tivoli common reporting: customizing reports

© 2008 IBM Corporation IBM Software Group Tivoli Common Reporting: Customizing Reports TCR Enablement

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Tivoli Common Reporting: Customizing Reports. TCR Enablement. Customize/Create ITM Agent Reports. Install BIRT designer Download product report package from DVD/OPAL Import the reports into BIRT Import TCR style package (for creating new reports only) Modify BIRT settings - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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IBM Software Group

Tivoli Common Reporting: Customizing Reports

TCR Enablement

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IBM Software Group

Tivoli Common Reporting | Customizing Reports | © 2008 IBM Corporation

Customize/Create ITM Agent Reports Install BIRT designer Download product report package from DVD/OPAL Import the reports into BIRT Import TCR style package (for creating new reports only) Modify BIRT settings Configure data source Edit/Create reports Export reports into zip file Import back into TCR

TCRBIRT Designer

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Tivoli Common Reporting | Customizing Reports | © 2008 IBM Corporation

BIRT Designer BIRT is an open source tool, based on the popular Java based Eclipse development

platform. BIRT 2.2.1 is the base reporting engine for TCR v1.2

Minimum requirements: – Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5– Eclipse 3.3.1– BIRT 2.2.1

Obtaining BIRT:– Download BIRT 2.2.1 from OPAL


BIRT Education Materials:– Books:

– BIRT: A Field Guide to Reporting, by Diana Peh, Alethea Hannemann and Nola Hague. Addison-Wesley, 2006. ISBN 0-321-44529-8.

– Integrating and Extending BIRT, by Jason Weathersby, Don French, Tom Bondur, Jane Tatchell and Iana Chatalbasheva. Addison-Wesley, 2006. ISBN 0-321-44385-3.

– Forum: http://www.eclipse.org/birt/phoenix/community.php– Tutorial: http://www.eclipse.org/birt/phoenix/tutorial/– Demo: http://www.eclipse.org/birt/phoenix/examples/

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Tivoli Common Reporting | Customizing Reports | © 2008 IBM Corporation

Getting TCR and the Report Package TCR

– Standalone (included in their product DVD by updating their BOM like ITM 6.2.1)

– Embedded component in TIP (by adopting TIP like TBSM 4.2)

Out of the box reports– OPAL

– Bundled with the GA’d product

– In product DVD– On product’s support site

Unzip the report package into the file system. It will create twofolders : <product name> and tcr_metadata

Report Catalog on TCR website

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Importing Reports into BIRT Designer

Create two new BIRT Report Projects (<product name> and tcr_metadata) Note: tcr_metadata is required if you want globalization and the product’s report set structure to be preserved in the TCR report set

navigation tree

Switch to Report Design perspective Right click on <product name> -> Import -> File System Browse to the <product name> folder in the unzipped reports package Check the <product name> box in the Import dialog and click Finish All report designs (.rptdesign files) and resources folder will be imported Right click on “tcr_metadata” -> Import -> File System Browse to the “tcr_metadata” folder in the unzipped reports package Check the “tcr_metadata” box in the Import dialog and click Finish

After import Navigator view

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Tivoli Common Reporting | Customizing Reports | © 2008 IBM Corporation

Import TCR Style Package (required only if creating new reports)

If you are going to create new reports the TCR style package needs to be imported to avail the in-built templates, styles and commonly used scripts

TCR Style Package can be found in <tip-install>\products\tcr\style folder along with the style guide

Unzip the TCR Style Package v1.2.zip file into your local machine Create a new report project called TCR Style Package Right click on this project and select Import -> File System Browse to select the unzipped TCR Style Package folder Check the boxes for all (templates, samples, resources) in the Import

dialog and click Finish

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TCR Style Package Outline (TCR Style Package obtained from Style folder of product DVD)

Library (reusable report items)


Images (standard icons, logos etc)

Message dialogs

Master Page (header, footer)

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Tivoli Common Reporting | Customizing Reports | © 2008 IBM Corporation

