tite haing ij - university of kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt75tb0xq415/data/2514.pdf · i...

i MiinucbtoVece'emo'-- e supplies. i1 ilnTi. tnimLcrof Batavians and 1 iui ,1'iichJ i.ora hence; another b ' , v ' r.the co-ui- , ind ofgeneral T)u-- n ( i" 9 epeCEcd hourly, the greatest putot i c' mo'tehcd thiough Zwoll 11 Oh - 1,rnch, fiom Liver pool, ' ta Virgin;, is taken by a I lent i i'' ) user. II GUE, September 6. Evt-i- "' iio , the ieio1ution of the diplo- ic nit cm of the BataMJii republic fiilt 1 1 u Hicr fefficn of September 5. The 1 iXuier.t lead a ion nieii.ication, inforniT t'. t accoid'rg tothe a.cotnts which h Vd recced, our arniv was in the be 1,1 tc of defence, and Were 'daily lexivinc. 1 ii Je reirifore.ements , that the out po tJ ol the eneny were i'ti'ioned at Schi e an I those of our ai m) ar Petten : II it Uit mike ol York had joined the ar-n- i) of the 'for.ner, and that general Du monccau was expected to day Or to take the command of the latter. He alio communicated a letter from the etn tive directory, cnclofing a letter fiom the "gwnt of marine, with a number ofothc p pcrs, among v Inch was a letter froi" c.MZen Story, certifying the deplo-plorab- 'e a Limit ot the surrender of our sleet, to the Lnglifh, by means of the trea-chcio- rondnJl of the crews on board our ve'itls. Aster which the president delivered a fpeecli in the following wouls " Whit honest nan, citizens reprefen titr cs, (V t linn be inclined to eitheV par- ty) but r, i't ftl Ilimfelf diibonbred op lining thf account of this malicious treason, Inch 0L only disgraces its pro- jectors, bit thoft, who have accomphfliea it, and een thole who fuffeied it to be effected. Dear fkavens '. Is this the reward of the Bala in p.ople : for seeding so long a number of unworthy monsters, to be finally, (.'eferted by them in this treache- rous and covaidly manner ! Let the exult in the acquisition of those im- porters, whom we no longer cor.fider as fellow citi"cns nor asBatavians ! There ward of pink will overtake their leaders. '1 he fianu sofa raging confeience will loon rise amongst them, and then there w ill be no mercy hewn to them. Meanwhile, fellow-citizen- s, this loss, however confk'erable it may appear to each patriotic feeling, will not diminish our courage. We know the duties we owe to our country and to the people, and we will fulfil them. Sooner let us behold our country desolated and become a defart, thin fufferthe enemy to triumph over our b'oeity. The Bataviart army, united with our French brethren are probabl) fqhting at this moment for the preservation of our country and our li- berty. They will fliew that the glorious blood of their ancestors still circulates in their veins. In them we put our truil I God be with them." ZWOLL, September 4. For Tome days we have had no arri- val from lower Holland, owing to heavy gales, which laged, in consequence of which we have no information from that quarter it Horn and Enkhuyfcn, all veffels, are in requisition to carry goods and wounded to Amsterdam, it is on that account, that no pickets sailed from here la't Monday as usual for those places. The Englifll it is said are advanced as" iar as Home. Our fortress Coccoorden, in upper Y-f- near the borders of the lower Bifliop lick, Munster, was fttihmoned to surren- der to the Prince of Oratlge ; the result of which is as yet unknown. The roads ai'e crowded with the mili- tary j every day pass through here, huf" fars, mounted artillery, infantry and ar- med citizens, they chiefly come from Groningen, Friefland, and Mappell, their destination is Harlem ; to which place also a number of our armed citizen, are gone England. LONDON, September 3. Private letters by the Hamburg mail, received yesterday, fiate, that Buona- parte had made good his reheat into and arrived at Cairoj STATE PAPER; Declaration of war of the Emperor 'of all the Kuihas agiinlt Spain. We, bv thegrare of God, Paul I, &c. see. do herewith make known to all our faithful Is, that we and our allies have revived o overthiow the lawless g ernrri it ruling it France, and we have therefoie, nfen againfl it with ah our forces. The Almighty has bleffea c an.s to this ei dav, and crownec All our enterpnzes with vi&oiy and fuc- - cess. Among the number of Euro- pean powers, apparently attached to the 1 rench government, but in sac powers that are only airaia of the vengeance of this government, theoVitcaft of God, ftrug-glin- g with the last agonies of diflolution. Spain has,, more than all the rest, fhewn her sear of, or attachment to France, not by gi' ing her atiu'al fuccours, but by ar- maments. In vain have we made uie of aU our refpurces to open to that power the real path to hoilor and glory by com- bining with us : (he has persisted obfli-natel- y in tli6 meafuies and Wanderingde-ftruclio- n of herself ; and thus we have at last sell ourfelvts under the neceffity of sending back her charge d'affairs at our Lourt. Odiz. But having finr.e thai rp- - k ' - r.