours showing conclusively txistenc* of a deep laid plot on the par: of a gs-ot of conspirators, Juolodlng membere of the eraer ol -Knights 9T tbe Golden Circle," K aiiritfr PnodHt JL#*noo»n sod bi9 t&NQet- THE FATAL. BALL. Hf »cw we jit* a diagram of me fd',al bill u;». tiiied Mr. Lincoln, imen from actual ma oecrernen: showing lis exact d.rnensions 11 will be seen that it is of murderous sue It le dow prety well es'ablisbed that tae pistol wae loaded with two balls, the other of which passed through the box door. The fact of the fracture in the door is thus explained. It is certain that the pistol was "held close to the bead of tb- President, from the clear aper¬ ture maoe tbrongb the skull, and thus that vhe as-assm mast have been in h;s irnme- o»f»*e v».?»m»y. THK CORPSE. Tbe corpse of the late President has been laid ontin tfte room known as the "Guests'itoom," >n tbe northwest wmp ol the White House. It is tressed in the suit ol black clothes worn by Kim at his last inauguration. A placid smile ree'* upon the leatures, and the deceased seems .o be in a calm - Jeep. "White ilowers have bren p»aced upon the pillow and over the breast above the kindest heart that ever throbbed. THE BODY TO LAY IN STATE. Tbe corpse of tbe late President will laid .n« in s'a'e in the Eas' Room on Tuesday in order to give tte public an opportunity to see once more the 1-atures of him they loved so wtll. The preparations are being made to that end ender tbe super vis.on of Mr. John Alexan¬ der, upholsterer. The catafalque upon which the body will rest is to b»» placed in the south par', of the East Boom, and is somewhat simi¬ lar in style to that used on tne occasion of the death of President Harrison. Steps will be placed at the Eide to enable the public to mount to a position to get a perfect view of the facc. Tbe vAtafclque will be lined with fluted white «atin, and on the outside it will be cov¬ ered wltn bla^k cloth and black velvet. THE FUNtKAL OF PRESIDENT LIN¬ COLN. It is understood that the taneralof Presi¬ dent Lincoln will take place on Wednesday neat. Rev. Dr. Gurley, of the Mew York avenue Presbyterian church, where the President and family have been accustomed to worship, will doubtless be tbe officiating clergyman. The remains will be temporarily deposited in the vault ol the Congressional cemetery, and hereafter taken to Mr. Lincoln'^ home at Springfield, Illinois. The remains of little Willie Lincoln are deposited in a vault a. Oak HU1 cemetery, we believe. The funeral car, which is being prepared lor tbe occasion, is to be a magnificent affair. It to to be built on a hearse body, the extreme length fourteen feet. The body of the car will be covered with black cloth from which will hang large lestoons of cloth on the sides and ends, gathered and fastened by large rosettes of white and black satin over bows of white ami black velvet. The bed ol the car on which th* colfin will rest will be eight feet from the ground, in order to give lull view of the coffin, and over this will rise the canopy, the supports of which will be draped with black cloth and velvet. The top ol the car will be decorated with plumes. The car will be drawn by six or eight horses, (probably white with black trap- pings,; each led by a groom. THE AUTOPSY. esteruay, Surgeon General Barnes, assisted by Doctors Stone (the late President's family physician,) Curtis, Wood ward. Crane, Taflt, and other eminent medical men, made au au¬ topsy in the presence ol President Johnson, Gen. Augur and Gen. Kucker. The external' appearance of the lace of the President pre¬ sented a deep black stain around both eyes The wound was on the left side ol the head behind, in a line with and three inches liom the left ear. The course ol the ball was obliquely forward the right eye, crossing the brain in an oblique manner, and lodging a tew inches behind that eye. In the track of the wound were found fragments of bone which nad been driven lorward by the ball, which *>v imbedded in the anterior lobe of the left hemisphere ol the brain. The orbit plates ol both eyes were the seat of comminuted Tractor*. and the eyes were filled with ex. travasated blood. The serious miuryofthe orbit plates was due to the centr*.coup.the result of the intense shock of so lar-e a pro- tectilo fired so closely to the head. The ball was evidently a lierriuger, hand-cast, and from tte neck had been clipped. A shaving of lsad had been removed from the ball in its passage through the bones of the skull, aud was found in the orifiJe of the wound. The fir<t tragment of bone was found two and a halt tncbee within the brain . the second and larger rragment about four inches from the orittce of the wound. Tne ball lay still tnrther in ad¬ vance. Tbe wound was about one-half mch in d.arceter. Tbe autopsy fully coiitirraei tbe epinicn of the surgeons on the uight of the as- sasstnation, that the wound was mortal. MK. SKWAkD AND SON. The KM... .i s^rtur, S»w«Mcontinu»s to N- .nontMe tlu. Jluit o( T'",' , \T.*- "* """ "r.« not ,o Hopeful. II, .... *.nd it is Jeared will not rally SPECIAL MEETING OF THE OABlNEr A special meeting of the Cabinet has been in protracted session this forenoon it the Treasu ry Department. BOOTH t'p to this time it has not been ascertained that the assassin o: the President has been cap¬ tured. We should be very glad to confirm Oie « or.fluently asserted statement that Booth h.ij been seized and safely lodged in a monitor otT 'i.e hrsenal. We have made due inquiry, and regret to CQjne to tbe -inclusion that it is not ti t.e !UE SERVICES AT MK. LINCOLN'S -..g.Vt^wVork,venue Presbyterian Chwrch, w*<* Mr. Llnco.n Z ? zL'uXt:1%tk* rroma 01 p*»oB, .* isbied anticipating t.., ia# p.t.t(Kmv ' D Oar ley, D Djwo.idmake *omeaiiuMon .o -he great aauonal caia.uv. TttH ne o«r oppeene, with iae ,at# lew. wDufe is well up the " beatify draped in soirmi^, At the oi the Mrvioaa Dr Garie* .».«» been n»*d f.r ,fc# ^ .>. or »a iao»««:. Ma lM, A Wvicee would be conducted in iviordanee wiib thai rite. H* then *1- luaed to the death of Mr. L-ncoln, speak¬ ing feehngiy id regard to Bis last boors, and remarked ina: though the congregation roust be bumbled and grieved, they most look firciu tHe band of the aseassin to the band o! God, wbo overruled tbe affairs oI men, and ai.bor.fb -this great a miction was bard to be borne, they should no: doubt bat that it was for our trial and that in it God bad a purpose. Tbe pastor concluded by tendering tbe sym¬ pathies of tbe congregation to tbe afflicted famiJy. A WARNING.' We have reason to believe that Secre ary Seward received several months since an in- tiir.a-.ion from Europe that something of a very desperate character was to transpire at Wash¬ ington, and it is more than probable that tbe intimation bad reference to this plot of aesas- sination. THE CONSPIRACY. Tbe pickers encircling this city on Friday night, to prevent tbe escape of the parties wbo murdered President Lincoln and attempted tbe assassination of Secretary Seward and sons» were ired npou at several points by concealed Joes. Arrests of parties charged with the of- fence will be promptly made. REWARD OF TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR THE ASSASSINS. A resolution was passed by the city councils yesterday ottering a reward of f-JO,WH) on be¬ half of tbe city ol Washington for the appro ' tension of the assassins of President Lincoln and Secretary Seward. Every city and town in the country should j*m in swelling the amount of reward ottered, j THE OATH PLAYED OT T. A number of rebel officers who arrived here this morning by the mail boat from City Point, a.fced permission to take the oath of allegian:e, which request was not granted tor the present and they were committed to the Old Capitol. ' j The following persons, who are well known in this city, were recognized as being among the number as they passed along the streets: N. R. Vansant, formerly & lieutenant in the V. S. Navy, and attached to the Observatory; Middleton, who at one time resided near 12th and M streets; Phil and Tcm Hunger ford, late of the Pension Office, and well known in the Second Ward. THE INAUGURAL ADDRESS OF PRFS I DENT. JOHNSON. j After receiving the oath, and oeing declared President of the United States, Mr. Johnson remarked: .'Gektlembn 1 must be permitted to say that I have been almost overwhelmed by the announcement ol the sad event which has so recently occurred. I leel incompetent to per- form duties so important and responsible as those which tave been so unexpectedly thrown opon me. As to an indication of any policy which may be pursued by me in the adminis¬ tration of the Government, I have o say that that must be left for development as the ad¬ ministration progresses. The message or de¬ claration must be made by the acts as they transpire. The only assurance that I can now give of the future is reference to the past. The course which I have taken in the past, in con¬ nection with this rebellion, must be regarded as a guarantee of the future. My past "public life, which has been long and laborious, has been founded, as 1 in good conscience believe, upon a great principle of right which lies a1 the basis of all things The best energies of my life have been spent in endeavoring to es¬ tablish and perpetuate the principles of free government, and 1 believe that the Govern ment in passing through its present penis will settle down upon principles consonant with popular rights more permanent and enduring than heretofore. I must be permitted to say, if I understand the feelings ol my own heart, that I have long labored to ameliorate and elevate the condition of the great mass of the Ameri¬ can people. Toll, and an honest advocacy of the great principles of free government, have been my lot. Duties have been mine consequences are God's. This has been tbe foundation of my political c reed, and I ieel that in the end the Government will triumph, and that these great principles will be perma¬ nently established. In conclusion, gentlemen, let me say that I want your encouragement and countenance. 1 shall ask and rely upon you and others, in carrying the Government through its present perils. I feel, in making this request that it will be heartily responded to by you and all other patriots and lovers or the rights and interests of a free people." At the conclusion of the above remarks, the President received the kind wishes of the lriends by whom he was surrounded, and a few minutes were devoted to conversation All were deeply impressed with the solemnity of the occasion, and the recent sad occurrence that caused the necessity for the speedy inaug¬ uration of the President, was gravely dis¬ cussed. ."\Ir. Johnson is in fine health, and has an earnest sense of the important trust that has been confided to him. THE MIRDERLR'S BROTHERS. CivcissATi, April 15..J unius Brutus Booth brother of J. Wilkes Booth, was announced to appear at Pike's Opera. House to-night, but it is understood was compelled to leave the city in great haste Bortok, April 15..Edwin Booth, brother of the assassin of the President, has been playing an engagement at the Boston Theatre for the past three weens, and was to have taken his farewell this evening. He was stopping with a friend in the city when tbe terrible intelli¬ gence-was conveyed to him. He was thrown into tbe greatest att'.iction. It is not likely that he will ever appear upon the stage again The performance announced for tq-day will not take place, and the manager has an¬ nounced that dramatic performances will be suspended until further notice THK REBELS. Jell. Dans at Uanville. He Issues a Proc¬ lamation.Virginia to be Held by the Rebels at all ila/ards. Dam villi, Va., April i, ltG5..The General- in-Chief found it necessary to mane such move¬ ments ol tiis troops as to uncover the capital. It would be unwise to conceal the moral and material injury to our cause resulting from the occiyiation of our capital by tbe enemy. It is equally unwise and unworthy of us to allow our own energies to falter and our eftorta to become relaxed under adverses, however calamitous thev may be. For many months the largest and finest army ot the Confederacy, under the command of a leader whose presence inspires equal confi¬ dence in the troops and the people, has been greatly trammelled hy the necessity of keeping constant watch over the approaches to the capital, and thus has been forced tfc ferego more than one opportunity for promising en¬ terprise. It is for us, my countrymen, to show by our bearing under reverses how wretched has been the self-deception of those who have believed us less able to endure misfortune with fortitude, than to encounter dangers with courage. We have now entered upon a new phase ot the struggle. Relieved from the necessity of guarding particular points, our army will be tree to move from point to point to strike the enemy in detail tar trwm his base. Let us but will it and we are Iree. Animated by tbat confidence in spirit and fortitude which never yet failed me, I an¬ nounce to you, fellow countrvmen, that it is my purpose to maintain your "cause with my hole heart and soul ; fcfaat I will never con¬ sent to abandon »o the enemy one loot of the . °>rhn3\0-n' ot the States of the uonfedera- :f' , irginia.