the olivet prophecy part 1 (mattiyahu 24;4 5)

Sola scriptura

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Page 1: The Olivet Prophecy part 1 (Mattiyahu 24;4 5)

Sola scriptura

Page 2: The Olivet Prophecy part 1 (Mattiyahu 24;4 5)

Zekeniam Y’Isra’al

Sherut haRitztzuy

(the ministry of reconciliation)

by whom we have now received the

( Atonement)

Reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuy

Let this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration

Page 3: The Olivet Prophecy part 1 (Mattiyahu 24;4 5)

( HaYaH (He was), Howeh (He is), and Yihyeh (He will be).





Hear, Y’Isra'al: YaHuWaH is our ALuaHiYM! YaHuWaH Is One!

Debarim 6:5 and you shall love [long for] your ALuaHiYM with all your

heart, and with all your being, and with all your might. (me'ode)

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My Memorial for generation after generation.”

Shemot 3:13-16

This is MY NAME for ever,

YaHuWaH, ALuaHiYM of your father’s Abraham, Yitzchak [Isaac], and Ya’aqob

[Jacob], has sent me to you. This is my name forever, and this is my memorial

for generation to generation." and I appeared to Abraham, to Yitzchak, and to

Ya’aqob as hashadday [the almighty]. and my name, YaHuWaH, was not well

known (famous) to them.


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The ministry of reconciliation

Message of Reconciliation

Torah sh’Bichtav

(Written Torah)

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear?

“Sola Scriptura”

(the Scriptures alone is authoritative for faith)

(in His Name)

[Yah -hoo-Wah]

is the Name of the Creator.

(YâHuWsHúa`) is His Son

[Al-u-heem - ALHYM] means "Mighty Ones“ or "Power"

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means Set-apart, Pure.

(Qodesh) also means "Set-apart"

Ruwach (Raukh) is the Ibry (Hebrew) name for His "Presence", pictured as the

Counselor, Helper, and Advocate, the One Who "proceeds from the Father"

Tehillim 27:5

For in the day of trouble He will keep me secretly in His booth. In the covering

of His Tent He will hide me. On a Rock He raises me up.

is for you too!

Scripture speaks of a secret place where we can simply go, be alone, be

protected, pray, and hear from YâHuWsHúa. Knowing there is such a place is a

matter of faith. Going back time and again, that's a matter of building a

relationship. You need not have an advanced degree in any subject, need not

have memorized Scripture from beginning to end, but instead be aware the

YaHuWaH of Y’Isra’al has a place for each Jew and Gentile who will open their

minds and hearts to Him.

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Mt 6:5-8

When you pray, you shall not be as the role-fakers, for they love to stand and

pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen

by men. Most certainly, I tell you, they have received their reward. But you,

when you pray, enter into your inner chamber, and having shut your door, pray

to your Father Who is in secret, and your Father Who sees in secret shall

reward you openly. In praying, don’t use vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do;

for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Therefore don’t

be like them, don't you see that your Father knows what things you need

before you ask Him.

The truth in reality is visited in this secret place AND must be shared by those

who will live or else ... they will perish ... in darkness.

It is written

Lu 11:33

“No one, when he has lit a Lamp, puts it in a cellar or under a basket, but on a

stand, that those who come in may see the Light.

Tehillim. 119:105

Your Word is a Lamp to my feet, and a Light (aur) for my path.

The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is good, your whole

body is also full of Light; but when it is evil, your body also is full of darkness.

Therefore see whether the light that is in you isn’t darkness. If therefore your

whole body is full of Light, having no part dark, it shall be wholly full of Light, as

when the Lamp with its bright shining gives you Light.”

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The menorah is the only symbol created by YâHuWsHúa`

With this in mind, heart soul and strength let us study together in the Raukh

And now brothers and sisters

Come out of the secret place bearing light!

who see it from afar. The Secret Place, here, shines a bit of light so many can

see from afar. The topics we have chosen are addressed to Jew and Gentile

together. We do this because that is what the Bible does. This opens the

window to make more sense of what Scripture tells us!

