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User’s Guide to ArcView 3.3 for Land Use Planners in Puttalam District IUCN Sri Lanka, Country Office Dilhari Weragodatenna

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User’s Guide to ArcView 3.3 for Land Use Planners in Puttalam District

IUCN Sri Lanka, Country Office

Dilhari Weragodatenna

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Page 3: User’s Guide to ArcView 3.3 for Land Use Planners in ...User’s Guide to ArcView 3.3 for Land Use Planners in Puttalam District Introduction Geographical InformationSystems (GIS)

Table of Content

Introduction………..........…………………………………...............................................……… 1

1. Gettingstarted……………..................................…………………………………………………….. 2

2. Geo-referencing……………………………………………..................................…………………… 6

3. Digitizing(CapturingtheData)………………………………….............................…………….. 10

4. Tablesandattributeinformation……………………………............................……………….. 13

5. Calculatingfieldvalues……..………………………………………………................................... 14

6. ModifyingtheTheme…………………………………………….................................……………. 15

7. MapScale……………………………………………………………………......................................... 16

8. LabellingtheMap…………………………………………………………....................................…..17

9. CreatingamapLayout……………………………………………...................................………… 19

10. AddingMapelementstothelayout……………………………………….............................…21

11. ExportingamaptoPDF,TIFF,JPEG,andotherformats……..........................………… 24

12. PrintingtheMap………………………………………………............................................……… 25

13. TransferringDatafromGPS………………………….........................................……………… 26

14. References…………………………………………………………….................................................27


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GeographicalInformationSystems(GIS)isacollectionofcomputerhardware,software,andgeographic data for capturing,managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of datawithgeographicallyreferencedinformation.Itisthemergingofmappinganddatabasetechnology.GISisoftenusedasadecisionsupporttoolinvolvingintegrationofspatiallyreferenceddatainaproblem-solvingenvironmentaswell.Typically,GISisusedforhandlingmapsofonekindoranother.Thesemightberepresentedasseveraldifferent layerswhereeach layerholdsaparticular kindofdata. Each feature is linked toapositionon thegraphical imageonamapanda record inanattribute table.GIS can revealhiddenpatterns, relationships,andtrendsthatarenotreadilyapparent inspreadsheetsorstatisticalpackages,oftencreatingnewinformationfromexistingdataresources.ThereforeGISallowstoseepattern,distance,area,relationship,trend,andLocationontheground.AndalsoGIStechnologyisoftenusedfordecision-making,becausethedatacanbeeasilymodified,shared,accessed,updatedandlinkedwithphotographs,videoandaudioclips.

Currently, many government agencies as well as non-government agencies in Sri LankasuccessfullyapplyGIStechnologyasadecisionmakingtooltocoordinateresourceutilizationplans.However, thereareoften limitations inusingof thisnewtechnologydue to lackoffundsforobtainingtherelevantsoftwareandexpertiseinthearea.

IUCN,InternationalUnionforConservationofNatureandNaturalResources,SriLankaimplementedtheproject,Ecologicallyandsocio-economicallysoundcoastalecosystemrehabilitation and conservation in tsunami-affected countries of the Indian OceanwithfinancialassistancefromBundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment) in the Puttalam lagoon area in the North Western Province of SriLanka. An important component of this project was the capacity building of StateInstitutions responsible for managing the resources in the Puttalam Lagoon. Asapartof thisprogramme,variousStateAgencies in thePuttalamLagoonareawereprovidedwithGISMapsincorporatingseveraldatabasescollatedandanalysedbytheProject. TherecipientsweretrainedontheGIStechniques.Asacontinuingcapacitybuildingexercise,itwasfeltnecessarythatauser’sguideforoperatingGISsoftwarebeprovided.

This user’s guide was prepared drawing heavily from Arc View 3.3 help menu and Arc View 9.2 for the sole purpose of providing simplified instructions to the users of GIS maps produced under the BMZ project. Copies of this User’s Guide will be given to selected users free of charge and IUCN does not have any commercial interest in preparing and distribution of this Guide.

