volume 15 issue 3 • november 4, 2016 • ashby high school, ashby, m

Volume 15 Issue 3 November 4, 2016 Ashby High School, Ashby, MN By John Decker Grade 12 By Caity Weaver Grade 11 By Autum Bitzan Grade 10 By Autum Bitzan Grade 10 English and her hobbies include reading, writing, and hanging out with friends. In the future Kaylee hopes to attend college, travel the world, and become an author. She is also in Jr. Band, Volleyball, Softball, and Knowledge Bowl. Some of her favorites are cats, waffles, Netflix, Finding Nemo, and Christmas. Keep up the good work girls! September students of the month were Sawyer Risbrudt and Kaylee Schlundt. Sawyer is a senior. Her par- ents are Mike and Lori Risbrudt and her favorite class is Cultural Anthropology. In her spare time she plays music and hangs out with her friends. She wishes to Attend U of M in the Twin Cities. In school she is in Band, Choir, National Honor Society, and Stu- dent Council. Some of her favor- ites include dogs, pizza, hot tea, Netflix, Halloween, and volley- ball. Kaylee is in seventh grade. Her parents are Julie and Cory Van Santen. Her favorite class is The Legion Auxiliary was kind enough to donate $100 to our school library. The money was used towards expanding the collection of Scooby Do books. The books that were donated are suitable for elemen- tary students or anyone interested in the adventures of Scooby Doo! These books are full color, hard cover books and all have AR tests. Thanks to the Legion Auxiliary for their donation. It is greatly appreci- ated and the books will be well read. Hey students! 2017 Yearbook orders will be taken during the week of November 7-11. The cost is $35 regular high school year- book and $42 for seniors who want a name stamp and plastic cover. The Elementary yearbook cost is $10 each. The yearbook editors are working on an amazing year- book for you to enjoy and remember the year. Yearbook staff members will be taking orders during both lunch periods all week. Pre-order now. There will not be extras in the spring. (above) YEARBOOK STAFF (1) Mikayla Dahlen, Skyler Hill, Riley Zas- trow, Aaron Dahlen. (2) Mrs. Kraemer advisor, Caity Weaver, Abbie Evavold, Hope Haarstad, Michael Van Santen. PHOTO by Scherlings On Tuesday, October 25, the 8th grade class (left) along with Ms. Schultz traveled to Water- town, South Dakota to tour the Terry Redlin Art Center and participate in a drawing contest. It was a great day and everyone became more appreciative of art. (above) Enjoying the Scooby Doo books during Library class are sixth graders Levi Bogen- rief, Julio Estrada, and Livy Johnson. PHOTO by Mrs. Kraemer As you may know, there eventually will be newer com- puters put into the computer lab. What you might not know is that the ones in the computer lab will go to the teachers and that will help them have a faster boot up time. What Mr. Hanson would like to do next is replace the com- puters in the computer lab every year so then everyone would have better connections and hopefully less problems. If you didn’t notice the inter- net connection this year, compared to last year, is twice as fast so you do not have to wait as long for websites to load. Another thing on his list was to have the first and second grad- ers all have their own ipads and not have to share devices. He was able to purchase more ipads so each classroom has a set, one for each student to use. Mr. Jon Hanson is the technology coordinator at school. He takes care of all our computers and updates, etc. PHOTO by John Decker Read the full color version of The Golden Arrow on-line at www.ashby.k12.mn.us and click on “The Golden Arrow” link. For past issues, visit our blog.

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Page 1: Volume 15 Issue 3 • November 4, 2016 • Ashby High School, Ashby, M

Volume 15 Issue 3 November 4, 2016 Ashby High School, Ashby, MN

By John Decker Grade 12

By Caity Weaver Grade 11

By Autum Bitzan Grade 10

By Autum Bitzan Grade 10

English and her hobbies include

reading, writing, and hanging out

with friends.

In the future Kaylee hopes to

attend college, travel the world,

and become an author. She is also

in Jr. Band, Volleyball, Softball,

and Knowledge Bowl. Some of

her favorites are cats, waffles,

Netflix, Finding Nemo, and


Keep up the good work girls!

September students of the

month were Sawyer Risbrudt and

Kaylee Schlundt.

