urban zen


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your guide to zen in an urban lifestyle


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Urban Zen Digest started as an idea.

I’ve slowly morphed into an ebook information junkie, I got hooked on reading

on minimalist, collecting and reading ebooks everyday on my iPad. So this is

my best of the best collection, tips that I read over and over again, tips that

actually work, instead of regurgitated, repackaged information overload. I’ve

done the hard work for you, sifted through the whole mountain of information

(mostly irrelevant and page fillers!) so that you can benefit from the points and

put them to action straightaway.

Why I’m doing this? I’ll be frank, of course the main reason is to earn money.

But the 2nd main reason is this: I am an extreme contradictor-phobic.

Ebook writers are not doing what they’re saying. The recent trend is this:

Blog writers declaring to the world and their ‘fans’ that they’re quitting social

media and then few months later saying they’re reactivating their facebook

account due to so and so reasons makes them liars. They probably have

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another account on the side. Admit it, it’s only for show and income-generating


Self improvement ebook thumping blog writers who preach-uh about getting

things done-uh but when you click on a page referenced in their ‘bible’, you’re

redirected to a page that says, “I’m still working on this” or page under


My guarantee. Every digest content will be unique. You won’t find me giving

you the same tips twice. The tips will make sense and they will improve your

life on ONE condition. You owe it to yourself to try it out.

Why urban zen?

We are living in a modern world, surrounded by gadgets. We lead busy lives,

always connected, stuck in the rat race, this never ending loop of going to work

and looking forward to weekends. Is this all life is about? How do you achieve

zen everyday especially in the hustle and bustle of the city?

This is how.

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An extreme contradictor-phobic

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Contents MIND ....................................................................................................................................................... 6

10 ways to DESTRESS .............................................................................................................................. 6

POSSESSIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 17

10 ways to DECLUTTER and TIDY UP ..................................................................................................... 17

BODY ..................................................................................................................................................... 22

10 steps to feeling better almost immediately ..................................................................................... 22

MONEY .................................................................................................................................................. 29

10 tips to save money ........................................................................................................................... 29

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10 ways to DESTRESS

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Day 1: Deep breaths When it feels like you have lots to do, stop a moment, take a few deep breaths. You can apply this anywhere: in the office, car, while walking etc. Nothing is going to get done if you panic, take the time to compose yourself.

Inhale refreshing air through your nose (alternating nostrils), imagine your lungs expanding and your organs revitalized with rich oxygen and your blood carrying the new supply to your organs, strengthening them. Hold the air in your chest for a few seconds and then exhale softly through your mouth.

Day 2: Take a ride/drive

Taking a ride/drive is a great way to destress. For one, you are isolating yourself so that you can be alone with your thoughts. When you’re driving/riding, you are

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unreachable (no internet, cellphones) and this is the opportunity to relax. You don’t even need a destination, just get on your car/bike and take a leisure drive. Entertain whatever comes to mind. Revel in the simple motions of shifting gears. Usually for me, the journey becomes my brain storming session where I get new ideas and projects to try out. At these times, I carry a voice recorder with me to jot down my thoughts for further action later.

But which to choose? Car? Motorbike? Bicycle?

It depends on the type of person you are. Take this test to find out:

You’re a rider/biker if: - you like the feeling of the wind blowing through your hair - you enjoy sights unfiltered through windshields

- you enjoy speed - you like hearing nature sounds - you need at least half an hour for a ride

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You’re a cyclist if: - you like the feeling of the wind blowing through your hair - you enjoy sights unfiltered through windshields - you like taking it slow and steady - you like hearing nature sounds - a good workout is a great way to distress

- you need at least an hour for a ride You’re a driver if: - you enjoy sights but in the comfort of air condition - you like music as you drive - you have limited time for the drive (15 minutes minimum)

Day 3: Eat something healthy This is not a diet plan.

