vol-111- no. 71 .eiqljth,year. tw in palls, tw in falls...

VOL-111- NO. 71 .EIQljTH,YEAR. TWIN PALLS, TWIN FALLS COUNTY, IDAHp. ERIDAY, JUNE 20. 1913 SUBSCRIPTION $2,00 PER YEA r ' .■ ______ ' ____ •_ '- . ... ' T" ^ ^ . ' _____ tlECI OfFIORS /Grand Chaptk y s Mosl Sucrl - : -cessful Conclave---- COaraAKDEllY l».VH.\I)E8 IN UKI- ] KORM ON WEDXESDAV. YIstMra TifaTn..-^Y«ulMiulay.yT«ii>ng.fnr J TUclr Uomca Declaring Thclr Loy- uUy to CJty. —! The' concliiTo— o f ^ t b o Qrnnd.Chaptor of tho Royal Arch Ma- ' BOilB, waa concludod Wednesday laf- ' " tcrnoon: Most of tho mcmborB ioft on j tho oTonlnK train with nothing but ( —4»arty-*-ocdB ofjjrnlflo for the hcBpl- i tality Bhown them TTy thtrlocal^Ohopi. .1 tor. - — - - 1 Tuesday tho Grnnd Chapter olectcd j ' thclr offlcorB for tho coining year and i '■ tho nppolntlTo officorB wore alao i 'noimcod bcforc- tho-TioHora-loft-410. city.. Tho QrandfltChnptcr. oftlccrB ; olccted ftco aa foirowft: .. . . Thc' followlng ofilccra for tho on- 1 eul'ng year wcro cloctcd ahd Installed: Grand HiBh Priest—Jobn R. Ncvors, j of Coeur d'Alene. Grand Deputy. High Priest—Henry Lolmbcrger, ot Bolso. r Grand King—Harlon B. McDonald, ; of Payotto. - I . Grand Scrlbc—Thoa. M. Flcmlng. 6f 1 I^j^ton. I - Grand Tireaauror—Edw. - ^mlth, ot BoIbc. Grand Secretary—Lewis w. Ensign, Of Bolpc.- arSaaXcciurer—PranJru-mna.'cr Boise, ; .^..Appointed Officers. TjrraiidT(ni5pintt=ChVtf.~Gr^ Coot>r d’Alene.___________ ;____________ . >Grand Capt: o m o a t—DaTld.iiomfir,' ot Mobcow. ' '. ' Grnhdi Pr. Soi.—And. J. McKenzie, of Goodlhg. - . Grand R. A. CapL—A. A. Jessupr of Bolao. Grand Master ot 'Sd Veil-iiWm. Wai- Hn, of Pocatollo. Grand Hf, of 2d V .^ . M. Elliott, of .Twin Falls. Grand M. of lat V.—H. C. Olncy, of Sandpolnt. . Grand Sentinel—Qco. W. Undcrr- wood, of Lewiaton, . Tho,commondory on Wodneaday as- sumed charge' ot \ho Bcsslon tor tholr nnnual business and In tho momlng •formed In dreaB.Borado to properly rccelvo tbo Grand Commondory and Grand'Commandery offlocre. Headed •by the Twin Falla band the local Com- manclary and' tho plaiting momborB paraded, through, tho bustncss dlatrlct iboforo entering tho &taaonlc- tcmpla ~for tho~^UBlno88 aeeslon. Tho follow-* leg offlcere wero olocted for Ihe en- Boing year. . - - ^ R t Enl. Grand Commander—G coTir - Watorhouao. Wolsor.* V. B. .Deputy Grand Com.—Ralph T, ' Morgan. Coour d'AlcDO.. Grand Ocn>—J. Gau(, Lowlston., Grand Copt. Gen.—Goo. ,D.-AMcon, 'Twln'W llig:. ------ Grand' Cbaplaln—C. E. Max, Cooii^ ’■d’AicDO/ . --------------- Grand Son. Warden—Prancln Jen- kinfl, Moscow.* Grand 'Jnn. Wardcn-^eorgo 'E . Huoftoner, Bolae;.... . . ; Grand •Standard Booror-VJoa. H, 'Wood.-Pocatollo. ' Grand Sword Bearor-^, E. Welr- .. man, Idaho'Falls. Grand Warder-r^ Ralpi N«Tors, Cooiir-d’Alono. ' Grand SonUaol**^. J. Konnoy, lfivr~ laton. • •• •• . . • .• -------- ■Grand—-‘I ieaaorBP—Obaa,..,H^.od: ^ Grand J^ecordcr—jFfank JD. W lig, ■. Grand InBpoetor GCnBral—E ; J. 08- trandor, Twln.^tl«. ■ ' V f , . . -'i wai knowniidv4 a !1K ^ ............... ______j • •• • Mpb, Hairy Cryder P tlm itr*y Alter Short niBMi., . !: Tbo community was'Shocked yester- day-morning to loam that Mn. B ury CSrydtfr- bad. passed td tho'-QM at-W yood,. Mrs. Oryder lioB lived' here tor *sarem years and before her oiiarrlage' ^Mi! Mlsa Anna BtUei.- ,8bo leaveB; to "^"=^miWirB^1ier^>etrideer h w -hoibana- iwfltchlldreni'fief-moOiSF.'TIIfSrStlRe, fuiC^veral brothers and elsUra.«Sbe ira«,^so ajilQce of Blayqr C. O. Melhi. ' Tttfl laneral atraogemBots ir}ll n o tV ma^e .unUl .tho arririJ of Mr, pryde>, vrbo Is In Or«goii'OQ i b'oiUMiL tiiib “ :6oviiiElp|W Tnni Don H. Bark 'of'liolft,- Harry Bi 8haw and F. 1?. F&nvU ot'W aabi^ ton.'D, C., arrived In tbe olty Wadnu- dsy and on Thursday they went out td ' the.Salmon tract, where the gorem* n en t la testing-tho duties ot-water on the Brimon project,'’-' ; ____ B M S W E Short liiie M e d to Provide - Rapid-Traiisportetion ~ LETTEK XO JOEI, PIUK8T ^MEETS WITH, EXCOURAGESIENT. ^ S6rrlcc to 8alt Lake and Dutto for -Fmlt. . Tho Tw^l Polls Commorclal club, In Bonjunciiojo with tbo Filer and Ruport 1 :Juhs,-hav<i fjooa worJcIng on, a rtfrJ- . scriitor service to talto caro ot tho strawborrlca which will bo thrown on ' tbo marl(«t trom this tract nnd, tho ' Mlnodokn-projoct, and'lottors written ^ l>y~tha.accroUirlca-Df-thp_throo eom- [jiorcJnl cJuba' bovo sot In motion a move which may result In possibly a ' trl-weekly refrigerator car Borvlco on 1 thia branch to both Butto and Salt , Lake'-markets.—Thla-week-Secrotary , UcMlllan rocoived the following letter trom Joel Priest, IndUBtrlal agont for tbo Short Lino;' Bolao, Ida., Juno 17. W13. Mr. J. McMillan, Secrotary Commer- ' ' <Ual-Clilb. Twin Falla, .Idaho. Deac Sir: Yours’ qf rocont dnto with cotercDCQ.to-rofngbrator acryicc . for b^rrlOB, fruit and rilmllar producta of tho Twin Palla branch would bavo had attention boforo oxcopt for my ab- Bonco from the city. r expect to go to Salt Lake onrly next woek and will then tako tho mat- tof up poraonally wllh our freight ram e otflilalB. I appreciate tho noed or carTy nctfon In. thls'daaO and will do cvorj’thlng In my powoj to., expo- dlato It. Can aoo no reason now why j^~Bhbuld~uut biiTo -at lpggt-a--trl.- weekly rofrig/rator car from the broaclL'and anticipate that^.j'ou will havd no" difficulty Tri ' furrilBhlng lb'6 noceaaary tonnage. It'Is neodloBB for me to assure you bf our Interest In your torrltory and of our doBlro to. aorvo yon well nt all timoa. . } ' , ' SIncoroly youra, • • ■JOEL'U. PRIEST.; HRST CON w SnU D U A n MIsb Tosta Thomas OIren Honors from tocal laatltnUon. The flrat commencementof tho Twin Falls Conacrvatory of Music will bo held' noxt ‘^^losday ov«SnIng at tho Conaorvator}*. ■ Mlsa. Vesta ThomoB will havo tlie honor and diatlcctlon of boJo^ tho first graduate from tbat yojmg' but growing muafcal school .wnon -Bho rocolTos 'her dlfcloma next week. • A InrgtfTiumbor of Invltatlbn'B boVe boon.aent out for tbo'oceasloa liihd Miss Thomas during tho evening win give a recital ^wlth-tho-gradua- ; ion exorclaos.' Mlsa Thomaa.hos'dur- ng.hor Vesldenco^ho'ro made .many frleiids by hor kindly aid In tbo homo- talent musical c'vQnts of tbls city and ir'known os anno8t;t9lontod musician.' :pBlfl®lpti[iiM : BOMMiloi tio Ore«» Tlollalil,, a ll lQMrflfe'Bnd.Ti!stcen<>,ltr!Feani;:e AcU.. - Por the'last throo nights ^of this wbek. tho' cfanagomeni will offer, to. the Twin publle, Romanollo, th<)' rrp a f vioiinlBt. who It Iff BBld can makfr tbo Tlolln all bnt talk. This Is ono of tho best acta on.Q io^aa.at tho proa- qnt time; .OeoTm. jthd Veatceno In thfifr sfoglng; talking ahd cfacractor £0 dSnidt falU ajee the-dooble bill, tb^ Dct'^nrsuVely.drive away tho 'Bliles. laat three nlgbta' of tho woek. ' - V*. r The: maaegemetit-'will • also ahow 'FlBreeies bf Elmborlyrin Bed . E s^te and. jBjiuranco BasIneBB. Bffickb'br wh^Slihort tM e a ^ sold hla morcantilo'. bualness In Kim- berly, baa once mdca entered tho 'real coiUDty ^rt,;;Mti Brtfckon ‘wiU’^rigage tn the Insurance thudpua u d tray . S B S ^ p ' ABBTOlicrr-lii BONDED ABBTUCTOK ; WAR BONNET Twin Falls Will Givei in '^cptember Comnierdal Club Sets In Motio Twin Falls for throo days, Soptom- bor ICi'lT und-18,-R-in i;ccolvo tho bn- tlro population'9t Uic Snnko Blvor Valloy ns-BUostB; whon a big fair, wild west Bhoiv and aviation mDoC^wlll bo tbo attractlona. Tho mottpr baa boon—under'- onnnMaimHmL- fnr flOma time paat, nnd lost Thursday tlio board ot directors of tho Commorcl^ club voted to hold tho colobratlon on the.datcu given obovo. ■■ , ' - •“ Tho dlrbctorB also appointed A gen* oral commlttoe of five, conslBtlng of the. following clUzons, who wlll-hoyo cborgo ot tho plana for tho throo-day ovont: C. L. DeLong,,T. 0. Mocaujpy, DtUGinnjL WWN PARlYv Mrn. A. k. ScaTif Ent«rtalnK on 9Ion. day ofiThls Week. > Mra. A. K. Soaver entertained twen- ty-four TlodlcB at a dollBhtful Inwn bccakfaat at bor bomo,-M*nday.-«V 12 o'clock, noon. Six llttio Ublos, boaU- tlfully arrangod, woro placod on^ tho lawa-under-tho—trooa.—!Tba—-);Uaals. found tholr placoa by mcnns of dainty,- Kan3^3ecome37mapIevIaa^a^r^«57ntSr thelritiamoa'oalgihBtlcairriarraafirod. A.handsomo bouQuet ot rosos formed tho-attractive cAiftbrplectt-atjroofib. ta - ble, while the gonoral 'CQtor Bchomo was green ajid whlto. * Tho tablo cov- bre and napklna woi;j)4^Ip'tUy decor' ated In daisies and' foras and jjrolty little napkln'rlrigs.woremadolof leavoa and atomB. Tho whole schomo was beauOfnfly suggostivo of tho out of dobcs. Tno hostess ,waa nsslated' In Mrvlng^ a'dellcioua repost by Mrs. A. !R. Ostrohdbf, Mrs. ' Wlkor aitd'Mra. Miller. 'A number of clover tooBts woro given by Mra. ElUott, M ij^jick- ard, Mrs. Harlan and Mrs. Terbuno, tba latter'a toast being rood by ^Irs. McRoberts. Tho guostB: Moadomoa Packard, Aiken, .8. T. HamlltOD> Ep- ler, Terhune, Av R; Ostrander,'Wlkor, Baylor, Holmes, Bryant, Phljllo, Cro,- alor,'H.-‘H. MfJIor.-HarlaB, EllJoK, PuJ- lof, McRobertB,;J. M. Anderson, Sheiv herd. Hall, Bradioy and Cox and Misa Hamlin. . ' . 'L H ..S W a iE Y WINS PRIZE Carries Off Trophy In 'Shwtlng. Tear. MJ^alBoIse. . E. M. Sweeley rbturaM yesterday from-Bolse, where he had booh attond'> Ing tho„Bho9iing_tounio^,.and'l3roiittni bomo with him the. .trophy ^yon by ono bt tbo local-'papers'of tho Ci>pltal city.. Mr. Swooloy ahot'bff a lie yrlth L.:A. JWhrbaa of .Pocatellb^ George Therolt 61- Boiflo,.'CaW’ Adelmann7ot Bolao and W. H, Williamson ot Cald- woll, to Vrln' the high prlz6.ot^o stato abo'oL' All of tho* participants , were tied in.- tho flrat round-but lo the sed- ond Mr. Swoeloy.bfoko 24 out.of a ' poBSlblo 25. . . ' ' ■. c.' B. Channel Drives Hndsoo ' : _ ThfMgh Ib Oae Day. _ _ : Mr. ;ond Mrs. C, B. Channel and fam- I Uy-returaod Sundity from an automo- I bil6 trlpnff'8alt1alto'Cltyr'MK"Ohaa- nol reports that 'the' roads ■are'rin splendid ciJbdlUon and-that, hd oxper- I iencod little difficulty at any point tho trip. Going. lb Salt Lake by tht way ot Barley,- Albion, Marahflel^ and > Simol, tho Inp'waa mado In :twfl • daya. On the retom trip, howeVor, 1 Mr. Channel 'deddod to come througt s In Twin* PallB Sunday flvonlag aboul i eight-. . / w cliy .yoBteV I ae(}im^l»&.'br'U»W?Q<S^^ L «t.£olambns;<<Oblo,-rWlto ta -iR ra d ^ •r peati»..imJ»'tixfr'>;Al ,PIeia|tmtxatreli ' He Is Tery ifarorably itijpresaed* wit] • the;Tirln ROUND^UP^ FAIR t e feys Cclcbra- forEnfe Valley n Plans for Bfg^Fair and Car- C. II. UiirtoX S. H. Kuylor and W. E. Nixon.'- - . TJjo <Hrec{ors havo nlrcitdy closod a contract wllh iKc Wnr lloiinet Wild WoBt 'flhow f6r ft tllroo-dny oxblbitlou In this clly duHug t ^ fair, which will bo callcd the War 'Bonnet Round-Up Pair. -\ ' -TtaiPthPT—.ittraction'-Trhlch:—irtJh-b^ liroviUcd Ib a<inc- or two-diiy uviiitlou moot and nt prcBcut two contracts with well known nviotoru nru at the dIniKiHal df tho.dgi). ----- - .......... Tbo UHtial agricultural and hortlciil- nl fair will not bo lost ulght of In the other ottrocllohB, and- very liberal prizes'and-. promlumH will be offered. Tlio ninchcVs nro urged to begin »av- IhK cholco ojiTClniuna for tho fair. .■ LOCAl OPTION aiaiON ______ . I’onrci' Cniinly AnxIouH to Try lls Fate Ilch^en Wet and Wry. Polltlonti bavo been presented to tbo r fly croHtod L^iinty of Power naklng L a.Iacal-optloa-olQctlon bo hold-la August. , A pccullnr condition oxiata In that counly, American' Fallu, tho ^county jci«._wWclUsLlo.cntc(Lln ..wJial WOB Onclila -counly beforo Power x w m ty -w n y fOTiho d r lg ‘d TT;.,w >ii i e -n^ ■aoross thpsriver Is «r'-wot-^pot which Wo8, pw t 'bf Blaine county^ which wna wbt?^J^ti^ siich Ilmo aa It was includ- ed in lho nbw'cctinty and wUl remain Vot untll an oloction is belJ. A foot bridge acrosa tho rlvor kIvos tho dry cltUona of Power county on om>or- tunlly to 'become wet.—Idolio Folia Bcgfstor. . NEWL M^BERS fOR COM . CLUB Renewed Activity .Shown In tlic Uoost- , ' ' Ing Or^anlutlon. The Commorcinl club^Js Incrcnains ItB mbmborBhlp at rapid rnto nlnco the rebrganiznllon and Inatoliation ot o permanent secretary and a great m^my are coming In voluntarily and s/gnlng tbo «(»{»IlcaUon blanke. Dur- ng thls''weck the following membera (ave-boou addod: Dr. J. F. Shct>hord, D> Denton, D. D. Milligan. F. A «mrHr*r^mraTTTirTTngCTiiEnr^ Henry Knutson of Klmborly. The tlub is. continually doing overythlna posslblo^r lho ranchers and has Is- sued a atandlng invitation tb thom tc become, membora and thus help In the m^Tement which holp tbeni. M B i S i P B u 'T b W Extends InTltatioi ; •. > _ t to aVIn Falls Tract. ' .] ; Jerame Is going to ■ cclcbralo Jui) 4th and 6th In .a routing manner, tc judEe.-trdni'tbe eveiit«:pARnIMd 16 yla- Itonr.tB/ihatb'usy little cliy. ‘ Tho poo- 'Pl%or,t5fr^la.:7ia!ls coimtry aro glv- ^sn^a^jeoWttl'llnVItatton to’ coma' earl; Jerome la^ town thai doesTjottilDrby'halvoB osA It Is aaf< to aiy:;:tMt evory Twin M is visitoi w ill:hm a good time, Slnde thfs cit] tAvalnKrntft H wnntil bft.thQ pra natfcatnnt.-for a good crowd of Twit S ^ a ',fioo5lorrTo“eb"OTor*-and--paj tta.w-'r«Bpecte to the rielghbora acrosi i ;i'.- ^^ABWiK-BionRAir: Col^cir^larTey Sore the Senator WU ' ' ^ * V W oihln^M —Colonef * Harvey « Harpbr^a .Weekly, who soToral woek e ^ ‘’b r l n l e d : « i edlibHSl.-p'fWrcUtt that^K ^ r Bbrah will bo the Repub Ilcan.’tirealdenUal^ nominee . in .-19K WM'intWMhiai^n Wedne^ Um.'^t&idn^.Harvey' ;told‘- Senato B oi^ that h^ Blood-by hla prpOic tlbiif and aald iie had no -doubt^hal e.TOr)lt ,wUl; be fqm iled.^U tesm an. No.481'->;--: ■ Alflo U W kj3 & ............................. W«nf,-ifeT. : ^'A^oitai>OT*;In parU ttf’Sio? mop ' 11^%-tbintf-tcLCilUc^'w^ [ uS«i'7oC^tte'day itii^tlme and'aboi lid.M tk 'tare by ,Kpi»i. ^ MORE SHORT L il RAILp DOP( Talk , of Building from Twiii - falls to Boise---- -I .WILL THE.V CONNECT LT WITH S V. AT ELKO. -i!niT«r««noii Tiitil Work Hnw I1p<‘^ Aulhorlted by General ilanagci "■‘Bflncrofl. ............. ...................... ..... Situ FranclBco,—A' oUort rullroai Uric from HoIbo nud Interior Idaho U Snn FnincJflfo Jiiiil otbcr ' Ciillfornli pblnts will uhortly be constructed, op- onlng up for San Prnnclsco mcrchanti n vnat and valuablo trade uroo.-v Tbo new gateway to this cily fron Interior Idaho la to bo conatructed b] f tho-Soutborn-P^tcmc-aadabB-Otagot Short Lino. Thu latter will extend lit lino from Uol»e via Twin Falls, lo i point ou the Southern Pacific's Con tral.Pacific malnlllho near .JWinno mucca, Nev., In all probability estab Ing tbo connection at Elko. Fron KIko. .lho Central Pacific will constl tute tiio romulnder of tho routo liecc. Advlceu wcro received In the PJooc bulldiuK yeaterday to tho offoct thn Vlco Prcflldont Uancroft ot tlio Ore gon Short Lino had announced tho.au tiiorization of tho work. Theao advlco wcro verified by Soutborn Pacific bl flcloiu. With tho authorization of tho worl and thu' nccoptanco of aurvoya, botl rnilroadu consldor.that they bavo atoi cn n jnorch on tho WcBtern Paclfh Tbc latter plimncd to extend fror -Wlunomuooa -io-lioUo. Exacting .lln nnclal condltlona—condlUons lho havo blocked much progrcBB of th ita main lino—provuntcd the Uoul Tnnt-frDm-carrylng-out-ita^piaattiTCit the diapatch Intended. . . - . Tho WoBtorn Pacific roaches Elki But the Central Pacific line will b branched north far enough to glvo lh two roadB, formerly known aa Harrl man lines, aionncctlon thnt tbo Weal om Pacific cannot hope to profjt b; with nny roaaonablo .cortnlnty, ll declnrod yoBCorda^'. Tho now line—tbo lino from Dola to the Control Pacific tracka—I b t coslt it la understood, In the nolghboi hood of «C,000,000. 'The minute plana for tbc oxtenalo have not beon announced hero, Soutl: om'Poclflc offlciala declorlng that a tho Oregon Short Lino Ib, in roollt; ; building- tbc oxtonaion to Souther Pacific's Central Pacific Uno. dotall of tho work must come from tho On i gon Sliort Line, which is controlle ; by tbo Union Pnclflc. Southern Pi clflc otficlala, hewovor, do acojit lb Idea that lho unmerging of Souther ; Pacific and .Union Pacific could' ha\ [■ any -litisaiblu 'uttmt tili tbu piuJecM I lino or any cffect upon Soulhera Pi • clflo and tho Oregon Short'Lino e; ; changing Son Franclaco and'-Idal , traffic to .tbo practical exclusion 1 , other roads. '' At tbo present ttme San Prasclsi and Bolso are separated By 1182 mllj I by the Soutborn Poclfl.c'8 Ogdon Hn I- - Wiles apart and ovot Iho^Soulhoi ' Pnclflc via Portland, and the Sho f Lino, 12G7 miles apart. The now lln , however, wlll.eut a riotlccabJe^hbleJ thlB milage, aboul 30 per .cent, , m ' will glvo to- San Francisc.0 and Cal foraia, say railroad mon» a 'great pr portion of wholesale,trado, valued ; maay-jnllllpos. annually—a tradb th at proBont, lor tho most pan; la.dirl - bd up botwoen Ogdon, Salt Lake ai ’ PorUand. ^ I That those th'reb clUos have for long.'Umo controlled the..trade h: been-an. open, fificrof for , years. Tl ftpowtny tip nf lho troda to SanTfa ^ claco, it IBl boUoTod, i w rtT a T O m . and aoutheaalerh Oregon. Tbe Wostom Pactfle.- la. planni entry- to Bolse.-flgnred-^lfrlnclpaHy-' 1 its own ability td:11ilanoe’tbe proje • This plan was auccecde* by anoth.er ■whlcti merchants-arid olhw -plann f to-hiHId-to Boise: from Wtn&etriUo B conaaottsgat tbe latter polnt.'wlth ^ t 'w^wenriwifRr-^HQw^ i* Line, However, waa oecldedlf ataxlo to (jlncH-lh.o«p08sibW trade-from . 8 Into Wabo.fbr l ^eif. r ^ r od Iwcaiiae' bflU'own'nu^ai^uB'lli In.Orogon. v. :i 'iCy<a- attthontattTelT<.itated ,li UiaPXhe.Or«*on-.8^ort*W»tf<pl*«aj - th* new 1108-con^t^.W.^ w c ^ .*. ot Its Twin v ValUV>ium ‘d^ . north, knd f r o m : T w > i i ' t o .B? y aontlL' TWa roQteAWhlIe.*-Utaeloi I Sptban tfie:P CDpJ>w^ji.^^ tff mObca.to B otse-rjitw iaiw ^ 10 feadW*, eaabltai.tttifiprw ^ J Pana, 'th*Bc« to BurteyM ^Bw lU U N It M L lA ll BRIDGE ELECTION --- L_ —t----- -- . Bonds f o r . Improving County Roads Is^the-lssue - TWO I’UOPOSITIOXS SUnMITTEH TO THE VOTEUS OV COUNTY. Fifty Tlion>tnnd Dnllnrti .fur Drldgcs nnd Fifty .More for- t'ouHlmcUon of Surfaced Itonifii. Tlic iioard of county commlesloncrs hove BOt July na lho dato for tho bond eJecUon for road Improvoments. After mucli ditfoisslon and upon peUf Uon of-a largo number'of'tnipayora - tho county commiBslonora-dcclded to call for two-dlfforent propoaitlOns at the Bamo Umo. The flrat ono catlBfor ft-Yot«ron-riftT' thouaand ■DollarB- for. ;- tbe* conutructlon of somo foiirtooa bridges in varloua ]mrta of tho counl>'. Dl ovory caao Uie bridges will bo <jf 4!Qad. i>crmanonl and^ubatanUol. con-r.. strucUob. Tbo othor. propoalUon Is to expend fifty Uiousand dollara In .addition to . th n t for l>rl(lKOB. Thla money will go toward putting tbe rood# of tho couHi ty ih better condition and will also bo in the naturo of permanent Improve- menta. Tfie two questions will be voted on . ' separately, no that there will bo no qiicHtlonjiboul tho intent of tho.lax- ; payers. Both issuoa oro meeting wlUi I fa'i'or hy tho clUzcns of this city. ; ; S S I E P ; Uesldenta of Tract Flacod on State I - und QoTcraracnt LtsL , .-Through the couttaay.of-the Twin F<nir~Cmiai~ctnBpim y' Uftlcera.- a-eom -^ pleto liat of lho Btockholdora of tho compnny hns.boon given to the Twin ) Falls Commorclal club. The lisrcon- . tAlns over throo thousand names. . From this Hat tho actual realdents - havo been taken and a list Bonl bolh I to tbo “U. S. A^lcultural bureau and lo the Stato Agrlcultural Bcbool.. From , now on ovory publlcaUon rolaUng to . , tho needs ot tho stockmcn and ranclw . ora will bo sont lo all formora on tho trnct. Tills iff. merely ono of tbo many ^ attcmplB mado by tho Commercial ' . club to help tho rancbcrs. SURPRISE'PARTY AT B A N ^ _ 9 ' ,1 " fT - Sunday School Clas.s Call en One of Its J . Members. 0 A very bomplolo surprise wtis'glrpn 1 by the 'Young Pooplo's Sunda>' school B class of Hanson to one of tbe tnem- *- ^ Wn;. - hls birthday., ice cream and' cake - were aorvod and a gen<^al good time '< wns cnjbyed by all., Theflo young"peo- f pie bavo a Boclal ovenlng a^leaat>ooce a monlh and at tb^e the attbndance 0 haa aovor been less , lhan aeventeeiL;- B M no one la invited to, these partlea J. exccpt those who havo •attended San- a tendfloce. • t ..i ^ ^MlliERMBmAPPOINlME^ ^ Acconntant O^en Otflce C(i4n llt^ f- • .H, H. Ulller.-who for-the-paai-ihree g yeara haa been', connected with' tbe accoudiant departaent' of tbe Great - SboBhone ft Twin-Palla Water.Power . company; has received aa appointxbest „ aa chief depu^ to'.Btate -^bllc. UUltUea Commlaalon.: Mr. iUlWr haa L- aooepltfd-hle-ttew-T»altloH“ fln(r^.nr loate l^ a ahort lime foi; l^tae<-< . ” ^ M firoff :t . .Bobth’a a« ahowlng.'b»ntial-^i' In. jracUealHdothea'fof the .'fe^uytfe., Ia - td dloa’-dceaBea In white; Irltb lao^OMnn*^ a, broidery,' ore nnch' lo;. eTidwo^ and Hip* wyh tro<^ ihatjnjitoyalleaf !a Ul reQulalto .to..ttielr-.pleaattre;a^ Tary E- ijretty .Hltle dreaaei'ttrW cftaaa-^u^ a- anJtnr.diapH^t^Boott'f^^ ** O^oc&iorlAUM'aailw fotfli.

