the renin angiotensin system

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The renin angiotensin system




The ReninAngiotensin SystemThu H. Le1, Steven D. Crowley2, Susan B. Gurley2 andThomas M. Coffman2,3

1Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA 2Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Duke University and Durham VA Medical Centers, Durham, North Carolina, USA

3Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disorders Research Program, Duke-NUS, Singapore

Highly conserved through phylogeny, the renin angiotensin system (RAS) is an essential regulator of blood pressure and fluid balance. This biological system is a multi-enzymatic cascade in which angiotensinogen, its major substrate, is processed in a two-step reaction by renin- and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), result-ing in the sequential generation of angiotensin I and angiotensin II. Along with its importance in maintaining normal circulatory homeostasis, abnormal activation of the RAS can contribute to the development of hyperten-sion and target organ damage.

The importance of the RAS in clinical medicine is highlighted by two sets of observations. First are associa-tions between polymorphisms of genes encoding RAS components and cardiovascular disease.16 Second, and perhaps more compelling, is the impressive efficacy of pharmacological agents that inhibit the synthesis or activity of angiotensin II. For example, angiotensin con-verting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are very effective and well-tolerated anti-hypertensive agents.7 Along with their ability to lower blood pressure, these agents also effectively prevent or ameliorate morbidity and mortality associated with cardiovascular diseases. In this regard, large clinical trials have demonstrated that ACE inhibi-tors improve survival in patients with congestive heart failure,8,9 and in patients with risk factors for coronary artery disease.10 They also slow the progression of a vari-ety of kidney diseases, including diabetic nephropathy.11 Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), which block AT1 receptors, are similarly effective for treating these dis-orders.1214 The purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview of the major physiological features of the RAS, focusing on its role in the kidney.



The aspartyl protease renin was first isolated from the kidney by Tigerstedt more than a century ago. Renin is synthesized as a precursor protein, pro-renin, containing an additional 43 amino acids at the N-terminus that block the enzymes active site.15 Active renin is generated by removal of this N-terminal peptide fragment, presumably by proteases in the juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney. Whether intact pro-renin has a distinct physiological role remains to be determined; however, there is accumulat-ing evidence suggesting specific contributions of the pro-renin molecule in some normal and disease states.1619

Active renin specifically cleaves the 10 amino acids from the N-terminus of angiotensinogen to form angio-tensin I. A substantial excess of angiotensinogen is pres-ent in serum, and ACE is ubiquitous in the endothelium and plasma.20 Accordingly, in the bloodstream, the amount of renin is the rate-limiting step determining the level of angiotensin II, and thus the activity of the sys-tem. The primary source of renin in the circulation is the kidney, where its expression and secretion are tightly regulated at the juxtaglomerular apparatus by two dis-tinct mechanisms: a renal baroreceptor21,22 and sodium chloride delivery to the macula densa.2325 Through these sensing mechanisms, levels of renin in plasma can be incrementally titrated in response to changes in blood pressure and salt balance. These regulatory principles provide a basis for many of the physiological characteris-tics of the RAS, and regulation of renin release in the kid-ney will be discussed in detail below.

Seldin and Giebischs The Kidney, Fifth Edition.427


2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


In addition to its protease activity, renin may also bind specifically to other proteins or putative receptors.19,2628 This binding may induce physiologi-cally significant intracellular signaling.27 It has been suggested that the mannose-6-phosphate receptor (M6P-R), also known as insulin-like growth factor II receptor, binds renin and pro-renin, leading to internal-ization and degradation.26 Nguyen et al. reported clon-ing a receptor from human kidney expression library that binds renin and pro-renin specifically and with high affinity, termed the (pro)renin receptor (PRR). Binding of PRR causes a conformational change of renin that leads to increased renin catalytic activity. Similarly, binding of PRR to pro-renin causes a confor-mational change, resulting in an ezymatically active pro-renin without the requirement for cleavage of the pro-segment. Furthermore, binding of renin to this receptor induces a rapid and sustained activation of ERK1/ERK2, without affecting concentrations of calcium or cAMP.27 It has been suggested that it may mediate angiotensin II-independent effects of renin, and might also indicate a functional role of pro-renin.29 Although the physiological significance of PRR remains unclear, recent studies suggest PRR may have a role in blood pressure regulation. Transgenic rats overexpres-

sing human PRR selectively in vascular smooth muscle cells display elevated blood pressure and heart rate.30,31

In addition, human PRR gene polymorphism has been shown to be associated with ambulatory blood pressure in Japanese men.32 PRR may also play a role in develop-ment. Deletion of PRR in mice results in early embry-onic lethality.33 In a family with X-linked mental retardation and epilepsy, linkage analysis identified an exonic splice enhancer in the PRR gene as the only mutation, and this resulted in the loss of the capacity of renin to phosphorylate ERK1/2.34

The pro-renin receptor appears to have other func-tions independent of the reninangiotensin system. For example, it is found as part of a complex required for the normal function of V-ATPase in several cell lineages, including cardiac myocytes.35 The pro-renin receptor acts as an adaptor between the Wnt receptor and V-ATPase in a Wnt/-catenin signaling complex required for normal CNS development.36 Thus, dele-tion of the pro-renin receptor gene causes a lethal phenotype at a very early embryonic stage, which con-trasts significantly with the phenotype of renin knock-outs,37 indicating important functions of the receptor that are independent of its actions in the RAS. Two groups have recently described studies of mouse lines in which the pro-renin receptor was deleted specifi-cally from podocytes. In both cases, there was a similar, dramatic phenotype characterized by disrup-tion of the glomerular filtration barrier, with marked proteinuria and abnormal podocyte structure, perhaps due to dysregulated autophagy.38,39 Thus, while this molecule appears to play a critical role in the kidney, much remains to be learned about its functions in nor-mal kidney physiology and disease, including the extent to which these functions are influenced by renin or pro-renin binding.


Angiotensinogen, the substrate for renin, is the source of all angiotensin peptides. Angiotensinogen in the circulation is derived primarily from synthesis in the liver. In humans, plasma concentrations of angiotensinogen are typically near the Km for renin,40 so that changes in plasma concentration may influence the rate of angiotensin I generation at any given level of renin. In human hypertensive siblings, Jeunemaitre et al.2 showed that a specific variant of the human angiotensinogen gene, M235T, was linked to hyperten-sion, and was also associated with a modestly elevated plasma angiotensinogen concentration, about 120% of normal. They proposed that this variant of the AGT gene leads to an increase in plasma angiotensinogen levels and thereby eventually to increased blood pressure. However, because amino acid 235 is in a non-conserved portion of the angiotensinogen protein and variation of this amino acid does not affect protein stability, a mechanism to explain the physiological consequences of the mutation was not clear. An appar-ent explanation came later, when the M235T variant was found to be in linkage disequilibrium with another variant in the 50 untranslated region of the AGT gene.41 This second variant, a single nucleotide substitution in the promoter of the AGT gene, was associated with increased transcriptional activity of the gene.41 Higher levels of AGT mRNA were found in patients carrying the variant allele.41 The causal capac-ity of alterations in plasma angiotensinogen level to affect blood pressure was demonstrated in studies of mice engineered to carry from 0 to 4 copies of the AGT gene.42 In these animals, there was a positive correla-tion between the number of AGT gene copies, plasma levels of angiotensinogen, and blood pressure.

