the school of foreign languages of nuaa unit 14, book Ⅱ a new english course

The School of Foreign Languages The School of Foreign Languages of NUAA of NUAA Unit 14, Book Unit 14, Book A New English Course A New English Course

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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The School of Foreign Languages The School of Foreign Languages of NUAAof NUAA

Unit 14, BookUnit 14, BookⅡⅡ

A New English CourseA New English Course

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Language Practice Structure Dialogue I Reform in Education Dialogue II Contradicting Reading I Girls and Boys Come


to Play Reading II Life at College Interaction Activities

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Language Structure Practice

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Indirect speech introduced by various kinds of reporting words ( 间接引语的引述词 )

英语中最常见的引述词是 tell, say, ask

引述词的正确使用时英语高级写作的必备基本功。不当的使用会影响读者对被引用话语以及对被引用人的态度的正确理解。比如例句中的引述词如果用 order 或 tell, 读者读来就会感觉 Barbara是在对 Albert 发号施令了;而 Barbara 使用的句式是 Why don’t you… ,这句式表示的不过是个建议。又如 say, answer, insist, emphasize 都可以用来引述 John 说的 I can’t swim. 这句话( John said/answered/insisted/emphasized that he couldn’t swim. ),但是不同的引述词表达 John 说话的语气以及反映John 说此话时的语境就大相径庭了。新闻报道和学术文章这类高级写作最强调的就是引述的精准性,不当的引述词会造成对被引述内容的歪曲理解,从而削弱文章的可信度。

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Words and Expressions

1. feel (a bit) off color: feel unwell 感觉身体欠佳e.g. She looks a bit off color.她今天看上去气色不好。

off color used as a postponed modifier, therefore,

*an off color girl but “a girl that was off color”

2. returnable that can be returned or brought back:可退还的:能被退还或送还的:

returnable bottles and cans; 可退还的瓶罐 returnable merchandise. ;可退的商品

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3. dispose of

to deal with, attend to; settle 处理;解决: ~ the problem quickly. 很快地解决了这个问题

to transfer or part with, as by giving or selling. 赠送;卖掉:转让或分开,如通过给予或出售

~ a batch of goods 卖掉一批货物

to get rid of; throw out. 去除,丢掉 ~ empty bottles and cans; ~ rubbish

to kill or destroy: 杀死,破坏: The despot who ~(ed) all his enemies, real or imagined.

暴君杀死了他所有的敌人,无论是真的还是想象的 ~ an enemy sentry

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Dialogue I

Reform in Education

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Questions Why is reform in education of great significance to the

modernization of a country ?

Are you satisfied with our present teaching method? Why or why not?

What comes first in our educational reform according to the Dialog? Why?

What do schools do to have qualified teachers?

What do students demand? / For what are teachers held responsible for in educational reform?

What suggestions do you have on the methods of teaching?

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Retell the dialogue

Sample outline

A is explaining to B, a foreigner who has been teaching in China, the reforms in education in China.

Funds for education should be raised.

Teacher training should be given adequate attention.

New teaching methods should be encouraged.

Students should be given more time at their disposal.

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Words and Expressions (I)

dynamic & energetic 前者指充满活力和新鲜的想法,并有势在必成的决心。 The

dynamic new mayor is dedicated. 后者强调由于体力上充满活力而很活跃。 The 70-year-old lady

was still energetic. dedicated adj. 1) wholly committed to a particular course of thought or

action; devoted 献身的:全心全意地交付给一特定的想法或行动的;一心一意的:

a dedicated musician. 富有献身精神的音乐家 2) designed for a particular use or function: 专用的:为某一特


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v. dedicate & devote

devote (devotion) 强调有意识地完全专心致志于某一特定目标e.g. He devoted himself entirely to music.

dedicate (dedication)

1) 常指一种正式的,公开的行为,表示热切或庄重地把某事物献给某人以表示敬意与表彰e.g. This book is dedicated to my wife.

2) 也可以表示完全专心致志于某一特定目标,但通常指某种庄严、神圣的目标,且强调奉献的决心与信念。e.g. He dedicated his life to the sacred cause of slavery abolition.

Translate: 他把自己的余生献给了教育事业。将这首诗歌敬献给我爱慕的人。我们要为保卫祖国而献身。

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take (have, get) priority / give (first) priority to


• The badly wounded take priority for medical attention over those only slightly hurt.

• The highest priority of governments has been given to education / the problem of heavy traffic.

