the journey - april 2016

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  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016


    Change: Here and Yet to Come


    We are legally and certainly something new…Living Faith Lutheran Church. We have been working on th

    details to complete the process. Jill Steiner, in particular, has been working to make sure all our i’s are dotted and our t’s are crossed. We have a new Employee Identication Number (kind of a social securitynumber) for an institution. We have a new congregation number with the ELCA and are recognized as anew congregation with the ELCA. We are working through changing everything with our bank. A signcommittee is in place and working on a new sign. Things are changing; but it does take time and we appre-ciate your patience. 

    Congregational Meeting Sunday, April 17 

    There will be a congregational meeting on Sunday,April 17th at 11:30am in the sanctuary at Living

    Faith East. Worship that Sunday at Wright andQuincy will be at 10:00am, to shorten the time be-tween the East worship and the meeting.

    The purpose of the meeting is to extend term callsto Pastors Warren and Denise. Their call terminatedwith the ending of our previous congregations.

    At the recommendation of Bishop Barrow, thechurch council, in consultation with the Consolida-tion Team and the group working on Building Mis-sional Capacity for Sustainability voted to suggest

    a two year term call

     to the congregation. That time

    frame will allow for a Mission Exploration Study andin conjunction with that the Sustainability Team todo their work.

    This is a visioning process which helps congrega-tions understand the mission that God is callingthem to and at the same time helps congregations

    both tell their story to perspective pastoral candi-dates and determine what gifts might best meet theneeds of the congregation as we move into a newfuture.

    Atonement last did a MET study in 2002 when Pas-tor Warren was called as the Sr. Pastor. (We alsodid a visioning process in conjunction with Atone-ment’s 100th Anniversary.) Visioning is important.Living Faith West and stronger neighborhood out-reach were both born of the last Atonement vision-ing process. 

    Because the Sustainability pilot project will take twyears, it was suggested that we take our time withthe MET process and issue both pastors a two yearterm call. Those calls can be either shortened orincreased depending upon the needs of the needs othe congregation. The Council voted to forward therecommendation of the two year call to the congre-gation. 

    A regular call committee will be organized at theNovember semi-annual meeting.

  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016


  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016


    APRIL 2016 ∙ Volume #1, Issue #1  3 

    February Council Meeting Highlights 

    The Consent agenda was approved which includ-ed previous minutes, pastor’s reports, statisticaland nancial reports. 

    AIM offering: $135.00 total. $10.00 was desig-nated for Accelerated Debt Reduction, $125.00was designated by the council to defray thecosts of the Easter Breakfast. 

    Ofcers were elected: President – TeresaReinders unanimously approved; Vice President– Vicki Seifert unanimously approved; Secretary– Margaret Robinson unanimously approved;Treasurer – Bob Reinders unanimously ap-proved; Financial Secretary – Ginny White unan-imously approved. It was noted that all ofcers

    also serve as the Executive committee. 

    A committee was formed to begin work on newsignage and logo – We approved, as recommend-ed by Our Savior’s and approved at the annualmeeting, to spend $10,000 on sign for a base.We might need more funds if we want to get adigital sign. People who volunteered for the signcommittee were Sue Oertel and Ginny White.Recommended persons to contact; PerryRossmiller (who is working on a logo), Crystal

    Heinen, Craig Schaub (owner of Dig-it

    -all Signs).


    The Endowment Fund needs to reorganize. Ac-cording to their by-laws, once Atonement ceasesto exist, the Endowment ceases to exist. There-fore a Living Faith Endowment needs to beformed. Money from endowment board is nowLiving Faith’s. Teresa moved that we as councilneed to recreate the Living Faith endowmentfund and use the current Atonement membersand Ginny White as nancial secretary fromcouncil as board members and reserve the fundsthat were in the fund. Seconded -  Discussion onprinciples of fund. Amendment to strike motionand changed to Atonement endowment fundsmoved into Living Faith’s account but be Re-served for Living Faith endowment fund use.Unanimous vote for this motion. Moved the dis-position of endowment board to nance commit-tee for further direction.

    Timing for new call committee –  it was present-ed that Pastor Warren and Pastor Denise neednew calls. Their current calls ceased with thedissolution of Atonement and Our Savior’s.They need to be called to Living Faith. The ques

    tion was put forth about the type of pastoralstructure we would desire. It was then recog-nized that a vision/mission exploration processshould be done before this is determined. It wasdecided that the Consolidation team would woron setting up a process for visioning and subse-quent call in consultation with the synod. 

    Council members chose a term out of a hat in order to stagger the terms of council so that noteveryone is new every year. 2 year terms and 1year term and each can serve for 2 terms: Mar-garet 1 year; Vicki 2 year; Bob 1 year; Tom 2year; Ginny 1 year; Sue 2 year; Teresa 2 year. 

    The Mission statement that the Consolidationteam worked on was presented to council: Find-ing Faith Building Faith Living Faith. It wasmoved seconded and passed to begin workingwith this mission statement. Pastor Denise willgive Perry this info for work on a logo. 

    Segue work on homeless shelter continues. Themayor plans for the city to receive a building.Seque is applying for 501(c)3 status with theIRS. Until that happens a 501c3 is needed to accept donations. A request was made to use Liv-ing Faith’s. A Motion was made for Living Faithto serve as scal agent for Segue until they gettheir 501c3. We will accept funds given to Se-gue and the Segue board will disperse thesefunds. Seconded, discussion: Living Faith willtake in donations and write a check to Segue forthese funds. Segue will take care of thank you’s

    and acknowledgements of donations, not LivingFaith staff. We will have Segue do a newsletterarticle on what is happening.