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1. Getting Started

Step �• DoubleclickonArcView GIS 3.3inyourDesktop(SeeFig.1.1)

Fig. �.�

Step �• ClickOK buttoninthedialogueBox(SeeFig.1.2)

Fig. �.�

Click OK

To start the work double click Arc view GIS 3.3

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Step 3

Open a new View

• Tostartworkhighlight viewintheprojectwindowandclicktheNewbutton• ThedefaultnameofthenewViewisView �. • TorenametheView,choosePropertiesfromtheView menu.(SeeFig.1.3)


Fig. �.3

Thebasicfeaturesofthestartupscreenare,(SeeFig.1.4) Fig. �.4


The New View

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Project windowShapefilesaresavedinprojects (Shapefileisanon-topologicalformatforstoringthegeometriclocationandattributeinformationofgeographicfeatures.Itsavesasfivefiles,suchas.shp,.shx,.dbf,.sbn,sbx.).ThefiveProjectwindowobjectsareViews,Tables,Charts,Layouts,andScripts.Menu barUser-programmablepull-downmenus,uniquelydefinedforeachProjectwindowobject.Button barUser-definedactions(scripts)whichareimplementedimmediatelyonclicking.

Tool barUser-definedactions(scripts)whichapplywhilethetoolisactivated(clickon,clickoff)

Standard View Buttons



Save Project - Saves changes of all works to the project file.

Add Theme - Upload data from existing data sources to the view.

Edit Legend - Toggle the legend visibility for active themes in the Standard View.

Open Theme Table - Display the selected records after graphically select features in a theme. Ensure that the theme in which you selected the features is the only active.

Query Builder - It can be built a query by double-clicking on these options with the mouse or by typing your query directly into the query text box.

Zoom to full extent/Zoom to active theme(s) - zooms the active window to the extent of all themes in the legend and the active window to the extent of all ACTIVE themes in the legend

Zoom to full previous extent - Zoom the active window back to the previously zoomed area.

Clear Selection Features - Unselect the selected features in active themes

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Identify - Show database information about a feature.

Pointer - Select shapes or points by clicking or dragging a box.

Select Feature - Selects features in the visible, active themes by clicking or dragging a box.

Pan - Pan can drag by click-and-holding to the inside the view window in any direction.

Ruler - Measure the distance between two or more points by left clicking on both the starting and ending point.

Label - label features with graphic text using database attributes.

Text - Create text on the display by clicking the location for the text, typing it in the box provided, then positioning it using the “arrow” tool.

Draw Point - Add graphic shapes to a view by selecting a graphic shape type from the drop down menu of layout options (i.e., points, lines, boxes).

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�. Geo-referencing


Images are stored as raster data, where each cell in the image has a row and columnnumber.(Rasterdataisdefinedbyitscoloursandpixelsandisnotdefinedmathematically.Digital pictures are raster data) Shape files and ARC/INFO coverage are stored in real-worldcoordinates. Inordertodisplay imageswithcoveragesorshapefiles, it isnecessarytoestablishanimage-to-worldtransformationthatconvertstheimagecoordinatestoreal-worldcoordinates.Thistransformationinformationistypicallystoredwiththeimage.

Step �

Select Extensions toGeo-reference

• Inordertoaddimagefiles(JPEG,BMP,TIFF…)youneedtoturnontheExtensionsfromfilemenu.

• SinceImagesareJPEGfilesyouhavetoactivatetheImage Analysisintheextensionmenu.

• clickOK (SeeFig.2.1)

Fig. �.�

�. Select File

�. Select Extensions 4. Click OK

3. Put a tick on Image Analysis

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Step �

Adding the Raster image data such as aerial photographs, satellite images, etc. as a Theme (Add Data into Arc View)

• UsetheAdd ThemeButtontoloadtheimagethatyouneedtogeo-reference• SelectImage Analysis Data Source fromSet Data Source Types• Givethepathwheretheimageisstoredfromdrivers• ClickOK toaddtheselectedfile(s)toyourViewwindow.(SeeFig.2.2)


Fig. �.�

Step 3

Giving real coordinates in to the Image

• ChooseAlign ToolfromToolBarandclickontheLanduseTypewhichyoucangetRealworldcoordinates(AlignToolshouldbethefirstButtonfromRightintheToolBar)-(Land use type can be a Junction, corner of the Lake, Corner of the Building etc)

• ThenRight clickandchooseEnter to CoordinatesfromtheDialogueBox• TypetheX, Y CoordinatesDigitsintheTo PointDialogueBoxandClickOK• GiveMinimum Four CoordinatestotheImage(SeeFig.2.3)

1. Select Add Theme button

�. Highlight the Image

�. Select Image Analysis Data Source

3. Select the Drive

4. Click the File Name

�. Click OK

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Fig. �.3

Step 4

Saving the Geo - referenced Image (Raster data)

