this is with host... your 100 200 300 400 500 calendars galore people who study old stuff timeline...


Upload: kenneth-eaton

Post on 03-Jan-2016




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100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

Calendars GalorePeople who Study Old


Timeline This!


Dates, dates and more


History Math!

Primary or Secondary?

Most calendars are based on the movement of what?

A 100

The Sun or Moon

A 100

What was the Roman calendar called that calculated time based on the movement

of the sun?

A 200

Julian Calendar

A 200

A 300

What was the major problem with the solar calendar used

by the Romans?

A 300

It was off by 11 minutes. Over time this threw off the

calendar and Christian holidays were not occurring

in the right season.

Which Pope ordered the creation of a new calendar in


A 400

Pope Gregory… he named the new calendar after


A 400

A 500

How did the Gregorian calendar keep from losing as

much time as the Julian calendar?

Leap Year!

(An extra day in February every 4 years)

A 500

What do you call a person who studies the past using

written records?

B 100

A cool person!... Or a historian!

B 100

Which discipline or person would study the remains of old weapons to learn about

war in the past?

B 200

An archaeologist!

B 200

What is oral tradition?

B 300

The study of the past using stories passed down through

word of mouth.

B 300

A civilization refers to a human society that is

advanced or that has… (give two traits)

B 400

1) Builds monumental architecture

2) Has a written language

3) Has a complex government

4) Has job specialization (jobs are not focused only on getting food) / division of labor

5) Has sophisticated technology that makes life easier

6) Has large population centers (cities)

B 400

Which discipline who studies the past is best suited to

understand the prehistoric period and why?

B 500

B 500

Archaeologist! Prehistory takes place before writing so historians must rely on the work of archaeologists to better understand life in


Your job is to determine how many years are between two events. You are given two

dates with the same abbreviations (ex. 2001 CE

and 2013 CE).

What type of math do you need to do to find your

answer?C 100

Subtract the dates!

C 100

How is a timeline like a number line in math?

C 200

Both have numbers that count away from 0.

C 200

How many years are between the following dates:

2200 BCE and 200 CE

C 300

2400 years!

(You add)

C 300


C 400


Place A Wager

C 400

How many years ago was the fall of the Roman Empire in

476 CE?

1537 years

C 400

How many years apart are 300 AD and 300 CE?

C 500

C 500

0! They are the same dates—just different abbreviations!

What does AD on a timeline stand for?

D 100

Anno Domini—or in the year of the Lord.

D 100

What does year 0 stand for on a timeline?

D 200

Birth of Jesus Christ

D 200

Why do some timelines use BC and AD and others use

BCE and CE?

D 300

Over time, people felt that timelines centered on

Christianity were not fair or inclusive to people of different

religious backgrounds. BCE and CE became more widely used.

D 300

On a timeline which event starts the period known as ancient history and which

event ends it?

D 400

Start= Development of Writing

End = Fall of the Roman Empire

D 400

What language is Anno Domini in?

D 500


D 500

Which date is older 2200 BCE or 2450 CE?

E 100

2200 BCE

E 100

E 200

Which date is closer to year 0? How do you know?

25 BC or 600 AD

25 BC (dates smaller in number are closer to year 0)

E 200

E 300

Which date is closer to today?

650 CE or 2000 BCE

650 CE

E 300

E 400

What does BCE stand for when it appears after a date?

Before the Common Era

E 400

E 500

What is the date that occurs exactly 1 millennia after


1500 CE

E 500

What do we call a historical source that is an eyewitness

account of an event?

F 100


F 100

What type of source is a diary or autobiography?

F 200

Primary! It was written by someone during a time period

being studied.

F 200

What type of source is a history textbook?

F 300


F 300

True or False: All primary sources are more reliable that

secondary sources.

To get the points you must explain!

F 400

False! There are primary sources who may not be reliable because they are

biased or are simply wrong.

F 400

F 500

What makes a historical source reliable?

F 500

It is trustworthy; more likely to be accurate than other

sources from the same time period.

The Final Jeopardy Category is:

Thinking Like a Historian

Please record your wager.

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When you are given a historical document, how do you determine whether it is


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Look at the source; determine whether they are reliable or


Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!