- - ., V ,." ceiveu information, mat our cnarge cral-fai- rs too, Counfellor Butzow, has been compelled to quit the king of Spain's do- minions within a term unto him limitted, wedeemthis an insult committed upon our imperial dignity, and do hereby de- clare war , giving orders, at the same tune, to impose lequeftration on all the Spamfhfhips in our haibours,and to con- fiscate the same, and to send orders to the commanders, of all our land forces, to act with hofhhty every where againfl all the subjects of the king of Spain. Done at Peterhoff, July 26, 1799, in the 2d year of our reign. (Signed) PAUL. - Italy. GENJD!Jniy- - t4. At length the of the armies of Italy and Naples is affected in the ri ver of Genoa We yesterday beheld uic -- rrival in this city of gen. Macdonale railed by gen. Mereau to concert it is said, some grand operations. He was co vered with wounds The army of Nap"lesrafter the terrible jattle of Trebia, obliged to retrace its deps, with a deficiency of ammunition has cbnftantly signalized its retreat b prodigies of valor. In vain did the ene- my wish to arreftit at Reggio and to Modena : The Fj;enh bayonet difpeifed eveiy thing, nva'mdid they attack it upon the Secchla ; they were enclosed and repulsed. In vaimdiiUthey think to outdo it in fvviftnefs, anc&We againfl it in thepaffages of the Apenines by feiz-ingo- n SafTuolo; they were beaten and made prisoners. Nothing could have been more efficient than the great talents of this chief, the whole of his manoeuvres, and the judicious direction of his attacks which has favedhimfrom being bore down by his foes, and always given him the ad- vantage. This incomparable retieatwas effected without loss. It has proved to their enemies that the French are as firm in defence, as bold in attack. A higher eulogy cannot be paid to 'them than in the words of gen. Suwarrow to oiiwho, complimented him on the victory ofVFre-bi- a, and the retreat of the French. " You denominate that a victory, and a retreat ! said he : Such another operation and the French are at Vienna." By this answer we may measure the loss of the ene- my i the mofl moderate reports raise it to 15,00a men. This is not aftonilhing, when it is known that in the three days in which the battle of the Trebia M tnere was burnt on both ndes, more five millions of cartridges, and 70,000 dif' charges ot cannon made. Macdonald had not abandoned his po-fiti- on the Trebia, is all his ammuniti- on had not been consumed : he had not more amunjtion lest than for one houis sighting. It was with such feeble means that this general opened the paflaff ,'. e which the troops drawh from the block- ade would have fliut at Reggio and Mo- dena that he hath beat and cut to pie- ces the enemies who would have entan- gled him, and has protected the complete evacuation of our magazines at Tufca-n- y. The republicans have to expect great things from the junction which has crown- ed this splendid retreat. The troops of the armies of Naples and Italy, view each other with the mofl touching inter-es- t : they seem to partake the sentiments of friendship which bind together the two chiefs. American Intelligence. N&w-lor- k. - tfEW-YOR- October 21. As much has been faiA on the subject of our further negotiations with France, and the general belies that the appointed envoys would not at prefentbefentto Eu- rope, we again affure the public from au- thority not to be questioned, that the fri- gate United States, commodore Barry, is now lying at Newport, to receive our ell-"o- who are on their way to tint place, and are to sail by the firil of November. Judge Elfw 01 th piffed through this city on Saturday froi 1 1 re.iton, v hcie we "ne told, he lest,go. Daie, to receive some papeis which were not reauy when he lest that place. Pennfylvama. LANCASTER, October 23. Extrasl: of a letter from Tbiladelphia, dated ' Qtb October 1799. " We may expect very feriout times fliortly, probably a war with England ; it seems the Britilh ambafiador has written to the president informing him, that it he sends ourambafladors to France, nis court would look upon it as a declaration of war. The president informed him, he would not be dictated to by any power whatever, and the minilters should proceed. He has ordered the United States frigate to be in readiness ; the heads of the depart- ments oppose theii going but the presi- dent is determined." attBd'afTi'fWi. THEATRICAL. On the evening of the st instant, Will be presented to the public, at the Court-HoU- fe in Lexington, THE WEST-INDIA- N, A CojiedY) in Tive ASls. To which will be added, THE CITIZEN, A Farce, in Two ASls. ", The doors to be opened ac five, and the cuif-fdi- n so rise at six o'clock. tt Ticket to be had at the lores of Mr James M'Loun, and Mr. John Nancarrow, price 75 cehts 1111 A considerable addition of liener. No money received at the door. H No adnitance behind the scenes. FULLING MILL. ipHIS is to inform