the message march 2010

MARCH 2, 2010 VOLUME 12, NUMBER 2 Charity Messiah at Christ Church, 3 Children’s Easter & Spring Events, 4-5 Holy Week & Easter Schedule, 6 St. Petersburg, Russia, Mission Trip, 9

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Christ Episcopal Church's newsletter, The Message, issue March 2010.


Page 1: The Message March 2010

march 2, 2010 • Volume 12, Number 2

Charity Messiah at Christ Church, 3Children’s Easter & Spring Events, 4-5

Holy Week & Easter Schedule, 6St. Petersburg, Russia, Mission Trip, 9

Page 2: The Message March 2010

Christ Episcopal Church510 Belknap PlaceSan Antonio, TX 78212

210-736-3132 office210-733-1423

In this issue:

Music Ministry ...................... 3

Lenten 2010 Offering .......... 3

Children’s Ministry ...........4-5

Letter from John Barrett .... 6

Holy Week & Easterat Christ Church .................. 6

Our Church Life ................... 7

Distinguished ServiceAward for 2009.................... 8

Russia Mission Trip .............. 9

World Missions ....................10

Student Ministry .................11

Children’s Musical callfor 1st - 6th graders ..........11

Calendar of Events ............12

Hearts & Hands Valentine’s Tea pictures ....13

Cover photo by Susanna Kitayama, Children’s Easter Egg Hunt, April 11, 2009.

I am reading more poetry than I ever have, and writing a little. Billy Collins, Wendell Berry, and Denise Levertov. Is Collins’ “Love” (Nine Horses Poems) the best poem ever written? Or is it Levertov’s “Agnes Dei” (The Stream and the Sapphire)? What excites me is the economy of words poets use to capture a moment or emotion. When I think about us begin-ning a new year, planning for Lent, and being on the verge of some exciting things at Christ Church, I think of a similar time in Israel’s history: Deuteronomy 8. Moses had some words with his people! They were poised on the edge of entering the Prom-ised Land, but Moses saw that they were taking it all for grant-ed. He had some stern fatherly advice for them. I wrote this poem about that. DEUTERONOMY 8 We certainly don’t deserveeven a bit of all that rushes at uswith the pace and authority of a fast-moving river. We refuse gratitude’s handand a boost over the fence into the yardwhere healthy children horse around and make better decisions than we did.

Dear christ church Parishioners,Hardly anyone stops any moreto listen to the place where the river makes a noise. The last timesomeone gasped for amazementbefore Whis-tler’s The White Girlwas forty years agowhen the stains tears make were hidden behind discrete tissues. As quickly as we remember two vegetable things about Egyptwe forget theflaky bread and quail memoriesof the sweet days past. We have been stupor sensitizedas if we have been waiting on the curb forthree days for the sofa to be delivered any minute. Poor God to have only us. Only a lush new landcan possibly awaken in ussomething resembling him. Chuck Collins

chuck collinsrector

[email protected]

F r o m

Page 3: The Message March 2010

�Photo submitted by Owen Duggan.

m I N I S T r Y

owen dugganminister of [email protected]

Charity Messiah at Christ ChurchMarch 28, 3:30 PM

It took George Frideric Handel a mere two days to map out the architecture of what would be-come one of the most loved and performed musical works in history. Today at this moment, the same as any day, someone somewhere is listening to, prac-ticing, or performing Messiah.

The libretto or text of the orato-rio, derived entirely from the Bi-ble, was written and presented to Handel by Charles Jennens, a man with strong convictions of the orthodoxy of the Anglican Church. The English Church in the mid 1700s was under as-sault from the Dissenters on the left, who would do away with the Episcopacy entirely, and the Romanists on the right with their relentless campaign to restore the authority of the papacy in England. The stated purpose of Jennens in his gift to Handel was that the words of Messiah were to be used by the composer for his own benefit and that the finished work be performed during Holy Week.