    Easter breakfast – form to help sign up if youcan.

    It was suggested that someone look into havinga newspaper article regarding the consolidationWarren will look into this. 

  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016


    4 | The Journey  A publication of Living Faith Lutheran Church 

    Names in the News

    Anniversaries: Cliff and Alma Vacek will cele-brate their 50th wedding anniversary on April 9th …Jim and Donna Braun will celebrate their 57thwedding anniversary on April 11th ...Vic and Carol

    Howard will celebrate their 56th anniversary onApril 16th. Hoping you enjoy many more happyyears together.

    Nonagenarian Birthdays: Charlotte Bauernfeindwill celebrate her 95th birthday on March 14th …Joyce Jensen will celebrate her 90th birthday onApril 29th. Best wishes one and all. 

    Weddings: Arthur Steege and Kimberly Deschlerwere united in marriage off-site on March 19,2016. Congratulations to you both! 

    Baptisms: Paige Nicole Buschke, daughter ofDuane and Nicole (Yohn) Buschke was baptized onMarch 13, 2016 with Tami Christensen-Awe andJason Yohn as sponsors … Twins Evelyn Mae Bah-ler and Theodore Dean Bahler, daughter and son ofBradley and Michelle (Powell) Bahler were bap-tized on March 20th , 2016 with sponsors for Eve-lyn, Chris & Jonni Powell and sponsors for Theo-dore, Derek & Stephanie Reinke. Welcome newmembers! 

    “Russ and I want to say thank you for the wonderful meatloaf dinners that Margaret brought over!They were totally delicious and we can’t thank youenough for your generosity and thoughtfulness.” 

    “Dear Living Faith West Congregation, Thank you

    so much for including Thread by Thread in your“Noisy Offering.” What a wonderful surprise! Thismoney will be used to buy new socks & underwearfor our guests. There is such a need in Racine, asyou know, for this type of service. Our guests trulyappreciate the clothing items that we get donated,that they can pick from. Sincerely, Jacci Young,TXT Clothing Ministry Committee” 

    “Dear Ladies of Living Faith Lutheran Church,There are no words to express how thankful we ar

    for your MOE visit to the 911 Dispatch Call Centeron Monday! It is not often that we receiveacknowledgement from the public for the job wedo, so your very thoughtful support and encouragement were greatly appreciated. Thank you for youkind words and keeping us in your prayers!” 

    “Dear friends in Christ, Thank you so much for allthe support through prayers during my 9 months otreatment for breast cancer.  I complete my radia-tion treatments this week and I am doing


    Gayle Engelstad” 


    Heartfelt love, sympathy and support to wife Linda and children Mark (Christine) Kramer, Terrie (Rick)Lewandowski, Kingston (Lita) Kramer and Kerry (Joe) Scherer at the death of former member Duane Kramer who passed away on February 17th in Appleton, WI … children Patrick (Mary) Jacoby, Carol Arm-strong, Ruth Jacoby, Elaine Drier and Linda Millburn at the death of ANN JACOBY whopassed away at Becker-Shoop Center on March 2nd … sons Michael (girlfriend-KelleeHenzel), and Kevin (spouse David Laing) & step sons Robert (Sandie) Hansen and Richard(Kimberly) Hansen at the death of former member Mike Wheeler who passed away onMarch 2nd in Tucson, AZ.

    “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” Psalm 116:15 

    Known to be Hospitalized


    St. Mary’s: Jewel Marks  Home Again: Sue Nielsen, Dan Zelinger and Marj Byra 

    Pastoral Hospital Visits Strict patient condentiality rules prevent the hospital from notifying thechurch if you or a loved one is hospitalized. The hospitals are no lo nger ke eping church lists, so if you’dlike a pastoral visit and/or having your church family praying for you, please let the church ofce know.

  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016


    APRIL 2016 ∙ Volume #1, Issue #1  5 

    Cathi (Helding) Webster 

    Cathi is the daughter of Curt & Barb

    Helding; Curtis is a lifelong member of

    Our Saviors Lutheran Church. Barb

     joined when she married Curt. Cathi was

    born and raised in Racine and was a life-long member of Our Savior’s until 2012

    when she joined Bethania Lutheran

    Church. Cathi has two sisters , Crystal

    and Cheryl, and a brother, Frank, who

    also grew up at Our Savior’s. Crystal and

    her husband Mark are still members. Cathi has a

    husband, Keith, ve children and three grandchil-


    Although quiet and shy, Cathi’s love and passionhas always been her church. While growing up her

    mom, Barb, was the church secretary at Our Savior’s

    and she helped out in the ofce off and on over the

    years. Cathi has taught Sunday school, has been the

    Sunday school superintendent, youth leader, youth

    choir leader, Neighborhood Camp site coordinator,

    assistant site coordinator, Spark leader, substitute

    secretary, decorating team, call committee and

    choir member.

    In 2011, when offered the “Interim” Ad-

    ministrative Assistants job, Cathi gladly

    stepped in even though she knew the job

    may end at anytime since at that time the

    future of Our Savior’s was uncertain. The

    staff at Our Savior’s was all interim: Pas-tor Ron was the interim Pastor and Mark

    was the interim Maintenance man. As

    talks progressed and things moved on

    with a consolidation with Atonement, the

    ofce and Cathi were moved to Atone-

    ment into the former Sunday School Coordinator

    ofce and Pastor Ron moved on. When the building

    sold in December 2015, Mark was hired by the new

    owners to help with the building care.

