the link - link 2019.pdfhymnal, and 9 in my...

THE LINK The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine and Holy Trinity Ventnor and St Boniface Bonchurch MAY 2019

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Page 1: THE LINK - LINK 2019.pdfHymnal, and 9 in my very old edition of Hymns Ancient and Modern. But in my house the prize goes to the

THE LINK The Parish Magazine for the parishes of

St Catherine and Holy Trinity Ventnor and St Boniface Bonchurch

MAY 2019

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The Ministry Team

Rev’d Canon Hugh Wright 01983 853729

Email: [email protected]

Gill Chaloner Reader 854659

Hilary Davis Reader 855797

Jenny Hopkins-Holder Reader 852575

Gill Smith Reader 856134

Lay Pastoral Assistants

Mary Bell - Jo Nicholson - Sally Fitzgerald

Janet Kay - Joel Whybrew

Ventnor & Bonchurch Parish website address Email: [email protected]


St Catherine’s John Bagshawe and Adrian Pinnock

Holy Trinity Mark Bell and Jo Nicholson

St Boniface Philip Kennerly and George Westcott

Morning Prayer

Tuesday at 9.30am and Thursday at 9.15am at Holy Trinity

Wednesday at 9.30am at St Catherine’s

Friday at 9.00am St Boniface Parish Church

Midweek Services St Catherine’s - Wednesday - 10.30am Holy Communion

Holy Trinity - Thursday - 10.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

Sunday Services Please see inside Link for details of Sunday Services

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Seeing Jesus Clearly by Adrian Pinnock

For about the tenth time I put my sun visor down and up in the car to

block out the sun, so that I could see clearer the road ahead. Not

complaining about the sun, but just wanted to be safe as we drove along.

It started me thinking how, when you take

photographs of an image against the sun to

capture a beautiful sunrise or sunset, the

image can come out completely dark and the

background; completely light, or vice versa.

Before the days of digital cameras how

disappointed you could be when your

photographs came back from the developers

and your friends completely in the darkness

and the background in full sun.

As a Church we’ve celebrated Jesus’ resurrection; there are two

incidences of where, after Jesus had risen from the dead, people didn’t see

him clearly or recognise him straightaway. The first was Mary Magdalene

on the Resurrection Sunday when she mistook Jesus for a gardener. The

second was when the disciples were fishing all night, having not caught

anything, and this man on the beach, calls out to them put down their nets

down on the other side of the boat; they had a full catch of fish.

In both these situations, it was early morning and the sun would have

been low in the sky and behind the image of Jesus. It stopped the people

identifying who he was. We know from the story of Mary Magdalene that

her eyes filled with tears she was in distress and probably wasn’t thinking

clearly. The disciples were tired, worn out, glare off the sea blocking their

view, full of confusion.

I started thinking about what stops us seeing Jesus clearly, when some-

times he is right in front of us. We can be distracted by the things around

us, by our busy lives, or just by the fact that there is so much going on in

our own heads and minds that we are unable to clear our own eyes and

see what is right in front of us. Maybe we don’t expect him to be there in

our situations.

Could it be that we need to put the ‘sun visor’ of our lives up and down

so that it can block out the dazzle, making sure that what is in front of us

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Christian Aid

Christian Aid week this year runs from Sunday 12th May to Saturday 18th May.

The theme this year is — Stand Together

with mums around the World.

Tenneh Bawah is a mum from a village in Sierra Leone. A few years ago

she lost a baby, her village had neither a health clinic nor a trained nurse.

Thankfully, when Tenneh was pregnant a second time, things had

changed for good. Christian Aids partner RADA saw that Tenneh, and

many mums like her, were in desperate need of healthcare. A health

clinic was set up and a trained nurse provided. The nurse safely delivered

Tenneh’s baby. The health clinic is not enough to meet every need. The

roof leaks, only two delivery beds and no lighting.

Every day, 10 women die from giving birth in Sierra Leone. But we

believe every life is worth fighting for.

