the philippine animal welfare society (paws)

The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) is a volunteer-based non-government organization whose goal is to prevent animal cruelty through education animal sheltering and advocacy! PAWS believes that the creation of a more peaceful society starts with the widening of man"ind#s circle of compassion which includes animals thereby envisions a nation that respects animals practices responsible pet ownership and protects wildlife! The PAWS Animal $ehabilitation %enter (PA$%) located at Aurora &lvd! 'atipunan alley oyola *eights +! %! serves as a temporary shelter for dogs cats and other animals rescued from cruelty or neglect with the ultimate goal of rehabilitating them and placing them in loving homes! Part of PAWS, life-saving wor" at PA$% is empowering people by providing volunteer opportunities to help animals so that everyone can do their own share in ma"ing the world a better place for all! PAWS *istory PAWS was founded in 1954 by Muriel Jay, a British educat or wh o was, at that ti me, resi di n in the Phili !!ine s" #he oran i$ati on%s first members were hand!ic&ed by Jay and 'ita (onti)eros*+ichauco, the current !resident of PAWS, was one of them" (onti)eros*+ichauco recalled that PAWS, as a new orani$ation then, would ma&e stuffed toys and other items which she and the other members would sell to ain funds" #h ey al so ha d a cl inic wh er e they !ro)id ed ser)ic es for inur ed animals and two bicycle !atrols that they used to sa)e stray animals from the streets" (owe)er, PAWS became dormant when Jay went bac& to -nland" .t was in 19/0, when (onti)eros* +ichau co reo rani$ ed PAWS with a new team of !r of essi on al )olu nt eers wh ich we re !r imar il y )eterinarians and educators" .t was in 1990 when the !resent batch of PAWS%s memb ers oi ned" #he new )ol unt eers, whi ch were mostly the youth, came out with more aressi)e ideas in !romotin the ad)ocacies of the orani$ation" #hese ideas are still enacted by PAWS at !resent" ontac ts with )ariou s inter national animal *!rote ction rou! increases" PAWS is in con stan t touch wi th orani$ations li&e the World Society for the Protection of Animals 2WSPA3, Peo!le for -thical #reatment of Animal s 2P-#A3 and (umane Society .nternation al 2(S.3" n Se! temb er 1, 1999, PAWS became an associate of the oyal SPA of 67" Similarly, on the local scen e, PAWS was mad e a member of the 'ational 8isaster oordi nat in ouncil under the 8e!artment of 'ational 8efense, and !artici!ated in the rescuin of abandoned and inured animals from a resi denti al )i ll ae 2 herr y (i ll s3 de)asta ted by landslide" Mission The Philippine Animal Welfare Society exists to prevent cruelty, alleviate pain, fear and suffering in animals and to promote a society based on humane principles. Vision PAWS is a credible nationwide non-profit organiation, composed of a networ! of committed, compassionate and trustwort hy individuals and institutions that initiates and leads in the promotion of animal welfare, and the protection of all animals. PAWS envisions a nation that respects animals, practices responsible pet ownership, and protects wildlife.

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The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) is a volunteer-based non-government organization whose goal is to prevent animal cruelty through education, animal sheltering and advocacy.


The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) is a volunteer-based non-government organization whose goal is to prevent animal cruelty through education, animal sheltering and advocacy. PAWS believes that the creation of a more peaceful society starts with the widening of mankind's circle of compassion which includes animals, thereby envisions a nation that respects animals, practices responsible pet ownership and protects wildlife.

The PAWS Animal Rehabilitation Center (PARC) located at Aurora Blvd., Katipunan Valley, Loyola Heights, Q. C. serves as a temporary shelter for dogs, cats and other animals rescued from cruelty or neglect with the ultimate goal of rehabilitating them and placing them in loving homes. Part of PAWS life-saving work at PARC is empowering people by providing volunteer opportunities to help animals so that everyone can do their own share in making the world a better place for all.

PAWS HistoryPAWS was founded in 1954 by Muriel Jay, a British educator who was, at that time, residing in the Philippines. The organizations first members were handpicked by Jay and Nita Hontiveros-Lichauco, the current president of PAWS, was one of them.

Hontiveros-Lichauco recalled that PAWS, as a new organization then, would make stuffed toys and other items which she and the other members would sell to gain funds. They also had a clinic where they provided services for injured animals and two bicycle patrols that they used to save stray animals from the streets.

However, PAWS became dormant when Jay went back to England. It was in 1986, when Hontiveros-Lichauco reorganized PAWS with a new team of professional volunteers which were primarily veterinarians and educators.

It was in 1996 when the present batch of PAWSs members joined. The new volunteers, which were mostly the youth, came out with more aggressive ideas in promoting the advocacies of the organization. These ideas are still enacted by PAWS at present.

Contacts with various international animal-protection group increases. PAWS is in constant touch with organizations like the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and Humane Society International (HSI). On September 1, 1999, PAWS became an associate of the Royal SPCA of UK. Similarly, on the local scene, PAWS was made a member of the National Disaster Coordinating Council under the Department of National Defense, and participated in the rescuing of abandoned and injured animals from a residential village (Cherry Hills) devastated by landslide.