In the secret place is plain language, something simple to read. This is a mere

starting place for deeper consideration.

If the Raukh of YaHuWaH has moved your Raukh to seek out his word

Before the study I wish to point out that only the WORD is the TRUTH, be it

days, months, years, hence the calendar is “sola Scriptura” based.


And it shall speak words opposing the Most High, and it will wear down

the pure ones of the Most High Ones, and it will try to change set times

(Festivals) and Law, (Lawlessness) and they shall be granted into its hand for a

time and times and half of a time.

And then I will profess to them,

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‘Never did I acknowledge you: even if you are on My lap and do not do the will

of My Father Who is in heaven, out of My lap will I cast you away! Depart

from Me, all ye workers of Lawlessness!’

So that in them is fulfilled the prediction of Yshá`Yâhuw, which says: “You shall

surely hear, but you shall not understand; and you shall surely see, but you

shall not perceive! For the heart of this people has grown thick, and they do

hardly hear with the ears, and they have shut their eyes, lest they should see

with their eyes, and with their ears they should hear, and their heart should

understand, and they should return to Me and I should cure them.

The Hebrew Bible is fully aware of that. Deuteronomy declares the worship of

sun, moon, and stars as allotted by YHWH that is to all the other peoples

Dev 4:19.

And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto Shomayim, and when thou seest the shemesh, and the yarei'ach, and the kokhavim, even all the tz’va HaShomayim,

shouldest be driven to hishtachaveh (bow down, worship) them, and serve them which Hashem Aloheicha hath divided unto kol HaGoyim under kol


Duet 4:19

"or lest you lift up your eyes to the heavens and see the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the armies of heaven, you should be impelled to bow down to

them or enslave yourselves to these [things] that YHWH has apportioned to all the nations under the whole heaven;

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Anyone can see the heavenly bodies, but we have heard from YHWH. There is no “hard copy” of Him! People want something they can identify with, which

is what makes the “god-man” concept so attractive, because it makes them think they can be gods too. We can only understand what YHWH allows us to

know about Himself, and we cannot control what we cannot comprehend. Apportioned: divided, assigned, distributed; Aramaic, "designated to serve". I.e., He gave them to all the nations and they are common (contrast v. 20).

But none of them is to be identified specifically with YHWH.

Dev 4:20 But Hashem hath taken you, and brought you forth

out of the iron furnace, even out of Mitzrayim, to be unto Him an Am Nachalah (a people of inheritance), as ye are yom hazeh.

Deut 4:20. "But YHWH has selected you, and brought you out from the crucible of iron--

from Egypt--to become His own--for the purpose of being a people [that are His own] prized possession, just as [is the case] today."

Any wood placed into a furnace for smelting iron would be consumed

immediately. Egypt completely used them up, while feeding them—like pack animals. Even the products forged of iron there—chariots—were used to kill

them. Now they were going to a place that would serve them rather than consuming them. Nothing in the Tabernacle was made of iron; YHWH had no use for it at this point. Prized possession: How awesome! Why throw away such a rare privilege and settle for something that the nations all stoop to--

nations that He considered a mere drop in the bucket in comparison


Surely the Goyim are like a drop in a bucket, and are accounted as dust of the scales; surely He taketh up the iyim (islands) like fine dust.

Isa 40:15

See, nations are as a drop in a bucket, and are reckoned as dust on the balance. See, He lifts up isles as fine dust.

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Today we see the illegitimate worship of these celestial bodies , within those who claim to WORSHIP YHWH

How many more times will Y’Isra’al turned to


Melachim Bais 23:5, |5| And he did away with hakemarim (the idol priests), whom the Melachim of

Yehudah had ordained to burn ketoret in the high places in the towns of Yehudah, and in the places around Yerushalayim; them also that

burned ketoret unto Ba'al, to the shemesh, and to the yarei'ach, and to the mazalot (constellations) and to all the Tzeva HaShomayim.