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Page 1: VOL-111- NO. 71 .EIQljTH,YEAR. TW IN PALLS, TW IN FALLS …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014. 12. 12. · Thc' followlng ofilccra for tho on- 1 eul'ng

VOL-111- N O . 71 ■ .E IQ ljT H ,Y E A R . T W IN PA LLS, T W IN F A L L S C O U N T Y , ID A H p . E R ID A Y , J U N E 20. 1913 S U B S C R IP T IO N $2,00 P E R Y E A r '

.■ ______ • ' ____ •_ '- . . . . ' T" . ' _____

t lECI OfFIORS/G r a n d C h ap tk y s Mosl S u c rl- : - c e s s fu l C o n c la v e - - - -


YIstM ra TifaTn..-^Y«ulMiulay.yT«ii>ng.fnr J TU clr Uomca D eclaring T hclr Loy- uUy to CJty.

—! T h e ' concliiTo— o f ^ tb oQ rnnd.C haptor of tho Royal Arch M a- ' BOilB, waa concludod W ednesday la f - '

" t c rnoon: Most o f tho mcmborB io f t on j tho oTonlnK tra in w ith nothing but (

—4»arty-*-ocdB ofjjrnlflo for the hcBpl- i ta li ty Bhown them TTy thtrlocal^O hopi. .1 to r. - — - - 1

Tuesday tho Grnnd C hapter olectcd j ' th c lr offlcorB fo r tho coining year and i

'■ th o nppolntlTo officorB wore alao i 'no im cod bcforc- th o -T ioH ora-lo ft-410. c ity .. Tho Q randfltC hnptcr. oftlccrB ; olccted ftco aa foirowft: • . . . .

T h c ' followlng ofilccra for tho on- 1 eul'ng year wcro cloctcd ahd Installed:

G rand HiBh P rie st—Jobn R. Ncvors, j o f C oeur d'Alene.

G rand Deputy. H igh P riest—H enry Lolm bcrger, o t Bolso.

r G rand K ing—H arlon B. McDonald, ; of Payotto. - I. G ran d Scrlbc—Thoa. M. Flcm lng. 6f 1

I ^ j ^ t o n . I- G rand Tireaauror—Edw. - ^m lth, ot

BoIbc. • ’G rand Secretary—Lewis w . Ensign,

■ Of Bolpc.- •a rS a a X c c iu re r—P r a n J r u - m n a . 'c r

Boise,; .^..A ppoin ted Officers.

TjrraiidT(ni5pintt=ChV tf.~G r^Coot>r d ’Alene.___________ ;____________

. > G rand Capt: o m o a t —DaTld.iiomfir,' o t Mobcow. ' ' . ‘ '

Grnhdi P r. Soi.—And. J. McKenzie, of Goodlhg. - .

G rand R. A. CapL—A. A. Jessup r of Bolao.

G rand M aster ot 'Sd Veil-iiWm. W ai- Hn, of Pocatollo.

G rand Hf, of 2d V . ^ . M. Elliott, of .Tw in Falls.

G rand M. of la t V.—H. C. Olncy, of Sandpolnt. .

G rand Sentinel—Qco. W. Undcrr- wood, of Lewiaton, .

Tho,com m ondory on Wodneaday a s ­sum ed charge' o t \ho Bcsslon to r tho lr nn n u a l business and In tho m om lng

•fo rm ed In dreaB.Borado to properly rccelvo tbo G rand Commondory and G rand 'C om m andery offlocre. Headed •by th e Twin Falla band the local Com- m anclary a n d ' tho plaiting momborB p araded , through, tho bustncss d latrlct

iboforo en te ring tho &taaonlc- tcm pla ~for tho~^UBlno88 aeeslon. Tho follow-* le g offlcere w ero olocted for Ihe en- Boing year. . - - ^

R t Enl. Grand Commander—G c o T ir- W atorhouao. Wolsor.*

V. B. .Deputy Grand Com.—R alph T,' M organ. Coour d'AlcDO..

Grand Ocn>—J. Gau(, Low lston., Grand Copt. Gen.—Goo. ,D.-AMcon,

'T w ln 'W llig :. ■ ------■ G rand ' Cbaplaln—C. E . Max, Cooii^

■ ■ ’■d’AicDO/ . ---------------Grand Son. W arden—Prancln Jen-

■ kinfl, Moscow.* ■— G rand 'J n n . W a rd c n -^ e o rg o 'E .