Sawyer is a senior. Her par-

ents are Mike and Lori Risbrudt

and her favorite class is Cultural

Anthropology. In her spare time

she plays music and hangs out

with her friends. She wishes to

Attend U of M in the Twin Cities.

In school she is in Band, Choir,

National Honor Society, and Stu-

dent Council. Some of her favor-

ites include dogs, pizza, hot tea,

Netflix, Halloween, and volley-


Kaylee is in seventh grade.

Her parents are Julie and Cory

Van Santen. Her favorite class is

The Legion Auxiliary was kind enough to donate $100 to our school

library. The money was used towards expanding the collection of

Scooby Do books. The books that were donated are suitable for elemen-

tary students or anyone interested in the adventures of Scooby Doo!

These books are full color, hard cover books and all have AR tests.

Thanks to the Legion Auxiliary for their donation. It is greatly appreci-

ated and the books will be well read.

Hey students! 2017 Yearbook orders will be taken during the

week of November 7-11. The cost is $35 regular high school year-

book and $42 for seniors who want a name stamp and plastic cover.

The Elementary yearbook

cost is $10 each.

The yearbook editors are

working on an amazing year-

book for you to enjoy and

remember the year.

Yearbook staff members

will be taking orders during

both lunch periods all week.

Pre-order now. There will not

be extras in the spring. (above) YEARBOOK STAFF (1) Mikayla Dahlen, Skyler Hill, Riley Zas-trow, Aaron Dahlen. (2) Mrs. Kraemer advisor, Caity Weaver, Abbie

Evavold, Hope Haarstad, Michael Van Santen. PHOTO by Scherlings

On Tuesday, October 25, the

8th grade class (left) along with

Ms. Schultz traveled to Water-

town, South Dakota to tour the

Terry Redlin Art Center and

participate in a drawing contest.

It was a great day and everyone

became more appreciative of art.

(above) Enjoying the Scooby Doo books during Library class are sixth graders Levi Bogen-

rief, Julio Estrada, and Livy Johnson. PHOTO by Mrs. Kraemer

As you may know, there

eventually will be newer com-

puters put into the computer lab.

What you might not know is that

the ones in the computer lab will

go to the teachers and that will

help them have a faster boot up


What Mr. Hanson would like

to do next is replace the com-

puters in the computer lab every

year so then everyone would have

better connections and hopefully

less problems.

If you didn’t notice the inter-

net connection this year, compared

to last year, is twice as fast so you

do not have to wait as long for

websites to load.

Another thing on his list was

to have the first and second grad-

ers all have their own ipads and

not have to share devices. He was

able to purchase more ipads so

each classroom has a set, one for

each student to use.

Mr. Jon Hanson is the technology coordinator at school. He takes care of all our computers and updates, etc. PHOTO by John Decker

Read the full color version of The Golden Arrow on-line at www.ashby.k12.mn.us and click on “The Golden Arrow” link. For past issues, visit our blog.

Page 2: Volume 15 Issue 3 • November 4, 2016 • Ashby High School, Ashby, M

Page 2 HUMAN INTEREST November 4, 2016

By Brad Anderson Grade 10

By Skyler Hill Grade 12

By Aiden Bruck Grade 11

By Benton Stadsvold Grade 10

By Brad Anderson Grade 10

Past presidential races...

• Nineteen of America's 43 presidents have been Republicans; 14 have

been Democrats.

• The first Republican president was Abraham Lincoln, who was elected

in 1860 and 1864. Andrew Jackson, elected in 1828 and 1832, was the

first presidential candidate to run (and win) as a Democrat.

• The House has twice decided the presidential election because no can-

didate received a majority in the Electoral College (Thomas Jefferson in

1800 and John Quincy Adams in 1824).

• The most states ever won by a presidential candidate is 49. In 1972,

Richard Nixon carried every state except Massachu-

setts; in 1984, Ronald Reagan carried every state ex-

cept Minnesota. Both lost the District of Columbia.