Upon issuing these instructions perhaps Jennens knew of Han-del’s personal financial woes at the time, or perhaps he felt the celebrity composer-direc-tor simply deserved a reward for his talent and hard work in the church community. How-ever, Handel chose to offer the debut of Messiah as a “Charity Matinee.” And so it was billed in Dublin in the spring of 1742

and attended by many with great enthusiasm. To allow for more room gentlemen were requested to attend “without swords.” As it turns out subsequent performances were to provide Handel with a secure financial fu-ture. Two years after the first performance of Messiah it was revised and offered in London to benefit the Foundling Hospi-tal for abandoned and abused children.

This coming Holy Week on Palm Sunday, March 28, at 3:30 PM we will attempt to revive the generous spirit in which this noble and timeless work was created and raise money for CAM (Christian Assistance Min-istry) and SAMM (San Antonio Metropolitan Ministry). We hope to assist these worthy Chris-tian-based organizations in the light of the recent economic difficulties faced by so many in our city.

Tickets for Messiah are $18 for adults and $6 for students (advance purchase only). Tick-ets will be offered at the door at the rate of $20/$8. A special opportunity for giving is avail-able, the Composer’s Circle, requiring a donation of $40. Composer’s Circle patrons will enjoy reserved seating and an invitation to a special reception to follow. For more informa-tion, please contact Anna at the church, 210-736-3132.

musical mercy – charity messiah at christ church

Foundling Hospital in London

Lent 2010 at Christ Church

Tuesdays at our Simply Delicious


Lunch at 11:30 Talk at 12:00

“Lessons on Being a Wounded Healer”

Come and hear “stories of brokeness” of our parish leaders and

how the brokeness has

resulted in blessing.

Mar. 2: Tom Frost

Mar. 9: Tom


Mar. 16: Wendell Hall

Mar. 23: Brooke


Purchase your tickets for Charity

Messiah online!

Please click here.

Page 4: The Message March 2010

�Egg hunt photo by Susanna Kitayama.

our Playground

m I N I S T r Y

halleta heinrichDirector of children’s

[email protected]

Come Celebrate Our New Playground!

Playground DedicationSunday, March 7, 9:30 AMArea between the Carriage

House and the FMCBreakfast served for all in the newly refurbished Carriage

House! We invite the entire Christ Church Parish to come togeth-er in celebration of our new playground by taking part in a Playground Dedication, Sun-day, March 7, at 9:30 AM. The dedication will take place in the area between the Carriage House and the Family Ministry Center, our playground loca-tion. Breakfast will be served for all in the newly refurbished Carriage House. After the dedi-cation, children will have the opportunity to try out this new and colorful addition to our campus. Children’s Ministry of Christ Church thanks all of those members who gave so gracious-ly to make this long-sought-after goal a reality. This is a wonderful gift to our current children, Christ Church chil-dren to come, and the children of Respite Care of San Antonio who are housed in the FMC six days a week. Special gratitude goes to our Playground Com-mittee led by Renee Sethness and also including Jennifer Shemwell, Amy Case, and Marie Smith.

Come Celebrate!

Palm Processional, Sunday, March 28 Children will participate in the Palm Sunday Processional at the beginning of both 8:30 and 11:00 AM services. They should gather in front of the church at 8:15 AM or 10:45 AM to receive palms to wave in honor of Je-sus, our long-awaited Messiah, as it took place 2,000 years ago in Jerusalem. Children will continue onto Children’s Cha-pel for a Palm Sunday lesson following the procession. Good Friday Retreat, Friday, April 2 from 12:00-3:00 PM Children are invited to gather in room 208 of the Family Minis-try Center where they will learn about the events of Holy Week as they view a model of the City of Jerusalem in a presentation. They will also participate in a reenactment of the Last Supper, playing various roles of those present in the Upper Room at this pivotal event. Children will conclude the retreat by helping to prepare for the Easter Egg Hunt and Liturgy of Light Fam-ily Service that will take place the following day. Snacks will

