the power of 1 silent · wisdom 8 hiljaisen viisauden voima 1/2011 time is on our side. so is love!...

Copyrights © Animals Talk TMI 2011 | 1 The Power of Silent Wisdom 8 Hiljaisen Viisauden Voima 1/2011 Time is on our side. So is love! A rescue dog speaks up, our theme is time and we hear some actual wisdom from the jackdaws from the sky. 1. Time is on our side… 2. Words from Maiccu 3. Leyla’s Legacy: Time 4. Alexa, the rescue dog from Spain 5. Karen Healey, an animal communicator & an energy healer 6. The central consciousness of jackdaws 7. …time is not a thorn in our side 1 Leyla’s Book (Finnish Edition) is practically finished and ready to be published. No matter how much we, Maiccu and me, complained about the lack of time. We are still not able to see that the time is always on our side, it has been with every step we have taken with The Power of Silent Wisdom, and so it is with the book… We need to trust the process and enjoy the ride without nagging to the universe that we lack time or that we lack resources… All is well. We got everything done and we can dream about what the future holds for it and what kind of a book is the next one. We do not know when you get Leyla’s book into your hands, but here is the latest issue of PSW! The timing has been perfect with our animal messages all along, and so it is in this case. One day I just found the picture of jackdaw from my computer and realized that there were hundreds of jackdaws among the birds that fell dead from the sky only a few weeks earlier. There was no question about. It would be perfect animal for our next issue… When I contacted Maiccu about it, she said that the thought of talking with the central consciousness of jackdaws popped into her head. So be it! In addition, we talk with a rescue dog and our animal communicator guest is an amazing energy healer, Karen Healey. There is no question about it; they both have very big hearts. Lea

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Page 1: The Power of 1 Silent · Wisdom 8 Hiljaisen Viisauden Voima 1/2011 Time is on our side. So is love! were hundreds of jackdaws among the birds A rescue dog speaks up, that fell dead

Copyrights © Animals Talk TMI 2011 | 1

The Power of

Silent Wisdom

8 Hiljaisen Viisauden



Time is on our side. So is love!

A rescue dog speaks up, our theme is time and we hear some actual

wisdom from the jackdaws from the sky.

1. Time is on our side… 2. Words from Maiccu 3. Leyla’s Legacy: Time 4. Alexa, the rescue dog from Spain 5. Karen Healey, an animal

communicator & an energy healer 6. The central consciousness of jackdaws 7. …time is not a thorn in our side

1 Leyla’s Book (Finnish Edition) is practically finished and ready to be published. No matter how much we, Maiccu and me, complained about the lack of time. We are still not able to see that the time is always on our side, it has been with every step we have taken with The Power of Silent Wisdom, and so it is with the book… We need to trust the process and enjoy the ride without nagging to the universe that we lack time or that we lack resources… All is well. We got everything done and we can dream about what the future holds for it and what kind of a book is the next one. We do not know when you get Leyla’s book into your hands, but here is the latest issue of PSW! The timing has been perfect with our animal messages all along, and so it is in this case. One day I just found the picture of jackdaw from my computer and realized that there were hundreds of jackdaws among the birds that fell dead from the sky only a few weeks earlier. There was no question about. It would be perfect animal for our next issue… When I contacted Maiccu about it, she said that the thought of talking with the central consciousness of jackdaws popped into her head. So be it! In addition, we talk with a rescue dog and our animal communicator guest is an amazing energy healer, Karen Healey. There is no question about it; they both have very big hearts. Lea

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2 Maiccu’s words The miracle year 2011 is in the beginning, and what will it bring to us… As Leyla suggests, let’s see what we have achieved. I am a bit overwhelmed myself and I have to look into the mirror and take a close look at myself, my hurriedness and my impatience. I am always the first one who is complaining about the lack of time. And what have we achieved? We completed a book, not to mention all these PSW issues that we have written as a side project. I can proudly look back – also to the future – but most of all, I can be here and now, silent, still, without any complaints, for example complaints about the time. It took 8 months to write the book. As I look back, to the summer of 2010, I thought that we are never going to finish it! And what happened, to my own amazement, and to the amazement of my family, and other people as well, the book was finished. (Here I would like to plead to you, dear readers. If you know a publisher that would be suitable for us, or you know somebody who could help us to find a publisher, let us know.) Once again, when I have had a chance to deliver these unbelievably beautiful messages from animals, Leyla, Alexa and the jackdaws, I can only say that the best way to live is to live in this moment. I promise myself to use Leyla’s “Dreams For Unreal” advice – and I can barely wait to see the end of this year, just that I can look back and laugh a belly laugh at myself. This year has manifested quite many