The most states ever won by a Democratic presiden-

tial candidate is 46. In 1936, Franklin Roosevelt car-

ried 46 of 48 states, failing to capture only Maine and


• Four presidents have won the presidency while losing the popular vote:

John Quincy Adams (1824), Rutherford B. Hayes (1876), Benjamin

Harrison (1888) and George W. Bush (2000). http://www.cnn.com

Ronald McDonald Is Lying Low

America’s creepy clown

problem is getting so out of hand

that even beloved clown Ronald

McDonald seems a little freaked


The fast-

food chain

M c D o n a l d ’ s

released to the

public that its

mascot will

be lying low for a while because

of all the reports of creepy clown

sightings across the country.

McDonald’s isn’t putting a

ban on public appearances by its

red-nosed clown, but the com-

pany is being thoughtful in re-

gards to Ronald McDonald’s

appearances. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation


Target Stops Selling

Clown Masks

Target stopped selling clown

masks after a bunch of reported

clown attacks, some real and

some fake.

Target, based in Minneapo-

lis has 1,799 stores in the United

States. The company did not say

if the decision would affect all of

its stores.

●Glass cannot be recycled for-


●It takes approximately 1 million

years for a glass bottle to break

down in a landfill.

●Steel producers in the U.S. use

about 70% recycled steel.

●Every year Americans throw

away enough steel to

produce all the new

cars made in the U.S.

●Tin cans are actu-

ally 99% steel with a

thin layer of tin to

prevent rusting.

●Aluminum cans recycled last

year stacked one on top of each

other would be 1,454 times taller

than the Empire State Building.

●75% of the trees recycled for

paper products are never made

into paper products!

●Paper made from recycled paper

rather than virgin fibers requires

70% less energy. http://ecocycle.org/ecofacts (10-31-16)

He wants to make it easier for

families to afford college so

students aren’t buried in debt.

Trump says that he is op-

posed to abortion except for

rape. He opposes the use of

government funds to pay for

abortions. He says, “As far as

Planned Parenthood is con-

cerned, I’m prolife.”

Hillary says that Politicians

have no business interfering

with women’s personal health

decisions. And as president she

would stand up for Planned

Parenthood and women's access

to critical health services, in-

cluding safe, legal abortion.

Hillary said “that there can be

restrictions in the very end of

the third trimester, but they

have to take into account the

life and health of the mother.”

Hillary says

that more than

33.000 Ameri-

cans are killed

each year by

guns. She is go-

ing to fight to

take guns away

from dangerous

people and get


b a c k g r o u n d


The election

is on Tuesday,

November 8.

It’s only a few days until we

elect a new president. There are

people who have already cast their

votes. The debates are over and

America should have a pretty good

idea where each candidate stands on

certain topics.

Trump wants to abolish

Obama Care, repeal and replace

it. Whereas Hillary wants to fix

Obama Care and give it some

updates and fix what's broken

about it instead of just throwing

it out.

Trump wants to bring back

law and order and make a

strong border. Hillary says that

everybody has a place in Amer-

ica, but she won’t just let any-

body who poses as a threat

come into the US.

Hillary says she will work

to ensure that every child from

every zip-code has

access to a world

class education,

including access to

high quality pre-

school. Trump says

that he will enhance

education options

through school

choice and charters,

a n d r e s p e c t

homeschoolers in

their quest for edu-

cational alternatives.

Freshwater sharks once

thought extinct rediscovered

In an expedition to Papua

New Guinea, a team of scientists

found some unusual shark fins

and jaws being sold in the market

on the island Daru.

These sharks were found to

be the Spear Tooth shark and the

New Guinea Freshwater shark,

two species that were thought to

be extinct since the 1970’s.

After some searching, scien-

tists were able to find a live speci-

men known to science as the New

Guinea Freshwater shark. These

Sharks belong to the Genus

Glyphis. They are one of the

most rare sharks on the planet,

and are critically endangered. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/

FYI: There are around 440

known species of sharks in the

world. Other endangered species

of sharks include the Angelshark

off the coasts of Europe, the Dag-

gernose shark found near African

coasts, and the Zebra shark found

in the Indo-Pacific sea. There are

many vulnerable species too.

Page 3: Volume 15 Issue 3 • November 4, 2016 • Ashby High School, Ashby, M

Page 3 SPORTS November 4, 2016

By Benton Stadsvold Grade 10

By Alex Decker Grade 12

By Mikayla Dahlen Grade 12

By Brad Anderson Grade 10

The seasons have ended for

both the football and volleyball

teams here at AHS.

