varma versus var for macroeconomic forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · farshid vahid school of...

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting 1 VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting George Athanasopoulos Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics Monash University Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University

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Page 1: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting 1

VARMA versus VAR forMacroeconomic Forecasting

George AthanasopoulosDepartment of Econometrics and Business Statistics

Monash University

Farshid VahidSchool of Economics

Australian National University

Page 2: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Introduction 2


1 Introduction

2 Canonical SCM

3 Forecast performance

4 Example

5 Simulation

6 Summary of findings and future research

Page 3: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Introduction 3

VAR models dominateWhy VARMA?

More parsimonious representationClosed with respect to linear transformations

Difficult to Identify“If univariate ARIMA modelling is difficult then VARMA modelling iseven more difficult - some might say impossible!” - Chatfield

Identification Problem[y1,t



[φ11 φ12

φ21 φ22

] [y1,t−1





]−[θ11 θ12

θ21 θ22

] [ε1,t−1


]y2,t = ε2,t ⇒ y2,t−1 = ε2,t−1 ⇒ (φ12, θ12)

- SCM framework: Tiao & Tsay (1989) completed by Athanasopoulos &Vahid (2006)- Echelon form: Hannan & Kavalieris (1984); Poskitt (1992); Lutkepohl& Poskitt (1996), Athanasopoulos, Poskitt & Vahid (2007)

Page 4: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Introduction 3

VAR models dominateWhy VARMA?

More parsimonious representationClosed with respect to linear transformations

Difficult to Identify“If univariate ARIMA modelling is difficult then VARMA modelling iseven more difficult - some might say impossible!” - Chatfield

Identification Problem[y1,t



[φ11 φ12

φ21 φ22

] [y1,t−1





]−[θ11 θ12

θ21 θ22

] [ε1,t−1


]y2,t = ε2,t ⇒ y2,t−1 = ε2,t−1 ⇒ (φ12, θ12)

- SCM framework: Tiao & Tsay (1989) completed by Athanasopoulos &Vahid (2006)- Echelon form: Hannan & Kavalieris (1984); Poskitt (1992); Lutkepohl& Poskitt (1996), Athanasopoulos, Poskitt & Vahid (2007)

Page 5: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Introduction 3

VAR models dominateWhy VARMA?

More parsimonious representationClosed with respect to linear transformations

Difficult to Identify“If univariate ARIMA modelling is difficult then VARMA modelling iseven more difficult - some might say impossible!” - Chatfield

Identification Problem[y1,t



[φ11 φ12

φ21 φ22

] [y1,t−1





]−[θ11 θ12

θ21 θ22

] [ε1,t−1


]y2,t = ε2,t ⇒ y2,t−1 = ε2,t−1 ⇒ (φ12, θ12)

- SCM framework: Tiao & Tsay (1989) completed by Athanasopoulos &Vahid (2006)- Echelon form: Hannan & Kavalieris (1984); Poskitt (1992); Lutkepohl& Poskitt (1996), Athanasopoulos, Poskitt & Vahid (2007)

Page 6: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Introduction 4

VAR models dominateWhy VARMA?

More parsimonious representationClosed with respect to linear transformations

Difficult to Identify“If univariate ARIMA modelling is difficult then VARMA modelling iseven more difficult - some might say impossible!” - Chatfield

Identification Problem[y1,t



[φ11 φ12

0 0

] [y1,t−1





]−[θ11 θ12

0 0

] [ε1,t−1



y2,t = ε2,t ⇒ y2,t−1 = ε2,t−1 ⇒ (φ12, θ12)

- SCM framework: Tiao & Tsay (1989) completed by Athanasopoulos &Vahid (2006)- Echelon form: Hannan & Kavalieris (1984); Poskitt (1992); Lutkepohl& Poskitt (1996), Athanasopoulos, Poskitt & Vahid (2007)

Page 7: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Introduction 4

VAR models dominateWhy VARMA?

