vol. xi. the weekly expo nent, f riday, februar y 13 1920 ... · rc>at wnrk guarding but the...

VOL. XI. THE WEEKLY EXPONENT, F RIDAY, FEBRUAR Y 13, 1920. Nl!. !BER 16 fiONZA fi A filVEN 1' Phi Garns Receive Fast M.S. c.. Men ! Gallatin Farmers' Y . w. PREPARES TWO DEf EA TS AT Interesting Letter Want County Ag t FOR BJfi S TUNT I Students who were here last year Completely Swamp A repre•entative group of farmers BOBC ATS ' HANDS B A . NIGHT FE B. 21 the French blind. It was well ear ggreaation gamzation of a farm bureau "'•"'hington Seetarian School is on ported and so!?lething over one 0, ploymcnt of a county agent m this Match for \fontan11. tat H hundred dollars was realized in net county . The meeting was called by :\l any CollC'ge w ill e oop- profits. This was sent to a the temporary farm bureau committee Combine to Produce \' audev ille in Games Pfa)'ed Here Mon - I French agency, and was used in the which existed before the war. All . Show at Municipal Theater, Feb. da) and :"ight!-<. care of soldiers who had lost their Hy Scores of 32 to 17 a nd 19 to 15 Powell's Undefeated Tea m Romps Away men present at the theetrng expressed I 21. Prombes to be Good. Last the Gonzagans fight- C"yesig-ht during the war. The girls \Vith First of Fo ur Ga mes Wi th the St ate University, on The ir Own themgelves strongly m favor of a fog furiously to the last were out- of the Phi Gamma sorority are to be Floor. Fi rst Ga me Rough and one Sided and Outcome Never in farm bureau and county agent, inas- Plans are now being worked out commended for the action they took Quest ion. Second Game Mu ch Fa ster and Cleaner with Some Reali much as Gallatin is one of the largest for a Y. W. C. A. stunt night on the playPd to the count of th rty-two to in this matter. That the act of kind- Basketba ll Pl aying. Many Loyal Monta na Sta te S tud ents Accompany 1 and richest agricul tural counties in evening of February which pro- s<.-!Ven. \\:hiJe plainly outclassed the negs was appreciated can be deduced II Team and are Much in Ev idence a t Ga mes. I the state. Mises to in size and variety were game to the end and from the following letter. $4500 was appropriated by the com- of stunts any simila1· ariair held here put up a t ff fight. p . m1·ss1·oners, '''h1"ch, the state and in past year;;. The hrnnlcipal theatre Mon ta a tipped th• ball and the aris 43 A venue ·Montaigne I tl ted with the ball in the 15 October, 1919 The Gobcat quintet ret urn ed home the fight out of the Mlssoulians and federal funds, will provide for the I already been engage<! for the . Harris broke :iladem :- Sunday after paying their respects at our men kept the ball at I maintenance of a farm bureau office mng the e ire bf dtop ing a lone- shot thru Madame rle Lauristoy has just for- the. tea i>arty in Score: i\I S. C. 32. State UmYer- and employment of e county agent. are rapidly gettmg t11e1r stunt in the hoop scoring- tht.' first wanh•d to me the splendid sum that Playing fast consistent ba ll on t he s1ty, 17. i The committee and county comm is- shape for the big event. The per- you sent her in behalf of the Phi The lmeup : [sJOners will rncet next week to con-lformance will start at eight-thirty From then on the blue and gold rol- Gnm;na sororitv, and destined to State University floor and with the ir Taylor Larkin sider candidates for the position of o'clock, immediately dfte1 the Mines d 111 nc after score, with \Vash- d' · · d h" mitigate the fate of the unfortunate 1' con itrnn, traini ng an coac mg Left Fonvard county agent and to settle other de- game of the evening. In order that ini:rt 1n fiJ?"htinp_ to keep up hc·r end · II b th r blind solrliers. Oh, Ma<Iam, how can I !"ho.wmg at a times a ave at o ·[Jorgenson Olson tails of the cooperative ao-reement. the two events may come on the same or the ga."le. Crowley was doing Bo ················-·· ·· · ""' rc>at wnrk guarding but the team thank you for an act so generous, but 1 their t he b- Right Forward Gallatin is the twenty-sixth county evening the game will ht! called at al·ta•d the ability to back up his work Center McKain or- plan of the Y. w. • d nrnke the baskets. The college h earn showl'd the quality of team work have done in this terrible war. last Fr iday a nd Sa tu rday mg ts. Bush Su ll ivan C. A. to have each fraternity and tlwv have developed and some of the May I ask you to be my interperter Scor es of 32 to 17 ana 19 to 15 tell Left Guard Miss Garber left Wednesday to at- sorority put on son'e stunt any one fight thev were able to 1mt across to these young ladies, whose coun- the ta le of the double un ivers ity de- Pitts Wa lterskirchen tend organization meetings in R avall i of which will occupy a period of n ot ' j t th k t th h t h feat. .. A large numb er of loyal Bob- R ight Guard c t more than ten minutes. The M cl ub kinadn t: cat root ers accompanied t.h e t ea m and Substitutes: Ahern for Olson ; oun y. Electric Club, Literary Society, and ting a man to get ev<'n a long shot !'O much intelligence and kindness. ma de as much noi se as the entire Straw for Sull ivan, J oy for Ahern. The American Legion, of Los Hamilton Hall and the Barracks will at the The result of their them for what a good purpose un ivers ity durin g the two games. Field throws: .M. s. c. Taylor 8; Angeles, has recommended to national also each have a stunt. Each of t he \iork was sftown when the half ended I this money has been . F irst Ga me Jorg-enson, 5 ; Bu sh 1. University: headquarters that the charter of the above organizations are working in- I leaving Gonzaga with three points Among so many bhnd soldiers, Larkin, 2; McKain, 4; Sullivan, 1. Milwaukee post, be revoked for al- dependent ly on their stunts and from > made on foul•. about 3(,0COO am particularly inter- of e::: Foul throws Lark in 3; T aylor 4. lowing Jack Dem psey an honorary I indications some rare original class - ! 1 S ontmued on Page 4) . . . Second Game. membership . ics will be put across. T 1e pokane tea.m took a rally the I University basketball court. Missoula The second game of the champion- Miss Helen Hill is manager in ":<'ond .half and tried to eat the Bob-' HOST OF LO took the initiative in the football play h' · tak f th Stat I sso CUBS charge of the affair with Frank Har - •ats alive but Jorgy responded with YAL and the Bobcats were there with a s ip series was ·en r om e e Ml ULA I University by a score of 19 to 15. The ris, Gregor MacMillan and Anker wo quick bask('ts and the college was I come back. However after the fi rst game was faster tha n t hat of the Christenson assisting fler Christen- ff. The g-ame became rather rough ROOTERS INVADE few minutes of the game the rough - night before and was n ot as rough I W ILL BE HERE son is acting as pr operty man and is nd Ge_ers the Gonzaga right I ness could not be attributed to either though the re were 11 persona l fouls rounding up the necessary props for was laid out for a couple of mmu tes team in particular but both did their called dul'ing the game . the different acts. Harold Eaton is ut was i.n the game as soon as. he BEAR TERRITORY best to make t he party interesting. The Uni versity quint played a bet - f EB, 16 AND 17 ac ting as publicity man whi le GatTett {Ot his wmd back. Crowley contmu- The rough tactics continued ter game than they did the night be- DeKay will be in char ge of the music. 'd taking the ball down the floor throughout the game and after the f.'re but even so the Bobcat team out- With so many organizations represen- Uone but was unable to reach his contest several high scnool boys threw played them in all respects. Their ted in the evening's entertainment a and his plays were repe. atedly 1 Over SeYen t y-Five Mo nta na Sta te a pail of water on scme of the M. S. fast floor work and pass ing and the Fros h Have Rai sed E nough Money large proportion of the enti re student ro The game ended with the' Supporters '.\lake 'T r :p to Mi ssoula C. rooters . They, thinking it was a true basket shooting of Ha rn s, Tay lor to Brin g Univers ity Youngs ters body will have some hand in the per- sc;: "r to 7 m favor of the Bobcats. by De,·ious Routes to Root for th e trick on the part of the st udents im- and Jorgensen proved too much for Here and Ga mes will be Pla yed formance. f es follows· Bobcats. I mediately chall enged t he entire Uni - the Grizz li es. Th e close guardi ng of Monday a nd Tuesday ' ig ht s. The stunt night will be in char ge 11 Gonzaga I --- I vers1ty and the fight was on. For a Pitts and Bush broke up all team work - -- of the college Y. w. C. A. and the re - Jorgenson ···· · Geer s, Toot! Toot! Mi ssoula, and 75 hu- few <t noments there was considerable 1 and plays on the part of Missoul a. On Monday and Tuesday nights the I turns will be used to defray the ex- Right Forward I man cinders, garbed m coveralls, roll- excitement m the vicinity of the gym . HarllS starred for the Bobcats play- Missoula amateurs will be on the hill penses of that and some Lee I ed from beneath the rods of No. 1 In spite of t he r oughneSli there was ing a much better game tha n the night and wi ll lock horns with Rice's first accrued debts . Tickets were placed Left Forward and the fast freight that followed it not a dull moment in the game and before . Tayl o1· took all of our free yea r men, in what promises to be on sa le yester day morning and may Mu rray into town. T he villagers, whose only the ba ll was kept in the ai r from the throws and put 5 out of the 8 into th e one of the best basket demonstrations be purchased fro m any one of over . J excitment is watchi ng the tra in come start u nt