Rather tell yourself, why not have an extra carrot stick or oat bran today instead of

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the usual cheeseburger? If you’re not a health freak, do it on a busy day so won’t miss the normal food. The objective is you took a first step toward eating something that will improve your health, which contributes to your self improvement.

If you’re stuck with office mates, pack your own lunch for the day and politely decline when you’re asked out to lunch.

Some ideas: - tuna/egg sandwich/cracker with salad, no mayo - fried noodle with minimal oil - bento (japanese meal) - toasted oats with milk

Wash it down with a glass of water and have the satisfaction of declaring I ate healthy today!

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4. Do something healthy Most of the time healthy activites include sports or anything that involves physical movement. Just moving your body during exercise produces endorphins that make you feel more cheery and the increased blood flow adds a glow to your skin. Start out with something less taxing, like a short walk in the park with your dog.

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Some other healthy activity ideas: - join a 10km run, but walk at your own pace - tai chi - yoga - do some push ups or sit ups after you wake up - cycle - Play some Wii. Boy, will you sweat

5. Sit in a sauna or steam room If you have a gym membership, that is. Skip the workout just for today and take a shower before proceeding to the sauna/steam room. Do not smile at anyone or make conversation, pick a corner and lie down and close your eyes. Caution, don’t fall asleep in the sauna/steam room. Bring a timer and set it to 10 minutes.

6. Live frugally/live extravagantly/be disorganized ONCE

In short, DO WHAT YOU LIKE. Aren’t you sick of blogs that tell you how to organize and live your life. That everything must have its space for a clean minimalist living? I say, fuck all that! (well, for a day)

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You’re the BOSS today. If you feel like leaving your shirt on the floor, do it! If you feel like throwing a tantrum, do it! Revel in the satisfaction that today you get to be whom you really are, masks aside.

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5. Aromatherapy

Nothing beats coming home to a fragrant home, almost like a spa. A faint whiff of lavendar and everything stressful seems to melt away.

6. Enjoy your own company Sometimes it’s good to be a hermit. If you want people to like you, you’ve got to learn to like yourself.

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7. Sit in a shopping mall Grab a book, your fave latte, locate a seat in a shopping mall, they’re quite comfy these day. Watch life go by. Sit and enjoy the sights of people bustling by on their errands. Watch people’s interactions and just feel glad to be alive. 8. Unplug

Go offline (internet, mobile, phone) one hour a day. This is your ME time.

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9. Cook/make something It is very satisfying to make something and to work with your own hands. Make a simple dish, if you’re not a cook, eat in and healthy for once.

If you are a good cook, why not this time cook for friends and relatives.

10. Raise your hands above your head and stretchhhhhhhh……hear those spine crack and pop, you’ll feel more loose afterward

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10 ways to DECLUTTER and TIDY UP

Let’s be brutally honest.

The 100 things rule is bull.

It is for hermits who don’t have a life

or friends. People who don’t have

children. Counting all your clothes as 1

item and declaring you have 66 items

is cheating. People like that are living

in their own world.

That is why I am an extreme

minimalist phobic.

1. 1 month rule

Extreme minimalists impose the

1 month rule. If the item does

not serve a purpose, has not

been used in 1 month, they

throw it out.

That’s ok if you’re filthy rich and

earning money from conning us

with your fake ebooks, but for

us average joes, throwing out a

perfectly good item is a mortal


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Solution? Extend the 1 month

rule. Or modify it. If an item has

not been used in 1 month (a

good indication is the layer of

dust coating it), dump it in a box

labelled TO-GO. Start with one

room first. Whenever you need

it, take it out of the box. If after

3-6 months (you decide the

duration), the item is still inside,

donate/sell/dump it.

2. Clear 1 surface

Take a look around your house. Which area do you frequent most? The

couch? Your work desk? This is identifiable by the

lack of dust and a higher amount of wear and tear

surrounding that area.

If the area that you use the most is your desk, ask

yourself this.

