vision framework - bmv social media campaign

Defining BECOMING MORE VISIBLES’s Move to Socialization Moving to a Social Strategy Company Social/Digital Key Points of Differentiation Vision Becoming More Visible” is a film that seeks to transcend victimhood and challenge audience members and society at large to consider what they are missing out on by not embracing, loving and cherishing, transgender and gender non-conforming teenagers. Our goal as the social media department of “Becoming More Visible” is to build a community for our fans, LGBTQ supporters, photo enthusiasts and new audience to engage with each other and the films cast and crew so that the film will remain relevant in the minds of people. The goal of this film is to create social awareness. Our main goal as the social media department is to create a community. We are not here to gain likes or followers. Because a community participates and a follower just observers. To achieve our goal through this movie it is important to influence the crowd with our social media. Always up-to-date. Consistency Mission Promote and encourage the development of LGBTQ youth Create awareness and foster a positive conversation about the disparities in the LGBTQ, specifically the transgender communities. Promote gender equality and inclusion in society at large. We engage and educate our viewers and supporters through various social media platforms. We will attract new members to our social media platforms to gain new audience for our film. Join hands with other similar online social awareness organization or people (critics, celebrities) for mutual benefit Our first step is to convert our Kickstarter backers and fans to regular and loyal members of our social media pages. These people we believe will serve as the best crowd for mouth publicity. Create a campaign to attract new members. But we need to make sure we launch this campaign at the right time.

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Vision framework - BMV Social Media Campaign

Defining BECOMING MORE VISIBLES’s Move to Socialization  


Moving to a  Social  Strategy 






Key Points of Differentiation 



“Becoming More Visible” is a film that seeks to transcend victimhood and challenge audience members and society at large to consider what they are missing out on by not embracing, loving and cherishing, transgender and gender non-conforming teenagers.


 Our goal as the social media department of “Becoming More Visible” is to build a community for our fans, LGBTQ supporters, photo enthusiasts and new audience to engage with each other and the films cast and crew so that the film will remain relevant in the minds of people.  

 The goal of this film is to create social awareness. Our main goal as the social media department is to create a community. We are not here to gain likes or followers. Because a community participates and a follower just observers. To achieve our goal through this movie it is important to influence the crowd with our social media. ● Always up-to-date. ● Consistency



 ● Promote and

encourage the development of LGBTQ youth

● Create awareness

and foster a positive conversation about the disparities in the LGBTQ, specifically the transgender communities.

● Promote gender equality and inclusion in society at large.


 ● We engage and

educate our viewers and supporters through various social media platforms.

● We will attract new members to our social media platforms to gain new audience for our film.

● Join hands with other similar online social awareness organization or people (critics, celebrities) for mutual benefit

 ● Our first step is

to convert our Kickstarter backers and fans to regular and loyal members of our social media pages. These people we believe will serve as the best crowd for mouth publicity.

● Create a campaign to attract new members. But we need to make sure we launch this campaign at the right time.

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● Audience participation

● Individual stories vs community

● Audience participation and engagement


Strategic Goals 

 Raise awareness and get funding to complete a feature documentary film (NOW). Then to continue raising awareness about the film and the issues 

 This film deals with a social cause. In my opinion, the 2 notes that hit the crowd on the social media platforms are a campaign that negative (rebellious) or very positive (feel good). We want to aim for the 2nd strategy. Our campaign reflects the celebration of life. Through our social media campaign we aim to erase the boundaries between people. 

● The teaser and

posters reflect the cause and the theme of the movie. But we want to make our social media campaign a little lighter.

● One of the steps will be to introduce our characters and crew. Make the audience root for our character on social media.

● Through our campaign we will make the social cause and film synonyms in the minds of people.

● Mobile friendly ● Strategic plan to

reach out to LGBTQ influencers and the whole community.

● The official film website with forum or create a another website for forums/news



 Applying to grants, foundations, reaching out to celebrities and key players in this space. Also looking for network and production company


 ● Retweeting,

sharing and hashtagging. Mentioning up-to-date social matters relevant

 ● Consistency ● To make our

social media campaigns more interactive.

● To gain initial momentum

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to Transgender youth.

● Find celebrities, and stakeholders on social media platforms that can support our cause.

● Create discussion boards, blogs and messages that engage our fans. This film speaks about many discussion worthy topics (use Reddit and google+)

● Since this film also has a strong photography component, we will create photo blogs and make use of social media platforms such as tumblr and instagram.

● Convince social media celebrities to support our cause.

● To gain the trust of LGBTQ community

● Maintain clean and relevant discussion boards/forums

● Involve with other online LGBTQ communities.

● Interaction  


What are People Saying? 

So far we have received a good buzz about the Film. Most feel the characters are very strong and the message is an important one. Waiting to hear back from a handful of grants. 

 ● In the digital

space we need the audience to engage in discussions related to this film so that we can attract new fans and followers.

● We need our core audience and fans to root for our characters and support them openly on their pages and profiles.


The conversations are one sided now. We need to make them interactive. For example we need find ways to engage people to participate in our discussions. We need people to be active on our picture blogs such as tumblr and