il time was called. The hoop. of the entire year . Since last week, (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 3) •i n, gazed in amazement . Was it rooters we re kept in " high state of Larkin, the Grizzly lef t forwar d, these two t eams have been matched Coxey's army on th eir r etu rn t ri p or excitement throughout the contest. made the first sc01·e of the game on a in a round about way and the com- OLD {'TAfi{' WILL had the "Wobblies" come to seize the The Bobcats did Mt get into their free throw and Taylor followed, hook- parative scores show the Bear Rooks tJ tJ town hall and blow up the blacksmith old form unti l the second half. Twice mg. a free throw on a personal. Mc- to have a slight margin of the points DEAL NEOPHYTES 'o · ,. T A " S T • T E ' rluring the first half of the game Mis- 1 aKadm Hscored nexd·t, sedvefral tr ] ies on the ir side. The underclassmen FAST I 920 TEAM SUFFERS FIRST DEFEAT WITH '21 ;,1 - -n - - "' --'"' - - . came n arr1s ma e a won er u ong have all finance matters complete.cl for j in husky tones from the mvade1·s' >oula led the scor e, howeve: at the shot into the basket. Taylor added the necessary expense money . Rice AW FUL I smoke-hned throats. The on-lookers of the. half the college five were one more for the Bobcats on a free probably will be unable to attend. TO R TURE could see no reason for one of them pomts m the l ead, the score sta_nd- throw. Time was taken out for Mc- This promises to be an extraord in- to be twisting himself mto bow-knots mg 17 to 11 · Tayl or scored the firs t Kai n who had his neck wrenched . arily exci ting game and from several but as the setting sun broke through field basket 3 few minutes after the During the next few minutes the ball different standpoints shoul<l create 1 the halo of smoke around his head, game opened. Larkin, the Grizzley was kept in Bobcat territory and Har- an extra amount of interest. The 1 Game Between Upper Classes Ma rk· 'l'ew Instrument.._c::, of Torture 1\ r rh·ing and disclosed a slight brownish hue, captain and t he center star- ris scored again . Larkin and McKain teams have both showed themsch·es t ed by Rough Footba ll Tactics. JMn- Daily and Will be Set Up in those who were shoutmg then war reel for Missoula, botn making several made the next two baskets for the I to be capable of fast work by this I iors Take Long Bn<i of 10 to 7 Cla% Shape by !\ext Friday Night. I cry to the skies knew that "Red" was long shots mto the hoop '. But the Un iversity. Jorgensen made the next I season's matches, and this last game Score. on the job. fast floor work and passmg of ou r S<'ore for M. S. C. and Taylor followed will be the grand finale of their en- - - - Take heed, ye unanointed! Hiram Smith, the lion-hearted con- men bewildered the Bruins . Taylor I with another point on free throw. rleavors. Cut 'em loose! Eat 'em up! Might "The fateful day is drawing nigh stable, crept up to one of the husky. an.d Jo1·genson worked ad- On a double foul, Larkin failed to The freshmen have been working be said to be the by word of the \Vhen gloating eyes :-;hall watch Yisitors and asked in awed tones: mirably, two them a ll make his point but Taylor again n.'ade early and late in getting business mat- rlnss tangle. It was one of men die "\Vhat's the occasion?" but two pomts durmg the first half. his try good. Harris scored again. f-"'!"!; arranged _and every man and the interesting games of the When groaning, growling, mean ing, "We'i:e bad men and we want some At the beginning of the second half The hulf en<led with the score 14 to I woman have done their utmost to I ason. with of almost Howling, tortured souls cry, 1 wild meat. The wilder the better." it was evident what the outcome 11 in favor of tlw Bobcats. 1 ' Ip make the coming meeting a sue- Pn·ry sport known to thl" BobC'at But no mercy shall be given. came the answer. would be. The steady shooting I In the second half the .. 1e speed- c·css. I athlete... ''Christy" was there at I. "You-all might try eating up at and team work of the Bobcats took (Continued on Page 2.) Coach Rice is quarantined with the an<l s.l<lom lost the jump, The venon of a thousa nd h ags, the uni"ersity. The boys all say that _ influenza and will probably be unable scoring the first basket of the game Unleashed by scouring, vengeful it is a bear," returned the minion of - --- to foster his team during the game, with a beautiful field basket. The ,'tap. the law. T'he D1 " str1" ct Lea _J rs •Ut nil shall cooperate in seeing his game from then on was l'Ough and Till sweJltn:::.'>rui,ing, That night and the next the ho - I J ae I youthful olympians get a. square deal. furious with foot racing, stiff arining wdling boes feted on bear steak, toug-h but The student body as a whole are clinchinf!, and in every Life-blood binds and gags I •atisfying. Indeed, so intense was · ack of this undcrtakmg and are direction. Many predictions were cast Still no mercy bc- given. I their appetite and so fierce their Bowden Secures Dope on Different Teams in the "'hkP l,r,un? t.o help make it a huge success, Ion the oul come of t11e score which method of attack that a few were Indicates Pretty Well Who will Play and it is hoped that the to\\n people turned out ten to 'even in favor of A ray of hope beg-ms to dawn hi·uit.;ed in the process. Old bruin In Tournamen t ''ill realize the importance of g-etting the ·who seemC"d to em·ry a The first to pay, the first is drawn showed a few signs of life and left these two teams into action as a horse shoe with them. Perhaps the Go hurry, bustling, l1is mark on a couple, but what does stnrt for future relations and will put seniors would haYe more at home s,·urrying, Strive to be a Fawn I one care for a black eye when one's Due to the very earnest efforts of i\fr . Bowden, high school basketball forth every effort to help the men I with six more men in their lineup S(..11nc "ler ·y may be given. b('lly full. E\·en col<l could results are corning in every week and it is now possible to record more fully along. N'ow, go to it, Frosh! giving a chance to work up some real T8.ke heed ye u11anointed ! The gang busy. lnstrumC'nts arc being im- rted from Hades at a fea rful rate. ,..aptain ObC"rle has hig plans made ' or the terrible day of the 20th. F. vcrything is at its best. The ues this year for new members will e $2.50. This is payable to Earl Kelley, Tom Bogy or Walter A. Ken- edy. First to pay are t11e first to go t hrough. Here is a chan ce to get '"Ur revenge on a fellow sufferer. E\-ery live, red-blooded man of the -'liege is expected to go th rough. No xcuscs will be accepted. If you a ven't the price, borrow it . A fun - ral is more expensive in the long n. Th e Sta gs hope th at none wi ll e necessa ry this But-to drop back to ea r th. (Continued on page S) I T he I nut <lampen their ar<lor, and the Bob-, just what each team is accomplishing. Tournament invitations are out · old foot ball interference. Pat 1\lor- ·at hoopsters could depend upon a I' and the teams to play in district meets have been grouped. In order to Miss Rowe leit Thursday n ight f?r phy armed to the teeth undertook to cheer every minute of the :.:rime. . . . a two weeks vacat1oh at her home m the game and sut:teecled in The trip home was made through create smne extra m the commg event of the tourney and to satisfy Iowa. guiding the following line ups throu<:h various channels and without incident. I the of students mterested _ m these vanous teams the the crisis. Some came by way of the capitol following tabulation, will be run each week until the tournament. n :: :: t: t: :: :: :: U :: :: SC"niors- city and others through the big min- The games played do not always mea n against district opponents, but :: Dickson camp. Some came by "blind" and this also has been kept in mind in setting forth the first and second teams. A CORRECTION ;: Left Forward :: ;: :: ;: .. ;: .Juuiors-10 Neville Sayers others by the old ''side-door." Some Where second teams are not named, the information was not available. :: Oberle ·· · ··· came home with mon ey and others In last week's issue, a mis- U l Right Forward came broke, but they all arrived in l st Tea m 2nd T ea m t: take was made in naming the !! Christenson .... C. ente .. r-··· Bozeman, hoarse and happy. Games Games Games Games :: officials of th e Wesleyan Var- ... This should have ended with that District pl11yed won played won :: sity game. Due to the absence t: Roberts Hibbert Finch last paragraph, but we hope you will Flathead, Libby .......... 9 8 t: of the Coach, Dr. O'Gorman :: Left Guard bear with us and that T. R.'s cow Northern, Poplar ... 12 10 Chinook - and Rice were asked to take n Borton song will forgive us for this little Falls, Gt. Falls .......... .4 4 Chouteau 3 3 :: charge of the college team and :: J Right Guard parody, which one of the travelers West., Camas Prairie 4 4 :: these men were not officials. t: 1 1 Substitution•-ln the second half hummed all the way home: Mining, Butte .............. .. 8 7 n The officia ls we r e: Maddox, t: the J uniors pu t Mc Connell center, Oh, the tr ain began to roll, H elena ........... .8 7 t: eferee; MacFarl an, time- :: 1 Limbert and Wyli e guards an d E aton And I bega n to ride. Yellowstone, Billings 6 6 :: keepe r; McDonald, score keep- U !forward. Scnitlrs put "Pu d" center, Th e brakie threw me in the ditch . Eastern , Gle ndive ...... 3 3 Miles City 3 1 n er. n 1 Dickman gua rd, an<! "Christy" was Hell! I ne arly di ed . Southern, Manhattan .. 8 5 Livin gsto n and Boze man t: t: :: :: :: t: t: t: t: n n :i t: t: s hifted to fo rward. De Vore

