tne-owy~ass s^cr ated-press neivl 'alls countl the :...

THE VOL. 15. NO. 15-1. : O gdenjb^M ill M ain Issue ball FRANKLIN. P».. Ocl. 3 (-F) - A , reputedly a prl.wner In a can* L • non ball 33 year*, hopped lo Jrec« dom today a* workmen rtmoved the § wooden j>e«s from tUo . 100-pound ball, a relic of lhe Civil war. The toad bllnkcil Us eyes strelch- ; til IU lt|» ;-w<>t>biwt^nU-bap|Kd otf. J t — n w cannon ball W.j hrouRht here J _ j -fc Jiali.cealary.4so Irom. .Ntw_Or- ,h,. lean*. C llliciii tald the toad was ^ placed Inside. 33 years aco. before ^ tho bftll «ti.i removed to ll-i preaent ™ place on lhe courthome Inv.n, PIONEER OF GEM STATE lli'« DIES AT HOME OF SON 1, „■ -------- ;torlu DLACKFOOT. Idalw. Ocl. 3 U^re Heber C. Rich. Logan, Utah, a plo- U-hei nrcr of thla wcUon. woa found dead !a-|oi wllh a'hls neck broken nt lhe foot irodi of tho stivlri In thelionie ot liL^ son rcIj. near hero UiLi mornlnu. „om Mr. nich. who wal vuillnit his aon. jfoo' Chft*e Rich, on Ihc family ranch al non PlnRree._caii« to BlnKhnm^coiinty In tinn l l i 8 early nlncUM nnd waa active in spca tho aeltlcmenl of PlnKrec nnd con- c, atroctlon of tho People’s cnnaj. He •. ?, removed to L««an Inter. The family was nslcep In the tip- , ' per part of the houM nnd knew , nothing of Mr. Rich having fnllen downsUiirs until hU body wm found 7 *? at fl o'clock this mornlnc. ' e<! IDAHO GAS TAX TOTALS S' $301,216 DURING MONTH .BOISE. Oct.Ja'I^T-Onsolme .tnx !ft V brouRht In tSOUlO on sales of 6.- - -02<J11 piUonaofFMoHncdurtnB An- ~~B iutr»’Tcporrof-tnB-buTcmrof-mo--ij~ tor fuels stated today, ft was a re- ; ducllon from 6i41,4&3 Rnllona aotd I ., in August B year ago wllh revenue . o f »3«.078. ! For the flrsl eight monllis of thU ; year 33.3H.M2 gallons were sold { with menuo ot ii.sfll.ou compared 1 : ■•wim' MUM'0tT9,883,073-|fsllona nnd ;r . } ro«nu8 0f H.0BU5O In loaj. a dc- cre«M Ul Income ot $333,307, 100IDAHO PRISONERS APPEAL FOR PARDONS;” : ) '■■•fliJiaii,- 'Oii:'\:vpySSaiibQ‘ ^ \ f '^ l '' 7—beard-ot-p«rdon»~wlU—weet-herc i »h \ We^eaday wlttUlOO cases before ll. jwa ItvCtudlng live b{;prisoner* sentenced op< r’to Uto Imprlflonnlent tor tlrsSdcffreo 11rl -ftiurder.-'■ ' j mt Among IhcM are Pred and Mike 1 tie Noorlander, ORden, Utah, men w ho. po aa youths seven years bro wcro‘con- | ' ‘ viclcd ot Ulllns.a merchant In Fo- 'ca: cntcllo. ' I tlo ---------- auy,N«Uon, «rvln(f ft life term tor ! do killing a merchant In Idaho FalU 11 *po years Ago. also Is asking pardon. Ho ! p» — — and hls-hroUinr Clyde'NeUon,'liad ;ic( ------- 4cr%'cd.morc.than-lQ yeara.whcQ.tlic.! ' ----- inltcr-WAS-rdcMcd on shnwlnK ho rcj --------had-nottakrn part In the murder but tif had attempted to hljle his brother, fit BURCErwOMENTIGDRE^^ IN SACRAMENTO CASE|[2 SACRAMENTO. Oct. 3 1,1 ’)—Lcllov -------- iJrUtfcii lihd m ncls Hrigw picndcil' gj guilty today to tmnsportlng two bi women from Bur;fy.Idnho„toStock- ton in violation rf the Mann act and! „ were sentenced lo serve 18 monlhs In 1 the federal pcnltcntlnry. One of Uie ! women Ima returned to jic r home and I _ the olher, who was fn court, waa freed. c: bem' rossI irges I [ ^ HALT IN TAX SALES | BblHE, dell ((J") — Qovcrnor C. ,^ n ROM today eolled on counly com- ^.^.ml*8loner».loiuspendta**a:caunUli • '• after the next legUlature can protlde I turther relict for the Uupoyers. 1n He saw aa he understood, the law-U the lime tor selling tax selied prop- ' erty-U more or leja in the hands of 1 the county commlMlonera. | *“ X therefore luggcst,” he aald in a ’ ^oum ^ " t ^ t ^ !•, whlS^cTle^iS^ deejfa to the counly. untU sAh Ume ,, aa the coming teaion ot the legUUa- ii ture may enact leglaUUon extending ? the Umo of lauing Ux •deeds on ac- ' co|mt ot delinquent taxei, oM lb« ® '*r~lrattlaUo»--tts m lts*^-jtidgia«it win ^ gl«r»-the dellnQucrtt taxpa>-er Ume to V redeem hU’property." ® RUPERT HEARS TALKS ' ? BY POPE AND MORGAN : ....... ............a' RUPERT.0ct.3(/P)—Senator John t< Thomas, RepubUcan. Idaho, wascrlt- S4 the wifliwua. « Uon^ of Judge Parker tor United a BUiteasupremecourtJustlcebyMay- S< OTj»^Mfssi(iSBite,BBaL:ismaja 0 ^ T tw g a n , DiOTOCTBtlo candidates fo r U senator and sUt« supreme court, re* ■peeunly. to addrvses here tonight, p Pope aad Uorran charged Parker c ^ a loe to labor. They also at- c -— ■—tykM-Ttwate-fof what they teiiii«- b «I W* rfepotlsm practices. Tho v speakers deelared the Democrata c Both WUI tpcak at American ?Wls n . tomonw. Pop, wW conUnue Ws n campaign with an address at i>oc«- ten® W*da«dv « , MotSiTSui f speak st Downey 00 th»t day. p : T W UAXD miuc- uruBKH OP _ ............... M«»C1AT1D n U M * itH n S n i IvaBlveOit pr es Of Hour s relur _____ burg: jvcrnor "Practically Ad- "nJ mlts the Deoresslon Has Licked Him Before 'He ^ .1 and Starts,” Speal<er Charges to !aUi (By The A«ocUlM Prcso) •. 03 ANGELES. Oct. 3 — Ogden plan . U Milb. Bccfetary .ofth-TU m- zm urj-. speaklnn lonlght In a Re- jbllcan-m ltyln the campaign of rcaldrnl Hoover for rc-elcctlon. lameierlied Ooverfior Franklin D. emP oosevelt, Democratic nominee. a» Tl cnndldnie "who pmctlcaUy admits brldj 10 dnprMJrton ha* him licked before .. A l e alarta.” The irea-iury ftccrclary address- Ume I a ttirttiK of 3000 in Trinity audl- and irlum and more Uian 2000 Ititcners The rre Jammed aboul tho enlranee.i. mw here Ihey heard W10 nddrcM from « -loud-siwaWiiB-fyHcm, Ho-was In- w t •oduceil by Joseph Bcolt. Los An- elc3 auorney. who delivered the omlmillng speech for President roover at the Repiibllenn eonven- on In Chicago. He wiU leave for n an_FraKcba)_lomQiiow_nl8nl_to I, ixak there on Fridny. U Secrciajy Mills reviewed the nooiic- elt awing around tho countrj'. j ••Af" Topeka, Governor Roosevell 1 inboraled a 0-polnt larm program ' chlch left lUs audlencc comptctcly nysllfled, and .which It It failed to late the means by which the deslr- uj, ■<1 objectives were lo bo niialncd." • " ■aid Mills, “ at least preserved to the lovemor alx or more avenues of ca- :apc. ahould the lime ever comc when 1C li caUcd upon lo make good. "A t Salt U ke City, he dcacrlbcd I railroad program, Uken . almoit - j,'ord fM word Irom the recOlnmen- i lailon.1 '16 cohgrcM nf Phaldent p'rt Hoover andlhTinlcrstjac commerc'c *[>* ;ommlsslon. wo: •'In Butte, he slated that he want- na Ml to do something for silver, bul li(V didn't dbclose what or how. l Promises Bemcdy °“1 _"ln.8cotUe._ho.promlMd to.rcin- ck edy the abnormal depreciation of the buying po»-er ot the OrlenUl coun* ha tries, and then went on airly to say rel that ’Uiere are many waya of pro- it I ducing the resulta desired/ wlUiout un men'loning one ot them. Ti: “III Portland, lie favored the rc* by ifntlon rt Uio title to w*ter po^ver bu «»».■» by U»# federal govommmt. lU' whlcli-ta-«lready-th* caM-under-tbe -■ water power ad. the development. Rc operation and distrlbuUon ot elec- he Iriciii power by the federal govern- lo menl, blit with it very heavx.-»WtUf cu tied to Ilaoas not to'hlii^ifi the local ih power companies. • • • . ' - ••Governor Roawvelt has been th campaigning ovar two months. Elec- pr tlon day U some tlvo weeks oft. Wc be do-not-knoW-Gov«mor-Uoos6velV» He pwltion in respect to the immedlaU th paj-mcnl ot cash for adjusted acrv- ICB-ccrtllicatcs.-- ............ “We do not know his position In wi rcspecl ur the payment of those cer* cr tlficatea through tho Usunnce of «i flat money, as provided In the Pal- bc man bill which itaa passed the iiouse hi TjrrpprestntatiTMrwe'dtf'not'know wi [whether ho endorses or oppoAcs tbe ' federal guaranteeing ot bank depos- of Uta—both ot good banks and Md— cc as provided in the Seagall b il^ r the m jnopoaLltuaiH.tllc.fftlrral bnvrm* tl menl Inlo the eoinmerclal BoDklng th bolh of which measures »■ ; paaied lhe house ot repreaentativcs; a 'andare now pending In (hesenate. a< I Olber Views Unknown I "We-do not iu\ow wiiother he bc- at ^Continued on Page 3, Col. 7^ " iiy iB s - i i ■ ' ■ F !Democratic Officials Go j Into Distant Past fb Find Fault with Republicans a BOISE, Oct. 3 O n-A charge that ' the sute prison board headed T)VH.' "i C. Baldridge as gOTemor had paid an ,* “ excesslte" prtce tor a prison fa rrt * oear, Boise of about 600 acres was today by | fore the aame Und. u weU as an ad* dlUonal 30 tcrs. had sold tor MO.OOO. The slAlcmest said (he Uod had ' beffl. tarried' on the.nax roUs since 1B». the date It was purchased by < er ralue ot the land bouiht by the , stale m declar^'lo tha sUt^meot j to be 8UM3 on the basis ot the as- 1 sessed, vaJjiatton for tax purpoaei. < menl o ld . is by practice made about i SO per eent ot the cash value, part < otahelaad4n»U*tedoBthetazroUs. c lhe SUtement said, as erasing land.' < -Ttie^ facta disclose that the prico I paid by the sute was excessive and < entirely beyood a reasonable ;n1ce 1 computed on anf tal^ aod pracUcal ' b«.tb.'Mhe-flUteintnt-s*ld.-^T*Rd 1 values h^vo been oo a coastaot de- I , cUne lintfe about in o AM 'the ia- 1 . fTr"«> I" *»JU» of tag 000 fretn March ] 13. 1038, to Notember 30. 1 ^ . can- I : not be supported or lusUtoed tn any j ; manner.” I, ( The land vaa bought by the lUte i NoTember30,-l£C9.froma|75.000ap* 1 proprtatloo ot the 1938 leglsUture. ( TnE-OWY~ASS : 'T ' TWIN Moo Unemployed - III Retorn H to-l^sks-l-- ^3fl-^a6tern Gky - p r r r s B i m a i i . oc-.. 3 <-?%-More than 3000 men aud wo^pen—bread 1 winnera lor aboul ICi.Oou per sons— J returned to work today m the Pitts- burgh dLilrlct'a grrnt Industrial Rcjumpllon.s wlthlivihc next week ^ wiU-rcslorc Jobs to aboul 1R30 more. j ,.Jhft-afiirlrrnlfil nrilvity j-,v.!-nih __ lo tin plate mills. Rlawi I'lniit', iron and ateel work.-i and raUroad ^Iiopv To flU orders :hat have accumu- 1 laUd In.rccLiit weeks. 1800 v.crc re- called to<lny to lhe CnnonsburK planl ot the -Standard Tin Plnjcj ThB CrclRhtoii plant of lhe Plttii-[-L- burgh • Plate■Ola-sa 'company employment lo 1000. , The A. M. Byers planl al Am- j.' bridge reopened. KtvliiK Job.s lo 500. ..About.380 uifn '‘ I’” •““ * fiKi two years were rera1Ie<l by me Unl- , tlmore and Ohio railroad ctir fhoi« clr.t nnd locomoUvc work.s nt DuboLs. ._ The crews wera lo al- 600 there. W. L.,Nlcc, Konerul au’perlnlend- . m,. ent of lhe American Window Gla.-<i company* plant near Unloniown, ^ , announced It wlU reopen Saturday. ,j,,. wllh a force ot 330 men. j,j. C U R T W ilC K - ^ i TOFMEftSlSl Vice-President Also Com- • (In plains of Evasiveness of Franklin D. Roosevelt _____ In KANSAS CITY. Oct. 3 (-T)—Vice- pre.^iilcnt Curlla; m a cami>ttlKn Rpeeeh loiiiKhi. hark^^bM lflo IKC work of the alxly-Mvenlh t-ongreAS _ na proof thal the Ileimblican party llM.nlwaya worked for farm reUef. In manuscript of hi'< address given i B. OUl In advance by lhe Republican' jl national commlllcc..Mr. Curtis de- " - dared;-------- ----- ---------------------------------- e "Our party cannot bc charged with • having neglccled the question ifarm y relief), because Mnce March 4. 1031, - It has enacted Into law various meas- it urcs intended to solve the problem. Tiiese aeU were not only supported " :* by the Torlous farm organizations. " :r buljjvuiy ot lliem were proposed by ^ t. lutn’orpinaailoas. , « -■'leould noucommentoiiOovomor ‘‘< I. RooicvcU'a farm relief Ideas, because :- ho haa submltfcd no plan. He refers 1- to several plana that have been dla- j f cuMed 'for years, nnd. then leaves ° >1 ihem for further discussion." Ylie si)rnkrr. In pointing out thal '• n the farm relief problem haa been :- present for many years, aald; ••It has. ^ 'e been subject of^thc ImporUnt ’» debnteA-in eongrew since-i «nl«rcd , ta that body tn IB O X " ......................... r lUeaUa >Var nays '> •Doring the World war, tnrmcrs In were urged lo planl and gron more . r* crop.1. were a.ikcd to purcha.ic more _ of stock." ho tald.j:ilJl5-Uicy did, and t- beeauEC of the war poUclea they were se hit harder than any other Industry wneinrtnslatlon was-pendlngr’"^*'— je "In m o, because of the low rates s- of duties on agTlcultural products — contained in Uie Underwood-Sim- M mons act. there waa Imported into as. Ihla rniml,r>’ agricultural »roducm.nI— Ig tho value, in round- numbers of erf 13,000,000.000. This of course stArted (ili a movement for an emergency tariff act on agricultural producta. "I am sure itiat the farmers and e- atockmen have nol forgotten that in ~ 1030 they uaked lor and were cnilUed to an emergency tariff on farm pro- ducts. Such a measure woa passed by a Republican house and u Republican senate. The vote in the house, De- ~ cember f. 1850. wasl^ritc 'pIibUcini “ and 10 Democrat* tor the measure. [T and .>cvon Republicans and 78 Dem- IL "'Continuedttn Page3, C o le i FIREDESTROY?^OB. 30 OF MEDICINE MAKER nd GLENDALE. Cal.. Oct. 3 (.n-Fire - Of undetermined origin destroyed to- nS day the workshop and storeroom of Dr. Donald t. Baxter who u ld his — flmfhad been-fqmlslitng th^'medt- ..i clnes u&cd In treating tho wife of stmUflr-WUliam E. Borah. Id ahq^ ' Baxter s.iid the supply liad been de- atroycd In the tire. He estimated loss at $10,000. Mr*. V- Borah has been suffering from par* ^ Irot-lcyy . - ^ — ----- ----------- £ iNAKE-RlVERIS-OEATH:-^ m TOLL ItiCREASES AGSIN oad ' _____ nee niODY, Oct. 3 w>-Another life by was bellev^ added' to Snake river’s 0^^ leUS-:deatfa. list todar-whsn-it-vaa- Ihe reported^ th at: Eugene ..WnUcr. W*- eot yrar-old son ot Mr. and Mrs. Webb as- Walker. LewUvlUe, had been drown- sei. ed Sunday evenms while fishing- itTf Twff-7omhnir’ebm?aS!SrHr»hW out names cmiM-not.bcJeanicd. report* art ed lhe tragedy to .dmer Taylor. >Us. chief trf'poHee-here- a n ftia lf Uroth’- •d.' er of lhe mUahi* youth, this morn- rtco Ing after remaining at the scene and md searching tor tt^ missing boy all rice night. . . leal The three had gone fUhing In the ind stiiani.ah»uw»settn mngm trrttrof de- Lcwlaj^lle. Two of Uie boys went tip in- stream lo get Ihelr horses prepara- rgh tnry In gniny hnwio » ««M lfi»g. an- Ing youn« Walker fishing In a rifle any near a bl* edcty; Whennher rettim- ed Walker'was mining and It was Ate believed he had been swept Into lhe tp* eddy and drowi^, A poise was or- 9. ganlied to Marcb tor tbs body. S ^ C r ATED-PRESS NEiVl F$Mb IN falls ; IDAU.O, t I uesdav illilW R O FBm FU il:! pni:y -------- - pijyu ^GenBrar~Ecpnomic tion Seems at This Time ^ w -. To Be Definitely on the:” '"’ Mend,” Says'Statistician ,5"; ___ __ . day . fttli-r 'Ry Tiie A.Moc!nted Prew> n I t :>S ANGELES. Ocl. 3-NearIy 700]^ r l ,:SM melhiwn Of thn Ararrtcan s r ir 1-^H ahker*' assoclntlon. conlrolling empi 'r'-nmrcej oprn ;inw K.iihered here today to consld- Appi |.-r !h - problems ot a depre->.'ed Ume. job-., I r-' limliiary 10 the opentnR tomor* iji ro-j- cf general sessions ot the fifty resu; dKhiii unnual .convention,, the.tniri pun «• I .vivings divisions of the fts.ia- by 0 clr.t;r,ti met t o d a y . ____ said. Til.' trtwt dlvUlon heard from Us liour reririi-,: president. Thomns C. Hen- conn Ure.presldent of Uie Mercan- men till- f-immerce Bank nnd Trual.coma dun piiu ,Ki,-l,oiiU.-» aharji criticism ot xoi:l koirrr.nirntal credit opcral1on.i. and thl- -.uinci mrn listened to a talk I by Hat.iUl a. Parker, vlce-prelldent 11 of th" staiidnrd Statistics company. y H Sew Vnrk.' upholding railroad bogds at-a_ialiu:oYcmmcnl.inYCtimrnl._______ 1 S|irnUm stressed the aeutenesa I of prr.'riit problems, but agreed gen- | cmitr. ni It wna enirrssed by Hen- nln;«. '.lint ‘‘the general economic slliistion s<rnis at this Ume to bc clelinitcly nn the mend.’^ \/ya Increaae in Asseta •'Till* iKlvrrse conditions disturbing ' fliiaiirinl iii.\tilutlona generally have . f been <if minor concern to trust com- I • pinie.v" llrnnings aald, ••There Im [ been a hnilUiy Increase In trust as.iet-s licld by our members ond also t In the unilrr^iaudlng and knowledge war of the rrt]\iiremenla Ot eftleienl yen ■ Uuit..n<1mmiitrntlon._.Wo_Rre.„buUt h ji I UDOU_iOUsl_i:muml._wllll-Jlur_roota ^1^ ® firmly'<nib?i!(!cd In lhe family ond lo j f ~ iCo:illni:Monpage3, C0I.3 I si r'CO»[rT[MrFlliSs? I. - the ■■ * J Am BROWNSVILLE. Texas. Oct. 3 (/Rl I H A sea bf overflow water from the Uw , turbulent Rio Grande river rolled I ,or y over thousands ot acru of form land in WUlacy counly loday as a break 1 in a major flood ennlrol H>vee al- 1 j . lowed the angry Ibrreril to^^^apc' u „ ita bounds. 1d„ Tlie muddy water wo* spreading ] ini, over the same area lhat waa Inun- dated fi month bko under similar 'by ,, condiUons. -nt ,, Fort Brovi,!). llie army po*l nt p„ ,, Brownsville, reporied the dro«’n- mli Ing ot Prlvnle Sandy H. Tsylor. He , ] A losLhls life Sat'inlny In attempting no: - to cross ,B.“ notii3ert’jtr r in ^ o n ~ h ls ‘j,{j horse. Tlie nnlnial plunged and spill- 1 ed.hlm into.the waler.______ < ' •e ' ___ '■ 'i He Might Gat IS to - ' . . . a!__________________________ : _________ of •d Id in ~ . .. or- * 7 WSPAPER IN TWIN F Vlj !; S|6rK1NG. OCTOBER 4, 10!Vi ^XOmERCIAL Pj !1) Thn Auoclatrd Preia’ " ^ . iiiKhliKhii In yesterday's le-iji iiirhijcd the following: | I’n rM U 'u O ll — Creighton plant I )f tlir l';::»biirKh, Plate Glass com- I Monday, giving em- iljy u itii’. :o louo men and women. StfTs aii(-; coriwratlon wUl resume 5ix-r..;l(ni ih'xi Monday with '7S fi ■noiifl:-.. ^ KOl'KV .MOL'NT—Approxlmtlely r ISO Wfll i\rxc recalled to work Mon- ^ Mu‘ Atl00llC.CM*tilHMlWl« ' Mti-r ;;ii I'lli'neM ot several wTCka. I’il'lil.K , Oklahoma— More than 700 ioi.:r..-. iiiiiigrs In U iatri-iU le lead TT ana Mi!c .irea cxiictert to “receive yV tmplovmi'iiv lilts monlh With Uie oprnine d: a m-w eoncenlritlon plant: Approximiiitly 300 men were given t) Job.^ f.uriiii; s<-picmber. lUiTittUT—Uiiick Molor eomiiany resuT.tii oiKrailon Monday and ex* pccud u> .|uvo-alUplants-o|i«ratin(i piou' by,Oi;toi>,T 17.1. J. Reuter, president.' said. Oi- ranoiLs wlU be ou a nlne- uf < li0ur-il;n-, iivo-day-j^'cek.basis. The' *rlt' coiiii'iinj lioixM to imploy all acllV6:0{ ' me:i w\ iltr payroll at tho lime pro- The dunlon ut 1032 models was dls- ' coiiUaaoL jflP iw iE i -sisirssPEciii W ar Office at Tokyo Says' hiwc Address Threatens Rela- tions of Two Countries TOKYO. <Tuf«l>y). Oct 4 (.IV-A {[“u war olllcc kpoke.vnan today told the tifc vemanilnr prr.'a 'th a t Secrelnry t lllcnry. L. Slljn3oa'a-.Pbmnlc]phla .^bo ffnrf-li,r( l.rit week waa-ft.menace Mol relntlons between Japan .,ro nnd the Unlte<l SUtes. T h r siK>ke.'.imin a.vserted th a t Mr. Stlmson. by annln apeaklng Japan, offeri'd further provocailon. 01 which W ius a irriouj matter. [j|| _ A elf^'.e cnnnccllon was seen be- _ twccn Mr. aiimsoh'a'speech. Uie‘ IJ PU'bllcalloii of ih f .Lytlon report, and r the continued foncentrallon of the ' American navy In Uie Pnelflc. DurlnK the liostllo recepllon of the \ Lytton report yesterday Mr. Stlm- ton's Phllndelphla speech eampam-1 -Uiviy npeaking. liad gained UtUo at*: h*'" trmioii. I tod ; Union trasue cliib'^tuiilay mjht-; if,, llia t Pre5ident Hoover had forniu-• I Inted a i,ue<-e.v.ful policy nt non- rrcognltl'Ui tnr territorial gains made i®"’ ‘ by foree ot nrnw. He added llia l lhe | •' •'npen door p o lic y wns to 1J3 preserve Chinn's lerrllorlal and ad* 1 mlrilAtrallon integrUy. - I , The press vigorously da-. _ nouncNl the Lyitan report on the Manchurlaa.orchlpni and rirmnnricd }, , (Continue on Page 3;Col. 1) ‘ for lather Other ValuaBle ln fi ... A-FfeW MOftt ___________ OJEVOONfy — Vou QOrn'To JipOV UP AH& Q y r A HE.V4 0 COftT TWV*) F M L ’ VNttACT6HOyiO RE 0( _ OOXOV)V\NV E tc LOOK jDgW 0Qvs^r^Hfte.^T? i W foo-n^fm trlb w \\, <r-> - . _ — Copjrisht, 1933. 'ALLS COUNTl __________ ■2 ' B g r w a j llO P E M P H fl hrtitm ’s— Chief— Exerative yf\ And First, Lady Board i Q i Special Under Heavy Guard ju. Of Secrct Service Men ' ot yi ----------------- --------- . (By The AMOclnlcd Pre.«) disco W ASIUNOTON. OcL 3-l» ^fO .hLs altemoon for the I.irm belt day. ffhere lomorrow night he wiil-dtUver - Mj ft Dc» Moines his first campalttn ad- walk Ire.vNSliicc ucci'plinK re-noiiilimtlon. near The prwldent trnvellnl by M>eclal mile i.iln, accompaiiiod only by Mrs.. ed i ilouict.atmaUgroup.oI White H'.'iw. ittuchra and the usual heavy retinue no v )f secret wrvlcc men, newsjiajier mlgl n-ritrrs ami phoiOKrnphers. The time to n 3f dciMnurc wa.% not nnnuunccd. I'here wu.s no crowd to see iilm off J S' at the station, but some of thoso h“d meeting or catching traliw rrcoj- nired lhu chief cxecuUve ana ap- plaudrd. - . •\tr, Hoover smiled and dolfrd his »nd lial 10 Uiem. Ho chuckled oa he rea- ponded to a request from a photo- ll Rrjpher to remove hu hat f.or a || pIctu/erAiUiu'lrulirpuIIWOurJtMr 'U l Hoover Joined him on the rear pisi- form,' smiling UUi waving (0 those walchtnx lhe departure. Sean* NcMipaper In the few minutes before the Nlwclul left, the preaidenl went Inside . the club car and sca:ined a ne«s- Pai pai>er until the final signal was ijlven. Near him sat Theodore Joelln and < Waller NcKtoii, the two White Iiouse secretaries going wiUi him. A l the far end of tho car Mrs. Hoover was | giving directions for disposition of eftecLi oil the train. The president, said his alls, look q aboard-Uio' mtuuscxljil. o f-hb -Dos Ttic probably will complole It tomorrow : (Continucd'on Page 2. CoL 6) , lan Cm i-LOIIOINES FIGU IIE8 is PffllSrililirMENg WASHINOTOK. Oct. 3 m Freight car-Ioadlngs for the lasl tha HUBrier ot Uils y«ar wero cstlmtted olT today by Uie Americon RaUway h - ^ less than actual loadings In the same frh< <iuarter a year ago, which were 9,- E ;m 4,«sj. I "TliU rallmale (complied by the 113 shippers' advisory boards) Is slg- ^ . I nlflcanl.'' uie assocUtlon said, '•be* fe]| I cause the some shippers estimated me: ' late last June that loadings In the ^thlid quarter-would-amoont-to-aM — I prr cent' under lhe*ac«ranottainp ' H for the Uilrd quarler of 1931."_______ gjji ------ ,—- ------ ^ gu, I rat nforinaiibir ________- ________ ‘ in am I slo the I ■ Ule ----------------------------:----------P-:----------- Ohe io^EM TT^ tw. *4 o ye a - / p*« L 'h' ; OOHE X MJ y 7 I” *1 del Irum „/ - M \ Ul ■■ en 'rfV ------- - . tc: --------- - '<J« V ^ ^ £•* -3IBp o: ^ _ 1* ' ' Q m' da !o»( ' ^ —, ^ ^ W l cc •- n '■ ■■■ '■ * d) 933, by Tb» Ntw Vork TrUHina. lae.- » UDXDUl AUntT IIUUKAII _______ o r CIltCUI.ATtON3 ByrqnDefe_nt W ith Tw in ] ■' --------------------- Woman-pinds M ne Opened Years Ago - f ALnUQUERQUE. N. M . Oct. 3 (,T) ^ —A gold mine, believed to li.-ive l*een ,, dug by Spanlarcin perhap.s luindieds V ot yeara ago. niny brliii: wealth-to Mnt.Btnnche-TrtegrSnntfi- re; who •' discovered it nccldcotnliy near Kills- T-k boro. New Mexico, 0. II. llnycs. I-C day. pal? - Ur3..Trlsg-sovcraUweok£-ago wna «t i walking niong the Rio Perelia river orla near some of her property four npp miles from lIlllsbort> when slio plcf* wee ed up some sIbk. apparently from grtit an abandons! smelljr. As tliern w;is lud no'visible plaee 'frolii wliieh the slag didi m ight havn come sho asked Ila}TS "I to mako a survey, -jn Hayes dUcoverril the mine after lltk a aearch. llo Kald hr believed ore wltl had been taken out by the Span- alu lards In baskets. He n n .i_ l^ nn Uie fltialyabi mnde and the .ore. he .'.afiT trie runs $604 In gold. J5.71 In slher aup and t l in lend lo the ton. h' -OllllDlOS-l lilH iT M l ^ ___ "ST' Far Back In Ozarks, Men taw ath Still Spend Lives Dig' ging to Find Treasures -------- - ^ bald ’ KNOB. Ark.. Oct. 3 ifl-) - Thcr«tirhnntTold~tmhrcrypu of the Ozorks wtth'dirintny rods, ahoT^ •?}“ ela and shotguns. Far back In the hills where dls* ™ lances are measured bv a '•whoop and a hoUer," men spend their lives dig- glng for treasuraa th e y believe Spaniards buried during the sUrk .. dava when slave traders sailed the bloody middlB passage'. • pm Tales honded down from taUiecJo yo son by a breed U u t iQvea itorles m i are responslblo tor the unconfirmed r i .conrlctlqn of many mounUlneers toe that ftbulous«-callb lies behind tome prc ot.iht.baId boulden ot tlu.Ozarks.ibn TniT hunt u at night wllh -t dtilS' tog rod —a homemade Instnunnitr pol thet-ts-nipposra to do-funnrthtngs cn when 11 passes over burled meUl. ifi] Bome folks tay they wlU work, but pal then some folks also tcU in whispers mi < that the'maanlng wind In deep cav* tin ems ot Uie mounUlns is the voice ol the a “ h a 'n f—Ihs waU o t some luckless the fellow' who lost hU soul. Science noi merely shskeslU head at both belltfs. the _______ LllUe Egdlpmtnt .______ • &iuipm««iH>f-th0- * 0ld-^»unUng buj ptrtles ususlly Is a divining rod, a chi •lantemrp1ekaxe.-*borel-and-a-shot- gun-Uie slibtgun to keep awty mt* i i rauders Uke bad men, wolves, and prl wUdctW:------------- ^—= = = = = ^ Tliey have been hunting easy gold eai In Uio hills smce ante<bcUum days pie and are attU at-U.-Many accept the uii stories that Spaniards came up Uie ]||( MlssUilppt river's-tripularifs to hkle their'tonunes. Talet that xlcli tun- be Ules buried gold and valuables in cai tha mounUIni liiirtng the.waL.hc- — tween the stalea alto are believed by , peraont who do not go lo tor the ,. ••hfnt stuff." - . Slrsng markings Uko “4J»JA.T.M. ^ M.O.O.O;:-havebeonfoundonboul- ders and fortune hunUra aro coa* , vlnced they mean something. Acres ^ and acrca havo been searched; bul It anyone ever found any loo»« goU It g (Continued on Page~37coL8)~~ an - — ..... —- , — „., » _____Ulj BUHL MAN BUYS LICENSE SEXTTLE. Oct. 3 (AV-Marrlagelop licenses were Issued today'to Robert su - 5.-Whlsna’jt. 58. Seattle, and Lavem pr McGinnis. 31. Pocatello, and Arthur («< C. Voigt, 37. Buhl. Idaho, and Velma ap Evans, 24, Dottiell. MRS. BORAH’S HEALTH ' S' ' GRADUALLY IJIPROVES ^ aOlSE. Ort. 3 Borah's eonvolcsci-nce Is conUniiln* uQlnier- rup'.ed." a bulletin Inued by her " physician iukl at 0 o'clock tOWglfl. ^ -niB Kiiaior's wife been P- m mon; 1‘i.m Ihreo weeks of psitta* “ r: en;li<,:Mi^mooly,^^ ly w ", . tcnini wwTiraTTHmlnCK^^eiVi, - •dfirriKHiiumiTTFTei-noTeiipMTrnF'^' injections ot serum "have not been roafltf for eti'cral dayi. ‘‘ ‘ ‘ in the meanUme laboratory.test-', or th> birds from which Urt. Borah U believed to havo conlracVcd the m - w fiw oc»tg mage.- ' '■ p* _ , -T— . cc QUA'k E SHAKES-HELEliXJi - -Ti'tmrAriamnjcCT-Tnrx-S slight enrtltfjuake waa telt hero at ct 10:ia P. M. lonlght. I I was not Im- c< medlatrly dctcrmlnetl _whcther any damage resulted. —# >.ur .1’ . ^ A check failed to rereal any dtni* g< age here. Tliu earth movement wts It perceptible throughout tho vicinity. T --------- 1 ----------------- - 2001 DAHOANrGETWORtC « _ _LEWlSTON«Jd*ho»,Qck t Closed nearly two monlhs. Uje CJetr- „ water unit of Potlatch Poresu, In- eorporated, resumed t o l l lumber nanufacturlng operaUons here to* q. dsy. furnishing enpl(?yment to about . women. Tnr)AY:-Eair.: ______ 8 PAGES — 5 CENTS bachO pens^ ' ________________ F a lls T a lk udge-Hugh-ArBaker,-Rupert;— And Captain E. M. Sweeley Share Spealting Program With Republican Candidate '' R 'YROS Defcnb.ich, LcB'Llton, Republican nominee for gover- ininn lo the south, told an audience It 400 persona in the Legion Mem- - irlnl hall hero lnat night that he had ippeikled for support during 0 four- vcek campaign in tho north on tho irtiuiids Ihal North Idaho had not u«l 11governor, orj^epubllcan can- Urtntu lo r Rovcmor, »i 4o ycahi. "1 nm U-lllng you Uils,' he said. In dlaresnrd ot thn odvlce of a po- Itlcal friend: but,' after meeting vlth you here tonight, I think I ilu ll be warranted In reportlhg to Jie^folka In the north lhat my iriehds in" the'south-are going.'lo lupiwrt me." M r .Defenbach spoke here last night on the snme platform with former District Judge Hugh A. iioker. Rupert, who dUicuased nn- H^«l-lM,u^-ii.Uh_rf.fwnfo f.p*- rlally lo Idaho, and reviewed extra- irdinary efforts put forth under th» idminlBlration of President Hoover a mainUin "sane, safe, conitruct- ,ve government" and to respond to •— 'greater demands U»n have ever seen made ot any government." Cnp- E. M. Sweeley. Twin Pnlis city _ attorney, also apoke briefly in crit- icism ot Twin rolls counly commU- iloners' buslneu and financial meth- ods. CrlUclaet Govenior Mr. Defenbach criUelsed as 'f u r - ' ' tlvi.'T' an asserted attempt on Uie part Bt-lila.DemocmUc.oppQnmt._Ooytr?____ UlddletoD laat Baturday to thUt awny from hi* earlier basis of com- parison of sute taxes. Mr. Oeten- baeh.j«ad a wrlUen sUtement and demand addressed to itls DemocraUo opponent: ••You wero elecUsd on your prom- U*-lmp»«d-and-«tl«n-«prMs*d,-lo------ put the sute baek to the basis of 1938. Your attempt at Middleton to tub- ' slituto the year 1B37 and 1938 bat a turllve tlr about it. It you had taed those yeara aa basU for your promises in 1930, you could not liave bren elwlrd. .■ -Your platform »nd your speeehea pointed to aii- increw of 33 per ccnt'lQ lUto tsxn'bctwe(n'i999 and 1830, and ascribed It to excestlTe patronage. Even In your defense at Middleton, you did not point to a single InsUnce where you cul down the number ot persons employed by the BUte. or Uie salaries paid. You now ascribe Uie increase between those years to machine poUtlcs and we charge Uiat no admlnbtraUon m our-hlstory-lat worktd-har ^ chine than you have done.** -The->Utement-tontlnned.“‘'Whtm----- I am elected. I wUr select tor my. ■ Hjnclple.adyjspgjnro.who are l» ^ harmony ■wlth-my-<dea»--R«rptibli^=^ cans. But when 1 come to employ pick and ahovel men, the needs ot the men themselves and their lam- — ilies will govern me more than Ihelr party, and no Job, high or low. wUl be sold tor contribuUons to m y„ campaign fund.” « The speaker referred to hU own - five-year campaign against high cost ot Rovcmmeiil In Idaho. “ I have a theory." he ssld. “ Uial If we Uke care ot the expenses, the taxes wUl Urgely lake care ot themselves. Two years ago I said the cost of government Ui Idaho had Increased 33 per cent in five yeors without any corresjiondlng in pop- nintinn nr Wealth. The DemocrtU . took it up. “Tlic Democratic odmlnistration opportuiiliy 111 the history ot the state, fifteen monlhs alter the de* presslon begiin.- to cany out-an.-et— fectlvo program of relrenehmenl and economy. "Now we find It trying to compare its exi>endlturrs, with those of the precrrtlnif two >-eara. and sedulously aToldln« compari.sou with the ex- i>rndlturts of 1920. The present ad- mlnl3tTnU<m hna cnmpletcd only one ycnr-.*/o one'tn tW ^'OfKraatHelLii- what It «11l ci>st tf. run the state in 1U32. “TliU ndmliitstratlon came into pawcr with an over-equlpment ot machlnco'- and IIM.OOO In Uie trcoAury. Wlien the goverumenUl wllh a builiel of whenl-mow it .tfl- qiilres three bu’ hels of wheat. ' nio»tra«e» ObMrraUon “The sjK-aker JUuslraled Increas- imc state taxes, using for \hU pur- pn- U» amftiinu paid ia-Twla-Paila-^ c(7unty to Uie sUte treasury, which. he-»AW.'wn* jln.MO In 1936. a n d -* >ltn-.000(Mn m t. sn-lncrease of^-ap-— county aovemment expense Increas- ed 10 per cent. ■• - - “That tho people have been grow- TiBt tm able lo meet the burden of government." he said. “iJ ahown In Uie fact Uiat deUnquent ta w In Twin FalU county tottled »M.OOO In 1928. and M3.000 in IM L This eoun- ty a-tahtaUort-ho-taktrlMid di i Hni i , during (his period trom I3T,01MJ)00 Jo M4JOO.OOO. --------- ; netfftlng-tn ,Uir , clfcunuUagM_ under' which the present aUto td - mlnlsUnUon came into power, w llh an over-etjulpment ef pertotmel aad ' mtehlnary. and a treasury balaOCf.. ’ ■^(Coot uiued’w T W X COL •)

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Page 1: TnE-OWY~ASS S^Cr ATED-PRESS NEiVl 'ALLS COUNTl THE : … saw aa he understood, the law-U the

T H EV O L . 15. N O. 15-1.