the public that Fill- - 11 lmg and Dying n its various branches) is car ried on by the fubfcnbei, at Maj John Murnlon' Mill, on Hickman, five miles fiom on the Tates creek roadi All those who will please to tavor him with their cullom, may depend on having their work done1 in the heated manner, and on the (horteft notice. I will attend at Mr. Anderfons lore in Lexington, the firftday ofeverycourf, to receive cloth, and will daltver the same drefled, the next court in RichifSmdj, (Madison cdurl-houf- at Col Miller's tavern, the first day of every court in Ver feilles, at Mi. Archibald Kinkead's store J and at Mr. John Gates's tavern, Jeffamine court-hous- on the first day of their refpeftive courts, and return it the court lollo.vmg, is the nature of the bufinefswill admit. Good wages will be given to a journeyman to the above business, who can come well recommeded for his indutlry, fobrietyj and attention tfobufinefs. Samuel Hayes. Oflober 3d, 1 799. 3t K THE SUBSCRIBER f T AS in his pofleffion, a bay mare, about fouryearsJ .- -- UlUi 1UU1 ICCt ClUlll 1I11.I1C3 Wlllll, U1AUUIU UMLLIC ear (houlder and buttock S, and (hod before. Al a double skirted fiddle, and a bridle. The pro perty I jndee was stolen out of t'.is late, by one James FoUfter, who has made his cfcape. The owner mayget his pioperty by proving it and paylrrg charges. Hugh S. GATEWodD. Gallatin county, M'Cool's bottom ? 3t Ohio, Oaober 2lft, 1799. 3 ''ll AKEN up by the fubfenber, living near Lewis's mil, TCwn fork o Elkhorn, Fay- ette county, two horse creatures , one a sorrel mare, Utwo years old, a black ftieak down the right side, not docKed or branded The other, one yeai old pad, a bright sorrel, the sore and hind feet white on the lest side, a (lar and snip the former appraised to 12I. the latter to 4I. William Williamson. September, 13th, 1799. f WHEREAj, I gave my bond to John Holder, think, the 1 7th dav of February. 1700. for she navmpntnfn Turn ns tnnitou r.. .df.1 lefted, nor the time of payment butis it was given in consequence of a bond to me fiom said Holder, for the cunveyance of two hunJred acres of land, at tne moutn ot snow creek, dated the 17th day ol February 1 796, whichcpnveyance was to have been made the 17th of February 1797 ; but has not been done this is therefore to notify the eiccutors of said Holder, or any other person concerned, that I am determined not to pay said bond, unlefj com- pelled by law. William Meeki November 9th, 17991. 3t WHEREASa man who called hunfelf But' horse with the fubfenber, about the 8th of September iaftj to be put in good order, and was to take him away in one month ; but he did not, according to promise, nor could 1 hear arty thing of him until lad Monday, when a woman cilled at my home with an order for said horse, signed by a U4"M11W iiuicu Dumunage, wno, I undcrltind is now in onrort in Lexinatnns wh.rh ..n ...i says flie is wire to said Bambndge, informs me that ..... ..!.. ..uuUu, naincu wiiimms, tooKup the said none aoouctnree years ago, near the Falls of Ohio from whom the horse again (Inyed, and was t?kcn up by a third person, from whom said Williams again got the horse but dyini shortly aster, (he lelWie horse in the cuilody Of a man in the neighborhood and moved to Lincoln county, where fne married said Bambridge during her abfencc, the fecondper-fo- n who took lip the horse, reclaimed him from the man with whom he was lest, and shortly aster said Bambridge went down jnd took (aid horle m a clan destine manner front said man, and delivered him to me as above Said,none is a. dark bay, about twelve years old, about fifteen anJ a half hands high) bnnd ed 011 the near (boulder, Jbilt not intelligible, blind in the right eye. Any perfoa who comes forward, proves- - his property, and pays charges, .Hay take him away. James Guy. November tli, 179 jg, TITE fliciilTof Bourbon haing 1688 icies of land on ButlJioui creek, for ile, for the tites lor 05 l 6UC tllls PU""C J notice, thHt I hive paid on itcount oi Mr liUn, tlie taxes clue for I 7"'H, lor ti e 110 land, anu mat ij have the auditoi's quietus so. the Yakie 111 iiiy pos-- lemon. Georo-- dfatei . Novei"lvr 9ili. I79Q, 1 i Al-- . up bv the iuolcnbe'-- , living i in Wadington courcy, on Plealant run, an iron gray fillev, two ;cars o.d pafl, with a small (ni m her forehtad, neither docked or branded, apprailed to 61. Anthony Sandvsl1). AuguftSth, 179. , Lexington, November ij. Moiday the 4th mil being the day appo ntedfor the annu I meeting of the lcgifiature, a q lorum. having alliinblcd, piocceded lobu. reib AstLrha-V.n- g cholen officers, and gone through ot'iei prepar- atory bufmefsj they acjouned till Tueldav Having met on Tueiday, agreeable to adjourn. ment, tlie governor appeared and delivered tue sol. Towing ADDRESS: Gtnticmet of Senate, and sf the Ho Je of neprejenti fives, The present pet 10a does lot ..ppcai tolenrepnant with any great nety cf po'it.cal eent':, Je neJ ing thep-- it tUlar attent on of