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Page 1: VOL. XI. THE WEEKLY EXPO NENT, F RIDAY, FEBRUAR Y 13 1920 ... · rc>at wnrk guarding but the team thank you for an act so generous, 1 their 0~1>onents, t he undefea~ b - Right Forward


fiONZAfiA filVEN 1' Phi Garns Receive Fast M.S. c .. Men !Gallatin Farmers' Y. w. PREPARES TWO DEf EA TS AT Interesting Letter Want County Ag t FOR BJfi STUNT

I Students who were here last year Completely Swamp A repre•entative group of farmers

BOBCATS' HANDS ;~~I ;:~:llath::n~:e :o~i ~:mi::~e~~;o:; B A . ;~~\:C'.~hur;:::e c:fu:~~s:~~~~;s;;~n::.~ NIGHT FEB. 21 the French blind. It was well s~p-1 ear ggreaation gamzation of a farm bureau a~d en~-

"'•"'hington Seetarian School is on ported and so!?lething over one 0, ploymcnt of a county agent m this Match for \fontan11. tat H hundred dollars was realized in net county. The meeting was called by :\lany CollC'ge Organization~ w ill

e oop- profits. This mone~ was sent to a the temporary farm bureau committee Combine to Produce \' audeville 1-'ter~ in Games Pfa)'ed Here Mon - I French agency, and was used in the which existed before the war. All . Show at Municipal Theater, Feb. da) and Tue~day :"ight!-<. care of soldiers who had lost their Hy Scores of 32 to 17 and 19 to 15 Powell 's Undefeated Team Romps Away men present at the theetrng expressed I 21. Prombes to be Good. Last ~fonclay the Gonzagans fight- C"yesig-ht during the war. The girls \Vith First of Four Ga mes With t he State Univers ity, on T heir Own themgelves strongly m favor of a

fog furiously to the last were out- of the Phi Gamma sorority are to be F loor . F irst Game Rough and one Sided a nd Outcome Never in farm bureau and county agent, inas- Plans are now being worked out commended for the action they took Question. Second Game Mu ch Faster a nd Clea ner with Some Reali much as Gallatin is one of the largest for a Y. W. C. A. stunt night on the

playPd to the count of th rty-two to in this matter. That the act of kind- Basketba ll Playing. Ma ny Loyal Montana Sta te Students Accompany 1 and richest agricultural counties in evening of February ~1 which pro-s<.-!Ven. \\:hiJe plainly outclassed the negs was appreciated can be deduced II Team and are Much in Ev idence a t Games. I the state. Mises to ~urpass in size and variety 'i~itors were game to the end and from the following letter. $4500 was appropriated by the com- of stunts any simila1· ariair held here put up a t ff fight. p . m1·ss1·oners, '''h1"ch, -~th the state and in past year;;. The hrnnlcipal theatre Mon ta a tipped th• ball and the aris 43 A venue ·Montaigne I ~' tl ted with the ball in the 15 October, 1919 The Gobcat quintet ret urned home the fight out of the Mlssoulians and federal funds, will provide for the I h~s- already been engage<! for the ~ve-

Bob<:~\t . Harris broke :iladem :- Sunday after paying their respec ts a t our men kept the ball at lelsur~. I maintenance of a farm bureau office mng an~ the d~ferent orgamzatio~s e ire bf dtop ing a lone- shot thru Madame rle Lauristoy has just for- the. tea i>arty in ~1issoula. Score: i\I S. C. 32. State UmYer- and employment of e county agent. are rapidly gettmg t11e1r stunt in

the hoop scoring- tht.' first ba~ket. wanh•d to me the splendid sum that Playing fast consistent ba ll on t he s1ty, 17. i The committee and county comm is- shape for the big event. The per-you sent her in behalf of the Phi The lmeup : [sJOners will rncet next week to con-lformance will start at eight-thirty

From then on the blue and gold rol- Gnm;na sororitv, and destined to State University floor and with their Taylor Larkin sider candidates for the position of o'clock, immediately dfte1 the Mines d 111 nc after score, with \Vash- ~ d' · · d h" mitigate the fate of the unfortunate 1' con itrnn, training a n coac mg Left Fonvard county agent and to settle other de- game of the evening. In order that ini:rt 1n fiJ?"htinp_ to keep up hc·r end · II b th r blind solrliers. Oh, Ma<Iam, how can I !"ho.wmg at a t imes a ave at o ·[Jorgenson Olson tails of the cooperative ao-reement. the two events may come on the same or the ga."le. Crowley was doing Bo ················-·· ·· · ""' rc>at wnrk guarding but the team thank you for an act so generous, but 1 their 0~1>onents, t he undefea~ b- Right Forward Gallatin is the twenty-sixth county evening the game will ht! called at

al·ta•d the ability to back up his work ;~~~h;e~~:;ve~{l d~~=tn~~csul~:~~c:~e~ ~~~t~::t~~n~::':~~h ~::~r:~;~ f~~: 1Harris.. Center McKain ~a::~;t\:~a !~dha:ec~uf:;Ym :gu;i~:.u or- se~~ni-st~~!Yprse~:~~· plan of the Y. w. • d nrnke the baskets. The college h earn showl'd the quality of team work have done in this terrible war. last Friday a nd Satu rday m g ts. Bush Sull ivan C. A. to have each fraternity and tlwv have developed and some of the May I ask you to be my interperter Scores of 32 to 17 ana 19 to 15 tell Left Guard Miss Garber left Wednesday to at- sorority put on son'e stunt any one fight thev were able to 1mt across to these young ladies, whose coun- the ta le of the double univers ity de- Pitts Walterskirchen tend organization meetings in Ravall i of which will occupy a period of not ' j t th k t th h t h feat. .. A large number of loya l Bob- Right Guard c t more than ten minutes. The M club j~eMJ~=~0:11~· th~u~~m:n~e~~!~~ ''p·::~:j y::a7,~::~ kinadn e~ou~h t: s~n~,0;er::al ca t rooters accompa nied t.he team and Substitutes: Ahern for Olson ; oun y. Electric Club, Literary Society, and ting a man to get ev<'n a long shot !'O much intelligence and kindness. made as much noise a s the entire Straw for Sull ivan, J oy for Ahern. The American Legion, of Los Hamilton Hall and the Barracks will at the ba~ket. The result of their T~ll them for what a good purpose un iversity durin g the two games. Field throws: .M. s. c. Taylor 8 ; Angeles, has recommended to national a lso each have a stunt. Each of t he \iork was sftown when the half ended I this money has been us~d. . F irs t Game Jorg-enson, 5 ; Bush 1. University: headquarters that the charter of the above organizations are working in-

I leaving Gonzaga with three points Among so many bhnd soldiers, Larkin, 2; McKain, 4; Sullivan, 1. Milwaukee post, be revoked for al- dependently on their stunts and from > made on foul•. about 3(,0COO ~ am par ticularly inter- of T!~e f~:~g~:~~e e::: ~~!~e~ ~~ ~~= Foul throws Larkin 3; Taylor 4. lowing Jack Dempsey an honorary I indications some rare original class-

! 1 S ontmued on Page 4) . . . Second Gam e. membership. ics will be pu t across. T 1e pokane tea.m took a rally the I University basketball court. Missoula The second game of the champion- Miss Helen Hill is manager in

":<'ond .half and tried to eat the Bob-' HOST OF LO took the initiative in the football play h ' · tak f th Stat I sso CUBS charge of the affair with Frank Har-•ats alive but Jorgy responded with YAL and the Bobcats were there with a s ip series was ·en r om e e Ml ULA I

University by a score of 19 to 15. The ris, Gregor MacMillan and Anker wo quick bask('ts and the college was I come back. However after the fir s t game was faster than t hat of the Christenson assisting fler Christen-ff. The g-ame became rather rough ROOTERS INVADE few minutes of the game the rough- night before and was not as roug h I WILL BE HERE son is acting as pr operty man and is nd Ge_ers the Gonzaga right fo~-ward I ness could not be attributed to either though there were 11 personal fouls rounding up the necessary props for

was laid out for a couple of mmu tes team in particular but both did their called dul'ing t he game. the different acts. Harold Eaton is ut was i.n the game as soon as. he BEAR TERRITORY best to make t he party interesting. The University quint played a bet- f EB, 16 AND 17 act ing as publicity man while GatTett {Ot his wmd back. Crowley contmu- The rough tactics continued ter game than they did the night be- DeKay wil l be in char ge of t he m us ic.

