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Published by Real Life Teaching/Publishing 562-237-8039

Whittier, California

Copyright © 2013 Real Life Teaching/Publishing

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Cover Design by Covenant Seed

Editing, Composition, and Typography by Patti McKenna

This book is available at quantity discounts for bulk purchase. For more information contact: Real Life Teaching/Publishing

[email protected] Telephone: 562-237-8039

Whittier, California Special Note: This edition of The Power of Mentorship, The Art of Business is designed to provide information and motivation to our readers. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged to render any type of psychological, legal, or any other kind of professional advice. The content of each article is the sole expression and opinion of its author, and not necessarily that of the publisher. No warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied by the publisher’s choice to include any of the content in this volume. Neither the publisher nor the individual author(s) shall be liable for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, including, but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential or other damages. Our views and rights are the same: You are responsible for your own choices, actions, and results.

Printed in the United States of America


Table of Contents Introduction 6

1 It Begins With Your Decision, Bob Proctor


2 The Power of a Clear Vision, Chris and Angie Knierim


3 Leading and Motivating, Brian Tracy


4 The Hidden Secret to Wealth, James Gill


5 Finish What You Start, Wilfredo Novoa


6 The Success Map, Dan Stather 56

7 Wealth is Your Birthright, Don Boyer


8 Building a Successful Team, Jim Rohn


9 Powerful People Have Powerful Environments, Marie Diamond


10 The Business Entrepreneur, Melinda Boyer


11 What Does It Take to "Have It All" in Life?, John Assaraf


12 Be Deliberate About Creating Wealth, Glenda Feilen


13 The Power of Conversation, Barry Were


14 Sometimes It Happens With a Spark, Chuck and Judie Freels


15 A Life-Changing Procedure, Zig Ziglar



WHEN YOU ARE PRIVILEGED TO witness great accomplishments, what you are really seeing is a combination of the effort, gifts, talents, and skills of a magnificent team. There is no such thing as a Lone Ranger superstar. You will find that there is no “I” in the word success because success is always a by-product of a team. Everything that has been done in The Power of Mentorship community is the result of all of our fantastic mentors and authors. Words cannot express my gratitude for the following people who made this book a living reality:

Our Lord Jesus Christ My wife and life partner, Melinda Boyer

All the co-authors and mentors who contributed their knowledge to this book:

Bob Proctor Chris and Angie Knierim Brian Tracy James Gill Wilfredo Novoa Daniel Stather Jim Rohn Marie Diamond Melinda Boyer John Assaraf Glenda Feilen Chuck and Judie Freels Barry Were

You are all living examples that once we make up our mind to accomplish something and take action to make it happen, anything can be achieved!



Dedicated to all the past, present, and future heroes who dare to pursue their dreams.


Introduction Digital Downloads

The Next Trillion Dollar Industry For Speakers, Coaches and Trainers

OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS, the self-help industry has not been sluggish because of its content, lack of interest from the marketplace, or even as some have said from “information overload.” It has been on the decline because of its current format in meeting the demands of cultural change. We are now living in a very peculiar time in history, one where technology is no longer an interesting subject, but a life-driven system known as “marketplace culture.” For instance, how did we ever do business without computers, cell phones, emails, and the Internet? To think that these tools were not available to the average business 25 years ago seems to be, well, unthinkable!

However, these technologies are no longer for the elite few, but for the ordinary masses. They have now become cultural standard, which simply means this system of technology has become our lifestyle. Being part of the baby boomer generation, I did not grow up with Internet technology, and although I am proficient enough to function in this technology, the fact remains that my four-year-old granddaughter knows how to navigate my iPhone® games better than me! The self-help industry as we know it today has a history of a little over 100 years. Not much has changed in the way of its



message and teachings for they are founded on unchangeable principles. However, the format they have been brought to the public has drastically changed over the last 100 years.

From 1910 through 1950, the self-help industry was booming through the format of printed books. That era gave us the classics that we are still buying today, like As a Man Thinketh, Think and Grow Rich, and The Science of Getting Rich, just to name a few. Then the movement started losing momentum in the marketplace and went on a massive decline.

In the 70’s and 80’s, it was revived with a renewed fever through the format of live seminars and meetings. Professional speakers like Jim Rohn, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, Zig Ziglar, and many others packed 10,000-seat auditoriums across the nation. The self-help success industry was once again in the mainstream spotlight. But as the cultural demand changed, so did the need for the delivery format. Once again, as the marketplace format shifted, the industry started to decline.

Once the 1990’s came into play, the self-help success industry became alive and mainstream once again through the media of audios. As technology progressed and the demand on our time continued to grow, fewer and fewer people were willing to pack auditoriums to capacity. Instead, they used their travel time to turn their car and commute into a "learning university on wheels" by way of audio programs. This format was extremely effective throughout the 90’s and even well into the 21st Century.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


However, the industry took on a massive renewal revival in 2006 with the mega smash hit film The Secret, produced by Rhonda Burns. For many known and unknown reasons, the film swept the globe and went viral. Many people had high hopes for the film project, but nobody expected it to become the phenomena that it did. This gave the industry a huge boost and mass appeal, and once again the flames of the personal growth industry was burning—only this time brighter than they had for the past 100 years. This also put the self-help industry in a new format that nobody had expected—the movie format. This format consisted of a film that was a unique blend of a documentary coupled with a storyline, showcasing the top experts in the field of personal development, like international experts Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, James Ray, and many others. Once The Secret was released, the personal growth industry took off on the path to fill the marketplace demand of delivering the message of success through movies.

This however created two major problems:

1. Nobody in the personal growth industry had any real experience in this movie format and, frankly, had no idea what they were doing. But not knowing what you are doing has never stopped any real success expert. So we just jumped in and started filling the need.

2. The Secret was such a phenomenal hit and magnificent film that it was very hard and expensive to follow.

Although motivational movies are fun to do and we have personally produced four of them ourselves,



there is a new kid on the block, which is not a fad, but a global phenomenon that is here to stay. I call it the “E-book Phenomena.” I have been predicting and preparing for this global trend since 2006 when we were one of the first publishing companies to convert our printed books into an e-book format and market them. Of course, back then, there were was no real market for them, and there was no such thing yet as e-book readers on the market. However, I saw the day approaching. That day is now here and taking the market by storm. In fact, the front cover of a recent Bloomberg Businessweek magazine included the caption, “Amazon wants to burn the (printed) book business.”

That reality is not good news for traditional book publishers; however, it has opened an unlimited “gold mine” for speakers, coaches, and entrepreneurs to partake in the greatest marketing and business tool ever created: “The published book.” If you are going to survive and excel in this current harsh economy, you will want to take advantage of this global trend. Becoming a published author has now become accessible to every professional on the planet. So I urge you to stake your “claim” in this “Trillion Dollar Industry” of digital downloads.

In closing, we would love to have you come on board as one of our exclusive authors in our Power of Mentorship book series. If you ever wanted to become a world renowned bestselling author, come join our team. Contact me at [email protected], and I will send you all the details. You are going to enjoy and greatly benefit from the experts in this book; they are the best in their field and are

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


dedicated to helping you take your life to the next level of success.

The Publishers


Bob Proctor

For 40 years, Bob Proctor has focused his entire agenda around helping people create lush lives of prosperity, rewarding relationships, and spiritual awareness. Bob Proctor knows how to help you because he comes from a life of want and limitation. In 1960, he was a high-school dropout with a resume of dead-end jobs and a future clouded in debt. One book was placed in his hands—Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich—which planted the seed of hope in Bob’s mind. In just months, and with further support from the works of Earl Nightingale, Bob’s life literally spun on a dime. In a year, he was making more than $100,000 and soon topped the $1 million mark.

It doesn’t matter how you grew up or what you’ve struggled with in life—your mind is unscathed by any circumstance you’ve struggled with in life—your mind is unscathed by any circumstance you’ve yet lived ... and it’s phenomenally powerful! Let Bob Proctor’s live seminars, best-selling books, and recordings show you how to excavate the wonderful gem of your own mind. Visit Bob Proctor online at:


Chapter One

It Begins With Your Decision

Bob Proctor

THERE IS A SINGLE MENTAL move you can make which, in a millisecond, will solve enormous problems for you. It has the potential to improve almost any personal or business situation you will ever encounter ... and it could literally propel you down the path to incredible success. We have a name for this magic mental activity ... it is called DECISION.

Decisions, or the lack of them, are responsible for the breaking or making of many a career. Individuals who have become very proficient at making decisions, without being influenced by the opinions of others, are the same people whose annual incomes fall into the six and seven-figure category. However, it’s not just your income that is affected by decisions; your whole life is dominated by this power. The health of your mind and body, the well-being of your family, your social life, the type of relationships you develop … all are dependent upon your ability to make sound decisions.

You would think anything as important as decision making, when it has such far-reaching power, would be taught in every school, but it is not. To compound the problem, not only is decision

Bob Proctor: It Begins With Your Decision


making missing from the curriculum of our educational institutions, up until recently, it’s also been absent from most of the corporate training and human resource programs available.

So, how is a person expected to develop this mental ability? Quite simply, you must do it on your own. However, I think it’s important to understand that it’s not difficult to learn how to make wise decisions. Armed with the proper information and by subjecting yourself to certain disciplines, you can become a very effective decision maker.

You can virtually eliminate conflict and confusion in your life by becoming proficient at making decisions. Decision making brings order to your mind, and of course, this order is then reflected in your objective world ... your results. “It comes to pass. Environment is but our looking glass.”

No one can see you making decisions, but they will almost always see the results of your decisions. The person who fails to develop their ability to make decisions is doomed because indecision sets up internal conflicts which can, without warning, escalate into all-out mental and emotional wars. Psychiatrists have a name to describe these internal wars—it is ambivalence. My Oxford Dictionary tells me that ambivalence is the co-existence in one person of opposite feelings toward the same objective.

You do not require a doctorate degree in psychiatry to understand that you are going to have difficulty in your life by permitting your mind to remain in an ambivalent state for any period of time. The

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


person who does permit it to exist will become very despondent and virtually incapable of any type of productive activity. It is obvious that anyone who finds themselves in such a mental state is not living—at best, they are merely existing. A decision or a series of decisions would change everything.

A very basic law of the universe is “create or disintegrate.” Indecision causes disintegration. How often have you heard a person say, “I don’t know what to do”? How often have you heard yourself ask, “What should I do?” Think about some of the indecisive feelings you and virtually everyone on this planet experience from time to time.





Everyone, on occasion, has experienced these feelings of ambivalence. If it happens to you frequently, decide right now to stop it. The cause of ambivalence is indecision, but we must keep in mind that the truth is not always in the appearance of things.

Indecision is a cause of ambivalence, however, it is a secondary cause; it is not the primary cause. I have been studying the behavior of people who have become very proficient at making decisions for over a quarter century. They all have one thing

Bob Proctor: It Begins With Your Decision


in common. They have a very strong self-image, a high degree of self-esteem. They may be as different as night is to day in numerous other respects, but they certainly possess confidence.

Low self-esteem or a lack of confidence is the real culprit here. Decision makers are not afraid of making an error. If and when they make an error in their decision or fail at something, they have the ability to shrug it off. They learn from the experience, but they will never submit to the failure.

Every decision maker was either fortunate enough to have been raised in an environment where decision making was a part of their upbringing, or they developed the ability themselves at a later date. They are aware of something that everyone who hopes to live a full life must understand: Decision making is something you cannot avoid.

That is the cardinal principle of decision making. DECIDE RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE WITH WHATEVER YOU’VE GOT. This is precisely why most people never master this important aspect of life. They permit their resources to dictate if and when a decision will or can be made. When John Kennedy asked Werner Von Braun what it would take to build a rocket that would carry a man to the moon and return him safely to earth, his answer was simple and direct: “The will to do it.”

President Kennedy never asked questions, all of which would have been valid. President Kennedy made a decision ... he said, we will put a man on the moon and return him safely to earth before the end of the decade. The fact that it had never been

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


done before in all the hundreds of thousands of years of human history was not even a consideration. He DECIDED where he was with what he had. The objective was accomplished in his mind the second he made the decision. It was only a matter of time—which is governed by natural law—before the goal was manifested in form for the whole world to see.

I was in an office with three people. We were discussing the purchase of shares in a company. I was selling; they were buying. After a reasonable amount of time, one of the partners asked me when I wanted a decision. I replied, “Right now.” I said, “You already know what you want to do.”

There was some discussion about money. I pointed out that money had nothing to do with it. Once you make the decision, you will find the money ... every time. If that is the only benefit you receive from this particular message on decision making, burn it into your mind. It will change your life. I explained to two of these people that I never let money enter my mind when I am deciding whether I will or will not do something. Whether I can afford it or not is never a consideration. Whether I want to or not is the only consideration. You can afford anything; there is an infinite supply of money. All of the money in the world is available to you, when the decision is firmly made. If you need money, you will attract it.

I am well aware there are any number of people who will say that is absurd. You can’t just decide to do something if you do not have the necessary resources. And that’s fine if that is the way they choose to think. I see that as a very limiting way of

Bob Proctor: It Begins With Your Decision


thinking. In truth, it probably is not thinking at all ... it is very likely an opinion being expressed that was inherited from another older member of their family who did not think, either.

Do you give consideration to your thoughts? Do you consider how they affect the various aspects of your life? Although this should be one of our most serious considerations, for many people it is not. There are a very select few who make any attempt to control or govern their thoughts.

Anyone who has made a study of the great thinkers, the great decision makers, the achievers of history, will know they very rarely agreed on anything when it came to the study of human life. However, there was one point on which they were in complete and unanimous agreement and that was, “We become what we think about.”

What do you think about? You and I must realize that our thoughts ultimately control every decision we make. You are the sum total of your thoughts. By taking charge this very minute, you can guarantee yourself a good day. Refuse to let unhappy, negative people or circumstances affect you.

The greatest stumbling block you will encounter when making important decisions in your life is circumstance. We let circumstance get us off the hook when we should be giving it everything we’ve got. More dreams are shattered and goals lost because of circumstance than any other single factor.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


How often have you caught yourself saying, “I would like to do or have this, but I can’t because...” Whatever follows “because” is the circumstance. Circumstances may cause a detour in your life but you should never permit them to stop you from making important decisions.

Napoleon said, “Circumstances; I make them.” The next time you hear someone say they would like to vacation in Paris or purchase a particular automobile but they can’t because they don’t have enough money, explain they don’t need to worry about the money. Once the decision is made, they will figure out a way to get the amount needed. They always do.

Many misguided individuals try something once or twice, and if they do not hit the bulls-eye, they feel they are a failure. Failing does not make anyone a failure, but quitting most certainly does, and quitting is a decision. By following that form of reasoning, you would have to say when you make a decision to quit, you make a decision to fail.

Every day in America, you hear about a baseball player signing a contract which will pay him a few million dollars a year. You should try to keep in mind ... that same player misses the ball more often than he hits it when he steps up to the plate. Everyone remembers Babe Ruth for the 714 home runs he hit, and they rarely mention that he struck out 1,330 times.

Charles F. Kettering said, and I quote, “When you’re inventing, if you flunk 999 times and succeed once, you’re in.”

Bob Proctor: It Begins With Your Decision


That is true of just about any activity you can name, but the world will soon forget your failures in light of your achievements. Don’t worry about failing; it will toughen you up and get you ready for your big win. Winning is a decision.

Many years ago, Helen Keller was asked if she thought there was anything worse than being blind. She quickly replied that there was something much worse. She said, “The most pathetic person in the world is a person who has their sight but no vision.” I agree with Helen Keller.

At 91, J.C. Penney was asked how his eyesight was. He replied that his sight was failing but his vision had never been better. That is really great, isn’t it?

Take the first step in predicting your own prosperous future. Build a mental picture of exactly how you would like to live. Make a firm decision to hold on to that vision and positive ways to improve everything will begin to flow into your mind.

Many people get a beautiful vision of how they would like to live, but because they cannot see how they are going to make it all happen, they let the vision go. If they knew how they were going to get it or do it, they would have a plan, not a vision. There is no inspiration in a plan, but there sure is in a vision. When you get the vision, freeze frame it with a decision and don’t worry about how you will do it or where the resources will come from. Charge your decision with enthusiasm ... that is important. Refuse to worry about how it will happen.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


Sometimes, it is advantageous to make decisions in advance: We make advance bookings when we fly somewhere—that is quite common. We make advance reservations to eliminate any confusion or problems when the time arrives for the journey. We do the same with renting a car, for the same reason. Think of the problems you will eliminate by making many of the decisions you must make well in advance.

I’ll give you an excellent example. As I am preparing this message, it is Ramadan, a time where all practicing Muslims fast. I was in an office yesterday in Kuala Lumpur and was asked if I would like a cup of tea or coffee. I replied that I would appreciate a cup of tea. The lady next to me was then asked if she would like a cup, and she replied, “No, I’m fasting.” When she was asked, she did not have to decide whether she wanted anything or not. Whether she was thirsty or not was not tempered with discipline.

The exact same concept works with a person when they are on a diet to release weight. Their decisions are made in advance. If they are offered a big slice of chocolate cake, they don’t have to say, “Gee, that looks good ... I wonder if I should.” The decision is made in advance.