    Cathi has been in the Atonement Our Savior’s ofcesince March 2013 and has been doing the Our Sav-

    ior’s ofce work as well as all the bulletins, Chimes

    weekly, some of the social media and website stuff.

    With the consolidation of Atonement Our Savior’s,

    Cathi remains on staff as an administrative assistan

    and is still working on the bulletins, chimes weekly,

    social media and website.

    Cathi looks forward to serving the members of Liv-

    ing Faith Lutheran Church for many years.

    Thrivent con Teams: pply for an con Grant Project for 2016!! 

    Since the dissolution of the chapter system forThrivent, monies are now being seeded out for pro- jects and fundraisers through individual Thriventmembers. This could be helpful for many groupsand projects around Living Faith and in the commu-nity. For example, I received seed money for theyouth gathering fundraiser. Along with promotion-al materials I will receive $250.00 as seed moneyfor the fundraiser. I was able to fund a service pro- ject at Lutherdale Bible Camp funding life jackets.Exaudh used one of his grants to purchase food forthe food pantry and the other to help fund the Hal-loween party. 

    You could use the seed money to do many things:purchase materials for the Quilters or the Stitchersof Blessings, or you could lead a service project to

    purchase and sort food for the FaithWorks FoodPantry or purchase light bulbs for the sanctuary.Think of a fundraiser or small project you might likto do yourself or with a couple other people. Ormaybe you are part of something coming up that isalready in place, such as the Cookie Walk. We al-ready have one action grant for the conrmationclass to serve the Community Meal. What can yougrants do in 2016? Each Thrivent member can apply for 2 projects a year. This is an offer that is notto be missed. The process is simple and can be dononline. If you are tech savvy, just log on to your ac-count with Thrivent and click on ‘my Thrivent’ andthen ‘action teams’ and it will tell you what to do. Iyou need help I am willing to help you through theprocess. Thank you, Pastor Denise 

  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016


    The Foundation

    s Ministry 

    Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Foundation grew out of a need to develop a solid nancial base giving stabiity to our congregation’s ministry in the years to come. An endowment fund was established to meet thisneed in 1972. 

    What is the Foundation?


    The Foundation was initiated through a gift from Mr. Harry Johnson. Since then, numerous other individuals have made generous donations in support of the ministries of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Founda-tion. The Foundation is not organized for prot and there is no capital stock. It is incorporated under theprovisions of the laws of the State of Wisconsin and no elected ofcers or members of the Board of Direc-tors receive compensation for their services. 

    On May 28, 2013, the Foundation entered into an agreement with the Racine Community Foundation toestablish a donor advised fund that shall be called Our Savior’s Lutheran Church of Racine FoundationFund. The Racine Community Foundation will administrate the Fund’s assets through investments and diburse grants in accordance to the sitting board members written requests. In accordance with this agreement, the sitting board members at the time will be known as the“Advisory Board”. Because of this

    change, the advisory board members will retain permanent seats until a resignation is tendered or upontermination by death. The advisory board will continue to administer the Fund until no board memberssurvive. At that time, the Foundation’s Fund would be added to the General Fund of the Racine Communty Foundation. 

    Purpose of the Foundation


    The purpose of this endowment fund is to provide nances above the church’s normal needs. If we are tobe of service to our church and community, we must broaden our ministry and support worthwhile pro- jects and programs. The Foundation has given numerous grants to missionaries through the World Mis-sion Prayer League, local non-prot organizations, education scholarships to church members and variouprojects that were documented for the well-being of the church. Such grants would continue. The forms trequest grants are available in Our Savior’s church ofce. 

    Donating to the Foundation


    A memorial gift is an enduring method to perpetuate the memory of one you hold dear. Gifts and bequesto the Foundation can be made at any time by friends as well as members of Our Savior’s and Atonementchurch. Donations should be sent directly to: 

    Racine Community Foundation 

    1135 Warwick Way 

    Racine, WI 53406 

    In the memo of the check, please note: OSLC Foundation Fund. Also indicate if a memorial and the namememorialized. Contributions are tax deductible. 

    6 | The Journey  A publication of Living Faith Lutheran Church 

    Building Missional Capacity for Sustainability

    Our team (Tom Korabik, Peggy Abbott, Liz Kegel, Bob Reinders, Mareeka Abbott, Warren Williams andDenise Mbise) attended the initial retreat at St. Peter’s in Sheboygan on March 5 and 6. We worked onleadership development, discipleship, stewardship and missional initiatives and how these might be inte-grated into the life of our congregation. We were there with three other churches from our synod (Villagin Milwaukee, St. Mark’s in Waukesha and St. Peter’s in Sheboygan) and are working with staff from theELCA ofce in Chicago on this new initiative. Before our next retreat in September we will be looking atthese areas of development and how we can begin active work on them at Living Faith.  

  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016


    All events in the calendar are at Living Faith on Wright & Quincy unless otherwise noted.  


    1 2  10:30-12:30 Cagiving RelationshipsClass (Parlor)1-4 Member Event:Open House for Alm& Cliff Vacek’s 50th



    3 COMMUNION, AIM PRESENTATIONS Choir Rehearsal - before & after ServiceNO 9:15 A.M. SERVICE10:00 Special Consolidation Celebra-tion Service at Living Faith West &Sunday School at Sturtevant Sports-plex2:00—5:00 Girls Scouts5:00 ELCA Cluster Community Meal(2915 Wright Ave.)