More parsimonious representationClosed with respect to linear transformations

Difficult to Identify“If univariate ARIMA modelling is difficult then VARMA modelling iseven more difficult - some might say impossible!” - Chatfield

Identification Problem[y1,t



[φ11 φ12

0 0

] [y1,t−1





]−[θ11 θ12

0 0

] [ε1,t−1


]y2,t = ε2,t ⇒ y2,t−1 = ε2,t−1

⇒ (φ12, θ12)

- SCM framework: Tiao & Tsay (1989) completed by Athanasopoulos &Vahid (2006)- Echelon form: Hannan & Kavalieris (1984); Poskitt (1992); Lutkepohl& Poskitt (1996), Athanasopoulos, Poskitt & Vahid (2007)

Page 8: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Introduction 4

VAR models dominateWhy VARMA?

More parsimonious representationClosed with respect to linear transformations

Difficult to Identify“If univariate ARIMA modelling is difficult then VARMA modelling iseven more difficult - some might say impossible!” - Chatfield

Identification Problem[y1,t



[φ11 φ12

0 0

] [y1,t−1





]−[θ11 θ12

0 0

] [ε1,t−1


]y2,t = ε2,t ⇒ y2,t−1 = ε2,t−1 ⇒ (φ12, θ12)

- SCM framework: Tiao & Tsay (1989) completed by Athanasopoulos &Vahid (2006)- Echelon form: Hannan & Kavalieris (1984); Poskitt (1992); Lutkepohl& Poskitt (1996), Athanasopoulos, Poskitt & Vahid (2007)

Page 9: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Introduction 4

VAR models dominateWhy VARMA?

More parsimonious representationClosed with respect to linear transformations

Difficult to Identify“If univariate ARIMA modelling is difficult then VARMA modelling iseven more difficult - some might say impossible!” - Chatfield

Identification Problem[y1,t



[φ11 φ12

0 0

] [y1,t−1





]−[θ11 θ12

0 0

] [ε1,t−1


]y2,t = ε2,t ⇒ y2,t−1 = ε2,t−1 ⇒ (φ12, θ12)

- SCM framework: Tiao & Tsay (1989) completed by Athanasopoulos &Vahid (2006)- Echelon form: Hannan & Kavalieris (1984); Poskitt (1992); Lutkepohl& Poskitt (1996), Athanasopoulos, Poskitt & Vahid (2007)

Page 10: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Canonical SCM 5


1 Introduction

2 Canonical SCM

3 Forecast performance

4 Example

5 Simulation

6 Summary of findings and future research

Page 11: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Canonical SCM 6

Definition of a SCM: For a given K -dimensional VARMA(p, q)

yt = Φ1yt−1 + . . .+ Φpyt−p + ηt −Θ1ηt−1 − . . .−Θqηt−q (1)

zr ,t = αr′yt ∼ SCM(pr , qr )

if αr satisfies αr′Φpr 6= 0T where 0 ≤ pr ≤ p

αr′Φl = 0T for l = pr + 1, ..., p

αr′Θqr 6= 0T where 0 ≤ qr ≤ q

αr′Θl = 0T for l = qr + 1, ..., q

SCM Methodology: Find K-linearly independent vectors

A = (α1, . . . , αK )′ which transform (1) into

Ayt = Φ∗1yt−1 + . . .+ Φ∗pyt−p + εt −Θ∗1εt−1 − . . .−Θ∗qεt−q (2)

where Φ∗i = AΦi , εt = Aηt and Θ∗i = AΘiA−1

Series of C/C tests: E



] [y1,t y2,t

][α1] = 0

α′1yt ∼ SCM(0, 0)

Page 12: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Canonical SCM 6

Definition of a SCM: For a given K -dimensional VARMA(p, q)

yt = Φ1yt−1 + . . .+ Φpyt−p + ηt −Θ1ηt−1 − . . .−Θqηt−q (1)

zr ,t = αr′yt ∼ SCM(pr , qr )

if αr satisfies αr′Φpr 6= 0T where 0 ≤ pr ≤ p

αr′Φl = 0T for l = pr + 1, ..., p

αr′Θqr 6= 0T where 0 ≤ qr ≤ q

αr′Θl = 0T for l = qr + 1, ..., q

SCM Methodology: Find K-linearly independent vectors

A = (α1, . . . , αK )′ which transform (1) into

Ayt = Φ∗1yt−1 + . . .+ Φ∗pyt−p + εt −Θ∗1εt−1 − . . .−Θ∗qεt−q (2)

where Φ∗i = AΦi , εt = Aηt and Θ∗i = AΘiA−1

Series of C/C tests: E



] [y1,t y2,t

][α1] = 0

α′1yt ∼ SCM(0, 0)