: O g d e n j b ^ M i l l

M a i n I s s u eb a l l

FRANKLIN. P».. Ocl. 3 (-F) - A , reputedly a prl.wner In a can* L

• non ball 33 year*, hopped lo Jrec«dom today a* workmen rtmoved the § wooden j>e«s from tUo . 100-pound ball, a relic of lhe Civil war.

The toad bllnkcil Us eyes strelch- ; t i l IU lt |» ;-w<>t>biwt^nU-bap|Kd o tf. J t —

n w cannon ball W .j hrouRht here J _ j -fc J ia li.cealary.4so Irom. .Ntw_Or- ,h,.

lean*. C lll ic i ii tald the toad was ^ placed Inside. 33 years aco. before ^ tho bftll «ti.i removed to ll-i preaent ™ ‘ place on lhe courthome Inv.n,


-------- ;torluDLACKFOOT. Idalw. Ocl. 3 U^re

Heber C. Rich. Logan, Utah, a plo- U-hei nrcr of thla wcUon. woa found dead !a-|oi w llh a 'h ls neck broken n t lhe foot irodi of tho stivlri In thelionie ot liL^ son rcIj. near hero UiLi mornlnu. „om

Mr. n ich. who wal v u illn it his aon. jfoo' Chft*e Rich, on Ihc family ranch a l non PlnRree._caii« to BlnKhnm^coiinty In tinn l l i 8 early nlncUM nnd waa active in spca tho aeltlcmenl of PlnKrec nnd con- c, atroctlon of tho People’s cnnaj. He •. ?, removed to L««an Inter.

The family was nslcep In the tip- , ' per part of the houM nnd knew , nothing of Mr. Rich having fnllen downsUiirs until hU body wm found 7 *? at fl o'clock this mornlnc.' e<!


.B OISE. Oct.Ja'I^T-Onsolme .tnx !ft V brouRht In tSOUlO on sales of 6.-

- -02<J11 piUonaofFMoHncdurtnB An- ~ ~ B iu t r » ’ Tcporrof-tnB-buTcmrof-mo--ij~• to r fuels stated today, f t was a re- ;

ducllon from 6i41,4&3 Rnllona aotd I ., in August B year ago w llh revenue . o f »3«.078. !

For the flrs l eight monllis of th U ; year 33.3H.M2 gallons were sold { w ith m enuo ot i i.s fll.ou compared 1 :

■•wim' MUM'0tT9,883,073-|fsllona nnd ; r . } ro« nu8 0f H.0BU5O In loaj. a dc-

cre«M Ul Income ot $333,307,


) '■■•fliJiaii,- 'O ii:'\:vpySSaiibQ ‘ ^ \ f ' ^ l ' ' 7—beard-ot-p«rdon»~wlU—weet-herc i »h \ We^eaday wlttUlOO cases before ll. jwa

ItvCtudlng live b{;prisoner* sentenced op< r’to Uto Imprlflonnlent tor tlrsSdcffreo 11rl - f t iu r d e r . - '■ ' j mt

Among IhcM are Pred and Mike 1 tie Noorlander, ORden, Utah, men w ho . po aa youths seven years bro wcro‘con- | ' ‘ viclcd ot Ulllns.a merchant In Fo- 'ca: cntcllo. ' I tlo

---------- auy,N«Uon, «rvln(f ft life term to r ! dok illing a merchant In Idaho FalU 11 *po years Ago. also Is asking pardon. Ho ! p»

— — and hls-hroUinr C lyde'NeUon,'liad ;ic(------- 4cr%'cd.morc.than-lQ yeara.whcQ.tlic.! '

----- inltcr-WAS-rdcMcd on shnwlnK ho rcj--------had-nottakrn part In the murder but t if

had attempted to hljle his brother, f it


SACRAMENTO. Oct. 3 1,1’)—Lcllov-------- iJrUtfcii lihd m n c ls Hrigw picndc il' gj

guilty today to tmnsportlng two bi women from Bur;fy.Idnho„toStock- ton in violation r f the Mann act a n d ! „ were sentenced lo serve 18 monlhs In 1 the federal pcnltcntlnry. One of Uie ! women Ima returned to jic r home and I _ the olher, who was fn court, waa freed.

c: bem' rossI ir g e s I [ HALT IN TAX SALES |

BblHE, dell ((J") — Qovcrnor C. ,^ n ROM today eolled on counly com-

^ .^ .m l*8 lo ne r» .lo iu spe nd ta**a :ca un U li • '• a fter the next legUlature can protlde I

tu rther relict for the Uupoyers. 1 n He saw aa he understood, the law -U

the lime tor selling tax selied prop- ' erty-U more or leja in the hands of 1 the county commlMlonera. • | *“ X therefore luggcst,” he aald in a ’

^oum ^ " t ^ t !•,■ w h l S ^ c T l e ^ iS ^

deejfa to the counly. u n tU sA h Ume ,, aa the coming teaion ot the legUUa- i i ture may enact leglaUUon extending ? the Umo of lauing U x •deeds on ac- ' co|mt ot delinquent taxei, o M lb« ®

'*r~ lra ttlaU o »--tts m lts*^-jtidgia«it w in ^ gl«r»-the dellnQucrtt taxpa>-er Ume to V redeem hU’ property." • ®


■ — : ....... ............a'RUPERT.0ct.3(/P)—Senator John t<

Thomas, RepubUcan. Idaho, wascrlt- S4 — the w if l iw ua. «

Uon^ o f Judge Parker tor United a BUiteasupremecourtJustlcebyMay- S< O T j»^M fss i(iS B ite ,B B a L :ism a ja 0

^ T tw g a n , DiOTOCTBtlo candidates fo r U senator and sUt« supreme court, re* ■peeunly. to addrvses here tonight, p

Pope aad Uorran charged Parker c ^ a loe to labor. They also a t - c

-— ■—t y k M -T tw a te-fo f what they te ii i i«- b « I W* rfepotlsm practices. Tho v speakers deelared the Democrata c

Both WUI tpcak a t American ?Wls n. to m o nw . Pop, wW conUnue Ws n campaign with an address a t i>oc«-

• ten® W *d a « d v « , M o tS iT S u i f speak s t Downey 00 th» t day. p

: T WUAXD miuc- uruBKH OP _ ...............

M«»C1AT1D n U M *

i t H n S n iI v a B l v e O i t

p r

es Of Hour srelur

_____ burg:

jv c r n o r "P r a c t ic a l ly A d - " n J

m lts th e D e o re ss lo n H as

L ic k e d H im B e fo re 'H e ^ .1and

S ta r ts , ” Speal<er C h a rg e s to!aUi

(By The A«ocU lM Prcso)•. 03 ANGELES. Oct. 3 — Ogden plan

. U M ilb. Bccfetary .ofth-T U m - z m urj-. speaklnn lonlght In a Re-

jb llc a n -m lty ln the campaign of rcaldrnl Hoover for rc-elcctlon. lameierlied Ooverfior Franklin D. emP oosevelt, Democratic nominee. a» Tl cnndldnie "who pmctlcaUy admits brldj 10 dnprMJrton ha* him licked before .. Al e alarta.”

The irea-iury ftccrclary address- Ume I a ttirttiK of 3000 in T rin ity audl- and irlum and more Uian 2000 Ititcners The rre Jammed aboul tho enlranee.i. mw here Ihey heard W10 nddrcM from « -loud-siwaWiiB-fyHcm, Ho-was In- w t •oduceil by Joseph Bcolt. Los An- elc3 auorney. who delivered the omlmillng speech for President roover at the Repiibllenn eonven- on In Chicago. He wiU leave for n an_FraKcba)_lom Qiiow_nl8nl_to I , ixak there on Fridny. USecrciajy Mills reviewed the nooiic-

elt awing around tho countrj'. j••Af" Topeka, Governor Roosevell 1

inboraled a 0-polnt larm program ' chlch left lUs audlencc comptctcly nysllfled, and .which It I t failed to late the means by which the deslr- u j, ■<1 objectives were lo bo niialncd." • " ■aid Mills, “ at least preserved to the lovemor alx or more avenues of ca- :apc. ahould the lime ever comc when 1C l i caUcd upon lo make good.

"A t Salt U ke City, he dcacrlbcd I railroad program, Uken . a lm oit - j,'ord fM word Irom the recOlnmen- i lailon.1 '16 cohgrcM nf Phaldent p'rt Hoover andlhT in lcrstjac commerc'c *[>* ;ommlsslon. ■ wo:

•'In Butte, he slated tha t he want- na Ml to do something for silver, bul li(V didn't dbclose what or how. l

Promises Bemcdy ° “ 1_"ln.8cotUe._ho.promlMd to .rc in - ck edy the abnormal depreciation of the buying po»-er ot the OrlenUl coun* ha tries, and then went on a irly to say rel that ’Uiere are many waya of pro- it I ducing the resulta desired/ wlUiout un men'loning one ot them. Ti:

“ III Portland, lie favored the rc* by ifn tlo n r t Uio title to w *ter po^ver bu «»».■» by U»# federal govommmt. lU' whlcli-ta-«lready-th* caM-under-tbe -■ water power ad . the development. Rc operation and distrlbuUon ot elec- he Iric iii power by the federal govern- lo menl, b lit with it very heavx.-»WtUf cu tied to Ilaoas not to 'hlii^ifi the local ih power companies. • • • • . ' - ••Governor Roawvelt has been th

campaigning ovar two months. Elec- pr tlon day U some tlvo weeks oft. Wc be do-not-knoW-Gov«mor-Uoos6velV» He pw ltion in respect to the immedlaU th paj-mcnl ot cash for adjusted acrv-ICB-ccrtllicatcs.-- ............

“ We do not know his position In wi rcspecl u r the payment of those cer* cr tlficatea through tho Usunnce of «i fla t money, as provided In the Pal- bc man bill which itaa passed the iiouse hi

T jrrpp restn tatiTM rw e 'd tf'not'know wi [whether ho endorses or oppoAcs tbe ' federal guaranteeing ot bank depos- of Uta—both ot good banks and M d — cc as provided in the Seagall b i l ^ r the m jno po a L ltu a iH .tllc .fftlrra l bnvrm* t l menl Inlo the eoinmerclal BoDklng th bolh of which measures »■

; paaied lhe house ot repreaentativcs; a 'andare now pending In (hesenate. a< I Olber Views Unknown I "We-do not iu\ow wiiother he bc- at

^Continued on Page 3, Col. 7 "

i i y i B s - i

i ■' ■ — “ ■ F ! Democratic Officials Go j Into Distant Past fb Find

Fault with Republicans a

BOISE, Oct. 3 O n -A charge that ' the sute prison board headed T)VH.' "i C. Baldridge as gOTemor had paid an ,* “ excesslte" prtce to r a prison fa r r t * oear, Boise of about 600 acres was

today by |

fore the aame Und. u weU as an ad* dlUonal 30 tcrs. had sold to r MO.OOO.

The slAlcmest said (he Uod had ' beffl. tarried ' on the.nax roUs since 1B». the date I t was purchased by <

er ralue ot the land bouih t by the , stale m d e c la r^ 'lo tha sUt^meot j to be 8UM3 on the basis o t the as- 1 sessed, vaJjiatton for tax purpoaei. <

menl o ld . is by practice made about iSO per eent ot the cash value, pa rt <otahelaad4n»U*tedoBthetazroUs. clhe SUtement said, as erasing land.' <

■ -Ttie^ facta disclose tha t the prico Ipaid by the sute was excessive and <entirely beyood a reasonable ;n1ce 1 computed on an f tal^ aod pracUcal

' b« .tb .'M he-flU te intnt-s*ld.-^T *R d 1values h^vo been oo a coastaot de- I

, cUne lintfe about in o A M 'the ia - 1. fTr"«> I " *»JU» of tag 000 fretn March ]

13. 1038, to Notember 30. 1 ^ . can- I: not be supported or lusUtoed tn any j; manner.” ■ I, (

The land vaa bought by the lU te iNoTember30,-l£C9.froma|75.000ap* 1proprtatloo ot the 1938 leglsUture. (


: 'T ' T W IN

M oo Unem ployed - III R e to rn H to - l^ s k s - l- -

^ 3 f l - ^ a 6 t ern Gky -p r r r s B im a ii . oc-.. 3 <-?%-More

than 3000 men aud wo^pen—bread 1 winnera lo r aboul ICi.Oou per sons— J returned to work today m the Pitts­burgh dLilrlct'a grrnt Industrial

Rcjumpllon.s w lth liv ihc next week ^ wiU-rcslorc Jobs to aboul 1R30 more. j,. J h f t-a f i i r l r rn l f i l nrilv ity j-,v.!-nih __lo tin plate m ills. Rlawi I'ln iit ', iron and ateel work.-i and raUroad ^Iiopv

To flU orders :hat have accumu- 1 laUd In .rccLiit weeks. 1800 v.crc re­called to<lny to lhe CnnonsburK planl ot the -Standard T in Plnjcj

ThB CrclRhtoii plant of lhe P ltt ii- [-L - burgh • Plate■ Ola-sa 'company employment lo 1000. ,

The A. M. Byers planl a l Am- j.' bridge reopened. KtvliiK Job.s lo 500. ..About.380 u ifn '‘ I’” •“ “ * fiKi

two years were rera1Ie<l by me Unl- , tlmore and Ohio railroad ctir fhoi« clr.t nnd locomoUvc work.s n t DuboLs. ._ The crews wera lo al- 600 there.

W. L.,N lcc, Konerul au’perlnlend- .m,. ent of lhe American Window Gla.-<i company* p lant near Unloniown, ^ , announced I t wlU reopen Saturday. ,j,,. w llh a force ot 330 men. j,j.

C U R T W i l C K - ^ iTOFMEftSlSl

Vice-President Also Com- •(In

plains of Evasiveness of Franklin D. Roosevelt

_____ In

KANSAS CITY. Oct. 3 (-T)—Vice- pre. iilcn t Curlla; m a cami>ttlKn Rpeeeh lo iiiK h i. h a rk ^ ^ b M lflo IKC work of the alxly-Mvenlh t-ongreAS _ na proof th a l the Ileimblican party llM.nlwaya worked for farm reUef.

In manuscript of hi'< address given i B. OUl In advance by lhe Republican' j l national commlllcc..Mr. Curtis de- "

- dared;-------- ---------------------------------------e "Our party cannot bc charged with• having neglccled the question ifarmy relief), because Mnce March 4. 1031,- It has enacted Into law various meas- it urcs intended to solve the problem.

Tiiese aeU were not only supported " :* by the Torlous farm organizations. " :r bu ljjvu iy ot lliem were proposed by ^ t. lu tn ’ orpinaailoas. ■ ,« -■ 'leou ld noucommentoiiOovomor ‘ ‘<I. RooicvcU'a farm relief Ideas, because :- ho haa submltfcd no plan. He refers 1- to several plana that have been dla- j f cuMed 'for years, nnd. then leaves ° >1 ihem for further discussion."

Ylie si)rnkrr. In pointing out thal '• n the farm relief problem haa been :- present for many years, aald; ••It has. ^ 'e been subject of^thc ImporUnt ‘ ■’» debnteA-in eongrew since-i «nl«rcd ,ta that body tn IB O X "......................... r

lUeaUa >Var nays '>•Doring the World war, tnrmcrs

In were urged lo planl and gron more . r* crop.1. were a.ikcd to purcha.ic more _ of stock." ho ta ld .j:ilJ l5 -U icy did, and t- beeauEC of the war poUclea they were se h it harder than any other Industry

wneinrtnslatlon was-pendlngr’ "^ * '— je "In m o , because of the low rates s- of duties on agTlcultural products— contained in Uie Underwood-Sim- M mons act. there waa Imported into as. Ihla rniml,r>’ agricultural »roducm.nI— Ig tho value, in round- numbers of erf 13,000,000.000. This of course stArted (ili a movement fo r an emergency ta riff

act on agricultural producta." I am sure itia t the farmers and

e- atockmen have nol forgotten that in ~ 1030 they uaked lor and were cnilUed

to an emergency ta riff on farm pro­ducts. Such a measure woa passed by a Republican house and u Republican senate. The vote in the house, De-

~ cember f. 1850. w a s l^r i t c 'pIibU cin i “ and 10 Democrat* to r the measure.

[T and .>cvon Republicans and 78 Dem-

IL " 'C o n t in u e d ttn Page3, C o le i


Of undetermined origin destroyed to- nS day the workshop and storeroom of

Dr. Donald t . Baxter who u ld his— flm fh a d been -fqm lslitng th^'medt- . . i clnes u&cd In treating tho wife of

stmUflr-WUliam E. Borah. I d a h q ^' Baxter s.iid the supply liad been de-

atroycd In the tire.He estimated loss a t $10,000. Mr*.

V- Borah has been suffering from par* ^ Irot-lcyy . - ^ — ----- -----------

£ iNAKE-RlVERIS-OEATH:-^ m TOLL ItiCREASES AGSINoad ' _____nee niODY, Oct. 3 w >-Another life by was b e lle v^ added' to Snake river’s

0 ^ leUS-:deatfa. lis t todar-whsn-it-vaa- Ihe reported^ th a t: Eugene ..WnUcr. W*- eot yrar-old son o t Mr. and Mrs. Webb as- Walker. LewUvlUe, had been drown- sei. ed Sunday evenms while fishing-itTf T w ff-7 o m h n ir ’ebm ?aS!SrH r»hWout names cmiM-not.bcJeanicd. report* a r t ed lhe tragedy to .d m e r Taylor. >Us. chief trf'poHee-here- a n f t ia l f Uroth’- •d.' er of lhe mUahi* youth, this morn- rtco Ing after remaining at the scene and md searching to r t t ^ missing boy all rice night. . .leal The three had gone fUhing In the ind s ti ia n i.ah »uw»se t tn mn g m trr t t ro f de- Lcwlaj^lle. Two of Uie boys went tip in - stream lo get Ihelr horses prepara- rgh tnry In gniny hnwio » ««M lfi»g. an- Ing youn« Walker fishing In a rifle any near a b l* edcty; W hennher rettim -

ed Walker'was m in ing and It was Ate believed he had been swept Into lhe tp * eddy and d ro w i^ , A poise was or- 9. ganlied to Marcb to r tbs body.


F $ M bIN f a l l s ; IDAU.O, t Iu e s d a v

i l l i l W R

O F B m F U i l : !pni:y

-------- - pijyu

^GenBrar~Ecpnomic t io n S eem s a t T h is T im e w - .

T o B e D e f in ite ly on t h e : ” ' " ’

M e n d ,” S a y s 'S ta t is t ic ia n , 5 " ;___ __ . day .

fttli-r'Ry T iie A.Moc!nted Prew> n

I t :>S ANGELES. Ocl. 3-NearIy 700] r l ,:SM m elhiwn Of thn Ararrtcan s r i r 1-^H a h ke r* ' assoclntlon. conlrolling empi 'r'-nmrcej oprn ;inw K.iihered here today to consld- Appi |.-r !h - problems ot a depre->.'ed Ume. job-.,I r - ' lim liiary 10 the opentnR tomor* i j i ro-j- cf general sessions ot the fifty resu; dKhiii unnual .convention,, th e .tn iri pu n «• I .vivings divisions of the fts.ia- by 0clr.t;r,ti met t o d a y .____ said.

Til.' trtw t dlvUlon heard from Us liour reririi-,: president. Thomns C. Hen- conn

Ure.presldent of Uie Mercan- men till- f-immerce Bank nnd Trual.coma dun p iiu ,K i,-l,o iiU .-» aharji criticism ot xo i:l koirrr.n irnta l credit opcral1on.i. and thl- -.u inci m rn listened to a talk I by Hat.iUl a . Parker, vlce-prelldent 11 of th" staiidnrd Statistics company. y H Sew Vnrk.' upholding railroad bogdsat-a_ialiu:oYcmmcnl.inYCtimrnl._______ 1

S|irnUm stressed the aeutenesa I of prr.'riit problems, but agreed gen- | cm itr. ni It wna enirrssed by Hen- nln;«. '.lint ‘‘ the general economic slliistion s<rnis at this Ume to bc clelinitcly nn the mend.’ \/ya

Increaae in Asseta •'Till* iKlvrrse conditions disturbing '

fliia iirinl iii.\tilutlona generally have . f been <if minor concern to trust com- I • pinie.v" llrnnings aald, ••There Im [ been a hnilUiy Increase In trust

as.iet-s licld by our members ond also t In the unilrr^iaudlng and knowledge war of the rrt]\iiremenla Ot eftleienl yen

■ Uuit..n<1mmiitrntlon._.Wo_Rre.„buUt h j i I UDOU_iOUsl_i:muml._wllll-Jlur_roota ^ 1 ® firmly'<nib?i!(!cd In lhe family ond l o j

f ~ iC o:illn i:M onpage3, C0I.3I

s i

r 'C O » [ r T [M r F l l iS s ?I. - the

■ ■ * J AmBROWNSVILLE. Texas. Oct. 3 (/R l I

H A sea bf overflow water from the U w , turbulent Rio Grande river rolled I ,or y over thousands ot acru of form land

in WUlacy counly loday as a break 1 in a major flood ennlrol H>vee al- 1 j

. lowed the angry Ibrreril to^^^apc ' u „ ita bounds. 1 d „

Tlie muddy water wo* spreading ] ini, over the same area lha t waa Inun- dated fi month bko under similar 'by

,, condiUons. -nt,, Fort Brovi,!). llie army po*l nt p „ ,, Brownsville, reporied the dro«’n- mli

Ing ot Prlvnle Sandy H. Tsylor. He , ■] A losLhls life Sat'inlny In attempting no:- to cross ,B.“ notii3ert’j t r r in ^ o n ~ h ls ‘j,{j

horse. T lie nnlnial plunged and spill- 1 —„ ed.hlm into.the waler.______< '•e ' ___ '■

'i He Might Gat


to - ■ ' . . .a!__________________________ : _________of•d


— ~ . ..

or- * ■ ‘ 7


!; S |6 rK 1 N G . O C T O B E R 4 , 10!Vi

XOmERCIAL Pj■ !1) Thn Auoclatrd Preia’ " ^

. iiiKhliKhii In yesterday's le-iji iiirh ijcd the following: |

I’n r M U 'u O ll — Creighton plant I )f tl ir l';::»biirKh, Plate Glass com- I

Monday, giving em- il jy u it i i ’. :o louo men and women.

StfTs aii(-; coriwratlon wUl resume 5ix-r..;l(ni ih 'x i Monday w ith '7S fi

■noiifl:-.. ^KOl'KV .MOL'NT—Approxlmtlely r

ISO Wfll i\rxc recalled to work Mon- ^ in y .it Mu‘ A tl00 llC .C M *tilH M lW l« ' Mti-r ;;ii I'lli'neM ot several wTCka.

I’ i l 'l il .K , Oklahoma— More than 700 ioi.:r..-. iiiiiigrs In U ia tr i-iU le lead T T ana Mi!c .irea cxiictert to “ receive y V tmplovmi'iiv lilts monlh With Uie ’ oprnine d: a m-w eoncenlritlon plant: Approximiiitly 300 men were given t) Job. f.uriiii; s<-picmber.

lU iT ittU T—U iiick Molor eomiiany resuT.tii oiKrailon Monday and ex* pccud u> .|uvo-alUplants-o|i«ratin(i p iou' by,Oi;toi>,T 17.1. J. Reuter, president.' said. Oi- ranoiLs wlU be ou a nlne- uf < li0ur-il;n-, iivo-day-j^'cek.basis. The' * r l t ' coiiii'iin j lioixM to imploy all acllV6:0{ ' me:i w\ i ltr payroll at tho lime pro- The dunlon ut 1032 models was dls- ' coiiUaaoL

j f l P i w i E i - s i s i r s s P E c i i iW a r O ffice a t T o k y o S a y s ' i«

hiwcAddress T h re a te n s R e la -

tion s o f T w o C o u n tr ie s

TOKYO. <Tuf«l>y). Oct 4 (.IV-A {[“ u war olllcc kpoke.vnan today to ld the tifc vemanilnr prr.'a 'th a t Secrelnry t

lllc n ry . L. Slljn3oa'a-.Pbmnlc]phla .^bo ffn rf-li,r( l.rit week waa-ft.menace Mol relntlons between Japan .,ro nnd the Unlte<l SUtes. —

Thr siK>ke.'.imin a.vserted that Mr. Stlmson. by annln apeaklng Japan, offeri'd further provocailon. 01 which Wius a irr io u j matter. [ j | |_ A elf '.e cnnnccllon was seen be- _ twccn Mr. aiimsoh'a'speech. Uie‘ IJ PU'bllcalloii of i h f .Lytlon report, and r the continued foncentrallon of the ' American navy In Uie Pnelflc.

DurlnK the liostllo recepllon of the \ Lytton report yesterday Mr. Stlm- ton's Phllndelphla speech eampam-1 -Uiviy npeaking. liad gained UtUo a t*: h*'" trm io ii. I tod

; Union trasue c li ib '^ tu ii la y mjht-; i f , , l l ia t Pre5ident Hoover had fo rn iu-•

I Inted a i,ue<-e.v.ful policy nt non- rrcognltl'Ui tnr territorial gains made i®"’

‘ by foree ot nrnw. He added l l ia l lhe | •' •'npen door po licy wns to 1J3 preserve Chinn's lerrllorlal and ad* 1 mlrilAtrallon integrUy. - I

, The press vigorously da- ._ nouncNl the Ly itan report on the

Manchurlaa.orchlpni and rirmnnricd} , , (Continue on Page 3;Col. 1) ‘ for

lather Other ValuaBle l n f i

. . . • A -F fe W M O ftt ___________ O JE V O O N fy —

Vou QOrn'To JipOVU P AH& Q y r A HE.V4 0 COftT TWV*) F M L ’


_ OOXOV)V\NV E t c LOOKjD g W 0 Q v s ^ r ^ H f t e . ^ T ?i W fo o - n ^ fm t r lb w

\ \ ,

<r-> - ■ . _ —

Copjrisht, 1933.

'ALLS C O U N T l __________

■2 '

B g r w a j

l l O P E M P H f lh r t itm ’s— C h ie f— E x e ra t iv e y f \

And F ir s t , L a d y B o a rd i Q i

S p ec ia l U n d e r H ea vy G u ard ju .

Of S e c rc t S e rv ice M en 'ot yi----------------- --------- .

(By The AMOclnlcd Pre.«) disco


.hLs altemoon fo r the I.irm belt day.ffhere lomorrow n ig h t he wiil-dtUver - Mjf t Dc» Moines his f irs t campalttn ad- walkIre.vNSliicc ucci'plinK re-noiiilimtlon. near

The prwldent trnvelln l by M>eclal milei.iln, accompaiiiod only by Mrs.. ed iilouict.atm aUgroup.oI White H'.'iw . “ittuchra and the usual heavy retinue no v)f secret wrvlcc men, newsjiajier mlgln-ritrrs ami phoiOKrnphers. The time to n 3f dciMnurc wa.% not nnnuunccd.I'here wu.s no crowd to see iilm off J S'at the station, but some of thoso h“ d meeting or catching traliw rrco j- nired lhu chief cxecuUve ana ap- plaudrd. - .

•\tr, Hoover smiled and dolfrd his »nd lia l 10 Uiem. Ho chuckled oa he rea-ponded to a request from a photo- l lRrjpher to remove hu hat f.or a | |p Ic tu /erA iU iu 'lru lirpu IIW O urJtM r 'U lHoover Joined him on the rear pisi­form,' smiling UUi waving (0 those walchtnx lhe departure.

Sean* NcMipaper In the few minutes before the

Nlwclul left, the preaidenl went Inside . the club car and sca:ined a ne«s- Pa i pai>er until the fina l signal was ijlven.Near him sat Theodore Joelln and < Waller NcKtoii, the two White Iiouse secretaries going wiUi him. A l the fa r end of tho car Mrs. Hoover was | giving directions fo r disposition of eftecLi oil the train.

The president, said his a lls, look q aboard-Uio' m tuuscxljil. o f-h b -Dos Ttic

probably will complole It tomorrow :

(Continucd'on Page 2. CoL 6) ,lan

Cmi-LOIIOINES FIGUIIE8 is P ffllS r ililirM E N gWASHINOTOK. O c t . 3 m

Freight car-Ioadlngs for the lasl tha HUBrier ot Uils y«ar wero cstlmtted olT today by Uie Americon RaUway h - ^

less than actual loadings In the same frh<<iuarter a year ago, which were 9,- E

;m 4,«sj.I "T liU rallmale (complied by the113 shippers' advisory boards) Is slg- ^ .I nlflcanl.'' uie assocUtlon said, '•be* fe]|I cause the some shippers estimated me: ' late last June th a t loadings In the^thlid quarter-would-amoont-to-aM —I prr cent' under lhe*ac«ranotta inp ' Hfor the Uilrd quarler of 1931."_______ gjji

------ — ,— - ------ gu,I rat

nforinaiib ir________- ________ ‘ in

amI slo

theI ■ Ule

----------------------------:----------P-:----------- Oheio^EM T T ^ tw.*4 o y e a - / p*«

L 'h '; OOHE X MJy 7 I” *1 del

I r u m „ / -


\ Ul■ ■ en

' r fV ------- - . tc:--------- - '<J«

V ^

£•* -3IBp „ o:^ _ 1*

' ' Q

■ m' da

!o»( ' ^

— , ^ Wlcc

•- n '■ ■■■ '■ * d)

933, by Tb» N tw Vork TrUHina. lae.- »


B y r q n D e f e _ n t

W i t h T w i n ]■' --------------------- — ■

W om an-pinds M n e Opened Years Ago - f

ALnUQUERQUE. N. M . Oct. 3 (,T) ^—A gold mine, believed to li.-ive l*een ,,dug by Spanlarcin perhap.s luindieds V ot yeara ago. niny brliii: wealth-toMnt.Btnnche-TrtegrSnntfi- re ; who • 'discovered i t nccldcotnliy near Kills- T -kboro. New Mexico, 0 . II. llnycs. I-C

day. pal?- Ur3..Trlsg-sovcraUweok£-ago wna « t i walking niong the Rio Perelia river orla near some of her property four npp miles from lIlllsbort> when slio plcf* wee ed up some sIbk. apparently from grtit an abandons! sm elljr. As tliern w;is lu d no'visible plaee 'frolii wliieh the slag didi m ight havn come sho asked Ila}TS "I to mako a survey, -jn

Hayes dUcoverril the mine after lltka aearch. llo Kald hr believed ore wltlhad been taken out by the Span- a lulards In baskets. He n n . i_ l^ nn Uie fltialyabi mnde and the .ore. he .'.afiT trieruns $604 In gold. J5.71 In slher aupand t l in lend lo the ton. h'

-OllllDlOS-llilH iT M l

^ ___ "ST'

Far Back In Ozarks, Men tawath

Still Spend Lives Dig' ging to Find Treasures

-------- - ^b a l d ’ KNOB. Ark.. Oct. 3 ifl-) -

T h c r« t irh n n tT o ld ~ tm h rc ry p u of the Ozorks w tth 'd irin tny rods, ahoT^ •?}“ ela and shotguns. •

Far back In the hills where dls* ™ lances are measured bv a '•whoop and a hoUer," men spend their lives dig- glng for treasuraa th e y believe Spaniards buried during the sUrk .. dava when slave traders sailed the bloody middlB passage'. • pm■ Tales honded down from taUiecJo yo

son by a breed U u t iQvea itorles m i are responslblo to r the unconfirmed r i

.conrlctlqn of many mounUlneers toe that ftbulous«-callb lies behind tome prc o t.ih t.b a Id boulden o t tlu .O zarks.ibn TniT hu n t u a t n ight w llh -t d t ilS ' “ tog rod — a homemade Instnunnitr pol thet-ts-nipposra to do-funnrth tngs c n when 11 passes over burled meUl. ifi]

Bome folks tay they wlU work, but pal then some folks also tcU in whispers m i< that the'maanlng wind In deep cav* tin ems ot Uie mounUlns is the voice o l the a “ h a 'n f—Ihs waU o t some luckless the fe llow ' who lost hU soul. Science noi merely shskeslU head a t both belltfs. the_______ LllUe Egdlpmtn t .______• & iu ipm ««iH >f-th0- * 0ld-^»unUng buj

ptrtles ususlly Is a divining rod, a chi •lantemrp1ekaxe.-*borel-and-a-shot- gun-U ie slibtgun to keep awty m t* i i rauders Uke bad men, wolves, and prlwUdctW:------------- — = = = = = ^

T liey have been hunting easy gold eai In Uio hills smce ante<bcUum days pie and are attU at-U.-Many accept the u ii stories that Spaniards came up Uie ]||( MlssUilppt river's-tripularifs to hkle their'tonunes. Talet tha t x lcli tu n - be Ules buried gold and valuables in cai tha mounUIni liiirtng the.waL.hc- — tween the stalea alto are believed by , peraont who do not go lo tor the ,. ••h fn t stuff." - .

Slrsng markings Uko “ 4J»JA.T.M. ^ M.O.O.O;:-havebeonfoundonboul- ders and fortune hunUra aro coa* , vlnced they mean something. Acres ^ and acrca havo been searched; bul I t anyone ever found any loo»« goU I t g

(Continued on Page~37coL8)~~ an- — ..... —- , — „., »_____Ulj


SEXTTLE. Oct. 3 (AV-Marrlagelop licenses were Issued today'to Robert su

- 5.-Whlsna’jt . 58. Seattle, and Lavem pr McGinnis. 31. Pocatello, and Arthur («< C. Voigt, 37. Buhl. Idaho, and Velma ap Evans, 24, Dottiell.


eonvolcsci-nce Is conUniiln* uQlnier- rup'.ed." a bulletin Inued by her " physician iuk l a t 0 o'clock tOWglfl. ^

-niB K iiaio r's wife been P- m mon; 1‘i.m Ihreo weeks of psitta* “

r: en;li<,:Mi^mooly,^^ l y w " ,

. tcnini w w T ira T T H m ln C K ^ ^ e iV i,- •dfirriKHiiumiTTFTei-noTeiipMTrnF'^'

injections ot serum "have not been roafltf for eti'cral dayi. ‘‘ ‘‘ in the meanUme laboratory. test-',

or th> birds from which U rt. Borah U believed to havo conlracVcd the m

- w f i w oc»tg mage.- ' '■ p*_ , -T— . • ccQUA'k E S H A K E S - H E L E l iX J i

- - T i ' t m r A r i a m n j c C T - T n r x - Sslight enrtltfjuake waa te lt hero a t ct 10:ia P. M. lonlght. I I was not Im- c< medlatrly dctcrmlnetl _whcther any damage resulted. —# > .ur .1’ . ^

A check failed to rereal any d tn i* g< age here. Tliu earth movement w ts It perceptible throughout tho vicinity. T

--------- 1----------------- 1£- 2 00 1DAHOANrGETWORtC «_ _ L E W lS T O N « J d * h o » , Q c k t

Closed nearly two monlhs. Uje CJetr- „ water un it of Potlatch Poresu, In - eorporated, resumed t o l l lumber nanufacturlng operaUons here to* q. dsy. furnishing enpl(?yment to about . women.

T n r ) A Y : - E a i r . : ______

8 P A G E S — 5 C E N T S

b a c h O p e n s ^' ________________ ♦

F a l l s T a l kudge-Hugh-ArBaker,-Rupert;— And Captain E. M. Sweeley Share Spealting Program With Republican Candidate ''

R 'YROS Defcnb.ich, LcB'Llton, Republican nominee for gover-

ininn lo the south, told an audience It 400 persona in the Legion Mem- - irlnl ha ll hero lnat night that he had ippeikled for support during 0 four- vcek campaign in tho north on tho irtiuiids Ihal North Idaho had not u«l 11 governor, o r j^epub llcan can- Urtntu lo r Rovcmor, »i 4o ycahi.

"1 nm U-lllng you Uils,' he said.In dlaresnrd ot thn odvlce of a po- Itlcal friend: but,' after meeting v lth you here tonight, I th ink I i lu l l be warranted In reportlhg to Jie^folka In the north lha t my iriehds in" the'south-are going.'lo lupiwrt me."

M r .Defenbach spoke here last night on the snme platform w ith former District Judge Hugh A. iioker. Rupert, who dUicuased nn-H ^« l-lM ,u ^ -ii.U h _ rf.fw n fo f .p * -rla lly lo Idaho, and reviewed extra- ird inary efforts put forth under th» idminlBlration o f President Hoover a m ainU in "sane, safe, conitruct- ,ve government" and to respond to •— 'greater demands U »n have ever seen made ot any government." Cnp-

E. M. Sweeley. Twin Pnlis c ity _ attorney, also apoke briefly in c r it­icism ot Twin ro lls counly commU- iloners' buslneu and financial meth­ods.

CrlUclaet Govenior M r. Defenbach criUelsed as ' f u r - ' '

tlvi.'T' an asserted attempt on Uie part Bt-lila.DemocmUc.oppQnmt._Ooytr?____

UlddletoD laat Baturday to th U t awny from h i* earlier basis of com­parison of su te taxes. Mr. Oeten- baeh.j«ad a wrlUen sUtement and demand addressed to it ls DemocraUo opponent:

••You wero elecUsd on your prom-U *-lm p»«d-and-«tl«n-«prM s*d,-lo------put the sute baek to the basis of 1938. Your attempt a t Middleton to tu b - ' s lituto the year 1B37 and 1938 bat a tu rllve t l r about it. I t you had taed those yeara aa basU for your promises in 1930, you could not liave bren e lw lrd . .■

-Your platform »nd your speeehea pointed to aii- increw of 33 per ccnt'lQ lU to tsxn'bctwe(n'i999 and 1830, and ascribed It to excestlTe patronage. Even In your defense at Middleton, you did not point to a single InsUnce where you cul down the number ot persons employed by the BUte. or Uie salaries paid. You now ascribe Uie increase between those years to machine poUtlcs and we charge Uiat no admlnbtraUon m our-h lstory-la t worktd-har ^ —

chine than you have done.**-The->Utem ent-tontlnned.“ ‘ 'Whtm-----I am elected. I wUr select to r my . ■ H jnc lp le .ady jspg jn ro .w ho are l » ^ harmony ■wlth-my-<dea»--R«rptibli^=^ cans. But when 1 come to employ pick and ahovel men, the needs ot the men themselves and their lam - — ilies w ill govern me more than Ihelr party, and no Job, high or low. wUl be sold tor contribuUons to m y„ campaign fund.” «

The speaker referred to hU own - five-year campaign against high cost ot Rovcmmeiil In Idaho. “ I have a theory." he ssld. “ Uial If we Uke care ot the expenses, the taxes wUl Urgely lake care ot themselves. Two years ago I said the cost of government Ui Idaho had Increased 33 per cent in five yeors without any corresjiondlng in pop- nintinn nr Wealth. The DemocrtU . took it up.

“T lic Democratic odmlnistration

opportuiiliy 111 the history o t the state, fifteen monlhs alter the de* presslon begiin.- to cany out-an.-et— fectlvo program of relrenehmenl and economy.