    4 9:00 Quilters12 noon Bible Study6:30 Dorcas Circle7:00 OA Group

    5 6:00 a.m.—11:00p.m. Spring Election inFellowship Hall &ELECTION BAKESALE9:30 Stitchers of Bless-ings1-3:00 Food Pantry4:30 Spanish Class

    6  8:30 Park TransitionGroup8:30 a.m. - Women’s Break-fast at DeRango’s in WestRacine (location change)10:30 Senior Center11:00 Staff Meeting4:00 Worship Conversation7:30 Belle City Brassworks

    7 8:30 Park Transi-tion Group5:15 CommunityWorship6-8:00 Food Pantry8:00 SelahPractice

    8 9:00-2:00Pep Girls(Parlor)

    3:00-5:00Mobile FoodPantry (SouthParking Lot)

    9 9:00 BuildingMissional Capacity Sustainability10:30 Caregiver Suport Group

    5:00 Vespers withCommunion

    10 COMMUNION8:00-1:00 HORLICK THEATER ARTSPANCAKE BREAKFAST (FELL. HALL)9:15 WORSHIP SERVICESenior Choir Rehearsal - before & a fterService 10:00 Sunday Worship at Living FaithWest & Sunday School at SturtevantSportsplex10:45-12:45 Confirmation 5:00 ELCA Cluster Community Meal(2915 Wright Ave.)

    11 9:00 Quilters9:30-3:30 Our Harmo-ny Club (Fell. Hall)9:30 Ruth Circle Mtg.12 noon Bible Study 6:30 “Ladies’ NightOut” at Mike & An-gelo’s Restaurant7:00 OA Group

    12 1-3:00 Food Pantry4:30 Spanish Class

    13 8:30 Park TransitionGroup9:15 Rebekah Circle Meeting11:00 Staff Meeting7:30 Belle City Brassworks

    14 8:30 Park Transi-tion Group 5:15 CommunityWorship6-8:00 Food Pantry8:00 Selah Practice

    15 165:00 Vespers withCommunion


    10:00 WORSHIP SERVICE (Note timechange)Senior Choir Rehearsal - before & a fterService10:00 Sunday Worship at Living FaithWest & Sunday School at SturtevantSportsplex 10:15 Coffee Hour East11:30 Living Faith Lutheran ChurchCongregational Meeting (Sanctuary)2:00-5:00 Girl Scouts5:00 ELCA Cluster Community Meal(2915 Wright Ave.)

    18 9:00 Quilters

    9:30-3:30 OurHarmony Club (Fell.Hall)12 noon - BibleStudy 7:00 OA Group

    19 9:30 Stitchers of

    Blessings10:30-12:30 CaregivingRelationships Class(Parlor)1-3:00 Food Pantry4:30 Spanish Class

    20 8:30 Park Transition

    Group10:30 Senior Center11:00 Staff Meeting1:00 Worship and MusicCommittee Meeting7:30 Belle City Brassworks

    21 8:30 Park Transi-

    tion Group5:15 CommunityWorship6:00—8:00 CaregiverSupport Group6-8:00 Food Pantry8:00 SelahPractice

    Northern France tripleaving

    22  9:00-2:00

    Pep Girls(Parlor)

    23  9:00 a.m.—1:0

    p.m. Music Recital Sanctuary5:00 Vespers withCommunion


    9:15 WORSHIP SERVICESenior Choir Rehearsal - before & a fterService10:00 Sunday Worship at Living FaithWest & Sunday School at SturtevantSportsplex 10:15 Coffee Hour East10:45-12:45 Confirmation 5:00 ELCA Cluster Community Meal(2915 Wright Ave.)


    9:00 Quilters9:30-3:30 OurHarmony Club (Fell.Hall)12 noon - BibleStudy 7:00 OA Group

    26 1-3:00 Food Pantry

    4:30 Spanish Class7:00 Council Meeting

    27 8:30 Park Transition

    Group11:00 Staff Meeting7:30 Belle City Brassworks

    28  5:15 Community

    Worship6-8:00 Food Pantry8:00 SelahPractice

    29 30 9:00a.m.-

    3:00p.m. Final Retrfor those being confirmed in May5:00 Vespers withCommunion

    APRIL 2016  

    The Racine County

    Senior Citizen Nutrition

    Program meets Monday

    through Friday in

    Living Faith Fellowship

    Hall at noon.

    APRIL 2016 ∙ Volume #1, Issue #1  7 

  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016


    Conrmation Information 

    Thank you for all your work at the soup suppers. Everyone enjoyed them very


    April 10, April 24, May 1 – Class from 10:45am-12:45pm. (Note new time) 

    Retreat for those being conrmed this year on April 30 from 9am-3pm at church.

    Afrmation of Baptism on Sunday, May 15 

    Acolytes - Please pick up your April acolyte schedule from the sacristy.

    Monday Bible Study at Noon


    We continue to meet on Monday’s at noon tostudy the lessons for the upcoming Sunday. We

    are now a group of 7 seekers. Please Join us.Contact Pastor Denise for any questions. 

    Theological Book Study

    We will have a one-time meeting on Saturday, May 7 at9:30 with brunch.

    We will be discussing “The Message of Jesus Christ” by Ma-hatma Gandhi. This was a book referenced in our recentbook “The Faith Club”. 

