towards community-driven paleogeographic reconstructions: … · 2015-08-13 · erosional erosional...

Biogeosciences, 10, 1529–1541, 2013 doi:10.5194/bg-10-1529-2013 © Author(s) 2013. CC Attribution 3.0 License. Biogeosciences Open Access Towards community-driven paleogeographic reconstructions: integrating open-access paleogeographic and paleobiology data with plate tectonics N. Wright, S. Zahirovic, R. D. M ¨ uller, and M. Seton EarthByte Group, School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia Correspondence to: N. Wright ([email protected]) and S. Zahirovic ([email protected]) Received: 12 July 2012 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 31 July 2012 Revised: 13 December 2012 – Accepted: 30 January 2013 – Published: 7 March 2013 Abstract. A variety of paleogeographic reconstructions have been published, with applications ranging from paleoclimate, ocean circulation and faunal radiation models to resource ex- ploration; yet their uncertainties remain difficult to assess as they are generally presented as low-resolution static maps. We present a methodology for ground-truthing the digital Palaeogeographic Atlas of Australia by linking the GPlates plate reconstruction tool to the global Paleobiology Database and a Phanerozoic plate motion model. We develop a spatio- temporal data mining workflow to validate the Phanero- zoic Palaeogeographic Atlas of Australia with paleoenviron- ments derived from fossil data. While there is general agree- ment between fossil data and the paleogeographic model, the methodology highlights key inconsistencies. The Early De- vonian paleogeographic model of southeastern Australia in- sufficiently describes the Emsian inundation that may be re- fined using biofacies distributions. Additionally, the paleo- geographic model and fossil data can be used to strengthen numerical models, such as the dynamic topography and the associated inundation of eastern Australia during the Creta- ceous. Although paleobiology data provide constraints only for paleoenvironments with high preservation potential of or- ganisms, our approach enables the use of additional proxy data to generate improved paleogeographic reconstructions. 1 Introduction The geography of continents has varied considerably through time, driven by plate tectonic processes, crustal thickening and thinning, erosion, sedimentation, and global and regional sea level fluctuations (Miller et al., 2005; M¨ uller et al., 2008), driving both biological radiations and occasional mass ex- tinctions (Hallam and Cohen, 1989; Hallam and Wignall, 1999; Stanley, 1988). In particular, the Mesozoic amalga- mation and subsequent dismemberment of the Pangean su- percontinent has played a vital role in the paleogeographic, paleobiological, tectonic and climatic evolution of the planet as it resulted in the opening and closure of oceanic gateways that regulated and impacted climate patterns and the paleo- geography of the planet (Cocks and Torsvik, 2002; Scotese et al., 1999; Torsvik and Van der Voo, 2002; Golonka et al., 2006; Seton et al., 2012). Creating interactive digital mod- els of paleogeography enables the estimation of land and ocean distributions that can be linked to paleoclimate sim- ulations as demonstrated by Gyllenhaal et al. (1991), Ross et al. (1992), Donnadieu et al. (2006) and others. A vari- ety of global and regional paleogeographic models have been constructed, but their differences and uncertainties are diffi- cult to assess. Conventional paleogeographic reconstructions are static maps, often with poor temporal and spatial resolu- tions and usually tied to a specific plate motion model. Such models tend to fall short of documenting the wide range of source data and deductive reasoning for their interpretations. For example, the “decision tree” and input data that gives rise to a set of published maps is usually unknown, includ- ing the interpretative weighting of different data types lead- ing to an interpretation of facies boundaries, environmental limits, paleocoastlines or outlines of mountain belts. Tradi- tional paleogeographic maps are superimposed on specific plate tectonic reconstructions based on paleomagnetic data, faunal data (Cocks and Torsvik, 2002) or reinterpretations of Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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Page 1: Towards community-driven paleogeographic reconstructions: … · 2015-08-13 · erosional Erosional regions with higher relief based on paleocurrents, volcanic activity and tectonic

Biogeosciences, 10, 1529–1541,© Author(s) 2013. CC Attribution 3.0 License.

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Towards community-driven paleogeographic reconstructions:integrating open-access paleogeographic and paleobiology data withplate tectonicsN. Wright, S. Zahirovic, R. D. Muller, and M. SetonEarthByte Group, School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia

Correspondence to: N. Wright ([email protected]) and S. Zahirovic ([email protected])

Received: 12 July 2012 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 31 July 2012Revised: 13 December 2012 – Accepted: 30 January 2013 – Published: 7 March 2013

Abstract. A variety of paleogeographic reconstructions havebeen published, with applications ranging from paleoclimate,ocean circulation and faunal radiation models to resource ex-ploration; yet their uncertainties remain difficult to assess asthey are generally presented as low-resolution static maps.We present a methodology for ground-truthing the digitalPalaeogeographic Atlas of Australia by linking the GPlatesplate reconstruction tool to the global Paleobiology Databaseand a Phanerozoic plate motion model. We develop a spatio-temporal data mining workflow to validate the Phanero-zoic Palaeogeographic Atlas of Australia with paleoenviron-ments derived from fossil data. While there is general agree-ment between fossil data and the paleogeographic model, themethodology highlights key inconsistencies. The Early De-vonian paleogeographic model of southeastern Australia in-sufficiently describes the Emsian inundation that may be re-fined using biofacies distributions. Additionally, the paleo-geographic model and fossil data can be used to strengthennumerical models, such as the dynamic topography and theassociated inundation of eastern Australia during the Creta-ceous. Although paleobiology data provide constraints onlyfor paleoenvironments with high preservation potential of or-ganisms, our approach enables the use of additional proxydata to generate improved paleogeographic reconstructions.