tlie'eiilatuie ol tl common ealt . Sundiy aelsand resolutions ot tnV. lite general afiembly have been afted upon by the lo lar a. circuniuances adn ltted The law sol repairing nd pre'erving the (lite house, has been crned into eSccl, except tne po-vlfio- n cdntcmulattd ser the court room Tl l "" p opnatioris made at tl e last (..Tun have bee fOi d nadequate to tlie epenee, aud there is 11 11 a l iance,c!Uetotie woiXintnand peiloliswho fdrmlrd matruals for lie woik For ihe payment ct t s ba a ne, and wiiat may be neceflary to ct rple e A e) wink, I truH ou will provide at this it.lI1t.11 The ciompts (hall be kid before you T e act concerning tights ai o measures 1 as heeii ttdon,loii as lopiocure one complete Itami d, ich is UeLoCttd with the lecretarv Ai tlie t pence oi prqcui uh llandardsior all the cb n riv. ,will e verv conhdei ible, I thougl t it 111 ad:ia ile t nake any farther contnftont'ilubi)c',aid 101 1J lugged V1 ether an in the lav,wl lehTi !i lirect the feveial counties to piocure fi c llai Jus it their own expence, would not be an ehibl? dinendment 1 he act for keep ng in repair the road to Cuir. 'lerland Gap, appears (o need lome revihon No uriers have beci made to keep the turnpike iort e rerm mentioned in the law ; and abubts have ar fen. as to theconitilutionahtyof anv appointment by t e executive, foi a lungt-- i period than till the enu ot t1 is lefliorl of dmmbly; tie preient keeper has t,em appointed tor ri at tin e onlj The pei itentiary 'icule, I am happy to lrlflrm you, is ingre it lom arched, -- nd t leport oi .' e e. let. ors, lhall, (.sfoon as it is iece ed, be laic before voiu I ha refolutivn; adopteu by the genei oi.cn b y, at their lail lelLtin, on the alien and feditu n laws, liae been sent to the different hate legifl itures everal ot which have expreiUd their ooinion thereon in sundry refoluUDns, which have been tr hii ed to me) and which I haee dnefted to be laiu otiore you for your tonfidertion Vie ving the maintenance of a perfect harmony and good understanding between tviis state, and the state of Virginia as an object of the tttmot import- ance, I ani peculiarly happy in being aLL to ins rm. ou, that the commill oners from the two ftates,hdve atameetinj!; which they have recently heldei me toa final conclusion relative to our coinnion boui d 11 v, ind the ratification of their proceedings b t e lcifia-tur- es of Virgit'ia and Kcntue.ey, is a'l inch is now wanting, to a permanent eftabhfhmenr of tl e line. A report fiom our commifiioners, lrclofing their agreement, together with cthei papers relating to the business, has jult been laid belore n e, and (hall without delay, be communicated to fie general aflembly. Regulations preparatory to the operation of our conltitution, as amended ly the late convention, being highly important will I trull, meet witn your e rly and deliberate attention Whether It Le owing to arty rlaternl drlect in the reyenue la, or to a ikill dn the pa t ol t c tol-left- Of taxes, ineva'ing tie oblitatio isol duty, which baffles legal provifiors, that lare funis of money reteiveu liom the people, me ivith.hcli lrom the public ttealury J I am not aole to deteiniine ; but fearful I am, that the the evil, is not timely lemedied, will inevitably deflrov our naium il crei ltt the exhaulled state of your tiealuty will at once convince you of the alarming progress of this griev- ance, & the necelfixy ot attempting a speedy lemedy. With a full confidence 111 yonr wildoni and patn-otifn- i, I recommend this luiject among the fiift for your condderation Amidil, houever, every difcoilning circum. stance, amidil the general complaints of the sc of mo.iey, theij of neattb j congntulate you that the fttbfiji ce it 11 remans vith us and whilll population and agriculture continue to floundi and improve, whilll we co tinup to enjoy a lux- uriant soil and fruitful fealons, win ft liberty ind propei ty continue to be fecUrcd both by law and by public opimiJn, arid vi'nift ddmelic peace arj harmony cont nue to prevail ; we have Hill abund- ant fjurces of genuine comiort, ind ,ui nuant me- mentos toacknoivlddge with gratitude the goodness of a fupenntending frdvidenee JAMES GARRARD. Thomas M'Kean is eledled governor of Pennfylvama by a majority of OO78 votes. Owing to the" la'te hour at which we received the Governor's communication, we are unable to lay any thing received by last evening's mail before our readers, except the following : (PARIS, August 221 A courier from Italy arrived last night andlt is confidently said that he is the bearer of good news. It is reported that Championet has en- tered Suez,jind is on his march to Turin, at the head)f 35,000 .,i.n, and that the Auflno Ruffians have evacuated Novi. The minilter at wir has ordered is commander in chief of the aimy of Italy to caulc gne al Luto ir FoiiTac, the late commandant 01 Mantua, and all the off- icers of the fta.T of displace, to be tnsd hj a council of war See Gaate Evtra,

