the sun. (new york, ny) 1890-07-20 [p 17] · hh...

IIBP" ' THE SUN, SPyPAYV JULY 20. IWUTWENTy-BXJO- lt PAGES. ' H , M I i'lTSRUIiWIllDi I he Tartar Termagant Tamed by a Smithsonian Scientist. '" I Hierophant Olcott's Thoosoph-- m real, Elophant. I HOWTHE RINGLEADERS WORK THE FRAUD. B mjjj, Bogus Maliatmas and Hum. H bus: Phenomena. H ffircltll to Tint f U'. H wumvoTviv July 10. -- Acting upon Instrtio- - M.,Mpro.virnn comidoto uud uuthorltatlvo H 7,,int ot the. movement commonly known ns with tbo Inside the a.losod socloty (or tho promotion of wh;ti. called "theosophy." n roprosontuttvo !f Trie Siv called up..u Dr. Klllott Couos of W city And stated tho object of his U.U busy nnd do- - pressor was W tn Smithsonian Tb" el'H 1 mtiVtalk nt nil on this subjoct you will again. Somo of tho disclosures havo to coino -- fl in!Shtnmkottuld tnx your powors ot bo-j- ii.f unlo-- s supported by documentary evi-- derro Besides. I should nood to rofrosh my mm0ry of iinmoa. dates and placos by going niy Private papers, which I hate not : tlmo H oror toJonow. Come again In n week nnd I will H tea wliat I can do for you." 1H Extracting whnt encoumgon o it ho coma H from lids prospect, tho roporter was on hand H at tho stntod time. Ho found tho Professor H bahlnJ a inno-- t of manuscripts and printed fl) iooumeuts. to tho Inovltnblo. m COU llEXIiy s. OLCOTT. H Vou know Col. Olcott. I presumo." sub- - MB tasted tlfooporter, by way of opening. H "U'5. t havo thnt dubious honor. I mot nl that terrlblo follow frequently In Englnnd and fifi bcrmanr In . nnd found him a most ngroe- - WW able acquaintance, gonial and jolly, a capital Ml 6torx toller, an Inlmltablo mlmlo-no- w making 1 rybedr lauch at his droll buIToonorlas, now iH 1 assuming tho turban and Turvoydrop of tho ,'H( Prophet with incompnrablo cravlty an en- - 'H' BglnB man of tho world, nblo to adapt hlm- - ,:H self with oqunl cao to a night's lodging in a & drr goods box on tho enrbstono or a rido on n -- rldto e'eouaut In tho rotlnuo of an Indian Ml rnabarnjali. Olcott is nnturally an honost. Ml kindly man. but his wits nro so ovorsharponod iH brtlio whotstouo ol fnto that his consclonco Ma has turned to n wlro odgo. Ho may bo called 'Ml the typical Vankeo, with all tho worst trntts of MMj n. 8. OLCOTT. jHj that character exaggerated. I think his droad JjMl of being thought simple-minde- when ha 1Mb thinks himself very smart, ofton drives him to MV accontuato his own sharp practices. Probably MMj the only mlstako tho London Society for M FsTChleal Itesearoh made in adopting Dr. B Hodgson's report ot tho Blavatsky Imposturo HB was In exonerating Olcott from complicity In Et? that fraud at the oxponse of his Intelllgonoo. BW "Olcott acquired his military title, I bollevo. Uw la the secret servlco of the War Department. WS Hsflrttcamoon the public horizon In 1874 as mS' a Journalist, belnc sent by tho New York B ffnrpnia to Investigate and wrlto tip alleged Hh t plrltaallstla phenomena occurring in tho Eddy WK family In Chittenden, IVfc Ho was tboro from Jfi August to December, 1874, wroto his letters to Jf his paper, and aftorward (early in 1875) . -- Hihed bis book called "Pooplo From tho Othor abaV World." This Includod. bosldes tne Eddy vSf affair, the Katie Eince baslnoss ot 1874-- 5, which Br ' deceived Robert Dale Owen so sadly. It is ono H ol the best ghost books extant, full ot spectral HH pictures, not a word ot truth In tho text, and LB redolent with tho flavor of gullibility. Yet It Is V- - athorouchly dIshono9t book, for Olcott knew : perfectly woll, before It camo out In booK form. Mi that every phenomenon ho doscrlbod was w fraudulent, and when somebody proposed to j; ! (how up the Eddy tricks in tholr true light Olcott begeod for God's sako not to havo It Kf done, because 'It would injurotho sale of his III toot' I novor hoard him alludo to it; and ', when I once asked him about thoso marvols, f he tucnod tho conversation. f "At the Kddys. Olcott mot his fnto In tho , (hane of a woman. Nothing romarkable about Kv that; most of us do. But tho shapo of Olcott's fs fate was more Immenso, morally nnd flgura- - K. tlvelT, than is ofton mot. What ho found In Hll, Elaratsky wo can Imagine. What sho found la Oloott was just tho tool sho noeded. Sho cap- - B tured him, body and souk Tho usual monkoy- - f parrot tlmo wont on for four yoars, ohlofly In ; 8f Vork and I'hlladolnhla. strangely varle- - mk tod by lilnvatsky's marrinco to and dlvorco B !m lnothor man, named Eetanelly, Olcott's Mt J divorce from hli wlfo, nnd nil the scenic prop- - m I rtlesoutsldo of church and court which at- - t tended tho birth of 'Tho Theosophlcal 8o-- I I "'''from tho strnnee m'sadfaiice of tho pair. J J n carried him oir to India, Into In 1878; nnd pcrhapiono reason why tho nioro- - Phant has never renppourod as n prophot on tl9"tliehe-vthisnot6omuchth- fact that a m Prophet Is not without honor snvo In his own country, a the othor fact that his son throat- - ens to clap bin she in jail for unpnid alimony M If said elro .uld land nt Now York. 1. It a singular Irony of nccldont that should BBjV convert n sharp Now York nowapapor man '"31 J?,10 ft ,,min ,,ltilx Prl0Bt ' a H"am religion. m4r Olcott Mas wronehed by shoor forcn ot ulIo W nto a thoroughly (nlso position, from which bo BK has noor boon ablo to ONtrlcntohlmBolf. Let BBJ us not ju.Iku uU tuo ha'shly. Ho nccopted H thoslKnti.n, Hhut U tooth down hurd.nnd BB Ui.never wluuipiro J oncn all those yoard that W bl t'lonn tl.e lllantsl.y bubble." Hut hownai it possible for IJIavnteky to keepdlcoti thi s " I ,." JJy 'fl'-'n- a thlngi nrc poaslblo with Qod. devil, an I woman. And asainst tlio two I "iter In combination (iod hlnifoir stands n Poor chan o. tl. ..imtu-- hud this son of Alara ngin,t bu 'i ii woman nt Ulavitsky? rono wim-- ,. 0 ,lt i0llrKUt lu Olcott's P'a-e- , loam .,t knu.y honiotlilngof .. .."'" ' ' ' ii-i- and cm:ki:i:." J.nry 'ii i a itibnuns piopiiotn, who ho- - Mnin l, u, mrm1Mi lf ,.,, liruf ,r tf nil- - . i.g a '.. m .,. u... ,t (llly ,, ttural Wit lt bm i: i t iinciiiHijoiild In ib"rt of J, ?"'1,"J '""" 'l.lnj o Hunts ur u HucoeiiR-,- ! h"itla,u" "'" "" C'li-'lw- tf. Bonn, brums, muchouMg... g e.t i...Iubtry. tti oorrosuo ,"V " '"i'. vainglorious nmbi-"o- n Wvid lm ,gjqJtl ,, ,,O0lJ ,v.,j, U,H, roudy I , V. , ",' u'iuniQiiial mendnuity, mid a .'- !- ' n'"nla,1',,, 0V9 ' maiiklnd for Ih- - ' ,,,t"1,K,!'"'. Wivouky him ull tuhe; f "," ' !l " ' ,"1, '' " '!"" ' I""' 'r o "" 'ii ti,., ,,,, ,, jf ll() Hl;lvlHII (.CIJIl k. ,,, , ic n"' i.on iMn-cruo- -- k J ' .1.1 ,i,. I, ... .:..i1 1111' u . W h . ..i ,.!,, r....U..y f , .i y i ii , iionl mo V ?..'! ' ' "" ' '0'..iou.ii bor. hi... .".,;"" "" ""'"r 'i any otliur wild unlerMW ". now U tor iirofei. ilonai character. a tu, Brtlt in the tinsel and spangle and strontlnn red light and tin thun- der of her tboosophlcnl stage, n curious circus which hns pnlntod the world rod with hand- bills hoadod. ' Thoo-Hophl- Urook for tho Wisdom of God.'" "Hut what facts havo you to support suoh lansuago?" asked tho roDortor. " l.lttlo is known accurately of hor early life. No rollanco can bo placod on anything In A. 1'. Slnnctt's momolrs of Ulnratsky ptlor to his porsonal noituaint.inco will, hor, which did not Login until lato In ls79. for tho slmplo roason that hohnd nothing togoupon but what sho choso to Inform or misinform hint nbout. It oppoars that sho was Mllo. Hiihn, born nt Ekntorlnslow, llusln. In 1831. .sho Is conse- quently now nbont u'JorGO ears old. Ono ot tho curiosities nbout hor Is Unit sho has al warn tried to pass lor older than sho roally Is, if not of fabulous nntliiulty. I must loavo it to tho Initios to Ulvlno tho motlvo ot this fronk. Six yoais ngo sho crnvoly In- formed mo thnt sho was then W! jonrs old. I did not toll hor sho looked it, but accoptod tho statomont with oiiual gravity. Except for bolng Immensely oboso. In consit'incnco of bur gross habits, sho was MME. n. T. BIAVATBKT. not a particularly old wltoh when I met hor In 1884. Ilemarknbly small, pretty hands nnd foot for such a corporoslty. though with long, dirty nails: suspicion of pug In tho snuoynoso; pnlo. rostloo oyes; Ilossy yellow hair, tending to kink; Tartar faco with high chook bonos, fat cIiods, and n dowlap, tho lat-t- always hid by hand or fan In hor photo- graphs; staturo medium: wolght porhaps 250 pounds: harsh, stridout voice: conversation profanonnd witty; tomoer nbomlnablo: odor of tobacco ubldlng: dross n sort of n compro- mise botwoeu the robos of a Norma nnd a robe de nuii such Is tho general linprosslon sho mado upon mo In 1S34, whon sho was nbout 5 She appoors to havo married vory early tho old Russian whoso namo sho still boars, and Is said to hnvo loft him nt once. " Nothing doflnlto can bo gathered from Bin-net- momolrs. Wo got a vnguo imorosslon of nnndxonturess skipping wildly nbout tho world now In Mexico, now In Japan, orCoylon, or whoro not, aud for sirao years nowhoro. This fiction was Invontod, first, to glvo the falso Impression thnt sho was long undor tho mystic guidance of somo Thibetan adopts In occultism; second, to locate hor nt any given timo olsowhoro than on tho sconos of hor ac- tual scrnpos nnd escnpados. How did she llvo all this tlmo. do you ask? How do young woman rovers llvo by tholr wits? I nm euro I do not know. "Tho first doflnlte Information I havo of hor Is In this extract from n letter of the late I). D. Homo, tho notod English spiritualistic written to Mr. W. E. Coloman of 8nn Francisco. This locates hor In Paris In 1857 or 58 asadoml-monde- r In Unison with tho Prlnco Kmllo do Wlttgonstoln. by whom sho had a son. who dlod In Kleft In I8G8. Tho intarval Is blank ot any definite information till 1870, whon sho turns un in Cairo, Egypt, and sots to work to found a spiritualistic so- ciety, whloh proved nbortlvo. Not so, how- ever, hor other Industrlo?. Horo Is a lottor from Dr. IHchard Hodgson, Secretary ot tho Socloty for Psychical Hesonrch. Indicating that Blavatsky 'shared the fortunes.' as tho phraso goes, of a certain Motrovltoh In Cairo about 1871 or 1872. A person cognlznnt of this In- trigue ws Mmo. E. Coulomb, subsequently notorious fn the Koot-Hoo- exposure In Madras, Inala. This fa"t Is tho koy to tho power Coulomb had ovor Blavatsky. Tho latter was at the meroy of the former. A lettor In ovldencols ono from Blavatsky to Coulomb', mentioning Metrovltch, and begging Coulomb to ' blot that page of hor life out' "Here Is a private lottor. signed by Ma Inrao Coulomb, written In 1835 to Col. John C. Uundy of Chicago, but suppressed at tho lime. No-tic- o this flno femlnino stroke: ' Mmo. Bla- vatsky is not Mmo. Blavatsky. She Is Mmo. Motrovltoh. I havo known hor husband In Egypt. 1 hnvo kont this alwava to myself, but now that she'bas tried to injure me in nny way sho could. I nm not bound to bo socrotanr more.' Afterward Blavntsky Is said by Klnnott to bat o returned home to Odessa lato In 1872. But in point of fact sho was oxpellod from Egypt by thopolloeor othor Government au- thority. Hero Is n letter stnting that Hon. Jiugeno Schuylor. our Consul-Gonor- nt Cnlro. could probably procure a copy of tho olllclnl record ot hor oxpulslon It ho voro authorised to do so by tho titnto Department. This altalr loroBhadows hor hasty retreat from probablo arrest at Madras. India, lu lS3r. whon hIio w.ia ' wanted' by the pollco nftor tbo Coulomb ex- posure. Earlyln 1873 she ent to Purls, whero she romalnod nbout two months. Koeking fresh fields nnd pastures green, tho tireless udentuross landed at Nowlork July7. 187.1. ilor renl busiuoss at thut tlmo was in the eeorct sorvico of her Government ab n ltusslnn spy. and sho was Instructed, as usual, to piny any part that would dhort attention from the tacts In tbo enso. alio was in favor then : and lutor, as wo shall sno. was transferred to India for the samo political purpotos. Tho Punch nnd Judy show flio nut up lu India Is thus oaslly explained. It nmuscd tho people and concoalud hor real Hud sho Huccooilod lu polit-k- Intrigue it would havo boon nil right Hut sho fnllod. was oxposed. dWgrncod, hud her ray stopped, and was as usual Incontinently dropped by hr Govornraent. Ono rorrubora-tlo- n of this Is thnt to this day she files into hor worst rages whenever tho' ltusslnn spy' mat- ter comes up, nnd ropudlntos tho vllo Insinu- ation' with iisrv. That is just whero tho shoo pinches hor not corn, not thnt sho should lu nccusod of Doing a Jlusslim spy. hut thnt tdio wus n ltusslan hpv. mado n mo-- s of it nnu w.m promptly ignored. But I nm anticipating. Whntoorthu nnturo or tho iiiHtructions from icussln under which alio Inmlod nt Now lnrk In July, 187J, sho was ostensibly exploit- ing spirltunllsm then, ns before and since. But wo Hist hear of anything to your present purposo niter ho l.ud mot Olrntt In Vermont In tho trill of W.. nnd boon wrlttun up by him. Enrlv In 175. J think In January orFobrunry of that jear. sho married Itotan-oll- y. This man wus a 1 bclli-v- from Tlllls, In buslncsH in Philadelphia. 1 hnvo hoen letters boarlng on thli iiiurrlngp. including somo ot his to hor. nnd tinvo talked with persons cognizant of her b lof nnd ptnrniy marrloJ llf, among ttiom tlio I'lillailolphla Jnwyor who acted in tli ciioedy divorce suit, 'JhlsnITulrwiiH, Miurp, und dlststrous to poor llotanully. who In his liifiuuntlnu had ccrntchod tho piovurblnl llut.siaii and c.iuglit tho vory cream of Tartar. 1 think it Wstodnnly two or ttiroii mnnths whon hor lirntui tri'iitrnnnt nt lilm to court lor roliol. Tho legal nsphcits of tlm ens.; an ol courso on publl.j roconl In I'liilndoltih.n iiud can bo orlllo.l l.y niiyonu wlm thliil;n It worth whlln to tuUo tho trouble This inutr.- - Illlilllul BIliBOilolxllCllllOII- - CUKOOf 11 WOlllrtll H purvrslty; forwliy hliould a Ulaat-k- y boconio wuildenly so .. tinoiiious t lm slipped thu hvn.oner.l hiiltor vor, parly lit Ufa nnd no;ir befoioi'i sine.. tl.U IiiihIih.-- s bub- - lillttfl tol'.l lislJImlfll llUllUSnf tho ho lit. t thlstlm.) its wo lmv hhi.ii. "Ii lia.l n .t be-- ll nuiluliipMy-olio-o- d Iiilon Iheii-o- -- t ho '.msli inl n a Kiiriiiinliniiu inodiiiin. notuiig a hUloillll usIhoii latin ifMl.j.'-i- l itil.i i Hiiu ml III .nw tori, by i"l". A'im u'Miini Imt-u- r l.n"v.n i.h tho liU' I 'ub ir vriinm. In Hi' t. 