^noble State.whose an- « has *>een eclipsed by her stilt has been banTdrf« 1 hlBtorJr: wh*se bosom fbis war w^e °o«eceive the main shock of hibited bermsm so subCe^T^^^/T* lustrioos in all time to come-thlt' vir^nil" with the help of Use people and k«^h iT* ot Providence, shall hJTheM ftS and no peace ever be made with ths mfa^non* invaders of her territory. infamous If by tbe stress ol numbers we should *v»r be compelled to a temporary withdrawal from her limits, or those ot any other border Sta»e again and again will we return, until the barred and exhausted enemy sball abandon m despair bis endless and impossible task of making slaves of a people resolved to be tree. I<*>t us, then, not despond, my countrymen; i but, relying on God, meet the foe witb fresh defiance and with unconquered and unoon« qnerabl* heart* JirriktoR Davie. ¦ AJU4R MAP OF 01(1 RMI A.- Compile* antfer I * tfi» 4iro«tioa o4 the &eae»l Assembly; on« . fcs<ie< vitb seMea. Also, alar** Ma» auction sales. FUTURE DATS. DY J. C. MeGUIBJ * CO.. Auctioneer. CIIANCEBTBALB OF VALUABLE IMPBOVBD A«D UHIMPBOVBD PROPERTY. Fy virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the Bistrict of Columbia. passed in chancery cause No 368, Graham vs. Graham et al., I a hall Fell at public auction, en TU18DAY AFMRMOON. April 18. at o'clooh. on the preml«es, Lets 1, 4. 5, C and 7, in sonare Mo. 92. Lot Mo. 7 fronts respectively on Connecticut avenue, Jlat street ana north B street, and is improved by a desirable two story cottage and outbuildings, with a fine garden laid cat on the grounds: Lots Mo. 1,4,6 and 6 have been subdivided into thirteen fine bnildicg lots, fronting about twenty five feet eaeh od Connecticut avenue, between north R and 8 streets, some of them running through to 31et These lots were o«rwpied by tfce late 6uy Gra¬ ham as a garden, have fiae shade trees in front, and ar-> well located for cottage site. Terms cash. Conveyancing and revenue stamps at the cost of ice purchasers. Y FBNDALL. Trustee. apjrd JA8. 0. McGUlREJt CO.. Aucts. |£Y 3. C. McfiCLBk & CO., Au ^.ioneers, TRUSTEE 8 8AL1 OF VALUABLE BUILfiSG LOT ADJOINING THE NATIONAL PRINT¬ ING OHFICB. On MONDAY AFTEBNOCN,. April 24th, at o'clock, on the premises, by virtue of a de«Hl of trust from Patrick Wilson and wife, dated Mar 7, | I8ft7, and dnly recorded in Liber J. A. i.. No i39. folios 217, et. seq., one of the Land Record? of v>'s»hington eountv, I shall Fell, Lot "B " in J 0. McGuire's subdivision of Bquare No. 6J4, fronting 2: feet on North Capitol street, between G an l H streets north. an<t running bach 130 feet to a U loot , alley and ^ontait-ing 2 850 square feet. T^ims-One half easb; the remainder in ail :ind \ twelve months, with interest, secured by a deed j oftrust on the premises. I Conveyancea and stamps at the cost of the par chaser. TH08 J. FISHER Tauatee. apl-eo&de J. C. McGUIRE k CO.. Aact*. B Y W. L. WALL & CO., Auctioneers. TRUBTRB'8 BALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES¬ TATE IN THE SEVENTH WARD. B> virtue of a<!ecreoof the Bipreme Court of the District of Columbia, in Equity sitiicg. bear¬ ing date December Hth, 1864, and passed in a cause in which William R. Riley et. al. in.behalf of the "Mouot Vernon Building Association," are Complainants, and Edward M. Clarke et. al., are Defendants, (No. 191 Equity.) I shall offer for gale at Public Auction, in fremt of the premises, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of April, A. D . 1SS5, at 5 o'clock, F. M., the following Real Estate, viz: All that part or Lot numbered nine (9> in sq uare numbered three hundred and fifty-three(353) of thp plan of the City of Washing¬ ton, beginning for the north east corner of said square, at the intersection of D street south and loth street west; thence running south on a line with said li'th street ninety (90) feet, thence west fifty-four (54) feet ten and one halfdo'ji inches, thence north ninety (9>n feet, thence east on a line with said "D street'- fifty-four(84> feet ten and one- half (10^) inches to the place of beginning, w ith the improvements thereon. This property is situated on the corner of D streetsouth and 10th streetwett, and offers great inducements to purchasers. Terms.One-third cash, the residue in si* and twelve months,the purchaser giving his notes for the deferred payments satisfactorily endorsed and bearing interest from the day of sale. Title deed to be retained until all of the purchase money is paid. All conveyancing and revnue stamps at the cost of the purchaser. If the terms of sale are aot compuea with wi.hin five days from the day of sale, the Trustee reserves the right to resell the said property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, by giving three days notice in some newspaper printed m the city of Washington. J llqyd mhlO 2aw3w&ds W. L. WALL &. CO., Aucts. (Re publican.] THE ABOVE BALE 18 POSTPONED TO TUE8BAY AFTERNOON, same hour, id Mav. A. LLOYD. Trustee, ap 5 WM. L. WALL & CO. Au ;ts^_ JgY GREEN &. WILLIAMS, Auctioneers. CHANCERY SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTY ON NORTH N STREET, BE TWEEN 9TH AND 10TH STREETS WEST By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed on the .1th day of April, lfVa, in cause No. 389, Equity Docket 7, George W. Adams ys. Catharine Adams et al.. 1 shall sell, at public auction, on the premises, on MONDAY AFTERNOON, April 24, 1845, at 5 o'clock. Lot No 17. according to Davidson^s sub¬ division of Square No. 357. The said lot fronts on north M street, between 9th and l'lth streets west, 24 feet 6 inches, and runs back with that width 12»'i feet to a 20 foot alley, and is improved by a hand- seme. well built and comparatively new Brick House. The location for a private residence is yery desirable. Immediate possession piven. Terms: One third cash; the balance in 6 and 12 months, with notes bearing interest, to be secured to the satisfaction of the trustee; or the purchaser has the privilege of paying the whole purchase money in cash. If the terms of sale are not complied with in five days from the day of sale, the trustee reserves the right to resell the said premises at the risk and coat of the defaulting purchaser. All conveyancing and revenue stamps at the cost of H. UTBRMEHLB. Trustee, ap 7-eodftds GREEN A WILLIAMS. Aucts. gY^JA8rcT~McGUIRE & CO.. Auctioneers. CHANCERY BALE oFvALUABLE 8QUAREOF GROUND ON SEVENTH 8TREET WE8T, BE¬ TWEEN Q STREET AND RHODE ISLAND AVENUE. On THURSDAY AFTERNOON, April 27th, at 5 o'clock, on the premises, by virtue of a decree of the late Circuit Court, and an amended decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, fitting as a Court of Equity, the latter decree dated 2- th of April, 18 4, and rendered in cause No. 788, wherein Elizabeth Brent is Comp'ainant. "and Charles E. Brent and others defendants, the an- dersigned will sell the whole of Square No. 420. except two lots heretofore sold, subdivided into 2-' desirable building lots fronting respectively on 7th and 8th streets west, between Q st. and Rhode Island avenue. Terms: On<- third cash; the remainder in C and 12 months, with interest, secured to the satisfac¬ tion of the trustee; or sll cash, at the option of the purchaser. All conveyancing and stamps at the cost of the purchaser, J. CARROLL BRENT, Trustee. apll-eodts J C MoGUIRE A. CO., Aucts. RUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HORBES. (fuaTltrmatUr OwraVi Fir ft Division,! Washington Cuy, April 1, l»6.r> S Will sold, at public auction, to the highest bidder, at Baltimore, Md., on THUR8DAY, April 13, 1865, TWO HUNDRED MARES WITH FOAL. maBy of them well bred and in good condition ON THUR8BAY, April 20. 1805, TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES ON THURSDAY, April 27, 1865, ONE HUNDKED MARES WITn FOAL AND ONE HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES. The Herses have been condemned as unfit for the cavalry service of the army. Fcr road atd farming purposes, many good bar¬ gains may be had. . , Animals sold singly. 8aie to commence at 9 a. m., and will be held at Phillip's Governmeni Stables, corner of Fremont and Ramsey streets. Terms cash, in United States currency. JAME8 A. BKIN, Brevet Brigadier General,in charge First Division Q M. G.O. . ap 3-2-t s 'ALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. QuarterttiGsit* O'tHeraPs Office, First Uirinon.l I Wastimnon City, April 1,18t3. S Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bid'ler, at Giesboro. D. C , on TUESDAY, April 4, TUESDAY, April 11, TUESDAY, April 18, TUEBDA Y. April 2.1, TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HOHSES EACH DAY. These horses have been condemned as unfit for the cavalry service of the army. For road and farming purposes, many good bar¬ gains may be had. Horstssold singly. Sale to commence at 10 A. M. Terms cash, in United States currency ri. J AMIS A. EKIM, Brevet Brigadier General, in charge FirstDivi- vision Quartermaster General'sOftice. ap3 -»)t j\IOKUMENT3-On TUESDAY, April l*th, at3 i'l o'clock, will be sold at auction a lot of Italian and American Marble Monuments. They will be sold by private contract before the above date on lfith street, bet. New York avenue and H street, eastsidc, above Riggs'Bank. ap3-l2t* JEROME'S HAIR COLOR RESTORER FORRB- taining and gradually bringing back the Hair to its original color without the irconvenience at¬ tending the use of a dye. Bold by all druggieta 74 cents per bottle. RE.XFORD 8 MEDICATED GINGER BREAD NUTS, for worms, unrivaled in efficacy, and peculiarly adapted for children, being eaten as an ordinary cake. For sale by druggist*. Price 25 oen per box. jtnU- eoly IjFYowi the Lamest MaiKiacturmi: Ckttnists in tht World 1 1AM ACQUAINTED WITH MR H T HELM- BOLD, he occupied the <trug store opposite my residence and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so be¬ fore him. I have been favorably impressed with his character and ais caaracier a WILLIAM WRIGHTMAN. Firm of P0WBR8 & WB1GHTMAN, Manufacturing Chemieta, n2£j6m 9th and Brown sts., Philadelphia. ... CONFIDENTIAL. M. OCNGMEN who have injured themselves b oerUin secret habits which unfit them for busi ness,pleasure, or the duties of married life; also middle aged or old men, who, from the follies of youth or other causes, feel a debility in advanoe of their years, before placing themselves under tlie treatment of any one, should first read "THE SECRET FBIBND." Married Ladies will learn aomething of importance by perusing "The Becret Friend." Bent to any address, in a sealed eofolope en re- eeipt of Twenty-five Cents. Address . Dm. CHA8. A. BT1WABT A CO., *e 14-ly Boston, Mass. ADVANCED on DIA- HiWATCHES, JEWBI.RY, Ac. All U A ». *lflc*'y confidential. Oflfce hours from F#nn.»l,V^° '. fro,n to7 P. M. No 334 up at*ir/tWo doors from Hth street, mh:l-^m.0o,B,,® 'm I.IBMAN, DKY GOODS. D 11 eO«£8 AT PEACE PRICES, I.** hales of ©ott<m«, from New York Auctions. W bite Cc ttons, 12}» cents. Tard wide Cottons, ift, jg and 20 cent*. 3 casss small figured Oalieo, tt cents. Delaines> and Bhatliee. cents. All Wool Delaines, 45, worth 75. Double Welch Delaines. 75 eta , worth U.J. e®L°.r; A'»*ca, 45, worth 8". Black PI Ik, Jim/, Linen Napkins, 15, 20. 