tidings march april 2014

2 4 5 6 7 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 In this Issue I Can Please Myself Comedy Hall Prayers (Direct Line) Reaching Up/Reaching Out Corps Fellowship Evening Gardening Tips Future Dates Crossword Sudoko Core Groups Want to Learn More Flower List Community Update What’s On Recipe Womens world day of prayer Thank You During these next two months, we’ll be looking at two people for whom God had a specific plan, but with two very different responses. We’re looking at the story of Jonah, the man who ran away when God asked him to go to Ninevah; and then the story of Jesus who despite asking for the cup to be taken away, still went through with his Father’s will, for our sakes. Both of these men had a great impact on the world. Both are remembered today, for different reasons, but both made a difference when they followed God’s call. What is God calling you and me to do? I’m not necessarily talking about the big picture stuff (although it’s always good to keep that in check too) but even the day-to-day plans that God has for us. Are you listening to him, or are you doing your best to ignore him? Are you tempted to run away? It is so much easier to plod along with our normal daily routines and tasks rather than make any changes, risking what we know, but is God asking you to do something different? Over the next couple of months my prayer for us all is that we would be stepping out in faith, following God’s leadings, being bold for him and being obedient to him. God bless, Debbie Salvation Army Woking March/April 2014 F ROM THE C.O’ S D ESK M ARCH /A PRIL

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Page 1: Tidings March April 2014


















In this Issue

I Can Please Myself

Comedy Hall

Prayers (Direct Line)

Reaching Up/Reaching Out

Corps Fellowship Evening

Gardening Tips

Future Dates



Core Groups

Want to Learn More

Flower List

Community Update

What’s On


Womens world day of prayer

Thank You

During these next two months, we’ll be looking at two

people for whom God had a specific plan, but with two

very different responses. We’re looking at the story of

Jonah, the man who ran away when God asked him to

go to Ninevah; and then the story of Jesus who despite

asking for the cup to be taken away, still went through

with his Father’s will, for our sakes.

Both of these men had a great impact on the world.

Both are remembered today, for different reasons, but

both made a difference when they followed God’s call.

What is God calling you and me to do? I’m not

necessarily talking about the big picture stuff (although

it’s always good to keep that in check too) but even the

day-to-day plans that God has for us. Are you

listening to him, or are you doing your best to ignore

him? Are you tempted to run away?

It is so much easier to plod along with our normal

daily routines and tasks rather than make any changes,

risking what we know, but is God asking you to do

something different?

Over the next couple of months my prayer for us all is

that we would be stepping out in faith, following

God’s leadings, being bold for him and being obedient

to him.

God bless,


Salvat ion Army Woking March/Apri l 2014

F R O M T H E C . O ’ S D E S K

M A R C H / A P R I L

Page 2: Tidings March April 2014

Page 2 Tidings

About 30 years ago, a conversation

between the CSM and a bandsman

went something like this.

CSM. "I want you at the open air,

as we're short of bandsmen."

Bandsman. "I won't be there, I'm

busy, and the Army is a voluntary

organisation. You don't tell me

what to do."

Many will agree with the bands-

man, but, can we be volunteers, if

we believe The Army is raised by

God? Are we suggesting our ser-

vice to God is voluntary? What I

think is not important. We must

look at Scripture

Read Isa 43. This describes the res-

toration of Israel, as it is Old Testa-

ment, you may say that's fine, it

only applies to Israel.

1Pe 2:29 But you are a chosen race,

a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a

people for His possession, so that

you may proclaim the praises of the

One who called you out of darkness

into His marvellous light. Look at

Ex 16:9 to see how the Christian

Church is aligned with the Israel

chosen by God.

Gal 3:29 And if you belong to

Christ, then you are Abraham's

seed, heirs according to the prom-


We are actually in a war which is

more deadly than we can imagine.

Cancer is one of the greatest

scourges of today, but it is nothing

compared to SIN. William Booth

understood how corrosive and

deadly sin is. When asked how he

would motivate his officers, he re-

plied. "If I could, I would dangle

them over the mouth of hell, then

they would see the infinite suffering

of those in hell. Many of us pay lit-

tle attention to hell, perhaps through

lack of belief.

We are called to be soldiers in the

Army of the Lord, and as such we

are under His orders. We must re-

member that we are bought with a

price. Ro 5:8 But God demonstrates

his own love for us in this: While

we were still sinners, Christ died for


Ro 8:12f Therefore, brothers, we

have an obligation–but it is not to

the sinful nature, to live according

to it. 13 For if you live according to

the sinful nature, you will die; but if

by the Spirit you put to death the

misdeeds of the body, you will live.