Huoftoner, Bolae;. . . . . . ;Grand •S tandard Booror-VJoa. H,

'W ood.-Pocatollo. 'G rand Sword B e a ro r -^ , E. W elr-

.. m an , Idaho 'F a lls .G rand W ard e r-r^ R a lp i N«Tors,

‘ Cooiir-d’Alono. 'G rand SonUaol**^. J . Konnoy, lf ivr~

la ton . • • • •• . . • .• -------- ■Grand—-‘I i eaaorBP—O b aa ,..,H ^ .o d :

^ G rand J^ecordcr—jFfank JD. W lig ,

■ . G rand InBpoetor GCnBral—E ; J . 08-trandor, T w ln .^ t l« . ■' V f , . . -'i

wai knowniidv4 a!1K ............... ______j • •• •Mpb, H a iry C ryder P t l m i t r * y A lte r

Shor t n iB M i., .

!: Tbo community was'Shocked yester­day-m orning to loam th a t M n . B u r y CSrydtfr- b a d . passed td th o '-Q M a t-W yood,. M rs. O ryder lioB lived' here to r

* s a r e m years and before h e r oiiarrlage' ^Mi! Mlsa A nna BtUei.- ,8bo leaveB; to

"^"=^miWirB^1ier^>etrideer h w -h o ib an a -iwfltchlldreni'fief-moOiSF.'TIIfSrStlRe, fu iC ^ v e ra l b ro thers and e lsU ra .«Sbe i r a « ,^ s o ajilQ ce of Blayqr C. O. M elhi.

' Tttfl lan e ra l atraogem Bots ir}ll n o t V m a^e .unUl .tho a r r i r i J o f Mr, pryde>, vrbo Is In Or«goii'OQ i b'oiUMiL t i i ib “

: 6 o v i i i E l p | W

T n n i

Don H. B ark 'o f 'l io l f t , - H arry Bi 8h aw and F. 1?. F&nvU o t 'W a a b i ^ ton .'D , C., a rrived In tbe olty W ad n u - d s y and on T hursday they w en t o u t td

' th e .S a lm o n trac t, w here the gorem * n e n t la testing-tho duties o t-w ate r on th e Brimon project,'’- ' ; ____


Short liiie M e d to Provide- Rapid-Traiisportetion ~LETTEK XO JOEI, PIUK8T MEETS


S6rrlcc to 8 a lt Lake and Dutto for -F m lt. .

Tho Tw ^l Polls Commorclal club, In Bonjunciiojo w ith tbo F ile r and R uport 1 :Juhs,-hav<i fjooa worJcIng on, a r tfrJ - . scriitor service to talto caro o t tho straw borrlca w hich w ill bo th row n on ' tbo m arl(«t trom th is tra c t nnd, tho ' M lnodokn-projoct, a n d 'lo tto rs w ritten l>y~tha.accroUirlca-Df-thp_throo eom- [jiorcJnl cJuba' bovo so t In motion a move which may re su lt In possibly a ' trl-weekly refrigerator ca r Borvlco on 1 thia branch to both Butto and S alt , L ake'-m arkets.—T hla-w eek-S ecro ta ry , UcMlllan rocoived the following le tte r trom Joel Priest, IndUBtrlal agont for tbo S hort Lino;'

Bolao, Ida., Juno 17. W13.Mr. J . McMillan, S ecro tary Commer- '

' <Ual-Clilb. Tw in Falla, .Idaho.Deac S ir: Yours’ q f rocont dnto

w ith cotercDCQ.to-rofngbrator acryicc . for b^rrlOB, fru it and rilmllar producta of tho Twin Palla branch would bavo had a tten tion boforo oxcopt for m y ab- Bonco from the city.

r expect to go to Salt L ake onrly nex t woek and will th en tako tho m at­to f up poraonally w llh o u r fre igh t r a m e otflilalB. I appreciate tho noed o r carTy nctfon In. thls'daaO and will

do cvorj’th lng In m y powoj to., expo- dlato It. Can aoo no reason now why j^ ~ B h b u ld ~ u ut biiTo -a t lpgg t-a --t r l.- w eekly ro frig /ra to r ca r from the broaclL 'and an tic ipate that^.j'ou w ill havd no" difficulty Tri ' furrilBhlng lb'6 noceaaary tonnage.

I t ' I s neodloBB for m e to a ssu re you bf o u r In terest In your to rrlto ry and of o u r doBlro to. aorvo yon w ell n t all timoa. . } ' ,

' SIncoroly youra, • • • ■JOEL'U. PR IEST.;

HRST CON w S n U D U A nMIsb Tosta T hom as OIren H onors from

■ to c a l laatltnU on.

The flra t c o m m e n c e m e n to f tho Twin F a lls Conacrvatory of M usic will bo held ' noxt ‘ ^losday ov«SnIng a t tho Conaorvator}*. ■ M lsa . V esta ThomoB will havo tlie honor and diatlcctlon of boJo^ tho firs t g radua te from tb a t yojmg' b u t growing muafcal school .wnon -Bho rocolTos 'her dlfcloma nex t week. • A InrgtfTiumbor of Invltatlbn'B boVe boon .aen t o u t for tb o 'o ceaslo a

liihd Miss Thomas d u ring tho evening w in give a recita l ^w lth-tho-gradua-

; ion exorclaos.' Mlsa T hom aa.hos'dur- n g .h o r Vesldenco^ho'ro m ade .many

frleiids by hor kindly aid In tbo homo­ta le n t musical c'vQnts of tb ls c ity and ir 'k n o w n os anno8t ; t9lontod musician.'

: p B l f l ® l p t i [ i i M :BO M M iloi t i o Ore«» T lo lla lil,, a l l lQMrflfe'Bnd.Ti!stcen<>,ltr!Feani;:e AcU..

- P o r t h e 'l a s t throo nights ^of th is wbek. th o ' cfanagom eni w ill o ffe r, to. th e T w in publle, Romanollo, th<)' r r p a f vioiinlBt. w ho I t Iff BBld c a n makfr tbo Tlolln all b n t ta lk . T his Is ono of tho b e s t acta o n .Q i o ^ a a .a t tho proa- qn t tim e; .OeoTm. jthd Veatceno In thfifr sfoglng; ta lk ing ahd cfacractor £ 0 dSnid t f a l U a j ee the-dooble bill, tb ^ D c t'^ n rsu V e ly .d r iv e aw ay tho 'Bliles. la a t th ree nlgbta' o f tho woek. ' - V*.r T h e : m aaegem etit-'w ill • also ahow

'F lB r e e i e s bf E lm b o rly r in B e d . E s ^ t e and. jBjiuranco BasIneBB.

Bffickb'br w h ^ S lih o r t tM e a ^ so ld h la morcantilo'. bualness In K im ­berly, baa once mdca en tered tho 'real

coiUDty ^ rt,;;M ti Brtfckon ‘wiU’ rigage tn th e Insurance th u d p u a u d tray

. S B S ^ p

' A BBTOlicrr-lii


WAR BONNETTwin Falls Will Givei

in '^cptemberComnierdal Club Sets In Motio

Twin Falls for th roo days, Soptom- bor ICi'lT und-18,-R-in i;ccolvo tho bn- tlro p o p u la tio n '9t Uic Snnko Blvor Valloy ns-BUostB; whon a big fair, wild w est Bhoiv and aviation mDoC^wlll bo tbo attractlona. Tho m ottpr baa boon—under'- onnnMaimHmL- fnr flOma time paat, nnd lo s t Thursday tlio board o t directors o f tho Com m orcl^ club voted to hold tho colobratlon on the.datcu given obovo. ■■ , ' - •“ •

Tho dlrbctorB also appointed A gen* oral commlttoe of five, conslBtlng of the. following clUzons, who wlll-hoyo cborgo ot tho p lana for tho throo-day ovont: C. L. DeLong,,T. 0 . Mocaujpy,

D tU G innjL WWN PARlYvMrn. A. k . ScaTif Ent«rtalnK on 9Ion.

day o fiT h ls Week. >

Mra. A. K. Soaver en tertained tw en­ty-four TlodlcB a t a dollBhtful Inwn bccakfaat a t bo r bomo,-M*nday.-«V 12 o'clock, noon. S ix llttio Ublos, boaU- tlfully arrangod, woro placod on tho law a-u n d e r-th o —trooa.—!Tba—-);Uaals. found tho lr p lacoa by m cnns of dain ty,- Kan3^3ecom e37m apIevIaa^a^r^«57ntSr the lritiam oa 'oa lg ihB tlca irria rraafirod . A .handsom o bouQuet o t rosos form ed tho-attractive cAiftbrplectt-atjroofib. ta ­ble, while th e gonoral 'CQtor Bchomo was green ajid w hlto. * Tho tablo cov- bre and napklna woi;j)4^Ip 'tU y deco r ' ated In daisies an d ' fo ras and jjrolty little napkln 'rlrigs.w orem adolof leavoa and atomB. Tho w hole schomo was beauOfnfly suggostivo of tho o u t of dobcs. Tno hostess ,waa nsslated' In Mrvlng^ a 'd e llc ioua repost by Mrs. A. !R. Ostrohdbf, M rs. ' W lkor a itd 'M ra . Miller. 'A num ber of clover tooB ts woro given by Mra. ElUott, M i j^ j ic k - ard, Mrs. H a rlan and Mrs. T erbuno, tb a la tte r 'a to a st being rood by ^Irs. McRoberts. Tho guostB: Moadomoa Packard, Aiken, .8. T . HamlltOD> Ep- ler, Terhune, Av R ; O strander,'W lkor, Baylor, Holmes, B ryan t, Phljllo, Cro,- alor,'H.-‘H . MfJIor.-HarlaB, EllJoK, PuJ- lo f, M cRobertB,;J. M. Anderson, Sheiv herd. H all, B radioy and Cox and Misa Hamlin. . ' .

'L H . .S W a i E Y WINS PRIZECarries Off Trophy In 'Shwtlng. Tear.

M J^alB oIse.

. E. M. S w e e le y rb tu raM yesterday from-Bolse, w here he had booh attond'> Ing tho„Bho9iing_tounio^,.and'l3roiittni bomo w ith him the. .trophy ^ y o n by ono b t tbo local-'papers 'o f tho Ci>pltal city.. Mr. Swooloy aho t'b ff a lie yrlth L .:A . JW hrbaa of .Pocatellb^ George Therolt 61- Boiflo,.'CaW’ A delm ann7ot Bolao and W. H , W illiam son o t Cald­woll, to Vrln' the h ig h p r lz 6 .o t^ o sta to abo'oL' All o f tho* partic ipan ts , w ere tied in.- tho f l r a t ro u n d -b u t lo th e sed- ond Mr. Sw oeloy .bfoko 24 o u t .o f a

' poBSlblo 25. . • . ' ' ■.

c . ' B. Channel D rives H ndsoo ': _ ThfMgh Ib Oae Day. _ _ :

■ Mr. ;ond M rs. C, B. Channel and fam- I U y-returaod Sundity from an automo- I bil6 tr lp n ff '8a lt1a lto 'C lty r 'M K "O haa-

nol repo rts th a t ' t h e ' roads ■ a re 'r in splendid ciJbdlUon and-that, hd oxper-

I iencod little d ifficu lty a t any point tho trip . Going. lb S alt Lake by th t way o t Barley,- A lbion, M arahflel^ and

> S im o l , tho I n p 'w a a mado In :twfl• daya. On the r e to m trip , howeVor, 1 Mr. Channel 'deddod to come th ro u g t

s In Twin* PallB S unday flvonlag aboul i e ig h t-. ■ . /

w cliy .yoBteV

I a e ( } i m ^ l » & . 'b r 'U » W ? Q < S ^ ^L «t.£olambns;<<Oblo,-rWlto ta -iR ra d ^

•r peati»..imJ»'tixfr'>;Al ,PIeia|tmtxatreli ' He Is Tery ifarorably itijpresaed* wit]• the;Tirln

R O U N D ^U P^ F A IR

t e f e y s Cclcbra- f o r E n f e Valley

n Plans for Bfg Fair and Car-

C. II. U iirtoX S. H. K uylor and W. E. Nixon.'- - .

TJjo <Hrec{ors havo nlrcitdy closod a contract wllh iKc W nr lloiinet Wild WoBt 'flhow f6r ft tllroo-dny oxblbitlou In this clly duHug t ^ fair, which will bo callcd the W ar 'Bonnet Round-Up Pair. - \ '-TtaiPth PT—.it tra ction'-Trhlch:—ir tJh -b ^ liroviUcd Ib a<inc- o r two-diiy uviiitlou moot and nt prcBcut two contracts w ith well known nviotoru nru a t thedIniKiHal df tho .dgi).----- - .......... —

Tbo UHtial ag ricu ltu ra l and hortlciil- nl fair w ill n o t bo lo st ulght of In the other ottrocllohB, and- very liberal prizes'and-. promlumH w ill be offered. Tlio ninchcVs nro urged to begin »av- IhK cholco ojiTClniuna fo r tho fair.

.■ LOCAl OPTION aiaiON■ ______ .

I’onrci' Cniinly AnxIouH to Try l l s Fate I lc h ^ e n W et and Wry. ■

Polltlonti bavo been presented to tbo

r fly croHtod L^iinty of Power naklng L a.Iacal-optloa-olQ ctlon bo hold-la August. , A pccullnr condition oxiata In th a t counly, American' Fallu, tho

^county jci«._wW clUsLlo.cntc(Lln ..wJialWOB Onclila -counly beforo Power xw m ty-w ny fOTiho d r lg‘d TT;.,w>ii i e - n ^ ■aoross th p sriv er Is «r'-wot-^pot which Wo8, p w t 'bf B laine county^ which wna wbt?^J^ti^ siich Ilmo aa It was includ­ed in lho nbw 'cctin ty and wUl remain V ot un tll an oloction is belJ. A foot bridge acrosa tho rlvor kIvos tho dry cltUona of Pow er county on om>or- tunlly to 'become wet.—Idolio Folia Bcgfstor. .

NEWL M BERS fOR COM. CLUBRenewed Activity .Shown In tlic Uoost- , ' ' Ing O r^an lu tlon .

T he Commorcinl club^Js Incrcnains ItB mbmborBhlp a t rapid rnto nlnco the rebrganiznllon and Inatoliation ot o perm anent secre ta ry and a great m^my a re coming In voluntarily and s /gn lng tbo «(»{»IlcaUon blanke. Dur- ng th ls''w eck the following membera (ave-boou addod: Dr. J . F. Shct>hord,

D> Denton, D. D. Milligan. F. A « m rH r* r^ m ra T T T irT T n g C T iiE n r^ H enry K nutson of Klmborly. The t lu b is . continually doing overythlna p o s s lb lo ^ r lho ranchers and has Is­sued a a tandlng invitation tb thom tc become, membora and thus help In the m^Tement which holp tbeni.

M B i S i P B u'T b W Extends InTltatioi

; •. > _ t to aV In F a lls T ract. ' .]

; Je ram e Is going to ■ cclcbralo Jui) 4 th and 6 th In .a ro u ting manner, tc judEe.-trdni'tbe eveiit«:pARnIMd 16 yla- Itonr.tB /ihatb 'usy li t t le cliy. ‘ Tho poo- 'P l% o r,t5 fr^ la .:7 ia ! ls coim try aro glv- ^sn^a^jeoWttl'llnVItatton to ’ coma' earl;

Je ro m e l a ^ town thai doesT jo ttilD rby 'halvoB osA I t Is aaf< to a iy :;:tM t evory T w in M i s visitoi w i l l : h m a good tim e, Slnde thfs cit]

tAvalnKrntft H wnntil bft.thQ p ra natfcatnnt.-for a good crowd of Twit S^a ',fioo5lorrTo“eb"OTor*-and--paj tta.w-'r«Bpecte to th e rielghbora acrosi

i ;i'.- •

^^ABWiK-BionRAir:C ol^c ir^ la rT ey Sore the Senator WU' ' * V

W o ih ln ^ M —C o lo n ef * Harvey « Harpbr^a .Weekly, who soToral woek e ^ ‘’b r ln le d :« i edlibHSl.-p'fW rcUtt t h a t ^ K ^ r Bbrah will bo th e Repub Ilcan.’tirealdenUal^ nom inee . in .-19K WM'intWMhiai^n Wedne^U m .'^ t& id n ^ .H a rv e y ' ; t o ld ‘- Senato B o i ^ th a t h ^ Blood-by h la prpOic tlb iif a n d aald i ie h ad n o -d oub t^ha l e.TOr)lt ,wUl; be fq m ile d .^ U te s m a n .