1 Introduction

The geography of continents has varied considerably throughtime, driven by plate tectonic processes, crustal thickeningand thinning, erosion, sedimentation, and global and regional

sea level fluctuations (Miller et al., 2005; Muller et al., 2008),driving both biological radiations and occasional mass ex-tinctions (Hallam and Cohen, 1989; Hallam and Wignall,1999; Stanley, 1988). In particular, the Mesozoic amalga-mation and subsequent dismemberment of the Pangean su-percontinent has played a vital role in the paleogeographic,paleobiological, tectonic and climatic evolution of the planetas it resulted in the opening and closure of oceanic gatewaysthat regulated and impacted climate patterns and the paleo-geography of the planet (Cocks and Torsvik, 2002; Scoteseet al., 1999; Torsvik and Van der Voo, 2002; Golonka et al.,2006; Seton et al., 2012). Creating interactive digital mod-els of paleogeography enables the estimation of land andocean distributions that can be linked to paleoclimate sim-ulations as demonstrated by Gyllenhaal et al. (1991), Rosset al. (1992), Donnadieu et al. (2006) and others. A vari-ety of global and regional paleogeographic models have beenconstructed, but their differences and uncertainties are diffi-cult to assess. Conventional paleogeographic reconstructionsare static maps, often with poor temporal and spatial resolu-tions and usually tied to a specific plate motion model. Suchmodels tend to fall short of documenting the wide range ofsource data and deductive reasoning for their interpretations.For example, the “decision tree” and input data that givesrise to a set of published maps is usually unknown, includ-ing the interpretative weighting of different data types lead-ing to an interpretation of facies boundaries, environmentallimits, paleocoastlines or outlines of mountain belts. Tradi-tional paleogeographic maps are superimposed on specificplate tectonic reconstructions based on paleomagnetic data,faunal data (Cocks and Torsvik, 2002) or reinterpretations of

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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1530 N. Wright et al.: Towards community-driven paleogeographic reconstructions

existing paleogeographic reconstructions (Ford and Golonka,2003; Golonka, 2007). However, such maps quickly becomeoutdated as plate motion models are refined and proxy dataare improved. Paleogeographic maps are published infre-quently and are typically difficult to replicate, modify anduse to simulate the evolution of regional basins with numeri-cal models.Using the interactive and open-source GPlates plate-

reconstruction tool, we link paleobiological data to a globalplate motion model that spans the entire Phanerozoic. We fo-cus on Australia to test our methodology because a regionalPalaeogeographic Atlas for Australia is publicly available indigital form (Totterdell, 2002), spanning the last 550 millionyears. An equivalent atlas with global coverage does not yetexist in the public domain. The Palaeogeographic Atlas ofAustralia (Totterdell, 2002) is a digital compilation whereboth the input data and the paleogeographic interpretationare provided, allowing this model to be tested and furtherrefined. There are 70 paleogeographic time slices coveringthe entire Phanerozoic, with interpretations largely based onlithological indicators of paleoenvironments (Table 1), struc-tural and tectonic histories and other geological argumentsfrom outcrops and well data. The temporal coverage of thePhanerozoic in both the plate motion and paleogeographicmodel results in a consistent approach to interpreting thechanging environments of the entire Australian continent. Tocomplement the paleogeographic model, we use fossil indi-cators embedded in the open-access community Paleobiol-ogy Database, which contains entries for over 130 000 fossilcollections and over one million individual fossil occurrenceswith global coverage for the Phanerozoic. It is an expand-ing and regularly updated dataset that can be used to con-struct adaptable and interactive paleogeographic models thataddress the shortcomings of static maps.We link the paleogeographic and Phanerozoic plate recon-

struction models using GPlates in order to uncover spatio-temporal correlations to test the fidelity of the existing paleo-geographic model in the context of paleoenvironmental indi-cators from fossil evidence. GPlates allows paleogeographicdata to be easily linked to alternative relative and absoluteplate motion models, allowing for flexible spatial and tem-poral resolutions, that can be updated interactively as theyare provided in digital form (see Supplement). We use a datamining approach to expose the relationships between the fos-sil collections and the underlying paleogeography in order toidentify inconsistencies and therefore help improve the pale-ogeographic model. The approach can also be used to refineplate fragmentation models by highlighting continental rift-ing episodes linked to inundations recorded in the sedimentsand distribution of marine fossils indicative of syn-rift basinformation.

2 Methods

2.1 Phanerozoic plate reconstructions

We base our Phanerozoic relative plate motions on therotation model made available in the Supplement ofGolonka (2007), and use block outlines based on terraneboundaries used in Seton et al. (2012) and interpretations ofmagnetic and gravity anomalies. The relative plate motionsin this model are similar to those in Scotese (2004). Paleozoicplate motions are based on continental paleomagnetic datadue to the absence of preserved seafloor spreading histories.Although paleomagnetic data on continents do not providepaleolongitudes, the relative plate motions and tectonic unityof two continental blocks can be inferred from commonali-ties in the apparent-polar wander (APW) paths (Van der Voo,1990). If two or more continents share a similar APW pathfor a time period, then it can be inferred that these conti-nents were joined for these times. In the ideal world suchAPW paths would coincide perfectly, but due to the inher-ent uncertainties and errors in paleomagnetic measurements,we assume that the clustering of paleopoles indicates a com-mon tectonic history between two or more plates during Pa-leozoic times. Similarly, tectonic affinities can be deducedfrom the continuity of orogenic belts, sedimentary basins,volcanic provinces, biofacies and other large-scale featuresacross presently isolated continents (Wegener, 1915).We assign absolute plate motions to Africa, as the base

of our rotation hierarchy, for the Phanerozoic based onthe smoothed APW spline path from Torsvik and Van derVoo (2002). All continents that moved independently in theabsolute reference frame (i.e. relative to the spin axis) fromthe Golonka (2007) model were recalculated as equivalentrelative rotations to a conjugate neighbouring plate, con-nected hierarchically in our plate circuit as described inFig. 1.