'd taking the ball down the floor throughout the game and after the f.'re but even so the Bobca t team out- With so many organizations represen-Uone but was unable to reach his contest several high scnool boys threw played them in all respects. Their ted in the evening's entertainment a oa~ and his plays were repe.atedly 1 Over SeYen ty-Five Montana Sta te a pail of water on scme of the M. S. fast floor work and passing and t he Frosh Have Raised E noug h Money large proportion of the entire student ro e~,2UP· The game ended with the' Supporters '.\l a ke 'Tr:p to Missoula C. rooters. They, thinking it was a true basket shooting of Harns, Taylor t o Bring Un iver sity Youngsters body w ill have some hand in the per -

sc;: "r to 7 m favor of the Bobcats. by De,·ious Routes to Root fo r the trick on the part of the students im - and Jorgensen proved too much for Here and Ga mes will be Pla yed formance. f es I~eup follows· Bobcats. I mediately challenged t he entire Uni - the Grizzlies. The close guarding of Monday and Tuesday ' ig hts. The stunt nig ht will be in cha rge 11 • • • Gonzaga I --- I vers1ty and the fight was on. For a P itts and Bush broke up all team work - -- of the college Y. w. C. A. and the re-

Jorgenson ···· · Geer s, Toot! Toot! Missoula, and 75 hu- few <tnoments there was considerable 1 and plays on the part of Missoula. On Monday and Tuesday nights the I turns will be used to defray the ex-Right Forward I man cinders, garbed m coveralls, roll- excitement m the vicinity of the gym. HarllS starred for the Bobcats play- Missoula amateurs will be on the hill penses of that 01·g~nization and some

Lee I ed from beneath the rods of No. 1 In spite of t he r oughneSli there was ing a much better game than the night and will lock horns with Rice's first accrued debts. Tickets were placed Left Forward and the fast freight that followed it not a dull moment in the game and before. Taylo1· took all of our free year men, in what promises to be on sale yester day morning and may

Murray into town. The villagers, whose only the ball was kept in the ai r from the throws and put 5 out of the 8 into the one of the best basket demonstrations be purchased from any one of over . Centc~ J excitment is watching the train come start unt il time was called. The hoop. of the entire year. Since last week, (Continued on page 2)

(Continued on page 3) •in, gazed in amazement. Was it rooters wer e kept in " high state of Larkin, the Gr izzly left for ward, t hese two teams have been matched Coxey's army on their return t ri p or excitement throughout the contest. made the first sc01·e of the game on a in a round about way and the com-

OLD {'TAfi{' WILL had the "Wobblies" come to seize the The Bobcats did M t get into their free throw and Taylor fo llowed, hook- parative scores show the Bear Rooks tJ tJ town hall and blow up the blacksmith old form unti l the second half. Twice mg. a free throw on a personal. Mc- to have a slight margin of the points

DEAL NEOPHYTES sh~1p 'o· , . T A " • S T • T E ' rluring the first half of the game Mis- 1 aKadm Hscored nexd·t, afte~ sedvefrall tr] ies on their side. The underclassmen


DEFEAT WITH '21 ;,1 - -n - - -·"' --'"' - - ~ \. - - . came n arr1s ma e a won er u ong have all finance matters complete.cl for

j in husky tones from the mvade1·s' >oula led the scor e, howeve: at the shot into the basket. Taylor added the necessary expense money. Rice

AWFUL I smoke-hned throats. The on-lookers c~td of the. half the college five wer e one more for the Bobcats on a free probably will be unable to attend.

TORTURE could see no reason for one of them ~ix pomts m the lead, the score sta_nd- throw. Time was taken out for Mc- This promises to be an extraordin-to be twisting himself mto bow-knots mg 17 to 11· Taylor scor ed the f irst Kain who had his neck wrenched. arily exciting game and from several but as the setting sun broke through field basket 3 few minutes after t he During the next few minutes the ball different standpoints shoul<l create 1 the halo of smoke around his head, game opened. Larkin, the Grizzley was kept in Bobcat territory and Har- an extra amount of interest. The 1 Game Between Upper Classes Ma rk·

'l'ew Instrument.._c::, of Torture 1\ r rh·ing and disclosed a slight brownish hue, captain and ~lcKain, t he center star- ris scored again. Larkin and McKa in teams have both showed themsch·es t ed by Rough Footba ll Tactics. JMn-Daily and Will be Set Up in ~irst those who were shoutmg then war reel for Missoula, botn making several made the next two baskets for the I to be capable of fast work by this I iors Take Long Bn<i of 10 to 7 Cla% Shape by !\ext Friday N ig ht. I cry to the skies knew that "Red" was long shots mto the hoop '. But the Un iversity. Jorgensen made the next I season's matches, and this last game Score.

on the job. fast floor work and passmg of our S<'ore for M. S. C. and Taylor followed will be the grand finale of their en- - - -Take heed, ye unanointed! Hiram Smith, the lion-hearted con- men bewildered the Bruins. Taylor I with another point on free throw. rleavors. Cut 'em loose! Eat 'em up! Might "The fateful day is drawing nigh stable, crept up to one of the husky. an.d Jo1·genson worked togeth~r ad- On a double foul, Larkin failed to The freshmen have been working be said to be the by word of the \Vhen gloating eyes :-;hall watch Yisitors and asked in awed tones: mirably, t~e two ~f them ~cormg a ll make his point but Taylor again n.'ade early and late in getting business mat- ~econd rlnss tangle. It was one of

men die "\Vhat's the occasion?" but two pomts durmg the first half. his try good. Harris scored again. f-"'!"!; arranged _and every man and the mu~t interesting games of the When groaning, growling, meaning, "We'i:e bad men and we want some At the beginning of the second half The hulf en<led with the score 14 to I woman have done their utmost to I ason. ~·ilkd with tactic~ of almost Howling, tortured souls ~hall cry, 1 wild meat. The wilder the better." it was evident what the outcome 11 in favor of tlw Bobcats. 1' Ip make the coming meeting a sue- Pn·ry sport known to thl" BobC'at But no mercy shall be given. came the answer. would be. The steady ba~ket shooting I In the second half the I!~ .. 1e speed- c·css. I athlete... ''Christy" was there at

I. "You-all might try eating up at and team work of the Bobcats took (Continued on Page 2.) Coach Rice is quarantined with the cent~r an<l s.l<lom lost the jump, The venon of a thousand hags, the uni"ersity. The boys all say that _ -~- influenza and will probably be unable scoring the first basket of the game Unleashed by scouring, vengeful it is a bear," returned the minion of - --- to foster his team during the game, with a beautiful field basket. The ,'tap. the law. T'he D1"str1"ct Lea _J rs •Ut nil shall cooperate in seeing his game from then on was l'Ough and Till oozin~. sweJltn:::.'>rui,ing, That night and the next the ho- I J ae I youthful olympians get a. square deal. furious with foot racing, stiff arining wdling boes feted on bear steak, toug-h but The student body as a whole are clinchinf!, and scramblin~ in every Life-blood binds and gags I •atisfying. Indeed, so intense was · ack of this undcrtakmg and are direction. Many predictions were cast Still no mercy ~hall bc- given. I their appetite and so fierce their Bowden Secures Dope on Different Teams in the Yariou~ District~ "'hkP l,r,un? t.o help make it a huge success, Ion the oul come of t11e score which

method of attack that a few were Indicates Pretty Well Who will Play and it is hoped that the to\\n people turned out ten to 'even in favor of A ray of hope beg-ms to dawn hi·uit.;ed in the process. Old bruin In Tournament ''ill realize the importance of g-etting the Juni01·~ ·who seemC"d to em·ry a The first to pay, the first is drawn showed a few signs of life and left these two teams into action as a horse shoe with them. Perhaps the Go hu~tling, hurry, bustling, l1is mark on a couple, but what does stnrt for future relations and will put seniors would haYe f~lt more at home s,·urrying, Strive to be a Fawn I one care for a black eye when one's Due to the very earnest efforts of i\fr. Bowden, high school basketball forth every effort to help the men I with six more men in their lineup S(..11nc "ler ·y may be given. b('lly i~ full. E\·en col<l watr.~r could results are corning in every week and it is now possible to record more fully along. N'ow, go to it, Frosh! giving a chance to work up some real

T8.ke heed ye u11anointed ! The gang busy. lnstrumC'nts arc being im­

rted from Hades at a fearful rate. ,..aptain ObC"rle has hig plans made 'or the terrible day of the 20th. F. vcrything is going~ at its best. The

ues this year for new members will e $2.50. This is payable to Earl

Kelley, Tom Bogy or Walter A . Ken­edy. First to pay are t11e first to go

t hrough. Here is a chance to get '"Ur revenge on a fellow sufferer.