In addition to its synthesis by the liver, angiotensi-nogen is also produced by other tissues including the brain, the immune system, and the kidney.43 In the kidney, synthesis of angiotensinogen in proximal tubules has been well-documented,44 and proximal tubule synthesis may be regulated in part by the end-product, angiotensin II.45 Along with angiotensinogen, the kidney expresses all of the other components of the RAS. Accordingly, it has been suggested that regulation and functioning of autonomous tissue reninangiotensin systems in the kidney, as well as



other organs, may contribute to the physiological func-tions of the system, especially in disease states.46 This hypothesis has been used to explain additional com-plexity of the system, whereby the apparent activity of the RAS is not reflected by measured plasma levels of it major components. For example, in the broad popu-lation of patients with hypertension, diabetes, and car-diovascular disease, pharmacological antagonists of the RAS lower blood pressure and prevent end-organ damage, even in the absence of overt elevation of plasma renin levels. However, the precise nature and physiological contributions of these tissue systems has been difficult to define experimentally.

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) is a carboxy-peptidase that generates the vasoactive peptide angiotensin II by cleaving two amino acids from the c-terminus of the inactive precursor angiotensin I.47 There are two distinct forms of ACE, somatic and testic-ular, both generated by alternative splicing of a single gene.4850 Somatic ACE is expressed as an ectoenzyme on the surface of endothelial cells throughout the body, and is particularly abundant in lung, intestine, choroid plexus, placenta, and on brush border membranes in the kidney. A soluble form of ACE that circulates in plasma is formed by enzymatic cleavage of tissue-bound ACE at its transmembrane domain.51 As with other components of the RAS, molecular variants of ACE have been pro-posed as candidate genes in hypertension, cardiovascu-lar, and kidney diseases.52 Insertion (I) and deletion (D) polymorphisms of the human ACE gene are common,

and have been associated with altered levels of ACE in plasma.53,54 In some cohorts, but not others, theseACE gene variants have been linked to differing suscep-

tibilities to hypertension, cardiovascular, and renal diseases.52,55

In addition to angiotensin I, other biologically active peptides are substrates for ACE. Perhaps the most important of these is bradykinin.56 ACE degrades bradykinin into an inactive peptide, representing a sig-nificant biological pathway for bradykinin metabolism in vivo57; in older literature, ACE was referred to as kininase II. Since bradykinin has vasodilator and natri-uretic properties,56 it has been suggested that one mechanism of blood pressure reduction with ACE inhibition is blockade of this kininase activity. This was clearly demonstrated by Brown and associates, who showed that the anti-hypertensive efficacy of ACE inhibitors is attenuated by simultaneous adminis-tration of a bradykinin receptor antagonist.58

Using genome-based strategies, homologs of ACE have been identified.5961 One of these, ACE2, exhibits more than 40% identity at the protein level with the catalytic domain of ACE.59,60 Similar to ACE, ACE2 is

expressed on the surface of certain endothelial cell populations. However, compared to the ubiquitous distribution of ACE, the expression pattern of ACE2 is

more limited, with most abundant expression in kid-ney followed by heart and testis.59,60 Their substrate

specificities also differ; ACE2 hydrolyzes angiotensin II with high efficiency, but has much lower activity against angiotensin I.59,62 Hydrolysis of angiotensin II by ACE2 generates another peptide with putative biological actions: angiotensin 1-7.62 Accumulating evi-dence indicates that this peptide causes vasodilation, natriuresis, and may promote reduced blood pres-sures63 via the Mas receptor.64 It has been further sug-gested that ACE2 may be a major pathway for synthesis of angiotensin 1-7.65 Thus, the functions of ACE2 may be determined by its distinct actions to metabolize angiotensin II and to generate angioten-sin 1-7.

Although the precise physiological role of ACE2 is not clear, it was originally identified and cloned from a cDNA library prepared from ventricular tissue of a patient with heart failure.59 Initial studies in ACE2-

deficient mice have suggested a role for ACE2 in cardiac function364,365 and in blood pressure regula-

tion.66 More recent work by many groups has demon-strated roles for ACE2 in renal diseases, such as

diabetic and non-diabetic kidney disease,6770 and hypertension67,71,72 in both experimental models andhuman cohorts.

A third member of the ACE gene family, collectrin, was identified as a gene that is upregulated in the sub-total nephrectomy model of chronic kidney disease.73 Collectrin is highly homologous to the transmembrane portion of ACE2, but lacks the carboxypeptidase domain.61 Its physiological functions are emerging74,75 and appear to regulate amino acid transport by the kidney.

Angiotensin Receptors

The biological actions of angiotensin II are mediated by cell surface receptors that belong to the large family of 7 transmembrane receptors.7,76 The angiotensin receptors can be divided into two pharmacological classes, type 1 (AT1) and type 2 (AT2), based on their different affinities for various non-peptide antagonists (Figure 15.1). Studies using these antagonists sug-gested that most of the classically recognized functions of the RAS are mediated by AT1 receptors.76 Gene targeting studies have confirmed these conclusions.77

AT1 receptors from a number of species have been cloned7880 and two subtypes, designated AT1A and


FIGURE 15.1 Angiotensinogen is cleaved by renin to form angio-tensin I, which is then cleaved by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) to form angiontesin II, the major effector molecule of the RAS. The biological effects of angiotensin II are mediated by the G-protein-coupled seven-transmembrane cell surface receptors AT1 and AT2. Angiotensin II is hydrolyzed by angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), a homologue of ACE. This hydrolysis results in the genera-tion of the angiotensin 17 peptide, the actions of which are mediated by the Mas receptor. After: Le, TH and Coffman TM. Targeting genes in the renin-angiotensin system. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 2008, 17:57-63. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

AT1B, have been identified in rat8183 and mouse.84 In the classical view, AT1 receptors signal through Gq-linked signaling pathways involving phospholipase C, IP3, and increases in intracellular calcium.85 However, the AT1 receptor has also been linked to JAK/STAT activation,86 as well as -arrestin-dependent pathways linked to ERK activation.8789 In addition, recent stud-ies have shown that the AT1 receptor has the capacity to transactivate the EGF receptor, which may be inde-pendent of ligand.90,91 This pathway may contribute to chronic kidney injury.92

The murine AT1 receptors are products of separate genes and share substantial sequence homology.83,93,94AT1A receptors predominate in most organs, except

the adrenal gland and regions of the CNS, where AT1B expression may be more prominent.93,95,96 A single

report has suggested that AT1B receptors might also exist in man,97 but this has not been confirmed in the unpublished work of several independent groups, and the consensus view is that there is no human counter-part to the murine AT1B receptor. Thus, the AT1A receptor is considered the closest murine homolog to the single human AT1 receptor.

The binding signatures of the AT1A and AT1B recep-tors are virtually identical,98 and it was difficult to dis-criminate their in vivo functions pharmacologically. Experiments using gene targeting have provided insights into the discrete functions of the two AT1 receptor genes.99,100 Although the AT1B receptor has a unique role to mediate thirst responses in the CNS,101

AT1A receptors have the predominant role in determin-ing the level of blood pressure,102104 and in mediating

vasoconstrictor responses.99,102 The phenotype of markedly reduced blood pressures and profound

sodium sensitivity in mice lacking the AT1A recep-tor102,105 underscores its importance in blood pressurecontrol.