be served at the retreat, but chil-dren should eat an early lunch before coming to the retreat. Easter Egg Hunt and Liturgy of Light Service, Saturday, April 3 at 10:00 AM Children and parents should gather in the Tomlin Room of the Family Ministry Center in order to prepare for the Liturgy of Light Family Service. During this brief service, the Easter story from the Gospels will be told and each family will receive the Light of Christ as a reminder of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Savior. After the service, all will join on the lawn for the Easter Egg Hunt, a celebration of new life in Christ. There will be a traditional hunt for toddlers through second graders and a scavenger hunt with prizes for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. A family Easter craft will also be available for each family present as well as some great Easter refresh-ments. Our friend the Easter Bunny will be at the hunt for some great photo opportuni-ties. Bring your Easter baskets and a camera. Easter Sunday Flowering of the Cross Processional at 8:30 and 11:00 AM servicesChildren may bring flowers from home in order to par-ticipate in the Flowering of the Easter Egg Hunt, 2009

Spring-Time events

Page 5: The Message March 2010

Cross Procession. Children’s Chapels will be held at 8:30 and 11:00 with an Easter lesson on Easter Sunday, April 4. Children will be brought into the church at announcement time to add flowers to a wooden cross, bringing life, color, and beauty as symbols of the Resurrection. Children will join their parents for Communion after the pro-cession.

Children’s Communion Celebration, Sunday, April 11During 11:00 ServiceThe children of this year’s Com-munion Class will be honored with a celebration during the 11:00 AM service. Children will process into the service with their class banner and will be called forward to be presented to the parish. Each will receive a special gift from the church and their parents. A reception honoring the class will be held in the Tomlin Room of the FMC after the service. These children will have com-pleted an eight-session class enriching their understanding of the gift of Christ we receive in Holy Communion. A day-long Communion Retreat held at the church on Saturday, April 10, serves as a time of fellowship, fun, and preparation for Com-munion Celebration day. Par-ents of children participating in the class help in class sessions and at the retreat, as well as crafting the class banner and planning the reception honor-ing the children.

VBS 2009 photos by Susanna Kitayama.

Come Spend a While on the Nile!

VBS 2010June 21st – 25th

Any city, Egypt.

Dusty streets full of families bustling through town, following hieroglyphic signage to their next destination.

The marketplace is alive with vendors weaving baskets and making bricks. Others are selling their wares—ornate jewelry, linen fabrics, and toys. Animals stir in a nearby courtyard. And the food! Pomegranates, smoked salmon, honey, figs, and bread… the fla-vors are incredible!

An enormous palace serves as the epicenter of business, political, and social activity. Word on the street is that Pharaoh brought a guy named Joseph from prison (bummer!) to the palace (now THAT’S livin’) and put him in charge of storing and distribut-ing food. The story goes that Joseph interprets a few dreams (what?!?!), wows a few royal officials (show-off) and POOF! He’s large and in charge! Sounds strange, right? Well, there’s more… this Joseph is on the outs with his brothers (discouraging), leads Egypt through a famine (hopeless), then forgives his broth-ers (heartfelt), and FINALLY, settles everyone together with him in Egypt (victory). Talk about a roller coaster ride of emotion! Yet, God never gives Joseph more than he can handle.

Are you all wrapped up in this crazy story? There’s much more to discover. Don’t get left in the dust! Walk like an Egyptian this summer and join us for VBS!

Brooke Peacock, VBS Director 2010

Click on the picture to view a video about this VBS program!

Page 6: The Message March 2010

John Barrettasst. [email protected]

Barbara, the boys, and I want to thank the church for their prayers and care during my two heart surgeries in November at the Cleveland Clinic. We were blessed deeply by your notes in the mail and postings on Caring Bridge. We could not have gotten through this tough time without you. You exemplified what the church body can do for those in need,

especially for Barbara and me as we were so far away from home and the boys.