You must decide if you are a volun-

teer or if you are called.

2Co 6:17. 17 "Therefore come out

from them and be separate, says the

Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I

will receive you." 18 "I will be a

Father to you, and you will be my

sons and daughters, says the Lord

Almighty." Eric

I Can Please Myself

Page 3: Tidings March April 2014

Page 3 March/Apri l

Contact Details

The Salvation Army Community Church

Sythwood, Woking, Surrey. GU21 3BE

Tel. 01483 793704

Email: [email protected]

Web site: www.salvationarmy.org.uk/woking


58 Eastmead, Woking, GU21 3BP,


Who can resist such an offer?! If you pay tax in the UK, for every £1 you give to The Salvation Army, we can claim 20p back from the govern-ment. You may think that doesn't sound a lot, but when you add up all that you give, and add that to everyone else’s giving in the Corps, you will see what a difference it makes. So if any of you cur-rently put cash openly in the offering plate (no matter how small) then why not ask Andy for an envelope. We need to record it as coming from you in order to claim the gift aid, but that requires no extra effort on your part, leave the hard work to us.

Page 4: Tidings March April 2014

Page 4 Tidings

Comedy Hall D.O.H.

(Department of Humour)

Two boys were walking home from Sunday School after hearing a talk

about the devil.

“What do you think about all this Satan stuff?” asked one boy.

“Well, you know how Santa and the tooth fairy turned out, it’s probably

just your Dad.”

A Junior School pupil was studying facts about the moon. At breakfast

time she said, “We are going to have a quiz on ‘The moon’ today”. Her

little brother said, “Don’t let her go Mum.”

In an R.E. exam a pupil wrote - When Mary heard that she was to be the

mother of Jesus, she sang the Magna Carta.

Another wrote – The people who followed Jesus were called the twelve


A six year old was playing with his toy cars on the bedroom floor when he

noticed a thick layer of dust under the bed. Calling for his Mum he said,

“You know how the preacher told us we all come from dust and will return

to dust? Well there’s someone under my bed and I don’t know whether

they’re coming or going.”

When the waiter brought the food to the table with his thumb over the

steak, the customer complained. The waiter replied, “What! You want it to

fall on the floor again?”

The new doctor was very popular but the town grump was determined to

prove he was nothing special so he complained of a loss of taste. “Ah,”

said the Doctor, “You need jar 47”. After a small spoonful the man spat it

out and called it disgusting. The doc pronounced him cured. Some time

later the grump returned saying he couldn’t remember anything. “Ah,” said

the Doctor, “You need jar 47” at which the grump turned and fled.

Keep smiling, Major LaughMajor LaughMajor LaughMajor Laugh

Page 5: Tidings March April 2014

Page 5 March/Apri l

It is now my privilege to be responsible for compiling the corps prayer list.

It’s strange actually because I remember first bringing this to the corps well

over 20 years ago when corps prayer lists were just starting to be put in

place. When we left in 1994, Joy Walrond took over from me and as a

corps we must be grateful to those who have kept the prayer list and it’s

vital caring ministry going throughout the years.

Some changes were initiated in the Jan

and Feb issues so the prayer list now has

a title – Direct Line and the designations,

other than Children’s Ministry, which

indicates that we are praying for a child,

have been dispensed with so that we are

all on a ‘level playing field’ as it were.

The next change is to make the prayer

list a bi-monthly publication to coincide

with the publication of Tidings so those

on the mailing list receive a prayer list

that covers both months. It is also

hoped to include various prayer subjects relevant to the corps and to also

remind us of key Christian

festivals etc.



Your on-going prayers are

requested for those who are

ill, unable to get to worship or


Iris McNally

Connie Still

Mim Weaver

Prayer Matters

is a THQ publication which offers ex-

tended opportunities to pray for various

subjects throughout the Territory. If you

would like to receive a copy please order


Audrey Mayes

All are welcome to join the

Prayer Group as they meet for

prayer each

Sunday at 10.30am

Direct Line

Page 6: Tidings March April 2014

Page 6 Tidings

Every morning I reach up to thank

Jesus that I am still living and that

He has given me a new day to

smile, to think of promises I have

made in the past which I am still

able to keep. God our Creator has

given me so much, I reach up to

Him with thankfulness and praise.

