ukrainian catholic c 1967-2017 · 07/07/2018 · ukrainian catholic c today’s gospel reading...

Today’s Gospel reading tells of the healing of two blind men. Every Gospel narrative, just as every word of the Gospel, conceals immeasurable meaning. We all resemble these two blind men in our spiritual blindness – and not in this alone. We resemble these ailing people, who were tormented by their infirmities, in both our spiritual and bodily infirmities, which torment us as did theirs; and in that, like them, we continue to ask for things from the Lord: for the alleviation of suffering, for our healing, for the return of our health and the joy of life, which we have somehow lost. But we do not always resemble them in their faith in the Lord and in His power. We do not resemble them in their fidelity to God, which is not as strong and undoubting as that of these two blind men. Is that not why we remain unhealed? Let us not despair and lose heart in the darkness of sin. Let us not imagine that darkness, sin, and evil – and the grief that accompanies them – are our inescapable destiny. No! God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Let us endeavor to possess humility, and then God’s power will certainly raise us from the lowest depressions of our sinful fallenness. The Lord Jesus Christ walked the earth very long ago, healing every infirmity and disease in people, just as He healed these two blind men of the Gospel who had unwavering faith in Him. Now, too, the Lord Jesus Christ heals all who have faith in Him throughout the entire world with that same Divine power, granting them peace, true joy, and salvation. Let us believe Him, as the two blind men believed Him. Let us be faithful like them in our faith and love for Him. And let us glorify His most wondrous and majestic Divine Name. CONTACT US ADDRESS: 13753 - 108th Avenue, Surrey BC, V3T 2K6 E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: 778-387-7071(Fr. Andrii) 604-584-4421 (parish hall) WEB: HOLY MYSTERIES CONFESSION: 30 min before the Divine Liturgy or by appointment HOLY COMMUNION: for the sick, by appointment, any time BAPTISM: by appointment MARRIAGE: six months notice should be given to the parish priest, and he should be contacted before any other arrangements are made FUNERAL: by appointment EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS PARISH UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Парафія Воздвиження Чесного Хреста Українська Католицька Церква 7 th Sunday after Pentecost 1967-2017 PARISH BULLETIN 28. SUNDAY, JULY 8, 2018 A.D.

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Today’s Gospel reading tells of the healing of two blind men. Every Gospel narrative, just as every word of the Gospel, conceals immeasurable meaning. We all resemble these two blind men in our spiritual blindness – and not in this alone. We resemble these ailing people, who were tormented by their infirmities, in both our spiritual and bodily infirmities, which torment us as did theirs; and in that, like them, we continue to ask for things from the Lord: for the alleviation of suffering, for our healing, for the return of our health and the joy of life, which we have somehow lost. But we do not always resemble them in their faith in the Lord and in His power. We do not resemble them in their fidelity to God, which is not as strong and undoubting as that of these two blind men. Is that not why we remain unhealed? Let us not despair and lose heart in the darkness of sin. Let us not imagine that darkness, sin, and evil – and the grief that accompanies them – are our inescapable destiny. No! God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Let us endeavor to possess humility, and then God’s power will certainly raise us from the lowest depressions of our sinful fallenness. The Lord Jesus Christ walked the earth very long ago, healing every infirmity and disease in people, just as He healed these two blind men of the Gospel who had unwavering faith in Him. Now, too, the Lord Jesus Christ heals all who have faith in Him throughout the entire world with that same Divine power, granting them peace, true joy, and salvation. Let us believe Him, as the two blind men believed Him. Let us be faithful like them in our faith and love for Him. And let us glorify His most wondrous and majestic Divine Name.


ADDRESS: 13753 - 108th Avenue, Surrey BC, V3T 2K6

E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: 778-387-7071(Fr. Andrii) 604-584-4421 (parish hall) WEB:


CONFESSION: 30 min before the Divine Liturgy or by appointment HOLY COMMUNION: for the sick, by appointment, any time BAPTISM: by appointment MARRIAGE: six months notice should be given to the parish priest, and he should be contacted before any other arrangements are made FUNERAL: by appointment


Парафія Воздвиження Чесного Хреста Українська Католицька Церква


Sunday after




Troparion, Tone 6: Angelic powers were upon Your tomb* and the guards became like dead men;* Mary stood before Your tomb* seeking Your most pure body.* You captured Hades without being overcome by it.* You met the Virgin and granted life.* O Lord, risen from the dead,* glory be to You!