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Page 1: TITE haing ij - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt75tb0xq415/data/2514.pdf · i MiinucbtoVece'emo'-- e supplies. i1 ilnTi. tnimLcrof Batavians and 1 iui,1'iichJ i.ora hence;

i MiinucbtoVece'emo'-- e supplies.i1 ilnTi. tnimLcrof Batavians and

1 iui ,1'iichJ i.ora hence; anotherb ' , v ' r.the co-ui-

, ind ofgeneral T)u-- n

( i" 9 epeCEcd hourly, the greatestputot i c' mo'tehcd thiough Zwoll

11 Oh - 1,rnch, fiom Liverpool, ' ta Virgin;, is taken by aI lent i i'' ) user.

II GUE, September 6.Evt-i- "' iio , the ieio1ution of the diplo-

ic nit cm of the BataMJii republicfiilt 1

1 u Hicr fefficn of September 5.The 1 iXuier.t lead a ion nieii.ication,

inforniT t'. t accoid'rg tothe a.cotntswhich h Vd recced, our arniv was inthe be 1,1 tc of defence, and Were 'dailylexivinc. 1 ii Je reirifore.ements , that theout po tJ ol the eneny were i'ti'ioned atSchi e an I those of our ai m) ar Petten :

II it Uit mike ol York had joined the ar-n- i)

of the 'for.ner, and that general Dumonccau was expected to day Or

to take the command of the latter.He alio communicated a letter from

the etn tive directory, cnclofing a letterfiom the "gwnt of marine, with a numberofothc p pcrs, among v Inch was a letterfroi" c.MZen Story, certifying the deplo-plorab- 'e

a Limit ot the surrender of oursleet, to the Lnglifh, by means of the trea-chcio-

rondnJl of the crews on boardour ve'itls. Aster which the presidentdelivered a fpeecli in the followingwouls

" Whit honest nan, citizens reprefentitr cs, (V t linn be inclined to eitheV par-ty) but r, i't ftl Ilimfelf diibonbred op

lining thf account of this malicioustreason, Inch 0L only disgraces its pro-

jectors, bit thoft, who have accomphflieait, and een thole who fuffeied it to beeffected.

Dear fkavens '. Is this the reward ofthe Bala in p.ople : for seeding so longa number of unworthy monsters, to befinally, (.'eferted by them in this treache-rous and covaidly manner ! Let the

exult in the acquisition of those im-

porters, whom we no longer cor.fider asfellow citi"cns nor asBatavians ! Thereward of pink will overtake their leaders.'1 he fianu sofa raging confeience willloon rise amongst them, and then therew ill be no mercy hewn to them.

Meanwhile, fellow-citizen- s, this loss,however confk'erable it may appear toeach patriotic feeling, will not diminishour courage. We know the duties weowe to our country and to the people,and we will fulfil them. Sooner let usbehold our country desolated and becomea defart, thin fufferthe enemy to triumphover our b'oeity. The Bataviart army,united with our French brethren areprobabl) fqhting at this moment for thepreservation of our country and our li-

berty. They will fliew that the gloriousblood of their ancestors still circulates intheir veins.

In them we put our truil I God be withthem."

ZWOLL, September 4.For Tome days we have had no arri-

val from lower Holland, owing to heavygales, which laged, in consequence ofwhich we have no information from thatquarter it Horn and Enkhuyfcn, allveffels, are in requisition to carry goodsand wounded to Amsterdam, it is on thataccount, that no pickets sailed from herela't Monday as usual for those places.The Englifll it is said are advanced as"

iar as Home.Our fortress Coccoorden, in upper Y-f-

near the borders of the lower Biflioplick, Munster, was fttihmoned to surren-der to the Prince of Oratlge ; the resultof which is as yet unknown.

The roads ai'e crowded with the mili-tary j every day pass through here, huf"fars, mounted artillery, infantry and ar-med citizens, they chiefly come fromGroningen, Friefland, and Mappell, theirdestination is Harlem ; to which placealso a number of our armed citizen, aregone


LONDON, September 3.Private letters by the Hamburg mail,

received yesterday, fiate, that Buona-parte had made good his reheat into

and arrived at Cairoj

STATE PAPER;Declaration of war of the Emperor 'of

all the Kuihas agiinlt Spain.We, bv thegrare of God, Paul I, &c.

see. do herewith make known to all ourfaithful Is, that we and our allieshave revived o overthiow the lawlessg ernrri it ruling it France, and wehave therefoie, nfen againfl it with ahour forces. The Almighty has bleffeac an.s to this ei dav, and crownecAll our enterpnzes with vi&oiy and fuc- -

cess. Among the number of Euro-pean powers, apparently attached to the1 rench government, but in sac powersthat are only airaia of the vengeance ofthis government, theoVitcaft of God, ftrug-glin- g

with the last agonies of diflolution.Spain has,, more than all the rest, fhewnher sear of, or attachment to France, notby gi' ing her atiu'al fuccours, but by ar-

maments. In vain have we made uie ofaU our refpurces to open to that powerthe real path to hoilor and glory by com-

bining with us : (he has persisted obfli-natel- y

in tli6 meafuies and Wanderingde-ftruclio- n

of herself ; and thus we have atlast sell ourfelvts under the neceffity ofsending back her charge d'affairs at ourLourt. Odiz. But having finr.e thai rp- -

k ' - r.- - ., V ,."ceiveu information, mat our cnarge cral-fai- rs

too, Counfellor Butzow, has beencompelled to quit the king of Spain's do-

minions within a term unto him limitted,wedeemthis an insult committed uponour imperial dignity, and do hereby de-

clare war , giving orders, at the sametune, to impose lequeftration on all theSpamfhfhips in our haibours,and to con-fiscate the same, and to send orders tothe commanders, of all our land forces,to act with hofhhty every where againflall the subjects of the king of Spain.