How many percent of the surface of the table can

you see? Do you even have space to set your cup of

coffee down?

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3. Make it a routine or habit (a little at a time)

If you’re a lazy bum like me who really really hates cleaning, decluttering

etc, at least do this. Set up a routine. Every morning before you go to

work, you must take out the trash if it’s a garbage day. Empty or full, late

or early to work, you must tie up that bag and bring it to the bin.

Then when I get home, tired or hungry, I must check my letterbox and I

never ever bring my stack of mail into the house. I open all envelopes on

top of my car, make a note of what needs to be paid and only file/scan

those that really need to be kept. (eg: utility bills, house assessments)

4. Always leave the house in

expectation of bringing a guest


Have you ever had last minute

changes in plans, and you had

to bring a guest home even for

awhile. As you unlocked your

front doors, horrors of horrors,


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realized you left your bra on the

couch, or dirty dishes and plates

on the sink? Embarrassing

moment isn’t it? To make

matters worse, the guest you

brought home is someone you

wanted to make an impression

on; eg: your boss.

Recollect this feeling of shame.

Now every time you’re about to go to work or go out, spare a quick

glance at your living room and do a quick sweep (literally!). Take out the

garbage, fluff up that pillow and clear that sink. You’re not doing it just

for show, it makes a huge difference to have a clean and organized

home to come home to, instead of a helter skelter one.

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5. How do you want to be remembered?

When you have passed on, how do you want to be remembered? What’s

going to be written on your tombstone?

Here lies Alex Ding, he owned a

lot of things

Certainly not! We want to be

remembered for the difference we

made in people’s lives. Unless your

property is going to them, nobody is

going to remember the iphone you

owned or that cool car you drove.

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10 steps to feeling better almost immediately

1. Annual health screening

At about the age of 30, I started being hypochondriac about my health.

I’d discover phantom lumps and monitor my blood pressure obsessively.

Finally I decided to take control of my health. I made an action plan to

eat healthily (cooking my own food majorly), and scheduled annual

health screenings. The results showed I had high cholesterol and uric

acid. Therefore I changed my dietary plans to cater for this (no more

shrooms and more oat!)

Actually doing something about my health set my mind at rest and

whatever that genetics throws my way, I will accept with the knowledge

that I’ve done my best to maintain my body so that it will serve me well

for a long time. Just as you would send a car for service, our bodies are

the same. Just as cars need black oil and lubricant, we need water.

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2. Drink a cup of water now

The recommended volume is 8 glasses which I have

never achieved, honestly. I find water too plain for

my tastes which my friends find preposterous. Yet I

know, my body needs it. As a habit, I place a covered

glass of water which I drink when I wake up and

before I go to bed. Every cup of coffee I drink in the

day, I drink a cup of water after. And because I find

water too plain tasting, I dose mine with a dollop of

natural honey.

3. Buy and take a health supplement now

Depending on your needs, start taking supplements

if you’re over 30. Close your eyes and empty your

mind for a moment and let your body speak to you. If

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you feel body aches or joint pain, go for glucosamine. If you have a

history of flu, go for multi vits. If you exercise often, protein

supplements help in recovery.

4. Stretch every morning

Before getting out of bed,

think like a cat and stretch.

Do a simple yoga sun


5. Walk extra

Try vibram five finger shoes

Going to the store? Choose

the furthest parking space

so that you will be forced to

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walk. After lunch? Don’t take the elevator, take the stairs. If you’re like

me and don’t want to sweat, take the elevator up to your floor minus 3

or 4 storeys.

6. Breath properly, no slouching

(sit up straight!)

With the risk of sounding like

your mother, good posture is

very important. Take it from me,

I spend more than 10 hours in

front of the computer. If you

don’t sit up straight or slouch,

your shoulders will start to ache

which will escalate to your

elbows and hands.