• ChooseSave Image AsfromThemeinMenu Bar • SelecttheTIFFfromList files of Type• SelecttheDirectorytosavetheImage• ClicktheFile NamewhereyouwanttosavetheImage• TypeNameoftheImageinFile Name BarandClickOK (SeeFig.2.4)

Fig. �.4

�. Select Align Tool

�. Select Enter “To” Coordinate

3. Type X, Y Coordinates Digits and click ok

�. Select Save Image As and give a path to save the image

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Step �

Open the Saved Image to continue the work

• UsetheAdd themeButtontoloadtheSaveImage.• SelecttheImage Data SourcefromDataSourceType.• ChangetheDirectorytoyourFilelocation.• ClicktheFile NametohighlighttheselectedImageandOK

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3. Digitizing (Capturing the Data)

Theprocessof representingananaloguesignaloran imagebyadiscrete setof itspointsis knownas digitizing. This data after conversion is in thebinary format,which is directlyreadablebycomputer.Thedatatobeconvertedcanbeatext,animage,audiooravideo.Whenyoudigitizeamap,youuseadigitizingtabletconnectedtoyourcomputertotraceoverfeaturesyouareinterestedin.TheX,Ycoordinatesofthesefeaturesareautomaticallyrecordandstoreinthecomputerasspatialdata.

Step �

Creating a New Theme


• ChooseNew ThemefromtheViewMenu.• ChoosePolygonfromthelistofchoicesinFeaturetype(Point,Line,andPolygon)


• Choosethedefaultorprovideanameandlocationforthenewtheme.(SeeFig.3.1and3.2)

Fig. 3.�

�. Click View and New Theme

�. Select Type3. Click OK

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Fig. 3.�

Step �

Capturing data


• Clickathemelegendboxtomakeit“Active”(themeissurroundedbyaboxandappearsraised).Athemecanonlybeeditedwhenitis“Active”.

• GotoThemeandselectStart Editing.• ChoosetheDraw Polygontoolfromthe“DrawingTools”drop-downmenu.• Clickonthe"drawingtool"pull-downmenubuttonandselectthedrawingtool







�. Type name of the New Theme

3. Click OK

4. Select File

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Fig. 3.3

Step 3

• Drawthepolygonbyclickingforeachvertice(the cursor will be a crosshair)Doubleclickonthelastvertice.

• Ifyouwanttocontinuethedrawing,rightclicksandselectsPantomove.

Select Polygon

Highlight the Theme

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4. Tables and attribute information

Tabularinformationisthebasisofgeographicfeatures,allowingyoutovisualize,query,andanalyseyourdata. Inthesimplestterms,tablesaremadeupofrowsandcolumns. InGIS,rowsareknownasrecordsandcolumnsarefields.Eachfieldcanstoreaspecifictypeofdatasuchasanumber,date,ortext.

Step �

Insert Data into a table

• ClicktheOpen Theme Table buttonintheViewbuttonbar.• AddfieldstothetablefromtheTable Menu barandselecttheAdd Fieldchoice


• AddrecordstothetablefromtheTable menu bar,selecttheAdd RecordchoicefromtheEditmenu.Thiswilladdasinglerecordtothetable.Repeatthisactionasmanytimesasneeded.

• AdddatatothetablefromtheTabletoolbar,selecttheEdit tool.Thisallowsyoutoedittheemptycellsinthetable.

• Toeditthevaluesinatable,FromtheTable menu,ChooseStart Editing.• SelecttheEdit toolandplacethecursorinthefieldoftherecordyouwantto


• Tofinisheditingandcommityourchanges,chooseStop EditingfromtheTablemenu.(seeFig.4.1)

Fig. 4.�

Select Table

Select Edit Tool to insert text or


Select Theme

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5. Calculating field values

Enteringvalueswiththekeyboardisnottheonlywayyoucaneditvaluesinatable.Insomecases,youmightwanttoperformamathematicalcalculationtosetafieldvalueforasinglerecordorevenall records.TheArcViewfieldcalculator letsyouperformsimpleaswellasadvancedcalculationsonallorselectedrecords.Inaddition,youcancalculatearea,length,perimeter,andothergeometricpropertiesonfieldsinattributetables.