animal communication workshops, and we will have them, at least in Finland, all year around. I have so many customers at the moment and they have to wait for a bit too long… But here I can only say the same than Leyla said in her latest message: when I look back, at the never-ending flow of customers, I can see that not a one communication session was left undone. We people just have to let the time pass, exactly way it is, to make the most of every moment, exactly in the way it is. I promise to you all that I am doing my best, that is all I can do, even though I am pushing myself to the limits most of the time... How comforting those messages from animals can be, in hectic times like these. And like Alexa says, we come to learn here, as many times as it takes to learn. I have managed to catch the NOW-moment for brief moments, like nanoseconds, and that feeling is definitely worth to pursue. It is like you were sucked into a vacuum, where all the human thoughts, worries and troubles just vanish. When you reach that kind of sensation, all you can feel are love and calmness. So let’s make it our mutual aim: let’s start to strive for that fantastic feeling in 2011. In a few weeks I am able to make true one of my biggest dreams, I get to communicate with dolphins, in their natural surroundings. What shall they teach me! And to you all! We will surely let you know in our future issues! Love and magical year 2011 to all! Maiccu 19.2.2011

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3 Leyla’s Legacy: Time

My love, let’s talk about time, let’s talk about what is the most difficult concept for you human beings to understand. First I’d like to say that I am so very happy to be able to share my thoughts with you again! I will tell you what time means for me. So many things have taken place during the last few days, weeks and months. So many, that you are not even able to fully understand what you have actually achieved. Here I can mention our book and everything else as well. These words are meant for all of you who read this magazine. What I have done together with Maiccu is a good example for me to use here. Through Maiccu I see how the time moves on. Oh dear, I am laughing, you cry down there, and the more I laugh here, it is a loving laughter, it has a great love inside it. Me or any other animal or an animal which is on the other side – or human as well – never laughs evil or ironic laughter. We laugh to this concept of “time” you have and to what it makes you people do. In our book I talk to you about the things you worry about, and those two things were the money and the lack of love. If there is a third thing I could add to this list, it is definitely the time, it wins the bronze medal on the list of things human beings worry about most.

First of all, time is the same for all of us, for everyone. We talked in our book how important it is to live in this moment, here and now, not in the past or in the future. You people seem to think that this is something very absurd, you are not able to understand this at all. You know what? Books with themes like time and living in the now are the most sold books there are today. The concept of time and the wondering about it has made many people millionaires. Their books have sold numerous copies and are going to be sold in the future. People are craving for explanation for something that is crystal clear, it is all there is, that’s it, and there is nothing else. There is no future or past, there is only the moment you have right now. You do not need to go to the

bookstore; take a look at the cat or the dog or the horse you have, they are masters in using time. The animal friends in your homes and in the wild always live perfectly right here, right now. There’s something for you to ponder. I am not going to be a horse millionaire by saying this and you do not need to pay for these words; they are free for you and they are the perfect truth. (Maiccu’s note: Books and the information we get from them is always good for us humans… Leyla’s sense of humor can be seen here very clearly, she loves to tease us

human beings. I can sense that very clearly as I write these words down.) Can you make this second, this moment that you have, a good one? Can you understand that what the future holds has no meaning, until it is right here and now? Anything can happen on the way to the future, you know that. And if you gave the universe more room, your plans could succeed and come true 100% more positive way than you can ever imagine

Your timetables and your big plans,

you think that they are big and

beautiful, but in fact they are only limitations for the possibilities and

gifts the universe has to offer you.