2 kgs 23:5

And he put down the black-robed priests whom the sovereigns of Yehudah had appointed to burn incense on the high places in the cities of Yehudah and in

the places all around Yerushalayim, and those who burned incense to Baʽal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the constellations, and to all the host of the


Melachim Bais 23:11 And he took away the susim that the Melachim of Yehudah had dedicated to the shemesh, at the entrance of the Beis Hashem, by the chamber of Natan-

Melech the saris, which was in the colonnades, and set eish to merkevot hashemesh.

2 Ki 23:11

And he did away with the horses that the sovereigns of Yehudah had given to the sun, at the entrance to the House of YHWH, by the room of Nathan-Melek the eunuch, that were in the court. And he burned the chariots of the sun with


Yirmeyah 8:2 And they shall spread them out before the shemesh, and the yarei'ach, and all the tz'va haShomayim, whom they have loved, and whom they have served,

and after whom they have walked, and whom they have consulted, and whom they have worshiped; they shall not be gathered up, nor be buried in a kever;

they shall be like domen upon the surface of ha'adamah.

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Jer 8:2; and shall spread them before the sun and the moon and all the host of the

heavens, which they have loved and which they have served and after which they have walked, which they have sought, and to which they have bowed

themselves. They shall not be gathered nor buried; they shall be for dung on the face of the earth.

And He brought me into the khatzer Beis Hashem hapenimit [i.e., the Court of the Kohanim], and, hinnei, at the petach (entrance) of the Heikhal Hashem, between the Ulam and the Mizbe'ach, were about five and twenty ish, with

their backs toward the Heikhal Hashem, and their faces toward the east; and they bowing down toward the east worshiping the sun.

Ezek 8:16 And He brought me into the inner court of the House of YHWH. And there, at the door of the Hĕkal of YHWH, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men with their backs toward the Hĕkal of YHWH and their faces

toward the east, and they were bowing themselves eastward to the sun.

Yet in the creation story these celestial elements are simply taken as creatures like any others

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24:4 YaHuWsHua answered them, “Be careful that no one leads you astray/deceives you.

For many shall come in [in [Greek "epi" = in place of/against]]

My Name, saying, ‘I am anointed, and "

The season is drawn near!' Yet they shall cause many to wander astray.

Do not consequently follow after them

.Luke 21: 8

YaHuWsHua said, “Watch out that you don’t get led astray, for many shall come against My Name, yet saying, ‘I am the Anointed One,’ and, ‘The time is

at hand.’ Therefore don’t follow them.

[Multitudes shall come in My Name claiming that I am anointed and shall

deceive the masses. (from the Greek)]

Lest anyone cause you to wander astray! For many shall come against

My name,


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yet saying

the Anointed One,

to be anointed is to be set apart,

But you are a

Devarim 7:6

"Because you are a people set apart to your Äluahiym; you are the nation

YHWH your Äluahiym has chosen to be an especially-valued treasure out of all

the nations that are on the face of the earth.

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The "you" here is singular; He sees us as one man. Especially-valued treasure:

Hirsch, “belonging exclusively to Himself".


'iysh (eesh) n-m.

KJV: also, another, any (man), a certain, + champion, consent, each, every

(one), fellow, (foot-, husband-)man, (good-, great, mighty) man, he, high

(degree), him (that is), husband, man(-kind), + none, one, people, person, +

steward, what (man) soever, whoso(-ever), worthy.

This was the name of ’Âthâ´m before he became flesh and blood

Ber 1:27

And Äluahiym created the Ish/ishyi( ,image צלם) in His(אדם tselem) in the

image of Äluahiym He created him – male and female He created them.

Root(s): H582



From H605; properly a mortal (and thus differing from the more dignified

H120); hence a man in general (singly or collectively). It is often unexpressed in

the English Version, especially when used in apposition with another word: -

another, X [blood-] thirsty, certain, chap [-man], divers, fellow, X in the flower

of their age, husband, (certain, mortal) man, people, person, servant, some (X

of them), + stranger, those, + their trade. It is often unexpressed in the Engl.

version, especially when used in apposition with another word. Compare H376.