The boys finished the football

season with a record of 2-7. Great

job to the 4 Ashby seniors on the

team-Austin Walker, Chase Kam-

rath, Nathan Cook, and Riley

Grecco. Thanks to the Ashby

coach Mr. Peterson too.

The girls volleyball team lost

their first play off game against

Parkers Prairie to end their season

with a record of 1-23.

The volleyball team had 4

seniors this year Mackenzie

Ecker, Madison Krupke, Sawyer

Risbrudt, and Riley Zastrow

coached by Whitney Moore and

Danielle Schroeder.

By Riley Zastrow Grade 12

Top 10 reasons to participate in


1– It’s Fun!

2– Good life lessons.

3– Meet new people.

4– Provides more College Schol-


5– Helpful to get

in shape and stay

in shape.

6– Raises self-


7– Healthy com-

petition leads to mental improve-


8– Provides something positive to

do in your free time.

9– Helps you plan your day out

which helps you later in life.

10-Improves friendship in teams.

By Michael Van Santen Grade 11

This time of year the duck

hunting usually slows down

around here and many people take

trips to North Dakota to go hunt-


North Dakota is right in the

heart of central flyway and is a

great place to hunt waterfowl year

round. There are plenty opportu-

nities for great duck and goose

hunts and the state attracts water

fowlers from all around the coun-


North Dakota has a open walk

in rule. This means as long as the

area is not posted by the owners

anyone can hunt the land at any-

time. This rule is very helpful for


Cody Fults is an 11th grader.

He has been playing sports since

3rd grade. He is in football and


Cody says, “I think a SHARP

athlete always works their hardest

to make themselves better.”

Words of advice, “Your work

won’t always be noticed but that’s

never an excuse to not do your



Sport: Baseball

Pre-game food: Chocolate Milk

Pro sports team: Vikings

Pro sports player: Xavier Rhodes

Sporting goods store: Scheels

Jacey Schlosser is a junior

who says being a SHARP athlete

means being a leader and hard-

worker on and off the court.

She has been involved in

Ashby sports since kindergarten

playing summer rec. She is in

volleyball, basketball, and track.

Words of advice are, “Always

give 100%. Don’t expect some-

thing if you don’t work for it.”


Sport: Track

Pre-game food: Fruit snacks

Pro sports team: Wild

Pro sports player: Carson Wentz

Sporting goods store: Scheels

The Minnesota Vikings are at

this point one of the best teams in

the league with a record of 5-2.

This status was a surprise to many

after an injury filled start losing

their starting QB Teddy Bridge-

water, their starting RB Adrian

Peterson, and their starting LG

Matt Kalil plus many others.

The area that is keeping the

Vikings afloat is their impressive

defense that has only allowed a

average of 14 points per game.

Though they have had a de-

cent offense with their quick deci-

sion to trade for QB Sam Brad-

ford who until their loss to Philly

last week had not had a turnover

and had 1,214 passing yards. We

also have had some receivers step

up like Stefon Diggs with 400+

yards this season but who has also

suffered from injuries and missed

2 weeks.

My brother Brandon and I

went to Iowa to visit some family

members and to go to an Iowa

State football game last weekend.

We had pretty good seats in a

packed stadium. Note the pictures

to the left and below.

Iowa State played its rival

Kansas State. Iowa State’s record

was 1-6 and Kansas State’s record

was 5-3.

Iowa State played a very good

first half but then they kind of hit

a slump and started to really sink.

Kansas State ended up winning

with a score of 31-26. Iowa State

and Kansas State have had a

rivalry since 1917. Iowa State has

has a record 49–47–4 .

Page 4: Volume 15 Issue 3 • November 4, 2016 • Ashby High School, Ashby, M

Page 4 PROFILES November 4, 2016

By John Decker Grade 12

By Hope Haarstad Grade 11

By Mikayla Dahlen Grade 12

By Hope Haarstad Grade 11

By Alex Decker Grade 12

The freshman featured in this

Golden Arrow article is Halle

Dahlen. She loves to play Ashby

Volleyball and Softball. Here are

some of her favorite things to do.