Done at Peterhoff, July 26, 1799, inthe 2d year of our reign.

(Signed) PAUL.

- Italy.


t4.At length the of the armies

of Italy and Naples is affected in the river of Genoa We yesterday beheld uic-- rrival in this city of gen. Macdonalerailed by gen. Mereau to concert it issaid, some grand operations. He was covered with wounds

The army of Nap"lesrafter the terriblejattle of Trebia, obliged to retrace itsdeps, with a deficiency of ammunitionhas cbnftantly signalized its retreat bprodigies of valor. In vain did the ene-my wish to arreftit at Reggio and toModena : The Fj;enh bayonet difpeifedeveiy thing, nva'mdid they attack itupon the Secchla ; they were enclosedand repulsed. In vaimdiiUthey think tooutdo it in fvviftnefs, anc&We againfl itin thepaffages of the Apenines by feiz-ingo- n

SafTuolo; they were beaten andmade prisoners. Nothing could have beenmore efficient than the great talents ofthis chief, the whole of his manoeuvres,and the judicious direction of his attackswhich has favedhimfrom being bore downby his foes, and always given him the ad-

vantage. This incomparable retieatwaseffected without loss. It has proved totheir enemies that the French are as firmin defence, as bold in attack. A highereulogy cannot be paid to 'them than inthe words of gen. Suwarrow to oiiwho,complimented him on the victory ofVFre-bi- a,

and the retreat of the French. " Youdenominate that a victory, and a retreat !

said he : Such another operation and theFrench are at Vienna." By this answerwe may measure the loss of the ene-

my i the mofl moderate reports raise it to15,00a men. This is not aftonilhing,when it is known that in the three daysin which the battle of the Trebia Mtnere was burnt on both ndes, morefive millions of cartridges, and 70,000 dif'charges ot cannon made.

Macdonald had not abandoned his po-fiti-

on the Trebia, is all his ammuniti-on had not been consumed : he had notmore amunjtion lest than for one houissighting. It was with such feeble meansthat this general opened the paflaff


ewhich the troops drawh from the block-ade would have fliut at Reggio and Mo-dena that he hath beat and cut to pie-ces the enemies who would have entan-gled him, and has protected the completeevacuation of our magazines at Tufca-n- y.

The republicans have to expect greatthings from the junction which has crown-ed this splendid retreat. The troopsof the armies of Naples and Italy, vieweach other with the mofl touching inter-es-t

: they seem to partake the sentimentsof friendship which bind together thetwo chiefs.

American Intelligence.

N&w-lor- k.

- tfEW-YOR- October 21.As much has been faiA on the subject

of our further negotiations with France,and the general belies that the appointedenvoys would not at prefentbefentto Eu-rope, we again affure the public from au-

thority not to be questioned, that the fri-

gate United States, commodore Barry, isnow lying at Newport, to receive our ell-"o-

who are on their way to tint place,and are to sail by the firil of November.

Judge Elfw 01 th piffed through this cityon Saturday froi 1 1 re.iton, v hcie we "netold, he lest,go. Daie, to receive some

papeis which were not reauy when helest that place.


LANCASTER, October 23.Extrasl: of a letter from Tbiladelphia,

dated ' Qtb October 1799." We may expect very feriout times

fliortly, probably a war with England ; itseems the Britilh ambafiador has writtento the president informing him, that it hesends ourambafladors to France, nis courtwould look upon it as a declaration of war.The president informed him, he would notbe dictated to by any power whatever,and the minilters should proceed. He hasordered the United States frigate to bein readiness ; the heads of the depart-ments oppose theii going but the presi-dent is determined."


THEATRICAL.On the evening of the st instant,

Will be presented to the public, at the Court-HoU- fe

in Lexington,


A CojiedY) in Tive ASls.

To which will be added,

THE CITIZEN,A Farce, in Two ASls.

", The doors to be opened ac five, and the cuif-fdi- n

so rise at six o'clock.tt Ticket to be had at the lores of Mr JamesM'Loun, and Mr. John Nancarrow, price 75 cehts

1111 A considerable addition of liener.No money received at the door.

H No adnitance behind the scenes.

FULLING MILL.ipHIS is to inform the public that Fill- -11 lmg and Dying n its various branches) is car

ried on by the fubfcnbei, at Maj John Murnlon'Mill, on Hickman, five miles fiom onthe Tates creek roadi All those who will please totavor him with their cullom, may depend on havingtheir work done1 in the heated manner, and on the(horteft notice. I will attend at Mr. Anderfons lorein Lexington, the firftday ofeverycourf, to receivecloth, and will daltver the same drefled, the nextcourt in RichifSmdj, (Madison cdurl-houf- at ColMiller's tavern, the first day of every court in Verfeilles, at Mi. Archibald Kinkead's store J and atMr. John Gates's tavern, Jeffamine court-hous- onthe first day of their refpeftive courts, and return itthe court lollo.vmg, is the nature of the bufinefswilladmit.