We first learn of Enowsh in Bbereshiyth 5 but it leaves us with questions.

Hebrews 11 has the answers and Yehudah (Jude) quotes Enowsh! How did

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Yahuwdah come to know the words of Enowsh? They are not in the Scriptures,

at least the ‘bible’ we have today. The question then becomes; were they

among the Scriptures that Yahuwdah knew? The answer is Yes, is The Book of

Enowsh, a book which is actually quoted not only by Yahuwdah, but also

Ya’aqob (James) the natural brother of YaHuWsHua.

In the English language “man” simply means man. But in Hebrew a number of

different words are used, each viewing man from a certain standpoint. Of

these, the four main ones are ish, meaning simply man; Âthâ´m, meaning

human or earthling; enósh, meaning weak or mortal; and Geber, meaning a

physically strong or able-bodied man.

Luke wrote

of Enowsh, of Shĕth, of ’Âthâ´m, of YHWH

(? Not son of men ?)



'enowsh (en-oshe') n-m.

1. (properly) a mortal (and thus differing from the more dignified H0120)

Man or mortal????

What is man that You remember him? And the son of man that You visit him?

hat is man, that You should make him great, that You should set Your heart on


Compare: H802


Exodus 19:5;

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. "'So now, as you hear, if you will [really] listen within My voice, and keep My

covenant, you will become to Me a uniquely valued [and guarded] treasure

above all of the [other] peoples--because all of the earth is Mine—

Hear, listen, keep: to leave out any of these will keep us from receiving the

fullness of the gift He wants to give us through His instruction (Torah). Listen

within: or „listen into"--hear the depths of what I am saying behind the words,

the Raukh that lies behind the letter. Rashi said this means that if we hear and

obey once, we will be able to keep hearing and improve in our obedience. If a

student will not listen to his teacher, how will he ever heard YHWH's voice? A

uniquely valued treasure: literally, sealed up and hidden away. Others may see

us as imprisoned in His box, "having to" do things not required of them, losing

our rights, or being "under" the Law. But it implies being guarded to the degree

that Fort Knox or a top-secret military installation is. When everything else gets

stolen (and it will), Y’Ishra’al will not, because it is locked away in His "harem"

(which in Semitic languages really has a positive meaning of being specially set

apart). Everyone belongs to YHWH, but Y’Ishra’al will be special to Him—on

the condition that we put into the relationships what we are supposed to; it is

not a one-sided promise. Do what He says, and you will be glad you did. Guard

the covenant carefully, and He will show us, but we must be the first to act,

because we are the less trustworthy party.

Deut. 14:2

. "Do not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor diminish it in any

way, so that you can carefully guard the commandments of YHWH your

Äluahiym that I am laying upon you.

Moshe says to carry out the rulings in the way that he is telling us, not in the

way that makes the most sense to us or that we are most comfortable with. If

we fall short of these, we will also almost certainly fall short of YHWH’s

commands; this--not just the direct words of YHWH, but Moshe’s explanation

of how to keep them--is what guards the others. If we want to effectively

guard YHWH’s own words, we cannot add to or change anything Moshe himself

has already ruled on. Not that we stop thinking or being creative, but stop

rebelling. We have to do it his way, because that builds a fence around the real

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core, to protect it. We may not be comfortable with this, but it is better than

our own way, so we must at least learn to appreciate it. Moshe had to trust

YHWH, and we have to trust him. The only way to keep the Torah from being

burdensome is to make sure we don’t add to it. If we do, we will by necessity

diminish some other part, because it already holds the perfect balance when

we obey each part in season rather than exaggerating an emphasis on any one

part, which leaves us no time or resources to keep some of the other parts.

Both the right hand and left are supposed to have healthy work-outs. Keep it

simple, but do not oversimplify it either. “Don’t be overly righteous or overly

wise, lest you leave yourself desolate.” (Eccles. 7:16) You would think you

would want to be as righteous or as wise as possible, as Shlomoh himself

taught so much about both, but there are other things afoot in YHWH’s world,

to which we also need to pay attention. It is not complicated, but this means

we are expected to know it well, for it is the basis for everything else.

