the soo chimes · remember this when fear raises its specter in our lives. jesus came to drive our...

When Jesus spent the last night with his apostles before he was betrayed and crucified, he shared many spiritual lessons with them. It makes sense he took that opportunity to impress upon them what he felt was important. One of the constant themes Jesus emphasized, many times during that night, was to remind the apostles he was in control of their lives. “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him.” Jesus knew the apostles were about to take a wild ride. First it would get bad. The apostles would know the bitterness of watching Jesus die. They would feel alone and isolated. As Jesus predicted, their sorrow would be turned into joy when he returned to them after his resurrection. At this point the apostles probably breathed a sigh of relief as it was “all over.” Little did they know Pentecost would bring new experiences, challenges, responsibilities and trials. It is no wonder Jesus kept repeating the message to them on that last night, that he was in control and they did not need to fear. They needed to hear, over and over, no matter what circumstances they found them- selves in there was no need to fear. Why? Because everything was going to be great? No. Why then? The truth of Jesus Christ is that God would always be with them. God would always know what was happening to them. God would know what they felt. God had a plan for them. These stories of the lives of the apostles are preserved for our sake. The apostles wanted us to know God is always mindful of us. God is with us too. We should strive to remember this when fear raises its specter in our lives. Jesus came to drive our fear. Not just for the apostles, but for us as well. If we find ourselves slipping into fear, remember (Continued on page 6) The Soo Chimes First United Presbyterian Church Prayer Requests 2 Anniversaries 3 Birthdays 3 Bible Study 5 Kid’s Page 6 Calendar 7 Regular Features: Inside this Issue: Deacon’s Bench Don Myers “Life of Christ” Presbytery Point Camp VBS To-Go “Cool News” Volume 51 Issue 8 Newsletters are sent by email unless you have made other arrangements. August 2020 The Purpose of the First United Presbyterian Church is to: Invite people to know and glorify God Grow together as followers of Christ Serve others through the power of the Holy Spirit

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Page 1: The Soo Chimes · remember this when fear raises its specter in our lives. Jesus came to drive our fear. Not just for the apostles, but for us as well. If we find ourselves slipping

When Jesus spent the last night with his

apostles before he was betrayed and

crucified, he shared many spiritual lessons

with them. It makes sense he took that

opportunity to impress upon them what he

felt was important. One of the constant

themes Jesus emphasized, many times during

that night, was to remind the apostles he was

in control of their lives.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You

believe in God; believe also in me. My

Father’s house has many rooms; if that were

not so, would I have told you that I am going

there to prepare a place for you? And if I go

and prepare a place for you, I will come back

and take you to be with me that you also may

be where I am. You know the way to the

place where I am going.” Thomas said to

him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are

going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus

answered, “I am the way and the truth and

the life. No one comes to the Father except

through me. If you really know me, you will

know my Father as well. From now on, you

do know Him and have seen Him.”

Jesus knew the apostles were about to take a

wild ride. First it would get bad. The

apostles would know the bitterness of

watching Jesus die. They would feel alone

and isolated. As Jesus predicted, their

sorrow would be turned into joy when he

returned to them after his resurrection. At

this point the apostles probably breathed a

sigh of relief as it was “all over.” Little did

they know Pentecost would bring new

experiences, challenges, responsibilities and


It is no wonder Jesus kept repeating the

message to them on that last night, that he

was in control and they did not need to fear.

They needed to hear, over and over, no

matter what circumstances they found them-

selves in there was no need to fear. Why?

Because everything was going to be great?

No. Why then? The truth of Jesus Christ is

that God would always be with them. God

would always know what was happening to

them. God would know what they felt. God

had a plan for them.

These stories of the lives of the apostles are

preserved for our sake. The apostles wanted

us to know God is always mindful of us.

God is with us too. We should strive to

remember this when fear raises its specter in

our lives. Jesus came to drive our fear. Not

just for the apostles, but for us as well. If we

find ourselves slipping into fear, remember

(Continued on page 6)

The Soo Chimes

First United Presbyterian Church

Prayer Requests 2

Anniversaries 3

Birthdays 3

Bible Study 5

Kid’s Page 6

Calendar 7

Regular Features:

Inside this Issue:

Deacon’s Bench

Don Myers “Life of


Presbytery Point Camp


“Cool News”

Volume 51 Issue 8

Newsletters are

sent by email

unless you have

made other


August 2020

The Purpose of the First United Presbyterian Church is to:

Invite people to know and glorify God

Grow together as followers of Christ

Serve others through the power of the Holy Spirit

Page 2: The Soo Chimes · remember this when fear raises its specter in our lives. Jesus came to drive our fear. Not just for the apostles, but for us as well. If we find ourselves slipping

The Soo Chimes Page 2

Family of Jim Schmidt, Family of Sue Trombley,

Family of Don Gerrie Sr, Gina Gough, William Boyne,

Annie Andrews (Abbott), Sandy Shaw, Andrea Klier,

Dave & Leslie Henderson, Della Porter,

Matilynn Strange, Shelby Myers, Jennifer Veum, Grace Gravelle,

Jon Burgess, Tom Woodgate, Donna LaPLaunt, Joyce Cross,

William Kellan, Patricia Farnhill, Jane Kellan, Lillian Donelson,

Geraldine Carnahan, Tara Jean Brody, Aaron Corbiere,

Wendy (Menard) James, Margaret Vonderwerth & her family, and all

members of missionaries and the U.S. Armed Forces.

Please keep us up to date on your prayer requests.

Freighter View Assisted Living 605 West Portage Avenue

Audrey Bush

Elva Hutzler

At Home

Mary Jane Bernier

Bev Ward

Out of Town Della Porter

Cross Roads Village

6600 Constitution Blvd Room 605

Portage, MI 49024

McKinley Manor 2023 West 4th Avenue

Jane Kellan

Vera Steffens

Peg Zenda

Jim Schmidt


Don Gerrie Sr


Sue Trombley


Office will be closed on

Fridays through

September 4th.

Brenda Corbiere

Kevin Tastor


e M



We want to thank our church

family for the many loving

thoughts and kind wishes that

were sent to us by mail, email,

and in person.

Jim lived a very full life as long as he was able

and enjoyed every minute of it!

Thank you again,

Mary Lee, Joel, Tiffany, and Colton

Page 3: The Soo Chimes · remember this when fear raises its specter in our lives. Jesus came to drive our fear. Not just for the apostles, but for us as well. If we find ourselves slipping

Page 3 The Soo Chimes

Have you ever wondered what every day life was like for Jesus? Many events of his life are recorded in the four gospels. But there cer-tainly is a whole lot we don’t hear about. What was an average day like for Jesus? What time did he wake up?

What did he eat? What did he do for fun?

Just for a moment, try to imagine being in Jesus’ position. Remember who Jesus is. He is the true God.....God’s own son who lowered himself to become true man and live on this earth. And there he stood in the house of a Pharisee watching everyone act like they were the most important person in the room.

At one time or another all of us have been humbled and it’s never a pleasant experience. It’s the feeling you get when you think you did really well on a test at school and when you get the test back you find out you didn’t do as well as you thought you did.

We always need to remember our place. We need to remember we are sinners.....just as sinful as the next

person. There is nothing that should ever make us think we are inherently better than anyone else.

Jesus taught this parable to teach us about heaven. When we get to the banquet table God has prepared for us in heaven which seat will you take? The head table and claim the seat of honor? God will place us where He wants us. Jesus also has some practical advice about banquets or meals and celebrations. This time he is talking about when we host the banquet. He tells us whom to invite. Jesus says, When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or relatives or rich neighbors: if you do they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind.” The reason Jesus tells us to do that is so we are blessed. Let the truth be the one that guides our thought and actions – Although you may not be repaid for your kindness in this world. You will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous!

And the people said, Amen.

Don Myers


Life of Jesus?

The Deacons have been prayer warriors these past few months, especially with all the

changes in our lives. A Deacon passed on an observation she read that it’s how we view our

circumstances and the choices we make that determines our outlook: You can complain be-

cause rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice that thorn bushes have roses. We can look at all

our blessings or seethe that we are not living the “norm”.

As Pastor Mark said in a July sermon, God lets the weeds and the wheat grow up together; the Lord will judge in

the end. The good and the bad are part of life whether we prefer it or not. Will you choose to be a prayer warrior

giving thanks and asking for His blessings and comfort for each other, or will you shake your fist and rage at the


“… Search for peace, and work to maintain it.” Psalms 34:14

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” Psalms 34:18

Let us know if we can help fight the battle with you – the Deacons are here to pray with and for you. Prayer re-

quests are encouraged and welcome.