Special thanks go to Chuck, and Allison and Jaimie Hayne for flying up to Cleveland to support us through the very difficult second surgery. Also we thank the “Hail Mary” team for their emergency oversight of William, Henry, Johnny, and Matthew. As well, the deli-cious dinners and baked goods were brought to our door in abundance by many saints well beyond the surgery and into my recovery.

The Lord needs to be thanked above all, for He surely was with us through some dark

moments. There were some remarkable times when employ-ees at the clinic reached out to us in prayer—cardiologists, nurses, technicians, a food server. The experience certainly has profoundly affected me, and it ever will influence my ministry. At some point I hope to give a witness of the trial as a means of glorifying the Lord and his faithfulness.

The ordeal kept me out of ministry for a long time. Chuck and Scott bore the brunt of that absence. I thank them, too, for giving me ample time to mend. What amazing grace.

Before I left for that trip to Ohio, a friend wrote down words from Psalm 103 for me to hold on to. I read those words from the pulpit during announcements back in early November before my departure, and I repeat them now as a re-minder of His faithfulness.

“Bless the Lord, O my soulAnd all that is within me, bless His holy name.

Bless the Lord, O my soulAnd forget none of His benefits.Who pardons all your iniquities,Who heals all your diseases;Who redeems your life from the pit,Who crowns you with loving-kindness and compassion.”

Thank you Christ Church!

Sincerely,John Barrett

heartfelt Thanks

holy Week

March 28: Palm Sunday, with children’s palm processional

March 28: Charity Messiah at 3:30 PM

April 1: Maundy Thursday, Commemorating the Last Sup-per, 6:00 PM

April 2: Good Friday service with Max Lucado and meditations, 12:00-3:00 PM

April 3: Easter Egg Hunt and Children’s Liturgy of Light service at 10:00 AM

Easter Sunday

April 4: Easter Sunday

7:30 AM Brief Communion Service

8:30 AM Holy Eucharist with children’s flowering of the cross processional

11:00 AM Holy Eucharist with baptisms & children’s flowering of the cross processional

6:00 PM Evening Communion

Hallelujah! He has burst through the three-day prison, tell it out with

joyful song!

Page 7: The Message March 2010

c h u r c h l I F e

Voci di Sorelle San Antonio’s

Premier Women’s Ensemble

Travelin’ Shoes: American Songs and Spirituals Sunday, March 7, 2010, 3:00 PM Christ Episcopal Church

Voci di Sorelle is an a cappella group of 12 female singers renowned for exquisite per-formances that showcase the power, versatility, and beauty of women’s voices. Founded in 2004, by Artistic Director, Ruth Moreland, the ensemble’s per-formances are eclectic—ranging from early music to modern jazz to traditional folk melo-dies and world music. Listed in San Antonio Express-News’ Top 10 Best of 2008, the ensemble’s sound has been described as “ethereal and transcendent”. “Travelin’ Shoes” celebrates the rich cultural heritage of Amer-ica’s spiritual music. The pro-gram features music from the Shakers, campmeeting hymns, Southern Harmony shaped notes, and African American spirituals. Included is a collec-tion of songs by Shaker women, a rare spiritual from the South Carolina Sea Islands and beau-tiful a cappella settings of “Amazing Grace” and “’Tis a Gift to be Simple”.

Tickets available online or call 210-912-9555. Adults $20, students w/ID $12. Reception following hosted by Christ Church Friends of Music.

Photo of Ruth Moreland, Artistic Director of Voci di Sorelle, submitted by Ruth Moreland.

BaptismsWilliam Jackson Canavan

MarriagesLeischen McEldowny & Stephen GrayKatherine

Anne Venson & Blake Edward Loftin

DeathsDorothy Spencer DeBona,Robert “Rusty” Konitz,Robert Camp,George Clifton, Jr.,Leo Charles Hearn,Genevieve Lykes Duncan,Althea Kirkwood,Merry Molteni

* Through Feb. 2, 2010.