I made a decision a long time ago that I would not participate in discussions of why something cannot be done. The only compensation you will ever receive for participating in or giving energy to that type of discussion is something you do not want.

I always find it amazing at the number of seemingly intelligent people who persist in

Bob Proctor: It Begins With Your Decision


dragging you into these negative brainstorming sessions. In one breath, these people tell you they seriously want to accomplish a particular objective. And, in the next breath, they begin talking about why they can’t. Think of how much more of life they would enjoy by making a decision that they will no longer participate in that type of negative energy.

The humanistic psychologist, Dr. Abraham Maslow, who devoted his life to studying self-actualized people, stated very clearly that we should follow our inner guide and not be swayed by the opinion of others or outside circumstances. Maslow’s research showed that the decision makers in life had a number of things in common; most important, they did work they felt was worthwhile and important. They found work a pleasure, and there was little distinction between work and play. Dr. Maslow said, to be self-actualized, you must not only be doing work you consider to be important, you must do it well and enjoy it.

Dr. Maslow recorded that these superior performers had values, those qualities in their personalities they considered to be worthwhile and important. Their values were not decisions. Like their work, they chose and developed their values themselves.

Your life is important and, at its best, life is short. You have the potential to do anything you choose and to do it well. But, you must make decisions, and when the time for a decision arrives, you must make your decision where you are with what you’ve got.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


Let me leave you with the words of two great decision makers, William James and Thomas Edison. William James suggested that, compared to what we ought to be, we are making use of only a small part of our physical and mental resources. Stating this concept broadly, the human individual thus lives far within his limits. He possesses powers of various sorts which he habitually fails to use.

Years later, Thomas Edison said, and I quote, “If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”

By making a simple decision, the greatest minds of the past are available to you. You can literally learn how to turn your wildest dreams into reality.

Put this valuable information to use and recognize the greatness which exists within you. You have limitless resources of potential and ability waiting to be developed. Start today—there’s never any time better than the present. Be all that you are capable of being.


Chris and Angie Knierim

Chris and Angie Knierim are an award-winning project management and training team with 30-plus years experience delivering critical projects. They have brought their talents to Lyoness as Independent Business Representatives and specialize in recruiting and training high-quality small to medium-sized businesses and professional individuals.

Chris and Angie are a resource and asset to any high-quality business that wishes to:

1. Increase sales volume and profit by attracting new customers/clients

2. Create new and independent income streams 3. Reduce operating costs

They are the proud parents of two beautiful young children and believe in creating a healthy balance between family and business.

Chris and Angie can be reached by telephone at (951) 526-6036 or email to: [email protected] or [email protected]. Also, make sure you visit their website and blog, which can be found at


Chapter Two

The Power of a Clear Vision

Chris and Angie Knierim

“I AM JUST TOO BUSY.” I hear my friends, former colleagues, and even people I have just met say this all the time. They have no idea where they are going, but they are busy. Without a clear vision of what you want to achieve, I must ask, “What are you busy doing?” Is being busy making you happy and fulfilled? Here is the crux of the problem: most people are simply too busy to figure out what they really want. They have not taken the time to figure out what they really want to achieve and, therefore, just start working on everything, but all they achieve is a busy life, not a fulfilled life. A clearly defined vision is your vehicle to a fulfilled life.

To achieve all of your dreams, you must have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. A clear vision of what you want to achieve enables you to overcome the difficulties and challenges faced while pursuing your dreams. A clear vision opens you to opportunities to achieve your dreams when they show up in your life.

“The Key Factor to Wealth is the Ability to See Opportunity

and Move On It!”

Many people focus on what they don’t want to do, as opposed to focusing on what they want to

Chris and Angie Knierim: The Power of a Clear Vision


achieve. For a lot of people, this approach doesn’t work. When you focus on what you don’t want to do, you have little time to focus on what you do want to achieve. More often than not, you will have to do something you don’t want to do for a short while in order to achieve your vision. However, if you are concentrating on what you don’t want, the Law of Attraction will bring you just that—the things you don’t want—and push the things you do want further from you. Stop focusing on what you don’t want and start focusing on what you do want. People have a list of things they want and even a longer list of the things they don’t want; yet, they find they have more of what they don’t want than they do of things they do want. How did life get so upside down?

A much better approach is to clearly define what you want to achieve and to be specific. If you want “financial freedom,” define specifically what this means to you and what you would do with that freedom and write it down. If financial freedom for you means making a million dollars a year in residual income, then write it down. Write down specifically what you would do with your freedom. Maybe you will fund a charity or buy a new house—whatever it is, just be specific. What kind of charity? What would your new house look like? How big would it be? What would your kitchen, master bedroom, and living room look like? You want to be able to clearly visualize what you want. If you want a better life for you and your family, clearly define what that means to you.

My wife and I have a written vision statement. It is posted on the wall in our office. We read our vision statement regularly and also when a challenge

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


arises or we are presented with an obstacle. Our vision statement keeps us focused. Our vision statement keeps us motivated. Our vision statement helps us to persevere. This is the power of a clear vision; it is your best tool to getting through the challenges we all have to face. A clear vision is a force that allows you to keep going when everything in you and around you tells you to “Give Up.”

When I studied acting, my teacher used to say, “That which hinders your task, is your task.” If your education level is preventing you from being promoted to your ideal job, then getting your education is your task. If you have friends who are negative and not supporting you and your vision, then getting some positive and supportive friends is your task. If your current job is keeping you from achieving your dreams, then getting a better job is your task. If something or someone is preventing you from achieving your dreams, then that something or that someone has to go, and that then is your task. You and you alone control your own destiny.

I recently met a young man, only 17 years old, who remarkably already has a clear vision for his life. This young man’s grandfather is a retired police detective, and he wants to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps. This young man has set out his roadmap to achieve his vision. He will join the Marines, become a police officer, work his way to detective, and then retire at 50. To achieve his goal, he is already doing physical training (PT) with the Marines. At this young age, he already understands that to be a Marine, he must have a high level of physical fitness. This is why this

Chris and Angie Knierim: The Power of a Clear Vision


young man is focused on the task to become physically fit. He understands that serving in the military is one of the best ways to become a police officer. You can see how each task brings this young man closer to his ultimate goal to become a detective and retire at age 50.

I often ask people, “If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do?” More often than not, this question is met with a long silence and the response, “That is a good question.”

I spoke to a friend who was complaining about how he was forgetting things and just couldn’t concentrate like he used to. I asked him, “If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do?” His response focused on how his wife was going to lose her job, and since she had been working for so long, she deserved some time away from work. I listened to my friend as he explained why he couldn’t do certain things at this time because of his situation at work, because of certain financial reasons, because he was so busy with a small charity that he headed, and the list went on. When he finished, I said, “You didn’t answer my question.” The question I asked was, “If you DIDN’T have to worry about money, what would you do?”

I challenged my friend to forget about all the things that are preventing him from doing what he wanted and focus on what he did want to do. I suggested that the reason he was forgetting things and couldn’t concentrate was because he had no clear vision of what he wanted to achieve and, therefore, was bored, distracted, and forgetful. My friend was financially comfortable but was living

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


without a clear vision of what he wanted to achieve. He needed to take time to figure out his vision, what made him excited, what made him passionate, and what gets him motivated.

People need to break out of what I call the “Skinner Box Mentality.” B.F. Skinner was a famous American psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, and social philosopher who invented the operant conditioning chamber, also known as the Skinner Box. In simple terms, the Skinner box was a box with an electrified grid on the floor. There are several experiments that were performed with this box, but the one I remember most was an experiment where a rat was placed in the box and then an electric current was run through the box. The rat naturally would jump out of the box to escape the electric shock. Then a lid was placed on the box, and when the rat tried to escape, it would hit the lid and end up back on the floor, where the rat would get shocked again. Eventually, the rat would stop jumping. Then the lid would be removed from the box and the current would again be run through the box; however, the rat no longer tried to jump out and would just lie there. The rat had given up trying to escape the shock because he now accepted the pain as his only alternative.

There are so many people who are in jobs they don’t like, or even hate, but never try to escape; they are afflicted with this “Skinner Box Mentality.” They, like the rat in the experiment, have given up. Why? Because the job they have is the pain they know. They have gotten used to the idea of working for a boss or company that doesn’t care about them. They have gotten used to a life without balance. They have gotten used to a 60-hour work

Chris and Angie Knierim: The Power of a Clear Vision


week at an unfulfilling job or, even worse, one they hate. They have forgotten how to dream. Fortunately, there is a way out of the box. The way out starts with a clearly defined vision; it starts by dreaming again.

When you have your clearly defined vision, you will no longer be concerned about the things you can’t do, but rather about the things you can do. When you are clear and committed to achieving a goal, you will begin to see opportunities. These opportunities many have been there all along, but you were to just too busy to see them. Once you have freed yourself from the burden of focusing on what you can’t do, you will be amazed by the opportunities that have been waiting for you.

My wife and I had the good fortune to be laid off on the same day. Yes, I said good fortune. We had been working together in medical device manufacturing, making very good salaries, when we were informed that our department was being dissolved. This was good fortune because my wife, who is very good at what she does and enjoyed the people she worked with, was becoming increasingly frustrated with the corporate culture. I liked my job; it paid well, but I wasn’t passionate about it. Getting laid off allowed us the “good fortune” to think about what our vision was for our family.

Having a clear vision is the first step for you to achieve your dreams, but it is not the only step. You must also have the courage to take action to make your vision a reality. Every step, even small ones, make a difference. One of my favorite quotes from Thomas Edison personifies this idea. When told he had failed at creating the electric light bulb,

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Edison replied, “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” Edison had a vision. He took action to achieve his vision, when confronted with failure he persevered, and he ultimately achieved his vision.

I challenge you to “get busy.” Get busy on defining what exactly you want to achieve in your life. To achieve your dreams, you first must have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and take the time out of your busy life to define that vision.

Take some kind of positive action that moves you closer to your dream. When faced with failure or adversity, return your focus on your vision. Prepare yourself for opportunities that will come your way now that you are focused on achieving what you want. Have the courage to seize these opportunities, and you will achieve all your dreams. While you are pursuing your vision, remember to laugh—it makes the journey a lot more fun.


Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy submitted the following article. He is the most listened to audio author on personal and business success in the world today. Brian Tracy is the author/narrator of countless bestselling audio learning programs and the author of 16 books.

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright ©2006

Contact Brian Tracy at:

Brian Tracy International 462 Stevens Ave., Suite 202

Solana Beach, CA 92075 Phone (858) 481-2977


Chapter Three

Leading and Motivating

Brian Tracy

IT’S BEEN SAID THAT “LEADERSHIP is not what you do, but who you are.” This, however, is only partially true. Leadership is very much who you are, but it cannot be divorced from what you do. Who you are represents the inner person, and what you do represents the outer person. Each is dependent on the other for maximum effectiveness.

The starting point of motivational leadership is to begin seeing yourself as a role model, seeing yourself as an example to others. See yourself as a person who sets the standards that others follow. A key characteristic of leaders is they set high standards of accountability for themselves and for their behaviors. They assume others are watching them and then setting their own standards by what they do. They, in fact, lead by example, just exactly as though someone were following them around, surreptitiously taking notes and photographs of their daily actions for others to see and act on.

Motivational leadership is based on the Law of Indirect Effort. According to this law, most things in human life are achieved more easily by indirect means than they are by direct means. You more easily become a leader to others by demonstrating

Brian Tracy: Leading and Motivating


that you have the qualities of leadership than you do by ordering others to follow your directions. Instead of trying to get people to emulate you, you concentrate on living a life that is so admirable that others want to be like you without your saying a word.

In business, there are several kinds of power. Two of these are ascribed power and position power.

Position power is the power that comes with a job title or position in any organization. If you become a manager in a company, you automatically have certain powers and privileges that go along with your rank. You can order people about and make certain decisions. You can be a leader whether or not anyone likes you.

Ascribed power is the power you gain because of the kind of person you are. In every organization, there are people who are inordinately influential and looked up to by others, even though their positions may not be high up on the organizational chart. These are the men and women who are genuine leaders because of the quality of the people they have become, because of their characters and their personalities.

Perhaps the most powerful of motivational leaders is the person who practices what is called “servant leadership.” Confucius said, “He who would be master must be servant of all.” The person who sees himself or herself as a servant and who does everything possible to help others to perform at their best, is practicing the highest form of servant leadership.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


Over the years, we have been led to believe that leaders are those who stride boldly about, exude power and confidence, give orders and make decisions for others to carry out. However, that is old school. The leader of today is the one who asks questions, listens carefully, plans diligently and then builds consensus among all those who are necessary for achieving the goals. The leader does not try to do it by himself or herself. The leader gets things done by helping others to do them.

This brings us to five of the qualities of motivational leaders. These are qualities that you already have to a certain degree and that you can develop further to stand out from the people around you in a very short period of time.

The first quality is vision.

This is the one single quality that, more than anything, separates leaders from followers. Leaders have vision. Followers do not. Leaders have the ability to stand back and see the big picture. Followers are caught up in day-to-day activities. Leaders have developed the ability to fix their eyes on the horizon and see greater possibilities. Followers are those whose eyes are fixed on the ground in front of them and who are so busy that they seldom look at themselves and their activities in a larger context.

George Bernard Shaw summarized this quality of leaders; in the words of one of his characters: “Most men look at what is and ask, ‘Why?’ I instead look at what could be and ask, ‘Why not?’”

Brian Tracy: Leading and Motivating


The best way for you to motivate others is to be motivated yourself. The fastest way to get others excited about a project is to get excited yourself. The way to get others committed to achieving a goal or a result is to be totally committed yourself. The way to build loyalty to your organization, and to other people, is to be an example of loyalty in everything you say and do. These all are applications of the Law of Indirect Effort. They very neatly tie in to the quality of vision.

One requirement of leadership is the ability to choose an area of excellence. Just as a good general chooses the terrain on which to do battle, an excellent leader chooses the area in which he and others are going to do an outstanding job. The commitment to excellence is one of the most powerful of all motivators. All leaders who change people and organizations are enthusiastic about achieving excellence in a particular area.

The most motivational vision you can have for yourself and others is to “Be the best!” Many people don’t yet realize that excellent performance in serving other people is an absolute, basic essential for survival in the economy of the future. Many individuals and companies still adhere to the idea that as long as they are no worse than anyone else, they can remain in business. That is just plain silly! It is prehistoric thinking. We are now in the age of excellence. Customers assume that they will get excellent quality, and if they don’t, they will go to your competitors so fast, people’s heads will spin.

As a leader, your job is to be excellent at what you do, to be the best in your chosen field of endeavor.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


Your job is to have a vision of high standards in serving people. You not only exemplify excellence in your own behavior, but you also translate it to others so that they, too, become committed to this vision. This is the key to servant leadership. It is the commitment to doing work of the highest quality in the service of other people, both inside and outside the organization. Leadership today requires an equal focus on the people who must do the job, on the one hand, and the people who are expected to benefit from the job, on the other.

The second quality, which is perhaps the single most respected quality of leaders, is integrity.

Integrity is complete, unflinching honesty with regard to everything that you say and do. Integrity underlies all the other qualities. Your measure of integrity is determined by how honest you are in the critical areas of your life.

Integrity means this: When someone asks you at the end of the day, “Did you do your very best?” you can look him in the eye and say, “Yes!” Integrity means this: When someone asks you if you could have done it better, you can honestly say, “No, I did everything I possibly could.”

Integrity means that you, as a leader, admit your shortcomings. It means that you work to develop your strengths and compensate for your weaknesses. Integrity means that you tell the truth and that you live the truth in everything that you do and in all your relationships. Integrity means that you deal straightforwardly with people and situations and that you do not compromise what you believe to be true.

Brian Tracy: Leading and Motivating


The third quality is courage.

If the first two qualities of motivational leadership are vision and integrity, the third quality is the one that backs them both up. It is courage. It is the chief distinguishing characteristic of the true leader. It is almost always visible in the leader’s words and actions. It is absolutely indispensable to success, happiness and the ability to motivate other people to be the best they can be.

In a way, it is easy to develop a big vision for yourself and for the person you want to be. It is easy to commit yourself to living with complete integrity. But it requires incredible courage to follow through on your vision and on your commitments. You see, as soon as you set a high goal or standard for yourself, you will run into all kinds of difficulties and setbacks. You will be surrounded by temptations to compromise your values and your vision. You will feel an almost irresistible urge to “get along by going along.” Your desire to earn the respect and cooperation of others can easily lead to the abandonment of your principles, and here is where courage comes in.

Courage combined with integrity is the foundation of character. The first form of courage is your ability to stick to your principles, to stand for what you believe in and to refuse to budge unless you feel right about the alternative. Courage is also the ability to step out in faith, to launch out into the unknown and then to face the inevitable doubt and uncertainty that accompany every new venture.

Most people are seduced by the lure of the comfort zone. This can be likened to going out of a warm

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house on a cold, windy morning. The average person, when he feels the storm swirling outside his comfort zone, rushes back inside where it’s nice and warm. But not the true leader. The true leader has the courage to step away from the familiar and comfortable and to face the unknown with no guarantees of success. It is this ability to “boldly go where no man has gone before” that distinguishes you as a leader from the average person. This is the example that you must set if you are to rise above the average. It is this example that inspires and motivates other people to rise above their previous levels of accomplishment, as well.