    Sundaes on Wednesday with Kathi Miller, Your Personal De


    Clutter Coach


    Please join us on Wednesday, May 25th from 1:30pm to 3:30pm in the Parlor for a special and “Just inTime for Spring House Cleaning” event being planned just for you: “De-clutter Today for a Carefree To-morrow!”

    Kathi Miller has been an educator, mentor, and entrepreneur who combines her lifelong fascination withefciency with an unrelenting determination to truly enjoy life. She has been described as“knowledgeable, non judgmental, and inspirational with a sense of humor.”

    In the words of Kathi, “Clutter-free living requires you to tell yourself the truth about your belongings,”

    noting that it’s okay to admit that “I bought it, but I’ll never use it” or “Someone gave it to me, but I don’tlike it.”

    Please join us on Wednesday, May 25 for a fun and entertaining afternoon and enjoy a special treat of“Sundaes On Wednesday!” 

    Please either sign up on the “long yellow sheet” in the bulletin or call the ofce at 637-5671 to make yourreservation. A suggested $5 donation is suggested to help offset the speaker fee. Thanks and hope to seeyou then. 

    8 | The Journey  A publication of Living Faith Lutheran Church 

  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016


    FaithWorks Food Pantry Needs 

    While every donation is greatly appreciated, withour new shopping arrangement at Feeding Ameri-ca, monetary donations actually go further thanfood donations.

    Checks can be made out to ”FaithWorks Food Pan-try”; you will still get credit on your contributionsstatement.

    That said, all food donations are welcomed. Ourgreatest needs right now are:  Canned Meals: Spaghetti, Beef Stew, Ravioli,

    Beefaroni, etc. Canned Meats: Chicken, Tuna, Salmon, etc. Spaghetti sauce Toilet paper and Bar Soap 

    Volunteers are always welcomed! 

    Our Harmony Club


    Our Harmony Club is looking forcaring people willing to sharetheir time and talent with sen-iors who have age related chal-

    lenges. We have Our Harmony Club at Living Faitthe second, third and fourth Mondays from9:30am until 3:30pm in Fellowship Hall. If you are

    interested or need more information, please con-tact Dawn Vlach at 262-880-5301 or Sue Pettit at262-716-1998 or Monica Miller at 262-497-4004

    Volunteers Opportunies 

    FaithWorks Food Pantry


    Volunteers are needed to pack-age produce and bakery on Mon-days from 10:30am to 12:30pm

    in the Food Pantry. Please signup on the yellow sheet or talk to Margaret Robin-son or Jodi Pease.

    Tech Team Have you everwondered how things on thetechnical side of the worshipservice work? Here is yourchance to learn about it andhelp us out! We need people to help operate thescreen for announcements, etc. Training will be

    provided at your convenience. If you have ques-


    Wheaton Franciscan

    Wheaton Franciscan Home Health &Hospice is seeking volunteers for avariety of roles, including: playingmusic, playing chess, visiting, ofceduties, knitting, quilting and more.

    Training is provided.

    If interested please call or email Sara Moss at 414-874-6141 or [email protected]

    APRIL 2016 ∙ Volume #1, Issue #1  9 

    Election Day No Price

    Bake Sale 

    On Tuesday, April 5 , besides voters having a big se-lection of candidates to choose from we will be of-fering them a huge variety of baked goods andtreats to choose from as well!

    We will be hosting a “No Price” bake sale in the back

    entranceway throughout the day and hope that youwill help us to ll the tables with LOTS of goodies asvoter turnout is expected to reach an all time high!

    From past experience, we have found that a dona-tion for the items they choose works much betterthan pricing everything, thus the “No Price” bakesale has become a good option. *All donations re-ceived will go directly to support the various Minis-

    tries here at Living Faith.

    Favorites we have seen to be popular in the pastare: cookies, bars, brownies, rice krispie treats,mufns, breads, pies and small cakes but pleasebring any of your favorite things you enjoy baking.If you could please bring your PRE-PACKAGED do-

    nations to the church ofce either on Monday the4th or anytime during the day on the 5th, that wouldbe great!

    Please let us know you will be bringing goodies bylling out the “Long Yellow Sheet” and you will becontacted to conrm. Thanks in advance and happybaking! 

    Please contact Vicki Siefert at 262-634-4154

  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016



    Women’s Breakfast

    Please join us for Women’s Breakfast! We meet the 1st Wednesday of the month at8:30am at DeRango’s in West Racine (6100 Washington Ave., just west of WestBoulevard) for breakfast, devotions and conversation. All are welcome! If you haveany questions contact Pastor Denise, Veryl Hermes or Rosemary Fritchen. 

    Please join us on Monday, April 11 for Ladies NightOut. We’ll meet at 6:30 at Mike & Angelo’s on thenorthwest corner of Washington and EmmertsenRoad.

    For a look at their menu, go 

    Please let Pastor Denise know so we can make areservation. 

    Senior Friendship Center


    April 6  Devotion and Communion46th Anniversary Party & Lunch

    Chicken Foot Dominoes 

    April 20  Bingo

    Lunch: Surprise! 

    Fun “N Games 

    Relay For Life of Racine 

    Who: You and anyone who wants tohelp ght cancer! 

    What: The Relay For Life of Racine is ateam event to celebrate survivors, re-member loved ones, and ght back

    against cancer. Have fun and raise funds for cancer

    research, education, advocacy, and patient programs.The event includes games, activities, fundraiser, food,music and more!! 

    Where: Caledonia/Mount Pleasant Memorial Park 

    When: Friday, June 10, 2016 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. 