2.2 Paleobiology database

The Paleobiology Database ( is a com-pilation of global taxonomic data covering deep geologictime. Fossil collections were downloaded in four groups on6 October 2011: general (43 878), carbonate marine (34 542),siliciclastic marine (21 576) and terrestrial (22 385). Meta-data for each fossil collection were preserved, including thesource, present-day co-ordinate, temporal range, lithologyof host rock, paleoenvironment, taxonomic descriptors, thecollection method and many others (see Supplement). Onlycollections with temporal and paleoenvironmental assign-ments were included, for a total of 122 381 fossil collec-tions. Fossil data were assigned GPlates Mark-up Language(GPML) (Qin et al., 2012) attributes such as appearanceand disappearance ages based on the temporal range of thefossil collection (Fig. 2). Assemblages were assigned plateidentification numbers (Plate IDs) based on their location

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Table 1. Paleogeographic descriptors in the Palaeogeographic Atlas of Australia (Totterdell, 2002) and colour (RGB) values representingeach environment.

Paleoenvironment Descriptor RGB Code

Marine Bathyal-abyssalandabyssal

Deep water sediments including condensed sequences, turbidites andshales indicative of water depths exceeding 200m.


Shallow Sediments deposited on continental shelves including sand, mud andlimestone indicative of 20 to 200m watch depths.


Very shallow Sediments deposited above wave base including oolitic andcross-bedded deposits indicative of 0 to 20m water depths.


Coastal Coastaldepositionaldeltaic

Protruding lobate outline of sedimentary extent. 224/247/218


Environments representing land–sea interface including lagoonal,estuarine, beach and intertidal sediments. Facies includingcross-bedded beach sands and finely laminated organic sediments.



Tidal zone, indicated by finely interlaminated fine and coarsedetritus, herring-bone, cross-bedding, flaser bedding, and evidence ofperiodic exposure.



Alluvial river deposits of braided and meandering streams,dominated by sandy sediment and coarser sediment.


Land Depositionalfluvial-lacustrine

Low energy depositional environments of fine grain sediment(including coal) such as in river channels, swamps, floodplains andshallow lakes.



River deposits such as alluvial fans, braided and meandering channeldeposits and coarser overbank sediments; also sand-dominatedcontinental sequences with no evidence of aeolian or lacustrinedeposition.



Saline lakes characterised by mudflats with polygonal mudcracksand crusts of minerals such as halite and gypsum. Sand and gravelaround the margin as a result of stormwater runoff.



Erosional regions with higher relief based on paleocurrents,volcanic activity and tectonic setting.



No preserved sediments of age representing paleogeographicreconstruction.



Generally, sand deposited by wind action as dunes; characterised bylarge-scale cross-bedding, a high degree of sorting, and frosting ofgrains. Fossils rare. Local clay between dunes.


Glacial Sediments including glacial tillite and dropstones indicative ofglacier movement and transport.


within present day continental polygons in order to recon-struct their past positions using the plate motion model.The timescales used in the Palaeogeographic Atlas of Aus-tralia (Totterdell, 2002) and collections within the Paleobi-ology Database differed, and for comparative purposes thePalaeogeographic Atlas of Australia was standardised to theGTS2004 timescale (Gradstein et al., 2004; Gradstein andOgg, 2004) (see Supplement).

2.3 Data mining

The paleogeography and fossil localities of Australia wereembedded within the global Phanerozoic plate reconstruc-tions. Reconstructions were made in GPlates at 1Myr inter-vals and the fossil collections were used as the seed datasetfor extracting the paleogeography (Fig. 3). The spatio-temporal associations between the paleogeography and fossil Biogeosciences, 10, 1529–1541, 2013

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Fig. 1. Plate reconstruction of Pangea at 250Ma in GPlates withplate velocity vectors, reconstructed present-day topography andcoastlines for reference. Continental overlaps indicate post-breakupextension of continental crust. Dashed lines indicate our relativeplate motion hierarchy in the Paleozoic based on Golonka (2007),with Africa as our reference plate that moves relative to the spinaxis using rotations derived in GPlates from the spherical splineoption from the Geocentric Axial Dipole (GAD) reference frame inTorsvik and Van der Voo (2002). Abbreviations: NC – North China,SC – South China, CIM – Cimmerian terranes, AUS – Australia,SIB – Siberia.

collections were analysed to highlight inconsistencies withthe aim of improving the paleogeographic model. Inconsis-tencies between the paleogeographic maps and paleoenviron-ments suggested by fossil data were highlighted and appliedto two case studies including the Emsian paleogeographyof southeastern Australia and the Cretaceous inundation ofeastern Australia using workflows in the statistical analysispackage Orange (see Supplement). The fossil collection datawere assumed to be a true representation of the paleoenvi-ronment at the reconstructed time, while the paleogeographywas treated as an interpretation of other input data, includ-ing lithofacies and volcanic histories. For example, paleo-geographic regions that indicated land environments wheremultiple biofacies robustly suggested a marine environmentwere treated as inconsistencies requiring refinement in thepaleogeographic model.