Good wages will be given to a journeyman to theabove business, who can come well recommeded forhis indutlry, fobrietyj and attention tfobufinefs.

Samuel Hayes.Oflober 3d, 1 799. 3t


THE SUBSCRIBERf T AS in his pofleffion, a bay mare, about fouryearsJ.-- - UlUi 1UU1 ICCt ClUlll 1I11.I1C3 Wlllll, U1AUUIU UMLLIC

ear (houlder and buttock S, and (hod before. Ala double skirted fiddle, and a bridle. The pro

perty I jndee was stolen out of t'.is late, by oneJames FoUfter, who has made his cfcape. Theowner mayget his pioperty by proving it and paylrrgcharges.

Hugh S. GATEWodD.Gallatin county, M'Cool's bottom ? 3t

Ohio, Oaober 2lft, 1799. 3

''ll AKEN up by the fubfenber, livingnear Lewis's mil, TCwn fork o Elkhorn, Fay-

ette county, two horse creatures , one a sorrel mare,Utwo years old, a black ftieak down the right side,

not docKed or branded The other, one yeai oldpad, a bright sorrel, the sore and hind feet white onthe lest side, a (lar and snip the former appraisedto 12I. the latter to 4I.

William Williamson.September, 13th, 1799. f

WHEREAj, I gave my bond to John Holder,think, the 1 7th dav of February.

1700. for she navmpntnfn Turn ns tnnitou r.. .df.1lefted, nor the time of payment butis it was givenin consequence of a bond to me fiom said Holder,for the cunveyance of two hunJred acres of land,at tne moutn ot snow creek, dated the 17th day olFebruary 1 796, whichcpnveyance was to have beenmade the 17th of February 1797 ; but has not beendone this is therefore to notify the eiccutors ofsaid Holder, or any other person concerned, that Iam determined not to pay said bond, unlefj com-pelled by law.

William MeekiNovember 9th, 17991. 3t

WHEREASa man who called hunfelf But'horse with the fubfenber, about the

8th of September iaftj to be put in good order, andwas to take him away in one month ; but he didnot, according to promise, nor could 1 hear arty thingof him until lad Monday, when a woman cilled atmy home with an order for said horse, signed by a

U4"M11W iiuicu Dumunage, wno, I undcrltindis now in onrort in Lexinatnns wh.rh ..n ...isays flie is wire to said Bambndge, informs me that..... ..!.. ..uuUu, naincu wiiimms, tooKup the saidnone aoouctnree years ago, near the Falls of Ohiofrom whom the horse again (Inyed, and was t?kcnup by a third person, from whom said Williams againgot the horse but dyini shortly aster, (he lelWiehorse in the cuilody Of a man in the neighborhoodand moved to Lincoln county, where fne marriedsaid Bambridge during her abfencc, the fecondper-fo- n

who took lip the horse, reclaimed him from theman with whom he was lest, and shortly aster saidBambridge went down jnd took (aid horle m a clandestine manner front said man, and delivered him tome as above Said,none is a. dark bay, about twelveyears old, about fifteen anJ a half hands high) bnnded 011 the near (boulder, Jbilt not intelligible, blindin the right eye. Any perfoa who comes forward,proves-- his property, and pays charges, .Hay take himaway.

James Guy.November tli, 179 jg,

TITE fliciilTof Bourbon haing1688 icies of land on ButlJioui creek,

for ile, for the tites lor 05 l 6UC tllls PU""C Jnotice, thHt I hive paid on itcount oi Mr liUn,tlie taxes clue for I 7"'H, lor ti e 110 land, anu mat ijhave the auditoi's quietus so. the Yakie 111 iiiy pos--lemon.

Georo-- dfatei .Novei"lvr 9ili. I79Q, 1

i Al-- . up bv the iuolcnbe'-- , livingi in Wadington courcy, on Plealant run, an iron

gray fillev, two ;cars o.d pafl, with a small (ni mher forehtad, neither docked or branded, apprailedto 61.

Anthony Sandvsl1).AuguftSth, 179. ,

Lexington, November ij.Moiday the 4th mil being the day appo ntedfor

the annu I meeting of the lcgifiature, a q lorum.having alliinblcd, piocceded lobu. reib AstLrha-V.n- g

cholen officers, and gone through ot'iei prepar-atory bufmefsj they acjouned till Tueldav

Having met on Tueiday, agreeable to adjourn.ment, tlie governor appeared and delivered tue sol.Towing

ADDRESS:Gtnticmet of Senate, and sf the

Ho Je of neprejenti fives,The present pet 10a does lot ..ppcai tolenrepnant

with any great nety cf po'it.cal eent':, Je neJing thep-- it tUlar attent on of tlie'eiilatuie ol tlcommon ealt . Sundiy aelsand resolutions ot tnV.

