visit to the sites of the great war by ingmar

Trip to S.Martino e S.Michele del Carso On 7th of March we went to S.Martino and S.Michele del Carso to visit the museum of WW1, the memorial stone 4°Honved, the trenches, the caverns and the Cannon Caves.

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Trip to S.Martino e S.Michele del Carso

On 7th of March we went to S.Martino and S.Michele del Carso to visit the museum of WW1, the memorial stone 4°Honved, the trenches, the caverns and the Cannon Caves.

Private museum “Ricordi della grande guerra”

The first thing that we visited in S.Martino was a private museum about World War One. Here the guide told us about the guns used during the battles (like rifles, machine guns, bombards, bombs and the passive weapons like barbed wire) the uniforms, the several kinds of helmets. Iin the cabinets we also saw several kinds of things used by soldiers like pneumatic drills and mess tins.

Memorial stone 4°Honved

The second destination was the memorial stone 4°Honved.This is a monument built in the memory of the 4th Regiment Honved (a Hungarian regiment).The one we saw isn't the real monument but a reconstruction of the original monument built with the stones of a church which was near there but was later destroyed by the Italian Army.

The trenches and the caves

After that the guide took us through the wood on the first of the four peaks of Mount St.Michele and he told us about the strategic points of the mount included the ftrenches.The most interesting thing was the cave.The guide told us that, to protect themselves by enemies and by weather the soldiers dug a cave 60m long.Infact he told us also that in a cave you shouldn't be cold beacuse the temperature is costant all year long.

The entry of the cave on the Mount St. Michele

Two photos of the trenches of the Mount St. Michele

The cannon caves

Apart from the caves for the soldiers, the militaries also dug some caves for their embrasures. In fact that caves were dug to protect the embrasures by enemies. But they didn't. That guns hav never been inside the caves.

The end of the trip

The last words of the guide were about the gases used by the Italians by the French but above all by the Germans.The two most important and horrific gases launched were the fosgene and the yprite which had really crushing effects.