Alexander the Great, the king of Macedonia, was one of the most superb leaders of all time. He became king at the age of 19, when his father, Philip II, was assassinated. In the next 11 years, he conquered much of the known world, leading his armies against numerically superior forces. Yet, at the height of his power, the master of the known world, the greatest ruler in history to that date, would still draw his sword at the beginning of a battle and lead his men forward into the conflict. He insisted on leading by example. Alexander felt he could not ask his men to risk their lives unless he was willing to demonstrate by his actions that he had complete confidence in the outcome. The sight of Alexander charging forward so excited and motivated his soldiers that no force on earth could stand before them.

The fourth quality of motivational leadership is realism.

Brian Tracy: Leading and Motivating


Realism is a form of intellectual honesty. The realist insists upon seeing the world as it really is, not as he wishes it were. This objectivity, this refusal to engage in self-delusion, is a mark of the true leader.

Those who exhibit the quality of realism do not trust to luck, hope for miracles, pray for exceptions to basic business principles, expect rewards without working or hope that problems will go away by themselves. These all are examples of self-delusion, of living in a fantasyland.

The motivational leader insists on seeing things exactly as they are and encourages others to look at life the same way. As a motivational leader, you get the facts, whatever they are. You deal with people honestly and tell them exactly what you perceive to be the truth. This doesn’t mean that you will always be right, but you will always be expressing the truth in the best way you know how.

The fifth quality of motivational leadership is responsibility.

This is perhaps the hardest of all to develop. The acceptance of responsibility means that, as Harry Truman said, “The buck stops here.”

The game of life is very competitive. Sometimes, great success and great failure are separated by a very small distance. In watching the play-offs in basketball, baseball and football, we see that the winner can be decided by a single point, and that single point can rest on a single action, or inaction,

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on the part of a single team member at a critical part of the game.

Life is very much like competitive sports. Very small things that you do, or don’t do, can either give you the edge that leads to victory or take away your edge at the critical moment. This principle is especially true with regard to accepting responsibility for yourself and for everything that happens to you.

The opposite of accepting responsibility is making excuses, blaming others and becoming upset, angry and resentful toward people for what they have done to you or not done for you.

Any one of these three behaviors can trip you up and be enough to cost you the game: If you run into an obstacle or setback and you make excuses rather than accept responsibility, it’s a five-yard penalty. It can cost you a first down. It can cost you a touchdown. It can make the difference between success and failure. If, when you face a problem or setback, and you both make excuses and blame someone else, you get a 10-yard penalty. In a tightly contested game, where the teams are just about even, a 10-yard penalty can cost you the game.

If, instead of accepting responsibility when things go wrong, you make excuses, blame someone else and simultaneously become angry and resentful and blow up, you get a 15-yard penalty. This may cost you the championship and your career, as well, if it continues.

Brian Tracy: Leading and Motivating


Personal leadership and motivational leadership are very much the same. To lead others, you must first lead yourself. To be an example or a role model for others, you must first become an excellent person yourself. You motivate yourself with a big vision, and as you move progressively toward its realization, you motivate and enthuse others to work with you to fulfill that vision.

You exhibit absolute honesty and integrity with everyone in everything you do. You are the kind of person others admire and respect and want to be like. You set a standard that others aspire to. You live in truth with yourself and others so that they feel confident giving you their support and their commitment.

You demonstrate courage in everything you do by facing doubts and uncertainties and moving forward regardless. You put up a good front even when you feel anxious about the outcome. You don’t burden others with your fears and misgivings. You keep them to yourself. You constantly push yourself out of your comfort zone and in the direction of your goals. And no matter how bleak the situation might appear, you keep on keeping on with a smile.

You are intensely realistic. You refuse to engage in mental games or self-delusion. You encourage others to be realistic and objective about their situations, as well. You encourage them to realize and appreciate that there is a price to pay for everything they want. They have weaknesses that they will have to overcome, and they have standards that they will have to meet, if they want to survive and thrive in a competitive market.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


You accept complete responsibility for results. You refuse to make excuses or blame others or hold grudges against people who you feel may have wronged you. You say, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” You repeat over and over the words, “I am responsible. I am responsible. I am responsible.”

Finally, you take action. You know that all mental preparation and character building is merely a prelude to action. It’s not what you say but what you do that counts. The mark of the true leader is that he or she leads the action. He or she is willing to go first. He or she sets the example and acts as the role model. He or she does what he or she expects others to do.

You become a motivational leader by motivating yourself. You motivate yourself by striving toward excellence, by committing yourself to becoming everything you are capable of becoming. You motivate yourself by throwing your whole heart into doing your job in an excellent fashion. You motivate yourself and others by continually looking for ways to help others to improve their lives and achieve their goals. You become a motivational leader by becoming the kind of person others want to get behind and support in every way.

Your main job is to take complete control of your personal evolution and become a leader in every area of your life. You could ask for nothing more, and you should settle for nothing less.


James Gill

Since 2001, James has focused on providing real estate services on behalf of clients in the Chicago area and throughout the United States. His main focus is helping homeowners retain ownership of their property after they have experienced a financial hardship. His innovative and effective system of working with banks and mortgage companies to purchase the property owner's mortgage note at a discount rate and then give the property owner the option to restructure the loan, reduce their payment, along with a principal reduction, while forgiving late payments, helps keep the American Dream of home ownership alive and well. James Gill and his innovate system are helping people, the real estate industry, and the economy recover from challenging times.

James Gill and his wife, Charlene, have been happily married for the past 28 years and have two wonderful children, Justin, age 25, and their daughter, Tajah, 14 years old.

Contact James Gill at

Since 2001, James has focused on providing real estate services on behalf of clients in the Chicago area and throughout the United States. His main

ownership of their property after they have experienced a financial hardship. His innovative and effective system of working with banks and mortgage companies to purchase the property owner's mortgage note at a discount rate and then give the

r the option to restructure the loan, reduce their payment, along with a principal reduction, while forgiving late payments, helps keep the American Dream of home ownership alive and well. James Gill and his innovate system are

ate industry, and the

James Gill and his wife, Charlene, have been happily married for the past 28 years and have two wonderful children, Justin, age 25, and their


Chapter Four

The Hidden Secret to Wealth

James Gill

DO YOU REALIZE THAT MONEY is just a symbol for value? What you have is your report card of what you give. Your bank account reflects your value account. If you watch the actions, mindset, and habits of the average person or business that is struggling financially, you will find that they are more interested in making money than they are in producing value.

There is one thing that you cannot do and that is deceive the business market. The business market only responds to releasing its funds to value. How do you create value in the marketplace, your customer, family, or for your fellowman? I have found four powerful ways.

1. Dump the Scarcity Mindset

This kind of mindset is the reason people live a life and/or run a business that is based on making money instead of adding or creating value for people. Thus, they struggle in finances and in every other area of their life that they apply this method. They do this because of an internal belief (paradigm) that there is not enough for everyone and in order for them to have enough, they must somehow win the battle and get yours.

James Gill: The Hidden Secret to Wealth


Recently, my good friend, Don Boyer, met a very bright young man (in his twenties) who has a young family to support and was making just enough to get by. Don had the opportunity to take him to lunch a couple of times, and this young man really wanted Don to mentor and help him. Don gave him a small job working in his office for one day and offered to pay him $500 for the day. The first thing the young man asked Don was when he would he be paid. Then he asked how long he would have to work. Then he wanted to know if lunch was included.

It was not that this young man was lazy, nor did he intend to come across like someone walking around in a fog; it was just that he had the mindset of being more interested what he got versus what he could give. Although he has great potential, this type of mindset will keep him locked into poverty and just getting by.

“The great tragedy of life is … people can have so much but settle for so little.”

James Gill

If you want to spot a winner, become aware of the people you go out to eat with at restaurants. A winner will always pick up the check; a loser will always expect you to pick up the check. On a good day, a loser may say, “I will get the tip” and then leave a dollar! You cannot possibly get ahead in life or financially with a scarcity paradigm or mindset.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


2. Be on a Mission

Ask yourself every day, “How can I bring my customer, marketplace, people, friends, business and family more value?" This is a foundational principle on which we run our company and our lives. Does this mean you should give away your product or service? Yes, sometimes. Let me give you an example. Our mission and purpose is to give people the opportunity to better their lives. One way that I do that is by giving away a free Mentorship book and a free Mentorship CD on our website at When we first launched this offer, people said, “What a great marketing plan.” I said, “I am not doing this as a marketing plan; I am doing this so I can bring value to those who want to improve their life.”

"The worst day in a man’s life is when he expects something for nothing."

Thomas Jefferson

Insofar as bringing value to people, you do have to use some common sense. There is a great difference between giving value and wasting money. Value should be given to those who deserve value (which is most people). Do you know the ones in your life who deserve gold and those who don’t? Your ability to know the difference will be a key factor in your overall success.

3. Million Dollar Service

Create a plan to give people what I call “Million Dollar Service.” Model it after the kind of service

James Gill: The Hidden Secret to Wealth


you receive from an exclusive hotel or high-end restaurant. Make a list of five things you can do for your customers that are above and beyond your call of duty. Small things can create a big impact. It is very important that you base those gestures off the foundation of value and caring for people.

Do not use it as a means to dig deeper into their pockets, but instead as a means to say “Thank You” and “I really appreciate your business.” In other words, make it true value that comes from the heart of service.

4. Develop the Trust Factor

This is one, if not the most important, thing you must develop if you plan to have long-term success in your business, finances, relationships, and life. People must trust you. This is a characteristic you cannot fake. People invest in my real estate projects because of one main factor: they trust me. Trust is something you cannot buy or borrow; it must be earned. Trust comes from being transparent and honest with people, being a master of what you do, your product or service being the best on the market, and you providing unparalleled value.

If you develop the reputation that you cannot be trusted, plan on living like a vagabond in the business world. Being a person that cannot be trusted to keep your word or commitments or one who is conducting business in such a way that you always end up with the bigger stick is a sure path to financial and business ruin. If you cannot trust someone to return a phone

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call, do you think you can trust them to return value for your money?

The fastest path to cash is to understand that when you increase your value to the marketplace, you automatically increase your income and profits. Work on creating value, and the money will take care of itself.

And that is the Hidden Secret to Wealth.

Free CD

As my gift to you, I want to send you our Best Selling CD “How To Make Your Money Go Up as The Economy Goes Down.” Just send an email to [email protected] to request it, and I will ship it out Free and Postpaid!


Wilfredo Novoa

Wilfredo Novoa was born in Nicaragua and came to the U.S. in February, 1970 with a high school education, $30, and no marketable skills. Having sung for a musical group in Nicaragua, he formed the first Nicaraguan group in Los Angeles. He continued his studies at a junior college and later transferred to CSULA, where he got his Baccalaureate Degree in Accounting. In December, 1975, he started his own business in Accounting and Tax Preparation. In the late 80’s, he got involved in Real Estate Investing.

He is now embarking in a new business in Network Marketing where he believes he can help many people design and enjoy a better life IF they are interested.

Wilfredo and his wife, Lilly, have three children, who have all earned college degrees and are gainfully employed.

If you want to know more about his business opportunity or get in touch with Wilfredo Novoa, please feel free to call: (800) 723-4642 or visit


Chapter Five

Finish What You Start

Wilfredo Novoa

WHEN YOU STUDY THE LIFESTYLE and habits of the wealthy, one important attribute stands out very clearly … they always finish what they start. The exact opposite is true of those who always talk about achieving something someday but never seem to accomplish much. They start many things but finish very few.

We start many things, like reading a book, doing a project, a weight loss program, get a gym membership, a business, register for a course, and NEVER finish it! All of us have been guilty of this at one time or another.

Why do we start things and never finish them? Every person is different; therefore, it is hard to pinpoint exactly why we don’t normally finish what we start, but here are six reasons I found to be the culprit of unfinished tasks.

1. We don’t know what we want. We start things without a definite end in mind. If we do not know what we want, we will not know when we get it.

2. We thought it was a good idea at the time, and then we later realized that maybe it wasn’t. We get involved in many things without taking the

Wilfredo Novoa: Finish What You Start


time to investigate or consider the cost in time and resources we must pay to complete the task. We have all started things and then realized "this was a bad idea." Thinking and common sense are anything but common among many people.

3. We made our decision to do something based on an external advice or emotion. It is no accident that every checkout counter in stores has reachable items that appeal to our sweet tooth and our natural impulse-buying emotion. It triggers buying without thinking and without really needing that item. Many times we walk out the store wondering why we bought it when we don’t even want it!

4. Our life is too cluttered. We have so many things going on in our lives that we have no time left to do anything else. To say we are busy is an understatement, but being productive and effective is a completely different matter. Yes, we are busy, but are we being effective? Being efficient is doing the job right, but being effective is doing the right job.

5. Lack of discipline. Self-discipline is one of the most important aspects of all success and achievement. Without self-discipline, we will seldom finish any task we start. Show me any person who is successful and you will find a person who has mastered the skill of self-discipline. Zig Ziglar asked his dentist if he had to floss all his teeth. His dentist replied, “No, just the ones you want to keep.”

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6. Excuses. They say the biggest book in the world is the book of excuses, and most people are best-selling authors in it. As one mentor said, “You can make money or you can make excuses, but you can’t make them at the same time.” Excuses will allow you to abort your projects, dreams, and goals. They will cause you to quit before you finish. Excuses are the death gargle of the underachiever who has a perfect reason (excuse) why he did not finish what he started.

Whatever the reason we place on unfinished tasks, the fact is we can never be successful in our lives until we learn to finish what we start. All the success principles will not help us unless we are able to close what we opened.

We are all creatures of habit, and our habits drive our activity. Activity is what gives us our results. If we start the activity but never finish it, the results in most cases will not be desirable. Results are what give us our lifestyles; therefore, undesirable results equal an undesirable lifestyle.

The good news is that we can start changing this terrible habit today. And changing it we must, unless we resign ourselves to living a life of less. It’s our choice. There is a psychological process that is triggered in our brain when we start and complete a task. It produces positive feelings of well being and power within us. It allows us to experience the surge of strength of knowing that we are in control of circumstances, instead of circumstances controlling us.

Wilfredo Novoa: Finish What You Start


What you have to do first is find out what you really want. You can’t get it unless you know what it is. If you ask people, “What do you really want?,” most will give you a vague answer. The truth is most people don’t know what they really want, and that is sad. It’s like not knowing where you’re going. If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there, and that path will lead to a place you will not like.

Use this exercise to help you find out what you really want. Take out a piece of paper and write down everything you could possibly want. Let your imagine soar and write down everything … perhaps a new car, a house, a boat, money in the bank, travel the world, helping others. Just start writing down whatever pops into your mind for five to ten minutes, one item per line. If it’s hard for you to visualize what you want, then write everything that you don’t presently like. Sometimes you have to find out what you don’t want to discover what it is you really do want.

Once you’re finished, compare one item to another and decide which of those two is more important to you. Cross out the less important, and then compare the item that won against the next item on your list. At the end, you will have one item left. Congratulations!! This is what you really want. Write it on a clean piece of paper and carry it with you all the time. Write what you want on sticky notes and put them in places where you will see them constantly. A suggestion from the classic book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is to read aloud what you want twice a day; one time before retiring at night and another when you get

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up in the morning. This is to encourage or to order your subconscious mind to help you.

Now that you know what you want, you need to devise a specific plan of action to get it. This is a step-by-step blueprint of what you are going to do to get what you want. This is where “plan your work and work your plan” applies. You have to believe in your plan to be able to stick to it. Most of us have our plates full already, so you will have to give up something that you’re currently doing in order to accomplish your goal. Some TV viewing time or Internet browsing comes to mind. I believe that we watch too much TV and spend way too much time on the Internet.

Next, you need to start. Most of the time you will feel you are not ready or prepared to start. However, if you follow those feelings, you will stay stuck and never get started. There’s a saying that the journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step. Unless you start, the whole exercise was just a waste of time. You have to start and stick to your step-by-step plan until you get what you want. You have to be 100% committed to it. Don’t let anything or anybody stop you. You are the boss. Nobody can stop you but yourself. Quitting before finishing it is not an option.

Once you start, monitor your progress daily or at least weekly and ask yourself, “Am I progressing at a reasonable rate?” Perfection is not important here—improvement is. If for some reason you are not improving, then look at your plan. Modify it and adjust it to the circumstances. Maybe it’s too complicated. It is easier to follow and do something

Wilfredo Novoa: Finish What You Start


when it is simple to do. The simpler something is, the better results you will get.

Once you've started, keep going. Allow the power of momentum to work in your favor. Don’t take a step back, unless it is to gather momentum and launch forward. Depending on what you want, it may take you some time to get it. It could take one, two, five, or more years to get what you want. Nothing worth having is gained in an instant. Obviously getting what you really want has to be worth it to you. If that is the case, don’t ever give up! As long as you keep going forward, eventually you will get there. Every step you take is a step closer to your goal and dream. The journey of a thousand miles also ends with a step.

You will encounter familiar enemies on your journey to get what you want. We all do. These are the “enemies within.” These are the most powerful and destructive because they already reside inside of you. Doubt and worry come immediately to mind. The best eraser for doubt is faith and for worry is activity. Have faith in yourself and in what you’re doing and keep busy. If you are able to combine faith with activity, you will become unbeatable! You will get what you want.