Deut. 26:18;

"YHWH has also declared you this day to be His particular treasure of a people,

as He had promised you, and [told you] to keep His commandments,

Particular treasure: has the connotation of being a special jewel locked or

securely hidden away from everyone else. This emphasizes the holiness for

which He had designed this "uncommon" people, who are not to be considered

just another of the nations. Kefa calls us living stones that are precious to

YHWH. But the whole people is the treasure. We keep His commandments not

just for our own sake, but for the benefit of all Y’Ishra’al.

Mal’akhi 3:17

And YHWH [the Master] of Armies says, “They will belong to Me for the day

when I will prepare My specially-treasured possession, and I will have

compassion on them as a man has compassion on his son who works for him

[like a servant].

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Have compassion: could mean to take pity or spare, but here the “passion”

aspect of compassion (the strong feeling) is emphasized. Those who give their

treasures to the storehouse of His people will themselves become the treasure!

Mal’akhi 3:18.

“When you come back, you will see [a distinction] between what is right and

what is wrong, and between those who serve YHWH and those who do not

serve Him.

What is right and what is wrong: or, the righteous and the wicked. (Contrast

verses 14-15.) As we stop Raukhualizing everything and come back to the

literal, physical commands as well as what they symbolize, the distinction is

quite simply defined: serving YHWH vs. serving self.

Others may be allowed to slide with such practices—elsewhere in the world—

for a time, but not you, and not here in My Land! You must be kept cleaner

than the rest, polished better than others, and not exposed to filth like some

other vessels He had made. “Many are called—but few are chosen”, for only

those who go the distance can be YHWH’s special treasure.

Tehillim 33:12

Blessed is the nation whose Äluahiym is יהוה, The people whom He has chosen as His own inheritance.

officiating as priests of the Kingdom,

YashaYahuw 66:20-21

a Set-apart people, a people for Aluahiym own possession,

that you may proclaim the excellence of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous Light!

who in time past were Lo’-Ammíy” ( not My people )

but now are YHWH's people who were “Lo’-Rucha´mah” (Not pitied ), but now have obtained mercy. 'and you shall become for Me a kingdom

of priests, a separated nation.' These are the words which you must speak to

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the descendants of Y’Ishra’al."

WE become part of HIS Kingdom, when HE separates(anoints) us, and we follow HIS written WORD ( TORAH); At this point many fail

( Mattiyahu 13)

His Kingdom,

He is King, they are His Laws, we are His Called, in to HIS RIGHTEOUS REALM…..

To all those who impose there man made laws to His , you are deaf,

blind, astray…. Except what is written,

Num 36:9 “Thus the inheritance is not to change hands from one tribe to another,

but every tribe of the children of Y’Ishra’al is to cling to its own inheritance


“For truly, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done.

A separated nation: in a class of its own. The very idea calls for judgment, because to separate we must discriminate between different things. We cannot just accept anything. This is not popular today, but if we are not comfortable with it, we must become so by practicing it! To be ready to

hear from YHWH, we must set things apart in our minds as well. Those who refuse to judge or be judged can by definition never be set apart. As He

prepares to bring her into the covenant of betrothal at Sinai, He wants her to have no doubt that He loves no one but her. He came to Egypt to get her, but did not stay; there were other Äluahiym in place there. He fought them

for her, but has now carried her to His own home. Priests: to help others approach YHWH. Y’Ishra’al had its own priests (literally, officiators), but as YHWH's firstborn, the entire people was called to be a priest, or light to the nations. This is not a prophecy or a promise, but a command. It will not just

fall into place if we do not make it a reality.



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Here is the endurance of the set-apart ones, here are those guarding the commands of Äluahiym and the belief of YaHuWsHua.

only upon true repentance can you


And Kĕpha said to them, “Repent, and let each one of you be immersed in the Name of YaHuWsHua HaMaschiyach for the forgiveness of

sins. And you shall receive the gift of the Set-apart Raukh.