No.481'->;--: ■Alflo U W

k j3 & .............................

W «nf,-ifeT .: ^'A^oitai>OT*;In parU ttf’Sio? mop ' 1 1 ^ % - t b i n t f - t c L C i l U c ^ 'w ^[ u S « i '7 o C ^ tte 'd a y itii^tlme and 'aboi

lid .M t k 'ta re by ,Kpi»i. ^


Talk , o f Building from Twiii - falls to Boise- - - - - I


-i!niT«r««noii Tiitil Work Hnw I1p<‘ A ulhorlted by General ilan ag c i

"■‘B flncro fl.............. ...................... .....

Situ FranclBco,—A' oUort rullroai Uric from HoIbo nud In terior Idaho U Snn FnincJflfo Jiiiil o tbcr ' Ciillfornli pblnts will uhortly be constructed , op- onlng up for San Prnnclsco m crchanti n vnat and valuablo trad e uroo.-v

Tbo new gateway to th is c ily fron In terior Idaho la to bo conatructed b]

ftho-Soutborn-P^tcm c-aadabB -O tagot S hort Lino. Thu la tte r w ill ex tend lit lino from Uol»e via Twin F a lls , lo i point ou the Southern Pacific 's Con t ra l .P a c if ic m aln lllho n e a r .JWinno mucca, Nev., In all probability estab Ing tbo connection a t E lko. Fron KIko. .lho Central Pacific w ill constl tu te tiio romulnder of tho rou to liecc.

Advlceu wcro received In th e PJooc bulldiuK yeaterday to tho offoct thn Vlco Prcflldont Uancroft ot tlio Ore gon S hort Lino had announced tho .au tiiorization of tho work. Theao advlco wcro verified by Soutborn Pacific bl flcloiu.

W ith tho authorization of tho worl and thu' nccoptanco of aurvoya, botl rnilroadu consldor.that they bavo atoi cn n jnorch on tho WcBtern Paclfh Tbc la tte r plimncd to extend fror -Wlunomuooa -io-lioUo. E xac ting .lln nnclal condltlona—condlUons lho havo blocked much progrcBB of th

ita m ain lino—provuntcd the Uoul Tnnt-frDm-carrylng-out-ita^piaattiTCit the diapatch Intended. . . -. Tho WoBtorn Pacific roaches Elki But the Central Pacific lin e w ill b branched no rth far enough to glvo lh two roadB , formerly known aa Harrl m an lines, a io n n cc tlo n thn t tbo Weal om Pacific cannot hope to p ro fjt b; with nny roaaonablo .cortnlnty, ll declnrod yoBCorda '.

Tho now line—tbo lino from Dola to the Control Pacific tracka—Ib t coslt i t la understood, In the nolghboi hood of «C,000,000.

'T h e m inute plana for tbc oxtenalo have n o t beon announced hero, Soutl: o m 'P o c lflc offlciala declorlng th a t a tho Oregon Short Lino Ib, in roollt;

; building- tbc oxtonaion to Souther Pacific 's Central Pacific Uno. dotall of tho work m ust come from tho On

i gon Sliort Line, which is controlle ; by tbo Union Pnclflc. Southern Pi

clflc otficlala, hewovor, do acojit lb Idea th a t lho unm erging of Souther

; Pacific and .Union Pacific could ' h a\ [■ any -litisaiblu 'u ttm t tili tbu piuJecM I lino o r any cffect upon S oulhera Pi• clflo and tho Oregon S h o rt 'L in o e; ; changing Son Franclaco a n d '- Id a l , traffic to .tbo practical exclusion 1 , o ther roads. ' '

A t tbo present ttm e San P rasc ls i and Bolso a re separated By 1182 mllj

I by th e Soutborn Poclfl.c'8 Ogdon Hn

I-- Wiles a p a r t and ovot Iho^Soulhoi ' Pnclflc via Portland, and th e Sho f Lino, 12G7 miles apart. The now lln , however, w lll.eu t a riotlccabJe^hbleJ

thlB milage, aboul 30 per .cen t, , m ' w ill glvo to- San Francisc.0 and Cal■ fo raia , say railroad mon» a 'g rea t p r■ portion of w holesale,trado , valued; m aay-jnllllpos. annually—a trad b th

a t proBont, lo r tho m ost p a n ; la .d irl- bd up botwoen Ogdon, S a lt Lake ai ’ PorU and. ^I T h a t those th'reb clUos have for

long.'Umo controlled th e . . t r a d e h: been -an . open, fificrof fo r , yea rs . Tl ftpowtny tip n f lho troda to S a n T f a

^ claco, i t IBl boUoTod, i w r t T a T O m

. and aoutheaalerh Oregon.Tbe W ostom Pactfle.- la. p lan n i

entry- t o Bolse.-flgnred-^lfrlnclpaHy-' 1 its own ability td:11ilanoe’tb e proje• T his p lan w as auccecde* by anoth.er

■whlcti m erchants-arid o lh w - p la n nf to-hiHId-to Boise: from Wtn&etriUo B conaaottsgat tbe latter polnt.'wlth t 'w ^ w e n r i w i f R r - ^ H Q w ^ i* Line, However, waa oecldedlf ataxlo

to (jlncH-lh.o«p08sibW trade-from . 8■ Into W abo.fbr l ^ e if . r ^

r od Iwcaiiae' b f lU 'o w n 'n u ^ a i^ u B 'l l i In.Orogon. v . •

:i 'iC y < a - a ttthontattT elT < .ita ted ,l i• UiaPXhe.Or«*on-.8^ort*W »tf<pl*«aj- th* new 1108-c o n ^ t^ .W .^ w c ^ .*. o t I ts Twin v V alU V > ium ‘d^

. n o r th , knd f r o m : T w > i i ' t o .B? y aontlL ' TWa roQteAW hlIe.*-Utaeloi I S p tb a n t f i e : P C D p J > w ^ j i . ^ ^ tff m Obca.to B o t s e - r j i tw ia iw ^10 feadW*, e a a b l t a i . t t t i f i p r w ^

J P an a , 'th*Bc« to B u r te y M ^ B w


---L _ —t------- .

Bonds f o r . Improving County — Roads Is^ the-lssue -TWO I’UOPOSITIOXS SUnMITTEH


Fifty Tlion>tnnd Dnllnrti .fu r Drldgcs nnd F ifty .More for- t'ouHlmcUon of Surfaced Itonifii. • •

Tlic iioard of county commlesloncrs hove BOt Ju ly na lho dato for tho bond eJecUon fo r road Improvoments. After mucli ditfoisslon and upon peUf Uon o f-a largo n u m b e r 'o f 'tn ip a y o ra - tho county commiBslonora-dcclded to call for tw o-d lfforen t propoaitlOns a t th e Bamo Umo. The flra t ono catlB fo r ft-Y ot«ron-riftT ' thouaand ■DollarB- fo r. ; - tbe* conutructlon of somo foiirtooa bridges in varloua ]mrta of tho counl>'.Dl ovory caao Uie bridges w ill bo <jf 4!Qad. i>crmanonl and^ubatanU ol. con-r.. strucUob.

Tbo othor. propoalUon Is to expend fifty Uiousand dollara In .addition to

. thn t for l>rl(lKOB. Thla money will go toward putting tbe rood# of tho couHi ty ih better condition and will also bo in the naturo of perm anent Improve- menta.

Tfie two questions will be voted on . ' separately, no th a t there will bo no

qiicH tlonjiboul tho in ten t of tho .lax - ; payers. Both issuoa oro meeting wlUi I fa'i'or hy tho clUzcns of th is city. ;

; S S I E P; Uesldenta of T ra c t Flacod on State I - und QoTcraracnt LtsL

, .-Through th e c o u ttaay .o f-th e Twin F<nir~Cmiai~ctnBpim y ' Uftlcera.- a -e o m -^ pleto liat o f lho Btockholdora of tho compnny hns.boon given to the Twin

) F alls Commorclal club. The lis rc o n - . tAlns over throo thousand names.. From th is Hat tho actual realdents -

havo been taken and a lis t Bonl bolh I to tbo “U. S. A ^ lc u ltu ra l bureau and

lo the Stato A grlcu ltural Bcbool.. From , now on ovory publlcaUon rolaUng to . , tho needs o t tho stockm cn and ranclw • . ora will bo son t lo all formora on tho

trnct. Tills iff. m erely ono of tbo many attcmplB mado by tho Commercial '

. club to help tho rancbcrs.

• SURPRISE'PARTY AT B A N ^ _9 ' ,1 ■ " fT- Sunday School Clas.s Call en One of I ts J . Members.

0 A very bomplolo surprise w tis'g lrpn1 by the 'Young Pooplo's Sunda>' school B class of H anson to one of tbe tnem-*- ^ W n ;.- h ls birthday., ic e cream an d ' cake- w ere aorvod and a gen<^al good time '< wns cnjbyed by all., Theflo young"peo- f p ie bavo a B oclal ovenlng a^leaat>ooce

a monlh and a t t b ^ e th e attbndance 0 haa aovor been le s s , lhan aeventeeiL;- B M no one la invited to , these partlea J. exccpt those who havo •attended San-

a tendfloce. • t ..i ^

^ M ll iE R M B m A P P O IN lM E ^^ A cconntant O ^ e n Otflce C (i4 n l l t ^

f- • .H , H. U lller.-w ho for-the-paai-ih ree g yeara haa been', connected w ith ' tbe

accoudian t d e p a rta e n t ' of tbe G reat- SboBhone f t T w in -P a lla W ater.Pow er . company; h as received a a appointxbest „ aa chief d e p u ^ t o ' . B t a t e - ^ b l lc .

UUltUea Commlaalon.: M r. iUlW r haa L- aooepltfd-hle-ttew-T»altloH“ f ln ( r ^ .n r

loate l^ a a h o rt lim e foi; l^tae<-< .

” ^ M f i r o f f: t . .Bobth’a a « a h o w l n g . 'b » n t i a l - ^ i ' In. jra cU ea lH d o th ea 'fo f the .'fe^uytfe., Ia - td dloa’-dceaBea In w hite; Irltb lao^OMnn*^ a , bro idery ,' o re n n c h ' lo ;. eT idw o^ and

Hip* w y h t r o < ^ i h a t jn j i t o y a l l e a f

!aUl reQulalto .to ..t t ie lr - .p le a a ttre ;a ^ Tary E- ijretty .H ltle d r e a a e i 't t rW c f ta a a -^ u ^ a- a n J t n r . d i a p H ^ t ^ B o o t t ' f ^ ^** ■ O ^ o c & i o r l A U M 'a a i l w


Page 2: VOL-111- NO. 71 .EIQljTH,YEAR. TW IN PALLS, TW IN FALLS …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014. 12. 12. · Thc' followlng ofilccra for tho on- 1 eul'ng

BiiiderSvMowe! and Bindit

^ - ' K E X S S —c7^-.i^ide-B|eliv€

Higlil'Lift Swin and Swee]

H ave all p to v en to be the w o rk on th e m arke t. Th

Chain D m-W iU cu trto u g h erg tass-an i

_ m ow er on th e m arke t.- t all m achines carried -tft e th e best com e in and see y o u buy, .

' " S C^ n Fall


J u ly 4 th, W ith « i ElaUora

R a c e s , M u s ic ^ S p— — :— ^Dancing-and Amusea

- -GrandJDisplayLotJ Twin Falls -TWp BT H E B U R L E Y

V Ono of th o a t ro n g c s t in S o u th o rr w ill croBB bntB w ith o th e r p ro n

Liberal PrizM Given for Re , Foot Races, Pony Races, Bu

t« t , etc., and Big Prize Offe GoodTime -Aiinred,: Yon Sbbald P

Excursion RntcB on nil rallroji mode for^Spccln^ T rftl^a^ro tn vnrloi

P a rtlc tt w ish in g ^o o n to r conlcB i l o g conccBslonB, c tc ..

, . AdUroBs 0. (l.VUi

T h a tA u to lWiU be down to the you will bring your


T w i n F a l l s A

Plenty of Farm

Call am

> ifwin Fails Bank i

Western !XuGai'age and J

r '■ '

T ire s and

Agents for F C

• AegroBilvc uso of tho closslfloU coir um w will ron t Bood p ro je rtlo s , la o r o o t o f BoaBODs, and practlcully cu t out

r s . H a y R a k e s i g T w i n e . J

•. . ' fl

r O N .E j; r y R i a k e s ------------- ^

. r i O N A Lg i t i g - S t a c k e r s p R a k e sb est m achines fo r th e ir


e M o w i e rd ru n - lig h te r -than an y - L full Une of ex tras fo r n r tim es , i t yo u w a n t t!^ese m achines before

s i i f e S : is,' Id a h o '

B M #I

F E T W O D A Y S ;

a n d S thLte Program, of . ■ ' !

le a k in g , B a se b a ll |aents-o£-£vei7 .JCind—<------ ..

" i r e w o r k s a t N i g h t I

UG BANDS J e r o m e

B A L L T E A MI Idaho, h a s been ongnecd an<l linen t Southern Idalio Toumii. *

Jay Races, Novelty Races, i eking Contests, Baby Con- ired for a Public M arriage _lan to te in Je^me July 4 and 5 !ida,' nnd arraaM m onto •arc belnB* 'IB polntu. Ampto ncconiniodatlona '

;b o r (IcBlrfnB Infornintlon rofftird- ' j

iS,’ Chulrnmn Com.,'Jerome, Idaho.

ile p a irB ^ lLOWEST NOTCH if cars to tbis garage


u t o C o m p a n y

M o n e y f o r

L o a n s

d see us

and Trust Company

Machine Shop

A ccessories. >

) R D C A R S

A jirompt, Dornliilcnc and bueitiuifii like uao of tho clasnlllcd cnlumna wll "I'vnj's find a nnw jofi for an .effit'tpri’

P A F a | T M | ^ ^ K p ; A B L E

1 9 i 3 ^ r ' i n ^ A i» ^ B a tc d

V . - : N«i:'4: ‘N O T R E D A M E V “ • ^- 'W'hon JuliiiH CncHnr lod’hJB conQnor- -«In/; nom ans hxo wbnt hi iicny F ranco ' t)o found ft trlho called iUio ParJalU I n-hoBO chlof Hoitlcmont mna upon-.an 1 laliind lh thd-Sulno. . .I t . i i s re£oVired-l tha t they wcro bravo Tlghtora' n n tl 'rc - i rIbIciI the InvnderB till, tho la fl(‘m nn i [>fjlifim_wia‘kllleil, Tli^o j a ta i^ of tho <Parlflli; llio S f o b r i h c l r ' i m c l i n i t - c n p '- i ltu l, Is nov.* '• a ile d " U l C ito," a n d wiw

fa l£cn? ttrtc9 ttio. p rincipal p a r t at Uic '

Roman enipororB nn their vlalta horo.. T r W o n - th tB '- lB ln n d - ( h n t- th o -C a th a i_

d r a l o f N p trb D nnio o f ParlB sU u id fl..U wns foimrfoil In 3163 on lbo bJIo of a fornior church th a t wbb hullt In thos- foiirth ccntury. Tho foundation stono of tho iiroBcnt. church was la id by;- Popo A le sn h d c ra il.i Ihon a rcfuMO In . rrnnce , nnd the cdlflcc wau compfotcd In tho ihlrteen th ccntury. Tho o rls- Inal planfl Bhnwcd a tall tmd InHplrinK- building.- Tor several VcuBonB the

No.T.~MADEIIT w onty-th rfiQ h u n d re d y e a r s nRo

th o ro Blood n p o n th e -A eropollH o v e r - . looklnK A th en a th o moHt p e rfe c t b u lld - InB' o f a ll tlioHO p roduced by th o ar* chotictB o f G reece . W hen A thenB w an o c cup lcd by th e T u rk s , th e P a r th e n o n w aa u se d a u ' a nioH(|ue a u d la lor_ to s to r e inu n ltlo n ii o f war.- l u 1C87 a cannonb.111 Ig n ite d llio p ow der a to re d t h ^ o , c ^ if lln & a n exptoH lon t h a t th re w dow n m a n y o t tlio Buporb p iU a ra a n d , w re ck e d th o hundBOnie f itn ic lii re .Slnco then it Iibh fallen atlll furth^i'Inlo docay, anfl many of tho Bculiiturod figures upon Its cxtenrlor have Iioen carrlcd to EnBlnnd.,_..TUc, Church of tho Xtadolclno in Paris Is an alinoal'exact rcpt-ndnctlon o t tho Parthenon, and one may look n t It nnd Imagine onciicK iiiKin tho 'A thenian •hlU.-exc«pt^foc-llio_mfltnr.-_. car^ and cabs th a t nmh through the Bpjondid Btroot^ upon wlil«li it (auoa^ --