Please submit all announcements for the Sun-day bulletins and weekly email newsletters to Cherelle Liddle at [email protected] of 736-3132. This is temporary while Laura Shaver plans to be out on maternity leave. Thank you.

If you have remembered Christ Church in your will, you are looking at using your net worth in the light of eternity. Thanks to many parishio-ners over the years, we have the opportunity to offer college and seminary scholarships to needy children, to do major capital repairs, and to reach around the world in outreach and ministry. If you park in the lower parking lot or in Tem-ple Beth El’s parking lot on Sundays, you are showing kindness to our older parishioners and visitors who can park up close. Thanks for your thoughtfulness.

Christian Women’s Conference at Christ Church: Friday, March 26, 6:30 to 9:00 PM and Saturday, March 27, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Keynote speaker Susan Alexander Yates offers a light-hearted, instructive perspective on the chal-lenges facing women and families today.

* Please click here to register. Enter your personal information. Under “Please select an option,” choose “Event Registration.” You will then select the “Refresh Your Spirit Conference.” Tickets are $25.00/person and this in-cludes both days and refreshments. You may purchase up to ten tickets at one time.

Calling All Children, Teens and Adults! Mark your calendars now for Christ Church VBS 2010, June 21 -25! Directors Brooke Peacock and Amy Case are already making plans for us to “Jour-ney With Joseph From Prison to Palace”. We will need Egyptian Family Moms/Dads, Big Brothers and Sisters, Drama Team Members, Marketplace Shopkeepers, and Games Directors. * Registra-tion will begin Palm Sunday, March 28. Contact Brooke, Amy, or Halleta if you feel called to lead or help in any area of VBS.


Page 8: The Message March 2010

Distinguished Service award for 2009January 24, 2010

“For God is not unjust; he will not overlook your work and the love that you showed for his sake in serving the saints, as you still do.” Hebrews 6:10

It is my joy to present to Gary Birdwell the Christ Episcopal Church DISTINGUISHED SER-VICE AWARD for 2009. Gary, you join an extraordinary group of individuals who, since 1975 when this award was started, share this honor. Even though a “staff member” has never received this award before, there is no question that you deserve this distinction for the many ways you have selflessly, boldly, and generously served the needs of this Christ Church family.

In your position as Parish Ad-ministrator you have assembled and cared for a church staff that is truly outstanding. You have reminded us over and over again that our jobs are more than jobs, but opportunities to affect God’s Kingdom. You have watched over and protected the financial interests of Christ Church by insisting that we live within our means, that we have absolute integrity in our handling of the stewardship entrusted to us, and by devel-oping budgets that reflect our mission-minded priorities.

You have served as project manager for the renovations, special projects, and countless repairs over the years. And you

have handled complaints about bird poop and trash in the parking lot with respect and grace. And, not least of all, you have been a loyal friend and advisor to this rector through good and hard times in ways no one else in this parish knows.

I will never forget the day you spread trash in the hallways to see if the staff and/or parishio-ners would pick it up. I will nev-er forget your anguish of hav-ing to decide how to cut staff hours and positions during the financial crisis of 2008. And I will never forget your patience with me, when inside (I’m sure) you were screaming: “How can this guy be so starry-eyed about such obvious things?!”

One of Christ Church’s core values states, “We center our faith and worship on the fullest revelation of God in his Son Je-sus Christ.” Gary I see Christ in you and thank God for sending you to us. Today we recognize and give thanks for your Christ-centered spirit among us.

Respectfully yours,The Rev. Charles B. CollinsRector

Gary Birdwell,Parish


Congratulations to the newly elected vestry members: Brad Camp, Tom Frost, Wendell Hall, Tom Kingman, Brooke Peacock

Greg King was appointed by our rector to be Senior Warden, Rick Archer was elected Junior Warden, and Wendell Hall the Vestry Clerk. Thanks for keep-ing our vestry in your prayers for God’s wisdom.

