visual communication: social media lecturer: david nicol

Visual Communication: Social Media Lecturer: David Nicol

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Page 1: Visual Communication: Social Media Lecturer: David Nicol

Vi su a l Co m m u n i ca t i o n : So c i a l M ed ia

L e c t u r e r : D a v i d N i c o l

Page 2: Visual Communication: Social Media Lecturer: David Nicol

Today We Will Look at

Social media platformsSocial media toolsSocial media methodologies and

terminologySocial media etiquette

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Experience of Social Media

In groups spend 10 minutes and complete the following slides about social media platforms.

We will discuss our findings with the class - so you should nominate a spokesperson.

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List 5 Popular Social Media Platforms

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Brief Purpose of 5 Social Media Platforms from previous slide.

Social Media Name More Business or Social? Brief Description of Use






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5 Social Media Tools Available for previously chosen platforms

Social Media Name List a Tool Available on Social Media Platform e.g. name of tool/option/process to share types of media






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Class Discussion

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Answer the following questions in groups - spend a few mins on each one…

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What is an avatar and why would you use it?

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Which popular digital social platform uses connections and why?

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What is a Content Management System? (CMS)

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What is creative commons?

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Which Social Software uses Direct Messaging and how does it work?

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What is Phishing and how can social network users be at risk?

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Suggest some Pros and Cons of Social Networking


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How Could a Business use Social Networking/Social Software?

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Class Discussion

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Investigate two stories in which people or companies used social media – having an adverse result

• Story 1

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Investigate two stories in which people or companies used social media – having an adverse result

• Story 2

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Investigate two stories in which people or companies used social media – having a positive result

• Story 1

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Investigate two stories in which people or companies used social media – having a positive result

• Story 2

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Class Discussion

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Attempt the following Quizzes on your own.

1. Test your knowledge in Social Media•

112176792. Social and Mobile Media Quiz•


3. How social media savvy are you?•


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Reflection – No Need to write down

1. How would you rate your performance in the quizzes?

(a)Poor (b) Average (c) Excellent

2. Out of the social media software we have looked at how many have you experience in using?(b)None (b) One or Two (c) A Few (d) Many

3. Now discuss your performance with the group in quizzes. Discuss past experiences of using social software with group.

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Create a Folder on your computer/disk space called “Social Media – Your Name”

Share the completed presentation with other group members.

NOTE – Always keep a back-up of your work.