The Philippine Animal Welfare Society exists to prevent cruelty, alleviate pain, fear and suffering in animals and to promote a society based on humane principles.


PAWS is a credible nationwide non-profit organization, composed of a network of committed, compassionate and trustworthy individuals and institutions that initiates and leads in the promotion of animal welfare, and the protection of all animals. PAWS envisions a nation that respects animals, practices responsible pet ownership, and protects wildlife.

Values Compassion and respect for animals Commitment to the vision and mission of PAWS Dedication to the assigned role in the organization Respectful conduct towards each other regardless of position Honesty and trustworthiness Integrity Discipline (faithfulness to norms, standards; compliance to organizations rules, policies and standards) Loyalty to the organization Programs and Advocacies

PAWS is against the abuse of animals in any form. For years, the organization defended animals and reminded the people of animal rights by organizing different programs. Here are some of the organizations successful and on-going projects and programs:

Republic Act 8485

Since its reorganization in 1986, PAWS has been actively lobbying for the Republic Act 8485 or the Philippine Animal Welfare Act. However, the government was still not ready for it by that time.

PAWS and its volunteers never gave up on their goal and came up with a revised Animal Welfare Bill which they diligently pursued in the Senate of the Philippines, and the Congress of the Philippines. On February 11, 1998, the Animal Welfare Act of 1998 (also known as the Republic Act 8485) was signed into the law by the then president, Fidel V. Ramos.

Dog Meat Trade

PAWS was responsible for a huge legal victory in the Northern Province of Benguet on April 2006. The province sought to take advantage of a loophole in the Animal Welfare Act of 1998, which allows the consumption of Dog meat as a cultural and ritual practice, but not for commercial purposes. PAWS found out that Benguets Dog Meat sprung not from cultural practice but that of just commercial purposes. After a massive world-wide letter campaign and with helps from other local animal welfare groups, the Benguet local government gave in. On May 2006, PAWS met with the national Meat Inspection Services, a division of the Philippine Department of Agriculture. Some of the main goals of the meeting were to close the loophole in the Animal Welfare Act of 1998, prevent circumventions in the law, and establish clear methods of enforcing the law. PAWS has also helped the local government of Quezon city in the creation a dog pound which could help reduce the dog meat trade in the city.

PAWS Animal Rehabilitation Center (PARC)

PAWS Animal Rehabilitation Center or PARC is the first real animal shelter in the country. It is PAWS most ambitious project to date and is now serving as a center for charitable veterinary services, catering to the pets of the low-income sector, providing temporary shelter to the countless number animals who are victims of cruelty and neglect.

PARC is a temporary shelter for abandoned and stray dogs and cats and is found at the back of Ateneo de Manila University in Quezon City. It aims to find new homes for the dogs and the cats through its adoption program patterned after some western animal shelters. With PARCs visibility, PAWS aims to enhance the Filipinos awareness of animal welfare.

PARC became a favorite destination for field trips, where students are taught to love and care for animals, as well as nature. At present, it has already received thousands of students from various schools within Metro Manila and other provinces.

In 2006, the shelter responded to over 1,300 calls from beleaguered pet owners asking for simple pet health care advice and reports of animal cruelty. By the time PARC opened in 2002, over 500 rescued and rehabilitated animals have been re-homed.

Part of PAWS life-saving work at PARC is empowering people by providing volunteer opportunities to help animals so that everyone can do their own share in making the word a better place for all.

The PAWS Animal Shelter is located along Aurora Blvd at the boundary of Marikina and Quezon City.

Spaying and Neutering

PARCs clinic offers a low-cost neutering of dogs and cats to solve the problem of pet overpopulation. PARC believes that as these animals continue to breed, possibilities of them dying and being hurt and abused, would just increase.

Dr. Dog Program

Dr. Dog is an animal-assisted therapy program founded by Jill Robinson, MBE of Animals Asia Foundation, based in Hong Kong, Dr. Dog is a program run by Animals Asia.

PAWS is the coordinator and the implementing arm of Dr. Dog in the Philippines. In 1997, "Pakko", a german shepherd, was named as PAWS' first Dr. Dog. PAWS, with Pakko and a dalmatian named "freckles", visited facilities like Tahanang Walang Hagdanan (House Without Stairs) a home for disabled children and adults and the HOPE school for Special Children.

Other organizations that have benefited from the Dr. Dog program: Greenhills Music School Bantay Bata Rescue Centre

White Cross Orphanage Community of Learners CRIBS

PAWS conducts the Animal Asia Foundation's Doctor Dog Program in the Philippines (animal-assisted therapy).

Dr. Dog Philippines Contact Details:

The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) Anna CabreraTel/Fax: (632) 475 1688 Email: [email protected] Education

PAWS visits schools and the strength of its Humane Education program lies in its Preschool modules - teaching very young kids kindness and responsible pet ownership through puppet shows, action songs and meet-the-Professor Dog sessions.