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in your biggest dreams. You want to limit the time, you want to make timetables and plans you carry out and then we laugh again, because you settle for so small and petit outcome. You settle for an outcome in your dreams, if things work out exactly the way you have planned. I’ll give you an advice – this costs you absolutely nothing - this can change your lives and make things easier for you in many ways. You can call it Leyla’s advice: Dreams For Unreal. The next time you dream, daydream, plan, make timetables and write down your future, do it exactly like you do it; write down your dreams, on a paper or in your calendar, just like you would normally do. Write everything down as you wish it to happen, where you need to be, what you plan to do or to achieve. Then put this plan aside and say aloud: “Dear Universe, I give this plan and this timetable into your hands and I let it unfold in the way that is best for me!” And then just let it be, forget all about it, live your life without giving any thought to this plan anymore. I promise and I guarantee and sign the fact, that in many cases, your dreams do not come true or the timetable fails. Here lies a great gift for all of you, who are ready to accept it. Trust and love are involved here. So trust what I am telling you. You get what is best for you, always. You get it in the best possible schedule; you get exactly what belongs to you and is meant for you. This is what throwing you in is all about, and trusting, that everything goes exactly as it is meant to be. The outcome might be something very different what you originally planned, it can even be something that you never wanted in the first place, but if you let the time pass a little and trust that all is well and that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, the universe might surprise you.

Dear human, if you trust the universe, you also trust the time. The surprise means, that in the end, if you let things unfold and you trust that all is exactly as it is meant to be, you get so much more and better than you ever even could expect. This is what we are trying to tell you, people. If you lived more often in this moment, and you did not meddle with the higher plans and what is really meant for you, all would work out much smoother and easier. Well, now we get to the fact, that this is one of the lessons human beings gave to themselves, and there are not many of them left; you have learned a lot during this journey. When I say: Dreams For Unreal, I mean that everything that you ever dream about can be so much better and so much more beautiful, if you just let it be so. Your timetables and your big plans; you think that they are big and beautiful, but in fact they are

just limitations for the possibilities and gifts the universe has to offer you. Of course, in your hearts you need to know where you are heading and what you wish to happen. Let these dreams and plans to be like guiding lines, like a red line, but after that, throw away all the limitations and just let go. Things are not always working the way you planned and this is very familiar for you human beings and you always think of it

as something negative. If you just, in those moments in life, give us - who are on the other side - a possibility to do our job here and just let time move on without doing a thing, you would notice that, aha, what I actually got here is much, much better and finer and more precious. Next time, when things do not go as you thought or planned them to go, in the timeline you wanted them to happen, let it be and just wait and see, what possibilities there really are for you. How things can work out, like itself.

Time is

always perfect. It is your friend and your lover.


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I want all of you to look back in time, for one whole year. Think what you have achieved in that time. Have you gone to school, or have you been working, what kind of things you have gotten for yourself? Think about those things from the human point of view. How many problems you have had that has been unsolved? Well, not a one problem and you have achieved so many things. Even though you think that you have spent a whole year just by lying down, you have yet achieved something important. (Not that I know a one person who could actually lie down and be still for a one year.) For example, what have I achieved? I have dictated a book to the most impatient human being that I know (=Maiccu) and during all that unbelievable time management chaos we had we were still able to finish this dictating process in less than a year. This is a truly great achievement from my person and I am also very proud of it. Now I want you let the time go by a little, we do not know if it is a day, an hour or two weeks. So do not build timetable or any other plan whatsoever, the book will be available for all to read exactly at the right moment. This message is to all of you who have great plans; let the time go by, it will do so anyway. You know what you want so let the universe check your calendar and your dreams and make them true in a better way than you ever could have even imagined. Time goes by every second, you can’t make it go any faster or have an influence on it in any way, so the best thing to do is to just hop in enjoy the ride. Stop complaining about the lack of time, it doesn’t do any good, it is just limiting you. Here is essentially involved the patience of man; you want it all right now! You will get it all, much faster than you can even expect, if you just do as I told you to do earlier. Draw, paint, compose or write, make you treasure maps. Then put them in your hearts and your minds, and just move them away from your eyes, so that you do not start to require and demand all kinds of different timetables and plans. You can let your imagination to fly and

you can just think about those things. What could it be, if it was ten times better than the thing you just painted on the canvas? Or what if you could get it one hundred times faster than you thought it will happen? Time is one great mystery for human beings, it is something that you cannot touch, you cannot have any effect on it, it just is. Actually, there is no time at all, not in the form that you think it is, as pointers of a clock, 24 hours in a day and so on. Time is always perfect, that is what it is to you, it is your friend and lover. Time is one of those things, maybe the last one that the man is not able to force to his reigns and that is what makes it so perfect. It frustrates you, you hope that things would happen fast when you want something, or slow, when you are on a vacation. It is a good thing that humans cannot decide about the time. You can feel it in you, that time can be your greatest friend, if you just want it to be. I am not going to talk about patience to you more than this, you are not stupid, and you do understand how ridiculous the whole concept about patience really is. You are free to relax and jump into the arms of time, because it is perfect and you in it are also perfect. I promise that now that we have started to talk about time, we will talk about it in the future issues of PSW even more closely, and about what it means to live in this time. I want to talk to you – from the animal’s point of view - about the remarkable years that you are living now, and the evolution process that lead to these times and also what it means to be on earth in these times. Time is fast, it flies by, and in this life you have only a brief moment of it, until you make your transition to the other side, once again. This is how it is for all of you, no matter if you read these words or not. So why not live in this moment, where you are now, it is perfect, it is the only one you have, no matter how fancy calendar you own!