Pharmacological and genetic studies have confirmed that virtually all of the classically recognized functions of the RAS are mediated by AT1 receptors. Until recently, little was known about the physiological role of AT2

receptors. AT2 receptors are found in abundance during fetal development,106,107 but their expression generally

falls after birth. However, persistent AT2 receptor expression can be detected in several adult tissues including the kidney, adrenal gland and the brain, and absolute levels of AT2 receptor expression may be modu-lated by angiotensin II and certain growth factors.108 AT2 receptors appear to signal by coupling to Gi2 and Gi3 proteins.109 Using site-directed mutagenesis, the inter-mediate portion of the third intracellular loop of the AT2

receptor was found to be necessary for normal receptor signaling.110,111 Moreover, it has been suggested thatactivation of AT2 receptors stimulates bradykinin, nitric

oxide, and guanosine cyclic 30,50-monophosphate (cGMP),112,113 and these pathways may mediate actions

of the receptor to promote natriuresis and blood pres-sure lowering. Finally, there is also evidence to support HETEs as second messengers for AT2 receptors in the kidney, leading to ERK1/2 phosphorylation.114

Targeted disruption of the mouse Agtr2 gene did not cause a dramatically abnormal phenotype. These ani-

mals clearly manifest increased sensitivity to the pressor actions of angiotensin II.115,116 One of the AT2 deficient

lines manifested increased baseline blood pressure and heart rate.115 Interestingly, behavioral changes were also

observed in AT2-deficient mice. They had decreased spontaneous movements and rearing activity,115,116 and

impaired drinking response to water deprivation.116 Transgenic mice that overexpress the AT2 receptor gene under control of a cardiac-specific promoter have decreased sensitivity to AT1-mediated pressor and chronotropic actions.117 Moreover, the pressor actions of angiotensin II are significantly attenuated in these trans-genic mice. This attenuation was completely reversed following pretreatment with a specific AT2 receptor antagonist. Taken together, these data suggest that a pri-mary function of the AT2 receptor may be to negatively modulate the actions of the AT1 receptor. Along similar lines, the recently described non-peptide agonist, com-pound 21, has been used to uncover additional functions of the AT2 receptor, which appear quite diverse. Studies with this agonist regarding blood pressure have been



variable, but it appears to have minimal effect on blood pressure in normal situations; the potential to affect blood pressure in disease states may be different.118


Aldosterone is a steroid hormone synthesized in the zona glomerulosa (ZG) of the adrenal gland. The two dominant regulators of aldosterone synthesis and release are angiotensin II and the level of serum potassium.119 The RAS-dependent component of aldosterone regula-tion is triggered by binding of angiotensin II to AT1 receptors in the ZG.119 Stimulation of aldosterone release by angiotensin II contributes to enhanced sodium reab-sorption and anti-natriuresis. Independently of angioten-sin II, hyperkalemia can control the release of aldosterone through a process that involves the membrane depolari-zation of ZG cells.120,121 In addition, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) can stimulate aldosterone via its G-protein coupled receptor.121 Elevations in ACTH influ-ence aldosterone production only during short-term stress, as this response is attenuated with persistent expo-sure to ACTH. In contrast, angiotensin II and potassium can both exert a chronic, sustained stimulation of aldoste-rone generation by the zona glomerulosa.122

The classically recognized effects of aldosterone to influence sodium handling in the distal nephron are mediated by aldosterone binding to the mineralocorti-coid receptor (MR). The MR is a 107 kD protein that acts as a transcription factor to regulate gene expres-sion in target tissues. The molecular mechanisms used by the MR to drive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) function in the collecting tubule have been reviewed recently.123 Cortisol actually exhibits a higher affinity for the mineralocorticoid receptor than aldosterone, but locally expressed 11-hydroxysteroid dehydroge-nase type 2 protects the MR by converting cortisol to cortisone, which does not activate the MR.124 The bind-ing of aldosterone to the MR in the principal cell of the collecting tubule epithelium induces transcription of the -subunit, the multimeric coupling of the -, -, and -subunits of the EnaC, and the translocation of

the ENaC complex to the luminal surface of the tubule.125,126 Aldosterone-induced expression of the

ENaC-subunit, in particular, follows a diurnal varia-tion pattern that depends on the circadian transcrip-tion factor Period1.127

Aldosterone stimulates ENaC transcription and activity largely through the upregulation of serum-and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 1 (sgk1).128130 At the transcriptional level, Sgk1 phosphorylates ALL1-fused gene from chromosome 9 (Af9), which in turn blocks the repressor effects of the histone H3 Lys79 methyltransferase disruptor of telomeric silencing alternative splice variant a (Dot1a) on ENaC gene transcription.131 At the post-translational level, Sgk1 phosphorylates Nedd4-2, causing ENaC proteins to

remain in the apical membrane of the principal cell.132,133 Once inserted into the luminal membrane of

the principal cell, ENaC permits cellular uptake of intraluminal sodium, generating an electronegative potential in the distal tubular lumen which favors secretion of potassium from the principal cell into the urinary filtrate via the renal outer medullary potas-sium channel (ROMK). Sgk1 may also phosphorylate ROMK, similarly increasing its apical density, further facilitating the kaliuresis induced by aldosterone.134 In addition, aldosterone appears to directly increase ROMK expression.135 Finally, aldosterone modulates sodium transport in the distal nephron independently

ofENaC by enhancing expression and activity ofthethiazide-sensitive Na-Cl co-transporter (NCC).

Sgk-1 mediates this effect by phosphorylating serine/ threonine kinase with-no-lysine 4 (WNK4), thereby diminishing the inhibitory effects of WNK4 on NCC activity.136 Through these pathways, the MR reg-ulates sodium and potassium transport within the mineralocorticoid-responsive segments of the distal nephron.

Recent human phenotyping studies and animal studies using gene-targeting strategies have confirmed the contribution of the MR to tubular function and salt balance. For example, in humans with a mutation lead-ing to a constitutively active MR, early onset hyperten-sion develops,137 whereas heterozygosity for an inactivating mutation of the MR leads to salt-wasting, hypotension, metabolic acidosis, and hyperkalemia.138 Mice genetically deficient for the MR similarly develop severe salt-wasting that leads to neonatal death,139 whereas mice with genetic deletion of the MR restricted to the principal cell waste salt and lose body weight only when exposed to a low-sodium diet,140 suggesting that at baseline the late distal convoluted tubule and early connecting tubule may be able to compensate for a lack of ENaC activity in the distal nephron. Alternatively, the discrepancy in phenotypes between the global and conditional knockout mice

may be due to discrete functions of aldosterone to modulate solute transport in the proximal tubule141,142

and/or medullary thick ascending limb.143 Mutations that activate the ENaC may cause hypertension,144146 whereas global inactivation of the subunits of the ENaC in mice causes sodium-wasting, potassium retention, and early mortality, and in humans pseudo-hypoaldosteronism type 1 with severe salt-wasting.147 In contrast, inactivation of the -ENaC gene only in the collecting duct does not impair sodium and potassium balance,148 again indicating that the regula-tion by aldosterone of ENaC in the latter regions of


the distal convoluted tubule and/or the connecting tubule may also contribute to sodium and fluid homeostasis.149

In addition to its physiologic effects on renal solute handling, aldosterone has the capacity to mediate direct cellular injury in the kidney.150 In this regard, pathologic functions of aldosterone in non-tubular renal compartments become increasingly relevant. For example, aldosterone impairs vascular reactivity by diminishing expression of glucose-6-phosphate in the endothelium151 and mediates direct vascular injury via a placental growth factor-dependent pathway.152 In mesangial cells, aldosterone activates sgk-1, NF-kB, and MAP kinases, leading to cellular proliferation, generation of oxidative stress, and connective tissue growth factor expression.153155 Emerging evidence suggest aldosterone may also promote oxidative stress and apoptosis directly within podocytes.156,157 Consistent with these pathologic effects of aldosterone in several cell lineages of the kidney glomerulus, human studies have now demonstrated a role for aldo-sterone blockade in ameliorating the progression of proteinuric kidney disease.158

Integrated Actions of the RAS in the Kidney

The important role of the kidney in regulation of blood pressure has been long recognized,159 and the relationship between alterations in systemic blood pres-sure and changes in renal sodium excretion is well-documented.160 For example, an elevation in perfusion pressure in the renal artery results in a rapid increase in sodium and water excretion by the kidney, so-called pressure natriuresis.160 Based on such observations, Guyton and co-workers suggested that whenever arte-rial pressure is elevated, activation of this pressure-natriuresis mechanism will cause sufficient excretion of sodium and water to return systemic pressures to nor-mal.161 They further hypothesized that the substantial capacity for sodium excretion by the kidney provides a compensatory system of virtually infinite gain to oppose processes, including increases in peripheral vas-cular resistance, which would tend to increase blood pressure. It follows that defects in renal excretory func-tion would therefore be a pre-requisite for sustaining a chronic increase in intra-arterial pressure.