E\-ery live, red-blooded man of the -'liege is expected to go throug h. No xcuscs will be accept ed. If you aven't the price, borrow it. A fun ­ral is more expensive in the long

n. The Stags hope that none w ill e necessary this y~ar. But-to drop back t o ear th.

(Continued on page S)

I The


nut <lampen their ar<lor, and the Bob-, just what each team is accomplishing. Tournament invitations are out · old foot ball interference. Pat 1\lor-·at hoopsters could depend upon a I' and the teams to play in district meets have been grouped. In order to Miss Rowe leit Thursday night f?r phy armed to the teeth undertook to

cheer every minute of the :.:rime. . . . a two weeks vacat1oh at her home m lref~n·e the game and sut:teecled in The trip home was made through create smne extra .mt~rest m the commg event of the tourney and to satisfy Iowa. guiding the following line ups throu<:h

various channels and without incident. I the m~1v1dual cu_nos1~ of students mterested _ m these vanous teams the the crisis. Some came by way of the capitol following tabulation, will be run each week until the tournament. n :: :: t: t: :: :: :: U :: :: SC"niors-city and others through the big min- The games played do not always mean against district opponents, but :: Dickson in~ camp. Some came by "blind" and this also has been kept in mind in setting forth the first and second teams. A CORRECTION ;: Left Forward

:: ;: :: ;: .. ;:

.Juuiors-10 Neville

Sayers others by the old ''side-door." Some Where second teams are not named, the information was not available. :: Oberle ·· · ··· came home with money and others In last week's issue, a mis- U l Right Forward came broke, but they all arrived in l st Tea m 2nd Tea m t: take was made in naming the !! Christenson .... C. ente .. r-··· Bozeman, hoarse and happy. Games Games Games Games :: officials of the W esleyan Var- ...

This should have ended with that District pl11yed won played won :: sity game. Due to the absence t: Roberts


Finch last paragraph, but we hope you will Flathead, Libby .......... 9 8 t: of the Coach, Dr. O'Gorman :: Left Guar d bear with us and that T. R.'s cow Northern, Poplar ... 12 10 Chinook - and Rice wer e asked to take n Borton song will forgive us for this little Falls, Gt. Falls .......... .4 4 Chouteau 3 3 :: charge of the college team and :: J Right Guard parody, which one of the travelers West., Camas Prairie 4 4 :: these men were not off icials. t: 1


Substitution•-ln the second half hummed all the way home: Min ing, Butte .............. .. 8 7 n The officials were: Maddox, t: the J uniors pu t McConnell center ,

Oh , the t rain began to roll , H elena ........... .8 7 t: 1·efer ee; MacF a rlan, t ime- :: 1 Limber t and Wylie guards and E aton And I began to r ide. Yellowstone, Billings 6 6 :: keeper; McDonald, score keep- U !forward. Scnitlrs put "Pud" center , The brakie threw me in the ditch . Eastern , Glendive ...... 3 3 Miles City 3 1 n er . n


Dickman guard, an<! " Christy" was Hell! I nearly died . Southern, Manhattan .. 8 5 Livingston and Bozeman t: t: :: :: :: t: t: t: t: n n :i t: t: shifted to forward.

De Vore

Page 2: VOL. XI. THE WEEKLY EXPO NENT, F RIDAY, FEBRUAR Y 13 1920 ... · rc>at wnrk guarding but the team thank you for an act so generous, 1 their 0~1>onents, t he undefea~ b - Right Forward


Langohr's Flowers

Say It With


=T=H=E==~=s=T~=B=~=s~=ED=L=J!=NU=A=~=x=l, =!=l?o....N=E=N=T= 11! __ ._ . ..... ·:~~· ~·~~~~. ;~~; ·;~·;~~~~ ;· ... ·1_ (Outgrowth of Monthly Exponent, Established January 1, 1895.) 'J


The Weekly Exponent is strictly a student enterprise. It's chief pur- ! pose is to present to its readers, each week, an accurate and complete record ;;;

of the de•elopments in college affairs during that period an<l to exert its fu ll influeace for t he upbuilding of Montana State College. The paper is the result 00. voluntary effort put forth by the students who compose the staff.




Howard's PHONE 95 -:- 315 S. TRACY Publiahed every Friday of the College year by a staff chosen from the

stud""b of the Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, ~-'"'"""""~'-'-~ of the Uni• ersity of Montana, Bozeman, Montana.

-:-~ Ohe Hub •

I_ I ~"'-.~~~~~~~~~~~----~~ Acceptance for Mailing at Special Rate of Postage provided for in Section

I Quality ~ ::::~~'.:~~~~:~:~~~~~:'.~~~~K'.~::.': ft 11 t11 1 1 11Ull1 U llJ il ll ll l ll t ! l ll l Ull ll 11 1 11 11 1 11 t I Ul l! l ll l l ll l l l Ul ll ll ll I I l ll l Ul l l ll Ul ll l ll l ll il ll I I UI t ll l ll ll t ll l Pt i'


' Gallatin Grocery Co. t BUSINESS MANAGER _ -----· .............. _ ....... AUGUST M. SCHNEIDER, '21

ADVERTISING MANAGER ······-----····· --·-··········-···-·LORREN BRADFORD, '21 ACTING MANAGING EDITOR .......................... ALFRED E. McFARLIN, '21 ASSOCIATE EDITOR ...................... ___ ... ....... _ . --··· ..... JOHN TYLER, '20 ACTING SPORTS WRITER............. .. .EARL WOOLDRIDGE, '20 SOCIETY EDITOR -·-···-·-···-·· ........... ---···-·········· .................... HELEN HILL, '21 ASSISTANT ADVERTISING MANAGER. ......................... EARL DAWES, '21

I G I G Phone G / G t5 5 55 5 5 • ASSISTANT ADVERTISING MANAGER. ................... DEWEY STREET, '22

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1 manship does it: Ladies heels a specialty.


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Evelyca Seeley Mar lyn Judd llianie Ellen Marquis Georcia HannaA

Cornelius Harrington Merrill J. Alquist Dean Hauseman lll'.inor Holliday


In but a few weeks the Ninth Interscholastic Basketball Tournament will be in progress and t he best teams of the state will be matching their skill and endurance for the title of state champions of Montana.

The tournament, established in 1911 has done much to raise the basketball standards of the state and it can be said now that this sport in this tate is on a par with that of any in t he country. Real sportsmanship has been developed in the high schools, basketball has become a state wide and not a local sport only, and cleaner playing and a higher and more uniform standard of play has resulted from the annual tourney.

Every effort is being put forth to make this the banner ' tournament and if the plans now under way work out this will , be an accomplished fact . Every student can help by doing bis 1

or her utmost to advertise the affair. This they can do in a , dozen different ways. Write home and tell your folks all about : it. Write your former schoolmates now in high school and !el 1

them know how badly we want them down here. If your home paper is not getting the latest dope from the publicity department ' of the college see to it personally that they do get it and urge that they use it. Work, cooperate, to the end that this will be a tournament long to be remembered.


For the Latest in Dress and School Shoes


Exclusive Shoe Store 22 West Main Street.

J. E. LANG, • Proprieter.

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- Roundup week, the week of reckoning, is about over as this - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - paper goes to press, and it will be with a sigh of relief and an

i WE HAVE A u IQUE :• abundance of resolutions that the students will settle down to

routine work next Monday I A Barber Shop for the Students

r h. r D. I It seems plausible that this great state of ours should, through

: v 1na vorner ISP ay I the proper authorities, stop the work of its educational institutions

and reckon what percentage of its sons and daughters are accom-ALSO A NEW LINE OF plishing th_eir work at the state's expense as th.ey should. A~d so

t ART GOODS. at times during the year there comes a pause m the quarters oc-1 cupation when ye student has opportunity to consider the many t ; hours he has wasted in the six weeks gone by and from this

j D . D . SMITH ,speculative contemplation there invariably arises that time worn ! resolution to study harder. ~~~~~~~~~- - - - -~ = = ============:============= =

playing down under .Montana State's basket. .---------------- S.of A. Defeats High

Arcade Billiard Parlors Finest Parlor in Gallatin County



School 2nd T earn The game ended with the score of 19 to 15 in favo1· of the Bobcats. The contest was marked by the spirit and

The short course basketball team enthusiasm of the small crowd of defeated the second Gallatin high rooters who journeyed to l\Iissoula to school team to the tune of 21 io 71 support the team. However, the riv­nt the drill hall, Friday, February 6. airy between !\I. S. C. rooters and the There wns a good crowd from the Missoula crowd was not as evident as short course student body to back on the previous evening.