    Why: 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer intheir lifetime. The American Cancer Society ghtscancer through research, education on early detec-tion and prevention of cancer and to make life easierfor those diagnosed with cancer with patient pro-

    grams and services. 

    How: Make or join a Relay team with your friends,family and co-workers, join the planning committee,register as a survivor, volunteer at the event, or makea donation! Register online today by going to 

    Contact: Vicki Siefert [email protected] or 262-634-4154 


    A bingo party is planned for Mon-day, April 11, 2016 at the Villa atLincoln Park. We will need volun-teers to visit with and help the resi-dents play bingo, bingo prizes and

    desserts for that date. Look for more informationin the weekly bulletin. 


    s Time to Start Gathering Items for Lutheran

    World Relief Personal Care Kits

    A Personal Care Kit contains the following items: 1 metal nail clipper*  1 bath towel (about 27” x 52”, new or gently used) 2 bath size bars of soap (in original wrapping)  1 sturdy comb 1 adult size toothbrush (in original packaging) *These are the items we need the most 

    “The very simple gesture of giving a Personal Care Kit

    can give someone the encouragement to start anew,starting with a bath. You can share God’s grace andlove by providing that simple comfort.”

    You can bring any of the needed items on Sunday andleave them in the marked box in the narthex. OR, youcan also sponsor a Personal Care Kit for $9, and we wpurchase the needed items. 

    Thank you for your support of people in crisis aroundthe world!! 

    10 | The Journey  A publication of Living Faith Lutheran Church 

  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016



    Neighborhood Camp Scholarship

    Racine ELCA Neighborhood Camp leaders, in partnership with the Racine Com-

    munity Foundation, are excited to announce a scholarship opportunity for camp


    Applicants must : 

    Be a senior from one of the following schools: J.I. Case, William Horlick, Racine Lutheran, St. Cathe-

    rine's, Walden III, Washington Park, The REAL School or The Prairie School

    Have participated in the Racine ELCA Neighborhood Camp for at least two summers

    Rank in the upper 75 percentile of his/her graduating class

    Demonstrate involvement in extra-curricular school and community activities

    Pursue an undergraduate education at an accredited college or university, or at a technical or commu-

    nity college

    Demonstrate nancial need, including the inability to obtain traditional student loans

    Application forms are available in the high school guidance offices. 

    Camp Intern Applications Available


    Applications are now being accepted for Neighborhood Camp interns. Forms are available in thechurch ofce or online at www.neighborhoodcampracine. org/staff-resources/  

    Dates for 2016 Neighborhood Camp are June 20 -July 28. (Camp will not be held the week of July 4.

    Mandatory training is set for Wednesday throughFriday, June 15-17.

    Applications are due to Carol Yust at 1925 Summ

    Avenue, Racine,53404 or byemail by May 1.

    Hiring is ex-pected to becompleted byMay 31. 

    Come join thefun! 

    2016 Neighborhood Camp


    We’ve just begun planning for 2015 Neighborhood Camp. Registration forms for campers and SALT areexpected to be available mid to late April. 

    Help Keep Camp Free


    Racine ELCA Neighbor-hood Camp lls an im-portant need in our neigh-borhood during the summer. Camp is a collabora-tive, creative community outreach ministry to thechildren of Racine. It was started 16 years ago toprovide the underserved children in our neighbor-hoods a safe, fun and stimulating place to learn andplay. There are plenty of summer camps in the Ra-cine area, but Neighborhood Camp is unique as it

    is provided at no cost to the campers.

    Funding for Neighborhood Camp comes from vari-ous grants and from generous support of congre-gation members like you. It is easy to make a nan-cial contribution to camp. Visit the camp websiteat and click onthe Donor Information tab. You can make dona-tions quickly and safely online, or you can print outa form and mail your donation in. 

    APRIL 2016 ∙ Volume #1, Issue #1  11 

  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016


    Keep Saving A.I.M. Now needs your UPC


    Thank you to everyone who has been saving UPCs and beverage/sauce

    caps from participating Labels for Education partners for A.I.M. Now Child

    Care Center. Campbell’s has announced that, after 43 years, they are wind-

    ing down the Labels for Education program. Since we are a registered school with the program, wehave about another year and a half to participate. But, the number of participating products will slowly

    dwindle. So, please, please , PLEASE continue to send in your UPCs & caps so we can get as much ben

    efit from this program as we can in the time left. 

    Turn in what you’ve collected by reusing an envelope or baggie, marking it “Child Care,” and putting it inthe offering plate. If you happen to be going to the church ofce, you can also turn them in there.

    Build Your Budget with SCRIP


    If your budget is anything like mine, I would love togive more to our church, but there just isn’t anymore to give. So, why not let the retailers where youshop help with that?  They set aside a certain per-centage of their prots for charitable giving, andthey often prefer to give that money to causes sup-ported by their customers.

    It's easy to start using scrip for purchases you knowyou have to make every week, like gas and grocer-ies, and with a little planning, you can use scrip for just about everything. If you're working on projectsaround the house you can nd scrip for your renova-tions in the home improvement category, or checkout the clothing brands to add to your wardrobe.For fun nights out with family and friends, stock upon scrip from the entertainment and dining retail-ers. You can nd scrip for just about anything, and

    every scrip card purchased supports Living Faith. 