Winners always finish what they start. You can be a winner when you commit to always finishing what you start!

For Your Free CD, “Crossing The Finish Line Rich,” which gives you a complete step–by-step plan on how to earn a $10,000 a month income in only seven months, send an email to [email protected], and we will send it right out to you Free and Postpaid.


Dan Stather

Dan Stather is a professional and cutting-edge energy saving consultant who provides innovative and cost-effective solutions to a global concern. As a business owner, entrepreneur, and published author, Dan’s passion is to help professionals reach their highest potential. Specializing in informational resources, his book and audio programs are in high demand by professionals in every field.

With a BA in Business with concentrations in Accounting, Internal Audit, Finance, and Entrepreneurship, he provides ways for businesses and people to succeed through information systems, protocols, and energy solutions.

To contact Dan Stather and receive his number one requested CD, “How To Turn Your Thoughts Into Money,” Free and Postpaid:

Visit Dan Stather:


Email: mailto:[email protected]


Chapter Six

The Success Map

Dan Stather

HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN INTO your car and just started driving without having a clue where you are going? I hope you answered no, or at least not very often. Most of the time, when we get in our vehicles, we know where we are going or have an idea of our destination. This is just common sense. Yet, thousands of people start their day having no clue or idea what they want to accomplish, what they are doing, or where they are heading. Conducting life under these types of guidelines is the reason why one feels frustrated, confused, and accomplishes very little.

You cannot plan your day, set goals, or be effective if you don’t know where you are going in life. For millions of people, their jobs and the daily routines of their positions dictate their actions and decisions. Why do you think so many are walking around the office like zombies, working on jobs they hate, working with people they can barely tolerate, and only making enough money to live from payday to payday. Folks, there has to be a better way, and the good news is that there is a much better way. Please remember this: you don’t have to work on a job you hate, doing things you don’t like, working with people you can’t stand.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


Yet, this is the plan that millions of Americans are on, and maybe the plan you are on right now.

If this plan does not work, and we both know it doesn’t, what is the answer? The answer is to find your purpose, flow with your passion, and learn how to turn that passion into a profit. This is the plan that most millionaires are on. To them, their work is not work, it is their passion, enjoyment, love of their life, and they found a way to get rich from it. No matter what your passion is, I assure you someone is becoming very wealthy and is very happy from doing that very thing. My question to you is: Why not you? And why not now? There is only one thing that is holding you back … okay, maybe two. The first thing that is holding you back is your own personal limitations. The majority of limitations that hold us back are mental and self-imposed. Actually, that is good news; since they are self-imposed, we can release them.

The second thing holding you back is a lack of knowledge. This, too, is good news because I am going to give you the knowledge to find your purpose, live your passion, and turn your passion into profit. Are you ready? Here we go. The five things you must do in order to leave the workforce of misery, the encampment of lack, and join the ranks of the successful are:

1. Know Where You Are Going

However, in order for you to know where you are going, you must first know what you want. How can you make plans if you do not know what you want in life? A very easy way to find out what you really want in life is to ask

Dan Stather: The Success Map


yourself, “What do I want that I currently don’t have?” Once you answer that question, write it down on paper and ask yourself that same question again, “What do I want that I don’t currently have?” Keep asking yourself that question until you have a list of everything you want that you don’t currently have.

When you are done, you will have a list of what you want! Now that you know what things you desire, you must ask yourself if you are willing to pay the price tag to make that dream a reality. Only you can answer that question. What are the price tags of dreams? While each dream will have its own unique price, here are some of the cost factors that all dreams require to come into reality.

• Commitment • Desire • Faith • Patience • Perseverance • Knowledge • Skill • Planning • Team work • Money

My millionaire mentors told me, “Dan, if you are not going to complete a project, or do it with utmost excellence … don’t start it.” This is great wisdom and advice. If you are not willing to pay the price to make your dream come true, get another dream. Here is the good news, though. You will not have a dream that you don’t have the ability to possess in some way or some

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


form. Dreams are like seeds; when they are planted and watered, they grow. In every acorn, there is a forest. Your dreams in thought form are the seeds of your dreams in physical form.

The dream is the seed, the price tag is the water, and you are the farmer. What do you want to do? How important is that dream to you, and are you willing to pay the price for it? If you can answer yes, that is the dream that stays on your list. Having a list of all the things you desire, it’s now time to build a game plan to reach those dreams, which leads us up to the second thing you must do to leave the workforce of misery and enter the world of passion and profit.

2. Find a Mentor

Reading this book is a great start, but it is very important that you have mentors in two formats.

1) Mentorship through curriculum. This means you set aside a certain amount of money and time each month to educate, train, and develop yourself from the format of books, CD’s, online training, and live seminars. This type of mentorship is invaluable, for in reality, you get all the wisdom, insight, and experience from the world's greatest leaders for free. When you purchase a book or CD, you are simply paying a few dollars to cover the ink and the paper, or plastic disc. The information is priceless, and basically free—what a deal!

Dan Stather: The Success Map


Books, seminars, and audios can change your life, improve your income, help you become successful, enjoy great health, and help you reach your goals and dreams. Never underestimate the power of mentorship through written or audio training. Every millionaire and successful professional constantly uses this type of format.

2) Personal mentorship. Finding a personal mentor to work with you is a fairly easy task. You want to find a mentor who has what you want, or has done what you are attempting to do. You may ask, “Where do I find a mentor to help me?” If you are involved in network marketing, you will have no problem finding one. If you are in someone’s organization, I promise you there will be a high money earner who will be happy to mentor and help you.

If you are not involved in direct marketing … get in! Get involved—not for the sake of money, but for the invaluable training and mentorship it offers. For a few dollars, you can get involved in a reputable company, and the mentorship you will get is outstanding. Who knows, direct marketing may just be your ticket to wealth. It has created thousands of millionaires.

If network marketing is not your cup of tea, there are many great personal coaches and training programs available to you.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


3. Go for Your Dreams

This will take courage, all the courage you have, all you can muster up, and all you can borrow from your mentors. Millions of people have dreams, desires, and goals; yet the reality of those things seem so far away they just give up. That would be a sad story in itself, but it gets worse. Not only do they fail to reach their dreams, they feel it is their mission to make sure you don’t reach yours, either!

It takes courage to stand up to those who “in the name of love, and want the best for you” say you can’t do it, when circumstances, bills, obstacles, set-backs, and disappointments are all yelling “Quit, give-up, it’s too hard.” Baby, you've got to fight, swing when you are going up, and swing when you are going down, and fight going forward and fight when you are moving backwards. If you keep moving, ducking, and weaving, and get back up when you get knocked down, when the dust settles, you will be on top.

Courage is not the absence of fear; it is taking action in spite of the fear. Courage is what makes champions shine; it’s what makes opposition finally give in, and it’s the force that sets you on top. If you fall down, if you make a mistake, if people laugh, courage says, “So what?" and moves on toward the dream. Show me someone who just talks about all their dreams, goals, and inventions, yet never manifests them, and I will show you someone who lacks courage.

Dan Stather: The Success Map


Skills and enhanced talent come from elements without, but courage … it only comes from within. Will you dream of achievement or achieve your dream? Courage or the lack of it will help answer that question.

4. Purpose and Passion

I know you are asking, “How do I find my purpose?” The first thing you must understand is that you were created on purpose with a purpose. In your DNA, put there by God, is your purpose. When you hit planet earth, your purpose was already built into you. There is a reason why you are here on this earth at this time. You are not designed to walk around like a man or woman lost in space … just existing. Heavens no—you have a grand mission inside of you. You have greatness inside of you, a job to do. In this context, job means Joyous Overflowing Blessing. That is what you will experience when you operate in your purpose with passion.

Let’s walk you through to find your purpose. I want you to get pen and paper and write down, as well as answer, these questions.

1) What am I good at?

2) What do I really enjoy doing?

Everyone is good at doing something; most are good at a number of things. Just write those things down, no matter what they are. Next, what do you enjoy doing? What brings you happiness? Is it shopping, cooking, reading, exercise, fishing, sports, music? Put those

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


things that bring you joy on your paper. After you write all those things down, take a few moments to think about them. Now, I want you to write and answer the third and most important question of all. If you had 10 million dollars in the bank, and after buying all things you want, doing all the traveling you want, when it was all done and you never had to think about earning money for the rest of your life, what would you do?

When you can answer that question, you will have found your purpose. If it is your purpose, you will not have any problem getting excited about it. In fact, you should be feeling a red-hot passion about it. For myself, if I had a billion dollars in my portfolio, I would be doing what I am doing right now in my life: teaching, speaking and writing. That is my purpose, my passion. You might say my passion is I love making pies, but how am going to make pies all the time when I have a full-time job? Ask yourself why you love making pies. Maybe you love the aroma of baking, enjoy the taste of them, and enjoy the delight you see in the faces of those you share your pies with.

Does that mean you should quit your job and open a pie store? Not necessarily, but the last time I checked, Marie Calendar was making a fortune with those pies of hers. You have to dig inside of you and ask God how to best use the gifts He gave you. Here is a strange thing: many people work on jobs they hate, most on jobs they can just tolerate; yet, the job you hate is someone else's purpose and passion. Yet, they are not doing it, but instead working at a job

Dan Stather: The Success Map


they hate … which is a job you would love to do and is, in fact, your purpose and passion.

No matter what your passion is, what you like to do, someone in the world is doing it and getting rich from it. The big bear I had to wrestle down and put a diaper on was, “How do I make a living from my passion?” The answer I found was, when your passion has a plan, your plan will support your passion. What that means is you will have learned how to create a business plan, a plan of action that will turn your purpose and passion into a payday. Going from where you are to where you want to go takes planning, personal growth, mentoring, and guidance. Once you find your purpose and passion, rarely does anyone leave their current source of income and jump right in full time.

Many have tried that, and it is a painful experience. Trust me, you do not want to take that path. The good news is, with time and proper planning, turning your passion into a payday is very doable and realistic. As Greg S. Reid, the Millionaire Mentor, says, “When you do what you love and love what you do, you’ll have success your whole life through.” That saying epitomizes purpose and passion. Albert Einstein in his last remaining days said, “There is no reason to live … without purpose.” Don’t die and leave this earth without tapping into your purpose and living out your passion. I promise you, if you make a commitment to find out what your purpose is and let your passion kick in, the joy, energy, spark, juice, and enjoyment in life will increase tenfold or more.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


You will wake up in the morning with joy in your step; it will be spinning in your mind when you first wake up, keep you going throughout your day, and will usher you into sweet sleep as you think about it as you lie in bed, drifting off to sleep. Yes, it will take some work and time to find your purpose and live your passion. It will take faith, courage, and certain forms of risk to live out your dreams, goals, and visions. But whatever investment you must make, whatever the price tag you must pay, always remember … it’s worth it!

Someone once said, “If you don’t live your life with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm.” Listen, one of the quickest ways to get a promotion and a raise is to incorporate enthusiasm into every part of your life. Then when you are at work, you are not just putting on a dance and pony show, it is the real you. Nobody wants to work around someone who is dull and looks miserable. I remember in my youth telling someone, “Wow, if I felt as miserable as you look, I would commit suicide.” I did not say that to be mean or rude, but, as a young boy, I recognized that was no way to live.

You may be on a job you hate, driving every day in traffic, working for a boss who … well, let’s just say needs Jesus big time. It is during these times that if you find your purpose and passion, you can start working on them part-time. This will give you the endurance to know that what you are going through right now is just a temporary pain, a pit stop on your way to live your dreams. Life was meant to be lived with zeal, zest, and vigor, but without

Dan Stather: The Success Map


understanding and living your purpose and passion, it amounts to little more than boring, stale, and dull.

5. Take Pride in Your Workmanship

Your workmanship is your signature, your branding, and your trademark. Never allow yourself to produce inferior workmanship because you are bored or don’t like your job. Poor workmanship is never an option for you. You will never advance to the next level of promotion unless your current and past workmanship are your very best. Not "the" best, just your best.

There you go: the five secrets that will lead you from the workforce of misery to the joy of wealth. If one person did it … so can you.

As my investment in you, I would like to send you my top-rated CD, “How To Turn Your Thoughts Into Money,” Free and Postpaid. Just send your request to [email protected], and I will rush it right out.


Don Boyer

Don Boyer is a national speaker, has authored many mega selling books, and is the creator of the best selling The Power of Mentorship book series. With power, passion, and purpose his mission is to share with people “Who they are, what they can become, what they can do, and what they can have.” Having a proven track record in coaching, Don Boyer has helped a number of companies hit the million dollar per year mark. He has been paid up to $4,000.00 per employee to help them reach their selling potential and goals. Along with his published books, he produced and stars in The Power of Mentorship – The Movie and The Art of Business. He also has a number of best selling teaching CD’s in which he addresses areas of success and personal development. One of his all time best sellers is his “Professor Series” DVD’s. The Professor is a wacky, colorful character Don Boyer created and plays, teaching the science behind success. Visit Don Boyer online at:


Chapter Seven

Wealth is Your Birthright

Don Boyer

THEY SAY THERE ARE SEVEN wonders of the world, and as magnificent as they are, I find a more complexing wonder to be the abject poverty that some people live in and the unlimited wealth others enjoy. Why does 97% of all humanity struggle and only 3% live a life that is filled with all the wealth, joy, and happiness life can offer?

That is a question I wrestled with for over 20 years, spending thousands of dollars and years of research only to find that the answer to that question seemed elusive and foggy, at best. But then, I found the answer.

The reason why most struggle with life is:

Nobody told them they were unlimited people, but, however, told them during their entire life that they were limited.

Of course, people experience limitation in their life, not because they are limited, but because they were told they were from birth and they believed it.

You were designed for success, engineered for achievement, but programmed for failure. Your current struggles and limitations are not your

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


fault, but they are your responsibility and changing them is within your control.

You deserve to be and can be a Millionaire because wealth is your birthright. Let me explain what this means and how it works by giving you five fundamentals of life.

1. We live in a friendly universe. This earth and life are designed to bring us happiness, joy, wealth and every other good thing that we enjoy, so that we can be happy, fulfilled and productive during the time we have here on this earth. Life is designed to work through principles and laws. The reason for this is so we can predict, create, and control our life, future, and destiny with 100% accuracy.

There are no guessing games in life. Everything in life is a byproduct of cause and effect. There is an understandable and measurable reason for everything that happens to us in life, good or bad. There are no mysteries to life. There are no freak accidents, no chances of good or bad luck. It is all based on accurate laws, the same as gravity.

2. The earth and all its wealth were here before you came here; and no matter how much or how little you accumulate while you are alive, you will leave it here on earth when you die. The reason why God placed all the wealth here on earth is so you can enjoy it and have a wonderful life while you are here. In essence, all the unlimited wealth on earth is your heritage and birthright. You can have as much wealth and riches as you want, and that is the truth.

Don Boyer: Wealth is Your Birthright


3. It would be unfair and cruel to have all this wealth on earth, having it belong to you by birthright, yet, not be able to access it. Yet, that is how 97% of all people live—in lack and struggle. Why is that? Oh my, people could fill an entire library of excuses why … “My parents, education, race, spouse, kids, job, the government,” and the list goes on and on. But no matter what the excuse is, it is the wrong answer. The reason people live in lack in a world of unlimited abundance is because they do not understand how the law of attraction works and, therefore, use it to bring them the things they don’t want instead of things they do want.

4. When you were born, you were given the ability to think. Thinking is the key to bring to yourself everything you want. Unfortunately, it is the key to bringing you everything you don’t want, as well. Thinking is your birthright to unlimited wealth. Through the power of your thinking, you attract everything you want or don’t want into your life.

My early millionaire mentors told me, “The only difference between a rich man and a poor man is their method of thinking.” Rich people are always thinking of things they want, while poor people are always thinking of things they don’t want.

5. You are an unlimited person. The reason you have no limits is because there are no limits on the law of attraction, and, by your thinking, you tap into and govern that unlimited law.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


There are two ways of doing everything in life - the hard way and the easy way. Guess which way 97% of all people use? The hard way. Thinking the way to wealth is through hard work, sacrifice and toil. That is one method, if you are addicted to misery.

There is a much easier and faster way to attain wealth that is also fun and enjoyable. That way is by learning and using this great law of attraction. You create and attract wealth into your life. How? By training yourself to only think on things you want and never allowing your mind to dwell or focus on things you do not want.

Is it really that simple, and does it really work? That has been the Secret of all multi-millionaires and great leaders through time and history. It is the Secret of the rich in the 21st century, as well.

The question now becomes: Are you going to use the Secret to tap into your birthright and let your Millionaire Within come out?

Aren’t you sick and tired of making other people rich?

Shouldn’t it be your turn to have the big income, dream house, and dream vacations?

Okay, maybe you are one the rare few who love your job. Do you realize that as long as you work for someone else, you will never become wealthy? Maybe you’re saying, “What if I get a job that pays a lot?” That’s even worse, because the more you make as an employee, the more money the government takes away from you in taxes.

Don Boyer: Wealth is Your Birthright


Unless you make some drastic changes in your thinking, belief systems, associations, knowledge and actions, your life will not get any better than what it is today. Your today will be the best it gets. For most people, that is not a good prospect.

You have invested your time and money in this book, and that is a great step in tapping into your birthright of wealth. In the past, I made an investment by giving away 50,000 copies of our Power of Mentorship books.