Dear Lord, perfect your will in our lives and help us day by day to become purer, freer, and more heavenly as we seek to do your will here on earth in sometimes very difficult situa-tions. Make us instruments of your tender love so that through us the world may know of your tender care; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Are you going to heaven?(click above)

Page 9: The Message March 2010

�Article by Renee Sethness. Photos submitted by Greg Sethness.

It is hard to believe our first mission trip to Russia was 12 years ago. That summer of 1998, the then assistant rector, Greg Powell, asked our family to be part of a team going to a summer camp outside of St. Petersburg to share the gospel with Russian orphans. There were 20 in our group from Christ Church and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. The whole idea of a mission trip to Rus-sia was scary. But little did we know, this was to be a life-changing experience for each of us.

Since that summer, Greg and I have made at least a dozen more mission trips to Russia with other members of Christ Church and with Christians from other local churches. Why do we return? It is because of the relationships we have estab-lished with the Russian orphans and with the dedicated Chris-tians in Russia who are trying to help these children and need our support.

This January Greg and I trav-eled once more to St. Peters-burg, along with Steve Denny, the senior warden at St. Thom-as Episcopal Church. We stayed in one of the family homes and met with the family home staff and the children who benefit from the Family Home Program (Christian-based group homes for orphans transitioning out of the orphanages). For several years, Christ church has sup-ported this ministry.

russia mission Trip 2010The highlight of our trip was visiting with younger orphans left in the orphanage for the holidays. About 30 children were taken to a camp out in the country. Outside were mountains of snow, but the children remained indoors with only a TV as entertainment. We used the money from the Noisy Offering to buy 25 sleds and plastic discs. The children had a ball! What a joy it was to see them laughing as they slid down the hills over and over again! These children learned a little more about Christianity that week and how Christians at Christ Church care enough at Christmas time to bring some joy to their lives.

Thank you Christ Church!

View the pictures!

Please click here to view all the pictures from the trip to St.

Petersburg, Russia.

Orphanage #51 kids at camp enjoying the sleds.

Arthur & Nina’s Family Home

Vera & Volodya’s Family Home

Interpretors - the “twins,” Nelly & Liza (also orphan graduates)

Page 10: The Message March 2010


m I S S I o N S

christ church missionsB lessings –

We celebrate the affirmation of the importance of Mission to this congregation with the approval of an allocation of $100,000 for World Missions in the 2010 church budget.

Greg and Renee Sethness had a successful trip to Russia in early January (see page 9), where they visited orphanages and tran-sitional homes and provided financial and spiritual support to those served in these facilities.

Our monthly Noisy Offerings continue to be a fun and educa-tional time of helping others as our congregation and our chil-dren work together to provide “noisy” support for needs out-side of our church family.

Upcoming Opportunities in the Mission Field:Four trip possibilities are in the works for summer 2010. If there is interest, a trip to Rus-sia may be in the offering.

The church is looking at a plan that would allow us to make a commitment to the Bunyaro-Kitara Diocese in Hoima, Uganda. An exploratory trip will probably be organized to allow church members to see the area and make firm plans for how we can best serve the people of Hoima.

The groundwork is being done for a trip in late June or early July to south-east Mexico. This trip will be family- and youth-oriented and would be centered

around providing a VBS program for the children at Hogar Infantil, a facility in the Chiapas region serving destitute, abandoned, and abused children.

Louis Manz will be taking a trip to Honduras in late July/early August to work on the Honduran Water Well project. This could be a great father/son opportunity.

If you have interest in going to Russia, Uganda or south-east Mexico, please email Leslie at [email protected] for further information. If you are interested in Honduras, please contact Louis at [email protected].