Reaching out for me is showing the

depth of Gods love to others. The

power of the Holy Spirit in my life

enables me to do this, He helps and

guides me every day. I pray that I

may always stay close to Him so

that I can be used to help others by

sending a letter or a telephone call.

Margi Locke.

Psalm 25 v 4 says:

"Show me your ways, O Lord,

teach me your paths; guide me in

your truth and teach me, for you are

God my Saviour."

Here, David is asking God for guid-

ance - something we have to do


Reaching Up and Reaching Out God's map book is the Word - the

Bible. We reach up to Him through

the Word and obey Him (or try to)

when He tells us specifically what

He would have us do. It is only

through reaching up to God,

through His book and prayer, we

can hope to reach out to others.

Jesus said to one of the Pharisees,

in Matthew 22 verses 37 & 39, se-

lecting the two most important laws

over some 600:

"Love the Lord your God with all

your heart and with all your soul

and with all your mind." and "Love

your neighbour as yourself."

We do not have to look overseas for

those in need. They are where we

work or go to school, where we live

and where we socialise.

Rather than worrying about what

we should not do, we should con-

centrate on what we can do to show

our love for God and others.

Wendy Hardwick

LENT What if your Lent this year was a preparation for a lifetime of big-heartedness? Lent is usually about giving stuff up, but if you don’t fancy that, why not do Lent generously? Go to

www.40acts.org.uk to find out more.

Page 7: Tidings March April 2014

Page 7 March/Apri l

Gardening Tips Get your seed potatoes off to a good start by placing them in the open to

start ‘chitting’. Sow broad beans.

Cut back dogwood to about 6” from the ground.

Plant freesia corms to twice their depth in pots.

Plant gladioli in the garden to twice their depth. Plant dahlias in pots.

Prune summer fruiting raspberries to just above ground level.

Prune the centre of gooseberry bushes and those bending toward the


Corps Fellowship Evening About 22 adults and children en-

joyed the first Corps Fellowship

Evening hosted by Andy and Jane.

The theme was a ‘Mexican Eve-

ning’, two chillies, various salads

and garlic bread plus cookies were

on the menu, which were enjoyed

by everyone.

After we had eaten, Roger got us all

thinking with quizzes, the first with

questions on Mexico (of course)

then a teaser which made us all

think, the answers being in the


It is planned to hold this event bi-

monthly, the next one on April 27th

at Sue and Ken’s. Come along and

enjoy good food, fun and fellow-


Page 8: Tidings March April 2014

Page 8 Apr i l /May

Page 8



Sunday 2nd 11.00am Morning Worship

Jonah 1: When we run, God chases us.

Self Denial Altar Service Sunday 9th 11.00am Morning Worship

Reaching up with repentance;

Reaching out with forgiveness.

Divisional Celebration: Reading Central at 4.00pm

Sunday 16th 11.00am Morning Worship

Jonah 2: When we pray God hears us.

Sunday 23rd 11.00am Morning Worship

Jonah 3: When we repent, God uses us.

Monday 24th 8.00pm Corps Council

Sunday 30th 11.00pm Mothers’ Day


Sunday 6th 11.00am Morning Worship

Jonah 4: When we sulk, God challenges us.

Saturday 12th Hall Spring Clean

Sunday 13th 11.00am Morning Worship

Reaching up with faith;

Reaching out with hope.

Hebrews 11:1-12

Good Friday 18th 11.00am United Church Service Town Sq.


Page 9: Tidings March April 2014

Page 9

Sunday 20th 11.00 Easter Sunday

Isaiah 43:19 See I am doing a new thing.

Saturday 26th Collecting Day at Town Centre

Sunday 27th 11.00am Morning Worship

Led by Debbie and Will

6.00pm Corps Fellowship Evening

With Sue and Ken

Monday 28th 8.00pm PCC with Major Jenine Main

March/Apri l

Christmas 2014

What! Christmas already? The CC spent time reviewing the 2013 Christmas carol services and we are about to make plans for this year. We are seeking your feedback and ideas and so if any of you have any strong views about this, please come and speak to Debbie. I look forward to hearing from you.

Household Insurance

SAGIC is an insurance company owned and run by The Salvation Army who offer a range of insurance products to the general public. They are currently offering to make a financial donation to the Corps for each person that takes out a household policy with them. If you would like more details please pick up a leaflet.

Page 10: Tidings March April 2014

Page 10 Tidings

This page is

intentionally blank

this time —

sorry to anyone hoping

to do the crossword!