Step �

To calculate a value for a field

• ChooseStart EditingfromtheTablemenu.• Clickonthenameofthefieldyouwishtocalculate.Notethatthenamesoffields

youcancalculateappearinanormalfont,anythatyoucan'tareshowninitalics.• ClicktheCalculatebutton.• IntheFieldCalculatordialogthatappears,typetheexpressionforthecalculation


• PressOKtoperformthecalculation.ArcViewdisplaystheresultsinthetable.(SeeFig.5.1)

TypethefollowingintotheexpressionboxForlength: [Shape].ReturnLength/1000000Forarea: [Shape].ReturnArea/1000000Forperimeter: [Shape].ReturnLength/1000000

Note - The calculation applies to the selected set of records. If no records are selected, the calculation applies to all records.

Fig. �.�

�. Select Calculate

�. Type the expression here

3. Click OK

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�. Modifying the Theme


Step �

Changing Theme Properties

• OpentheLegend Editorboxbydouble-clickingthethemelegendbox;orbyclickingThemeonthemenubar,thenclickingEdit Legend.

• Double-clicktheSymbol boxintheLegendEditortoopenthe“ThemePropertiesEditor”.Editthetheme’spropertiesbyusingthebuttonsonthepalette.

• FromFill PaletteyoucanchangethePatternoftheLegend.• FromColor PaletteyoucanchangethecoloroftheLegend.• FinishtheEditingClick Apply (seeFig.6.1).

Fig. �.�

�. Double Click the Theme

�. Double Click the Symbol

3. Select the Fill Pattern

4. Click Apply

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�. Map Scale


Step �

Setting Map Scale

Mapunitsaretheunitsoftheview’sdisplaysurface.Iftheviewhasnotbeenprojected,Mapunitsaretheunits inwhichthecoordinatesofthespatialdatacontained inyourviewarestored.Iftheviewhasbeenprojected,Mapunitsaretheunitsintowhichthisdataisbeingprojectedintheview.ArcViewusesthemapunitssettingtodeterminethecorrectscaleofyourview.IfMapUnitsarenotsetcorrectly,thescaleArcViewdisplaysforyourviewmaybeincorrect,andArcViewwon’tknowhowlargetodrawyourviewifyouspecifyascaleforyourview

• ClickViewonthemenubartopulldownthe“View”menu.ThenclickPropertiestoopenthe“ViewProperties”window.

• SelectMetersinMap UnitsandKilometersfromDistance Unit.• ThenclickOK (SeeFig.7.1).

Fig. �.�

�. Set Map Units

3. Scale will appear here

�. Click View and select Properties

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�. Labelling the Map


1. Interactively position and enter your own text

• ChoosethetexttoolfromtheStandard tool bar.• Positionandclickthecursoronyourviewwhereyouwantyourtexttobegin.• TypeyourtextintotheTextPropertiesdialogandclickOK.(SeeFig.8.1)

Fig. �.�

2. Interactively position a label based on an attribute value

• MakethethemethatcontainsthefeaturesyouwanttolabelactivebyclickingonitinthetableofContents.

• FromtheThememenuchooseProperties.• ChoosetheText Labels iconintheTheme Propertiesdialog.• Choosethefield thatcontainsthevaluesyouwanttouseaslabelsandthenclick

OK.• SelecttheLabeltool.• Clickonthefeatureyouwanttolabel.Thelabelappearswhereyouclicked.• ChoosetheStop EditfromThemeMenuandSavetheEditoftheTheme.(See


�. Select Text

3. Type of Name of the feature or place here�. Click on the Map Text

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Fig. �.�

3. Automatically label some or all featuresYoucanlabelallfeaturesorjustselectedfeaturesforanactivetheme.

• ClickonAuto-labelfromtheThememenu.• SelectAuto-labeleitherallthefeaturesoftheactivethemeoraselectedsetof


Fig. �.3

�. Select Text Labels 3. Select the field Type

1. Select Properties

3. Click OK

�. Select the Field that you want to label

�. Select Auto Label

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9. Creating a map Layout

Producing the output of your work is one of the end product in GIS work. A layout is adocumentwhichcollectionofmapelementslaidoutandorganizedonapage.Commonmapelementsincludeoneormoredataframeseachcontaininganorderedsetofmaplayers,ascalebar,northarrow,maptitle,descriptivetext,andalegend.Layoutviewiswhereyouaddmapsurrounds, frames,graticules,andotherfinishingtouchestoamap. Itcanthendrawthoseobjectstothescreen,sendthemtoaprinter,andsendthemtooneofseveralstandardgraphicsfileformats.