"Now we find It trying to compare its exi>endlturrs, with those of the precrrtlnif two >-eara. and sedulously aToldln« compari.sou with the ex- i>rndlturts of 1920. The present ad- mlnl3tTnU<m hna cnmpletcd only one ycnr-.*/o one'tn tW ^ 'O fK ra a tH e lL ii- what It «11l ci>st tf. run the state in 1U32.

“T liU ndmliitstratlon came into pawcr with an over-equlpment ot machlnco'- and IIM.OOO In Uie trcoAury. Wlien the goverumenUl

w llh a builiel of whenl-mow i t .tfl- qiilres three bu’ hels of wheat.

' nio»tra«e» ObMrraUon “The sjK-aker JUuslraled Increas-

imc state taxes, using for \hU pur- p n - U» amftiinu paid ia-Tw la-Paila-^ c(7unty to Uie sUte treasury, which. he-»AW.'wn* jln .M O In 1936. a n d - * >ltn-.000(Mn m t . sn-lncrease of^-ap-—

county aovemment expense Increas­ed 10 per cent. ■ • - -

“ That tho people have been grow- TiBt t m able lo meet the burden o f government." he said. “ iJ ahown In Uie fact Uiat deUnquent t a w In Tw in FalU county tottled »M.OOO In 1928. and M3.000 in IM L This eoun- ty a-tahtaUort-ho-taktrlMid di i Hni i , during (his period trom I3T,01MJ)00Jo M4JOO.OOO. ---------

; n e tf f t ln g - tn ,U ir , c lfcunuU agM _ under' which the present aUto td - mlnlsUnUon came into power, w llh

■ an over-etjulpment ef pertotmel aad ' mtehlnary. and a t reasury balaOCf..

’ ■ (Coot uiued’w T W X COL •)

Page 2: TnE-OWY~ASS S^Cr ATED-PRESS NEiVl 'ALLS COUNTl THE : … saw aa he understood, the law-U the

I n iH if rT i L . i n i i J

-RrdefalZludgOiimsligatcs - 1

n ^ i m ^ ’ " N e c d ~ 6 r R c - t n a ! " I

NEW YORK. O clTs (,r,-M l3cotii Id uc t on lh« p i r t of • juror b roushl |B«nitor D«vlt’ lil*l to «i> Itb ru p l en<l tort*y «n<l nenl him I

j i a n i c J o P ^ y l v a n l B lo t ann-alsn I io r iV^clecflon s,w r« rrasrR m rT rir-- - I«ery l»w violation «Ull lun^lnc w er I

Ttm nrobably *111 no t be |- h . i3*"unttl . t i f f ri^cUod a iy : '------------ I

Feder»l Judjtc Pranli J. Coltmnu IdccJsred ■ m UtrUl when C hw les ■J Mm s IoUI of d ffenw coiin»«t <lls- ■c lw d th ftl Henry J. Moor^ Juror I

' Num brr ■!. h id comitUtnert-to'tilJTr ■ - Ith a t onnlher Juror rtl'pnMC- IIng rennrka 'about dfleine wU- I

•ThU Juror. Abo H. W flntraub, nn I ftlt«mftt«. w u exoneratrd by the I Judge ftller % brief he»rlng In the I courtroom nnd M«.r« *a* ordered to appear In the Judge'fl ehftmber* tomorrow for luether fjjm lnatlw j.

C hixlta H . T'|tUp_pf^ei«J'»<’ coun- »el told Moore he wouH InHrCede In his behalf.

Detenae Neara Cloae The mlatrlftl came on tho clevcnih

. day of tho tria l m the dcfewie near­ed the close of M eflorU to thow

- th a t Sanator Davis, h id .n o knaWl- edw of ftlleged Jolterlf* run In con- necUon w ith the 1030 and 1031 - - charity b a lu or the Loral Order of M oo«, of whlcb h« to a director- general and Pilgrim governor.

Judge Coleman opened courl thU inornln* with

U n tlo r hy i-^in»el for tti* defg.*m require* a mtotrUl In thU ^ e '* and • a commendation of MftrglotU and U Senator Darto. ^ , ,

The itoeky defew e lawyer then \ took the atand and relatM th a t a j m an identifying, himself m a •. brother tm l jh r Jn tbe K nU hta of ‘ Columbu* telephoned him a t hU > hotel for an appointment Prlday (

"*\Vh'cn th e man callwl he proved to | bo Moort. Tlie Juror told him. M ar- ‘

■gloUl »aW: l h a t " Weimrttub wns

.• te\lB tho others th a t an your w it- — neue* t r « ijlng." ' , I ■ ■

TUd Bm h D ttnkiac I— Moor* le am e d _ » h era _ M * tf lo tU . &

w ai su y ln s . th a a ttom er aald. from «iS Mafiottl'a brother-in-law . Dr. W. t J . OftUI, puns*ut*wnejr, Pennfy l- l o

— yanla^w hom h » h appe n r i l o-w e t t U u in tha Subway. M arjlotU aald Moore apparen tlr had been drink - ^

' *°Dr. O altt lubiU ntlaU d tho U»U- ^ mony relaUng to hlm»elf and aald an( he failed to recognUa the Juror por

■ when th e la tte r, aeelng hia K nlsh ta ^ of Columbu* pin, accoited h im . Dr. ^ Qftttt baa .been a ipectator a t th e aj.;

. W elniraub, called (o tho aland, s■ admitted remarking tha t - aom# o t n

th e witnetata were "funny." bu t de- nIed he aald 'any o t th e m Ued. AU |„c the olher Juror* UkewUe dented ni,I W elntraub had sailed the wltnea»e* »ni llara. '

Moore, who prevlouily had r tfu ied • " to teitlfy . then took the ita n d *nd of

-------to 7 -- th e courl Inquired. ”1f ix o r elcht out In th e ha ll- ja

'------ w ar.'^M obr* repUH. "A fter th * inprleit iM tlfled he u ld . T h ey 're aU wt

_____the la m e v ticTh'i reference apparen tly waa to kr

the Rev. John J . U ffey . CathoUo' c l Chaplin In the Mooae orphanage a t , MooM Heart.

Moere dfcUnrd lo cxjilaln hU vlalt m--------to Marglotti, Whftn ha hwl, conchid- u

ed Judge Colrman declared: ch“I find th a t the Inference about

juror Number 13 (Welntraub) h to unJusUfled. He Is ccmpletely ex- u<: onerated. de

"Aa to Juror Number 7. U r. Moore f(< I find h it conduct waa Improper. I find a t the moment I t waa n o t evil to or aerccnary . l l waa In direct vlo- latlon o t my detailed Iwtructlona to you. A lo-year child mu*t havo un* ku

-------- dvstoodahoie-n ia tiucU aM .________ u“Your conduct was hUhty Improp­

er. I t wasted two weeks of th ^ jg

done to the defendant and to the j ,____ gotem m ent. U ne<»«lt»tea th e de- n

"fendan t standing trial agilhT ' i tr e fe n te counsel Indicated they cl

probably w ould'*eec poitponement j . o t the retrial unUl a lte r election day and In a sU U m cnt e*pre*»ed “deep disappointment.'* '

Senator Davts a lio luued a itate* ^ment. aayln*: ■ ' u

- • - " I h ayc .th? b l l l « 5 t ««T et th a t «- ttie t aae hasT W ufeP l» f« -w U tT laI j,

u 1 waa absolutely im ltlT e th a t the ti conclusion of the trial would hare ti completely exonerated-m e In the h next few day*. ti

“M r w cret f j lhe keener heeauae t, I had looked forward (o ta U o s the

----------laUary. a n d -piotttad ta. •therafrom. . - ■

1 w an t to take th li nccailon to e thank m y many friend* In Penniyl*

• T»nJa Who a lta r »be Jndlctajea» a ad b■ th r ty th o o t the ■ trial have aKprewed a

tn u t will eontlBua. X (hall praaa my

--------- a t* « Tiformiily as poaiSlT^tTrniB ’


. . __ . . . I(Oontlstted r r c a PB«« Ono \

tb a t th a KonrTLB)ent v ltb d raw t r o n : . t t » t c a p w of >«>ttOBa tf th a Leacue 1

----------- >— uilJiy « m t tr t a i ' f t «UMp- p f - t te ■. Z j t t o o l a m tc a td n . ' 1

' • —» -fU t« D e n t deeitrlnv th a t Japan would t e foread ta * t tb d n w Irem tbe LeapM tf th a MwmtiTy M ted to Cba

“ ipbrlt o r ttw n p e c tXa A a te tm a o t v rU tan la 'M uk-

d m fo r l « f Aaaodatad P n a a . O R »

. UT7 iifii dipSenaUe xvprtaaoUUra

- P a g t - Twg"-— .......... _______

: — -• — r - g i

\ W A I,L O F W j\T E R , sw crplni a b o u t J!0 lives, officiiilH th e m lo th e ir dcnt»iH, demolish' v iew here nhowrt w h e re fhe wj on a trc iillc , w hich wt\:\ Ktriick r lf fh t is a «cclion of th e tra in v< o f fe e t o f w hich w ore dc.slriye

-wflHhfld in to the-strc.anu-’lJ c ■Photo.

catOMORROW —Fair; little change nu,la - te m p e n la r t____________________ Mi

----- -- tr«Tw in Falls vicinity tem peratures nl)

n the 34-hour period preceding 5 Jo P. M. yesterday ranged between 7t) ! \n d 4S detrees, necordlng to the re - thi port of D. D. Cheyne. government th ^ h e r obscn-er here. T he day was «1

and the barom eter regUtexed we 2S.32 Inches a t S -P rK .'W ln d ott

----- - - • - - -- • ADSunday'* lem peraturei wer« from mi

37 to 70 dfurees. The d a y waa elear^ dli and the barometer regtatered 38.31) th Inchei n t S r . M. Wind* were vnrl- abft. Humidity ranged betw een 03 ' »i and 31 per cent o f ^ u r a t lo n . r '

of Jftpfcni-dticUred th a t “neither th6 _

n un ti' ^ n change cM fd e te n n in aU ^ — w p^ u c (tfiwtaM talied a im In M an^ ^

'DHC of the polnU amphaatacd by ^ Jupanete erltlu ol the repo rt, whleh W M ln a tir^ b llo IfT O anm 'S undayT waa the commlulon'a recom m enda- tlon th a t Manchuria be sovem ed by , , an autonomouA Rovemhienl under Chlne*e aorerelcnly. „

- Mast QoH U a n e 1!eadllne.i in the Newspaper Nlchl ^

M)chl JAM; “Jftpan M ust Q att

chukuo“ . , I r ,Tlie Kokumln deacrlbcd th e Lyt-1

ton document u “abaolutely preJ* udiced and nnfalr” a n d JIJl Shlmpo declared It wax "worfs th a n expect- „ ed" and “filled w llh e n w .“ *

**Tba report to IfB o ran t and dto- . . torted. filled with em pty IheorU Inf _ and dUregard* htotorr." u a e r te d the newspaper AiahL "U will be Impoa- K Kible to e itab iuh w^irld peace If th e ^

E n flu h an d Ja p an e ae co p le io f tho lengUiy document w e n le n t by a ir - ^ ju iil fiuiii m e tw eu u a tflea to th e - JftPftneK roiuulfttea a t M ukden and _ £&aDgchun..tb9. r t p J U L c t .“ »« sla te ot Manchukuo a e t u p b Man* n churla with the aaslsUnce of the Japanese. _____ d

tO R i) l \ T r O N c o i4 m b n t 8 u l.ONDON. Oct. 3 l/IV-'-We were ,,

acluatM throughout by th e dealre , 10 m*ke peace.- th e Bart of Lytton. , who headed the Lcaugo of N ations CTjmmi.«!mT-ifhlfnttfew^»p th e con- trovcfju i report’ on the M anchur- lan cnnfllcl. a u e r ted - to n ig h t when he arrived home from Shanghai. He ,, had bei'u traveling since Scptem - . b fr 6.

Lord L itton n a l d . l t w u n o aur- ,

I - - f “T hat-fae t c aa m ada c laa r to th e .

' eommCsilon In Tokyo,",ha explUned.‘ "Our o b ]u t w ai to try, to find > I basil for (NMfc. In the fu ture. W a hope t ‘ fnijnU lM jU b tL L tlitue .w fll-IO b . < ' loir the Uad which tb a commlialoa < ' has given them and wUl t m t the ,• ---------------- — ....... — j

■ — ■B T lM SU .<JT E K 5nU E ro»T '“ '• WASHINGTON, Oct. 3 W >-W lth

, m ln u u care, ezperU a t th e sU te de- I p a r tn e n i today analyK d th e Jd^ton

report on the M anchurian altuaUon. and S ecn tary S tittson . a fte r a

. Toernlng conference w ith Prealdent a Hoover, spent meat of th e tfay read- e In^ tee^O T m en t^^^^ n p).un t,

h o w e y e U ^ K u i a S ^ ^ i ^ U ^- M tK t teporK deCUnlnc to make

n en thorough study. I te m * M id At thee departm ent th a t ne ither A n b w sa- tt dor Orew a t Tokyd no r MlnUtcr

J o h u o n a t P elp ln i b u r e t advlacd :• tha departm ent about tb a attitude • of the Japaneae .aad O hlaeae i o v - '

em m en ti toward th e reoom nenda- 1 U oa«aiidflndlns*of tbe Lytton com-


' Scciic Of MouTitam Clou

-pinp: down throuprh th e tc h n c h a j im’a ted , w rcckcd sectiona o f tw o i

ilishcd a n u m b er o f b rid g es, sw ept e w a te r a iu g h t a S o u th e rn PacJf; ■lick by tb o fu ll fo rco o f th e w a te r lin w hich escaped dnm ago and a fn riyed . In th e e e n te r is a cu lv e r t n 1 th e le f t lo rc s c o iin ± can.b& ^i::cn.|

I mlMlon. rI In spite o t th e rctlcence of of- I I flclaU there w-cre m any evidences ll ■ |iC the *lale d e p a r tm e n t'o f 'g ra t if I*D catloq lh a t tho Lytton report has ■e supported tho adm lntstraU on's doo-

trlne th a t th e r ights acquired by_ _ treaty violation ahall n o t be r « b j -

s nlK d. and h as a lso sustained the 5 John Hay open door policy, t) In Wftshlnftton diplom atic circles U— the opinion wna repcalM ly exprciscd It th a l the charac ter o( the report.A Which found fau lt w ith Chinese aa d well as Japanese nnd In effect rec- d emmended (h a t they forget the past— and n rlpa 'ttiK «imw c l^ n . mftV tk> _ n much to b tlng th e two power* intor, d l r « t negottoittons for *eltlcmcnl of 10 the M anchurian difficulties.I- ----------- 1----------------- cc


(Coctlnued From Page Ona ' oc

„ bu.ilneu life of ou r coumry." ' “ ? He charffed.-how ever.-_lbaL.lhc. " ^ (eder*j.«nrm im ettt.hM _c«u»«I_tt»e ?

H irm T o » n -ttrfa ll fium gi ace" a»-a “* high grade Investm ent tecurlty by '

lendlns too much money to farm en . 2” anJ he w arned th a t “/ub tld let. ”

credit and tariffs , coupled w llh a ^ m seneral Invitation t a th e public from "J Waslllngion to come nnd get money ,* and no l bc 'tlm ld.abouC l(. may de- ^lwy-the-T»Mwt-t<Mw>WMa coodHtow c . ira th er than otherwLie " 2

Parker. dLicounllng the force of ® 'I ' coinpeUUon w ith trtjeka. passenger f; 7'’ automobiles and alrpl&nes m ay offer ^ *• railroads, disagreed optimistically

with the group w hich “believes our . rallTMds f c n n i t ] ^ are ovcrburdeQ«d

^ with debt and th rea tened Wtth com- „ petition they canno t n e t except by ^

f ! tdoptlon of ruinous rut**." and " " " which f«els'*lbat Reco n a tn t^ W “

are merely postponing m n to a lly ,,

'’f [Creased volume of buslnass,'' he *ald.j J! 'H-t-itha T aiU oadi-w U K am enitr» tisJb it ^ 51 they are able to Ret th e ir fuU share *

and can easily carry th e ir debt h« r-i^ den. | !

"How gretit the Increase will be o r 'f how eoon U will rcaeh th e necewary ® level to restore general ra ll ro id : '

^ credit, tio one can yel say. l)iU ItlJ; will be sooner th a n moel Investors n o . b flL v K i— - _ ! '

J#y Morrison. vlce-presldcDt o f j . jdie W uh lng ton M utual S i i in js i , h a .k . Seattle, president of the mv- i *

^ Ings division o t the assoclAtlnii, Mid I' “ * the wny to economic recoftMnieilon ' . "lies no t th rouah . th e field ot unv- ;

efnm enjal _conatr^ictlon borrowiwy ’

•U. he law rted . a*S*tn savlnff by^-^ Individuals.

In the tru s t dlvW oo the delfeivtes heard a ta lk In sim ilar v*ln from

i y Paul F. Cftdman. aisoclai« proteimr w o t~ eeonom lca-el-the-U nlver*ttT -nI * 2 Callloenla. Ho estd « terrlfle cfioek

resulted from t h e '^ I d ' s attem pt to— U^ldate IU i>6iMld&tU-Lt diie ilrni;

bul“ lK a n i6ofi«r“ e r ' UW e'"lhe“ “deT p m s io ti 'a tn iMstf atm -thfr w w id'w itt

n th retam to p i^ a e U o a , consumption3 J ) *ptf

-.FOREST F i l l s :L J L B iJ E |mce — — .take COCHRAN, o re ro o . Oct. } on— giv-. jU forest flra roaring th ro u ih - tb a the to a s t near here ton lth i « u

saa- repotted to have wl(>cd o a t ilie tmall istcr town ot Enw rlght. caused damage es- lacd tim ated atll.OOOAOO and surrounded tude 3J men on th e fire line, gov -' Mor* th a n MO men had b»*n flghl- Mta- ing the tOaae for Mveral day*, but :om- were forced lo r e tre a t toDlgbt vbea

V KEW S. TW IN F A L L S . ID A H O ,-

.--------------- ~ r ' "

l o u a m r s r C a t a s t r o p I n i — '

:h a p ! pu-ts n e a r B u k p r s f io ld , C oH for i'o i r e U th t t r a i n s , c a r r y i n g r a l l ro n d r e p t a w iiy IxiiliiitiK.t n n d in u n d ii te c f I ic if fc fre ifrh t on n fild ing r ** p a r t o f I t e r . S o m e o f t l i(5 c a r s w c r o c n rr ic I f rc iK h t c a r c;in b e s e e n s p r a w le d t r t n n d d ir e c t ly l>p»ido i t i s o n e o f t ! iL p a r i , .o I J h u .d e l j r i a _ w a f lh « L d Q ia i

r iB r i iPLDEftlLIDOlSESLe . !onl

a Unconfirmed Reports Tell, f^ / H o

Of Finding.of Bodies of uya • I mil; 21 Persons in Box Car,^*

? flAKERSFlIXD. Col.. O ct.,3 'Ij! Bodies o f 15 vlctuna h a d been re - ' covcrcd, flvu oLhcrs '» c re listed a s , dead and sn uiicohflrm ed report said - 31 additional bodies h a d been found lonjght Jn a wrecked f re ig h t car In lhe ilood-swcpt wijko of th o Tehacli-

r Bill cloudburai th ftl look a loll of.*';* " postihly i'i llV B -m d.coused_dam agl,»» - eatlmal«d-trom~»l,S0Q,00a.ua3.00Q.=.;.,,;

000. ' w. — t'!< ♦*'<* Smith- e m p a e lf lc e o m p a n y h e re sa ld a b o x -r* ’

. c a rrsw rp t from, a bridge when tho lo r r e o tJ « « k * d - tw o .f r t t l» h t - in ln a :*

• Friday n lgbt. Had been found to “ cobtaia th e bodies o f 31 m en < ind |^J

*J lilforta on the p a r t o t company “Jj: “ officials and county authorities lo " “ veruy th e report were unnvalllng o l ]

a t a t e hour.L Yha bodies of 15 persons had been

^ o u g b l bare lom ghi wniie liu n d rc u **' , , o t M arehnrs contUiUed the hum In J“- ” mud a n d debrW for o the r vlctlnw of* the 44-loot waU of w ater th a t lo te ha JJ down from th e T ehachapl water-

S HelrttM Bridge*, O na thousand m en, hastily ili- „ sembled. sU rted th e task of rebuild- j , 3 log coUap»ed brklgea, dtoabled com -' munlcaUon sysUms and clearing a l l l .

L M vercdffiUroad l r a c ^ . . - - ' g 1, Only alK of ibo bodies were Wen- o ,

tUled, Mr. and M rs. Peter K id d , "j

their son, Peter, 20; Mrs. Nsll Coopar.. „ '.; iC a llenU U legraph operator; F r e d - ; ? , “ encH K ess ln .-ll) , Milwankee,-W te- - ^ ' 'consln. a n d Jerom a Baker, San D l - , , ‘

ego. T ba missing Included A .H . Roa*.;I railroad e n iln w r: H arry Mnore. ■,,, brakem an. A m elia W Uliam-M wo-/ “ year-old g randdaughter of M « . ^

•■ ticoopw ; aiUlOTH Barron. U «»lnf. g , ‘,ih » m . W ashington, and John Tem - f? ’ * lp*st,CallenU . L,

O ountT T iuthorlllea-iald the m oit I d ifficult t u k fa c ln t th e workers wa* I

'* iih e reeooitrueU on of 70 miles o f ^ u ' rauw ay line* betw een here and M o- }ave.T hey*aldno tra in s would m o te , •; o re r tb a s u in road for t r o to four L weeks a n d said ' four months, m ight ^

g e i ^ b a te w - tb O to e c « ^ be tumf. ^

b y ^ t ^ g g g g = g = » i ’ - - U - T tt th a flr« binowed over-the dtvldt-*® " th a haadj*aU rs of tho Nehalem r lr tf .

JJ; a a d th e d irec tor ss ld 33 men SJ fitf- _______ i

Kk » • BlU* iM t Legging compftoy ,Z wms reportad to h a v t suffered a

„-j- m .O O M o**. ’n ito*y tfaatrt*aJoBr<U -n j l f y t d - ^ - > jm d g a - c a m p - « a t t

^ T ha fU w .'b e ilev ^ 's la rted f ro m 't " fire se t e o flaptem brr 33. T

w ban n l n ftU a a d t t w u Uiought " ■ u j i r l a i d - b a m r t o w r - w o o K T t r W "

was ih raa t- .- - tn M thU a fta n w o n when tb* n n “ [Q adW DMd to.w tU U a « o fM i o l l i t *

^ the p

m w lg f c l eooslaU only of a r»U- " ^ raa<t f t s t is s a M a tctegrsph cgOea . tb* a a ^ . ^ . faw dwalltng i, i t s rciidanU S v u war* rtpo rted r ttn o red by t a i n to < 8 W M «lar. 5

« CHAPLIN "KEEPS SILENCE !ihl- ' '* —' " f but ■ B ^ Y W O O O , O ct. 3 (4V-Charlla t bea C topUo. « a cow edlao. retuswi to - i

[ 0 , T U E S D A y . I Q R N I K g .- a C ia

; |

' Gn


: _ ulU




shli- t y -


she— am


tu r

be. . .1


lo tles

ifornia, on S ep tem b er 29 . took joa nnd then nnd itinornnt's aboard by c(f half a {lozen"towns. T h e a ir t^ < t o f th e Jonff Hn? o f c jjrs stood .“ ?■ Tried two m iles aw ay. T o ^ h e cd across th e tr.icks,■ hundreds of tw o locnm otives w h ich w ere r t

m’o u n ta in s— _


orcAWPAlGNTRIP ^1 ‘(Cantitmed Prom Page Ona ^

! o'nly tim o”befora arriva l in *« ' the Iowa capital.

ahorUy before h b departu re 'M r. • •Hoover conferred w i t h Sec reu ry .j, Uyde. Jusi baek f iw n * U lp through

imld-Wesl sections. Includlnf in - 5 ■ dlana. Michigan a n d Ulinoto. Hyde m

(old new spapennea h s felt tb e jtres- - Idenfn exnected discussion o t a ^ j y

cultursl auesilons m the De'« Moines speech would “ make a specUl appeal.(0 llic lirm ers ." '

' f T h e iccretary of sgrlculture said y, : he talked over lUs a d o re d wlih'M r- <1 ' injpvcr jm d th a l he lold the prcsl- ■auTl'lu IkII Ills candidacy was " g r^ -

• ing groun l'u ln th e sU tes h e had. ' visited. Is^-M r.-H oover-ftl*o4 iadan-oppartun- ■nty‘T w tonj-le»T lnf-to -eonfer-w lU v

Henry M. Robinson, cbalrtnan ot tbe Fr»x«euuvcrcammittee-of-lhe-banklD»., a n d Industrial commltteea esiab- I ' Ush^d tn esch o f tbe 13 federai re^ ^

[ I Roblnsiib, a W hite House guest, hasIJusi relum ed from Cbleago where ho Ai

r~prtKded over a meeting aim ed to 01, relieve the la rm mortgage slluaUon. “•. < During tho monUng, Mr. Hoover pl

I talked with bo lh Secretary fiUmson tt, and J a m a a . Rosew , u s u u n i sec- 01

[~)un**reumicd^’^ o m ^ ^f where he spoke in the president's be- o». half. The fcccrctary ol stole and Ule di; Bislstani scerctary would no t dbcuss U

I details of cheir conference n t ih the Rchief rxecutlve. I"

olPU ns to Je ln Party

’ i The first s lop scheduled for tho ^’ speclsl tra in was a l Harrisburg, tti I m n sy lv a n la , U te loday aod U>ero j,)

-JfUnrgn At H tColm nrrrrlKTV nt ^ ' Republican na tional c o m m l i n e . „

planned to Join th e p w y . ai

'••scheduled to bosird Uio specUl .at, ,, '■ B n(k«ood near Ohlcsgo lom onow “ ■ 'inornlng aDa O ovenw rT Jah 'TU rner; “ * 'lowB, and Mrs. T u rner will Join-In J ‘■'durutg the m orn ing a t Rock -lsiasd.

' lUlnotB. 5' I Mr. Hoover p lans a greeting lo clU " ^ Ucns from th e re a r platform a t Rock I *1 Island and also a t lour places l a ’ 1 Iowa; Davenport. West U berty , Iowa , 1 Clly and N ewton. hiS l-omorrttw a fttrbO T O -the prftr-^ * ^ 'd en tla l party wlU-motor through Dea h

Momes. Mr. a n d Mr*. Hoover a lll bo !!:gue*u a i iho gubem atorU l m ansion pi ' i f o r dinner before lesvlng for Uio fc T CoUseum 1 begin hto speech a ; o:3o 0 ^ o'clock (M ountain standard ume'. ts

!• U » * .e ^ I - f fe « id a - lo " * » « l a g s ih - fi erlag. tl

f ' The f a ta m tr ip vlU begin shorUy ^ a X U r w ^ w ltb te a arrival la W ash- it " lagion se t fo r e a r l y T hursday a, - ^ c r a l a g . ‘ — - ■ -■ ....... - «

t P1>AN BBAL WBLCOME u• • D g MO iN E S ria wi . ' Oct . u

t n tb - t aBaM » -< f a * h la t - * - ‘»aluto. -

, Tbe (U te w aa alraady < n n e d u p •< i : tonight fo r tlM iM a d e a . Da* Uolnaa. k2 w btra tb a m w W ent tgm atrow nlgtxt S win maka W l la a u f u a l app«*l Tor t

^ D a v r a ^ . W est U berty . Iowa , ^ City, o r la n t l l a n d Mc^rtpn. w h a » ,

day to dlacuaa a f«part«d m a i j c o I .C wlUi P au la tt* Ooddartf. M w T o r t t •C u treaa . i n f a c t ObapUa rafuaed to

talk aboul ann iO o c o r m t a y « « . ( lie A servant *ald b« vaa a k k Ul bod c o . wllh a “savara cold.' 1


G ro w ( rs _ _ o l 1 2 0 0 . C a r s o i l " I

— lubws:—|.Ui«iV=4o— A(t+ 7d r o s s e s B y O l l i ^ l s

' BURLEY. Oct. 3 (Bpectal to T lie -I N e w » -P b ti to growers o f Cassia ■sn d Minidoka counUes. w ith dlreo- ■ to r s of.the CassU a n d M inidoka Po- If t X M«rfe>tlwB » ../> ..U U «n«-rrpri.. . 1senUog show ers of izoo. c ars of po- 3 tatOM, m e t In the' courtroom , Satur- 8 d a y CTcnlng, w ith F ra n k Kershtonlk ^ b l lbs cho ir. Addresses were made 0 Bu nwipyii TTiiii«nw,~~jt^BrtEl.>iig - specUllit ot the un iversity exUn- ft slon dspartm ent. and I*. .B. H art. . I Payette, sa les m anager o f th e . N a- I Uodsl F r u i t and VegeU ble E x- Id iaagf.----------------------- ----------------------- ■

K an, expU lnlng th a t emergency shipm ent of poU toes w ould probab- ty ligia-pflceim o - low- f l g a na - fg r - - some th ree m onths, sa id th a t there wer* reasons to believe t h s t prices would s ti ffen som ew hat thereafler. l lo aiM rted th s t l l was Ihotight th a t • th e wxl government estim ate 'w ould sh o * lesa potatoes th a n th e present “ o n c Ji£ i:a lllng .pncesJi(U ttl'r._w :* re ^ *0 Igw t h a t potatoes basely paid for th e c u t ot harvesUng, and many tJ' growers would have Insufficient : fun6 to store any, of "Ihelr product, ' H e recommended th a t th e rallrbad b e ptUUontd W reduce po ta to rales.. A ju o lu l lo n v u ..a d i^ e d _ t) y .. tb c . .

g ro ftrs . dlrecUng th e :<Biectors to _ urge Uio Union Paclflo ra il ro a d 'to H( reduce f re ig h t ratea on potaloc.i M m p e r ctnt. l l was rec ited tn a t by rea- at) son ct th e low m a rk e t m any poU - as toes would bo left In th e ground tm - th less emergency ra te s w ere declared, ui a n d th a t a shortage m ig h t ts te r en- aue-«u«lng a he rdrM p on fftnsi;mi — e rs SI w ell aa growers. .

11 was explained t h a t eatlsfaU oo' loan irrnnB em ents h s d been made _ j by Uia local cooperatives, and th a t s iie li rw e re 'fx p fe te d -T tth ln -I t Tew days when earlier shipm ent* of Mln'- „ tcloks p ro jec t po ta toes m lglit bc ^ made, P '

■ taCURTIS HARKS BACK.--------TO-FARM'MEA^URES-__________ __ - - - ___ ______ kr

ic o a iia u ir ja ia ix su o b a a l l Z

OCTSli a g s ln s i It. In th e senate, the m voU WS.S 34 R epublicans and nine be p e n K ra U for th e rpeasure and four Republicans a n d '39~ Dem ocfiU agstnn 11. A fler possane. th e bill was . . vetoed by P resident W ilson. II wss ona flt h is laat.TetQca-RDCLjLgi:(LBUt, 41 w u ie n i to ths house. M arch 4,1031." jq

Frovldea fo r Extension m’ 'A b ill providing fo r extension of ^ the war finance co r|)» /a tlon also was piued In the kame congress," Mr. Curtts aald. "but vetoed by the p res- ®‘ Ident. I ^ t e r , President H arding sum- mor,ed * ipeclal a e u lo n o t congrtss." ff

"nwrt It r,»«ppl»f.u>»4 fti* V>m euures v e t o e d by President

:wiHon.““11 'la not, loo m ueh to say th a t <«

UiaM laws psjM d by th a t congress (the n U ty -s e v c n th i , w hich w e r e liilllstcd pr «upi>ortcd l ^ 'us. are of P' f t r more Importance to American as- rlcullure Uian a ll the legUlatlon re- ^ IstlBg to sghcultu re passed since ^he ^ ad«ptlon-of-our-consUUitlon."-Vlec- ^

Ke lu lded lh a t the F o rdney -M c- I' ' l : 'u E b c r t i r l« “ pV oduce 'd^S5B O T ^ “

ln rtvenueln in3aad«60O ;00o ;X ii)in '. j r a . ___________________ _____________

'U a n y letters and repo rts of th e tl, American Farm B ureau approving h, our.fana .re lle t.)eg to io tion ;ihe said, bi

“srt aulflclenl answ ers to the com- rlplitnl of O ovem or Rooaevelt as to ti

. tbe m an n er in w hich th e tariff ra te s s(O D/snn p roducu were placed la tbe «tsrUf a c ts In 1933 and 1030. O u t of it

' 31 leading products o( agncuiiure.. our E>emocr*Uo friends fUed a low j,I duly o n only e igh t of them and pu l1 all Ihe others on the free list, while p ! RtpubUcans, in tb e a c t of ia;iO,

pliced a duty on e scb a n d every one ^ ol the 31 products." t,

I— I.- . . . m> ----------------- = tl• tbs t r a in bearing th e president and « ' hli'wUe will m ake llve-m lnute stop*.L tnntttwHiimn nf all le hool _jj• sn d -bu ilneu a c tlv l ik s to greet the

dlitlncuUhed guests. «^ A 31-guR sa lu te from (iTe ^loex "B , h lio d arsenal will tlgnalU e tb e en- d

UT 01 toe .presldeal's sp ix Ia l,tn U l ai ’ Into D a v e n ; ^ wbere a comnUtiee d

h n d e ^ _ b y O o v a m r D sn _ T u m e r a ' will e x te n d lo w a 's official g r te i ln ^ . 0

Uimber* of th e welcoming group w• will bo a rd the tra in for the tr ip to d ^ DesMolfiCi.. A delegaUon of those who knew P

him a s “Herb" will m eet th* presl- « ^ dsB l-a t-W «sl.aib«^FvU >»,-aoU U E . J ^ from Ms birthplace. W est firancb. P 0 A rrssgem enta for th e Beaver day f 3. p indB .w ert completed today a ad a r e four-mlle route laid o u t through th e 5 D tfM aIno*buslneard l» trtc t.A m Ilt- *

torr su iyc t wm be supplleft th s ooe ^

- fonaar sanrlca m ia aad-m <B ibm -«( ^ the A a e r l u n Legion. . , '

7 Advance groups of th e 1SO.OOO vU- I- Itor* expected to h e a r the- p re il- » y d(Dl'« address ^ o rro w _ n lg h t.w e re c- jn in rT ata^^iho-eH y.-A m ngetaen tB ,

hsva b*«n made for tw o - « » < * r» o - t- tocadM to .b r in g vtoltors from M is- «,

- i s u t i - w n ^ e ^ s i t a : — :-------- — 5*• ~ y i» B B a ^ ,f t> 0Tet*s l et eiiUoa -w m t !TDe-informaJ; typically T o w a n .to p le 1 u led trU ndly . announced H arrlion * . t •* ^ a a g U r . H epubllcaa naUonal com- c- Tiillf atnan - - _ . |i ^ .T » » .p w rid a gy s t r a in U -«spM tad e P to a rr lv a a t D av tnpo rt a t i i : U A. ; *; U. axtd'lMV* five m ln u tu Iat«r. t I t PTMldaat a n d Mrs. Hoorer wUl be 1 » dlniwr guest* of a o re ra o r and M n . x

» Ntim wbere b e wiu give hU a d d te n 1^ I h ^ bour U te r. Later_h*_3rtn a t- I- Uta. a PkepH on for low a new tpap- (

tn a « n in a tfovntow n hotel, a fte r-2 T trtls reeelvlag republican county < rk pnelBCt iMMnrantao womea. < to w ta ta tb* PM sldant l i f t W a tb la t- 1 !«• tea today tt w as todJeated tb* 1 M of h to a d d m a w ould be tbe- ( a m 1

M oM oiL - - - - I

rOBKR 4 1032____________ .

j - M T B T B orah lll:-— IMRS. W I L L I A M ' E .

H O kA H , ivifc o f th e fu m - j — o i i s U n i t c d 'S t a t c s B c n a to r , - / r

1.1 s e r io u s ly 111 In B o ise .—«• ‘j. (/P> P h o t o . lc

— -a

f J i ri

;■ ' X ' V v H

! 11'

I S -•) • - ■ 4;.-- ^ n‘ . V .- y r ; - 'x l B

■------------------------------------------------------------. ‘ * ---------------------------- r—S l ;


0 llcves th a t the -lecrctary o! the tr raa -0 ury and the federal reserve board- ahould o tttm p i to mftnlpulate prices.- as provided* m a bill which paw ed• the house o t represcnUtlves a n d Is ->• Ukewtoe pending In tho s e n a te .. ^

•'We do no l know w hether he o p - tl*- p rm cs iir"dfaappwvf»-of-M ri- O ar . .f,

ner's pork b u re l building blit."Wo do no t itaow his ottltude to - o

' w ard the glsanile program of recon- d s tn ictlon which, under the p rcsl- d

^ dent's Icadcrjiilp. ond w ltin h p 'su p - c'' port of some members of h is own o® party, h as been pu l into cffcct; o r n

toward the other nieasurts Under- ntaken under thn president's tender- cship to a ttack the .problem o t de - n

. presslon on a broad front.1 "And. strangest of all we do n o t t l

know w hnt. If any, progmm he h im - a“ 's e in ia s fo rdcM in r'ffitn thJrdtprcB -- '* r slon. a"qtic4itoini'T i5n n r r a jc e iT o re In Imjiortar.ce every other Issue now o« before th e American p:oplc._ • • • a' t _ .- :w c d o .k n o w .Jn .a gcntrnl .Kay.. .2

OS to w hat hto t.irlft policy would bc_, ^nnd I propone to dcnl with th a t In a f

<* speocli whleh I sliall deliver n l S .in \1;- jiyaocUJiy-but. wB-tlo-not-know h ta 4' Immliprallon policy, for he h u re - °

malned silen t on th a l question.* • •J, "Kls fundam ental conccpC of th e ,,m present and future social und cco- „J nomle conditions in thto country, a s -j-

outlined In his Commonwealth club rspeech a t San J'ranc'jico Is s lm ncely -rem lalsceni t>{ /in old world po in t of ^vl*w, — -------— • ‘ „

It' *^le said m th a t speech: rg“ 'A glance o t tho sitimtlon today r

Jt only loo cleariy IndlcntM th a t equal- fu Uy*ot opportunity ns we have known He It no lojiger exisis. Qur industrU l r

j( p lant to bultt. The problem Just now t». Jt. w hether untJer extstlnit condl- n . . tlons 11 to no t overbulli .• • • A merejg builder of more InOustrlal p lants, a s. . c reator of rooro railroad systems, a n o_ nrg»nltfr~nr m«l‘f -(OrtW ftllOI«.~l!nurrp

likely to bo a danger u a 'hi i --------------- ^ iin ■ Premlte'FolfUltd------ _------- ‘•If-O ovem or-H ooserelfr-ti-rlgh t, ftc then th e promise ot an Ametlcan life pIg has been fulfilled. To me U siUI td, beckons us forward alonR an ever- f1- rising pathTTeiiainK lo a b e ltc r 'fu - 1to ture. In which Uiere will be g rea ter pca security, more general well-being a n d vje cwnforl, and jjrester, leisure fo r sp lf - e»f Itual and Intellectual development, aJ :'ln every gicM depression th e re ^

have been men who have viewed th e °situation preslsely ss O ovecnor P

‘® Roosevelt does loday. and who h a w t hmiesMy believed th a l our g rea t daysof development, projre.-'s end oppor- *tunJty were over, and J need ha rd ly *

- ndd th a l hb lory has dem onstrated th a l they wero u n i f o r m l y '

id wrong. • • • - , . ^'*• " I vtouallM the United S U les of ®3L JJm-fiimrr n« ■■ nM« fewer p isnts. but more p lan ts: n o l I

with fewer Industries, bul many more ' 3 t iadm W iis.-V ofw Ja is{ilW iis«l pro- * 1- duetlon of goods, but w ith a con- * ^ s to m iy .an d inrT»inii^[ p ro . e« duetlon of soodsTwhlch, made a vail- 1 er able In a ccnstMUy widening field Fs. 6f dUlribulldn. will spell Inereasug jp w ealth and weU-belng to every In­to dividual cltUen. * * *

"The g r*ai wonder In this c am - « palgn has been iha l the D unocratlc I J . candidate in two m o n th s '^ cam - ac. JM lgnlnS-hns. failed to dlseiw tJJlO '

problems of thU deprealon and fa ll - I *d to su g g u i any program for r e - '

^ lleving It. KU speech before th e I C om m oaw w th club fum lsbes' th a ' solution to this jDysUjy. i

^ "W ith tb a prtm lsa which th e gov- ^

^ m g r a t l e - t g y i a t l h B way rnVW -' e au so h * e an o o t» e o tb e w a y o a t .» * » i

* ' “We, on our slde„ bold th a t p ro s- ' ^ pertty and progress are th e n o n n s l " condtUooa o tM m erleaa- lU e M b at « a lle r the dris tio read jtu taseat whk:b i ^ u jc w sarlly takes p u « a lta r a period ' “t .tit la fU tto n .a n d _ c o U a p y . pQfm^t. j

coadltlons and tb e forward move-

X. tbe way. a re removed. We bold th a t a - certaia.obstac lea extol to d a y ;- tb a t <

It la tb e btulnesi o l go v e m au a t la , I <“ W U « » -with—«n il»pabllB -iB 4 -1

A. private orgaaU ttlons of a ll k inds to , undertake to remove these ebataele* '

be wblcb caano t be dealt -v lth by' tb e a e r o a i fcooomki m ecbaalso.

m which h u been se t In m otloa. ‘n i a t

er- th* one hand yoo bave a c an ­ity d Idate «hQ practicaUy a d a i iu th e

depression bas hlin U ^ d befec« ^ e I t - s l ^ On tb s o ttu r, you b a te eoe. n a w b « w ith b is n c a rd behind b ln . i» rm pola tlttf tha way to u ltim ate- vlc-


(Continued Prom Page .One

th e speaker reiterated hU charges a t' the sla te bad “bought a n a u - lomobUe every week sUice th a t ilm c." l ie declined to modify th a t sta tem ent to eUmlnate as purchased — - . cars, tliose fo r which old care h a d been c lyrn In p a rt payment.