    Need your Scrip right away? We keep the cardslisted in the left hand column on the front page ofthe order form in stock in limited quantities, so callKarin Langlois at 672-0635, she can probably ar-range to get it to you quickly. Need a small gift? Wstock a number of cards in denominations of $10(there are even a few $5 cards available.) Any ordeplaced by 9:00am Tuesday can be picked up as earlyas Thursday evening, by arrangement with Karin

    Langlois.To get your Scrip see Dick Langlois at the Scrip tablbefore the 9:15 service or at coffee hour. You canalso pick up an order form in the narthex and callKarin or email her at [email protected]  to or-der your Scrip. If you attend Living Faith West, youcan also arrange with June Klingbeil to get yourScrip there.

    12 | The Journey  A publication of Living Faith Lutheran Church 

    Focus: Oral & Personal Care Brigade



    Each and every year, the products we use every day to make our bod-

    ies clean, our teeth bright and shiny, and keep us smelling fresh, endup being thrown away after use and ultimately end up in landlls. Tom’s of Maine (a pio-

    neer in environmental stewardship since 1970) and Colgate have partnered with eco-innovator TerraCy-cle® to provide a second life for empty and used toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes, oss containers, mouth-wash bottles, soap packaging, and antiperspirant and deodorant containers. Together we can convertthese would-be waste materials into fun and unique products! 

    Oral & Personal Care Brigade accepted waste:  ANY brand of toothpaste tubes, toothpaste caps, osscontainers, mouthwash bottles, mouthwash caps, deodorant containers and caps, soap packaging, andtoothbrush and toothpaste tube outer packaging. Please note: This brigade does not accept aerosol deo-dorant cans.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://

  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016


    Easter Lilies




    WALTER GIBSON & CHESTER & MABEL MEYER …Carolyn, Todd & Sandra Gibson 

    MR. & MRS. LEROY MENTCH AND RONALD RICE… Judi Lutkus and family 

    MY HUSBAND, ERV BEYER … Marion Beyer 

    FATHER, RODNEY GUMMOW … Justin Gummow& Sarah Gummow 

    FATHER, RODNEY GUMMOW … Ann & Jacob Pat-ty 

    GILBERT HENDRICKSON … Linda Hendrickson,Dawn Hendrickson and Terri Bendorf 


    LOVED ONES … David & Arlene LaMack 


    SUE CAMPBELL … Pat and Tom Isaacson 

    GEORGE ETLICHER & JOHN HAWES … DoloresEtlicher 

    MIKE BYRA … His family 



    VERNON C. RIEKENA … from his loving wife CarolRiekena 

    LOVED ONES … Rosemary Fritchen 




    MARTY MARTENAS … from her family 


    BARBARA HELDING … from her husband Curt andher children 

    KEN STOFEN … Dorothy Stofen 




    s Original Sin 

    Author Jim Wallis makes a compelling argument inhis new book America’s Original Sin, that racism isthe rst and worst sin of America, it hampers us asa nation and a people and keeps us from our bestdestiny. He also argues that it is the task of thechurch of Jesus to ght racism in whatever way we

    are able. 

    Wallis states that in our current age, most peoplefail to see racism. People know that the battle wasone in the 1960’s for civil rights, and most Chris-tians truly despise overt actions of hate and dis-crimination. But we fail, often, to see that there isa huge gap in wealth, jobs, and incarceration rates.All of those factors are clear evidence that racism

    has merely changed, not gone away.

    Wallis, in his new book (recommended by The Lu-theran) suggests that the task of the church in thisgeneration is to become both multi-cultural andmulti-racial. Maintaining a segregated worship-ping body is a tremendous sin and it fails to reectthe reality of the church.

    One doable bit of advice that Wallis makes is forfolks who consider themselves to be white, to giveup the designation. When forms are lled outwhich ask the question, simply check other. Whitelike black or Asian or Latino are not real catego-ries, at least not real racial categories. There is only one race, human and we are all equally loved bythe one who made us in God’s image.

    APRIL 2016 ∙ Volume #1, Issue #1  13 

  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016


    Living Faith - 9:15  April 3  April 10  April 17-10:00am  April 24 


    NO worship at Living Faith 

    (Wright Ave) 

    Joint worship atLiving Faith West 

    at 10:00am 

    Alice Frahm  Marilyn Thygeson  Elaine Lucht 


    Matthew Clope Alexander Mbise Anna-Lisa Mbise 

    Cole Miller 

    *Becca Arnold Alexander Mbise Anna-Lisa Mbise 

    Cole Miller 

    Logan Munoz Matthew Clope Journey Koepke 

    James Breidenbach



    Fred Marks Rose Frey 

    Elaine Lucht 

    Gary King Barb Elmer 

    Helen Zelinger

    Lika Phipps Ginny White 

    Dick Koch

    Tech Person  Jennifer Miller  Chris Simon  Vicy Arnold 

    Ushers  Pat Vandenberg, Sue Daubers 

    Altar Guild  Volunteers Needed 

    Coffee Hour Cyndy King 

    Sandy FugateLaurie Belter Gloria Simon 

    Vespers  April 2  April 9  April 16  April 23  April 30 


    NO Vespers on April 2 

    Ray Venegas  Maggie Gruenwald  Janet Venegas  Maggie Gruenwal

    Acolyte (*Senior Acolyte) 