• Tho Madeleine, o r tb« Clmrr.h of St.Mnry Magdalen, wns not always used for rcllgloiin purposes. Occupying thn, ulto of a form er church, tlio presen t building wriB iMJgun by Napoleon In 180G nn a Temple of Glory, whero tho victorJoa c t Autitorlltz nnt) J c .in uhould bo comnieuioruted overy year witfr elabornie cercnionlcH. After thn hat- •tlo of Waterloo- thlu plaiV w an ahnn- donodt^bul tho hulldinR went on na originally ilcBlj;ncd by P ierre Vlnnon and la ter by lluvI. It w ns not tlnlshc^ , un til 1844, Blnco when It hua been usod na a church. .*__S u r ro u n d e d by Tnnflulvo C o r in th ia ncoliyiinH, thla la o;io tjr th o ifiim ftjpnus- tlfu i cdlflccs In tbc. French capitni. ,Broad and ut.itely fllKlitu.nf Btcpa loatf to tho level of the eninm cc, wherp hang g rea t bronio doors. Upon thotp appear lIlustratlooB of" lhe teu com* niandmonta. Tbc InlerldT contain^BOVoral tine aculpjurca and palntlngsi

No.6;‘ . ARCD‘.•T h ere in ntU hIng m ore daz«lliiK In iilBlTory th a n th o riscx )f llio y o u p g Ilou*. te n a n t o f a r t i l le ry , N aim leou .I3onn» p a r to . to th e t i t le o f K n ip e ro r o t thja I-’rp nch , th o pe rio d o t n in e tee n y carti • e la p s in g f ro m h is w in n in g lh o f o m ii • ' r a n k to h la e tcvn tlon to (he th r o n ^Vnd f rp m th a t tim e on thO g r e a t bo • d le r-e w p c 'ro r fom id tlm o to do m a n y th in g s bcaldCB ..figh t b a ttle s a u d . .w lil.

v ic to r ie s . H o did -mucU f o r th e c ity o f P a r lg , nnd It lia s hccn «alc) th n t h e n e v e r cO nsldcrod .a v i c to r y com plo lo im tll I t b a d .b o c n -c o iu m o m o ra tc d 1ft som e Itie tin g m ouutficrtt.’ 'T l ic A rc h of T r iu m p h , o r m o re a o r r e r i ly th e A rch o f TrJiiiH ph .of tli« S t a r , fr ujii Ifa po^;i- Uqd a a .th c rn.dliUlnfc potiH o t tw e lvu .hea.utlfiil avcnuoB . U one of ilio nro r iii- , mohiK l i r p iu by N apoleon ' Vo' c e jc ljr a to lila v letorU '8. I t w.ns flniirtied l^y LouIb P b iilp p c . •fific«?’n yoai'u of<<>r th«-J>ia»-p e ro r 'a d e a th . ------------ —---------------

TblH monument iB the Inrgost and most. m aK nltkcnt nrch fh oxlstenco.The wbnli? inonumetit Is 'onc. hmidEftil. and Hixty-tour fe e t'h ig h . Tho lin-. mentte p illars ' supportln£ .It . ar«;_ adorned >vlth trophlea thlrty-sJx- fiict high. In wblcl). nre coloBBal fIsurOa.

r f H E ~ P E o S6.. s.-HAL


«»vuvw...«-uw«0 UUto,-ny. Tbo lowers, wjijcu wcro lo nnvo ccn Biinnountod by. lofty Bplroa, Iiavo cen loft.w llbout thorn; nnd thon', too, n all theao conturlcs.tho aurtoundtag :roliifd'has- heen ■KrndunUy:ralBod -by bo duat and roluao of agoa until It la n a Icvel wlth tho floor of tho catlio- rnl.---------- ---------- -And Btlll It IB a boautlful afld offcc-

Ivo 'fabrlc 'o f puro tJo th lc -jlOBlSnrThe hreo dcop ont\;uncoii n i tho f r te L n ro dom ed with cnrv(ngB,..and lho Iron- -ork of tho doors la t ln o . ' Abovo la a oautlfuI-roBo- window, .wboBOBtoInod lasB tlirowB a soft glow ovor .n largo a r t of tho Interior.Ac tho tlmo of tho no ro ltitloa io

793, Notro Damo wna coavo.rted IntoT om idor'of.jlcaaon, - I t a ' eoulplorB

,oro miuilated. Tho •gtatuo o t 'lh b 'Irs ln wn».rCplaco0 by th a t o f Liberty.. GreoJt teniplo. ot pM losophy waa reeled within tho church, and a haN ; l danccr^-repreBonlQl, i lio js iiihw aed iRttro of Ronson, r'cwlvlnK lii lituic lie w orship of her votarloiJ. Thd wUd ruics O m took i>)aco Jn tho ancient diflco led to Its being cloacd, nnd it ?flB.not.'«ntlLI29B_UiaLU_Yi’.ft8 ognln pouod. U .w as rcfttoroil. In 184!J. Ua c a d o J O f iy to bo brio of \ h o 'tlncBt,» woll ns the carlI^t7T 5r'll9 ‘'ftina In xifltonco, nnd hoa-Borved ns tho model f mnny othor cnthodrala It» N orthern f’ranco. .Among Ita notlcoaWc foat- irefl aro Uio wolrd and giyDtcBnuo :arvlngs of anlmnla and m onalbrs 'y ijit

b ird Btorj-.F o r moro thnn novcn hundred yoara

CoCrcTJftnro'hna'bDcnir-pIaco-of-wor- ihlp. I t han scon royal chrUtcnlnga. veddlngaj and coronatlona;,lc hne seen lynaatiOB como and go; and w ith tlio all o f. lho. monnrch.v it aufforod in. •ommon with tbo palacea a t th e handB* )f tbo iriob.'iToUaj' i t i s 'o n o of the ibow pjacoa of Paris, whero tho tra- lltlonu of ccnturica havo-boon, pro* torvod. . . . ’ ..... V ' _____

;i n e 7Ch o r c h : : ” “ ^ —>no‘ of tho lactor .roprcsontlng Mapo- con receiving tbo omporor’a crowh nt ho hnrida'of Popo P lus VH; -During laflBion woek and n t o ther churcli fcs- IvalK tho M adelolno'Ib noted foe Kb nualc. Ufl organ In ono o f tiio fincBt n P aris, nnd thla la aupplom cnted by I largo orcbcfltra.

S tanding an the ateps of tho Mado- clno ono looks down tho R uo Iloyalc o tho Placo do In Coneordc, P a s t the

rcont 8WC0PB tbo trafU c of tho llu c St. Honoro, ono of tho d t y ’o bualoat ahbp- lilntr-BtTMts.— W lU iin_U io._Shur^ ibaoluto qulot. Horo ono caim ot hoTp' Jilnking tha t Napoleon builded bottor :hnn ho know a fte r n il,-and thn t tbo lioautlful pllo Ia in reality tt-tcmplt* of Slory, linking his nnmo and achiove* uontB with tho tuagnlflconco 'of."tiie i r t of Greece.

E -T R IO M P H EOno bno s id e .a ro Uto R ising of tho PcopIo In 1732- n t th e Summons of W ar; nnd' thb Trlum^ih of Napoleon !iftor .tbo' AuHtrlnri campnigu, .Above Is tho Burrendo’r of tho T urka a t Abu­kir. The baa rollefa on tho frlczo rep­resent tho departure a n d tiic re tu rn of lbo troops. On tbo oppoaitc side-nro groupa representing th e realatanco of lbo Prench ‘to tbo Invading allies In ISH and tbo Blessings o t <sacc, and nbovo tho Taking, o f Alexandria. TJio liatUca of AustuMliz (lBOr>)-and Jcm- mapGB (170;!) nro uhown on tbo endsii nnd thero aro th irty ahlelda on tho cornice wreallied with tho nanica of vlctorlca. No leaa thau 142 o thor bnt- Llea aro named on the vaulting o t tho principal arch.

Tho loc.atlon ot thu Arch of Triumph Is no leas wonderful than the monu­m ent Itiiulf. On hlijh ground. It atanda nt tho Olid of the Champa-ElyBOOa, Uie Bpl.ondId_ drlvo and promonado of Paris, down which otio n iA r lo o k ^ r a mllo and a . hulf to tho Placo do la Concorilft„tbo wholo form ing thb most (uagulfk-ciit scctlon of any city in .thc v o rh ir — —------------------ ------------------. It In a commentary on the Inatnbilltj'

o t power tha t the-A rch of Trium ph, bcruu to celcbrato tho v ictories of Na- poIeon,-w[tne'8Bed lu I8 H tho coming of tiic armlea of tho a llicB to colobrata tho downfall of tho om peror. nnd thoy murclied benontb Ui© pnrtly coinnletcd monument to j l r lv e - -N a p o lc ^ into o.TlIe. . .'v . ■ ' --------

In each laano of Th« Tlmea throe d ifferent humnn in to rcst Btorles wll) ap p e a r You can get a boauUful in- ingllo roprodjfctJoD of tho 4»bovo ptc- turo,-^-lth flvo o lhers, oqually a ttrac ­tive,-7X0V4 inches In also .'.w ith this w eek 's •■Mentor." in "Tho M entor" n w o ll-k n o ^ ' auQio'fUy ‘coT ors,the 'sub - -J« t-o f tbo plcturoB and BtorJBs.of thff wook. Iteadera of T h o ' T lm os . tind “Tho ,ManioX',.wlU^knDwn A rt, Lttaro-, turo, Hlatory, Sclonco, anff Travel, and own oxqulBlto pictures. On Balo n t th f Liberal- Stand and Clooi-Ilook Store. Price, Ten O enta.-JjyrUfr-todavrto Thg Times tor booWA a ltiing -T K " AbT Boclatbd N ow apftte^SM ool plag.

L E S d A F r ^L, Proprietoi /m A SQUARE MEAL;

| y M Y p i i i i 0l | ' jUlibaiid'aiice day a rn ^ li t ff

l^-H ^w fiys-S team in^^

i - Ready for Bath Whei L '-^ ^ le fa tifu l SnppIyJn .C

I... - ^ ^ i m p j ^ x ^ '

S r ' ' TklioyfttU «iieat bIxcI, ’] 'a 1 »<KUonait'8.ljeat gi»K S lC U oW tt ?.h?uiM!*Or 1


m : -----------L i J i j m o H f l t t j a i c ig, , STKilowatt 8 ^ ^ r a t« pe

One kilowattlieater luitable f( y . _. Cao^ngt_be rorpayed I ^ ' «liBhiet(.attentioa. Lheap'lo iod


____ .-i^... .- '1 ■

Tfie^^Gprrecr . ......E v ery O n e

i C h o n i p s Q h l i----------— - f —LOCAlr

121 M ain A v e n u e E a s t' ■ y . " -‘Coll for R

Saturday June 25-CehtTa

15-Cents-/ ' ,, ;

■spead moaey for a sev . you iiJT^V ■wtcn It

‘ new.sTl'ndintt lathe Juat inal ..........deliver^ wlthoiit extra cb:

G E Q . i y k 1 )r'Succesmr to

II .

_ Y oung? Y es— ■- is ju.st<ten yei

m o n ^ . A nd ; . b r o t t e r is th e

lo t— b e tte r a b iijlt n o t lo n g

;9 early tw ic e ■ ' p roductip ii m

p d c ^ l q w . ' / '• Moro than 275,000 F

- convtooInB*'erIdonco rj.:..,:-«edL.;'HiinaMm, $5!

•_T. T o ^ri C a r , -.*800—f.( oquiiimont. , Q b t. Int( from factory, Copt. I

■Coni,rany, -WoaCorn i Idaho .,

t o ¥ 0 U ; W ^ f l t - | ;

r-.eTary -member .ot-tBe : M . .

Waier. t9lSfaave_WAth_ |

1 Ygji Want It . - I Lse of Sickness ; |

S ^ a t e r - H e ^ e r - 1

.price ........... . ...110.00 ■ »i • irlco.............................?17.00 ^


rmbntli I‘.'.~~,Trr.TT82.00 ~— fi **“[W jnonlh .fiJB -I \r montSTrrTr.'.'V" ------- -^6 ~

V averagti'reudence use on 30 ,gal- ^ or coavenieoce, Dpci.aot rtqiwe . . S /) . -

\ ‘


E F I F T Ht-Automobilea-Eucky Car - -.. . - -

-4 - |t '

k BeauchampDEALERS------ ------ • ---------,' ' Twin Faijs, Id ^ o :so CatiUojrue

E Takee Peanut Per Itouiid..____________


N ’ tawa moWer or- apoli tbe oae » it b«m8(Je like; nevrlQ thltt UlearMoWW^cdWr-ond.............rsfe, Call.TeIephoi]e l5R od.'.

217 Mhin Avenue


the o ld e M ^ o rd irs y o u n g —th is ,

i t s y o u n g e st cho ice o t th e .

r th a n th o se w e . ig o 'a id sold a t , i t s ^ r j c e . B ig , /ifees th e F o rd ' f

•rds now In sorvlco— . -of tholr wondorful 5: Tourlng^ar, JOOO; ..b. Detroit, with all •reating-."Ford Titt'oa” ”i.Dotrolt; Ford Motor - :— .uta gor. Twin rtsiw;— :— r - —

Page 3: VOL-111- NO. 71 .EIQljTH,YEAR. TW IN PALLS, TW IN FALLS …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014. 12. 12. · Thc' followlng ofilccra for tho on- 1 eul'ng

.........' ; 7 S I _ ; i a f ^ o t A . W E i i . i . T w i N T A i L s ' T i ^ ,' ' ' ' ‘' i ' - ' ' ■■ V ' ' ^

A : ^ H ^ ^ r § a ! e I n O u r R e a ^ t o # ^ a r D e p t .Summer Apparel at Tremeriddiis^ ^ ^ ^

j HAVE HELD-many Great Eoady-to-Wear SaloB inviho past, which-in their day - '’s created great s€Wtloa8, bat tUs s a le 'io ^ tbdm aE. From .t&e stoadpolnt of'Quantities, / v I ! -/

r.- . ' • Qualities and Values this event for, fat Burpasfles our beat offerings in previous years. Oom- \ W //■ ■ tag as it does right atr'th^ height of the aeason it ifl bound to create the fastest selling of ready- ....... .............- \ *"*

Promptly at 9 o'clock Saturday'morning-tho stUe opon and will lost for Y day* only. / S ^ ' ^' Oomprisodintiiis salO'is our entire stoclc of Bummor apparel without reservation. Dainty

y ' ' . dresses, Smart Skirts, Waists, etc., etc., the product of some of the best manufacturers in' the ’ ^ I K | |H V |- ‘ ' United States. Every garmentalioauty, embodying aU those charming touches of,style that^ , < .

give it tho utmo^i.Slfitinotlon and lift it>above the Oommonplace leveU Tho handsome, ser*\ I- ‘-----—viccableTnaterlalrcompri8e'8coreB‘ofihe-mbBt-fashlonable"aji4‘pppiilar’fabric3’of tho~8e^ou:V— . " ; |

- !t , The t^ortnfe and fiTitxh of rtfArr garment ig of a character not uBually»found'evcn in c^rments \ ___ _________ 4J 44 .:- ''-' ■ • __'f,;: iT at their regular prices! Ju stfo r? day^wehavt cut off big slices of tho regular priccs, enor-^\ • ' 1' f i ‘ A^ mciu reduotiona thkt have never beforiQ been.equalled and will not be equalled - again this \[ ^

need theao yery garments and when you consider that overy garment bears tho label of the ' Idaho Department Store, which disccming shoppers know means Smartest Style, Dependable f ' - ' \ \

...........' Quality and superior workmanship, yon wiU lose no time in hurrying to tho sale. \ \ ' '

C o m e r s W i l t G e t f i e s t C h o i c e — C o m e E a r l y ' S i

21 E n f lg T B u r^ E v e n in g . J u ! ^ 3

- IVomenV Taflbred Dress I fWomeii’s Silk D re sses^ Women's Tailored Suits 11 Skirts c•. ' ; , ’ .- Beautiful new models that show a diversity of styles that S m a rt S ty lish . S u its a t N e x t to N o th in g ^ P r ic e s