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Alexa was rescued from Spain.

“Dear people and my own people! Thank you for giving me a chance to deliver this message to all of you, I want to speak for all those who have been rescued and for all those who are still waiting to be rescued, who wait for the day to get to their new forever home, where they will be loved till the end of their days. How amazing turn it is, in a small dog’s world. This is one of those things the jackdaws also talk about; what you do to the smallest creatures you do to yourself. I am Alexa and I have lived in Finland for few years now. I do not measure time; I do not even have time at all. There is only one always and that is right now. All is well, it is warm and lovely here at home, and I enjoy myself. You have surely noticed that many dogs give the same message to their person: enjoy life exactly the way is, in this very moment. Leave all the stress behind, jump to

the couch and relax. This is so very hard for you, people. It is so very funny. What we animals teach you, everyone at their own turn, no matter what the theme: love, letting go, joy, humor… it is always the most simple thing for us animals; we got all that already in the birth. The same goes with forgiveness. I am a living example of it, where I came from or what was happening there... it doesn’t matter anymore and will never matter again. There is only this moment and a perfect forgiveness about all the things that happened in my life before I came to Finland. (Alexa was rescued from Spain.) Here is a good example of how everything in life has a meaning, but things do not always happen the way you people would like to or you assume them to happen. We dogs are one of the greatest teachers of love for you people down here on earth. We bring so much to your lives, and we could bring even more, if you wanted it to be so. Every day we bring and give you unconditional love, joy, movement, pace, laughter and affection, just to mention a few. If I was not put to that rescue farm in Spain, we never would have met. I am here to bring great love to all those who I meet. I love everything and everyone, it doesn’t matter if these people are my own people or others, I still get to love everybody, and nothing is going to stop me from doing that. My mission is to open up the hearts of people and give them humor and super love and affection, anyone, who touches me, will never be the same again. (Maiccu: Now I understand why Alexa really wants to touch everyone she meets, in a very special way.) Sometimes I am a bit wild, but that is just one part of my big heart, I am not able to love one inch less, I always love to the fullest. That is something for you people to learn, if you could love each other in the same way, to smile a full smile, to love every person and animal, the whole world would change in an instant.

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This is my mission on earth. No more, no less. You always laugh to me, that I am the Ambassador of Spain in Finland, well this is exactly the way I am, but I am even more: the Ambassador of Love. I do not mourn for anybody or anything, I just love. Those dogs that still wait for their homes wait even more that they had somebody to love. Do you see the difference between us and you humans? You wait a lot and also worry about not having somebody to love you, but we dogs wait for a chance to love somebody. In the end we love everybody. Our task is to raise the level of consciousness here on earth. Just like the jackdaws do in their own peculiar way, we dogs do it in our own way. Now I am talking about those who do not have a home yet, whether they live in some rescue farm, or on the street, it doesn’t matter. We teach you also empathy and compassion, just like all the animals. Human, you do not always see what lies in front of you; you are the obstacle between your happiness and your learning experience. This is very important point and it is very clearly seen here, at the same time with the jackdaws. People forget their responsibility, and they take the dog to a rescue farm, when they do not have the will to care for it, or when they move or get sick or have some other sorts of excuses to do so. Do you see at all what you do? You forsake a love that would have loved you till the end of life. But despite all this, even when you abandon my fellow dogs, they still just wait, patiently, even for years, that they could just love. Do you understand? They can be sorrowful, but sorrow is also love. They might miss their people, but that is

also love. They wait and wait to get a chance to give affection and love, humor and joy. And what does it take from the viewpoint of humans? Hardly anything. Human, you are being given, once again, a chance to love and to accept love, without the need to give anything in return. We love you, even if we did not get any food; you realize this as soon as you think about it for a moment. We are grateful for what we get, I