3 Results

The linked plate tectonic, paleogeographic and biofacies re-constructions are presented for the Phanerozoic (Fig. 4). Bythe end of the Cambrian, Australia was part of the eastern

Fig. 2. Generalised workflow of converting Paleobiology Databasequery results intoGPlates-compatible files usingQGIS. ContinentalPlate IDs are assigned to each fossil collection using continentalblock outlines, and the data is rotated in GPlates using our platemotion model for the Phanerozoic. Geometries were exported assimple ASCII and ESRI Shapefiles using the WGS 84 datum.

Gondwana continent and spanning equatorial latitudes. Theeasternmost Australian continent developed in the Paleo-zoic, marked by the Tasman Line that separates the west-ern cratonic portion of the continent from the younger litho-sphere to the east (Direen and Crawford, 2003). The north-ern margin of Gondwana was composed of the east Asianterranes, including North China, South China, Tarim, Tibet,Indochina and the Cimmerian superterrane. These terranesconsecutively detached from the northern Gondwana margin,to open and subsequently consume successive paleo-Asiaticand Tethyan ocean basins, and amalgamated in the North-ern Hemisphere to form the Eurasian continent (Metcalfe,1994). The breakup of Pangea continued with the dispersalof Gondwana continents, with India and Australia detachingfrom Antarctica in the Cretaceous in a generally northwardtrajectory (Fig. 4).

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Fig. 3. Fossil collections (a) and the Australian paleogeography (b) are reconstructed in GPlates (c) using a Phanerozoic plate motion model,from which reconstructed paleogeographies (d) and data associations (e) are derived in order to test and refine the paleogeographic and platemotion model.

3.1 Plate tectonic reconstructions

During the earliest Phanerozoic, Australia is located at equa-torial latitudes. Fossil data are sparse globally in the Cam-brian and Ordovician (Fig. 4a, b and c) as well as data con-straining the corresponding maps of the PalaeogeographicAtlas of Australia (Totterdell, 2002). The eastern shelf ofAustralia transforms from an abyssal environment (Fig. 4a)to bathyal-abyssal sea (Fig. 4b and c) with an east–westband of shallow marine and coastal depositional environ-ments through the central portion of the continent formingthe westernmost limit of the Tasman Line (Fig. 5). Fossilassemblages indicate marine environments such as carbon-ate and reef, buildup or bioherm environments, which corre-late with the shallow marine environment from the paleogeo-graphic model.Numerous erosional and non-depositional areas are

present within the Australian continent from the late Sil-urian (Fig. 4d). Paleoenvironments inferred from fossil as-semblages indicate and correlate with bands of marine en-vironments along southeastern Australia (Fig. 4d). Duringthe early Silurian, the deep-water environments previouslyobserved along eastern Australia retreated and deformationand regional uplift occurred, associated with the Benam-bran Orogeny (Collins and Hobbs, 2001; Totterdell, 2002),followed by crustal extension in areas of eastern Australia,which occurred through the Silurian. Similarly, biofaciesdata correlate well with Australian paleogeography duringthe Early to Middle Devonian (Fig. 4e); the eastern marginis classified as marine bathyal-abyssal and marine shallow(Fig. 4e), and fossil assemblages similarly indicate a marinedepositional environment at this time, including carbonateand basinal (siliciclastic) settings. Fossil data are availablefor most of the eastern inundated areas of the Australian mar-gin but sparse for the remainder of the continent, largely dueto the erosional conditions on land.

During the latest Devonian to early Carboniferous, thePalaeogeographic Atlas of Australia indicates the retreat ofshallowmarine environments along eastern Australia (Totter-dell, 2002), and spatially corresponding fossil paleoenviron-mental data support a marine environment, based on shallowsubtidal, carbonate and marine indicators (Fig. 4f). The re-maining paleogeography of Australia is unclassified, with anerosional region in central Australia. Global fossil data cov-erage for this time slice is poor and may be related to the LateDevonian major extinction event (Golonka et al., 2006). Aglobal oceanic anoxic event (OAE) and icehouse conditions,initiated in the Devonian, prevailed into the Carboniferous(Golonka et al., 2006).The erosional conditions associated with the paleogeo-

graphic model continue into the late Carboniferous andearly Permian. Fossil data coverage is poor during the Car-boniferous, with only one fossil data point located withinthe Australian continent and indicating a lacustrine setting,which may be the local base level (sedimentary depocen-tre) (Fig. 4g). However, insufficient paleobiology data areavailable to define the extent of the lacustrine environment.Icehouse conditions continued into the late Carboniferous,where the southern polar ice cap reached its maximum, cov-ering regions of Australia, Antarctica, southern India andArabia, Madagascar, Africa, and southeastern South Amer-ica (Golonka et al., 2006). Fossil data coverage during theearly Permian correlates with the shallow marine environ-ments present along eastern Australia and pockets of westernAustralia during the early Permian (Fig. 4h). Paleogeographyis predominantly unclassified during the Triassic and Juras-sic (Fig. 4i, j and k), and fossil assemblages located withinAustralia are sparse, possibly attributed to the late Permianextinction event (Benton and Twitchett, 2003), environmen-tal conditions and/or biased sampling. Increased fossil dataor further proxies are required to infer the extent paleoenvi-ronments from fossil. Available biofacies during the Creta-ceous are more expansive and suggest terrestrial and shallow Biogeosciences, 10, 1529–1541, 2013

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30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

G. Late Carboniferous (302 Ma)

30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

N. Thanetian - Ypresian (53 Ma)

30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

H. Early Permian (277 Ma)

30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

O. Priabonian - Rupelian (33 Ma)

30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

P. Tortonian - Gelasian (6 Ma)

30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

F. latest Devonian - Early Carboniferous (348 Ma)


Alluvial fan

Basin reef

Basinal (carbonate)

Basinal (siliceous)

Basinal (siliciclastic)

Carbonate indet.