A. B. Williams 28 West Main St. Bozeman, Mont.




PHONE 79 ~



THE NATIO AL BANK OF GALLATIN VALLEY. their team. The first half ended !\I The score \\as as follows: . to 4 in farnr of the S. C. Hany Ed- !\I. S. C.-19. State Umversity-15 ~~~~~""~

J. E. Martin, President. Amos C. Hall, Vice President wards was the star player with !J.. Lineup-H. R. Greene, Cashier. 0. A. Lynn, Assist. Cashier

Chester A. Morton, Assit. Cashier. points to his credit. Taylor . Larkin

The line up was as follows: Left Forward. Gallatin. Short Co11r~e Jorgensen Ahern Burt Right forward Edwards Right Forward.

YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Richter Left illemlel Harris .. . ..................... MeKain Center.

Sullivan Hagen Center Snyder I Parmenter R. guard Cooper Bush

Bozeman - - - - - - Montana. ~ Willis Left Buttelman ~"~"~"~ Anderson Sub Williams Pitts

Left Guard. .. Walterskirchen

--------~~~~~~--~ IF YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED OUR



Summary-Gallatin, Burt, 4, Rich- J

ter, 1; Hagen. S. C., Edwards, 11, Mendel, 6, Snyder, 2, Buttelman, 2.

Miss Quaw and Mrs. Roosevelt aro attending short courses in the north­eastern counties of the state.


Right Guard . Field throws M. S. ., Harris 4

Jorgensen 2; Taylor !. University Ahern 3; Larkin 2; McKain 2.


Foul throws M. S. C., Taylor 5. Un -iversity, Larkin 1.

Substitutions : State University ' Olsen for Sullivan; Joy for Ahern.

Officials: Referee, Ray Matter Timekeeper, Henry Turner. Umpire

' Duncan. ohe SUGAR BOWL t (Continued From Page 1.)

Y. W. PUEPARES FO R BIG l "THE HOME OF HOME MADE CANDIES." t ed up. The Grizzlies were getting ....._.~ - -~~~~ _ .-.~._ _ - - - - - - cle~pcrate. Taylor failed on two free



Gallatin Trust and Saving Bank Building, Bozeman, Mont .


throws but made a long basket from (Continued From Page 1.) the floor. Jorgensen followed with another ba~ket. Larkin scored again I a do.zen students for the nominal sum for Missoula and Taylor shot another of fifty cents. free throw. A number of posters will be placed

Sullivan lost his head and tried to around the college and city within the get away with some rough play but I next few days. The work of making was t.akcn out on personals and Olsen these is under the nble supervision of went in in his plnce. During the last Miss Baldwin. few minutes of the game the ball was The locnl Pan H ellenic and rushed from one end o! the floor to j Woman's Clubs are tnking an active lhc other neither team scoring. Just I interest in this new anc!ertaklng by before the gun sounded the Bobcats the college Y. W. and are lending were leisurely passing the ball back material assistance in putting t he and forth, the whole Missoula team thing across.

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I







~ Loose-Leaf Note Books · ._.._. _____________ _._. ........




Phillips' Book Store - -

Page 3: VOL. XI. THE WEEKLY EXPO NENT, F RIDAY, FEBRUAR Y 13 1920 ... · rc>at wnrk guarding but the team thank you for an act so generous, 1 their 0~1>onents, t he undefea~ b - Right Forward



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Rose Drug Co. The ~~Store


Story Block Bozeman

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Reliable in the Cit7




Engineers Aggies Science

Secretarial Art

FreRhman No. Average


35 ___ ,14

41 6

Sophomore No. Average



Junior Senior ~o. Average No. Average 2~ 79.39 11 74.05

16 71-07 8 72.58 75_79 8 4.4

63.78 2 80-55

H Economics ... 22



49.48 51.33





13 9



65.08 65.lii

58.23 14 60-83





All AU




Senior Junior Sophomore No. Average No. Averag-e :'.'\'o. Average

24 75-92 46 77.0~ 5 ' 74.48

.. 16 70.56 24 62.11 52 61-11

Freshmen ro. Average

139 65



• I I I I ••••• I I I. I.' I •• I I I I I. I I I I I I I. I. I I I I I. I I I. I I I. I.~ I

i ~ I Society - _at II ~I I I I I I I I 11 1 I~ 11 I I I f I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I l' ' I I I I I I I I I l~I I I I I I · I I I I I~

Miss Grace Nutting was a guest I Vernie Pool entertained a number

I of Vernie and Gussie Pool Saturday. of her friends at a spreod Sunday

night. Harry Rundell and Leslie Gilbert

moved to the Beta Epsilon house last Sunday.

Miss Milcired Tallman was a guest 1

of Frances Wocasek at Hamilton 11all I Sunday

Vernon Zacher and Vernon Ander- --- I son moved into the Beta Epsilon I Miss Grace Nutting was the guest hou se this week. of the Iota Delta fraternity at dinner

d Sunday. I Miss l\IcCart, Miss Hinman an I

FRESHMEN DEFEAT 1:: __ :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Holderby were dinner guests at the I Mr. H. Distad of Great Falls was :: :: Epsilon house last Sunday. a guest at the Epsilon house last

:: CALENDAR : Misses Evelyn Border, Florence Saturday. ___ I fiALLA TIN 24 TO 12 ~ Feb. 13-Theta Xi Dance; Les :: Wesch, Merle Myers, Dorothy Ann I The Alpha 0 girls will entertain

:: Bouffon Theater party. :: HoUand, Henrietta . Moebus, Ruth the Phi Gamma gll'}:) this a!ternoon I ... Feb. 14-Junior Class Dance. - Montgomery, and Wilhelmena Leach lat their home. I

Rice's fast infant team had little :: Feb. 19-Basket Ball- :: were dinner guests of Sigma Alpha

difficulty defeating Gallatin's best :: Mines at Bozeman. U Epsilon last Sunday "Pegn Lindsley returned Sunday

by a score of 24 to 12 in a game play- :: Feb. 20-Does & Stags. U from Missoula where she was a guest l ed as a preliminary to the M. S. C. :: Basket Ball Mines at Bozeman n I. A. Copeland, Bozeman, Dr. Smith I of l\tlrs. Summer over tl1e week end. Gonzaga game last Monday night. :: Feb. 21-Y.W.C.A. Stunt rright :: brother of Justin Smith of this city, \

The play was fast and for the first U Feb. 27-Basket Ball Mis- - Leo Humphrey, Mr. Hmes, and J\lelvm · Katherine Buzzell was a guest of few minutes the game was close. In U soula at Bozeman. Alpha Ep- U Corkin were guests of Sigma Alpha the Misses Frances Wocasek and


the last half, however, the Bob-kit- :: sil9n Theta Literary. :: Epsilon fraternity for dinner on Mon-tens gained a big lead which Gallatin :: Feb. 28--Basket Ball Mis- :!' day evening, Feb. 9th. could not diminish. U soula at Bozeman. Sigma Chi U

.Marie Holmsland Monday evening. I' · h S:'I Copyright 1919, lb rt dl..I:n:r ·1., :lr.:

The freshman team was consider- t: Dance. n ably handicapped owing to the fact :: March 5-S. A. E . Frat ::

Saturday afternoon, the Phi Garn- G d Cl th ma pledges will entertain at a matinee 00 0 es dance at the Ellen in honor of the

I that Whitney and Dyer were unable :: Dance. :: to play on account of injuries and U March &-Sophomore Dance ::

Phone 273-W sickness. Ritchie did good work at •• March 19-13--Basket Ball •• I_'.~:::.::_:.:..:._;_ ________ --" center and looks to be a coming Bob- :: Tournament. n

Auto Linry

The following members of the Gon­zaga University basketball squad were guests of Sigma Alpha Epsilon for dinner Tuesday evening, L . J. Crowley, N. S. Higgms, Coach C. J. Conway, and A. E. Murray.

active chapter and their patronesses. ARE CHEAPER IN THE LONG RUN.

