the wfsffitsi-'s^rw;x:ch£ir1i^,ikc.b.5.». u 'ss«sfm;york hejald. w voik,vmmlaj. jlmvli...

; YORK HEjALD. w Voik, VMM la j . Jlmvli in, )k v The Foreign New*. 'I'!.' t' uubri:' ih now fourteen ciujs at ten, aud is, therefore, fully due. II no packet count in pre¬ vious tier ariwJ, fche w ill bring news mi'' month ! iter lrom .ill parts ot Europe. I'lntrter fOlertlon . Important Polltlcel Mciin^t Tn-iilglit. Fi 'in the announcements in tin" party newspa- ji is we perceive that two very important political meetings will be held to-night, each <>l them called by tin* respective party committees, lor the purpose it approving their>everal candidates lor the Mayor- al'y ut the next election. The wings have called liteir meetingatNational HhII,1iu Canal street, near Broadway, to approve aud coutirm the nomination nl Mr. Jv Idea as the whig candidate lor Mayor. Th .'n.uivos" have called their meeting at their in-w Hall,called "AmericanHall,''on the cornerol Broadway and Crand street, for the purpose of ap¬ proving and confirming the re-nomination of James II rper as their candidate for Mayor. Both these meetings will be very importunt, as they involve unit is of deep interest, not only as it respects the ity and its municipal concerns, but the existence and perpetuity of the whig and " native" parties The democrats, otherwise called loeolocos, have not yet nominated their candidate lor Mayor, but wetuppose many days will not elapse before he also will be in the field with the usual force and i iithusifcm. Accotding to the beet accounts, Mr. H tvemeyer will be the candidate.a gentleman ivho is represented as being perlectly competent. not a politician by trade.a very active business man, and who would make a most ndniirable, practical Mayor.a thing which New York hac certainly much warned for several years past. Che meeting ol the " natives" in their new Hall will be a curiosity. We have had experience of this party for lhe past year. They caine into power under a pledge und promise of reform of all kuids.a reduction of the taxes.clean streets- police reform.and every thing that could possibly icnderthe city of New York a comfortable, plea- sunt, and well-regulated metropolis. Each and every one ot these promises they have violated in the most reckless, impudent, and unprincipled manner. The only pledge which they have fulfil¬ led is that by which they bound themselves to persevere in a blind, empty, ridiculous, and igno¬ rant denunciation and hatred towards what they call " Popery," " the Pope," and all men who by the fiat of the Almighty have been born on the other side of a sheet of water called the Atlantic. In these blind and ignorant antipathies they have been steadfast and firm, but in every thing that re¬ lates to the city affairs there never has been any party in power in New York that has exhibited such recklessness, imbecility,^corruption, extrava¬ gance and deceit ns this miserable " native" party. In spite of all theiruttempts at delusion and conceal¬ ment, we have seen the city taxation increased over two hundred thousand dollars beyond that im¬ posed by any former administrationwe have aecn and do now see the streets covered with a load of filth greater than ever disgraced them at any period in the annals of New York ;.we have seen the jobs and contracts of the corporation given to favorites and business partners, without any de¬ gree of decency or respect for public opinion. In fact, duriug the period in which this new party have been in office, the whole time of the members ol the Common Council has been occupied princi¬ pally in quarrelling about the contracts and jobs and the spoils of olfice, and in making arrange¬ ments for the advancement of their own private interests, instead of attending to the reduction of the public burdens, the cleansing of the streets, or to municipal reform of any description whatever. Now, iu the face of these palpable and un¬ deniable facts.known to every one in thia city.what can these "natives" and their orators possibly say for themselves to-night 1 Their meeting must certainly be an amusing affair. It will be most amusing to listen to their speeches, and to hear their excuses, and to note their decla¬ rations. They have the simplicity and the ver- daney still to talk about " reform," in the lace of such dereliction of principle and public duty as never yet disgraced any previous party. We will see, however, what they will do to-night, and the world will be amused with their sayings and doings. Possibly we may have long dissertations about the "Pope," the "Irish," and the " Dutch," and various other ridiculous abstractions that have hb little to do with the affairs of the city as there " natives" have with decency and public duty. We may have long tirades about "foreigners," and the terrible dangers which threaten the liberties ol the republic, in consequence of the alarming influx of bone and sinew,wealth and talent,from the nations o| the old world. We may have most patriotic and intelligent denunciations of those who, in the Pro¬ vidence of (Jod, have been born iu some other la¬ titude than these enlightened men, but who .never¬ theless, were brought into the world under the .< ame sky, breathe the same atmosphere, and are lighted and warmed by the same sun. But let i:a wait end hear what they will say. With respect to the meeting of the whigs at Nn. timid Unit, it will ulso be a very curious, amu- sing, interesting, philosophical and droll concern. The whig party have been so much cheated and deceived by the " natives" during the last year, that they have determined to be treated so no longer. The whig party will, therefore, come out to-night with all the original force they can muster; and though the Wall street i/i</ne, represented by the Courier ami Enquirer, with its two Colonels, have threatened to create a riot and confusion in the meeting on the question of abolition, it t very probable that a very simple and ell'-ctnal course may be adopted for the pur- pose of putting an end to that attempt. Webb has placed htmsell in a position towards the whi r party similar to that which lie once occupied towards the Tammany party. He has tailed during the last few years to rule the lug party to his heart's con¬ tent, and is now determined to revenge himself by breaking it up entirely, and turning nil the frag¬ ments over to the " natives," ol whom he has be¬ come a member, probably from some such mo¬ tives us once induced him to support the United States Hank. It is said by himselt that lie will be present to-night at the whig meeting, for the purpose ol makiug a speech, and olleriug 'resolu¬ tions ..gainst the adoption of abolitionism as apart of the whig creed, as is now threatened by some of the I- lJers tit Albany, and the interior of the Stat". We believe the abolition party have al¬ ready set up Arthur Tap, an as their candidate ; and we cana otconceive what abolition has to do exic'.ly with a city election for pirposes en¬ tirely municipal. It will bo curious, however, to note the speeches and events of this evening in the whig meeting, und we shall accordingly send a rorpi of our re¬ porters, who will give a full and faithful history of whatever rmv be said aad done. It will be a con¬ test betweeti the " nativi s" and the whigs, who thill destroy each other, in one respect, as well as a contest lor a new Mayor and Common Council. The probability is that the locofocos, will carry everything before them; but the result of the struggle between the whigs and "natives" will be very important as respects the luturc. New H*mp.-hikk Flection .We have returns from IW towns. In them the vote for Governor i? ai fellows:.Steele, 21,370; Colby, 14,850; Hoi1 und scattering, 6,024 Thirty-seven towns remain to he heard from. Steele is elected, but by n di¬ minished mijoritjf. Woodbury, dem , f>r Con- gre**, is defeated i th*re is no rhoiee in his dis- triet. Rt»[) m F.orroaTfOH -Tt'ii? hn->?(J will meet on WfldnegJay at rt o'clock t Jg J|! | Hotels Ft k Travellers. Travellers going South, «»r coining towards New York, h ive a dw|i inter. st in knowing accurately the best hotels and the best accommodation winch may be afforded ihem in the various cities on the route. Take Philadelphia lor mstance. We have tried a num¬ ber ol hotels in that city, and we must say that one ol the most comfortable, «|uiet, and rechercht is that elegant aud commodious establishment kept by Ilartwell, aud knowii us the "Washington House." The accommodations are extensive and admirably contrived.the attendance prompt, and adequate.the table really excellent and the mar¬ kets of Philadelphia well known to be very well supplied. In Baltimore, during the last live months, Bar- nurn's Hotel, which has been celebrated through¬ out the country for such a length ol time, has been renovated aud refurnished, and gone into new hands. It is now one of the *vry best houses in the Union, and ihe traveller who consults his own comfort, will make it his business to stop there. In Washington, we have Cohnan's and Brown's and several others, but enough lias been said ol them. There is, however, one hotelat Washing¬ ton that is very peculiar in its nature. We allude to Ihe " European House," kept by a Frenchman named Galabran. It is conducted entirely on the French plan, and all the foreign.diplomatists who have not private residences, live at this house. Calabran is quite celebrated us a chef dea cuUiiit. The. cookery is precisely iliul which you can get in the first rate hotels in Paris, or on the continent, and the house is altogether eminently worth the attention of all who may visit Washington. Musical Drama..It appears by all the accounts that reach us Ironi New Orleans, that Borghese aud the company she carried out to that metropolis ol the 3outh-w#'sthave been extremely successful thus far. Indeed, the papers of all descriptions are inost enthusiastic in their praises of Borghese, not only us a vocalist ef the first order, and purest and bast school of Italian music, but us an actress unsur¬ passed in grace, genius und elegance. Perozzi also conies in lor his share of eulogy, and so do all the others. We never had any doubt ol the triumphant success of Borghese in New Orleans, although we greatly regretted her departure from this city. Had slit- and the other members of the trmjtc remained here, they would have had a more prosperous sea- son|than the Italian Opera overbad in this city. As a singular confirmation of this opinion, we may refer to the fact that the burlesque operatic com¬ pany got up at Fnlmo's by Mr. Bennett, of the Museum in Broadway, drew, lor a week, houses crowded to suffocation, and veiy respectable audi¬ ences too. The manner in which these artistes, who were colored as black people, sung the beau¬ tiful music of Rosini and Donizetti, was, indeed, not only amusing, but income respects very credits* hie. What has become of them we do not know. It the meantime we trust that the establishment of the musical drama here may not fail altogether. De Begnis has been very busy endeavoring to con¬ struct a company for opening in November next, and we believe he is going on with some degree oi success. We trust that this project will not be for¬ gotten among other tilings that daily drift to obli¬ vion. Theatrical "Movements..We understand that Dinneford, formerly manager ol the Franklin Theatre, and afterwards of the Bowery, has taken Palmo's Theatre, lor the purpose of giving repre¬ sentations in legitimate drama during the time that will elapse from the end of this month up to No¬ vember, when the Italian opera commences. Vic understand that he is now ready to make up a com¬ pany out of the best materials he can pick up in all our large cities, end expects to open on the 31st inst. According to all appearances, we think this movement is likely to be a successful one. The public taste ha9 been gradually separating itsel' from the cheap and nasty drama in the two shif ling theatres, which has prevailed for Boine time. The respectuble portion of society want some de¬ cent house to visit, where they can sec good dra¬ matic representations without any admixture of such materials as have marked the downward ten¬ dency of the drama in the cheap and naBty theatres during the last few years. The Park Theatre, since its re-opening, has made a very successful ad¬ vance in that line.and, with Palmo's on the other side of the Park, it is probable that a restoration may take place in the taste of our citizens, and something like the olden and palmy time of the drama in this city be revived. Movements cf Travellers..The books o the principal hotels yesterday morning pre senterf but a very small catalogue of ari vals, and few of Rny consequence, worth] of record. This may be attributed, mainly, to thi capriciousness of the weather, which has in somi measure retarded the railroad and steamboa punctuality, as well as the protraction ol the see sion of the Senate to a late hour yesterday to cot elude the unfinished business of the late adnunis (ration. Fortablf. Gas..There was to have been a lec¬ ture on this subject last evening at the National Hall, Canal street, but owing to the unfavorable state of the weather, and an important meeting elsewhere, on a subject of vital importance to those who have taken particular interest in the in itter, caused the lecture to be postponed toThurs- day evening next. A lew illustrations of the sub¬ ject were given, whereby it was stated that a pa¬ ving of about 47i per cent would be obtained by its use over that at present supplied; at the same time affording a better, clearer and safer light.. This will be well worthy of the attention of the overcharged residents of this city, and there can he no valid reason why the matter cannot be as well carried out here as in England and on the Continent of Europe. Advices from tub Sandwich Iki.ands, via Tampico..We have received The Friend, pub- liplied ut Honolulu, of tbe Mth of November.. There is nothing particularly new in this paper; it contains, however, n long review of the corns- pondence bet«vecnHis Hawaiian Majesty's Secre¬ tary ol State and the United Slates' Commissioner, in the case ol John Wiley, nn American citizen, charged with a rape on a native girl Wiley whs convicted and fined $'50. From this he appealed. The review is curious and voluminous, and is in¬ teresting, because the Secretary of State is also an American named Judtf, once a young lawyer in this section.and the case shows what progress the Sandwich Islanders have made in civilization.. We may publish a portion of the review to-mor¬ row. Affairs at Iciiauok.The ship