Channel lag


Coarse channel fill

Coastal indet.

Crater lake

Crevasse splay

Deep subtidal indet.

Deep subtidal ramp

Deep subtidal shelf

Deep-water indet.

Delta front

Delta plain

Deltaic indet.


Dry floodplain


Eolian indet.


Fine channel fill

Fissure fill


Fluvial indet.

Fluvial-deltaic indet.

Fluvial-lacustrine indet.



Interdistributary bay


Intrashelf/intraplatform reef

Karst indet.

Lacustrine - large

Lacustrine - small

Lacustrine delta front

Lacustrine delta plain

Lacustrine deltaic indet.

Lacustrine indet.


Lagoonal/restricted shallow subtidal



Marginal marine indet.

Marine indet.



Offshore indet.

Offshore ramp

Offshore shelf

Open shallow subtidal

Paralic indet.

Perireef or subreef


Platform/shelf-margin reef



Reef, buildup or bioherm

Sand shoal


Shallow subtidal indet.




Slope/ramp reef


Submarine fan


Terrestrial indet.

Transition zone/lower shoreface

Wet floodplain

PaleogeographyCoastal depositional deltaic

Coastal depositional intertidal-supratid

Coastal depositional paralic

Land depositional aeolian

Land depositional fluvial

Land depositional fluvial-lacustrine

Land depositional glacial

Land depositional lacustrine

Land depositional playa

Land depositional unclassified

Land environment erosional

Land environment unclassified

Marine abyssal

Marine bathyal-abyssal

Marine shallow

Marine very shallow

Data Coverage

30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

E. Early - Middle Devonian (396 Ma)

30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

B. Latest Cambrian - Early Ordovician (488 Ma)

30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

C. late Middle - Late Ordovician (452 Ma)

30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

J. Early Jurassic - earliest Middle Jurassic (195 Ma)

30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

A. Early Cambrian (520 Ma)

30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

D. Late Silurian (425 Ma)

30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

K. Middle Jurassic - Late Jurassic (152 Ma)

30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

L. Early Cretaceous (126 Ma)

30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

M. Late Cretaceous (90 Ma)

30°N 30°N

0° 0°

30°S 30°S



0 2,000 4,0001,000 Kilometers

I. Early - earliest Late Triassic (232 Ma)

Fig. 4. Phanerozoic global plate reconstructions with Australian paleogeography and fossil indicators documenting the equatorial position ofAustralia in the Cambrian, followed by a south polar position by the end of the Paleozoic. The breakup of Pangea resulted in the northwardmotion of Australia back towards the equator. Increments are based on time slices presented by Golonka et al. (2006). Ages in the figurerefer to the reconstruction time of each map.

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Fig. 5. (a) Data coverage with 100 km buffer (green) from the Pa-leobiology Database for Australia, with basin outlines and politi-cal boundaries as reference. Temporal coverages of fossil collec-tions are for (b) general, (c) carbonate, (d) siliciclastic marine, and(e) terrestrial fossil collections, showing that the dataset sufficientlyrepresents Phanerozoic biofacies.

marine environments within Australia (Fig. 4l and m), andpredominately correlate with the withdrawing sea in north-east Australia indicated by the Palaeogeographic Atlas ofAustralia (Totterdell, 2002).During the Cenozoic, the paleogeography of Australia is

predominantly an erosional land environment with variationsin fluvial environment distribution (Fig. 4n, o and p). Biofa-cies within Australia are sparse, however their distributioncorresponds with paleogeographic descriptors.























a) b)

c) d)


Carbonate indet.

Marine indet.




Bell Point Limestone

Brogans Creek Limestone

Buchan Caves Limestone

Coopers Creek Limestone

Frog Hollow Formation

Jesse Limestone

Mount Ida Formation

Taravale Mudstone

Waratah Limestone

Fair Hill Formation

Humevale Siltstone

McIvor Sandstone

Taemas Limestone

PaleogeographyLand depositional fluvial

Land environment erosional

Land environment unclassified

Marine abyssal

Marine bathyal-abyssal

Marine shallow

Reef, buildup or bioherm





Lime mudstone


Not reported




Devonian Outcrops (present-day)

Political Boundaries (for reference)

Fig. 6. (a) Paleogeographic reconstruction at 402Ma (Early Devo-nian/Emsian) from Geoscience Australia Palaeogeographic Atlas ofAustralia with inferred paleoenvironments from fossils, present-dayDevonian outcrops and reconstructed political boundaries for ref-erence. Fossil specimens (including echinoderms, shell and skele-tal fragments) in New South Wales and Victoria indicate shallowmarine environments. The fossils have well-constrained temporaldescriptors indicative of Early Devonian times, with a number ofspecimens better tied to Emsian times based on conodont zones(i.e. Eognathodus trilinearis, Polygnathus dehicens, etc.). (b) Pa-leogeographic reconstruction with formation types indicated, basedon fossil metadata. (c) Paleogeographic reconstruction with fossillithologies indicated, based on metadata. (d) A reinterpretation ofEmsian paleogeography, suggesting marine environments persisteduntil at least Emsian times in Victoria, and linking the marine in-undation to the Yass Shelf to be more consistent with the interpre-tations of Webby (1972) and the overall N–S striking convergentmargin of Australia at this time.