• You must give this matter ~.

Translate:• 政府已经优先考虑这一地区的环保问题。• 在这个荒芜人烟 (deserted) 的小岛上,我们应该优先考虑生存问

题。• 最重要的事应该优先考虑。 • 对我来说,家庭总是最重要的。 ( come first )

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agenda: a list or program of things to be done or considered

on the agenda of 在…的议事日程中 [to be discussed at a meeting] What’s on the agenda of the new administration?

be high on the agenda/ be on top of the agenda“ 在议事日程中占据重要地位” Improving farmer’s life is on top of the new administration’s agenda.

be required of sb = sb. is required to do sth

想参加这次野营活动的人要交 100元报名费。 (sign up for)

要求学生做的功课太多 .

要我干什么我就干什么 .

100-yuan of enrollment fee is ~ those who want to sign up for the camping.

Too much work is ~ students.

I’ll do all that is ~ me.

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recruit n. recruitment

To engage (persons) for military service.征募:给军事单位征召(人员) The King recruited an army.

to attract and obtain someone as a member 吸收(某人)成为新成员 to supply with new members or employees.招收,补充:给……提供



1) 我们难以招聘到素质好的职员。 We have difficulties in ~ing well-qualified staff.

2) 那里大多数教师都是从海外招聘的。 Most of the teachers there are ~ed from abroad.

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give full / free play to /allow full play to 让……充分发挥

allow full play to the masses’ initiative 充分发挥群众的积极性 allow full play to one’s curiosity 让好奇心自由发展 give free play to one’s ability give free play to one’s emotion 发泄感情 give full play to one’s fancy (imagination ) 纵情想象

学校教育应该让孩子的才能得以充分发挥。 School education should give full play to a child’s talents.

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To the full 充分地,尽情地,完全地,彻底地

carry out a plan ~ develop the strong points ~ We discussed the matter ~. tap manpower and material resources ~

我们必须要让他们能够充分发挥自己的作用 . We must enable them to play their parts ~.

他们充分发挥了聪明才智。 (display ) They have displayed ~ their talents and wisdom.

这个计划的弱点已经暴露无遗。 The weaknesses of the plan have been exposed ~.

我们尽情地享受了这个五一假期。 We enjoyed the May Day holiday ~.

吃的东西很多;孩子们放开肚子饱餐了一顿。 There was so much food that the kids ate ~ of their desire.


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be at one‘s disposal 由某人做主 ,听某人之便 ,受其管理 , 由其支配 put/leave/place sth at one’s disposal 把某物交由某人自由处理

他手头有大量的现金可供支配。 He has a considerable amount of cash ~.

我随时听候您的调遣 / 吩咐 . My services are always ~ .

他们叫那对新婚夫妇随意使用那所别墅。 They put the summer home at the disposal of the bridal couple.


I’ll leave my room and all the books at you disposal while I’m away on holiday.

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tie sb down (to sth): limit the freedom of 限制某人的自由

由于忙于照顾孩子,她没有时间去逛街。 Tied down to her baby, she cannot afford any time to go window-


他被工作缠得脱不开身,根本抽不出时间和家人在一起过个周末。 He was tied down to his job and could not afford even a weekend with

his family.

他不急着结婚,因为他可不想早早地被家庭束缚住手脚。 He is not in a hurry to get married, for he doesn’t want to get tied

down (to family).

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7. prospective likely or expected to happen. 有希望的:可能或被期望会发生的likely to become or be 预期的:可能要成为或是…的

~ bride

~ advantages

8. have one’s say [infml] 有 [利用 ]机会发表意见e.g. He always has to have his say, even if he knows nothing about the subject.

会议中我们总能对问题发表自己的意见。 注意: say做名词还有“发言权,决定权”的意思

e.g. The workpeople had no say in how their factory was run.