This Christian Aid Week, you could help give more mums and babies in

Sierra Leone and around the world the greatest gift — the gift of life.

Please give generously. With you help Tenneh’s community could build a

bigger, better health centre. More mums like Tenneh can see their babies

grow and enjoy fullness of life.

Nurse Judith says: ‘I know that for women here, thanks to Christian Aid,

our situation is going to change.’

Please give generously and stand together with mums this Christian Aid


Thank you. Roger Glover.

isn’t obscured by the background noise and confusion, so that we can

spend time with Jesus. It’s not that he isn’t there, maybe it’s us just not

seeing Jesus clearly on our road ahead.

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Soup Lunch

Once again this year we shall be holding a fundraising Soup Lunch, this

it will be during Christian Aid Week. The date Tuesday 14th May. The

time 12.30 - 2pm. The place the side hall, St Catherine‘s Church.

I would be grateful for any contribution of soup and or cakes. My skills

do not lie in that direction. Please contact me if you can help. Thank you.

Please support Christian Aid again this year and let’s help those mums.

Roger Glover.

What is the Emmaus group? ‘It is through reflective study that we really grow in faith and in our spir-

itual formation’

For over a year now and Emmaus group

has been meeting most Thursday evenings

at The Hub in St Catherine’s. This small

group that started as a baptismal prepara-

tion group has now developed into a

weekly discipleship course.

Each week the group follows a number of topics and Bible studies that

allows the group to develop their understanding of their spiritual journey

in relation to the various Bible passages.

This is for everyone who wants to grow in their faith and their spiritual

formation. It is 100% interactive and it is not a lecture or sermon.

If you would like to come along and see what it’s all about, the group

meets at 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm on Thursday evenings.

If you need more details please contact Nicola Pinnock or call her on


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Church Hall

7.30pm - 10pm

17th May

World Day of Prayer 2019

This years service was written and prepared for us by the Christian

women of Slovenia, and was held at Holy Trinity church on Friday

1st March.

We were part of a great wave of prayer encircling the earth, sharing

with people in 120 different countries.

At the heart of the service was the open invitation for all to come to

God’s table, ‘Come, everything is ready!’

We heard the voices of some of those women in Slovenia, wives,

mothers, grandmothers, Roma people, refugees and migrant workers.

Their stories reflect the political and economic situation of Slovenia from

the time it was a socialist-communist state to the present day.

We reflected on the cover painting inspired by the Gospel reading from

Luke chapter 14:15-24 by Rezka Arnus. She has a very special style,

made even more remarkable as she has only 5% vision in good light.

We prayed for forgiveness for being silent in the face of injustice, and

asked that God might open our hearts to compassion and understanding.

We left with a prayer of blessing to mutually support one another on the

path to freedom, justice and peace.

Women from each of the different church groups in Ventnor and

Bonchurch prepared and contributed to the service. It was attended by

36 people. Refreshments were served afterwards, including some very

nice spiced honey biscuits, made with a Slovenian recipe.

Gill Smith

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Hub Cafe at St Catherine’s Church

Monday to Saturday 10:30-12:30

(except Wednesday 11-12:30).

Coffee, Cake, Chat, Companionship .......

PINTS OF VIEW - Summer season

Crab and Lobster Tap Ventnor

Wednesday 1st May - From 7:30 pm

Come and join this ever so popular event with good

company and great conversation

Open to everyone – see you there

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Before the Wesleys Choir practice at Holy Trinity a few weeks ago prompted me to look at yet

another famous hymn writer, but this time pre-dating the famous Wesley

brothers. In fact Isaac Watts was a contemporary of the elder Samuel

Wesley (father of John and Charles of whom I wrote in the March Link) and

he has been dubbed the Godfather of English Hymnody.

He was born in Southampton in 1674 into a family of devout Dissenters (or

Non-Conformists) and so instead of attending Oxford or Cambridge Univer-

sity (the province of Anglicans) he went to what was called the Dissenting

Academy, in Stoke Newington, London.