Something new? something differ- I ent? for our Alma Mate1·. Come to the Municipal theatre Saturday the twenty-first at eight o'clock to enjoy the college stunt nite. A happy time is promised for everyone. Don't for­get the date February 21.

cat athlete. McDonald sta1Ted for :: March 19-"M" Club Dance :: ---------------., the frosh, making most of the baskets i; March 20-Hunt and Punch :: Twenty-two members of Sigma



The IndiTidual Candy.

Schmidt Bros.

for them both halves of the game. n Club Dance. n Alpha Epsilon made the trip to Mis­The second half of the game speeded I:: March 27-Sigma Chi Dance :: soul a lending their support to the up a little, when the substitutions i; April 2-0mega Beta Dance :: Bobcat quintet in the two basket were made. Cogswell relieved Mc- i; April 3--Alpha Omicron Pi :: ball gam·es played in the University Garren and Donohue took Ritchie's I i; Dance n town on Friday and Saturday of last place the last of the half. For Gal- :: April 9-M. s. c. Band :: week. latin Bullock substituted at right for- :: Dance and Concert :: ============= ward. The line up was: :: April 10 - Le• Bouffons It ris most of the second half and King

Holloway's Home of Hart Schaffner &

Marx C:lothes. On Friday evening, February sixth. I

the Beta Epsilon fraternity held one =============== of the most enjoyable dances of the .: season in the large ba1l room at the

Gallatin. Freshmen n Formal Dance U took "Swedes" place shortly after. Wylie Left forward McCarren :: April 16 - Beta Epsilon n The lineup: was the programs, which everyone

Elks' home. A feature of the dance

Street Right forward McDonald n Dance It M. S. C. Gonzaga declared were the latest out. Thirty-

=============== I Pace Center Ritchie :: April 17-Junior Prom at :: Taylor .... . ................................ Lee two members and their ladies were Lund Left guard Hollister :: Elks Hall :: Left Forward present and dancing continued until

Effective COMMERCIAL NATIONAL Heageny Right guard Stump n April 23--Sigma Chi Dance :: Jorgenson ............. .................. .. Geers a late hour. The chaperons of the 1

Holm referee and Whitney score n April 24-S. A. E. Dance :: Right Forward party were Capt. and Mrs. Bubb. Dr.

This is the reason for the popularity of th eBar Pin. True, the new pins are won­derfully beautiful just by themselves, but it is the dash of smartness, the charming touch added to the costume, making it more attractive and modish, that endears the Bar Pin to women.

BANK keeper. It May I-Junior Class show :: Harris Murray and Mrs. Hatfield, and Mr. and Mrs.

I J. H. Baker, Cashier Fuller Resigns T 0 :: May 7-Beta Epsi1on Dance :: Center Sloan. The music for the evening U May 8-Phi Gamma Dance - Pitts ......... .......... Crowley was furnished by Chisholm's orches-

I Capital Stock ............. $150,000 I 1 work In Illinois :: May 14-Theta Xi Dance :: Left Guard tra. :: May 15-S. A. E. Dance It Bush ......................... . Kearney U May 21-Sigma Chi Dance U Right Guard

J Surplus and Profits .. $250,000 I :: May 22-0mega Beta Dance :: Referee Holm; time keeper Finch.

f srRiNfi ... fiAR.ME.Nrs 'i :: June 4-Alpha Omicron Pi :: F. E. Fuller has resigned from his :: position in the Agronomy Department n Dance OLD STAGS WILL DEAL and will leave March Ist to take up :: June 5-Phi Gamma Dance :: NEOPHYTES AWFUL TORTURE

l Bozeman, Montana Pease's show the latest de­

signs in exquisite gold Bar Pins, and a variety of pierced and filligree patterns finished like platinum and set with white stones.

:: June 16-Commencement :t county agent work in Putman County, :: :t

TORIC LENSES I Illinois. 4 ENLARGE I' .l\Ir. Fuller came ~o Bozeman in

YOUR VIEW 1917, from which time he has been Clear sight from I engaged in county agent work and every angle,-be- 1 extension service. Mr. Fu11er hails cause the lenses from Kansas and in 1911 graduated conform with the from Kansas State Agricultural Col­currnture oi the lege. After three years of farming eyes.

They prevent the touching of eye lashes, another distinctly desirable feature.

in Idaho, he went to Ames College, I Iowa, where he did graduate wark.

I .Much credit is due Mr. Fuller for

notable work done fn popularizing "Montana 36" wheat and silage sun-

:: :: u :: :: :: :: tt u :: :: :: u n u


(Continued from Page 1).

Bush Left Guard

Pitts .. Right Guard

Substitutes: M. S. c.



Robinson Flat lenses are becoming ob­solete. Change to Tories.

1 flowers. center, King F., Tobey G. Gonzaga

An increase in salary and a motor -Bush Conway and Mal1oy.

LESLIE E. GAGE car are among the attractions of the Second Gonzaga Game , Illinois position . The college regrets Tuesday night ended the fourth

Jeweler & Registered Optometrist very much to lose one of its most victory on 1\1. S. c. Collegiate schedule Broken lenses replaced same day.

1 active young member• but hopes that leaving them with a perfect record

!~§§§§§~~~~~~~~~~ his new position wi11 be most for the season. The game was slow pleasant. from start to finish with no outstand-

1 _ ing playing. The local team won by

Alumni and Ex-Students

a score of 19 to 13. The change from the previous night was partly due to the visiting team making up their minds to hold the Bobcats and part to the fact that they were more used to the floor and the Montana players the second night.

During the first half Gonzaga tried several long shots "ancl persisted till

(Continued From Page 1.)

Exchange Cafe will •erve the Stags to an elaborate banquet at the hour of midnight. Immediately after this Otto Schmic:t will put on a show at the Gem for the fellows. A good

~ ~ . . ~ =



I DRESSES, SKIRTS I picture is expected or a couple of acts E AND HATS. ~

from the Pantages show that will be 'I~ THAT YOU'LL LIKE. ~ in Bozeman this night. Immediately ~

after this there will l>e a series of ~ A L K E R , s i=, home talent stuff that will be worth I~ w the admission to the stags alone .. ~he ~ SPEC-IA r.1·v STORE ~-Maxey Hall, the House of a M1lhon ~ _

$2.50 to $15.00

Diamond-Platinum Bar Pins

and Brooches .. ...... $50 to $150.

H. A. PEASE & CO. Jewelers and Optometrists

206 W. Main St.


Terrors, has ben rented for the I ~~~·~·~"'~"~"~'~'~"~'~'~·~·~·~"~'~'~"~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rough-stuff. The American Express Company are busy hauling into this ~~- - - - .._. ~~~ .... ~.-.- - - -, place each day instruments of torture I CERETANA MEANS QUALITY. • that even the Kaiser would blush to t IN FLOUR AND ROLLED OATS. • see. MacMillan and "Pat" Morphey A TRY THEM TODAY. have charge of the afternoon stunts. Y II There will be a Hula-hula Dancer, a t DIVISION Y snake charmer, a scor e of brick-layers I MONTANA FLOUR MILLS CO. ' and in fact everything- that these able -..~.-..._.~...., .... ._..~ .... - ._.. _ - __ - -~ g'cntlemen can thing of.

One more thing. ~very would-be-, stag is requested to bring one dime, ~ lOc, a tenth of a dollar to the eve-1 ning's festivities. No excuse will be offered and woe to that man who forgets it. PARK Ruth Hartman Hall, '13, is vjsit­

ing at the home of Iler parents on south Central. one of those kind providences saw fit ===============


Ralph Jorgenson, '17, referred the M. S. C. vs. Mount St. Charles basket ball game in Helena last week.

Announcements have been received of the marriags of J. Gordon Sewell, '18, and Miss Olson of Duluth, Min-nesota.

l\Jartha Johnson Haynes, '18, and her husband have arrived in Calif­ornia. They expect to remain there until spring.


j Mark Wheeler, ex-'20, is a pilot in

®"- _ ·~ ER© the Burr Flying Ci1-cus. The circus HZ\MBERS-I' fSH ' has recently held an exhibition in

-ALWAYS RELIABLE-- I Pheonix Arizona.

Club Cafe

to allow them to make a basket and it was a pretty throw. Taylor and Harris staned the first halI, each making three field sMts and Taylor one free throw. The whistle left the first half 15 to 5 for M. S. C.

More pep was shown during the second half than any part of the game. The visitors score c~me with­in two points of the Bobcats for a short time and sol)te real basketball was played till "Swede17 and Garvin rolled in a couple of baskets for the colle~e. From that time on they lost all heart and the game was socn over leaving the score 19 to 13.

Garvin took center in place of Hnr- 1

:i n n n u ~ n n n n n n ~ ~ n ::

Particular Shoe Repairing



Try the Barber Shop I 129 W. Main. Telephone 216.