Shakspeare, Cant. Chester, arrived yeetcrday from Jclmboe, with a full cargo.eltven hundred tons of Guano. She left that Island on the 18th of January, and reports three or four hundred vessels wait¬ ing there for cargoes of this new and valuable ag¬ ricultural article. It is stated by Capt. Chester that a great many vessels foundered whilst he was loading, there being no harbor for them to lay in ; they were exposed to the whole force of every gale and every heavy sea. Vessels daily left to s-ek cargoes elsewhere, Ichaboe having been near ly cleaned by those who have already visited the Island. Late from Havana..The packet ship Norma, Captain Birton, has arrived from Havana with advices to the ti ll msf. inclusive. There is no political news of importance, in Havana, produce was very scarce and high. There were no freights of any kiad for American ve-iels; and there was no fruit in the market. vrraMBOAT Accident..An endorsement on the M Adit Herald of the ft h iaslant, states that thr r Ruby was run into oil the previous night, ph.. i fl niloi from Mobile, and immediately sunk, iievtril lives are said to have hern lost, MO. I *. Amilvt'i am y of (he 8t. I'ntilrk'* Society. The "Friendly Sons ot St. Patrick" celebrated the auntvi r ary of their patron t iint, ai tlu City Hotel List evening. About sixty gentlemen sat down to u sumptuousdtuncrat half past bix o'clock Amongst tiie guests we noticed the Presidents ol the New England, the St. Nicholas, the St. An¬ drews, and iiie German Societies; his Honor, the Mayor; John CauldwcU, Esq.,&c. The Chair was occupied by Mr. R. J. Dillon, one ot the Vice Presidents, in consequence of ttie indisposition of James Rkybukn, Esq., the wor¬ thy und es iniable President. Alitrthe cloth waa removed, Mr. Dillon rose and apologized tor the absence of the President . He then gave the followiug regular toasts, which were drank with the usual enthusiasm. Tho Day wc Celebrate.Wo ble^s the birthday ol him. who first gave ihu wonts ot Divine Tiuthtothc people. St. Patrick's Day. ' Ireland".The land of our birth, tho home ol our ear¬ liest (-fictions. Messrs Brougb, Wilson, and an uuiutucr here sung the beautiful glee."The Harp that once o'er Tarn's Walls." "The United State*".The land ol our adoption.we cherish the principles and the title of "American ciii zens".May they be perpetual..Hail Columbia. "The Queen, Lords, and Commons of Ireland.£rm go Bragh. This toast was received with the greatest enthu siaem. Mr Cau> dwki.i. responded to i', attirrd in the uniform worn by the 1: ish volunteers of 1783. it is appearance was grecti d with tremendous cheers. He raid, it may perhups appear strange in a man 11' my yeais appearing iu this country dressed in this fashion, but 1 wanted to show the Friendly Hons of St. Patrick the unifoim in which their forefather* so successfully battled lor the li¬ berties of their native countiy. (Cbters.) Tho coat I now wear was mude more than Hix<y years ago, by a master tsilor in the eity of Dublin, mid a member oi th Dublin Loyal Volunteers (Cheers.) tt would appear that St Patrick, who, as every body knows, banished til- toads from "Ould lreloud," bus taken this gaum n' ucder his special protection, and kept the moths out oiii till this very hour. (Laughter end cheers.) Mr.C. then went on lo refer to theccnduut of n deputation ol Irish volunteers in tbe lievolutio-.tiry War, many of whom were members of this very society (cheers).wInch waited on General Washington to congratulate him on the triumphant issue of that con(lici, and to whose con¬ gratulations tbe "Father of his Country" made the fol¬ lowing reply : " The testimony of your sntisfiCtion at the glorious termination of the late contest, and your indulgent opi¬ nion of my agency in it, affords me singular pleasure, and merits my warmest acknowledgments. If the example of the Americans auccessfuly contending in the cause of free¬ dom can be of any use to other natious, we shall have an additional motive for rejoicing at to prosperous an event It was not an uninteresting consideration to learn that tbe kingdom of Ireland by ahold and manly conduct had obtained the redress of many ot its grievances, and it is much to be wished that the blessings of tqual liberty aod unrestrained commerce may yet prevailmore extensive¬ ly. In the meantime, you mnv bo assured, gentlemen, that the hospitality and beniflcence of your countrymen ethren, Who to our brethren, who had been prisoners of war,are no ther unkuownor unregarded. The besom ot America is open to receive not only the opulent and respectable stranger, but the oppressed and pctseculcd of nil natior s and teligioiis, and whom we shall welcome to u portici pation of all our rights and privileges." (Loud and long continued cheating.) The Chairman rose to propose the next regular toast. Ho said he was extremely sorry that his Honor the Mayor had been obliged to leave before the toast was given His regret was increased because he had no doubt his Honor would have been |greatiy delighted on hearing the elo¬ quent letter of General Washington. (Great cheers and laughter) Gut the Mayor was obliged to leave in conse¬ quence of receiving on intimation ot a serious disturbance in some pnrt ot the city.he (the chairman) was happy lo add, that it was not nn Irish disturbance (laughter).it bad occuircj amongst their brethren, the Hebrews (re¬ newed laughter.) However, he knew they would receive with great enthusiasm the next regular toast. " The city of New York, and its worthy Chief Magis¬ tral." The next regular toast was . "Our Sister Societies.united in the same object o! doing good to "father land we hail with welcome their representatives at our festive board.". The alngrl's TVhis per. Mr. Grinnkli., in returning thanks on the part of the New England Society, said that he was sorry on more accounts than one to find the worthy President of St Patrick's absent on that occasion. He had a word to say to him (laughter) about that sentiment. (Renewed laugh¬ ter).thut "Blarney Slonc." (Great laughter) He be lieved that the Sons ot St. Jouathan. us well os the Sons of St Patrlek, had their own share of the blarney. (Laugh¬ ter.) He was aerry, however, that he had not a chance ol getting off his speeeh, in reply to Mr. Raybnrn. Bnt New England.prosperous New England con afford to take a joke. While England had her rose-France her lily. and Scotland her thistle, poor Ireland had to go to grass for a trophy. (Great laughter and cheers.) Besides, New England's "Blarney Stone" had a rual existence, Ireland had to bo content with a sham rock. He would, then-fore, give. " The Plymouth Bock of New England and the Sham rock ot Ireland." The toa«t waa received with the greatest good humor und enthusiasm. Dr. Munley, Mr. Sand and Mr. frvin ako return¬ ed thanks in hehalffof their Societies, the latter giv¬ ing as a sentiment "The health of James Sboridan Knowles.the best of living dramatists." The next toast was. The National School* of Ireland.The fountains of our country's hopes. Toe next regular toast was. Woman.The last, yet first in the affection* of Irish¬ men. The Chairman then stated that he had receivod letters of apology from the Hon. John C. Calhoun, and the Hor. James Buchanan, the latter of whom sent aa a sentiment: " When we were weak, lrishmen|nobly helped usj let us net forget the (lays of* lang syne,' "and which was drank with great enthusiasm. The Chairman then gave the health of the absent Presi¬ dent, Mr. Reyburn. Drank with all the henora. A letter ol apology from Mr. Reyburn was then read, concluding with the toast. "The "83 Club of Ireland'.May its member! prove worthy scions of tho Irish Volunteers ol 1783 " Mr. Brooch (whu had for a few moments taken the place of one of the Vice President's at his r- quest,) here res * and said :.Mr. Chairman, dignified by my preaen' position, I make bold to say a word. There is a poor .' fnmiffnpp'' linrp whn savaltu ItDtaliirava idnntiftod Vt-iclv. foreigner" here who says he has always identified Irish¬ men and whiskey.punch.bnt not a drop he has seen thu day. (Roars of laughter) He, therefore, requests me to ask you to order some of " that same." (Laughter) Chairman.Certainly.certainly, Mr. Brough. Mr. Brooch.Materials fortwo, if you please. (Laugh ter.) Dudley Persic, Ksq., the first Vice Treddent, then gava." Bunker Hill ut 76.Vinegar Hill of 78.Irish Mood has (risen eternal verdure to both." (Cheers ) Mr. J. T. Brady, the second Vice President, alter a very eloquent speech, (rave." The Union of lihhmen.when religious strife has ceased to agitate Ireland, she will take her place amours' the nations." (Cheers.) *' The Bar of New Vork," by Mr, Donnelly ; anl was responded to hv Judge Daly. " The Press" was then drank. Dr. Houston responded. Alter returning thanks for,ths honorable mention of "the ptess," he rail, he gladly em- braced that opportunity of expressing his delight in ascer¬ taining the Y»-ry important change iu the policy of Hi Honor the Mayor, which had been aiinouncid by the Chairman His Honor for nearly a year had been tiying to scatter the Irish.he hsil now, it appeared, engaged in the much more hcnevolen' and leasible project of trying to ga'hcr in the Jens. (Laughter.) He, Dr. If., most heartily wished his Honor succcis in his new and inter esting mission. After relerring to the patriotic and libe¬ ral sentiments ot Mr. tirinnell and Dr."Manly, Dr. Hous¬ ton gave:. "80 long as St. Jonathan lias well represented as ho has been horo to-night, the Irish in America will not need to nt'er a wotd in defence of their rights as American citi¬ zens.the intelligence and patriotism of the United States, like the jokes of the President of the New Kogland Society hnve no sling lor the Irish." (Cheers.) fA gnntlemnn connected with thepress, and welt know n for his roc il tab-nts ond musical taste, sang in beautiful style Lover's ballad." I'll seek » four leaved shamrock.") Mr. Baouiiit then sang with ohsracteristic spirit."The Sew".accompanied by Mr. Bennies on the pianoforte. l)r A. C. Caim.k gave. The SUomiock of Ireland, and the Hose of KngUnl. May they, when the cloud parses away, like Venus emerging from the silvery mists of ocean, huiniouizo to tb . view ot all nations, beauty, purity Rnd love. fCberrs) Purser C C. Rick, V. H N., then rose, and nf cr snmc olcquent rrmaik.', exprc**i»o of the n'tarbment of the Irish adopted citizens to the institutions 01 the United States, nud cl th« eminent t.dcnts and distinguished cha- ructer of the Secretary of tl-.e Navy, gave the following sentiment:. " ffeorge Bancroft, Secretary rf the Baited States Navy .The pages of American history most favorably record his n-wne.the of American patriotism have unanimously confirmed and deservedly honored it. (Drank with grest applause ) Many other sentiment), appropriate to the occasion, were pivpn.excellent sor.g-i rnrg.and the company se¬ parated, highly delighted with the enjoyments of the evening. Lapies' iNm'srRtAt. Association .We obeyed, as in duty bound, the invitation of the "Ladies' Industrial Association," to "read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest" the proceedings of their meet¬ ing announced to " come oil," at Palmo's, at three o'clock yesterday afternoon. We repaired to Ihc spot; hut mark our disappointment when we read the following: . PosTranr.MriT..In consequence of the indisposition 0' Mrs. Horno.Ihr Sprakrr.Uir. meeting of thfl " Lsdiss' In duatrial A*, ociatio:r' is postponed, tiii'il furthnr notice. A miachicvouB w. q attempted to account forotti disappointment by reminding us, that this was the anniversary ofthel'dlron Saint rf Ireland, when extra Hornt are frequently the apology lor the ab¬ sence rf native elr.querce. Grand Concert in Newark..Mr. Kyle, th> eminent flutist, gives a concert this evening at the above plnre. in which he will b" asjistod hv thr principal artutm in this city: among them Madame Pico. Miss K D. Lore, ftignor ft ir.qnirico, <Sre Mr TimNt will fitmidfl at tire pianoforte. Snch o rnii-i.! treat t>) the residents ol Newark lias cel. dom or cover been presented to them before, nip! n<> doubt will be »|frtoiit«| toooydlngly. nrini-i iw* twao-* i 1 nwisin 11 mm . Nr.w Licinrk Law .An outline of the new li- ceuse law is annexed. It liaa parsed the Hon*, and may pat-J the Senate. It ib curious and repub¬ lican i. 1st A speciil town meeting is to he held oh the Tues¬ day tie oris tins tint Monday ot May next, at which the elector* arc. to vote on the question of " lioense" or " 110 license." This provision ul o extends to (tie everet oitics of th« State, unit at the unanimous n quest of the delegation fioni the city ot Ni w t oik the act ulsu includes that city. , . 3d. When the first vote has been taken.whichever party may obtain the majority the result is to stand lor one year ut least, and until one luurth ol the elector* sliail petition the proper euthcri ies lor a new trial, when a new election is to be held. The ubove named proil- .ion is to extend to ell new elections. ad. It the people role "license," then the boaids ot ex¬ cise, now established, are to possess the. same powers they now possess, either to grant or retuse licenses lei the retail of intoxicating liquors, to such persons as may have the nece sary conveniences for travellers in other words, tavern license*. No giocers' licenses are to be allowed. No pay is to bo received for such licenses This we couceive to be the inact valuable feature in tb« bill it separates this great moral question from all con¬ nection with filthy luce, and every tax-puyer voting for "license" will have the satisfaction of knowing that ll his s do prevails, no " price of blood" is to bethiowninto the public coders. He must look elsewhere for the sup poit of tho paupers which he so willingly helps to make And it is right in another point of view. If the irethois right, no license should be required. If wrong, it is not consistent with good morals to sell crime for " twenty pens of silver." 