Page 13: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Canonical SCM 6

Definition of a SCM: For a given K -dimensional VARMA(p, q)

yt = Φ1yt−1 + . . .+ Φpyt−p + ηt −Θ1ηt−1 − . . .−Θqηt−q (1)

zr ,t = αr′yt ∼ SCM(pr , qr )

if αr satisfies αr′Φpr 6= 0T where 0 ≤ pr ≤ p

αr′Φl = 0T for l = pr + 1, ..., p

αr′Θqr 6= 0T where 0 ≤ qr ≤ q

αr′Θl = 0T for l = qr + 1, ..., q

SCM Methodology: Find K-linearly independent vectors

A = (α1, . . . , αK )′ which transform (1) into

Ayt = Φ∗1yt−1 + . . .+ Φ∗pyt−p + εt −Θ∗1εt−1 − . . .−Θ∗qεt−q (2)

where Φ∗i = AΦi , εt = Aηt and Θ∗i = AΘiA−1

Series of C/C tests: E



] [y1,t y2,t

][α1] = 0

α′1yt ∼ SCM(0, 0)

Page 14: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Canonical SCM 6

Definition of a SCM: For a given K -dimensional VARMA(p, q)

yt = Φ1yt−1 + . . .+ Φpyt−p + ηt −Θ1ηt−1 − . . .−Θqηt−q (1)

zr ,t = αr′yt ∼ SCM(pr , qr )

if αr satisfies αr′Φpr 6= 0T where 0 ≤ pr ≤ p

αr′Φl = 0T for l = pr + 1, ..., p

αr′Θqr 6= 0T where 0 ≤ qr ≤ q

αr′Θl = 0T for l = qr + 1, ..., q

SCM Methodology: Find K-linearly independent vectors

A = (α1, . . . , αK )′ which transform (1) into

Ayt = Φ∗1yt−1 + . . .+ Φ∗pyt−p + εt −Θ∗1εt−1 − . . .−Θ∗qεt−q (2)

where Φ∗i = AΦi , εt = Aηt and Θ∗i = AΘiA−1

Series of C/C tests: E



] [y1,t y2,t

][α1] = 0

α′1yt ∼ SCM(0, 0)

Page 15: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Canonical SCM 7

Example: K = 3 α′1yt ∼ SCM(1, 1)α′2yt ∼ SCM(1, 0)α′3yt ∼ SCM(0, 0)

α11 α12 α13

α21 α22 α23

α31 α32 α33

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0


θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Reduce parameters of A to produce a Canonical SCM

1 0 0α21 1 0α31 α32 1

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0


θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Empirical Results:1. Average performance across many trivariate systems2. A four variable example3. Simulation: Why do VARMA models do better than VARs?

Page 16: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Canonical SCM 7

Example: K = 3 α′1yt ∼ SCM(1, 1)α′2yt ∼ SCM(1, 0)α′3yt ∼ SCM(0, 0)

α11 α12 α13

α21 α22 α23

α31 α32 α33

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0


θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Reduce parameters of A to produce a Canonical SCM

1 0 0α21 1 0α31 α32 1

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0


θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Empirical Results:1. Average performance across many trivariate systems2. A four variable example3. Simulation: Why do VARMA models do better than VARs?