25. Linen **ol« Cloth 90 eents. Ladie# White Hose. S White Flannels, all wool,37X. oep Shirts, fi. «. Coats' Spool Cotton, Pins, Need lei. Books, Eyes. A eente each. Shawls, Parasols, and other Goods, at *reat bar- Itina. No humbug. Call and eccJj'j W M AN*' ap 10-lw* 443 7th street, near Q. DEDUCTION IN PRICES ! In riew of the fall in gold, the subscriber will dispose of hi* present stock at greatly reduced price*. He respectfully invites his friends of the First Ward to an inspection of hia awortment, wbicb a variety of new and choice goods, lie offer* each leadinMkttides as MOOSELAINS at 2?cents per yard. CALICOES of all kinds l> cents per yard, COTTONS JO. 2.'i and 10 cents per yard. Green & Daniels'SPOOL COTTON only 5 eenta. Call aeon. lie will sell lower than the lowest. JCHN 1 LATHAM, ap 7-lw* corner Pa. avenue and 19th at. ~~ BOOTS AXD SHOES. m REMOVAL. The ur.dersigned teg leave to inform the citi- rens of Washington that they have removed to No. 846 Penn'a avenue, and 309 O street, nnder Washington Bnilding, cor. 7th street, where they have just opened a fresh and desirable stock of BOOTS AND SHOES for Mens', Womens', Boya', Misses'and Childress' .. . wear, and which they effer for aale at the lowest price. Giveug a call and we will guarantee satisfaction. aP '-lm* LOOMIS A MATH1W. J 33.000 WORTH OF BOOTS AND SHOES PANIC*PRICE8 I HELLER A CO., 492 7th atreet, having just £S?J'2fd a "P*1* of all kinda of BOOT8 and ®*f,OES at the recent Panic Prices, and are now selling. Good quality Ladies' Goat Balmorals at f 1.25 Good quality' Slippers at CO cants I.adies' heeled Slippers, fi 15, High heel Opera Gaiters at f:.50. Gentlemen's Long Koets at fi. Children's Shoes at 15 cents. Good quality Children's Shoe* at 40 cents. And all kinds of the best makes of Gent's, Ladies'. Misses' and Children's BOOTS, SHOES and BALMOR 4L8 at corresponding prices, at HELLER A C0 8, 4<)2 *th street. Pour doors above Odd Fellows' Hall. TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELING BAGS cheap,at HELLER A CO 8, 492 7th street, irsb 90-lm* Between D and S streets. PERSONAL PERSONAL. Dear friend . Don't waate any mora time or money trifling with quacks, see DR. DARIIY. 499 7th street, at once. It will be the cheapest »":pally. ap3 im* I\IR8. P. CURTIS, 1»I NATURAL CLAIRVOYANT. One of the most powerful heaVing physicians that has ever appeared before the public. Her seeing powers are gifts from childhood. She examines disease with perfect accuracy, and has never been known to fail. She is medically educated, and will treat all classes of disease. Mrs. C. will do all she adver¬ tises, as thousands r«n testify. 8he aiso has the agency «f Bugb«e's 'lal'eiuiah and Simona's Eureka,the great wonderful Diarrhoea and Liver Cure. OWee hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m , and from 7 top p m. No. 4'JO Pa. avenne. Wash¬ ington, between ¦»', an>l i;th st« mar 31 lm* DR. EDWIN V. WRIGHT, "Natural Beer," or Psycho Magnetic Reader of Oharao|pr and Examiner of Disease, can be consulted either by Mail or in person, from pkptograph or hand¬ writing. upon tbs "Cause and Cure" of every phase of mental and physical disease. MRS. WRIGHT, Clairvoyant Physician, "heals by laying on hands," Blindness, Paralysis, Rheu¬ matism, Liver Complaint, Female Weaknesses, Ac., Ac. Rooms 34 1 P street, near Patent Office. rnha-lm' QlU DR. BACKER, thb most woWDBbCJIQ ^ I Oful Astrologer. No 218 K st., bet.^lO 17th and Ifth sts,. two squares from the P atreet cars, gives full and thorough information con¬ cerning all affairs through lire, with and in regard to Health. Wealth and Marriage, Leva Affairs, Journeys, Law Suits, Absent Frienda, Sickness and Death. Dr. Backer can be consulted from 8 in the morning till 9 in the evening. Entrance through the can<iy store. mhXMm* MRS. BR0OKFIELD, of Kansas, can be con¬ sulted on the Past, Present and Future events, at her room, on K street, one door east of 3d street, in the rear of Douglas Hospital. She hr.s studied under one of the most celebrated Astrologers of the age. She guarantee satis¬ faction to all those who may give her a call She can be seen from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Price one dollar. feb 11 3m* THE BEST EVIDENCE THAT PRINCE. 3M1 F street, is the oslv practical STAMPER in the District, Is that he daily has to de over work that is botched at ether so-called Stamping places, He has the largest and finest assortment of Pat¬ terns ever offered here. Making his own Patterns, he is able and willing to stamp any pattern brought him. aovSS-tf A T W 0 0 D S PATENT DRILLING MACHINE. PILE DRIVER. AXD HYDRAULIC SAND PUMP. Practical tests having fully demonstrated the superiority of this machine over all others for the purpose of sinking Oil Wells, the.undersigned is now prepared to receive orders for the same. This machinery comprises everything requisite for the boring of oil wells excepting the BTElM ENGINE AND CAST IRON DRIVING PIPE, (but will be furnished, if desired, at a reasonable price.) and dispenses with the use of the derrick rope, bull wheel and other cumbrous and expensive fixtures now in use, and is so arranged, being con¬ structed cn wheels and portable, that it can be eaMly removed for the purpose of sinking wells in different localities. The dfctritusis removed fromthewell by ourpat- ent hydraulic process, and does eot require the r»-meval of thf drill from the boring. This pmee'i nqtocly removes all the detritus in from 5 to 10 minute*, but likewise effectually clears out and optng all the small oil veins that are so often en tirely c-Iced up by the old proeessof sand pumping. With this machine and a practical engineer, a well can be sunk from 4"<) to feet within a p«riod of from 15 to 3" days after the soil pipe has been driven. .Arrangements are being made for the construc¬ tion and delivery of these ma'-hiDes at New York, Norwich, Newburg, N. Y .and Pittsburg, Pa For further information, price, terms, Ac., address PIMKON LBLAND, Metropolitan Hotel. New Fork. ap 7 3m ^ MADAME PRINCE ^jjT would tnnounce to the Ladies of CM Washington and its vicinity that she has been amont; the first to select from the present sea- eon s importations. 8he takes this mode to re¬ quest a visit fr««m her former patrons, and any who may favor her with a call. Ladies will not see Bonnets displayed in the window to attract their attention, but if they come in to see them, they cannot fall to be pleased. Her stock of FANCY GOODS.such as, LACE JACONET and SWISS WAI8TB, fANCY BACK COMBS, 1N8ERTING8 and EDGINGS. RIAL LACES. PEKFUMKRY. FRENCH CORSETS. WATERFALLS. IIAIK PUFFS, and a complete stock of SUN SI1ADE8 and SUN UMBRELLAS.. she offers at a small advance, they being from one of the largest manufacturers in New York, aud be- ini: without a secoBd profit, customers can Judge of quality and price by seeing for themselves. Also.lOdozen assorted NECK 50 to .5, being about so per ceut. cheaper than that essential and pretty article of dress can be pro¬ cured elsewhere. Once more Ladies. I would eall yonr attention to the little New York MILLINERY AND FANCY STORE, where yoti can And a well selected stock of Fresh Goods of every description, and persons ready to do their utmost to please you. MADAME PRINCE, mar 17-lm* 22 Market Space. JOHI* D. EDMOND & CO., 5|Q 513 7th street, between Dand ¦, NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER BUILDING, DBALBRS BUI LDKRU.BLACK SMITH'S, HOUSEHOLD and GENERAL HARDWARE and CUTLERY Out and Wrought Naile, Spikes, Horse-shoes and Horse shoe Nails, Rasps, Files, Springs, Axles, Axli-trees. Nuts and Washers, Anvils, Vioes, Shovels, Picks, Axes, Rope, Glue. Split Caae for ehalr bottoms, all of which we oflfer at . 513 TH1 ""'iTZftTfKlp'- 518 VOTICE if ARM t KB AMD OTUI88. Assistabt Qcartbrmastkr's Officb, 1 Corner of G and Twenty second streets, > Tfce *>. ®*« March 24, lt*>5. j # .Te£?m?nt Manure belonging to the De- »°L* where it MW lies, others, in such quantities as they .** .twenty-Btc cents per ordinary uv i? Application for the same to be made ft. Gilbert. General Superintendent, »nsp°r^tation office. Quartermaster's De- partm«nt. corner of G and Sweaty-second streets Payment to be made to the undersigned. m 25-Slt 0HA8 H. TOM>¥l*8, w Captain and A O VV° A°ND WA8HM,PWI?I1 HW. Tne British Navy List. Jana- . 1 IV, *RAM TA*L0E. BANKERS. First National Bank OF Washington. 0. D. COC> HE, «©r J»y Ooche & Co. J President, WM. B. HUNTIBGTON, Cashie*. GOVERNMENT P*r061T0BY in FINANCIAL AGENT OF TH« UNITED STATES. IdTB BT , CPVOPJTl TB» TU10CBT DSP1BTWBIT Government eecuritie# with Treasurer United Statee .T'OKE MILLION DOLLARS."\4| Acting in connection with the boot* of a JAY COOKS k CO.. as SPECIAL AGENTS FOB THE 7-30 LOAN. we will fill all orders with proirptnese and des¬ patch, Allowing the regular ocmmip<on to Ban&s and Bankers. A constant mpp!y of the Notes on hand and ready for immediate delivery. We buy and sell all classes of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES at current market, FURNISH EXCHANGE and make Collections on AIL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OP THE UNITED STATES We purchase Government Vouchers on the MOST FAVORABLE TERMS, and give careful and prompt attention to ACCOUNTB OP BUBINESS MEN AND FIRMS and to any other business entrusted to us. FULL INFORMATION in regard to GOVERN¬ MENT LOANS at all times cheerfully furnished. WM. S. HUNTINGTON. Cashier.», March20, IStt. ra 21-tf 7.30 7.30 Mr. JAY COOKE, of our Irss, haying resumed the General Agency for Government Loans, we are prepared to fcrnish promptly t# agents and purchasers U. 8. 7-30 TREASURY NOTES. These notes axe issued, under date of August 15, 1864. in denomonations of *£0.9100, WOO, $1,000 and *3,000. They healing interest at 7 3 10 per cent, per an¬ num, and have coupons attached, payable In law¬ ful money, on February lfitb and August 1Mb of each year. The principal will he p&.d In lawful money on August 1Mb, 18£7; or. at the option o the holder, the notes may then he exchanged, at par. for V. 8. FIVE TWENTY BOND8, redeemable at the pleasure of the Government at any time after five years, and payable twenty years om August 1st, 1867, with interest at SIX PER CENT IN COIN. payable semi-annually, These bonds are at pres¬ ent worth in the market abcat NINE PER CENT premium, from which deduct the premium niton the accrued gold interest, and there is left a net premium npen the bonds of BIX PER CENT., with a prospect or a much greater value at the d«te of the maturity of the 8even-Thirty Notes, We receive in payment for subscriptions the sev¬ eral issues of FIVE PER CENT. TREASURY NOTES, allowing accrued interest thereon. Wealsotak Certificates of Indebtedness and Government Bondto of all issnes at their current value. full information furnished upon application in person or by mail. CAUTION TO BUYERS AND B0LBER8 OP 7-30 NOTES. In order to prevent the mutilation of these notoe the Secretary of the Treasury has given notice that the notes are not negotiable nnless all the un¬ matured coupons are attached. JAY COOKE A CO., feh 4-dtf Banhys. PETROLEUM. THE SEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL PETROLEUM COMPANY, ORGANIZED UNDER THB MINING AND MANUFACTURING LAWS OP THB 8TATE OF NEW YORK. CAPITAL. ONE MILLION DOLLARS. IE ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, AT 910 PBB 8HARB. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $o PER 8HARB, NOT LIABLE TO FURTHEB ASSESSMENT. OF'TOES: No. 24 EMPIRE BUILDING, No. 71 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. POST OFFlOlADDBBhS, Box No. 3,366,Nkw York 07F1CBR8 * Hon. DANIEL S DICKINSON. President. WM. T. PHIPPS, Vice President. ROBERT BASSETT. Secretary. H. J. BURTI8, Mining Superintendent. Titus- ville. Pa. ATLANTIC BANK, No. 14'i Broadway. N. Y , Treasury. The wells of the Company are now producing oil. Payment for stock may be made in drafts, regis¬ tered notes, or Government bonds and securities, which bondB and securities will be taken at their market value. Remittances may be addressed to the Company, P. O. Box Ne. New York City,or to " At¬ lantic Bank, Treasury of the New York and Liver¬ pool Petroleum Company, No. 144 Broadway, New York City." or any of its Agents. Subscriptions will be received by JAME8GIL- FILLAN, Efq., 203 Pennsylvania avenue. Wash- in gtoni^;_Ci___ mar 6-Sm {jJOLD AND. BT PC K 3 . Our office -has been placed in direct telegraph communication with the Geld and Stock Exchange Rooms in New York, insuring promptness in the execution of orders. Purchases and sales made at the usual rates, BITTEN HOUSE. FOWLER A CO., m3 t Bankers, 3.VJ Penna av. Thi . I. ."'"'