'I'lii.iOnn' Df.ur I'oiiiiums Illaa.Kl.y inn ii. In o an two iMi.iH lii i oiho.i pursuits, ami piocllvuI'M iliniiU'i omii iit t i all Iiirliick or wits wl.P-l- li"" kui-- i Hi. othor ..lit of tin; tlutPlios "I iho law. ov. ptliiK lli Jlotimo ohIhoJo.'l- jb.r li "hi lilt pii'turuH. from hor loaUklll with "'"At,tlioUiLiio of which I hl'oak naii.nly in lH7n, her ni"Ht f uniiiar.,-- ! ool. was u ghostly Ion nail d Molin King. Ihls foT.iw Is iu jHisod to lme lioeii n Plmto .ondoinnod lor In k iHr.x'ltlo to sor cart lor u term of mr. ntnl lopreMiii. iilmwli m nil on Am ,o tl.U il, .st pill. 1"V'1,"l"l 1,1.1 h i.o..... HUT "'irl ft ,11,1,1. .; M.i.llkl.rU .Ii "'"'.; .,, ml mil h.,o ..'.' '."' ii r n, ... h -- il I.J nm Hi"" ' ,lV un' At... . iiioii.. io'Ii II. Llinll lll'll In '! I I"11" """ 0I " '.'i0 " ' ' iidliw In N w Vi It I'luiodolphlu i,.. Wiihi.. Uiaion through more iuu.Iiuiiih 1 i tlio " of Our ate Minister to S'ortuixal. Vhulllvnn, tins n hotogrnuJi if Lliii ui full length, Uoatlng lu se, holding tip a pooullar globo of light shaped Itko a glass docantor. Tbla tmstworthr llkenos was taken In Eurono, nnd I think In Ilussln, but um not sure on that point. I onoo had the Pleasure of Introducing ih pirate king to my friend Prof. Alfred ltussol Wallace, In tho por-so- n of Mr. Plorra L. o. A. Koelor. n notod 'snldo'inodlumof Washington, who has In- dustriously supportod sell, wlfo. nnd baby In this way for some yearn. But tho point ot tho plrnto to my story Is this: Blavatslcy was King nt tho tlmo ot which I speak, nnd several of her lettor to frlonds which I hnvo lead are curiously scribblod In roil and blue with xontuncos nnd signatures of 'John fiencll ns, Intor on 'Koot llooml'iisoil to miraculously preclpltntn himsolf upon hor sta- tionery lu all sort of colored crayons. And. by ilia way, thnt reminds me to say that while the Ingenious creature wnn operating In Cnlro, hor Mnhatinns wore of tho Egyptlnn or.lorot o, nnd looatod in tho ruins of Thubos or Cnrnnk. They wore not put In turbans and shitted to Till hot till lato lu 1H70. " Hut to rostiuio from tills piratical excursion. With llotnnidly off, Oloott on. tho theosophlcal play proper boglns: and n poor 'supo' iinmod William V. Judge, inukns his first nnnenefinco on tho singe, liming roturno.t with Olcott from Vormont In Decombor, 1874, lllnntskv tlod Judgo to hot- - spare apron string, and from thntday to this linn found him usoful for nny work to which Olcott would not sloop. Judgo first met her In Irving placo In tho winter ot 1874, lust before sho mood to Thirty-fourt- h street, whore sho llvo J a few mnnths, nnd then took uphernbodo at ;102 Wost I'orty-sovont- h stroot, where shostayod till she cnrrlod Olcott to India In Deoombur, 1878. Tho whlmBleal trio Blavntsky, Olcott, nnd Judgo pooled their Issues on n fnrco which has since figured as 'thoosophy ' in threo contlnontn. Tho botween thoo worthies was well calculated to pl.iin public curiosity and bull tho fool markot. Ilko ttiroe-cnr- d monto with king, nuoon. nnd knnvo. Blavatsky dealt, Ol- cott stoero.l. Judgo played enppor. Pardon tho slang: such 'thoosophy' doos not loud ltolf toadlly tondlgnlllod modi) of speech. But to JT&tt XttM- -i ujjr fl,vW JZb&fi&l i2vJUtSc)te bAiJJL tte, ffil -- XEx toj-- - uM.t, urdS2 xy-w- , aJ&dtrjutr (HaZj ,- TWO MUtATMA LETTELS. turn tlm motaphor Into moro sclmlastlo lang-uiig- e. TheitiiHslan'rt.Mio In tho piny wns tho Yunlcoe's rutlconcn bupnllpd mpiirrmn'rifi. and Irisli blurnoy tiiil.rod tho two with (.olt solder Into soinotlilcg thut soomod likely to hold wntor. "TUK 'liiyosnrnicAi. BOCIBTT' was foundod In Now Yoik November ,17, 1R75. Many Now Yurkfis l'l r.noinbor ullont nb ml thut tlmo of ihouiipoariinci of u Hindu iidupt in his antral Iwdy in thu solonin htlllnoHrt ot tlio night tlmo to give Ills iiwod and hi. alio I ki.d.loiH In tlm 'Iniuai.ory'on Foity-M)Vnt- l. ht out fiointho HPlii'irtbhiiponinlfortho f..iniatlun or h llioo. Boplileul ...'inn, lof.iiiyoiit Hi" mighty ii.ommii uit ol i.uiilng tho wot Id ui'Slili) down. i. Icon's luni'iioii lu u.o i nliiiiiinc w;i .oinpaiu unlf hIiiii.Ip. llow.islo liate n inl.ji. II..U unto tlio'.i of piophuts btill inorooiitof .into. iii'hisiIi.iiml.Mui-i.s'Oth- o liolyof i Ivout llooinl. HHM1..11S it mco. and Minihhiiii: ii lo.ivuli"liliiU lilm, miiMthiiu! tun- - gllllrtU. IHIIV" U us not Ull lullJU'H. IhlHIUIt- - terlalto.tlliihoinoiilrnf the iioeiiiri nl imasiuii wiintiirl.uu whl.'h 1'iopliiit Ivool Ilooiui loft on Ht. Han y'h nod I o all I Unow Olcott iiiuy b. currying it about htill. Huo.-rtnlnl- Uoui it in his coat-tai- l pocket In l.iigluud nnd tier- - inniiy. In 14 nnd wlinnoverJ .heard lilm tell tho am, ns ho could .to with liicompurahlo gravity, out flicked tho turban at the eilticul p .(nt of tlio nurratlre, could bo mild In lace of niiKli oldenco A luluabla prop. erty- -I doubt not It has been worth hundreds of dluclplus and thousand of dollars Judgo b part In Ibis Piny, Ilko that ..! other suirnuiii- - cures, wns liiirder work., ,"- - pay. und no glory. To iIoh.tII.u It I ll uuoto frmii Mr, TIiiiIhou Tui'l" f ".rllu lloignts who iiiii.imIii.I u h.m.iIiii' in 'lm .'W lork Allium lologiuiil hocluty .Miinli ,I".i, buf ro which i aIh-- i lor Judgo .'iitiled, tin. hluge und pro. o.uli'd to loll the uudlouco about thl. iiiHlilenl Hindu " Tlni parent itoeluty ' said Mr. Judge, 'was foui inork-t- t br Mint. Illuwitaly who call - a fow lnter.led poiilo Slid ' Thoy held a meet- - lug to frame n constitution, Ithls was in 18751, Ac. but boforo anything had been accom- plished n strnneoly foreign Hindu, dressed In ihepeoullnr garb of bis rountry, camo boforo them. nnd. leaving a package, vanished, and no ono know whlthor he came or went. On oonnlng tho package they found tho necessary forms of organization, rules, Ac, which wero ndopted. Tlio inference to be drawn wan, that tho strange vlBltor was a Mnhatmn, Interested In tho foundation of tho Ho This wondorful story of colestlnl rnossongers bringing documonts to mortals Is not nuilo fresh. In tho pointed, languago of tho street. It Is a chestnut so old that it is quite mouldy, nnd it has beun for thousands or vents one of thochoupostexpeulentsof rascality to load confiding credulity.' 1 iulto ngreo with Mr. Hudson 'nittlo's OBtlmnto of this innn. who for flftcon tonrs has been uoeond only to O- lcott ns Blnvnfky's confodorato In n raroor of criminal lintiosturo. and of late years has been faking in Now Vork on his own hook. "Thon Is there nothing but fraud on the ono linnd nnd folly on tho othor In this Thoosoph-Jcn- l Society.'" snld the renortor. "Absolutely nothing else, not even the o of anything else among thoo who con- duct tlio ntTnlr.' responded tho Profosnor. Butthopr.fossedotijoctsof tho society are praiseworthy." persisted tho Intorvlewer. " Entirely so. That is whoro tho joko comos in. That is the shop window- - tho show sldo of tbo business. A society for tho promotion ot wisdom und virtue Is not n bad thing, Incktng nsltmav bo In any strikingly novel foatures. Let us soo nbout thoso objects ot tho Theo- sophlcal Hoclotv. 'Horo Is tho last number of Lucifer, tho 'Objocts' printod on tho Inside ot tho cox or. "'1. To form n nucleus or a Unlvorsal Brotherhood of Hnmanlty without distinction ot rnco. crood, box. or color. Thnt has boon the dream ot ovory cra7y enthusiast since tho world begun. Only In this cao It was adnptod nsubllndfor knaves to inako money. It has boon for yoars a stnlo joltn ntnong thoosonhlsts thomelves that tho ' Unlvorsal Brothorhood fijdfcr P What totholni:iiloiipontliiiiati. Ohio, doty. Innunivorsnl row. Aside from Its obviously dishonest routuros. It hns been found to bo a hotbod of bu-- o and ovll passions, htrlfo and dlssonslon. envy, jcnloiib)', solfisli ambition, to say nothing of ihirkor nii.l doopor donths or len. luss ucnliiBt tho Inwsof soWoty tliiui of nature. Von can readily understand, without Timber explanation, to what the proettco of nulninl inugnotlsin mnv lead undor the thin gulo of Initiation Into mysteries. "Tlio (.ncond ostouslb'o object Is: '2. To piomoto the study of Aryan and ..ther I.uatorii llteiiitu.o.". religions, and hdences.' Ilowiuiicli iho study of Aryan lltorntiiro In promoted may I.o judged by tho fn. t that there is not a mem- ber ol tho Thuosoplileiil oeliMy In .Muorict who can snv tint hwinferft iiltihaliut, lot alonn tiniislat.. n word In any i)r.;iitiil Iniigiiugo. and few 1 fancy kIioum. tin. Hindu of tlio word Aiiiii" on tlmlr loiter bonds miow tliut It Is a word. They think i - a mystic ruonoginm of the Maliatmas I'hore in a body of Orientalists In this who km. w nil that is knonnof 1 astern literatim'. ridU'im.. and n. lonce, but I r li.iai.l of ono of tliinii iihivmoinber of tho Tliaosuplilcal Soeieiy. Ii, .vatkylioisolf could inn r.'ii.l a pugn ol any Oilontnl languugo to biivo her llif " '.'. A third obioct i.uisiiod br a portion of tlin liK.nibtTi.ot thoi-oclft- Is to iuvehtlgntn unexplained law of iiuliiio nnd the scblcul jiowors ot innn ' This, ilko tho first object. U ii it glaringly original, that Mnee the first man lu the prehlstorlo paleollthlo period loarfloil to chip ilij.t Instruments nnd build a lire nnd cook Ills dinner, this third and psychl-callavts- the unlvorBO has beon pursued by n portion at lousl ol the inembers of tho human rnco ns well us thow of ihe'iheosoph-ira- l Hocioty." ... Hut 1'nrliiliily them special i.ltlliiKujilif or Mil of n'iu atlons. with a lurge lllniutiiio known iw diHiluctltt-l- 'ihrosonh-lea- l 'ImIhto not V . 'i uilulnfy Ihoro Is literature oppugn, such its It Is," mild Dr. The llieraiure of itiVktl Ism. Insldo and onlsldn tlio Bibles of al times und nations, is voiuinliious.. Too word '' is voir good Greek, and came Into use. I think, about tho third contury.A., V., among iho Neo.platpuisU ur Gnostlos of Alex- andria lu Egypt, Various arsons aud. cults havo cnllod thonnolvon, or been cnllod over since. You may recall, for oxnm- - 51c tho notablo enno of tho (inrmnn raystlo, Boehme. Bit' slnco tbo Blavatsky busi- ness enmo up tho word hns lost tho last ves- tige of nny rooognlzod or rocognlrnblo. sig- nificance, beyond thnt ot n knavish trndo mark for Intellectual prostitution.. In n Eonoral way. 'thoosophy' menns wnntover chooses to say or write. Moro thoosophv' slgnlllon tho nnvment of a too nt bortlokot olllco for tho prlvllego of writing 'F, T. H.' aftor one's namo, nnd there- after of calling 'thooBophy' nny posslblo for- mulation or Ignornneo or nny cobwebs of tho brnln that ono chooses to spin. Iload some ot tho contributions to iMtlfer, ortho'VV.fosop.fsf, or thn 1'iilh, and iudgo for yoursolf." " ' Isis Uuvellod,' tho Hist book of hern that wo know of. a couple ot stout volumos, wns n hit, mainly through tlio business tttct and skill of hor publlshor In gottlng it attacked In tlio religious papers. Curiously enough. It is n fiction thnt Blavatsky Is the author ot thiB book. Hlio nover wroto It. though certainly sho wrote at It, for you can hear hor wild warwhoops here nnd there botweon tho covers. The scroamlnoss ot it Is hers, nud thoro Is never any doubt nbout tho volco whon Blavat- sky screeehos. Olcott wioto somo of tho moro tumpornto nnd plnuslblo pnrtB. and evon Judgo claims to hnvo hud u hand In It, thougii I think it wns mainly ns mossongerto tho prlntot's. Tho renl author of ' lets' wns Buuprossed, and tow havo hoard his name, i on romombor an oceoutrlo chnrncter. ono llarontlo Palm, as ho wns cnllod, who died In Now York in 1875 or thoronbouts, whoso case attraclod attention from his being. 1 think, tho first poraon whoso body wub cre- mated In this countiy. Boforo burning him thoy had great fun o or his corpso In (totting up n mock Buddhistic tunornl. Oloott dressed up tnolhclatoas high muck-n-muc- aud you Hliould got Mr. Judgo to tell you how it wnrinod the coeklos of his hoart 'nt tho wnko av 'lm.' Do l'nlm was Industriously represented as having lolt the tlioosophlsts a fabulous sum of tuonoy. Whnt ho did Icavo In rnct or, nt any rnto. what lllnvntsky man- aged by hook or by crook to got hold of wns a lot ot mniui'orlDts. Editing tho-- o to tho best of hor ability, and carefully (ovorlngun such wholeBn'o literary tlio tt. nho produced ' Ms t'nvolled.' This accounts for tlio holtor-skel-t- stylo of tho bonk, considering how mnny rooks enmo In to Mir poor old Do I'nliu'fl l.roth. I doubt thnt sho mount nt first to stonl tho Whole thing, hho onco complained to n filond ot inino. who t.dd me tho facta, of tho difilcultv sho had In doing any- thing with such materials, nnd her then Imperfect knowledgo ot KtiglUh. But as Mio book took Bhapo tlio temptation to plagiar- ize tliowholo anil nssutuo solo nutliorshlp grow Irresistible To account for Do Palm's hand- writing, und Olcott's. and tho rest, sho gave out, and Oleottnnd Judge soduously fostered tlio fiction, that when cho wns nsleop nftor a day's writing tho Mnhuttmt usod to visit hor room nnd tnko up tho thrend of hor narrative with his dlvlno inspiration nnd miraculous Honors of writing with his nstral handwhllo his natural bodv slept in a Thlbotan crypt. To prove this, thoro in tho morning would bo found shcots of manuscript In n different handwriting Do Palm's, of courso. palmod oil as .Mnhatmic. No wondor llluvatBky und most tlioosophlsts bollevo in pnlmlstryl tsimilnr. yet dltrorout frauds nro the root, stock, und branch of othor theosophlcal books. "the expobuiu: of TitKosoriiy. "Tho London Soclotv for Psychical Itosearch dotormlnod to eoud ono of their number to Madras. Dr. Hodgson went to India in 18b4. nnd Btuyo.l till April. Iii.j. Tlio result of his invostigntions was the total col- lapse of tho thoo-optil- u fa Uo. und thoro hns not yet been found leather enough In thu lungs ot all the fakirs combined to rolufiatn tho bubble. Dr. Hodgson's report Is elaborate, circumstantial, and conclusho. Its foico has nover been nnd nover will bo brokon. It Is a tolumoof sovoral hundred pages, with dl.igrums ot tho trun-door- s on tho Blavntsky slngo, und facsimiles of Illavat'ky h handwrit- ing provod to bo Identical with thut ot tlio mythical Koot Hoomi. It shows Hint tlio Coulombs, whatover their own charactors, and whatever their animus or pi.rnoo had tol.ltho plnln, slinulo truth ns fur us tholr disclosures wont. Their evidence hud nlroadvilnmnodtho woman: Hodg'ou s report sonloii. certified and uxneutod thut sentence in the following lutiguago: "I. hlie h it birri enir&ffo.l In n long continued cnm'.t. nation unit otlirr prrsntn. to product, byorillnari menus a serleH of aprent uiarv els fur the Biipiorc ot ttie theo lojitilc movement. J. That in funicular ttie slirln,1 nt A.lyur tlirouirh wlilcll P Iters to mine frtun .Mai.itin were received, wns , Int.ur nelv nrrnlirfe.t Willi n spcret Insertion of letters tui'l other objects through a slhlinff pvn- -l at the buck und regularly used for ttie purpose l.y .Mndauie lllitvntky or In r nitents. ' :t Ihnttheiets a er. strong pres'ltn, tlon ttiRLnll the tunrveiious iiHrratlvespnt for ward in evidence of the existence or MAlMtuuis ar to be explained as due either (Ml tn deliberate deceit!"