Why in the world did I want to give away 50,000 copies of our book for free? Because I am a nice guy? Yes, that is it, I am a nice guy. But it goes further than that; it really has to do with my mission and passion in life.

Let me share with you a true story.

Today, I am 47 years old. Back when I was 16 years old, I would cash my check after work every Friday and would take 50% of it in cash (a whole $28.00) and drive to Skid Row in Las Angeles and give it to those living on the streets. One man I gave money to had tears in his eyes, and he grabbed my arm and said, “Son, you are an angel from heaven.”

This was a very dangerous thing for a 16 year-old-boy to be doing.

I did not go down there because I was a saint or because I was trying to be good. In fact, I never knew why I did that until I was a grown man.

I gave that money during my teens because I have a purpose and passion (put there by God) to help

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


eradicate poverty and lack from your life. In my youth, that was the only way I knew how to help wipe out poverty.

Many years later, I still have that mission and passion; but I know the answer to wipe out lack from your life is not to give you money, but to give you the tools that will empower you to create prosperity and abundance in your life.

Remember this:

“When prosperity walks in, poverty walks out.”

I wish you the best of success!


Jim Rohn

The following article was submitted by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher. To subscribe to the Free Jim Rohn Weekly E-zine, go to or send a blank email to [email protected]. Copyright © 2005 Jim Rohn International. All rights reserved worldwide.


Chapter Eight

Building a Successful Team

Jim Rohn

ONCE YOU'VE SET A GOAL for yourself as a leader—whether it is to create your own enterprise, energize your organization, build a church, or excel in sports, etc.—the challenge is to find good people to help you accomplish that goal. Gathering a successful team of people is not only helpful, it's necessary.

So, to guide you in this daunting task of picking the right people, I'm going to share with you a four-part checklist.

Number One: Check each candidate's history. Seek out available information regarding the individual's qualifications to do the job. That's the most obvious step.

Number Two: Check the person's interest level. If they are interested, they are probably a good prospect. Sometimes people can fake their interest; but if you've been a leader for a while, you will be a capable judge of whether somebody is merely pretending. Arrange face-to-face conversation and try to gauge his or her sincerity to the best of your ability. You won't hit the bull's-eye every time, but you can get pretty good at spotting what I call true interest.

Jim Rohn: Building a Successful Team


Number Three: Check the prospect's responses. A response tells you a lot about someone's integrity, character, and skills. Listen for responses like these: "You want me to get there that early?" "You want me to stay that late?" "The break is only ten minutes?" "I'll have to work two evenings a week and Saturdays?" You can't ignore these clues. A person's responses are a good indication of his or her character and of how hard he or she will work. Our attitudes reflect our inner selves, so even if we can fool others for a while, eventually, our true selves will emerge.

And Number Four: Check results. The name of the game is results. How else can we effectively judge an individual's performance? The final judge must be results.

There are two types of results to look for. The first is activity results. Specific results are a reflection of an individual's productivity. Sometimes we don't ask for this type of result right away, but it's pretty easy to check activity. If you work for a sales organization and you've asked your new salesman, John, to make ten calls in the first week, it's simple to check his results on Friday. You say, "John, how many calls did you make?" John says, "Well . . ." and starts telling a story, making an excuse. You respond, "John, I just need a number from one to ten." If his results that first week are not good, it is a definite sign. You might try another week, but if that lack of precise activity continues, you'll soon realize that John isn't capable of becoming a member of your team.

The second area you need to monitor is productivity. The ultimate test of a quality team is

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


measurable progress in a reasonable amount of time. And here's one of the skills of leadership: be up front with your team as to what you expect them to produce. Don't let the surprises come later.

When you're following this four-part checklist, your instincts obviously play a major role. And your instincts will improve every time you go through the process. Remember, building a good team will be one of your most challenging tasks as a leader. It will reap you multiple rewards for a long time to come.

To Your Success,

Jim Rohn

"Attitude is greatly shaped by influence

and association." Jim Rohn


Marie Diamond

Marie Diamond, teacher featured in The Secret, an internationally known Feng Shui Master, and one of the top transformational leaders in the world, consults with and teaches people in more than 147 countries. Marie has connected with numerous Hollywood celebrities, major film directors and producers, music giants, and famous authors. Her current projects include writing books, consulting, speaking engagements, TV shows and educational movies, creating several large real estate projects, and the creation of an e-commerce site. Contact Marie at:

Email: [email protected]

Read her blog at:


Chapter Nine

Powerful People Have Powerful Environments

Marie Diamond

THROUGH MY WORK, I’VE HAD the chance to meet powerful people. Among them are billionaires, politicians who made a difference in their countries, self-improvement teachers, rock and roll icons, top models, and other powerful people who are not noticed by the media.

Powerful People

When a person lives his or her full passion with the freedom to express themselves, then I consider them to be powerful. These people made it happen for themselves. Interestingly enough, they always included their family and their community in their growth.

I encountered them when they asked me as a Feng Shui Master and spiritual advisor to support them in their personal life and business projects. Most of these people didn’t have one mentor—they had a whole group of advisors around them, from all different levels of interests. In my interview with them, I always ask, “Who are your advisors, your helping hands, your mentors?” Then, I try to express these people in their environment.

Marie Diamond: Powerful People Have Powerful Environments


The people I saw had mentors helping them on a physical level: their personal doctor or healer or trainer. They also had emotional mentors: their mom or siblings, friends in their local network, a psychologist, or even sometimes their hairdresser. The mental mentoring happened most of the time through coaches, books, audio CDs and, if they had time, attending a workshop. But, books were where they got most of their answers and information, from mentoring them to inspiring them with new ideas. And they always had a spiritual mentor: a priest, a guru, a spiritual advisor, or praying or meditation.

I found that they had an all-around mentorship program. They shared their emotions and feelings and asked for advice on that level.

Another interesting part that I encountered is that they wanted their team to know each other. They were not afraid to share who the other players in their supporting team were. We know each other’s names, and when possible, we meet each other.

Powerful people are like royalty. They need a court surrounding them. But powerful people always act like royalty with a heart, compassionate to themselves and toward the ones supporting them. They share with the court their abundance, their gifts, their sorrow, and laughter. It is like a group of friends all directed to the benefit of the king or queen, as he or she has the greatest impact on the world. The court consists of his or her advisors, who are happy to support the king or queen because through their work, they reach the world, too.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


Powerful Women Have Powerful Environments

Powerful people organize their work environment like their home. They need to feel at home where they work. When you look in offices of men and women, personal images or connections will hang or stand out.

When I give advice to my clients, I always use my diamond dowsing techniques. Dowsing is a technique to find the strongest energetic spot in a home or office. By the impact of geopathic stress (undercurrent water or fault lines) or electromagnetic fields, a place can be contaminated and create concentration and inspiration problems. Ninety percent of modern buildings have problems with this. It is easily curable, and everyone can learn how. What I encounter is that powerful people have such a great sense for their environment that they will intuitively look for the best place in their office or home to work from. When I check their places out, the place that has the least stress is the place where they sit working on their laptop, making their phone calls, negotiating, working out their plans, etc.

I know a powerful self-improvement teacher, and she always works from her kitchen island. It is the place in her whole home with the least amount of stress. She had the good luck to also have a positive vortex (a point where the ancient masters built the temples, the cathedrals, and the castles), and she admitted that many great inspirations and projects were born right there on the kitchen island. Unfortunately, not everyone has a positive

Marie Diamond: Powerful People Have Powerful Environments


vortex in their office or home; but you can create one.

The point is people are drawn to such a place to do their work. My experience shows that their environment is playing a larger role in their power than they imagine.

Power Position

In order to be in a position of power in your company or in your profession, you need to start at your office or at home by placing yourself in a power position. A power position means that from where you sit you can see the incoming flow, the people walking in.

Power Chair

Choose a powerful chair: a high-backed chair with arm rests—just like a throne. You can’t express power without having the right chair to sit on. You are the emperor or empress of your empire. Even if your empire is a small business or your household, you still need to be the one with strength. Power is not about control; power is about strength. Also, entrepreneurs have so many levels of attention that they can use all the focus.

Be Supported in Your Power

Entrepreneurs need support. Make sure you have a wall behind you where you work, or even a plant. If you are sitting in a vulnerable position, you definitely need a strong, powerful chair. On the wall behind you, you can also hang an image of a mountain or of people who support you, like your

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


mentors or a spiritual image like angels, a Buddha, or any image that reflects divine support.

Diamond Space Feng Shui

Your environment is the reflection of who you are. There is a wind direction that supports you personally to be successful; it is the place where you put your vision board, hang your logo, and place your products. In order to learn this, email us at [email protected], provide your birthday (year, month and day) and we will tell you your success direction.

Generally, in the southwest area of your office, you can also place images of successful entrepreneurs: men and women who have walked the path before you and made a success of their life or of their vision.


One of the aspects of business that people need to focus on is collaboration. I always suggest that my clients connect with a mastermind group so they don’t feel alone in business. You can stimulate collaboration by placing an item of a fuchsia color in the southwest area of your office. Hang a team picture up or business cards of people who support you in your personal relationship direction.

Stimulate collaboration to create a more powerful environment. A powerful environment creates a more powerful you!


Melinda Boyer

Melinda Boyer is an up-and-coming speaker and writer. She is the co-founder of Real Life Teaching and Real Life Publishing along with her husband, Don Boyer. She is the mother of three wonderful children, Manuel, Marco, and Marina, and is the proud grandmother of a beautiful granddaughter, “Mariah.” You can contact Melinda by sending an email to her at:

[email protected]

coming speaker and founder of Real Life Teaching

and Real Life Publishing along with her husband, Don Boyer. She is the mother of three wonderful children, Manuel, Marco, and Marina, and is the proud grandmother of a beautiful granddaughter, “Mariah.” You can contact Melinda by sending an


Chapter Ten

The Business Entrepreneur

Melinda Boyer

THE OBSTACLES IN LIFE CAN sometimes hinder you from getting where you really want to go.

In 1995, I decided to go back to school and take classes that I felt I would enjoy. I am a people person and had always enjoyed working with numbers, so when I went to work for a bank, it was a natural fit for me. It seemed to me like a perfect environment; I got to work with numbers, which was fun, and had a chance to mingle with the public, which I highly enjoyed.

However, that all changed the day I was robbed. That experience began to change my perception of my job and the environment I worked in. When people walked in the bank, I now looked at them as if they were there to rob the place. Fear had taken my perception of reality and distorted it, affecting my actions and judgments.

In essence, fear started holding me back from enjoying my job and life.

I share this story with you to help you understand that fear not only can distort your reality, but it can hold you back from pursuing your dreams.

Melinda Boyer: The Business Entrepreneur


My Dream

My working career started at the young age of 16 years old. For the next 25 years, I found myself working for someone else. I worked for a number of great companies; nevertheless, I was building someone else’s dream. There are many great advantages to working for good companies or corporate America, and for some that is a perfect fit.

But for millions of people like myself, there is an entrepreneur inside wanting to be let loose and express itself. If you are an entrepreneur or desire to be one, no matter how great the company is you work for, there is still that deep longing inside that something is missing. That something is your inner desire to make your entrepreneurial mark in the world.

The global way the world does business today makes being a successful entrepreneur easier than ever before. The opportunities are endless. Unlike 25 to 30 years ago, where breaking out on your own usually required a big monetary investment and very high risk, today you can start a profitable business for $500 or less and turn that into a six-figure income in a very short time.

What does it take to be an entrepreneur? The first step is to change your mindset from a paycheck mentality to a profit mentality.

Having worked the majority of my life for corporate America, my paradigm was that you had to have a JOB to survive in this world. To venture out in my own business was so scary and out of my comfort

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zone that I was paralyzed in my mind, even though my heart knew that was the direction I wanted to go.

When my husband and I started our company, because he had been an entrepreneur all his life, the first area he had me work on was my mindset change. Even though our company was making more money in one month than I was making in an entire year, I still had that fear. For three months, I worked harder on myself, changing my paradigms and mindset than I did on our business.

But once my mindset went from a paycheck mentality to a profit mentality, I felt right at home; and I have never looked back.

Follow Your Dream

Following your dreams may require you to do some real soul searching. There will be no doubt that as you pursue your business dreams or even your life dreams, there will be times when that journey seems too hard to follow and everything inside you cries out to stop and give up. That is when you need to dig deep within yourself and realize that you made a commitment, and no matter how many times you get knocked down, you will arise and keep moving forward.

Is following your dream always easy? No, but I’ve found that the reward of your dream is worth the price of every valley and hard spot you must face. When your dream is big enough and your passion strong enough, you can find a way to overcome every fear and obstacle that stands between you and that dream.

Melinda Boyer: The Business Entrepreneur


The last year on my job, right before I decided to come home to really take on the role of an entrepreneur and help build our business to a million-dollar corporation, I had 10 years of the corporate world under my belt. Although I was fed up with that work environment and I was in a job where my position and department changed every quarter, there was fear when I left it. I found myself addicted to misery due to my thoughts of “What if this entrepreneurial venture doesn’t work? All my benefits will be gone, and that nasty thing called a weekly paycheck will be gone, too!”

I now realize that all the misery and change that was going on in my job was really the universe giving me signs that it was time to get out of that environment and follow my dreams.

How about you? What sign is the universe giving you today?

One of the best things I can share with you is that having success in life, whether it is in the arena of finances, business, home, health, or relationships, is not a byproduct of luck or good fortune, but the end result of understanding the basic laws of life.

If you’re going to achieve your goals and attain your dreams, you will have to implement three important factors.

1. Upgrade Your Associations

Ask yourself, “Is this the team that will get me to my dream?”

If the answer is no, you must upgrade those you surround yourself with, including your

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mentors, associates, business partners, and friends.

An important element you must understand is, “Who you listen to will determine what you have, what you get, and where you will end up,” and that is a powerful thing!

2. Enlarge Your Thinking

You must mentally see yourself as a successful entrepreneur before you will ever experience it in your physical world. Remember, you cannot think like a poor person and expect to live like a rich person. You cannot think small and expect to live large.

Being short on money or resources does not prevent you from thinking like a millionaire. Thinking like a millionaire is what will change your bank account balance to a positive mode. The power of your thoughts can change every negative condition in your life to a state where your conditions reflect what you truly desire. All success begins in your thoughts; however, your thoughts are where all failure starts, as well.

Enlarge your thinking to only think on things you want, and do not allow them to focus on what you do not want. Your thoughts belong to you…choose them wisely.

3. Be Visible in the Marketplace

It is not the size of your product, but the size of your market presence that determines the size of your bank account.

Melinda Boyer: The Business Entrepreneur


Do you realize that there are millions of people who want what you sell? No matter what you do, someone is doing the same thing and getting rich from it. The only reason people are not knocking your door down and stuffing your bank account full of cash is they do not know how to find you. You are walking around in the marketplace of business like the invisible man. To make matters worse, you are making yourself visible to the wrong people—those who do not want your product, or do want it, but cannot afford it.

In my opinion and from our experience in business, the best way to turn a huge profit in your company or finances is to make yourself well known so that people that are pre-sold (those who want and can afford your product) can find you.

Every co-author in The Power of Mentorship book series has leveraged their market presence to maximum exposure. To date, we have put more than 200,000 Power of Mentorship books into the marketplace worldwide.

Do you think your business might increase if your contact information, photo, and story were put in front of tens of thousands of people who would qualify as your target market?

This is the epitome of being visible in the marketplace so that your pre-sold customers can find you and overflow your bank account.

In closing, let me say, if you have the desire, are willing to muster up the courage and surround

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


yourself with good mentors, you can be a successful Entrepreneur!

Dream, Believe, & Achieve


John Assaraf

John Assaraf is an international best-selling author, speaker, and consummate entrepreneur. As a teenager plagued by low self-esteem, John risked the potentially fatal consequences of a turbulent lifestyle—a lifestyle which could have easily led either to jail or to the morgue. In his quest to overcome his challenges and fulfill his desire to live a purposeful and meaningful life, he discovered a unique passion for brain researchquantum physics as it related to achieving success in business and in life.

His expertise in helping organizations and individuals achieve success has landed him on Larry King Live, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, ABC, CBS and NBC television worldwide. In addition, John recently made his cameo appearance in the new hit movie The Secret, which can be viewed at

Today, John researches, writes and lectures extensively around the world on the neuroscience of success and achieving maximum performance.Visit his website at

selling author, speaker, and consummate entrepreneur.

esteem, John risked the potentially fatal consequences of a

which could have easily led either to jail or to the morgue. In his quest to overcome his challenges and fulfill his

life, he discovered a unique passion for brain research and quantum physics as it related to achieving success

His expertise in helping organizations and achieve success has landed him on

eneres Show, ABC, worldwide. In addition,

appearance in the , which can be viewed at

Today, John researches, writes and lectures ld on the neuroscience

of success and achieving maximum performance.


Chapter Eleven

What Does It Take to "Have It All" in Life?

John Assaraf

MANY PEOPLE HAVE ASKED ME why I wrote my book, The Street Kid’s Guide to Having it All, and I realized that some people simply do not believe that it is possible to "have it all." Well, I am here as an ambassador to dispel that rumor, once and for all.

If you are serious about learning what it takes, then read on and I’ll take you on a short journey.