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Kontakion, Tone 6: With His life-giving hand* Christ our God, the Giver of life,* raised all the dead from the murky abyss* and bestowed resurrection upon humanity.* He is for all the Saviour,* the resurrection and the life, and the God of all.

Now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Theotokion, Tone 6: Undaunted patroness of Christians,* O steadfast intermediary with the Creator,* turn not away from the suppliant voices of sinners,* but in your kindness come to help us who cry out to you in faith.* Be quick to intercede, make haste to plead,* for you are ever the patroness of those who honour you, O Mother of God.

Prokeimenon, Tone 6 Save Your people, O Lord, * and bless Your inheritance. verse: Unto You I will cry, O Lord, my God, lest You turn from me in silence.

A Reading of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans (15:1-7) Brothers and Sisters, we who are strong ought to put up with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Each of us must please our neighbour for the good purpose of building up the neighbour. For Christ did not please himself; but, as it is written, “The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.” For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, so that by steadfastness and by the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope. May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.

Alleluia, Tone 6 verse: He who lives in the aid of the Most High, shall dwell under the protection of the God of heaven. verse: He says to the Lord: You are my protector and my refuge, my God, in Whom I hope.

Gospel: Matthew 9:27-35

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest.* Alleluia (x3)


LET US PRAY TOGETHER - all faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church are encouraged to pray every day at 9:00 p.m. (regardless of the time zone). We will pray for each others’ needs, for the parish, the eparchy, the Ukrainian Catholic Church, for peace in Ukraine, and for vocations. At this time the faithful are encouraged to pray at least: the usual beginning of the ordinary (Начало обичне) including our Father and Hail Mary.

SPECIAL PETITIONS FOR DIVINE LITURGY: We also pray for the people of Ukraine, that with the help of the Holy Spirit, they may obtain social peace, political harmony and economic stability: Lord, hear us and have mercy.

Тропар (глас 6): Ангельські сили на гробі Твоїм, і сторожі омертвіли; Марія ж стояла при гробі, шукаючи пречистого тіла Твого. Полонив Ти ад і, не переможений від нього, зустрів Ти Діву, даруючи життя. Воскреслий з мертвих, Господи, слава Тобі!

Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові.

Кондак (глас 6): Животворною рукою Життєдавець, Христос Бог, воскресив з темних безодень всіх померлих і подав воскресіння людському родові: Він бо всіх Спаситель, воскресіння, життя і Бог усіх.

І нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.

Богородичний (глас 6): 3аступнице християн бездоганна, Посереднице до Творця незамінна, не погорди молінням грішних, але випереди, як Блага, з поміччю нам, що вірно Тобі співаємо. Поспішись на молитву і скоро прийди на моління, заступаючи повсякчас, Богородице, тих, що Тебе почитають.

Прокімен (глас 6): Спаси, Господи, людей Твоїх і благослови спадкоємство Твоє. Стих: До Тебе, Господи, взиватиму; Боже мій, не відвертайсь мовчки від мене.

До римлян послання св. Апостола Павла читання (15, 1-7): Браття і Сестри, ми, сильні, мусимо нести немочі безсильних, а не собі догоджати. Кожний із нас нехай намагається догодити ближньому: на добро, для збудування. Бо й Христос не собі догоджав, а як написано: «Зневаги тих, що тебе зневажають, упали на мене.» Все бо, що було написане давніше, написане нам на науку, щоб ми мали надію через терпеливість й утіху, про які нас Письмо навчає. Бог же терпеливости й утіхи, за прикладом Христа Ісуса, нехай дасть вам, щоб ви між собою однаково думали за Христом Ісусом; щоб ви однодушно, одними устами славили Бога й Отця Господа нашого Ісуса Христа. Тому приймайте один одного, як і Христос прийняв вас у Божу славу.

Алилуя (глас 6): Стих: Хто живе під охороною Всевишнього, під покровом Бога небесного оселиться. Стих: Скаже він Господеві: Ти заступник мій і пристановище моє, Бог мій, на котрого я надіюся.

Євангеліє: (Мт 9,27-35)

Причасний: Хваліте Господа з небес,* хваліте Його на висотах. Алилуя (х3)


PRAZNYK / FEAST DAY 2018. Please mark Sunday, SEPTEMBER 16TH AT 11:00 AM in your calendars for our Annual Praznyk of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Invite your family and your friends to celebrate with us.

PRAYER REQUEST: pray for the sick and infirmed of our Parish in your prayers: OLIVE NOSATY, MARY SHEMLEY, STELLA ANDRUSIAK, JOE OSTROWERCHA, KATRUSIA & ADELINE SWERYDA, ANGELA KILLEN, ANNA MARKIW, KATE DAVOS and those who have asked us to pray for them.