Page 11: Tidings March April 2014

March/April Page 11


a I A N




a L N O I


a L A



Each vertical and horizontal line and each block of 9 squares will

each have the letters ‘SaLVATION’ in them. The principle is

exactly the same as Sudoko, but letters instead of numbers.


O a





T O a L





Page 12: Tidings March April 2014

Denvale Group Meets at Margi’s 2.30pm

March Thursday 6th 20th

April Thursday 3rd 17th

The Nomads Meet at Christine Hearn’s 7.30pm

March Thursday 6th 20th

April Thursday 3rd 17th

The Full Monty Meets for breakfast at various venues 9.00am

March Saturday 1st Fairoaks Airport

April Saturday 12th Toby Carvery Frimley

Calendar Girls Flexible days/times

Contact Rhona 01483 474079 or Margaret 01932 353739

Hearts and Crafts Meets at the Church 7.30pm

March Thursday 13th 27th

April Thursday 10th 24th

Page 12 Tidings

Page 13: Tidings March April 2014

Page 13 March/April


17th to 19th October 2014 A weekend conference that offers training to non-officer person-nel who cover meetings within their Corps, home divisions or as

part of their work. Venue: Kings Park Conference Centre, Northampton

Want to learn more?

Each year The Salvation Army offer a number of training courses to help us all develop in our understanding of God, church and our own spiritual lives. If you are interested in any of the week-ends below, please speak to Debbie for more information.


25th to 27th April 2014 This event aims to explore ways in which Corps can more effec-

tively ‘share life’ together. Venue: Kings Park Conference Centre, Northampton

CROSSING THE DIVIDE 28th to 30th March 2014

A conference aimed at finding effective ways to lessen the impact of the ‘sacred secular divide’ on the everyday witness of God’s

people. Venue: Kings Park Conference Centre, Northampton

Page 14: Tidings March April 2014

Page 14 Tidings



2 Connie Still

9 Jan Reed

16 Carol Pearce

23 Richard Brooks

30 Margi Locke


6 Alice Stiehler

13 Gwen and Dave Cox

21 Pauline Whiting

27 Audrey and Gill

Page 15: Tidings March April 2014

Page 15 March/Apri l

We always smile at the end of Decem-

ber and say that we are looking forward

to a quiet couple of months, which al-

ways turns out to be just as busy but

without the carols and tinsel and this

year is no exception. We have had a

few changes in hall hirers, and we are in

the middle of changing our cleaning

contract for the building too. There is a

bit of a gap, but hopefully you won't

have noticed too much of a change,

Debbie and I are now toilet roll monitors

for the time being. By the end of Febru-

ary all should be sorted out. We are

fortunate to have such a great building

and want it to last for many years and so

having the right people caring for it is

very important.

I have recently shared with the Corps

Council how encouraging some of the

conversations I have had or heard about

in recent months. Over the six years the

hall has been open, the emphasis for my

role has been to build relationships,

amongst the other bits and bobs I do.

There are times I have felt that I've not

made much progress in that area, when

people are popping into the hall once a

week for the various groups there is only

a small opportunity for conversation.

But when I went through my contacts

list on my phone and realised how many

friends I have made through working

here, I decided to take that a step further

and work out how many I had talked to

about my faith, that's a bit more tricky.

Working in a Church doesn't automati-

cally mean you can bring the conversation

round (thankfully really), however I have

shared tears, laughter, hugs, prayers, sad-

ness and hope, which is what relation-

ships are about. I know that those of you

who read this bit of tidings do exactly the

same in the different places that you go

to during the week, it feels like a hard

slog but I want to encourage you that its

worth the long haul and the time invested

in building relationships. Still a long way

to go but after six years starting to see the


What is coming up? Well the Easter

Prayer Breakfasts, not literally I hope, but

we will be combining the breakfasts with

the prayer stations that will be in the main

hall for Holy Week. There is going to be a

'Family Fun Day' on the 7th June, which

is shaping up to be a great day. The lads

will be doing a car wash at this event so

make sure you have been through plenty

of muddy puddles the week before! (only

joking Andrew) There will be posters out

for both of these events nearer the time.