Let’s suppose that at some point in the past, for whatever reason, by whichever means, there was a big bang, or there was not. It doesn’t really matter. All we know is somehow, our universe, solar system, galaxies, planets and, specifically, our planet, are here, and that’s where I’ll begin.

The number being thrown around right now is that our universe is at least 12.5 billion years old. (Not that I comprehend what that means.) The reason for the prelude is to set the stage for some thought and greater understanding.

While you and I do what we do every day, there are others who study what and how the universe is what it is, what the galaxies are and do and, even

John Assaraf: What Does It Take to "Have It All" in Life?


closer to home, what and how our planets do what they do. How this occurred is irrelevant at this point. It just is. After all, they (the planets and galaxies, that is) were all here before us, we think.

Instead, I like to think of our universe and planet Earth as our "playing field," and our body and mind as "the vehicles" we have been given to play on the field. So here we are, on this field, and we now have two choices: One, is to play on the field or, second, is to be a spectator.

Either way, the game is on and you must choose whether you are going to play or watch. If you have chosen to play, let me explain to you that there are people who study the playing field every day. They have discovered very specific, natural laws that govern our universe, galaxies and planet.

If you are a serious player, knowing these laws and understanding them, would have a serious impact on how well you play the game, don’t you think?

There is one Great Law that suggests that everything we see and can’t see is made up of energy. There are also seven other major natural laws that work synergistically, and they allow the playing field to do what it does with such ease and perfection. Unfortunately, we have never been taught how to be in harmony with these laws.

It’s time we raise our awareness and begin playing at a higher level...

Let’s leave the laws alone for a moment and discuss our body and mind.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


For the most part, the physical body is easy to understand. We have studied it for over 6,000 years and have learned a couple of tricks to keep it going faster and longer. We have five physical senses to help us decipher and understand the stimuli around us or on us.

The mind, however, is a little bit more complex. Scientists and theologians have discovered that we have six intellectual functions that are part of our conscious mind, and we also have three subconscious functions that assist us with much more complex issues and needs.

So here we are, playing the game, and I ask you this question, "How well do you understand the basic natural laws of the playing field, and how well do you understand the functions of the body and mind?"

For many people, the answer is the same: not very well. The reason we do not know the answers, is because we have never been taught to look at the whole picture. Very few people have studied and understood how to connect the whole deal in a way that it is easy to understand and apply.

I will suggest that in order to "Have it All," you must first understand the basics for making it possible. Look around you and observe the perfection and precision in everything. There are no accidents. It all operates by exact order. If you choose not to learn how all of it works, that is totally up to you. You are then choosing to play at a mediocre level and not at the level you are capable of.

John Assaraf: What Does It Take to "Have It All" in Life?


As I mentioned before, you make the decisions on whether to play or watch and, then, how well you want to play.

Learning the playing field and how you function makes the game so much fun!

Not knowing the basic laws is like not understanding gravity. Not understanding yourself is like a pilot who doesn’t know exactly how all her plane’s instruments work. Would YOU get on that plane?

Even once we understand the playing field and the optimum way to use our body and mind, we still need to learn the rules relating to the five different games being played ... those games are called health, wealth, relationships, career, and spirituality.

The games are complex, especially if we aren’t taught the rules, angles, and ways to win. Once again, if we choose to learn, the games become much more fun and easier to play.

I have invested over 20 years into this exact research and have discovered the fastest and simplest way to have what I want. My deepest desire is that you discover a few things to make your journey outstanding.

All you must do is be open to learning how to play, and grow again like you did when you were a child.

Remember to create a masterpiece. It is your choice!


Glenda Feilen

Glenda Feilen, author, speaker, and recognized authority on the law of attraction, shares no-fail techniques to achieve prosperity and success in her book, Are All Your Pieces In Place? For over 25 years her books, seminars, and workshops have taught thousands an empowering process to achieve wealth, happiness, and rewarding relationships based on the law of attraction. Also a personal design consultant, Glenda’s “Fashion for the Soul” workshops teach women to look and feel fabulous when they dress so their natural radiance shines through. She is a nutritional expert and has been a marketing director for over 25 years in an international nutritional based corporation. Glenda is available for speaking engagements. Her ‘Law of Attraction’ and ‘Fashion for Soul’ workshops are life changing and fun, fun, fun! Learn more about the laws of abundance and purchase her CD set, You Want it? You Got it! on her website at

Email: [email protected] Telephone: (619) 749-2075


Chapter Twelve

Be Deliberate About Creating Wealth

Glenda Feilen

YOU MEAN THERE ARE UNIVERSAL laws about creating wealth? You bet! Live them and claim the wealth that is waiting for you!

How would you feel if a never-ending supply of money poured into your life? Are you living a life of prosperity? Do you have any area of lack in your life right now? Do you have a shortage of anything? Are you in debt? Do you wish you had a savings and money to give away? If you said “Yes” to any of those questions, I have good news for you! There is a simple easy solution to attract wealth and abundance and create the life of your dreams.

Do you Thrive - or just Survive?

Why aren’t you wealthy? Why isn’t everyone wealthy? Why then do most people barely survive, rather than thrive? We live in a world of abundance. Abundance is a natural state in our universe. Do you think maybe it’s because you aren’t lucky? Fewer than 20% of today’s millionaires inherited even a small portion of their wealth. Of those who inherited, or even won the lottery, more than 80% are bankrupt within 5

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years. So, it’s obviously not luck. Could it be that maybe you are not intelligent enough? Most of today’s millionaires didn’t graduate with high honors, and many didn’t even go to college because they couldn’t qualify. I guess intelligence isn’t the answer. If it’s not luck and not being super smart that makes us wealthy, what is it that the wealthy know that the people who aren’t wealthy don’t know? They understand the laws, the principles of accumulating wealth and keeping it. There are laws. They are Universal Laws; and just as the law of gravity affects each of us, whether we understand it or not, these Universal Laws of Prosperity affect our daily finances and level of prosperity in every aspect of our lives. No matter who you are, if you live the law - you reap the benefits; if you don’t—you won't.


1. There is no Receiving without ASKING

Asking begins the creating process. When you ask, you are mentally entertaining something. If you can’t conceive something or choose something, then you have no desire. Put your desires into formality by deliberately and consciously asking. Only when you develop the state of mind where you can ask for something, can you develop the state of mind where you can achieve it. Asking occurs in many ways:

• You ask the universe for what you want when you handwrite your specific, positively-stated goals. Make sure you write them so they give you an emotional charge every time you write them.

Glenda Feilen: Be Deliberate About Creating Wealth


• You ask the universe by supplying your mind with specific pictures in which you see yourself having already attained your desire. Run mental previews of what you want if you want it to manifest in your physical life.

• You ask the universe by creating a private goal chart with specific, goal-related pictures placed on it, personalized with your own picture.

• You ask the universe by stating to yourself and others positive words that affirm the things you want are presently occurring.

• You ask by handwriting affirmations nightly, which deeply impress your mind just before you sleep.


Everything in the universe works with the law of attraction. There is a current of energy that runs through everything on this planet in this universe. It is the basis of our world, and it is the basis of you. Everything is energy. We live in a vibrational universe. You are an energy being as much as you are a physical being. Recognizing that everything vibrates at a particular frequency or rate of speed is a vital part of understanding how to attract prosperity to you. Waves of living energy literally radiate from your body. They ripple and flow and merge with other waves. They are like a radio signal, emitting our words, thoughts, and feelings; and those things which are on the same vibrational frequency of that which you emit are returned

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to you. We are held accountable energetically by this law of attraction. Life is a mirror, giving us feedback on the vibrations that we are sending out on our thinking, and feelings, and actions. This means your daily experiences, the situations you experience, the people in your life, everything around you, matches your vibrational radiations outward. Even though you think money is nothing more than metal and paper with numbers on it, money is a system of energy. Everything is a system of energy and works with the law of attraction! Money is neutral and the energy you give it is the energy it takes on in your life. Am I saying that you can be a deliberate creator of what you want in your life by creating the vibrations that emanate from you? Absolutely! That’s the point. You are the sole creator of your life, and it is time to create the things you want. Consciously create the amount of money you want. You are putting yourself in a vibrational place of either receiving exactly what you want or what you don’t want by what you are radiating out.

Thoughts are things which radiate to the world how you feel about money. Nothing can occur in your life without the initiation of it through a thought. Never think of yourself as poor or needy. What you think about comes about. What you focus on is what you get. Don’t think about how little you have or how much less you’ll bring in to pay the bills that you have. Think about how much you have and how you will feel when you have a surplus. You get more of what you focus on. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Never think that you have to work hard to make money or that

Glenda Feilen: Be Deliberate About Creating Wealth


money isn’t happiness, or that having money is being ‘filthy’ rich. Never think that being poor is synonymous with being humble. Money is not the root of all evil; George Bernard Shaw said, “Lack of money is the root of all evil.” Think positively about money! Rather than thinking of how little you have, think about how much you have. Think thoughts that bring you prosperity, and deliberately choose those thoughts.

Words create! Never say, “I can’t afford it,” “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” “It costs too much,” or “I’ll never get ahead.” These are words of lack. When you say these things, you’ll be right! The minute you begin changing these thoughts, your poverty consciousness is being changed. Use words of success. Change your words to “I now choose lavish abundance for myself,” “I always have enough,” “I’m comfortable with large amounts of money,” “Money is my friend,” “Money effortlessly flows to me,” “I see money effortlessly flowing to me,” “I see prosperity everywhere,” and “I give thanks for (what you want more of).” As you say these things, your mind (which naturally thinks in pictures) creates pictures to go with your words. If your finances are currently out of control, your thoughts and words are also out of control. You must change your habitual thoughts and words immediately.


If you want to receive something, you must make room for it. Nature abhors a vacuum. Whenever something is released and a vacuum is created, the universe makes sure that

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something is immediately sucked into that area. Remove every thought and word of lack, poverty consciousness, of money not being good, and of not being deserving. If these things are habitual, you can immediately change it to one of the thoughts you have chosen to replace it with. The more you change it, the less frequently thoughts of lack will occur.

Clean out your closets and drawers; clean up your car. Everything around you, especially your home environment, mirrors your inner self. Clutter accumulates when energy stagnates; and, likewise, energy stagnates when clutter accumulates. When you give away and release things you no longer need, it opens your life for things you do need to come in.

Eliminate any toxic emotions you are holding onto. Anger, resentment, guilt, envy, regret, criticism, and other similar emotions block your prosperity. Release others and yourself from these emotions. Replace them with forgiveness, acceptance, willingness, understanding, love, joy, serenity, peace, and enlightenment. You do not forgive for others. You forgive for you. You can only attract to yourself what you are. The highest thing that you will attract to yourself is influenced by the lowest feeling you have about any person, place, or thing. Set yourself free, and you will immediately attract people and situations into your life that will prosper you.

4. You Must GIVE to Receive!

Sometimes people want to receive before they give. It doesn’t work that way. Let’s do a little

Glenda Feilen: Be Deliberate About Creating Wealth


experiment: Fold your arms. There you are all closed up, hugging yourself. Are you in a position to receive? I think NOT. Now extend your arms forward as if you were in a position to give. Look, you are in exactly the right position to receive. Again, there is an energy flow. What goes out comes back; and no matter how little you have, you always have something to give.

Give others thoughts of prosperity. See them accomplishing their goals. When you give them thoughts of abundance and prosperity, you are actually giving to yourself those similar vibrations of abundance and prosperity and the things you want. Secretly shoot them with thoughts of prosperity, and you will see that you are secretly putting those things into play in your life.

Give gratitude and appreciation. Give thankfulness for what you have and what you expect to have in the future. Constantly look for things and others to give praise. Be generous with what you have. Give love and support to others. Treat yourself lavishly. Use your best on yourself. Bask yourself in abundance. Get rid of habits of scarcity. Spend money. Money must flow. What you put out comes back to you multiplied, and this applies to money as well as everything else in your life.


You must TAKE ACTION if you want prosperity! You often hear the saying “Attitude is everything.” Wrong. The “A” word that makes all

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the difference is “Action.” You can have a great attitude about everything, but if you sit on the beach all day and take no action, you will not achieve prosperity.

The power to create is given by Divine Intelligence. You are One Energy with the Master Creator; and when you use that energy, you know it because your actions are inspired. Your life flows with synchronicity. Everything falls together perfectly. Creative energy is joyful energy, and you are an extension of that energy. Therefore, it is vital to take action that is fun, exciting, interesting, and inspiring. Do the things that give you joy. Laugh when you work. Listen to fun or inspiring music. Create a beautiful environment. It is the light energy that creates. Menial, boring tasks will not bring what you want into your life. When you do the things you love, money will pour into your life. Your actions will not feel like work. They will be play. While you are taking action, feel the feelings you would feel if you already had all the money you wanted.

Implementation of knowledge is power. Now that you know the laws, make tiny, little behavior changes, and you will begin to see the results appear in your life. If you do the same thing – you’re going to have the same thing. If you want something different, you have to do something different. It is simple to put these laws into action. All change begins with choice. Make a decision; choose right now to be wealthy. Make a decision to take advantage of the abundance that is already yours and is just waiting for you to claim it! There are no excuses. Being in poverty is equivalent to

Glenda Feilen: Be Deliberate About Creating Wealth


being a victim. Being a victim is allowing something or somebody to direct your life. If you want the lack of money to direct your life, you’re a victim and will find an excuse not to live the laws of Abundance.

If you live these Universal Laws of Abundance, the universe has no choice but to respond by supplying you lavish abundance. If you obey the laws, you get the benefits. Nobody wakes up in the morning and says, “Today, I choose to be broke” or “Today, I choose to fail.” But, you are choosing that by not choosing to create the opposite, which is to live the Universal Laws of Abundance. Live them to the fullest, and you will have a never-ending supply of money pouring into your life.


Barry Were

Barry Were comes from a technology background. With an interest in electronics from a young age, he trained and worked in telecommunications for many years. This was followed by a period of 15 years teaching telecommunications at a tertiary level. From there, he started his own software development company, which he has been running for 20 years.

In his spare time, Barry is often found in the bush passing on his Search and Rescue skills to those who want to assist in finding lost parties. He especially enjoys working with teenagers and runs a youth group with a focus on search and rescue skills.

It is from working with these teenagers that Barry has refined his thinking about the many life skills that he shares so freely with others. These are the skills that people need to be successful in life.

Barry is married with three adult children. Contact Barry via email: [email protected] or telephone (647) 849-1189.


Chapter Thirteen

The Power of Conversation

Barry Were

WILLIAM AND MADELINE ENTERED A room at the same time. In the room, 50 to 60 business people were attending a networking function. William, an 18 year old who was studying arboriculture, wandered through the crowded room and was soon in a conversation with a couple of people. Madeline, a 35-year-old office manager, stood to the side and waited, hoping someone would approach her.

Within an hour, William had collected a couple of phone numbers and handed his business card to a few more people. One person offered him some tips on hunting spots. Another offered him some work. Madeline managed to strike up a conversation with a couple of people, but she did not get past the usual “What do you do?” type of questions.

For William, the event was an outstanding success. Madeline found the event to be stressful and way out of her comfort zone.

So what is the difference? William has mastered the art of participating in meaningful conversations with complete strangers. Madeline has not learned the importance of this skill.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


In my work with mentoring teenagers and adults, I have found major similarities in the issues they face. Granted there are more teenagers than adults with self-esteem issues. With the passing of time, people do develop more confidence in many aspects of their lives.

The one life aspect that both adults and teenagers seem to struggle with is what I call the art of meaningful conversation. To me, this is the ability to approach a complete stranger and start a conversation on any random topic. Most people would rather jump from a ship into shark-infested waters than face a complete stranger. It seems to rank up there with public speaking as the greatest fear for most people. Yet, what is the basis for this fear? What is the worst thing that is going to happen if the conversation goes badly? Well, the worst outcome most likely would be that the other person will walk off and engage with someone else after a minute or two.

So why is this skill so valuable? Why is it worth the risk of embarrassment or failure? The reason is simple.

People plus conversation equals opportunity.

Life is full of opportunities. We are constantly surrounded by them, but we grow up with a narrowly focused set of blinkers that ensure we only recognize a very small fraction of the opportunities that come our way. This is probably a good thing as we would otherwise be overwhelmed by the exciting possibilities that are rushing by. We can’t possibly focus on more than a few opportunities at any one time. If we attempt to

Barry Were: The Power of Conversation


grab at too many opportunities, we are likely to get distracted and not do a good job on any of them.

What are these opportunities that I'm referring to? They can be work related for someone who is unemployed or looking for casual work. This assistance could be in the form of an offer to gain work experience or a suggestion of someone to contact for an actual job.

On the other hand, the opportunities could be non-work related. They could relate to hobbies, interests, or sports.

People just love sharing information with other people. All that is needed to begin this process is to find some common ground. How do you do this? What is the secret to finding this common ground? It is no secret—it is a skill that most people can master. There are, however, a few key steps that should be followed.

1. Look for someone who appears to be happy. Use your instincts to find someone to talk to, but if after a few moments of speaking to the person it does not feel right, then excuse yourself and move on.