!! carried out by or at ttie Instigation of viadamo Ularat sky. or lb) lo spititatieouH tun-Io- n or hallucination or uiiconicioiis niisreprenentatton or Hit entiou on the part ot the witnesses. "Tho wretched woman hnd hurried off to India trom Englnnd with Olcott in tho winter of 18K4-- but fouLd tho placo too hot to hold a convictod imnostor. Upon tho dosttuctionof hor nnd theconsoiiuout Intorrui tlon of communication by astral lluld. sho wont back to l.uiopo. Wo find her nt Naples in June. 185. wbenco she went m nofi.iih'.i to Wttr?.-bi- T t?p. t!,, n littlo town ill Gormnny, to hldo till tho btorm bluw ovor." TtiEosornrc noi.t, or noson. " novo you any list of alleged members of tho Theosophlc in Amorlc.i '(" " Certainly 1 have, sovorul. lu fact. Here Is ono in tho handwriting of W. Q. Judge, made about tlio beginning of when tho mv till- ed society' hnd been in Obtensiblo oxlstoneo lor twelvo years. Yousei'tho list counts .'i.JU nnmoB. But It ineluues. fnl-ul- all membors or tlio Gno-tl- c Society, who had repudiated tlio wholo allalr long boloru that time. Lot us look nt somo ot the other niimos who have been heard from through the pollen or other- wise. Hore Is lliiam UlJullor. who. with his eonfodernto nnmed Oliuuirt swlndlod men nnd debauched woinon in Boston till raided by tho pollco : now both are fugltiv os f rom jut!co. Horo is tion. Abner lioublodiiy, I . S. nu o In bnd company; but ho Is ngodnnd Infirm, nnd probably has no idea what goes on In tlio T. S. Hero Is Prof. Alexander Wilder. Nownrk. N. J., who long blnco repudiated tho affair; Or. Keth Panooust. Philadelphia, ditto; Mr. It. Ik Westbrook. ditto; Hr. .1. Ii. Buck.C an eminent fakir: 1!. ilousli. I'. N N.. Washington; Gonrgo ( hainey and Anna Kimball of Australia orelsowhoro: W in. T. Brown, who jolnod tho Itoiuau i athollj Church, and doubtloss told nil ho knew to his occlesliiBtical mperlors: Mr.). B. Pago. Loult., now, os thon, an actlvo little fakir, forming, with Mr. Judgo nnd Dr. Buck, a sort or triangle: Dr. , P. l'he-la- Chicago still in the busiuoss: Mrs. A. II. Savary of Ucs Molnos. Iowa, or of Now ork, boliovod to have been a siuew of war In tlio ntTalr: Svlvostor Bater. Jlaldon. JIas.. for- merly nctlvo. now probably a roi.udlator: n do?en or more uobodlos from Los Angeles and other places In California; Henry A. Hoopor of Iliookiyn. of whom I know nothing; a Mlsi Adolnlde Johnson of Washington, ditto: Mrs. Mnry F. Wight. Chicago: Mr. C. If. A. Library. Now , ork. who told mo In tho pioflonco of othors that ho wus icudy to go on tho witness stand nud Bwear to tho secret vicos of tlio Aryan T. H.: a cletgymun of Brooklyn, whoso namo I withhold, whom Mr. Iljerrognard roproentod to mo as eiiuallr will- ing to testify to tho sumo; Mr. I. A. Mm?. Muskegon. Mich.: Alexander Fullotton. New York, a clork of Mr. JudguV. then, ns now, an nctlvo onorntor In tbo business: Sir. Henry B. i'oulko. .10". .South 1 loventh Mreet, Philadelphia, who was actively fnkllig undor Judge's ordorsnt lust accounts; ono Joseph W. do It. la Pierre. M. D. ifo his namo roads on tho ). active tnklr up to May. lh'Ju: aud so 1 might go on with the rest. Hut nii 6no Tho namos might bo btulth. Lrown, Jones, nnd Ilobluson, lor nil that tho public knowH ol them. Among the porsons nnmed. nnd porhaps n doen others, nro to bo found tho sourco of nlno-tontl'- 8 of al tlio nownpnpr nolBonnddustintho street that tlio theoo. pliists bare boen nblo to raise lor tho past llvo yoaisln this country; and Hourly nil ol it Is tllrectly traceable to tlireo Initial points, nnmo-ly.WiJ- .. Iudgo nnd Ms 'Aryan' ring In Now York : J. I). Ituck of Cine nnntl. nnd . H. Tngo of St. Louis, to nil of whom Uluvatsky Bends orders they hnvo hworn to oliov. ,,., "fan you tell mo anything of Mine. bocretnry, whom 1 sco bus lately boen lecturing In thl rountry?" " You moan Mr. Bertram Kolghtloy. I cr t I mot lilm In Loudon In IHsl : n bright ioung follow, who used to coinn Into hor pros-onc- o aud kotvtow with it good Imitation of nn (Irlontul Balaam and mi alr.jf i.egi.ii.g her to kh'k hint iiHiih.o I'd favor. lie nii.l LI- -. broth- er. Archibald Ivolghlley, Imvo honni 'n .liny; nnd. by the wut. here, if, it t'ertllled f'.'P.,0' " lottor from Mir.'.. I). Btiek. In will t.ilU of getting hold with W. .. Judge. ol u lurgo legitey iroin tho two Ko jghtleys to luilld up a tliooBopluenI piiblihhlng bono, llla'athity has I eon a tlio helhllus I'Tb't-er- al voar- -. iindllio whole iihmi lie 1 ski .ludg.-Hu- ck vvhio It li.iiigtugiillioi n. doggedly, tb Hi" iliitl.C' tliut Boino hi'ighiioy m noi im.t mi. t; ti.tiiff If they fan keep thu two voui.g geiitloiiieii In a proper ll.ios..plili' liitiiii'ti' iiilnd "1 nm well iii.on.iodiiii tlm eoiitniitions.' having liuo'i tu it", t nt t" b'ttki- my i thirst forml.d u .droiiiibloliiU'riiiiui'iii, f l"y inn int. . loi'U jowii'I i. g.itlieil g. .ii"i i rollec tit.- - ouiii' t iii.d .ii.alnyoi i. .' Bophleal rocntlo- - I -- r u' o Hi.. I 1 intended in I'li.elnuui hi1-- n o nslslod of 111' .1. U liuclt of that tliv. Mi. I Ik Pugo of hi. 1 oui. u liulv iiaim; I with- hold, nud it gentleman wjios.. niitiju I hnvo toiul. llvo. oil Includod., Iho next ItO'liObtor. N. V, tint gather. in: wits more lini.riis-.ivo- . perrons as above, a ul 1 think as mail) p.o... noselbly tw-lv.- ' ; n all. At tho noxt chip, in ('liicliiuut . n lsrij. tho population of Ma t.m v as duly roprosaiitod by Dr.' J. H. HucU iiinl .'lr. goil.iir Willi a contuigoui from ..'rial liXlfi. .lam. d Mi. A. llurio at t. so 1 was Informed I w u,,uoi thoro t" o. for mi nil. in 1881 kiudli allow mo ii.ivalV'i I wa. in ' ""'' 'r' thoW.ibteriino itiiyio. I'ltjclin un. .Mi'l.uul bobii..eno.lhav t.t Ih" i"it fow dny later a '.j...iiort .tj i hi ifiuDsoitlilslf. foui iioy.piiporre"..iei- - iin.i I luncyut least for'y thoi were .in wii.i time gathered In tho hoto parlor Ai reu'u Mr boomVusDr.But-kreinmko- . m todol.vur tlio onitl n of m WWWnJ And i H Ml-- i the U.o vt whljti BBJBflflB&BBBBDBBBBHjBBBBJBVBBl hnd not boen soen before, nnd hns not slnco boon soon. 1 trust you will credit tho sincerity of my ropontnnco. whon I toll you thnt 1 hnd business in. Now Ycult whon tlio convention mot In Chicago In and that tho 'Unlvorsnl Brotherhood of Man hns not slnco boon qulto unlvorsnl onough to Includo rayhumblonolf. Ho 1 can toll you nothing of tho convention of 18'JO, oxeopt thntlhenrdot the t.rosenco there ot at loast llvo nori-ons- : Mr. E. B. Pago of St, Louis. 'Dr.' J. 1). Bud; of Cincinnati. Mr. W. P. Pholun ot Chicago, Mr, W.y. Judgnof Now York, and our young ttlond Bertram Kolghtloy. lato of Ctilllornia. " Tho actual oporators can no counted on llngors without toes, io Judgo irom tho 'annual reports' you might Imnglno a census enumerator required to koot. tally of tho Blavatskylto". In point of fact. Iiowovor. tho I nltod States has a lilnvatsky's 4UU. as New York has a Maculllstor'sliko total. I dnutit that tho who hnvo ovor taken tho lllnvatsky oath of oliodluin-- nud paid Judgo tbo dollar for tho privilege, nro qulto bo many ns these. But say 4U0. Of thoso. SUO havo simply passed In nnd out. Of tho romnlnlng 100. probably 75 nro tho moioor less qutescontor indifferent dtipos of tho do.on or two who stnv tn tlio swim for whnt they cm mnko or tho rouiuliisot tho orlclnnl Koot Hooml hoax." " Tho Innt annual report states that thoio nro now tlilrty-sl- brnnches ol tho socloty in tho C'nited Htntes. Thirty-si- x into four hundred goos olovon lltnos and four over, onough for tin oxtra' branch.' I havo known ' brunches' to consist ot reworthnn lour. I hnvo known nt least two brunches which constated of nobody the names nt tho brnnches on Mr. Judge's books being nil there wns ot thorn. All thnt Is nocessnryto found n brnnoh Is fornnvbndy to send .Mr. Judgo t for n charter Ilko tilts," aud horo Dr. Coues unfoldod nnlinpro-.slvo-looklu- document, "tittupi'd with n gold seal nnd signed by Blavatsky and olcott. " nnd thon glvo him $1 more for a diploma Ilko this," pro- ducing a llnen-backn- documentor more mod- est dimension". "Thoioupon ho bucomes n unlvoreiit brother, nnd can fiatornlo univer- sally as long as ho pleasos to solid any money to Mr. Judgo In Now Vork, to Blavatsky ill London, or to Olcott In Mndras-n- nd tho latter would lmmonsoly prefer direct transmlsnl or funds, as ho bus found It oxpen-iv- o to collect remittances ln Now Vork und London. Hometlmos, iiow- ovor, Iho formation of now brnnches is attended with more ceremony. Tnko. for exnmplo. tho ' Blavatsky Lodge ' lu Washington. There was hero n paupor named Anthony lilggins. who wont through tho Wood-hu- ll nnd flnlllnscnndnls of yoars ngo. Having hired a hall, Mr. HigglnB, in tho comonnv of .Mi. W.y. Judgo nnd Mr. Arcnlbald Kolghtloy. oipoimdod I'nlvorsal Brotherhood to nt lonst fifty Wnsiiuigton cranks by abusing my hum bio soli for several hours. Thoroattur nroso tho 'Blavatsky Lodgo.' consisting or .Mr. lilggins. n woman, nnd his son In tho toons, with -- ovoral ladles nnd goutloinon ot color; una tho noxt number of Blavutsky's London oigan convoyed follcltatlous io ' our uoblo nnd worthy Br'.thor Blggln-- Ills senrcoly nocessary to ndd that nothing furthor has boon hoard of or from this lodgo, except In tho vast wllderuoss or Mr. Judge's annual ropott. Tako a moro amusing caso of tho growth of a bianch of the thuorophlu treo of knowlodgo In tho midst of tho gardan of bt. Louis. Thoro was in that city a bright newspaper mnn niimod MIchaol A. Lnn". who went In for n lark as ho told moaftorwnrd. Not having tho mystic number of seven whom ho could trust with so great n socrot, he and two or thn-- of his cronies molectod their nstinls, or other- wise dupllcatod their personalities, to tho number of seven, nnd tbo fun begun. Having paid Mr. Judgo for a charter and diplomas, unit thus becoming Theoboplilsts in good Htnntllng. thoy sot their wits to work, and soon hnd iutltibltnblo evidene of thu existence of tho blcssod Mnster Koot Hoomi In Kt, Louis, in tiio shupoof auitbtrnl projci-tio- of that wurthy (ono of their number plaiiug ghost for fun in awhile sheet), und several miraculously niossngos from tho Bitmo nugust sourco 'written by Mr Lane In red und l.ltio pencil. In eiy good Imltntionoi tho things Mr. Judgo has liuen in the habit of distributing to favoiito dupes thoso thomsalvi". being In 1ml-- I tution of tho rice unpor missives ol Bluvntsky's original hoax). Thoroupon Mr. LaiioOltlclully those wonderful phenomena to Hlerophnut Olcott in Indln: suid Hloro- -' plmnt gravely congrntulntes him on such signal success In eommunic.v. Ing by oceiilt means with tlu revered Tiiiboinn Mi'.hatmns: nnd Judgo eortilles tn tho of tlie red and l.luo pencil prnciintatlou, dollveiing. it must ho conrnssed. an export opinion, consid- ering how otteii ho has scribbled tho can o things lilmsolf with fraud prepense. I glvo ou tho story as Mr. Luno gavo it to mo in Chicago about u voir ago. after his return from a vi-- to Blavatsky In Loudon, nnd I fnncy tflnt If .Mr. Ii II. Pugo ot t. Louis, tho President of another 'brunch' there, could bo pievnilod upon to toll the truth, wo should havo a br.ico of good htorlos instead of ono. iir.AV.vT.siiv vsvF.ti.nn. "Perhaps you would Ilko to know how tho Itus-luu- 's la- -t trick was trumped. I hnvo the credit, which does not belong to mo. of that ex- ploit. Illuvntbky has been thoroughly op- posed so often that nothing nny ono could say further would materially clntngo her com- plexion for bolter or worse. 1 confess ton natural irritation nt tho way l fouud my namo associated in public opinion with hor cinu-ttn- mid tho uso uiadn of It as a foil to tho Iritudulent schemes of a pnek ot scoundrelly vulgarians would be enough to exdto nny hon- ost man's Indignation, ltesides. there was tho more serious consideration, thnt n great mnny reputable o.viHOn had beeu lntluenead mora or lo-- s by tho beliet that 1 wa- a convert to theosopliy, when In fnct I wns simply investi- gating for mysoir. as any scientist Is bound to d In a matter ot vital Intorcst. both In its and IU ethical aspects. That I found tho Theosophlcal Socloty a cesspool of filth and fraud, ownod nnd opo-ate- d by a few knaves at the expense of not many dupes after nil, Is not particularly to my credit. Average Intelligence would discover that without illlllculty. That to bo scon engngod In nny such 'Mumming has not redounded to my leputntlon. I know: but the differ-onc- o l.otweou oxnminatlon and approval of annrtlcloisa wido one. nnd I havo Hint tho discernment of public opinion will appreciate my position. My motlvos were proper, and 1 snail regret nothing if nny of tar oxporieucos servo to prevent mistakes on tho port of others. However this is a porsoiial digression. Lot us enmu to tile point of how lllnvntsky has boen come up with und turned down for tho Inst tlmo. This mlsunp came ns tisnal from hor inability to keep her temper 1 mg onough to Intrlguo successfully, nnd is ti ncouble ton bitter iiunrrol of hers with Olcott, whon ho eniuo from India to England about n year ago to havo it out with hor. When thieves lull out you know the udogo. Not the least astouishlng pioce of truly thoosophlo 'flap- doodle' is tho supposed relation betweon this precious pair, in compnrlson with their privnto viows of each other. Each knows the other thoroughly. Olcott knows Blavatsky ruluod him by breaking up his. family nnd lorclug upon him tho career of n bogus high prio-- t of a bogus revelation. Blavntsky knows Olcott rulnod her by allowing Dr. Hodgson todlscover that hor Mahatnilc shrine at Adynr was n trick cabinet. I hnvo he.inl Olcott aud Blavatsky etirso each other with a vigorous volubility that would put lllllini"gato nalde. Would jou Ilko documentary ovideneor Woll. horo, 'raid Dr. I'oiitf-1- . opening somo lottoie ' Is ono in illavmsk)'s handwriting, and horeisonoin Olcott's. Suppose j un i opy n few paragraphs from each, nud toll tlio compositor to sot thorn in parallel columns, thus: siiwishv oiimox or oi utcon's orixn.v or si.s toit Vlt-K- l. lr nun. What I Another warning lie- - mean wji to Veep tho do ware liow n.i incitiriiiia tails nt phenomena and II. - lllaulsky to aft cvrrythinx eoilllu from out.lelierpe, lalprotlll' o and lonii'Cle'l with tee or mystlfal research and Master very secret vet to esoteric teaching Ilia make nn t o( the phe il'ounrll w ul stall I iinnoii-llouilll- 4l.etorK liik-o- sense, nor '.all I railty a (else 111. put) I.