3.2 Emsian case study

An Emsian (402Ma) paleogeographic reconstruction(Fig. 6a) highlights the potential benefits of using biological Biogeosciences, 10, 1529–1541, 2013

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Marginal marineindeterminate


Perireef or subreef

Reef, buildupor bioherm

Shoreface Slope





Land environment






Fig. 7. Biofacies and paleogeographic associations at 402Ma (Early Devonian, Emsian times) highlight the discordance between the marinesetting indicated by the fossil collections and the Australian paleogeography at this time (red circles). Agreement between the paleogeo-graphic model and fossil assemblages is also indicated (green circles). The fossil collections, as the seed points, were used to extract thepaleogeography to create a time series for the purposes of data mining.

indicators of paleoenvironment, as there are significantmismatches between the proposed “Land environmentunclassified” in the paleogeography model and the marinefossils (Fig. 7), particularly in the state of Victoria. Thefossils have good temporal constraints at stage level, indica-tive of Early Devonian age, with a number of them morespecifically Emsian in age based on conodont horizons –namely Eognathodus trilinearis and Polygnathus dehicens.The Emsian fossils are found in the Bell Point, BuchanCaves and the Waratah Limestones (Fig. 6b) with shell andskeletal fragments. The Early Devonian fauna in centralVictoria are found in the Humevale formation containingechinoderm fragments. Lithological investigations supportmarine interpretation, indicating the fossils were found inlimestones, siltstones and sandstone (Fig. 6c).However, challenges arise when comparing the tempo-

ral range of fossils and associated formations. Fossil meta-data contains a larger temporal range compared to the as-sociated formation temporal range found in published re-search, and this may restrict possible paleogeographic inter-pretations. A generalised stratigraphic column (Fig. 8) fo-cused on formations that were deposited during the recon-struction time (Fig. 6b). For example, Coopers Creek Forma-tion and Humevale Siltstone ceased deposition in the Pragian(Rehfisch and Webb, 1993; Webby, 1972) (Fig. 8) and werenot used for the Emsian interpretations. The stratigraphicand fossil data can be used to expand the paleogeographicmodel at this time, with a possible expansion of inunda-tion into southern New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria

(Fig. 6d). This interpretation included formations that werepresent during the mid-Emsian, such as Taravale Formationand Taemas Limestone, whilst formations including CoopersCreek Formation and Humevale Siltstone were excluded dueto the disagreement in age.

4 Discussion

Linking the paleogeographic history of Australia with biofa-cies from the Paleobiology Database demonstrates how a pa-leogeographic model can be tested and potentially improvedusing empirical, qualitative and quantitative approaches, al-though it should be noted that paleogeographic maps cannotbe created solely from fossils obtained from the PaleobiologyDatabase. However, the global Paleobiology Database formsan additional data layer to help constrain existing paleogeo-graphic interpretations that were agnostic to the global fos-sil dataset. Highlighting associations between the fossil dataand paleogeography has allowed us to highlight inconsisten-cies between raw data (fossil collections) and the paleogeo-graphic interpretations. Although the data coverage for thepaleobiology data is imperfect for Australia in comparisonto Eurasia and North America, it is an exemplary first-ordertool to constrain the evolution of continental inundation his-tories in the Phanerozoic.

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Killingworth Fm







Flowerdale member


Taemas LimestoneTaemas

LimestoneBuchan CavesLimestone

Snowy RiverVolcanics

Taravale Fm

Murrindal Lmst.

Bells Pt Lmst.

Waratah Lmst.

Coopers Creek Formation

Walhalla Group

Majurgong Fm Majurgong Fm

Cavan Blu! Lmst. Cavan Blu! Lmst.

Fig. 8. Generalised correlation column of stratigraphy in Victo-ria and southern New South Wales. Description of regions werebased on formations described in Webby (1972) and Philip andPedder (1967). Adjustments were made to the temporal range ofthe Buchan Caves Limestone (Holloway, 1996) and Coopers CreekFormation (Rehfisch and Webb, 1993).

4.1 Refining paleogeographic models of Australia usingpaleobiology

The paleogeographic evolution of Australia is punctuated bya number of significant periods that include the Paleozoicgrowth of the eastern Australian continent and the inundationof Australia in the mid-Cretaceous from the late Aptian to theCampanian (Gurnis et al., 1998).

4.1.1 Early Devonian (⇠ 419–393Ma)

Biofacies that have a well-defined temporal range and pa-leoenvironmental association can be used to refine existingmodels of paleogeography. As an example of such an ap-proach, we propose that the inundation of Victoria and a por-tion of NSW in the Early Devonian lasted until at least theEmsian. We infer that the marine deposition at the Yass Shelfformed a north–south marine corridor that partially separatedthe Snowy Mountains Block from the mainland (Fig. 6d).The Devonian outcrops at present day suggest sedimenta-tion continued into the Emsian, and is largely consistent withthe interpretations of Webby (1972) and Veevers (2004) aswell as the north–south geometry of the convergent marginalong eastern NSW in the Paleozoic (Aitchison and Buck-man, 2012). Our results indicate that the shallow marine set-ting persisted until the onset of the Tabberabberan Orogeny(390–380Ma) in the Middle Devonian (Collins, 2002; Grayand Foster, 1997).