.^VOTliN'auT.L,W"1"- foriur fn.n.tmi IV* ITutik»«. O, C. »*tronM. m kcrttofor., CW ** tk9j r*«®lT#- _oc26 tf 'P. BMBICH. Proprietor, WILLIAM BBAB LEY, STEAM MARBLE WORiis. Manufacturer ef MARBLB -MANTLB8, MONUMENTS. TABLE and WABHSfAND TOPS, to. Monnments made to order on reasonable terms and shortest i.otiee. Will keep constantly on hand BASTBRN MAR¬ BLE and MARBLE TILING. nN4B Orders for Plumber's BLABS promptly attended to. Pennsylvania avenue, between 18th and 19th streets west, Washington, B. C. . mar 4 1LLIARD TABLES FOR SALB.-Thesnhscri ber has THREE FIRST CLASS BILLIARD TABLES, nearly new, . - - . _rjr ieorner fe 14- tf DiiiiiAAu lADbiiS, nearly 7'luch he will dispose of very nquire at the Billiard room, eo 11th st. and Pennsylvania av. A._. (Remarki from Ckemtrnl Ana!yr> <.] FTEU A CAREFUL EXAMINATION OF HELMBOLD*8 PREPARATIONS, they enjoy our ntmoet confidence. Weoonsider them safe and re¬ liable. NEVEERS & YATES; Philadelphia, June 12th, I8o0. rB»rir>-i<na_ OOC PAWNBROKER AND £tOO LOAN OFPISB. £00 L1C1N8BB eTaUTBORITY. 3M MATTBBW K WAL8B, UHi S8« C Strmbt. between fnd 11th, Second door from Harvey's Oyster Saloon. In eempliance with the w sh of many friene am bed « years experieaee la the tees in the City, and favorably knewn U mi ts eitisens, I am confident thatU all who m ¦*m if the 0,ltiN and f***^aj^l V_ haewn Unu^of PROPOSALS. ***0r08AL8 tog LI»*. ^ j f Cuilr OriiTniMlsTiR"'' ( DapoTor W ttniiitTiii. April l. .1.^ SEALED PROPOSALS will ha rreeived at thlf office until SATURDAY. April24. Ukk». at Yi o el * id . for ten thonsard tlO.flOO) bushel* of f oou, merchantable, nnslarked Lime. The whole euan- tity to delivered withiu twenty (20)days from tie d*te of contract. at such poiote in the any of Washington the Depot Quartermaster may d The Lime «o weigh not lew than eigaty <80) »b». ^The quantity offered by the sueceeeful bidders will be subject to .rigid iD«Pe«t.on by an In^tor appointed on the pert of the Government, beforn * BonaV" a^rum equal to the amount of the ex¬ tract, signed by the contractor and Bible persons. the aame to be eerti fied to by mm offieer of the Government well.known to thuoffiee, will be reqniredupon signing the contract. , Pajrr.i>Qt to be made upon the delivery anu acceptance or the whole quantity contracted far. Tbe right to reject any, or all, hide that®*y be deemed too high, in reserved hv the t>ep«t Quartermaster, a* wail an the right to from each bid. such qnantities. at the price# named therein, a* may be required by the Gov¬ ernment, Proposals must be addressed to tha »n«ler- fgnrd, and etoal-i ha plainly marked.'" l"roposalft for Lime." ®* MCHa, Brie. Gen and Chief Quartermaster, ap13 ?t Depot of Washington. JJR0P0BAL8 FOB FLOUR. Ojfici D't-ot Commissa*)) of Sub tine*.-*. I Washintion, April Id. V*-5. \ Sealed Proposals are invited until Tl B6DAY, April IS, Kb.,for furnishing the 8ubsietecce De partment with THREE T110C8AND >3,000) BARRELS OF FLOUR The proposal! will be for what ia known at thin Depot as Nos 1, 2, and 3, and hide will be enter- taiced for any quantity Use than the whole. Bids mnet be in duplicate, and for each grade on separate sheets of paper. the delivery of the Flour to commence with.n f ve days from the opening of the bids, and mast be de!ivered in such quantities, daily* as the ''Overn- ment may direct, either at the Government ware¬ house in Georgetown, at the wharves, or railroad depot in Washington, D 0. ,. . . The delivery of all Flour awarded to be com¬ pleted within twenty days from the acceptance of thBid« will be received for Flour to be delivereJ in new oak barrels, head lined. Payment will be made in such funds ** the Gov- erament may have for disbursement. The usual Government inspection will be made just before the Flour is received, and none will bo accepted which is not freeh ground, and of a supe- riAn'oathtof allegiance must accompany the bidoT each bidder who has not the oath on hie m thin office, and no hid will be entertained from parties who iave prevWusly failel to comply with itieir bide, or from bidders not present to respond. Gevernm£t reserves the right vp reject any bid f°Bids^to^be addressed to the undersigned, at No 233 G street, endorsed Proposals £^^9^ ap 12-5t Captain 0. 8 V _ C«""Ag?1'S5Sifao»s»M-olMt Cunr/srwonMv UtnfraV$ OJHti. hif'l i)iei!ioii,J IFaiAimttow City, D C., March 18, IMS. t H0R8EB. suitable for the cavalry and artillery service, will he received at Giesboro Deoot, m open market, till May 1,18t>5. by Captain GEO. 8. BROWNING. A. Q M _ _ .. MULES, in lots of twenty-five er pore, will be received in this city, in open market, till May 1, 18u5. fey Captain 6. B TOMP INS. Assistant Quartermaster, corner Twenty s^oond and G s.s. All aeimals to be subjected t<> the usual Govern¬ ment inspection before being accepted. Specifications as follows ' Cavalry horlM mnit be sound in all Particulars: well broken, in full flesh and good condition; from ttftt-en (15) to six- teen (16) hands high; from five (!>) to nine (9) yeare old, and well adapted in every way to cavatrr Pur¬ poses. Horsea between nine (9) and ten( »d> yeart of ate, if still vigorous, sprightly, and healthy, may be accepted, . , , _ . . Artillery lforse« must be of dark <»lor. sound In all particulars, strong, quick, and active, well broken and square trotters in harness, in fuJ1 fleab and condition, from six (6) to ten (10) years old, not less than fifteen and one half ('hands high, each horse to weigh not less than ten hundred and firMuleB mu?t be oyer two t2) years of age, strong, atout. compact weU developed anima's. not Use than fourteen (14) hands high, in fnll healtfc, free from every blemish or defect *hich wojMiunit them for severe work, and must have shed Jte four front colt's teeth and developed the cor.-ea- poBding four perir.anert teeth, two in each Jaw. These specifications #ill be striotly adhered to, and rigidly enforced in every particular. Hours .(inspection, from l a. m. to 4 p. Pri-e, Cavalry Horses, one hundred, and eigntfj five dollars .f 1SC>; Artillery Hora^s, one hundred and ninety dollars t *190); Mules, one hundred and ninety-five dollars (fl9T>). . Payment will be »adeatAthiso«cek!Lii?^ Colonel in charge First Division mar 18 taptO U M.G.O. pB0P08AL8 FOB FURAG8. Chitf Ouartfrmas!rr\< Office, Drpot Washmnon.t Wathmjiton. D, C.. Feb. 2S, 1K-6. i 8XALXD PROPOSALS are invited by the under¬ signed for supplying the D. 8. Quartermaster'* Department, at Washington, D, C,, Baltimore, Md.. Alexandria and Fort Monroe. Va., or either of these places, with llay, Corn. Oats and Straw. Bids will be received fcr the delivery of B,<"00 Dn shels of Corn or Oats .and 30 tons of Hay or Straw* *DBidlersrmust state at which of the ahoy# named points they propose to make deliveries, and the rates at whieh they will make deliveries thereat, the quantity of each article proposed to be deliver¬ ed, tne time when said deliveries (hall he com¬ menced, and when to be eompleted. The price must be written out in words en .h* ^Corn to be put uP In good stont sacks of aboot two bushels each. Oats in like sacks of about three bushels each. The sacks to be furnished without extra charge to the Government. The Hay and Straw to be securely baled. The particular kind or description of Oa^s.Ooro, Hay, or Straw, proposed to be delivered, muat be rtAUdthe articfeSnoffered under the bids herein in- wited. will be subject to a rigid inspection by the Government inspector, before being s,cc*p^^- . . Contracts will he awarde from time to time to the lowest responsible bidders, as the interest of the Government may require, and payment will be made when the whole amount contracted for 6hall have been delivered and accepted. . . The bidder will be required to accompany rig proposal with & guaranty signed by two rf¥0°" sible persens, that, in case his bid be accepted, ne or they will, within ten dayi thereafter execute the contract for the same, with gco<l and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract to deliver the articles proposed in conformity with the terms of this adver¬ tisement; and in case the said bidder should failIt enter into the contract, they to make good the dif¬ ference between the offer «f said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the <«r»on to whom the contract may be awarded. The responsibility ef the guarantors he shown by the official certificate «f a United fetatoa District Attorney, Collector of Customs, or any other officer under the United States Government, ©r responsible person knewn to this office. All bidders wall be duly notified of the acceptance or rejection of their proposals. . The full name and post office addresa of ea».u bidder must be legibly written ia the pro- ^Propoaals must be artdreeied to B/is: Gen D. H. Bucker, Chier Depet Quartermaster. Washington D. C., an<f-*hould be plainly marked Proposal* ^BondiT^i a mm equal to the amount of the eon- tract, signed by the contractor and both of hie gtaranters, will be required of the successful bid¬ der or bidders upon signing the contract. Bta-il: ferma of bids, euarantiea. and bonds m»T be obtained upon application to this oraee. All proposals received under this advertisement will be opened and examined at this o#<-« on WeJ- neelay and Saturday of each week at 12 m. Bid- ders Ere respectfuliiy invited to be present it thi opening of bids if they desir^ RCCRlM fe26-tf Brig. Gen'l and Quarter master. CHI1F QUABTBBMASTER-S OFF1C1, U1,r * Dkput *p Washiiuto*, Wishiwoto*. D C,, January 4,1864. All dealers in Druga, Hardware,Lumber, Leath¬ er, Office Furniture,Harness.and8aadlery,are re¬ quested to send to tnis effice. on MONDAY of each weekva sealed proposal or list. in dttplitaJe, articles they are prepared to furnish t > this Depot at ahort notice, with the price of each marked in plain figures, so that, in ease the exigencies of tha service require it. the article or articles can be ob¬ tained without delay, and at the lowest Price. Dealers wishing to sell to this Depot will be re¬ quired to furnish the liat punctually Monday morning. D. n. BDCKXBt " Brigadier Ben'l and Chief Q. M.* )an E tf Depot of Waahington. rpBIBBIMAB.Protected by Royal Letters Pat- 1 tent ol England, and secured by the seals or the Xcole dePharmaeiede Paris, and the Imperiel College of Medicine, Vienna. . ... . Triesmar Ne. 1, !s the effectual remedy for Relax- tion, Spermathorrhoea, and Exhaustion of the System. Triesmar No. 2 has entirely superseded the naseouse use of Copavia, Cubebs, &c iriea- mar No. Sis the infalliDle remedy for all Impari- tiea and 8ex>ndary 8ymptoms, thus oavlatiog the use of mereury and all other deleterious ingre- ^^Each preparation is in the form of a most agree¬ able Locenge. Secured from the effects of climate and changes of atmosphere, in tin cases, at S3 each, or four $3 eases in one for *9, and in %V caaes, thus saving f9. Divided >a separate dosas as ad¬ ministered by V&lpeau, Sallamanda, Roux. &.A.* A Wholesale and retail by Dr. BARBOW. Ne. 1»« BTo bVhad'al!K)Wof S.'c'. FORD, No. U90 Pa, ave., Co rn er 11th street^ a> » P 6m FOR BALE. 44.000 extra choice Roses, Orna* menUl Trees and Shrubs, Climbing aad^^ Parlor Planta. Fruit T re eg, Ac. The eellec-SIB tion comprises the ha*t hiada known in Bn rope and America. Wishing to lease niv place for Bi is im* 18th street, corner of M. THUBSTOnViVOR* PEARL TOOTH P«W DER. for cleaning, beautifying and preserv¬ ing the Teeth and Guma. This elegant prepare 0 WILL, t 00 . New York, Propnetere. For sale %? *11 draggiste. iriiii) the »»ry VB/BLLS' cblIibbatbd machine w ?V »f RENOTUENING FlASTEBE ere the very heat in all eaae« far whieh a piaata'ls fwqairoa Per aale tj all dreggtsta. eelyja_ 1U I W I to 1 ¦ WOOD AND MACHB1I »»«PPIH«AT»E*. .V edition, earefull* raf Isei, »nM Is >ael pelliihed aad rAVLOE. ¦iw<¥a* iter ea ', ) id Faea»?lvaata ateau*