Take a break away from work

every half hour and just focus on

breathing. The proper way is to

let air fill your stomach and

exhaling through your chest. I

find the length of 3-2-3 (3

seconds in, 2 seconds hold, 3

seconds out) the best calming


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7. Get a good mattress

Do not skimp on a good mattress.

If you can, get memory foam

mattress (the type that moulds

to your body). A good rest equals

a good mind and body.

8. Pet a dog

It is very relaxing to just pet a dog,

cat, hamster, gold fish.. revel in the simplicity of petting an animal who

thinks the world of you. No matter how shitty your day was, it is

instantly forgotten when your pet welcomes you home.

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9. Go for a massage

Massage improves circulation and aids recovery. Treat yourself to one if

you have achy shoulders from bad posture.

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10. Share a laugh

As they say, laughter produces endorphins, the hormone that makes you

feel relaxed and happy. Laugh at a silly joke, email, website then spread

it around.

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10 tips to save money

1. Use your small change for food and water

Make it a habit to store your change in your pants pocket and empty

them into a container. Once it’s full, use the change to buy yourself a

meal or drink.

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2. Ride a bike

People have the misconception that riding motorcycles are hazardous.

But with proper safety riding tips, you can save almost RM200 per

month on gas.

You also escape traffic jams if you ride bikes hence saving time too.

3. Cook your own food, grow your own food

Not only it is healthy to cook

your own food, since you

control the amount of salt and

ingredients, it also saves money

as you can cook in bulk and then

freeze it. Making something

with your own hands is also very

therapeutic. To take it a step

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further, you can also try growing

your own vegetables (eg:

legumes, potatoes). Some

bloggers even take it to the

extreme by rearing their own

poultry. I’m a strong advocate of

this as you are guaranteed

hormone-free eggs.

Making own coffee also saves money which otherwise would go to

Starbucks or some other coffee franchise. You can choose the amount of

sugar to add and make the coffee to suit your own taste.

4. Save electricity

First things first, what is the first switch you flip when you walk into the

house and what is the last switch you flip when you leave?

That is probably the appliance that runs the longest and consumes the

most electricity. Ask yourself this can you reduce its usage?

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a. Air conditioning

I kept complaining about the air cond not being cold and yet my bills

were hefty. Turned out the filters were jammed with dust and there was

a blockage in the compressor outside.

Clean the filters (DIY) every few months and make sure nothing is

blocking your compressor.

In Malaysia, a steady 23 degrees is comfortable. If it rains, there is no

need for air conditioning. Wear skimpy clothing. Did you know when you

shiver, you burn more calories?

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b. Off

Switch off everything (except the fridge) when you go out or go to work.

That includes your modem, your PC, your TV, your washing machine.

c. Lighting

Do you really need the whole room lit up at night while surfing or

watching TV or working? Use a study lamp or night light.

d. Use solar or motion lights for your porch lights

Motion lights also double as security lights that turn on with movement

at night.

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e. No need to turn on the bathroom light in the day

f. Make use of natural daylight. It’s easier on the eyes.

g. Turn off your monitor screen when not in use. Or set it to off

automatically if idle.

h. Charge your handphone/gadget at work. If you use hot water for

making coffee etc, fill up your thermos before you go home.

i. Use the washing machine on a full load.

j. Spring clean your fridge. Throw out expired food. The fridge uses more

electricity when there’s more food inside.

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k. Heat/cook with stove rather than microwave. It’s healthier and


5. Envelope budgeting

This is a tip I came across on a blog. When you receive your pay cheque,

allocate a certain amount (RM500 in my case) for food and x amount

(RM200 in my case) for groceries. Then when you need to pay for food

or groceries, only take cash from these envelopes. It is up to you to

budget wisely so that you do not run out by the end of the month. If you

notice you have some left over by month end, reduce the amount by

RM50 (which then goes to your savings) and challenge yourself to spend

less. The key word here is to be disciplined and to have no cheat days.