Page 17: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Canonical SCM 8

Example: K = 3 α′1yt ∼ SCM(1, 1)α′2yt ∼ SCM(1, 0)α′3yt ∼ SCM(0, 0)

1 α12 α13

α21 1 α23

α31 α32 1

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0


θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Normalise diagonally (test for improper normalisations)

Reduce parameters of A to produce a Canonical SCM 1 0 0α21 1 0α31 α32 1

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0

yt−1 + εt −

θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Empirical Results:1. Average performance across many trivariate systems2. A four variable example3. Simulation: Why do VARMA models do better than VARs

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Canonical SCM 8

Example: K = 3 α′1yt ∼ SCM(1, 1)α′2yt ∼ SCM(1, 0)α′3yt ∼ SCM(0, 0)

1 α12 α13

α21 1 α23

α31 α32 1

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0


θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Normalise diagonally (test for improper normalisations)

Reduce parameters of A to produce a Canonical SCM

1 0 0α21 1 0α31 α32 1

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0

yt−1 + εt −

θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Empirical Results:1. Average performance across many trivariate systems2. A four variable example3. Simulation: Why do VARMA models do better than VARs

Page 19: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Canonical SCM 8

Example: K = 3 α′1yt ∼ SCM(1, 1)α′2yt ∼ SCM(1, 0)α′3yt ∼ SCM(0, 0)

1 α12 α13

α21 1 α23

α31 α32 1

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0


θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Normalise diagonally (test for improper normalisations)

Reduce parameters of A to produce a Canonical SCM

1 0 0α21 1 0α31 α32 1

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0

yt−1 + εt −

θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Empirical Results:1. Average performance across many trivariate systems2. A four variable example3. Simulation: Why do VARMA models do better than VARs

Page 20: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Canonical SCM 8

Example: K = 3 α′1yt ∼ SCM(1, 1)α′2yt ∼ SCM(1, 0)α′3yt ∼ SCM(0, 0)

1 α12 α13

α21 1 α23

α31 α32 1

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0


θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Normalise diagonally (test for improper normalisations)

Reduce parameters of A to produce a Canonical SCM 1 0 0α21 1 0α31 α32 1

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0

yt−1 + εt −

θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Empirical Results:1. Average performance across many trivariate systems2. A four variable example3. Simulation: Why do VARMA models do better than VARs

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Canonical SCM 8

Example: K = 3 α′1yt ∼ SCM(1, 1)α′2yt ∼ SCM(1, 0)α′3yt ∼ SCM(0, 0)

1 α12 α13

α21 1 α23

α31 α32 1

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0


θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Normalise diagonally (test for improper normalisations)

Reduce parameters of A to produce a Canonical SCM 1 0 0α21 1 0α31 α32 1

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0

yt−1 + εt −

θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Empirical Results:

1. Average performance across many trivariate systems2. A four variable example3. Simulation: Why do VARMA models do better than VARs

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Canonical SCM 8

Example: K = 3 α′1yt ∼ SCM(1, 1)α′2yt ∼ SCM(1, 0)α′3yt ∼ SCM(0, 0)

1 α12 α13

α21 1 α23

α31 α32 1

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0


θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Normalise diagonally (test for improper normalisations)

Reduce parameters of A to produce a Canonical SCM 1 0 0α21 1 0α31 α32 1

yt =

φ(1)11 φ

(1)12 φ


φ(1)21 φ

(1)22 φ


0 0 0

yt−1 + εt −

θ(1)11 θ

(1)12 0

0 0 00 0 0


Empirical Results:1. Average performance across many trivariate systems2. A four variable example3. Simulation: Why do VARMA models do better than VARs

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Forecast performance 9


1 Introduction

2 Canonical SCM

3 Forecast performance

4 Example

5 Simulation

6 Summary of findings and future research

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Forecast performance 10

Forecasting: 40 monthly macroeconomic variables from 8 general

categories of economic activity, 1959:1-1998:12 (N=480)

50 × 3 variable systems

Test sample: N1 = 300

Estimated canonical SCM VARMAUnrestricted VAR(AIC) and VAR(BIC)Restricted VAR(AIC) and VAR(BIC)

Hold-out sample: N2 = 180

Produced N2 − h + 1 out-of-sample forecasts for eachh=1 to 15Forecast error measures: |MSFE | and tr(MSFE )Percentage Better: PBh

Relative Ratios:

RRdMSFE h = 150




Page 25: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Forecast performance 10

Forecasting: 40 monthly macroeconomic variables from 8 general

categories of economic activity, 1959:1-1998:12 (N=480)