~Favorite Hobby–hanging out

with Amelia

~Favorite Restaurant-Olive Gar-


~Favorite Color– Blush Pink

~Favorite Class - English

~Favorite TV show - Keeping up

with the Kardashians

~Favorite Movie -Napoleon Dy-


~Favorite Sport - Water Polo

~Favorite Holiday-Amelia's Birth-


~Favorite Summer Pastime-Being

with Amelia.

~Favorite Winter Pastime – Being

with Brynn.

Jayda Staring was a new 8th

grade student here at Ashby.

Jayda came to Ashby from Ken-

nedy Secondary School in Fergus


She joined Ashby because she

and her family moved outside of

Dalton to the Elbow Lake area.

She has a younger sister in

fifth grade named Baylee, her

mom’s name is Jennifer and step-

dads name is Tyler.

We enjoyed getting to know

both Jayda and her younger sister

Baylee who is pictured below!

Unfortunately, both Jayda and

Baylee moved last week and are

attending school in Fergus Falls

again. We are sad that they had to

leave Ashby School.

Jayda’s Favorites:

Animal: Fox

Color: Green

Drink: Water

Food: Pizza



Subject: Art

Hobby: Drawing

Albert Einstein was born on

March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Wurttem-

berg, Germany. Later his family

moved to Munich where he began

his education. He graduated in

1901 and acquired Swiss citizen-

ship then became a technical as-

sistant in the Swiss Patent office.

He married Mileva Maric in

1903 and they had three children.

After she died in 1919 he got

married again. His second wife

Elsa died in 1936.

He then moved to Berlin until

1933 when he emigrated to Amer-

ica where he became the Professor

of Theoretical Physics at Prince-


Einstein realized the inade-

quacies of Newtonian mechanics

and the theory of relativity.

He helped lay the foundation

of the photon theory of light, and

the Manhattan Project.

He received honorary doctor-

ate degrees in science, medicine,

and philosophy.

Another set of rewards he

gained was the Copley Medal of

Mikayla Dahlen is a senior

here at Ashby and her birthday is

September 13. If she could meet

anyone she would like to meet

Luke Bryan because who doesn't?

Mikayla’s pet peeve is the

sound of people having a fork

touch their teeth. If she could visit

anywhere she would go to the

Bahamas so she could relax and

sit on the beach.

After Mikayla graduates, she

wants to be a graphic designer.

Her mom has influenced her the

most because she's done so much

for her. Mik’s words of advice

are,“The best things happen by


Her favorites include:

Pop: Cranberry Sprite

T.V. Shows: The Voice and The


Sport: Softball

Color: Teal

Teacher: Ms. Wojcik

Food: Pizza

Restaurant: Boathouse

Store to shop at: Target

the Royal Society of London and

the Franklin Medal of the Frank-

lin Institute.

He died at Princeton, New

Jersey on April 18, 1955.

Zack Daubenspeck is a Para-

professional here at Ashby Public

School in the 9th grade class.

Zach graduated from Ashby High

School 2 years ago! He has not

attended college yet but he has

previously worked at The Melby

Outpost as a server for 3 years

and Arrowwood Lake Café where

he still works.

Zack’s girlfriend’s name is

Aliza and she’s a caregiver at the

Ashby Living Center. The person

who has affected him most in his

life is his dad.

An interesting story about Zack

is that he has been to the top of

The Empire State Building.

His favorite part about Ashby

is that everyone knows each

other. His advice for students is,

“Pay attention in class, every one

of these teachers has important

things to teach you.”

His favorites include steak, the

color blue, buffalo wild wings,

Christmas, track, and the T.V.

show How I Met Your Mother.

Page 5: Volume 15 Issue 3 • November 4, 2016 • Ashby High School, Ashby, M

Page 5 REVIEWS November 4, 2016

By Michael Van Santen Grade 11

By Tanner Hart Grade 10

By Mikah Burkhardt Grade 12

By Ganon Heinrich Grade 10

By Mikah Burkhardt Grade 12

By Brandon Anderson Grade 10

By Caity Weaver Grade 11

By Autum Bitzan Grade 10

By Riley Zastrow Grade 12

The Vam-

pire Diaries

The Awaken-


By L.J. Smith

The Vam-

pire Diaries

starts out with

Elena return-

ing home

from her trip

at the start of a new school year.