Prior to that time most of the singing in churches, whether Non-Conformist

or Anglican, took the form of versified psalms. You may be familiar with the

hymn ‘All people that on earth do dwell’, for example, based on Psalm 100

and translated into English from a Genevan Psalter of 1551; and probably ‘The Lord’s my Shepherd’ based on Psalm 23 first found in a Scottish Psalter

of 1650. Isaac Watts, in his youth, complained about the dullness and poor

quality of the writing of these metrical psalms, and his father challenged him

to do better.

Isaac took up the challenge with gusto, and during his lifetime he wrote over

600 hymns, the large majority of which were completed in two ‘Golden

Years’ between his graduation in 1694 and his first teaching job two years

later, at the age of 22. Over 40 of his hymns are still in regular use by a

variety of Christian denominations: Anglicans, Baptists, Methodists,

Presbyterians, and also by Lutherans. There are 11 listed in the New English

Hymnal, and 9 in my very old edition of Hymns Ancient and Modern. But in

my house the prize goes to the Methodist Hymn book (also rather old!) in

which there are 42! (Mind you, there are also 243 credited to Charles

Wesley in the same book!!)

Although some of Watts's hymns are based on psalms, some more loosely

than others, many of them are not, and Watts was criticized for this by those

who thought it wrong to sing "uninspired hymns". This was also a criticism

levelled at the Wesley brothers during their time in America some 50 years

later. Watts took the view that if we can pray to God in sentences that we

have made up ourselves (instead of confining ourselves to prayers taken

directly from the Scriptures), then surely we can sing to God in sentences

that we have made up ourselves.

At this time of the year, we will almost certainly have been singing one of

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Watts’ most famous hymns ‘When I survey the Wondrous Cross’ which is

an example of a hymn not based on a passage from Scripture. Conversely,

another very famous hymn of his - ‘O God our Help in Ages Past’ is based

on Psalm 90. One of his hymns is a favourite of mine which I remember

singing lustily at Sunday School more years ago than I care to remember -

‘Jesus shall reign where’er the sun’. It used to conjure up images of far flung

places in my mind (as did another hymn we used to sing - ‘Hills of the

North Rejoice’ - written rather a lot later by someone else of course).

But there is a more local connection with Isaac Watts than simply his

birthplace in Southampton. From his home he could see the Isle of Wight,

and it inspired him to write another of his well-known hymns ‘There is a

land of pure delight’. It is said that the words at the start of the third verse

were a reflection on the view he could see:

Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressed in living green

So to the Jews old Canaan stood

While Jordan rolled between

Watts also wrote an important book on Logic which, ironically, became the

standard text on the subject at Oxford and Cambridge. Watts wrote this

work for beginners of logic and, perhaps unsurprisingly, arranged the book

methodically. He divided the content of his elementary treatment of logic

into four parts: perception, judgement, reasoning, and method, which he

treated in that order. It was first published in 1724 and ran to 20 editions,

being used at Oxford for 100 years!

Watts never married, and lived in Stoke Newington in the house of his

patrons, Sir Thomas and Lady Mary Abney, for 36 years until his death in

1748. He is buried at Bunhill Fields in Islington, a prominent Non-

Conformist burial ground which also houses the remains of John Bunyan,

Daniel Defoe and William Blake, amongst other famous people. It is now a

pleasant place to walk and escape for a moment the hustle and bustle of the

busy streets alongside it.

Helen Slade

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I was known as a wild child at one time, always seeking something different and exciting. This was 1943 during World War Two.

Cyril was a year older than me so like My two brothers he knew more

about everything than I would ever know

He was a bosom pal of mine from Snodland, a town two and a half miles

from our village of Birling in Kent. He was a brilliant dancer, all the girls

loved him. We used to go dancing at the Jubilee ballroom at Aylesford

almost every Saturday night where there was always a live eight piece.

orchestra along with a Master of Ceremonies or M.C. To keep every-

thing running smoothly.