9. resentment: indignation, anger愤恨,怨恨 [U] (at, against, towards)

express / voice resentment against/at/towards 表达对……的不满e.g. Some English people bear resentment against the French.

v. resent adj. resentful

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10. back up: support 支持 e.g. The new evidence backed up my argument. “倒退,后退”

e.g. ‘Don’t shoot!’ he said and backed up.“别开枪!” 他说着往后退。

11. in favor of In support of; approving:支持;赞同:

e.g. We are in favor of her promotion to president. 我们赞成她升为总裁

To the advantage of: 有利于: e.g. The court decided in favor of the plaintiff. 法庭的判决有利于原告 Inscribed or made out to the benefit of: 以…为受款人:以…为受款人

而写上或题上e.g. a check in favor of a charity. 以一个慈善机构为收款人的票据

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Words and Expressions (II)

勃勃生机 振兴中华 一场声势浩大的现代化运动 教育优先 实施科教兴国的战略 位于改革议事日程的首位

教师的在职培训 填鸭式教学方法 / 满堂灌式

教学方法 呼吁改革 / 支持改革 / 积极参与改革

充分发挥… 由…自由支配 被排得满满的课程表困住

Dynamic pulse Revitalize China An impressive modernization drive Education takes priority. Implement a strategy of national

development by relying on science and education

To be the first item on the agenda of reform

In-service teacher training Spoon-feeding teaching method Call for/ back up / get actively involved in

the reform Give full play to… At one’s own disposal Be tied down to the full timetable

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Dialogue II


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Reading I

Girls and Boys Come Out to Play

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What is the purpose of education according to the author?

How does the ideal goal of education come into conflict with reality?

What could be some major causes of boys’ disruptive behavior in school?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a mixed school?

Is the author male or female? Justify your answer with reference to particular lines of the passage.

What is the author’s position on the mixed vs. single sex school issue?

Explain the statement: “ a ‘lost’ ball provided a passport into the girls’ school next door.”

Why were the girls warned that they should not regard school as “Brighton beach” and what was implied in the warning?

What does the Maginot line refer to in the passage?

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Words and Expressions

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due to, owing to, because of, thanks to

due to1) 意指“由……造成的”,“由……引起的”,通常用作表语或定语来说明名词 The accident was due to careless driving. The delay due to poor planning has caused serious consequence.2)尽管有很多语法学家反对把这个介词词组用作状语,但在口头俗语中仍广泛的把它用作状语词组。Due to his bad temper, most people avoid him. (normally, because of)

owing to 1) 大多数情况下,用来构成状语词组,意指“因为”

e.g. Owing to bad weather the picnic was postponed.2) 可能,但极少,用作表语。e.g. His death was owing to an accident. (normally, due to)

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apart from in addition to besides on top of except except for but

in addition to 此词稍正式,意示通常属于同一范畴的事物在数量、品质、种类等方面添加,着意于把有关事物计算或考虑在一起。e.g. In addition to English, she can speak French, German


besides 1) 与 in addition to近义,较非正式,着意于另外还有别的同类物

e.g. He had other people to take care of besides me. 2) 意示除去,不包含在内,与下列的 except 类似。

e.g. Besides his father and myself, everyone believes he is guilty.

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except 意示把某人某物除去、减去、不包括在内,他们不属于所述的局面、情况或方面的范围之内。e.g. We agreed on nothing except method.

except for 意指将与所指明的总的状况相违背的品质或存在排除在外。e.g.Your picture is good except for some of the colors.

She was quite alone in the world except for an invalid aunt in London.

on top of 此词用于指这样一种局面,好事或坏事接踵而来,增添局面影响的强烈性,程度等。e.g. On top of a leaky roof, there was a rain running for days on end. 屋漏又逢连夜雨。Translate: 他丢了工作,除此之外,妻子又离开了他。

He lost his job, and, on top of that, his wife left him.

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apart from

1) implies leaving sth. aside, or without considering it. 指把某事物撇开不谈,或不考虑在内。e.g. Apart from his stepfather, he doesn’t have any family members.

2) 与 except for 同义,较非正式的用语。e.g. This is a good work of art apart from a few slight faults.

3) 与 besides(1) 同义e.g. Apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time.

除了很少的几句外 , 我对法语一无所知。Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.

除了一些小错误,这还不失为一篇好文章。It’s a good article, apart from some tiny mistakes.

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but 此词较正式,与 except 同义,仅仅用于 no, none, all, nobody, anywhere, everything, who, where, what, anything之后,后面常跟名词或代词。e.g. No one but myself knows what really happened.

There was nothing to be seen but a few lights.

forthcoming about to appear or take place; approaching 即将到来的 , 即将出现或发生的,要来到的e.g. the forthcoming elections.即将到来的选举

available when required or as promised 现成的,随要随到的 , 需要时能得到的或承诺可以得到的

Federal funds were not forthcoming.没有得到联邦基金

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assertive inclined to bold or confident assertion; aggressively self-assured 断定的 ; 斩钉截铁的 ; 过分自信的 ; 武断的e.g. He is an assertive boy, always insisting on his own rights and opinions.

v. assert n. assertion

give way : yield (在争论中)让步 In the end my mother give way and said that I could go to

England. The floor give way under the weight.(断裂,倒塌) You’ve got to give way to traffic coming from the left.( 让

路 ) Steam trains gave way to electric ones.( 被……替代)

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Subordinate adj.