4th. It the peoplo vote " no license," then none are to bo granted, and oil the penalties now imposed by the He vised Si atutes against the retailing < f intoxicating liquors are to upply in tuoir full lorco. The only exci ption is in favor ot the physiciau, whs may prescribe lot medicinal purposes 6th. If the overseer of the poor neglects lor fen days to preuccute for any penalty incurred under the previous section, any citizen may do so, in his name, by giving security for the costs of suit in case of failure. Iiconvic tion follows the prosecution, then such complainant is to recover one half the penalty. This bill ban created considerable excitement in this city. We understand that a large meeting ol the pubiicaus »>r the Keepers of bur rooms, i\cc. in this city was held last evening to adopt measures to prevent the passage of the bill in the Senate. Personal Movements. Judge Belts left town on Sunday altarnoon for Wash¬ ington. The Rev. Joseph P. Thompson, of the Chapel street Con¬ gregational Cburch in Newark, has accepted a call to take charge of the Tabernacle in this city. The Rt. Rev. O. W. Freeman, D.D., as op.icars from the Spirit of Misaiont, has left Nuwaastle, DeL for New Or leens, tn route lo Texas, in which country ho intends to make a hasty visitation before proceeding to Arkansas. Samuel D. Tatterson, Esq., it is said, has been appointed Navy Agent at Philadelphia, vice Captain Hayes. Gen. Simon Cameron, elected United States Senator by the Pennsylvania Legislature,was iu early life a practical printer. The Messrs. Fitch, of Kingston, arc building a steamer to ho called the St. Nicholas, to run between that place, and New Fork. Theatricals, «Stc. The Ethiopian Melodists have arrived at St. Louis, where they are about to give conceits. Howes tk Mabio's eqnestiian company terminated their season in New Orleans on the btli inst. On the following day thty left for Natchez. The concert given at Mobile by Mr. Barton and Madam Hammarskold, on the 7th inst, was attended by a largo and fashionable audience, and received with high appro¬ bation. Olo Bull gave a farewell concert at the American thea¬ tre, New Oilcans, on the lltli inst. He was unsifted on the occasion bv the orchestra of tho Italian opera. The extensive menagerie of Messrs. Hopkins & Co., i> now at Baton Rogue, affording the good people there a sight of "the elephant " Forbes, the manager of the Charleston theatre, after having tried sawdust and a stud of horses for a week. playing all the whilo to almost empty boxes.has been compelled to fail back upon the "sure enough" drama.. His company tendered to him their gratuitous services for a complimentary benefit, in token of their approval of his course us a manager. City Intelligence. The Uhfohtubatf. M. P 'a..This miserable and unfor tunate class of men, with their cerulean attire, have been doomed to receive. in classical language.another " back handei" from that creative body, tno Board of Aldermen When that protective force, the M. P., was organized, it was a matter of recommendation, amounting very proper¬ ly to almost a perfect qualification, that every manjshonl-l be a teetotaller. It appears now that in order to ahow the community how firm they are in their good reaolutions- and how cosy it is lor them to resist temptatien, they praj the Corporation fo keep them dry, and for that purpose esked for water proof capes. The committee reported in favor ol the grant; but a doubt arising whether they would need them alter May, the report was laid on the table last evening, thus completely throwing cold watei upon the hopes of the M. P.'s, on tho ground that their reign wiii be short. This is unlucky and will be likely to damp their ardor, and. perhaps, prevent tliem from peti tiuning for Indiin rubber overshoes and oiled eiik umbrellas. Trial for Rsr*.The trial of Alexander Edward* for] rape, commenced in the Court ef Sessions yesterday, and ol which a lull report will be found in to-day's paper, is ot a very interesting nature, nnd ha* created a great deal of excitement, it being ono of the roost infamous outrage* perpetrated since «he Broadway Cottage rape- The court room was filled during the wholo of the trial ot yester day, and will probably be again to-day. A moat curious and novel acene occurred during the progre** of the trial, one of the companion* of the prisoner being identi¬ fied as a person who had knocked down and threatened the lite ot the female who waa ravished, and committed Police Ofllce.March 17..Hiohwav Robbkrv..The name of the gentleman who waa knocked down and robbed of a watch and chain, worth |40, by McCabe, (not McKay, as published yesterday) is named Rogers, and resides at Ne. 43 Cliff strer t BenoLABr .The stal le ol Henry Dickens, corner of 6th avenue and 57th street, was entered a few nights since, and a largo bay horso stolen. A number ot petit larcenies comprised tho remainder ot the day's business. Coroner's OlBce.March 17..Fovxd Dbowxsd.. The Coroner was called to hold an inquest upon the body of an unknown man, apparently " along shore boatman,'' who was found in the Hudson river at the foot of Har¬ rison street, last night. The body was taken to the dead house last night. At six o'clock this afternoon, tho Coroner had not re¬ turned to the office with any inqnest, either in the abovs core, cr in the c»«e of the perton who wae found dead in the lot between 90th and 100th tstreet, consequently it is impossible to give the result. Board of Supervisor*. March 17..This Board met last evening, his Honor the Mayor iu (he Chair. The minutes of the last meeting were road. The members, during the reeding by the Clerk, conversed iMnewhat loudly, when The Msvon remarked :.Gentlemen, I suppose a* you hove not listened to the reading, we may consider lh< minutes approved. Several members.'"certainly. certainly." (Laughtei.) The Recorder .I move we now adjourn. Aid. Drake..I beg to present the report of the Com mittee nn annual taxes. The report was then read and adopted In favor ol remit- ling ihe personal tax of Bartlett Roonsy, 6th Ward; Ama¬ ss Bartwell, Sd Ward; Eugene Dutilh, Christophrr Mur¬ ray, Granville Spotision, 15th; CharlesCary, 17th; Sam'l C. Limis, H. McCnrkdale. tst| W. II. Harrison and W Hanis, Clinton Place; Wm.Francis, 16th Ward; F. L. Talcctt, 16th; H. McCatbdale, Bcnj. Mott, 11th; William Bunce 6th; .J I. Coddington, 9th street; W. E. Shepherd, 16th Ward; A»>i?ail Rhodes, Eastman, Jno.T. Hunt and Jaincs Phelsn. Reports adverse to remitting pe rsonal tax of Thomas J Carter. 1st Ward, and Stephen Morehouse. Tho Board then adjourned over to Monday evening next at » o'clock. Common Council* Eoard of Ai.dkrmkr, March 17..Aid. 8cimrFKi.ii in the Chair. The minute* ot the last meeting having been rend ami approved, a number ol petitions were presented rrea and referred appropriately. Among tho petition* was ono Irom .fudge Kdmond* and memlier* of the 1>ar to have the Circuit Court room ropaircd and put in order. ». Heating the Pram .The following petition wa* receiv¬ ed, read and granted: " Your petitioner most humid) pray, your honorably body will grant hi* release from tho P.hlridga street piieon, where ho haa been incarcera¬ ted for upward* of thirty d.iy», for a breach ol Corporation oidi.iaiicu in hutting, the drum in the show shop in Chatham street and during that time he has not had a inchange'ui linen.he having no money or friend* in thi« place. And your petitioner further prays thaLyou will release him from further custody, and allow him to return home to hi* native Rtnte, being a native of Belleville, N. J , and there remain and attend to hi* business, being a farmer.. Signed, Themus K. Went. Report*..The committee cn wharves reported in favor ol building a bulkhead at the end of Battery Place The committee on street* reported in tivor of paving, setting enrh and guitar stona* infilh itreet, between ave¬ nue* B nnd C. The sac e committee reported in favor o( taking up the stono truck in Broadway, above Uloeeker street, cuiting them into piece* from t wo to lour feet in lentb.anii relaying them cro'iway*, making the two in side truck* about four feet wide, celt $360. The committee on Fire Department reported in favor ol disbanding Hose Co. No. 7, 0* the member! linve lost all pride in it, an i the home is u resort of rowdy boy* and a nuisance to the neighborhood. All the above reports were adopted. Tht Waterproof Capet of the M I' '* The committee on Police, Watch or.d PrUon*, reported in favor ol apptoprio* ting the aura of $860for the purchase of waterprool capes for the Municipal Police. Alt'r somn littJo sharp shooting, the report was laid on tho table with tho understanding that it lay there till oftot the election, by a vote of S to 6 The Mayor's .' Conci e/e.".The Committee on Htreetr reported u on the 0 immmicaliou ofhi* Honor the Mayor in relation to paving Broadway, between Barclay ond Murray strenti, with <nnarte,ly stating that having ail vertiaed for proposals, they had found the lowest price would he $8 36 per yard, which would amount to ten thousand dollars lor the spice above mentioned; they, .henfore, recommended that the ordinnnce adopted by fie B'jrd oi Arsistm tl providing for the repaveirent 01 Broadway in the place* repaired with round stone br nloptcd, wi!hnn amendment*to the effect that no store* *hi> I mes'iifH Ins than nino inchc* mean diameter. r'rvcral o:her report* were pre*i nted, but of no special Int' ^*t. nnd adopted Cm/ Survivor A communication wo* received from the siirei commissioner, woman mlingthe appointm id d lamoA IC. Barrel! a* one i t il. City Rurvoyi r». That Report of the Committionert of Die silmt Htun,. A report or pommunlcnupn Wll tecoivad from tho Above j^ssartfs wte'WKi c..«. o, ctai., '"a «rditltf auou'iibliieut ar.d virtuous indignation «r S """";; =":,: ',...1.....«. « iS^ES1."^ '"°",;"''J* WfSffiTSi-'S ^rw;x:ch£ir1i^,ikc.B.5.». u «Bu ;.UC«°»"5 d&IMWI b, th. AUonnon or A- '"SS«sfM M*S-s WW SrtKStfb. Board adj.un«d. BOAUO or A«iSTANTg..Tbi» Boardaiso met last even- I'JWtfSSf" read «»d appro.- 'a a,r....a ... tramth. J. par .PFO.ios .1 "srsf »«-¦ -».« ¦" ¦ 7i"S rs:*'" «*'¦ "" *£ZSiffiXX a W'aj ,*>¦>. .'¦".'¦«. uvenuu loithwith <1Ionc,"r"Vranala adverse to regula- Of Committee on Uoada and Cantti aaver.e » ting 43d street, between 9th and l«th avenues. "'infcvor of constructing a sewer in Madison avenue, be- tween 26th and 28th streets, concurred in. Raff(jrt, oisaatKi® reuUon of John wSlaay agalU the present mode of received Irom the Comroisaioncra of the Alma House .nm>w« u> a r "4*. W-S W Wi'.'i WdrSriS'S t'S. January.» ,\^^;,rSWWa«V»..««rab'. laughter. mtt.:-.lion lrom the Comptroller was also Another communication trom iu ^k|||_ the names read in an.wfo7snpplies,«cc..sincn and amount of '^^unkaUon stated that to enable the priation'for ^o i>ay o? addition5 clerhs and reference to document wa. ordered "Mother communication wa. received in reply to the following^solutiont of*«®Xr report to this Board, at WM.£btWi'>Ba'«»'iWtl''!lslh M%lic.».«Alcatl»a»««rf twi "^TS'aSS gave an additional appropriation for the pay of cl«^ would be out of the power of the comptroller to iuru the information required Comptroller was Swat PpWK u would annihilate the published statements of the Comp WbWA'KSb. NjwiSvX*a"totoi "ff ifinfftol not. H. acted no deubt on higher instructions. (L*U*K £nP"oJ demand for extra clerk hire was » mere ^.s, and done for the purpose of evading the enquiry. as he was atrau m Toe communication waa laid on the tabla. of SKS3M«?M5iSSSsi refreshments not palatable to the members of the wmp r *45582^'KfB&i** .<*»* the con.truc- tion of a sewer in Jefteraon ^r^^^ommunication fromPihV Street Inspector in relation to certain defecta^in thpi low relating to contracta for the cleaning of its i and asking the introduction of amendments thereto. ° I n favor or grading 3»d to 28th street. _ , wharves Resolution in favor oi leasing to J. N. Briggi wuarves between pier. 11 and 12, for $1000. Concurre^ in Report in favor of paying several physicians bills. K £?,«: Concur- " Pel t on of J. C. West, asking discharge frf. f !uj°^£ in Kldridge street prison.where he detained hmarh of citv ordinance. Concurred in. Mr Hrsar offered a resolution directing the Comptrol¬ ler to furnish bis account of the pubbc monay s paid b) him from l>t January to lit ot March, 1646, under their T#Mr.UJeu*«o!« moved amecd by also dlrrctlnv the Comptroller to report the aame from lit January, 1641, to lit March, 1844. ... Cro'on dam. Noh concurred in. The Board adjourned. General 8«nloni< Before the Hr-corder, and Aldermen Drake and Dcvoe. Jonai B. Phillip*, acting a* Diitrict Attorney. March 17..Chmgeof Mnhciout Trepan .. In the case of William Tustin, indicted for a mifdemeanor, in re¬ moving tome shrubbery from the premises ef Thomas Warner, defendant .being a tenant in possesaion.coun¬ sel for the accused demurred to the indictment, upon the ground that being a tenant iu possession, the removal was no trespass. Demurrer sustained. Discharged..Oa motion of Mr Phillim, Terrencc Ste¬ ven*, indicted for a robbery in the fi at degree, in knock¬ ing down and rnbhiDg one Thomaa Newell, was dis¬ charged, the com-piainant having " G T. T." gone to Texas, and the defendant under the statute being entitled to his disoharge. Tiialfor Receiving Stolen Gotdt..John McBriaty was tried upon two indictments for the above oiience, hut there was not a particle cf evidence against him, and he was accordingly acquitted. Hackett for defence. Vt Interfiling Tit of for Rape.Alexander C. Edwnrds, a young man, of the genus soap lock, dressed in a ditty rowdy suit, was placed at the bar on a charge of having with others committed a rape upon Mist Sarah M. Dot son Mans, on the night of the .10th »l January last-an outrage ol the moat infamous and brutal character evir perpetra'ed.whether by the prisoner or not, remain* to he proved. Messrs. Noble anil Sherman appeared for the de'euce. Mr. THiLurs for the people,called Miss* Sarah Dnt.srn M»a«. who, on being sworn, It st ftij as follows [Wit nes* is r tolerable good-looking female of about 10 years of ng-, an I was respectably dressed.she appeared dis¬ tressed , and has evidently had much care and trouble.] . I resided in oi Goshen pri vions to Comirg to this cily; I came here in January l ist, and w«rt to reside in Thomas street with Sarah Jennings, an-aunt of mine; I was with her a week when the occurtence, of which I complain,took place; this occurred on o Monday evening; I wenttotlie Bowery Theatre with my cousin, Janeph Jennings, an 1 alter the performances Wi re over, we s'artedto go home; my cousin whs very much in liquor; we went on a piece till we earoe opposite en oyster cellar, where lie wnnted mo to go in and grtsome oyi t-rs, which I refured io da, and lie wont in, leaving me tinseling out sido.uud I ki 11 walking up and down ilie hl <ck waiting lor them:some fellows then camo up and lock hold oi n handkerchief which I hid about my iiech; ono choked me with that, ond another took mo round the wnlst; they then took me rcro. s tho street to an uliey, hut I cannot tell what distance it was from tho Bowery Theatre; tliey carried me in their arms; tliey took me in; them were five or; six men tlirre; threecarriel me from where I was first srixed ; whrn they c.imo to tho alley (witness weeping violently) they did exer¬ cise violence to me; tliey to.ih indecent liberties with inr; and succeeded in accomplishing in violating my person; I see one of them. Do you recognize any of the men in court now f A -(After much weeping) Yes, sir. (J . Can you point him ont 7 A soaplock in n white overcoat and white vest, both very dirty, who was sitting behind Edwards, here stood up. Q..1« that tho man 7 A.