- would vy fills-I- .irUer or iri.lil s ot that since tho. x'.oie by the hers ui.ide lii.lipeii.eutiy I'sifhle Kiseir h Socle ot me nnfl my fn.l antece ty e w er. taiiii-.l- , .ind that dent possession nr the la.-t- s the liniiiMu has reas-- d sho trleuraphed t" abjllsll whlrh wiiuidbe l.ttallous) fie Hoard or i ontrol and v eare by in-- . I as just i.suednreio utioii fll a, whlrlp. o.s and Iral .ar) ciniulsl"ll I') Arthur tors We havo p. rant them tl w n an 1. 1" to fearletsly andi.lenl) with ilisreuur.l of the proprieties new.aponsof philMoiht and or her nii position not those ot pbenoi..f na. as sho seems a II. urboii as to we wi uld soon net worsted memory and receptitlty. a am 1,' t tt be known aud lanes the old halcyon Ihal I'lienonlena tlo I shall on b. rort but do neither railfr w h it she lias not let any one know done, nor 1111)1111111 ot lh wat It Is, and tits trsatorl .she may in f lare io. MU secrecy will i. lit bestH uhln lier ilomaln she Ii igt, tiunlihrnent for the howl nnesni outslda tliM-w- eil. , Ins;, doubtlni, and profane fill In the. blank yonrselt. 4,L7 public ir olcott fial not several attempts nave ben ftB( courted evpo.ura and scan made to eel her to et up rial by bis ttnpld Intlia nral aoclety. KM (fttW tlon nf to) the s'ocletrlbaanotretbesnfoolenouijn (IK1) for I'sjchlcal, K.esearch. 10 fall Inlothe Iran iiordn M to come and see. there t think her brain will sotlen itlll w oold be nothlni of all that tn the point of her dolnir It, RM ti lint now we are the would take tkerebr ill In and have to do the best life contract for a ruthtj ilfBA weiatL s .. n,i nnd herself xllrt?!1 II I'. Ill trittar. .with enfeehte.i health, ad- - rl vanced vents and a lalnlai , HIAt, r. putatton recommencing .Hffif onrwork of IB7N without. Me parilnn me an Olcott to TftWil stl.k to her, aa I tiavj fiVnil tiiroueh thick and thin, ana litis) tear shame and disgrace ' vir ii' Willi mute endurance. 'ilyjLt II. H Olcott. ti$ "It wn wlillo llusslnngnll wns thusblnokoat ljiJ ngnlust Okott ror allowing Dr. Hodgson access Wlm to hor trick cupboard In .Madras, nnd whllo Ml nnkoo suspicions wero thus moused lest Bla- - ,'irJfB vatnky Bhould throw him ovor und not up for twH. hetself, that tho tronblo enmo. Ho hurried JjTljJ from Indln to 1 nglund to faco tho Tartar wild- - "Krt cat. who thereupon lost no tlmo In pouncing , &la tioon hiiu. Olcott Is a good tighter nt long ikk range nnd n fair tu'.kot at close iiuntters, but v friM 110 mntch fora lllavntsky with hor knucklos In ' '.Wfl his board and her tonguo In nctlve vibrntion. J1W Ho surrendered nt discretion upon ihnaotormn; , mm Thoy should together concoct a Mnhntmlo ' fMfS mlselvoto tho faithful wlierovor dispersed ovor bfit- - tho globe, to tho ofTect in thnt thoy loiod nffi) each other more than ovor, and utlvisavi lii overybody todo tho samo; il... that lllnvntsky Wkl should hnvo hold, mid bo undisturbed by Ol- - '. BVI cott in tho possession of tholrnnvvcstoltspring, viwi nu 'Esoteric' Theosophlcal Society, to bo op- - USe! erntod In Englnnd nnd Amorlcu; r thai 01- - Hi' cott should hnvo full chnrgo of tholr first bom. A" tho 'i:.oterlo' Tlieosoplilcnl Hocloty. founded f'lfX lu 187C. This contract wnn dulv iittestod by MUn. tlio slgnnturo of the Blessed Mnlintmle Muster, jU'ttt Koot ll'Oinl Singh of liilbct. who inlrncti- - M"i louIy proiccted his nstral slgtiutiiro to Lou- - u5;vi don: it wus printod and mailed lo hundreds of lft(y addressus. What It meant was thnt Olcott IBIJfi should go back to India and mnko whut he JCUl could os n lilerophntit tnoro, in.d lllnvatskv WmI Bhould stny In England nnd mnko whnt she iMlZ.i could out of British credulity in poron. nlso Ellit' oporatlnghor ' Esoteric' humbug In tlio I'nlteid I Jul," Statos by tiroxy In the person of her Irish tool. 111 Mr. Wllllnm J Judgo of Now Vork. Jjlltf " This uoelc Hibernian. Judgo. who knows IBr' both Olcott nnd lllnvntsky ns woll nsthnvktiow JJw ' ench othor. nnd bollevos In the .Maliatmas no KVii moro thnn thoy, undertook to do what biokcr- - ifSLt ago might bo required to float liluuitsky'ii t Kjf Esoteric stock In the I tilted Stittea fool mar- - t'tii ket for tho modest commission ot nlllioiouid f got. First, ns Esoteric beerotary of tho I so- - t 8 S torlc vacuum, ho uddros-o- d letters nnd clrc-t- ifl'fcl lnrs to tlio half doren ' branches ho could dls- - 'isi'il'' cover, cnlllug ui.on tlieiii 10 voto t. ' Biistnin HMt .Mmo. Blavutsky's uuth'.rlty in tho.Wust (WPJ agalust thoasinino Exotoiie Council which ho lfln' snld surrounded Olcott ut hea.l'iumters In IHT ij India. Hero Is his circular over bin slgunltiro lSii If you wish to road It." suid Dr. Couos handing 'Firi'Vi tho paper, which tho rep. rtor oxutniiied mid 3A5J found to bo ns snld. ta?igf "Ibellovo tho branches weio nearly unanl- - i?,1N motiB In fuvor of tlio liw- - combination ilririii against poor Olcott" resumod the Profosor. ISsSl ' though I had no Interest In nseoitnlning tho JtlKls fact. However thnt mav bo tlio I11dof11tlg.1l.lo ,!Pijrt-- l Woman soon losolvml on a bold, d f if strokoof foolcraft Oncodgo was to 'nix tho innocent sucking doves sho was at.otu to ulynl S'rvo on to tst lo the an Ironclad ...ttlt Uf!'( of obed'onco to i.o.boU winch limy wore 10- - "aftfM nnlrod toHiiiis.-tll.- mid foi ward to her through "iIRrin hoi brokoi and litwvorln New lorlc. 'Ifllni this samo Judge, il.-i- i a copy of tho litiloi 'sVLi'fJ mid lio'lgo. pi inted. but signed in in., by tbo rrm'S woman liers.-ir.- cir5,(Jl Tho doftinuut is too long to print ontiru; S Vynm n fow of the leading pnrugrnphs nro us follows: J lil! ".";rrtl.'r,.lV',"lr,n'l n'lo" ill! t la. I.ori Kit Ski- lot 01 Tils T S. ft V? h fCrvi " io.h 1 forward ton herew Ith a copy of the iUoll flules and I'leJirQ tor the 1'r.n iltoi.erft ol the rsoleilo iSri-t- t SeitlotlT s. Sho It I ml he unab e to a. fept, then I re- - tlJS II iiuest tl will return th's to me del l ' itns 11 II P II. i. n.kv ,rJ V I'.nles of the I sotcr c s. 'ion Il'r ibatinnarj of the 'ffllla Theosoiihlcal socteti 1?!fi3'll1 s 'STT! " - Apnluatlonfor lnembprhl;, oitteisMerlc ec- - llMW I tlon ie". iifnnlai by ac. ..C tho pie. lire here. ' rVn4 1 unto ippen .'d e,i i,r an l - .led by (he, -- IIff who ther. i' n ente-- a ii.m a spn I il p, rlodot probi- - 'JiOTi I tlon. which. i.eoe s from thf dale ..,' the ple'tee 'fii.rj( a 4 liow-.,- , nt. rsth' . soori.-s- , ftionlsiiso-ieiiewl- vBJSi'a bom h s p. st -- unless cmmicled with crime s"i till or ,3i'5K'fe polltlral In w lilch rase lie f iiinoi he ac ej.te.l sh I be. SK'JlTlt reiliriledu- - ne'er batiiu bad existence In respect ot 'Ixlcft! blame tor twKr , To preserve the unity of the section, auv person 'Sjw'r Jo'nl.iKIt expres-l- aeries Iha lie s ull be.xpelld. 'HtXv. and tin. raci of Ills e i.u sl.ui ml If public In all meili- - ifilthfi here of tl.e aocii ty. slu. ill he vlolaio any one ot tho 4(J?C!I three rollowlnir cou'lltlons tCTstW (ii ii.iedleiiie tothe eadof the set tlon In all theo- - Bifj! sophh-a- l matters y llafi in These' ncv or the sluns aud pi'sword". 3 'Wr ' let The secrecy of tl.e documents or the seilfon. and Svtv any rroin nu' lnltlite o. any decree, lt uiiii-- i ed bv the he id of the section. tltiM '"fLEi.oK or rnoDAT.oM o. rue tsorsuic srcriot or Nys7 n.e t. s. jJf "2 lli'.nljf mlo-'fos- . ,,i( f,e)reletrnrM (ne Thnf AJJ itji'iIciI iti'Ufmtnt. l l'ddri, anJ Ut onit tn jtfYr fianlcallr I., uiltioul roel or dfUiy Iht orilerl of the jpi plw miittlr In fuppnrt lean tn (, !V& Thriili phtial inwrmrni intlinf. jnrinfv, mat u'ort, 3&A(f " 7. I p'.iOs Mi;sioire.-n- tncuJ.iblr .'irectfmrrf- - &.'$ Oirrt.lA- - thnt mit pa's'oril.ofl,- - trxtlon andallcorj JUsll denlUI ttocum'itls. .S".), o.e my Mylirr trlf. fr'; '"Thearranjemenl" w itti renrd to Die Psoterlf teich. it'll I III? which "1 I be irt'en to iilemhersut the section wl 1 301" bu communtcated to tt eut in due course.' Mtvi " Here with nil this bare rubb sh fn tho bit of a (frj t bait, an offer to tench somethlug to those wi o if Rl will sign the t.lodgo of obedlouco. Did uny- - JMJ body sign It. do jou nsk t lllnvntsky bons e.l Jkikt nfierwnrd that sho had dim "prob. tioners:" n ul JW'M 1 should not bo siiDrlso.l If actually hull that TOll number ot natural fools or would-b- e knaves 'Jitr'f' signed the pledge and sent it to .VI r. .1 udgo. AijVil "How about thoso 'Mnhntmlo' letters wa Wiil't henrd so much about n while ugo. such none. V-tr-l lor exnniplo, its tho t. Idciigo Iriimiie published 83 in naked tho roportor. 1AiA "Oh, you nii'iin tho-- o Aids to I alth ia mSS!i Blnvntky which wont iho rounds' Hetonro Jg itcouplo Thoy are at your sorvicolf vou wlsn JRnf' to print thorn. oti see tho onvelopo is n long JJ; narrow ono, mado of thin, rough pupor such us .Wdj is commonly usod In tho Lust, and stamped 'Pyq- with somo characters Ilko tno-- o on a Chinese nil, tot chost. Tho rlco writing pnoor Is honvv. WA' with n smooth glare, and has or did lime n JH. faint odor of sandal wood. Tho largo red d-- , blotch on ono of thorn I bflievo is simply tho ,bt maker's or ilenlor's mark, but do not know. "fil. Tho wax seal on the other is tho nionocram ot jSf linger ring which onco Blnyatnk louuly put- - 4fc tested In tho columns of London LiaM, she W ) nlono po8sosed. but of which Judgo hns a, fH t dupllcntooragood Imitation. Tiio subject of IK,r he communication is simply ho-- h, as you nor- - 'K.i colvo: tho handwriting is almost unquostlou- - Ilfg ably that of Mr. Judge, who is nn oxpert pou- - JrVH "Such Is thonnnponkably puerllo nonsense ,Wf. upon which tho Mnhatmic myth Is oroctetl. g!V Papers propnrod (or no moro cause.orconso- - TjlT .juenco thnn these tlliiir. forgeries I have oil- - U lalned from Mr. Judge, and by Blavntsky or 'tffj, some othor blnthor.sUlto. bnvo mado much U theo-oph- lc history. Tliey havo piqued tho cu- - 'Kl riislty of men ilko A. P. Siunott.and led direct- - oJSU ly or ludlrectlv to sucli books us tho 'Occult m& World " and "l'sotcrlolltiddhlsin." Thoyluivo hm- occasioned luteriiailonal newspaper nnd gftn, m.igai-ln- controversies, us wl.tu Koot lirM Hooml impressed It iirou some thought- - HfOf less 'chela' to prig remarks from Wflf it speech mndo by Mi. Henry Klddlo of X .Nfl Now Vork. nud ombody thorn verbatim in a '?r,;lS-y- f inliaculously i.rocinliuied messago tor the II- - Wrt liitnlnationof Sir. Slunett In India. They havo r Wit been discussed by learned societies for psyuli- - Ti! Icnl rosoarcli In Gormauy. lrauco. Lnglund wftj and Hie L'uitod States, iiioy havo been nub- - ,fi9.J juetod to eho'iib :tl nnd inleroscoplcnl oxitmln- - S nth ns. Thoy hnvo occasioned sworn cortlll- - fjSi j cntes from professional epcrts in chlr- - 7 lp ' ogrnphy. Men and women havo so- - '1 IM. crotly prayod to got one; others havo 4S onenly cursed Ihtiiubk tliuy got none: I SS rivalries, jenlousios, envies, and enmltlos have t ! liad no other bourco.somo persona 'nover tjfiait Bpouk ub thoy pass by' on uccotint-o- f these y namo fool things, llmnohosol the Thcosoph- - tvl lcnl Mocioty liuvo bton loiindetl on thoso bits y)M ol rlco impel i othors have beon biokon up for Sfjj no better reason. I oul.l say more, but I ti!J trust you appreciate tho blessing ot liming CiL two such authentic nnd Imprcssivo missives W) Irom beyond thu Himalaya lu your vest W I pocket- - from ns fur beyond thoso holghts us U : Mr. Judge's olllco in Now . it ' Women and Ghiidren. No remody ever made Is equal to B. B S. (Refill's Specific" for delicate womon nnd chil- dren. It assists nnturo by making pure tho Plood, whlchlb the fountain of llfo It Is harm- less to tho most tlolicato constitution, and never fulls to build up broken health. Its Effect Was Magical. I have boen using Mvlft's Specific (H. S. H.) ns u nidlc n in my family with the vory beat re- sults. 11 cured ono child sound mid woll . f a snvoiu attack of miliaria l'or another child thnt weal: nnd in general bnd health, Its oTtict was mngli-ul- . It lias built lilm up and Improvo'l lilm In every way. It Is tl.e best family medicine I over usod. JULIUS M'CLINTOCK. Mt Carmol, I1L My Life a Burden. I was afflicted from Infancy with Catarrh, and Willi eruptions on my face for ten jturs. I wus utleiido.l by the vary best pliysicluus. and Died a number of blood purilletii without pur- -' maiiuut reliuf, Tuo inuieinl liigre.lluiits net tied 111 11 y buiins mid caused ihoomnllo tioulilo. M life was a bur flu to me. nud my I casn vviiHilneiared inciiiabl.. whon I saw B, H. N adverlUed. I.ltbt bottles cured uie en tlrsly, and I feel Ilko a new p. ron, I JOHIEOWLNH. M litpslltr, 0. ECZEMA Ii FROM CHILDHOOD. j When an Infant my body broke out all orer JrA wlthnnoruptloii ol rash, which became more RI15 nggravated as I grow older. From early child- - ?i tf hood until I was grown my fattier si cot a for- - ijjr jjf luno trying to euro mo of the die.ise. Eveiy fj, Vi. noted phyalilnn in our section wus tried or ft t) consultej. When I uimoof ugo I visited Hot ?1 if. Springs, Ark., nud wus treated there by the J best medical mon, but wns not bcnelltod. k) W that under the ndvlco of u noted specialist I tried the celebrated Cllfion springs. New Voik. ,; i without nny good results. When sll thlnge 4. had failed I determined to try B. B. a, aud In ,' I U four months wub entirely cured. The terrible , jsjj Fcrema nns all gone, not u sign left . my gen W j TO erul health built up, and I havo never had nny jvil return of Iho dlsois'. J have since lecoiu- - jlWJ ii.cnd.'d H. s. s. t.. u iiiiiiils.ii .f fii.-ii'l- for skm Uy dl.uHios. eruptl .ii.. A'", and buveimvt'rknowu i of a fuiluio to cure, '"' 01.0. W. IUWIN. Irwin. !'. r Tieaptt tn lloan Slin l.seasssnislle lrs I ' sunt sii.i I, it co Atiaata.Ua, I I I a inluijtujii...j.iji..j.j...i ,i.jL...ljo.'le .s. n., tzjJ '