Modify BIRT Settings Modify Resources to point to resource folder in Product Reports

project– Go to Window -> Preferences– Expand Report Design– Select “Resource” and point resources to the resources folder in your project in the

workspace. E.g., “<workspace_location> /ITM Reports/resources”

Modify Templates to point to TCR Style Package (only needed if creating new reports)– Go to Window -> Preferences– Expand Report Design– Select “Template” and point to the templates folder in your TCR Style Pacakge project in

the workspace. E.g., “<workspace_location> /TCR Style Package v1.2/templates”

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Open a report design in Layout View to edit

Outline View: Shows outline of

the opened Report

Layout View: Shows graphical outline of the opened report

Navigator: Browse through various

report design projects

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Tivoli Common Reporting | Customizing Reports | © 2008 IBM Corporation

Common BIRT Terminologies Use BIRT v2.2.1 only

Report Design (rptdesign)

Data source: JDBC, scripted, web services, XML, flat file

Data set: Result set of a query

Report Parameter: textbox, radio button, combo box, list box (dynamic lists supported)

Body – Report Items: Data, Text, Label, Dynamic Text, Image, Grid, Table, List Chart

Master Page: Layout of every page of a report

Style/Theme: Colors, fonts, margins etc

Library: Stores reusable report items

Script: Javascript functions to control report item generation/modification dynamically

Template: Static structure for a standard report layout

rptdesign, rpttemplate, rptlibrary, rptconfig, rptdoc

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Tivoli Common Reporting | Customizing Reports | © 2008 IBM Corporation

Anatomy of a TCR Report

A header for company branding (part of Master Page)

A primary report title

Optional secondary titles

Parameters used to generate the report

Information sections which contain the content of the report in tables and charts

A description

A footer containing the generation date and time of the report and a page number (part of Master Page)

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Configure Data SourceA data source is the database from which data is pulled to generate a report. Data sources are defined in

the product library and referenced in the report design. The advantage of placing data sources in the library instead of in the individual report designs is that changes made to the library will be reflected across all report designs.

To edit the data source:

1. Navigate to <product name>/resources/<product name>/lib/ and double-click the <product name>.rptlibrary file. The contents of the library open in the Outline view.

2. In the Outline view, expand Data Sources and double-click to open the primary data source i.e., ITM

3. Select or add the appropriate driver. Click on “Manage Drivers”. If you jar is not available, click the “Add” button. Browse to pick up the jdbc driver jar for your database. Click OK to finish. Now select your driver from the Driver Class drop down select.

4. Enter the database URL and authorization credentials, or the JNDI URL

5. Click the Test Connection button verify communication with the database.

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JDBC Configuration Example

Database DB URL Driver Jar File

DB2 jdbc:db2://<HOSTNAME>:<DBPORT>/<DBNAME>:currentSchema=<SCHEMANAME>;


com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver db2jcc.jardb2jcc_license_cu.jar

Oracle jdbc:oracle:thin:@<HOSTNAME>:<DBPORT>:<DBNAME>

E.g., jdbc:oracle:thin:@tivreporting.raleigh.ibm.com:1521:WAREHOUS

oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver oraclethin.jar

SQLServer jdbc:sqlserver://<HOSTNAME>:<DBPORT>;databasename=<DBNAME>;

E.g., jdbc:sqlserver://tivreporting.raleigh.ibm.com:1433;databasename=WAREHOUS;



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Tivoli Common Reporting | Customizing Reports | © 2008 IBM Corporation

Create/Edit Reports

Edit existing report: Set a filter/Change logo Create new report based on a TCR template with data from the

warehouse– Right click on the project and select New Report

– Enter a Report name and click Next

– Select a pre-defined TCR template. Click Finish

– Once the report is open in the layout view, right click on “Libraries” in the Outline View and click Use Library. Select the ITM library from the resource folder

– From the Library Explorer view browse to ITM under data sources in the ITM library. Drag this and drop it in Data Sources in the Outline View. The data source is now available in the report, referencing the one in the library to query for generating reports.