- No, sir. The prisoner then stood up. G.-ls that the man 7 A.Yes, sir; ho had intercourse with me first, nnd nf tor<vr.rds another one, nnd the prisoner held me while he accomplished hi* purpose; a noise boing|modo th< n, I got up and escaped from tho alley; when I was struggling with the prisoner. 1 got one ol his flhgers in my mouth nnd it was hound up in a rag; I hit his finger, and lie roar cried 'Met go, or I'll lueuU your damned head;" I »ncci-cil« d in breaking a way from him ; he. overtook me and wslln-d with me, having kohl of mo by tho arm till we got near a corner, when we saw a man ; I wontt d to ge In him nnd Edwards threatened me il I told him any thing ; I went to the watclim iu and told him lo take care of mo, hut I didn't 'ell him what was the matter till we got to the watch- house ; the prisoner followed us there and was taken into cu-tody ; they took from mo in the alley the cape of my cloak, and a coat containing $1 and a ring; I hove been marrii-d ond have a child. Cro^naniaed .I have never been in New Ymk In make any stay until (lie prrsrr.l time ; I hava lived mo'l of my life in Chester ; about six month* I livrd in New- burgh; 1 have worked two wesk« in lloale stroet ts a servT.t t Ihrra were two girls boarding there; tha per ion that recommended una there (Miss I.lttlejchu) tohl ma it was a nice reipectable home | I became acquainted with her at my aunt'*; a week after this ailair took l»'aL® I went to live in Reado street ; I wanted a situation to go to work and have my child with me ., I lived with a Mis. Wal'ion in Kt ode kin et; 1 saw Mrs LiUlejohn at her >wn house, where l had put ih« child to board the day titer 1 came to the cit, ; 1 don't know what the number was; Mr». L.'a home waa In K- ode atreet on the other tide ol Broadway, and on the same sjduut Mia- W aldrou *; don't recollect the dute ol this uituirjwe went to lb" Bowery Theatre in the loan ; he was not dmnk when we went ; he leti mo, two or'n.ree time* duiit g the per- lormancea ; when we came out I believe we went up the Bowery ; I don't recollect whether it wu a daik night ; 1 have never been into an> house uxcipt that of my aunt lud Mrs. Wabliou ; Edward'* friends have been to see me duce 1 went to Mrr. Waldrou'* ; 1 have never told them that 1.lid not recognize Kdwaid* ; 1 was married three rears ugo, uudihave s.q.arutel fiom my husband ; 1 was not in the lamily way whi n 1 was married to Dolson ; I separated Irom him because ho w as intemperate and did not take cam of me. (The wituess was very much ailed- ed during the whole ot her testimony which she gave in a low tone ol voice, hut with gteat clearness and evidently made a very favorable impulsion upon the jurors.) Direct r»sunicd.After we left the Bowery 1 heatre, think we cros-ed sevcial streets; I am not acquainted with the atr< e'sin that ueighboi hood ; the alley waa near an engine house ; 1 know this because when 1 went with him from the alley ,we passedit, and an attempt was made to drag me in ; my child waa two years old the 11th of Januaiy ; 1 left Mia. Waldron's house in Beade street, he- cause on the evening I got the subpoena to come here, i was knocked down when 1 was going to the Crotoo hydrant, and tho otticer thought it was proper and better for ma to come here. .... The soap-lock in the white coat here got up, left his seat and went behind the witness out of her sight. Q .1)0 you recognize the man that knocked you down? . ... A..I have at en him in Court here this morning. The soap-lock was here called back to his seat Q .Is that the man? At.It i«. I am qui e sure. Q..Did he ever call upon you? A. That man called upondnie the week heforo the night 1 was knocked down. He a»kedmeif 1 knew wLe.i the trial was coming on ? He said it wculi be belter lor mi not to come to Court if I wish- ed to savo my life. His brother came with bun; he aiiid If lcam toi cuit, a pistol woulijjo oil and 1 should not know who did it; I rent him in the alley; 1 was going out to (mpty some wash-suds, and he asked me it was the person who had Edwards up, and then ho threatened me as I have stated. .. Disinter Attornkt.Now, sir, 1 inove that this gentle¬ man here in the w hite coat be committed Question iy.CouET lo soap lock .What is your namet Suae i.oca Lewis Reed Rkcohdkh. Well, sir, you will consider yourself in cus¬ tody till we can have au opportunity ol investigating this mutter. Ofllceis, you will soo that that man doe* not leave the Court-r»om. We will see that witnesses are not ti ghtened away from this Court room or intimidutea in any mauner. ( sensation.) ' John Bcakei*t,city watchman. I recollect the girls asking me lor protection about two months age; I was standing corner ol Amity and Sullivan sts; 1 heard some one coming up Amity street lrom the 0th avenue; saw tho girl have hold of a man's arm; that is as near as I can tell; she saw me and lelt tho man and asked me to see her home;she said a young man wanted to go home with her and she did not want him: the man kept his distance; 1 said to him,;if this young lady don't want your company, you had better put,or 1 shall take you to tho watch house; she was crying; I asked her what it waafor;she said some man put a handkerchiefabout her neck and choked her; I asked her why she did not tell me this; she looked round and saw some men coming; 1 turned round, and they un; I asked her where she lived, and she said tho was h stran¬ ger; I told her sho bad better stay in tho watchhowe; she asked it I thought the Captain would let her go in the morning; 1 told her yea; I took her near the watrhhousr, and gave her to Olie, another watchman, who took her to the watchhouse; in the morning 1 saw her before tho Captain; she described Edwards na having a rag on his linger; and hfilwurds had one on his finger when ho was at the watchhotise in the morning; 1 can't swear thot she had hold ol the man's arm, or ho hod hold ol hers; there was an engine house near whore I saw her first, also a a large alley; she did not tell any of the particulars till we got to the watchhouee; 1 didn't enquire particularly, because I saw her feelings were hurt; the cape of her coat was gone; she was decently and respectably dressed; it was between 11 and 11 o'clock; 1 think when 1 saw her it was about half past 11 o'clock; when she came to me she appeared to bo sobbing. Cross-examined.\ asked her what was the matter with her, and she said that the young man with her wanted to go home with her, but she didn't want him to, but after¬ wards sho told me; when I stopped and turned round, ihe prisoner and several others were standing together, and they then all ran; I afterwards gave her in chargo to my side partner; 1 afterwards saw her at the watchhouse, and Edwards was there also. Direct Resumed.The man in a white coat, was Ihere at one time, 1 believe Mr. Phillies then read by consent a deposition of H. L. W. Boroughs, M I)., of Chester, Gsehen County, to the ef- tect that Miss Mans bore an excellent character lor chas¬ tity end veracity; that she had been mairied, and had a child by her husbuad, from whom she had been separated on account of his intemperate habits; that she had highly respectable parents, although in humble circumstances in life, and bore among those who knew her, an unexcep¬ tionable character. Tho prosfcutlon here rested their ca»-. Mr Noblk then opened for the detence, and said that they should net only prove an alibi, but should prove that the witness, Miss Mans, was a gill that could not be believed, and a woman of infamous character; that the ac- cuHtd was a native of Connecticut, and had afterwards resided in Georgia; he was then admitted as a cadet at the West Point Academy, irom whence he was dismissed on ncconnt cf incapacity from early education to main¬ tain his position with bis class: that exertions were after¬ wards made at Washington by the Georgia delegation, but without efleet; that Silas Wright, the present Gover¬ nor of this State, bad known the prisoner, and had given him a letter of introduction to respectable persons in this oity. From this " high estate" he had fallen, and had re¬ cently been employed as a painter: what his association had baen in this city. Counsel could not say. Sar.h Banker (8 brazen faced girl of the town) called and sworn lor the defence.I saw Sarah Dolson Mans at Mra Waldrons, in Reade street; 1 knew her two weeks when 1 lived there; Mrs. Waldron hired her to do her work; I believe she did not bear a very good character; I saw men go into her room; that was a house of prosti- On cross-examination, the witness confessed that sho lived in houses of prostitution, but sewed for a living; .he, however, corroborate! Miss Mans in regard to her having been knocked down and rendered almost insensi¬ ble, and ber hnving been recommended by a Mrs. Little- john, who lived in Reade street, and that Mr*. Wal¬ dron turned her away the night sho was knorhed down; that she said she had been married, and wanted to take euro of her child, and many other ' A woman named Howard, one of the unfortuaate in ¬ mates of the infamcus der. kept by Mr*. Waldron, called by the defence, testified lo having known Miss Mans duriDi the ti'.ne she whi ot Mrs. Waldron's. 1 his witness corroborated MitsM.'s testimony in almost every particu¬ lar, and gave hor testimony in a manner entirely unusual in members of the sisterhood, and was evidently believed by the jury. She identified the man in the white coat (Mr. Lewis Reed) ns having called to eee Miss Mans, and also that she had alterwnnls been knocked down 8he hud never seen any thing improper in her character, but she appeared to be destitute, oast down, and had no friends. »_.« . Mr. Willabd Pierce, a tinware manufacturer, UStiBad that he lived in 10ih street, and thet the prisoner had been in his employ for about nine months, and hal been »m- ployed in paintiDg tin roofflng Witness believed him to lie a young man of good character. At 4 o'clock the court intimated the necessity of their adjourning on account of the Board cf Supervisor* a Mr. Paterson moved to have the man in the white oat committed This caused a tremendous excitement an I great conftirfon. The counsel besought tbocourt not to commit the prisoner.rowdies, of whom there was a prrt- ty lair sprinklirg in court, crowded intido thG b*ri an great anxiety waa manilcsted to get Mr. Reed off. The Recordex, after some very appropriate remarks, directed Reed to be committed, hut Anally consented to admit him to ha 1 in the sum of $1000, in default ot which, he was commitfod. ,, The court then adjournoJ till tomorrow morning at o'clock. The Prkln Ten Company Unvo opened n tn*ge Tea Warehouse, at75 Knlton st, for llie sale of pnra Test. Bee advertisement in another column. Rxtraet of n letter received by Dr. Felix Untiraiid, from the Her. Thomas Klias, Methodist preacher, Newark. tajr : Mrs. Ma*y Hewett, of Belmlle, withes her case to la- mod- Public for the g»"d of llio-e who may now. or at any fu¬ ture time, labor under the like dislrsssing complaint. She Mai alUicted for sir months w ith an unsilhtlr, blntrliod, ernptiie fir-, xvhch ex'endcd down her neck. In this diatresaiiig aitu tiou shs applied to «n eminent phyiieian, but rn uo purpose; then another professional g.nth-inso »«» consulted, wbich alto proretl frnitlrsa In this slat- of distresa a f i ml recommend, d that celebrated remedy for all skin diseases, preptied by Ur. Fe¬ ll* (fourand, called the Italian Medicated *onp. Hhe made in>e of two cake*, and to the astonishment of all her friends, through I he iliriuir blessing. the eruptions and blntel rs were nil cured, and she his now a clear, delicate smooth face and iircn.. Many others in this town, and in the places I risit, hare b-eq healed of various skin diseases hy your luvsluahle Medical* d Hoap. I am, dears.r, yours, affectionately, THOMAS KLIAS. To Dr. FeH* Ooumud, N. Y VVeanxiously caution the public mains' pnrcliaa'rg Or li s Italian bo*|i anywhere else except at th-ongin I store, 117 W .It¬ er st, first store from Broadway. Tliemauy'deleterious arlic'u abrmd nee I very great tare, Agents.7fi Che.timt street,Philadelphia '.Jordan,2 Vilk »tr-er, Boston ; I arleton Ik Co., I.nwell ; llliss ft Co., Springfield ; Orem ,V Co , Worcester ; Bull, Haetfotd ; Kcrre, Middleman Myers, New llasen ; Dver, I'ruvidencs; Tonaey. Rochester Backus St Bull, Troy ; ['caret. I M uiwix IIall, Al' auy l bcli S II.nice, Baltimore ; 1). II. Moore, I.vnrhhurg, Va.°, Auilei- ¦On, Niuhville, Tann.i Heiuilsh, Lancaster, l'a. <* W l>o la troubled with a bml Cough," and cannot res: at night I Let lnm try Sherman's Cough LcKangea. They have cured cas«« that wree almost hopelest-- They eure the Itiv. Darius Anthony, when his friends had given him up. They relieved RfV. Babattian ItlVStST, Of Bos- ton. more than all the remedies he ever made use of, aud il.ev will continue to cure all who are not lieyon.l all hope. If y..u aie tick try tl.ein, end he assumd*you will not regret it. Dr. Hhermm's xvan-heiire is llin Nassau stree' Ag-nts, 227 Hudson; IN Bowery; 77 Kaal Mro-dwai ;3 Ledger Buildings, Philadelphia, and I Mate sirret, BotCn. "Thilley'o Wnplcal Pain Kxtrnrlor, nt hla only agency, 67 Wallu r street, first store from Broadway. Ilenra llnlr Hcntorutl v«*, nt his Agency, (17 Walket it., 1st store rnoM Broadway. Medlcml Notlca..'1 ti« Ail rerl Iscmuiitu or tliu New V ork College of M-dicirc nn.l I'harniactr, established for th* Buppremou ol Mn irkrry. in llie cure of all diseases, Hll| hereafter apia-ar on ill- ljui.h page and .*t column of t' I paper. W * RICHARDSON, M. D. Agent. Oiler and Consul .innll onlfis of the Cell,ge ,06 Nassau ».r e All Pttilsiitalhbln (imin r|| iimis (:. rihu HlkSl.a mpSt he paid to the r gents, Zieher h Co., | I.edi-af Buildings. Tuivd street, near Clieauiut, trheto single r -i UMJMilso he olitained daily at I o'elos V. O- All the new and cheap I'nhlir liions for salent th. If r«- taliliahinriit, wh.ilesile and ret ill. If; Willi the exception of one paper, the "Herald" is read as iniipli, i-.rhsni, in Philadelphia, as any pipe* published in that elty, affording a raltiable medium hi tdv-MIters Ai'rST liren.eiai handed i,i the agouti a; |pt!f pts|;( O'eitKk, wUI ap* pctr In lh« Herald nuttdf.v. wj j./