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H ,M


I he Tartar Termagant Tamed by a

Smithsonian Scientist.

'" I Hierophant Olcott's Thoosoph-- m

real, Elophant.


B mjjj, Bogus Maliatmas and Hum.

H bus: Phenomena.

H ffircltll to Tint f U'.

H wumvoTviv July 10. --Acting upon Instrtio- -

M.,Mpro.virnn comidoto uud uuthorltatlvo

H 7,,int ot the. movement commonly known with tbo Inside

the a.losod socloty (or tho promotion ofwh;ti. called "theosophy." n roprosontuttvo!f Trie Siv called up..u Dr. Klllott Couos of

W city And stated tho object of his Il.itU.U busy nnd do- -pressor wasW tn Smithsonian

Tb" el'H 1 mtiVtalk nt nil on this subjoct you willagain. Somo of tho disclosures

havo to coino--fl in!Shtnmkottuld tnx your powors ot bo-j-

ii.f unlo-- s supported by documentary evi--

derro Besides. I should nood to rofrosh my

mm0ry of iinmoa. dates and placos by going

niy Private papers, which I hate not : tlmo

H orortoJonow. Come again In n week nnd I will

H tea wliat I can do for you."

1H Extracting whnt encoumgon o it ho coma

H from lids prospect, tho roporter was on hand

H at tho stntod time. Ho found tho Professor

H bahlnJ a inno-- t of manuscripts and printed

fl) iooumeuts. to tho Inovltnblo.

m COU llEXIiy s. OLCOTT.

H Vou know Col. Olcott. I presumo." sub--

MB tasted tlfooporter, by way of opening.

H "U'5. t havo thnt dubious honor. I motnl that terrlblo follow frequently In Englnnd andfifi bcrmanr In . nnd found him a most ngroe- -

WW able acquaintance, gonial and jolly, a capitalMl 6torx toller, an Inlmltablo mlmlo-no- w making

1 rybedr lauch at his droll buIToonorlas, now

iH 1 assuming tho turban and Turvoydrop of tho,'H( Prophet with incompnrablo cravlty an en- -

'H' BglnB man of tho world, nblo to adapt hlm- -

,:H self with oqunl cao to a night's lodging in a& drr goods box on tho enrbstono or a rido on n

--rldto e'eouaut In tho rotlnuo of an IndianMl rnabarnjali. Olcott is nnturally an honost.Ml kindly man. but his wits nro so ovorsharponodiH brtlio whotstouo ol fnto that his conscloncoMa has turned to n wlro odgo. Ho may bo called'Ml the typical Vankeo, with all tho worst trntts of

MMj n. 8. OLCOTT.

jHj that character exaggerated. I think his droadJjMl of being thought simple-minde- when ha1Mb thinks himself very smart, ofton drives him toMV accontuato his own sharp practices. Probably

MMj the only mlstako tho London Society forM FsTChleal Itesearoh made in adopting Dr.B Hodgson's report ot tho Blavatsky Imposturo

HB was In exonerating Olcott from complicity InEt? that fraud at the oxponse of his Intelllgonoo.

BW "Olcott acquired his military title, I bollevo.Uw la the secret servlco of the War Department.WS Hsflrttcamoon the public horizon In 1874 asmS' a Journalist, belnc sent by tho New York

B ffnrpnia to Investigate and wrlto tip allegedHh tplrltaallstla phenomena occurring in tho EddyWK family In Chittenden, IVfc Ho was tboro fromJfi August to December, 1874, wroto his letters toJf his paper, and aftorward (early in 1875)

. --Hihed bis book called "Pooplo From tho OthorabaV World." This Includod. bosldes tne EddyvSf affair, the Katie Eince baslnoss ot 1874--5, which

Br ' deceived Robert Dale Owen so sadly. It is onoH ol the best ghost books extant, full ot spectral

HH pictures, not a word ot truth In tho text, andLB redolent with tho flavor of gullibility. Yet It IsV- - athorouchly dIshono9t book, for Olcott knew

: perfectly woll, before It camo out In booK form.Mi that every phenomenon ho doscrlbod wasw fraudulent, and when somebody proposed toj; ! (how up the Eddy tricks in tholr true light

Olcott begeod for God's sako not to havo ItKf done, because 'It would injurotho sale of hisIII toot' I novor hoard him alludo to it; and

', when I once asked him about thoso marvols,f he tucnod tho conversation.f "At the Kddys. Olcott mot his fnto In tho, (hane of a woman. Nothing romarkable about

Kv that; most of us do. But tho shapo of Olcott'sfs fate was more Immenso, morally nnd flgura- -K. tlvelT, than is ofton mot. What ho found In

Hll, Elaratsky wo can Imagine. What sho found laOloott was just tho tool sho noeded. Sho cap- -

B tured him, body and souk Tho usual monkoy- -f parrot tlmo wont on for four yoars, ohlofly In; 8f Vork and I'hlladolnhla. strangely varle- -

mk tod by lilnvatsky's marrinco to and dlvorcoB !m lnothor man, named Eetanelly, Olcott'sMt J divorce from hli wlfo, nnd nil the scenic prop- -m I rtlesoutsldo of church and court which at- -

t tended tho birth of 'Tho Theosophlcal 8o-- II "'''from tho strnnee m'sadfaiice of tho pair.J J n carried him oir to India, Into In

1878; nnd pcrhapiono reason why tho nioro- -Phant has never renppourod as n prophot ontl9"tliehe-vthisnot6omuchth- fact that am Prophet Is not without honor snvo In his owncountry, a the othor fact that his son throat- -ens to clap bin she in jail for unpnid alimony

M If said elro .uld land nt Now York.1. It a singular Irony of nccldont that should

BBjV convert n sharp Now York nowapapor man'"31 J?,10 ft ,,min ,,ltilx Prl0Bt ' a H"am religion.

m4r Olcott Mas wronehed by shoor forcn ot ulIoW nto a thoroughly (nlso position, from which bo

BK has noor boon ablo to ONtrlcntohlmBolf. LetBBJ us not ju.Iku uU tuo ha'shly. Ho nccopted

H thoslKnti.n, Hhut U tooth down hurd.nndBB Ui.never wluuipiro J oncn all those yoard thatW bl t'lonn tl.e lllantsl.y bubble."

Hut hownai it possible for IJIavnteky tokeepdlcoti thi s "

I ,." JJy 'fl'-'n- a thlngi nrc poaslblo with Qod.devil, an I woman. And asainst tlio two

I "iter In combination (iod hlnifoir stands nPoor chan o. tl. ..imtu-- hud this son ofAlara ngin,t bu 'i ii woman nt Ulavitsky?rono wim-- ,. 0 ,lt i0llrKUt lu Olcott'sP'a-e-


loam .,t knu.y honiotlilngof.. .."'" ' ' ' ii-i- and cm:ki:i:."

J.nry 'ii i a itibnuns piopiiotn, who ho- -Mnin l, u, mrm1Mi lf ,.,, liruf ,r tfnil- - . i.g a '.. m .,. u... ,t (llly ,, tturalWit lt bm i: i t iinciiiHijoiild In ib"rt ofJ, ?"'1,"J '""" 'l.lnj o Hunts ur u HucoeiiR-,- !

h"itla,u" "'" "" C'li-'lw- tf. Bonn, brums,muchouMg... g e.t i...Iubtry. tti oorrosuo

,"V " '"i'. vainglorious nmbi-"o- nWvid lm ,gjqJtl ,, ,,O0lJ ,v.,j, U,H, roudy

I , V. , ",' u'iuniQiiial mendnuity, mid a.'-


' n'"nla,1',,, 0V9 ' maiiklnd forIh- -

' ,,,t"1,K,!'"'. Wivouky him ull tuhe;f "," ' !l " ' ,"1, '' " '!"" ' I""' 'r o"" 'ii ti,., ,,,, ,, jf ll() Hl;lvlHII (.CIJIl

k. ,,, , ic n"' i.on iMn-cruo-

--k J' .1.1 ,i,. I, ... .:..i11111' u .W h

. ..i ,.!,, r....U..yf , .i y i ii , iionl moV ?..'! ' ' "" ' '0'..iou.ii bor. hi....".,;"" "" ""'"r 'i any otliur wild

unlerMW ". now U tor iirofei.ilonai character. a tu, Brtlt in the tinsel and

spangle and strontlnn red light and tin thun-der of her tboosophlcnl stage, n curious circuswhich hns pnlntod the world rod with hand-bills hoadod. ' Thoo-Hophl- Urook for thoWisdom of God.'""Hut what facts havo you to support suoh

lansuago?" asked tho roDortor." l.lttlo is known accurately of hor early life.

No rollanco can bo placod on anything In A. 1'.Slnnctt's momolrs of Ulnratsky ptlor to hisporsonal noituaint.inco will, hor, which did notLogin until lato In ls79. for tho slmplo roasonthat hohnd nothing togoupon but what shochoso to Inform or misinform hint nbout. Itoppoars that sho was Mllo. Hiihn, born ntEkntorlnslow, llusln. In 1831. .sho Is conse-quently now nbont u'JorGO ears old. Ono ottho curiosities nbout hor Is Unit sho has al warntried to pass lor older than sho roally Is, if notof fabulous nntliiulty. I must loavo it totho Initios to Ulvlno tho motlvo ot thisfronk. Six yoais ngo sho crnvoly In-

formed mo thnt sho was then W!

jonrs old. I did not toll hor sho lookedit, but accoptod tho statomont with oiiualgravity. Except for bolng Immensely oboso.In consit'incnco of bur gross habits, sho was


not a particularly old wltoh when Imet hor In 1884. Ilemarknbly small, prettyhands nnd foot for such a corporoslty. thoughwith long, dirty nails: suspicion of pug In thosnuoynoso; pnlo. rostloo oyes; Ilossy yellowhair, tending to kink; Tartar faco with highchook bonos, fat cIiods, and n dowlap, tho lat-t-

always hid by hand or fan In hor photo-graphs; staturo medium: wolght porhaps 250

pounds: harsh, stridout voice: conversationprofanonnd witty; tomoer nbomlnablo: odorof tobacco ubldlng: dross n sort of n compro-

mise botwoeu the robos of a Norma nnd a robede nuii such Is tho general linprosslon shomado upon mo In 1S34, whon sho was nbout 5

She appoors to havo married vory early tho oldRussian whoso namo sho still boars, and Issaid to hnvo loft him nt once.

" Nothing doflnlto can bo gathered from Bin-net-

momolrs. Wo got a vnguo imorosslonof nnndxonturess skipping wildly nbout thoworld now In Mexico, now In Japan, orCoylon,or whoro not, aud for sirao years nowhoro.This fiction was Invontod, first, to glvo thefalso Impression thnt sho was long undor thomystic guidance of somo Thibetan adopts Inoccultism; second, to locate hor nt any giventimo olsowhoro than on tho sconos of hor ac-

tual scrnpos nnd escnpados. How did she llvoall this tlmo. do you ask? How do youngwoman rovers llvo by tholr wits? I nm euro Ido not know.

"Tho first doflnlte Information I havo of horIs In this extract from n letter of the late I). D.Homo, tho notod English spiritualistic

written to Mr. W. E. Coloman of 8nnFrancisco. This locates hor In Paris In 1857 or58 asadoml-monde- r In Unison with tho Prlnco

Kmllo do Wlttgonstoln. by whom sho had ason. who dlod In Kleft In I8G8. Tho

intarval Is blank ot any definite informationtill 1870, whon sho turns un in Cairo, Egypt,and sots to work to found a spiritualistic so-

ciety, whloh proved nbortlvo. Not so, how-

ever, hor other Industrlo?. Horo Is a lottorfrom Dr. IHchard Hodgson, Secretary ot thoSocloty for Psychical Hesonrch. Indicating thatBlavatsky 'shared the fortunes.' as tho phrasogoes, of a certain Motrovltoh In Cairo about1871 or 1872. A person cognlznnt of this In-

trigue ws Mmo. E. Coulomb, subsequentlynotorious fn the Koot-Hoo- exposure InMadras, Inala. This fa"t Is tho koy to thopower Coulomb had ovor Blavatsky. Tho latterwas at the meroy of the former. A lettor Inovldencols ono from Blavatsky to Coulomb',mentioning Metrovltch, and begging Coulombto ' blot that page of hor life out'

"Here Is a private lottor. signed by Ma InraoCoulomb, written In 1835 to Col. John C. Uundyof Chicago, but suppressed at tho lime. No-tic- o

this flno femlnino stroke: ' Mmo. Bla-

vatsky is not Mmo. Blavatsky. She Is Mmo.Motrovltoh. I havo known hor husband InEgypt. 1 hnvo kont this alwava to myself, butnow that she'bas tried to injure me in nny waysho could. I nm not bound to bo socrotanrmore.' Afterward Blavntsky Is said by Klnnottto bat o returned home to Odessa lato In 1872.But in point of fact sho was oxpellod fromEgypt by thopolloeor othor Government au-thority. Hero Is n letter stnting that Hon.Jiugeno Schuylor. our Consul-Gonor- nt Cnlro.could probably procure a copy of tho olllclnlrecord ot hor oxpulslon It ho voro authorisedto do so by tho titnto Department. This altalrloroBhadows hor hasty retreat from probabloarrest at Madras. India, lu lS3r. whon hIio w.ia' wanted' by the pollco nftor tbo Coulomb ex-posure. Earlyln 1873 she ent to Purls, wheroshe romalnod nbout two months. Koekingfresh fields nnd pastures green, tho tirelessudentuross landed at Nowlork July7. 187.1.ilor renl busiuoss at thut tlmo was in theeeorct sorvico of her Government ab n ltusslnnspy. and sho was Instructed, as usual, to pinyany part that would dhort attention from thetacts In tbo enso. alio was in favor then : andlutor, as wo shall sno. was transferred to Indiafor the samo political purpotos. Tho Punchnnd Judy show flio nut up lu IndiaIs thus oaslly explained. It nmuscdtho people and concoalud hor real

Hud sho Huccooilod lu polit-k-

Intrigue it would havo boon nil right Hutsho fnllod. was oxposed. dWgrncod, hud herray stopped, and was as usual Incontinentlydropped by hr Govornraent. Ono rorrubora-tlo- n

of this Is thnt to this day she files into horworst rages whenever tho' ltusslnn spy' mat-ter comes up, nnd ropudlntos tho vllo Insinu-ation' with iisrv. That is just whero tho shoopinches hor not corn, not thnt sho should lunccusod of Doing a Jlusslim spy. hut thnt tdiowus n ltusslan hpv. mado n mo-- s of it nnu w.mpromptly ignored. But I nm anticipating.Whntoorthu nnturo or tho iiiHtructions fromicussln under which alio Inmlod nt Now lnrk InJuly, 187J, sho was ostensibly exploit-ing spirltunllsm then, ns before and since.But wo Hist hear of anything to yourpresent purposo niter ho l.ud mot Olrntt InVermont In tho trill of W.. nnd boon wrlttunup by him. Enrlv In 175. J think In JanuaryorFobrunry of that jear. sho married Itotan-oll- y.

This man wus a 1 bclli-v- fromTlllls, In buslncsH in Philadelphia. 1 hnvo hoenletters boarlng on thli iiiurrlngp. includingsomo ot his to hor. nnd tinvo talked withpersons cognizant of her b lof nnd ptnrniymarrloJ llf, among ttiom tlio I'lillailolphlaJnwyor who acted in tli ciioedy divorce suit,'JhlsnITulrwiiH, Miurp, und dlststrous topoor llotanully. who In his liifiuuntlnu hadccrntchod tho piovurblnl llut.siaii and c.iuglittho vory cream of Tartar. 1 think it Wstodnnlytwo or ttiroii mnnths whon hor lirntuitri'iitrnnnt nt lilm to court lor roliol.Tho legal nsphcits of tlm ens.; an olcourso on publl.j roconl In I'liilndoltih.niiud can bo orlllo.l l.y niiyonu wlm thliil;n Itworth whlln to tuUo tho trouble This inutr.- -

Illlilllul BIliBOilolxllCllllOII- - CUKOOf 11 WOlllrtll H

purvrslty; forwliy hliould a Ulaat-k- y boconiowuildenly so .. tinoiiious t lm slipped thuhvn.oner.l hiiltor vor, parly lit Ufa nnd no;irbefoioi'i sine.. tl.U IiiihIih.-- s bub- -

lillttfl tol'.l lislJImlfll llUllUSnf tho ho lit. tthlstlm.) its wo lmv hhi.ii. "Ii

lia.l n .t be-- ll nuiluliipMy-olio-o- d

Iiilon Iheii-o- -- t ho '.msli inln a Kiiriiiinliniiu inodiiiin. notuiig a

hUloillll usIhoii latin ifMl.j.'-i- l itil.i i Hiiu

ml III .nw tori, by i"l". A'im u'Miini Imt-u- r

l.n"v.n i.h tho liU' I 'ub ir vriinm. In Hi' t.'I'lii.iOnn' Df.ur I'oiiiiums Illaa.Kl.yinn ii. In o an two iMi.iH lii i oiho.i pursuits, amipiocllvuI'M iliniiU'i omii iit t i all Iiirliick orwits wl.P-l- li"" kui-- i Hi. othor ..lit of tin;tlutPlios "I iho law. ov. ptliiK lli JlotimoohIhoJo.'l- jb.r li

"hi lilt pii'turuH. from hor loaUklll with

"'"At,tlioUiLiio of which I hl'oak naii.nly inlH7n, her ni"Ht f uniiiar.,-- ! ool. was u ghostly

Ion nail d Molin King. Ihls foT.iw Isiu jHisod to lme lioeii n Plmto .ondoinnodlor In k iHr.x'ltlo to sor cart lor u

term of mr. ntnl lopreMiii. iilmwli mnil on Am

,o tl.U il, .st pill. 1"V'1,"l"l1,1.1

h i.o..... HUT "'irlft ,11,1,1. .; M.i.llkl.rU .Ii "'"'.;

.,, ml mil h.,o ..'.' '."' ii rn, ... h -- il I.J nm Hi"" ' ,lVun' At... .iiioii.. io'Ii II.Llinll lll'll In '! I I"11" """ 0I " '.'i0 " '

' iidliw In N w Vi It I'luiodolphlu i,.. Wiihi..Uiaion through more iuu.Iiuiiih 1 i

tlio " of Our ate Minister toS'ortuixal. Vhulllvnn, tins n hotogrnuJi

if Lliii ui full length, Uoatlng lu se, holding

tip a pooullar globo of light shaped Itko a glassdocantor. Tbla tmstworthr llkenos wastaken In Eurono, nnd I think In Ilussln, butum not sure on that point. I onoo had thePleasure of Introducing ih pirate king to myfriend Prof. Alfred ltussol Wallace, In tho por-so- n

of Mr. Plorra L. o. A. Koelor. n notod'snldo'inodlumof Washington, who has In-dustriously supportod sell, wlfo. nnd baby Inthis way for some yearn. But tho point ot thoplrnto to my story Is this: Blavatslcy was

King nt tho tlmo ot which I speak, nndseveral of her lettor to frlonds which I hnvolead are curiously scribblod In roil and blue

with xontuncos nnd signatures of 'Johnfiencll ns, Intor on 'Koot llooml'iisoil tomiraculously preclpltntn himsolf upon hor sta-tionery lu all sort of colored crayons. And. byilia way, thnt reminds me to say that while theIngenious creature wnn operating In Cnlro, horMnhatinns wore of tho Egyptlnn or.lorot o,

nnd looatod in tho ruins of Thubos orCnrnnk. They wore not put In turbans andshitted to Till hot till lato lu 1H70.