In addlUon, tne sp e W i^ p o lo tw '

for use o t privately o w n ^ ears op­e ra ted In dtochaniB ot th a sta te 's business, nnd there has been pu r- chaMd olso an airplane a n d five expensive motorboaU so, he said." thU business of taking th e govern­m ent to th e people has been d e - 'V flonfd_to nn_w t«n t wh c r e J t U______bclnB taken by land, sea a n d a lr.‘

"The RepubUcan plaU orm of 1933," ho declared, "ia tbe best po- lU lfsl program ever laid before th e

ture U a pledge to s a n 33 per cen t o f sta to expenses. And w e wlU do thftl. We have only to re tu rn to the basto o t 193S."

C ontrasting President Koover'a record o t performance w ith 'th e cam nalgn .promlMS of Q ovem or Franklin D. Roosevelt, Detruxrallo nominee for the presidency.'Judge Baker said:

' "Any m an can point ou t erUa and say they ahould be oorrected, Y bBt It (4kes one thoreogbly ac- qnalntcd. with condlilon* to po in t '

-the-w ayrTbB-pcoplo-arebJterested----------in knowing how (he Demoerata would icrempUsh - what- - tbey promltA. T hry have no t ye i told OS. W hen a m an I* dosperalely 111 ho c an get bn t little comfort uiii no bepe from ifa* s y a p a th j a n d the amlle of a m an o f ebarm -

'In g demftanor. W hat be w ants I* tho service of fhe experienced, tho capable and the aober doctor. P resident Hoorer to be.■'President Hoover U no more re­

sponsible to r the depression than h e U for any of the other calam ities th a t havn left the ir tears upon th efaee-o t-lhe-w orld /-------------- --------------------

T he president h ss been called up ­on to perform tho unusual service of directing the nation’s commerce. In ­dustry ond banking, to rescue ag ri-cunare, to proviae 'JobJ'for’ th e 'u n - -------omploycU millions and rtU ef for the many distressed. We demanded more from the go^'ernment th a n has ever been demanded of any govern- ' m e n t, ,

"W ith charactertotle d^tcrm lna-t to iV lq (It) qutetly~anit*~thm'ough}y--------any work he U called upon to do,l»ul-w lthoiii-tho ballyhoo-and-dra-u.-------m a tle e - th a ^ h f t ra e ie r la f r - t lie -^ e k -------o t so m any .In-publte-H fe ,“ fee eel about In buslncss-llke n \anner and w ithout complaint to bear the ad - •dittonnl'burdens so < a s t upon h lm .- So d iligent and tireless has he been th a t he haV earned the repuUUon of being the hardesl-worklng presi­den t w rh a v e had." i

Addressln'fe himself to th e cause of 4 the p resent depression a n d the ex- T te n t o f 'th c president's responstbUlty n i tho om el of his rem arks. Judge n a k cr declared, "We agree w ith the D emocrats th s t tho economlo sound-

. new prevaning In the na tion fix th e cbnractcr o f the Issues la th is $am - . nalwn.. ao d . th a i Ih* param ount <

■ fniesUona relate ' lo~ lH «~ornce~m ir— “ nntloniil government should pe r­form,. th e character o t tho service11 should attem pt to render and th e

. measures l l should adopt In an a t ­tem pt to bring prosperity ,to l u mUJions of people."

In th e present slluatlon. (he , speaker said, "11 U the Impulse of , m en. to chanto reiponslbUlty to thorrpresldent:“ -*T»latn-hotte*tyr»-thougli,------7 n T p o In tS ro U irR l|U lre r ttia t-T -m an ------. ^ accounUbl* only for th e

r —}f«« ttr) ta t< d the depression l o e f - —, fects of an Illusion sha red by th e : people of the world t h a t 111-wrre o n •: the way to perpetual prosperity,"■ false values and wild specuUUon.": 1I8~Tieimgd a p lcture-of-worid«wlde------■ panlo lu which “Oovem m enl heads . wero n o t secure and form s of gov-■ e rnm en t changrd over nlgh l," nnd

against It he contrasted the sltua-r non in xh t UniUd 8U K I. "Our con*

dlUon," he said, h u been InfUiltely . be tter th a n th a l of th e o ther n a - . tlons of th e world. The purposes, th e , Ideato a n d the traditions o l,ou r g o v - ', e rnm enl cem aln llrm . O tir InsUtu- . tlons are unchanged. O ur dollar

contUiues to be the su n d a rd o t ' comparison of values. W e reta in

iranlldence In ourselves a n d In th e , governm ent we crealed." u ‘T hU ." he sa id I n ^ c luslon." U

• We cannot afford It. Thto it th e ,- 4im e-fo r-tb a-.« « U n iian rx nf :*Anrr___ _\ safe, constructive gdvem m ent.".


. (CoBllaued From Pag* one

■ U not generally known.A large slone sU b on whleh w ai

. carved " b IKMOO Jon IW '’ U the

. ih e tm iv f for mc i y nm iu . T h r a ia b - . -

. was touad years ago a n d bands of ) hunters continuously s«ek tha gold ) to w hich I t to snppoeed to refer. One

m sn in the Ozarks has spen t 30 years . looking for treasure. Som e treasures f b u r i e f f ^ Q e j r ^ v e s m t o a ^ ^ ^ ^

I go ld*hua t« s w ouS . dead. — '1 RMcbM N ev B lgh, m e J l o K ^ n u o t ^ l

t a c a ^ d eaVl ha was u m to aeeab u ried ‘bullion. B a -a a ld -b e -k n e ^ w —

; S M ^ x w t a W A w t e t t ^

» ^ l a the gam*. T b e / iMmd a lo t I u S u D t and ercatualty tU rttd <Uf \ }w g. m i r t e e a UfiOawa. t h t r ip o n d

? ■**Werd th i d u i w f ^ W g S d ~I tbrough the hUto a ad eretybody g e t I n e y d idn 't a l l t a w tb a t

the lo id w u p u t IB tb a o a r k a by• a n d t b a t t t

F T be advaator* Of tbe apaa lard a ad ! bis a M d a t t t a

. duced about |M .to tb e t w U er*‘• a ad tb a m etal was easily separated « from lU e(« by ‘t r u m llW '> .I. T he m lae U elosad a m , boH th a;* glafflo^otu game e fe re e p (n f0T*r t b t

bUto a t m idaU ht w ith a sm okiac U atern , a sbotgua a ad bepe goea oo.

. )

Page 3: TnE-OWY~ASS S^Cr ATED-PRESS NEiVl 'ALLS COUNTl THE : … saw aa he understood, the law-U the

■ p i e i i l M ' r hIDPlTOGOe

m rao D I l l s ;___

Aaistant-Paal<ir of St; Ed- - ^ wards’ Catholic Church Rccommends Supplication ij; For Counlry and. World h

TnUnB IW his Icxl "TJic KliigObm ' l l Of Heaven SullcrcUi Vlo:j;nco uKl tbQ - ■ VlolcQt B eo rffl hvay." aoa <or I

diuoM." Rev. H. L. H enuaon , w Ipaaior or S t. Edw ards CaUi- I

olie church m h lj Sunday morning Jwrmon urgod a ll lo comply »Uh iho S

— rrT ]ttttt-ol-B M w i>.joa:pU -iU U ly-ot _ 1 ^the ilioccM or bQiso to r«clie tho ITosar>' dally durm g iho m onth ot I

homo for tw tlcr m oral und rm ancial Jcoiiaitiona in thU country and In iho |world. ' I

In auBstimcc und In p a r i nev. H er- llmunn said: l<

"Wc Ilnd many In iia n cw In holy J; icripturca where prayer oftcrcd with

'aU o exojuplca where (allu re to iiray . rsulted in dlaw tcr. in lhe sM pcl of

i^U Sunday, thu tw cn ileth Sunday H te r Pcnucoat, wo Doto I h a i lhe

<i-ru]cr who api>calcd to Chrtsc (o curc IhUJon, hnd JUarc<iuesi granted-when I

- h e u k e d w llh (nU la l ih th a t UU ap« J peal would M compiled Klin. O n the j other hand, the fallu ru ot m , I'ctor I to obey ihe ri'f iuu i or the Lord la I Die ijardcn. resulted In hin wx-nkm- I ing 'and denial o{ his m aster. 1

I'ray a t All T im es '-Wc uru lold thu t wv niui>l pray

a t all Umes. iKiUib up our hearts and mitvl. tn Q nd li> thnnlr him tnr ftla

' beneltui und to uaIc (or sp iritua l und ■ tcniporal needs. Tiie ca th o lic church

ha^ niuny bcuutllui prayers, acU ot la llh . hoiw and c h an ty , Lliouica o!

■“ UVfTOryNimcTH-TCBnsTtntnnirsac- - - red Hcuri o( Jesu5, und the liM ary whlclt wc aro uaked lo reolt43 thU luonih. csiwclally lo r be tter tlm ei. I

-The holy luiher, Pope W us X J, j recently ap[>culcd lo tho world, noi only to a ll C hristians bu l to 'a ll who .

----- faeaevfrHa-G0d-ft0d-pr ay -to -n tm, - t 0 , _unlM In prayer to uvcri tho calata* I

— Jues.whltii.UiPM lcii.iiie j^'orld._____ J

‘■In Iho-HUiJaoi or Shriatlanlty- iheru uro many instAncea w h e r e I

pra>‘er proved benedclal In dlspcUlng I----- rrU -lQ 'i671 during & p*rlod o( much I

contusion tn (he C hristian world and , laxity o( obMrvaoce am ong catholic nations the Moslem T urks th rea i-

------c 'nea 'io 'bvcrlirroirU io 'C lJrisU inrnii- • -Uons or Europe, ’rh e popo preacited » crusade and advised prayer on ttte pari or a il the p«6plc. The smaller ChrlsUan Ileet, inspired oy l h « pnyers o( Uie Ja ith ru l sailed to Lc- -

• panto a n d overthrew tho vast and powerful Turlctsh ileci, ond ssved -pt Clifwtlan nauons.”

Father H ermann th e n expialned

ory, wlUch give a ti epitome oi Uie lifedeath and resuneetlon of C iv isi and __made on appeal to a il to pray with —confidence th a t 'ih re n te n cd calam - n iUles P light be averted.- H |


nUHL. Oct. 3 (Specia l to The ino ■ -News) — Northvlew O range held lU i

annual "Booster* m eeiing a t Ute ore NorUivlcw acliool houaa Friday. A cla

-------iw iw u e n te in jc iy e a T r p r e g r a m - o t x j,tongs and taiks. n«<

ClUldren and young people o f 'lh e □riinge members song a group of g u tones; Bob Maxweii reviewed Uie ^ni

— a a it vt iCTnir o t t n t o r a f la g r n e r c .W .H oU cyuioda«a.»ubJeci, "Throw - ^luing Sboes a l a Submorloe,*' a s th e nai

;-"15 liE orananll-depreaslon t*3 lt:E U L - n*abeth Miller gave »- pU no solo. Re* ^ freshm enu were sen ’cd a t a U te hour,


-------- pel1_____ HSXB.PRW .jask? ,<9P«iU} to .The mi

New?—Funeral service fo r Elwood cei 'M o o r e Helner. 13.monUi»old son of Mr

-------My.- *na io l a m e f a . H cm fr , wn r «died. Saturday m om lng, were held of

____ ai.U iB -H cjbum T o rd .d )u rc i i..S u n ^ Ab. day afternoon . n t 3 o'clock, w llh th(

Bishop Clyde C randall orflcUtlng. cel Interm ent waa In th e Riverside eem- j etery wlUi Joseph Payne In charge, pn

Speakers were Joseph Bnlley. of pa: the hlgb council a n d Bishop J. J . da Patteraon. The w ard choir ta n g ne; three opecUl num bers. Mr. and Mrs. eoi Joseph P »n ie oatig “I t W as for Mei" w i

........ a o a iD p s n J e a - t f r w p U O T - T jr m r i rL<r» Aylor.


, O A i ix p . Oi l , i

-----X jrd SOflCTS. P”

ra tV A T E T O T O R W dT reR N A L b — . Keller MeUsod for A typical children.

tnd q m wrrM btowe It clnRd %cf

' E .e S = < 2 g S E 3 > i

— U f l a i i e j C y f

All Dressed Up

■ E m

T H O U S A N D S k n o c k n t t h e g n t t s .it.s Rliimoroiis portals. One of 1

— ift'A lice -JA n ft,-u -h o .w A x -s in fflcd plftcctl under contrnct by n Inrg

H i i i i i n i. COME FOR SOCIIILS ::=--------------------— T----------- 'r-_ ^ ^ ME..Oct. i (Spe d a t to

irrouiw h»vfr-enioy«d'*oU vlU tt-dup--^ Ing the U tter p a rt of the^weekj j l*dj

Presbyterian C hristian E ndeav- ' J orers stased a party and pic ao- cM a t Uio PrBsbyterlan church, “ ‘ T hunday evening. About 35 young"®^ people enjoyed games a n d s tu n U ! ' a r r a n g e d by ’ MUs M arvuerittc ; Stockton, president, and Miss M ar- , ' g n rrt Hardwick, soclnl chairm an. I °

T he "lows" or tb e Peppy B rid g e . *“ club enterUlned th e "highs" a t » ! • party held a t th e bome of M r« .' , DelU Prentice Thursday evening. 1 , Mrs. Nellie Duffy received p rtte i for high score and M rs. SylvU : □leoson, low. The lK»t«R^ se n ’ed rtfreshm enU .' , ,

A bridal shower was glvcn_ by Mr*. Showers and Mrs. H arry R u- p e n a t Uie home of Mra. L. A. TUI- m an for Mrs. Vinson Runert, ti re - j g cent bride, o a FWday aflcm oon. i Mr*. Rupert, before her m arria«c, " •gflg- M in - M iny THlman.- a a u g m e r, - of Mr. and Mr*. L. A. TlUraan. About .35_sue»U . S£r& _D reseat^a t. the shower and Mrs. R upert r e - ' ceivcd many lovely g iru . 1

About 30 young p e o p le were present a t t member»hlp drive party a t tlie B aptist church P rl-1 day evening. A fler a 'sho rt busl-1 cess m e e t i n g tbe en terta inm en t, commlUee consUting of OenevleTC' WUham, Sanford Johpflon v><i : Hvfc WvarHtId oonducM a n eVe-, nlng of games, a fte r w hich r e - i freshment* were serred . I

Epworlh League of th e M eUiod-; U t church, gave a w affle .ra p p e r j for lU- members In the c hu rch !

program of mutlo and readings | was pu t oa d u i ^ the supper by

- T D S H c r c t i r A N E R S a i ^ l :

SPECIAL" T u t ^ a y M (1 W td n ^ a ^ _ ^

F u r T r in u n e d - C o o W o e a T i - e d a n d * r r t l f ^ S t e a m e d ______ __ I D C i

M n o r z : - 7 $ 2 :o o* Phone 40Y For

"C/eanfn)C of The

T W I N F A L L S D A I L ^ N E I

" O f ~ J i T d g ^ T n ~ S a c c o - V i^^

, ■ - I ^

^ V

Jp For Movies |||

a t c s o f H o lly w o o d b u t f e w c r o s s o f t h e m o 5 t r c c o n t t o b e c a l le d

la r g e f i lm c o m p a n y .— (/P) P h o t o .

LoU Kennedy. W anda O tto , M ar- Roret Lee. HUdeuarde P i n t h e r t , Billy Osborne, W alter

4 , nnd Rev. Joyce Kendnll. '

^AKLEUESlD£NIS,VJSLt _OAKLEY. O rt. a (Bpecial to T he

a-'News)—O ak ley -arrtn ift-a iu n Jc n n rt^ “ n i r e s ’ In■ 'tne^aI^^P t^l^ inch lded th o■.ifQllowlng:________."TZ^ President W. O . H ardy and B ishop . Walface A. JMo Jett T hursday toe , a deer hun t In the m ounlalns no rth„ -o f BtnnJey. ------------------ -- -* , Orville Stock U a ttend ing the . ;u ta h ocrlcullural college a t Logan.

Dr. Charles B. Beymer has moved * I to Burley, bu^ h e will be In Onlclfy

f ' E zp rrl Radio Service. Fr«« (abe . (etdnif. LofOB Mnsle Co.. N ext l«>' Telephone Olttce. Day phone 11*.I v i f h t m u . - A d v .

I DR. WVATT. CHIBOPBACTOB.I 151 3ra Ave. N. Phone 1177. Low fee*

^ I now in effec(. Ne a(alr* to climb.—

i i i r . . . . ' . -


» ' ” A fi£ e £ ^ I ? 0 T 7 n i r e ‘ ' ^ fly

1829 C b e m te t C»ach____$160.00= IK9 F«rd Forder Sedan.. S i :S i»

tSSO r e id B (d ConpeE * t r » _________________K50.00

1930 Ferd DeLuxe

. lan >tsa i-^C bem lei-C M ib-.... . t i ac-OO. .U31 Ford Coape. Nearly

New _________________ 43S0J)0m a A B bm -fleda ti _____tU SJOm r H U t e r 8U B d e k

T o o r tn g ............... ........— 1100.00IKS M aster 8 tz Coope

DnSck ________ _______ I17M 0IK 9 C h e m le t T r a c k ___1190.00

- 'I 1* ^ ! ^ I'flt »; Ilk* Dev, tow m lleate ... tSMiW |

U n i o n M o t o r C o . ^Let Ua Core For T ea r C or

Y o n r F O R D D e a le r j Twin Fa lU . .M I - ,

'nz&i Case^After Bombini

I ■ J

H H ialdtd

Were >

piotioiInjure( asioc

MOSS i f i e KI8ITS HT ByRLE!„.

_____ : • ■ atlc:El

I BURLEY. O ct. a (Special (o Tlie com Ncwn—A fler spending foiir duys In clcci Casiiu counly. MUs Bernadette Liiy Rjilnslord. 8 a n Pranclwo. tieJd rep . Kev r^s<•nlnllve of lhe American Rod ncU Cra^. Jrii io r . Twln Pnlls county Lon

-&.U .i<l.iy-nlnht;-roaUn8.1iiir.rcgular[i(lpn trip of inspectlOQ. She -vUlted Oak- Wal Icy, Albion. Rupert and o ther C as. Irc.i and hflnldoka coilniy distric t thel

■ c cn U iir whtre"»h6_consultca_S:iyi. chn;rnH'n nnd leaders. ' C

A’. Burley th e held a called m eet- lu i ms of organization workers, prcilded yea: over by C hninnan J . B. K anw l. An- nni; iioimcrment was made th a t Ring- cho: li^m and |)rlnts would bo available fini In limited quanUUes for needy fam - dny

—:h«r-M lK »-H e!en-W hllelcy-l»-now - —t jecrrU ry ot th e chapter, U idng th e ijte

-piffge of-.Mim -W inifred Lanelola,-re- ’ laned. rvc.

Activities of the chapter th e past chu year Inehirte the dliirlbiitlon of over fight fiiflnjda ef u rli« t for fitOCK .. c feedlni! purposes In CnMln counly, k,i{ turnlshed by the San Prancizco ot- Ilce. flour distributed lo IM fnmlllefl',

—^nd-SH3<htnnrt»-t>f-m»!le-dirtribtit«Jr -=r'' -lonnted by O . R. Congleton.

S . • • . ...1 • •rt .. --i __________ ______________________ -

t _ _________________;

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C tr . l 't t l





g — t he

~— ^ i S k « - t - ^ * 2 3 P ! ^ a 9 S — !*<>•><• ■ a L ' ■ t - J J a B i Tl

. aro I

m . Jl • u»'c

TK '*"\v'M cV itV f.~H iM ^’o inr"of Ids# W ebiler Thayer, v»h# pr*-

.n o *» ^ere executed for m urder tn 1B27|a t deitroyed by « terrific bomb «»•, j,otion. Judga T hayer e tcaped un> y,ijured. His wife w t t allghtiy h u r t ' , M ioelited P re tt Photot>_______________________ — — . by I

' ---------- KeniRESIDENTS OF HANSEN “


IIAN.SiX Occt. 3 (SpecUl. to Tim rem N rw si-C hurc ti ev tnU hATt.clalmfd nllcntloii here ih th e U st'w eefc ;

Epworlh Lcngue of tho Hansen community church la st week held m i cleclion ot olUccrs. PrM ldent. M w dj.uS ?'' Uiycofk: tlr s t v ice-president, T ern Kevan: second vice presldeat, Ken­neth Nnylor; • th ird vice president, Lorrnyno Smalley, fo u rth vice pres- B JdiEL Lorme an terw hlle and Liicllc «ev Wiilkt'r:\m -rrtnry, R uth Clelslisr; Bnd'i'*"“3 lrc.isurer, S tu a r t Scott. T hey hold I ol t their meetings Sunday evooliigs a t m

■MOo'eloofc-— ......................... - BlaCommunity church h a s pUmied

lU luitficnl program for the coming year, Mrs. A. E. G ish wUl be Uie p l- ' nnb t nnd Pny Shcesley will bo the choir le.idcr. The cho tr wtH hat-e Ka tlrs l prncllce a week from W ednes- , * dny nlRhL _____

Liter nnd iho \enc?ieni o f the H an- Brn -g B n n a - ^ n - ^ -h e ld W ednesday - rVcnIng Ul the Hnliflch'Community chUKlU

---------------------------- rec.. Chlna'A elialu ■ store, system U ihn known as • Iten hno." ------ — o n

and ftcrvlee. Fhooe < 3 0 .^ d * . aOi

— ■ ■■--------------- —

I '■ V ^ ' N

■ ' ■ ' ) '

\ jr i j i l

T h e y a

thac dl everywl

Qcver <r



t i y f F E C f c

B A i O n i Y l1. .V^„,Newk)cl<,-ChairmanT i r ‘Vlilage“ BSr"dr“Pfr- p

KIMBERLY, Oct, 3 ( tn The fl <«w a)~ll. V. Newkirk, chairm an ol ! he Kimberly villago bo.irn. ih is ' ' uornliig announced by procbiim tion /I two-weck bank holiday (oc Uie;l*«nk-«-Klmb*riy,— - ----------------—r —

Tlmo llmlU defined In th e liuUday iro frotirO Ttr M. M onday, Ociobcr a, ■» 9 A. M. Monday, Octobcr 17. Rcft- kotis for declaring th e holUluy .tr« setrnrtli Iti . ri.«n’»nnn u.hldi rltf.. _^ 'ity .o r procuring sutflclrn*. ilnio to reorKdhUc tho bank, an d n t the sumo ^hiie quiet "vicious rum ors being jlrculated by irresponsible perMins.”

ThB a ftle n recommende.t lii-.ilm rewluUon U ’tb be<"puslu-d itcadlly und a« rapidly as coiidiilon.t will,permit.'' _________ ____________ !

The proclaniaiion folloa-*;"To the i>copIe o f-th e community, :

or Kimberly, Idaho; 1Under ond by virtue of ilie rM oln-.

tloi) o( the chnlrm un a n d villaRC bo.ird of Kimberly, Idnho. 1 do Ik tc - by proclaim a holiday eo tn r m Uio !=-:• Kencroj fatislnets o f-the-bank ef-Klm-!-5= berly Is concerned) fo r Uie i>erlod be- ginning a i 0 .o'clock A. M; on Mon- 1 day. CJctober 3, 1833, nnd extending j to 0 o’clock A. M. on Monday, Oclo- . ber 17, IffJl, fo r tbe pun>o:es and ‘ rensona se t fo rth In cnid resolution. ^

. " IL V . N ewkirk,____ 1•‘C lialrm an o r th e wxird.**' ^


BUllLEV, O ct. 3 (Special to The [ N ew s)_ P an u ltc s .a£ .th o -white fJy" mllyKt^VB^o■chccl^lnc’depT^ll^tlo^s‘ ot IhU pest o f the su g a r beet fields, „ nny officU lt of (he su g a r company. UlQloglcaUoaUol study , now being *•” carried on a t th e T w in PnlU bureau 5? of entomology, dUcloso six tpecles- “ 'f* of egg parasite* a n d th ree Internal pnrasites In th is sectlou U u t nltack the. while lly .

The egg parasites "fcre partlcu lsr. M ly nctive. U has been found th a t 30 nett per cent of white fly eggs examined lam

liTTinnftW raw T 'w erc m oenrn tttm y wot para.iltes- Such InocuU tlon Is whol- v u

br^o, an Insect em erslng from the jegg shell th a t would be totally un- ^ * Irecognucd by the w hite fly mother (hn l inld Uie egg In th e sugar beel, or oU ttr host pU nt, a s hero ttsprlng .

t.nai1e* r . U rvon Coat Co. Satu* wor rteU S q-C M nin leed . P W iT p U lty BM and serrlee. Fbone m .- A d v .- fun

— ianc

f present in Luckr r , the m ild i^ d j^ c t t c

yoii ever smoked J .

"E buy die fin«trtHc ve^fir tbbaccos'irr ali'thcworld—1 does oot explain why fo

'whcfe regard Lucky Strike nildest dpircrte. The fag is.: overlook the truth that "Nat7 / a turn wrik a karr kci.^rm hsittttt •d U hiihm ti» ih iw o iu9 rU v iU m

D oe* BOC th is ccpU la th e «odd>

>BER' 4. 1032

--------- L o t t c r y - T r i a l - ^ l l l j

g,;.D ot

' 2ani





' i .— - blrt

t SENATOR JA M l^jriM V lsT len rcnn .s> ’lv n ti tn . i s s h o w n n r - bit. r i v i n f i 'n t N o w Y o rk '8 i i- *"j p r c m e c o u r t (U irin if h is t r ia l on char'Kc.-i o f v io la t in f r th e l o t t e r y Jn w B .— (/P) P h o to , Dei

- • .................' ■ ' »pe


JEROME. O ct.'a (Special to The Newsi—O . W. NlchoU, 70. resident .h i of the N orth Side t r a r t alnce 1908, . . . died >WM Sunday a t 9 A. M. a t the home o t h is daush t«r, M n . Ethel Brewer, w ith whom he had mado ~ hU home for the la st five years.

Mr. Nichols, one of Uie earliest nettlers o P lh e county, took up farm land in th o O mndvlcw d istric t in p a lPOa." n g m u w p ir tn uwii h ere .' an it - was B m em ber o t the Masonic lodge.—i r r io u f v i v e a t y oneTonrO corge r A. NlchoU. formerly of Jerome, now '

; ot Ogden, and liU daughter. Mrs. C Brewer. Fou r grandchildren also

' survive.Puneral services are awaiting

• word from the to n n t O gden. The r Poay- i iuw i esta- a l-the.4«=H*rltwtv 1

funeral homo here. ^

id r a w t o l

ackics in the Raw is Se^ ----- these^etbbaccosT

and meUowiiig». ar / ^ bme^t.pi. th^tjAich

_ process, describedr fihesf " i e s ^ ? s ^ '* r T h : 1—bur— evcty-a^TfcOTOM

folks Tjirtfi^ gff such m

Nfanue -Hat mcImm ai t t t r fu m c H .c n u h s h t t r rm o ia h tr^ t i* lifV aiAtr « J W , S A I f H 1 inU 'W ide oecepcuce tnd • p p to n l o f l o t

l u r a M i f f l i - -DllHO BOyOEIEiflllSDURLEV, Oct. 3 (SpecUl to TtM

lews) — Royal Neighbors will Kbld heir annual dU trlct convention hew 3<to1>fr7rnt^^'“ ' ” 'tc-htilI. D e le g a te s ^ - ire expected from lodges n t Huhl,' Hansen, Hollister. K imberly, Twla

» convention prrsldetit': MA. f ta n k jchoddec. Burley. M cretary, and - ' Dorothy K le ttner. Minidoka, vice ireAldent.

Sessions win be held In the a ttef- :ioon:nnd evening, w llh a luncheon m d a banquet n t S:30 o’eloek. Mrs.t(T[manati?Tt7Porth»Ttdroni>nl«r-for------IdalK) ond OreRon. will be prr.wnt, lui well n* M rs. Eftle W atkins. Twin I-’nlb. dUitrlct deputy. T ho Burley lodge has n m em benhlp of 87,


OAKLEY. Oct. 3 (Si>ccUl to The Ncwi)—A nurprUe p a rty nnd a po-llllcU m eeting 'w crT evinU -oH K W f------■st In C)aklry In the la s l week,

A sunirlne pa rty was given n l Uie liome of Mr. and l.Us. Wallace Halo riiur.iday evening In honor of the ir tlniigliier, Verln, on h e r . eighteenth slrUidny. P resen t were M arU n Be-VMO.-Mw-U^-Waito’. g aritsa Mil. -----ler, nem lce Palrbanks, Cora Bab- Qlt. Eula C handler, Louise Peterson and Arvn Robinson.

James P . Pope. Democfalle c an ­didate fo r U nited S ta le s senator, nnd Judtrt* W illiam M. Morgan. Democratic candidate for Justice of the Idaho suprem o court, were tha ipeskers n t a .po litica l meeting S a t­urday. O ctober 1, In the Oakley Fourth w ard c h a p tl

HARVEY VISITS BURLEY —B U RLB T.-oct. -a' (epecioi to “a * —N «w »)-W . H . (Coin) HorVey, pass­ing through he re Sunday morning on th e way to A m erican TalU where ho-was billed lo r «n siftemooa-talk,— addressed « hastily ouem bled crowd In & ist tu r k . T he gathering w m small, sa id to hnvo been on account of lnsurtk:len( ftdvertU lnf.

HAffiCPTS ”Womens ------------ M t \ \Childrcna .;— ...............

New Low Prices a t _ _CRAWFORD’S

BEAUTY SALON • 112-M ain-Sor-P-hoi»U67A _

'I J> > y 1

\ ■

___y z :

-BRING^EM____ I ^ ____


Raw '*— a t p o r* n ' j (roT ed hy t h t vi» J c l o u s b a t t l e be» t t t c e n th£ p y thon K a n d th e t ig e r . . . H I n F r a n k B u c k 's I m i h r i l H f i s m o t i o n V

. p ic tu r e , V B r l n g .

f i lm e d fro m iu u u re ■ ____> I n t h e M a l a y J S ^

b ^ c o s ^ ^

Seldom Mild’*—so s r a f u r p r o p e r cglogi are thea given the

cd by the words— TiaTswKjTfolki'lli'; ahd'fianjiet say diat” ' mild cigarettes.

l a s t e d ! ! —o f n M t i i c M — ..............

H W A ID O E M E ISO N ;LockyStrike?

T tH ThrM


Page 4: TnE-OWY~ASS S^Cr ATED-PRESS NEiVl 'ALLS COUNTl THE : … saw aa he understood, the law-U the

T W r n T A t t S r O A m V - N E W S ^

lUMCBirnoN «ATza me. f

-OB* uooul------- — -------------- • •* mien^ - . -------. - n r M*a ._ . tu * n

- ” *7>yT !' — ’ . . - ..:•— . m a h«nur*d M t*eoMl a u « nuU ^ r .

Ine, T*io m u . Twtn r»U* eounir. {jjj, iIrlaha.________ ttUbtuhrt 1*0*. o fp n■""Jf W in t n» «iiH~l>rtiTM P W *ui2i'irffa”“ !i3Sa»’S'iiatiurwiM atdiMd In ttau p(p«r tnd to t tV IoS j n e w o u w S h ea & *ln- *11ri(t)> e{ npubtiMUoa of ipvcui <u>- lU ipsUJiM b»r»ta »l*o m « n « ^ j j , jjj

cn ttwin* AwotUMd rrmt. oOie,• ' Ili* H.W. U • m«nb*r et » • Audit tOOUl

fiurMu a t ClreulttlOOt. (FOB JttlOin Ul Wfonn«UonM toelrnU«UOS.Si»Tt»oi». Bw*S S M S O aWSnipta or**otSer tenUlBulSl maW. I ^ A r U c U » iiuOTlt^^^ Su«?ri<“ r i i - 4 IQ its iU i tM tlwuid b* eoBfU)*d to I

____ W m O KAt W M » I W T * ^ M M

K » Tork. C IU W . too m neueo. Um «*■ Ant«ll*> BMtU*. O w

- — Slclr-------------------------------------------------------

OVH JOB enorCourK* will *ol»9 ths Twin r»iu

CoimtiT’* p m e o i p r rtO fm .The tams lort of raura<< U Me<led sunc

'U i*t brombt tbout Ih* recUmillon o’cloc ot U» deien Wld the buUdln j of the J-Br MTent7>(lTe mUUoo dollir InitltuUon that now U tbe Twin p»Ui Countrr. with

Since l u l SttimUy vhen Tirln eneo

buitosu ia « yev, Ihi Twin >*li» Country h u loit^ c p ^ n i , tto tp t —

, t*mpof*rUy only—m tfeooy for elr* and-^uU U oa -ofTBcn«r»a*-w»“ *-»«*<-

axe th t ’aediuffl of mlUnft*- ■ft'o itm lu re our lu f ir M tt crop xwJn

th i t zlfbi DOW U brlagtoi not Itu elude th ta & mUUoa doUm Into thluffii- muBitr, «ad Oitt irlll briar <a auch mort. We i tiU h»«_our tetd tad ^ r . i trull eropa that mean rtady mooty; fibm(

and potatoea, an abundant ^M rrt Of foodatuffi, eTin It they eannoV day ; now bt MM t t a profit. And w» biTt. a n too, our UTMtoek aad tbe produeu ^he of our dairy and poultry tnduitrtM that brini a iteady flow of monty Into tb laH IJH ir^ ITeK

Nothlnf « x o e p t a a u S 'ia a d i Wbe aiency foe cw rylri oa Iradt, now ii UclOnt-aad that, not for long.

What we have need for, and what canaot loag lie dormant la the m m | | | ( I Of men wbOtJuTe rtolalmed the wll- demwa, ta » naw mtalfeaUUoo of 7 ] toUraia tbitHThincteniattDyxoa'' —

— lideDca U d Tlilon, and 'that eou* siaoda the aprlnp of Inftnuity and reiourwfulneia. ... . H,

We inttil tnd e ta bring t« tbe Tea< aoluUoq of thU problem lemethlnc of Ctni the old Uffle Twin raUa aplrlt aad unity ef action, la the a t rd w of ^ theu Tlrtuea w t ahall la ta a atroni coal

I i m m S ^

A caanploam tr b e beaten, but be grai ___ nerer qulta._______________^__ _

aanrwtr-«M wAwmBM ___ _l a rtply to a eorrupondtnt who

u y t -Wt-U Rarer get Faielia In thU MA

Um," Ueywood Broun quotu Herman ' 'nioffiu, who aayi; u

■ ^ e United acatca b u all tbe t li- ^he meala ef a very itront ru cU t move* sere meat, except the particular i tad e «r U v demagocue wbo ean emulate a Mui* Mllnl er » Hitler by appeallai to aU aorta of prejudlcci aad- to the aup> Tbt poaed economlo Inteicit of the UtUa T

----- mtOrwhUe-aiiU-kMplnr-tbt auppori Jmor big Induimalliu who te t thtlr ^

Paaclamti only the l u t Uageef Cap. a K----- ItalUm.-ita u tnonunary 'tuphaali

oa aaUonaUam make* U pecuUtriy , danteroua lo peace.”