On the first day of school a new

student arrives from Italy. Elena

intently likes Stephan but later on

in the book she learns that

Stephan and his brother Damon

are Vampires.

If you are interested in reading

these books they are a lot like

Twilight with the love triangle

between Elena and the 2 vampire

brothers. Though if you ask cer-

tain people they will say its com-

pletely different.

The Vampire Diaries is writ-

ten by L.J. Smith and it is now a

T.V. show on the CW along with

another book series written by L.J.

Smith called the Secret Circle. I

personally do really like the Vam-

pire Diaries along with some of

Smith’s other books.

2017 Dodge Challenger has a

starting price of $26,995. This car

has a range of 305 horsepower to

705 horsepower.

The challenger

has 19 city and

30 highway mpg.

This car has

3.6 L V6, 5.7 L

V8, 6.2 L V8 and, 6.4 L V8 en-

gines. There are 5 configurations

ranging from the SXT to the SRT


The AB Hancer

The AB Hancer will be your

choice of six pack defining tool

this year. It

is light

w e i g h t ,

hides easy

u n d e r

cloths, and

d r a m a t i -

cally enhances your abs!

The product is a grid placed

over the midsection to quickly

create the appearance of devel-

oped AB muscles in the skin.

This invention came out in

May, 2013. It went viral on the

internet right after it was intro-

duced; but turns out, it is a hoax! http://removeandreplace.com/

“Dishonored” is a stealth

based game originally made in

2012 developed by Arkane Stu-

dios and

published by

B e t h e s d a .

But, this

year there is

a second

game to the

series releasing on November 11,

2016. In the new game you will

be able to play either Corvo or the

princess Emily.

“ARQ” a Netflix original

Film is about a man and a girl

stuck in a time loop because of an

invention that he designed to cre-

ate unlimited energy but instead it

ended up being a time machine

that loops time.

This sci-fi thriller was di-

rected by Tony Elliot, and was

p r o d u c e d b y

Netflix star-

ring Robbie

Amell related

to Stephen

Amell who is

Oliver Queen

in the Green

Arrow. Also

starring as one

of the main

characters is

Rachael Tay-


This film is rated 6.4 stars by


Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is a

fighting role-playing video game

developed by Dimps and pub-

lished by Bandai Namco Enter-

tainment based on the Dragon

Ball franchise. It was released on

October 25, 2016.

The Peak Supper Club, lo-

cated over by Clitherall, MN, has

excellent food that will please all

ages and an awesome staff that

will make your drive worth it!

They were open Wednesday-

Thursday from 5pm-9pm, Friday-

Saturday from 5pm-10pm, and

Sunday from 11am– 8pm but are

closed for the season now.

Their menu includes juicy ribs

and crispy chicken and salad bar

and bread. On Google they are

rated a 4.1 but from me personally

they should be a 5 star restaurant!

Make sure you make your

way up there next summer to try

their awesome food for yourself

and when you’re done, climb

Inspiration Peak!

1966 Chevrolet K-10

The C/K series of pickup was

introduced to the Chevy lineup in

1960. “C” indicated 2-wheel

drive and “K” indicated 4-wheel

drive. The Chevy C/K series was

a revolutionary series for the full

size pickup evolution. It was

replaced in 1999 with the Chevy

Silverado series.

Martin Garrix (Martijn

Gerard Garritsen - birthname) is

best known for his upbeat songs

that we all know. I believe his hit

to fame was Animals in 2013.

He recently released a new

song called In the Name of Love

featuring Bebe Rexha.

Originally from the Nether-

lands, Martin travels the world

with his music. He is a DJ, record

producer, and musician. He has

now been rated Number 1 in DJ

Mag’s Top 100 DJ’s for 2016.

His albums are The Best

Of, Seven, Gold Skies, and Break

Through the Silence.

