unit 8


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Post on 29-Oct-2014




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Page 2: Unit 8


• What is cosmopolitanism? What is the difference between globalization, multiculturalism and cosmpolitanism?

• The main concepts within cosmopolitanism are: identity, internationalism, elitism, political awareness, identification, loyality and tolerance

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Kwame Anthony Appiah

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• What does Appiah say about Cosmopolitanism and why?

• Interview Appiah

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Who is V.S. Naipaul? Who is Amaritya Sen? Who is Stuart Hal in relation to identity and cosmoplitanism?

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Plural identities (and clashes)

• Identity, social context, who are we and or who want we to be? Different associations and affliations in any particular context; how do people see themselves or others?

• The Other• Multiple identities; race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, culture,

nationality, education, religion, age, class, handicapped ….

• Fragmentation of selves and/or plural identities• Identities and violence (Sen); his critique of the influential

book The clash of civilization and the Remaking of the World order of Samuel Huntingtions=>responsibility of choice and reasoning

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An identity- based shared cosmoplitan positioning

• The rejection and critique of the singular categorization and identity instead of a dialogue among civilizations and acknowledgment of plural identities

• Community based thinking= selfrealization Cosmopolitan or plural positioning= choice, discovery and responsibility towards priorities, different loyalities and associations; critical theory and

• 9/11 and the clash and other examples;( Rwanda,

Bosnië, Burundi, Germany, South-Africa, North Ireland, Spain )• A shared global humanity, cosmopolitan and with plural-

identity classification and positioning

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The art of being a foreigner

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• Identity, loyality, tolerance and cosmopolitinism according to Sen and Hall?

• The art of being a foreigner; globalization, multiculturalism and cosmopolitnism

• www.artofbeingaforeigner.nl• Read and analyse the url and give analysis of

a cosmopolitan personality and explain your choice and reason.

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• Community talk on gender on Aruba; Feire’s approach to selfrealization, dialoque, sharing and diversity