It also offers free talks and lectures for grade school, high school and university students.

Since 2005, PAWS has been tied up with Center for Social Concerns and Action (COSCA) - the community service arm of De La Salle University - for advocacy and direct service projects promoting animal welfare.

A short educational video at the PARC multi-purpose hall


Rescuers found Sebastian as a pup. He was dragging his two legs behind him and he was a pitiful sight to behold. X-rays revealed that an impact - probably from a car - had caused Seb to lose the use of his hind legs.

The pup could still poop and pee normally but serious discussions had immediately begun in the PAWS clinic. The main concern was - if Seb was in any pain - and if he could have a good life even with his disability.

A volunteer who was trying to be optimistic in the midst of all the sad and serious faces brought out a doggie toy and called out to Seb.

The puppy 'leaped' into a frenzy, going into an enthusiastic 'play' mode, running after the offered toy and shaking the toy vigorously once he caught it with his jaws.

The somber group stopped in the middle of their "to-euthanize-or-not-to-euthanize" meeting and looked at each other in disbelief.

Here was a pup who seemed oblivous to the fact that he was a paraplegic dog. He chased after the toy that was thrown for him again, and after shaking the toy for a few seconds, looked up eagerly - as if to say "Please throw the toy again for me!"

Seb was sunshine on two legs - this was apparent on his first day - and it seemed only fair that he be given a chance to find a loving home, just like the rest of the other 'normal' rescued dogs.

The rules that were laid out for volunteers were simple: do not let Seb 'run' outdoors especially on rough concrete flooring because he would surely scrape himself as he zoomed out into the open, running on two forelegs with abandon.

Eyes bright and always on an imaginary target ahead, the dog seemed to have absolutely no inkling that he was different from any other dog. Those who watched him likened him to a kangaroo, bouncing up and down in the thick bundles of cloth that volunteers wrapped him in before taking him for a 'walk'.

And so it was that Seb became an "indoor only" shelter dog. Even indoors, his 'diapers' unraveled quickly as he ran after every shelter volunteer in sight, trying to get a belly rub or two.

One day, as PAWS volunteers Sheila Frasco and Noel Trinchera played with the "special" pup who had now grown into a medium-sized dog, they decided to make him an improvised wheelchair.

Seb played through all the measurement and fittings done by Sheila and Noel in the succeeding weeks. He had become such a rambunctious dog that just holding him down and keeping him still was a challenge, but the determined pair persevered.

Tina - a valued PAWS supporter - had adopted from the shelter before. She took one look at Seb who was already on his 8th month-stay at PARC and immediately asked, "Okay, when can I take him home?"

Seb at the time of rescue

Seb is now the best friend and bedmate of Tina's son, Kiered

Santino and Catherine at the time of rescue Santino on his 2nd day at PARC

Catherine, on his 2nd day at PARC Catherine, after a few months of rehabilitation

Santino, on her 2nd day at PARC Santino TODAY at the PAWS Animal Shelter waiting for his forever-loving home

Santino and Catherine

The woman who kept them believed that she was doing the best for them. The neighbors had reported her to us as slightly demented and PAWS had for her a written warning that she was not to take in any animal once we had confiscated these dogs from her.

After the letter had been given, we turned to face the rescue at hand: By the doorway of the woman's dilapidated house stood six (6) 'living-dead' dogs - dogs whose bodies you could use to illustrate where the different bones began and where they ended.

Even in their emaciated condition, the eyes of the dogs told us that they were used to being held and caressed.

"They are poor, innocent angels," one of the volunteers said tearfully when she noticed that the dogs were looking pleadingly at all of us the entire time that we were loading them gently into the crates.

Doc Maripi, our vet on duty at the time of rescue, said it was hard to tell if these dogs would make it through the week. She also commented on the dogs' sweet and angelic demeanor despite their body conditions.

For this reason, all the dogs were named after saints or saintly characters on TV- Claire, Agatha, Catherine, Gertrude, Lucy and Santino. Santino seemed to need the most prayers because he was weak and had to be on dextrose fluids the entire night.

When little Santino gained a fair amount of weight within his first few days at the shelter, rescuers praised the heavens and knew that a miracle was unfolding before their very eyes.

Santino believes in miracles and so do we. We believe that many miracles come about through hearts that give and reveal themselves to those who open their homes to share it with anyone, with any creature who needs it the most.

Everyday, PAWS rescues and rehabilitates dogs like Santino and Catherine until they are ready to be put up for adoption.

The Difference between them

is your Compassion

PAWS Needs Your Help

Help us continue to help the animals.

Donations may be deposited in any of the following banks:

Bank of the Philippine Islands Swift no. BOPIPHMMBPI USD Account # 3944-0021-61 BPI PHP Account # 3943-0086-11

Philippine National Bank Swift no. PNBM PHMMPHP Account#072-830174-0

Donors are suggested to fax to PAWS (475-1688) or email [email protected] a copy of their validated deposit slip, unless they wish to remain anonymous.