50 × 3 variable systems

Test sample: N1 = 300

Estimated canonical SCM VARMAUnrestricted VAR(AIC) and VAR(BIC)Restricted VAR(AIC) and VAR(BIC)

Hold-out sample: N2 = 180

Produced N2 − h + 1 out-of-sample forecasts for eachh=1 to 15Forecast error measures: |MSFE | and tr(MSFE )Percentage Better: PBh

Relative Ratios:

RRdMSFE h = 150




Page 26: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Forecast performance 10

Forecasting: 40 monthly macroeconomic variables from 8 general

categories of economic activity, 1959:1-1998:12 (N=480)

50 × 3 variable systems

Test sample: N1 = 300

Estimated canonical SCM VARMAUnrestricted VAR(AIC) and VAR(BIC)Restricted VAR(AIC) and VAR(BIC)

Hold-out sample: N2 = 180

Produced N2 − h + 1 out-of-sample forecasts for eachh=1 to 15Forecast error measures: |MSFE | and tr(MSFE )Percentage Better: PBh

Relative Ratios:

RRdMSFE h = 150




Page 27: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Forecast performance 10

Forecasting: 40 monthly macroeconomic variables from 8 general

categories of economic activity, 1959:1-1998:12 (N=480)

50 × 3 variable systems

Test sample: N1 = 300

Estimated canonical SCM VARMAUnrestricted VAR(AIC) and VAR(BIC)Restricted VAR(AIC) and VAR(BIC)

Hold-out sample: N2 = 180

Produced N2 − h + 1 out-of-sample forecasts for eachh=1 to 15Forecast error measures: |MSFE | and tr(MSFE )Percentage Better: PBh

Relative Ratios:

RRdMSFE h = 150




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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Forecast performance 11

Relative Ratios

Forecast horizon (h)


2 4 6 8 10 12 14






RdMSFE for Unrestricted VAR

Forecast horizon (h)


2 4 6 8 10 12 14






RdMSFE for Restricted VAR

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Forecast performance 12

Percentage Better: Unrestricted VAR

Forecast horizon (h)


2 4 6 8 10 12 14









PB counts for tr(MSFE) for VARMA versus Unrestricted VAR

Forecast horizon (h)


2 4 6 8 10 12 14








● ●●

● ●●

●● ● ● ●


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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Forecast performance 13

Percentage Better: Restricted VAR

Forecast horizon (h)


2 4 6 8 10 12 14









PB counts for tr(MSFE) for VARMA versus Restricted VAR

Forecast horizon (h)


2 4 6 8 10 12 14









● ●

● ●

● ●●


● ●●


Page 31: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Forecast performance 14

Diebold-Mariano test for tr(MSFE):

VARMA sign better (5%, 25%, 25%,5%) VARMA sign worst

Forecast horizon (h)1 4 8 12 15

VAR(AIC) - Unrest 24,46,20,14 16,38,10,0 14,32,6,4 10,22,10,0 10,22,8,0VAR(BIC) - Unrest 24,50,22,12 10,38,18,10 12,26,22,8 12,18,16,4 12,18,16,2

VAR(AIC) - Rest 34,54,26,12 14,36,16,0 14,26,8,2 12,22,10,0 10,24,10,0VAR(BIC) - Rest 32,54,22,14 10,38,18,8 12,26,22,6 10,20,20,6 10,16,14,2


1 There are cases where VARMA significantly outperform VAR andvice versa

2 VARMA models significantly outperform VAR more than thereverse

3 As h increases the number significant differences decreases

dummy space

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Forecast performance 14

Diebold-Mariano test for tr(MSFE):

VARMA sign better (5%, 25%, 25%,5%) VARMA sign worst

Forecast horizon (h)1 4 8 12 15

VAR(AIC) - Unrest 24,46,20,14 16,38,10,0 14,32,6,4 10,22,10,0 10,22,8,0VAR(BIC) - Unrest 24,50,22,12 10,38,18,10 12,26,22,8 12,18,16,4 12,18,16,2

VAR(AIC) - Rest 34,54,26,12 14,36,16,0 14,26,8,2 12,22,10,0 10,24,10,0VAR(BIC) - Rest 32,54,22,14 10,38,18,8 12,26,22,6 10,20,20,6 10,16,14,2