The RAS has potent actions to modulate pressure-natriuresis relationships in the kidney162,163 and these

actions shape the characteristics of RAS-dependent blood pressure regulation in normal physiology and in disease states. For example, as depicted in Figure 15.2, chronic infusion of angiotensin II causes a shift of the pressure natriuresis curve to the right, suggesting that when the RAS is activated, higher pressures are required to excrete an equivalent sodium load164 (Figure 15.2). Conversely, administration of ACE inhi-bitors or ARBs shifts the curve to the left, meaning that natriuresis is facilitated at lower levels of blood pres-sure (Figure 15.2). The basic features of endogenous control of the RAS are consistent with these homeo-static functions. As shown in Figure 15.2, the system is activated at low levels of salt intake, stimulating renal sodium reabsorption and conservation of body fluid volumes and blood pressure. In contrast, with high sodium intake, the system is suppressed, facilitating natriuresis.


As discussed above, the concentration of renin in plasma is the rate-limiting step in the production of angiotensin II. Accordingly, the activity of the RAS in the circulation is largely determined by the factors that regulate renin. The kidney is the major source of renin, where its generation and secretion are primarily con-trolled by renal perfusion pressure and by the luminal delivery of sodium chloride to the macula densa in the distal nephron. The major features of these regulatory processes are described in the sections that follow.

Sources of Renin

The major source of renin in the circulation is the kidney. Following bilateral nephrectomy, plasma levels of renin and angiotensin II fall precipitously.165 In the kidney, the location of renin-expressing cells varies from development through adulthood, and in response to homeostatic challenges. During embryonic develop-ment, renin-expressing cells are found in the undiffer-entiated metanephric mesenchyme.166 In the fetal kidney, these cells are present in the large intrarenal arteries, glomeruli, and interstitium.166 In the adult kidney, renin expression is primarily restricted to granular cells which are modified smooth muscle cells within the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA). The JGA

is located in the region where the afferent arteriole enters the glomerulus.167,168 As shown in Figure 15.3,

the JGA is a highly organized structure composed of three distinct anatomical parts: granular cells, the mac-ula densa, and the extraglomerular mesangial cells.169 The macula densa is a specialized tubular area that marks the transition from the ascending loop of Henle to the distal tubule lying in direct contact with the vascular pole of the glomerulus from which it originated.169 By light microscopy, the unique charac-teristics of the macula densa epithelial cells can be dis-cerned by their narrow, columnar shape and apparent


aldosterone (fold normal) Renin, angiotensin and














Ang II







NaCl intake (fold normal)

Mean blood pressure (mmHg)


FIGURE 15.2 Chronic infusion of angiotensin II causes a shift of the pressure natriuresis curve to the right. Conversely, administration of ACE inhibitors or ARBs shifts the curve to the left. After: Guyton, AC et al. In: Hypertension, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Management. Laragh, JH and Brenner, BM (Eds). Raven Press, NY (Publ). pp 1311-1326, 1995.

Afferent arteriole

MaculaDistal tubule

densaExtra-renal mesangium







FIGURE 15.3 The juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA). Integration of the regu-lated secretion of renin is carried out at the JGA. There are three major pathways regu-lating the secretion of renin by granular cells at the JGA: the baroreceptor, the mac-ula densa mechanism, and direct stimula-tion by the sympathetic nervous system. The renal baroreceptor monitors renal per-fusion pressure and signals an increase in renin when renal perfusion pressure falls. In the macula densa mechanism, macula densa cells sense the decrease in chloride ions in the filtrate in the distal tubule, thereby stimulating release of renin. Increased activity of renal sympathetic

nerves directlystimulates renin releasevia activationofadrenergicreceptors.Sympathetic innervation alsomodulates

both the baroreceptor and macula densa mechanisms. After: Francois H and Coffman TM. Prostanoids and blood pressure: which way is up? J Clin Invest. 2004; 114(6):757-759. American Society for Clinical Investigation.

accumulation of nuclei, distinguishing them from cells in the adjacent parts of the distal tubule.167 By electron microscopy, the basement membrane of the macula densa appears to be fused with the vacular component, and continuous with the basement membranes sur-rounding the granular and agranular cells in the extra-glomerular mesangium.167 As described below, the macula densa acts as a sensor of chloride concentration in the distal tubule, providing signals that are impor-tant for control of renin.169 The anatomical organiza-tion of the JGA facilitates the regulation of renin secretion in response to critical environmental cues.

Although JG cells are clearly the primary source of renin in the adult kidney, studies by Gomez and associates suggest that renin-expressing cells are not terminally differentiated, but can be recruited during periods of homeostatic pertubations such as dehydra-tion and hypotension. For example, in angiotensino-gen-deficient mice, renin is expressed extensively along the entire length of the afferent arteriole and intrarenal arteries.170 Similarly, in mice subjected to a low-sodium diet combined with captopril treatment, renin-expressing cells can be found throughout the length of the afferent arteriole, in the glomerular and


extraglomerular messangium, and in the glomerular capsule.170 Studies by Lalouel and associates suggest that renin is also present in the connecting tubule, at least in the mouse kidney. Moreover, their studies indicate that renin expression in the connecting tubule may be regulated by sodium intake.171 Although its physiological role is unclear, it has been suggested that renin expressed in the distal nephron may contribute to regulation of angiotensin peptide concentrations in the tubular lumen.

Expression of renin outside the kidney has also been documented. Levi and associates have recently shown that mast cells express renin mRNA and con-tain large quantities of renin protein, apparently within the secretory granules.172 Mast cell-derived renin can efficiently convert angiotensinogen to angiotensin I after mast cell degranulation.172 Moreover, release of renin by cardiac mast cells can be triggered by ische-mia, producing pathophysiologic consequences such as release of norepinephrine and generation of cardiac arrhythmias.173 Taken together, this work has sug-gested that resident mast cells in the heart and perhaps other organs, upon appropriate stimulation, are capa-ble of generating ample quantities of renin to activate the RAS locally, and thereby affect organ function. Furthermore, it appears the factors controlling renin release from mast cells will be quite different from those that regulate JG cells, and are likely to involve signals associated with inflammation and injury.174 Nonetheless, it remains to be determined whether this alternative pathway for RAS activation plays any major role in physiology or disease pathogenesis.