However, Cyril knew the routines better than anyone although he was

only fifteen at that time. He knew that every Saturday evening at seven

thirty the conductor of the orchestra and M.C .would take a break and

nip out to the bar for a drink together, they would be gone for about

fifteen minutes, so that was a golden opportunity for Cyril to exhibit his

talent : in defiance of all the huge notices proclaiming ‘NO JIVING,’ Cyril

would mount the rostrum and start the orchestra playing a lively tune

and then join everyone on the dance floor in a fantastic jive routine.

( Oh yes, he learned how to conduct the orchestra . )

It was against the rules but it was the highlight of the evening.

By the time the M.C. returned everything was back to normal.

All the musicians were good sports and kept quiet about it and a good

time was had by all. Jiving was frowned upon In those days in the ball-

room, Dancing was restricted to ‘old time’ or so called modern: Quick

step, Waltz, Fox trot, Rumba, Tango and the Palais glide. The M.C. Was

normally in attendance to see that the rules were adhered to and to

deal with any other formality.

As for me, I was a learner who happily joined in with all the excitement

loving every minute and seeking more, more, more. Dressed in light

grey pinstriped trousers and blue sports jacket, a white shirt with a gaudy tie which unmatched with everything.


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Cherubim are everywhere in our laughter and our tears

Watching over us in childhood and in later years.

their work is never ending watching over us with love.

Representing Holy Angels from the Heavenly Realms above.

They know we are not perfect, needing guidance here and there

That is when they spark our conscience they are always very fair.

God knows we crave enjoyment, relaxation of our mind,

a sort of re-creation of the human kind.

If dancing is our venue, then let it be, Amen,

A harmless relaxation to indulge in now and then.

To use our sense of humour is also good for us,

It is good to let our guard down without ado or fuss.

Cherub Billy says: “ be natural, be loving, kind and true,”

Forget those airs and graces, be simply, really you.

Let: ‘I love you ! ‘ be your motto, what better phrase to use ?

Be your natural, caring, loving self which ever one you choose.

We all are very human enjoying life on earth

Take a minute to evaluate, Think of what it’s worth We are free, as free as birds who have the freedom of the air

Let us all be thankful as all creatures everywhere.

Our Cherubs will be with us as they always were of old,

I always will remember when I was young and bold

Yes, Cherubim of yesteryear continue in their love

To keep us ever close to them and those in Heaven above.


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Thank you to Bonchurch and Ventnor for supporting our Easter

Fair on Saturday April 13th. There were so many of you and it

was a huge success. Not only financially (£735.00) but there was

there was a really terrific atmosphere. Everyone seemed to

enjoy themselves. We are indebted to the shops and businesses

who so generously donated raffle prizes.

Thursday May 16th

Sally Halsey (piano) and Joshua Lynch (cello) will be giving a

concert in Bonchurch Parish Church. It will be a treat I know so

do please come. Details to be confirmed.

It seems to be coming round very quickly but it is not long now till our

FLOWER FESTIVAL which will be held in Bonchurch Parish Church

from Friday June 14th to Sunday June 16th. The title is from Beatrix to

Harry and each flower arrangement will depict a scene from a child’s


It will be open on Friday from 10am – 4 pm with morning coffee/tea,

lunch and afternoon tea being served.

In the evening will be our HOME GROWN CONCERT

The concert will feature St Boniface’s very own musicians, performing

together and as soloists, and on instruments and in repertoire you don’t

normally associate them with.

Our musicians are a talented mix of professionals and keen amateurs,

who have performed across the Island, the country, Europe and beyond.

They will entertain you with a diverse programme ranging through

sacred and secular classical repertoire through to jazz.

We have lots of treats planned, come and enjoy!

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It will start at 7pm with a welcome drink and a chance to see the flowers

with the concert starting at 7.30. There will be refreshments in the

interval and the tickets will be £7.50.

On Saturday The Flower Festival will be open from 10 am – 5 pm with

morning coffee/tea, lunch and afternoon tea.

On Sunday The Flower Festival will be open from 1 pm – 5pm with light

lunch and a cream tea being served.

