theoretical research

Representation. Representation refers to the construction in any medium of any aspects of reality, such as people, places, objects or events. It refers to the processes involved as well as the products, this means that not only is it how the identities are represented but how they are constructed in the process. The key markers of identity are class, age, gender and ethnicity. I need to make sure the photos that are

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Theoretical research


Representation refers to the construction in any medium of any aspects of reality, such as people, places, objects or events. It refers to the processes involved as well as the products, this means that not only is it how the identities are represented but how they are constructed in the process. The key markers of identity are class, age, gender and ethnicity. I need to make sure the photos that are including in my production all represent themselves in the way I want them to.

Page 2: Theoretical research

Representation.The man on the front cover is being represented mainly in an intimidating way. Firstly, the whole front cover, including his attire is mainly consisting of black. Along with this he as black eyeliner on, this is very intimidating as is highlights his glare towards the reader as well as making him look evil in a way. However, along with this, eyeliner is normally associated with females so for a male to be wearing it goes against the stereotypical features of both genders. The long hair and beard both assist this intimidating representation as it all adds to the dark colour scheme. However, like the eyeliner, he goes against the male features by having this long hair, but both the eyeliner and long hair represent the modern rock star look. His glare towards the viewer is both intimidating and personal to the reader, but because of the colour scheme, it is more than likely going to be used for intimidation. The smoking that is seeping from his both connotes to us a rough and raw ideology due to smoking being regarded as a dirty and unhealthy habit.