Yours in Christ,

the Deacons of FUPC

Page 4: The Soo Chimes · remember this when fear raises its specter in our lives. Jesus came to drive our fear. Not just for the apostles, but for us as well. If we find ourselves slipping

Page The Soo Chimes

July 15, 2020 To all Churches in the Mackinac Presbytery, and Friends and Family of Presbytery Point Camp, We are so grateful for our beautiful camp, Presbytery Point! For those of you who have visited or experienced camp here, you know what a special place this is! It is a little slice of heaven nestled on the shores of Lake Michigamme in the Upper Peninsula. Over the years, countless lives have been touched by God’s love in the midst of the beauty and wonder of God’s good creation here at the Point. As you may know, this has been a challenging year at the camp. Because of restrictions put in place due to the Covid-19 virus and our desire to keep all who visit the camp safe, we were not able to hold our regular camp season this summer. In addition, all other groups who normally use the camp in the summer have cancelled their activities as well. So this year, we have declared this summer a season of “rest and renewal” for the camp itself. We are hosting several smaller work camps and have been working hard to improve the camp facilities for next year. We also hope to open the camp to smaller groups this fall, if conditions allow. Our Camp Director, Jenna Thompson, has also been busy creating online videos for our social media platforms, reaching out to alumni, and maintaining a “camp community” from afar. Even in the midst of these difficult times, we praise God for the work being done for camp! But, we also need your help. Without our normal camp and group fees, this has been a challenging year financially for the camp. Revenue is down considerably. So we are asking you to prayerfully consider a financial gift to help keep our camp strong. Would you please consider giving a gift of $25, $50, or $100 (or more, if you are able!) to help sustain the camp through these challenging times. This will help with the ongoing work restoring the camp, repairing buildings and possibly building a new storage facility, and it will help us get ready for next summer as we hope to open the camp once again to its normal use.

Please consider giving today by sending a check addressed to

Presbytery Point Camp 819 1st Ave S

Escanaba, MI 49829 or by going online at to make a one time or recurring donation. If you cannot make a donation at this time, we understand and ask that you continue to keep the Point in your prayers. God is good! We are looking forward to a bright future in the years ahead!

In Christ’s Love, Jenna Thompson, Executive Director & The Presbytery Point Camp Board

Page 5: The Soo Chimes · remember this when fear raises its specter in our lives. Jesus came to drive our fear. Not just for the apostles, but for us as well. If we find ourselves slipping

Volume 51, Issue 8 Page 5

A modified VBS was held this year at the

Central United Methodist Church.

Four churches came together to put on this

drive thru VBS. Algonquin United Method-

ist Church, Central United Methodist

Church, Faith Lutheran Church and First

United Presbyterian Church

A total of 150 boxes were prepared for the

children in our community.

Left: VBS boxes being prepared.

Right: A VBS box filled with contents.

Below: VBS organizers and volunteers .


Prepared VBS boxes

Below: Amie Lawson

handing out VBS goodies.

“VBS To-Go”

God Loves You to Pieces

Page 6: The Soo Chimes · remember this when fear raises its specter in our lives. Jesus came to drive our fear. Not just for the apostles, but for us as well. If we find ourselves slipping

Deanna Musgrave 08/01

Brenda Corbiere 08/02

Terri Marsh 08/09

Sue Michels 08/09

Audrey Zane 08/13

Roberta Lackey 08/17

Robert Leon 08/17

Gary Lehman 08/18

Steven Lawson 08/19

Kadence Gorsuch 08/21

Alegra Soorus 08/25

Corrie Rath 08/26

Donald Gerrie Jr. 08/27

Robert Stratton III 08/28

Our Sunday Worship Service

starts at 10:00 a.m.

We hope to see you on


Food Pantry Shopping: Doris Boogerd

Bagging: Doris Boogerd

& Cheryl Thoresen

Food Distribution:

8/11 - Jeanne & Wanda

8/25 - Mary Frances & Cathy

Page The Soo Chimes

Dish Cloths!

Colors to match every kitchen

Only $1.00 each

Available in the church office.

Brought to you by the

Presbyterian Women


The sanctuary is now


Through the generosity of one of our members we

have been able to install a/c in the sanctuary. As of

this article, it has been up and running for two

Sundays and most attendees think it has been


We have it set for a comfortable 74 degrees. Thank-

fully, with the way it works, we are able to turn it on a

few hours before services to get things cooled down

and we don't have to leave it on all the time.

Another added bonus is that this system also heats.

This means that in the fall and winter we should be

able to set the boilers to a lower temperature and then

turn on the units to warm the sanctuary up the rest of

the way just before service. The cost to run the units is

much more cost efficient. Win, win!!