In the evening there will be Evensong with our new Archdeacon

Reverend Canon Peter Leonard.

25 % of the proceeds from the Flower Festival will go to Dementia UK

Isle of Wight Admiral Nurses appeal. The remainder will go towards

restoring two of our fabulous stained glass windows which sadly are in a

parlous state of repair.

If you feel inspired to do an arrangement or would like to have a loved

one remembered on the commemorative tree, please contact

Sally Fitzgerald on 07773 747027 or [email protected].

24TH March. George Wescott was awarded by the Bishop of

Portsmouth, The Rt Revd Christopher Foster with the St Thomas

Award for 2019.

This award recognises exemplary

Christian service to the community, the

world or the church. Many in our

diocese serve generously and faithfully

without expecting or needing thanks or

recognition. The Bishops intention in

initiating this award is to honour all that is

done in Christ’s name and to mark

particularly distinguished service.

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Monday Evening 7.45pm

Contact Jenny Holder 852575

Tuesday Evening - 8.00pm

At Mick and Nava Young’s St Andrews, Belgrave Road. PO38 1JH


Ventnor Townswomen's Guild

Guild 70th Birthday social afternoon

Mad Catters Tea Party

May 15th 2.15pm

Resident’s Lounge. Knights Court, High Street, Ventnor.

Social Studies Group IW Local Acts of Parliament

Dr Paul Bingham 13th May 2.15pm

Held in the Resident’s lounge at Byrnhill Grove, Park Avenue.

For more information contact Mrs Barbara Joyner - 651577

£1 per meeting including refreshments.

EMMAUS GROUP - Thursdays 7pm.

The Hub. St Catherine's Church.

Contact: Nicola Pinnock on 01983 852412

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First Thursday of the month at 9am

St Catherine's Church.

A warm welcome to breakfast and a

friendly chat. For further information

contact John - 852575


On June 9th, Pentecost Sunday, there will be a ‘Beacon’

celebration, lead by the Bishop, as part of the

Archbishops’ ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ initiative, in

Portchester Castle. A free coach will leave Newport

at 12 for the 1pm ferry.

Will anyone else join Hugh for this event?

On that day St Catherine’s will start worship at

10am. Please sign notices at the back of church or see


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The Hub Coffee Shop


Can you spare two hours, once a month, to help in The Coffee Shop in the Hub at

St Catherine's Church?

We need more volunteers for Saturdays. Training will be given.

Contact Janet on 853901 or visit the Hub.

FOR SALE A few paintings by Duncan Radcliffe are available

for sale in the Hub Coffee shop in

St Catherine’s Church. They will be priced from

£40 to £60 with half of the money going to the

Churchyard enhancement project.

MAY 16th 8pm - SPRING QUIZ Crab and Lobster Tap Grove Road. Ventnor

In aid of the Friends of St Catherine’s Church

Fee - £3 per person. Raffle Contact: Gordon Pollard 407064

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Don’t forget to pick up your free copy of the new look

@CofEPortsmouth. Issued quarterly.

11th May 3pm - 5pm

St Francis Academy - Upper Ventnor

“Come and share a meal with us”

Children must be accompanied by a

parent/guardian or carer. Do please tell any families you know

about this Free event.

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Friday 7th JUNE - 1pm till 5pm

Saturday 8th JUNE - 10am till 4.30pm

St Catherine’s Church

Sales, Table, Raffle. Refreshments

Admission £1- Children Free

Show Organisers - Contact

Chairman - S Fraser 857383

Treasurer - F Lucas 855406

Bonchurch Parish Church

First Tuesday of the month

10am – noon

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St Catherine’s Church

Monday 27th May - 7:00pm

Chiltern Music Academy Concert

Free entry --- Contact:

[email protected]

St Boniface

Easter Fair

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Bank Holiday Coffee Morning

at Holy Trinity Hall

Monday, May 27th

10.00 -12.00

Refreshments, Cake stall, Preserves,


Admission Free


On May 3rd at 7pm we welcome Jules Riding

from New Zealand to perform at St Catherine’s

Church. Jules is an award-winning Christian

songwriter of great depth. It will be an enjoyable

and thought-provoking evening.