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Page 1: THE EVENING STAR, I NEWS D Bank THE Washington. › lccn › sn83045462 › ... · THEEVENINGSTAR, I THE NEWS | FROM grWBAT-8 EXTRA" 81/ THE~ASSASSINATIOK THfe i-A VKSTH.»UTlt'VLlRI


| FROM grWBAT-8 EXTRA " 81/~



Der»icpm»nu biw been made within the

paei twenty.lQ'jr lours showing conclusivelytxistenc* of a deep laid plot on the par: of

a gs-ot of conspirators, Juolodlng membere of

the eraer ol -Knights 9T tbe Golden Circle,"

K aiiritfr PnodHt JL#*noo»n sod bi9 t&NQet-


Hf »cw we jit* a diagram of me fd',al bill

u;». tiiied Mr. Lincoln, imen from actual

ma oecrernen: showing lis exact d.rnensions

11 will be seen that it is of murderous sueIt le dow prety well es'ablisbed that tae pistolwae loaded with two balls, the other of whichpassed through the box door. The fact of thefracture in the door is thus explained. It is

certain that the pistol was "held close to thebead of tb- President, from the clear aper¬ture maoe tbrongb the skull, and thusthat vhe as-assm mast have been in h;s irnme-

o»f»*e v».?»m»y.THK CORPSE.

Tbe corpse of the late President has been laidontin tfte room known as the "Guests'itoom,">n tbe northwest wmp ol the White House. It is

tressed in the suit ol black clothes worn byKim at his last inauguration. A placid smile

ree'* upon the leatures, and the deceased seems.o be in a calm - Jeep. "White ilowers have bren

p»aced upon the pillow and over the breastabove the kindest heart that ever throbbed.

THE BODY TO LAY IN STATE.Tbe corpse of tbe late President will b» laid

.n« in s'a'e in the Eas' Room on Tuesday in

order to give tte public an opportunity to see

once more the 1-atures of him they loved so

wtll.The preparations are being made to that end

ender tbe super vis.on of Mr. John Alexan¬der, upholsterer. The catafalque upon whichthe body will rest is to b»» placed in the south

par', of the East Boom, and is somewhat simi¬

lar in style to that used on tne occasion of thedeath of President Harrison. Steps will be

placed at the Eide to enable the public tomount to a position to get a perfect view ofthe facc.Tbe vAtafclque will be lined with fluted

white «atin, and on the outside it will be cov¬ered wltn bla^k cloth and black velvet.


It is understood that the taneralof Presi¬dent Lincoln will take place on Wednesdayneat.Rev. Dr. Gurley, of the Mew York avenue

Presbyterian church, where the President andfamily have been accustomed to worship, willdoubtless be tbe officiating clergyman.The remains will be temporarily deposited

in the vault ol the Congressional cemetery, andhereafter taken to Mr. Lincoln'^ home at

Springfield, Illinois. The remains of littleWillie Lincoln are deposited in a vault a. OakHU1 cemetery, we believe.The funeral car, which is being prepared lor

tbe occasion, is to be a magnificent affair. Itto to be built on a hearse body, the extremelength fourteen feet. The body of the car willbe covered with black cloth from which willhang large lestoons of cloth on the sides andends, gathered and fastened by large rosettesof white and black satin over bows of whiteami black velvet.The bed ol the car on which th* colfin will

rest will be eight feet from the ground, in orderto give lull view of the coffin, and over thiswill rise the canopy, the supports of whichwill be draped with black cloth and velvet.The top ol the car will be decorated withplumes. The car will be drawn by six oreight horses, (probably white with black trap-pings,; each led by a groom.

THE AUTOPSY.esteruay, Surgeon General Barnes, assisted

by Doctors Stone (the late President's familyphysician,) Curtis, Wood ward. Crane, Taflt,and other eminent medical men, made au au¬topsy in the presence ol President Johnson,Gen. Augur and Gen. Kucker. The external'appearance of the lace of the President pre¬sented a deep black stain around both eyesThe wound was on the left side ol thehead behind, in a line with and three inchesliom the left ear. The course ol the ball wasobliquely forward the right eye, crossing thebrain in an oblique manner, and lodging atew inches behind that eye. In the track of thewound were found fragments of bone whichnad been driven lorward by the ball, which*>v imbedded in the anterior lobe of the lefthemisphere ol the brain. The orbit platesol both eyes were the seat of comminutedTractor*. and the eyes were filled with ex.travasated blood. The serious miuryoftheorbit plates was due to the centr*.coup.theresult of the intense shock of so lar-e a pro-tectilo fired so closely to the head. The ballwas evidently a lierriuger, hand-cast, andfrom tte neck had been clipped. A shavingof lsad had been removed from the ball in itspassage through the bones of the skull, audwas found in the orifiJe of the wound. The fir<ttragment of bone was found two and a halttncbee within the brain . the second and largerrragment about four inches from the orittce ofthe wound. Tne ball lay still tnrther in ad¬vance. Tbe wound was about one-half mch ind.arceter. Tbe autopsy fully coiitirraei tbeepinicn of the surgeons on the uight of the as-sasstnation, that the wound was mortal.

MK. SKWAkD AND SON.The KM... .i s^rtur, S»w«Mcontinu»s

to N- .nontMe tlu. Jluit o(

T'",' , \T.*- "* """ '» "r.« not,o Hopeful. II, ....*.nd it is Jeared will not rallySPECIAL MEETING OF THE OABlNErA special meeting of the Cabinet has been in

protracted session this forenoon it the Treasury Department.

BOOTHt'p to this time it has not been ascertained

that the assassin o: the President has been cap¬tured. We should be very glad to confirm Oie« or.fluently asserted statement that Booth h.ijbeen seized and safely lodged in a monitor otT'i.e hrsenal. We have made due inquiry, andregret to CQjne to tbe -inclusion that it is notti t.e


-..g.Vt^wVork,venuePresbyterian Chwrch, w*<* Mr. Llnco.n Z ?zL'uXt:1%tk* rroma 01 p*»oB,

.* isbied anticipating t.., ia# p.t.t(Kmv'

D Oarley, D Djwo.idmake *omeaiiuMon.o -he great aauonal caia.uv. TttHne o«r oppeene, with iae ,at#lew. wDufe is well up the


beatify draped in soirmi^,At the oi the Mrvioaa Dr Garie*

.».«» been n»*d f.r ,fc# ^.>.or »a iao»««:. Ma lM,

A Wvicee would be conducted in

iviordanee wiib thai rite. H* then *1-

luaed to the death of Mr. L-ncoln, speak¬ing feehngiy id regard to Bis last boors,and remarked ina: though the congregationroust be bumbled and grieved, they most lookfirciu tHe band of the aseassin to the band o!

God, wbo overruled tbe affairs oI men, and

ai.bor.fb -this great a miction was bard to be

borne, they should no: doubt bat that it was

for our trial and that in it God bad a purpose.Tbe pastor concluded by tendering tbe sym¬

pathies of tbe congregation to tbe afflictedfamiJy.

A WARNING.'We have reason to believe that Secre ary

Seward received several months since an in-

tiir.a-.ion from Europe that something of a very

desperate character was to transpire at Wash¬ington, and it is more than probable that tbeintimation bad reference to this plot of aesas-


Tbe pickers encircling this city on Fridaynight, to prevent tbe escape of the parties wbomurdered President Lincoln and attemptedtbe assassination of Secretary Seward and sons»

were ired npou at several points by concealedJoes. Arrests of parties charged with the of-fence will be promptly made.REWARD OF TWENTY THOUSAND

DOLLARS FOR THE ASSASSINS.A resolution was passed by the city councils

yesterday ottering a reward of f-JO,WH) on be¬half of tbe city ol Washington for the appro '

tension of the assassins of President Lincolnand Secretary Seward.Every city and town in the country should

j*m in swelling the amount of reward ottered, jTHE OATH PLAYED OT T.

A number of rebel officers who arrived herethis morning by the mail boat from City Point,a.fced permission to take the oath of allegian:e,which request was not granted tor the presentand they were committed to the Old Capitol.

' jThe following persons, who are well known

in this city, were recognized as being amongthe number as they passed along the streets:N. R. Vansant, formerly & lieutenant in the V.S. Navy, and attached to the Observatory;Middleton, who at one time resided near 12thand M streets; Phil and Tcm Hungerford, lateof the Pension Office, and well known in theSecond Ward.


After receiving the oath, and oeing declaredPresident of the United States, Mr. Johnsonremarked:.'Gektlembn 1 must be permitted to say

that I have been almost overwhelmed by theannouncement ol the sad event which has sorecently occurred. I leel incompetent to per-form duties so important and responsible asthose which tave been so unexpectedly thrownopon me. As to an indication of any policywhich may be pursued by me in the adminis¬tration of the Government, I have o say thatthat must be left for development as the ad¬ministration progresses. The message or de¬claration must be made by the acts as theytranspire. The only assurance that I can nowgive of the future is reference to the past. Thecourse which I have taken in the past, in con¬nection with this rebellion, must be regardedas a guarantee of the future. My past "publiclife, which has been long and laborious, hasbeen founded, as 1 in good conscience believe,upon a great principle of right which lies a1the basis of all things The best energies ofmy life have been spent in endeavoring to es¬tablish and perpetuate the principles of freegovernment, and 1 believe that the Government in passing through its present penis willsettle down upon principles consonant withpopular rights more permanent and enduringthan heretofore. I must be permitted to say, if Iunderstand the feelings ol my own heart, that Ihave long labored to ameliorate and elevate thecondition of the great mass of the Ameri¬can people. Toll, and an honest advocacy ofthe great principles of free government,have been my lot. Duties have been mineconsequences are God's. This has been tbefoundation of my political c reed, and I ieelthat in the end the Government will triumph,and that these great principles will be perma¬nently established. In conclusion, gentlemen,let me say that I want your encouragementand countenance. 1 shall ask and rely uponyou and others, in carrying the Governmentthrough its present perils. I feel, in makingthis request that it will be heartily respondedto by you and all other patriots and lovers orthe rights and interests of a free people."At the conclusion of the above remarks, the

President received the kind wishes of thelriends by whom he was surrounded, and afew minutes were devoted to conversationAll were deeply impressed with the solemnityof the occasion, and the recent sad occurrencethat caused the necessity for the speedy inaug¬uration of the President, was gravely dis¬cussed. ."\Ir. Johnson is in fine health, and hasan earnest sense of the important trust thathas been confided to him.