am, but for loving you, human, nothing is needed in return. “ Maiccu: I have a question running in my head but it is very difficult to put it into words. It has something to do with all those abused dogs or dogs that are forced to do something that they do not wish to do and so on... In a way, I would like to ask Alexa that what does she think about these dogs, how much longer can the love last? There is so much injustice in the world and also against dogs. “Sure we feel sorrow, longing, pain and so on. We feel all the same feelings what humans feel, but in spite of all that we live only in this moment. The only one who can make us feel those things is a man, you see? This is the key to a great knowledge, if the viewpoint of dogs is ever

going to be of big importance... We are born with the forgiveness in our hearts, just like all the other animals. We let ourselves into the hands of humans, to bring you love and affection, unconditional companionship and so on. You know in your hearts what is the meaning of dogs on earth. We guard your packs and houses and we serve you, if you are not able to see or hear or are incapable in some other ways. We keep you company; we bring you consolation and the most of all, Love.

Sure we (dogs) feel sorrow, longing, pain

and so on. We feel

all the same feelings what humans feel,

but in spite of this we live only

in this moment. The only one

who can make us feel those feelings, is a man, you see?


the rescue dog

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You see, that all the things that I mentioned earlier, are also love. And yet, you human think that you get to decide, command, control, torture, abandon, hurt, shout, frighten, threat etc. Where on earth have you lost your ability to love and to accept love? I want to ask you now: is it any wonder that the birds fall from the sky, is it? I want you to see in your eyes your own fellow humans, another person. You do all these same things to each other, you torture, hurt, wound, shout etc. So why not do the same things to the smallest ones, like the dogs? These are things that you people have to think about, to find the answers from your hearts. The answer is the same we have given you so many times earlier. We love you so much that all is forgiven, already before anything happens. The only one who you are hurting is yourself. You affect your own learning processes and your own soul’s path. I, Alexa the dog, know who I am, where I am going and where I came here from and why I am here. I never have to ponder about it more than that. This moment is all I need. Think about it like this, if man had not done so many bad things than he has done, continuously, to animals and nature, these explanations and answers would be quite different. Think if you, human, could learn all the things we animals teach you. Your lives would be nothing but love, just like the lives of us, the dogs. You have a chance to do this; it is all up to you. So many times you learn about these things that you finally do learn. I do not envy the lives of humans; I choose the dog’s life anytime instead of a human life. And I love you all so very much and love is my message to you, no more, no less, love! And love will be the carrying force also in the other issues of The Power of Silent Wisdom that you do, just like it has been so far.” Maiccu & Alexa 17.2.2011


Karen Healey

Karen Healey

Animal Communicator Intuitive Healer

Short bio in Karen’s own words: ‘Our animals are our teachers and healers and desire a deeper connection and participation in our lives. I convey their messages to you through communications, intuition and energy. Energy balancing/healing sessions support the body's innate healing abilities and are also available. "Healing our animals and ourselves through our connection with them." In person, e-mail or telephone sessions available.’

ow long have you been able to communicate with animals?

I have always felt a very special and significant connection with animals since an early age. My senses reveled in the trees, the


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lake, the grasses, and the sky – the environment of the animals. Keen listening brought awareness’s of birds flying overhead, lizards or snakes rustling through the grasses, squirrel chattering in the forest, frogs croaking along the lake, and coyotes howling. Tactile fingers explored fur, feathers, slimy wet skin, and shell whenever available. Feelings of concern and sadness were triggered when an animal was in distress. Curious and unafraid, I felt no danger from any animal. Although my experiences seemed quite normal, I found that others did not share this language of the animals. Though the notion of telepathic communication was not in my vocabulary at the time, in hindsight, I believe I was communicating on this level.

as it easy to come to terms with this intuitive, innate ability in you?

There was a time when I journeyed down the road of good health - emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually through meditation, yoga, pilates, dance, herbs, essential oils, crystals – all mind-body-soul influences. In peeling away the layers of my life, all that was left was ME, with an improved sense of peace and calm. A door opened and awareness came forth of other realms, energies, beings, and dimensions not visible to the naked eye. My body was amped up with accelerated sensitivity to noise, light, and individual’s emotional states. A sometimes overwhelming floodgate of information came through - intuition, insights, visions. I was not able to explain it, did not know what to do with it, or how to turn it off. This effected my energy levels, as I would be energized one day, then fatigued (sometimes for days), and the cycle repeated. Thus, my study of energy began. I studied everything I could about our auric field and its layers - etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual. These layers radiate outward around