-~-----~~~~------ ·




Page 4: VOL. XI. THE WEEKLY EXPO NENT, F RIDAY, FEBRUAR Y 13 1920 ... · rc>at wnrk guarding but the team thank you for an act so generous, 1 their 0~1>onents, t he undefea~ b - Right Forward


Drug Store Prescriptions a Specialty

IUIUl!llUl lll n• 11 ll l! l i 111 11!1 .ll il Hl ll ll ll ll !l l IJ 1111 111 1111 11 111 " . I BE INDEPENDENT. ~ ~OWN YOUR OWN HOME.~ i ~ i! PLAN NOW ~ ~ TO BUILD THIS SPRING ~


~ 320 W. Main Phoiie No. 4 ~ ~ ~ f'JUl lJl''f lf l l l i l I l !l l UI t ;l l l l l l ll l l l l l l ll l l l Jllll l llllllr l

-....................... .....,,



~ CENTRAL STUDIO ~ ............... -.r.-..........,... ... .......-.r .......... -.....,. ....

!,111111Ul llf Ullt l ll l 11 1 11 1 i!IU l lllll l ll l l ll l ll!ll '' l ll l UI Ul ll l 11111 1J;


~ BE DONE ~ ~ I ~ d •

illNOLEUM AND ART! I STORE -~ i ''Japanese Art Goods" fi't1lll l Tllllllll ,111 I I 1· 11 11111. tl ll l.ll ll ll l Hl ll l ll l lt l 11 1i






PHONE 246 C. H. l,.EIITY, Prop.

t t

' t

:Most of us forget to remember; il is harder. far, to remember to forget. And the rnore one endeavors to for­get, the more memory h1sists.


~• I 1 11 11 1 I I I I 1 11 ,1 1 I I 1 11 11· 1 JI \I I I 11 1 I~

; THE • ~ ; ~ ; ; ~

f MODEL fiROCERY I ~ George Bartz, Prop. ~ ~-- Staple and F ancy Groceries ~ • Keeps a complete line of~ ~ Lunch goods of the best~ ~qua l ity. Prices always right.~ Il l f Ul ll l ll l U11 1 11 1 11 111 1 1l l ll l ll l ll l HI I HI Hl ll l Ul ll l !l l Ul !i l ll l Ui




$35.00 They are finely tailored and

of all wool cloths.

THE 'l'\'.E"&KL'¥ EXPONENT, F RIDAY, FEBRUARY l o, 1920.

On~ district tournament of especial interest will be played this week at Helena. At the gat"nerlng will ap-1 pear the teams of Butte, 'Missoula, Bozeman, Lidngston t1.nd Helena.

During the week,# the l\1i11es will have battled with both Gonzaga and Mt. St. Charles. Her coming game with ~I. S. C. next week, to create much excitement, must mean a large score for the 01·c rollers in these pTe­liminary contests.

Deer Lodge Ramblers are claiming Montana's Independent championship and are willing to defend it against all comers. "The present excursion has included game:5 with Helena, Havre, Ft. Benton and Great Falls. They made a trip last week and up to time of departure had only lost one game and that with M. s. C.

Short Course .... Notes ....

of-police's-son". His work on the basket­ball floor has pro­ved the inadequacy of the appellation, however, and some even predict that the rise of his son

shade the glory of "Big Jack.''

The se.nio1·s, as a body , claim they did not have a fair c.leal in the game Tuesday night, for several things tm·ned against them. The refeTee must have been juniorily inclined for he carried a double set of weapons against the onrushes of those who were ill treated and the time keeper must have been bribed for that last 11alf surely did seen short. Taking all things into consideration, the upper class would like to see that game played over again.


- THE-


12 So. Black Ave.

H. F. WEST F uneral Director



Phone 690-R-2

JUST RECEIVED Those new Spr ing Boots, 9 inch Lace, \vith full Cuban

Louis covered heel. Colors : Fawn, Buckskin and Beaver Brown Kid.

ATTBN.SHLlN! We have those Brown Calf Bronze Oxfords with mili-

tary heel and priced at ........... ....... . ................ ·-···---$9.00

ohe S pecialty Boot S hop Proper F itting Always.

Joe Conaty . 240 W Man John Hines ~~~~~

! 11 1111 11 1 11 1!1 1 11 1Hl ll l ll l ll l l1 1111 Ul ll l ll l ll Ul ll l UI UI Ll l ll l ll l lllll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l Jl l 11 1 tl 11 1 ll U1111/l l lt l ll l ll l l11 •1 1111 11 f 'l l ll l I~

;;; ~

i 1STUDENTS1 I ~ After the Dance we will have j_


~ And all the latest Fountain orders. I OUR DAVENPORT CANDIES COME FRESH EVERY i


c:J The Ellen Parlors c:J ~ ' ' - ;

l\ l ll l ll l ll l t1 1 11 1111 1! 1Hll l1 111 Ul ll l l l l l Ul ll l l1 1 I ' I l ll ll o l ll ll l ll ll l 'l l I U l , f ll l tl l ll l 1 I 1 '11111 11 1 !1 11111111\111111111 1 1!11 1!11111

(Continued From Page 1.) - - - - ~~~...-.~.--.._, ._.. ..._. - - ,.. - - - J ested in those who are mutilated . It i NEW SPECIAL TIES is my duty to place them whe11eve1· CRISP AND FRESH-SPUD CHIPS.

at the last possible in their own villages, where f Dean Herrick spoke short cour15e assembly. NEW SHIPMENT EVERY WEEK.

Henry Der<: ldt foe 11 me last Sun-WALSH'S -1 day because .of his fathers sickness due to an mJury.

I try to buy them a small home. Here A they rnay live with a member of their ' family if possible. In this way they t are not d<'prived of everything. t

Rome have lcnrnea to knit with a contrh-ance placed on the fore arm. t


Haw A! out That Ur:."ighily Ga.rret

•• fl nn11 l; 11~ yourself ~o f '· •-1.1 u } uu t..: .. ·1 gt:t some

t t, "t? ·\\ c..: \ 1 • iust the 1 ' t1J J;) it

r 1• !.lf lO fool

r t 1. nu .. ·,, dl ho rd ready to ir1 big s~1uan:s. A ::..clW

· .i l1.lil'lllH.:1· '' i!l tt!rn the tri c k. C 11ne in ;11lll lc.·t us ~how you

lut' co'rc !:dking: a~out-and ·t onr nri c.;


T HOS. H . REA ®. CO. Ruth Gloyne loft for her home at A woman is obliged to help with the l

Harlem, Tue!-!day. Because of sickness yarn and to sew the pieces together, p..-, - ... __ .,.......,~~~~~~-- ~--: - .,


~he \vas unable to continue her work and thus, they are able to earn from __ _ ___ _ in school. 16 to 20 franks a day. They all have

a Jn'Od ig-iou!; courag-e. When theh-

Work has begun 011 the play to be bandages are first removed and they given the last week in March. This are told that their sfgl1t is gone al­play is undel' the direction of Prof. most all wish to commrt suicide, then 1

Holst and Miss llelen Haller. little by little, they regain interest in ___ J life, and finally the idea is banished

1 .ast reports show that the Mines L altogetherJ . . . defeated Gon7.aga on VVednesday ev-1 However . I should never fm1sh 1f ening 21-HI, and that the Butte Gen- I _told you all that I l1ave seen. Your tral took .\ nat·onda down, 30-16. . kmd h~art has understood that among

___ j the unfortunates in the war the blind

After th<.' f!arne February sixth the are the mo:::t lamentable, and your short c-ourse literary society gave a ~cnc•To:::ity eomes to their aid in a cic'!.nce. 'rhPr<;• wa:.::: a fair crowd and '\vay not to be forgotten. every mw pre:::c·nt had n good time. I I thank you, therefore, in behalf 1'he banac.·ks urche:::tra furnished the I of my dear protcgcs. musie. Very t.n1~y yours,

· Georgee: llcnri .Manuel.

to Rr°:i.c~;1:~ci~r11

~~' t~::it~;e:~e~:~-~11~!~~ ] ~~~ ~ ~45} of t.l1e Genoml Electric Company at , WE GUARANTEE Sthnectady.

By Dcgref!s I Hub: My dear, isn't that dress a I

trifle extreme? Wife : This dress, darlin g ! Why, I ,

put this on mer ely that you rnay be- 1 come acustomed to the one I am




Phone 89

having made.- BosLon Transcript. J '11l;::r:•IC!:D•llllllliJltlll•~l!!llBC•d

mmuut'.::::UW.tt::um==::=m:u::::m:::u:tt==11. ,, n:

Service Barber Shop No. 7 EAST MAIN STREET.


r-------------------1. A~~he;y~1~~ t!!e~~!-w:l~~!s~::nust feed

properly. Most any hen lays eggs when they'r e cheap.

I ~Ss: ~y:u~:~. t~!~o~1~~~~ly guaranteed ' to give r esults now. Sold by

I Owenhouse I-Iardware Co. '