The'broadest assortment M .W;om6n’8 Dress Slri^.'we are seldom seen in aay one storp. -This big sale offers• >siiave'over shown are embraced in tliis big sal© at prices you ^ t j* l l ¥ \ Here’s an opportunity to secure for an insignificant sum

^ cajmot resist 'W O I I I 6 D S ' . S i l k D f C S S C S - that suit you admired earlier in tho season, but thought you----- - '■ - • —— - .......................®,nnn o;iuTi«--bAT.v _ couldn’t afford them. Not a summcr suit in'the entire stock

■ytj. f T *1 Jl- CIri*>^'o ' 510.00 SUK Dress, OQle Price.. V.: .................................5u.»r( _ •WOIflCn S i ^ o t c u . O iu n s . $12.50 SnkprM s,SalePrioe....,.......... ........:..,58.33' ^ s beon overlooked, everyone is rcduccd &nd reduced so

„ ....... . I - . ^ $16.00_S^3^ms, Sale Price............. ........................... $9.95 severely_thatitjffillluiveJiQ-trouble-in-finding-anewowner..- -$350 Dress Skirts...................... ........ ........................... $2.95 5l8.50 Silk Dress, Sale Price.....................•................... $12.35 ____________ ’ ___________ _____••. • ■ __

------- ----------------------------- z - m » r s n k ; i i rej8;;sffie:. ^ - ^ ■ ___ _______... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...- ?i485 Womens Tailored Suifs................. $25.00 S ilk -D r« » .S a le '^ ce .;...........................................................................................$ 1 8 .^ - -

K i s r i : : : : : ; : : ; : ; ! ; : ; ; : : : : : : ; ; : ; : : t « : ; S 1 S ! S : : : : . ^ : ^ : : : : : : : ; ; : : : : : ; : ; : : : : : S ^ ^ ■ » - a o w o .e n ;= T a i> o ^ .s ^ t . ,n „ w . . . . . . . . : ................ ,

. I ■ ^6.50 Dress SldrtB.................................... : .........: ..^ ..*e .98 . ■ _ $32.60'sillrDress, Sole ^ c o - .............? . ................... .....................$21.66 $16.00 Womens TaUoreiSoils, now............ .....................$7.60• ?7.00 Dress B idrts '....-............ ............................ .:...?6 .‘4 5 ' , $36.00 BiUc D ^ Bale Pribe...................... ........................................................................?23,36 *18.60 Women’s TaUored Bnits, n o # . ' . ... .■.$9.26

$7 BO Dress SUrts • ................................ .•■■••• -SMS V ' ~ .■ . - '___________ ^ . 520.00, Women's Tailored Snits, now.......................... $10.00?8.i)0 Dress Skirts.............................................■■•.......... ?22.60 Women’s Tailored Snits, now.. . . . .■............................................................................................................................................. .,..$1L26$8 00D ressSkirti.................. . \ ................... .. . . '■ ........ ,$26.00.Women’s.TaUored SiUts, n o w .. . . . . . . . ................................................................................................................................................$12.60S»!onn™» S k ir ts . . . . . ............. .T ....I8 .4 6 ' ■. J S S k ^ l ^ - i - _________________ ' . ^ - W ----------T - r - S m i U —

^ __ : ill 60 DroBTSidrtil ......... . .-r,-■ ■ , . ■■ ’ $30.00 Women’s Tailored Snits, now..........................$16.00$lOO0 Dress SMrts,. . ............. ... ........ ...................' ' J S i L . ■' > i a ^ ' O S ^ K > V \ " ' *32-6» Women’s Tailored Snits, now.'..... ............ : . . . $16.26

/ $10.60 Dmss S k i r t s - , . . , .................. .■.$9.86 $36.00 Women’s Tailored Snits, now ........................ .$17.60,.,

• f Wohm!BS N e w S p r i n g C o a t s

! ' M i ^ v ^ 'n ^ Win i i i i i i - I ' - ' N o w ’s th e -r iD i.e t o B u y a C o a t.J bet snmiiier'8 supply of beautiful, atylifln and servlcaoie < \ V ^ B f . ' J ,

- dresses for abont oost'of materials. , - , B v ' • '/ ; .A g o ^ coat U nsetnl aU^ear rorad and when inch ei- .-:------ --------- W-IIK TT«w»'ii»'iim ii'ift«wvii«r ' rr 'rrrr^ g S o------ -— ----- -----elnsive,-bigt|-gTade. ooats.can-be-bonght-for-tliese anagingly- —

- I t B O ^ S s J w ^ - r ^ s ............. ........ ..$1.» - J ■ --rednbedsrices,why.,he.it«t.?-.„,,-,- , ................... : _ .$1.76 Women’s"WMi^Dresses..-...-......................

' ^ ■ V - f x W o m e n ’s N e w S p n n g C o a t s.. $3.(H)'iWomen’B.-Wa8h.I)re8a e # i . . ^ . ........... •• • ...... ' ^ 3 $10.00 Spring Coat, n o w .. . . . . . . . . . .* . ......... .$5.00-

. M.60 Women’s .Wash D ressea............................ • • I; • v . $12.B0.Spring Ooat, now............................ ;..$6.26^ 0 0 Woises'B.Wash Dresses.............................. ’" Y K 'S $15.00 Spring Coat, n o w ..........................................^ .60 jA

- _ S ^ 'W o m e n ’B Waah:I)re8ges...^....J...^^v^^^^••^•^?•SS . « T ■ ' • . $18:60 BpriiigOoat,.iu)W................. ,.$9.25.:;- - ...$5.00. Womm's WaaJrDrWM^ ................ | J ^ I w W f M A M 'A . $20.00 Sping Coat, n o w ... . '. . . .$10.00 ^$6.00 Women’s W4sh Dresses........ . ' f f U l l i v I I O ' M u l k T T C t l v i v $25.00 Spring Ooat, now...................................................... ..$12.50

- j i i t t a - ■ • ■ -V • •• ■-•* ------—-------------- ^.60-8pring-0oat.-now—•.-tt.;^13.75-t-....- - " — —fDon^t let-theso-Cteod W alB ^B aii^^ ------------ ------------------------------------------- :-— ——

- Why.try to make, yom ■ ( M d r e B ’i S p n M C o a t s '' \ - — _____: _______- -

: •:, J S . S - ' ^ t the materW W 'V Why hraitate when you ^ v » an op.V . W ® n 6®-:* M IK JreaiS tS . ' . ■ portnmty tom akeyom i e l ^ o n f i r a

88o ( a i d ’s Wash Dress;.^_, $3.60 Silk Waist, n o w . . : ....... .......$2 .86 a complete itook of OUUren’s Ooa^' . .« . .y , .) ///-■ \ w V . i ' $ 4 . 0 0 ^ . 8 U k Waist,'now......... , . : . . . ' . ................................$3.48 .ranginginaU sisei and ng^ 'at grsatly . V

■ “ i s n j - : ; .. ~ 'MjoE.aofcwaistj>ow______:. ■ ■ J Z m : : ? " " : ' i : "^"^C |b illifm * 8 S p r h n r C o a t t ' ■ r = : ~ r r r ^ s 5

I . h l l v ' ■ ' ^

Page 4: VOL-111- NO. 71 .EIQljTH,YEAR. TW IN PALLS, TW IN FALLS …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014. 12. 12. · Thc' followlng ofilccra for tho on- 1 eul'ng

M . W W ' ■ ' . . / T E X T W IO Z -A -W X Z K I W I N T A L IiB X D I B I . . . . . ~ ■________________■: ■■ -

i ® 3 - S i : p i n i ^2 J ^ i ^ 6 n ^ ^ j a L h d T i m ^ [ ^ S ^ ^

M e n ^ s , W o m e n ' s , C h i l d r e n ' s N e w S p r i n g F o o t w e a r , M e n ’ s F u r n i s h i n g s

— — - j p j

No o lhor dopartm ont w ill conirlbtito inoro ’wondorful oCfoflnBs ' ' T h A R I n n F r n n f P h o n e 4 9 8 ' ' No thoughtful woman will ovorloolc tills rcm nrkablc BoIllnR ofIhiui o u r mon'B Bhoo Bcction. Our Block le vorycom plo to In hljjh nml i « c « * u t , » iw i i t ^ Twin Fnlla’.moBt poim lar-pricod-ghoc Store; Our stock of women a .low drcBB sliocB. I t w in bo w ell w onh your wlillo lo look over llic ii«- X L D * T* l r* 11 ______ * ‘immpfl imd o ifo rda 1b by fa r tbe largcKt to 1k» foiinii In bnitlhorn Ulnlio.iciiiinlltitf low urlccH wtii«>h Wft nrn-nffflrin..— ' , , . , ------—— — -------------I I I 6 ' J t ^ a f g a i l l -----H T l l l i p f t t — u 2 u i --------------- ] kvory pQir Will UpftT rocord o t the iirKcnt ncccBsliy of quiche^aolllnB.

, , .1"” * D ,. . . S l« . » a ) A M o .. .» e » .iv .. ig .,o u ,W li . , tc m p ^ g .-Iu thhj lul la included Kood ntnplc niiinbfirB in imtcnt, dull calf and , « » - » l o i ‘ 'X ’l ' I 1 1 ' to flro button or tw o-atrnp; " a ll siros nnd widths.

' m td m b iG ")ru ^^^ S 2 2 0 s t a r t s W e d n e s d a y r t h e J O t h . - I h e i D a c k w a r a ■ yaiuMMo jri.no. A n . u n m n t c i m i n o o r r o r i n s n i . . . , q ) U - 0 0

■-------------- M > n f J s e a s o n l e a v e u s w i t h i ^ r t o o m u c h ' m e r f c t ^ : i t o y ^ P u s E ^ n d O x f o t d ^ $ 4 Z a n d J 4 . 5 B o t : a 4 S ^

---------------- a i s e ^ o n h a n d b r ^ t h i s T i m e o f t h g y e a r - Q u f - - .. ,Th980 arc nil.IjiKh-gratlo jihocs, but conalutB of sh o rt lo ts and dlscon- . . ] } = inout romjjleic ubpw ias in nil ulzcu'im<l widths. Sum- J t C ' —

nmuV'ln5.oo.“'SriSL'!'.“ “':':."..‘'“ p o l i c y n e v e r 4 0 c A t r y g o o d s t r o t n o n e s e a - mer. c i .a r . .c o p.ite ..................... , ......... , .................................I |) J .4 0 ..

— ---------------- — , _ ------------ — - — -- -------------s o n t o a n o t h e r ^ k e s ' t h i s g r e a t s a c r i f i c e N e w M o d e l i n W o m e n ’ s D r e s s S h o e s ;M e n S D re ss Shops' 5*2 8 n • .* r\ C C ' \ Wc wni alao include in thifl C learance Sale o u r en tire .stock of bu tr ‘iV tC li d AyrC55 kJllUCb i m p e r a t i v e . O u r s t o c k c o n s i s t s o r r r e s h ton siiocB to W found in brlBht stock. <l«n, volvot. black, tan ami ;

These are ex traord inary valucB to ho found In patent, dull calf and tnn ------S-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ —— whlto buck, lleguiar ?4.00 and J4.C0 Brnde. D u r in g . C A >

s p r i n g m e r c h a n d i s e b o u g h t f r o m t h e l a r g e s t ............................................

~ r ; r ' T e J ^ r 1 a . o m a n u l a c t u r e r s i n A m e r i c a , a l l t o b e p l a c e d W l i l e S e a - I s l a n d a n d N u - B u c k S h o e s ' 'iV le n S a n d 2bb ( J x r o r d s S z 7(1 --------- r"^------------- ;-------- -------i------ :—----------------- Tho «cw se a island an a nu-buck button shoeo whlcfi uro so popu lar/^I T A C I I o < P ^ . « V r r r i a o f U r ’ n n V o e -r now. regular »3.B0 and-KOO valuoB.-Will .go Jn th is M i%

Those num bers a ro In .tlio celobratcdCroaiictf and Wiilk- O D 5 3 1 6 S t g F C a t l y r e Q U C e u p n C G S , «alo f o r ..................... ...................... ..................... ...............S Z . 4 Dover m akes. I q a ll Icathors.;- To bc cloacd-oiit. pn lr___ « * 9 C i a l ' U ! • ■ • . ' ■ • • — ^ .

, M en’s W alk -Q verJD ress ShoesT M e n ’s W o rk Shoes $ 1 .8 5 a n d $ 2 .7 0 „, , O ur Entlrc .n tock-to bo-had la a l^ e a th o rs , tho Intoat Bl> lcfl in but- _ TIjcbo nre two exceptionally strong vnluoa. The kind tha t w ill give slzifo. Vnloos up lo $3.50. SelUuK a t less tliiin COc on

ton o r blociier. Diirln g aalo only, lOypcr ccn t dlHCouDt. > - ■. ■■.. you pleflty of w ear and comfort. tho do llar ......... ...................... ............ .. — ........................ ...................I W . l ^

$ $ S a v e d i n o u r G h i l d r e n ' s S h o e E ) e p t .

; J t * s d r a w i n g p o w e r ^ n t - b e ^ ^ ^ i s t a b l e . T h e m o t h e r s w e l l k n o w t l ? a t t h i s i s t h e p l a c e t o s h o e t h e ^

' " c h i l d r e n , h e r e V o t r ' f i a r e t h e a s s o r t m e n t t o c h o o s e f r o m . D u r i n g t h e s e c l e a r a n c e d a y s w e w i l l s e l l '

■ c h i l d r e n ’s s h o e s a n d o x f o r d s a t r o c k b o t t o m p r i c e s . ' . ^ ■*

C h i l d r e n ’ s T w o - S t r a p a n d B i u t t o n O x f o r d s - L i t t l e G e n t s ’ a n d B o y s ’ D r e s s S h o e s 'in patont, duli c a lt nnd tiln, Buarnntccd nil .o llil Icsthcr nolol, counlorB ond TOUiieb." " " ' :Evory pa ir B o li r te u io r , o q o -ii lH m n trn BOlo, ono-placo countcr. and boxins, W JIT r A I MOllEI

: S “ ° ; - : . . . : . . . . $ 1 , 3 9 ........ $ 1 . 5 9 r .........$ 1 . 7 9 . " ............... $ 1 . 1 8 - 1 ^ . • l . : : $ 1 . 3 8 ' ^ r “ : ^ : ° ^ : ^ : : . . . . $ 1 . 6 8 j

T ~ ; . . ! ~ ,• Soft, F lex ib le E . C. S k u ffe r Shoes fo r ChilH ren ‘: T h e O r i g i n a l E d u c a t o r S h o e s f o r C h i l d r e n p » » > . ' i “ » i > » ™ . w ” i‘«r 6pbu t t on . D u tin s b«io d a y , . lo po r c « ' . ^

In two-Htrap" o r bu tton , paton^ dull caU nnd tan . .during sate 10 per ccn t discount. C H I L D R E N ’S B A R E F O O T S A N D A X ^ S I N T H E E-- C . S K U F F E R M A K E .

M e n ' s , W o m e n ' s a n d C h i l d r e n ' s H o s i e r y

S S tB i- c a r r y t h e C E L E B R A T E D B L A C K C A T H O S I E R Y f o r W o m ^ e n a n d C h i W r e n w h L c h w b e i n c l u d e d - i n . t h i s s a l ^ . a t g r e a t l y r e d u c e d

■ ' p r i c e s .................; . ' ■ ■ - ■ . - ______V ,—........................... ^ ■

C h i l d r e n ’ s D o u b l i e K n e e S t o c k i n g 1 0 c W o m e n ’ s ' i j ^ e 1 5 c

Wo-aro going to give you duritig thlu n.ale, regu lar m e double-knco stocking for lOc. Tiiis Is a O C j * ' * , Womea'Q black hose only, during UiIb ealo, 'Kood durable slocking for lho hot summer doya. Klc. for'........ ......................................................................b O v EO a t ....................... ....................................................................................... .................................

^ W o m e n ’ s S i l k - F o o t S t o c k i n g s ------------------------- - W p m e n V A l l - S i l k ^ a b l e - C o r d

D o u b l e h e e l , l o e a n d s o l e . A n u n e q u a l e d o i f f e r i n g f o r . . . , . . 5 0 c . D o u S e . o l e , h e e l a n d t o e . 'R e g u l a r $ 1 . 2 5 v a l u e . , i n b l a c k , t a n A ' E

_ ' . . a n d w h i t e . . D u r i n g c l e a r a n c e d a y s .....................................................