So - come on in, the weather's fine.

David and Patricia Whyte 08/02

Ronald and Bonita Lawson 08/06

Julie and James Martin 08/08

Glenn and Carolyn Trumble 08/08

William and Kay Boyne 08/09

Earl and Phyllis McKechnie 08/14

Gary and Joan Hill 08/20

David and Leslie Henderson 08/29

Richard and Carol Brawley 08/31

the one who loved us enough to die for us. Remember he

is Lord and Master and how he has promised to bring us

home. In his name and the name of the Father, receive the

assurance that is ours in Christ.

Peace in Christ,


Page 7: The Soo Chimes · remember this when fear raises its specter in our lives. Jesus came to drive our fear. Not just for the apostles, but for us as well. If we find ourselves slipping



Volume 51, Issue 8 Page 7

The study group meets

every Friday morning

at 9:00 am.

All men are welcome

to attend

See you in September

Have a great summer!

1 1 Corinthians 16 2 Kings 12-13 Micah 3

2 2 Corinthians 1:1-2:4 2 Kings 14 Micah 4:1-5:1

3 2 Corinthians 2:5-3:18 2 Kings 15-16 Micah 5:2-15

4 2 Corinthians 4:1-5:10 2 Kings 17 Micah 6

5 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:13 2 Kings 18 Micah 7

6 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:16 2 Kings 19 Nahum 1

7 2 Corinthians 8 2 Kings 20-21 Nahum 2

8 2 Corinthians 9 2 Kings 22:1-23:35 Nahum 3

9 2 Corinthians 10 2 Kings 23:36-24:20 Habakkuk 1

10 2 Corinthians 11 2 Kings 25 Habakkuk 2

11 2 Corinthians 12 1 Chronicles 1-2 Habakkuk 3

12 2 Corinthians 13 1 Chronicles 3-4 Zephaniah 1

13 John 1:1-18 1 Chronicles 5-6 Zephaniah 2

14 John 1:19-34 1 Chronicles 7-8 Zephaniah 3

15 John 1:35-51 1 Chronicles 9 Haggai 1-2

16 John 2 1 Chronicles 10-11 Zechariah 1

17 John 3:1-21 1 Chronicles 12 Zechariah 2

18 John 3:22-36 1 Chronicles 13-14 Zechariah 3

19 John 4:1-26 1 Chronicles 15:1-16:6 Zechariah 4

20 John 4:27-42 1 Chronicles 16:7-43 Zechariah 5

21 John 4:43-54 1 Chronicles 17 Zechariah 6

22 John 5:1-18 1 Chronicles 18-19 Zechariah 7

23 John 5:19-47 1 Chronicles 20:1-22:1 Zechariah 8

24 John 6:1-21 1 Chronicles 22:2-23:32 Zechariah 9

25 John 6:22-59 1 Chronicles 24 Zechariah 10

26 John 6:60-71 1 Chronicles 25-26 Zechariah 11

27 John 7:1-24 1 Chronicles 27-28 Zechariah 12

28 John 7:25-52 1 Chronicles 29 Zechariah 13

29 John 8:1-20 2 Chronicles 1:1-2:16 Zechariah 14

30 John 8:21-47 2 Chronicles 2:17-5:1 Malachi 1:1-2:9

31 John 8:48-59 2 Chronicles 5:2-14 Malachi 2:10-16 Thursday, August 6th

Page 8: The Soo Chimes · remember this when fear raises its specter in our lives. Jesus came to drive our fear. Not just for the apostles, but for us as well. If we find ourselves slipping

Page 8 The Soo Chimes

Page 9: The Soo Chimes · remember this when fear raises its specter in our lives. Jesus came to drive our fear. Not just for the apostles, but for us as well. If we find ourselves slipping

Volume 51, Issue 7 Page 9






































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Page 10: The Soo Chimes · remember this when fear raises its specter in our lives. Jesus came to drive our fear. Not just for the apostles, but for us as well. If we find ourselves slipping

First United Presbyterian


Deadline for September issue:

August 15th

Sunday Worship Schedule

Worship Service 10:00 a.m.

Sunday School (all grades) 10:00 a.m.

Church Staff

Rev. Mark Gabbard, Minister

Brenda Ransom, CRE

Kay Boyne, Music Director

Denise Goldade, Financial/Administrative Assistant

Jeremy Witte, Sexton


Fax: 906-632-4666

[email protected]

Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Monday through Friday

555 Bingham Avenue

Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783