Acts 2:40, . And with many other words he bore witness to them and sought a

response from them as he said, “Snatch yourselves out of this perverse generation!”

Acts 3:19, “Therefore chisel out your [mistakes] and turn back in order that what

you got out of line may be wiped clean [from memory] and coated back over and seasons of refreshment may come upon you from before


Chisel: dig, hollow, scrape as an engraving scribe does. Turn back: reverse, restore, refresh, in the same imagery of the engraver

obliterating his mistake and going back over it to fill it in with new mortar so it can be re-wrtitten correctly:

Acts 3:26.

To you first Äluahiym raised up and sent His Son to bless you, if you turn

around and walk away from your wrongdoings!”

The I AM is ignored by so many teachings, because they do not grasp the importance associated with the Shema

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This is “the” commandment that he has been building up to. (v. 1) Listen: Heb., Sh’ma. Pay attention, hear, and obey. In Hebrew,

“commandment” means “what sets us in order.” It is a military term. These are our marching orders. This, along with the next several

verses, is the heart of the Torah. Only YHWH: or, "YHWH is one (or unified, all in all)." His commands need to be our first consideration in regard to our actions, opinions, attitudes, and priorities. Actually,

He should be the only consideration.

This is a command to the Y’Ishra’al scattered within the Nations,

to the twelve tribes who are in the dispersion:

You see YHWH kingdom is a RIGHTEOUS ONE, that means to say its set in STONE, its not up for discussion, that is what the other Nations do,

When Lucifer was one of the Highest made Envoys ( angels). He held nine of the 12 stones set in gold in creation

The Name of the City of YHWH will be called

And the foundations of the wall of the city are adorned with every precious stone: the first foundation – with Jasper [clear & multicolor]the second – with Sapphire [clear] the third – with Chalcedony [misty gray clouded with blue, yellow, or purple]the fourth – with Emerald [transparent green] the fifth – with Ruby and Onyx [red & white]the sixth – with Ruby [transparent red]the seventh – with Chrysolite [golden]the eighth – with Beryl [pale green]the ninth – with Topaz [transparent sky blue]the tenth – with

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Chrysoprasus [green-yellow]the eleventh – with Jacinth [dark blue]the twelfth – with Amethyst. [violet]

There you will see the Messiah's future name of YAHUAHTSADAQ (yud, hei, vav, hei, tzadi, Daleth, qoph) with 7 Hebrew letters which is also the future name of New Yerushalayim as also noted in Disclosure 3:12 and means

The Messiah's present name from the Hebrew is YAHUAHSHUA (yud, hei, vav,

hei, shin, vav, ayin) with 7 Hebrew letters which means YAHUAH IS SALVATION

and which can be proved using the Old Testament Hebrew & Greek

manuscripts, and comparing them to the New Testament Greek manuscripts.

Eze 28:13

“You were in Ěden, the garden of Aluahym. Every precious stone was your covering: the ruby, topaz, and diamond, beryl, shoham, and jasper, sapphire,

turquoise, and emerald and gold. The workmanship of your settings and mountings was prepared for you on the day you were created.

When he sinned the lights began to go out

’Âthâ´m born of the Raukh HaQodesh, was neither Raukh nor Flesh, but

was a Natural born being amongst the (Trees) righteous one (s) . He lived among them in the Garden of Eden, cloaked in the colors of his father. He was then placed in the garden, to keep and share with His Father

The letter beyt, from the word "house," refers to YHWH's house: "My house will be called a House of Prayer for all peoples." The fulfillment of this desire begins with the creation of ’Âthâ´m, a Divine Image ( ish)

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enclothed in a body of Light ,

iysh/ man

Gen 1:27 בראיוH1254



למו בצלםבצ H6754






'âdâm aw-dawm'

From H119; ruddy, that is, a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.): - X

another, + hypocrite, + common sort, X low, man (mean, of low degree), person.


