the patriot...advance giving begins monday, nov. 12-26. #givingtuesday is november 27th. this is a...

Conferences are done! It was nice to see most of the parents. I don’t think I got to see everyone. Advance giving begins Monday, Nov. 12-26. #GivingTuesday is November 27th. This is a one-time donation event. St. Pius X School is hoping to fund replacing text books, support our technology needs, new lunch tables, and the opportunity to contribute to our school endowment. Online donations have a minimum of $25. At St. Pius X, we accept any monetary donations! Please consider supporting your School Community! A direct link is available below for online giving. Offline giving forms will be available online Monday, November 12th, and in the office on Tuesday. All donations are tax deductible. May God Bless you and your family! Please take some time to view the video that is on our donation page. pius-x-a4381735-5073-4c41-a361-733515d62a61 A Prayer for Veterans Day God of mercy we ask for blessings on all those who have served their country in the armed forces. We ask for healing for the veterans who have been wounded, in body and soul, in conflicts around the globe. We pray especially for the young men and women, in the thousands, who are coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan with injured bodies and traumatized spirits. Bring solace to them, O Lord. May we pray for them when they cannot pray. Have mercy on all our veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Bring peace to their hearts and peace to the regions they fought in. Bless all the soldiers who served in noncombative posts. May their calling to serve continue in their lives in many positive ways. Give us all here present today creative vision to see a world that, growing weary with fighting, moves to affirming the life of every human being and so moves beyond war. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, I trust in You! (from the Archdiocese of Detroit.) The Patriot November 9, 2018

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Conferences are done! It was nice to see most of the parents. I don’t think I got to see everyone.

Advance giving begins Monday, Nov. 12-26. #GivingTuesday is November 27th. This is a one-time donation event. St. Pius X School is

hoping to fund replacing text books, support our technology needs, new lunch tables, and the opportunity to contribute to our school endowment. Online donations have a minimum of $25. At St. Pius X, we accept any monetary donations!

Please consider supporting your School Community! A direct link is available below for online giving. Offline giving forms will be available online Monday, November 12th, and in the office on Tuesday. All donations are tax deductible. May God Bless you and your family!

Please take some time to view the video that is on our donation page.

A Prayer for Veterans Day

God of mercy we ask for blessings on all those who have served their country in the armed forces.

We ask for healing for the veterans who have been wounded, in body and soul, in conflicts around the globe.

We pray especially for the young men and women, in the thousands, who are coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan with injured bodies and traumatized spirits. Bring solace to them, O Lord. May we pray for them when they cannot pray.

Have mercy on all our veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Bring peace to their hearts and peace to the regions they fought in.

Bless all the soldiers who served in noncombative posts. May their calling to serve continue in their lives in many positive ways.

Give us all here present today creative vision to see a world that, growing weary with fighting, moves to affirming the life of every human being and so moves beyond war.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, I trust in You! (from the Archdiocese of Detroit.)

The Patriot

November 9, 2018

A gentle reminder: Tuesday, November 13th, is our next PTG Board meeting. Please come join the fun! We will be meeting in the Science Lab beginning at 6:30 PM.

Two Can Tuesday has been a rousing success. Let’s keep it going! The parish Social Action Committee is so very grateful for the bounty of food thus far. Many families will be the direct benefit of your generosity.

This Tuesday is our last day of the Social

Action Committee’s collection. Lets make it the biggest!

Needed Items: Peanut butter and jelly, breakfast foods, and canned tuna.

The Turkey Trot is coming Friday, November 16th from 10am-12noon. Important Reminders:

• All students are asked to turn in at least $75 in pledges. Students are encouraged to turn in their pledges next week. The money earned will all go toward improving technology for our students.

• • All individual students who turn in at least $75

will get to participate in a Foam Party set for Friday, December 7th after school).

• • Turkey Trot T-Shirts designed by two of our St.

Pius X students will be passed out next week before the Turkey Trot: Congratulations to our designers: Madeline Lukasiewicz in 8th grade and Olivia Leal in 4th grade. On the day of the event, students are to come to school wearing their Turkey Trot T-shirt, PE Shorts and tennis shoes.

• • Volunteers are needed on the day of the

event. Be on the look-out for sign-ups from your Room Parent.