BrouaalKtcaUaattenUontoaatory A laaraoen tluueo f tbtKtwRtpubUo about aa'orstaUatloa calltd "KhtU Sblrta.'* auppoeed to be coneentraUni tii for a marcb on Waahlngton tnd In

_ _ .^ amc Owwaaad-atmbtw, and threatcalag that “tbtra will M no tlMtloa thla year." =

80 we ar« to hare KahU Bhlrta _ ipn iuad of Blade Shlru t And wUl A

.............lXA»WWfrA»OCT r o U N O - —it'w Ul b« eaay to tfeofolat Xrotd ^

• the air tbe HaU of Money and ^Jag a t ChleagD'a Ceatury of Procraai.OTiwrttlftniO Tt-yw rm w am ta wbl------

. tectun l plana at* approved and car* rlad out. Tba building will bt ahaped «

'~ . 'J U u a E u g ra 6 Q & a I fh ^ lB g b ^ T ' U tf BB lA riM tm CH fc ff l^ ttm a rt

' le a f and 300 fe tt wbla.' i t wiIThouie ' BD ttaonial diplay, wltb m o e ty - gold. BilTBr. nickel coppateolai, b u t. 0 boeda a a « bulUoa — azblblted la

T ttO T w m b tfaB O d lb an ltam a ■ ^ > n N ra ii n io n n 'lT n iq a tp ^ ' 11-

' maat aaii orichtaaa tha t a r t OMd tn■ . V b a n ^ a e U « lU M .H M p u rp o ti . m

I t i t atpUloa^ la .to •dttaU n b t | • w a c a Aaarleaa ta Onei* a tm i

_^fM aay<rm aaB dlatb>cp*raH oai f d ^ . h o w * , itoek a -

tn g f^ .tn d tba-purB huft anri 'i a H ____slocka-and bonds: ta ihorx. all of ». funeUoai, equipm ent and prac- a l work which o o m ttu d tr the fcn* a bead of money a a d banktsf.'* i It tounda g r u t - ^ 8 archlttcturaU y, y & lereatlfig buUdlng a n d a dUplay V a l wUl auppoaedly le t th t layman In ; j . . - T h i-» jy iiirK ro r7 ijaB 6 C ~ = — ^ ftad will I t ahow bow to prevent *i. /'* iwn»-aaee<a, - « t « b -w e h » a a »-:«>t?^ ‘p M

joey Ttluee, a a d ao o n t W tUrnoV I p la tlm t. P e rb ap t another century i , p ro g re u wtU b t neceasary b tf ere a !Ul o f Monty, a a d .Banking wllil u f t a n M hlblt o / ju e h perfeetloo. S

5 5 5 i 5 i i B - " —FUdlo'a tmprovlfii. A friend u y a v ' i> ' llat«ned for a a hou r itra lg h t th e ' ^ her tran ln g w ithout h u n n g any o tb p u t* ballyhoo, tom >tom a er

______________ T H I' n i

— t l

w ^ T ir» T ‘"« r ^^ AND CLUBS *

IIM .' B. B. WlUUmi

naum ITe n w a — a a ^ ^ g t lMlaa Edith ^ b e r . daugh ttr ana lly chUd o t M r. a n d Mra. Paul L j « lner, flTff hund red and twenty )cond Avenue B u t , and Oale Em- aon lUley, lon -o f M r. and Mrs. H. ^ RUey, th irteen hundred and thrco

iventh Avenue E u t . were m arried C l -th e home c r (h« b r ^ 'a - p a r to u , j n d ^ , October atcond, a l three slock In the afternoon . Itev. Maclcey Brown, of the c h u rc h of th e Na*- ene, officiated. T he bride wore a <»; m diom e gown o t g a m tt f la t erepe itti Biatchlng eoceaiorlea. M lu n o r - ^ ICO Ituekelberry waa brldtamald. V ea» fltlm ioa wa* beat m an. A p ro - ¥ aloB- o f -fa l l ftowera ileektd. the ^ oma and refreahm enta were a trred B te r the ceremony by Ura. Bte.lner ^ Id Mra. n iley , molher* of th e ^

« both graduatea o f tha o lu a of ^n e tu n hundrod a n d thlrly-tw o, | Jivln FaUa H igh School. O uetU in - ^iided the ImDiedlata fam lllu ot th a . aluple, lU v. and . Mra. Mackay J . JrowUpMlateaBtta a n d 8 t«lla RUey ' ' IId 8 . K u t. F o r t Colima, Colorado. , Jr . a n d Mra. S teiner win make th e tr , imo » fim 'ta8T » r e n « e f - th t bride.

A l S H w « f » r i u j d « r i . ^ 7 ^ -*2 ^a n ley o n W alnu t S treet th e T hun i. . e « ly Bridge Club of Jerom e enjoyed_!uppw Bxmday arenlng around «le out-door fireplace. P fT B ilo a - -■au, b ro ther o t Mr*. Stanley, a n d ^r t. Snodgnua are membera of th e —ub and .o th e ra a tte nding were i

lieatcroft ^ T ro u n u a and M r! ' _ srvlce.

i i s T B iS i r io N I

- W S M »B e p r ta tn U tlT U 'h w 14 P a r ta t - H

■eacher aatoelatloaa of tb a Bouth H Central Idaho dU trlct. laetudlag l h e , H ountlea of Oaaala, JarocM, Mlat* Ho u , Owyhe* and T w ta VaUa, will ■ leet la aU day aaaalen tn a dtatriot HM itirtaea- b n a October t 8, I t waa ■

aglB-a »-10 -A r^ t i -Tbafa-w m - b a - ^ - B ia e b ta a a ta e o n .tn d a f t« n )M o a n d H fia tB g itt t le n a rD tfU a o C U » - p » » ^ - B ram have n o t yet betn-annouacad, ■ ■ r v ir iu te d 'T B R a r a iy .------- W ,

THRAtftRS Im ' l A S T O m A Y S I N - ' ®- R O m H E A T R f r M e r U B E S A

U«T Aitor, who n m u j r UeUM \he mother of a girl, r t tu m i to t b t Icrtch tn ft fe a tu r td lo lt . "TIiM e W t ]Jaytr a production taaad e o th t .t> tu t play by 8 . K U u r t a aad (3eone Abbott. I l will b* laan a t ifoe-K t R o x r th ta tr a tone rrow a a d ^ rhundty .

T b ta to ry .a n u A u a u tla a g U e a th t mU i|_ d o n i u ^ f t -

Snima. I ta t t n U u uhxatloa ooo- :enu th t near-tfagady th a l raculU

k toUliy unaeoeaaary o a * ^ eev tr ■m Innocent tltua tloa . ■

•m arteea W om ta" will ba jr a a a a l- ■^d again today for th* laa t tim ta. ■

A 110-yttr-old oil acnw , tb* 8a l- | j 4t t a . ta th a o ld u t dew m aatad C) to frJcan raa ttl la opcratlco today. | j

Men employed ta prodoclng gold I Xi Auitralla hava inertaaed TB per feeot^ lp jU U n& tc .J lU t*» ..i” ^ _lourth yeara. ■ ^ •

A m e r i c a ' s ^ G c e o t e s t

-JJoS io^rogram i-” i

EDrWYNN—. 'Th. farf..! Fwttj-- 1G R A H A M M c . N A M E E I

D O N V O O ^ R H E E S I

N .B .C .T O N IT E


• 6i3Q p. fn. Pacific Tim* i 7t30p.m;MotmtblnTlBW 1

T E X A ^ JFIRE CHIEF G«eft<H |_


— =- r---------—Many-Lb

S S i j S y t i j i j S ^ y ^ w

THE STATES LIN E FREIGIITE r e a r barren itmatfBTiak Island

—thr®«-of-thft*«MW-cf-37-allicc£f Novada w ai on its way from Pi

T h o u s a n d s H

^ Y ’:

ASSOCIATED PRESS telephoto o caused by a hurricanc which k -{ y F /rh o lo .

R i i p r F n r T ) i y n r p f i [ | j j l

:E j^P|oE.Ne«

- o f In lnn u t


jb a ljgon

.F t )


f f - * ,>;■' ..B «Nyi

IfBiK ^ I H p l N E j U R ^ PAB-

known novellflt of Wilton, ° ‘i Connecticut, charged cruoJ- ht ty io a divorcei action inati- . .^ te d agalnat h er husband, Charles T. Greenwood, New J York banker.— Photo.

- —


J t f j

L ul ‘ftm w t »uy i :

. W PRIMmVEL I, ^ 9 AJ the troMMi Junai* I

new lna 00 I

■ ■ B r i S n r o F ^ “


J*lui tlolMAy 4 ,O allaabn.. ^

i^H 'icKBTz *(*'>■•***• “ *

U B l M P I ^ ^ o a a o w \B O H V I I ' Wm. P n * n 1K*|t rmnto I

'iK w n . I ‘ .KoaetaT*

iftfK ag l


C i V « s - 'L o s t _ A f l S h i p J U e s i r ^

ITER NEVADA which waa wrccki ind a t the mWdlo Aleutian group li ccrB-andjCRmi^n. wcro, resdued nf tei 1 Portland, Oregon, to Manila, Phllij

Homeless In Hurricane*s

.0 of wreckage In Hato Rey, suburb i h killed 212, injured 2000 and l e f t :

*M illl« IN C =bbskkiiniineE.

OOODINO, Oct. 3 (Special to T be wrlgl .Newi)—A Urge crowd w ltneued the

.dnHaatlo-recliaLpre4£«pUa t o of-M ra, O . D. Mcrrlll on n iday-a tB a. n lng t a the f lr it event o t th e a a - oZ K n ua l -Qoodlng college hoaueom lng. ^

A fter dinner, alumni Judgea aw arded room honor* in Tenney I "

{hall to Leonard Clark. Union, O re- goa: a a d Bob H ouiton, D ietrich;

la n d In th e girl*' dormllory to Marie •PoweU, Frultland. tn d DorU Pettit, .Fayette. I' A elaah Of froth ^ a o ^ wa* _

up u foUowi: O . Reagan, r tlr tle ld ; Brackanrldge. Q lenni Ferry; Benton N yau , Oregon. K an e u te r, Ooodlng; Foater, Myau. Oregon; SUru*, M ur­taugh; WhUe the , aophomore men puUed la thU order: Ruth, Rupert: ohrlatopberion. BUu: W tUtoa.BlUa: Btoka*. Eureka. U tah ; Cooke.

Ooodlng, Ooodlag. ~t a th* rre n ln g a banquet w v

M rrad l a Uta eoQ#g*


' j o & .K aA v 8 > ___, _AM w* do w a-h ta rttd r H E U ,

NOI W a aever felt happier aad bad h>6r* m w Tif» n m n y m ' - lha bank th a t we know U good. , f«al good health , happy With our - fam ily a ad tn our work and a Uaa up of GOOD PICTtJRES for BUr patrern . I l l u y the re i]OOOD TZUB8 Ju tt arouad the

' *AT JO E .K ‘8 - »

ijznEss______ LAST DAYl

n U H IR T E E N

' p t u s " ^ —■ecata Act* and Mew*

-T lio IH m ttim il l ^ t t * w»T aUT. I ■ g r u i ta r - a a t to a p l t i m l i

■“ C O H lN alfO C N l I

; M o rsi AH b F n , M I N [ M n a rB a la aO v P H e M l l l

K I1ID 1I8 U e ------ABtn.T8 t t a l l

f ^IJ L ,:iis

' dnrln

r An/ / • . ® V ««<*•{ ■ f w i X l E v ^ . ron’i

zdna I Atmi (Mr*.

„.s— of t

ccked when It ran on a rock M ttt IP In the North Paciffc. Only V r» ifter 40 hours exposure. T he wi h[llppiSerBland8;-(ff^/Photo7 o r a U l , , .— ■ •■ — aocU

e*8'Wake e u SThui

a n I

• Ml — were

T u u he r I

Mist” 1 1 I

0 . V M n .

-m i vntt high aecoi


* addj


■ M a i H g * » S M B W B g W i " tp*nhoat<

sa p i


refre------ Mj

;W hiirb of San Juan, Puerto Rico,[ft 250,000 persona homeless.

. ' -- ter.I ------- - and

..................... — highiculty , itudenta, alum ni, form er mudtu d e n ta -a n d -fr len d tr-T h e-p ro g ra m ------rt* given by Prealdent 0 . W. T e n - C. xy, Earl Heldel. Dorothy H ouaton ,' la rn e tta Jo n u , Jerom e, Mra. F lor- nee KixoQ Skougatrd, B u rne ll Can vrigh t. K in* a m .

Amerlcaa.aho* polUh w ta aold In towi lO.forclgh'countriea lh 'lh f ln f« 1 > a lf ; .^ U)X iwa. ---------- :------------.[tDi

“ ?

— mB r u t u s

i n g : k i n

t h e l a d

t o s a i d

— ----------------------------------- B o n J i a i

I x i y s 81

d o g l ” 1

P r o r

h e l p t i l

i s p o i s <

S u c c

w h o r t--------- g«y.” l

t h e m s i

. e m p i o ;

_ f r o i i L l

*— “ — —-Tfliinrf: . . ‘ v e t y B

, . „ , . X h e i l u s i o n i

-----------" --------------------t h e i c . ]

l = ± r ? - — ^4 _ u n s a t i

( " iASry o u r t

. b e t t e r

__________ ^ t r u s t <



iS H E S^Em_FDB s b p LRUPERT. Oct. 3 (SpecU l to The

Few*) — Clubi, fra te rna l organlx- . Uona a n d church grpupa have PlIded the aoclal aeUvlllea o t R upert ^ nrlng the p u t week. ^ 4


H r i ir w M b b im h w tu a a t l ^ ■” ^ r e d - ^ h dinner for th e P u t M at- Dn’i elub. Thoae preaent wore M n . / d n t Boring, M ^ A aaa L aR ue, Mr*. 4 inaa U ppt, Miia E tta B . o U m e n u ,' m tn , Neh Rou, U n . A da W araek. W ln..M ettlflR andnlnh Mra MU n m - _ f _ diet, Mra. Lola U opUna, Mra. Ro*a iplltler, Mra. Joaephlne Jonea a n d . H i n . Edith Morgan. | ^

T uatday afternoon Mr*. P. L.1 • 4 lemaberg w u ho aU u to h e r dlvUloa i th* Ladlea' Aid aoclaty e t th t U thodU t church, w ith app rox lm tte -

W lth Mr*. 'John H opklaa. Mrfcw ore* M o ttr aod Mrs.-Asna-Mcptk* -------a the T n te rta ln m ta l com m U tet. a oclal hou r a n d ra lra ah m a au foi- jw e d -th rrtg n la j-m ae U aro l-ftu p trfr— - U «tera S ta r a t Odd FeUowa a tU r niuraday tvealng. R obert L te rlg h t Jl r u reoelTtd Into R u p e rt chap te r u (I in affOlated member from M ont- ^ t i le r ch ap ttr . fS

Membera of the J B Bridge club ■ rerotntenalnedbrM r* .-H om 5rC «<* - £ rueaday afternoon a t thq nome of j ler aUier, Mr*. J . D. StevenMU. B*- . M ide* the club membera, a c re a guett*.Alai Mildred W imam i, M rs. Qlftdj* WlATd. Mra. E arl B uttcane. Mr*. S . , }. WUlm*. Mr*. Roen W ooUord aad C tn .S lu .i iu U ln t.2 ^ .A a se M ,.in n . ireaent. M r ^ 'F r a d 'M a t% e tu with llgh acore a ad U ra. H enry Stankey, tco n d high, for club member*, and , dra. WooUord hlgti g a es tf each i t - ■ « lv td a prUe.'Mr*. Ed SchoenhaU w u h o a tcu a t

iw ” ”

iddJUonal gucaU; M ra. D . W. X ty t, ir* . H enry CatmuU. Mra. H . B. R ed . 1 - - ord, Mr*. Jo teph C hapm aa a n d M ra.: jeL lnn Fam aw orth. T h e tim e w u '* pen t quUUng.t couaterpaae fo r the

Fourteen ladle*, m em tera of the JapUit Ladlu- Aid aoclety, n-ere en- D t e ru ln e d by Mra. M artin Foatner a t iio<x ler home l u t Thuraday a fU ra o o a 16. i b u iln e u *e**lon, *oolal hou r and tfreahm enU o o c u iM tb e tim e. “ Mr.'aha-Mr*.“ A 7 r.‘B « y m e re n w * —;ilnett~theiOoDtrter -» r ld ga -c lub a t '------heir home f ia U i^ y evening with' “ T t )ne tx lra -ta b le o t gueata, M r. and 'm eel ktra. A. O. DeMary, S u p t. M. H. Car- hom ,er. MUa LoU T tylor. Jo h n W bltaey are Uld MUa Mary Beymer. ladlv tdual for llgh acorea for the evening w e r e be Ii nude by Judge and Mr*. H . A. Baker, exch

C. V. Morgan, h igh * eorer-,ln “ t » vaketbaU a t N orth CarolUta SU ta Wed :ollege l u i ye tr, wUl coach high Cam ichool alhleile* a t Candler. N orth RoU Carolina, thU year. |

----------------------------- TlScpulpa, Oklahoma, w aj. th e home ol A

town of Eddie Flynn. Olympic* boU welterweight boilng cham pion, ua-'-tjajJ iD h e w u l3 7 e*r* o ld .'.................... - - Bur!

T h e jf ^ r .

aLED Jus was a good dog, the f rii dnd of dog. Wanting to t a ^ , who was frightened, id Brutus had jumped an( liadjaidJBrutus was frotl saw Brutus and threw s ” the boys ert®arBnitnr» 'om gossip to scandal is : the person or thing agaii ison^.iccessful merchants and i realize the mischief that ? These bnsines»4n«n,'^et nselves, about their own; loy advertising to protect 1 haI{JrHtluk^fi!om islsel iTSfiltr® rt^5?Sl(«U ttt ' Best of iiitintionk *•''iese.meTchants and ifaoui ms. They know they cai i^products^d _get.away

itisfactory service, dvertlsing^orces manuli r trade and your dollars. 1 er merchandise, better sei t the advertisements in tl

-------------------^ ^

rOBER J . 1032

MAKE-THISMOD■' _ Twin Falls Daily' l

h a t.Pa

for : Inch ya rd h a t. and* Jamtmgpatti

aecolnj for (


~~TlTIOFA IChaipageatrecduU

~and'Junlip a ttth a tmadTUICAI

~A UTWImall

_______ part

S 2 S = S ^ = ^ ^ = S 5 ^ = = S =' tlon

The— Rsal Eslale Tranjferj— m i

Tlram iabed by Iba n ie n B o n U tB . a u c

Tttl* G aa ra n tj C oapaay quai" ■ I i- > - 1

OCTOBER 1D (« d -^ . U 'S m lth to K ate Pow er . C:

IIOOO, 8 <i SS I t a n d BW BW 17 l l meele . - Tho

^ANNOUNCEMENTS____ J ]•_____________ ____________________ DMI- m r o o u n tn r w o m f n i - c h J b - w i i i - nou meet Wedneaday, October #, a t the home of Mr*. H enry Crow. Membera C are requeated to bring canned f ru i t We< for the chUdren’a home which c an Heo be left a t C. E. McOlain’* home In exchange for em pty jira . j i

I . --------- UnaTha KlmBeriyTloedcIub w U rm eer lln *

Wedneaday a ltem oon a t Mr*. H . ^ hU Cannon-a home, 1338 Kimberly Road. « * RoU call wlU be c u n e n t event*. Eu:

I —— - mat' The local lodge of Royal Nelghbora ol Amertci wiU m eat a t Use Perrlne b o ta ta t lO A .M ..O c t« b e r7 .a tifh lc h T

•tlm Feara wUl be fum uhad to -g» to <ba Borleyrto atteod -thedU trlc leooven -l 370

.. •• ^

I • • ' ' • '

3 m mfriendly, tail-wagging,* gm ■jo be petted he jumped up< ed. The person she told th and snapped. The next pe rothing at the mouth. Son ir stones. Brutus ran. '‘Ml IH was cornered and shot is a short step, and heav [ahist whom the publii mil

id manufacturers are tho lat can be created by “Th determine^, io gay, the trul m nerchan^ise aiid servii ect themselves and the pub Im I i o ^ s and from the coil*r|«a-n«T~rrfi~ —T ^--—a 't—mBi^ot&»-iiaw)c- Aijiong. t

nufacturerg^e under no i cannot tell untruths abo becan*e_there.

d^ lity u ^ W ” ui° nm Ja

iufactnrers- to^com pefd •s. It compels the offering service, fair prices. Yon c

II this paper! ______

'■News Pattern

P A T E R N tm By Anae Adama

O n t o f the p ; e a u n tu l waya to xupT Idie Hoan-ia-to mtko new / . lorable clothe*- for-, yoo r k ld d lt 'a

kt, p a ja m u and undlea.Pa tte rn SIM may be ordered only >r doUa measuring IS, IS 33 and s< ichee. An 18*lnch doll require* ti irda 3d inch fabric fo r coat and Lt-W for dreu , S fo r oomblnatlon,t » d ^ '^ lh '^ r e 6 n r r o 3 lQ i f 'f 6 l ’'l ja ----------.maa. llluatr*ted atep-by-*lep *ew- ig InstnicUon* Included iTltb this kttera.

Send n m ^ CENTS (18) ^ in >lna o r tU mp* (coin* p raferrM ), . ir e tch pattern. W rite plainly your • ame, addHX and *tyle num ber. B* UBlS'TO-BTATB SIZE-W A N TED .------ r

TOE FALL AND W INTEB E U I- ION O F TBB ANNE ADAMS ATTERN CATAlOQ 18 SBADYl harm ing, fU tterlng modeU - 33 ^ igea of the neweiC a n d beat bouae, 1 xeet and formal frock* — cleverly " u igned alylea fo r la rge figure*—nd-beau ttfa l,-p rac tlca l-m odeb -fo r--------inlora and klddlea. Lovely Ungerle a tteraa, and auggeatlona for g lfu a a t can be ea*Uy a n d Inexpenalvely lade, a re aUo included. SEND FO B rUE NEW CATALOG. .P B IC P -O F CATALOG. n r i E E N CENTS. CAT-iLO a-A N D-FA IX ERA TOG ETO ER____•WENTY-FIVB CENTS. A d d re u aU '• • u l l order* to The Newa. P a tte rn Oe- 'arttnent.

lon, I t w u a nnounctd yeaterday. niere vrtll be no meeting of th e local

The M entor club wUl m eet.W ed- leaday aftem ooa w ith Mra. Law - enoe Murphy. Bach mem ber U re - uaaled ta bring h e r wool p a tch for he quUt.

Chapter A I , P E O sU terhood, wUl neet thU evenlhg w ith M rs. Jack :iiorp on Heyburn avenue.

Tha M ounlala View club wfll no toeet.w llh Mra. N *om l_eH v«a^ed j;____icaday afternoon aa prcvloualy a n -

Country Women'a club w ilt m eet Vedneaday, O ctober 8, w ith Mra. lenry Crow.

Jare Schaefer, w orld’* 't B J 'b a lk ’ ine bUUard cham pion, tiaa ou t-ln«?rT nf-ffiM n«W B -c»m pa lgn -o f------tU career fo r the 1B33-1833 aeason. le may extend h ia tc u v l t l u to Europe, p itying E douard K ore- nan* o t Belgltm t n d Roger o o a u U3d Felix G range of France.

T he Portland. O regon, d ty t<nnl* :bam pleoahlp .loum am ent a ttrac ted < 170 c o p tu ta a u ---- --------------------------------

-■ ~ O

S = — =m i l -

i p o n

t h i s ^

p e r -

o m e

a a d ----------- r - ---------------- “ ------------

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i f l i 6 = = = : = ^ "

bou t'r e . i « _ ________________ _ 1 „ _

turn ______


Page 5: TnE-OWY~ASS S^Cr ATED-PRESS NEiVl 'ALLS COUNTl THE : … saw aa he understood, the law-U the

AmerfeaWhile Sox Club J

Sum to Gain Ends-Athletlcsr—Cleveland— and -

Washlnoton Prepare to ; — Go'Farin-Bulldlng-Niner -

To Overcome Champions

--------------- Bj ALAN COUU> ■<AuocUUd r r u i SpuiU TXtMt

* j E W YOIUC, Oct. 3—I t

Mnduilv™ "- m e n u th a t the Its tlo n a l le u u e * '

bMeball lorcw h»ve no vUlbte m e n u of Btopplng the YBOkeea, th e Jn*m tu lc o t doing Kimethiag »bewt thl* men«ee lor 18S3 now » p p w « to « • volvo upon the A m erican league rl*

~ ^ S d ^ ^ t h T o h l c w ^ h l l « 80*. who presumehly havo opened up th e war c h fs t and throw n th e te y away, the m agnalcs wUI <pend a t leaa t a lu l l million dollars to m ake th e next Amerkain leagua tigh ter a n d tougher

___f o t_ ^ .M c C f tr{ b JX R ? u « h .T he AlW «l<M.-ffven,thmi*irp*rfln* w ith Al Simmons a n d o lh e r stftrt, have slfong replacem ent* ready. Cleveland. W aahlngton a n d even the riddled IKd Sox will be conaJderably •irengthenkd. _ j n i

Two lucceuive ceatona, during -w hlcb the m ajority c t th a cluba in ■ both major league# have loat money,

^have torced th e magnntea to decide on drastic raeasurra. If neceasary to prevent tho d liaaier o t a n o th e r n m - away to r "Dabo'’ R u th . Lou Oehrlg and company. . _ = S |

There has been U lk th a t R u th , his playing days unquestionably num ber­ed. m ight go e llher to th e R»d Box or the White Sox. B u t Colonel Jacob Rupp^rt. t h i Yankee owner. wUl have to undergo.a rad ical change of heart before he parU w ith th e “Bambino."

— ------- G » o d T « m n f-P o ln i------------------r r:z3 im h a :rec o ra -5 m a)thlnir pcrfgfm -1 - - -

ance In the aeries, f e a lu r e d b y h U home run bU st la st S aeurtn r,

. gives him a talking po in t when he

. d lscuw a renewal of bU o n e -y e a r $75,000 contract w ith Colonel Rup- p e rt next aprlng. Rem inded o t this th e Yankee owner sa id : "W e will have to see about_that. I c a n 't any w hatire w"oW be a b i r i o ^ I / e r R u U r n n l -------•eason."

R uth figured In more th a n a dos­en record-breaklnc series s tunU a t ba t. He h it over JOO to r th a aixth

. ‘tim e. He has played In 10 world se­ries and emerged seven tim es wllh th e winner*' share o t th o money. AU \ together; with-the Red Sox BBd Yan^-, 1

j_ _ k e 8 ,.R u th 'a .ih i r t_ ^ .th ? l« s o U iJ » a 4 ___aggregated about >38.000.

T he Yankees in ip rcad-aag llog a ll opposition th is year, dereloped * lot o t unusual new itre n g th . In addition to geUIng the moat trom fuoh vet- e rans a i Ruth, comba. Sewell. !**• te rl aod Pennoek. Two o t tb e lr tre ib - m en t stars, Crosettl a t shortatop and Allen In the box. did n o t do n well a i th e Teteraoa. bu* thw o lab r** -*^ — whole, manifested extraonU nary aU-

------e<»-«ppreaeh -to -an -lad ly td u al-h w o J—IThe Yankee f l n t baM m ta , wbo baa played more th a n 1000 lu c e e ia ln ball

- - , games, knocked o u t th e m o st blU , tbem a tl bome ru n i a ad d ro re In the most nm s. N erer a abowm an of R u th 's type, O ehrlg b a s gradually ■ taken tbe ’‘Babe's" place a s tb e moat ■ M ^ t e n ^ Y ^ e ^ t t o ^ a t t ^ p ^ "

In tbe final analysis, basea on balla i had as much to d e a s base b ltJ wltb

. the rou t of tba Cuba. No lass tb a a U of tb e » Y ankees w bo w m tree - ticketed to f l n t base crocscd tb a = p late. Six ou t ol s ix w alks w ars ceQ> verU d Into runs in th e f i r s t game, thus providing exactly tb e margin of victory.

h it tw o ’’perfect pltchea” o u t of the

day Jakle U ay. Cub southpaw , dem­onstrated the f lu e n tly -d e b a te d the­ory th a t low *and 'tlow e u rre s are the only antidote fo r th e "Bambi­no’s - big bat. M ay fanned Rutb twice on a minim um of p itched bans.

Ruth 's second home ru n . in tbe th ird sam e, was th e longest h it ot th e series. F rankie Croeettl 's running catch of EngUsh'a foul again st th e

_ —5 2 “ ' ta m e , was the

■ ^ w u n g Y aokea short­s top foUoww! With a m anralons pick­up and throw out ot O uyer's h ^ p e r . Herb Pennoek. p i t t i n g tn bU sixth

- - — vjiuuiiuuti Ul iviMi wviK UJ awuuuja- th e Cubs in- eaeb -of-4ha -la sf t w —

ga m es .. ; . • /

Ing the policy of several years, tJn l- ven lty o t CalUomla wlU- a d n t t . children under 12 yeara of age t m lo ' aeren rootban ' g u n e i. I b r oe]y t :

BOAST SPKTOY BACK ----------I O W A -jn T Y ,- ia _ < « —- W a l t a x - -

- N ugnls.'Baw ksya-sprtnte? a n d ralay — • racer. Is tbe on ly m a jo r trac k m u seeking a berth on Casio Solem'a m u re r ttty o f Iowa foolbaU team th is fkU. He U bidding fo r a ha lf­back's Job.

, t Ac e w b a n d t^ ^ z^B iS 3B ,.an jiz3 izcc tJF hJtinT .

Hodjea, 300-pound le tte r U c U i a t ^ the OnlTKslty o f. N orth Carolina, who U expected to be one o t tbe sta rs In tb s t ia r H eel line th is year, h as played e rw y podUoQ lo tb s U m during h li blgli Kboo) a n d eoUeg# d a y s .H e ls a s e a ia r . . . . .

an teagTwo World’s Set

rOE McCa r t h y (e ight), Yankee -Tnangfcr of th e Gubsrcame out for this friendly gesture ns tl ■Yankee stadium , New York.—i

Big Shot In Pitt’s

/E 1 .-E

~ lC T / M ^firr.

CAPTAIN PAUL REIDER. a~ ^ carrier and passer will handle tl foot'ball team from halfback tV

Captains Husky


may bo. b«cau>« the giants fron vania are ruiming rampant or strapping players and one of

. S tu gpkdUs, «-207-pound t : ^

gae TeaSerics,R av^^^ ^ ^

nkco boss, and Charlie Grimm,; ou to tllicirresiw ctive dugouts - is tho world's scries opened in k.—(/F} Pholo. of 1

b u

. ■ UK

itt’s Air Attack

' ■ ' ' — [C ^

1 great pass receiver, good ball ^11c the University of P ittsburgh ^;k this senson.—</P) Photo. um

___________ ______________________Coi------------------------------------------------------ Bei

Ruiiky Penn Team ‘ gr

w.■ 'B l

••H • Per

T, • 1


Dtt Qri Hsi

' tHi rfT' SID

Bui Wa M t

. ^


i r r o H c i n r ^ B ^ T o d r e d ^ h f r ^ - i t -

from the University of Pennsyl- it on tbe gridiron. They a:e all i of the biggest lot is O .ptaln t :^ le . - ( f i^ Photo. ^

t -


ams PrejOscar EcUiardt Youi

(B y The-A M aei«n LOS A N0ELE8. O ct. 3 -0»C *r Eekhun

won the batting honor* of the Pacific ron Suniiay. hitU ng J 7 l in 134 gsm ei, unorrici todsy showed.

Seccnd to the M isilon h itte r w u Prnnl oultlelder. who finished the season «li>i ■hom e-run-ln-tbefirti-lnnlng-oC -tba average was JM in 108 gome#. Johnny un

: with J57.Portland, th e pe n n an t wlnner,i-wallifS-f

-<o)l»ctlng-a, 3 flt averagfc-Kllh-Bacram gr Angeles th ird . 1 po in t behind tho Stnntor

Arerages o e 10 leamie leaden :

Rckhardt, M lsiftn ---------------------Dsmarte, Bacramento ---------- —fla«ale!«rHonywood-...:..:-.— a...— .D um i..Seattle ------------ ^----------- ------------Stftlnback. Los Angeles -----------

-Bnn*yi"PortIand ,Biats. Lo* A n g le s ----------------Cirlyle, Hollywood, ------ ---- -----------------Koenig. M lsfJo n _____________ __________Holland. Seattle ---------------- ------------------

Mc&avrF^es“ Gs In Sports Rumor Y

No Conlirmatlon Comes on Cro- I Talk ol Transler ol One c

HallonarCTub to Montreal J

NEW YORK. O ct. 3 W l-R u m o r* Ni of the transfer o f a NaUonai league Toni bw ball club to M ontreal w ith Jo h n tods

atlMi vrtnt tbe w u n d s t ^ a y w ithout o n ii being denied o r confirm ed. '• ’n

McOraw was absen t from bis of ties th e i and could n o t be reached but m em - pecti

I bcrs of the New Yorlc O lanU ' office H sn ' sal<l they believed tb e re w as nolhlng ucki to the siory. up I

I Prom the pages o t th e M ontreal g n t -6 ia t .c a o e .* .s l,V lU h u M flQrawaiaY ihou

: snd Montreal m ay U ke over one o t se i the N stlonsl league franchises. M c- t lu I a rsw recenUy paid a v is i t to M ont- prln. 1 tval. ihD S tar u ld . a ad looked over m cC

-if ie 'ffw n areo B sfflt rn T W ^ ^ up bof Use dub. iean

Connected W ith Bomoes the The fit. LouU C ard inals were con-

“ heited teUh~tna~n im on ~a s- tb rx lnb -hea< moit lllicly to be transferred to tbo BufI Canadian city. Sam Breadon, p resK d tn t of the Cards, deelared however, "n th s t h ti club was n o t to r sale and Plpt would not be moved. ' •

Breadon said he was approached- ik ln by ft reptwentaUve of M ontreal aB :i»o

, the world u r le s In New York b u t t « l i ■t.tumm.thum UjagOT_«g a n i . K S P ^ ^ * l

sltlon. president Ph il BaU o t tH T lh n i Browns UkewlH told M on treairep re -. chai sentatlves recenUy th a l tb e St. LouU fo r t American league franchise was n o t Ci for tale. ^ '

McOraw resigned a s m anager o t P l*t lhe New York O lanU In June, bu t a M lUll U connected w ith th e club as awa vlce-presldeDi and stockholder. iron

— had~i ' I - -I ■ II chai

= P i n a l ^ a m e = S Official Box

Ortu(By The Associated Press) I _

WRIOLEY FIELD . ChiCSgO.'Oct ' 3 -N ew York Yankees captured th e * ™ world baaebaU cham pionship 8un - ” ~*

'd ay in anolher record sm ashing per- tormance, iw amplng th a Chicago Cute by a score o t 13 to e to r Uielr ^ l o u r t tn u eta a lT* m a ~ a eciding t Ic« lory. I t w u the JU rd itra lg h t U m e ^ m e Y ankeefhavo won tb e t l U T a n d - ^ marked the ir tweUUi successive tn - umph in world serlea compeUUon.

NKWYORK<A> A B R H O A ECombi, c t ________ 4 « > 2 0 0Sewell. 3b ______ X 1 0 3 1 ^ “ ^Ruth, If __________ S 0 I a 0 0Byrd. If __________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^Oehrlg. l b ________ 4 3 » » 0 1ta o e r l , 3b _______ B * » » *Dlekey. c - - « 3 5 < 0 0 “ O® 0 h i | 5 t e i n r r t - = s - 0 - ' 3 - « - t r ^ - S “ Crcwtti. u ..........6 1 1 3 » ?

W. M o o r e r p T l I I j 0 1 0 1 0 ™ “•Ruftlng ...._____ . . 0 - 0 0 0 0 0• •H o a g -----------------0 1 0 0 0 0Pennoek. p _______ I 0 0 0 0 0 ‘°J"j

TOTALS ............-45 U 19 37 13 4 ^• Baited for W . Moore In seventh. ‘

•• Ban for Ruffing in seventh. c raC A O O (N) AO R H O A E 'S**

Herman. 3b ___I 1 3 3 0 ^EnglUh. 3b _______ 5 1 1 I 0 0Cuyler, r f __ ::_____ 5 o o l o oSMphecson. IKt___ 8 1 3 1 0 oDemaree, c t ______ 3 1 1 3 0 1Orlmm. lb _______ 4 3 3 4 3 0 °H artnett, c ----------- 4 0 I 8 0 0iH sck - - 0 0 0 0 0 0

W sraekc, p - = l - 0 0 - 1 0 • ; •,May. p ___________ 3 0 0 1 0 0 'T nn lng , p _______ D 0 0 0 1 0 -/L


‘ M U 9T H A >/e‘ k N l ^ » \ o N t e N o o f - m i s I

T M S O T M 6 H - I T


ipareToung MissionEiBatKH^r Ithardt. youthful MUslon oiitfiolder. I ; ronsi iragiie for th e «a*on ending E ’ificinl finnl sU ndlngs re lsu ed h e rs - I

'rntik DrM nree, form er SacramentOk 9« lih Ihn Chicago Cubs, b itting I ■Uuu.BMihe.:«t-ilt«-wotM's-«MUs..4ns ■r U au lrr . Hollywood, flnUhed th ird ■

:f i-* t t . w »h the team batUng title , I iracnio second-With.-311_aDil_Loa. i l l m ton . along with HoUya'ood. I I

.O ' AO H UR 6 0 Pet. I- ............. 134 53!> 200 5 ’13 .371 ■

_________ 108 437 IU 13 & JC4 I: ------ .t.-.?.150-4«-15«— I — 8— - I

--------_...:173 M7 343 13 33 J34 ■--- -------*..134 433 1B9 10 IB J53 I

------------- 188 7J7 358 B 30 J50 H-------------181 873 333 19 19 J4fi--------- --- 80 333 110 0 4 J42 N;--------- ---130 61® 174 W 14 J55 ■ *

Gothain Wdcomes” I Yanl{s On Return I

C ro w d o t S e v e r a l H u n d r e d W

C h e e r i n g ' F a n s G a t h e r s y , j

A t B r a n d C e n t r a l S t a t i o n _ ^

" ~ . | — ' cNEW YORK. O c t 9 {ffK V Ictolous C

Yankees relum ed from Chicago laU ^ todsy to be greeUd by a crowd of —

hnndrM ch»wlnT fa n . Bt - *p O n n d Central sUUoo. ^

’The demonslraUon scarcely w u o t th s calibre th a t m ight have been ex- pecte^l. considering t h e clrctmi- ilanees, bul w hat U u ga th e rin g . ^ Ucked In num ben It more than made » up In noise. There w u no band to I greet the A tum lng heroes; only theshouU of-tha-worahlptulaad-U is-pop«------of fiM hllght bulbs.

Somelhlng of a damper w u pu t on t lu recepUon wben several o f the principal heroes, including M anager M cCarthy and "Babe" Rulh. turnedup musing. HcOarUiy.' w ho'drovT CaT-----team to tour stra igh t victories o v e r ' the Cubs, decided he had enough baseball when tha series ended andh e a d e d - i l r a l |h t- to r -h l s -h o m e - a t--------Buffalo. I

Some Drop O ft ]The "Babe." along with O eonc

P lp g ru and seven l o then, dropped o ft a t Hlghbridge station, on the out- ik lrU of the city. Lou Oehrlg and two o r three more quit the speclal - tra in a t One Hundred T venty-fltth stree t. -Lefty" Oomes U drivingIfirougTi/Ohly 4bolit a flOiift Of u i« |------cham ploiu, therefore, were in there _ to r th e grand (Inale. >

Colonel Jacob Ru^pert. owner of Uis club, who ran on a “tour s c ra lg h f , . p la tform and got hU wish, w u In i s beam ing mood. They found a i to w - ' away on the tra in l u t night, a lad ^ from Braddock. Penntylrsnls, who B h a d w anted t o - r i d e with "the cham ps." and Colonel Ruppert paid j b l« .lt re ._____________________ ____ tig

HM n^er.- a , . i - PziO - o - o - pO rlm es. p -----------^ J I “ ° ® CA

TOTALS ______ J 9 _ f l '# 3 7 '7 ~ _ fI R a n for H artnett in elgbUi. P inNew V o r k --------------103 003 404-13 *?Chleago -----------------400 001 0 0 1 - 6 . *

Sum m ary: Runs batted In -O e h - ®rig 3, Demares S. Jurgei, L an e rt 4, sRnmha.3. Bswill 3, Ruth, nh inm sn , _ JEnglish: two-b«Lse. h lts -O eb rig , b O rtmm.- SewellrC rw ett l. -Ohapm anr — vhome runs—Demaree, Laxzeri 3, ^Combs: doubU playe-K erm an to ^Jurges to Orlm m; le tt oq bases >- = - Kew T ork 11, Chicago 7; bass on b a lls~ « tf Bush 1 (Laaerl), W ar­neke 1, fCombi). Msy 3 (Chapman.Combs juut R utting), Pennock 1 B E(Dem aree), Orlmes 1 (O ehrif): B aitn ick -o u t» b y Wameke 1 (W. |Z8Moore), May 3 (Ruth 3. w . Moore), l3S Tinning ,1 fn irW ^C rcua ttll> —Moore 1 (Jurges). Pennoek 3 (H&,- U

runs—o ff Bush 3 h-U 1 run in ' 1-3 ^inning, off W smeke S h lti a runs min 3 3-3 innings (none out In E i |fou rth ), o ft Allen 5 hits 4 runs Ui f y2-3 innings, off O rim et4hlU 4 runs £ jin 1 inning, o ft W. Uoare 3 h lU ■ 1 n m in 0 1-3 inningi. olf May a h lU T T U ni in 3 i-3 innlngi. oft Pen-nock 3 1UU 1 ran In 3 Inclngi. o ft ^T lan lng no "hlu no runs In 1 3>3 K ?tnn ing i; h it by p ltcher-by B uib ^(R u U » ,.b y Msy (Oehrlg): .a-lnnlng [wpiteher—Moore ; losing pitcher — u fiMay. M

O ffldaU — tTm plni. U sgerkurth. H(N ational) plaU . Dlnneen (Amerl- ■ran ) f ir s t; Klem (National) tMond; ■

B t i M r o 5 5 » n M j K ; ^ . 2 2 IAUAIULLO. T e x u (4>>-AmarlI]0 H

elalaui UM dlKlnoUon of nU loc U>e ' ■cu rta lo w ltb a eoQtge gsme pUyed H S l u m b e r . 10. ^ ^ j ^ J unior col-

______ ■ <

th e epenlag of Uw faU season a t ”rw ra jo tm t.ia c a t m k . mors appU- ■ eatioos fo r staUs tiad.bern revived

^ l ^ T r m b a o n lii lhT filstSy |

ONE P A f _APT0MAT10 I^ U T i i i i r o i a s G m a — ~

U v c i t B a tl« T Prices Qwkk, Uw-OoH Bspsir Scnice I XK SA T IN S 8ATTXST C a M i M U . N. n u B S Mf-W


B ^ r e n gMedalists In Womc

VIRGINIA VAN WIE (left), H si Maureen O rcutt finished in n fir

-••77«-in-tJj0-auaIifylnR-round^f^: champTopship nt Salem 'Cbijntr chuBctta.—</P) Photo.