Step �

• ChooseLayoutfromViewMenu.• SelectPagePattern(e.g. Landscape, Portrait.)• ClickOK.• ClickonNewLayout.(SeeFig.9.1)

Fig. �.�

Step �

Setting the layout page size and orientation


Page sizeThereareanumberoflargeandsmallformatsizesprovidedbydefaultinArcView.Ifyouneedasizeotherthanthese,youcanuseacustompagesizeanddefineitswidthandheight.Thedefaultpagesizeisderivedfromyourprinter.

4. Select Layout

3. Click OK

2. Select Page Pattern

�. Select Layout

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Page unitsSelectpageunitsfromalistofchoices.Thedefaultpageunitsareinches.



Output resolutionDefinestheresolutionthelayoutisprintedandexported

Fig. �.�

Layout page size

Layout page Units orientation

Layout page orientation

Layout page margins orientation

Layout Out put resolution

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�0. Adding Map elements to the layout

Step �



• SelectScale Bar FramefromToolBar(SecondButtonformRightwithRulerSign).• DragontheView.• SelecttheView Frame.• SelectKilometersfromUnits.• ClickOK. (SeeFig.10.1)

Fig. �0.�

Step �


• SelecttheTexttool.• Clickwhereyouwantyourtexttobegin.• TypeyourtextintheText Properties dialogandclickOK (SeeFig.10.2).

�. Select Scale bar frame

�. Select View Frame

3. Select Map Scale

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Fig. �0.�

Step 3

North Arrow

Northarrowsarecontainedwithinframesinthelayout.Whenyoucreateanortharrowframeyouselecta styleofnortharrowtoplaceon the layout.Youcanalsochooseanangle (indegrees)thatthenortharrowshouldberotated.

• SelectNorth ArrowfromTool Bar(ThesecondButtonfromRightwithArrowsign)

• DragontheView• SelectNorth Arrow Style• ClickOK (SeeFig.10.3)

Fig. �0.3

�. Select the Text

�. Click OK

�. Select Text and type

�. Click OK

�. Select North Arrow

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Step 4



Fig. �0.4

�. Select View Frame and OK

3. Click OK

�. Select Legend Frame

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11. Exporting a map to PDF, TIFF, JPEG, and other formats

Youcanexportalayouttoafileinanyofanumberofsupportedoutputformats.ArcViewexports to the following formats: UNIX windows, PlaceableWindows,Metafile,WindowsMetafile,WindowsBitmap,EncapsulatedPostScript–New,EncapsulatedPostScript–Old,AdobeIllustrator,CGMBinary,CGMCharater,CGMClearText,JPEG

Step �

Export the Layout as JPEG

• ClickFile• SelectExport• Select JPEGformFiletype• SelectDrive• SelectFile Name• GiveanametotheMap• ClickOK (SeeFig.11.1)

Fig. ��.�

�. Click OK

�. Select Path3. Select format of the


4. Give a name

�. Click File and Export

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12. Printing the Map


Step �

• ChoosePrinterFromtheFile menu,• SetOutputFormattoPrinterSpecific• ClickOK (SeeFig.12.1)

Fig. ��.�

3. Select Set up

4. Set Printer

�. Click OK

�. Select Layout�. Select print

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�3. Transferring Data from GPS


Thereisnooption(Toolbar)totakeGPSinformationtotheArcView3.3directly.ThereforedatacanbetransferedasshapefilesviaOziexploraorVantagepointsoftwaresonly. Step � Transferring and exporting data from GPS to Vantagepoint

• ConnectGPStothePC• ClickonimportButton• DatawillsaveintheVantagepoint• Clickonexportbuttonandselectthetypethatyouwant(SeeFig.13.1)

Fig. �3.� Export ButtonImport Button

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Step � Transferring and exporting data from GPS to Oziexplorer

• Connect GPStothePC• ClickonMagellan andselect Get Waypoint from GPS Button• ClickonFileandselectExport to Esri Shapefileandselectwaypointtopoints• Giveapathforsavethefile

Fig. �3.�

Select Get Waypoint from GPS



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IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature

IUCN was founded in 1948 and brings together 80 states, 114 government agencies, more than 800 NGO’s and some 10,000 scientists and experts from 181 countries in a unique worldwide partnership.

The Mission of the Union is to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable.

The IUCN in Sri Lanka was established in 1986 and is guided by IUCN’s mission and the environmental concerns embodied in successive National Environmental Action Plans of the Government of Sri Lanka.


Sri Lanka Country Office,53, Horton Place,Colombo 07,Sri [email protected] + 94 11 269 4094fax + 94 11 268