our body and are essentially energetic blueprints of who we are. I discovered that our chakras, spinning energy vortices that extend from the spine outward into our energy field, process information on a vibrational level with whomever or what whatever we interact with. Maintaining a balanced energy system reduces the effect other’s energy systems have on us; i.e. strong energy fields = no energy drains = no fatigue. In achieving this balanced place, I work best as an animal communicator and healer. Animals are very sensitive to our energy fields and can be barometers of how balanced we are, in other words, they mirror what is going on inside of us. If we experience anger or nervousness, you can bet your animal is experiencing it, too. By noticing our energy, how we are feeling, are we in the present moment, or are we thinking about an event that happened yesterday or 1 hour ago, we can facilitate a ‘shift’ to balance, peace and calm, and engage fully with our animal.

hat was the most intriguing animal patient that you have given energy

healing to? What happened? While visiting a horse rescue in Colorado, Dusty, a 10-year old paint gelding, was led into the arena. His disposition was apathetic and he wasn’t the least bit curious about his surroundings. His eyes were glazed and nonresponsive. The circumstances surrounding Dusty’s arrival at the ranch was due to an unfortunate and most emotional surrender by his human. As Dusty and his human were experiencing great loss, their emotional link was still energetically strong, though hundreds of miles apart. A letting go, release, and healing would be necessary for Dusty to move forward in his new life. When I scanned Dusty, I saw dark depressive energy around his body, all his chakras were out of balance, and his heart area needed the most healing. I spent one hour working with him.



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The next day I led Dusty into the arena. It was an almost magical transformation, there was a definite twinkle in Dusty’s eyes. He was alert, attentive, and he was interested in the arena structures, people, and horses. Spectators (about 10 witnesses) were asking me, “Is this the same horse that we saw yesterday? He is a different horse!” Yes, the energy healing had stimulated releases that had indeed transformed Dusty. I felt honored to have been a part of this healing. I channeled a couple of distant healing sessions with Dusty after I left the ranch, and the last update was encouraging. A wooden apparatus around his neck to prevent him from biting himself (an emotionally triggered symptom) had been removed, and he now shared his pasture with a mare!

any intuitives also communicate with trees and other plants. Have

you done that? I have done this many times. Trees hold ancient knowledge, and they absorb the energetic memories of all that has occurred in their lifetime. I was particularly drawn to place my hand on a very old, large, cottonwood tree, with a very impressive 4-foot trunk. It could have possibly been over 200 years old. Historic and vivid images were revealed to me of an extinct way of life with horse-drawn wagons, settlers driving cattle across the river, and bear and mountain lion roaming freely. Another time, traversing a hiking trail, I observed a tree with its trunk split down the middle, some of its branches bare, other leaves brown and dropping to the ground. My thoughts and feelings reflected sadness, “You are dying.” The tree spoke directly and straightforwardly, “I am not dying, my seedlings will allow me to live on.” How true, how true.

o you have a favorite animal that you love to communicate with, or have

you specialized in certain animals because of your own interest in them? Cats have always been a part of my life. During one period, my family had 14 cats! Since then, many cats have touched my life, each teaching me a little more about myself. Cat energy is feminine energy, magic and mystical power, a going within. I believe cats are transmitters or cosmic radios with links to other realms. They intercept and alter the vibration of bad energy. They are guardians, assistants, and of course, great comforting companions. Recently Shuilean, a kitten, has come into my life to assist me in my healing work with horses. The horse is very close to my heart, and my love for them began at an early age. A move to the southwest, where horses are more plentiful, has renewed this love. Horses, sensitive conscious beings, have taken my communications and healing to a whole new level. Working with horses necessitates a conscious-based partnership paired with an acknowledgment of respect and trust. With no other intention than ‘being’ in their energetic space, horses freely share their wisdom. I express my utmost thanks by giving back through energy healing. Horse energy suggests freedom, power, and movement forward. Understanding the dynamics of dogs and dog-pack relationships has been invaluable when I work energetically with them. Dogs are great teachers and require that we have command of our own energy. When we are calm and assertive, we positively impact our relationship with our dog, which spills over into our relationships with people and situations in our life. And dog’s spontaneity in what I call ‘dog play’, reminds us to smile and have fun. Dog energy is a blend of masculine energy, companionship, leadership, and service.