1 ) Belonging to a lower or inferior class or rank; secondary 次要的 ,下级的,级别低的;第二等级的

2 ) Subject to the authority or control of another 隶属的 , 附属的,服从于他人的权威或控制的e.g. be in a subordinate position 处于从属地位

a subordinate clause 从句a subordinate conjunction 从属连接词The minority is subordinate to the majority.少数服从

多数。 n. one that is subordinate.部属,从属物 v. 把 ...列在下级 , 使列于次要地位 , 使从属 ; 轻视

e.g. subordinate a person to his superiors 使某人服从长官

搭配: be subordinate to ,

e.g. subordinate one thing to another thing

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Reading II Life at College

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University of Oxford

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Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and lays claim to nine centuries of continuous existence.

Oxford is a collegiate university, with 39 self-governing colleges related to the University in a type of federal system.

25 British Prime Ministers were educated at Oxford

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University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge is rich in history - its famous Colleges and University buildings attract visitors from all over the world. But the University's museums and collections also hold many treasures which give an exciting insight into some of the scholarly activities, both past and present, of the University's academics and students.

The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world and one of the largest in the United Kingdom. Its reputation for outstanding academic achievement is known world-wide and reflects the intellectual achievement of its students, as well as the world-class original research carried out by the staff of the University and the Colleges.

The River Cam is omnipresent in Cambridge, and the reason for the city's importance in the Middle Ages.

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punting on the River punts and weeping willows---- River Cam

lazy afternoons Cambridge University is along the River Cam

University of Cambridge

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Cambridge University is along the River Cam

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punts and weeping willows

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punting on the River Cam

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How can students in Britain enter a university?

Do students have to worry about their finance once they are admitted to a university? Why?

What kind of universities do young people choose to go?

why? Do you have any commonalities in this respect?

What is a fresher’s campus life like in the first week?

What was yours like? Compare …

What do freshers do on the first day that lectures start?

What new way of studying do they learn?

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Words and Expressions

A full grant / a partial grant Tuition fees Living expenses, all the expenses Cover Approve of Come into contact with different opinions

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Sentence translation

She couldn’t obtain any exact information as to when the next train would be leaving.

Parents and teachers should give children as many chances as possible to display to the full their talent and wisdom

Every one wishes to live a life entirely free from care, but no one can actually

do so.

Though it looked like rain this morning, it has turned out to be a fine day.

Followig his doctor’s advice, he has become used to a vegetarian diet.

If you have sufficient reasons to defend your point, don’t give way easily at the debate.

During the summer holidays, Father will put his study and his books at Mary’s disposal.

Mrs. Smith cant’ come to the party. She is tied down at home with the sick children. 

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Pan: where were you going when I saw you yesterday morning?

Tang: To the zoo.

P: Why didn’t you go to the botanical garden? There is a national flower exhibition on there.

T: Fanghua suggested that we go to the zoo. Since he was our guest, we listened to him.

P: How did you go?

T: Uncle advised us to go by bike as the buses are always crowded.

P: How did you like the zoo? What animals did you see?

T: But we didn’t go to the zoo after all and we didn’t see any animals, of course.

P: Why not?

T: My bike got a puncture on our way to the zoo, and there was no repair shop anywhere there, so we had to walk all the way back home.

P: What a pity! I’d suggest that you don’t go so far from the city by bike.

T: You’re right. I wish you’d given us this advice earlier.

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Passage Dictation (52)

The big advantage of nuclear power is the large amount of energy released from a relatively small amount of material. Nuclear power has become an important source of energy in some countries, especially in Germany and Japan. The United States and Canada are less dependent than Europeans on nuclear energy, in part because of their more abundant coal reserves.

Five problems severely restrict the use of nuclear power instead of coal to generate electricity. The first problem is the danger of an accident. The second is the need to store waste products following the reaction. No country has devised an effective storage system for waste products. The third problem is that a bomb can be made from the material. Nuclear power has been used in warfare twice. The final problem is its high cost. The future of nuclear power has been seriously affected by its high risks and costs. (151)