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Page 1: the WfSffiTSi-'S^rw;x:ch£ir1i^,ikc.B.5.». u 'SS«sfM;YORK HEjALD. w Voik,VMMlaj. Jlmvli in,)k v The Foreign New*. 'I'!.' t' uubri:' ih nowfourteen ciujs atten, audis, therefore,

; YORK HEjALD.w Voik, VMM la j . Jlmvli in, )k v

The Foreign New*.'I'!.' t' uubri:' ih now fourteen ciujs at ten, aud is,

therefore, fully due. II no packet count in pre¬vious i« tier ariwJ, fche w ill bring news mi'' month! iter lrom .ill parts ot Europe.

I'lntrter fOlertlon. Important PolltlcelMciin^t Tn-iilglit.

Fi 'in the announcements in tin" party newspa-ji is we perceive that two very important politicalmeetings will be held to-night, each <>l them calledby tin* respective party committees, lor the purposeit approving their>everal candidates lor the Mayor-al'y ut the next election. The wings have calledliteir meetingatNational HhII,1iu Canal street, near

Broadway, to approve aud coutirm the nominationnl Mr. Jv Idea as the whig candidate lor Mayor.Th .'n.uivos" have called their meeting at theirin-w Hall,called "AmericanHall,''on the cornerolBroadway and Crand street, for the purpose of ap¬proving and confirming the re-nomination of JamesII rper as their candidate for Mayor. Both thesemeetings will be very importunt, as they involveunit is of deep interest, not only as it respects theity and its municipal concerns, but the existence

and perpetuity of the whig and " native" partiesThe democrats, otherwise called loeolocos, have

not yet nominated their candidate lor Mayor, butwetuppose many days will not elapse before healso will be in the field with the usual force andi iithusifcm. Accotding to the beet accounts, Mr.H tvemeyer will be the candidate.a gentlemanivho is represented as being perlectly competent.not a politician by trade.a very active businessman, and who would make a most ndniirable,practical Mayor.a thing which New York haccertainly much warned for several years past.

Che meeting ol the " natives" in their newHall will be a curiosity. We have had experienceof this party for lhe past year. They caine intopower under a pledge und promise of reform ofall kuids.a reduction of the taxes.clean streets-police reform.and every thing that could possiblyicnderthe city of New York a comfortable, plea-sunt, and well-regulated metropolis. Each andevery one ot these promises they have violated inthe most reckless, impudent, and unprincipledmanner. The only pledge which they have fulfil¬led is that by which they bound themselves topersevere in a blind, empty, ridiculous, and igno¬rant denunciation and hatred towards what theycall " Popery," " the Pope," and all men whoby the fiat of the Almighty have been born on theother side of a sheet of water called the Atlantic.In these blind and ignorant antipathies they havebeen steadfast and firm, but in every thing that re¬lates to the city affairs there never has been anyparty in power in New York that has exhibitedsuch recklessness, imbecility,^corruption, extrava¬gance and deceit ns this miserable " native" party.In spite of all theiruttempts at delusion and conceal¬ment, we have seen the city taxation increasedover two hundred thousand dollars beyond that im¬posed by any former administrationwe haveaecn and do now see the streets covered with a

load of filth greater than ever disgraced them atany period in the annals of New York ;.we haveseen the jobs and contracts of the corporation givento favorites and business partners, without any de¬gree of decency or respect for public opinion. Infact, duriug the period in which this new party havebeen in office, the whole time of the members olthe Common Council has been occupied princi¬pally in quarrelling about the contracts and jobsand the spoils of olfice, and in making arrange¬ments for the advancement of their own privateinterests, instead of attending to the reduction ofthe public burdens, the cleansing of the streets, orto municipal reform of any description whatever.Now, iu the face of these palpable and un¬

deniable facts.known to every one in thiacity.what can these "natives" and theirorators possibly say for themselves to-night 1Their meeting must certainly be an amusing affair.It will be most amusing to listen to their speeches,and to hear their excuses, and to note their decla¬rations. They have the simplicity and the ver-daney still to talk about " reform," in the lace ofsuch dereliction of principle and public duty asnever yet disgraced any previous party. We willsee, however, what they will do to-night, and theworld will be amused with their sayings anddoings. Possibly we may have long dissertationsabout the "Pope," the "Irish," and the " Dutch,"and various other ridiculous abstractions that havehb little to do with the affairs of the city as there" natives" have with decency and public duty. Wemay have long tirades about "foreigners," and theterrible dangers which threaten the liberties ol therepublic, in consequence of the alarming influx ofbone and sinew,wealth and talent,from the nationso| the old world. We may have most patrioticandintelligent denunciations of those who, in the Pro¬vidence of (Jod, have been born iu some other la¬titude than these enlightened men, but who .never¬theless, were brought into the world under the.< ame sky, breathe the same atmosphere, and arelighted and warmed by the same sun. But let i:a

wait end hear what they will say.With respect to the meeting of the whigs at Nn.

timid Unit, it will ulso be a very curious, amu-

sing, interesting, philosophical and droll concern.The whig party have been so much cheatedand deceived by the " natives" during thelast year, that they have determined tobe treated so no longer. The whig party will,therefore, come out to-night with all the originalforce they can muster; and though the Wall streeti/i</ne, represented by the Courier ami Enquirer,with its two Colonels, have threatened to create ariot and confusion in the meeting on the questionof abolition, it t very probable that a very simpleand ell'-ctnal course may be adopted for the pur-pose of putting an end to that attempt. Webb hasplaced htmsell in a position towards the whi r partysimilar to that which lie once occupied towards theTammany party. He has tailed during the lastfew years to rule the lug party to his heart's con¬tent, and is now determined to revenge himself bybreaking it up entirely, and turning nil the frag¬ments over to the " natives," ol whom he has be¬come a member, probably from some such mo¬tives us once induced him to support the UnitedStates Hank. It is said by himselt that lie willbe present to-night at the whig meeting, for thepurpose ol makiug a speech, and olleriug 'resolu¬tions ..gainst the adoption of abolitionism as apartof the whig creed, as is now threatened by someof the I- lJers tit Albany, and the interior of theStat". We believe the abolition party have al¬ready set up Arthur Tap, an as their candidate ;and we cana otconceive what abolition has to doexic'.ly with a city election for pirposes en¬tirely municipal.

It will bo curious, however, to note the speechesand events of this evening in the whig meeting,und we shall accordingly send a rorpi of our re¬porters, who will give a full and faithful history ofwhatever rmv be said aad done. It will be a con¬test betweeti the " nativi s" and the whigs, whothill destroy each other, in one respect, as well asa contest lor a new Mayor and Common Council.The probability is that the locofocos, will carryeverything before them; but the result of thestruggle between the whigs and "natives" will bevery important as respects the luturc.

New H*mp.-hikk Flection .We have returnsfrom IW towns. In them the vote for Governor i?ai fellows:.Steele, 21,370; Colby, 14,850; Hoi1und scattering, 6,024 Thirty-seven towns remainto he heard from. Steele is elected, but by n di¬minished mijoritjf. Woodbury, dem , f>r Con-gre**, is defeated i th*re is no rhoiee in his dis-triet.

Rt»[) m F.orroaTfOH -Tt'ii? hn->?(J will meet onWfldnegJay at rt o'clock

tJg J|!| Hotels Ft k Travellers. Travellers goingSouth, «»r coining towards New York, h ive a dw|iinter. st in knowing accurately the best hotels andthe best accommodation winch may be affordedihem in the various cities on the route. TakePhiladelphia lor mstance. We have tried a num¬ber ol hotels in that city, and we must say thatone ol the most comfortable, «|uiet, and recherchtis that elegant aud commodious establishmentkept by Ilartwell, aud knowii us the "WashingtonHouse." The accommodations are extensive andadmirably contrived.the attendance prompt, andadequate.the table really excellent and the mar¬kets of Philadelphia well known to be verywell supplied.

In Baltimore, during the last live months, Bar-nurn's Hotel, which has been celebrated through¬out the country for such a length ol time, has beenrenovated aud refurnished, and gone into newhands. It is now one of the *vry best houses in theUnion, and ihe traveller who consults his owncomfort, will make it his business to stop there.

In Washington, we have Cohnan's and Brown'sand several others, but enough lias been said olthem. There is, however, one hotelat Washing¬ton that is very peculiar in its nature. We alludeto Ihe " European House," kept by a Frenchmannamed Galabran. It is conducted entirely on theFrench plan, and all the foreign.diplomatists whohave not private residences, live at this house.Calabran is quite celebrated us a chef dea cuUiiit.The. cookery is precisely iliul which you can getin the first rate hotels in Paris, or on the continent,and the house is altogether eminently worth theattention of all who may visit Washington.Musical Drama..It appears by all the accounts

that reach us Ironi New Orleans, that Borghese audthe company she carried out to that metropolis olthe 3outh-w#'sthave been extremely successful thusfar. Indeed, the papers of all descriptions are inostenthusiastic in their praises of Borghese, not onlyus a vocalist ef the first order, and purest and bastschool of Italian music, but us an actress unsur¬

passed in grace, genius und elegance. Perozzi alsoconies in lor his share of eulogy, and so do all theothers. We never had any doubt ol the triumphantsuccess of Borghese in New Orleans, although wegreatly regretted her departure from this city. Hadslit- and the other members of the trmjtc remainedhere, they would have had a more prosperous sea-

son|than the Italian Opera overbad in this city. Asa singular confirmation of this opinion, we mayrefer to the fact that the burlesque operatic com¬pany got up at Fnlmo's by Mr. Bennett, of theMuseum in Broadway, drew, lor a week, housescrowded to suffocation, and veiy respectable audi¬ences too. The manner in which these artistes,who were colored as black people, sung the beau¬tiful music of Rosini and Donizetti, was, indeed,not only amusing, but income respects very credits*hie. What has become of them we do not know.

It the meantime we trust that the establishmentof the musical drama here may not fail altogether.De Begnis has been very busy endeavoring to con¬struct a company for opening in November next,and we believe he is going on with some degree oisuccess. We trust that this project will not be for¬gotten among other tilings that daily drift to obli¬vion.

Theatrical "Movements..We understand thatDinneford, formerly manager ol the FranklinTheatre, and afterwards of the Bowery, has takenPalmo's Theatre, lor the purpose of giving repre¬sentations in legitimate drama during the time thatwill elapse from the end of this month up to No¬vember, when the Italian opera commences. Vicunderstand that he is now ready to make up a com¬

pany out of the best materials he can pick up inall our large cities, end expects to open on the 31stinst. According to all appearances, we think thismovement is likely to be a successful one. Thepublic taste ha9 been gradually separating itsel'from the cheap and nasty drama in the two shifling theatres, which has prevailed for Boine time.The respectuble portion of society want some de¬cent house to visit, where they can sec good dra¬matic representations without any admixture ofsuch materials as have marked the downward ten¬dency of the drama in the cheap and naBty theatresduring the last few years. The Park Theatre,since its re-opening, has made a very successful ad¬vance in that line.and, with Palmo's on the otherside of the Park, it is probable that a restorationmay take place in the taste of our citizens, andsomething like the olden and palmy time of thedrama in this city be revived.

Movements cf Travellers..The books o

the principal hotels yesterday morning presenterf but a very small catalogue of arivals, and few of Rny consequence, worth]of record. This may be attributed, mainly, to thicapriciousness of the weather, which has in somimeasure retarded the railroad and steamboapunctuality, as well as the protraction ol the seesion of the Senate to a late hour yesterday to cotelude the unfinished business of the late adnunis(ration.

Fortablf. Gas..There was to have been a lec¬ture on this subject last evening at the NationalHall, Canal street, but owing to the unfavorablestate of the weather, and an important meetingelsewhere, on a subject of vital importance tothose who have taken particular interest in thein itter, caused the lecture to be postponed toThurs-day evening next. A lew illustrations of the sub¬ject were given, whereby it was stated that a pa¬ving of about 47i per cent would be obtained byits use over that at present supplied; at the sametime affording a better, clearer and safer light..This will be well worthy of the attention of theovercharged residents of this city, and there canhe no valid reason why the matter cannot be aswell carried out here as in England and on theContinent of Europe.Advices from tub Sandwich Iki.ands, via

Tampico..We have received The Friend, pub-liplied ut Honolulu, of tbe Mth of November..There is nothing particularly new in this paper;it contains, however, n long review of the corns-pondence bet«vecnHis Hawaiian Majesty's Secre¬tary ol State and the United Slates' Commissioner,in the case ol John Wiley, nn American citizen,charged with a rape on a native girl Wiley whs

convicted and fined $'50. From this he appealed.The review is curious and voluminous, and is in¬teresting, because the Secretary of State is also anAmerican named Judtf, once a young lawyer inthis section.and the case shows what progress theSandwich Islanders have made in civilization..We may publish a portion of the review to-mor¬row.

Affairs at Iciiauok.The ship Shakspeare,Cant. Chester, arrived yeetcrday from Jclmboe,with a full cargo.eltven hundred tons of Guano.She left that Island on the 18th of January, andreports three or four hundred vessels wait¬ing there for cargoes of this new and valuable ag¬ricultural article. It is stated by Capt. Chesterthat a great many vessels foundered whilst he was

loading, there being no harbor for them to lay in ;they were exposed to the whole force of everygale and every heavy sea. Vessels daily left tos-ek cargoes elsewhere, Ichaboe having been nearly cleaned by those who have already visited theIsland.Late from Havana..The packet ship Norma,

Captain Birton, has arrived from Havana withadvices to the ti ll msf. inclusive.There is no political news of importance,in Havana, produce was very scarce and high.

There were no freights of any kiad for Americanve-iels; and there was no fruit in the market.

vrraMBOAT Accident..An endorsement on theM Adit Herald of the ft h iaslant, states that thr

r Ruby was run into oil the previous night,ph.. i fl niloi from Mobile, and immediately sunk,iievtril lives are said to have hern lost,

MO. I *.

Amilvt'i am y of (he 8t. I'ntilrk'* Society.The "Friendly Sons ot St. Patrick" celebrated

the auntvi r ary of their patron t iint, ai tlu CityHotel List evening. About sixty gentlemen satdown to u sumptuousdtuncrat half past bix o'clockAmongst tiie guests we noticed the Presidents olthe New England, the St. Nicholas, the St. An¬drews, and iiie German Societies; his Honor, theMayor; John CauldwcU, Esq.,&c.The Chair was occupied by Mr. R. J. Dillon,

one ot the Vice Presidents, in consequence of ttieindisposition of James Rkybukn, Esq., the wor¬

thy und es iniable President.Alitrthe cloth waa removed, Mr. Dillon rose

and apologized tor the absence of the President .He then gave the followiug regular toasts, whichwere drank with the usual enthusiasm.Tho Day wc Celebrate.Wo ble^s the birthday ol him.

who first gave ihu wonts ot Divine Tiuthtothc lri.lipeople. St. Patrick's Day.