Retiring collection

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Articles for the JUNE LINK should be received by MAY

11th please. You can hand it in at the Hub or email it to

Joan Garlick at [email protected]

Hand written articles are accepted if you do not have access to

a computer.

Carisbrooke Priory

Open Door Speakers for May 2019

Open Door Meeting every Thursday at 12 Noon

2nd May Kelvin Burke (Communion)

9th May Elizabeth Lilley

16th May Dennis Lloyd

23rd May Anne Linington

30th May Taizé Style Worship

A light lunch is available after the service

Activities @ The Priory

Poetry Past & Present with Anne Linington

Friday 10th May – 10.30-11.45 a.m.

Music and Melodies with June Cox

Thursday 16th May – 2.00-3.30 p.m.

Crochet Café

Every Friday from 11.00 a.m. until 1.00 p.m.

For more information, please contact the Priory on 01983 523354

Phone: 01983 523354

Email: [email protected]


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Thanks to Mike Wood for our weather information for Ventnor.

Ventnor - MARCH weather. Ventnor weather March

Rainfall of 47.5mm was 90% of the average. All of the rain fell in 16 of

the first 18 days. The wettest day was the 3rd with 10.6mm. The mean temperature of 9.5C was the second highest on record after

9.9C in 2012. The warmest day was the 26th with 16.1C. This was the

highest March temperature since the 16th March 2014. Coldest night

was the 11th with only 2.9C

St Catherine’s Church SPRING FAYRE

Saturday 18th May - From 10am – 3pm

PLANTS Cakes - Preserves - Books

Bric-a- Brac - Refreshments

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May 5th The Third Sunday of Easter

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m.” Come and See” Café Church, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

May 12th The Fourth Sunday of Easter

9.30a.m. Morning Worship, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

6.30p.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

May 19th The Fifth Sunday of Easter

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Morning Worship, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

May 26th The Sixth Sunday of Easter

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Morning Worship, St Boniface Church

6.30p.m. Evening Service, Bonchurch Old Church

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Bible Readings

May 5th The Third Sunday of Easter

Acts 9:1-6 (7-20)

Revelation 5:11-end

St John 21:1-19

May 12th The Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts 9:36-end

Revelation 7:9-end

St John 10:22-30

May 19th The Fifth Sunday of Easter

Acts 11:1-18

Revelation 21:1-6

St John 13:31-35

May 26th The Sixth Sunday of Easter

Acts 16:9-15

Revelation 21:10,22-22:5

St John 14:23-29

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BEREAVEMENT GROUP….Can we help you?

We are aware that there are a number of

people who have been bereaved and might

like someone to talk to.

If this is YOU or someone you know, please contact any of the

Bereavement Group from St Catherine’s, Holy Trinity and

St Boniface, by telephoning 01983 853729 or visit the Hub at

St Catherine’s any morning between 10.30 am and 12.30pm.

Anything you wish to discuss will be treated with absolute


PRAYER CHAIN Many of you especially newcomers to the Church may not

know about THE PRAYER CHAIN which has been going

for a very long time.

It is made up with a prayerful group of people who pass on

confidential prayers one to another.

If anyone has a confidential or urgent prayer for themselves

or other people, whether members of the Church or not,

then they can ring me on 01983 731142 or email me on

[email protected]

Ann Radcliffe

PRAYER TIME Each SATURDAY afternoon between 1.30pm and 2.30pm

in the HUB, St Catherine’s Church.

For more information contact Ann Allen

Page 27: THE LINK - LINK 2019.pdfHymnal, and 9 in my very old edition of Hymns Ancient and Modern. But in my house the prize goes to the


Page 28: THE LINK - LINK 2019.pdfHymnal, and 9 in my very old edition of Hymns Ancient and Modern. But in my house the prize goes to the


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