Baroreceptor Regulation of Renin Release

The baroreceptor theory was developed to explain observations that renin secretion is directly stimulated by reduced renal perfusion. This theory was first developed in the context of experimental observations that granularity of the JG cells was inversely correlated with the magnitude of renal perfusion pressure.175 Since then, numerous studies have shown that renin

secretion is inversely related to renal perfusion pres-sure or pulse amplitude.21,176179 This relationship is preserved in denervated kidneys180,181 and in isolated

perfused kidneys with a non-functioning macula densa mechanism.182184 Thus, the baroreceptor is an inde-pendent mechanism for controlling renin, residing within the kidney and clearly separate from regulation by the sympathetic nervous system.179 In renovascular hypertension, the baroreceptor is the primary mecha-nism for stimulating renin release. In the presence of a critical stenosis of the renal artery, renal perfusion pressure drops, stimulating renin and generating hypertension.185 While the independent nature of the baroreceptor mechanism and its localization to the kidney has been clearly established, identification of its precise nature has been elusive. Various models have been proposed to explain the mechanism for pressure sensing and consequent signal transduction, including direct stretch of the JG cells due to transmural pressure across the afferent arteriole22,186 or indirect pathways involving secondary release of autocoids.187

Some of these candidate soluble factors include nitric oxide188190 and prostanoids,191,192 which are stimula-

tory or endothelins, which are inhibitory.193 Gene-targeting in the mouse has been utilized to

examine the role of some of these mediators in the baroreceptor response. In one study, genetic deletion of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) had no effect on renin release in response to change in renal perfusion pressure, suggesting that eNOS-derived nitric oxide is not a mediator of the barorecep-torrenin coupling.194 On the other hand, the absence of the IP receptor, the single known receptor for PGI2 (prostacyclin), conferred substantial resistance to hypertension and hyperreninemia after unilateral renal artery stenosis.195 This suggests an absolute require-ment for PGI2 in triggering renin release after barore-ceptor activation. A number of questions remain concerning the mechanism and cell lineages control-ling synthesis of key mediators such as prostacyclin, and the cellular targets for these mediators affecting renin release.196

Over the past 40 years, much deliberation has been rendered regarding the existence and location of a baroreceptor for renin release. The mechanism by which renal perfusion pressure regulates renin secre-tion remains poorly understood. However, this mecha-nism appears to be dependent on extracellular calcium concentration. Kurtz and colleagues demonstrated that when the extracellular level of calcium is lowered, the inhibitory effect of renal perfusion pressure on renin release is abolished.197 A potential mediator in this process may involve connexin proteins that form gap junctions between JG cells and adjacent endothelial cells. Disruption of connexin40 (Cx40) in the mouse, either through gene deletion or point mutation, results

in hyperreninemia and hypertension, and loss of pres-sure control of renin release198,366-368; similar to the

effect observed with the lowering of extracellular cal-cium concentration.197 Other connexin proteins have been demonstrated to also play a role in renin release. Connexin45, another gap junction protein, can replace the function of connexin40, since genetic substitution of the coding region of connexin40 by connexin45 resulted in the attenuation of hypertension and near normalization of the pressure control of renin secre-tion.200 Replacement of connexin43 by connexin32 in



the mouse resulted in decreased renin levels that did not change in response to a high-salt diet and protec-tion from hypertension induced by a 2-kidney-1clip model.201 A consensus remains to be established regarding whether connexin proteins (and which one (s)), are indeed the elusive baroreceptor, but the evi-dence suggests that connexins play an essential role in the regulation of renin release in response to change in perfusion pressure. Future studies are required to determine whether these connexins interact in coordi-nation with other mediators mentioned above in the baroreceptor response.

Macula Densa Mechanism for Renin Regulation

The second major pathway for physiological regula-tion of renin is the so-called macula densa mechanism, whereby cells at the macula densa sense a reduction in chloride ions in the filtrate of the distal tubule, triggering renin release.25 In this circumstance, release of renin and the consequent generation of angiotensin II are believed to serve as a mechanism for enhancing renal sodium reabsorption in states of fluid volume depletion. The anatomical association of the macula densa with the JG cells stimulated the first speculation by Goormaghtigh of its physiological function.202 As mentioned above, the macula densa is made up of specialized epithelial cells at the terminal portion of the thick ascending limb. Their basolateral membrane is in contact with glomerular mesangial cells which, in turn, are contiguous with gran-ular cells in the JGA.24 The role of the macula densa in renin regulation was initially hypothesized by Vander in 1967,169 and there is now general consensus that this mechanism provides a control of renin secretion that is

directly determined by sodium chloride delivery to the distal nephron.203,204 Moreover, several studies indicate

that chloride flux through the Na-K-2Cl transporter (NKCC2) regulates the signaling pathways linked to renin secretion.205,206 Increased chloride delivery to the

MD inhibits, whereas reduced chloride delivery stimu-lates, renin release.23,197,207

In addition to the well-studied NKCC2 transporter, the Na1/H1 exchanger isoform 2 (NHE2) expressed on the apical surface of the macula densa also plays a role in renin release, perhaps through its effect on mac-ula densa cell volume. A recent study by Peti-Peterdi and colleagues demonstrated that NHE2-deficient mice have significant mechanisms responsible for increased renin levels which are macula-densa spe-cific,208 since these mice have been characterized to have normal blood pressure.209

Several candidate signaling pathways linking distal tubule solute concentration to control of renin have been proposed. These include adenosine, nitric oxide, and prostanoids.210 The most compelling current evi-dence suggests that MD stimulation of renin involves activation of cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-2211 constitutively

expressed at high levels in the macula densa, generat-ing the prostanoid PGE2.212,213 PGE2 then activates an

EP receptor on granular cells in the JGA to stimulate renin release.214 The EP4 receptor is likely the major EP receptor that mediates the actions of PGE2 in this process. Facemire et al. demonstrated that EP4 recep-tor-deficient mice display a B70% reduction in renal renin expression and plasma renin concentration com-pared to wild-type mice after treatment with furose-mide.215 In contrast, deletion of EP2 receptors in the mice has no effect on renin stimulation by furosemide. Interestingly, this study also suggested that the source of PGE2 in this pathway is not dependent on micro-somal PGE synthases 1 and 2 (mPGES1, mPGES2). The

capacity for prostaglandins to directly stimulate renin secretion has been long recognized.216,217 Moreover,studies using specific inhibitors and COX-2 deficient

mice have clearly demonstrated the importance of COX-2 in the macula densa pathway.218,219 In addition,

the activity of various components of this system has been demonstrated in the isolated perfused macula

densa segments220 and JG cell lines.221 However, at least one study195 has failed to confirm a non-redun-

dant role for individual EP receptors for PGE2 in furo-semide-stimulated renin release in vivo.