' Ireland".The land of our birth, tho home ol our ear¬liest (-fictions.Messrs Brougb, Wilson, and an uuiutucr here

sung the beautiful glee."The Harp that once o'erTarn's Walls.""The United State*".The land ol our adoption.wecherish the principles and the title of "American ciii

zens".May they be perpetual..Hail Columbia."The Queen, Lords, and Commons of Ireland.£rm go

Bragh.This toast was received with the greatest enthu

siaem.Mr Cau> dwki.i. responded to i', attirrd in the uniform

worn by the 1: ish volunteers of 1783. it is appearancewas grecti d with tremendous cheers. He raid, it mayperhups appear strange in a man 11' my yeais appearingiu this country dressed in this fashion, but 1 wanted toshow the Friendly Hons of St. Patrick the unifoim inwhich their forefather* so successfully battled lor the li¬berties of their native countiy. (Cbters.) Tho coat Inow wear was mude more than Hix<y years ago, by amaster tsilor in the eity of Dublin, mid a member oi thDublin Loyal Volunteers (Cheers.) tt would appearthat St Patrick, who, as every body knows, banished til-toads from "Ould lreloud," bus taken this gaum n'ucder his special protection, and kept the moths out oiiitill this very hour. (Laughter end cheers.) Mr.C. thenwent on lo refer to theccnduut of n deputation ol Irishvolunteers in tbe lievolutio-.tiry War, many of whomwere members of this very society (cheers).wInchwaited on General Washington to congratulate him onthe triumphant issue of that con(lici, and to whose con¬gratulations tbe "Father of his Country" made the fol¬lowing reply :" The testimony of your sntisfiCtion at the glorious

termination of the late contest, and your indulgent opi¬nion of my agency in it, affords me singular pleasure, andmerits my warmest acknowledgments. If the example ofthe Americans auccessfuly contending in the cause of free¬dom can be of any use to other natious, we shall have anadditional motive for rejoicing at to prosperous an eventIt was not an uninteresting consideration to learn thattbe kingdom of Ireland by ahold and manly conduct hadobtained the redress of many ot its grievances, and it ismuch to be wished that the blessings of tqual liberty aodunrestrained commerce may yet prevailmore extensive¬ly. In the meantime, you mnv bo assured, gentlemen,that the hospitality and beniflcence of your countrymen

ethren, Whoto our brethren, who had been prisoners of war,are nother unkuownor unregarded. The besom ot America isopen to receive not only the opulent and respectablestranger, but the oppressed and pctseculcd of nil natior sand teligioiis, and whom we shall welcome to u porticipation of all our rights and privileges." (Loud and longcontinued cheating.)The Chairman rose to propose the next regular toast.

Ho said he was extremely sorry that his Honor the Mayorhad been obliged to leave before the toast was given Hisregret was increased because he had no doubt his Honorwould have been |greatiy delighted on hearing the elo¬quent letter of General Washington. (Great cheers andlaughter) Gut the Mayor was obliged to leave in conse¬quence of receiving on intimation ot a serious disturbancein some pnrt ot the city.he (the chairman) was happy loadd, that it was not nn Irish disturbance (laughter).itbad occuircj amongst their brethren, the Hebrews (re¬newed laughter.) However, he knew they would receivewith great enthusiasm the next regular toast." The city of New York, and its worthy Chief Magis¬

tral."The next regular toast was."Our Sister Societies.united in the same object o!

doing good to "father land we hail with welcome theirrepresentatives at our festive board.".The alngrl's TVhisper.

Mr. Grinnkli., in returning thanks on the part of theNew England Society, said that he was sorry on moreaccounts than one to find the worthy President of StPatrick's absent on that occasion. He had a word to sayto him (laughter) about that sentiment. (Renewed laugh¬ter).thut "Blarney Slonc." (Great laughter) He believed that the Sons ot St. Jouathan. us well os the Sonsof St Patrlek, had their own share ofthe blarney. (Laugh¬ter.) He was aerry, however, that he had not a chanceol getting off his speeeh, in reply to Mr. Raybnrn. BntNew England.prosperous New England con afford totake a joke. While England had her rose-France herlily.and Scotland her thistle, poor Ireland had to go tograss for a trophy. (Great laughter and cheers.) Besides,New England's "Blarney Stone" had a rual existence,Ireland had to bo content with a sham rock. He would,then-fore, give." The Plymouth Bock of New England and the Sham

rock ot Ireland."The toa«t waa received with the greatest good

humor und enthusiasm.Dr. Munley, Mr. Sand and Mr. frvin ako return¬

ed thanks in hehalffof their Societies, the latter giv¬ing as a sentiment"The health of James Sboridan Knowles.the best of

living dramatists."The next toast was.The National School* of Ireland.The fountains of our

country's hopes.Toe next regular toast was.Woman.The last, yet first in the affection* of Irish¬

men.The Chairman then stated that he had receivod letters

of apology from the Hon. John C. Calhoun, and the Hor.James Buchanan, the latter of whom sent aa a sentiment:" When we were weak, lrishmen|nobly helped usj let usnet forget the (lays of* lang syne,' "and which was drankwith great enthusiasm.The Chairman then gave the health of the absent Presi¬

dent, Mr. Reyburn. Drank with all the henora.A letter ol apology from Mr. Reyburn was then

read, concluding with the toast."The "83 Club of Ireland'.May its member! prove

worthy scions of tho Irish Volunteers ol 1783 "

Mr. Brooch (whu had for a few moments taken theplace of one of the Vice President's at his r- quest,) hereres * and said :.Mr. Chairman, dignified by my preaen'position, I make bold to say a word. There is a poor.' fnmiffnpp'' linrp whn savaltu ItDtaliirava idnntiftod Vt-iclv.foreigner" here who says he has always identified Irish¬men and whiskey.punch.bnt not a drop he has seen thuday. (Roars of laughter) He, therefore, requests me toask you to order some of " that same." (Laughter)Chairman.Certainly.certainly, Mr. Brough.Mr. Brooch.Materials fortwo, if you please. (Laugh

ter.)Dudley Persic, Ksq., the first Vice Treddent, then

gava." Bunker Hill ut 76.Vinegar Hill of 78.IrishMood has (risen eternal verdure to both." (Cheers )Mr. J. T. Brady, the second Vice President, alter a very

eloquent speech, (rave." The Union of lihhmen.whenreligious strife has ceased to agitate Ireland, she will takeher place amours' the nations." (Cheers.)

*' The Bar of New Vork," by Mr, Donnelly ; anl wasresponded to hv Judge Daly." The Press" was then drank.Dr. Houston responded. Alter returning thanks for,ths

honorable mention of "the ptess," he rail, he gladly em-braced that opportunity of expressing his delight in ascer¬taining the Y»-ry important change iu the policy of HiHonor the Mayor, which had been aiinouncid by theChairman His Honor for nearly a year had been tiyingto scatter the Irish.he hsil now, it appeared, engaged inthe much more hcnevolen' and leasible project of tryingto ga'hcr in the Jens. (Laughter.) He, Dr. If., mostheartily wished his Honor succcis in his new and interesting mission. After relerring to the patriotic and libe¬ral sentiments ot Mr. tirinnell and Dr."Manly, Dr. Hous¬ton gave:."80 long as St. Jonathan lias well represented as ho

has been horo to-night, the Irish in America will not needto nt'er a wotd in defence of their rights as American citi¬zens.the intelligence and patriotism of the United States,like the jokes of the President of the New Kogland Societyhnve no sling lor the Irish." (Cheers.)fA gnntlemnn connected with thepress, and welt know n

for his roc il tab-nts ond musical taste, sang in beautifulstyle Lover's ballad." I'll seek » four leaved shamrock.")Mr. Baouiiit then sang with ohsracteristic spirit."TheSew".accompanied by Mr. Bennies on the pianoforte.

l)r A. C. Caim.k gave.The SUomiock of Ireland, and the Hose of KngUnl.May they, when the cloud parses away, like Venus

emerging from the silvery mists of ocean, huiniouizo totb . view ot all nations, beauty, purity Rnd love. fCberrs)Purser C C. Rick, V. H N., then rose, and nf cr snmcolcquent rrmaik.', exprc**i»o of the n'tarbment of theIrish adopted citizens to the institutions 01 the UnitedStates, nud cl th« eminent t.dcnts and distinguished cha-ructer of the Secretary of tl-.e Navy, gave the followingsentiment:." ffeorge Bancroft, Secretary rf the Baited States Navy.The pages of American history most favorably record

his n-wne.the of American patriotismhave unanimously confirmed and deservedly honored it.(Drank with grest applause )Many other sentiment), appropriate to the occasion,

were pivpn.excellent sor.g-i rnrg.and the company se¬parated, highly delighted with the enjoyments of theevening.

Lapies' iNm'srRtAt. Association .We obeyed,as in duty bound, the invitation of the "Ladies'Industrial Association," to "read, mark, learn,and inwardly digest" the proceedings of their meet¬ing announced to " come oil," at Palmo's, at threeo'clock yesterday afternoon. We repaired to Ihcspot; hut mark our disappointment when we readthe following: .PosTranr.MriT..In consequence of the indisposition 0'

Mrs. Horno.Ihr Sprakrr.Uir. meeting of thfl " Lsdiss' Induatrial A*, ociatio:r' is postponed, tiii'il furthnr notice.A miachicvouB w. q attempted to account forotti

disappointment by reminding us, that this was theanniversary ofthel'dlron Saint rf Ireland, whenextra Hornt are frequently the apology lor the ab¬sence rf native elr.querce.Grand Concert in Newark..Mr. Kyle, th>

eminent flutist, gives a concert this evening at theabove plnre. in which he will b" asjistod hv thrprincipal artutm in this city: among them MadamePico. Miss K D. Lore, ftignor ft ir.qnirico, <SreMr TimNt will fitmidfl at tire pianoforte. Snch ornii-i.! treat t>) the residents ol Newark lias cel.dom or cover been presented to them before, nip!n<> doubt will be »|frtoiit«| toooydlngly.

nrini-i iw* twao-* i 1nwisin 11 mm .

Nr.w Licinrk Law .An outline of the new li-ceuse law is annexed. It liaa parsed the Hon*,and may pat-J the Senate. It ib curious and repub¬lican i.

1st A speciil town meeting is to he held oh the Tues¬day tie oris tins tint Monday ot May next, at which theelector* arc. to vote on the question of " lioense" or " 110license." This provision ul o extends to (tie everetoitics of th« State, unit at the unanimous n quest of thedelegation fioni the city ot Niw t oik the act ulsu includesthat city. , .

3d. When the first vote has been taken.whicheverparty may obtain the majority the result is to stand lorone year ut least, and until one luurth ol the elector*sliail petition the proper euthcri ies lor a new trial, whena new election is to be held. The ubove named proil-.ion is to extend to ell new elections.

ad. It the people role "license," then the boaids ot ex¬cise, now established, are to possess the. same powersthey now possess, either to grant or retuse licenses leithe retail of intoxicating liquors, to such persons as mayhave the nece sary conveniences for travellers in otherwords, tavern license*. No giocers' licenses are to beallowed. No pay is to bo received for such licensesThis we couceive to be the inact valuable feature in tb«bill it separates this great moral question from all con¬nection with filthy luce, and every tax-puyer voting for"license" will have the satisfaction of knowing that llhis s do prevails, no " price of blood" is to bethiownintothe public coders. He must look elsewhere for the suppoit of tho paupers which he so willingly helps to makeAnd it is right in another point of view. If the irethoisright, no license should be required. If wrong, it is notconsistent with good morals to sell crime for " twentypens of silver."

4th. It the peoplo vote " no license," then none are tobo granted, and oil the penalties now imposed by the Hevised Si atutes against the retailing < f intoxicating liquorsare to upply in tuoir full lorco. The only exci ption is infavor ot the physiciau, whs may prescribe lot medicinalpurposes

6th. If the overseer of the poor neglects lor fen days topreuccute for any penalty incurred under the previoussection, any citizen may do so, in his name, by givingsecurity for the costs of suit in case of failure. Iiconviction follows the prosecution, then such complainant is torecover one half the penalty.This bill ban created considerable excitement in

this city. We understand that a large meeting olthe pubiicaus »>r the Keepers of bur rooms, i\cc. inthis city was held last evening to adopt measuresto prevent the passage of the bill in the Senate.

Personal Movements.Judge Belts left town on Sunday altarnoon for Wash¬

ington.The Rev. Joseph P. Thompson, of the Chapel street Con¬

gregational Cburch in Newark, has accepted a call totake charge of the Tabernacle in this city.The Rt. Rev. O. W. Freeman, D.D., as op.icars from the

Spirit of Misaiont, has left Nuwaastle, DeL for New Orleens, tn route lo Texas, in which country ho intends tomake a hasty visitation before proceeding to Arkansas.Samuel D. Tatterson, Esq., it is said, has been appointedNavy Agent at Philadelphia, vice Captain Hayes.Gen. Simon Cameron, elected United States Senator by

the Pennsylvania Legislature,was iu early life a practicalprinter.The Messrs. Fitch, of Kingston, arc building a steamer

to ho called the St. Nicholas, to run between that place,and New Fork.

Theatricals, «Stc.The Ethiopian Melodists have arrived at St. Louis,where they are about to give conceits.Howes tk Mabio's eqnestiian company terminated their

season in New Orleans on the btli inst. On the followingday thty left for Natchez.The concert given at Mobile by Mr. Barton and Madam

Hammarskold, on the 7th inst, was attended by a largoand fashionable audience, and received with high appro¬bation.Olo Bull gave a farewell concert at the American thea¬

tre, New Oilcans, on the lltli inst. He was unsifted onthe occasion bv the orchestra of tho Italian opera.The extensive menagerie of Messrs. Hopkins & Co., i>

now at Baton Rogue, affording the good people there asight of "the elephant "

Forbes, the manager of the Charleston theatre, afterhaving tried sawdust and a stud of horses for a week.playing all the whilo to almost empty boxes.has beencompelled to fail back upon the "sure enough" drama..His company tendered to him their gratuitous services fora complimentary benefit, in token of their approval of hiscourse us a manager.