1 There are cases where VARMA significantly outperform VAR andvice versa

2 VARMA models significantly outperform VAR more than thereverse

3 As h increases the number significant differences decreases

dummy space

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Forecast performance 14

Diebold-Mariano test for tr(MSFE):

VARMA sign better (5%, 25%, 25%,5%) VARMA sign worst

Forecast horizon (h)1 4 8 12 15

VAR(AIC) - Unrest 24,46,20,14 16,38,10,0 14,32,6,4 10,22,10,0 10,22,8,0VAR(BIC) - Unrest 24,50,22,12 10,38,18,10 12,26,22,8 12,18,16,4 12,18,16,2

VAR(AIC) - Rest 34,54,26,12 14,36,16,0 14,26,8,2 12,22,10,0 10,24,10,0VAR(BIC) - Rest 32,54,22,14 10,38,18,8 12,26,22,6 10,20,20,6 10,16,14,2


1 There are cases where VARMA significantly outperform VAR andvice versa

2 VARMA models significantly outperform VAR more than thereverse

3 As h increases the number significant differences decreases

dummy space

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Forecast performance 14

Diebold-Mariano test for tr(MSFE):

VARMA sign better (5%, 25%, 25%,5%) VARMA sign worst

Forecast horizon (h)1 4 8 12 15

VAR(AIC) - Unrest 24,46,20,14 16,38,10,0 14,32,6,4 10,22,10,0 10,22,8,0VAR(BIC) - Unrest 24,50,22,12 10,38,18,10 12,26,22,8 12,18,16,4 12,18,16,2

VAR(AIC) - Rest 34,54,26,12 14,36,16,0 14,26,8,2 12,22,10,0 10,24,10,0VAR(BIC) - Rest 32,54,22,14 10,38,18,8 12,26,22,6 10,20,20,6 10,16,14,2


1 There are cases where VARMA significantly outperform VAR andvice versa

2 VARMA models significantly outperform VAR more than thereverse

3 As h increases the number significant differences decreases

dummy space

Page 35: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Forecast performance 14

Diebold-Mariano test for tr(MSFE):

VARMA sign better (5%, 25%, 25%,5%) VARMA sign worst

Forecast horizon (h)1 4 8 12 15

VAR(AIC) - Unrest 24,46,20,14 16,38,10,0 14,32,6,4 10,22,10,0 10,22,8,0VAR(BIC) - Unrest 24,50,22,12 10,38,18,10 12,26,22,8 12,18,16,4 12,18,16,2

VAR(AIC) - Rest 34,54,26,12 14,36,16,0 14,26,8,2 12,22,10,0 10,24,10,0VAR(BIC) - Rest 32,54,22,14 10,38,18,8 12,26,22,6 10,20,20,6 10,16,14,2


1 There are cases where VARMA significantly outperform VAR andvice versa

2 VARMA models significantly outperform VAR more than thereverse

3 As h increases the number significant differences decreases

dummy space

Page 36: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Forecast performance 15

Diebold-Mariano test for tr(MSFE):

VARMA sign better (5%, 25%, 25%,5%) VARMA sign worst

Forecast horizon (h)1 4 8 12 15

VAR(AIC) - Unrest 24,46,20,14 16,38,10,0 14,32,6,4 10,22,10,0 10,22,8,0VAR(BIC) - Unrest 24,50,22,12 10,38,18,10 12,26,22,8 12,18,16,4 12,18,16,2

VAR(AIC) - Rest 34,54,26,12 14,36,16,0 14,26,8,2 12,22,10,0 10,24,10,0VAR(BIC) - Rest 32,54,22,14 10,38,18,8 12,26,22,6 10,20,20,6 10,16,14,2


1 There are cases where VARMA significantly outperform VAR andvice versa

2 VARMA models significantly outperform VAR more than thereverse

3 As h increases the number significant differences decreases

4 Restrictions do not improve VAR performance when significantdifferences

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Example 16


1 Introduction

2 Canonical SCM

3 Forecast performance

4 Example

5 Simulation

6 Summary of findings and future research

Page 38: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Example 17


Four variables (also six variables):