" Hut to rostiuio from tills piratical excursion.With llotnnidly off, Oloott on. tho theosophlcalplay proper boglns: and n poor 'supo' iinmodWilliam V. Judge, inukns his first nnnenefincoon tho singe, liming roturno.t with Olcottfrom Vormont In Decombor, 1874, lllnntskvtlod Judgo to hot- - spare apron string, and fromthntday to this linn found him usoful for nnywork to which Olcott would not sloop. Judgofirst met her In Irving placo In tho winter ot1874, lust before sho mood to Thirty-fourt- h

street, whore sho llvo J a few mnnths, nnd thentook uphernbodo at ;102 Wost I'orty-sovont- h

stroot, where shostayod till she cnrrlod Olcottto India In Deoombur, 1878. Tho whlmBleal trio

Blavntsky, Olcott, nnd Judgo pooled theirIssues on n fnrco which has since figuredas 'thoosophy ' in threo contlnontn. Tho

botween thoo worthies was wellcalculated to pl.iin public curiosity and bulltho fool markot. Ilko ttiroe-cnr- d monto withking, nuoon. nnd knnvo. Blavatsky dealt, Ol-

cott stoero.l. Judgo played enppor. Pardon thoslang: such 'thoosophy' doos not loud ltolftoadlly tondlgnlllod modi) of speech. But to

JT&tt XttM--i ujjr

fl,vW JZb&fi&l i2vJUtSc)te bAiJJL

tte, ffil -- XEx toj--- uM.t,

urdS2 xy-w- , aJ&dtrjutr (HaZj



turn tlm motaphor Into moro sclmlastlo lang-uiig- e.

TheitiiHslan'rt.Mio In tho piny wnstho Yunlcoe's rutlconcn bupnllpd

mpiirrmn'rifi. and Irisli blurnoy tiiil.rod thotwo with (.olt solder Into soinotlilcg thutsoomod likely to hold wntor.

"TUK 'liiyosnrnicAi. BOCIBTT'

was foundod In Now Yoik November ,17, 1R75.Many Now Yurkfis l'l r.noinbor

ullont nb ml thut tlmo ofihouiipoariinci of u Hindu iiduptin his antral Iwdy in thu solonin htlllnoHrt ot tlionight tlmo to give Ills iiwod and hi. alio I

ki.d.loiH In tlm 'Iniuai.ory'onFoity-M)Vnt- l. ht out fiointhoHPlii'irtbhiiponinlfortho f..iniatlun or h llioo.Boplileul ...'inn, lof.iiiyoiit Hi" mighty

ii.ommii uit ol i.uiilng tho wot Id ui'Slili)down. i. Icon's luni'iioii lu u.o i nliiiiiinc

w;i .oinpaiu unlf hIiiii.Ip. llow.isloliate n inl.ji. II..U unto tlio'.i of piophuts btillinorooiitof .into. iii'hisiIi.iiml.Mui-i.s'Oth- o liolyof i Ivout llooinl.HHM1..11S it mco. and

Minihhiiii: ii lo.ivuli"liliiU lilm, miiMthiiu! tun- -gllllrtU. IHIIV" U us not Ull lullJU'H. IhlHIUIt- -terlalto.tlliihoinoiilrnf the iioeiiiri nl imasiuiiwiintiirl.uu whl.'h 1'iopliiit Ivool Ilooiui lofton Ht. Han y'h nod I o all I Unow Olcott iiiuyb. currying it about htill. Huo.-rtnlnl- Uoui itin his coat-tai- l pocket In l.iigluud nnd tier- -

inniiy. In 14 nnd wlinnoverJ .heard lilm telltho am, ns ho could .to with liicompurahlogravity, out flicked tho turban at the eilticulp .(nt of tlio nurratlre, could bo mild Inlace of niiKli oldenco A luluabla prop.erty- -I doubt not It has been worthhundreds of dluclplus and thousandof dollars Judgo b

part In Ibis Piny, Ilko that ..! other suirnuiii- -

cures, wns liiirder work., ,"- - pay. und noglory. To iIoh.tII.u It I ll uuoto frmii Mr,TIiiiIhou Tui'l" f ".rllu lloignts whoiiiii.imIii.I u h.m.iIiii' in 'lm .'W lork Alliumlologiuiil hocluty .Miinli ,I".i, buf ro which

i aIh-- i lor Judgo .'iitiled, tin.hluge und pro. o.uli'd to loll the uudlouco aboutthl. iiiHlilenl Hindu

" Tlni parent itoeluty ' said Mr. Judge, 'wasfoui inork-t- t br Mint. Illuwitaly whocall - a fow lnter.led poiiloSlid ' Thoy held a meet- -

lug to frame n constitution, Ithls was in 18751,Ac. but boforo anything had been accom-plished n strnneoly foreign Hindu, dressed Inihepeoullnr garb of bis rountry, camo boforothem. nnd. leaving a package, vanished, andno ono know whlthor he came or went. Onoonnlng tho package they found tho necessaryforms of organization, rules, Ac, which werondopted. Tlio inference to be drawn wan,that tho strange vlBltor was a Mnhatmn,Interested In tho foundation of tho Ho

This wondorful story of colestlnlrnossongers bringing documonts to mortals Isnot nuilo fresh. In tho pointed, languago oftho street. It Is a chestnut so old that it is quitemouldy, nnd it has beun for thousands or ventsone of thochoupostexpeulentsof rascality toload confiding credulity.' 1 iulto ngreo withMr. Hudson 'nittlo's OBtlmnto of this innn. whofor flftcon tonrs has been uoeond only to O-lcott ns Blnvnfky's confodorato In n raroor ofcriminal lintiosturo. and of late years has beenfaking in Now Vork on his own hook.

"Thon Is there nothing but fraud on the onolinnd nnd folly on tho othor In this Thoosoph-Jcn- l

Society.'" snld the renortor."Absolutely nothing else, not even the o

of anything else among thoo who con-duct tlio ntTnlr.' responded tho Profosnor.

Butthopr.fossedotijoctsof tho society arepraiseworthy." persisted tho Intorvlewer.

" Entirely so. That is whoro tho joko comosin. That is the shop window-- tho show sldo oftbo business. A society for tho promotion otwisdom und virtue Is not n bad thing, Incktngnsltmav bo In any strikingly novel foatures.Let us soo nbout thoso objects ot tho Theo-sophlcal Hoclotv.

'Horo Is tho last number of Lucifer, tho'Objocts' printod on tho Inside ot tho cox or.

"'1. To form n nucleus or a UnlvorsalBrotherhood of Hnmanlty without distinctionot rnco. crood, box. or color. Thnt has boonthe dream ot ovory cra7y enthusiast since thoworld begun. Only In this cao It was adnptodnsubllndfor knaves to inako money. It hasboon for yoars a stnlo joltn ntnong thoosonhlststhomelves that tho ' Unlvorsal Brothorhood







Innunivorsnl row. Aside from Its obviouslydishonest routuros. It hns been found to bo ahotbod of bu-- o and ovll passions, htrlfo anddlssonslon. envy, jcnloiib)', solfisli ambition, tosay nothing of ihirkor nii.l doopor donths or

len. luss ucnliiBt tho Inwsof soWoty tliiui ofnature. Von can readily understand, withoutTimber explanation, to what the proettco ofnulninl inugnotlsin mnv lead undor the thingulo of Initiation Into mysteries.

"Tlio (.ncond ostouslb'o object Is: '2. Topiomoto the study of Aryan and ..ther I.uatoriillteiiitu.o.". religions, and hdences.' Ilowiuiicliiho study of Aryan lltorntiiro In promoted mayI.o judged by tho fn. t that there is not a mem-ber ol tho Thuosoplileiil oeliMy In .Muorictwho can snv tint hwinferft iiltihaliut, lot alonntiniislat.. n word In any i)r.;iitiil Iniigiiugo. andfew 1 fancy kIioum. tin. Hindu of tlio word

Aiiiii" on tlmlr loiter bonds miow tliut It Is aword. They think i - a mystic ruonoginm ofthe Maliatmas I'hore in a body of OrientalistsIn this who km. w nil that is knonnof1 astern literatim'. ridU'im.. and n. lonce, but I

r li.iai.l of ono of tliinii iihivmoinber of thoTliaosuplilcal Soeieiy. Ii, .vatkylioisolf couldinn r.'ii.l a pugn ol any Oilontnl languugo tobiivo her llif

" '.'. A third obioct i.uisiiod br a portion oftlin liK.nibtTi.ot thoi-oclft- Is to iuvehtlgntnunexplained law of iiuliiio nnd the scblculjiowors ot innn ' This, ilko tho first object. Uii it glaringly original, that Mneethe first man lu the prehlstorlo paleollthloperiod loarfloil to chip ilij.t Instruments nndbuild a lire nnd cook Ills dinner, this third

and psychl-callavts-

the unlvorBO has beon pursued byn portion at lousl ol the inembers of thohuman rnco ns well us thow of ihe'iheosoph-ira- l

Hocioty." ...Hut 1'nrliiliily them speciali.ltlliiKujilif or Mil of n'iu atlons. with a lurgelllniutiiio known iw diHiluctltt-l- 'ihrosonh-lea- l

'ImIhto not V .

'i uilulnfy Ihoro Is literature oppugn, suchits It Is," mild Dr. The llieraiure ofitiVktl Ism. Insldo and onlsldn tlio Bibles of altimes und nations, is voiuinliious.. Too word'' is voir good Greek, and came Intouse. I think, about tho third contury.A., V.,among iho Neo.platpuisU ur Gnostlos of Alex-andria lu Egypt, Various arsons aud. cults

havo cnllod thonnolvon, or been cnllodover since. You may recall, for oxnm- -

51c tho notablo enno of tho (inrmnn raystlo,Boehme. Bit' slnco tbo Blavatsky busi-

ness enmo up tho word hns lost tho last ves-tige of nny rooognlzod or rocognlrnblo. sig-nificance, beyond thnt ot n knavish trndomark for Intellectual prostitution.. In nEonoral way. 'thoosophy' menns wnntover

chooses to say or write. Morothoosophv' slgnlllon tho nnvment of

a too nt bortlokot olllco for tho prlvllego ofwriting 'F, T. H.' aftor one's namo, nnd there-after of calling 'thooBophy' nny posslblo for-mulation or Ignornneo or nny cobwebs of thobrnln that ono chooses to spin. Iload some ottho contributions to iMtlfer, ortho'VV.fosop.fsf,or thn 1'iilh, and iudgo for yoursolf."

" ' Isis Uuvellod,' tho Hist book of hern that woknow of. a couple ot stout volumos, wns n hit,mainly through tlio business tttct and skill of horpubllshor In gottlng it attacked In tlio religiouspapers. Curiously enough. It is n fiction thntBlavatsky Is the author ot thiB book. Hlionover wroto It. though certainly sho wrote atIt, for you can hear hor wild warwhoops

here nnd there botweon tho covers.The scroamlnoss ot it Is hers, nud thoro Isnever any doubt nbout tho volco whon Blavat-sky screeehos. Olcott wioto somo of thomoro tumpornto nnd plnuslblo pnrtB.and evon Judgo claims to hnvo hud uhand In It, thougii I think it wns mainly nsmossongerto tho prlntot's. Tho renl author of' lets' wns Buuprossed, and tow havo hoard hisname, i on romombor an oceoutrlo chnrncter.ono llarontlo Palm, as ho wns cnllod, who diedIn Now York in 1875 or thoronbouts, whosocase attraclod attention from his being.1 think, tho first poraon whoso body wub cre-mated In this countiy. Boforo burning himthoy had great fun o or his corpso In (tottingup n mock Buddhistic tunornl. Oloott dressedup tnolhclatoas high muck-n-muc- aud youHliould got Mr. Judgo to tell youhow it wnrinod the coeklos of his hoart 'nttho wnko av 'lm.' Do l'nlm was Industriouslyrepresented as having lolt the tlioosophlsts afabulous sum of tuonoy. Whnt ho did IcavoIn rnct or, nt any rnto. what lllnvntsky man-aged by hook or by crook to got hold of wns alot ot mniui'orlDts. Editing tho-- o to tho bestof hor ability, and carefully (ovorlngun suchwholeBn'o literary tlio tt. nho produced ' Mst'nvolled.' This accounts for tlio holtor-skel-t-

stylo of tho bonk, considering how mnnyrooks enmo In to Mir poor old Do I'nliu'fl l.roth.I doubt thnt sho mount nt first to stonl thoWhole thing, hho onco complained to nfilond ot inino. who t.dd me tho facta,of tho difilcultv sho had In doing any-thing with such materials, nnd her thenImperfect knowledgo ot KtiglUh. But asMio book took Bhapo tlio temptation to plagiar-ize tliowholo anil nssutuo solo nutliorshlp growIrresistible To account for Do Palm's hand-writing, und Olcott's. and tho rest, sho gaveout, and Oleottnnd Judge soduously fosteredtlio fiction, that when cho wns nsleop nftor aday's writing tho Mnhuttmt usod to visit horroom nnd tnko up tho thrend of hor narrativewith his dlvlno inspiration nnd miraculousHonors of writing with his nstral handwhllohis natural bodv slept in a Thlbotan crypt. Toprove this, thoro in tho morning would bofound shcots of manuscript In n differenthandwriting Do Palm's, of courso. palmod oilas .Mnhatmic. No wondor llluvatBky und mosttlioosophlsts bollevo in pnlmlstryl tsimilnr.yet dltrorout frauds nro the root, stock, undbranch of othor theosophlcal books.

"the expobuiu: of TitKosoriiy."Tho London Soclotv for Psychical Itosearch

dotormlnod to eoud ono of their number toMadras. Dr. Hodgson went to India in

18b4. nnd Btuyo.l till April. Iii.j. Tlioresult of his invostigntions was the total col-

lapse of tho thoo-optil- u fa Uo. und thoro hnsnot yet been found leather enough In thu lungsot all the fakirs combined to rolufiatn thobubble. Dr. Hodgson's report Is elaborate,circumstantial, and conclusho. Its foicohas nover been nnd nover will bo brokon.It Is a tolumoof sovoral hundred pages, withdl.igrums ot tho trun-door- s on tho Blavntskyslngo, und facsimiles of Illavat'ky h handwrit-ing provod to bo Identical with thut ot tliomythical Koot Hoomi. It shows Hint tlioCoulombs, whatover their own charactors, andwhatever their animus or pi.rnoo had tol.lthoplnln, slinulo truth ns fur us tholr disclosureswont. Their evidence hud nlroadvilnmnodthowoman: Hodg'ou s report sonloii. certifiedand uxneutod thut sentence in the followinglutiguago:

"I. hlie h it birri enir&ffo.l In n long continued cnm'.t.nation unit otlirr prrsntn. to product, byorillnari menusa serleH of aprent uiarv els fur the Biipiorc ot ttie theolojitilc movement.

J. That in funicular ttie slirln,1 nt A.lyur tlirouirhwlilcll P Iters to mine frtun .Mai.itin werereceived, wns , Int.ur nelv nrrnlirfe.t Willi nspcret Insertion of letters tui'l other objects through aslhlinff pvn- -l at the buck und regularly used for ttiepurpose l.y .Mndauie lllitvntky or In r nitents.