New Talent-^ nlenly-^A


ICAL CLEMENS (left), 18-ycar-oU _flcld recrui.t_do8crI.bed aa looking

P inckcrrs shoes more than nomew thing, If you remember 1031. t

• one of those whose names keep flistently iHilps make Howard Jc Hn*a a hlorking half. But ynn mi ano ther recru it who w asn't elli year. Watch HTfnarcndnhniRJi when he appears in tho IIneup.~

He Calls *Em_____ - - - M


, hue


' A M ' , M l c o f T tert den the

UM PIRE VAN GBAFLAN —w as the.A m ericaR . l««fue .

cholcc to umpire during tbo - - w l d » < r ^ C T i c 5 ? = ( f f ) - « w r t o 7 —

KRENGITS:Hardware & Shop _

' Eleelrica! SoppUcs ' ~ ^ P 0 a o d P f p « ' n i ( f i ^ ~

FUrbanlu-KIorse E q p t


BER 4, 1932

gthen Cdm e n ’s T o u rn e y - Bb

| k | i l n

■ I 1

• c

o .f T v T ^ y - ' T«8I

t | P l H ^ P ^ \ - ' . UilrdM X P l - w*‘h

' \ V Wl' A - . ‘ with

- £ ^ ^ * < < 1 1 ^ An' [ I n ’ . ' - S nex t

4 - .m W - -Tilt : . . A yon■ i l w "

S w ■ i j ' B - y Bunc..

■ V H A ' v f l ' ^ J H touri • '■ ' • J •V •? ; i5 •«“ >

^ bowi

a: seml-f'inallst Idst year, and X f irs t plnec deadlock with par York :of-thft.womoh‘ft-national-golC antry club; Peabody, Mansn-


- A n d ^ f r ? V o j M r V . e — H

StonI T V ' —Bur

L j . _ . JeJU

^SEjjliiM^ Rob




r-old southern California back- Mer king ‘‘good enough to fill Gmy Iwa] new hat” which is filling som e-L , 11. Upper right, T o m -M allo ry ,-^ ;een out of prin t bu t who con- ' qut d Jones' teams w h a t they are. hui u-mav hfiar about John Seixas. ‘

ellKiblo last yo^ar but is this llRm rtfliTOd-Tn^an-reTcrscffrffS i p . - ^ / p ) Photo'.


MADISON, WU. { « - R e t l . o ld- faAhloaed Wtsoonsln cardloaJ /c n ey s ^ Will be w om by D r. Clarence l^ ea rs ’1933 University of WUconsln foot- « ball team . During tb s TbliU ehew alU ' f „ re tim » -U M -B a d g ers-w o re .^d a rk « r-^^ , hue o t red. ^

----------------------------- tagt^U O O L T U E S O BID SrO B T ■

LEBANON. Mo. {yD -Il's been ao long since they played fooU»U a t C Lebanon blgh school th a t tb U } e a r s dai: competition will be confined to In- pre terclnss games " to familiarize s lu - tlvi denU and patrons of the Khool w ith | ha< tb e sport." I es

= I ^ O T 1• T h e ^ e t t e B L l

W o r r t h e l u s t ' r e W a f d

H u n c } r e d 8 ~ o f th o u

I w a u l d ^ l a d l y t e l l y c

. / '■

^ o r t s ^

iurley, BuU andJH e^G o^iSliiTIvranFaflrf f l t a s o n S c o r e s l o w w i t l i ■

7 7 P o i n t s , in F o u r - C l u b

T o u r n a m e n t , a n d H o s ts

C o l le c t T o ta l o l 1 7 '/ 2

Oolfera of iHe'C anyon Crest club C «lv«n7l5-pom w for first jr ta c e la — - tour-club lournam eni a t the C an - . in c re s t course Sunday afternoon.ohl wu eeeofHt-»lWv-10^ j BurUy,-----ilrd, with’ 10; a n d Jerom e fourth, ith 7.Wilbamson. Canyon C n t , w u low Ith 77 points.Anolher loum am ent U p la n n ed - ^xt Sunday to r women o t tho Can- >n c re s t club. T hey are requested . m M i n i" U iT i a a “ s r n - 7 c r M ; — indsy .Individual resulU o t lju t Sundays lurnam ent follow with Canyt^t , rest p layen lUted f ln t ; Jerom e, icond; Burlej- th ird ; a n d Buhi— lURh. In each foursome:J ik y a r -------- ,------- , Score XoUi CU. _ .ower ........ — Bi I ’'e lteroth --------------45-47 S3 0avldson .■■■,■,-1:__ 43-40 83 Sa r r y _____________ 4 l- 4 > - e 3

ork .....................- JO-39 78 3hurcbm an ----------- 48-43 89 0a rr is ~ . ^ i 7 ■ la s 'ro -— : ! U t ------------=---------48-43 • 88 0

rnilamson -------------41-39 77 3 • -

” - n II P ° ■ lu d s isw il-— ........ 48-tf j n r

a n lc o _____ _ ii,r~41-41 83 IfUbum _________ _43-3» 81 I:etland — --------— 48-38 «4 I ,la ruon ____________43-43 83 .J)

t o n e '---------:......- 39-40 79 V.i

o id e w U k _________ 41 'U 83 1 .

D h n io n _________,.,48-48 94 0ami<» ............... -

iVfflntni "!............Mu a 83 o'

toberUoa ___!-.44-47 91 1 ■- iin-m 111 n___

olwell _____________43-48 89 1lyde ______________48-48 94 I '

:a m p b ea--------------- 49-41 00 Ileed ...... ........... ..,48-43 93 0 ,i ro w n -------------- -— 48.44 90 IImlth -■....•■•,____^ .-,47-43 . 99 I -

{enderson .......™~4«»47 91 1vniOB — — : - j =;4 » » f l3 ^ 0 t-0 ------m d e n o a __________ 43-44 ' S7 an inton -------------------48-43 91 0

o i ly n .......... . 48-43 90 1)obklai - 100 030111ns ____________44-44 S8 3IbUldl — ------------- SO-81 m 0

'•Is ______________ .49-4S 97 1■bortsoa .— — — .-49-81 100 1U H a ir i s . , , , , ........ -,60-43 m 0ta r t ........... -^ = .8 1 -4 5 — 9 0 -1 -------

lUlTH n i _________TTM-<9— 97 0 'Ireting ........... - l lm .iM W I W B-------<ereer .....................81-48 9« 3Vahl - - 101 1

Jlekford--------Z Z 2 e o ^ t 101 1Mtbert ■ I M-50 1(H~ Iiu rro u g b __________ 47-44 91 1iusled ____________ tO-U 113 0

r.johns6 tt — n 'a —_ ------ M.*a 107 0

w S s ........ .r g r r t - i w - g - 'Cvani _____________4S-U 8« 1 •

tlaUieny — — — .47-48 93 0V a r re n ____________81-81 103 0McMUlUa -------------- 41-SO 91 0Jlpplo r , i . , „ ,44-45 89 3


'or SWfiOO CaUtoUo boys in tb a Cbl« a ia iw aaioeM a-paT B D eu i y iu i iu - • Ml in a new aflHeUe centCT oeem j. ing to u r tlo o n ox a downtown C b i- »go bank bluldlng. _________

GOUT POPULAR c m cA O O (m — Xaeoms a t f tre

dally tee golf eounns In th e forest preserves of Cook county runs ta to five f lg u n t. Nearly 144.000 pUyers had pakl t l * M to pU y Uuse cours­es until September L

3fR 0>.UE BLADE hud i o f a u f f a p q i i i d i t y ; : — ;

l u s a n d s o f - m e i t —

> r o u t h a t n o o t h S

c c u l C l I C ^ u n W l * y * .

Page Flv*

Page 6: TnE-OWY~ASS S^Cr ATED-PRESS NEiVl 'ALLS COUNTl THE : … saw aa he understood, the law-U the

O N S M M I E I ^ ^


- J r a n s a o t l o n s , F a l l _ B e lo w K « « “

— . ‘a iM A R K E T S A T A O U N C E

NEW YORK. O ct. S { 0 ^ ™. Stoclts: «e»T7J ,t»Ua lf«<l Btn*.BlU decline.

B ondi: Ir«(rulMr: r»IU hfary . . O irb : Easy; le o d m d r llt lower. 7 ,” *' Foreign excJianjei: S ttsdy: ® ^ •

iterUns ImproTM. , • . ™ ’Cotton; inR her; trod# buying;

anf«ver»bJ« w esthcr lorecMt. ••SUBW: Sleady: hedae *«lHnir.Corfe«> Lowpr: end ofBraslll»n Alab»r

- rtro lu llon . •C inCA O O : EaA EW lieat; tw y ; benrU luprivate ^ '“ 6

- Icczuaed—dsU ile. ^n ti

C om ; Barely gtrady; larse car-• JoL-rrcclpta; raTorablo vra thc r.

Cattle: W eak U> lower.Hors; B;cnilr to lowrr, NEV

_________________ ______________monry:_______ Jlr-JQUN.L^COOLEV.., .(AM orlated Preas PtiumcUJ Writer)

NEW Y o rn c . O ct. 3 - rinancla t market.t wero nejriMvo and dull In . the flrat full wMlon of the yrnr'a "

, fourth quarter lodoy. .Stock UanM cilons fell below ft mil- ‘ ».

lion (harea In (he tmdlnt;—«inc« 'Julj'.3t r # n a prtM«-w«t» heavy. ■

llnL^hlnK aomowhat above t^i* lowi. Srcondgrado railroad bond* toflcned

‘ ftiid w heat rcaeted allglilly. Cotton **‘® «-a* quiet, a lthough n few points Ipplnt higher a t th e cUae.

Rccclvetshlp proceedlnpi agalnat W.' ...JJltkel P late, comlns quickly on tho July #

}»vl«or iM t Saturdfl/'J d rrtu ir. pro- wei'* 1 vided A prominent newa Hem In an otherwise uneventful day. The rond'n Thei Inability to tncei October 1 payTnenLi fu ture on Ita 130,000.000 note luue could row a;

__hm U y -h n te-iu n g la ea -ln id e ra . h u t .c.lP*!."!aentlmenc m ay have been dampened lower, a b it by th e Chicago pelltlon. Bale

C arload inn Inereaa.AUo. the laleat cotloadlngi Ilgurei, Ju ly I

a lthough bett4*r th a n for U>e prtced- Refi week, repereaented a normal seaw n- Jocal : al gain w h ereu recent traffio <t*> tion oi

JU trca iu iL b e en ran n ln i ft little-above eirecU normal.

Rail aharea were under mild pres- sA aure virtually a ll day, one tlma ihow - 5 AI Ing lOMea of 1 to 3 polnU. Cloalng B uttei qnotAtlont ve re allghlly above the onli

— lij wej r wUh-f»eir-YoTk OeptnttrOan«- -sw in ta Pe, Southern PacUlo and B altl- pot< more nnd Ohio down a point and to l l N orthern Pacific and Union Pacific n t o :off nbout 7.___________________- __I>ou

W ith no constnictlve leaderahlp i s to : coming from tha carrier dlvlalon, In- o u t du itrla ls and utilities abo dropped qq k c In Inert tra{]lng. United fitates SteeVa loM am ounted to nearly 3 polnta, a l- mn4 2 thouKh n e t decllnra In Bethlehem, ch« American Can. Wrallnghotute, Al­lied Chcmlcol, O eoeral Molora, XUr- vwter, (^ y l l d a w i Oaa. Caae^and c u ]

e ral Eleetrlo waa rather noticeably Iteady. OUa did Tlrtually nothing,The turnover totaled 6B7.410 ahares. i m c '

A verafw BU * h o rn 'One o f 'th e steel trade reviews re- xurke

portMl th a t the tn d u i^ 'a production to 13c average had rUen to # per cent l u t nut week, the best performance slnee ,1, , ^ , iM t June.

' f ln taG0VEKN9IENT B0NB8 to 80

U b ^ to a isLiberty 4th *Mm 33-38 ______ 103.20 S !u“U berty 4 th 4Ua 33-38 Beg. 103. l u . .

• T reosuo ' 4Ha 47-83 _______ 108.13 ^Treasury 4s 4 4 - M ------------ 104JS jTrcMUry 3%a 48-M ----------- 103.18 r / iTreasury 3S » 40-43 June _ 100.30 Treasury 3 \ a 43-47 .......— 100J4 S i , ,

— 3»«eeus>-a*»-41-4»-M ei«)Hm-101r-Treasury 3>i_i.49-ia------------.-O#.#--T rean iry-S a s j - s a ________ _ o t r t

' = = ^ = = ~ l*r»e

T w in F a l l ! M a r k e h “ ™poun

S "I --------- . broUi

ttTMtOta t u (iJ fh t btitcbiri. l«0 to jib Ita____ ts n .»H«T7 6UICJ.W. 310 to a » n^ — era J Vn<3MTr»iiht buteinCT. iM-lto ib«—m aa rnt1.1l

“^ S . ’11S”S1S:'^=£E:S ■ & — ' —

n S S j j iS S ™, revnnr dre«

S 5 , 7 & u « , ; V z z : : = : i ;polot»d broUtn, a t« . uo_________ Se |- “U eh o n 6reii»fi. iv , la 1 ib<. il.

'■P-------------- 1®

^ _ ™ _ T e to- J l . 1__Butt«TfM _________________ i »A r i i

___ -P o l^ — - • - ■ ■■"P-,, en t

m gjeU T tlj; tn a two quottd »I.lo »M t ' j y ^ i m tOT

” " m (««w « no

mSSt r S S £ ^ p « ! S a d 'i o t « _ : : z iS S I^ o S S h e n t inye K.

—Uioowo _ _ _ j 0 « i o 4 0 g mosl

t u j ^ p w b - d --------------------------- welg

l i 25o«

'■ ------------j g T .

id iiK jg r* * * * ' . j i i J l o j

B t — - = I k S“


S t o c k - M a r k e t - A v e r a ^ c r ^ • -

W YOIUC. Oet- 3 MV-BlocJc »Trf.. (coprnvni. iv s . u u u a u d u u ili- / acompsQTi; “

' m M 30 69 Aiiu i'u iia ir iu t;iu'* Tiioi p .

; v r r K S:!S K s.s :: ^ |»-S,,:;1SS S S S ^i f '- r a Q s i i o ' i s r i o - i i s i t o - m s o - r tff t l * M a— M3» IW-JO IM.IO1 ^ 6 ^ —'S j O

BAR tillA 'E Il BW YORK. Oct. 3 (-T)-Hnr fl!- •tead le r. \i h lg h w a l 2 7 \c ,

METALS ‘EW Y O nK .‘O ct. 3 M>-Coppcr: e t; electrolytlo sp o t and futun-

ln :'E asy ; ipo t a n d nearby t34J0i ire 124.44. V Von: Steady; Nn. 3 fob. F.aAirr:i B | | insylvnnlft I13J0 ; DufJMo $14: bam a ' 110 to • ) ! . =ead: F irm ; H » t New York 13.10:I Bt. U »H $3.ine; E asier; K ast Bt. LouLi riwI

fu tu re $3.10. ntim ony a^.us.'Jicluillvcr $47 to « 0 .

MONKY *EW YORK. O cl. 3 (/ll — r;ill iry : S teady:. 3 p e r cen t a ll day, ime loans: S teady ; 00 to 00 day*I to f lm ontha l ‘A -to l ‘> p c rc e n i ;Amert rlmo commercial paper 3. u '" *1nnkern’ aeceptonces: 30 days n

00 to <00 daya % to 4 Am ti ilh.n 1T»; S to 0 m onllis l'/« to Am t

All»CO--------- AtcbU

- - -------^BUGA B -lEV* YORK. Oet. 3 (,T) — Rnw;iicihii o r *aA qulel today iind tho *>nly ) confirmed was lu new crop Phil- 'L -.aS Inca consisting of 18,000 bnga lorlcM o rch-A prll sh ipm ent to nn operator I Cjfto $3.03. and 0000 bags fur June- y ahlpm ent a t $3.08. Spot auRirs c m « •a goiwrolly iie ld a t »JJB, ^ » j era allowing In terest n t $3.l5.’hero waa only a amftll trndc In coitur irca a n d prico changes wero nar- ' ’ a n d Irregular w llh the m arket 1;“™^ ling n e t unchanged to 1 point w n 1

a l u w ere only ItflSO tona, Octo- cloM $1.01, Dccem bcr $1.08. Jnn- mug

y »1.04. M arch 11.03. hfay $1.07, >ui-oi y 11.11. and Septem ber $1.15. leflned sugar waa easier w ith all Kri* : t l reflnera announcing a reduc- 1 o r 10 polnU to th e bnala of $4.16, 5” "! e u v « iin tiro p c tm n r ------------------<*«i«

______ J , (UiddSAN FRANCIHCO PROnUCEJAN PRANCWCO. Oct. 3 Vn - i:»h. tte rfa t 23c.inlona: Stockton yellowa M to 70o }{"”; r iM iro ra ije i- tr« r» J3 3 ;------------- Tiitii.>oUtoca: Stockton long white* Wc •!$U 9: W u h ln g to n N etted Oems {to $ U 0. Krnn •oultry: B rc llcrt 35c; fryerato 31c; h e m 14 to 19c. ^*{'1,1j u tu r ; 03 More 31c; 91 ocoro 30c; mcic«acore 19c. y]*™ Cgga: Extra* largo 30lic ; medl-4 33Uc; amalla 1 84c . mimo Jheese: Plata 12c.

CHICAGO PRODUOK Nti"<; m c A o o . Oct. 3 (;r>-^Live twui- » « ? . 1 Itccelpla I c a r , 30 trucks, ady; hens 11 to ISc; Leghorn ns OKc; colored iprlnfls U to .ic; rock springs I IK to 13c; leg- rn broilers 10c; roosters D>jc. ‘V ^ rkey* 10 to 14c. Spring ducka 10 .u .! , 12c, o ld 10 lo 12c. Geeso Bc. lu tte r : . ReeelpU 0937 tubs; ady; cream ery specials OS score ah i to 31e; extra* 03 30c; extra Its 00 to 91 19 to 19Kc; flrsta'88 t 7 '” 80 17 to lec; seconds 88 to 87 15 16c!-Btandards 90 eentfttlleed c a r- - •

I ts c arlo u 33c; fre sh graded f l r iu iT®* rlota 34c; current recelpU 10 to ‘ic ;.re f rig e ra to r ex tra s 34c; re* * r * aerator llr«U 33c.

LOS ANGELES PRODUCE LOS AN0BLE3, O ct. 3 tff^-P ro - ice exchange recelpU : B u tte r 81,- *?*',0 pounds: cheese 28j)00 pounds:

B u t t fn m u n e 73er~^------------------Eggs: Candled c lea n ex tra s 39e; rgo standards 33o; medium* 34c; edlum sU ndard* l» o : small* IBc. ^ Poultry; Leghorn hen* under 3 !i * * ? mnd* 10c; 3 't to 4 pounds 13c; . 7.' er 4 pounds 14o; colored hena 3U j* " 4 pounds 19c; ove r 4 pounds 30c; ^

oUera, 1 to m pounds 33c; over1 to 3H pounds 23e; leghorn fry-s 2>i to 3 pound* 16c; colored 15c; “ “

•n~ Yming iftm s.ia po»in<1»-an(> up •c; dre.<Md 12 pounda a n d u p 35c; ma B pound a n d u p 18c; dressed pound* nnd up 24c; d d tdm s l«c;Tssed IOc. *

______ mo«______ ___ to $

PITmONIIlBKETS ! i |--------------------------------------------------1 $51CHICAGO. O ct. 3 (U tl D A) >xtt P ou t..f i! n x ^ ip t . t M M it Ira rk 470; to titl U&IUd SUtM ilpmenU S a tnnU y SIS: Ronday U ; out: 111, i ^ l n c fal^ : Mln-rwU Cobblera 60 to U e ; M lnne- m U Early Obtoa 55 to 60e( gontb

tm * IL Hog

^ ------- ^ ^ - to ‘

LESTOCKlimE______ . ............ ........... OUtJ


losUy steady to lOc’lower; under- abo -elghu dull, 10 to ISc off; to p I S U tio n c b o tn UO to 34a Ib; d a s ln b la IW m > 3 « )lb .in c a U /$ 3 .7 S to l3 3 S ;b * a m con n rc e ; few 300 to 335 lb. U M to u j J.79r<>etteffr*de l4 0 4 o i7 0 J b .M J5 | j i 3 U.Tp; sows K M to $3.16; few W 35; v n Uxk idg* mostly S3.19 to 13.40; mU- lot* u t« d iioidoTers 750. . . gr»

000; compared w llh l u t wtek'a 8 loae; beer it««r«, yearlln i* and fa t : j 5j h* Jrtock and vw iew T l aady to ~ a « e r ; ,obole« 1128 lb. fed '« t«*n «9: t ttaerrB a ttn grain- red* loMOy r .2 9 £ 0 $8.40; (ood .slzed q u o u medium Di 0 good sh o rt fed. g rasiers U3S to '635 8A); p lain grass a te e n down to $3; 'i te nedlura t^Tgood fed beirvra I4 M to s*i a.78; j n c U t t l ^ m l « s « U O i lo v i t v


BU T H e - s \ /P .O N K H O ^A . B IO \ I P«fi6IO E >JT O P O tX A AM* I A L iB S RAWG CA V ft H S S A W 1 C A a o

----- -

N E W Y (

(Uy The AnKWlnlfd I*rrvi) NewJIIilli I.nw Cl(»« N V

AniPd Chftn IU IK » HornAllU ChultnfJi____ ll> . 10% lU i NotilAmrncin C M 33*1 - s j -»«»•, lnc*iA m c » r* K a rr____ ,»n . n ' i ' » )•Am l^ r I'owrr___ 10’« 10 10*., IViiiiMil lUdUlOf _____ OU ■ 1‘cnnAm Hm«ll A n«f___ U-. )»>, IS*. I’oiiuAm Tfl S» .T r l___ 13 l l l '« lU I’m*Am W»Urworlu ----- 6 'i a .v . M DmIKAiiitcouOK Copper __ 2>. iJ'.i i : j iAtcbUoD T to a r __ s>, n * . -m uaftiriiiiiimort tl Ohio... T<i ifl'.t i«*4 Bt I.Ilrndl* AriMlon-___<«,— IM ,-:.M tJ & unllclt)ltn<m Blrrl ___ ]• . 23',, 33U Xlirlll.'mllf l>MklIlic ___ J 'l 13 13', 8lmnL'Bliunet A! .. S',. S'4 HocoiL’ktudlan 1‘mclllc IT 10% ]S>, Ho'itlL'MO Tlxrf«lillMC ...... 3 i’* 33'« W.JCtrto rt» I’njico. U’» »‘t »•» m»»‘L-|>M Jl Ohio ____ 34’. 331. 23U Hl«n<

ii; i ; : ScRTTsier-corp— :r : n i r ' ; - " n * . 18 Bl'id'i:<K» c o i» ............ in ji w , . 07 T«xwColum O u « Bfc__17<. 10’> 17V< Tlmnrhitn SOlvtnlii---------. I P , II IMi Tr»aL'om ttouilipfn 3''i 31; 3 ', UndeUunMlUlklrd OU ___ O'. «>i UllloiCon Cni Del __ c*. fl*4 e*', i^nioirom P i6 u iic u i i i l_ 54' — 3 n i~ T i4 j ■trnuiuiirtu* wrliint ___ 3% a u si, UniuUcl *1 lludM n____ 1*\i 74% 74>.( U HDfUf ino _ . -----------3B 37% 39 U 6I)u|-ont d« H »nu__ «% « •» 43 ■' w flju lm in KodkK ___331’, 34 3i% VtniIUM I'OW ll Lgi___ 11% >l 11% We.1^rCTWn»Vl"r.'.~.'~ A * 5'^ Wool

□fncrmi EiKirlo ___ 10’^ ia% s'!iOrDen»l'!'ood* ™ _ 31 'j aO*W 0%

MoWf* — 1*%—4*% —frwUIddcn C o _______ « * « k ,? ,JOl<t D i u t ------------lO 'i ts? i JB% 'ioodr«i>r nubbcr Z3 31 23Irtham r«1»»____ 3% a% 3 (.m isw 'iK .s f- 'j;- ■?;: 'R es:iitSS irx*irui^:±=nB T *— ts i j— ibiJ

"J'-' ’51;" r n ^ t t < ^ p « _ ls% 13%X i 'S S l J t r i 6s‘*— ««?I ------

MitMnon AUkll IS 17% IB IMcICmtMrt Tin ----- 31 M 'i 40%

!i: j:; !!: IS.:yv.*ourl rv itle .— 7% 9% 7 B*clMluoun PKltlo pr__ 13% lO^, 101; Amr:klonltoffiprr Ward _ 16% 13’. 13% AmrMotflf W h » l_____ 4% 4% 4% ComNull Uotors - 1S<« ISI^ 15% Unit

s g gg

cu tter and cutter cowa 11.50 to $3.15; 'llgh medium bulls $3.33 to $3.50; bulk Ci stocken and feeders $3.50 lo $5.75; hold choice 1005 lb. feeders 10.50: several tont oada choice stockera a n d alock s teer mor

calves nround ICJ5. ____v- bidShcfp: RecclpU 9000; opening to I

sales range lamb* a trong; closing g ru steady; top westerns I5 J5 ; tod o a - dcjl Utcs $4.85; other* 14.76 to $5.15. abl<

--------- c m c t t o i . iV fS T n rK — J i l a H .'c m e A u o , oep t o m') »u o p A) h i

Hoga: Recelpu 38,000; m arkel clos- QUal ed alow, mostly weak to 10c lower | Uian Friday; p lA lnunderw elghU and 180Q big butclicrs weak to unevenly lower: >tta top $4.15; good to choice 320 to 360 89 I pounds $3.<5 lo 14.75; m edium 140 to Orti 180 pounds I3J5 to $3.75; ^good to 20 | choice ISO to aco p o u n d sJ4 .05; 270;M;>

$3.50 to 13.90; pacUnc.SQWa.ti4)0.t4$305;.sm oolh IlghU I3 J0 to $3J)0; foaextreme ^elg h st $2.85 dow n; sh ip- t o l pers took 3000; esltoiated hoJdoven 4000.

Cattle: ReeelpU 30XKK). calve* 2000; Obetter grade fed steers and long year- Hog lings closing tuUy.35c lower; o thers com very uneven, steady to 25o off; good I5o and choice grade offerings allowing $3J most downturn: top |10 on m edium $3.1weight steets; best yearUnga p .2 5 ; and tH4 t '^•isUiiu grass s t e m tp -k tH err t o i $7: srvem i ahort load*- finished dec! w e W y h^fe ra 18M to tO; best Ught WheUcrs $8-25; most vealer* » to 15 JO; i«o be«l cows very dull; -outterB steady feeta t I3 J0 downward; bulls stead}-; shl{m ost weighty sausage offerings $3 cto $3.15. cois

Sheep: ReeelpU 27,000; odd loU.yeai selected fat native lam ba $5J1S tu j wlU $5.75; around steady; bu lk $5 lo full;$5,35; very few range lam bs sold; $4;’ $5 beat price paid a t noon ; holdlnK $3.7 better kinds above 19.25; bulk ellg- and sell $t.7S. to t i l (ew loads cho feeding lam te 1430 to liO O ; th ro tr- e n ' ouU largely $3,50 to $3.75: one double to Ilam bw pigh :redycarttnB »W ^ ro th -” fo-|ers 14: few odd loU f a t ewe* $1 to $3. to |

*• ^

Uogs: RecclpU 107^- Including 338 Unj for m arket: steady; top $4 on 300 *t0( to 240 pound drlvefcs;-m txed Ught '8 * e lg h u around « .* 0 —dow n; few iv*. light llghu $3,39: heavy butchers 94.1 $3.50; bulk p a ( ^ rows $3.75 to » ; U b ouUUndlng not light klnd.A incUiil- clip Ing. gllU tSJIO'i load 207 pour.d Ke-' t t ibra*ka*-$440.-------------------------------- ta s

C atne: RecclpU- lOOo; Including stei «M ror n a rk f tj-« )e « i- .- le«.>«*l(« h is about steady; load loao pound Ida- aw ho steer* $4.75; load medium crade 94J U 8 pound st«cr« $3<78| p a n load bie common $3; p a rt load henvy heifers $3,50; few loU metUum and good '

> |] £ 0 to $4; eommoD heifers’ down* fl ; v a rd - to - l l ; no lop-oo« ld ; isw B a ‘ loU mixed kinds $3 to $3,50; under Bc

grade* 912S-to-$I.79;-m ost buiU $2 th lt hHfft h ln*1* i n c.___M (

s Shtfep: Recelpu :0,06I, Inrltiding I3J t : iU for m arket; no early sales. 1

: BAN F R A N c is ro L IV E S T O ^ IfSJ 5 SAN FRANCISCO, O ct. 3 l^l(U 8 10 1 1 DA)—Uogs; R ecelpu 875. Including ( a 639 direct; fairly acUve batcher* fei; 's teady with Friday or 8e higher than yei 0 Saturday; top li.99 on two loads and we* itw e lo tt IM to m lb . C a u r e c s u i ; |s n

— .. GA5(

O K ER:r O P -IWS T T O O BAOA J CA kW OSRS. I AMI H e 'S a O T \ . PO

I- - j / \ ----T ^ I AH---- - " T f W ftA fO O B R S ' I ' . r

Nrw YutK CrntrU - 39U 3T 3 |i |N Y N 11 A; JIUn .. . 30 ', U 'i U>,So{l!!''rn"'»Vifle''I“ 33% n AutHlufxard ------a% 3% 3>«iw inff'co J L . - ™ 34% n% '"j4% E;I'cnn it H _______ >B% IS% IBj’<iuin»u J n c -------- 28% 23% 3S y ,l)‘ila*Q «toro <;i A n d 0% 0(1 l.‘Jll*TiioIiU 1«li H—.— 34*. 34% 34%

Btoito ____33% 3l% ~-»^y ‘

BImmDlw C o ......... ... 15% 11>» 13 CH^ t n ’'c«“ r<’i>r>n‘‘'•'fl- n ’* 3s^KuillMfri* fhiclflr".’!.' 3S«! JUt 27% I033.fHuniUttI llrtniU .. . I3'!. 13% 13% was 1(

y si:Hund oil N J ____31 J0>; 31 on valUnrrurl W arner___ B% «% 6U Tras s ;TlmKrn Ilnll Ucat._ 1S% IB IS!. PO^tarr»M AmMP« . «%' S% I den tUndrniuod Qlloit . . I B to l» -Union C rb ld e ------- 29 . 37 % 3SH 'Union llclfle ___ :__7« T3»r 74 l>“»ntmiiM~Aircr«tf : a m — ss»-,— 30% occonUnll«l Om a Imp... 30 ill* 30 y.],S”. ' , ; ! . r ! ^ L = := i - i =i.,we.wnj Union Trl._ 39% 3S » .WatinshDUMi Dee 3S> 34 3S% lower WoOl«)rlll C o _____40% 39 40 .

Cl'RR M A ftK ^ At—m r r o i i i f . oc t.-3 (T>-O ir»-msr- Itselfkc( guouiioiu c i< ^ : eurltl

3«;Electric Uona M T s tiu * _______ ,33% of ei

- ,7 :- .- r ;c T 7 - X* 14.072.iNl»i»r«. Uudfon Powtr____ !!_ _ 11% wlien'BUniiird Oil of Indiana— _ _ 31 setltuTrtn* Lux - ______ _ 3!', thnLUullcd rounder* . 2--------------- a rtc iA t-w jH B ----------------giftl^

fludler. W rgtntr and eompaay. 'how tncon)or«t«l. ools* and J

Trt Oon Cofi> __ _ 4% 1Amerlrtn l-owrr mnd Light______ 13% ' *"B*cuia powrr «nd UghL.______ _ lt% put HAmerican Kortlgn I'owtr warranU) S% n t 261 Amtrlcui llw St D e c U lc _ - _ _ _ 33% ■ „ _ , Commftciiu aouilirm WKT*nt*_41/li *United Um warrmnta. (bl),.______ I of 26A ^ ^ t s T T ul mxarM ( b ld > _ _ ^

' whea

lightly sorted $4.15; packing sowa 13. ^ u ' Cattls; Recelpu 360, Including 135 recor

holdovers; very d u ll; general undcr-1 pp tone on predom inating aupply com- hog mon to medium steers weak; somej bid loft-er; .best ilcer* avalU U e held \vhe to $5.50: p a rt load medium 1231 lb. | Det grasicrs $4J0; common 731 lb. $3.73; j Ma desirable under 1000 lb. steers quot- ju l' able around »5.7S; j>Qa&lbly above; c o rr

quality mcdlocre. ^o'ati; Sheep: R ece lpu 3300, Including d «<1800 d irect; acUve; lamb* fully 1____steady; seven deck* medium to good-'----- :89 to 74 lb. wooled CaUfornla a ad -siwu Oregon lamb* I4J01O 89; deck *or«d open 20 per oent $4; deck 83 lb. wooled two 1 ' $4A0; choice u nder 75 lb. la m te ab- ‘ iings - s* at |-quoub lo -aO ov-W | ■ tw o-daeks' | o 1 low medium 85 to 88 lb. shorn O re- inUk gOQ yesfllngs 12.88; bet& r quoUble thie to $ 3 J a

--------- tO$3OMAHA U V ESTO CK buUs

OMAHA, Sept. 3 VD t u 8 D A ) - era : Hogs: ReeelpU 10,500; c k w d alow; per compared w ith P rtday ; lOo to mo*tly v lrtt 15o lower; bulk 160 to SOO pounds war«l $3J5 lo 83.60; 300 lo 350 pounds Sh $3.15 to 83J5; la l« sales sows SAS esUl and down; Ught sow* opened fuU; natl' ste idy ; la t t r ifado 'alarlujfTJU tcliBr 14 i3

140 to 100 pounds 83J0 to $3M; feeder-p lia a n d staga $2M to |3 : p c shippers bought around 3000. _ ho

CatUe:ReeelpUl8,0OO.calve93000; n07 com pand w ith FtkU y . fed sU era and tcatt

I yearlings ateady to w eak; closing dull abou j wtth clearance IncompleU; she stock some fully steady: « n a s hcUer* 13.75 to Ca $4;*several load* gra* cows $3,35 to 800 $3,79; few lo u |4 to $4.25; (ed steer* high and yearUnga mostly $0,50 to $&25; tteer cholM-13M-poundfr-«0.50h(ed-heU- p m et*‘W.7# '»o 17; c u ttc r grades $1,75 w ith to 1X35; few lig h t low cuttera $l.&0 Bh To lIJO : medlum natlve bulls $2,25 In lo to $3.50; W eslem a $1.75 to $2; prac- lam t Ueal top v e laen $5.50; tew to inde- $3.33

Un*» I9 J5 16,25; choice .steer. . .J ) ) * t« k c« lT esl£75; heUcrs $4. sbM

'8 h e ep fB c « 1 p U 16,000; bunb.i»et^ abot lv«. s teady; b«Uk aorud-T inge lainM iff ] 94.79 to M ; - top $5j bulk naUra th r t Umba 84.75 to $4J0; two l&ids (ed qual cUpped lam ba around- 85 pounds scar t t i S t o 'H W r i v o loads fed clipped H U tamba a round 88 pounds $4.75; sheep m r steadv; te e d ln t lam bs i5c to 39e> two h K b af tilsU (.a * aa u p te 8 U 9 v fo o « U ae u d choice feeding lambs $4,39 to 8449: feeding ewe* 81.35; ye u U n i b teed lo t «we* choice 83 35. ^ B(

--------- quot' ST. JO SE PH L n ’ESTOCK beta A T .JO S E P H .O e t3 M l(U B D A > slow

a cS L R ee e lp U 4000; *low. generaUr gooc BC to T C r iO ir tr ; T o p 'fS 3 S -eM frto -!o in th lppeis: .packaxa' top $3.75; bulk are ieo*-t»-ahelee->4«0-lo-3»-po .m deJ« tee i t3 i9 to *3.78: heav ier welghU u c k - Boil ing; lig h t UghU 83.35 to $1.95; c o a - 1. « men-t»-mt a ta n qnaU ty hogi la j o to fiou $3M: *0 f* w eak to 15c lower, fU O 800

1 10 I3 .U . ' la iJC attle: ReeelpU 3500, calve* 800; Re«

t few aariy aales aU ughU r steers a n d ta u I yearU np about a teady; undertoaa com 1 weak on steera and beef cowi; low tor ; |Sm d8 o o n . bnllai v w l « i a ad c a lm jrwi



iH ia IS a LlCAM 0 6 T - ro O B T H e R \ .

FO R A R A K ia E R S ' 1MCSTIKJ' w e ARG CiO'M* ^ [\h AHSAO J U S T 'THE S A M E .H * ” a R b w a O R A R C w fs / e o a f i

w e

I '

a ■

%. W k 3 iillillTIDIS I W i C B O ' ^

luthorilative Unotficla! Estimates Influence Values on Grain Market

__ ..B y .JO lIS P.I)O V<‘»A N _(A:Cwliil<«'Frri» M arket -E d lto n - - ' CHICAOO. Oct. 3 -A ulhorltaU ve

nofflclal culm »tr3 liullcallng th a t 032 domeatle procliictlon of a ll grain ras'larger tlinn the Ki'Vc-rnmcnlSep- smbcr foreciwl Imd a bcarlah effect n values todny.Traders-aho'A'cd - a disposition to .

old olf iMiullni dein-cry of an im- ■ortant pollllcnl nddrcis by Presl- en l Hoover n l Dea Moines tomor- ow. U c k of buyliiK suppo rt rather linn a n y -011111:1111 pressure to sell ccompanled breaks in pricca.W heat closed flcklc. H o to S c

inder SAturday's fin ish ; com also ic to S e ilnwn; onU '.«c to \ c off,•nd provLilofw uiiClianged lo 7c awer.