_ M e i i - s L i g h t S u m m e r H o s e 1 0 c \ n t j v ^ ^

’ R e g u l a r 1 5 c ^ a l u € s - w i l l 4 > e * f l o W - f o r --------::— 1 0 c > 3 P a i r s f o r : 2 5 ^ J V t ^ P - S - J x L e d U l l T I ‘ A ^ e i jg h t R Q . c k r O y d . S o c k s 7

j S e i i s a t i x ) n a l P r o p o s i t i o n i n S u m m e r F ^ r n i s h i n g Mj: ' O f f e r i n g S u m m e r F u r n i s h i n g s t h a t w i l l i n s t a n t l y a p p e a l t o t h e w i s e a n d e c o n o m c a l s h o p p e r . ________________ ' • ,.

M e n ’ s C o o l B r e e z y S u m m e r S h i r t s ’ - ; M e n ’ s U n i o n - S u i t s 9 0 c

K M,.,lo ..1 Ilnn n,criorl«cd cotlon Poni.-Qo or A n d r ., , . . I t l , o r w i tb W « l I I t . r y co lla r: Frcnch' cu«rt. HpgulftV'Jl.r.O and $i:.00 Valuoa ............................................................. . - r r ; . . . . . . . r . r r . - r r r ^ l U C -----------------------. ' . y . . . ..................................... ....................................... .................... .................................................... .

; W h e r e y o u w i l l f i n d t h e b e s t w o r k s h i r t s o n e a r t h , l a r g e , r o o m y a n d - m a d fe__________ l e n ’ s 2 - p i e c e

f t o w e a r . . — : 3 9 o M e n ’s l i g h t w e i g h t u n d e m e a r i n m e s h a n d b a l b r i g a n , c l o s i n g o u r . ' J

i-- ^ — — — r r ---------— — ^ -------------- — ......................... .... / ' • '

A L L M A I L O R D E R S P R O M P T L Y S p N T B Y P A R C E L S P O S T P R E P A ^ I D |

Page 5: VOL-111- NO. 71 .EIQljTH,YEAR. TW IN PALLS, TW IN FALLS …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014. 12. 12. · Thc' followlng ofilccra for tho on- 1 eul'ng

________ 111 ' -'- I— I -■ - ■|-.»rrr~‘ ~‘*- ‘T * ‘‘****— ' " ' '* • V f • , • ______ ...—

Page 6: VOL-111- NO. 71 .EIQljTH,YEAR. TW IN PALLS, TW IN FALLS …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014. 12. 12. · Thc' followlng ofilccra for tho on- 1 eul'ng
Page 7: VOL-111- NO. 71 .EIQljTH,YEAR. TW IN PALLS, TW IN FALLS …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014. 12. 12. · Thc' followlng ofilccra for tho on- 1 eul'ng

j H w Jl he sc j^ rs; are noi j^ g (

H ^^^Setf-;Sharperang

H ^ Y . . : - ; ; 'M ; -

B r a ^ q u ^ y e tJKe ^H m rth e~ o n I]T 5enii w<

l i^ h at die dini

advantage to yoi y ^ n f b^ 4 a'

. Besides getting; B H a m i % 6 u ; { ( i ^ ^

H H ^ p t s to acconipb)h

(V ‘. y ^ . s v J ^ y g l ^ i V a K

t a p h t o ^ m a k e s h i f t / b ^

i a n d g i v e ' s e t y i e e a b ^ I

T i m e s : ( T w i c ^ - W ^ k ’

S c i s s o r e . - , - ;

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s l a n t b o o s t i n g i n e d i i i m f t

I 'cIgad * jicifejr^^ftpcr lit

r e f o ^ s ' i n i f i i s ^ w u ia t y . '

are warranteid'to ,?times. 1 3 ^ , of i t . ' , «

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tv'^vou have <the- {ifter it has com6 ; ^r ^ l 4 ^ r l t T s ^ ' ~ d i ^ ; : T

Git of a newsj^pero r t h e e n t i r e c o u n I

f o g o - i n t o - ' a n y ,

,t K honMt in its at-

X .'; , ' ' ' ' ' ~ '

I ^ S f ; ' :'d

s t

S p j B a g a a ^ f f i t ^ ^ ^ P o i>i

' o rf .d m w itlo ff BBt? be w m WJd'' wT e re d lW - planted hifliseU oa a n i l , ' 'u i a 'L ^ p e a beheld - Mm. « ttH bMwxtaiiob, d n w bre&d a sd ehftes* c tt^W ».poolt«» *»tlJoo«h to fortlty - - m M U '^ k g a ln f t oveots. BererAl « a j i v ^ « d . tiyr. Leepea bad re -

u d f l n l a ^ a a . ■

S S :‘* ^ ^ S m ' - o n i e ^ W ^bloeUes all th e ,

y e r t t tw ^ y u e e e h , wMoli a lr .eon ld > iM :jB to 'the room. Ho tbeq 'm ado r e w t t o a * . for-lU btlng a charcoal ;

applying, t to -m a tc li. K ^ ^ i o r ' t h e 'w ^ J iu t opppsito th e ' w B tb rrar.e jea;' a > p e r • thM lnoon- ia ^ ^ T O d e d :- r r ra te n rtlee th a t w e l ^ 'J o f ^ W - owa ••YThat o reto '. flotasT"-exclaim ed the eredttor, D M illyv ,.'•T por »6dbtjr would ren- IwCUfa- Iflitelerable.' lo w o ' a ro . go tns

ro ldde together," aa-iWdfiiii -'Ttiiwtliftfi, tra o g o iu y .- jfc .- t i-M t e ' t t o w Umt U l. cm Jlto r a » .

* V '> "s .W ^W 'IWTABD.. .

Tho-uiideiilB ned will pay tUo'alwve aw aril ro r Urn re«;oVi]ry o r for W o r- ia tlp n . ^oi the;.: toUowlng dMcrll^ed

S w S -b la io ‘.faced lijiro, eorroie. »bo«i t o w ’*and1ogy. Btocking'osd le a th e r

ana - t t - l on rlR htVlow t;.w d 5 lit: about

u X ltoK iA ni t o r s a broBded C Oil l e t t b'0Bld’«l?>^lgbt>--»bOUt ,1000;; : I ^ l *h a tM i b ind u r t e w and . lad ln ed


d i y i d e d o ^ mto tWo Job

fxoH 25 Si^t

tailues e ging; fi i erything in oto the lowest pbs

1 8 t h e t i m e t o p r e t ^ <

i y s . l^W« c ? ] ^ v e ^

BSTiJfA Tf Of>EXP£NSES FO K THE oJ^cnsca of tho .City o t 1

^ ^ n ? f « r s t Wuostlay i a M ay. lffia, c ity .council

aald fJocol >

X00> do}]an, Iteznlzcd and cJitflalfJed aa oxpc^dlturo as near u m ay be, a s folio ttlplstratlTo Dcpartm ciit.^Sttlartcsj A ’\ ^ l^yo r ............. ^ r \ >

^ ^ U > \ Attorney. .................V P''lntlDB'^rdlnan<;c8, B icn ^ rap lio r fo

ro P cpartm eit. ■ . \ ,SttlnHos . . \ / . ........ \K ydrant Rciital ................ V ' *' ■ ” 'Eijionacs an^E fiu lpm cn t

rce tB B dA lle rD ip flrtm en t. -\ \ Bftlory S treet Comtnisaioncr .1 . . . Cenoral Purjioeca ............ . . . . : ..........

i l i f ^ r f ln n d s and BnHdJags. \ ^ ttlA ry P(irk Cocnmlssfonor, . . . A . - . . ,

V R epnlr o t tlro houBo oad ro n t.o rco u ;

ttlJco D cpartocoL— 8«l«TV-Ghl*t-nt,Poltna_-, _______

6 fl]a rr P atrolm an . . . . . . . . .. Salary Pollco Judgo ............. " ' '

. , T l c h l 'T d l i 5 ( r i u a g o : : O f t l « r - r . !.Oasffrfii ParposDB snd ConUDSOot .

ealtfiy A-finBltarr B epartm eiif.Clly Physician Focb and E tp c n a o ..Solary Saallary In spector .................Sa/ary Plumbtne J a s p e c f o r .............Post Uoneo B nlldlng-and Slto . . . . ' .

^ Q o n e ra l P u’fpobob .................................

n iA c r tiig . D epartm en tIf- C hy E agtacorlng Peos anil H o lp . . . . rw l'X lgbU njf. ’- . . ' " •• > ifa t-^h ttn g Btreotfl, ^ r e H a ll nod Jail. S f v i t on Bonded Indehtednotii. S ^ w o r Boa4a—HO.OOO. 6 p e r c « a t . . S ^ r e Departiiiont-^20.000. BH aad ( f t Stree t ImproTeq^ent-rUT.OOO. 6 % ai » Sow er.EttonBlon—15,000,- 'B p e r cen f f ftivjng IntcrsocUoo—J 08 .000. 5 andBB ofundlD g—115.000. 5 i4 p e r c a a t . .

nScellantiona.- FlUBbJflff seworBCuj'b and Sidew alk'IntorBCctlona . Twlo r a i l s f j jb H c X lb ra ry Band Concerts . . . , . . . . . . . .^ . . .

. W ater Maintenance on lao^l In cits• C /»!fiaar*'i> ,""5od'Be5. Jr-N .-0 .< . .

Cluster L ight Intfirsectlona .............Amount duo county o a ovorpt^m c

conU ngfn t' 7 ; ; ; ! ! ; :M ; ; ; ’ v H

^-.T oL iL .-^ '* tU :rrT cr;.:..;.;.v ;rh :rr.

Stalemcjtl o f E n tire rovonue o t c ity to r ' Balance on bond In g enera l fund . Llcaases . . . ' . . . . . . , • . . . ,

.. Tasca ...................i . . . . . ...............Flnca,Co*U .............. . . . . .V. ;

. -Dog ond Poll Tax ...........,CIty;.S«i!cs i . r . . V . . . . ; . . - . .V ... Pound ■ Peofl".. . 'I , .Intoraat ^ f u n d e d T n u u fer 3911 B prloM iag Fund

, - OTorpayment by .TwJa F oUb CouaC Old lum ber M i d .........' . i ....................

• pa id fo r prln tlng-ord laoncea . . . . .

ClUBtenigbtB .........-------_ / ■, '.lk)aM r epai d— •, .

. Local. ImnroToment D is tric t >

•' Ilcfu n d S g ^B o ^* '^* * ” *

Total r e ^ p t a A . . , . ' . / . ^ . , ; . ' . .

■, r t^ p a red aniJ adopfofl 6 r . tfie c f t r < th la ie ih flayo t Jnaa.lftX 3i>^- , . . .. / .' ..-.'ApproTed by th e M ayor o t aal& cli

A tte s t:- 's tU iii lT c i ^ ' c l( S B ^ ^ J .V.

IT1T TiiiWTiaV.^ttlTnmMlti]l f


s t o c k■ ■ ■ • ! "

5, $17.50

* o m $ 1 5 s t o c k i s

s i b l e f i . 'i for those / ing-for men. - : :_______' . . I_______ ; ._________^ „ '

f r < The Hoate ^ h of GOOD

U M u n o T t i F s _ _

C IIY OF TWIN FjILLS, i a t iH f c V ia F a lla , Idaho , fo e th o Q a o B s H f r a n d e n d in g on tb o t l r s t O ta e a flB rto o lB O ld iS lty . - : o o ito y .aep Q seai; f o r a l l p a r v i M a t t a w r \ f o r w h ic h a a i j p p r o p r i i t i i i e » • 7 - “ '............................... I l l l ........... .. 1 T ~.0 th e d if fe re n t o b jo c ts o a d b n a d M B .?b : \ • ' , ■ • ••'•

. . ' . . . . . V . . . . . J jGo;oo

.o o U n g a .V ..- , ■‘00,00

................■ m o !o o - - - - •.................. M 00.00.'8 , fitniJonoVy. ‘ . ................ '. . - . v 7SO.OO y ^ . 0 n »

.................... w . k 7.000.06. . . , ; ......... ..A 1.200.00

................ \ 2.000.00 u ; a m m

................ '.I v m M........................... 8 ,^00.00 v e » 6 ■

...........................% 40V 1D0ic U -r o o m ., . . . . ;^ _8.040p .._

............ . . ; ..............; . . , 480.00^ •

,^420<«e,i .B o o .o s - y m m - —

............. '...............I 700.00

............................. 300.00

............................. 600.0#

............................. .....-1 .000.00 ' ,

............................. fioo.00 % m m i •

. v m m /

........................... .1 2; « o .o e , ■ 'p e r c o a t ......... 1,160.00 • ' ,

d 0 p e r c e n \ . . 986.00 ' ................................ 250 .00 ' ,BM p o r f p n t . . , 3,56S;00 • ’ .............................. 826.00 v m m


................................... m o o

......................... 1 ,500 .00 • . • — ................................ w o .o o , •................ ....................... 850.00 . . . -

............................... 2 ,500.00 • • , .I t o f M ay a r t , . / '................................ '«34 .81 . • ,♦ ••• . •

. ; . i.,-.v -. '- 7 ,0 8 0 4 f l - : -

■■" ----- -

p re v io u s flaco] y e a r s - ....................... ITSMft

................. . ; . . -2 2 ,7 0 0 .2 9 ........................................................................ ............................. .................................. . . . . V . ' . . : ......... 400 .M . : , . - r ................................. 174.40

: " o 7 8 :2 i;" ’............................... 8B8.20 .- . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 ,00 -V'. ;.............. ................. ■ 83 7 .5 0 ,. ; V '

.............. r.C88 .2 0 ' . • ^ .- , .M ay 3, 1 9 1 3 . . , . - W 4 ,8 l............................... • .M S .7 S ; ,^ ■

..................... .9 ,6 0 ' . . . . r -........................ 48.00 , . . W.

lada ................76.00 ? ,

0 . 5 .’. ................ l , 6fiO.<K» . -• ‘ •;0, 7 i . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ’ . -,.9W .OO , - 7 , ; V : ’:, ; : ; - - ; l ^ c p ;00

j< « .M ■ 5^'

B im cli.o ttfo .C lteo t^

t t , “

Page 8: VOL-111- NO. 71 .EIQljTH,YEAR. TW IN PALLS, TW IN FALLS …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN... · 2014. 12. 12. · Thc' followlng ofilccra for tho on- 1 eul'ng


tS g. ,“£>.« t o -ond cto«- C ^ n :^ n iJ3., MbUon: v r^ ”j if?**?* ■ll6 rt;*WIUlt*Qf,'«ft6h-B©0*

■ 1 ?rwiima^iot'bipei^>

^ '■ t l

~ 'p ^ \-Si

■:?:■; 01 f r» itS f tw > ro > -^ t« a ( !» jje a ^ ,^ lJ < ■;’; - w 4>tn4 t ^ u ( d irlded.iD to u ^ equal >:V :-<l % ^ < itq ia > ^ a ;e b ^ i l lv la i( ^ ^ ^

- 5

7 1 P

fOBe .Btbm;oono

^««> :c iiii! ! in year Bad' tbo.

^ j M B H S M ^ ^ -Toon.-'- tha t. {raiiL_tbe

S 8 S S 9 iS B B iK F lU l£ 6 S te tB 99.3I> to pro*V )iy. -Ithe.', hotbed

^ n l H M n S H n ^ u o i i , . w r t i .iuai*lo-Ura> bullqUa

S n n B | | B m moo>add- «onitruo-.

n ^ H I H ^ ^ e f - d i - f t i e p ' dlicasM d

3 r a S H ^ ^ M ^ ^ ^ i S u ^ K - t ) ) « iQZperi*!cost^of -planUiis

y J is l lB P S p is U m ta 'C p e r . A c tts ! ^ : t I ^ T •v5S # 8 B i B « ^ ' l M ' , t h e - ttuefl. yeara.