ou swam with dolphins, only a couple of months ago, did you learn



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something new about dolphins and their energy? Yes, my natural swim with the dolphins was amazing! As humans, we are sometimes driven to initiate the contact or make the first move toward an animal; however, in their world, the best experience is when the dolphins initiate and ‘invite’ us to interact and play. And indeed they did! The dolphins danced with me through continuous movement - intertwining, converging, melding, and spiraling outward all around me. Dolphins are highly telepathic, highly energetic and their physical bodies hold high-vibrational frequencies, which explains the frequency shift (I heard as a buzzing sound) when our energy bodies linked as they swam beneath me. Culminating the end of a fabulous afternoon with the dolphin pod, I relaxed by the water and experienced a most exciting vision. Dolphins in-spirit (dolphin consciousness) gathered overhead. Their appearance was two-fold – acknowledging gratitude for their dolphin family on earth, and an open invitation for us to join with them in their communications. Their words were “We speak your language with sound! Try it, sometime!”



This jackdaw was photographed in the summer of 2010 by

Lea. This bird was the catalyst that gave Maiccu the idea to connect with the central consciousness of jackdaws. They gave us a great message and the timing is perfect, like it

always is with our messages in PSW.

The group consciousness of jackdaws

Dear people, we talk to you like it came from one mouth, but this is not quite ordinary message, this comes from the group consciousness of jackdaws, which we all are united with. We belong to the web of love, just like the rest of the animals and we have something important to say to you. Many things are connected to this moment that we are living in now, and also things that you should know about and understand. Everything has a meaning, always, even those unpleasant events that have happened

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recently, when many birds died. We do know that you humans always look for an exhaustive and reasonable explanation for everything. This time we ask of you: listen with your heart. This message is not very long, but it is even more important and you can understand the point of it only by listening with your heart. There are things happening, solely to make you learn to open up your eyes, and your hearts, and that you learned to feel empathy and compassion. Now it is important that you leave all the scientific explanations aside and just feel what you are feeling in the bottom of your heart and what kind of thoughts these recent incidents bring forth in you. Most of you have already forgotten all that took place (we talk about the incidents when birds fell from the sky). You people love drama and this is just one form of drama for you. But some people did become horrified and started to look for explanations and answers. Our message is coming to you exactly at the right moment, because we hope that you would not forget what happened. Just the remembering and thinking about these birds helps, because then you are feeling the compassion for these birds which left the earth. And you have learned by now, with the help of many messages, that compassion is the same thing than love. One of the main reasons for this kind of incidents is that you people would learn to see and understand where you are going and what you are doing for all the living beings on this planet. The same kind of incidents happened in many places at the same, so that as many people as possible could begin to see things more clearly and on a deeper level. The big problem for you people is that you forget that something ever happened. When you have had your dose of drama, complaining and being horrified included with some scientific answers, you become content again and you just keep on living your lives just as you did earlier. STOP here, these are signs for you to stop and start to think what is your role in the

scheme of things. This is something minor yet, these unbelievable ambassadors of love have given their own lives to make you people learn to see better and open up your hearts and that you started to do things in life that can save your soil. But it did not go like this, and it will not go like this in the future. You do not hear, not even if somebody was screaming it to you next to your ear and told you what this is all about. You do know what the world is like today. Production, performance and the one who got the biggest stress is all that matters and that is very wrong. We do not wish to tell what is right or what is wrong, but you do not want to see or hear anything else except YOU. Some of us gave their lives so that you could have a better future and that you could start to do things right. It is all about little different choices and little changes that help you to turn the things for better, but no, man does not want to do a thing, he waits that his neighbor or government or his city makes the difference. Those of you, who see with your heart and feel what we are saying to you right now, do understand what this is all about. It is about the biggest indication of love that anyone can ever give to you. Animals and nature try to help you and give you answers and guidance all the time, but you just close your eyes, then your ears and finally your hearts. Every one of you has a possibility to make a difference, even with the big things, with those things that you think that your hands can never even touch. This is the last call for you to stand in front of mirror and look deep down into yourself: what do you hear your heart say? Heart speaks the truth, always, listen to it and you can never go wrong. For a one whole year we have given these messages to you, and we have walked beside you in the web of love. We are moving forward, getting deeper and talking about more serious stuff. Those of you, who have read all these messages, are able to see how we have come all this way to this moment,