' :t Ihnttheiets a er. strong Kener.ilpres'ltn, tlon ttiRLnll the tunrveiious iiHrratlvespnt forward in evidence of the existence or MAlMtuuis ar tobe explained as due either (Ml tn deliberate deceit!"!!carried out by or at ttie Instigation of viadamo Ularatsky. or lb) lo spititatieouH tun-Io- n or hallucination oruiiconicioiis niisreprenentatton or Hit entiou on the partot the witnesses.

"Tho wretched woman hnd hurried off toIndia trom Englnnd with Olcott in tho winterof 18K4-- but fouLd tho placo too hot to hold aconvictod imnostor. Upon tho dosttuctionofhor nnd theconsoiiuout Intorrui tlon ofcommunication by astral lluld. sho wont backto l.uiopo. Wo find her nt Naples in June.185. wbenco she went m nofi.iih'.i to Wttr?.-bi- T

t?p. t!,, n littlo town illGormnny, to hldo till tho btorm bluw ovor."

TtiEosornrc noi.t, or noson." novo you any list of alleged members of tho

Theosophlc in Amorlc.i '("" Certainly 1 have, sovorul. lu fact. Here Is

ono in tho handwriting of W. Q. Judge, madeabout tlio beginning of when tho mv till-ed society' hnd been in Obtensiblo oxlstoneolor twelvo years. Yousei'tho list counts .'i.JU

nnmoB. But It ineluues. fnl-ul- all memborsor tlio Gno-tl- c Society, who had repudiated tliowholo allalr long boloru that time. Lot uslook nt somo ot the other niimos who havebeen heard from through the pollen or other-wise. Hore Is lliiam UlJullor. who. with hiseonfodernto nnmed Oliuuirt swlndlod men nnddebauched woinon in Boston till raided by thopollco : now both are fugltiv os f rom jut!co. Horois tion. Abner lioublodiiy, I . S. nu o

In bnd company; but ho Is ngodnndInfirm, nnd probably has no idea what goes onIn tlio T. S. Hero Is Prof. Alexander Wilder.Nownrk. N. J., who long blnco repudiated thoaffair; Or. Keth Panooust. Philadelphia, ditto;Mr. It. Ik Westbrook. ditto; Hr. .1. Ii. Buck.C

an eminent fakir: 1!. ilousli.I'. N N.. Washington; Gonrgo ( hainey andAnna Kimball of Australia orelsowhoro: W in.T. Brown, who jolnod tho Itoiuau i atholljChurch, and doubtloss told nil ho knew to hisocclesliiBtical mperlors: Mr.). B. Pago.Loult., now, os thon, an actlvo little fakir,forming, with Mr. Judgo nnd Dr. Buck, asort or triangle: Dr. , P. l'he-la-

Chicago still in the busiuoss: Mrs. A. II.Savary of Ucs Molnos. Iowa, or of Now ork,boliovod to have been a siuew of war In tliontTalr: Svlvostor Bater. Jlaldon. JIas.. for-merly nctlvo. now probably a roi.udlator: ndo?en or more uobodlos from Los Angeles andother places In California; Henry A. Hoopor ofIliookiyn. of whom I know nothing; a MlsiAdolnlde Johnson of Washington, ditto: Mrs.Mnry F. Wight. Chicago: Mr. C. If. A.

Library. Now , ork. who told mo Intho pioflonco of othors that ho wus icudy to goon tho witness stand nud Bwear to tho secretvicos of tlio Aryan T. H.: a cletgymun ofBrooklyn, whoso namo I withhold, whom Mr.Iljerrognard roproentod to mo as eiiuallrwill-ing to testify to tho sumo; Mr. I. A. Mm?.Muskegon. Mich.: Alexander Fullotton. NewYork, a clork of Mr. JudguV. then, ns now,an nctlvo onorntor In tbo business: Sir.Henry B. i'oulko. .10". .South 1 loventhMreet, Philadelphia, who was activelyfnkllig undor Judge's ordorsnt lust accounts;ono Joseph W. do It. la Pierre. M. D. ifo hisnamo roads on tho ). active tnklr up to May.lh'Ju: aud so 1 might go on with the rest. Hutnii 6no Tho namos might bo btulth. Lrown,Jones, nnd Ilobluson, lor nil that tho publicknowH ol them. Among the porsons nnmed.nnd porhaps n doen others, nro to bo foundtho sourco of nlno-tontl'- 8 of al tlio nownpnprnolBonnddustintho street that tlio theoo.pliists bare boen nblo to raise lor tho past llvoyoaisln this country; and Hourly nil ol it Istllrectly traceable to tlireo Initial points, nnmo-ly.WiJ- ..

Iudgo nnd Ms 'Aryan' ring In NowYork : J. I). Ituck of Cine nnntl. nnd . H. Tngoof St. Louis, to nil of whom Uluvatsky Bendsorders they hnvo hworn to oliov. ,,.,

"fan you tell mo anything of Mine.bocretnry, whom 1 sco bus lately boen

lecturing In thl rountry?"" You moan Mr. Bertram Kolghtloy. I cr

t I mot lilm In Loudon In IHsl : n brightioung follow, who used to coinn Into hor pros-onc- o

aud kotvtow with it good Imitation of nn(Irlontul Balaam and mi alr.jf i.egi.ii.g her tokh'k hint iiHiih.o I'd favor. lie nii.l LI- -. broth-

er. Archibald Ivolghlley, Imvo honni 'n .liny;nnd. by the wut. here, if, it t'ertllled f'.'P.,0' "lottor from Mir.'.. I). Btiek. In willt.ilU of getting hold with W. .. Judge. ol ulurgo legitey iroin tho two Ko jghtleys to luilldup a tliooBopluenI piiblihhlng bono, llla'athityhas I eon a tlio helhllus I'Tb't-er- al

voar- -. iindllio whole iihmi lie 1

ski .ludg.-Hu- ck vvhio Itli.iiigtugiillioi n. doggedly, tb Hi" iliitl.C' tliutBoino hi'ighiioy m noi im.t mi. t; ti.tiiff

If they fan keep thu two voui.g geiitloiiieiiIn a proper ll.ios..plili' liitiiii'ti' iiilnd

"1 nm well iii.on.iodiiii tlm eoiitniitions.'having liuo'i tu it", t nt t" b'ttki- my

i thirst forml.d u .droiiiibloliiU'riiiiui'iii, f l"yinn int. . loi'U jowii'I i. g.itlieil g. .ii"i i

rollec tit.- - ouiii' t iii.d .ii.alnyoi i. .'Bophleal rocntlo- - I -- r u' o Hi..

I 1 intended in I'li.elnuui hi1-- n o nslslod of111' .1. U liuclt of that tliv. Mi. I Ik

Pugo of hi. 1 oui. u liulv iiaim; I with-hold, nud it gentleman wjios.. niitiju I hnvo

toiul. llvo. oil Includod., Iho ItO'liObtor. N. V, tint gather. in: wits

more lini.riis-.ivo- . perrons as above, a ul1 think as mail) p.o... noselbly tw-lv.- ' ; n all.At tho noxt chip, in ('liicliiuut . n lsrij. tho

population of Ma t.m v asduly roprosaiitod by Dr.' J. H. HucU iiinl .'lr.

goil.iir Willi a contuigoui from..'rial liXlfi. .lam. d Mi. A. llurio at t. so1 was Informed I w u,,uoi thoro t" o. for minil. in 1881 kiudli allow mo ii.ivalV'i

I wa. in ' ""'' 'r'thoW.ibteriino itiiyio. I'ltjclin un. .Mi'l.uul

bobii..eno.lhav t.t Ih" i"itfow dny later a '.j...iiort .tj i hiifiuDsoitlilslf. foui iioy.piiporre"..iei- - iin.i I

luncyut least for'y thoi were .in wii.i

time gathered In tho hoto parlor A i reu'u MrboomVusDr.But-kreinmko-

. mtodol.vur tlio onitl n of

m WWWnJ And i H Ml-- i the U.o vt whljti


hnd not boen soen before, nnd hns not slncoboon soon. 1 trust you will credit tho sincerityof my ropontnnco. whon I toll you thnt 1 hndbusiness in. Now Ycult whon tlio conventionmot In Chicago In and that tho'Unlvorsnl Brotherhood of Man hns notslnco boon qulto unlvorsnl onough to Includorayhumblonolf. Ho 1 can toll you nothing oftho convention of 18'JO, oxeopt thntlhenrdotthe t.rosenco there ot at loast llvo nori-ons- :Mr. E. B. Pago of St, Louis. 'Dr.' J. 1). Bud;of Cincinnati. Mr. W. P. Pholun ot Chicago, Mr,W.y. Judgnof Now York, and our young ttlondBertram Kolghtloy. lato of Ctilllornia." Tho actual oporators can no countedon llngors without toes, io Judgo iromtho 'annual reports' you might Imnglno acensus enumerator required to koot. tally oftho Blavatskylto". In point of fact. Iiowovor.tho I nltod States has a lilnvatsky's 4UU. as NewYork has a Maculllstor'sliko total. I dnutit thattho who hnvo ovor taken tho lllnvatskyoath of oliodluin-- nud paid Judgo tbo dollarfor tho privilege, nro qulto bo many ns these.But say 4U0. Of thoso. SUO havo simply passedIn nnd out. Of tho romnlnlng 100. probably 75nro tho moioor less qutescontor indifferentdtipos of tho do.on or two who stnv tn tlio swimfor whnt they cm mnko or tho rouiuliisot thoorlclnnl Koot Hooml hoax."" Tho Innt annual report states that thoio nronow tlilrty-sl- brnnches ol tho socloty in thoC'nited Htntes. Thirty-si- x into four hundredgoos olovon lltnos and four over, onough for tinoxtra' branch.' I havo known ' brunches' toconsist ot reworthnn lour. I hnvo known ntleast two brunches which constated of nobody

the names nt tho brnnches on Mr. Judge'sbooks being nil there wns ot thorn. All thnt Isnocessnryto found n brnnoh Is fornnvbndy tosend .Mr. Judgo t for n charter Ilko tilts," audhoro Dr. Coues unfoldod nnlinpro-.slvo-looklu-

document, "tittupi'd with n gold seal nndsigned by Blavatsky and olcott. " nnd thonglvo him $1 more for a diploma Ilko this," pro-ducing a llnen-backn- documentor more mod-est dimension". "Thoioupon ho bucomes nunlvoreiit brother, nnd can fiatornlo univer-sally as long as ho pleasos to solid anymoney to Mr. Judgo In Now Vork, toBlavatsky ill London, or to Olcott InMndras-n- nd tho latter would lmmonsolyprefer direct transmlsnl or funds, as hobus found It oxpen-iv- o to collect remittances

ln Now Vork und London. Hometlmos, iiow-ovor, Iho formation of now brnnches is attendedwith more ceremony. Tnko. for exnmplo.tho ' Blavatsky Lodge ' lu Washington. Therewas hero n paupor namedAnthony lilggins. who wont through tho Wood-hu- ll

nnd flnlllnscnndnls of yoars ngo. Havinghired a hall, Mr. HigglnB, in tho comonnv of.Mi. W.y. Judgo nnd Mr. Arcnlbald Kolghtloy.oipoimdod I'nlvorsal Brotherhood to nt lonstfifty Wnsiiuigton cranks by abusing my hum biosoli for several hours. Thoroattur nroso tho'Blavatsky Lodgo.' consisting or .Mr. lilggins.n woman, nnd his son In tho toons, with -- ovoralladles nnd goutloinon ot color; una tho noxtnumber of Blavutsky's London oigan convoyedfollcltatlous io ' our uoblo nnd worthy Br'.thorBlggln-- Ills senrcoly nocessary to ndd thatnothing furthor has boon hoard of or from thislodgo, except In tho vast wllderuoss or Mr.Judge's annual ropott.

Tako a moro amusing caso of tho growth ofa bianch of the thuorophlu treo of knowlodgoIn tho midst of tho gardan of bt. Louis. Thorowas in that city a bright newspaper mnnniimod MIchaol A. Lnn". who went In for nlark as ho told moaftorwnrd. Not having thomystic number of seven whom ho could trustwith so great n socrot, he and two or thn-- ofhis cronies molectod their nstinls, or other-wise dupllcatod their personalities, to thonumber of seven, nnd tbo fun begun. Havingpaid Mr. Judgo for a charter and diplomas,unit thus becoming Theoboplilsts in goodHtnntllng. thoy sot their wits to work, and soonhnd iutltibltnblo evidene of thu existence oftho blcssod Mnster Koot Hoomi In Kt, Louis, intiio shupoof auitbtrnl projci-tio- of that wurthy(ono of their number plaiiug ghost for fun inawhile sheet), und several miraculously

niossngos from tho Bitmo nugustsourco 'written by Mr Lane In red und l.ltiopencil. In eiy good Imltntionoi tho things Mr.Judgo has liuen in the habit of distributing tofavoiito dupes thoso thomsalvi". being In 1ml-- Itution of tho rice unpor missives ol Bluvntsky'soriginal hoax). Thoroupon Mr. LaiioOltlclully

those wonderful phenomena toHlerophnut Olcott in Indln: suid Hloro- -'

plmnt gravely congrntulntes him onsuch signal success In eommunic.v.Ing by oceiilt means with tlu reveredTiiiboinn Mi'.hatmns: nndJudgo eortilles tn tho of tlie redand l.luo pencil prnciintatlou, dollveiing. itmust ho conrnssed. an export opinion, consid-ering how otteii ho has scribbled tho can othings lilmsolf with fraud prepense. I glvo outho story as Mr. Luno gavo it to mo in Chicagoabout u voir ago. after his return from a vi--

to Blavatsky In Loudon, nnd I fnncy tflnt If.Mr. Ii II. Pugo ot t. Louis, tho President ofanother 'brunch' there, could bo pievnilodupon to toll the truth, wo should havo a br.icoof good htorlos instead of ono.

iir.AV.vT.siiv vsvF.ti.nn."Perhaps you would Ilko to know how tho

Itus-luu- 's la- -t trick was trumped. I hnvo thecredit, which does not belong to mo. of that ex-ploit. Illuvntbky has been thoroughly op-posed so often that nothing nny ono could sayfurther would materially clntngo her com-plexion for bolter or worse. 1 confess tonnatural irritation nt tho way l fouud my namoassociated in public opinion with hor cinu-ttn-

mid tho uso uiadn of It as a foil to thoIritudulent schemes of a pnek ot scoundrellyvulgarians would be enough to exdto nny hon-ost man's Indignation, ltesides. there was thomore serious consideration, thnt n great mnnyreputable o.viHOn had beeu lntluenead moraor lo-- s by tho beliet that 1 wa- a convert totheosopliy, when In fnct I wns simply investi-gating for mysoir. as any scientist Is bound tod In a matter ot vital Intorcst. both In its

and IU ethical aspects. That Ifound tho Theosophlcal Socloty a cesspool offilth and fraud, ownod nnd opo-ate- d by a fewknaves at the expense of not many dupes afternil, Is not particularly to my credit. AverageIntelligence would discover that withoutilllllculty. That to bo scon engngod In nnysuch 'Mumming has not redounded tomy leputntlon. I know: but the differ-onc- o

l.otweou oxnminatlon and approvalof annrtlcloisa wido one. nnd I havo

Hint tho discernment of public opinionwill appreciate my position. My motlvos wereproper, and 1 snail regret nothing if nny of taroxporieucos servo to prevent mistakes on thoport of others. However this is a porsoiialdigression. Lot us enmu to tile point of howlllnvntsky has boen come up with und turneddown for tho Inst tlmo. This mlsunp came nstisnal from hor inability to keep her temper1 mg onough to Intrlguo successfully, nnd isti ncouble ton bitter iiunrrol of hers with Olcott,whon ho eniuo from India to England about nyear ago to havo it out with hor. When thieveslull out you know the udogo. Not the leastastouishlng pioce of truly thoosophlo 'flap-doodle' is tho supposed relation betweon thisprecious pair, in compnrlson with their privntoviows of each other. Each knows the otherthoroughly. Olcott knows Blavatsky ruluodhim by breaking up his. family nnd lorclugupon him tho career of n bogus high prio-- t ofa bogus revelation. Blavntsky knows Olcottrulnod her by allowing Dr. Hodgson todlscoverthat hor Mahatnilc shrine at Adynr was n trickcabinet. I hnvo he.inl Olcott aud Blavatskyetirso each other with a vigorous volubilitythat would put lllllini"gato nalde. Would jouIlko documentary ovideneor Woll. horo, 'raidDr. I'oiitf-1- . opening somo lottoie ' Is ono inillavmsk)'s handwriting, and horeisonoinOlcott's. Suppose j un i opy n few paragraphsfrom each, nud toll tlio compositor to sot thornin parallel columns, thus:siiwishv oiimox or oi utcon's orixn.v or si.s

toit Vlt-K- l.

lr nun. What I Another warning lie- -

mean wji to Veep tho do ware liow n.i incitiriiiiatails nt phenomena and II. - lllaulsky to aftcvrrythinx eoilllu from out.lelierpe, lalprotlll' o

and lonii'Cle'l with tee or mystlfal research andMaster very secret vet to esoteric teaching Iliamake nn t o( the phe il'ounrll w ul stall I iinnoii-llouilll-