• • T-shirts are donated by one of parents for all




12th – Veterans Day – NO SCHOOL 13th – 7th & 8th Grade Honor Roll during

morning assembly. (Notification by email) 16th – TURKEY TROT!!!!! 12:00 Dismissal 18th – 7th Grade Mass – 10:00 AM 19th – Thanksgiving Break Begins; 12:00

Dismissal 22d – Thanksgiving Day! 26th – School Resumes 30th – Progress Reports

Dear St. Pius X families, Next Friday will be our Turkey Trot. I am amazed at how much work goes into this fund raiser. Mrs. Lukasik and her minions work their tails off. The result is overwhelming in its support of our technology! After the Turkey Trot, we all head off to our Thanksgiving Break. I suppose there is no more appropriate time for me to reflect on what you parents have done for your school and your children. Your strong support continues to bolster the strength of our school. I am fortunate that I am able to work with such a wonderful family community and a staff that strives to always fulfill the mission and vision of St. Pius X. Thank you for all you do. Mr. Turskey

Widow’s Mite

Historically, widows have been at a financial disadvantage. When her husband died, a woman's source of income most likely went with him. That was why the generosity of a widow was striking in Biblical times. Elijah met a poor widow who prepared to use the last of her flour to bake one more cake for herself and her son. Elijah started out by asking her for a drink of water, but quickly added his request for something to eat. She informed him of her situation, but Elijah promised that her store would not empty. With no more than Elijah's words, she trusted that God would provide for her. God's promise was good and she did not go hungry during the drought. Another widow caught Jesus' eye in the reading from Mark. As she put her two small coins into the collection that supplied the treasury that helped those in need, Jesus taught the disciples a lesson about true giving from the

heart. Unlike the officials who demonstratively gave their offerings, this woman quietly dropped the coins of her sustenance into the collection. The monetary value of her gift was far smaller than that of the officials, but her gift was far more valuable.

Giving from the Heart

Much of our giving is from our surplus. This is true not only of what we give financially, but also of our service. We are very busy people and generally when we offer our time, it is of direct benefit to us or someone we love. We may volunteer to help with a field trip at school, coach a soccer team, or help in a nursing home; but generally, it is we or our family members who benefit from our generosity. We may find, however, that as it did for the widow of the first reading, our generosity may be greeted with more generosity. The prayer of St. Francis reminds us of this when we pray, "It is in giving that we receive.” #iGiveCatholic on Giving Tuesday

We have a day for giving thanks: November 22. We have two days for purchasing gifts for loved ones: Black Friday and Cyber Monday. And now we have #GivingTuesday: November 27 -- a global day dedicated to giving back.

#iGiveCatholic is an opportunity for us Catholics to affirm our faith as disciples of Jesus Christ by sharing our gifts out of love for God and one another. The goal of #iGiveCatholic is to inspire St. Pius X to come together as faithful stewards and to “Give Catholic” on #GivingTuesday.

Please note that there will be no assessment by the San Diego Diocese on monies raised through #iGiveCatholic. That means that 100% of your gift will directly support the SPX cause of your choice! All donations are tax deductible and you will receive an automatic tax receipt via email.

Our goal here at St. Pius X? $63,000 in celebration of the 63 years since our founding on Thanksgiving Day in 1955. If each of our 1300 registered families donates just $63 on Giving Tuesday, we will far exceed our parish goal! But please know that your sacrificial gift, of any amount, will undoubtedly make a difference!

Parish happenings EDGE is a Catholic middle school youth ministry program. It provides a safe fun place for youth to find solid Catholic community, to get answers to their questions about faith, and, most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way. Edge resources speak to the physical, psychological, cognitive, relational, and spiritual maturation of middle school youth. Edge resources make it easier for youth ministers to plan out their semesters of Edge Night, retreats, and to train a team of adults, the Core Team, to assist them in the ministry. The resources present Catholic teaching in a way that young people can understand. Here are the meeting dates for the reminder of the year:

• November: 6th • December: 4th; 18th • January: 15th • February: 5th; 19th • March: 5th; 19th • May:7th; 21st

Dance classes: Leilani Contreras is a youth leader in our Youth Ministry. She started dancing when she was 18 months old in a Folklorico group. At age 5 she was doing tap, jazz, ballet and musical theatre. She is a Senior at Chula Vista High School Performing Art School. She is a 3-year member of the Hip Hop team and 4-year member of Dance Force team. She is a 4 year member of the San Diego Civic Dance company (a Conservatory Dance Company) that performs all year long in various venues. Leilani is planning to get a degree in Dance and Education and continues to attend workshops in LA to help her with her dance skills. Classes are held at 5pm at the McGinley Hall. The class dates for the remainder of 2018are:

• October 26 • November: 2,16, 30

Visit our website to fill out the Alumni form!