lite general afiembly have been afted upon by thelo lar a. circuniuances adn ltted

The law sol repairing nd pre'erving the (litehouse, has been crned into eSccl, except tne po-vlfio- n

cdntcmulattd ser the court room Tl l ""

p opnatioris made at tl e last (..Tun have bee fOi dnadequate to tlie epenee, aud there is 11 11 a l

iance,c!Uetotie woiXintnand peiloliswho fdrmlrdmatruals for lie woik For ihe payment ct t sba a ne, and wiiat may be neceflary to ct rple e A e)

wink, I truH ou will provide at this it.lI1t.11 Theciompts (hall be kid before youT e act concerning tights ai o measures 1 as heeiittdon,loii as lopiocure one complete Itami d,ich is UeLoCttd with the lecretarv Ai tlie t

pence oi prqcui uh llandardsior all the cb n riv. ,wille verv conhdei ible, I thougl t it 111 ad:ia ile tnake any farther contnftont'ilubi)c',aid 101 1Jlugged V1 ether an in the lav,wl lehTi !ilirect the feveial counties to piocure fi c llai Jusit their own expence, would not be an ehibl?dinendment

1 he act for keep ng in repair the road to Cuir.'lerland Gap, appears (o need lome revihon Nouriers have beci made to keep the turnpike iort ererm mentioned in the law ; and abubts have ar fen.as to theconitilutionahtyof anv appointment by t eexecutive, foi a lungt-- i period than till the enu ot t1 islefliorl of dmmbly; tie preient keeper has t,emappointed tor ri at tin e onlj

The pei itentiary 'icule, I am happy to lrlflrm you,is ingre it lom arched, -- nd t leport oi .' e e. let.ors, lhall, (.sfoon as it is iece ed, be laic before voiu

I ha refolutivn; adopteu by the genei oi.cn b y,at their lail lelLtin, on the alien and feditu n laws,liae been sent to the different hate legifl itureseveral ot which have expreiUd their ooinion thereon

in sundry refoluUDns, which have been tr hii edto me) and which I haee dnefted to be laiu otioreyou for your tonfidertion

Vie ving the maintenance of a perfect harmonyand good understanding between tviis state, and thestate of Virginia as an object of the tttmot import-ance, I ani peculiarly happy in being aLL to ins rm.ou, that the commill oners from the two ftates,hdve

atameetinj!; which they have recently heldei me toafinal conclusion relative to our coinnion boui d 11 v, indthe ratification of their proceedings b t e lcifia-tur- es

of Virgit'ia and Kcntue.ey, is a'l inch is nowwanting, to a permanent eftabhfhmenr of tl e line.

A report fiom our commifiioners, lrclofing theiragreement, together with cthei papers relating tothe business, has jult been laid belore n e, and (hallwithout delay, be communicated to fie generalaflembly.

Regulations preparatory to the operation of ourconltitution, as amended ly the late convention, beinghighly important will I trull, meet witn your e rlyand deliberate attention

Whether It Le owing to arty rlaternl drlect inthe reyenue la, or to a ikill dn the pa t ol t c tol-left-

Of taxes, ineva'ing tie oblitatio isol duty,which baffles legal provifiors, that lare funis ofmoney reteiveu liom the people, me ivith.hcli lromthe public ttealury J I am not aole to deteiniine ;but fearful I am, that the the evil, is not timelylemedied, will inevitably deflrov our naium il crei lttthe exhaulled state of your tiealuty will at onceconvince you of the alarming progress of this griev-ance, & the necelfixy ot attempting a speedy lemedy.With a full confidence 111 yonr wildoni and patn-otifn- i,

I recommend this luiject among the fiift foryour condderation

Amidil, houever, every difcoilning circum.stance, amidil the general complaints of the sc

of mo.iey, theij of neattb j congntulateyou that the fttbfiji ce it 11 remans vith us andwhilll population and agriculture continue to floundiand improve, whilll we co tinup to enjoy a lux-uriant soil and fruitful fealons, win ft liberty indpropei ty continue to be fecUrcd both by law andby public opimiJn, arid vi'nift ddmelic peace arjharmony cont nue to prevail ; we have Hill abund-

ant fjurces of genuine comiort, ind ,ui nuant me-

mentos toacknoivlddge with gratitude the goodnessof a fupenntending frdvidenee


Thomas M'Kean is eledled governor ofPennfylvama by a majority of OO78 votes.

Owing to the" la'te hour at which wereceived the Governor's communication,we are unable to lay any thing received bylast evening's mail before our readers,except the following :

(PARIS, August 221A courier from Italy arrived last night

andlt is confidently said that he is thebearer of good news.

It is reported that Championet has en-

tered Suez,jind is on his march to Turin,at the head)f 35,000 .,i.n, and that theAuflno Ruffians have evacuated Novi.

The minilter at wir has ordered iscommander in chief of the aimy of Italyto caulc gne al Luto ir FoiiTac, the latecommandant 01 Mantua, and all the off-

icers of the fta.T of displace, to be tnsdhj a council of war

See Gaate Evtra,