SUNDAYS DONATION: JUNE 24th - $410.00 STAIRS RENO - $250.00

THE FRONT STAIRS’ RENOVATION. Dear parishioners, as you have noticed the front stairs of the church are in poor condition and are not safe to use them. The Parish Council has received an estimate for its renovation. The total cost is $2200. Dear parishioners, we need your financial help toward these expenses. Please consider donating generously to this work. Donations can be made in your Sunday envelop, but please, CLEARLY MARK FOR THE FRONT STAIRS. We thank you and pray for you!

PARISH DIRECTORY. Dear Parishioners, we are updating our directory. Please, find in your number’s slot a form to correct or update your information. Once complete, please place in the basket at the back of the church or email the information to Kathryn Hitchen at [email protected]

THREE IMPORTANT EVENTS TO CELEBRATE AT OUR CATHEDRAL! - On 16 May Bishop Ken celebrated his 60th Birthday (in lieu of gifts Bishop Ken asks that donations would be made to the beautification of our Cathedral). - Andriy Malysh was ordained to the subdiaconate and diaconate (May14, 20) for our Eparchy by Bishop Ken in Lviv. (Personal gifts may be presented directly to Deacon Andriy at this time). - Holy Eucharist Cathedral Parish has hosted three very talented iconographers (Oleksii, Serhii and Dmytro) from Lviv who have now completed several new icons in our Cathedral. To celebrate we would like to invite you to a Vespers service and the official unveiling of our icons at the Cathedral on Saturday 14 July 6:00PM to be followed by supper. Donations will be welcome for the supper and no advance tickets are required but please RSVP to [email protected] your attendance by Sunday, July 8 so we can be prepared to host you.

CAMP ST. VOLODYMYR August 19-26, 2018. Start planning your summer holidays now! Come join us to celebrate our 34th year of camp for children in our Eparchy! Camp St. Volodymyr is a great place to be physically active, build self-confidence and self-esteem, develop life-long skills while reconnecting with nature and building friendships. Our camp is also a wonderful opportunity to experience God through nature and the companionship of others. Campers will learn about the Ukrainian language and culture along with games, hiking, sports, arts and crafts, camp fires, water activities and much more! If you are between the ages of 7-14 this is a summer must do! Registration is $380. Book by July 4 to save $50. Bus transportation is also available to and from New Westminster. Register online using Eventbrite. For more information contact Jennifer Caldwell @ 604.220.0584 or [email protected]. WAYS TO SUPPORT OUR CAMP Camp St. Volodymyr is a nonprofit camp, run on a volunteer basis. Please contact Jennifer if you are interested in helping. VOLUNTEER as a Camp Counsellor. We are seeking between 8-10 individuals to help plan and organize our camp activities. Apply online using Eventbrite. Search “Camp St. Volodymyr BC 2018.” Applications due May 15, 2018. All volunteers will be subject to a criminal record check and must sign the camp code of conduct. VOLUNTEER as a Camp Chef We are seeking between 4-6 individuals to help us each day in the kitchen. It is your opportunity to get creative and be a part of the campers top 5 things at camp! VOLUNTEER as our Camp Nurse We are looking for an individual to be our camp nurse. This is

a wonderful opportunity to get to know the children in our Eparchy. This position would require valid first aid and nursing certification. Responsibilities would include administering medications brought by campers/staff as well as recording all incidents and treatments. Supplies and medications are provided by the camp. DONATE Food We are always happy to accept food donations of fresh fruits and vegetables, breakfast items; cereal, syrup, pancake mix, jam, Nutella, lunch items; chicken soup, Kraft dinner, cheese, drinks; juice boxes, powdered drinks, brownie/cake mixes, Jello, snack bars, cookies or treats. Gift certificates to Superstore and Costco are also welcomed. DONATE Monetarily Each year the Eparchy sponsors several children to attend. You can help send a deserving child to camp through your donations. Donation can be made through the Eparchy or online at our Eventbrite page. Tax receipts can be issued for donations of $25 or more. Visit our website

BEQUESTS AND WILLS: Leaving a bequest is a process of giving a donation through your will. It is simply a distribution from your estate to a charitable organization through your last will and testament. It can be as small or as large a donation as you wish. It is important that you talk to your lawyer about the process. In your kindness please remember the Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Church in your bequests and wills. If anyone wishes to make such a bequest in their will, the following clause may be included or added to a will: "I give, devise ,and bequeath to the Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Parish - 13753 108 Ave, Surrey, BC., the sum of $_ (or _% of my estate), to be used for the benefit of the parish and it's pastoral activities.”