Initial evidence suggesting a role for adenosine in MD signaling came from studies using the selective A1AR antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine. The major effect of the inhibitor was to attenuate the actions of increasing luminal NaCl concentrations to inhibit renin release.222 Later studies using A1AR-deficient mice confirmed that the role of adenosine is primarily restricted to the arm mediating inhibition of renin release. In A1AR-deficient mice, renin-inhibitory actions of enhanced sodium chloride delivery to the macula densa are blocked, whereas stimulation of renin secretion caused by reduced sodium chloride transport at the macula densa is unaffected.223

Macula densa cells express high levels of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS).224,225 The role of NO in

regulation of renin was first tested using nonselective inhibitors of nitric oxide synthesis, which attenuated renin release stimulated by reduced luminal sodium chloride concentrations.226,227 The specific roles of the individual NOS isoforms have been examined using mice with targeted deletion of nNOS or eNOS. In these studies, activation of the macula densa pathway was achieved by administration of NKCC2 blocking loop diuretics in vivo and in isolated perfused mouse kid-neys. Deficiency of either nNOS or eNOS alone did not significantly affect macula densa-dependent renin secretion,228 while nonspecific NOS blockade attenu-ated renin stimulation by loop diuretics. This suggests that nitric oxide plays a permissive, rather than a


primary, role in the macula densa control of renin release.228

Short Loop Feedback: Regulation of Renin by Angiotensin II

Angiotensin II also contributes to the regulatory pathways for renin and may control its own synthesisby activating AT1 receptors, highly expressed at the JGA, thereby suppressing renin release.229,230 Evidence

supporting the existence of this so-called short-loop feedback mechanism includes studies in the isolated perfused kidney, where infusion of angiotensin II sup-presses renin release.179 Administration of ACE inhibi-tors and angiotensin receptor blockers increases renin mRNA expression and causes JGA hypertrophy.231

Similarly, mice lacking AT1A receptors also develop marked JGA hypertrophy.103,230 However, in Agtr1a2/2chimeric mice,103 and in kidney cross-transplantation experiments,232 JGA hypertrophy correlated with blood pressure, but not with the absence of AT1 receptors at the JGA, indicating a significant role for baroreceptor mechanisms in this response. Nonetheless, a role for the short-loop feedback mechanism to alter the sensitiv-ity of baroreceptor or MD mechanisms would be consis-tent with current data.

Role of Sympathetic Nerve Activity

The capacity for sympathetic nerve activation to stimulate renin has been long recognized. For example, -adrenoceptors are abundant in the JGA of kidneys from various species.233 Furthermore, numerous stud-ies have demonstrated that -adrenergic agonists stim-

ulate renin release.234 Chronic renal nerve activation also stimulates renin,235,236 along with its affects to

modulate renal blood flow and tubular function. In experiments controlling for these factors, a clear rela-tionship between increasing renal sympathetic nerve activity and renin secretion is maintained.237,238

However, as discussed above, renal denervation does not abolish the capacity of the baroreceptor181,239 or

macula densa mechanisms to stimulate renin.182184 Accordingly, it appears likely that -sympathetic tone has a modulatory, rather than primary, role in regula-tion of renin. Recently, a randomized controlled clini-cal trial demonstrated that renal sympathetic denervation is more effective than medical manage-ment alone in patients with resistant hypertension.240 The original report did not mention any measurement of renin, but it will be of significant interest to deter-mine the effect of the procedure on plasma renin levels in patients who did or did not have a significant reduction in blood pressure. Regulation of Cellular Release of Renin

At the JGA, renin is stored in cytoplasmic granules within granular cells. In response to activating stimuli, renin is released into the circulation by exocytosis. This process of renin secretion is carried out by fusion events between the secretory granules and cell membrane of afferent arterioles.241 Furthermore, the extent of secre-tory activity or exocytosis can be assessed using electrophysiological techniques that directly measure cell membrane capacitance of single mouse JG cells.242 The control mechanisms for renin, described above, act by triggering this exocytotic pathway. Compared to the relative wealth of available information about physio-logical regulation of renin, much less is known about the precise intracellular pathways involved in renin secretion, and how these mechanisms are controlled in the granular cell. The general consensus is that the environmental signals regulating renin act through a

limited number of intracellular second messengers, including calcium and cyclic AMP.214,243

The cyclic AMP pathway appears to be the major trigger for cellular release of renin. In a variety of experimental models, maneuvers causing an elevation

of intracellular concentrations of cyclic AMP cause rapid stimulation of renin secretion.243,244 In this

regard, most of the documented secretagogues for renin, including PGE2, PGI2, dopamine, and -adrenor-eceptor, act via 7 transmembrane receptors linked to Gs-proteins that increase cyclic AMP levels in JG cells.244 The specific biochemical pathways by which cyclic AMP acts to stimulate renin secretion are unclear, but likely involve protein kinase A, since inhi-bition of protein kinase A attenuates the stimulatory effect of -adrenoreceptors on renin secretion.190

By contrast, increases in intracellular calcium levels may inhibit renin release. For example, experimental maneuvers that reduce intracellular calcium concentra-tion stimulate renin release.243 Moreover, several med-iators with putative actions to inhibit renin release, such as angiotensin II, -receptor agonists, vasopressin, and endothelins, have receptors that couple to Gq-pro-teins, and activation of these receptors by ligand

increases intracellular calcium concentrations in JG cells.214,243 The inhibitory effect of calcium on renin

release appears to be mediated by protein kinase C, since stimulation of protein kinase C inhibits renin secretion,245247 whereas blockade of protein kinase C attenuates the inhibitory effect on renin secretion.245247 There is also evidence that the effects of calcium on renin release are mediated in part by a calmodulin-

dependent process, since inhibition of calmodulin activ-ity stimulates renin secretion.248,249 Antagonistic inter-actions between the cyclic AMP and intracellular



calcium may ultimately determine the final conse-quences of extracellular signals on renin release.243,250

Regulation of Renin Gene Expression

The steady-state activity of the RAS is generally reflected by renin mRNA levels in the kidney. During chronic stimulation of the RAS, for example, upregulation of renin gene expression is required to sustain over time the enhanced release of renin protein by the JGA. Understanding of tissue-specific control of renin gene expression has been complicated by the dif-ficulty of developing tractable cell culture preparations derived from JG cells. Thus, transgenic mice have been

used extensively to assess in vivo regulation of renin gene expression.251,252 Using this approach, minimalsegments of the human renin gene sufficient to recapit-

ulate temporal- and cell-specific patterns of gene expression have been identified.251,252

There is strong sequence conservation of 50 proximal promoter regions between the renin genes of the human, rat, and mouse.253 This region contains a cyclic AMP (cAMP) response element (CRE),254256 which is required for cAMP stimulation of transcription.254,257 In addition, there are at least seven transcription factor-binding sites within the proximal promoter, including a binding site for HOX proteins that play critical roles in specifying positional information along embryonic

axes.253 The renin promoter is relatively weak in isola-tion,254,257,258 but is strengthened up to 80-fold by a distal enhancer element.259,260 This enhancer contains at least

eleven transcription factor-binding sites responsive to a variety of signal transduction pathways.261 Inhibitory factors, including endothelin-1, angiotensin II, mechani-cal stretch, and inflammatory cytokines, may act through target sequences within the enhancer.261

Post-transcriptional mechanisms also play a key role in determining steady-state renin mRNA levels. cAMP appears to be a critical mediator in this process. For example, in cell systems, cAMP has only a modest effect in inducing renin gene transcription of the renin gene, but nonetheless it causes marked induction of renin mRNA levels.262 This augmentation is associated with enhanced stability of renin mRNA.263 cAMP also increases levels of RNA-binding proteins targeting the 30UTR of the human renin gene,264 suggesting a poten-tial mechanism for its effects to promote renin mRNA stability.

Control of Renal Hemodynamics by the RAS

Angiotensin II, acting via its AT1 receptor, is a potent vasoconstrictor. Stimulation of AT1 receptors in vascular smooth muscle cells initiates a signaling cascade including increased intracellular calcium con-centration and alterations in cytoskeleton, inducing contraction with consequent increases in vascular resistance.265 Studies in mice deficient in both the

AT1A and AT1B receptor isoforms have confirmed the importance of AT1 receptors in this response.102,100 The

pressor response to acute angiotensin II infusion is completely abolished in these double-knockout animals100; whereas response to another pressor agent, epinephrine, is not affected. These vasoconstrictor actions of angiotensin II play a central role in main-taining circulatory homeostasis in a number of tissues, including the kidney. In the kidney, the hemodynamic actions of angiotensin II impact renal blood flow, glo-merular filtration rate, excretion of salt and water, and progression of renal damage in disease states.