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and how we have taught you. If you are still not aware of what it means to hear or what the voice of the heart is, go back to that issue (PSW 5) where the deer talked about hearing. In the earlier issues you have been explained all the basic things about feelings you have in your lives. Now is time to move into more concrete things, a bit more serious things. Remember that all these messages come from the great love, from the great source of love. The whole picture will become visible like a puzzle around you and you will learn to understand things on a whole new level. Just like Leyla said it, this is what we will talk about in the future issues. This will go on for a very long time. We animals will talk to you about these things which take place on planet earth and in the time that you are living in right now. We want to say to you something about the birds that fell from the sky. It is obvious now, that it all had a meaning attached to it, that it was meant to wake you people up. Those of you, who will not forget, will wake up. So powerful and strong energies are coming to earth in this moment that anything can happen. One ingredient in these incidents is the amount of changing energies on earth and the combination of that with the human made changes in the atmosphere. But this is science already. These incidents that take place will touch all of you and the less you change your course and keep on walking your walk, ignoring your own responsibility, the bigger events will take place in the future. We want to tell you, that just as this message is delivered to you collectively from the group consciousness of jackdaws, just as well all of you human beings have a collective responsibility about your doings. Just like we jackdaws fell from the sky, so are many people going to leave earth with the help of many natural disasters, collectively. The only difference between these incidents is that we know what is happening and where

we are going. We have flown to a certain place in a certain moment of time, because we have known that this is what we are supposed to do. We move to places where our group consciousness is leading us. You people have wanted to forget your own power and your responsibility and your consciousness. That is why all these teachings about raising the state of your consciousness are so extremely important for you in this time. The more you raise your consciousness, the better you understand who you are and what kind of responsibility you people have as people in this very moment of time. Our task here on earth is to teach people about the collective responsibility. How very big and burdensome task... can you see that? None of the work you people do down there, on earth, is not even close to the things what we do over there. We do all that we do with a great love and what do you do? You complain and worry, even when you have been given the bigger role in this play. You have been given the role to learn about life, how to live in this moment, here and now. From us, jackdaws, you could learn especially the collective responsibility and being and doing things together. You can have the mutual responsibility, even when you are not physically together, you understand? All of you, who read these words has a responsibility for the other one who reads these words, maybe even on the other side of the world and in the same way you have also responsibility for all those who do not wish to hear anything or understand anything for example about the messages of jackdaws or other animals. All this is connected with the bigger lesson you get to read in every issue, all over again and again, just in a bit different form. You need to love and have responsibility for everyone, also for those who do not understand things like you do them understand. He is just as important, he is exactly where he is supposed to be in his own, personal learning process. He teaches you

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and you teach him and we teach you and so on, in the great web of love. So, we have said a lot and important things, you can always get back to this message as well and get to the bottom of it, so that you get more and more out of it every time you do so. You ask why we like to dwell in old buildings? We tell you that we love something that people have forsaken. We are like that; we love different things and those who are left alone. Something that humans have built and cared for in some way and then just forsaken is our territory now. We affect the energy that people have left in these places, me take care of these energies. We suck that energy into ourselves and then we take it away when we leave, we clean the energies, you see? Do you see any connection here to the fact that you can see us moving in big flocks for example over graveyards? You have hears sayings like: big flocks of jackdaws are not a good omen, that they bring sorrow. No, we do not bring you sorrow, we take the sorrow away, for example, we take the energy of a person or an animal, who has made his transition and we take that energy with us and we help it to move on. That is why you can see so many of us in places where so many have left their bodies behind. Now you know that you do not have to fear when you see us, all is well, we are here to help. We love you so much and we love our common earth even more, so that we are ready to do anything to get you to learn to do the same: to love! Maiccu 17.2.2011


Time is on our side, but it is not a thorn in our side, it is not an enemy, no matter how much we try to play the blame game with it in our lives. We have also love on our side; it is like an invisible force that lives in us eternally, we are just always not aware of it… The love is always there. When you combine these two, time and love, and let yourself dwell in them, you get a perfect timing, a pure synchronism of life force. Next time you worry about time, remember what Alexa said: she does not even have the concept of time in her head… And when you think about it, have you ever seen the reflection of past or future in the eyes of a dog? No… There is nothing but the light of this moment shining in the eyes of a dog. You see, the happiness is already here, it was never gone in the first place. The happiness is here, now - but where are we? Lea

Maiccu Kostiainen

[email protected]

Lea Pihlman

[email protected]

Guest: Karen Healey

[email protected]!/hummingbird30