Join Mrs. Doyle, Mrs McGurk, and the Nieto family in establishing an Athletics Booster Club! The intent is to increase participation in more sports at St. Pius X and to replace worn out uniforms and equipment. Let’s all show our Patriot pride! Please contact Mrs. Doyle at [email protected] or Mrs. McGurk at [email protected]

St. Pius X School Sports


Dear Parent/Guardian:

Your student has shown interest in St. Pius X’s After School Sports Program. The purpose of this letter is to

inform you of some basic policies and procedures of the program:

1.) Your child’s teacher will need to sign this form indicating that he currently meets the necessary academic requirements.

2.) Prior to any tryouts/practice the rest of this form needs to be filled in and a parent/guardian signature must be affixed.

The form needs to be returned to the teacher by November 15, 2018. The estimated league fees are $65.00 per student and

will be billed through FACTS.

3.) When the season is over, the SPX uniform must be returned to SPX School. If the uniform is not returned to SPX in

appropriate condition an additional $ 50.00 fee will be assessed to cover the uniform’s increased replacement cost.

4.) Discipline and/or grade problems during the course of the season may jeopardize your child’s position on the team.

5.) Please be sure that your child has read, signed, and returned the attached Code of Conduct form by November 15, 2018.

6.) Please ensure your child has the proper gear, especially safety gear required for Volleyball.


I/We the undersigned, as parents/legal guardians of _________________________(student’s full name) request that St.

Pius X allow my daughter to participate in the St. Pius X Volleyball; including leaving the school campus for offsite

practices and games.

We agree to the statements made in the Parent/Student Handbook and will abide by the philosophy of the school and

league and policies set forth. In the event of a medical/dental emergency, I/We further consent to the decision made by

St. Pius X or any and all of its agents relating to the provision of medical/dental assistance.

We hereby release St. Pius X School and any and all of its agents from any liability arising out of or in any manner related

to participation in this After School Sports Program including practices, games, and transportation to and from events.

You will be billed the league fee through FACTS once permission slips have been submitted.

_______________________________________ ___________ ________________________

Home address Age/Grade Date of Birth

______________________________ __________________________

Father’s Cell Mother’s Cell

__________________________________________ _______________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian Date


According to my records, ________________________________ has met academic requirements to participate

in the sport of GIRL’S VOLLEYBALL.


Signature of teacher

St. Pius X School Sports

BOY’S Basketball

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Your son has shown interest in St. Pius X’s After School Sports Program.

The purpose of this letter is to inform you of some basic policies and procedures of the program:

1.) Your son’s teacher will need to sign this form indicating that he currently meets the necessary academic requirements.

2.) Prior to any tryouts/practice the rest of this form needs to be filled in and a parent/guardian signature must be affixed. The form

needs to be returned to the teacher by Thursday, November 15, 2018 along with a $ 65.00 charge per boy to cover leagues fees.

3.) When the Basketball season is over, the SPX uniform must be returned to SPX School. If the uniform is not returned to SPX in

appropriate condition an additional $ 50.00 fee will be assessed to cover the uniform’s increased replacement cost.

4.) Discipline and/or grade problems during the course of the season may jeopardize your son’s position on the team.

5.) Please be sure that your son has read, signed, and returned the attached Code of Conduct form by Thursday, November 15, 2018.

6.) Please ensure your child has the proper gear, especially safety gear required for basketball.



I/we request that you allow _______________________________________ to participate in the sport of BOY’S BASKETBALL.

______________________________________________________ Home address

________________________________ __________________________ ________________________ Home phone number Emergency phone number Birthday

__________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian


According to my records,________________________________has met academic requirements to participate in the sport of BOY’S


______________________________________ Signature of teacher