update on final design & bridge types for new main span

Update on Final Design & Bridge Types for New Main Span Kosciuszko Bridge Project – Open Houses New York State Department of Transportation February 18 & 24, 2010

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Update on Final Design & Bridge Types for New Main Span

Kosciuszko Bridge Project – Open HousesNew York State Department of Transportation February 18 & 24, 2010


• Welcome

• Recap completion of Environmental Review Process

• Update on Final Design activities

• Review bridge types for a new Main Span of bridge

• Get your input on bridge concepts

Environmental Review Process

• Addressed comments received on Draft EIS

• Completed agency coordination to resolve remaining issues

• Published Final EIS in December 2008

• Bridge Replacement Alternative BR-5 is the preferred alternative

Environmental Review Process

• Record of Decision (ROD) signed by FHWA on March 9, 2009

• Approved Alternative BR-5 as the selected alternative

• Granted NYSDOT authorization to proceed with Final Design

Alternative BR-5

• Replace existing bridge

• New bridge built on E/B side of existing bridge

• Maintain 6 lanes of traffic throughout construction

Alternative BR-5

Construct E/B portion of new structure adjacent to existing bridge

Westbound Eastbound

Existing Bridge Construct New Bridge

Alternative BR-5

Shift traffic onto new structure and demolish existing bridge

Existing Bridge New Bridge

Westbound EastboundWestbound Eastbound

New Bridge

Alternative BR-5

Shift traffic onto new structure and demolish existing bridge

Existing Bridge New Bridge

Westbound EastboundWestbound Eastbound

New Bridge

Alternative BR-5

Construct W/B portion of new structure within footprint of existing bridge

New BridgeConstruct New Bridge

Westbound Eastbound

Alternative BR-5

• Lower elevation – improved roadway grades & sight distances

• Standard lane & shoulder widths

Proposed Roadway

Westbound Eastbound

Alternative BR-5

• Auxiliary lanes in both directions –improved merging & weaving

• New bikeway/walkway

Proposed Roadway

Westbound Eastbound

Update on Final Design Activities

Field Survey

• Determined locations of physical features & topographic information

• Ensure final design is progressed reflecting accurate field conditions

Geotechnical Investigation

• Collected subsurface information for design & construction of new bridge

• Soil drilling & sampling, rock coring & test pits at locations in Brooklyn and Queens

Environmental Investigation

• Identifying material handling & disposal options during construction

• Collected soil borings to determine soil & groundwater quality

• Performing asbestos field survey of bridge and all buildings to be removed or modified during construction

Right-of-Way AcquisitionsPrivate Property Acquisitions – Brooklyn

Temporary Easement Permanent EasementProposed Structure Fee Acquisition

Right-of-Way AcquisitionsPrivate Property Acquisitions – Queens

Temporary Easement Permanent EasementProposed Structure Fee Acquisition

Right-of-Way Acquisitions

• Initiated process to acquire properties needed for project – Fee Acquisitions, Permanent Easements & Temporary Easements

• Preparing Acquisition Maps

• Making offers & continuing negotiations with affected owners & tenants

Parks & Open Space Planning• Extensive coordination with

NYC Dept. of Parks & Recreation

• Continued input from Stakeholders’Advisory Committee

• New and improved Sgt. Dougherty Playground (Brooklyn)

• New Open Space (Brooklyn/Queens)

Parks & Open Space PlanningProposed Parks - Brooklyn

Proposed Park


Enhanced Streetscape

Shoreline Restoration

Possible Boat Launch Area

Pedestrian Underpass

Parks & Open Space PlanningProposed Parks - Queens

Proposed Park


Enhanced Streetscape

Shoreline Restoration

Possible Boat Launch Area

Pedestrian Underpass

Bridge Type for New Main Span• Main Span – portion of bridge that crosses Newtown Creek