2. Start with a simple common topic, but at the same time be creative. Using the weather as an opening topic is easy, but then it can sometimes be hard to move past it onto better topics. Some would suggest that you should avoid using the weather as a discussion topic as it adds little of value to your relationship. With a little imagination, you can learn to use most random topics to open a conversation. A non-standard

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topic (standard topics being weather, jobs, the occasion, etc.) can very quickly lead to more meaningful discussions and better common ground.

3. Listen carefully to what the other person is saying and ask lots of questions. Many people believe that conversation is about telling the best story. So while the other person is talking, they are busy trying to come up with a better story. This is not a good strategy. Take a genuine interest in what the other person is saying and try to learn more about them.

4. Ask follow-up questions and keep asking more questions. Of course, it is fine and also important to share some information about yourself, but this does not need to dominate the conversation. The more you learn about the other person, the better the perception they will have of you as a caring person.

5. Avoid judging a person based on their appearance. The most poorly dressed person in the room could be a genius with an amazing story to share.

6. Pay attention to their body language. If they are looking over your shoulder at other people, then maybe it is time to excuse yourself and move on.

7. Engage with the person. That means keeping full eye contact throughout the conversation. It is really difficult to have a meaningful conversation with a person who will not look you in the eyes.

Barry Were: The Power of Conversation


8. Finally and most important of all—when approaching a stranger and throughout the conversation, ask yourself, “How can I help this person?” Those who approach strangers with a selfish motive to serve themselves will find it more difficult to engage meaningfully with others. Put the needs and interests of the other person ahead of your own, and you will be richly rewarded.

Why is it important to talk to complete strangers in order to find opportunities? The answer is that people like to help other people, AND they will do a lot more to help people they know rather than complete strangers.

So where do you find strangers? Everywhere you go. You can have conversations with strangers at the gas station, fast food outlets, the laundromat, etc. It only takes a few moments to say something to someone else. The conversation may only last a few moments. On the other hand, if you quickly find common ground, you could continue chatting for 30 to 40 minutes. Every time you strike up a conversation with a new person, you get a little better at it. Practice really does help.

Many young people choose to believe that all the opportunities they will ever need in life will be found on the Internet on sites like Facebook. Sure, this is an easy option with little associated risk. It also has a rather low success rate unless you are a world-leading expert in a really small niche market.

Finally, talking to strangers can be real fun. Not only can you make someone else’s day, but you

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


can open some amazing doors that could make a difference to you for the rest of your life. That's a small price to pay.


Chuck and Judie Freels Chaz Freels and Brandi Freels

911 C.A.S.P.E.R. Systems is a family business owned by Chuck and Judie Freels. C.A.S.P.E.R. was developed by Chuck and Judie and two of their five children, Chaz and Brandi, who work full-time in the business.

Judie was "born" into the sign industry and worked for her parents until she met her current husband of 28 years. Chuck and Judie started their own Sign & Crane Rental business in 1986 and have been working together ever since, along with their children and staff.

Chaz and Brandi also grew up in the sign industry. Chaz received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in 2010 at the University of Virginia’s College at Wise. Like their parents, they are also very passionate about what C.A.S.P.E.R. can do for you and your community.

911 C.A.S.P.E.R. Systems is a division of 1st LED Signage and Lighting, owned by Chuck and Judie.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


They also own and operate C & J LED Lighting & Signage a division of Zenta Corporation.

911 C.A.S.P.E.R. Systems is a patent pending system that was developed by firefighters and their family after personally seeing the need for the emergency readiness features of C.A.S.P.E.R., along with the much needed fundraising aspect of C.A.S.P.E.R. Please visit our "The Why" page to find out more about the spark that inspired us to create C.A.S.P.E.R..

For more information on the Freels family, please visit their About Us page on can also be found on

Facebook and Twitter. 911CASPERSystems Email Chuck for a personal response:

Chuck@ 276-229-4200


Chapter Fourteen

Sometimes It Happens With a Spark

Chuck and Judie Freels and the

911 CASPER Systems' Team

YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT "Spark" I am talking about? No, not a successful business ... and not even an idea ... but your life can change with just a spark, and from there it is up to you to make the best of it. Sadly for us, the spark I am talking about is not even a "Spark of Genius," but it is the "spark" from a faulty wiring system in our new home, causing it to burn down. The decisions you make from that point on can bring you down or propel you forward. The choice is always yours.

I will bring you into our life on the day we just moved into our new home, August 22, 1998. We moved to a new state, with five young children, and decided to start a new sign business in an extremely rural area. We were looking for a new beginning with new adventures. We were excited! The wind was beneath our wings, which is ironic since on one extremely windy day, February 5, 1999, a spark from faulty wiring shot out from an outlet, and the wind helped set the fire out of control, resulting in a pile of ashes. I often likened the remains of our home to three shovelfuls of ash.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


Thank God all of our four older children were at their elementary school and our youngest was with us at work—even our dog was safe. The elementary school was cattycorner across the street from our home. Our oldest son, Chaz, was in a classroom where he could clearly see the fire, so the uncertainty of his little sister and parents’ safety was most traumatic for him. At that moment, as we watched our home burn along with everything we owned, we were questioning every decision we made. What were we thinking ... moving so far from family—with five young children? Then the "dots" started to develop—and we didn’t even notice ...


A quote from Steve Jobs states, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.” On the day our house burned, if someone would have told us that something good was going to come out of this, I would have screamed out loud in total frustration and fear. But now, taking what Steve Jobs said and looking back, many key things happened that day that took years to present themselves to us.

The first "Dot" appeared when a neighbor came running into our business, which was next door to our home, and yelled, “Call 911 your home is on fire!” As you can imagine, I felt paralyzed as so many emotions flooded my mind. It seemed like an eternity, but I finally could move to make the call. The 911 dispatcher took my call and sent out the message for the fire department. What no one knew at the time was that the 911 system that was just implemented in the county did not work. That

Chuck Freels: Sometimes It Happens With a Spark


small simple defect cost the response precious time. By the time everyone realized the problem, the previous system that had been used, which was a phone chain, was re-implemented and help came to our rescue.

"Dot" number two was the amazing sense of relief and gratitude we felt when help showed up. Two different local fire departments and our local rescue squad showed up, ready to do what was needed without any hesitations. All Chuck and I could do was watch. It was a very humbling experience.

"Dot" number three happened even before our home’s fire was under control. Please remember that we were new to the area. We hadn't really expanded out into our new community as we were still settling in to our new home, getting acclimated to the area, and preparing and converting our business building into a suitable working place. Yes, we met a few people, but not that many. With that in mind, as we were standing there devastated at the turn of events, with flames I could still feel from the back door of our business, not knowing what to do, where to sleep, everything gone literally up in smoke ... it happened, slowly at first ... pillows, handmade quilts from the local quilting club, toys for our children, clothes, food, and the list can go on and on as the now treasured memories showed up, unexpected by us, yet generously given by the bearers. It was so wonderful and overwhelming. Everyone was so compassionate and gave kind words of encouragement. We knew then that we made the right decision by moving to that area ... to our new hometown.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


"Dot" number four was a problem we recognized at the fundraisers we helped with at our local volunteer fire department. After the house was gone, Chuck joined the fire department to give back to the community and worked his way up to becoming the Assistant Chief, as he had some previous experience to offer. Our two sons, Chaz and Vince, joined as soon as they turned 16. They put countless hours into training, calls, and especially fundraising. As times changed and more local non-profits pushed similar fundraising events, the traditional fundraisers that our fire department and rescue squad held were competing for the same dollar that was now being split to meet the growing donation demand. Sometimes, the fire department would come out well ahead; other times, it barely broke even. Many people don’t realize how much work is required just to maintain standards to keep emergency equipment and trucks in operating condition. Fortunately, our local fire department has a family of volunteers that are great at what they do. However, as you might occasionally read, now more and more commonly… some fire departments and rescue squads must close their doors, leaving their communities vulnerable to what is to come their way and at the mercy of a fire department and rescue squad the next town over. And as we learned, response time is of utmost importance to save lives and, in our case, property.

"Dot" number five was, well ... there all along, but it was a large part of this equation. We were in the sign business.

Then one night it all clicked together. Our once young children were now older and worked with

Chuck Freels: Sometimes It Happens With a Spark


us. As we sat around talking one long night while eating pizza at our business, we came up with the idea of 911 C.A.S.P.E.R. Systems! It flooded to us as if it was tired of waiting for us to figure it out, so it just started presenting itself.

• "Dot" One’s present result: We saw the definite need to have a working, instantaneous alert and warning system that will help lessen loss of life and property, no matter what disaster a town, city, state, or family may be facing.

• "Dot" Two’s present result: First result: Chuck saw the need for extra help within our local fire department and rescue squad and decided to join. Due to that decision, our sons, Chaz and Vince, joined, as well. From there, it was easy to notice that Recruitment and Retainment was a large issue many departments face. Second result: Because some fire departments, rescue squads, and other non-profit organizations are closing down or struggling, we feel compelled to make sure these organizations have the resources to operate effectively, so everyone in their community experiences the feeling of relief like we did when help shows up.

• "Dot" Three’s present result: Our experience made us very passionate in regard to what a community is all about: Love, kindness, selflessness, and being there for a fellow community member, no matter how new they are. They are now family. And like families, communities should communicate, too.

• "Dot" Four’s present result: After becoming a volunteer firefighter and volunteering at the

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


rescue squad, we as a family started noticing that countless hours were spent on fundraising, but not on needed training. As a result, we came up with the fundraising aspect of C.A.S.P.E.R.

• "Dot" Five’s present result: Since we were in the sign business, we were knowledgeable with the sign industry and, as a result, the capabilities of LED display signs.

Don’t get me wrong. The road was long and hard. The wind that was once under our wings stopped blowing. It felt as if our life was like a gear with some of the teeth missing, clunking along. Even though we painted a smile on our faces, the struggle forward was scary. But we persevered, we moved forward, we did what we had to do, and we kept at it. This is the decision that we made; this is the decision that we committed to. We feel too passionate about C.A.S.P.E.R. and how it will help communities to not meet obstacles head on andmake our vision a reality.

C.A.S.P.E.R. connects the "Dots." Every "Dot" eventually came to life. Every life experience now made more sense. The passions that ignited in us that day with that tiny "spark" turned into a flame.

911 C.A.S.P.E.R. Systems

So what is the 911 C.A.S.P.E.R. SystemC.A.S.P.E.R. is an acronym for Community

rescue squad, we as a family started noticing that countless hours were spent on fundraising,

esult, we came up with the fundraising aspect of

"Dot" Five’s present result: Since we were in the sign business, we were knowledgeable with the sign industry and, as a result, the capabilities of

road was long and hard. The wind that was once under our wings stopped blowing. It felt as if our life was like a gear with some of the teeth missing, clunking along. Even though we painted a smile on our faces, the

vered, we moved forward, we did what we had to do, and we kept at it. This is the decision that we made; this is the decision that we committed to. We feel too passionate about C.A.S.P.E.R. and how it will help communities to not meet obstacles head on and

C.A.S.P.E.R. connects the "Dots." Every "Dot" eventually came to life. Every life experience now made more sense. The passions that ignited in us that day with that tiny "spark" turned into a flame.

C.A.S.P.E.R. Systems? C.A.S.P.E.R. is an acronym for Community

Chuck Freels: Sometimes It Happens With a Spark


Awareness and Stimulus Plan for Emergency Readiness. C.A.S.P.E.R.’s System is presented through an LED display sign; however, C.A.S.P.E.R. is not just an LED display ... So what is it?

By now, most of us have heard or seen the benefits of LED display/sign technology. It's fast, it's reliable, it delivers a clear, concise message, and it's sure to grab your attention on those long trips or short rides into town. We took that message a step farther and turned the LED display into a life-saving tool and made the technology more than affordable for non-profit organizations. Patent pending, C.A.S.P.E.R. is revolutionizing the way the world uses LED display sign technology.

First and foremost, C.A.S.P.E.R. is an LED display with our exclusive software that gives your local 911 dispatcher or emergency management coordinators remote access to send any alerts and warnings to one or many C.A.S.P.E.R. displays instantly, in order to alert you and your community as fast as possible because every second counts in an emergency. Alerts and warnings include anything concerning the safety of the public, like weather, AMBER alerts, BOLO alerts, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and war. Amber alerts are more effective than ever with full-color pictures and details on every geographically relevant C.A.S.P.E.R. system in the designated area to help increase the chances of the safe and speedy recovery of someone’s loved one.

Taking the benefits of C.A.S.P.E.R. and tying them in with the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, or IPAWS, developed by FEMA, makes

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


alerts and warnings fast and easily accessible, no matter where you are. IPAWS extends alert and warning capabilities to radio, TV, satellite, cell, Internet, Wi-Fi, and 4G. Using C.A.S.P.E.R. and IPAWS, public safety providers can rest assured they have the most advanced instant public emergency alert system at their fingertips. More important, each community can trust that they will get the message as soon as alerting authorities do. (Be sure to check out FEMA’s IPAWS Video on our website here:

As you know, non-profit organizations put a lot of time and effort into their current fundraisers. Being that C.A.S.P.E.R. is an LED display, and since LED displays have proven themselves to be very effective at grabbing attention and sharing information, it also makes a perfect fundraising platform. Not only does it draw in bigger crowds to current and traditional fundraisers like Bingo, Cornhole, music events, or pig roasts, C.A.S.P.E.R. can pay for itself over and over again through its unique fundraising capability outlined below, but we recommend using the extra cash to fill other important budget needs to help keep these important non-profit organizations open.

C.A.S.P.E.R. can achieve this through what we call Sponsortizing. Non-profit organizations can bring on sponsors—or Sponsortizers—like local businesses that will donate on a monthly/annual basis in return for public recognition on the LED display. You can compare this to sponsors that donate and receive recognition on a hat, t-shirt, bag, banner, website, etc. … except now on a much cooler, changeable, attention drawing sign. When used with our available leasing options and little

Chuck Freels: Sometimes It Happens With a Spark


down, organizations find it easy to see that the system pays for itself. The extra cash generated by C.A.S.P.E.R. is ideal to fill other budget needs, like overhead, fuel, training, equipment, etc…

Sponsortizing puts a business’s donation dollars to better use because it all goes to a good cause of their choice, with the same benefits of traditional advertising like TV, radio, Internet, billboards, newspapers, or magazines. "Buy Local" campaigns take on a whole new meaning, not to mention that sense of goodwill that communities will now have toward businesses who Sponsortize to support their local non-profit organization. In addition, because of the Alert & Warning and Recruitment & Retainment nature of the system, C.A.S.P.E.R. is also compliant with many grants.

Again, C.A.S.P.E.R.’s roots came partly from our experience volunteering at our local volunteer fire department. However, we quickly recognized that C.A.S.P.E.R. is ideal for most other non-profit organizations, like rescue squads and police departments, schools, colleges, universities, parks, municipalities, and many more. Even for-profit businesses can take advantage of the many benefits an on-premise LED sign has to offer, with the bonus of providing their community with vital emergency alerts and warnings should the need arise.

With C.A.S.P.E.R., non-profit organizations can:

Provide instantaneous, geographically relevant – vital and timely alerts, warnings, and public announcements to their community during

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


emergencies, including through disseminators of FEMA’s IPAWS.

Receive a steady stream of extra income because C.A.S.P.E.R. is a fundraising platform, plus the added bonus of drawing in bigger crowds to traditional fundraisers.

Help their local businesses’ and community’s "Buy Local" campaigns through Sponsortizing.

It's a Win-Win-Win for non-profit organizations, Sponsortizers, and especially their community.

As you can see, we are very passionate about our C.A.S.P.E.R. System, but the main reason I tell you this unfolding of our life’s timeline is to help the weary stay steadfast to their dream of success. Even if you are unsure of what it

might be, if you have the drive and determination to succeed, you will find success! Someday, you will be the person looking backward and seeing "Dots" from your past and connect them to your present success.

Please visit our website,, to find out more about C.A.S.P.E.R. and how to Bring C.A.S.P.E.R. Home to Your Community. When you are there, don’t forget to opt-in to receive the free eReport we are offering called the Fundraising Emergency. Please help spread the word to your local non-profit organizations about C.A.S.P.E.R. ~ it could save your life, or the lives of your loved ones.

I wish you Great Success and Passion in your life!

Chuck Freels: Sometimes It Happens With a Spark


And of course, a Very SAFE Future!!


Zig Ziglar

A talented author and speaker, Zig Ziglar has traveled over five million miles across the world delivering powerful life improvement messages, cultivating the energy of change. Since 1970, an extensive array of Ziglar audio, video, books, and training manuals have been utilized by small businesses, Fortune 500 companies, U.S. Government agencies, churches, school districts, prisons, and non-profit associations, In addition, Mr. Ziglar has written 24 celebrated books on personal growth, leadership, sales, faith, family, and success. To learn more call (800) 527-0306 or visit his website at


Chapter Fifteen

A Life-Changing Procedure

Zig Ziglar

"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people

get what they want.” Zig Ziglar

My Personal Commitment

I, _________________, am serious about setting and reaching my goals in life, so on this __________ day of ___________, 20__ I promise myself that I will take the first step toward setting those goals. I am willing to exchange temporary pleasures in the pursuit of happiness and the striving for excellence in the pursuit of my goals. I am willing to discipline my physical and emotional appetites to reach the long-range goals of happiness and accomplishment. I recognize that to reach my goals I must grow personally and have the right mental attitude, so I promise to specifically increase my knowledge in my chosen field and regularly read positive growth books and magazines. I will also attend lectures and seminars, take courses in personal growth and development. I will utilize my time more effectively by enrolling in Automobile University and listening to motivational and educational recordings while driving or performing

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


routine tasks at home or in the yard. I will keep a list of my activities including the completion dates for each project in my Goals Program. I further promise to list good ideas (mine and those of others) and to note thoughts, power phrases, and quotations which have meaning to me.



