usa ariel, tian, (athena). pre-world war i 1898 – the spanish-american war 1906 – american...

USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena)

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Page 1: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President


Ariel, Tian, (Athena)

Page 2: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

Pre-World War I•1898 – The Spanish-American War•1906 – American occupation of Cuba

•1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President•1914 – Panama Canal

World War I•1915 – Sinking of the Lusitania

•1917 – America declares war on Germany•1918 – Fourteen Points presented

World War I ends

Page 3: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

Post-World War I

• Harding, Coolidge, Hoover conservative presidencies, high tariffs

• Stock Market crash of 1929• Great Depression• Franklin D. Roosevelt 1932• New Deal Recovery Reforms 1933

Page 4: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President


• Analyze the economic and political changes and continuities of the United States from 1898 to 1933 with the New Deal.

Page 5: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President


Mady, Katie, Christine

Page 6: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

History• 1871: Otto von Bismarck unified Germany• Late 1870’s: Germany raises tariffs to protect

industries from Britain.• 1882: Germany joins Italy and Austria-Hungary in a

triple alliance. (triple entente: Britain, France, Russia• 1888: Beginning of Germany’s navy to compete with

Britain.• 1888: Beginning of Kaiser Wilhelm 2nd

• 1914: Franz Ferdinand assassinated & Germany declares war on Russia & France, Britain declares war on Germany.

• 1914-1918: World War 1

Page 7: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

More History• 1915: German Cameroon & German colonies of South West

Africa are conquered.• April 1915: Germans are the first to launch poison gas at

the second battle of Ypres• 1916: Turn of Winter (massive famine) & US uses

submarines to sink British merchant ships.• 1917: Germany establishes women’s auxiliary units.• Armistice Signed; Emperor Wilhelm 2nd is exiled • 1919: Germany signs treaty of Versailles. • 1919: Weimar Republic is established. • 1919-1923: Inflation causes government to issue new

currency. • 1933: Adolf Hitler is appointed • As chancellor and Nazi Germany begins persecuting Jews

Page 8: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

CCOT Prompt

Describe economic and political changes and continuities in Germany from 1870-1933.

Page 9: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

Ottoman Empire/Turkey

Kyle, Matias, Emilio

Page 10: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

• 1876: Young Ottomans Form New Constitution Under Abdul Hamid II

• 1877: Abdul Hamid II Suspends Constitution and Parliament

• 1898: Crete occupied by Europeans• 1902-1903: Macedonia Rebels• 1909: Abdul Hamid II Overthrown by Young

Turks in Parliament• 1910: Albania Becomes Independent• 1912: Italy Conquers Libya• 1912-1913: 1st and 2nd Balkan Wars

Page 11: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

• 1914: Ottomans Form a Secret Alliance With Germany; Deport Armenians

• 1915: British Land at Gallipoli• 1916: Hussein Led Revolt in Arabia Against

Ottomans• 1917: Balfour Declaration• 1919: League of Nations Mandates Formed

From Former Ottoman Territories• 1919: Ataturk Takes Power, Attempts to

Westernize Turkey• 1919-1922: War Between Turkey and Greece

Page 12: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

CCOT Prompt:

• Analyze political and social changes and continuities in Turkey during the time period 1876-1922.

Page 13: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President


Joey, Tommy, Anthony, Leo

Page 14: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

Important Dates Pt.1

1868 - Meiji Restoration 1870s Hired British engineers to build first railroad1870’s - British telegraph cables laid to Japan1894-1895 - Japan wins Sino-Japanese War1904-1905 – Japan wins Russo-Japanese War1910 - Japan annexes Korea

Page 15: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

Important Dates Pt. 2

1914 Japan joins Great Britain in WW1 by declaring war on Germany1915 Japan presents 21 demands to China1919 Treaty of Versailles grants Japan German colonies, but not the Chinese territories they wanted.1923 Kanto earthquake, destroys ½ of Tokyo 200,000 dead.1925 Japan population reaches 60 million 1931 Japan invades Manchuria, a mineral wealthy colony in China.1930s 89% of Japanese homes had electric lights.

Page 16: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

CCOT Prompt

From 1868 from 1931 analyze the political and economic changes and continuities in Japan.

Page 17: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President


Ethan, Eldon, (Antonio)

Page 18: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

Timeline1. 1899 - Open Door Policy enables Europeans to maintain access to a

treaty port but restricts European influence2. 1900 - Boxer Rebellion is started under the guidance of Empress

Dowager Cixi; crushed by Europeans3. 1908 - Empress Dowager Cixi dies; Sun Yat-sen tries to take over

government but fails4. October 1911 - Regional Army Mutiny led by Yuan Shikai5. December 1911 - Last Qing Emperor Puyi abdicates and Sun Yat-sen

is elected president but steps down and Yuan Shikai is elected president

6. 1915 - Japan presents China with Twenty-One Demands, which would have turned China into a protectorate; Japan seizes German enclaves in China

Page 19: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

Timeline7. May 4, 1919 - Students demonstrate in Forbidden city to

protest Japanese occupation of German ports8. Early 1920s - Sun Yat-sen tries to come back; Guomindang

allies with Chinese Communist Party 9. 1925 - Sun Yat-sen dies; Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek)

assumes leadership of the Guomindang (National Peoples’ Party)

10.1927 - Kai-shek turns against the Chinese Communist Party; defeats most of the regional warlords and establishes dictatorship

Page 20: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

CCOT Prompt

Analyze the political change and continuity in China between 1899 and 1927.

Page 21: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President


Matt, Vlad, Mary

Page 22: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President


-1861-Emancipation of serfs-1894-Czar Nicholas II was crowned czar-1904-Russo-Japanese War -1905-Bloody sunday-1906-Duma formed-1907-British-russian entente-1914-Start of World War 1-1917-October Revolutions-1917-February revolution

Page 23: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President


-1917-civil war between reds and whites-1918-Russia withdraws from WW1(Treaty of

Brest-Litovsk)-1921- New economic policies in russia-1870-1924-Lenin's life span-1922-Stalin in power-1928-Trotsky exiled, Five year plan introduced

by Stalin

Page 24: USA Ariel, Tian, (Athena). Pre-World War I 1898 – The Spanish-American War 1906 – American occupation of Cuba 1913 – Woodrow Wilson becomes President

CCOT Prompt

Analyze social and political change and continuity in Russia from 1894-1928.