THE MIRDERLR'S BROTHERS.CivcissATi, April 15..J unius Brutus Booth

brother of J. Wilkes Booth, was announced toappear at Pike's Opera. House to-night, but itis understood was compelled to leave the cityin great hasteBortok, April 15..Edwin Booth, brother of

the assassin of the President, has been playingan engagement at the Boston Theatre for thepast three weens, and was to have taken hisfarewell this evening. He was stopping witha friend in the city when tbe terrible intelli¬gence-was conveyed to him. He was throwninto tbe greatest att'.iction. It is not likely thathe will ever appear upon the stage againThe performance announced for tq-day will

not take place, and the manager has an¬nounced that dramatic performances will besuspended until further notice

THK REBELS.Jell. Dans at Uanville.He Issues a Proc¬lamation.Virginia to be Held by theRebels at all ila/ards.Damvilli, Va., April i, ltG5..The General-

in-Chief found it necessary to mane such move¬ments ol tiis troops as to uncover the capital.It would be unwise to conceal the moral andmaterial injury to our cause resulting from theocciyiation of our capital by tbe enemy. It isequally unwise and unworthy of us to allowour own energies to falter and our eftorta tobecome relaxed under adverses, howevercalamitous thev may be.For many months the largest and finest armyot the Confederacy, under the command of a

leader whose presence inspires equal confi¬dence in the troops and the people, has beengreatly trammelled hy the necessity of keepingconstant watch over the approaches to thecapital, and thus has been forced tfc feregomore than one opportunity for promising en¬terprise. It is for us, my countrymen, to showby our bearing under reverses how wretchedhas been the self-deception of those who havebelieved us less able to endure misfortunewith fortitude, than to encounter dangerswith courage.We have now entered upon a new phase ot

the struggle. Relieved from the necessity ofguarding particular points, our army will betree to move from point to point to strike theenemy in detail tar trwm his base. Let us butwill it and we are Iree.Animated by tbat confidence in spirit andfortitude which never yet failed me, I an¬

nounce to you, fellow countrvmen, that it ismy purpose to maintain your "cause with my'¦ hole heart and soul ; fcfaat I will never con¬sent to abandon »o the enemy one loot of the. °>rhn3\0-n' ot the States of the uonfedera-:f' , irginia.^noble State.whose an-

«has *>een eclipsed by her stilt

has been banTdrf« 1 hlBtorJr: wh*se bosomfbis war w^e °o«eceive the main shock ofhibited bermsm so subCe^T^^^/T*lustrioos in all time to come-thlt' vir^nil"with the help of Use people and k«^h iT*ot Providence, shall hJTheM ftSand no peace ever be made with ths mfa^non*invaders of her territory. infamous

If by tbe stress ol numbers we should *v»rbe compelled to a temporary withdrawal fromher limits, or those ot any other border Sta»eagain and again will we return, until thebarred and exhausted enemy sball abandon mdespair bis endless and impossible task ofmaking slaves of a people resolved to be tree.I<*>t us, then, not despond, my countrymen;i but, relying on God, meet the foe witb freshdefiance and with unconquered and unoon«qnerabl* heart* JirriktoR Davie.

¦ AJU4R MAP OF 01(1RMI A.- Compile* antferI * tfi» 4iro«tioa o4 the &eae»l Assembly; on«. fcs<ie< vitb seMea. Also, alar** Ma»

auction sales.FUTURE DATS.


A«D UHIMPBOVBD PROPERTY.Fy virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of

the Bistrict of Columbia. passed in chancery causeNo 368, Graham vs. Graham et al., I ahall Fell atpublic auction, en TU18DAY AFMRMOON.April 18. at o'clooh. on the preml«es, Lets 1, 4.5, C and 7, in sonare Mo. 92. Lot Mo. 7 frontsrespectively on Connecticut avenue, Jlat streetana north B street, and is improved by a desirabletwo story cottage and outbuildings, with a finegarden laid cat on the grounds: Lots Mo. 1,4,6and 6 have been subdivided into thirteen finebnildicg lots, fronting about twenty five feet eaehod Connecticut avenue, between north R and 8streets, some of them running through to 31et

These lots were o«rwpied by tfce late 6uy Gra¬ham as a garden, have fiae shade trees in front,and ar-> well located for cottage site.Terms cash.Conveyancing and revenue stamps at the cost of

ice purchasers. Y FBNDALL. Trustee.apjrd JA8. 0. McGUlREJt CO.. Aucts.


o'clock, on the premises, by virtue of a de«Hl oftrust from Patrick Wilson and wife, dated Mar 7, |I8ft7, and dnly recorded in Liber J. A. i.. No i39.folios 217, et. seq., one of the Land Record? ofv>'s»hington eountv, I shall Fell, Lot "B " in J 0.McGuire's subdivision of Bquare No. 6J4, fronting2: feet on North Capitol street, between G an l Hstreets north. an<t running bach 130 feet to a U loot ,

alley and ^ontait-ing 2 850 square feet.T^ims-One half easb; the remainder in ail :ind \

twelve months, with interest, secured by a deed joftrust on the premises. IConveyancea and stamps at the cost of the par

chaser.TH08 J. FISHER Tauatee.

apl-eo&de J. C. McGUIRE k CO.. Aact*.

BY W. L. WALL & CO., Auctioneers.


B> virtue of a<!ecreoof the Bipreme Court ofthe District of Columbia, in Equity sitiicg. bear¬ing date December Hth, 1864, and passed in acause in which William R. Riley et. al. in.behalf ofthe "Mouot Vernon Building Association," areComplainants, and Edward M. Clarke et. al., areDefendants, (No. 191 Equity.) I shall offer forgale at Public Auction, in fremt of the premises,on TUESDAY, the 4th day of April, A. D . 1SS5, at5 o'clock, F. M., the following Real Estate, viz:All that part or Lot numbered nine (9>in sq uare numbered three hundred andfifty-three(353) of thp plan of the City of Washing¬ton, beginning for the north east corner of saidsquare, at the intersection of D street south andloth street west; thence running south on a linewith said li'th street ninety (90) feet, thence westfifty-four (54) feet ten and one halfdo'ji inches,thence north ninety (9>n feet, thence east on a linewith said "D street'- fifty-four(84> feet ten and one-half (10^) inches to the place of beginning, w iththe improvements thereon.This property is situated on the corner of D

streetsouth and 10th streetwett, and offers greatinducements to purchasers.Terms.One-third cash, the residue in si* and

twelve months,the purchaser giving his notes forthe deferred payments satisfactorily endorsed andbearing interest from the day of sale.Title deed to be retained until all of the purchase

money is paid.All conveyancing and revnue stamps at the cost

of the purchaser.If the terms of sale are aot compuea with wi.hin

five days from the day of sale, the Trustee reservesthe right to resell the said property at the riskand cost of the defaulting purchaser, by givingthree days notice in some newspaper printed mthe city of Washington. J llqydmhlO 2aw3w&ds W. L. WALL &. CO., Aucts.


TUE8BAY AFTERNOON, same hour, id Mav.A. LLOYD. Trustee,

ap 5WM. L. WALL & CO. Au ;ts^_JgY GREEN &. WILLIAMS, Auctioneers.


the District of Columbia, passed on the .1th day ofApril, lfVa, in cause No. 389, Equity Docket 7,George W. Adams ys. Catharine Adams et al.. 1shall sell, at public auction, on the premises, onMONDAY AFTERNOON, April 24, 1845, at 5o'clock. Lot No 17. according to Davidson^s sub¬division of Square No. 357. The said lot fronts onnorth M street, between 9th and l'lth streets west,24 feet 6 inches, and runs back with that width 12»'ifeet to a 20 foot alley, and is improved by a hand-seme. well built and comparatively new BrickHouse. The location for a private residence isyery desirable. Immediate possession piven.Terms: One third cash; the balance in 6 and 12months, with notes bearing interest, to be securedto the satisfaction of the trustee; or the purchaserhas the privilege of paying the whole purchasemoney in cash.

If the terms of sale are not complied with in fivedays from the day of sale, the trustee reserves theright to resell the said premises at the risk andcoat of the defaulting purchaser.All conveyancing and revenue stamps at the cost

ofH. UTBRMEHLB. Trustee,

ap 7-eodftds GREEN A WILLIAMS. Aucts.

gY^JA8rcT~McGUIRE & CO.. Auctioneers.


o'clock, on the premises, by virtue of a decree ofthe late Circuit Court, and an amended decree ofthe Supreme Court of the District of Columbia,fitting as a Court of Equity, the latter decreedated 2- th of April, 18 4, and rendered in cause No.788, wherein Elizabeth Brent is Comp'ainant. "andCharles E. Brent and others defendants, the an-dersigned will sell the whole of Square No. 420.except two lots heretofore sold, subdivided into2-' desirable building lots fronting respectively on7th and 8th streets west, between Q st. and RhodeIsland avenue.Terms: On<- third cash; the remainder in C and

12 months, with interest, secured to the satisfac¬tion of the trustee; or sll cash, at the option ofthe purchaser.

All conveyancing and stamps at the cost of thepurchaser,

J. CARROLL BRENT, Trustee.apll-eodts J C MoGUIRE A. CO., Aucts.

RUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HORBES.(fuaTltrmatUr OwraVi Fir ft Division,!

Washington Cuy, April 1, l»6.r> SWill b« sold, at public auction, to the highest

bidder, at Baltimore, Md., onTHUR8DAY, April 13, 1865,

TWO HUNDRED MARES WITH FOAL.maBy of them well bred and in good condition



ONE HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES.The Herses have been condemned as unfit for

the cavalry service of the army.Fcr road atd farming purposes, many good bar¬

gains may be had. . ,

Animals sold singly. 8aie to commence at 9 a.m., and will be held at Phillip's GovernmeniStables, corner of Fremont and Ramsey streets.Terms cash, in United States currency.

JAME8 A. BKIN,Brevet Brigadier General,in charge First DivisionQ M.G.O. . ap 3-2-t

s'ALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES.QuarterttiGsit* O'tHeraPs Office, First Uirinon.l

I Wastimnon City, April 1,18t3. SWill be sold at public auction, to the highest

bid'ler, at Giesboro. D. C , onTUESDAY, April 4,TUESDAY, April 11,TUESDAY, April 18,TUEBDA Y. April 2.1,

TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HOHSES EACHDAY.These horses have been condemned as unfit for

the cavalry service of the army.For road and farming purposes, many good bar¬gains may be had.Horstssold singly. Sale to commence at 10 A.

M. Terms cash, in United States currencyri.J AMIS A. EKIM,Brevet Brigadier General, in charge FirstDivi-

vision Quartermaster General'sOftice. ap3 -»)t

j\IOKUMENT3-On TUESDAY, April l*th, at3i'l o'clock, will be sold at auction a lot of Italianand American Marble Monuments. They will besold by private contract before the above date onlfith street, bet. New York avenue and H street,eastsidc, above Riggs'Bank. ap3-l2t*

JEROME'S HAIR COLOR RESTORER FORRB-taining and gradually bringing back the Hair

to its original color without the irconvenience at¬tending the use of a dye. Bold by all druggieta74 cents per bottle.

RE.XFORD 8 MEDICATED GINGER BREADNUTS, for worms, unrivaled in efficacy, andpeculiarly adapted for children, being eaten as anordinary cake.For sale by druggist*. Price 25 oen per box.jtnU- eoly

IjFYowi the Lamest MaiKiacturmi: Ckttnists in thtWorld 1

1AM ACQUAINTED WITH MR H T HELM-BOLD, he occupied the <trug store opposite my

residence and was successful in conducting thebusiness where others had not been equally so be¬fore him. I have been favorably impressed withhis character and caaracier a


Manufacturing Chemieta,n2£j6m 9th and Brown sts., Philadelphia.

... CONFIDENTIAL.M. OCNGMEN who have injured themselves boerUin secret habits which unfit them for business,pleasure, or the duties of married life; alsomiddle aged or old men, who, from the follies ofyouth or other causes, feel a debility in advanoe oftheir years, before placing themselves under tlietreatment of any one, should first read "THESECRET FBIBND." Married Ladies will learnaomething of importance by perusing "The BecretFriend."Bent to any address, in a sealed eofolope en re-

eeipt of Twenty-five Cents. Address. Dm. CHA8. A. BT1WABT A CO.,*e 14-ly Boston, Mass.

ADVANCED on DIA-HiWATCHES, JEWBI.RY, Ac. AllU A ». *lflc*'y confidential. Oflfce hours fromF#nn.»l,V^° '. fro,n to7 P. M. No 334upat*ir/tWo doors from Hth street,mh:l-^m.0o,B,,® 'm I.IBMAN,

DKY GOODS.D 11 eO«£8 AT PEACE PRICES,I.** hales of ©ott<m«, from New York Auctions.W bite Cc ttons, 12}» cents.Tard wide Cottons, ift, jg and 20 cent*.3 casss small figured Oalieo, tt cents.Delaines> and Bhatliee. S« cents.All Wool Delaines, 45, worth 75.Double Welch Delaines. 75 eta , worth U.J.

e®L°.r; A'»*ca, 45, worth 8".Black PIIk, Jim/,Linen Napkins, 15, 20. 25.Linen **ol« Cloth 90 eents.Ladie# White Hose.S White Flannels, all wool,37X.oep Shirts, fi. «.

Coats' Spool Cotton, Pins, Needlei. Books, Eyes.A eente each.Shawls, Parasols, and other Goods, at *reat bar-

Itina.No humbug. Call and eccJj'j WMAN*'ap 10-lw* 443 7th street, near Q.