City Intelligence.The Uhfohtubatf. M. P 'a..This miserable and unfor

tunate class of men, with their cerulean attire, have beendoomed to receive. in classical language.another " backhandei" from that creative body, tno Board of AldermenWhen that protective force, the M. P., was organized, itwas a matter of recommendation, amounting very proper¬ly to almost a perfect qualification, that every manjshonl-lbe a teetotaller. It appears now that in order to ahow thecommunity how firm they are in their good reaolutions-and how cosy it is lor them to resist temptatien, they prajthe Corporation fo keep them dry, and for that purposeesked for water proof capes. The committee reported infavor ol the grant; but a doubt arising whether theywould need them alter May, the report was laid on thetable last evening, thus completely throwing cold wateiupon the hopes of the M. P.'s, on tho ground that theirreign wiii be short. This is unlucky and will be likely todamp their ardor, and. perhaps, prevent tliem from petitiuning for Indiin rubber overshoes and oiled eiikumbrellas.Trial for Rsr*.The trial of Alexander Edward* for]

rape, commenced in the Court ef Sessions yesterday, andol which a lull report will be found in to-day's paper, is ota very interesting nature, nnd ha* created a great deal ofexcitement, it being ono of the roost infamous outrage*perpetrated since «he Broadway Cottage rape- The courtroom was filled during the wholo of the trial ot yesterday, and will probably be again to-day. A moat curiousand novel acene occurred during the progre** of thetrial, one of the companion* of the prisoner being identi¬fied as a person who had knocked down and threatenedthe lite ot the female who waa ravished, and committedPolice Ofllce.March 17..Hiohwav Robbkrv..The

name of the gentleman who waa knocked down androbbed of a watch and chain, worth |40, by McCabe,(not McKay, as published yesterday) is named Rogers,and resides at Ne. 43 Cliff strer tBenoLABr .The stal le ol Henry Dickens, corner of

6th avenue and 57th street, was entered a few nightssince, and a largo bay horso stolen.A number ot petit larcenies comprised tho remainder ot

the day's business.Coroner's OlBce.March 17..Fovxd Dbowxsd..

The Coroner was called to hold an inquest upon the bodyof an unknown man, apparently " along shore boatman,''who was found in the Hudson river at the foot of Har¬rison street, last night. The body was taken to the deadhouse last night.At six o'clock this afternoon, tho Coroner had not re¬

turned to the office with any inqnest, either in the abovscore, cr in the c»«e of the perton who wae found dead inthe lot between 90th and 100th tstreet, consequently it isimpossible to give the result.

Board of Supervisor*.March 17..This Board met last evening, his Honor

the Mayor iu (he Chair. The minutes of the last meetingwere road. The members, during the reeding by theClerk, conversed iMnewhat loudly, whenThe Msvon remarked :.Gentlemen, I suppose a* youhove not listened to the reading, we may consider lh<

minutes approved.Several members.'"certainly. certainly." (Laughtei.)The Recorder .I move we now adjourn.Aid. Drake..I beg to present the report of the Com

mittee nn annual taxes.The report was then read and adopted In favor ol remit-

ling ihe personal tax of Bartlett Roonsy, 6th Ward; Ama¬ss Bartwell, Sd Ward; Eugene Dutilh, Christophrr Mur¬ray, Granville Spotision, 15th; CharlesCary, 17th; Sam'lC. Limis, H. McCnrkdale. tst| W. II. Harrison and WHanis, Clinton Place; Wm.Francis, 16th Ward; F. L.Talcctt, 16th; H. McCatbdale, Bcnj. Mott, 11th; WilliamBunce 6th; .J I. Coddington, 9th street; W. E. Shepherd,16th Ward; A»>i?ail Rhodes, Eastman, Jno.T. Huntand Jaincs Phelsn.Reports adverse to remitting pe rsonal tax of Thomas J

Carter. 1st Ward, and Stephen Morehouse.Tho Board then adjourned over to Monday evening

next at » o'clock.

Common Council*Eoard of Ai.dkrmkr, March 17..Aid. 8cimrFKi.ii in

the Chair. The minute* ot the last meeting having beenrend ami approved, a number ol petitions were presented

rreaand referred appropriately. Among tho petition* wasono Irom .fudge Kdmond* and memlier* of the 1>ar to havethe Circuit Court room ropaircd and put in order.». Heating the Pram .The following petition wa* receiv¬ed, read and granted: " Your petitioner most humid)pray, your honorably body will grant hi* release fromtho P.hlridga street piieon, where ho haa been incarcera¬ted for upward* of thirty d.iy», for a breach ol Corporationoidi.iaiicu in hutting, the drum in the show shop in Chathamstreet and during that time he has not had a inchange'uilinen.he having no money or friend* in thi« place. Andyour petitioner further prays thaLyou will release himfrom further custody, and allow him to return home tohi* native Rtnte, being a native of Belleville, N. J , andthere remain and attend to hi* business, being a farmer..Signed, Themus K. Went.Report*..The committee cn wharves reported in favor

ol building a bulkhead at the end of Battery PlaceThe committee on street* reported in tivor of paving,setting enrh and guitar stona* infilh itreet, between ave¬

nue* B nnd C. The sac e committee reported in favor o(taking up the stono truck in Broadway, above Uloeekerstreet, cuiting them into piece* from t wo to lour feet inlentb.anii relaying them cro'iway*, making the two inside truck* about four feet wide, celt $360.The committee on Fire Department reported in favor ol

disbanding Hose Co. No. 7, 0* the member! linve lost allpride in it, an i the home is u resort of rowdy boy* and anuisance to the neighborhood. All the above reportswere adopted.Tht Waterproof Capet of the M I' '* The committee on

Police, Watch or.d PrUon*, reported in favor ol apptoprio*ting the aura of $860for the purchase of waterprool capesfor the Municipal Police.Alt'r somn littJo sharp shooting, the report was laid on

tho table with tho understanding that it lay there till oftotthe election, by a vote of S to 6

The Mayor's .' Conci e/e.".The Committee on Htreetrreported u on the 0 immmicaliou ofhi* Honor the Mayorin relation to paving Broadway, between Barclay ondMurray strenti, with <nnarte,ly stating that having ailvertiaed for proposals, they had found the lowest pricewould he $8 36 per yard, which would amount to tenthousand dollars lor the spice above mentioned; they,.henfore, recommended that the ordinnnce adopted byfie B'jrd oi Arsistm tl providing for the repaveirent 01

Broadway in the place* repaired with round stone brnloptcd, wi!hnn amendment*to the effect that no store**hi> I mes'iifH Ins than nino inchc* mean diameter.

r'rvcral o:her report* were pre*i nted, but of no specialInt' ^*t. nnd adoptedCm/ Survivor A communication wo* received from

the siirei commissioner, woman mlingthe appointm idd lamoA IC. Barrel! a* one i t il. City Rurvoyi r».That Report of the Committionert of Die silmt Htun,.

A report or pommunlcnupn Wll tecoivad from tho Above

j^ssartfswte'WKi u» c..«. o, ctai.,'"a «rditltf auou'iibliieut ar.d virtuous indignation

«rS"""";; '« =":,:',...1.....«. « iS^ES1."^ '"°",;"''J*

WfSffiTSi-'S^rw;x:ch£ir1i^,ikc.B.5.».u l»

«Bu ;.UC«°»"5 d&IMWI b, th. AUonnon or A-

'"SS«sfMM*S-sWW SrtKStfb. Board adj.un«d.

BOAUO or A«iSTANTg..Tbi» Boardaiso met last even-

I'JWtfSSf" read «»d appro.-'a a,r....a ... tramth. J.par .PFO.ios .1

"srsf»«-¦ -».« ¦" ¦

7i"Srs:*'"«*'¦ ""

*£ZSiffiXXaW'aj ,*>¦>. .'¦".'¦«.uvenuu loithwith <1Ionc,"r"Vranala adverse to regula-Of Committee on Uoada and Cantti aaver.e »ting 43d street, between 9th and l«th avenues.

"'infcvor of constructing a sewer in Madison avenue, be-tween 26th and 28th streets, concurred in.

Raff(jrt,oisaatKi®reuUon of John wSlaay agalU the present mode of

received Iromthe Comroisaioncra of the Alma House .nm>w« u> a r

"4*. W-S W Wi'.'iWdrSriS'St'S. January.»,\^^;,rSWWa«V»..««rab'.

laughter. mtt.:-.lion lrom the Comptroller was alsoAnother communication trom iu ^k|||_ the namesread in an.wfo7snpplies,«cc..sincnand amount of'^^unkaUon stated that to enable the

priation'for ^o i>ay o? addition5 clerhs and reference to

document wa. ordered

"Mother communication wa. received in reply to the

following^solutiont of*«®Xr report to this Board, at

WM.£btWi'>Ba'«»'iWtl''!lslhM%lic.».«Alcatl»a»««rf twi "^TS'aSSgave an additional appropriation for the pay of cl«^would be out of the power of the comptroller to iuruthe information required

Comptroller wasSwat PpWKu would annihilate the published statements of the Comp

WbWA'KSb.NjwiSvX*a"totoi"ff ifinfftol not. H.acted no deubt on higher instructions. (L*U*K £nP"oJdemand for extra clerk hire was » mere ^.s, and done forthe purpose of evading the enquiry. as he was atraumToe communication waa laid on the tabla.


SKS3M«?M5iSSSsirefreshments not palatable to the members of the wmp r

*45582^'KfB&i** .<*»* the con.truc-tion of a sewer in Jefteraon^r^^^ommunicationfromPihV Street Inspector in relation to certain defecta^inth pi low relating to contracta for the cleaning of its iand asking the introduction of amendments thereto.°

I n favor orgrading 3»d to 28th street._ , wharvesResolution in favor oi leasing to J. N. Briggi wuarves

between pier. 11 and 12, for $1000. Concurre^ inReport in favor of paying several physicians bills. K

£?,«: Concur-"

Pel t on of J. C. West, asking discharge frf. f!uj°^£in Kldridge street prison.where he i» detainedhmarh of citv ordinance. Concurred in.Mr Hrsar offered a resolution directing the Comptrol¬ler to furnish bis account of the pubbc monay s paid b)him from l>t January to lit ot March, 1646, under their

T#Mr.UJeu*«o!« moved t» amecd by also dlrrctlnv theComptroller to report the aame from lit January, 1641, tolit March, 1844.


Cro'on dam. Noh concurred in.The Board adjourned.

General 8«nloni<Before the Hr-corder, and Aldermen Drake and Dcvoe.Jonai B. Phillip*, acting a* Diitrict Attorney.March 17..Chmgeof Mnhciout Trepan.. In the case

of William Tustin, indicted for a mifdemeanor, in re¬moving tome shrubbery from the premises ef ThomasWarner, defendant .being a tenant in possesaion.coun¬sel for the accused demurred to the indictment, upon theground that being a tenant iu possession, the removalwas no trespass. Demurrer sustained.Discharged..Oa motion of Mr Phillim, Terrencc Ste¬

ven*, indicted for a robbery in the fi at degree, in knock¬ing down and rnbhiDg one Thomaa Newell, was dis¬charged, the com-piainant having " G T. T." gone toTexas, and the defendant under the statute being entitledto his disoharge.

Tiialfor Receiving Stolen Gotdt..John McBriaty wastried upon two indictments for the above oiience, hutthere was not a particle cf evidence against him, and hewas accordingly acquitted. Hackett for defence.Vt Interfiling Titof for Rape.Alexander C. Edwnrds, ayoung man, of the genus soap lock, dressed in a dittyrowdy suit, was placed at the bar on a charge of havingwith others committed a rape upon Mist Sarah M. Dotson Mans, on the night of the .10th »l January last-anoutrage ol the moat infamous and brutal character evirperpetra'ed.whether by the prisoner or not, remain* tohe proved. Messrs. Noble anil Sherman appeared for thede'euce.Mr. THiLurs for the people,called Miss* Sarah Dnt.srn

M»a«. who, on being sworn, It st ftij as follows [Witnes* is r tolerable good-looking female of about 10 yearsof ng-, an I was respectably dressed.she appeared dis¬tressed , and has evidently had much care and trouble.].I resided in oi Goshen pri vions to Comirg tothis cily; I came here in January l ist, and w«rt to residein Thomas street with Sarah Jennings, an-aunt of mine;I was with her a week when the occurtence, of which Icomplain,took place; this occurred on o Monday evening;I wenttotlie Bowery Theatre with my cousin, JanephJennings, an 1 alter the performances Wi re over, wes'artedto go home; my cousin whs very much in liquor;we went on a piece till we earoe opposite en oyster cellar,where lie wnnted mo to go in and grtsome oyi t-rs, whichI refured io da, and lie wont in, leaving me tinseling outsido.uud I ki 11 walking up and down ilie hl <ck waitinglor them:some fellows then camo up and lock hold oi n

handkerchief which I hid about my iiech; ono chokedme with that, ond another took mo round the wnlst; theythen took me rcro. s tho street to an uliey, hut I cannottell what distance it was from tho Bowery Theatre; tlieycarried me in their arms; tliey took me in;them were five or; six men tlirre; threecarriel mefrom where I was first srixed ; whrn they c.imoto tho alley (witness weeping violently) they did exer¬cise violence to me; tliey to.ih indecent liberties with inr;and succeeded in accomplishing in violating my person;I see one of them.

