unit e3-2 planning and organizing an ffa meeting

Unit E3-2 Planning and Organizing an FFA Meeting

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Page 1: Unit E3-2 Planning and Organizing an FFA Meeting

Unit E3-2

Planning and Organizing an FFA Meeting

Page 2: Unit E3-2 Planning and Organizing an FFA Meeting

Bell Work!

Explain how to plan a meeting and develop the order of business.

What is each officers role during a local chapter meeting?

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Next Generation Science/Common Core Standards Addressed!

WHST.9-12.7 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. (HS-PS1-3)

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Anticipated Problem

How is a meeting planned and the order of business designed?

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A meeting is a group of people who are gathered for a shared purpose.

The key to a good chapter meeting is


Planned meetings have value to all members.

Regular chapter meetings are essential and maintain interest. One meeting per month during the school year is recommended.

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The main reasons meetings are held are to:

Provide an educational program, including guest speakers.

Carry out the affairs of an organization.

Recognize members for outstanding work.

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The main reasons meetings are held are to:

Announce future events. Organize members into work

groups, address the chapter POA

Give members a place to develop leadership skills.

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Steps to planning a meeting include:

Determine the overall purpose of the meeting.

Identify business to be acted on. Organize an educational program. Set a date and time for the


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Steps to planning a meeting include:

Select a convenient location. (vary the location for recreation value)

Assign responsibilities to different members. (not just the officers)

Develop an order of business.

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An order of business is the plan that lists the events or items in a meeting.

Events are listed in sequence in which they occur.

Order of business is sometimes called agenda or program.

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Order of Business

Common items to include and their sequence are: Call to order / opening ceremony. Minutes. Officer reports. Report on POA. Special features. Old business. Committee reports. New business. Awarding of degrees or officer installations. Closing ceremony / adjournment. Entertainment, recreation, refreshments.

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Objective 2

Describe how to set up the meeting room.

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Anticipated Problem

What is the proper arrangement for the meeting


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FFA members find that they have better meetings if the room is

properly arranged.

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A properly arranged meeting room serves the following purposes:

Adds dignity to the function.

Instills pride in the members

Sets the stage for conducting chapter business

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The Sentinel is responsible for arranging the room prior to the


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Each officer has a symbol for his station.

They are as follows:President - rising sun Vice-President - plow Secretary - ear of corn Treasurer - bust of Washington Reporter - Flag Sentinel - shield of friendship Advisor - owl

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Each officer is stationed at a certain location in the meeting room.

Officer positions are:President - front middle Vice-President - rear middle Secretary - right front Reporter - left frontAdvisor - right rear Treasurer - left rear Sentinel - at the door

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FFA Meeting Room Arrangement!

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Objective 3: Explain basic parliamentary procedure used in

an FFA meeting.

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Parliamentary Procedure

The key to being involved in FFA meetings is to understand parliamentary procedure.

Parliamentary procedure is a certain set of “rules” known as parliamentary law or Robert’s Rules of Order used to maintain order in a meeting.

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The main purposes of parliamentary law is to:

Focus on one item at a time. Extend courtesy to everyone. Observe rule of the majority. Ensure the rights of the minority.

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The Gavel

The gavel is the instrument used for maintaining order during a meeting.

The gavel is tapped a different number of times to signify: Single tap - call to be seated Two taps - calls meeting to order Three taps - calls members to stand

during ceremonies.

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The four common voting methods included in FFA meetings are:

Voice vote - saying “aye” or “no” Rising vote - standing or show of

hands Secret ballot - written ballot Roll call - secretary polls members

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Main Motion

The main motion is used to obtain group approval for a new project or some other course of action. “I move that” are the three words

used to begin a main motion. All main motions need a second

before they can be voted upon.

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There are four motion classifications in parliamentary procedure:

Privileged - motions not related to the main motion.

Incidental - used to provide proper and fair treatment to all members.

Subsidiary - motions related to the main motion.

Unclassified - motions that bring questions back before the assembly.

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Amendments are used to change or improve a motion.

Three ways to amend a motion include: by addition. by substitution. by striking out.

After an amendment has been offered, it requires a second.

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There are several motions that can be used to delay action on the motion

under consideration:

To postpone definitely - postpone to a definite time.

To lay on the table - tables a motion and must be taken from the table to be acted on.

To refer to a committee - refers to a committee for further study. ( may be a standing or specially appointed committee)

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The motion point of order is used when a member believes a

parliamentary error has been made.

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The motion to adjourn is used when it is time to close a


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Additional parliamentary procecure training by you advisor may be provided at this time.