The coffee shop as always is open Mon-

day - Friday 10am - 12noon it would be

lovely to see you. Jan Howlin

Community Services Managers


Page 16: Tidings March April 2014

Page 16 Tidings

Page 17: Tidings March April 2014

March/Apri l Page 17

Chorizo and Roasted Butternut

Squash Risotto (Serves 2)

Submitted by Jo Graham


½ butternut squash, peeled and chopped into 1cm pieces

1 tablespoon olive oil

100g cooking chorizo

1 small onion

600ml hot vegetable stock


Preheat the oven to 200c. Toss the butternut squash with the olive

oil and season. Place on a tray and roast until soft – around

20-30 mins.

Meanwhile, put the chorizo in a pan and fry until it releases its oil

and starts to cook. Add the onion and cook until it is soft and

chorizo is cooked through. Add the rice and mix well.

Add the vegetable stock a ladle at a time, stirring constantly and

adding the next ladle when the rice absorbs the liquid. When you

have used most of the stock, test the rice to see if it is cooked – you

may need slightly more/less liquid. When it is ready, add the

roasted butternut squash, parmesan, lemon juice and black pepper.

Cover and leave to rest for 5 minutes before serving.


50g grated parmesan.

Juice of half a lemon

Freshly ground black pepper

Page 18: Tidings March April 2014

Page 18 Tidings

Womens World Day of Prayer

Women’s World Day of Prayer is

a worldwide movement of Christian

women who come together to ob-

serve a common day of prayer held

on the first Friday in March each

year, and who, in many countries,

have a continuing relationship in

prayer and service. Through

Women’s World Day of Prayer

women are encouraged to become

aware of their talents and use them

in the service of the whole commu-


The Day of Prayer begins as dawn

breaks over the islands of Tonga in

the Pacific and continues across

each continent until the last Ser-

vices of this special day are held

back in the Pacific on the islands of

Samoa, circling the world in prayer

for about 36 hours.

Each year the service is prepared by

a different country and the selected

country and its people, becomes the

focus of the World’s prayers on the

day itself. ‘Streams in the De-

sert’, the service for 2014 has been

prepared by the Egyptian Women’s

World Day of Prayer committee and

was written at a time of great hope,

just after the Arab Spring. Over the

months we have watched the country

as it has experienced many twists

and turns in its on-going journey.

So, on Friday 7 March, Christians

from over 170 countries and islands

will unite together in praise, worship

and prayer. Women’s World Day

includes Christian women from

Protestant, Roman Catholic and Or-

thodox and Free church.

For many years now two services

have been held in Woking and al-

though we all lead busy lives it

would be great if there could be a

representation from our corps/church

at either of the services. The service

is not just for women – men, women

and children are all welcome to at-

tend, so do take a look at your

schedule for that day and join with

us if you are able.


Page 19: Tidings March April 2014

March/Apri l Page 19

Friday 7 March 2014

Morning Service 10.00 am Evening Service 8.00


Christ Church St Dunstans Church

Jubilee Square, Woking Shaftesbury Road,

Woking Speaker Speaker

The Very Revd Dianna Gwilliams Mrs Wendy Beard

Dean of Guildford Learning and Development

Officer for the Methodist

Church, London District

Refreshments will be served after both services

Creche available during Morning Service

Robyn and Linley and their fami-

lies and I have been greatly appre-

ciative of the fact that so many

took time to write, phone and send

cards following Bill’s Promotion to

Glory. I have been greatly touched

by so many who have taken time to

acknowledge Bill’s life in that

way. I thank you for doing so.

Obviously I miss Bill very much,

and after being married for 55

years (it would have been 56 this

year), life is very different and at

times very difficult. I thank God

that I am not alone in these diffi-

cult days. I thank God too, for gift-

ing me with Bill.

Thank You As you know Bill was always very

confident in Christ and I take for my-

self, the confidence that Christ gives:

“who shall separate us from the love

of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship

. . . no, in all these things we are

more than conquerors through him

who loved us. For I am convinced

that neither death nor life . . . will be

able to separate us from the love of

God that is in Christ Jesus our

Lord” (Romans 8:35-39.

Again I thank you for your kindness.

May God bless you abundantly.


Page 20: Tidings March April 2014

Page 20 Tidings

Please note

The cut off date for the next issue of

“Tidings” is

Sunday April 13th 2014

We will be pleased to receive contributions for the

next issue of “Tidings” from either members of our

Corps Fellowship at Woking or from any who

receive a copy through the post.

Please send all contributions to:

Mrs Gill Gregory

38 Hermitage Woods Crescent

St Johns, Woking GU21 8UE

e-mail: [email protected]

or e-mail: [email protected]