At times the w heut m a rk e l showed Liclf-rcspcwlre to -wcakneaa-or-w - — - urltles and nlso «-M Influenced by ontlnued he/»vy ru ra l deliveries ot I'heat In Cnnndn, oa .wcli na by dearth if export drm nnd. A n tacreaso of , ,073,000 biuhels In th e am ount of .•iiMi 'a n o i n a r E u n jp e - v i in in in ^ — ettllnR 'factor, toge ther w ith word tint Areentlna w as offering w heal hraper abroad. Besides United 5lftle*-«iKl C anad ian vUlbla stock* — ihnwed K ubilanttnl gain* 1,501,000 md 8,818,000 bushels respectively.

The average of p riva te estimates nit m 2 yield o ( u n iU d sp ring wheat It 268,000.000 bushels, com pared with ho Kovemment Beptem ber forecast —)f 20.000,000.

Priew 8 lm »p

A-heat despite unconfirm ed U lk of fxport buslneas in c o m . December p oau touched a new bottom price record for the crop. cas!

Provisions rcflecled weakiieas of tiog wUiM and of g rains.

W heat— Open I llg h Lew CloseDec......... 53% 54 92% 93% ^Mav .....58V 58!i 98 5 8 \July .....59Ti SSTi 5fl SOS

Com ---D e c .._ _ 2 7 U — 2 7 * i - :« _ . 27-_ _ c i

— — ^

D««. -..-..17% 17U 17 -l7W -u^ '-I.. ■ C<

about s tca£y;''s tockers and (eedcr* 37^ opening very alow, luidertone weak; jjo. (wo loads 930 pound K ansaa (cd year- Qi lings $8,25; best y e r a held above no. lO; tit>UilnR'StTietly eholee elferedi- —i f bulk (ed steera a n d yearUngs d ig - - b/ ble to sell $6 to 88.80; (ew straight

grassers o(fered; bu lk beef cows $3.90 lo $325; cu tter gradea 81.60 to 8390; ci buUs $3,23 to 12,89; (cw select w a l- (far era 16; bulk 15,50 dow n; about 90 per e en t,ru n atoeksra a n d feeder*; virtually' no 'M lea; beat held to­wards $6. p

Sheep: RecclpU eooo; m arket not ing BsUbllhed on W esterns; caily sale* to I latlve lamba ateady to *tT O g;^t^ j Ore

o $s!75: medium ouaUiy 84 to $4,29. ___


-H ogs : ReeelpU 3000, Including 107 through; one double deck 84.60:

leatU red smaU loU ‘drives 84,50: kboul steady w ith la s t week’s close; some bids lower.

Cattle: RecclpU 2100; Including 1 n o through; calves 129; ono load n e i high medium grade u nder TOO pound clui it«en I9 i0 ; one load heU cn a m - tu j parable g ra d e -M a O r-a bcut a ^ r t r with l u t week's decline.

Bheep: ReeelpU lOOO; one trucked n lot good to n e a r cholco M pound lambs $4J»; aome m edium g ra d e jp ^ l B J ^ s t e a d y . «

D A ) - ^Sheep: R ece lpu 29.900;^ tocludea b\Ti abouM 400 th roogh ; aa le ib le lupply w* iff coiotnaoai^ W ^ w y o m u m . ^ th ree Idalioa; Include* five cars ewes; (or quality considerably p la lnw . cholco Ml- acarce; naUve lam b* ateady 84 to 1 H IS ; Indlcatlona a tead y OB (a t ra n g . Cfa w irfe e d e ia -fa lrlr -w e tlT O .-e te a d y r “ two loada 83 pound m ixed w h iu and dai b te * .ra o * » s i n e ; - e o e a l i ^ higher, n

BOSTON W OOL FiiBOffTOK. .O ct. .3 m - O unen t T®

quoUUon* on dom efttc vooU are > being fully m a in ta ined desplU a W. alow dem and. R e p ea t ordera on Wi goods occasioned th o purchase o( « u s w ^ f a T r ' i j ^ l 'l I c C X u r m o iT aales TU are or nnaU volum a to pieca e u t B*

Boiton, during week ending October J1. ettlm aled by th e Bo*ton grain and abf lour'anek tnga . aninH ntw t to-a.4fll.- pa800 pouins. a* com pared w llh 2.- adla iM O tlm n d a d u r ln i p rerlous week. MRedeipU (o r th a 7«*r to daU flc am ount to 180 .577^) pounds as eompared w tth 1 3 7 ^ 2 7 ^ pound*for the c o rm p o n d la c period U*t (ajrw r. u



!»rd TO -SBT- - q p J ■ V A .O U R . ' f ] p i . ^LJ,

-U il M E M B E R S ^ ' p p

e / T Z r ^

™ c t p . H o m T(

r w -l:MIj E D B A R R Y M O R E HAC

- -P R A G T IC A U U Y -S O L D -D E A l- O U S T Q U IE T L .' HIM _______ ■

May ....,,20 .. 30 19); 19%


cJosc: May 50%c; Dccembcr 53e., Sash: B is Bend Bluestcm 50%c; aofl T white 51c; h a rd w inter SO'.ic; wes- III tem white, n o rthern spring 50c; F northern red 49c.

O ats: No. 2 w hite $17. ,Car receipts: W hcol 55. •

CHICAGO CASH GRAIN -CH IC A GO , Oct. 3 fcTr-W heat: No.'

(wcevlly) 53Uc;’ No. 3 mixed (weev-Uy)-9Sc — ' ----------- ---------------------- -

Corn: No, 3 mixed 37H to 274c; JNo. 1 yellow 27?;c; No. 2 yellow In s to 37»ic; No. I w hite 27'Jitf: INo. 2 white 2 7 n c . I

OaU : No. 2 w hlto lOK to 17Uc; ^No. 3 w hite 18 to IC ^c. «

Rrc:T 7o~m eg, '' - 7- -Barley 24 to 38c.------------------------- 1

Timothy seed 83.29 to 83,90 per ‘cwt. '■

Clover seed 87 to W M per cwt • (fancy h igher).

PORTLAND HAY ^PORTLAND, O ct. 3 1/^—Uay-buy- S

ing price (rom producer; Alfalfa 813 ’■to I13J10: clover $0 to 19.50; eastern 6Oregon timothy 117 to I17J0; o a U , ji


BUHL, O c t 3 (Special to T he News)—A birthday party, a reading ^ club session a n d social activities fea- ~ lured in Buhl news orer week end.

—6U -m em bef» of t hff-RCTafl»r^lnlr *~ m et w ith M ra. J . P . Runt, Twin FaUs, fo r the ir regular bl-weekly meeiing. Club members tx g sn the aftm io o n ~ w ith a luncheon and continued wllh

.th e re ad tag . _ , - ^Forty friends and n e l r h b o r a

• i ^ g * ^ ( ^ 2 « r W o o d r t h - h « o » -

birthday anniversaries ot MU* Le> nortW oodrurr. Mm. W.W. W hitmire, 1 M lsa k te rtra te tT w . A p to c ra a m rB a - j forinal music a n d games occupied th e I a tttn tlo n o( th e guesu. I

Twenty doUara was rea lind by th a II ChiisUan W orken ' Circle from th e ir h a a n ^ .c h ie te n -d in n B r given SaUir* I d ay ta an up-tow n-stort. T he Cliele fl n s .a sa laU d .t^U ieJiis9B i.0fin«ri«n , E sther.,Tbeo O aull, M irjorts, WUm* I Fuller, LaV em a Ooff and Louise I Tomlinson. ' _ I

U n , F letcher Skillem and iir* . H . I W. Webber enterta ined the B ataiday | N lgbt Bridge club a t S e res o'clock I d inner and t>lay fo lIo-sing,_M raJ_ | -R i:n jh -B m in 6 n "w r) ri h igh; MriC ~ i Bay Banbury, low. •

B c n ln g ta n " Typew rilen, D aito a ' I A U lng M aehtae*. ribbons, earboap a # * f -» B 4 _ tw » n » a ,.T y p e « ttte f J i« ^ jadding maehlBO repair work. Logaa M aite C o, Next to Telepbon* O f- S ' flee, Pboae 7*.-A dv.

Chariea P. L an o n Coal Co. Satis­faction G o an n teed . Price, aaallly a s 4 aernea. r b o M 4U.-AAV, ,

;>BER 4, 1932

^ER ,N BO D V t h a t " "WAWTS TO v o t e M O \ a S G


V .V O tJ a H A N D AMO / - •V

T O W N i:««i>tmiu,i ni«i>i,OBct

V| f ' '/ \ h e r e a M)N5UTE M / - / / (A < 5 o --th A T S i \ W / ^ “m E WAY W1*TH v C \ > THESE SMAra.X. ; ^ w v ^ Y a l E C T o W n T •


■JAD A FOLDJN<& BCD. D - ^ o D A Y -W H E N -qH E --------n - Y F O L D E D U P O N

— O im: UtW s*ni»r Cn>i«

Goodwill Fliers 1

mCREW OF the missinj? HochI 0 —flifrht-from-Japan to the-U nlte

I Icftvinjr Samwhiro Beach the I ..Kurilc Islands and had not b ' w ards. Left to rltiht: Navipnt(

chiro Baba and Radio Opernt ; Photo.

-..,GaPier A ^ e ts^ a i

; ----------------------- ----------------------

: n r


" SPEA KER JOHN N. GARNEl vice president, talked over the McCooey (left). Now York nai

ly of Tammony, durinir a rouni leaders while la New York,-H

S K E E Z I ^ ' se ! ) M& WOO'RB •___J T O O - J S t .e C T O Q 1

- ~ r j _____, n ~ [ - _______

£ » > V - / V


■ B y ^ T A N l E ^ ^

W/lcOXA'E. 0M-MAVJ> ______^ ^ V V E ' L L < 50 T . ' •e )w A C R O SS THE^ •

: / s t r e e t T o . _ U I I203> N S O A iS / \ - J Y m e b b e _ a _; ■ ^ t w e Y i: i- ' v


m .

rn trllrrm 10 “ 4 '- 3 2 .

i Lost At Sea

^ p | | K ’

olrolflne which started on a itod-Stftte«.-A-few-hour8 a f te r - hey were siphted over tho been ficen fo r a week aftor-

Rtor Klyoshi Honna, Pilot Eii- . •ntor Tomoyshi Ishita. — (/P)

ammaiix Leader............

ER.-'Domocratic candidate fo r he political situation with John - national committeeman and ally m d o f con(crcnces with party ^ Photo.

....... ................... ' ^

Page 7: TnE-OWY~ASS S^Cr ATED-PRESS NEiVl 'ALLS COUNTl THE : … saw aa he understood, the law-U the

(CoQiluucd (ron i

SrW OPSlS: T ry lB f »« d « h l rour d«im iie r 'm w iiu ecnrielien i l u t d r u JenrU h u m r t w tth (ottJ ph y . hl» tury

nothlnf. O n th e wmy io a»k In- - j fonnkUon ot Botam und Cwpw. m w Iho thK ty (Irl wbo threw J t r r i i oTtr In u U ten ip t to che» i him ™ of hi* lertRne, rerd lO M d rrm nris r e n u rk i to N an tb a t Hctuani'w » . 1 m y tt« ilo u (rSend.' Robert L eea- , mra, hM been »wmy. • l<jo„

--------- le i IChapter 38 ' ,jo®

NAN ATTACKS o(IntU nU y N iin n u h e d round on (Ml

Ferdln«JKJ. etn•■When d l i Leonard bo7 W h ere ' "l

h u ho be«n7’’ I P— "H«--went~«w*y-on-TuM day.’-’----- •sou

“ ■ThU U T h u r jd ty ,'' e«W N an. ■“• ehe pau«*il. •'Un’t It?" • “•

U 'l .JU im day,.n ll- r lg h t,_ .H , ipffw u T ueid iy we lunched » l lh tlio in f TetUrlejfi. L eonard had aockVd ho 111* car. you rem em ber. He got It ho golns enough to take Iilm Into you C ro n ta n lh a t evening. Ho r tn 11 me Into Brovi'n's g>rage (or repalrc.i and he dined and slept a l the h o te l.. ' "

— n B h a d -trrtttW u t'th c ro -W e d n esd sy -h ln morning very sh a rp a l eight, a n d ;v e r hired a m an to take him out h e ro . am In time lo tend hi* Incubator*. H e's, r

• got a w aterUght allW. you see."•tto , 1 don't,” said Nnn. "H he :vas lo

planning anyth ing wicked. Isn't U u '. nm Just w h a t . he 'd do—go', a ^ sy and o/( pretend he w u n 't here?" ' Jer

Fcridnand. looked a t her quickly dc» sideways. yoi:

" I w ent to the Oeorge, He wa-i rou ■ pUyIng bltUards un til haU-past

eleven. T he cham berm aid called h im stei n t seven. H b c a r oras Jn Brown's nw

-BBrBge ou t of action—T wcnt the re 'tm - and made suro of th a t. '' out

Nan'a Ups' m ade an unvontedly S hard line. B u t no tlilns more w a s . 1ms i^aid un til they reached tho T etter- ha '

- leys. T hen r . r . looked (julckly n t hac — hcr-nO T tnn rrou5h t-ho«~ pn> e"shp -m u

was. and said, , am• We}}, I'm n e l on In th is scene, JjpJ

I guess, r u pu t the c ar In the hoi shade and TaJ(.'* 'I red

Nan was shown Into Ihc drav,-lng* Jus room, a b l |; 'fo rm a l room which | 1 Janet TeUerley used a s . l t l t lo . as mu

- posslb le .- lt-w u tU ll.furaishw l.fttU r}— her m other-in-law 's taste . Basher iT h hiylni-oroved-ex lraord liarlly '; nat« w hen pressed to get rid o t an ver ebony grand piano, two ormolu cab* ' IneU. t n d a-quanU ty of water-color . "

— palnU ng t-»w uU d -th o .laU Mr t.■ TetterJey Jn » ( r l ild style. i "

Roeamund was stnndltig. a t tho me fa r end of th is room. She held a , I cigarette In h « rig h t hand. She i

, waB 'are»»ed“ In pale yelTow lln e n T ' «,‘t As Nan came towards her .she turn-1 ' cd away to pick up a matchbox, f " Rosamund's slronc while hand* were perfectly steady. She blew a i t I her (Irst m outhful of smoke before' ' she spoke. I lf

"W anderer relum ed?" sho eald. I w"Ho,"-aaM N an................................ -f- ••

-------- Wnismund rtrsw „at,.h«r clgw otuZ hK"He's not here . Did you th ink 1

. -h e WM?" .........:<JfiNan said, "No," nnnln In lh e ' “

same qutel voice, • ' lerRosamund laQihed. yoi•1 haven't seen him. and I Jot

haven't ro I him here. And If you’ll ha take my advlcc, youll stop hunting ^Ihi

— B a i ly - C F O s s ^ j jACROU lo lu tlen o t Vasts

t . tatr*g««Bt|s |a |t I | s Il | e ['

J P b M g g S

■ I t if s y i g s fu , t t i s u lA l tf lf t— H im I Li t a ’ s s y - r o f f m !

T str eoui*ii.ou‘3i5::«*“ w E i i r r f f G !

a p e M ^ l i

| s | A l p l E | A | s h

•' 11. Kmbsfa^en a «h « . i i r * A s ^ * 2s :!

■ ■ ‘

' U. Ardor oUat


r m W e n tw o r th ^r

s ia.«i usue)" 1

ound a d e r h im . Oood Lord, tnyearl n i l s b tho i«ci>Ueth ceo- pjLiry, and a -m a n does occulonAlly ,0 away lo r tw rn ly-(pur bouts j rHhbUl.~inflB«-lilJ irtwlfr---^(«mUrr t t h ihtwiin . --------------- -—L M“ -Yes." U ld Nan— ‘'F e rd ln tM l “ Taid th a t loo ." ' *

“It's bound lo be tru e 1( Ferdl- u a d aald Ui'* H er. voice w u lo - . oltat. Then suddenJy she curbed I; - I know Jervis p re tty well, aad t you w ant my, advlcfr-w hlch 1 lon't suppose you -ia—t ahouM r e t sleeping doga lit.'.'

Bho had rem ained s tanding : A long window le t In a b rllllan l panel 3f sunshine which a lanted to her reel. Nan w u tU o< llnr too. She , :am e » UtUe nearer and sa id; ^

"Do you k n w where JervU U7" _ Rfisamund's besu illu l eyebrow* -

T h a i 's a lit tle crude, isn 't 111"“Yc*.’* said Nan. - r m n e t w w -


ho may be anywhere ho likes, and „ j ho may be with anyone he likes. I f ^ you know where he U. wUl you tell '■ me?" -

"I've told you th a t I don’t know." "Yes." said Nan. “B u t you ketp

hiDUng-that-you-do, T should ta . very glad It you would slop hinllng and ssy w hat you mean."

Roum und gave a sh o rt laugh. t t " I don't mean anyth ing . I f -I'm x r

(0 be quite candid. I (hm k you're making a damned (uss. Men will go o/f on Ihelr own — a n d ,. knowing JervU, T'shOUItt-*inr-there>H-be-lhe - - devil to pay wben h e (inds ou t llm l Tr you've been sending th e town-crier round ftller him."

“Yc*," said N an. She (Ued her T r steady cyea on Rosamund. "You say men go ott—but do they gmenlly [m-tn-thB middle of th e n lgh l Willi- - out any lugtnge?" "

Something odd lioppened: bu t 11 Le happened »o qulekly th a t U would ~ have been dU dcult U> sw ear to. Nan ^ had only an Impression lh a t Rosa- Ar m und-had-bfgtin-lo-**y someih iag. M i and IhAt betoro the words reached her lips the cljtarclte which she w u holdlni: slipped, sideways so Hint the ~ red-hot Up bu rn t .her (Inger. I t was TI Just an tmpreMtcn.

T he c igarette slipped, and Row - m und said, . . f f;—i'D ld n :i-h e_ ta k e-.a n y . luecage?',' T hen she w en t.on .without waiting . . . (Of-nn-SMWr-JTTh^t d oesn' t mean very much—docs li?'*” '

Nan said. " I don 't know.""Do you w ant me lo dot the 'I's?

Ldonlt mind iL y n u jlo ia ^ _____________" I would tike you to «ay-wh*t-you- u i

mean.’* RcRossmund laughed again."Perhaps ho pt;k'«d u p 'w lu t he

'winied im re w -Y o rt.* --------------------"No." said Nan, "'•you've been ringing them up?" — "Yes," BAld Nan.Rosamund blew a amoke-rlng. n® “Ttiere Is an altem atlve of couwe,

U a man pays tho re n t of a flat, he tl>' rery o fltn ksop* some th ings there." ^ * - VYou doa-'t seem to have a very he

Rosnmund shrugged her sh o u t- ' >o>ders....................................... .... ..................’.0

••I don 't expect h im to be a plas­te r saint. I f you do. I 'm a (ra ld -“ r' you're golnir to got a good many (tr Jott.1. If t m arried him, I should have Been quite philosophical about wt th a t sort o( thing—b u t of course I

W^ord-Puzzle- •“T T T lie

if ta rd ty^ P u s l* t .

- I - >*•g A I ■ > < e D 11 EUst bs/ l& I C H O ) D tE l rtoosD s pr l i e c H u ( i j I*. FrvBtli' he■ M A B p h ' f e 2 ».««on

^ W >?u?i7nkS N M s H f f l . ” - ^M n lG l i f I l o l AH1 ]U g M I Ik lA I iraatlnt fr II r t /N k i e • foior3 liJ I. L b jfc vieilcn I k H l E H n t m CUmon ab

^ r tr iu u r ^ ■ 7 R bum«dFniiElLBTiyipi II

L Audliorr is t t sub*

s. Rous!ls«T ' (1. OlirMlTM' It

*■=5:3’,a . V

17 |a WW ■ I“ T “ - ' " ^ ^ a T T ' »i

^ “

Elf 'ptJ*I r~" 4c

n ^ s r ----------- — ■

t __ i__________________________ • ' ______

'fUKT j PP^'iNS (g u V f ^BuSY W tTM TM E e

2A>ltieR «-EFT;«IMW(T iv o o T O F > m B

:, ... -------- •. ^ —


OF OOR ,] 6 R 0 6 R ft,P H Y •I ’H LI- c o m e

'TOLI A U % tW A U X ^ .

’ l >MB A U . KM)W "LI O F AUSTRAJlIA ,/y>'/.1 AUO WHO ' / / j f m nr . UVSS'mWlR- w h* I K>-» !

I — .

l \ 8ehednic»olfras»enref!lr .lii i 'an - a - r 7 , Motor Bnasoa Pasting I ’brongh Twta! ralJ .^ ' -

ORCGON SnO B T U N E CastboBod

» T rain 84 l e a v e s , ----------3:20 P, M ,8. -Train iHM i _

Wcslboond ;T rain 83 le av e s ................ 11;0SA. U. i i

1 T rain »«3 le a v e r _______ l:«a P- M '

} WELL9 BRANCl jg Sootbboond Ue D aily Ew ‘?pt Sunday —I T ta ln 339 leaves ............. J:IO P. M.

N ortbbooad t T rain ^iO a rr iv e s ----------- 2: l T t . U . „ Jy Shy - UNION P A c m C STAGES : . . . . Eailbonnd - - 4

A T rtrcs_______________ #;M A- M. ,t, Leaves ...... ,, 0 :M A .M . }”1 A rr iv e s --------------------------3.10 P. M.: Leaves ____ ;___________ 3:2! P. M. A rrives________________121SS A. M, —[, Lea v e s______ — 1:30 A. M,

i| WestbonnA, Arrive* ______________ _.,.3:07 A. M,, U a v e s ------------------------ 0:18 A, U* Arrives " • « P. M. in-

L ea v es_________________8:47 p. M. 50■ Arrives -------------------- 1:31 A. M.,. L eaves_________________ 1:30 A. M, =■ T he 'cM lbound tU go“ lLrJlvlng~aV ^ 0:13 A. M. and the westbound sUge- arriving tt-Silft-P.-M .-travel-by-way

of Jerome, IVendeli and Ooo^iot.I O TRER STAGE LIKES ^ _ T^VIN FA tLS-SH O MnONB • _ u UaVB - .... ...-~ .,.r .:......:.„...10:80A.M.

Return ....- ......................... . 8:45P,M . “. T^TIN FALLS-WELLS to- -Leave-----------------------------11;04JV.M. h*

A n lv # --------------------------;?!I5 P. w . cem

--------------- , ----------------7 ' m

never pretended to bo In Iov# wlUi .. hun." Tho s tr e u on the "1" w u ot e lhe. slightest, but 11 waa there.

N a n v color rose a lllt!e, Sho kept y her voico qulel. w

"You nrt! trying to make me believe l7 Jomcthlnu tn a t you "don’t I x l im

'oursfK . I ’jn wondering wJjy."* TIic a.'h felt from Rosaniund's ctg- "

{f-ureite. I t mado • dusty patch on they (tne prlmroM! linen of h e r dress, a "Would you m itier believe th a t he ”II waa drowned?" - I The color in N an's cheeks drained

away. Her volco did n o t change.” " I f l no l a jiues tlon o( w hal either ,,- of us would- ra the r betlevo - If* a

question of the tact*. I w ant to k n o r I ,•' w hat 1* uup .;^ - ........ ....... — - •—

R oiam uiia *tbog~ ilR i~her h a n g

^ ‘'Y ou're w ry ' delaehed,’' *he u ld l ^'W ell then , h tro are your (seU. ,Twice thU ' summer, whllo «e wer* Jbathing together, Jervis had cramp ^prelty badly. Tl)« l u l tUrto I had to 7,

■ help him in. 1 don 't th ink he’d havo ,, got In If he 'd been aione. Well—you "

- would .have It you know."_ A IK'Jc more color ebbed away,

•n .» jh « ttru e 7 ” ------ -- ----------'C prtntnly.""Theu the servants would know

about it."-It you m ink JervU would bo tUcIy

lo go round telling people tha t sort ot thing—"

"Did you tell anyone about ll?""Why should I? I d idn 't particular­

ly w ant to make JervU wild with me Just then."

_1 " I see. Then nobodr kgew_aboy^, IhU cramp' bu t you?"!------"And Jnrvi».".ui±Roumua<t--------

"Yts. Of course. JervU would know If ho had had crtm p," said •

- K an .-__ _________________________;. She watched R o su iu n d ’s (acc. but

It showed nolhlpg. T he *un dacled behind her.

"You can’t ten m e anything elso?" “I ’m a tra ld not. R ing me up it you

h e w anyihlnj.**"YC.V" said Nan, " I ’ll ring you up

wben he gcU back." *• -_ ^ e ja j4 - i* '0 « a ? b y r - iw i* r tu n d , ''■ isa ^ tu rn e d a s d walked out o f 'lho

room... .- tco p y rlg h t. i n i . L ipp laco lU ...

(To bo CoDlln'itd)

' ' T ^ S f K t D S ' ' " '


I 7TVD I \ \ |\jLz m x > s \ V k l i J

I [OlTffR I ■T JK S ■ \ V : - ^

--------- - .I ---------------------------------------- O r--C i— -----------------L •



PW »A HER. C05WAT “nMwfc- ■ r A \ \^<6 A T L A »T — / i .6T T g R

O N E C E N T P E R W O R D _

. P E B 'iN S E R T IO N

[ : FO!All \ f a n t Ad* a l i t t and act^To and 'f

] —they bring Ibo boyer. q j.- j phoB* n A'

" I 8ch

----- ^Miscellaneous • - —■ ; _____. _______._______ AU-

LAST Wr.KK O F BPEOLUj tl.fiS &1prrm-.iiw-nt. Orpheum Beauiy cha

“ Shoppe. I'liono 237. , Moi

A T O S T ioT T B A O rO OWNERS. I POI ■ ^-n opcnlng’ ia Radlo'eervlcc S h o p p ' . ' '

InL 'ieHeadrltkfJew elerB lore.Tubo* 02- trsied trrc. All work guaranleed. Day Wir

f Phone 05. Night 01B4J2, i. See

-----------m -H ;U N O Ifl-P IbO T B -----------------CH lCAao w - During Ita d r s t ' ^

‘ year ot operation tho IlllnoU aero- M E nnutlcs commission licensed approx- K

■ Imalely 800 plloU, 60 alrpotla a n d llB■ SOO airplanes. «

i; - 1 ■\ L e g a l A d v e r t i s e m e n ts j j p

' SOTICS TO cnEDnoKS i I E state ot Marshall C. Lahue, Do-1 IB .

^e w d . ~~ tho I U p

!■ iinderslEiied adm inlslratrU e( Ui« B - esU too t Marshall c . Lahue, dcceaied. ■

to tho creditor* of and all persons ■ L hav|ng_cIilm i_ag»lnsi_th8_*Atd_de- ■ I ceased, to exhlbll them w i t h the 111

aeceuATy vouchers, wllhln a l x { ■ ' m onths after lhe llrst publication o t ] B , ihU notice, to salct administratrix t t [ ■ f the o((lcc ot E. L. Ashton, Ftrsi’ N a- ■

llonal J3ank Bldg., Clly and County H t of Twin Falls, StAte of Idaho, IhU ■

being the place ttxM! tor the trsn s- | j | g action y the buslnew of w ld u ia to . M

' CLARA m ! uiaO ERSTA FP. IB--------------AdmlnlMrstrlK of (he esU te ( ■. of MiirUiall C. Lahue, de- g f

■ceased. [19

® NOTICE TO CREDITORS ^ E sU K Of A rthur H. Drown. Deeeucd.

. Notice U her#by given by the , to th e creditors 0; and all persons* undersigned, admtnlslratrlx of the* estate of A rthur ll. Brovit, deceased. T htTlng-Clalm s «£» insl..the.*a ld .d^ .. !

~ lir'l'hTV irtt ~i* thU notice, to ssld administratrix *• a t tho otflco Of F- L. Ashton, Flrat f r Z N ational Bank Bldg., City a n d 4 P . County of Tw in FalU. Stato of Idnho. n ^ th l i - bo lor th e a'ace (Ued i o r the* in n sacU o a of tbe business of said ^ estate. EDITH I. BROWN,

............ -O f A rthur K. Brown, d#-ceascd.

^ DftUd September 13,1833.

j W a n t e d ]

J C lean — \< - j / ; CoUon I

J __________R B L 9 * f e

— • i

News Office

y L #

\W U j L - ‘ T H S D E A R ., iv ^ e & T , ^ .iT T U C A N O e c ■ BC E .SS w e f t s o a u -r-

M o w I’v e v< A lT 6& A M G L 0 M 6 POR, TN1& — A>4C> j U i T \ *TV<C

— s r w e ~ u T T t .c - 4 'N C f tV w 6 A R r - .=» C SA M -<ti^A fteSL .V -W M "g 3 :0 - -

\ T Q r * ^

[d -BargFor Sale Miscellaneous I

PARLOR FURNACE FOR SA L E .|vTa Can OO-M ________ I u

FOR .SAIJ. MOTORCYCLE. CHEAP, 'W A Viwiki tr.ide. Sec a t 135 W alnut.

O in - GK.SUINE CRAZY CRYflTAUS J - - Acccpl ' no Imitation*. H . J.jW A.

Schwl'.icr. T hr Hawleljh Denier. 25< ' ®3nl A m r-ii.'.. Twin FalU, I d ^ . ____ I

A l I r o 'D 'o O l l O U S S . WIND*. WA shicldil snd Rtndow gtiw.v No . 01

charjc for .«tling glass. Phone S. avci . Moon's r-alni and Fum lluro Store. —

PO R SALE-NEW MARCIN H IP IX --.-.4t-40;-Ncw Savtgo Malcn-RKIe. 02-CaJlbfe OJobc * Peep eiaht*- {JT W ind BW8''- Fu!! Stock, OU tinUhed.Bee a l S3i Main West. Phone 1304.

■ - WA~ NcwSenator —“


im jWr ^» — ' '

i f - - ' — ; «<1( ' I , L .(

R T —

P ^ * i¥ B r i i T i i n n W r ' ' * ' i l ^ ^ M

l o 9 B n a K « t f W M H H UW A L T E R W ALKER, .Demo- "5

c c p t , w a.s u p p o in td d to " t h e tin U n ite d S tu tc a a e n n to b y ale G o v c rn u r A dum.9 o f C o lcT •»*: r a t i o to f ill th e u iio x p lrc d t e r m o f th o In to S t n n to r

- .W a t e r m a n .— ( /P ) - T b o tb . - —- — — -----------------hai— E x p e d i t i o r r ^ C T — g

s a g g f e j i ...... . nU H lot

--------- - «ni— r r ' ^

: f ' 5 3 B e r »>- i •

A S W t ' : ‘ K'J< 11 nei



I hli

D ll . R O B E R T A , M IL L IK A N , *cJ

w h o dlBCOvercd t h e c o sm ic n : r a y , w a s p le ae cd Avith I t ls J t r i p t o t h e n o r th , h e Kitid P r J U M t i 'a r r i v a l in 'P n s . i f lc n n ;

C i i f o r n i f t ; H e m a d e th e jo u r n e y ifi s f u r t h e r .“ tciffy J l

f i f f l p e r t h e a r o u s t i w ^ ^ i d i a . s

., _

^ 11


H E ^ . L 0 ~ N ^ B D P o ^

"■■A • r hurrah.'1 .^ su c*

. c ^ ;:u E DT'zy—....... ........Me—

: \-mmm


^ N T E D - POOL'TOY. U. O. S m !U unter. Phono 80S. Nc

W A N T E D — TRANSPORTA-nON I ROC lo Porlland, shsre expenses, phone qc

l « l . —-------- ----------------------- ------------------- PO IWANTED OLO ANO DEAD ANI- »«

mala. L O. Prescolt, phono 0103R14. —— Coyoto Park. .. . . '________ - .- I — - ______ — ■ lieW ANTED-AN A trrO TRAILER AT —

once. .Must be bargain, 430 SU lh avcimo north.

WANTED , - 80 COAL RANGES. NIC Will pay (U h . Moon's pa in t and ”

Furn itu 'o Store. ...................

WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOB custom grinding w heat and oata a t

fiSc cwt.. barley >ic. Hayes H atchery. *

W AN -liD ’- ro io R R O W MW.OO~ON - m o d e r n T*1u F*tl« rcsldenfOv^vtll pay good in terest rate, isw 8 Caw l NcH-s. _

w F BUY F A T ~ H 0 0 a AT ALL time*. Top prices. Phono SSO-W.

im perial Livestock Co., Oeo. StgrU l __y a rd s .__ ____ . PO]

■ ^ N T ^ A S s ^ O E i r e i r A i t t r t s e 'penses and help drive lo Los An- __

g«lf*,-middle o ( October. Wrlto-Mr*.- n o L. O. H olderm tn, Costteford. ti

' ----------- -- - - Ph<

■— For Sale-^Fumlture— ^FOR SA L E -A KEATEli; AND CoV - ■ sole gramophone. UlT 7 th Avc. s u

Easi:---------------------------------------------------1'____________________ _____________ Ad-------- ------------------- :----------------------- >

M o s c o w C e l e b r a t i o n h *

R e c a l l s E s c a p a d e s roQ"Of Early Students

____________________ NEMOSCOW, Ocl. 3 (Special to T ho “ J

New*)—Boys were boy* w ith avenge- ’Y ance back in ih*. early dty* of the University of Idaho, which are lo bo commcmoraUd a l iho fortieth tn n l - . versary celebration October 13. Those (Irst Idaho '^collegians" wero ever alert (o r opportunities to add g r ty j ,„ hairs to the htsd* ot a h a iru te d (acuity. 6 ^

'•Flying Pete.” dead theso 35 Ifigured in o n a .o t-lh rir typ lra l r t - a n e»s»dt9. P tt« -w t0 * -lio r» o ^n » w d l^ w

sU n t » r ider h lt t t o ^ d i o ho w y ‘ ^ on hU wty—ft c rtty , charging demon.

All Idaho’* m tn studeatJ, about JOO, altended a *even-day mUltary r ; oncam pm tat a t- LewUton la t h O j ^ s p ^ r o f - 18M . They-lett t h t cam pusj . early In the morning, and lo *ave “ Ume, mo^,i the t in t 38 mUe* of the

HugglR*. com m andsnt'of o a d o u and — f prlnetpal of tbs '-p rep" *chool, p lan-ned to follow them on boneback p ,U U r during the day. —

O am ro m p , MU, onoort{ieca<!ee* Wland n o v lleu ten tn t governor of tbo ista te , a rraneed tor the major'* horte. raiHe le ft "Flying P do" saddled and Mcbridled a t a Uvery *tablB. Sevfra l = hours la ter tho utuuspecUng m ajor swung Into the saddle, and na<l Just time enough to wonder U h e v a re n 't

grim ly hanging on. naU way to ' Lewlaton he poised p a rt o l Ala coat- „ m and, bu t w u lUU lo bu iy holding , hU se a l to pass the U a* ef day, Tho _ firs t load of cadet* eagerly awaited hU arrlva). .

- T o the ir am tstm ent, th e m ajor did a rr lte , a t least sn hour ahead of schedule; no l on a itre tehe r, bu t j

inU d-sndT ncek irM try 'r lltttrltH tb t* *dcT tiU 4s-th 0 version the m ajor year* IT a ttr told Congrcaman B urtoo L. w*French , ItU color sergeant tn UM . = "W hen th a l horse (tnally w&nl«d I* slow up. I forced lUm on tio a trcU u l-lyi u n til ho was resdy to drop^ T hen ^

a t |d a M » t » t-h*t>»t»Mni n n « .i

------ ---------------- ^

O O K T F W H O 's T ^

BEjt 4, 1932 __________



For Rent— Furnished f "e M A l i '’ A PA IV m EN X MAIN |

____ ___ __ IROOM AND BOARD. 318 2nd I

nortli. |y

PO R N iaH ED APARTMENT, OAR- l _ age. Phone 444W.

n m N lf lH E D ~ llO U S ~ E r FURNACE h e a t .U d eth.ATB EUU - . —

0LEEPIN Q ROOM, CLOBE IN, FUIt- nacs heat. Phorj! 1313J. —

NICE MODERN ROOMS |10, CRAP- ^ tree '* T ourU t homo. Fteo garaje.

8 K “ R b 0 S r F iR a T ^ L A M ‘'p U R - = nU licd houae. elon la. phone 1B3.

TW O N lC E T L m N b’RO O U a W ITH k itchen privilege*. 130 lo th Ave. E.

t w o ' r o o m f u r n i s h e d ' a p a r t^ i i l— menfr-(or— coupler—730 2nd Ave. • |N orth. Fo

SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE PO R " "ren t. Call 457-W. M ust supply re t- ^

erencea. • - ____ . ’ . W.

PO R R EN T — TWO FURNIBHBD —. ^ iw j t t ] ^ Q a _ _ r f io n « ^ n 8_ & s ^ -Fi

H O O S r-A N D -B O A R D m E A SO hT - ITable rafea. M3 Third Avenu* north . 1

Phono 3S4-J. —-------- — ----------------------------------- - P lX U BEE-J100M .FA RTLY MODERN _ j

housa, lum U hed. c a l f a t 3 0 Bee- —ond avenue west. TC

SMALL B jn ^ A L O W . BATH. P R IG - J ■ td i lT e ;— cvcrythtnff— fnm U hed K

AdulU only. Tbb Oxford, 438 Mam ’ < N orth, f ________________ W

HAVE APARTMENTS THAT ARE Btall r igh t, also the price*. 3 aod 3 <

rooms. lum lshed com pute. Tbo O s- W(ord, 42a M ain North. __________ ^

NEW MANAOEMENT. C A M -r iiri a n H W i, i 8iinituti».3j i . to r n - n. fortable wKrm room*. Me, 7M, llvOO. esI U g b t nousckeepinf S u ite ................. ^

' LONO’fi AD S-ROO'm FURNISHED — ' «3i: S-room fum U hed f23J0; 8- E. I room m odem 838; 5-room m odem , *20; e-room m odem 818; 4-room t r [ house 810. A; N. Long. Phone M3. W

6 NB, TWO AND THREE ROOM rO, ^ ^furoU ^i^d jipajy ien to ~

I e r. aoB Bho*hoa< S t. South, phona

r ■ - _ ,i. ^

[ For Sale or Trade »

, ' chtcken (eed or hay. or w h at ha re , >-ou? Phono 330-W. P>

* - 'to n i - gpples.-W U l-trm ito-fortT ttn* o r wood. 2 aoulh. h a lf w ert 0( South 13 ‘ Paric. R. E. Webster. _____________ ^

I WE TRADS B tn r O R B O L ALL9 kinds of used (um liure, tio re s, aad r<. ranges. G et our prleea. PhOM i -1 Moon's P t tn i aad Punutup* a t e n .I __ i ^ . . = = a s = a s ^ = g a g ___

I -Situations WanteT ^- -I»AWDftVr-WIONB-»H>m. y

f MAXEIlM 'l ! N U M lR ll.'‘PtIOBB488, '**' ) U ollle Bm Uer.' . pi

; W AN TED -^O UBE OW A H IN O O R «[ U undry Phone f f l - J .1 --------------------------------------:--------------1 __________ Lost_________ V.[ LO ST — o N s 'a i n a w s E y c o w . = ; Musgrave Bro*,, FUer.

t* l OBT tTaED -SCYT H E - OTTH O M J ~f* between K null and Tw in Fall*. R e- w >. word. Phone IMSW "

‘ B u s i n e s s O p p o r t u n i t i e s "1 ------ .■ ■ ■ - ■ - ------- . _


L X ^ H f R E ! !

r . n f i ^ W i S S r

_ _ _ — ---------- — ------ ------------^

P a s e S e r t f - ' '■■■ " ' — s ^ s s s s a

A i» A lN —C A N 'T YOO dU WH 5A R HW HEART .............