Page 6: Volume 15 Issue 3 • November 4, 2016 • Ashby High School, Ashby, M

Page 6 MISCELLANEOUS November 4, 2016

By Micah Martin Grade 11

By Abby Plasky Grade 11

By Tanner Hart Grade 10

By Skyler Hill Grade 12

By Ganon Heinrich Grade 10

By Micah Martin Grade 11

By Micah Martin Grade 11

By Aiden Bruck Grade 11 11/7-11/11: Yearbooks go on

sale. $35 regular, $42 seniors, $10


11/10: JH GBB home vs. B/E


11/11: Veteran’s Day Program.

10:00 a.m. in Auditorium

11/14: GBB practice begins

11/15: JH GBB @ Battle Lake


11/17: JH GBB home vs. Parkers

Prairie 4:00

11/21: Boys Basketball practice


11/22: JH GBB @ Underwood


11/23: EARLY OUT. Students

dismissed at 12:30.

11/24: Thanksgiving

11/25: Black Friday

Just be-

cause it’s win-

ter and you

can’t get outside to exercise as

much doesn't mean you have to

stop being fit. Here are a few of

many simple ways that you can

improve your health without even

leaving your house. Do some

push-ups, sit ups, crunches, and

planks right in your own room to

keep fit all winter long!

Facts about the Binturong

●It’s also known as the bear cat

but is related to neither.

●Its name is derived from a dead

language and the meaning is un-


●They smell like buttered pop-

corn. They have scent glands un-

der their tails, to us the scent

smells of popcorn but it tells other

binturongs to stay away.

●They hiss, purr, wail, growl and

make many different sounds.

●They are classified as a carni-

vore even though their diet mostly

consists of fruit.

●They are mostly and arboreal

animals climbing through the

rainforest canopy.

●They have a prehensile tail.

●Binturongs play a very important

role in the forests where they are

found in southeast Asia. theanimalfacts.com (10-31-16)

1. How long is a presidential


A. 2 Years

B. 36 Years

C. 48 Months

2. What is the youngest age you

can be to be President?

A. 35 Years

B. 40 Years

C. 69 Years

3. What animal is the symbol of

the Democrat Party?

A. Moose

B. Donkey

C. Elephant

4. The presidents wife is called?

A. Mrs. President

B. Lady President

C. The First Lady

5. How long is a Senators term?

A. 3 Years

B. 20 Years

C. 6 Years


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C It’s fall! That means it’s time

to start making those warm tasty

fall treats! Keep reading to learn

how to make Warm Cinnamon

Apple Chips. The perfect snack

for a cool day.

The ingredients for these are

simple. You will need to start out

with 5 apples, two teaspoons of

cinnamon, and three teaspoons of

brown sugar.

Now that you have your in-

gredients it’s time to preheat the

oven to 200

d e g r e e s .

Thinly slice

the apples

and place on a

greased baking sheet, arrange the

apple slices so they aren't overlap-


Next, in a small bowl com-

bine the sugar and cinnamon and

sprinkle it on top of apple chips.

Bake on the top rack of your oven

for 2 hours until the chips are dry

and crisp. Remove them from the

oven and let them cool. Serve and

eat. Delicious!

In Sanzhi, Taiwan construc-

tion started on a resort in 1978

but was abandoned in 1980 leav-

ing it to rot. Legend says the pro-

ject was abandoned due to finan-

cial problems plus a number of

fatal accidents during construc-

tion. Unfortunately the construc-

tion company responsible de-

stroyed all records on the project. http://sometimes-interesting.com (10-31-16)

By Abby Plasky Grade 11

Date High Low Cond.

11/5 48 37 Sunny

11/6 54 39 Cloudy

11/7 55 43 Rain

11/8 52 41 Rain

11/9 45 34 Rain

11/10 39 30 Sunny

11/11 34 46 Sunny

11/7: Taco’s w/ fixing, Spanish

Rice, Black Beans, Fruit

11/8: Lasagna, Corn, Fruit

11/9: Mini Corn Dogs, Smiles,

Veggies, Fruit

11/10: Scalloped Potatoes w/

Ham, Corn, Fruit

11/11: Chicken Patty, Oven Fries,

Baked Beans, Fruit

11/7: Cereal, Yogurt, Fruit

11/8: Bagel, Yogurt

11/9: Yogurt Parfait, Granola

11/10:Nutrigrain Bar, String


11/11: Cereal, Fruit