4.1.2 Cretaceous (145–65Ma)

The Cretaceous was a significant period of marine inunda-tion in Australia; maximum flooding occurred during the lateAptian to early Albian (120 to 110Ma) and had predomi-nantly eased by the Campanian (80 to 70Ma) (Gurnis et al.,1998). Such flooding occurred across large expanses of thecontinental region east of the cratonic portion of Australia

marked by the Tasman Line. The northeastward motion ofAustralia over a descending Pacific-derived slab induced astrong negative dynamic topography signal that accentuatedflooding from the mid-Cretaceous sea level highstand (Di-Caprio et al., 2009; Gurnis et al., 1998; Heine et al., 2010;Matthews et al., 2011). Well-constrained models of paleo-geography are an important validating mechanism for nu-merical models of dynamic topography, as demonstrated byGurnis et al. (1998) in the study of the Cretaceous inundationof Australia (Fig. 9). Subsidence from dynamic topographyis distinguishable from loading-induced subsidence as it canbe reversed if the negative dynamic topography signal dimin-ishes (Gurnis et al., 1998). In the case of eastern Australia,a Pacific-derived slab sinking beneath eastern Australia im-parts up to 350m of predicted subsidence from geodynamicmodels on the region underlying the Eromanga Basin be-tween 120 and 110Ma (Gurnis et al., 1998), but this effectdiminishes by 60Ma as the depth of the sinking slab in-creases due to the lower viscous coupling between the slaband the lithosphere. As a result, the inundation of easternAustralia retreated due to ⇠ 200m of uplift caused by thewaning negative dynamic topography signal in an overalleustatic sea level highstand (Seton et al., 2009). The pale-ogeographic model indicates inundation in the northeast ofthe Australian continent from 139Ma; this flooding progres-sively covers a large portion of eastern Australia, peaking at⇠ 123Ma. The shallow marine environments (water depthsof up to 200m) begin retreating after 100Ma and disappearby 80Ma (Fig. 9), to be replaced by fluvial and other ter-restrial depositional environments. Paleobiology data largelycorrelate with the paleogeographic model. Minimal inunda-tion is present at 80Ma, and sparse paleobiology data isavailable for this time, suggesting that the negative dynamictopography signal diminished by ⇠ 100Ma or that eustaticsea level fell to induce a marine regression. Additionally, theinundation history is recorded in the fossil collections fromthe Eromanga Basin, with a distinct peak of fossil preserva-tion coinciding with the Cretaceous inundation (Fig. 10).

4.2 Testing plate motions using paleogeographyand biofacies

Paleogeography and biofacies embedded within plate re-constructions can be used to uncover inconsistencies andhelp refine the plate motion model. The Cretaceous periodrecords significant changes in the tectonic forces acting onthe Australian plate, largely driven by the breakup of Gond-wana and the subduction of Pacific material along Australia’seastern margin (Veevers, 2012). The relative plate motionssuggest rifting between Australia and greater India beganat ⇠ 165Ma, consistent with interpretations of seismic sec-tions that indicate rift-related normal faulting penetrated LateJurassic sedimentary sequences (Song and Cawood, 2000)and syn-rift sediments in the southern Perth Basin (Veevers,2012). However, the rift-related inundation of this margin Biogeosciences, 10, 1529–1541, 2013

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Fig. 9. Paleogeographic reconstructions suggest that Cretaceous in-undation of central eastern Australia peaked by ⇠ 120Ma, and thefossil indicators hint at pockets of shallowmarine environments per-sisting beyond 100Ma. The eastward sweeping negative dynamictopography system from a sinking Pacific-derived slab has beenlinked to the inundation pattern, better modelled by Model C (blue)than Model B (purple) in the geodynamic modelling results of Gur-nis et al. (1998), highlighting how paleogeography can be used tovalidate numerical model predictions of basin evolution.

occurs much later at⇠ 139Ma based on the paleogeographicmodel. The discrepancy between the Late Jurassic onset ofrifting and delayed submergence may be accounted for bythe oblique style of rifting, which resulted in abundant strike-slip faulting (Song and Cawood, 2000), and therefore rela-tively little lithospheric extension for much of the rift phase,thus delaying subsidence and inundation until a few millionyears before breakup. Additionally, seafloor spreading initi-ated some time between ⇠ 136 and 130Ma (Gibbons et al.,2012; Robb et al., 2005), thus accentuating the inundationof the margin that is observed in the paleogeographic recon-struction.Although the plate motion model is consistent with

the rifting history between Australia–India–Antarctica,Golonka’s (2007) plate motion model may need refinementfor the Cretaceous Australia–Antarctica rifting history. Thepaleogeographic model suggests that inundation of the west-ern Australia–Antarctic margin initiates by 125Ma and prop-agates eastward, reaching Tasmania by 100Ma, consistentwith a previous onset of rifting in the Valanginian (Totter-dell and Bradshaw, 2004). The progressive submergence ofthe margin reflects the eastward propagation of the rift, as

Fig. 10. Temporal coverage of eastern Australian basins (EA) andthe Eromanga Basin (EB). Much of the sampled collections are onthe outskirts of the Eromanga Basin with data gaps that may berelated to sampling gaps, orogenic episodes and the influence ofglaciations on eastern Australia during the late Paleozoic.

originally suggested by Mutter et al. (1985), that may beaccentuated by the global mid-Cretaceous seafloor spread-ing pulse resulting in a eustatic sea level highstand (Setonet al., 2009). However, the peak of the sea level highstandand seafloor spreading pulse post-dates the peak inundationof the rifted Australia–Antarctica margin, and suggests thatthe progressive inundation was mainly rift-related. The pre-breakup fit in the Golonka (2007) model requires refinementto minimise continental overlaps and initiation of rifting at⇠ 121Ma, as demonstrated by Williams et al. (2011) for theAustralian–Antarctic conjugate margins.