A Life-Changing Procedure

The eyes are the windows of the soul. So, to the person you are capable of becoming, each evening, just before you go to bed, stand in front of a mirror alone and in the first-person, present-tense, look yourself in the eye and repeat with passion and enthusiasm paragraphs A, B, C, and D. Repeat this process every morning and every evening from this day forward. Within one week you will notice remarkable changes in your life. After thirty days, add the procedure at the bottom of this card.

A. “I, ________________________, am an honest, intelligent, organized, responsible, committed, teachable person who is sober, loyal, and clearly understands that regardless of who signs my paycheck, I am self-employed. I am an optimistic, punctual, enthusiastic, goal-setting, smart working, self-starter who is a disciplined, focused, dependable, persistent positive thinker with great self-control, and am an energetic and diligent team player and hard worker who appreciates the opportunity my company and the free enterprise system offer me. I am thrifty with my resources and apply common sense to my daily tasks. I take

Zig Ziglar: A Life-Changing Procedure


honest pride in my competence, appearance and manners, and am motivated to be and do my best so that my healthy self-image will remain on solid ground. These are the qualities which enable me to manage myself and help give me employment security in a no job-security world.

B. “I, _______________________, am a compassionate, respectful encourager who is a considerate, generous, gentle, patient, caring, sensitive, personable, attentive, fun-loving person. I am a supportive, giving, and forgiving, clean, kind, unselfish, affectionate, loving, family-oriented, human being; and I am a sincere and open-minded good listener and a good-finder who is trustworthy, these are the qualities which enable me to build good relationships with my associates, neighbor, mate and family.

C. “I __________________________, am a person of integrity, with the faith and wisdom to know what I should do and the courage and convictions to follow through. I have the vision to manage myself and to lead others. I am authoritative, confident, and humbly grateful for the opportunity life offers me. I am fair, flexible, resourceful, creative, knowledgeable, decisive and an extra-miler with a servant’s attitude who communicates well with others. I am a consistent, pragmatic teacher with character and a finely-tuned sense of humor. I am an honorable person and am balanced in my personal, family and business life, and have a passion for being, doing and learning more today so I can be, do and have more tomorrow.

D. “These are the qualities of the winner I was born to be, and I am fully committed to developing these

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


marvelous qualities with which I have been entrusted. Tonight I’m going to sleep wonderfully well. I will dream powerful, positive dreams, I will awaken energized and refreshed; tomorrow’s going to be magnificent, and my future is unlimited. Recognizing, claiming and developing these qualities which I already have gives me a legitimate chance to be happier, healthier, more prosperous, more secure, have more friends, greater peace of mind, better family relationships and legitimate hope that the future will be even better.”

Repeat the process the next morning and close by saying, “These are the qualities of the winner I was born to be, and I will develop and use these qualities to achieve my worthy objectives. Today is a brand new day and it’s mine to use in a marvelously productive way.”

After 30 days, add the next step:

Choose your strongest quality and the one you feel needs the most work. Example: Strongest—honest. Needs most work – organized. On a separate 3x5, print “I ______________________________, am a completely honest person, and every day I am getting better at being organized.” Keep this 3x5 card handy and read it out loud at every opportunity for one week. Repeat this process with the second strongest quality and the second one which needs the most work. Do this until you’ve completed the entire list. Use this self-talk procedure as long as you want to get more of the things money will buy and all of the things money won’t buy.

Zig Ziglar: A Life-Changing Procedure


Note: Because of some painful experiences in the past (betrayal, abuse, etc.) there might be a word or two that brings back unpleasant memories (example: discipline). Eliminate the word or substitute another word.

"It is not what happens to you that determines how far you go in life;

It is what you do with what happens to you." Zig Ziglar


News Flash

YOU NEED MORE CUSTOMERS TO stay in business in today’s economy; the experts below can show you how to get them.

7 Secrets from Donald Trump, Bob Proctor, Zig Ziglar,

Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn and Les Brown to teach you…

How to Become the #1 Expert in Your Field

How to Earn Top Dollar for What You Do

How to Get Customers to Flock to You

How to Turn Strangers Into Customers Secret #1 Donald Trump: “The first step to becoming successful is to go from being a no-body to becoming a some-body.” What Donald Trump means is that you must make your name and brand known in the marketplace. You must be viewed by your future customers as an expert in your field. You may be the best at what you do and have the finest product on the market, but unless customers know about you and are aware of the benefits you can bring them, you will not attract many customers.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


So how do you go from being a no-body to becoming a some-body, recognized in the marketplace as an expert and having your brand exposed globally? By becoming a published author. This is the number one marketing tool used by every successful icon of business known today. The common denominator of all known successful people is they all authored a book(s). Becoming a published author also gives you credibility, which is a key ingredient to going from a no-body to a some-body.

Secret #2 Donald Trump: “Projects succeed when you create teams of experts who put their knowledge together and aim for the best.” What would happen if you went to your next prospect, meeting, or event and took Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, Vic Johnson and Zig Ziglar with you? Do you think their credibility would work in your favor? How many of your competitors do you think can take these giants with them to their next potential client?

If you could build a team and have these types of internationally known experts on it, would you? To most, this would seem like a double-edged sword—a dream come true, but an impossible dream to achieve. However, the fact is, this dream can come true for you. How? By co-authoring a bestselling book with them. This is how you create and assemble a team of experts to make your projects and business succeed.

Secret #3 Zig Ziglar: “You can get everything you want if you help enough people get what they want.” This is a statement that Zig Ziglar has been saying for over 25 years, and most people

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


understand it. However, they fail to get the results they want from it because they do not know how to reach enough people who need what they sell. The fact is, you have a perfect product and thousands of people want it, and they want it from you. So what is the problem? It is the approach in how you introduce yourself and your products to strangers and the marketplace.

Nobody is interested in having you take money out of their pockets, but everybody is interested in people who can put money in their pocket. What is the number one thing that could put money in their pocket? Knowledge. The best way to get your foot in the door is with your head (knowledge). Introduce yourself to strangers and the marketplace through a book, and you will have no trouble introducing them to your product line after that. When your book becomes your business card, you will find you will attract more customers in a month than most attract in a year!

Secret #4 Les Brown: “When you stop fighting for what you want, what you do not want automatically takes over.” Let’s face it; we are in a brutal economy, where the competition is as fierce as it has ever been. Unless you take forward steps to outsmart and outthink your competition and reach your customers first, you will be a business of the past, instead of a business of the future. Not only do you have to fight, but you must fight to win. The key to winning is to do more with less—to maximize your efforts to gain more customers and make more sales. Using a book to establish yourself as an expert, gain credibility, expose your brand globally, and attract more customers is the most powerful tool on the planet.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


Becoming a published author gives you the best fighting chance to win in a downward economy.

“Being a published author gives you the leading edge to win in a fierce economy.”

Secret #5 Bob Proctor: “There are only two ways to earn money: money at work or people at work.” The most powerful tool on earth is leverage. It is a tool that every successful millionaire and business implements to create wealth. Most people try to establish their brand and name in the marketplace by themselves. This is a very slow process and one where you run out of money before you reach your goal. What you need to do is have other people promote you. If you wrote a book and you were the only one trying to sell it, how effective would you be? But, what if you wrote a book with 19 other top leaders who also marketed the book? Your chapter, photo, and information would be going out to their markets on their dime. That is using leverage and getting other people to market you for free.

Secret #6 Jim Rohn: “Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person we become.” Jim would also often say that if you wanted to attract people, you must become attractive. Nothing attracts people to you more than when they view you as a top successful expert who is associated with internationally known leaders. Being a published author with top leaders makes you very attractive.

Secret #7 Brian Tracy: “Leaders have the ability to anticipate trends, well in advance of their competition.” As a mainstream book

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


publisher, we have sold over 200,000 printed copies of our Power of Mentorship book series that now has 18 volumes. We have helped hundreds of professionals increase their business and profits by using their printed books as a marketing tool and lead generator.

Using this method is a very powerful tool and creates magnificent results when done correctly. The cost of the book (around $7.00) is a small investment into a customer that could yield you $1,000 or more in profits, depending on what you sell and market.

The New Kid on the Block

However, there is a brand new trend on the horizon that is going to take this formula of using a book as business card and lead generator to astronomical heights. That trend is what I call the E-book Phenomena: How to Turn Strangers into Customers.

It takes everything that the printed book can do, but does it faster, stronger, and for far less money. It will produce better and faster results than a printed book.

The most important factor in this new trend is not to alter the dynamics that make the printed book so powerful as a marketing tool. So let’s cover what those dynamics are:

1. A book allows you to be viewed as an expert in your field.

2. A book helps establish your brand in the marketplace.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


3. A book gives you global exposure of what you do and who you are.

4. A book gives you credibility.

5. A book gives you an advantage over your competition in the marketplace.

6. A book (anthology type) allows you to maximize the power of leverage.

Using this method of the printed book as a marketing tool is one of the best and most powerful ways to increase your income, profits, and business. If this is true, why doesn't every businessperson use this tool? After all is said and done, it comes down to money. The typical investment to use this book method is about $6,000.

That is a very small investment when compared to the income you can earn from the book. However, in this economy, $6,000 is a lot of money. But what if there was a way to eliminate that $6,000 investment and not only keep the book model, but have an improved version of it?

Well, there is a way, and it is what I call the e-Book Phenomena. It allows you to have all the benefits of a printed book, but eliminates the high upfront investment. The other benefits of this new e-book system are it is quicker and much more cost effective.

For instance, you eliminate the cost to warehouse printed books, you eliminate the shipping costs to get the books to clients and future customers, and

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


you can get your book into the hands of complete strangers instantaneously and globally.

E-book publishing is not creating a new market; it is following the trend that has already been established by the marketplace. This is why you see top companies like Apple® coming out with electronic e-book readers and, the largest bookstore retailer, now selling more e-books than printed books in its history.

Here are 3 Ways to Increase your Income and Attract more Customers with a Book

1. Follow Up: How many times have you gone to network meetings or events and came home with a handful of business cards, only to put them into a drawer and do nothing with them because you simply did not know how to follow up with them? Or maybe you sent them an email saying, “It was nice meeting you at the event.” What did that produce? In most cases, it most likely did nothing. How much more powerful would it be to follow up with those people by sending them a copy of a book you co-authored with bestselling authors like Brian Tracy and Bob Proctor? And, once you send it, you have another reason to contact them again to see how much they enjoyed it.

2. Cold Calling: No one in their right mind enjoys calling on people they do not know or who do not know them. And nobody, in their right mind or not, enjoys being contacted by strangers. Yet, the fact is, unless you have a steady stream of new customers that come in the form of strangers you will not survive in business.

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


However, there is a solution. If you show up on the doorstep (email inbox) with a gift (your book) with no strings attached, you will have embarked on a system that turns strangers into customers in a non-intrusive manner.

3. The Gift: You will make far more money giving your book away than by selling it. First, when you give your book away, you are putting the universal law of sowing and reaping into motion. Second, you stand out from others by giving something of value before asking for something in return. The name of the game is to keep your name in the game. If you depend on the people to read your book from those that purchase it, your numbers are going to be small. The number of readership grows in quantum leaps when you give it away, and exposure is what you want. Remember…

“A book that is sold returns with a handful of coins, but a book that is given away can

return with a vault full of gold.”

The important thing to remember is your goal: to grow your business and make more money. If you ever lose sight of that objective, you will get lost in the maze of marketing and your new sign on your building will read: Gone Out of Business!

There are only two things that are going to keep you in business: profits and customers. You cannot have one without the other and without them, business does not work. The question now becomes "how do you create them?" You create both of them when you learn how to reach and

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


persuade them that what you offer can get them what they want.

Not All Books are Equal

Okay, let’s say you have a great book, and let’s say you start giving it away. You will be ahead of 90 percent of the pack, yet there is a good chance that it will not yield the results you want. Why? Because it lacks two critical factors:

1. International credibility. The fact is most of us are not household names, even to those in our industry, and, therefore, do not have “Star Attraction Appeal.” Creating this appeal is very hard to accomplish, but there is a way around it. You borrow it from those who do have it. When the marketplace sees you as a co-author with internationally-known leaders, they relate you to that pack. It is called the power of association. A good kid hanging out with the wrong crowd gets the reputation of being bad, no matter if it is true or not.

2. The Power of Leverage. Once again, you are only one person who can only market so much, who only has influence over a certain network. But if you had a team of co-authors, your message would have 19 times more power of penetration and exposure.

Not All e-Books are Equal

The biggest mistake people are making with e-books is that they are trying to market an e-book that is nothing more than a “glorified” sales letter. Nobody wants to start reading a book with the expectation that they are going to get real

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


knowledge and information only to find out they are trying to be sold something. That will create an enemy for life, not a customer for life. An e-book should be nothing more than the electronic format of your printed book. If it is anything else, it will fail to produce the results you want.

No one wants junk, even if it’s free! Do not try to pawn your sales letter off as an e-book. There is nothing wrong with a sales letter, unless it is dressed up like an e-book.

The Missing Ingredient

You may know someone who co-authored an anthology book with internationally-known leaders and has the e-book format, yet they are not getting the results they were hoping to get from their book project. There is a reason they are not getting the results they wanted—you can have the proper tool, but unless you know how to use it, it becomes worthless.

Most people fail to know how to create a cost-effective marketing plan that can be implemented every day and brings the long-term results they seek from their marketing efforts. The e-book Phenomena wave has two parts: the built-in market demand for this type of technology and what I call the “Genius Gene.”

The Genius Gene

The genius behind turning strangers into customers is not the e-book format; it is the knowledge on how to use an e-book as a marketing tool to reach potential customers and then convert them into customers. Knowing how to use your e-

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


book once you have it is the real genius gene that will get you the results you want. Unfortunately, this is the missing link that 97 percent of all authors and publishing companies lack … until now.

Allow Me to Introduce Myself

My name is Don Boyer, and I am the CEO of Real Life Teaching-Publishing, Inc. We created the Power of Mentorship book series that now includes 18 volumes and has over 200,000 printed copies in the marketplace worldwide. You can view our books at

The Opportunity

I want to personally offer you the opportunity to join our team of internationally-known bestselling authors, like Bob Proctor, Brian Tracy, and Zig Ziglar, and take advantage of this brand new E-book Phenomena wave that could make this the best financial year you ever had. Then, once you become one of our published authors, I will personally teach you how to implement the Genius Gene of Marketing and how to use your e-book to turn Strangers into Customers.

There is no cost to become one of our published co-authors; as a publishing company, we pay for the entire cost of production, editing, cover design, book format, ISBN number, and copyright. We deliver you the entire book in a PDF format, ready for you to use as the …

#1 Marketing Tool to Grow Your Business, Increase Your Income,

and Attract More Customers

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


We also include a comprehensive DVD, showing you step by step how to use and market your e-book along with 12 months of personal assistance to help you maximize this tool.

Your Obligation

The only obligation you have as a co-author is to pay a one-time e-book licensing fee of $1,500 U.S. dollars. This entitles your full permission to use the e-book nationally and internationally as a giveaway product, and you also may sell the e-book at or below the SGR (suggested retail price). There are no renewal fees, royalties, or monthly dues you must pay.

Space is limited in our books, and a phone interview is required in order to determine if your subject matter is in alignment with our publishing goal. If you have any interest in being featured in our upcoming book, please contact me at [email protected]. I look forward to helping you make your business grow in profits and customers through the power of a book!

My Best, Don Boyer


Let Us Buy You a Latte! “The Coffee Millionaires”

We just recently opened up an on-line Coffee Café, where we market the world’s premium and best tasting coffee, latte, mocha, tea, and hot chocolate for less, and we would like to treat you to one. The hottest trend going on right now is Coffee Millionaires, and we are part of that movement. We want to send you a Free Gift of a cup of the highest quality and best tasting latte you ever tasted. However, if you do not drink latte, we can send you the world’s highest grade of hot chocolate, premium coffee, mocha or tea.

There is a real psychological dynamic that occurs when we treat and expose ourselves to any part of the lifestyle of the rich. As Bob Proctor taught us many years ago, while riding together in a limo to a Red Carpet event, wealth is not designed to make you happy; it is designed to make you comfortable.

Just email any one of us to request your premium latte, hot chocolate, mocha or tea, and we will rush it out to you Free and Postpaid.

We are here to bring you the best tasting, highest quality, and healthiest coffee in the world. It is the

The Power of Mentorship: The Art of Business


coffee that can make you rich, or as we like to say … it's The Coffee that Pays!

Chris & Angie Knierim Mail to:

[email protected]

Don & Melinda Boyer Mail to:

[email protected]

Wilfredo Novoa Mail to:

[email protected]

Daniel Stather Mail to:

[email protected]

coffee that can make you rich, or as we like to say

Don & Melinda Boyer

[email protected]