4l.etorK liik-o- sense, nor '.all I railty a(else 111. put) I.- would vy fills-I- .irUer or iri.lil s otthat since tho. x'.oie by the hers ui.ide lii.lipeii.eutiyI'sifhle Kiseir h Socle ot me nnfl my fn.l antecety e w er. taiiii-.l- , .ind that dent possession nr the la.-t- s

the liniiiMu has reas-- d sho trleuraphed t" abjllsllwhlrh wiiuidbe l.ttallous) fie Hoard or i ontrol andv eare by in--

. I as just i.suednreio utioiifll a, whlrlp. o.s and Iral .ar) ciniulsl"ll I') Arthurtors We havo p. rant them tl w n an 1. 1" to

fearletsly andi.lenl) with ilisreuur.l of the proprietiesnew.aponsof philMoiht and or her nii position

not those ot pbenoi..f na. as sho seems a II. urboii as towe wi uld soon net worsted memory and receptitlty.a am 1,' t tt be known aud lanes the old halcyonIhal I'lienonlena tlo I shallon b. rort but do neither railfr w h it she liasnot let any one know done, nor 1111)1111111 ot lh

wat It Is, and tits trsatorl .she may in f lare io. MUsecrecy will i. lit bestH uhln lier ilomaln she Ii igt,tiunlihrnent for the howl nnesni outslda tliM-w- eil. ,

Ins;, doubtlni, and profane fill In the. blank yonrselt. 4,L7public ir olcott fial not several attempts nave ben ftB(courted evpo.ura and scan made to eel her to et uprial by bis ttnpld Intlia nral aoclety. KM (fttWtlon nf to) the s'ocletrlbaanotretbesnfoolenouijn (IK1)for I'sjchlcal, K.esearch. 10 fall Inlothe Iran iiordn Mto come and see. there t think her brain will sotlen itlllw oold be nothlni of all that tn the point of her dolnir It, RM ti

lint now we are the would take tkerebr illIn and have to do the best life contract for a ruthtj ilfBAweiatL s . . n,i nnd herself xllrt?!1

II I'. Ill trittar. .with enfeehte.i health, ad- - rlvanced vents and a lalnlai , HIAt,r. putatton recommencing .Hffifonrwork of IB7N without. Meparilnn me an Olcott to TftWilstl.k to her, aa I tiavj fiVniltiiroueh thick and thin, ana litis)tear shame and disgrace ' vir ii'Willi mute endurance. 'ilyjLt

II. H Olcott. ti$"It wn wlillo llusslnngnll wns thusblnokoat ljiJngnlust Okott ror allowing Dr. Hodgson access Wlmto hor trick cupboard In .Madras, nnd whllo Mlnnkoo suspicions wero thus moused lest Bla- - ,'irJfBvatnky Bhould throw him ovor und not up for twH.hetself, that tho tronblo enmo. Ho hurried JjTljJfrom Indln to 1 nglund to faco tho Tartar wild- - "Krtcat. who thereupon lost no tlmo In pouncing , &latioon hiiu. Olcott Is a good tighter nt long ikkrange nnd n fair tu'.kot at close iiuntters, but v friM110 mntch fora lllavntsky with hor knucklos In ' '.Wflhis board and her tonguo In nctlve vibrntion. J1WHo surrendered nt discretion upon ihnaotormn; , mmThoy should together concoct a Mnhntmlo ' fMfSmlselvoto tho faithful wlierovor dispersed ovor bfit--

tho globe, to tho ofTect in thnt thoy loiod nffi)each other more than ovor, and utlvisavi liioverybody todo tho samo; il... that lllnvntsky Wklshould hnvo hold, mid bo undisturbed by Ol- - '. BVIcott in tho possession of tholrnnvvcstoltspring, viwinu 'Esoteric' Theosophlcal Society, to bo op- - USe!erntod In Englnnd nnd Amorlcu; r thai 01- - Hi'cott should hnvo full chnrgo of tholr first bom. A"tho 'i:.oterlo' Tlieosoplilcnl Hocloty. founded f'lfXlu 187C. This contract wnn dulv iittestod by MUn.tlio slgnnturo of the Blessed Mnlintmle Muster, jU'tttKoot ll'Oinl Singh of liilbct. who inlrncti- - M"ilouIy proiccted his nstral slgtiutiiro to Lou- - u5;vidon: it wus printod and mailed lo hundreds of lft(yaddressus. What It meant was thnt Olcott IBIJfishould go back to India and mnko whut he JCUlcould os n lilerophntit tnoro, in.d lllnvatskv WmIBhould stny In England nnd mnko whnt she iMlZ.icould out of British credulity in poron. nlso Ellit'oporatlnghor ' Esoteric' humbug In tlio I'nlteid I Jul,"Statos by tiroxy In the person of her Irish tool. 111

Mr. Wllllnm J Judgo of Now Vork. Jjlltf" This uoelc Hibernian. Judgo. who knows IBr'

both Olcott nnd lllnvntsky ns woll nsthnvktiow JJw '

ench othor. nnd bollevos In the .Maliatmas no KViimoro thnn thoy, undertook to do what biokcr- - ifSLtago might bo required to float liluuitsky'ii t KjfEsoteric stock In the I tilted Stittea fool mar- - t'tiiket for tho modest commission ot nlllioiouid f fi.fjgot. First, ns Esoteric beerotary of tho I so- - t 8 Storlc vacuum, ho uddros-o- d letters nnd clrc-t- ifl'fcllnrs to tlio half doren ' branches ho could dls- - 'isi'il''cover, cnlllug ui.on tlieiii 10 voto t. ' Biistnin HMt.Mmo. Blavutsky's uuth'.rlty in tho.Wust (WPJagalust thoasinino Exotoiie Council which ho lfln'snld surrounded Olcott ut hea.l'iumters In IHT ijIndia. Hero Is his circular over bin slgunltiro lSiiIf you wish to road It." suid Dr. Couos handing 'Firi'Vitho paper, which tho rep. rtor oxutniiied mid 3A5Jfound to bo ns snld. ta?igf

"Ibellovo tho branches weio nearly unanl- - i?,1NmotiB In fuvor of tlio liw- - combination ilririiiagainst poor Olcott" resumod the Profosor. ISsSl' though I had no Interest In nseoitnlning tho JtlKlsfact. However thnt mav bo tlio I11dof11tlg.1l.lo ,!Pijrt-- lWoman soon losolvml on a bold, d f ifstrokoof foolcraft Oncodgo was to 'nixtho innocent sucking doves sho was at.otu to ulynlS'rvo on to tst lo the an Ironclad ...ttlt Uf!'(of obed'onco to i.o.boU winch limy wore 10- - "aftfMnnlrod toHiiiis.-tll.- mid foi ward to her through "iIRrinhoi brokoi and litwvorln New lorlc. 'Ifllnithis samo Judge, il.-i- i a copy of tho litiloi 'sVLi'fJmid lio'lgo. pi inted. but signed in in., by tbo rrm'Swoman liers.-ir.- cir5,(Jl

Tho doftinuut is too long to print ontiru; S Vynmn fow of the leading pnrugrnphs nro us follows: J lil!

".";rrtl.'r,.lV',"lr,n'l n'lo" ill! tla. I.ori Kit Ski- lot 01 Tils T S. ft V? h fCrvi" io.h 1 forward ton herew Ith a copy of the iUollflules and I'leJirQ tor the 1'r.n iltoi.erft ol the rsoleilo iSri-t- tSeitlotlT s. Sho It I ml he unab e to a. fept, then I re- - tlJS IIiiuest tl will return th's to me del l ' itns 11

II P II. i. n.kv ,rJ VI'.nles of the I sotcr c s. 'ion Il'r ibatinnarj of the 'ffllla

Theosoiihlcal socteti 1?!fi3'll1s 'STT!

" - Apnluatlonfor lnembprhl;, oitteisMerlc ec- - llMW Itlon ie". iifnnlai by ac. ..C tho pie. lire here. ' rVn4 1unto ippen .'d e,i i,r an l - .led by (he, -- IIffwho ther. i' n ente-- a ii.m a spn I il p, rlodot probi- - 'JiOTi I

tlon. which. i.eoe s from thf dale ..,' the ple'tee 'fii.rj( a4 liow-.,- , nt. rsth' . soori.-s- , ftionlsiiso-ieiiewl- vBJSi'a

bom h s p. st -- unless cmmicled with crime s"i till or ,3i'5K'fepolltlral In w lilch rase lie f iiinoi he ac ej.te.l sh I be. SK'JlTltreiliriledu- - ne'er batiiu bad existence In respect ot 'Ixlcft!blame tor twKr

, To preserve the unity of the section, auv person 'Sjw'rJo'nl.iKIt expres-l- aeries Iha lie s ull be.xpelld. 'HtXv.and tin. raci of Ills e i.u sl.ui ml If public In all meili- - ifilthfihere of tl.e aocii ty. slu. ill he vlolaio any one ot tho 4(J?C!Ithree rollowlnir cou'lltlons tCTstW

(ii ii.iedleiiie tothe eadof the set tlon In all theo- - Bifj!sophh-a- l matters y llafi

in These' ncv or the sluns aud pi'sword". 3 'Wr' let The secrecy of tl.e documents or the seilfon. and Svtv

any rroin nu' lnltlite o. any decree, ltuiiii-- i ed bv the he id of the section. tltiM'"fLEi.oK or rnoDAT.oM o. rue tsorsuic srcriot or Nys7

n.e t. s. jJf"2 lli'.nljf mlo-'fos-

. ,,i( f,e)reletrnrM (ne Thnf AJJitji'iIciI iti'Ufmtnt. l l'ddri, anJ Ut onit tn jtfYrfianlcallr I., uiltioul roel or dfUiy Iht orilerl of the jpi

plw miittlr In fuppnrt lean tn (, !V&Thriili phtial inwrmrni intlinf. jnrinfv, mat u'ort, 3&A(f

" 7. I p'.iOs Mi;sioire.-n- tncuJ.iblr .'irectfmrrf- - &.'$Oirrt.lA- - thnt mit pa's'oril.ofl,- - trxtlon andallcorj JUslldenlUI ttocum'itls. .S".), o.e my Mylirr trlf. fr';

'"Thearranjemenl" w itti renrd to Die Psoterlf teich. it'll IIII? which "1 I be irt'en to iilemhersut the section wl 1 301"bu communtcated to tt eut in due course.' Mtvi

" Here with nil this bare rubb sh fn tho bit of a (frj tbait, an offer to tench somethlug to those wi o if Rlwill sign the t.lodgo of obedlouco. Did uny- - JMJbody sign It. do jou nsk t lllnvntsky bons e.l Jkiktnfierwnrd that sho had dim "prob. tioners:" n ul JW'M1 should not bo siiDrlso.l If actually hull that TOllnumber ot natural fools or would-b- e knaves 'Jitr'f'signed the pledge and sent it to .VI r. .1 udgo. AijVil

"How about thoso 'Mnhntmlo' letters wa Wiil'thenrd so much about n while ugo. such none. V-tr-l

lor exnniplo, its tho t. Idciigo Iriimiie published 83in naked tho roportor. 1AiA

"Oh, you nii'iin tho-- o Aids to I alth ia mSS!iBlnvntky which wont iho rounds' Hetonro Jgitcouplo Thoy are at your sorvicolf vou wlsn JRnf'to print thorn. oti see tho onvelopo is n long JJ;narrow ono, mado of thin, rough pupor such us .Wdjis commonly usod In tho Lust, and stamped 'Pyq-with somo characters Ilko tno-- o on a Chinese nil,tot chost. Tho rlco writing pnoor Is honvv. WA'with n smooth glare, and has or did lime n JH.faint odor of sandal wood. Tho largo red d-- ,

blotch on ono of thorn I bflievo is simply tho ,btmaker's or ilenlor's mark, but do not know. "fil.Tho wax seal on the other is tho nionocram ot jSflinger ring which onco Blnyatnk louuly put- - 4fctested In tho columns of London LiaM, she W )

nlono po8sosed. but of which Judgo hns a, fH tdupllcntooragood Imitation. Tiio subject of IK,rhe communication is simply ho-- h, as you nor- - 'K.i

colvo: tho handwriting is almost unquostlou- - Ilfgably that of Mr. Judge, who is nn oxpert pou- - JrVH

"Such Is thonnnponkably puerllo nonsense ,Wf.upon which tho Mnhatmic myth Is oroctetl. g!VPapers propnrod (or no moro cause.orconso- - TjlT.juenco thnn these tlliiir. forgeries I have oil- - Ulalned from Mr. Judge, and by Blavntsky or 'tffj,some othor blnthor.sUlto. bnvo mado much Utheo-oph- lc history. Tliey havo piqued tho cu- - 'Klriislty of men ilko A. P. Siunott.and led direct- - oJSUly or ludlrectlv to sucli books us tho 'Occult m&World " and "l'sotcrlolltiddhlsin." Thoyluivo hm-occasioned luteriiailonal newspaper nnd gftn,m.igai-ln- controversies, us wl.tu Koot lirMHooml impressed It iirou some thought- - HfOfless 'chela' to prig remarks from Wflfit speech mndo by Mi. Henry Klddlo of X .NflNow Vork. nud ombody thorn verbatim in a '?r,;lS-y- finliaculously i.rocinliuied messago tor the II- - Wrtliitnlnationof Sir. Slunett In India. They havo r Witbeen discussed by learned societies for psyuli- - Ti!Icnl rosoarcli In Gormauy. lrauco. Lnglund wftjand Hie L'uitod States, iiioy havo been nub- - ,fi9.Jjuetod to eho'iib :tl nnd inleroscoplcnl oxitmln- - Snth ns. Thoy hnvo occasioned sworn cortlll- - fjSi jcntes from professional epcrts in chlr- - 7 lp 'ogrnphy. Men and women havo so-- '1 IM.crotly prayod to got one; others havo 4Sonenly cursed Ihtiiubk tliuy got none: I SS

rivalries, jenlousios, envies, and enmltlos have t !

liad no other bourco.somo persona 'nover tjfiaitBpouk ub thoy pass by' on uccotint-o- f these ynamo fool things, llmnohosol the Thcosoph- - tvllcnl Mocioty liuvo bton loiindetl on thoso bits y)Mol rlco impel i othors have beon biokon up for Sfjjno better reason. I oul.l say more, but I ti!Jtrust you appreciate tho blessing ot liming CiLtwo such authentic nnd Imprcssivo missives W)Irom beyond thu Himalaya lu your vest W I

pocket- - from ns fur beyond thoso holghts us U :

Mr. Judge's olllco in Now. it '

Women and Ghiidren.

No remody ever made Is equal to B. B S.(Refill's Specific" for delicate womon nnd chil-

dren. It assists nnturo by making pure thoPlood, whlchlb the fountain of llfo It Is harm-less to tho most tlolicato constitution, andnever fulls to build up broken health.

Its Effect Was Magical.I have boen using Mvlft's Specific (H. S. H.) ns

u nidlc n in my family with the vory beat re-

sults. 11 cured ono child sound mid woll . f asnvoiu attack of miliaria l'or another childthnt weal: nnd in general bnd health, ItsoTtict was mngli-ul- . It lias built lilm up andImprovo'l lilm In every way. It Is tl.e bestfamily medicine I over usod.


My Life a Burden.I was afflicted from Infancy with Catarrh,

and Willi eruptions on my face for ten jturs. I

wus utleiido.l by the vary best pliysicluus. andDied a number of blood purilletii without pur- -'

maiiuut reliuf, Tuo inuieinl liigre.lluiits nettied 111 11 y buiins mid caused ihoomnllotioulilo. M life was a bur flu to me. nud my

I casn vviiHilneiared inciiiabl.. whon I saw B, H.N adverlUed. I.ltbt bottles cured uie entlrsly, and I feel Ilko a new p. ron,

I JOHIEOWLNH. M litpslltr, 0.


When an Infant my body broke out all orer JrAwlthnnoruptloii ol rash, which became more RI15nggravated as I grow older. From early child- - ?i tfhood until I was grown my fattier si cot a for-- ijjr jjf

luno trying to euro mo of the die.ise. Eveiy fj, Vi.

noted phyalilnn in our section wus tried or ft t)consultej. When I uimoof ugo I visited Hot ?1 if.

Springs, Ark., nud wus treated there by the Jbest medical mon, but wns not bcnelltod. k) Wthat under the ndvlco of u noted specialist Itried the celebrated Cllfion springs. New Voik. ,; iwithout nny good results. When sll thlnge


had failed I determined to try B. B. a, aud In ,' I U

four months wub entirely cured. The terrible , jsjj

Fcrema nns all gone, not u sign left . my gen Wj TO

erul health built up, and I havo never had nny jvilreturn of Iho dlsois'. J have since lecoiu- - jlWJii.cnd.'d H. s. s. t.. u iiiiiiils.ii .f fii.-ii'l- for skm Uydl.uHios. eruptl .ii.. A'", and buveimvt'rknowu i

of a fuiluio to cure,'"'01.0. W. IUWIN. Irwin. !'. r

Tieaptt tn lloan Slin l.seasssnislle lrs I 'sunt sii.i I, it co Atiaata.Ua, I


a inluijtujii...j.iji..j.j...i ,i.jL...ljo.'le .s. n., tzjJ '