• Approach Spans – would be the same for any Main Span concept

• 4 Main Span concepts presented tonight

• Obtained SAC input on bridge concepts

Bridge Type for New Main Span• Project Team cannot begin detailed bridge design until a bridge type is selected

• NYSDOT desires public input prior to selection of preferred Main Span type

Following Public Input• Conduct Main Span selection process

• Evaluate potential impacts of bridge types – not included in EIS

• Continue agency coordination• Continue public involvement process

Following Public Input• NYSDOT to select new Main Span (2010)

• Detailed bridge design begins (2010)• Complete ROW acquisitions (2013)• Begin Bridge Construction (2014)

Conceptual Bridge Design

Conceptual Bridge Design

All bridge types under consideration will:

• Provide safety, operational & structural improvements

• Mitigate environmental impacts

• Incorporate environmental enhancements

• Maintain 6 lanes of traffic during construction

Bridge Segments

New Calvary Cemetery

Calvary Cemetery

Newtown Creek

Connectors• Retained Earth and

Steel Girder Spans

ConnectorSteel Girder

Retained Earth

Bridge Segments

New Calvary Cemetery

Calvary Cemetery

Newtown Creek

Approaches• Box Girder

(Steel or Concrete)

Approach Box Girder

Concrete Column

Bridge Segments

New Calvary Cemetery

Calvary Cemetery


town Creek

Main Span

Main Span Options

Main Span – 4 options presented • Box Girder (Steel or Concrete)• Deck Arch (Concrete)*• Through Arch (Steel)*• Cable-Stayed*

*Recommended by SAC

Bridge Types for New Main SpanExisting

Bridge Types for New Main SpanBox Girder (Steel or Concrete)

Bridge Types for New Main SpanDeck Arch (Concrete)

Bridge Types for New Main SpanThrough Arch (Steel)

Bridge Types for New Main SpanCable-Stayed

New Main Span Selection Criteria

• Constructability

• Construction Duration

• Safety / Security

• Construction Cost

• Life Cycle (Maintenance) Cost

• Visual Aesthetics

• Other Evaluation Factors

New Main Span Selection Criteria

• Constructability

• Construction Duration

• Safety / Security

Essentially the same for all options


All Main Span Options will:• Maintain 6 lanes of traffic during

construction• Maintain navigable waterway during

construction• Remove existing bridge piers• Rebuild bulkhead• Allow material transport by barge• Require the special handling and

disposal of contaminated soils

Construction Duration

All Main Span Options will:• Have an estimated bridge construction

duration of 5 years

• Although time to construct Main Span will vary between options, the overall construction duration will be the same for all options

Safety & Security

All Main Span Options will:• Improve driver’s sight distance • Provide full shoulders to allow disabled

vehicles to pull over• Provide a redundant structure• Meet current seismic design standards• Have a minimum 75-year service life

New Main Span Selection Criteria

• Construction Cost

• Life Cycle (Maintenance) Cost

Some differences between options

Construction Cost

• The difference in total construction cost for all options is within +/- 4%of each other

Main Span

Brooklyn Approach

Brooklyn Connector

Queens Approach

Queens Connector

Life Cycle (Maintenance) Cost

• All options require inspection and maintenance, including roadway resurfacing and re-striping

• Steel options require painting of steel members

• Through Arch and Cable-Stayed options require eventual replacement of cables and anchorages

New Main Span Selection Criteria

• Visual Aesthetics

• Other Evaluation Factors

Differences between options

Visual Aesthetics

Focus of 3D animations & conceptual drawings are on Visual Aesthetics:• Views from various points within the

project area• Driver perspective• Pedestrian/bicyclist perspective

Other Evaluation Factors

Evaluate other factors of new Main Span bridge types:

• Aviation (flight patterns)

• Existing wildlife

What we need from you

• Please visit the information stations

o 4 stations - new bridge types for Main Span

o 1 station - general project information

• Complete the survey and return to a Project Team member

Please share your thoughts and let us know your preferences!

What’s Your Preference?