Requests:Rev. Alison Barfoot, currently serving under Bishop Henry Orombi in Uganda, has requested laptop computers for a program being organized in Northern Kenya that would train indig-enous missionaries. If you have a laptop computer you are willing to donate, please contact John at [email protected].

Elizabeth Mesick will be travel-ing to Central America in March to provide dental care to those in the Toledo District of Belize. Please keep her travels and her work in your prayers.

During our time in Hoima last summer, we visited with children at the Peragiya Integrated Baby’s Home in the tiny village of Bug-wuara. This Baby’s Home has been through many difficulties in the past few months. Please pray

that the children cared for in this facility will continue to be protected, loved, and nurtured.

Duane and Sha-ron Miller (and their two young children), in Nazareth, will be on furlough in the United States for the 2010-2011 school year and will be in need of a place to stay and the use of a car. If you can be of help to them by providing either a home or transportation, please contact Leon at [email protected].

Bishop Ben and Gloria Kwashi of Jos, Nigeria, continue to have to deal with significant unrest in the area. Please pray for God’s protection for these spe-cial friends of Christ Church as they serve the Lord under very difficult and dangerous circum-stances.

Greg & Renee Sethness inSt. Petersburg, Russia

leslie kingmanmissions chair

[email protected]

Page 11: The Message March 2010


m I N I S T r Y

“New” carriage house...come see!

Sundays in the Carriage House6th – 12th grade students: Come find a place on a couch and hang out with your friends in your newly renovated Car-riage House.

9:30 AM: breakfast tacos, pas-tries, etc., along with great music

10:00 AM: gather for student-led songs; Confirmation class will go to room 246, the Jr. High Dept. will go upstairs, and the High School will stay down-stairs. A great, low-key time of fun, friends, and Bible Study for Jr. and Sr. High students.

Jr. High Leaders: Dennis Eber-hardt (Director), Laura Hardin, Jessica WilsonSr. High Leader: Daniel GenschSr. High/Student Asst. Director: Megan GenschSr. High/Student Director: Rich-ard Peacock

Contact Richard Peacock at [email protected], 824-0511.

Sunday, May 2ndYouth Sunday: A great day of youth led-wor-ship, with Jr, and Sr. High volunteers needed to be ushers and readers. Graduating se-niors, please get us your name, graduating date, and any plans for continuing college studies so we can include you. Sunday, May 16thConfirmation Sunday: Confirmands please make sure the needed information (espe-cially your baptismal date) has been submitted to Kennon Gug-lielmo or Richard Ellwood. Summer Mission Trip to Mexico: The planning for a student/par-ent mission trip to an orphan-age in Mexico is well underway. This is an IDEAL trip for first-time mission trip attendees, so please let Richard Peacock know if you have any interest at all and we’ll include you in an informal, informational meeting that will occur soon once plans advance.

Save the Dates

Calling all 1st-6th graders:

Come be a part of Christ Church history! The Christ Church Mastersingers and Minisingers will present a brand-new musical on May 9! Hot off the press, this wonder-ful story of one of the most amazing miracles of Jesus will be presented in honor of all mothers on their special day.

Entitled “Table for Five…Thou-sand!” this delightful songs-and-dialogue musical reveals how one young boy with five loaves of bread and two fish, along with a willingness to share, led to an event so star-tling it is recounted in all four New Testament Gospels. All students from 1st through 6th grade are invited to use their gifts by singing God’s praises in this special way. Rehearsals are Wednesday afternoons from 4:00-5:00 PM and we have a spot just for YOU!

For more information, con-tact Ruth Berg at 824-2600 or [email protected].

