the grp and ndfp peace keeping operations

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  • 7/29/2019 The GRP and NDFP Peace Keeping Operations


    Anavie R. Alegre 12/10/12

    B.A Pol Sci III

    The GRP and the NDFP Peacekeeping operations

    Last December 3, 2012 we were attended a forum about the Peacekeeping operations

    between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the National Democratic

    Front of the Philippines. Im not really good with Acronyms so at first I didnt have any idea

    what NDFP means. I asked one of my classmates for its meaning, and he told me what it stands

    for. I think that they shouldve mentioned what those acronyms stands for since a lot of people

    who were present in the forum were not Pol Sci majors, I didnt even know myself. I really liked

    the speakers introductory speech, he told us that our country is under a civil war which most of

    the populace doesnt even know that this kind of war is just outside their doorsteps.

    We may not feel the tension between the government and this group but I think that the

    reality of war and the fact that most people are not aware of this is horrifying. That moment

    when you imagine that you, a student or someone whos working, living your life normally and

    as mundane as ever was taken by surprise when suddenly you get to be involved in a crossfire

    between two armed groups who are supposed to be your brothers and is supposed to keep the

    peace for the sake of innocent citizens are trying to kill each other because of some dispute over

    a difference in perspective. Whats more is that because of this you lose all that you have in just

    a blink of an eye. I think that is just sad, the thought of a civil war is just sad. I think that there is

    no such thing as a just war. All wars are the same; it brings brothers to the battlefield to kill each

    other. But I wonder, what these people think when they kill someone who never did anything bad

    to them, just because they were indoctrinated to believe that what theyre doing is good, do they

    even think twice? Or do they just kill each other like wild beasts only governed by their instinct

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    to kill? What does justice even mean? I think that there is no definite meaning of justice. Some

    people just use this word as a form of bluff to bend the will of others. Justice is just a matter of

    perspective, and powerful people have the power to bend it.

    To be honest, I didnt really know that the NDFP was a very big revolutionary group

    encompassing the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP)which I apparently spelled wrong

    when I asked a question, I got the letters mixed upand the New Peoples Army (NPA). I was

    interested in knowing about the peacekeeping operations, the thought of it excited me a little.

    The process brings people together to compromise and agree on cooperating with each other and

    lessen the shedding of innocent blood. They conduct confidence building measures to lessen

    tensions and build trust as well as agreements. Furthermore, what makes this even more

    interesting is the fact that this had been a long running conflict and still there is no substantial

    progress that have happened, or so I think. I think it could be very difficult to reconcile the two

    entities primarily because their way of thinking is way to different and I doubt if one of them

    would want to give up some of their demands, this might be one of the reasons why up til now,

    this issue is not yet settled. Although they already had negotiations leading to major written

    agreements. Some of these agreements are as follows:

    (1)The Hague Joint Declarationwhich primarily talked about keeping peace and theprevention of armed encounters.

    (2)The Joint Statement of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) Panel orPeace talks with the CPP/NPA/NDF delegation.

    (3)Joint Agreement of the GRP and the NDFP on safety and Immunity Guarantees.

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    The talk was a bit long and because of that I loosed focus and got a bit distracted. Most

    especially since in a certain part of the speakers talk I thought that he was just running in circles,

    talking about the same thing over and over. After awhile he talked about their negotiation with

    the GRP and the tensions that had happened in the middle of this. I was overwhelmed with the

    people who were involved in their cause, since I thought that they were all amazing and

    intelligent people. I didnt really got all of their names, I only remember Jose Mari Sisons and

    Luis Jalandonis because these names were always mentioned by the speaker.

    It was an amazing experience to be able to meet a consultant from the NDFP. However, I

    was confused by a lot of things, one is about the CPP. I dont really think they perform what

    most of the political parties here in our country do. I think one of the reason is because they want

    to recreate the government, changing the political system in general which encompasses the

    party system. I think its fine to wish for change. In one of our Pol Sci classes, one of our

    teachers mentioned that if the institutions change, it also changes the image of the political

    environment. But I think it would be very difficult since we cant afford to have an all out civil

    war, much worse a divided country. Number one reason is a bloodbath of innocent blood. That

    is why war is ugly because it takes innocent lives away, even if its just an accident. The second

    reason is, we are facing a lot in our country nowadays, most notably the China threat.

    I think that people should cooperate if they want peace. They should come into terms with

    each other. In the part of the GRP, I think it is very difficult compromise to the demands of the

    NDFP primarily because I think the NDFPs way of thinking is too idealistic and entails a

    demand for immediate change. Immediate change is difficult, since, some thingsjust cant be

    fixed right away. Even the Earth didnt just appear out of nothingness or in just a blink of eye it

    became what it is now. It took billions of years before it became like that. Formed by the

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    accumulation of gases and space dust. Or like how islands form. It took thousands of years for it

    to be an island. And if the GRP decides carelessly, our country could be doomed. I think it is

    really difficult and it further confuses me.

    Another thing I am confused about is what perspective in Identity Politics is this part of? In

    the class, our teacher told us that this was a part of a nationalistic movement which is part of

    identity politics. I am really confused, well, it might be because of my lack of better judgment,

    but this is how I truly feel.

    What came to mind at first is that, it was quite comical on my part, I thought it was ridiculous.

    A nationalistic movement inside a nation that has basically the same nationalistic identity, which

    is unlike the cause of the MILF, I thought it was silly. Which really confused me even more. I

    thought their cause was far from being a nationalistic one when were talking about identity

    because they dont really move because they pursue a common identity, they move because of

    their ideology. Which leads us to a question. Is ideology part of Identity politics? Does it play a


    I really dont think ideology is part of identity politics. Reading Alcoff, I drew a distinction

    between culture and ideology, both being separate from each other. Identity is part of culture, it

    is embedded. I am happy with the kind of democracy our country is in now, I dont really want

    to change it for something else, although I still think that the German model is brilliant, but it is

    too expensive for a country like us to follow Germanys footsteps. Furthermore, if Identity

    politics does encompass ideology, can we relate this to the Bonshin War of Japan? When

    Japanese rebels wanted to make a New Order and overthrew the Imperial Family? I think this is

    somehow related to the cause of the NDFP. Now that I think about it, it makes sense. Maybe

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    ideology is really part of Identity Politics, but how? Well, I guess, that would be one of the

    questions that we were about to answer through our Pol Sci 164 class I hope.

    The vibe that the forum gave me in general was both educational and awkward. There were

    so many people in the MILC that I was a little bit overwhelmed. I didnt realize until later the

    importance of having given the chance to hear something like that. But then I realized that not all

    people are given the chance to meet someone from the NDFP face to face, we even got to see

    what looked like exclusive pictures of the NDFP from the speaker which really made me feel

    culture shock. Ive never seen anything like it. The talk made me think about a lot of things, one

    thing is that is there even a possibility that this revolution could be eradicated and people dont

    need to go to the mountains or use arms to forward what they want to the government. I imagine

    a world wherein these people could live in peace. I think that would be very good. Well, Im just

    being an optimist, but the truth is, we can never predict what will happen in the future. This

    world is way too anarchic and people are way too self interested for peace to actually come to

    being. People may try to bring peace but there would always be something that would disrupt

    this peace and make people hate each other thus causing war. Peace and War are like twins; they

    always go together. If there is peace, there is a risk for war. If there is War, there would always

    be the notion of peace.