4.3 Data coverage and resolution

Data coverage of the eastern coast of Australia followsthe band of Cretaceous inundation, resulting in reasonablespatio-temporal coverage of the region (Figs. 5 and 10). Atleast five sizeable gaps in the temporal coverage are presentin the paleobiology, and we suggest that some of the tem-poral gaps are a result of the episodic orogenic events re-lated to the Tasman Orogenic System in the Paleozoic, lead-ing to the eastward growth of the Australian continent in anaccretionary convergent margin setting (Coney et al., 1990;Crawford et al., 2003; Henderson et al., 2011; Solomon andGriffiths, 1972). The lack of fossil assemblages elsewherein Australia is a result of biased sampling and the environ-ment type at the time, and the denudation patterns that re-sulted in exposing cratonic portions of the continent to po-tentially remove Phanerozoic fossil-bearing sediments. Thecombination of paleobiology, plate reconstructions and the

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paleogeography in GPlates has allowed us to use a novelapproach to test the correlation of existing paleogeographicmaps and fossil indicators of environments. The use ofGPlates is significant, as paleogeographic maps can be dy-namic and updated with relative ease based on new data,rather than the reliance on static maps that are revised in-frequently. GPlates also allows the incorporation of multiplelayers of proxy data to increase the confidence of paleogeo-graphic reconstructions to test numerical model predictionsof continental inundation patterns through time.Spatio-temporal data coverage is a considerable concern

in the interpretation of the fossil record since poor samplingis difficult to distinguish from lack of fossil preservation. Re-gions in the Northern Hemisphere, such as North Americaand Europe, typically display a greater abundance of fossildata compared to areas in the present day Southern Hemi-sphere, such as Australia. Such discrepancies may be the re-sult of biased sampling and/or preservation and environmen-tal conditions. Spatio-temporal data coverage in Australiahas predominantly been restricted to eastern Australia, andsuggests at least five temporal gaps in coverage (Fig. 10). Pa-leogeographic reconstructions were further restricted by thelack of variation in fossil assemblage environments: paleobi-ology data are predominantly available for marine paleoen-vironments. As a result, other proxy data are required forconstraining paleoenvironments with low biological preser-vation potential – such as orogenic settings that can be con-strained using metamorphic assemblages and denudation his-tories in proximal basins. Paleogeographic maps can be fur-ther refined by incorporating additional published paleoen-vironment indicators, including well logs and other time-dependent datasets using GPlates. Future directions includea greater analysis of paleogeography on a global scale asindicated by fossil paleoenvironments, including the effectof glaciations, continental inundations and mass extinctionthroughout the Phanerozoic on fossil assemblages. In partic-ular, such an approach would be best suited for European andNorth American paleogeographic reconstructions due to thehigher spatio-temporal coverage in the fossil record (Hannis-dal and Peters, 2011).Glaciations have played a major role in global climate

throughout the Phanerozoic, and may have influenced thepreservation of organisms. The glaciation throughout the lat-est Devonian to early Permian (Scotese et al., 1999) maybe responsible for the few and scattered fossil assemblagesfound globally in the late Paleozoic. Similarly, the inunda-tion of continental regions can influence preservation of or-ganisms, based on the availability of desirable preservationconditions, and should be noted in global and regional obser-vations in plate reconstructions. Sudden increases in fossilabundance temporally and spatially may reflect local envi-ronmental changes and preservation conditions, rather thanan increase in biodiversity or biologic density. Specifically,the inundation history of Australia, throughout the Creta-ceous, is associated with increased spatial and temporal fossil

preservation in the eastern Australian basins (Fig. 10). Theincreased inundation of the continent and a biased biologi-cal preservation during this time interval is consistent with amid-Cretaceous seafloor spreading pulse and increase in eu-static sea level (Seton et al., 2009).

5 Conclusions

Our approach demonstrates that paleogeographic and platereconstructions can be improved and refined using paleoen-vironments indicated by fossils from the global Paleobiol-ogy Database. Our novel application of spatio-temporal datamining can be used to identify inconsistencies between pa-leogeography and fossil data. Our approach allows the in-corporation of multiple proxy datasets to help refine plateand paleogeographic reconstructions, and enables the cre-ation of a new generation of digital and interactive modelsthat allow users to create dynamic maps that are expand-able and testable, and that take advantage of regularly main-tained databases. Sediments and related fossil assemblagesare largely confined to basins, and this only provides indi-rect constraints for elevated topographic regions represent-ing sediment sources. As a result, in the future it will bedesirable to incorporate proxies of elevation, such as paleo-altimetry estimates based on paleobiological indicators (i.e.leaf morphologies and stomata densities) (McElwain, 2004),and stable and metamorphic assemblage isotopes (Blisniukand Stern, 2005). GPlates is evolving into an open innova-tion platform with a plugin infrastructure and an extendedinformation model (Muller et al., 2012) that will enable thecreation of adaptable and interactive paleogeographic mapsthat are expandable in order to assimilate growing chronos-tratigraphic data systems (Sikora et al., 2006) in addition topaleobiology data.

Supplementary material related to this article isavailable online at:

Acknowledgements. The project was supported by ARC grantsFL0992245 and DP0987713. Thomas Landgrebe provided helpwith the data mining methodology. This is Paleobiology Databasepublication #163.

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