In riew of the fall in gold, the subscriber willdispose of hi* present stock at greatly reducedprice*. He respectfully invites his friends of theFirst Ward to an inspection of hia awortment,wbicb a variety of new and choice goods,lie offer* each leadinMkttides asMOOSELAINS at 2?cents per yard.CALICOES of all kinds l> cents per yard,COTTONS JO. 2.'i and 10 cents per yard.Green & Daniels'SPOOL COTTON only 5 eenta.Call aeon. lie will sell lower than the lowest.

JCHN 1 LATHAM,ap 7-lw* corner Pa. avenue and 19th at.




The ur.dersigned teg leave to inform the citi-rens of Washington that they have removed toNo. 846 Penn'a avenue, and 309 O street, nnderWashington Bnilding, cor. 7th street, where theyhave just opened a fresh and desirable stock of

BOOTS AND SHOESfor Mens', Womens', Boya', Misses'and Childress'

.. .wear,

and which they effer for aale at the lowest price.Giveug a call and we will guarantee satisfaction.aP '-lm* LOOMIS A MATH1W.


PANIC*PRICE8 IHELLER A CO., 492 7th atreet, having just

£S?J'2fd a "P*1* of all kinda of BOOT8 and®*f,OES at the recent Panic Prices, and are nowselling.Good quality Ladies' Goat Balmorals at f 1.25Good quality' Slippers at CO cantsI.adies' heeled Slippers, fi 15,High heel Opera Gaiters at f:.50.Gentlemen's Long Koets at fi.Children's Shoes at 15 cents.Good quality Children's Shoe* at 40 cents.And all kinds of the best makes of Gent's,

Ladies'. Misses' and Children's BOOTS, SHOESand BALMOR 4L8 at corresponding prices, at

HELLER A C0 8, 4<)2 *th street.Pour doors above Odd Fellows' Hall.


HELLER A CO 8, 492 7th street,irsb 90-lm* Between D and S streets.

PERSONALPERSONAL.Dear friend . Don't waate any mora

time or money trifling with quacks, see DR.DARIIY. 499 7th street, at once. It will be thecheapest »":pally. ap3 im*

I\IR8. P. CURTIS,1»I NATURAL CLAIRVOYANT.One of the most powerful heaVing physicians thathas ever appeared before the public.Her seeing powers are gifts from childhood. She

examines disease with perfect accuracy, and hasnever been known to fail.She is medically educated, and will treat all

classes of disease. Mrs. C. will do all she adver¬tises, as thousands r«n testify. 8he aiso has theagency «f Bugb«e's 'lal'eiuiah and Simona'sEureka,the great wonderful Diarrhoea andLiver Cure. OWee hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m ,

and from 7 top p m. No. 4'JO Pa. avenne. Wash¬ington, between ¦»', an>l i;th st« mar 31 lm*

DR. EDWIN V. WRIGHT, "Natural Beer," orPsycho Magnetic Reader of Oharao|pr and

Examiner of Disease, can be consulted either byMail or in person, from pkptograph or hand¬writing. upon tbs "Cause and Cure" of everyphase of mental and physical disease.MRS. WRIGHT, Clairvoyant Physician, "heals

by laying on hands," Blindness, Paralysis, Rheu¬matism, Liver Complaint, Female Weaknesses,Ac., Ac. Rooms 34 1 P street, near Patent Office.rnha-lm'QlU DR. BACKER, thb most woWDBbCJIQ^ I Oful Astrologer. No 218 K st., bet.^lO17th and Ifth sts,. two squares from the P atreetcars, gives full and thorough information con¬cerning all affairs through lire, with and in regardto Health. Wealth and Marriage, Leva Affairs,Journeys, Law Suits, Absent Frienda, Sickness andDeath. Dr. Backer can be consulted from 8 in themorning till 9 in the evening. Entrance throughthe can<iy store. mhXMm*

MRS. BR0OKFIELD, of Kansas, can be con¬sulted on the Past, Present and Future events,

at her room, on K street, one door east of 3dstreet, in the rear of Douglas Hospital. Shehr.s studied under one of the most celebratedAstrologers of the age. She guarantee satis¬faction to all those who may give her a callShe can be seen from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Price onedollar. feb 11 3m*

THE BEST EVIDENCE THAT PRINCE. 3M1F street, is the oslv practical STAMPER in

the District, Is that he daily has to de over workthat is botched at ether so-called Stamping places,He has the largest and finest assortment of Pat¬terns ever offered here. Making his own Patterns,he is able and willing to stamp any pattern brought

him. aovSS-tf

A T W 0 0 D S



Practical tests having fully demonstrated thesuperiority of this machine over all others for thepurpose of sinking Oil Wells, the.undersigned isnow prepared to receive orders for the same.This machinery comprises everything requisite

for the boring of oil wells excepting the BTElMENGINE AND CAST IRON DRIVING PIPE,(but will be furnished, if desired, at a reasonableprice.) and dispenses with the use of the derrickrope, bull wheel and other cumbrous and expensivefixtures now in use, and is so arranged, being con¬structed cn wheels and portable, that it can beeaMly removed for the purpose of sinking wells indifferent localities.The dfctritusis removed fromthewell by ourpat-

ent hydraulic process, and does eot require ther»-meval of thf drill from the boring. This pmee'inqtocly removes all the detritus in from 5 to 10minute*, but likewise effectually clears out andoptng all the small oil veins that are so often entirely c-Iced up by the old proeessof sand pumping.With this machine and a practical engineer, a

well can be sunk from 4"<) to feet within a p«riodof from 15 to 3" days after the soil pipe has beendriven..Arrangements are being made for the construc¬

tion and delivery of these ma'-hiDes at New York,Norwich, Newburg, N. Y .and Pittsburg, Pa Forfurther information, price, terms, Ac., addressPIMKON LBLAND, Metropolitan Hotel. NewFork. ap 7 3m

^ MADAME PRINCE ^jjTwould tnnounce to the Ladies ofCM

Washington and its vicinity that she has beenamont; the first to select from the present sea-eon s importations. 8he takes this mode to re¬

quest a visit fr««m her former patrons, and anywho may favor her with a call. Ladies will notsee Bonnets displayed in the window to attracttheir attention, but if they come in to see them,they cannot fall to be pleased.Her stock of FANCY GOODS.such as, LACE

JACONET and SWISS WAI8TB, fANCY BACKCOMBS, 1N8ERTING8 and EDGINGS. RIALLACES. PEKFUMKRY. FRENCH CORSETS.WATERFALLS. IIAIK PUFFS, and a completestock of SUN SI1ADE8 and SUN UMBRELLAS..she offers at a small advance, they being from oneof the largest manufacturers in New York, aud be-ini: without a secoBd profit, customers can Judgeof quality and price by seeing for themselves.Also.lOdozen assorted NECK 50 to

.5, being about so per ceut. cheaper than thatessential and pretty article of dress can be pro¬cured elsewhere.Once more Ladies. I would eall yonr attention

to the little New York MILLINERY ANDFANCY STORE, where yoti can And a well selectedstock of Fresh Goods of every description, andpersons ready to do their utmost to please you.

MADAME PRINCE,mar 17-lm* 22 Market Space.

JOHI* D. EDMOND & CO., 5|Q513 7th street, between Dand ¦,



Out and Wrought Naile, Spikes, Horse-shoes andHorse shoe Nails, Rasps, Files, Springs, Axles,Axli-trees. Nuts and Washers, Anvils, Vioes,

Shovels, Picks, Axes, Rope, Glue.Split Caae for ehalr bottoms,

all of which we oflfer at .

513 TH1 ""'iTZftTfKlp'- 518VOTICE T« ifARM t KB AMD OTUI88.

Assistabt Qcartbrmastkr's Officb, 1Corner of G and Twenty second streets, >

Tfce *>. ®*« March 24, lt*>5. j# .Te£?m?nt Manure belonging to the De- »°L* where it MW lies,others, in such quantities as they.** .twenty-Btc cents per ordinaryuv i? Application for the same to be made

ft. Gilbert. General Superintendent,»nsp°r^tation office. Quartermaster's De-partm«nt. corner of G and Sweaty-second streetsPayment to be made to the undersigned.m 25-Slt 0HA8 H. TOM>¥l*8,w Captain and A O


HW. Tne British Navy List. Jana-. 1 IV,


BANKERS.First National Bank

OF Washington.

0. D. COC>HE, «©r J»y Ooche & Co. J President,WM. B. HUNTIBGTON, Cashie*.




Government eecuritie# with Treasurer UnitedStatee


Acting in connection with the boot* ofa



we will fill all orders with proirptnese and des¬

patch, Allowing the regular ocmmip<on to Ban&sand Bankers.A constant mpp!y of the Notes on hand and

ready for immediate delivery.

We buy and sell all classes of GOVERNMENTSECURITIES at current market,

FURNISH EXCHANGE and make Collectionson AIL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OP THEUNITED STATESWe purchase Government Vouchers on the MOST

FAVORABLE TERMS, and give careful and

prompt attention to


and to any other business entrusted to us.

FULL INFORMATION in regard to GOVERN¬MENT LOANS at all times cheerfully furnished.

WM. S. HUNTINGTON.», March20, IStt. ra 21-tf

7.30 7.30Mr. JAY COOKE, of our Irss, haying resumed

the General Agency for Government Loans, we

are prepared to fcrnish promptly t# agents andpurchasers

U. 8. 7-30 TREASURY NOTES.These notes axe issued, under date of August 15,

1864. in denomonations of*£0.9100, WOO, $1,000 and *3,000.

They healing interest at 7 3 10 per cent, per an¬

num, and have coupons attached, payable In law¬ful money, on February lfitb and August 1Mb ofeach year. The principal will he p&.d In lawfulmoney on August 1Mb, 18£7; or. at the option o

the holder, the notes may then he exchanged, at

par. forV. 8. FIVE TWENTY BOND8,

redeemable at the pleasure of the Government at

any time after five years, and payable twenty yearsom August 1st, 1867, with interest at


payable semi-annually, These bonds are at pres¬

ent worth in the market abcat NINE PER CENTpremium, from which deduct the premium nitonthe accrued gold interest, and there is left a net

premium npen the bonds of BIX PER CENT.,with a prospect or a much greater value at thed«te of the maturity of the 8even-Thirty Notes,We receive in payment for subscriptions the sev¬


allowing accrued interest thereon. WealsotakCertificates of Indebtedness and GovernmentBondto of all issnes at their current value.full information furnished upon application in

person or by mail.CAUTION TO BUYERS AND B0LBER8 OP

7-30 NOTES.In order to prevent the mutilation of these notoe

the Secretary of the Treasury has given notice

that the notes are not negotiable nnless all the un¬

matured coupons are attached.JAY COOKE A CO.,

feh 4-dtf Banhys.PETROLEUM.








POST OFFlOlADDBBhS, Box No. 3,366,Nkw York07F1CBR8 *

Hon. DANIEL S DICKINSON. President.WM. T. PHIPPS, Vice President.ROBERT BASSETT. Secretary.H. J. BURTI8, Mining Superintendent. Titus-

ville. Pa.ATLANTIC BANK, No. 14'i Broadway. N. Y ,

Treasury.The wells of the Company are now producing

oil.Payment for stock may be made in drafts, regis¬

tered notes, or Government bonds and securities,which bondB and securities will be taken at theirmarket value.Remittances may be addressed to the Company,

P. O. Box Ne. New York City,or to " At¬lantic Bank, Treasury of the New York and Liver¬pool Petroleum Company, No. 144 Broadway,New York City." or any of its Agents.Subscriptions will be received by JAME8GIL-

FILLAN, Efq., 203 Pennsylvania avenue. Wash-in gtoni^;_Ci___ mar 6-Sm


Our office -has been placed in direct telegraphcommunication with the Geld and Stock ExchangeRooms in New York, insuring promptness in theexecution of orders.Purchases and sales made at the usual rates,

BITTEN HOUSE. FOWLER A CO.,m3 t Bankers, 3.VJ Penna av.

Thi o».I.."'"'.^VOTliN'auT.L,W"1"-

foriur fn.n.tmi IV* ITutik»«. O, C.