On 10th of July our Church commemorates St Anthony, the founder of the monasticism in Ukraine. Anthony was born in 983 in Liubech, near Chernigiv. He was named Antipas by his parents. In his youth he possessed a fear of God and dressed in monastic attire. As he matured he set off on a journey to Mount Athos, where he took to the monastic life. He received a monastic tonsure with the name Anthony, and set his life on a course of pleasing God and living an ascetic life on the path to virtue. He became known for his humility and obedience. In time, the igumen recognized in him a great future ascetic. Inspired by God, the igumen directed that Anthony should return to his homeland where many monks would come to him. Returning to the Ukrainian lands, Anthony visited many monasteries near Kyiv, but was

not able to find the strict life that drew him to Mount Athos. In time, he came upon a cave that had been dug by the priest Hilarion (later to be Metropolitan of Kyiv), near the village of Berestovo. Since he liked the spot, Anthony prayed with tears, “Lord, let the blessing of Mt. Athos be upon this spot, and strengthen me to remain here.” He began to struggle in prayer, fasting, vigil and physical labor. Every other day, or every third day, he would eat only dry bread and a little water. Sometimes he did not eat for a week. People began to come to the ascetic for his blessing and counsel, and some decided to remain with the saint. Among Anthony’s first disciples was Saint Nikon, who tonsured Saint Theodosius of the Caves (May 3) at the monastery in the year 1032.

The virtuous life of Saint Anthony illumined the Kyivan Rus’ with the beauty of monasticism. Saint Anthony lovingly received those who yearned for the monastic life. After instructing them how to follow Christ, he asked Saint Nikon to tonsure them. When twelve disciples had gathered about Saint Anthony, the brethren dug a large cave and built a church and cells for the monks within it. After he appointed Abbot Barlaam to guide the brethren, Saint Anthony withdrew from the monastery. He dug a new cave for himself, then hid himself within it. There too, monks began to settle around him. Afterwards, the saint built a small wooden church in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God over the Far Caves.

At the insistence of Prince Izyaslav, the igumen Barlaam withdrew to the Dimitriev monastery. With the blessing of Saint Anthony and with the general agreement of the brethren, the meek and humble Theodosius was chosen as igumen. By this time, the number of brethren had already reached a hundred men. The Kyiv Great Prince Izyaslav gave the monks the hill on which the large church and cells were built, with a palisade all around. Thus, the renowned

monastery over the caves was established. Describing this, the chronicler remarks that while many monasteries were built by emperors and nobles, they could not compare with those which are built with holy prayers and tears, and by fasting and vigil. Although Saint Anthony had no gold, he built a monastery which became the first spiritual center of Ukraine. For his holiness of life, God glorified Saint Anthony with the gift of clairvoyance and wonderworking. One example of this occurred during the construction of the Great Caves church. The Most Holy Theotokos Herself stood before him and Saint Theodosius in the Blachernae church in Constantinople, where they had been miraculously transported without leaving their own monastery. Actually, two angels appeared in Constantinople in their forms. Having received gold from the Mother of God, the saints commissioned master architects, who came from Constantinople to the Ukrainian land on the command of the Queen of Heaven to build the church at the Monastery of the Caves. During this appearance, the Mother of God foretold the impending death of Saint Anthony, which occurred on July 10, 1073. Through Divine Providence, the relics of Saint Anthony remain hidden.

Basic Guidelines for Reception of Holy Communion:

1. You are a member of the Catholic Church; 2. You have participated in the Sacrament of Confession at least during the Easter or Christmas seasons this past year if not more frequently; 3. You attend Divine Services regularly; 4. Your lifestyle is consistent with the teaching of the Catholic Church; 5. You have kept the Liturgical fast – no food at least one hour prior to the Divine Liturgy. 6. You have been in church from the beginning of the service, or at least heard the Gospel. 7. To the best of your ability, you are in the state of Grace. If for any of these or other reasons you cannot receive Holy Communion, you are welcome to come for a blessing. Please indicate to the priest that you would like to receive his blessing.















Please note: parish members requesting the celebration of a Divine Liturgy for a special intention (such as: Thanksgiving, the Infirm, General Intentions, the Deceased, Help of the Holy

Spirit, for the Travelers, etc.), please see Fr. Andrii to arrange for it.