– Right click on Data Set in the outline view and click New Data Set. Select ITM for the Data Source and click Next

– The tables in the Warehouse will show up. Browse through the tables and columns to construct a SQL query. Preview the results

– Drag and drop the data set into the report layout to create a table

– Edit the chart to point to this data set

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Create/Edit Reports

Converting candle timestamps to date time objects:– Open the data set and browse to Computed Columns in the data set editor

– Click on the New button and enter the following:

– Column Name: TimestampC– Data Type: Date Time– Expression (click the fx button to enter the expression):new Date( ( candleTime=row["WRITETIME"],

(parseInt(1900) + parseInt(candleTime.substr(0,3))) + "/" +

candleTime.substr(3,2) + "/" + candleTime.substr(5,2) + " " +

candleTime.substr(7,2) + ":" + candleTime.substr(9,2) + ":" +

candleTime.substr(11,2) ))

Filtering queries with date ranges:– From the Library Explorer browse to Shared Libraries/tcr_common/lib/Report Parameters. Drag and drop the

“Parameter Group - Date Range” from there to the Report Parameters in the Outline view.

– Open the data set which you want to filter by date and add the following to the query:– where "WRITETIME" between '0000000000000000' and'9999999999999999'

– Save it and close the data set. Click on it from the outline view and go to the Scripts tab. Enter the following code in the scripts tab:

ModifyQueryCandleDateRangeFromGroupValues(this,params["Report Period"].value,params["Begin Date"].value, params["End Date"].value);

This method is defined in tcr_common/scripts/ModifyQuery.js. It will take the input parameters, do the appropriate calculations, convert them into candletime and substitute the '0000000000000000' and '9999999999999999' in the query

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Modify TCR MetaData (optional)

TCR Metadata defines where a report set will be placed in the navigation tree, set mappings, globalized names and descriptions etc

Either you can import with metadata or you can import without metadata and edit the names, descriptions and reorganize the reports into sets through the TCR GUI (preferred)

To edit metadata, open reportdata.xml in eclipse and edit through the design view

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Exporting Report Project into Zip File1. Right click on your project in the Navigator View2. Click Refresh to update project.3. Right click on your project again and Click on Export (if exporting with tcr_metadata, select

both projects to export)4. In the next dialog select “Archive File” under “General”. Click Next5. Browse to enter the location where you want to export the file to. Enter filename with

extension. Click Finish.

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Importing Report Package into TCR

Importing Single Report Design into TCRThrough the CLI Import resources (if new resources) trcmd –import –resources .. Import design, define report and add to set trcmd –import –design .. –designRef..

-resourceDir.. –designType birt ..

–report.. –reportSets*use –force to overwrite

Errors during import may be caused due to incorrect packaging structure. Check SystemOut logs for more details

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Importing Report(s) back into TCR after Customization

New rptdesign has same name as old rptdesign?



Replace design directly in datastore


trcmd –import –design .. –designRef .. –designType birt -force

Import design, define report and add to set

trcmd –import –design .. –designRef..

-resourceDir .. –designType birt –report..

–reportSets ..




Import resources

trcmd –import –resources .. –location ..

–resourceDir .. -force

Add new report to new report set?



Create new report set

trcmd –add –reportSet ..



Import single report?


Export BIRT report project into zip file (as explained in previous slide)

Want to include meta-data information?

Add tcr-metadata folder to the exported zip file


Import zip file into TCR using Import Package Menu through GUI with overwrite or CLI using the following command:

trcmd –import –bulk ..


Replace an existing report set ?



Import zip file into TCR using Import Package Menu through GUI or CLI using foll. Command”

trcmd –import –bulk ..


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Tivoli Common Reporting Website (search online for “Tivoli Common Reporting”)

– http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/spaces/tcr

– Forums

– Articles

– Report Catalog

TCR Users Guide– Part of the TCR DVD

– How to use TCR

– Complete command reference

TCR Style Guide– Present in the “Style” folder of the TCR DVD

– Using TCR Style Package to create reports

– Sample reports and templates

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Thank You!