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administer-ing God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Page 12: The Message March 2010


March 2: Lenten Offering at SDL, speaker: Tom Frost

March 7: Playground Dedication & Open House of Carriage House, with breakfast for all at 9:30 AM

March 7: Welcome Tour, 10:00 AM at the gazebo

March 7: Voci di Sorelle concert, 3:00 PM

March 9: Lenten Offering at SDL, speaker: Tom Kingman

March 16: Lenten Offering at SDL, speaker: Wendell Hall

March 23: Lenten Offering at SDL, speaker: Brooke Peacock

March 26: Daughters of the King making palm crosses in Parish Hall

March 26-27: Christian Women’s Conference at Christ Church with au-thor Susan Yates, register online

March 28: Palm Sunday

March 28: Friends of Music presents Charity Messiah, 3:30 PM, register online

April 1: Maundy Thursday service, commemorating the Last Supper, 6:00 PM

April 2: Good Friday service with Max Lucado and meditations, 12:00 PM

April 2: Children’s Good Friday Retreat, room 208 in FMC, 12:00 - 3:00 PM

April 3: Children’s Easter Egg Hunt and Liturgy of Light Service, 10:00 AM

April 4: Easter Sunday & Welcome Tour, 10:00 AM at the gazebo

April 6: Lunch & ‘lightenment at SDL, Chuck Collins and his trip to the Holy Land

April 10: New Member’s Class, led by Chuck Collins, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

April 10: Children’s Communion Retreat

April 11: Children’s Communion Celebration, 11:00 AM service

April 11: Evensong with Chapel Boys Choir, 4:00 PM

May 2: Youth Sunday at the 8:30 & 11:00 AM services & Welcome Tour, 10:00 AM at the gazebo

May 4: Lunch & ‘lightenment at SDL, poetry reading with Marcus Goodyear

May 6: Christ Church staff day, office closed

May 9: Children’s Musical “Table for Five...Thousand!” 8:30 & 11:00 AM services

May 16: Confirmation Sunday with Bishop Reed, adults at 8:30 AM and youth at 11:00 AM

May 23: Parish Picnic with outdoor 11:00 AM service

* All events at Christ Church unless otherwise noted.

Christ Church Staff:

The Rev. Chuck Collins, [email protected]

The Rev. John Barrett, Asst. [email protected]

The Rev. Scott Kitayama, Asst. Priest, [email protected]

Carol Miller, Pastoral Care, [email protected]

Maurine Molak, Parish Life Coordinator, [email protected]

Halleta Heinrich, Director of Children’s Ministry, [email protected]

Richard Peacock, Director of Student Ministry, [email protected]

Megan Gensch, Asst. Director of Student Ministry, [email protected]

Dr. Owen Duggan, Music Minister, [email protected]

Joshua Benninger, Organist, [email protected]

Ruth Berg, Director of Children’s Music, [email protected]

Gary Birdwell, Parish Administrator, [email protected]

Cherelle Liddle, Executive Asst. to the Rector, [email protected]

Darla Nelson, Office Mananger, [email protected]

Donna Shreve, Financial Manager, [email protected]

Laura Shaver, Director of Communications, [email protected]

Anna Jewell, Receptionist, [email protected]

Pat Wilson, Administrative Asst., [email protected]

Elizabeth Martinez, Kitchen Manager, [email protected]

Robert Vallejo, Facilities Manager, [email protected]

Rudy Segovia, Hospitality Manager, [email protected]

Joe Garcia, Sexton, [email protected]

alendero F e V e N T S

Page 13: The Message March 2010


m I N I S T r Yearts & HandsI N I S T r Y

Valentine’s Tea, February 10, 2010

Photos by Susanna Kitayama.

Page 14: The Message March 2010

Send submissions for The Message, website, email newsletter, and Sunday announcements to Laura Shaver, phone: 210.736.3132, fax 210.733.1423,

email: [email protected].

Material is published according to timeliness and relevance to the vision of the church. Deadlines for submissions are as follows:

may 11 issue:april 27 deadline

Ministry info:May 8 - July 31

The Message is published bi-monthly by christ episcopal church, 510 belknap Place, San antonio, TX 78212.

christ episcopal church 510 belknap Place

San antonio, TX