Do you recognize any of the men in court now fA -(After much weeping) Yes, sir.(J .Can you point him ont 7A soaplock in n white overcoat and white vest, both

very dirty, who was sitting behind Edwards, here stoodup.Q..1« that tho man 7A.- No, sir.The prisoner then stood up.G.-ls that the man 7A.Yes, sir; ho had intercourse with me first, nnd nf

tor<vr.rds another one, nnd the prisoner held me while heaccomplished hi* purpose; a noise boing|modo th< n, I gotup and escaped from tho alley; when I was strugglingwith the prisoner. 1 got one ol his flhgers in my mouthnnd it was hound up in a rag; I hit his finger, and lie

roarcried 'Met go, or I'll lueuU your damned head;" I »ncci-cil« din breaking away from him ; he. overtook me and wslln-dwith me, having kohl of mo by tho arm till we got near acorner, when we saw a man ; I wontt d to ge In him nndEdwards threatened me il I told him any thing ; I went tothe watclim iu and told him lo take care of mo, hut I didn't'ell him what was the matter till we got to the watch-house ; the prisoner followed us there and was taken intocu-tody ; they took from mo in the alley the cape of mycloak, and a coat containing $1 and a ring; I hove beenmarrii-d ond have a child.Cro^naniaed .I have never been in New Ymk In

make any stay until (lie prrsrr.l time ; I hava lived mo'lof my life in Chester ; about six month* I livrd in New-burgh; 1 have worked two wesk« in lloale stroet ts aservT.t t Ihrra were two girls boarding there; tha perion that recommended una there (Miss I.lttlejchu) tohlma it was a nice reipectable home | I became acquainted

with her at my aunt'*; a week after this ailair took l»'aL®I went to live in Reado street ; I wanted a situation to goto work and have my child with me ., I lived with a Mis.Wal'ion in Kt ode kin et; 1 saw Mrs LiUlejohn at her>wn house, where l had put ih« child to board the daytiter 1 came to the cit, ; 1 don't know what the numberwas; Mr». L.'a home waa In K- ode atreet on the othertide ol Broadway, and on the same sjduut Mia- W aldrou *;don't recollect the dute ol this uituirjwe went to lb"Bowery Theatre in the loan ; he was not dmnk whenwe went ; he leti mo, two or'n.ree time* duiit g the per-lormancea ; when we came out I believe we went up theBowery ; I don't recollect whether it wu a daik night ;1 have never been into an> house uxcipt that of my auntlud Mrs. Wabliou ; Edward'* friends have been to see meduce 1 went to Mrr. Waldrou'* ; 1 have never told themthat 1.lid not recognize Kdwaid* ; 1 was married threerears ugo, uudihave s.q.arutel fiom my husband ; 1 wasnot in the lamily way whi n 1 was married to Dolson ; Iseparated Irom him because ho w as intemperate and didnot take cam of me. (The wituess was very much ailed-ed during the whole ot her testimony which she gave in alow tone ol voice, hut with gteat clearness and evidentlymade a very favorable impulsion upon the jurors.)

Direct r»sunicd.After we left the Bowery 1 heatre,think we cros-ed sevcial streets; I am not acquaintedwith the atr< e'sin that ueighboi hood ; the alley waa nearan engine house ; 1 know this because when 1 went withhim from the alley ,we passedit, and an attempt was madeto drag me in ; my child waa two years old the 11th ofJanuaiy ; 1 left Mia. Waldron's house in Beade street, he-cause on the evening I got the subpoena to come here, iwas knocked down when 1 was going to the Crotoohydrant, and tho otticer thought it was proper and betterfor ma to come here.

....The soap-lock in the white coat here got up, left hisseat and went behind the witness out of her sight.Q .1)0 you recognize the man that knocked youdown?

. ...A..I have at en him in Court here this morning.The soap-lock was here called back to his seatQ .Is that the man?At.It i«. I am qui e sure.Q..Did he ever call upon you?A. That man called upondnie the week heforo the

night 1 was knocked down. He a»kedmeif 1 knewwLe.i the trial was coming on ? He said itwculi be belter lor mi not to come to Court if I wish-ed to savo my life. His brother came with bun; heaiiid If lcam toi cuit, a pistol woulijjo oil and 1 shouldnot know who did it; I rent him in the alley; 1 was goingout to (mpty some wash-suds, and he asked me it was theperson who had Edwards up, and then ho threatened meas I have stated.

..Disinter Attornkt.Now, sir, 1 inove that this gentle¬man here in the w hite coat be committed

Question iy.CouET lo soap lock .What is your nametSuae i.oca Lewis ReedRkcohdkh.Well, sir, you will consider yourself in cus¬

tody till we can have au opportunity ol investigating thismutter. Ofllceis, you will soo that that man doe*not leave the Court-r»om. We will see that witnesses arenot ti ghtened away from this Court room or intimiduteain any mauner. ( sensation.) '

John Bcakei*t,city watchman. I recollect the girlsasking me lor protection about two months age; I wasstanding corner ol Amity and Sullivan sts; 1 heard someone coming up Amity street lrom the 0th avenue; saw thogirl have hold of a man's arm; that is as near as I can tell;she saw me and lelt tho man and asked me to see herhome;she said a young man wanted to go home with herand she did not want him: the man kept his distance; 1said to him,;if this young lady don't want your company,you had better put,or 1 shall take you to tho watch house;she was crying; I asked her what it waafor;she said someman put a handkerchiefabout her neck and choked her; Iasked her why she did not tell me this; she looked roundand saw some men coming; 1 turned round, and they un;I asked her where she lived, and she said tho was h stran¬ger; I told her sho bad better stay in tho watchhowe;she asked it I thought the Captain would let her go in themorning; 1 told her yea; I took her near the watrhhousr,and gave her to Olie, another watchman, who took herto the watchhouse; in the morning 1 saw her before thoCaptain; she described Edwards na having a rag on hislinger; and hfilwurds had one on his finger when ho wasat the watchhotise in the morning; 1 can't swear thot shehad hold ol the man's arm, or ho hod hold ol hers; therewas an engine house near whore I saw her first, also aa large alley; she did not tell any of the particulars tillwe got to the watchhouee; 1 didn't enquire particularly,because I saw her feelings were hurt; the cape of her coatwas gone; she was decently and respectably dressed; itwas between 11 and 11 o'clock; 1 think when 1 saw her itwas about half past 11 o'clock; when she came to me sheappeared to bo sobbing.

Cross-examined.\ asked her what was the matter withher, and she said that the young man with her wanted togo home with her, but she didn't want him to, but after¬wards sho told me; when I stopped and turned round, iheprisoner and several others were standing together, andthey then all ran; I afterwards gave her in chargo to myside partner; 1 afterwards saw her at the watchhouse, andEdwards was there also.Direct Resumed.The man in a white coat, was Ihere at

one time, 1 believeMr. Phillies then read by consent a deposition of H. L.

W. Boroughs, M I)., of Chester, Gsehen County, to the ef-tect that Miss Mans bore an excellent character lor chas¬tity end veracity; that she had been mairied, and had achild by her husbuad, from whom she had been separatedon account of his intemperate habits; that she had highlyrespectable parents, although in humble circumstances inlife, and bore among those who knew her, an unexcep¬tionable character.Tho prosfcutlon here rested their ca»-.Mr Noblk then opened for the detence, and said that

they should net only prove an alibi, but should provethat the witness, Miss Mans, was a gill that could not bebelieved, and a woman of infamous character; that the ac-cuHtd was a native of Connecticut, and had afterwardsresided in Georgia; he was then admitted as a cadet atthe West Point Academy, irom whence he was dismissedon ncconnt cf incapacity from early education to main¬tain his position with bis class: that exertions were after¬wards made at Washington by the Georgia delegation,but without efleet; that Silas Wright, the present Gover¬nor of this State, bad known the prisoner, and had givenhim a letter of introduction to respectable persons in thisoity. From this " high estate" he had fallen, and had re¬cently been employed as a painter: what his associationhad baen in this city. Counsel could not say.Sar.h Banker (8 brazen faced girl of the town) called

and sworn lor the defence.I saw Sarah Dolson Mans atMra Waldrons, in Reade street; 1 knew her two weekswhen 1 lived there; Mrs. Waldron hired her to do herwork; I believe she did not bear a very good character;I saw men go into her room; that was a house of prosti-On cross-examination, the witness confessed that sho

lived in houses of prostitution, but sewed for a living;.he, however, corroborate! Miss Mans in regard to herhaving been knocked down and rendered almost insensi¬ble, and ber hnving been recommended by a Mrs. Little-john, who lived in Reade street, and that Mr*. Wal¬dron turned her away the night sho was knorheddown; that she said she had been married, andwanted to take euro of her child, and many other'A woman named Howard, one of the unfortuaate in ¬

mates of the infamcus der. kept by Mr*. Waldron, calledby the defence, testified lo having known Miss MansduriDi the ti'.ne she whi ot Mrs. Waldron's. 1 his witnesscorroborated MitsM.'s testimony in almost every particu¬lar, and gave hor testimony in a manner entirely unusualin members of the sisterhood, and was evidently believedby the jury. She identified the man in the white coat(Mr. Lewis Reed) ns having called to eee Miss Mans, andalso that she had alterwnnls been knocked down 8hehud never seen any thing improper in her character, butshe appeared to be destitute, oast down, and had nofriends.

»_.« .Mr. Willabd Pierce, a tinware manufacturer, UStiBadthat he lived in 10ih street, and thet the prisoner had beenin his employ for about nine months, and hal been »m-ployed in paintiDg tin roofflng Witness believed him tolie a young man of good character.At 4 o'clock the court intimated the necessity of their

adjourning on account of the Board cf Supervisor* a

Mr. Paterson moved to have the man in the white oatcommitted This caused a tremendous excitement an Igreat conftirfon. The counsel besought tbocourt not tocommit the prisoner.rowdies, of whom there was a prrt-ty lair sprinklirg in court, crowded intido thG b*ri angreat anxiety waa manilcsted to get Mr. Reed off.The Recordex, after some very appropriate remarks,

directed Reed to be committed, hut Anally consented toadmit him to ha 1 in the sum of $1000, in default ot which,he was commitfod.

,,The court then adjournoJ till tomorrow morning ato'clock.

The Prkln Ten Company Unvo opened ntn*ge Tea Warehouse, at75 Knlton st, for llie sale of pnra Test.Bee advertisement in another column.

Rxtraet of n letter received by Dr. FelixUntiraiid, from the Her. Thomas Klias, Methodist preacher,Newark.tajr : Mrs. Ma*y Hewett, of Belmlle, withes her case to la-

mod- Public for the g»"d of llio-e who may now. or at any fu¬ture time, labor under the like dislrsssing complaint. She Mai

alUicted for sir months w ith an unsilhtlr, blntrliod, ernptiiefir-, xvhch ex'endcd down her neck. In this diatresaiiig aitutiou shs applied to «n eminent phyiieian, but rn uo purpose;then another professional g.nth-inso »«» consulted, wbich altoproretl frnitlrsa In this slat- of distresa a f i ml recommend, dthat celebrated remedy for all skin diseases, preptied by Ur. Fe¬ll* (fourand, called the Italian Medicated *onp. Hhe made in>eof two cake*, and to the astonishment of all her friends, throughI he iliriuir blessing. the eruptions and blntel rs were nil cured,and she his now a clear, delicate smooth face and iircn..Many others in this town, and in the places I risit, hare b-eqhealed of various skin diseases hy your luvsluahle Medical* dHoap. I am, dears.r, yours, affectionately,

THOMAS KLIAS.To Dr. FeH* Ooumud, N. YVVeanxiously caution the public mains' pnrcliaa'rg Or li s

Italian bo*|i anywhere else except at th-ongin I store, 117 W .It¬er st, first store from Broadway. Tliemauy'deleterious arlic'uabrmd nee I very great tare,

Agents.7fi Che.timt street,Philadelphia '.Jordan,2 Vilk »tr-er,Boston ; I arleton Ik Co., I.nwell ; llliss ft Co., Springfield ;Orem ,V Co , Worcester ; Bull, Haetfotd ; Kcrre, MiddlemanMyers, New llasen ; Dver, I'ruvidencs; Tonaey. RochesterBackus St Bull, Troy ; ['caret. I M uiwix IIall, Al' auy l bcliS II.nice, Baltimore ; 1). II. Moore, I.vnrhhurg, Va.°, Auilei-¦On, Niuhville, Tann.i Heiuilsh, Lancaster, l'a.

<* W l>o la troubled with a bml Cough," andcannot res: at night I Let lnm try Sherman's Cough LcKangea.They have cured cas«« that wree almost hopelest--They eure the Itiv. Darius Anthony, when his friends hadgiven him up. They relieved RfV. Babattian ItlVStST, Of Bos-ton. more than all the remedies he ever made use of, aud il.evwill continue to cure all who are not lieyon.l all hope. If y..uaie tick try tl.ein, end he assumd*you will not regret it.Dr. Hhermm's xvan-heiire is llin Nassau stree' Ag-nts, 227

Hudson; IN Bowery; 77 Kaal Mro-dwai ;3 Ledger Buildings,Philadelphia, and I Mate sirret, BotCn.

"Thilley'o Wnplcal Pain Kxtrnrlor, nt hlaonly agency, 67 Wallu r street, first store from Broadway.Ilenra llnlr Hcntorutl v«*, nt his Agency, (17

Walket it., 1st store rnoM Broadway.Medlcml Notlca..'1 ti« Ail rerl Iscmuiitu or tliu

New V ork College of M-dicirc nn.l I'harniactr, established forth* Buppremou ol Mn irkrry. in llie cure of all diseases, Hll|hereafter apia-ar on ill- ljui.h page and .*t column of t' Ipaper. W * RICHARDSON, M. D. Agent.Oiler and Consul .innll onlfis of the Cell,ge ,06 Nassau ».r e

All Pttilsiitalhbln (imin r|| iimis (:. rihuHlkSl.a mpSt he paid to the rgents, Zieher h Co., | I.edi-afBuildings. Tuivd street, near Clieauiut, trheto single r -iUMJMilso he olitained daily at I o'elos V.O- All the new and cheap I'nhlir liions for salent th. If r«-

taliliahinriit, wh.ilesile and ret ill.If; Willi the exception of one paper, the "Herald" is read

as iniipli, i-.rhsni, in Philadelphia, as any pipe* published inthat elty, affording a raltiable medium hi tdv-MIters Ai'rSTliren.eiai handed i,i the agouti a; |pt!f pts|;( O'eitKk, wUI ap*pctr In lh« Herald nuttdf.v. wj j./