. . b eXT v trrw o o v ?

P rT p A L P lT A T f i ! - ■S -— sg i—

M NNiU.fA MCAR MORE'/{ O P ' M t u u e / ^K IO H E R' M O T H 6 f%

L A T E R - _



__________ A T T O R K ttg ,

O. C. U A L l ^ v e r Cloa* B o c t ' s ' t ^

SWEELEY * IW C E L R — LkVolllUM M oormaa Buildla^,

BCisfness" V u j m b o To ^

BALLANTYNB P L U M B I N O *- U eattDf C o .-B h e et MoUU W orU.For heating trouble*. Phono M l-W .


W. "iL B E L L E n--P hena too!

For Sale— Fruits, Vefletables.,—ITALIAN PRUNEB AND PEAOHS0.

Phono 038IR3. ' '

P iro~ A T FARGO ORCHARD. TAKE_JIEPlt«JoLBi?M gg- . . . _____________TOMATOES. PEPPERS AND OO*

cufflbcr*. 383* u a rr tto a .

F 0 R -8 A L B - B L X 8 8 - 7 R I U M P » ^ -------’ tatoea <0o a tck . Mile a o r th P i n

polnta. D . R . C tth ro .______________

BUSHELS, W INOFALM , ' McIN- u n h . B tlom ej, 3Ac. Fargo O rchard.

We load truck* picked or you pick.

IDAHO ITALIAN PRUNEfl, CULLB O rchard n u i, o r tJ, 8 ..W0, I 'a M

e u t from W u h ln g to n Sch'ool on A d -. dUon Avonue,.U jpn. ! i-m lle .ao rU u .. . Bring contAner*.

E . L . W ONACOTTS. M e lffT O m applea a re now ready, by b e U e l or

truck : a lso grtpo*. peaches a ad prune*. Come early and bring con- lalner*. a mile* e u t on th e Kimberly road, then % mil* tau th .

— Kor-Koi)l=HnIiinil!liM------=

E u t . Pbone m i .

HOUSES. GETTERT REALETTATB phone 333 o r IMW^^_____________.

Phone 183.

8UX0. Phone 3BM.Buhl.

FIVE ROOM NEW MODERN house, (um aee. OaJc floor#, a n d

garago. Phone » 8M .evening*. .

_______^ E e iio n a lPIANO PU PILS’SOO’ L i ^ N ? i ^

Jaeltlln, 1207 7 th Ave. E u t .

{^cc* on o lher - permanent*. O r- pheum Beauty Shoppe.

For Sale—Automobiles NASH s n c r o tT r a . g o o d c o n d i -

llon, chetp . Phone 1803-W.

WANTED TO REN T 40 OR 80 acrc*. w ri te Box 80 care Newa.

F O U R - n O O M ' UNFURNIBHEO Phone 1300. • '•

W A N T ^ T O R E N T ^ ACRES OR i : a t t » : T g « i i | r i r i n i 1|iingifciTU l y m»


Page 8: TnE-OWY~ASS S^Cr ATED-PRESS NEiVl 'ALLS COUNTl THE : … saw aa he understood, the law-U the


J ™ i |J^prinkiiflg-Aisessment—Oi ' a

dinancc Passes Wilhout |AmcndmentvMakino Same ILevy As in ^ a s t Year 1

Tw in F ^ lb .c lly c g i i i i^ l i t n ilion• rriiular .nn-rUiiB J;uU iiiKlil “ I

uiltiou l iinirnilmciil tlic i.prliililiiu wro nvicwmcnl ordmuiicr, uKnliiJ.t whlcli l»or no p rn lfil hnd b rn i Iilca. I ljilr. « rrp r lr l t1i« M inf n. In.rt ynir, 5 c n ib lor a a ' pavrd BtrcfU in rc.Mdtncc disirlcw;li ccnlA-lu-lJU3liit!a.'U 'UKM forjiny-rti j.irreU. mid 7 crnw Jor tllrl nnd n iH j

nlidl~ '»Tre rr;civc?lN»iirf ^

wlilch Itie rounell ndjotinird. Report I It of J. W. Bouton. pullca judcc. aliow- | U i-d collcflloiw fnr llie monlh nmoiinl- ini: to j :m . R rporl nf II. K. U U ll- toil, rlilcf or iio/lcr, *Iin»«J 3fl a r- rMUi for nllrKcd lnInxct1on\ nf law*

—imdordltu*n<«>iifIiicludto;*evcii-Uaf..flc vlolalloiw; sfvrn cnjrn of Intoxl- cBilDn. 28 vloUllottf nf vArlou.i e r- (lliiancr.% and H vlolnlloiui of *talp law. Tflo blryclp.n *rro «tol«-ii nnd Count four rctovcrrd durlnit the niontli. * durlntf Tklilch tlinp four- brd'i hnd been provided to persoiw Olher thnn

• to rS J» r . H arris ne[»rU cintloi

D. Fanlc T. Uarrl*. city m eat mid dairy liuiiMlor. reported commion.i Kood In his departm ent. ML\s Je.wla J ta s c r . llbm ru ii of the Twin >'alls nubile llbrarj-, reiiorlfd ne t clrcula- ” P™ tlon of boolui tor September lo b«M43. C. M. MfElwln. clly treiuiirer, reported m n n c n on hand of tlO.> _ .

Kirc drJIbi during lh« monlh n t cUjr D I~T tcJ«»U -eom H tut«l-ll»-ouU t«ndln(r --------

Uem o t lhe report o t Jack Dell, clly . . tiro chief. BcliooU wore cleared o l the followlns Umo llmlU, tlio report ^ - M id: Blckel aehool, 3 mlnutea 30«ec- ' onds: Lincoln Khool In 1 minute B5 accond*. WaahlnBton ichool In 60 , •econda; hljjh aehool In 7 m(#utca 45

_ a e c o n d a Ja 3 Jn la u lc a J0 4ccond4L5t. • M y r r i i aehool in 30 to 30.BeeoDd«.Thero had been seven tire Alarma turned In aod 200 Inspections made . .Vfall the report stAled. Meyer

Georss Bailey received permUalon

DU(> north .Bills aKfTtcatinc a total of 17831.41 Hen

«er« allowed. They Included *70058 never _ io t^ la J» r i_ * a i7 8 .1 7 • lo r .M lftrtM:. vJiltln

S918 for police; tllT T for supplies; h e wl0 7 5 fo r* p r ln k lln B :|6 S O to rth ap u b - p » iu . He llb riry a n d tS30-<or s tree t U sht-Ihf. L«*'

‘ r o r t <

IM y i y g e s f e ASSEMBLE ftT FlLEil m a ^

H L E It. Oct. 3 ‘(Special, t o ^ e *»v i Newa)—More t iu n 100 OLrl Ileserves •n d members of adu lt councils from p _ Bolae. Twin Falls. Buhl. rU er, K im - wowi berly. Bden and H a a llo n a ttended ^ Uie dUUlct " se lilc s up" confcrence of lhe orsanlaaUon here Saturday.Tt vntfit tn hold thn w»tnil«r Tnll

— to n fatsoc* Uv5 !wjnjaiLiU>n Novom. t i t y j . _______

elmTeT't'tw VoTiok^*:""”" '* " '"* ^ ^ 5 ^ llO ISB -M ra. w m oibson, na tion- D- “

a l chairm an; MUs Lillian Kcaaler, 0“ "® O Irl B » r v e secrclary;.M ias Louise K ellfy, gefierai s tcreiary : '

TWIN FALLBf—Mrs.-William Bale* ** e r, M n. T . y. W arner. Mra. T . C. Bacon. Mlaa A tnoa Scliubcrt,- M lu P earl L e w . Mias Har r ie t Throck- P»;

" imortOD. U l*s7o»cphW Tnr^o5kaior" "Wnir ton. Mr*. Jo h n Hayf*, R u th }UUer. of ih Effie M urphy and Pmncea Eibland. slon,

B U U Ir-M rs. U P. Runyan, Mrs. of O Jam es Shleldv Miss r a y Norris. bolh

FILER — M n. n . K. DUlln«liam, Twin Mrs. O. Parson.1. M rs. A. DavU. Mia.1 to ea Annette Jacobaon, Ml:« Evelyn Uuvls. Um

KINfBERLY — Mrs. J . M. Mason. m » : Mrs. Ben I’oller. Mra. John OnniAll. Mrs. M lu Elenor Jansen . norll:

EDEN— Jondo Day, Mrs. eratl;

c iniider. “ - ' rtltloiH A2ELT0N - .Mrs. Simeon Hop-

' t»f,“Mr!TW.“ \v. s toke iw rrj':-------------------------------------- PHtie


• Pimernl rervicpi f o r Eunlco *erk yike were conducted Sunday a t 1 'schn P . M. a : Ihc W hile mortuary chapel niedJ by Rr.'. Howard Rrnwlek Cannon of th e First Prw br.erlun church. Mias n | I

S aundrrt, music supcrvUor |

' jA ng a U la ’ uiSM Saunders aiW Mrs. I f If. N. T erry aUo saag one number. . .fH

— Inatruetor tn TwlR'Falls achooU. and who died In tho Twin m ils seneral two h osp lu i la st FrW ay. left to r O m aha ll«n Sunday aftrm oon , accompanied by

— Ite r s tate r. -M r» .-H --M .-p ar» a ttim f he-f---------- ------------. ---------


F uneral arranBem'ent* h a to n o t been . M opleied- to t w iUlam .WoUe. . . q et. who died a t th e Twin Palls county of i hospital f iadirday a ttem oon. U was u ie

• i y o r t td la s t nf<t>t. l iw bodjr U a t 33,5

^W le e tto r t Is b e ta f m id a to » e t in o t Jtoncb w ith two b ro in en a a d a sister,

h e a u , b u t whose a d d n u Ja n o t know s. end

wwW-s t a r r t t ahlpowBar^ biTi . -bKrtiit 9 0 ah lp t or ifiU M i to m um

' ' '■ J-

Paco E tgh t ___ _________ .

WilHe^ WilMa_ I Hmr. KomT quiixDi ||'

p p i ij

flon-l w r why my ainw rr TTonr. Tlie iguntlnn aAked toya hadn’l o u jh t !•> m er «lrtU<* a Irl a n ' 1 tald beraiwe Ihey K ra tr l i : “ ’K

O e?r= = = = ^ = ^ ^ = : = Joe


-------- o nrcrp w e Jn rieninnil for rntihU 'jjcJaa t. wllh ^» tl^ f adviincc in prl<;.% ;, y. ,^rw uj^ed iji n prent InrrcMwl in- :.nn,_e.U in 't l ie biiilnei-.s. i f uivi 'irnV uuntl jnced yMterday by U -sler C..Iker, secretary of th e Twin FiilLs K err, jn ty Rflbbll llre tdcra’ n.W)Cliiltnn,0 a tnted Ihnt n t tho rPRulnr nii-»l niceilii* tonlftht u l the licail- oq, irtera of tho Twin FaU* Chnmbi-r . Commerce, llio propnultlon of In- „ f 5,. poratlnit a* a cooiwrallve oA-io- tlon would l>e lAkrii up. Jcrori r . W nlker snid th a t It van fell -1,]^ | i t th e fllse of the orirnnlMtInn nnd1 BTon-th of Its flnnnclnl Impor- ice would w arrnnl th is fllep.- l i t )resscd the hope th a t all inembfM DrMli uld b* prMcni. ,

' « raa t

;R € Y I T l€ S E r------------------J----------------------------------JJolle n From Geodtnr—Rny Hume, sdlng. wn* In Twin Falls yener- ^ ''c s’ on buslneu. • .. °

. LorislalU Pocalello-M las Christiana llneau, Conlaet. w as In Twin . la yesterday on Ijer way to Poca- o - to -v jA ii 'w e n a i. '----------------------

talts D atuh ter I le r ^ M rs . L. yer, Waterlook, lown, arrived yes- , , lay to vlalt her daughter, Mrs. iftfrit I.tefm ann-w hn 1 III. — {q

le n From New to r k — Wllllnm 3 *114 Venn. New Vork Clly. Is here 5 'i’i Itinit Eusenc.ScoU .Jle .suites th a l .3499, will probably rem ain In TRin g j,i

Ils- l i , r ^ j4_ ]

.eaves For Coloradn—S.— Kiul. Ill,r t Collins. Colorsdo, who has been prodro for four monllut vlsltlnn hl'( by 1uRhUr, Mrs. R. J. Riley, left for i v i r> bome ycsterdsy. Ame

lie n From Poeafe llo -J. W. Port- m . Pocatello, financial chairm an d n lr the DemocrntIe,8li»te committee t o t

iS In Twin Fnlls yesterday on hU mon y to DoUe. bona

, ■. med I ^ d e a a t Meetlac-'MiAS Helen 3lfe, president ot Uio Idaho s ta te irses- association, was In BoUe nday to preside a t a m ee tln ;.o f 0 otllclnl board a t S t . Luke-a hoa- a l . --------- ' ------

e-year-oia son of Mri a n d “Mr*,L. Bania. T«’ln FalU . Roule a, undt

nday aiftJit nt.U vo T w in FalUlimy hospital receive^ trea tm en t nnh• w fractured skull-rtcelvrd when ii„ 1

fell /Kjm a thick n e a r Ih'o fam* vcar■ home on FalU avenue. , '

* MeuPay Short vl< lt-3Jr». Reese H a lts - m irtluitn. wiic o( ono of the members yearlhe Idaho Publle U tilities commU- herd

in, and MU* Helen Boss, d a i« h le r I jinc,O oremor and M rs. C. Ben Rots, dam

»lh of HoUe. paid a sh o r t visit to bour>rln FalU friends while on the ir way soweastern Idaho yestcrdsy. ‘ lonr

U nderiM -Opentioi>—MUs T hel- monII Selbcr, daujihlcr of Mr. and of Irs. M.-tjrlbcr. 240 F ou rth Avenue dan:irlh, unritr^»'eni an croerBcney op* acco»tlon for _ BppejidlcltU Buiiday I’c

un. r . ir i7- th K -m B rn rn fn e r n jii- -n m lion Wus reporie<l as aatU tactory, Elm

rs tle n t* tfa»B ITMpIlaI^Ainon«~ her"! ilient-1 d l'm lued from th e Tw in sire, lll l county liosplial d u rln s the o t 1 i5t 4<t hours were th e foUowinc; ovci IM Ert.ia Ahrens, daugh ter of Mr.1(1 J , A. A hrens, Buhl, Route , , ni.ijcr MifKer -; Mra. P. L. Zlm-

er.v Btiui, Route 3. medlckl; Al- Tt Askrv, 414 S ix th BveniTc'easT ^ r edlcal ftti.1 Bttby Schm llker, th ree- tek-old N,„ of Mr. a n d M rs. L . R. * •lim i'lur, Tviln FalU . Routo 1, edJc.Al.

- - . J

S H i J ' l l i J t i l t imms mim a .; ' she*Rev. Olenn W, Hutton, fo r th e la s t grd

»'0 years paator of th e F irs t ChrU* mu,a n church of th « rlty , r ttU n ed hU tro iu W t here Suuday, nnnounclns lh a t Uf*e-h a d 'd e ten R tW rl-to -ae ce p tT ett:-------0 the P ifit c h r b tu n c h u rc h a t a ’atima.-'wnKfh'U sSW 'lo 'hT v* th e 'v riest consrcjsiloa of a n y ehurch » t,

the Norlhweit.The reslsnatlou will be i««d to th e ' =

on tre ta iion a t tlie n r i l a r se rrlceic « Buuday m om lnf. U is a a - 3lounccd. I ' I-Ono-of <he-dUtlntulshlng teaturea |L 1£ R c t. Hutton's pastorate h U been I 'he large contregatlonal tncrtase . ll;

nd sttatned an averatnj a tte n d a n c e ' ta | it as8 tor the last year. Since h e \ M am e here from O rta t Falla tw o M i* ir-effc irm -T ieM ohs"haV *T »»o" 0 tdded to church tnemberahlp. H e B iDd Mra. Hutton have both been { | ictive In clTlc work. Tbey le ft l o t H iraklma yesterday and will r e tu rn H ■ n 1% tn«Uy. They e ipect to go to H J>e new rw d ot acUTlty about N o- M nm bcr 1, - IQg

IL F M S S C fliS -h llT B L m O T F i I

Local Youth Wins Trip to I ~ KansasrCilv anii 'O lher J

I'w'In PuIIn h ljh /lehonl fu tu re I H n rm en -p la c r tl—f m h —tuwjtuc—H — I Idaho comp'‘lliii; Rrouim, ond Bob I M,un>hy. (Twin Fnlb. v..-ui awarded m ^ccond plncf* In indlMdunl honors J

which clwed III Blackfiwi yesler- , Idny." Ronald PI'tc^ unollitr T w in Il^'ulls boy. wns rlectcd president o f Ith o slnto uAWliillon, n t a m eet- Iinif Prldny evetilciK. I

T u in Fnll.t iMiys pre.^ent included | | |ileontB . WlUori, swine exhlbllor; U lJoe Miutel, RAlph Shotwell. d slry t:1rxhlbttoni: I » n M iH cr,-L eonard -WA rrlnclon nnd n«b Murjrliy, m em - 1^i>i'r o l tho judRltiff leam; nnd H on- |u ld Pilfe r , l(. t lin sln ts i-U - a.-Aoclallon. YoiiiiR PI'Tco U 'th eon of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pierce, L

Tw in Palls.O ther officers nf llig sta to as- I ,

■■oclallon arc V rrl Uiinndcr, ‘D ur* —rle y. vice president; Mnurlen'*8o ren - I

Hrxburg, srcretary; W i l s o nBundy, Lapwnll, trea.'u rer; Lbrin ^Ifaiisen. P irtli. rrixitter; W illiam l y i .K err, Boise, advisor. ' " J ,

q ualify for H f|r«> „Boys who were nUsed to th e . jj

• la te I 'Farm cr D ctrec" as n result ijf oulslandlnjf work In voeMlon-a l iigrlcullurc. a rc: Elnu-r Frost, = Jerom e; Ray Lincoln. Piler; Hon- ald Plcrce, Twin l-'alU; Verl U n- andcr. Burley: Sherman Williams,n i c r ; Olen HutI.'on, Ooo<lhi8. _

H arold Ball. Mld«iiy, Idaho, p w t jQpresident' o f tho stat^ ar.wclntlon. - ■Miis elcctvd to n-iirrscnC the Idaho IorsanU atlon u l tho national con- Ivenlton a t Kna^a.n Clly, In No* Ivember, os apiillcimt lo the "Amer* Nlean Farm er" d w c e . lj“ B ob-M urphr.- 'rw ln-ftilU .-w lna A ~ Iir ip to K ansas C lty '.(m 'tlio Idaho ■U vestock JudRlnir ivain. He U a l lJunior n l Twin KnIU hiKh school. ■Loris D a u l p h l n . Emmett, a n d ■Charlie Peterson, aUo of Em m ett, Mure the o lher lwo delegates. I

HItth IndlvlduaU In Judglns Of ■livestoc k , wcro- as-follow;.------------------I I

]. Loris Daulphl;). Effljnett,' 3. IHob Murphy, 'rw ln KiilU: 3, M au- ■rice 8oren.%on. Ilexbur'i!: 4, Melvin ■Ja seU ,. Filer; S, Wendell Quinn, ■y irth . _ ■

1, Emmett, 3018; 3, FUcr. 34S0i>: "3, Rrxbunt. 3520.5; 4, Plrlh. 3520.5; _S. a v in FalU. 3513; 0, Susar City, ' ■3488^7rBoU^-3^WI-«,-MBliuJ,-34ifl; - ■0. Midway, 3331;. 10. Uurley. 3205: ■I I, Rupert; 12, Ammon; 13, U race; I 14. Lapwnll.

High finality of Ta'ln PalU ta im Q nproduce and livestock .was indicated •by numerous prises won by the *1-wln FalU I-’uiure Farm ers of »*America, compeiinK In the Eastern ]

week. Prises In tho svlne. slicep, j Unlry n n d produce departmeni.n t o t a l l n c approximately |3D0 in money, 35 blue rlbons, 32 refl rib- bons, l i whllo ribbons and one gold P n medal, wero awarded lo Iho local (jU boys. II was announced hero last nlglii by C. lu Mink, Twin PalU high n school Sm ith-Hughes Irutrucior, n

FollowlnR U a complclo lU t of winners. cxhlbltlnB wllh Iho localclw ptor;------------------- - ------_ -

~ Sw iD TD fparlinw t ^ th1 It n I n r rrnrlltig 'Ml’T?bour, Oeorse WiUon. sccnad; bonr aver under six months. Bob Smllh. f lr i t theli nnd th ird ; sow under sU montlis.Dob Smith, llrs l und tourth ; futur* .of * ity-liU cr. B ob..Suiia i. lirsl; Junior ; » t ' t yearling sow. Bob SmlUi. Uiird; sow :yest< oyer one year. Bob bmliu. first, Joo ’P*** MeuRel. second, A aibr»e E vans ,'ffoo th ird : boar iMwt three se w < .-_ o n e !f^ year, Oeorge Wilson, sccond; young il'*or

'h e rd , Bob Sm ith, second; get of I ^ 's ire . Bob Sm llh. first; produce o ( | ' '* ‘ dam . Bob Sm ith, scennd; Junior ,t« I bour pl|{. Jc« Muesel. first: Junior ,*he sow pig, Bob Sm llh. first: Utter of "fte; lonr plfii, Bob SmUh. flrit. 1''** I

Spoiled Polands—Boar under »t* montlis. sow under sU months. Utter j’*' ' o f lour piES, eel nf strr. prodiice of ■*'''■ dam, youni; hcnl, Howard A nnls,' accond In all classes. ,

Poland Chhias-A gcd boar, grand ^

m fn tf 'y r j t r , f ir t t : juniw Bear pirn****Elmer Proat. first and th ird ; Junior f ' ' ’*- sow pig, H tner Proit, th ird ; young herd. Kiiiier Frosi, aecond; set* ' alrc. Elmrr Frost, second: produc" I- ^ ot dam. irtm rr Frost, second; sow over six mnnllw. Elmer Froel. first

Sbeep Departm eni Hamii.'Oilrc»~Ram lambs, Roniild

Pletcc. lir.'i and second; c«e o\rr 4-yar^-H'iiuild-Pl0T0>rIUit stul u»o ond; ewe lumb, Rpnald Pierce, Jir.v. and third: pen of 4 lamb*, Ruiuld Picrcc first.

Dairy C attle D eparim enl mled . J e w )S — T w o -y ear old h rile r,| H

Ralph ShDtwell, .f irs t and sccoiM: .inte one-yenrKiId hclfcr,1U lph Shoiwrli, to t

In Uie f a r m produce, boys who for won blue ribbon* were: Don .Mil>r,l '*ti wl.'wt .*l>«at;-*M»:-MMn>hy.-bartfn8 tiii aheaf: lillly Allen, red clover: How- Dra ard H aceardt, AUlke clover; Jne a . Muesel, Turkey Red wheat: Am- O ar broaa Evan*. Dkklow wheal; lU.ootl Prei Beer, Pederatlon wheat._______ ' | t.«w

. . T " :---------- T-;— f— A uttnJla'a,, pcoitlaUoa. -according) | to a 1932 cenaus. has Increased to pUi a toU l o t 8.530^70 peraons. [ can

I A t t e n t i o n M a s

E ” T ^ i f F a l l r L o g g e " N uA. M. will -hold its i

; f f inwting: Wednes : I 7:30 o’c] ; I Important Business


---------H oovcr-A t-PofitaL

W I T i r HUNDREDS of jrovcrnmen coiiKi''‘;«« utnl other official trues mony. I’rosijlent lioover- officintt

• infr of tlio new poatoffico dopiirtn ingtoii. The Iniildinff is to cusl $1

Gilda Gray In Co

GILDA GRAY (rijrht), ono-llmc "1 in court in Milwniikco with Ik t } she was billed by the county fur licr fntlicr. Gilda naid flhc Imd i ei H r r f i it l i i-r V'li 1 n r f t r m t tn I ti r■ I l i illb l,!.. II IIJ ' VU llll.rho tp .


—M n.-LadtnB~H pndrlr , ' mulher a f —57 a three*year-old boy, Ralph Monroe ^ m n a i n . a lu fejl. liilo :^ lte --E l*h^ avenue la teral runiuiut in iro n i ot th e ir residence on Eighth avenue east on April IB. 1031. waa the flrrt ^ ' 1 ; of a dozen witnesses who testlfUKi a t ' t r l a l - l n - trte-d lslrle t court lie n yesterday h i support of th e > y e p a rtn U ' claim for 115.000 damage* from th e clly of Twin Paili. The fa the r, h. M. Hendrix, a garnge e ta-

T h o ’ m olhrr toitt how the chlid In le ft th e house shortly before noon ffraln to ( a th e r dandelion flowers; lh a t e n llr •he obecnred him In the yard once drouj Afterward, and then a moment la te r th is 1 h<> lu d disappeared, and In m orta l a n d ! f ra r she ra n toward a troup o t p to - th e ir pie collecllnc about the d itch where r « e l h r r babj'S 'body was recovered. Septi

O ther w llM «es told o t the recnv- on N ery of th e body or of the condition Th Ilf th e d itch , and bridges and fence ever.

elrl, a n d Sebastian Kuhles, a hlith tro] -vhool s tuden t: A. C. Jarvis, Dr. C. case nrW eiTCT. M n . It. c . SUmson.-Mr». mcrl I. L. R e n n , &trs. Florence Balnier,M rs. W . W. F ran ts , and William F. Porter, torm er Twin Kalis superin­tenden t o t s treeu under whose ^u• , K rv ls lon the d itch was fenced 18 < ra n ago.

W hen th e case for Mr. nnd Mra. tlTO iW *-w **T»sted-br-»heij-a«tnr-' ney, A. P . Jam es, Ooo«llm:, TwUi I 'a lls c ity attorney, E. M. 6>veciey, moved to r non-suU, which wns de- nied. , . »«»“

IL & JUVbum. Twin FalU s n r ^ - - • in ten d en t o f streals, Uten was c.ilted to th e s ta n d a s the c tly t f ln t w it- M H

for t h o 'm n ln c . • Sfc?The J u n la composed of W. 8 . y .

8 tn iB rt r t< (w * 6 «BPK»>. LorenD rake, B ari E. DavU. A. S. Rram», o ,A. B. Pickett. J . T. H arsh b v g ti, T , O ar l Rldaeway, 3. F rin k H>:iry.P re ii C lut*. D. E. Burkey, R ei •*. CUU n u a cr* ........ ... .... .. 41aI K ieetrto/tawlnv.«aulpi))ent-’.U - i ^pU tU i* mule* a n d horse* on PrenoU 5 " eanaU . . . H r

aster Masons hNuniber ^ s regular monthlyI'esday evening, “ ~j’clock. ,BS — Please Come [


a L C e r c m o n y — ;---------- --

- ~TM

Fiftm '* Thom■ , . . - V '‘■flTfTjil bers 1

••''’• i . ■ 11' *torln

S 'S. - . — aelves

[ r f I 'l . - l b y lh

'{ I 'l ■ ’-V'l't- . • viou.li1 U A li--------------- -j j ^

meiit officinlM. nifnibcM of A ihn iicsl.s Rnthcred for tlie cere- Barin iiitcd n t.thc ciiriuT.-^tDne lay- irtm ent l)uildi^^: in WnshinR- .h*' I $ 10,000,000. - ^ 1') Photo.. = = = = = GRC C o u r t M i x u p '

in iJl Ings


' credi~ the I





. regu

- ' a Cttiic "shimmy” dnnccr. Is shown ,<T son. Martin Gorccki, when fiir $518 for relief fund.H Riven 37s.: 1 went Iwr family $75 monthly. *ior;

Inc 1 J .1

" w

BEPBBTS CflNCEBNSEEDff GBBlBS’JNllM ITr^'" e A E T L A ^ c r r r . o c t-a fepcciai o The acKi) -B e c c n U y published Lpnoiih£i'higgu. O t-ao- extcM loa ot Ime In the payment ol Lflfi t[OVUrii- nen t seed and feed loans in other icUons of the United B tatea have fea led the mlsunderslaiidinc th a t a noratorlum’’ o r extension^ hM been " ‘ iranted borrowers living in th e teiTl- , ory covered by the S a lt L a ta d ty ejtlonal offices, official* o t th e local

I n iom e dUlrlcts w h e n . .u n a l l takei rralru are largely grown a n d w here | Stun inlire crops were d ried u p .d n e to j irough t,ex tension*w ereirao led .bu t; UAi h is docs n o t apply to th is te rrttory ind borrowers wUl be expected to pay ’ h e ir loans a t acreed a t th e tloie o t ^ w e lv ln j them . Peed loans are due Newi icptem bcr 30, 1033 and * « d loana noml in NOT'cmbcr 30, 1032. " ty.H ie S a ltL ak e 'C lty o ffice w ia ,h o w .!ver. consider exUnslon* to borrow-

,rol of the g rom r, a n d each such i,” *! rase wUl be coriStdered. on ils ovni n e rtli; offlernls’ reported.’ • ------------


'n homemaklrtr a r t popvlar among g itt MUwaukee's RlrU. About 400. th e the liRhesl enrollment In 10 years, have an 1

In Ih^ |-lfl<‘ ^n lcal'h lah aehool to r courses In n u . ^ irltlon. budgets. Interior decoration. — homo nursing, c a n o t bablea and lewinic.

'S tay Qiiifet for So Maojr Yeara?. .. . _Quiet operation in any ma* chino depends on' th e ac* curacy with which the

■parts_W€rc mndo_and fitlcd- _ In the HAAG p la n ts raa-

* i h m i 5 t r T T O r t r t < n « '- T i s i d - — llmita as do those in auto­mobile plants—and riAAG parts-DO f i t better.IT iat ia. why they ARE quiet—and STAY-quIet, It iil also th e reason why HAAG wanhcra laa t so many yeara f ___________ _ ^


- . ' . .T w i M - n u u r ^ JW B L : - ^ m v rS B T

' I

W B P i J i m -

rowers and Warehouse Op- ■ "eralors-AgrenrW eel o n f B

Fifty bean growers m e t w llh J . M. homp*on-am l-J.-D. RIgney, mem -^ ^ ^ H ■rs of the Idnho public utilities immUslon a t tho probalo courl ' loin here yesterd.-iy to tnko up lhe

orlng beans. ' | HTlie meellng adjourned un til 2.30 . M., a tte T a general discussion in ■ hleh no specific prices were m en- ■ ■ oned. In llir a flcm oon se.vlon, harles W, Bnrlow. rt>presentlng ttin arehousc men. asked for more time I consider the uubject am onifihem - :lves and Uio m eeting M tiournrd nlll a date no t de fin ite ly 'se t. U A a.1 agreed tlial conimlltoca repre- ‘

il^Uiext Monday, a n d sock to reach i -(I agreem ent w hich-It w m under* ; iood If arrived a l would bc endorsed 'S1 th e commLs-’lon. ^Tlic bean growers' commlttec, prc- , VrOU.ily apiw lnlol, con.Hst.i ol tViiiik I. AlklM und LuXe V. .Soiiner, Ilulil; 1SScph-H.-Day-nnd t.‘.-D.-8ehmldgn!l. • —den: W. P . Alworth, Curry, nnd -. ih rr U. WlLion. Tw in l-’alU. Mr. g Sarlow imld wiirehou-M' m en would H blecl th!* wock, probnbly TlmrMny B lIght. lo sck-cl n commtllce lo meet B E w grower.',' commlttec.

-----------------------------iROCERY STORE CLOSES (

____ 1U nder n wtIi of ulluc lim cnl Usucd I

:l iJivoIiiaiury bankruptcy pjocced- HRS 111 lhu Ii-diTftl d tit r lc l court u t lo;sc, the United S ta te s m arshal’s , u'flci i'(iTi-riG>~l«Ok'-i>OiiciiVdii o t Me Tom .Moll grocery, ICO Second — — trce t caat. The buslnei.s was recently ranslerrrd to a trustee. A B0I.M!' pO I l-edllor. It WIU rcixirted, liiilllu itd Ijlll he bankriiptcy protci'dliiKs. J

3 E rS im y o iB s “ 5TILL CBNTl ilEB's'

BOfSK. Off. 3 m s c v c ra } reser- olrs th a t cnded’lhc irrlgiitlon season ust year entirely dry , ihls year had :arry-overs ef storage w;atcr, a re* ®°unt tort of the departm ent o t rcckima* ■’•■'t't-sjmTTrrtatTxtny:----------^

Llttle Caninj rescr\'Otr. IrrlKntlnsi and near Mountain Home, has been “"d Irj- a t the end of m ast sc.isons for U*‘” tvcraL K ari-bat-thlsV car.cadcd-lhe_P.a‘'f. •egular fcn.1011 w llh 7000 ucre feci of .torase. The Carey reservoir uL'o lu d trcns I carry-ovcr although In rcccn tyears t has iMUdlly ended up dry.

The Amcriciin P a lls rcscn'olr, dry o ' ast year, ended th e scaron w i t h ' ' ' ' *' 175.280 n :r t (eei.r.orace and no mare (lorage water w belni? relea.wd al- :honeh the i n ’urnl fiow U eonimu*nc througli the headgftlcs.

Jackson lake held 375,620 acre feel, to b ■With ono or two m inor cxceptlotw.'

he report mid, a ll project# In th e g lC itate have had ample w ater during _ he year. 0


■ ......................EcliuOOODINO, 0 «^ 3 0Sp«iBl to The •‘f

le w s)-F o u r boys from BlUs. Lyal tool,- 19. Henry Root. I t," -D a:ra s '" f-" tnm -13-nnn rrtr-tr-T»^igt; M -T rhn-*t-3 rere jilaccd in the Jail here several , , V reeks ago on a clmrgc of having lolcn numerous nrilcles Irom stores t Bliss, nnd storln« them aw a y ij^ ” * lear tho brldgo south o l Bltsi, were *' ried In probile court here th is week nd commuted by Probate Judfio w . t Cochmn to th e industria l s?hool t Ot . - An thony, wh ere t in y were I aken by Deputy E hcritt Sherm an

___________________ SHARVEY VISITS GOODING

OOODINO. Oct. (SpecUil to The Jewsi-W Ullam (Coin)) H ar\’cy. lomlnec for president on th s Lib- o i Tty ticket, iiiwkc to a fair sized .udlenee here Saturday .his subject ] lelng •'Oovemmcnt lisuance o t . Boney redeemable in scrvlcc. gnv-“

imitation of wealth a n d ,tax reduc- ions.”

HUNT n n u o SIGN ST. LOUIS (-D - T he SL LouU .

Drug Cenler want^ to know what ] boa becomc of th e bid r c d -a r> d - | jrcen siiow jJobc. an rje n t sl)rn o f , lhe apothecary shop, f l npoiuored | an ^ ^ y ^ to n lc s t for the brat r ^ ly j * ‘

T. J. D01202 4th Ave. S.

3BE'K "CI93?" ^

— — IVlo^vc £ 0 ATg

A NOX-PAUTISAN Tailrond com Cooliilj;e (upper left) will.siirve try and make recommendations niomlier.s of th e sroup are ; Alfi Aloxandor Lckko (lower left) , (

A tlanta, and Bernard AL — <j*>-rhou>.^------------------------ —


------ woiTwin FalU county du ring th e past

few days has recovefcd $;i500 of its deposit In the H ollister S late bnnk

Kebrunrj', Jam rs L. B.irnes, chair- man of the board o t county ctim- mlssloners. s ta led yesterday. Tho eountys deposit was secured by w ar- i ^ rants Ir.iued by H ollister rehool dls- Irlot-AiKl-tho-vlllAflo-of-UollUtor.---- ^

Tax money collcciwl by the county and held to th e c re d it of Uie Hoi- lUtcr school d is tric t could no t bc ,!*“. paid lo the d l5lrlct_for .Annie m pnth* while tlic d is irlc l'w .^ 'look lnB to r a' treasurer lo succeed A. P. Craven, - former cashier e t th e IlollU ter bank. = The district requested appointm ent of the county trea su rer to serve also 5 nn the dU trlct's treasu rer, bu t ob- J Jectlon W.1S rnLied In an opinion .5 ' given by ihi; county a ttorney, und { ' later th e dUtrlct bonrd chose R. E. 1 .Aiuri-iiuuM', une o t Ils ow'ii nietiibcrs, lo bo treosurrr. J


Mrs. Jo h n E, Hayc.'«. president of tlie Idaho Concress o t Paren ts and I'eacher*. and ML<» Florence Scliulu, LIneoln M hool leaeher.-arv rto -add««»i«-m ectinK -of-the-inckB t Paren t-T racher auocla ilon ' to be he.'ff tn the J}lckef w hooJ-acdlfortama l - 3 ; l i _ P . - M .__W ednesday. _M ra.lHayes u io-di^cu-M th^ <>rifnnlsn” [ tlnn's procram fnr th e coming year.MUs S chult: will recount h e r ex­periences on n voyagi* last sum m er on Idaho's ••River o t No Return."

Massaehu-ietlJi » lt> -n e produced nearly one-fourth of the rountry 'a

h a lt of 1932. T h e counL'y^ was lO.W3.548 pn lrs 'b f 'whl^h

, M asuchusclla produced 24.5 per ccnt.


TreatTd^. .

'COLOMO tB R iG A 'n o if - For C hnn lo

DR. H. W. HILLPhono 1243 Over Plxton'fl j


i a i E a i t w a y r s - » _____L.

immissjon headed by Calvin ■vey tho tran.sportutiqn induH- ns for lojri.slntive relief. O ther Ifrcd E. Smith (upper r is h t) , .Chicago, Clark Howell (cen-

IkL Baruch, vice chairman.— .

■REASURED MEDAL IN .^Hp.^Mfi.EAKE^SLaoTOne of a lim ited num ber o t medaU

h a t the Rovernmcnl Isued du ring the Vorld w ar to ouisU ndlnc workers in .Iberty loan campaigns was stolen long wUh some clothing, a blanket,. purse nnd some money from the c*Jdencc ot W. R . Woller. 730 Sccond:venu(rciisrsom ctim «TitonaayTerc=-------lOon. Mr. W olter rcporuvJ to th a of- iccrs. The-m odal was Usued to hi* ather,- the late R. W oltcr. and U wa.s reajuri-d as a heirloom. Mr, W oller alued the property tak en .o t approx-mikiiiy wiw;------------------------------------------

" I t the , medal and tho pockctbook h a t contained nolhlng of any value0 anyone eUc, U relum ed. I would ' s y - n o th ln K -a b o u t- th e - t lie lt ," -h oaid last evening. -* i

1 N ew S km B cantyS The women of Amtclcs made1 thii i!itcov«ry-lady Mod# Den-2 ver Mud ii :Iic raeit pctfect f i 'I B it 'in il~ tttpitrer6ut T --------£ for the complete truunent. Not,£ • ____f (onic. At your drugcut 25c.

^ B u r g l a r y -

■ R ijb b e ify l ~T h ls ’ In.'turnnco-be-

comcR a necessity un-— tlgr - Uio -p F w o n t - c o n d i l -----------

■ lions. ........................

P rotcct y o u r s e l f ifK'ain»t the lo.'f« which is invited by the p re s - ' cnt state of affairs.

John B. Robertson.

Irrigate d " Lands C b.Pcrrine Hotel Btdff.

)AL CO.Phone 211 ,