^ v iy im r a M o r itik iH riP lanfiSw aai ouod

ir o r t . ib o ft i t ^ ^ v ^ t a t l o n . t o r o ^ h U 'p r^n liic^ saa trU n io g inetiiods.- - -.*.: The buUetitt'«dnt*InaJ over. 80,- aljlcB .. fnUof>Valnab!BvlnforiDatlDit.tatliB:tOT-

. mato;: g cow ortiO in 'tho , atateV.'.Tbean .' :-tablM -.tbow iiwD7 .UaterestiDS. .facts .1 :' :w I^ ln ^ . ;b » U 6 r Mnrloo'. to .thosQ .who '^^dealn i^to ':« isase^^-M bualneas of

' ^ , “5 5 E ^ fa g S :’; , . „y « M \ lnto.-,;’‘ttoojr.*' •■ ■'second’ - atiu

' :■ to ta l ’ yields ot tboV-"iancy’.'eiiMle fo r tho tbrctf y tm rrffom

tba iA C rt'^ iraa i^ S S p o unds 'fo r 1910; .'• E fl« ;;w un ita :ln 'rM li « fd 488B-poands- .ln-a9l21-.'Th® M eia.of “sccond8"\w a8 :

hSS.tKnindc b i .1910; 3&3-poUDd8 ia' .1911, and 1 1 ^ - poaads In a & ll Tbo

y U d -o t "cuUs’f '. 'w u : 3669 pounds fn '" ;r 19«1‘’31'I0 p ound l i n 1 9 u ; and 5114 .'-; ,-po tuid8.1a„i912;'. ' - - ‘ ' ^A;a«ctJon o f tb o bu lle tla Is dovotod

; to Ifispcta aod 'dlBoasos, and ircata ot■ ' tb ^ -cu re s B o d ' provontions • o t such •r;----pieft*;'.-" - i - l ; - ' - ' ' - ' ' ■•'--• •••';' \ .' /V ,Tba rocordiivslven In • tUB*fli(illoUn » -show. W ftt.tbo n f t p ro f ila .w h l^ .can ■!>' :be'roaU *ed (rb m 'a& aero ot-tomatoes

“ ■ wbero no prn iiiin rlB .done,.and . wboro ,'j '-'tU e.plahtB drb '.a i^ tra in ed b u t jiermlt- i—7 '^9i j o ipow o h 't b A ^ u n d nro Rreatcr ■i ; u u .can bo ‘'B0CUiM by aby . o ther ’ •-';-i4M od. T b 0 ifi|f&res'«lro& In the bul>1 .r lg tt6 '-'aa .deihonB trated .hy.,tbo. .oxperk

•‘mffltg~c; w d a ^ d ' o n ' ^ o ' jm lversity *. r '& n n y se t to o ^ n c t 'p rb ff tl i t ' |348.«3 per 'T .v id re . 'T b b 's m a l le s t p rbfll, aa demon- •• .f Blrated by tbo -tw elT e different; plats,

■,«ame from ’ tbfi- ono- w bere the plants ..-wero: pruned to onis' stem and traloed OD thft stake, th e p ro fit por ncro be*

• la c »73.29. ' ’ •.The bnlietin contains two maps

/ drawn by .Edw ard L . Wolls, United Statea ' w eather bu reau director, n i

• ^ I s e . One la-ft r a ln fo irc h a r t o f 'tb e state, and tho o tho r a tOmporaturo

’ fh nrt. __ ___________ •-----------------------Copies Of th is valuable .bulletin w in

:_^_aladly. bo..njallcd lo .jiny.farmciu.witK-. .In the Btato who destros ono and who will wirlto to ProfOBsor Wloks, ot Mos-

-cow, Idaho. - IW . H. ^rA80N.

- Editor A gricu ltural News Lottnr..

' The FormBMoiTof H nm ns by Baclorfa.. ■ Wo flnd*« v a s t dlfferenco In Vlbc ,■ feriljlty df dlffefon't nolla. ' For \Jn-

'. s ^ c e . sand, oltbouffh U may contiln . ' ; a l r o f the olemontB nocessary fot‘ p leb t'

fTOd. la sUIl found barren u n d ,w ith­o u t ' vogotaUon. G arden aollBi >bov^ ever, t ^ y contain lo s s 'p la n t food t ^ n

.. tb e 'und -a ild -B tlU bo.cohsIdercd-yoM ' ' ferlllc.- T his dlfferonce Ia n s u a ^ d u |\■ tc&itbd‘. Bub»tanco know n tuf fiumus.

•• ••• W herejtbo ;bum u 8 ' l 8 p re sen t the dlf- ' jbrent>«l«aen(« are-.proBw t tn il torm

• to a t-p laa ta :oan a g o .'.T b ls h n n in Ib• tbb'r-nm olns 'p f prevJoois ;planis and

flhbttnja: .'W ?UMivplant8 dlo^tbat pa rt , 'w bhh Ja a o M s e d f o r commorclal pur-

.' (w'ipa:;iniuUy>‘jEO«a' baiclc 'to the noli: 'Wi’.iRUtliiUie.*BSiae; w ay a -c ren t deal of U iU 'B W ^v'bbijX tbc

- a o o n t ^ '^ t o mAleriol- reMhcs ,,- : th 0 '.s0l | i|t IC ^ A tl ia ^ ^ b y mllllo^^ of

•‘/b a c t« r l4 'W 6 i ( » ; V « ^ 0w ihn6 the dc*

:■■ l o 'i h e 'i n a M r ia O w ^;:v.’: t p - ^ n a ^ , -d p ^ Intb tbc

' D Iffe^ t-.-« tatteB ' o f 'boot^iteVid^* -UnQ^'tbeli'-wi^l^-on'tiris’xnatorla l'irft^ ' It baa^^r^cbod tbo .fonQ-Qf;bujdua,'.de> b o m p ^ g '^ ^ l ^ r ^ j i P ^ a b d build*

# lw < «g;|jj[ro[^

^ jT b o .iiad itl* "o rm ao u ro - to' a, t l« a ' f!oda. ’t g reat de» rtow ard '-tbe-fo tm a*

Wbleb forta.bnm ns o u t ot.tUo m'atffrli^

tb e re w o^ld n o t bo o ^ . '^ a m u a A8.Ano

\ ' !^ah6 :

I n pa rts b t tb is B tatfiilargo tra c ts of land aro so badly.af& jcud wUb -OlkaU ttaat;^oy/eltfaor>ba.^ ^ .bo.<^mdCineii b r. XwlainWd by : tbo r d m o ^ l : of- tb^ a ^ n l l . ffj)tn'.,tbo a u f f a g . vAere.; .the

t h ^ i r o ‘U iittlff ■o t ataple.BalU ;w blrt n f t .not^-offectod T jy ;>bt0r’ to :glvo a-:roarly<S ;iS d \to d M ick ollcail cbnBiata : o f fe lts ',> h lc f t

.a re affoctod' by. t m o c . ! ^ glv6'^A..>r«ar

tbero, aad'liiaTOS {ito 1 ^ 1 ' colr^bd^Vttb'

t t o V ater,- j f f j ^ r a t ^ .\tbey.'baV g _U»o iBpp^Branc4-o(i-comcipntuiti -,oi. tfblcb tbey- r o B l ly - f in ^ t to ,^ f tf5 » ^ e tis iit: ’ ':■ T bta dlfferencb ibtcifcaaTBtsnfr^tfl^tf twfr kinds 6 t a lktil: l& ^ u a e d 'liy : a dll- 'fer«aco;ln;thelr.Vebeffiical ed idp^ltion . Tb& aopoarance. oC'-i)lae1c':.'aakall ‘ on tb6 Boirti.caaBcd by jSi^' W hofnatea of '«odIum ''im d ; potasslnW^.; <,Thgte'<'ftiau a r a ' coinpotfi^: -ot.is:,: s t io n c bbaei lyo, and.'O-weak add , ^ b o a io 'a c ld ; a,iwlu|-.

of which, wo drla lf-ax id 'on joy i u •s6da< wator.-‘ It- la (a-'cbnrafitoYlaao 'o t a ll < a ltS '6 t this klridk«blit^-^t'b^';tboy ara-.dl»abl»b4-Jfri W itiif. j*tbe’‘;lyfl i n d «cld -ar9 Beparated-; (d l6 so o la ted ;'u tbo obomlsta say) t a ' a -Q u^^iiA «n t,i«ad UxB > solbtlon t a k ^ ; OD') t b i a , . .e b a n '^ .of*dIaaol«rc4 lye. .a t-w ill rod' jniaapaper;:litoD;Xa’JaBt.'’,ybIgtt:-<!hiBm. lata'nsQ to^d^m ln ti'tbe 'liie ld lty 'o rifil* k ia in lty tbt-'B^aototlbn:-.'- - ^ . : '•.

'. m'osUybydrM blorlC ' <, aad-'-iauIp&Drlc'.. -acida;' Sueb.w U u when dlOMlVad laVyrater do ji6r-^bydt:<i1yBQi to .glTe'actdii 'a n d bases again , and M do. n o t solutions tbat'.w in<tura> r«d mtmUs Tap'ei^. brue.'' 'O I.tbbao 'tw o c l M ^ ^ a l l i d l , ' a lk a lt /is nu cb .m oro 'destractlVB' to p lan ts-tb an vjbltb alkali. In the;sam e Btrongtbr ot. solution: ‘ .B ocauso 'o t tbis i t Htt; somotTmes deairablo t6 :co n v o rt b lack alkali Into wbltO; alkaU,.A thing t t a a t j s accompllsbeB bM t by.raddlng gypsum . . .Oypsum l a tAo aufpbato of Ijmo and^dw s barm m th n ^ .t^an ^6<i

tb (^ ijH ^ to r « t c t .a lk h ll: S ? f a r a L ahould OkB.ure tlia t tbo :dB8ttuctlve al- kaU is, Black and th a t Its concdntra* uon Is 80 low th a t i t w ill n o t be- do- strucU ve If It la convorto'l In to wbllo aPcalL- - p . p . PETER SO N .-. ■

^ ■ . ‘ - Sou Tocbaoldglat.

K eoplns'C i'eam In n Good iConaitloa.A t , tb is BotiBon of tho yoftr as tbo

w arm weather .comc^.oh. tbo keeping of the cream In. a good condition be­comes m oro'of a> problem tb an -Is -tbo ca se 'd u r in g th c ^ ld .w e a th e r o f ’tbe w laU n - As ih ls-ls-a lso tho busy sea- eon for the-rancher, the •core of the croam on the ranch Is o ften-sadly ne­glected, tind ne a reeu lt lho cream ery m an hos to coptcnt h im self wlUi a low erode ot croam for b u tte r making. Thla J« n condition tb n t can oaallybQ remedlcd-.by a - l l l t lo -e x tra U m o'and c a rc . '

Ono of the moin troublcB is th a t the cream is not cooled auTficlenUy after BoparaUng. This la a troublo that may bo overcenio In various ways.' The The cream mny bo ru n ovor a cooler ol- tho can of croiim may bo i>la'ccd In cold w ntcjT Tho la tte r m ethod Is a good one Imt tho cream ahould be aUrred occasionally so aa to cool It

■ tho Rftmo tliroughout. A long ahdt- I gun can [» n v e r^ o n v c n le n t contoin- ; Cr In which to co o l'in o 'c ro am -o ir nc- I count of 1(8 small d iam eter w blcb al- lowBmpJd-cooTInK o f n i o c re a m . ' “

I ^^^rDl cream fresh' from the ■ abp- nra to r ehouW alwaya-bo cooled before lioured Into tho eream from tho jfre- ylows m ilking os tbo w arm ing .gives -*ho. j>octcria_ln..Ihc-:aldoa.:.croam --a s ta r t nnd will causo I t to 'becom e sour m uch sooner thnn it othorw lso would. TJio common practlco o t-ru n n in g the frcab crenm from tbo sep a ta to r Into the cream from the previous minting Is vory . detrimental to - tb e koepinK quality of the croimr; T h ick cream, lb a t In cream rich in b u tto r fat, koer'B b e tto r thnn thin cream . T h is la due to .tb c fact.lhat lho serum , tb a t.la .the ' substonccs otfier than b u tte r ' fa t In th e : crenm, dccompoaca moro rapidly 'Ihnn tbo buttor fat. Cream «ontAln« tng a :bigh- per c ^ t o f b u tto r fAt;niusf. n ^ iu in r i ly contain . n corroapondln'gly eniftller por cent, of-otlior consUtbenU. nniKwlH coneoqucntly koop BwWt andij o: fresh condition fo rj^o 'g fo a le r

longth of tho tliho tb o a oream fiot.BO' rich In butter: ' » . ' : •'. Aside from tl»i-aboYe proaautions

tbo qiieHtlon of'cloanUnfcsa .1b a very iTnnortnnt ono. Tbo.-^Introdtjctlon <of filth into tho m U km oans a lso tbo In­troduction of ferm ent w ith I t w b irt whon they derelbp-. produco -undcalr- nblo flavors In .the .croam nnij .cause J t to sour. During tbo w arm tepnthor thoflo fermerits a re m uch m are ni^tlvf

y ay. :tod


«on la'.'tbo'

p u d d i n g ” i E L 'L ~ q T i L i . " ~ ^ t i ^ e

. n i t ^ a . o f tfao c)iB^m8'--w^U^ ^ p b > M ^ 'ln ' Bm^ of ;th«?p4n •laboa la ' tbo 'Cciuaty 'palatlaa-: ;;'B9fow-;th«-^BflfbrtiBUotf :tfio bcOl.bt tbo^M ^ah «;a8 m ag bn S b j r m •TtoBdw. to ;« U .l : tb o ;rp o o p l8 - to g i^ •% ; t a « ’obafrteilbn 'of. tb'Mr Blob.’ 9 r « ^ |b e ;. ' 'a ^ T e p ;” b'enbe tb V 'x ^ e r 'b & d ff i day. :‘*TWa'.:J>eU," •B ay B ''.lir ;;a aW ^ H Btlll n in g aom o-paiu of L iu ia lU u d , is BtUl c a n o d ’t&e I 'P t u c a k e ^ W g m U s iJbciw I g i j i i t i ^ C ^ l y : to tb a p o o p l o - t a 'b ^ t r j r i ^ - ' l Z ^

o o n trc g n tlp n ! , 6 S & ^a tto r tbo m o m ls^B errfo e . 'T U s ' i w

i a g b e e a . f l ^ y b a U e j^ jl^ ^ ^ m a r a ' I ^ orstJctaa - tb ^ ^ lt% T o n g , to . w i a n * ; t ^ g

trfrbe:or)gin boll,^-Do,trtaow^ bat like maay, ej: ^ d «M»tonja,,U;«Wll'jla|^rt ' l ^ ^ n m p y ir o f j M>o '

.ofgp.cllui.;^JlM ..TlUagojhk.lho;a«^ ..Ic^. Ib ,;OTor :.and . tbkt ‘paddlag .u m b ^ co iiV ...

•■Sp. la te a s 1§70 tKo curttow \M ffi WIU ru a g iat.' Duraley. Cplno. burn. Fadbam . and In.; miinyV.: otiigR

'. t im 8 . , im d , . rU la g n . . . T ^ ^ , - ^ r t u t f ) i , ; w V tto j n i m t ro m ax i n s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

a f to r - l t - b u M os'ed.'ta h a v o i a n y T r ^

—__M R F E E U NGS NOT S O O 'f f lg t f

a ito * « .' Boy' EvldMrttr No»W aa Quick te <dM the .E rro r s

o f Hla Waya. "

morning roooatly.sbo.pjooeodod tn iq j tbe breAktost tablo. to; tbo to lo p b o a^ ^

jtbo bail, to order tblags Cruo^ tbobtitcbor. • ’ • . 'I'"-:

■•Ho n o a r Bald Mrs. grown. •5’43»4M«ti ~Slr. B a t ty ^ a r ^;.=.

"Toa." ^•rWeU, tbta IB Mia. B row irt, rtBt4

denca W IU ytm-BQnd mo a largo. tUok; Btook • by four o'ctockr. . -. .■*, ’i=

Tbo In tbe'bntobor, Bbop bap* peood to. answer tbo telopbooo; and; promptly rodpbndod: . ' i*'':, "WoU,.y9U ju»t bet you» Bweet'ltoJ

I win."- ' ■ . ; ■-;*T>o yoa know, sir, to V iiom i w

p o a k l B g r . i n d ig n a n U y / 'l n q tU ^ lU r c •Bfown; •.- - - ' '■•

’•SuTf I dbi" ta ld tb* b<v. ^o c tt9 - Janny , M n.'B row n 'a book . .**T)otx are , . m is ta k ^ ' y& xax' m w , T o a ^ a n 's ^ e i a ( ^ % .^ :

’ • ^ B t b a t w r . r B p l i e d ' t b o 't w y .x : - * ^ ^ ^ i b a t e w . iTiiuTiitrt,

. AVben tiie flriest boi!ne>buylBg cb4>M .la y e a rs la open'.to yon ,'you 'll g a t t t i aew s ’ lo tb a '^■Btt^.'ffstate ^ r 8 ^ '

Read tbfl yan t'jfd a la tbo''rUneK.;'v

M u ^

B"— '—J


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