    Natalie Kegel Journey Koepke 

    Kara Breidenbach James Breidenbach

    *Becca Arnold Natalie Kegel 

    Kara BreidenbachJames Breidenbac

    Tech Person 

    Vicy Arnold 




    Living Faith West  April 3  April 10  April 17  April 24 


    Don & Sandy Hansen 

    Amy Sheppard Nikki Halbur 

    Steve Blegen Jim Corman 

    Lika Phipps Chad Saliscente 

    Greeters Lindsey & Camden 

    Smith Steve Blegen  Lisa Peters 

    Kristie Cushmanand kids 

    Tech Person  Linda McGee  Becca Arnold  Adam Smith  Michael Corman 

    Reader  Kevin Ehnert  Steve Engelstad  Chris Malik  Brenda Thomas 

    Prayer  Sandi Kuether  Gayle Engelstad  Margaret Robinson  June Klingbeil 

    Liturgy  Carol Hegmann  Tom Korabik  Jody Pease  Margaret Robinson


    June Klingbeil 

    Michele Burton 

    Tom Korabik Lisa Korabik 

    Austin McGee Logan McGee 

    Margaret Robinson 

    Carol Hegmann Lika Phipps 

    Chad Saliscente 1 or 2 kids 

    Jody Pease 

    Michelle Lovely Grace Lovely 

    Kristie Cushman and kids 

    Jim Corman 

    Jeanne Corman Ellaina Gorske 

    Michelle Larsen Journey Koepke 

    Fellowship Snacks Birthday treat - 

    Jody Pease; othertreats by lots of us 

    Gayle Engelstad Sandi Kuether 

    Lisa Peters Volunteers 


    Godly Play  Jody Pease  Shirley Blegen  Jeanne Corman  TBA 

    14 | The Journey  A publication of Living Faith Lutheran Church 

  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016


    Service Times

    Vespers Service (Quincy) ...................................... Saturdays at 5:00 p.m.  (No Vespers April 2) 

    Sunday Service at Living Faith (Quincy) ………………………….. ............................... 9:15 a.m.

    Sunday Service & Sunday School at Living Faith West Sportsplex ............... .....…. 10:00 a.m.

    Living Faith Church Office Hours

    Monday - Friday .......................................................................................... 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

    Living Faith Staff

    Ministers ................................................................. The People of Living Faith Lutheran ChurchSenior Pastor ............................................................................................... Dr. Warren Williams

     Associate Pastor ................................................................................... Rev. Denise M.H. Mbise

     Administrative Secretary ............................................................................................. Jill Steiner

     Administrative Secretary .......................................................................................Cathi Webster

    Secretary/Book Keeper .......................................................................................... Kim Saunders

    Senior Choir Director ..................................................................................... Dimitri Shapavolov

    Organist /Pianist ....................................................................................................Jill Wanggaard

    Organist /Pianist ........................................................................................................... Tina Perri

    Organist Emeritus ................................................................................................... Fred Hermes

    Pianist................................................................................................................... Tina Tempesta

    Part time Maintenance ................................................................................................ Jay Martin

    Part time Janitorial ................................................................................................... Ollie Nielsen

    Senior Friendship Center Director ............................................................................ Vicki Siefert

    Nutrition Site Supervisor ...................................................................................... Donna Pankoff

    Parish Nurse ............................................................................................... Joannie Williams, RN

    ‘The Journey’ Editor ........................................................................................... Diane Thygeson

    Staff E-mail addresses

    Rev. Denise Mbise ......................................................................... [email protected]

    Dr. Warren Williams ................................................................. [email protected] Steiner .............................................................................................. [email protected]

    Kim Saunders ........................................................................... [email protected]

    Cathi Webster................................................................. [email protected]

    Joannie Williams

    Diane Thygeson ..................................................................................... [email protected]

    General Church E-mail address

    Living Faith E-mail .................................................................. [email protected]

    Living Faith Website ...........................................................................

    Living Faith West Website ...................................................................

    Living Faith Facebook ................. ................ ................ ...

    pril Readings


    April 03 - Second Sunday of Easter 

    1st Reading: Acts 5:27-32 

    Psalm: Psalm 118:14-29 

    2nd Reading: Revelation 1:4-8

    Gospel: John 20:19-31 

    April 10 - Third Sunday of Easter 

    1st Reading: Acts 9:1-6 [7



    Psalm: Psalm 30 

    2nd Reading: Revelation 5:11-14 

    Gospel: John 21:1-19 

    April 17 - Fourth Sunday of Easter 

    1st Reading: Acts 9:36-43 

    Psalm: Psalm 23 

    2nd Reading: Revelation 7:9-17 

    Gospel: John 10:22-30

    April 24 - Fifth Sunday of Easter 

    1st Reading: Acts 11:1-18

    Psalm: Psalm 148 

    2nd Reading: Revelation 21:1-6

    Gospel: John 13:31-35 

    APRIL 2016 ∙ Volume #1, Issue #1  15 

    Free Blood Pressure Clinic


    A free blood pressure clinic will beheld the rst Sunday of each montfollowing the 9:15 service. Pleasestop down to Fellowship Hall after

    the service and have your blood pressure checked!Barb Elmer, RN and Marion Beyer, RN 

    Newsletter Deadline


    Articles to be included in the Mayissue of The Journey should besubmitted to Diane Thygeson

    (email: dfthygeson@ nolater than April 20. 

    If you are not receiving The Journey please call oremail the church ofce to let us know. Thanks!

  • 8/18/2019 The Journey - April 2016




    Living Faith Lutheran Church


    2915 Wright Avenue Racine, WI 53405-5094 

    Published Once a Month 

    Change: Here and Yet to Come 

    Mission Exploration Process

    April 3 - Living Faith Celebration Service

    A Message from the Bishop

    Meet the Staff: Cathi Webster

    Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Foundation