Glomerular Microcirculation

The coordinated regulation of resistances in the afferent and efferent arterioles plays a critical role in determining and maintaining the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). The RAS has potent effects on glomerular hemodynamics. Angiotensin II causes constriction of both the afferent and efferent arterioles. However, the effect of high levels of angiotensin II is to induce a more profound constriction of the efferent arteriole.266268 The reasons for this disproportionate effect of angiotensin II on the efferent arteriole are not clear, but may include differences in levels of AT1 receptor expression,269 modulating actions of vasodila-

tors such as prostaglandins and nitric oxide on pre-glomerular vessels270,271 or differences in calcium

responses to angiotensin II in the afferent versus efferent arterioles.272274 In mice, the AT1A and AT1B

receptor isoforms have distinct actions in the glomerular circulation. Both AT1A and AT1B receptors contribute to the afferent arteriolar response to angio-tensin II, whereas the efferent arteriolar response is mediated exclusively by AT1A receptors.275

The overall effect of angiotensin II on glomerular hemodyamics is a predominant increase in post-glo-merular resistance, resulting in an increase in glomeru-lar hydrostatic pressure. These actions serve to protect GFR in states of intravascular volume depletion. Because angiotensin II also simultaneously reduces renal blood flow, there will be a coincident increase in filtration fraction, and a decrease in peritubular capil-

lary pressure276 promoting an increase in sodium reab-sorption in the proximal tubule.277,278 The importance

of angiotensin II in maintaining GFR when renal perfu-sion is threatened is illustrated by the effect of ACE inhibitors in patients with critical bilateral renal artery stenosis or critical stenosis in the renal artery of a single functioning kidney. When blood pressures in such patients are reduced to equivalent levels with


a non-specific vasodilator, such as nitroprusside, compared to an ACE inhibitor, the ACE inhibitor

causesa much more marked deterioration inGFR.279,280

The glomerular hemodynamic responses to angio-tensin II may be modified significantly by other circu-lating factors. For example, the vasoconstrictor actions of angiotensin II may be substantially augmented in the presence of elevated adenosine levels.281285 This can occur in pathologic states including malignant hypertension, renal artery stenosis, and in some exper-imental models of renal ischemia.286288 When both angiotensin II and adenosine are present at high con-centrations, there is a dramatic increase in preglomeru-lar resistance that does not occur with either agent alone. Other mediators, such as prostanoids289 and nitric oxide, may also modulate the actions of angioten-sin II in the glomerular microcirculation, particularly in disease states such as diabetes.290 In angiotensin II-induced hypertension, for example, nitric oxide attenu-ates afferent arteriolar constriction.291

In kidney disease, abnormal activation of the RAS and coincident increases in glomerular hydrostatic

pressure have been suggested to contribute to progres-sive renal injury.292,293 For example, in the remnant

kidney model of chronic kidney disease, post-glomeru-lar resistances are increased, and this is associated with increased glomerular hydrostatic pressures.294,295 This abnormal glomerular hemodynamic pattern is reversed with RAS blockade. These observations formed the basis of the rationale for using ACE inhibi-tors or angiotensin receptor blockers in chronic kidney diseases. Reduction of glomerular hemodynamic pres-sure may be a key mechanism explaining the renopro-

tective effects of these agents in diseases such as diabetic nephropathy.11,13,14

Renal Medullary Circulation

Along with its effects on the glomerular circulation angiotensin II, acting through AT1 receptors, has important regulatory functions in the renal circulation in general. In the mouse, regulation of renal blood flow by angiotensin II is primarily mediated by AT1A receptors.296 Moreover, effects of AT1 receptors to modulate blood flow in the medulla significantly impact the kidneys excretory capacity for sodium.297 In this regard, it has been suggested that regulation of medullary blood flow by angiotensin II represents a

critical pathway for modulating the pressure-natriure-sis response discussed earlier in the chapter.161,276

Thus, regulation of medullary blood flow by the RAS is likely to be a key pathway used by the kidney to maintain blood pressure homeostasis.

The mechanisms controlling medullary blood flow in the kidney are complex. As in the glomerulus, vasodilator effects of mediators such as nitric oxide and prostanoids act to counterbalance the actions of angiotensin II. For example, a subpressor dose of angiotensin II, which by itself has a negligible effect on the medullary circulation, significantly reduces medul-lary blood flow when combined with the NO inhibitor L-NAME.298 Cortical blood flow is unaffected in this circumstance. Nitric oxide also protects medullary blood flow during chronic infusion of angiotensin II.299 In the outer medulla, angiotensin II stimulates NO pro-duction by tubular epithelium, potentially as a com-pensatory mechanism, and this may be an example of tubulo-vascular cross-talk, whereby the effects of angiotensin II on tubular epithelium may modify its vasoconstrictor actions.300 Similarly, renal prostaglan-dins also appear to modulate pressure natriuresis by altering renal medullary hemodynamics.301 These hemodynamic changes from the inhibition of prosta-

glandin production lead to increased chloride reab-sorption in the loop of Henle and collecting duct.302,303

Alterations in the balance of angiotensin II and NO in the medulla may have significant consequences on systemic blood pressure regulation. For example,

angiotensin II-stimulated NO production is impaired in Dahl-sensitive hypertensive rats,263,304,305 and atten-

uated generation of NO in kidneys of these animals is associated with reduced medullary blood flow.306,307

Furthermore, delivery of L-NAME directly into the renal medulla of Dahl salt-sensitive rats reverses the hypertensive actions of angiotensin II,305 as does intra-venous infusion of L-arginine.308


Along with its hemodynamic actions, angiotensin II may modulate fluid and solute excretion through two distinct pathways: (1) an indirect pathway involving stimulation of aldosterone release from the adrenal gland; and (2) through direct effects of AT1 receptors expressed by renal epithelia.162

In the adrenal cortex, activation of AT1 receptors stimulates the release of aldosterone119 which in turn promotes sodium reabsorption by binding to mineralo-corticoid receptors in the mineralocorticoid-responsive segments of the distal nephron.125 The biology of the aldosterone system is described elsewhere, and histori-cally was thought to be the major effector system used by the RAS to control renal sodium handling.123 Direct actions of angiotensin II in the kidney were defined later using isolated perfused tubules309314 and micropunc-ture studies.315318 Using these approaches, renal epithe-lial responses to angiotensin II were documented in several nephron segments. However, it has been



difficult, in the intact animal, to separate the effects of AT1 receptors in renal epithelium from other renal and systemic effects of angiotenson II, and to determine their contribution to integrated control of blood pressure. Nonetheless, recent studies using renal cross-transplantation and regional genetic deletion clearly indicate significant, non-redundant contributions of AT1

receptors within the kidney to determining the level of blood pressure.232,319 Activation of AT1 receptors in the

nephron can have physiologic or pathophysiologic effects depending on the clinical context. For example, stimulation of AT1 receptors in the proximal tubules helps to prevent circulatory collapse at baseline by pro-moting sodium retention,319 whereas the accumulated stimulation of AT1 receptors on tubular cells that occurs over the span of a normal lifetime downregulates pro-survival genes including sirtuin 3, such that AT1 receptor deficiency is associated with enhanced longevity in mice.320 In the next section, we will provide an overview of tubular actions of the RAS.