Äl-o-heem' Plural of H433;

Gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied

by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: - angels, X exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X


and proceeds ( sin) with the multiplication of man, to "conquer" the whole world and make it the kingdom of YHWH.

Yet they will cause many to wander astray.

Do not consequently follow after them. When

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But Yâhuwshúa` responded, saying to them: “Do ye see these large buildings? Don’t regard all these things. ’Âmë´n (Certainly) I say to you, here shall not a stone upon a stone be left at all,

which shall not be torn down In AD 70 Yerushalayim brought the prophecy of no stone upon a stone will

be left unturned, due to the gold upon the walls

What the pupils will see in the times preceding His coming

(6th seal)

Disclosure_6:12 And I looked when He opened the sixth seal and saw a great earthquake came to be. And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became

as blood. And as He was sitting upon the Mount of the Olives, the pupils approached Him privately, saying:

Tell us when shall these things be?

And what is the signal of Your coming

Yshá`Yâhuw 11: 10-12,

10. And what will take place in that Day [is that] the Root of Yishai that stands as a rallying point for the peoples; to it will nations resort, and His rest will be


Rallying point: standard, banner, or signal--something very conspicuous. Resort: or seek out diligently. His rest: or resting-place--the Kingdom, of which

we get a preview each week in the Sabbath day. Splendid: glorious, full of abundance, dignity, and having the reputation for being important. The Root of

Yishai is also called Yishai's branch.

(v. 1) 1. But a twig will shoot forth from Yishai, and a branch from his roots will bear


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Twig: The targum interprets this as "a king", and the "branch" specifically as the


11. And what will take place in that Day [is that] YHWH will again extend His hand the second [time] to acquire a remnant of His people that will be left--from Ashur, from Egypt, from Pathros, from Kush, from Eylam, from Shinar,

from Chamath, and from the islands of the sea,

12. and He will lift up a signal for the nations, and gather in those driven out of Y’Ishra’al, and assemble the dispersed of Yehudah from the four extremities of

the earth.

Signal: or signpost, insignia, banner, standard, rallying point. Gather in: or "collect back". Y’Ishra’al and Yehudah are distinguished. Of the first, the

Northern Kingdom, YHWH promised that though He would sift the House of Y’Ishra’al among the nations as with a sieve, not one would be lost.

Amos 9:9

because here I am, giving the order; indeed, I have sifted the House of Y’sra’al among all the nations, just as one sifts [grain] in a sieve, yet not a grain will fall

to earth. Not a grain will fall to earth: or, not a parcel of land will fall. YHWH is concerned

even for one lost sheep. Luke 15:4-6

But alternately, He determined where the seed would take root and where it

would not; He sowed us in some places for strategic reasons and allowed us to bear fruit, while others from Y’Ishra’al He allowed to be destroyed, perhaps

because of the seriousness or nature of their particular sins.

Yshá`Yâhuw 66: 19 And I have set a sign among them, and have sent those of them who have

survived to the nations of Tarshish, Pul, and Lud; those who draw back the bow [to] Thuval and Yawan, the faraway coastlands who have not heard reports about Me or perceived My authority, and they will inform those among the

nations of My authority.

Survived: or escaped as fugitives or refugees. This may be those of the first harvest. Inform: publish, declare, announce, make known the accomplished

fact of YHWH's Kingdom to those who are now its subjects and vassals.

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and of the conclusion of the age

The term being the same as that of this refers to the 7th trumpet/1st

Resurrection which marks the end of the age and the beginning of the world

Shabbâ´th millennial reign of Yâhuwshúa`, Whose Kingdom shall have covered

the Land of Y’Ishra’al from the Nile to the Euphrates Rivers since His arrival at

the 6th Seal until that point.

Dâ’niyy’al 12:6-7,

6. And [one of them] said to the man clothed in [white] linen who was over the waters of the river, "How long until these hard-to-understand things will end?" The Hebrew allows him to be saying, "Will wonders never cease?" But the tone

seems negative instead. This observer seems to have been growing weary of being given knowledge which he could not put to use. It was also very

frightening material. But the fact that there are persons on two sides and one in the middle dressed in white linen evokes the memory of the two parts of Y’Ishra’al reciting the blessing and curses on the mountains on both sides of

Sh'khem with the priests in the middle.