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6. Delay buying

that gadget

We are bombarded

daily with marketing

and sales offers. I just

bought an ipad and a

month later, ipad2

comes out. wait…what? Gadgets are probably the consumer item that

people spend most money on. There’s screen protectors (matte, anti

fingerprint, mirror) and god so many accessories; covers (leather, angry

bird covers, smart covers, keyboard covers), sleeves, even joystick


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Point is you have that gadget already and the manufacturer proceeds to

release an upgraded version with cameras, better cpu, lighter in weight


And you spend sleepless nights resisting the urge to purchase this

pointless upgrade. This guide below will help you curb your ‘hunger’:

1. On your ipad, list down 3 upgrades that you cannot do without. If you

cannot come up with 3, stop thinking already.

2. Imagine yourself purchasing the item. Then imagine the state of the

item 3 months later, will you still be using it? If yes then proceed to

number 3.

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3. Look at your cluttered house. You will be adding another item to the

clutter. If you really want it, get rid of 2 items of the same category then

proceed to number 4.

4. Set this rule for yourself. For every useless item that you wish to

purchase for the sake of indulgence (read “I deserve this”), calculate

10% off the price and donate that price to charity. And make the

donation before you step into that store.

6. Is the ipad 2 jail broken? If not, wait!!!!!!

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7. If you must buy, get the best deal or look online

Check out mydeal.com.my. Most of the items are 50% and above off.

Never feel shy to ask for discounts. You are entitled to them and maybe

surprised that you got the price you wanted so easily.

Did you know that the prices on price tags that you see are marked up 30% minimum? That is the recommended profit margin that stores use. When I was young, I used to pay the price printed, no questions asked. I was shy and tight lipped, afraid of smirks of funny looks I anticipated would be given if I asked for a discount. Now, 10 years older and wiser, I’ve learned that there is no harm in asking for a discount. At worse, the price remains

the same, at best, you saved a couple of dollars. Some of the items that I have personally saved on, just by asking for a discount:

shoes at flea market ($25-$20l after they saw the state of the pair I was wearing, it was dog chewed)

Starbucks (did you know if you presented your CIMB credit card, you get 10% off)

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house (RM170k -> RM153k; just cos the owner was in a hurry to go out)

guinea pig food ($20->$18)

However, one must know the

right place and time to ask for

discounts. For example, it

would be inappropriate to ask

for discounts at a supermarket

or hypermarket where the

cashiers do not have authority

to give you discounts. Flea or

night markets are fine though.

In fact, the best timing for

discounts at these places are

near closing time.

Here are some places where you can good value for your dollar:

restaurants (if you’re having a course meal, ask for a breakdown

of every item)

mini markets

pet shops

you should be asking for discounts for most purchases above

RM1000, esp gadgets (phones, cameras, computers), furniture

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car repairs

In summary, never ever pay the price that is printed on the price tag!

8. Use technology to its fullest

Eg: use whatsapp or tango or messaging. Skype for voice calls. Anything

else that is not urgent, email.

9. Meet friends for coffee or tea instead

of lunch/dinner

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10. Shorter showers

Call me gross but I can

shower with just a

standard pail of water.

It’s all in knowing how.

Two splashes to wet your

body and then lather

your body top to bottom.

Wait a few seconds then

use the remaining water.

You don’t need a full tub

to wash yourself. Clean

water is actually a

privilege in some countries.

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11. Don’t join a gym

Gym packages are notorious for sucking your credit. They charge

exorbitant fees for you to work out (knowing well that at most you’d

visit probably less than 10 times a month) and make it really hard for

you to cancel the membership.

Instead of going to expensive gyms which serve more as a status symbol

than a fitness centre, choose to build your own home gym with a simple

medicine ball, resistance band or kettlebell. Have fun watching and

working out on TV. If you’re not into weights, but cardio, go for a walk

with your dog at the park. There is not one equipment in the gym that

cannot be substituted for free or less cost.

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