»*tronM. m kcrttofor.,CW ** tk9j r*«®lT#-

_oc26 tf 'P. BMBICH. Proprietor,



Monnments made to order on reasonable termsand shortest i.otiee.Will keep constantly on hand BASTBRN MAR¬


Orders for Plumber's BLABS promptly attendedto. Pennsylvania avenue, between 18th and 19thstreets west, Washington, B. C. . mar 4


BILLIARD TABLES, nearly new,. - - .


fe 14- tf

DiiiiiAAu lADbiiS, nearly7'luch he will dispose of verynquire at the Billiard room, eo

11th st. and Pennsylvania av.

A._. (Remarkifrom Ckemtrnl Ana!yr> <.]FTEU A CAREFUL EXAMINATION OFHELMBOLD*8 PREPARATIONS, they enjoy ourntmoet confidence. Weoonsider them safe and re¬liable. NEVEERS & YATES;Philadelphia, June 12th, I8o0. rB»rir>-i<na_OOC PAWNBROKER AND£tOO LOAN OFPISB. £00


S8« C Strmbt. between fnd 11th,Second door from Harvey's Oyster Saloon.

In eempliance with the w sh of many frieneam

bed « years experieaee la thetees in the City, and favorably knewn U mits eitisens, I am confident thatU all who m¦*m if the 0,ltiN and f***^aj^l V_ haewn Unu^of

PROPOSALS.***0r08AL8 tog LI»*.

^ jf

Cuilr OriiTniMlsTiR"'' (DapoTor W ttniiitTiii. April l. .1.^SEALED PROPOSALS will ha rreeived at thlfoffice until SATURDAY. April24. Ukk». at Yi o el *id . for ten thonsard tlO.flOO) bushel* of foou,merchantable, nnslarked Lime. The whole euan-tity to b« delivered withiu twenty (20)days fromtie d*te of contract. at such poiote in the anyof Washington *¦ the Depot Quartermaster maydThe Lime «o weigh not lew than eigaty <80) »b».

^The quantity offered by the sueceeeful bidderswill be subject to .rigid iD«Pe«t.on by an In^torappointed on the pert of the Government, beforn* BonaV" a^rum equal to the amount of the ex¬tract, signed by the contractor andBible persons. the aame to be eerti fied to by mmoffieer of the Government well.known to thuoffiee,will be reqniredupon signing the contract.

,Pajrr.i>Qt to be made upon the delivery anuacceptance or the whole quantity contracted far.Tbe right to reject any, or all, hide that®*y

be deemed too high, in reserved hv the t>ep«tQuartermaster, a* wail an the right tofrom each bid. such qnantities. at the price#named therein, a* may be required by the Gov¬ernment,Proposals must be addressed to tha »n«ler-

fgnrd, and etoal-i ha plainly marked.'" l"roposalftfor Lime." ®* MCHa,

Brie. Gen and Chief Quartermaster,ap13?t Depot of Washington.

JJR0P0BAL8 FOB FLOUR.Ojfici D't-ot Commissa*)) of Subtine*.-*. I

Washintion, April Id. V*-5. \Sealed Proposals are invited until Tl B6DAY,

April IS, Kb.,for furnishing the 8ubsietecce Department withTHREE T110C8AND >3,000) BARRELS OF

FLOURThe proposal! will be for what ia known at thin

Depot as Nos 1, 2, and 3, and hide will be enter-taiced for any quantity Use than the whole.Bids mnet be in duplicate, and for each grade on

separate sheets of paper.the delivery of the Flour to commence ve days from the opening of the bids, and mast bede!ivered in such quantities, daily* as the ''Overn-ment may direct, either at the Government ware¬house in Georgetown, at the wharves, or railroaddepot in Washington, D 0.

, . . .

The delivery of all Flour awarded to be com¬pleted within twenty days from the acceptance of

thBid« will be received for Flour to be delivereJin new oak barrels, head lined.Payment will be made in such funds ** the Gov-

erament may have for disbursement.The usual Government inspection will be made

just before the Flour is received, and none will boaccepted which is not freeh ground, and of a supe-

riAn'oathtof allegiance must accompany the bidoTeach bidder who has not the oath on hie m thinoffice, and no hid will be entertained from partieswho iave prevWusly failel to comply with itieirbide, or from bidders not present to respond.Gevernm£t reserves the right vp reject any bid

f°Bids^to^be addressed to the undersigned, at No233 G street, endorsed Proposals£^^9^ap12-5t Captain 0. 8 V


C«""Ag?1'S5Sifao»s»M-olMtCunr/srwonMv UtnfraV$ OJHti. hif'l i)iei!ioii,JIFaiAimttow City, D C., March 18, IMS. tH0R8EB. suitable for the cavalry and artillery

service, will he received at Giesboro Deoot, mopen market, till May 1,18t>5. by Captain GEO. 8.BROWNING. A. Q M

_ _..

MULES, in lots of twenty-five er pore, will bereceived in this city, in open market, till May 1,18u5. fey Captain 6. B TOMP INS. AssistantQuartermaster, corner Twenty s^oond and G s.s.All aeimals to be subjected t<> the usual Govern¬

ment inspection before being accepted.Specifications as follows ' Cavalry horlM mnit

be sound in all Particulars: well broken, in fullflesh and good condition; from ttftt-en (15) to six-teen (16) hands high; from five (!>) to nine (9) yeareold, and well adapted in every way to cavatrr Pur¬poses. Horsea between nine (9) and ten( »d> yeartof ate, if still vigorous, sprightly, and healthy,may be accepted, . , , _ . .

Artillery lforse« must be of dark <»lor. sound Inall particulars, strong, quick, and active, wellbroken and square trotters in harness, in fuJ1 fleaband condition, from six (6) to ten (10) years old,not less than fifteen and one half ('hands high,each horse to weigh not less than ten hundred and

firMuleB mu?t be oyer two t2) years of age, strong,atout. compact weU developed anima's. not Usethan fourteen (14) hands high, in fnll healtfc, freefrom every blemish or defect *hich wojMiunitthem for severe work, and must have shed Jtefour front colt's teeth and developed the cor.-ea-poBding four perir.anert teeth, two in each Jaw.These specifications #ill be striotly adhered to,

and rigidly enforced in every particular.Hours .(inspection, from l a. m. to 4 p.Pri-e, Cavalry Horses, one hundred, and eigntfjfive dollars .f 1SC>; Artillery Hora^s, one hundred

and ninety dollars t *190); Mules, one hundred andninety-five dollars (fl9T>). .

Payment will be »adeatAthiso«cek!Lii?^Colonel in charge First Divisionmar 18 taptO U M.G.O.

pB0P08AL8 FOB FURAG8.Chitf Ouartfrmas!rr\< Office, Drpot c£ Washmnon.tWathmjiton. D, C.. Feb. 2S, 1K-6. i8XALXD PROPOSALS are invited by the under¬

signed for supplying the D. 8. Quartermaster'*Department, at Washington, D, C,, Baltimore,Md.. Alexandria and Fort Monroe. Va., or eitherof these places, with llay, Corn. Oats and Straw.Bids will be received fcr the delivery of B,<"00

Dn shels of Corn or Oats .and 30 tons ofHay or Straw**DBidlersrmust state at which of the ahoy# namedpoints they propose to make deliveries, and therates at whieh they will make deliveries thereat,the quantity of each article proposed to be deliver¬ed, tne time when said deliveries (hall he com¬menced, and when to be eompleted.The price must be written out in words en .h*

^Corn to be put uP In good stont sacks of aboottwo bushels each. Oats in like sacks of aboutthreebushels each. The sacks to be furnishedwithout extra charge to the Government. TheHay and Straw to be securely baled.The particular kind or description of Oa^s.Ooro,

Hay, or Straw, proposed to be delivered, muat be

rtAUdthe articfeSnoffered under the bids herein in-wited. will be subject to a rigid inspection by theGovernment inspector, before being s,cc*p^^- .

. Contracts will he awarde from time to time tothe lowest responsible bidders, as the interest ofthe Government may require, and payment will bemade when the whole amount contracted for 6hallhave been delivered and accepted. . .

The bidder will be required to accompany rigproposal with & guaranty signed by two rf¥0°"sible persens, that, in case his bid be accepted, neor they will, within ten dayi thereafter executethe contract for the same, with gco<l andsufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amountof the contract to deliver the articles proposedin conformity with the terms of this adver¬tisement; and in case the said bidder should failItenter into the contract, they to make good the dif¬ference between the offer «f said bidder and thenext lowest responsible bidder, or the <«r»on towhom the contract may be awarded.The responsibility ef the guarantors he

shown by the official certificate «f a United fetatoaDistrict Attorney, Collector of Customs, or anyother officer under the United States Government,©r responsible person knewn to this office.All bidders wall be duly notified of the acceptance

or rejection of their proposals. .The full name and post office addresa of ea».ubidder must be legibly written ia the pro-

^Propoaals must be artdreeied to B/is: Gen D. H.Bucker, Chier Depet Quartermaster. WashingtonD. C., an<f-*hould be plainly marked Proposal*^BondiT^i a mm equal to the amount of the eon-tract, signed by the contractor and both of hiegtaranters, will be required of the successful bid¬der or bidders upon signing the contract.

Bta-il: ferma of bids, euarantiea. and bonds m»Tbe obtained upon application to this oraee.All proposals received under this advertisement

will be opened and examined at this o#<-« on WeJ-neelay and Saturday of each week at 12 m. Bid-ders Ere respectfuliiy invited to be present it thiopening of bids if they desir^ RCCRlMfe26-tf Brig. Gen'l and Quartermaster.

CHI1F QUABTBBMASTER-S OFF1C1,U1,r *Dkput *p Washiiuto*,

Wishiwoto*. D C,, January 4,1864.All dealers in Druga, Hardware,Lumber, Leath¬

er, Office Furniture,Harness.and8aadlery,are re¬quested to send to tnis effice. on MONDAY of eachweekva sealed proposal or list. in dttplitaJe,articles they are prepared to furnish t > this Depotat ahort notice, with the price of each marked inplain figures, so that, in ease the exigencies of thaservice require it. the article or articles can be ob¬tained without delay, and at the lowest Price.Dealers wishing to sell to this Depot will be re¬

quired to furnish the liat punctually Mondaymorning. D. n. BDCKXBt" Brigadier Ben'l and Chief Q. M.*)an E tf Depot of Waahington.

rpBIBBIMAB.Protected by Royal Letters Pat-1 tent ol England, and secured by the seals orthe Xcole dePharmaeiede Paris, and the ImperielCollege of Medicine, Vienna. . ... .Triesmar Ne. 1, !s the effectual remedy for Relax-tion, Spermathorrhoea, and Exhaustion of theSystem. Triesmar No. 2 has entirely supersededthe naseouse use of Copavia, Cubebs, &c iriea-mar No. Sis the infalliDle remedy for all Impari-tiea and 8ex>ndary 8ymptoms, thus oavlatiogthe use of mereury and all other deleterious ingre-^^Each preparation is in the form of a most agree¬able Locenge. Secured from the effects of climateand changes ofatmosphere, in tin cases, at S3 each,or four $3 eases in one for *9, and in %V caaes,thus saving f9. Divided >a separate dosas as ad¬ministered by V&lpeau, Sallamanda, Roux. &.A.*A Wholesale and retail by Dr. BARBOW. Ne. 1»«BTo bVhad'al!K)Wof S.'c'. FORD, No. U90 Pa, ave.,Corner 11th street^ a> » P 6m

FOR BALE.44.000 extra choice Roses, Orna*menUl Trees and Shrubs, Climbing aad^^Parlor Planta. Fruit T re eg, Ac. The eellec-SIB

tion comprises the ha*t hiada known in Bnrope and America. Wishing to lease niv place for

Bi is im* 18th street, corner of M.

THUBSTOnViVOR* PEARL TOOTH P«WDER. for cleaning, beautifying and preserv¬

ing the Teeth and Guma. This elegant prepare0 WILL, t 00 .

New York, Propnetere.For sale %? *11 draggiste.

iriiii)the »»ry

VB/BLLS' cblIibbatbd machinew?V »fRENOTUENING FlASTEBE ere the very

heat in all eaae« far whieh a piaata'ls fwqairoa Peraale tj all dreggtsta. eelyja_1U I W I to 1 ¦

WOOD AND MACHB1I »»«PPIH«AT»E*. .Vedition, earefull* raf Isei, »nM Is>ael pelliihed aad rAVLOE.¦iw<¥a* iter ea ',

) id Faea»?lvaata ateau*