GDP growth rateinflation ratespread (10 yr gvt bill yield) − (3-month treasury bill rate)3-month treasury bill rate

- in line with term structure literature: Ang, Piazzesi, Wei (2006)- variations in New Keynesian DSGE - contributions in Taylor(1999)

Quarterly data

Message: We should start considering VARMA

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Example 17


Four variables (also six variables):

GDP growth rateinflation ratespread (10 yr gvt bill yield) − (3-month treasury bill rate)3-month treasury bill rate

- in line with term structure literature: Ang, Piazzesi, Wei (2006)- variations in New Keynesian DSGE - contributions in Taylor(1999)

Quarterly data

Message: We should start considering VARMA

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Example 17


Four variables (also six variables):

GDP growth rateinflation ratespread (10 yr gvt bill yield) − (3-month treasury bill rate)3-month treasury bill rate

- in line with term structure literature: Ang, Piazzesi, Wei (2006)- variations in New Keynesian DSGE - contributions in Taylor(1999)

Quarterly data

Message: We should start considering VARMA

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Simulation 18


1 Introduction

2 Canonical SCM

3 Forecast performance

4 Example

5 Simulation

6 Summary of findings and future research

Page 42: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Simulation 19

Why do VARMA forecast better?

Estimated a VARMA(2,1): - SCM(2,0) - SCM(1,1)- SCM(1,0) - SCM(0,0)

1 0 0 00 1 0 00 0 1 0∗ ∗ ∗ 1

yt =

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗0 0 0 0

yt−1 +

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0


0 0 0 0∗ ∗ ∗ 00 0 0 00 0 0 0

et−1 + et

Simulate from the benchmark estimated model assuming e ∼ N(0,Σ)

n = 164→ estimate VARMA(2,1), VAR(AIC), VAR(BIC)

nout = 42→ compute 1 to 12-step ahead forecasts

iterations = 100→ calculate |MSFE | for all models

Compare the percentage difference using |MSFEVARMA| as a base

Repeat by changing specific features and compare with the benchmark

Page 43: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Simulation 19

Why do VARMA forecast better?

Estimated a VARMA(2,1): - SCM(2,0) - SCM(1,1)- SCM(1,0) - SCM(0,0)

1 0 0 00 1 0 00 0 1 0∗ ∗ ∗ 1

yt =

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗0 0 0 0

yt−1 +

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0


0 0 0 0∗ ∗ ∗ 00 0 0 00 0 0 0

et−1 + et

Simulate from the benchmark estimated model assuming e ∼ N(0,Σ)

n = 164→ estimate VARMA(2,1), VAR(AIC), VAR(BIC)

nout = 42→ compute 1 to 12-step ahead forecasts

iterations = 100→ calculate |MSFE | for all models

Compare the percentage difference using |MSFEVARMA| as a base

Repeat by changing specific features and compare with the benchmark

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Simulation 20

Why do VARMA forecast better:%

2 4 6 8 10 12





● ●● ● ● ●

● ●● ● ● ●

DGP1: Estimated model VAR(AIC) VAR(BIC)

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Simulation 21

Why do VARMA forecast better:%

2 4 6 8 10 12





● ●● ● ● ●

● ●● ● ● ●

DGP1: Estimated model

%2 4 6 8 10 12






● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●


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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Simulation 22

Why do VARMA forecast better:%

2 4 6 8 10 12





● ●● ● ● ●

● ●● ● ● ●

DGP1: Estimated model

%2 4 6 8 10 12





● ●●

● ● ●● ● ● ● ●

DGP3: 2 strong MAs VAR(AIC) VAR(BIC)

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Simulation 23

Why do VARMA forecast better:%

2 4 6 8 10 12





● ●● ● ● ●

● ●● ● ● ●

DGP1: Estimated model

%2 4 6 8 10 12





● ●

● ● ●●

● ●●

DGP5: 3 strong MAs VAR(AIC) VAR(BIC)