Tubular Effects of Angiotensin II

Proximal Tubule

Direct actions of angiotensin II in the proximal tubule are perhaps the best characterized. These actions were first implied in whole animal studies,321323 and then were specifically defined using in vitro perfused proximal tubules313 and micro-puncture studies.317 Taken together, these studies sug-gest that angiotensin II, acting through AT1 receptors on the basolateral surface of proximal tubules, pro-motes sodium reabsorption by coordinately stimulat-ing the sodium-proton anti-porter on the luminal

membrane along with the sodium-potassium-ATPase on the basolateral surface.310,313,317 These actions result

in enhanced basolateral sodium bicarbonate flux.310 In addition, although angiotensin II is thought to regu-late renal water handling primarily through actions in the collecting tubule (discussed below), data are emerging to suggest that AT1 receptor activation also modulates proximal tubular expression of the aqua-porin 1 channel, heretofore considered to be constitu-tively expressed.324

The capacity for proximal tubular actions of the RAS to influence blood pressure was first demonstrated in elegant experiments by Sigmund and associates.325 In these studies, isolated co-expression of human renin and angiotensinogen in the proximal tubule caused hypertension without any detectable increase in circu-lating angiotensin II levels. In more recent work from this group, overexpression of the type AT1 receptor in the proximal tubule raised baseline blood pressure levels.326 Inversely, Gurley and colleagues showed that deletion of AT1 receptors selectively from the proximal tubular epithelium using a Cre/loxp approach reduces the baseline level of blood pressure by diminishing fluid reabsorption from the proximal tubule, and pro-tects from angiotensin II-induced hypertension by miti-gating sodium reabsorption.319 These studies also illustrated that angiotensin II regulates the abundance of key apical membrane sodium transporters, as AT1 receptor deletion in the proximal tubule allowed the downregulation of the NHE3 exchanger and the NaPi2 co-transporter, thereby facilitating hypertension-induced natriuresis.319 Complementary studies in a rat model demonstrated that angotensin II directs these transporters to redistribute within the luminal mem-brane microvilli of the proximal tubular cell to promote sodium and water reabsorption.327

AT1 receptors are also present on the luminal brush border of the proximal tubular epithelium.328330 Moreover, angiotensin II is secreted into, and endocy-tosed from, the proximal tubular lumen where its levels may not correlate with plasma angiotensin II levels.331333 It has been suggested that control of angiotensin II gener-ation in this luminal compartment might provide separate regulation of epithelial function that is independent of the systemic RAS.334 Moreover, activation of AT1 receptors on the luminal membrane of the proximal tubular cell can

promote sodium reabsorption, in part through a Gi-pro-tein-mediated reduction in cyclic AMP.313,317,333 There is

some evidence for an independent regulation of luminal concentrations of angiotensin II. For example, although both whole kidney and proximal tubular angiotensin II levels are elevated in response to reduced renal perfu-sion,335 angiotensin II levels in proximal tubular fluid are

not suppressed with acute volume expansion, and may even increase in this setting.335,336

The net effect of angiotensin II on bicarbonate han-dling in the proximal tubule appears to be neutral. Coordinating with its stimulation of the apical mem-brane sodium-proton exchanger, angiotensin II enhances the activity of the sodium-bicarbonate co-

transporter on the basolateral surface of the early prox-imal tubule.310,313 As such, angiotensin II acts as apotent stimulus for proximal acidification, coupled to

reclamation of bicarbonate from the early proximal tubule.310,337,338 Nevertheless, the resulting reduction

in delivery of bicarbonate to the late proximal tubule leads to less bicarbonate reabsorption in that segment. Moreover, at higher concentrations, angiotensin II par-adoxically inhibits sodium-bicarbonate transporter activity,339 such that overall the bicarbonate concentra-tion in the urinary filtrate reaching the distal convo-luted tubule is not altered by angiotensin II stimulation.340 Thus, the contribution of the RAS to acidbase regulation is primarily mediated by aldoste-rone in the distal nephron.341345


Loop of Henle

Compared to the proximal tubule, the functions of angiotensin II in the medullary thick ascending limb (MTAL) are not as well-characterized. AT1 receptors

are expressed on both the luminal and basolateral membranes of the MTAL epithelium.346,347 In vitro

studies addressing the role of angiotensin II in MTAL ion transport suggest that cellular responses may dif-

fer, depending on the local concentrations of angioten-sin II.348,349 At lower concentrations of angiotensin II,

inhibition of the sodium-potassium-chloride co-trans-porter (NKCC2) may be seen,348,349 whereas stimula-

tion of NKCC2 can be seen at higher concentrations.348 In vivo microperfusion experiments have also demon-strated physiological consequences of angiotensin II in the MTAL, including increased bicarbonate transport out of the urinary filtrate.350 This heightened bicarbon-ate flux is likely due to an increase in sodiumhydro-gen exchange, as has been observed in the proximal tubule, suggesting that angiotensin II increases sodium reabsorption from the MTAL. These data are consistent with the finding that in vivo administration of angio-tensin II leads to heightened expression of both the

NHE3 sodium-hydrogen exchanger and NKCC2 in the MTAL.351

Distal Nephron


Although angiotensin II indirectly influences distal and collecting tubular function through the generation of aldosterone, more recent studies have demonstrated that angiotensin II also has direct effects in modulating ion flux along the distal nephron. As in other nephron segments, all the elements of the RAS are present along the distal nephron, and relatively high concen-

trations of angiotensin II can be detected in the tubular fluid of these segments.171,330,332 Angiotensin II, acting

via AT1 receptors, stimulates sodiumhydrogen exchange in the cortical and outer medullary collecting tubule by increasing the density of the vacuolar sodium-hydrogen-ATPase in the apical membrane of

the type A intercalated cell, which in turn leads to an increase in bicarbonate reabsorption.315,316,352,353

On the apical membrane of the principal cells in the cortical collecting duct (CCD), luminal angiotensin II stimulates amiloride-sensitive sodium transport by increasing activity of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) through an AT1 receptor-dependent mecha-nism.312,318 Furthermore, activation of AT1 receptors on the basolateral membrane of CCD cells stimulates the activity of potassium channels via a nitric oxide-dependent pathway.354 As the distal nephron ulti-mately determines urine flow and composition, actions of angiotensin II to modulate sodium handling at this site may impact blood pressure homeostasis.164,312


Recent studies suggest a role for the RAS in the con-trol of urinary concentrating mechanisms and free water handling. For example, the complete absence of angiotensinogen, ACE or AT1A/AT1B receptors in mice

is associated with atrophy of the renal papilla and a marked urinary concentrating defect.230,355,356 Mice

lacking AT1A receptors are also unable to generate maximally concentrated urine, despite having appar-ently normal renal papillae.357 These animals generate vasopressin normally in response to water restriction, but are resistant to dDAVP.357 Administration of an AT1 receptor-antagonist to wild-type mice, and even selective deletion of AT1 receptors from the collecting duct using a Cre/loxp approach, recapitulates this uri-nary concentrating defect.357,358 Similarly, AT1 receptor blockade also blunts the maximal urine concentrating capacity in DDAVP-challenged rats, and this effect is associated with reduced expression of aquaporins-1 and -2.359 In the medullary collecting duct, angiotensin II upregulates gene expression for the V2 vasopressin receptor, and the expression and apical membrane tar-geting of the aquaporin-2 channel.360363 These effects are mediated through a protein kinase A-dependent pathway.360 Thus, direct effects of angiotensin II on expression of water channels and perhaps vasopressin receptors may contribute to its actions on renal water handling.


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