(Deut. 27; Y'hoshua 8:33)

This suggests the two houses of YIshra’al, as Daniel has addressed them both. Gentiles want to know the details about tomorrow, and the Northern Kingdom

patterned itself after Gentiles.

(Hos. 7:8; 8:8)

7. Then I heard the man clothed in [white] linen, who was over the waters of the river, when he raised his right hand and his left hand toward the heavens and swore by the One who lives forever that [it would last] for an appointed time, a pair of appointed times, and half. And when they finish shattering the

hand of the set-apart people, then these things will all be completed."

Unless there was a bridge or a helicopter here, which men would stand "over", "above", or "upon" a river but priests (as when they carried the ark, who stopped in the middle and "made" it cease flowing? It may be one more

evidence that this is still Yirmeyahu speaking to him. Completed: It almost

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seems that that is the end of the story! Notice that he swears not with one hand raised, but both (in contrast with

Deut. 32:40,

for example): seemingly a way of making the oath absolute; i.e., no matter how

you slice it, whether in kindness or in anger, it will be this way. Or, the two hands could mean the events spoken of would befall those on both sides of the

river. This then suggests that the "shattering" or "scattering" (in some sense dividing) of the two houses of Y’Ishra’al is what must come to an end before the prophecy is fulfilled. Daniel speaks from the viewpoint of Yehudah, and it

seems that his tribe's exile is over, but the other tribes are still in exile. Appointed time: the specific term for the festivals YHWH gave Y’Ishra’al. The

time reference may be either to three and a half years (complete cycles of appointed times) or three and a half months (or one feast, one pair of feasts, and half a feast; the Feast of Unleavened Bread and Sukkoth both have seven

days, and so there would be a day that is the definite midpoint of each). Which it is may depend on how much discipline His people need at the time. It is

probably based on YHWH's appointed times, or festivals, so the count would begin from and probably end with one of them. Half: two festivals are exactly

half a year apart: Passover and Sukkoth. He swears by the One who lives forever, because this is for a time thousands of years after his own, and no

mortal living then could ever guarantee that something that far away would take place, though we can all work toward it.


Scriptural prophets foretold many things that would come to be in today’s

world. specific predictions and prophecies some more than two to three

This study is to be continued with

You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you aren’t troubled, for all

this must happen, but the end is not yet.

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For ethnic group shall rise against ethnic group, and reign against reign; and

there shall be famines, deadly diseases, and earthquakes in various places, and

there shall be fears and terrors and signs from the shamayim and there shall

much foul weather.

(2nd & 3rd & 4th Seals?)

In His Name

Blessed be, in His name

YaHuWaH be with you.' and they answered him, YaHuWaH bless you.' "

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Be not blind to the truth

And, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that

YâHuWsHúa` passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O YaHuWaH,

[thou] Ben David. An YâHuWsHúa` stood still, and called them, and said, what

will ye that I shall do unto you they say unto Him, Yâ-huwah, that our eyes may

be opened. So YâHuWsHúa` had compassion [on them], and touched their eyes:

and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.

His servant and yours

shalowm in Righteousness

by the GRACE of YaHuWaH




Remember me and pray for me that YaHuWaH will be gracious unto me and be

merciful unto my sins which I have sinned against him. Peace be to them that

read and that hear these things and to their servants:

Amein and Amein

Freely ye have received, freely give

A rule necessary, and of great extent. A servant in the Gospel Vineyard, though

worthy of his Comfortable support while in the work. Should never preach for

hire, or make a secular traffic of the Raukh (Raukhual work): what a scandal is it

for a man to traffic with gifts which he pretends, at least, to have received from

the Raukh HaQodesh, of which he is not the master, but the dispenser. He who

preaches to get a living, or make a fortune, is guilty of the most infamous


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