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Simulation 24

Why do VARMA forecast better:%

2 4 6 8 10 12





● ●● ● ● ●

● ●● ● ● ●

DGP1: Estimated model

%2 4 6 8 10 12





●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

DGP6: 3 weak MAs VAR(AIC) VAR(BIC)

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Simulation 25

Why do VARMA forecast better:%

2 4 6 8 10 12





● ●● ● ● ●

● ●● ● ● ●

DGP1: Estimated model

%2 4 6 8 10 12







● ● ● ● ● ●


Page 50: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Summary of findings and future research 26


1 Introduction

2 Canonical SCM

3 Forecast performance

4 Example

5 Simulation

6 Summary of findings and future research

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Summary of findings and future research 27

Summary of findings:

1 We can obtain better forecasts for macroeconomic variables byconsidering VARMA models

2 With the methodological developments and the improvement incomputer power there is no compelling reason to restrict the classof models to VARs only

3 The existence of VMA components cannot be well-approximatedby finite order VARs

4 Are these favourable results specific the SCM methodology? No!Athanasopoulos, Poskitt and Vahid (2007) show that similarconclusions emerge when one uses the “Echelon” form approach

Future Research:

1 Developing a fully automated identification process

2 Developing an alternative estimation approach which avoids fittinga long VAR to estimate the lagged innovations

3 Move into the non-stationary world

Page 52: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Summary of findings and future research 27

Summary of findings:

1 We can obtain better forecasts for macroeconomic variables byconsidering VARMA models

2 With the methodological developments and the improvement incomputer power there is no compelling reason to restrict the classof models to VARs only

3 The existence of VMA components cannot be well-approximatedby finite order VARs

4 Are these favourable results specific the SCM methodology? No!Athanasopoulos, Poskitt and Vahid (2007) show that similarconclusions emerge when one uses the “Echelon” form approach

Future Research:

1 Developing a fully automated identification process

2 Developing an alternative estimation approach which avoids fittinga long VAR to estimate the lagged innovations

3 Move into the non-stationary world

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Summary of findings and future research 27

Summary of findings:

1 We can obtain better forecasts for macroeconomic variables byconsidering VARMA models

2 With the methodological developments and the improvement incomputer power there is no compelling reason to restrict the classof models to VARs only

3 The existence of VMA components cannot be well-approximatedby finite order VARs

4 Are these favourable results specific the SCM methodology? No!Athanasopoulos, Poskitt and Vahid (2007) show that similarconclusions emerge when one uses the “Echelon” form approach

Future Research:

1 Developing a fully automated identification process

2 Developing an alternative estimation approach which avoids fittinga long VAR to estimate the lagged innovations

3 Move into the non-stationary world

Page 54: VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecastinggathana/slides/isf07.pdf · Farshid Vahid School of Economics Australian National University. VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting

VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Summary of findings and future research 27

Summary of findings:

1 We can obtain better forecasts for macroeconomic variables byconsidering VARMA models

2 With the methodological developments and the improvement incomputer power there is no compelling reason to restrict the classof models to VARs only

3 The existence of VMA components cannot be well-approximatedby finite order VARs

4 Are these favourable results specific the SCM methodology? No!Athanasopoulos, Poskitt and Vahid (2007) show that similarconclusions emerge when one uses the “Echelon” form approach

Future Research:

1 Developing a fully automated identification process

2 Developing an alternative estimation approach which avoids fittinga long VAR to estimate the lagged innovations

3 Move into the non-stationary world

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Summary of findings and future research 27

Summary of findings:

1 We can obtain better forecasts for macroeconomic variables byconsidering VARMA models

2 With the methodological developments and the improvement incomputer power there is no compelling reason to restrict the classof models to VARs only

3 The existence of VMA components cannot be well-approximatedby finite order VARs

4 Are these favourable results specific the SCM methodology? No!Athanasopoulos, Poskitt and Vahid (2007) show that similarconclusions emerge when one uses the “Echelon” form approach

Future Research:

1 Developing a fully automated identification process

2 Developing an alternative estimation approach which avoids fittinga long VAR to estimate the lagged innovations

3 Move into the non-stationary world

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VARMA versus VAR for Macroeconomic Forecasting Summary of findings and future research 28

Thank you!!!!!