volunteerism in hungary presentation: emese marosszéki manager of volunteer center debrecen

Volunteerism in Hungary Presentation: Emese Marosszéki Manager of Volunteer Center Debrecen

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Volunteerism in Hungary

Presentation: Emese Marosszéki Manager of Volunteer

Center Debrecen

Volunteerism in Hungary

Database was provided by the Volunteer Center Foundation of Hungary in Budapest, by Klára Czike.


Volunteerism from 90s How volunteerism is supported

by the government Main actors in volunteerism Good practices: „Gate” -„Idea” -

„Neighbourhood volunteer” program

History of Volunteerism after democratic transition in Hungary

First web site was established in 2000

Preparatory works for the Act on volunteers started

International Day of Volunteers (5th December),

Volunteer Centre Foundation was established (2002)

Dialogue between civil and governmental bodies became more frequent

First scientific research on volunteers and volunteer organisations was completed (2004)

First scientific research-2004

2.3 million citizens (26% of the population over 14 years of age) support other persons,

whom they are not befriended or related either.

Volunteerism in the non-profit sector

Year FoundationsNon-profit


1989 400 8 396 8 796

1990 1 865 14 080 15 945

1999 36 863 56624 93 487

First steps in cooperation between government and volunteer sector

1995- „Gate” program in Békéscsaba 1997: ”The Revival of Volunteerism”

International Conference was organised by ”DemNet”=Democratic Network to reactivate volunteerism

Aim: Integration of poor people by volunteer


First steps in cooperation between government and volunteer sector

2000 -Forum at Health Care Ministry:

The main aim was to work out the national

strategy for volunteerism in 4 special topics:

1. Working groups for recognition, legal status

2. Cooperation3. Education4. Revelation of facts

First steps in cooperation between government and volunteer sector

2000 Working groups remained open throughout the


The Executive Committee of the International Year of Volunteers was formed by leaders and one member of the respective working groups.

National Committee.

First steps in cooperation between government and volunteer sector

2001The International Year of Volunteers (IYV)provided a good opportunity for governmentofficials and NGO representatives to startcooperation on volunteering.

-Volonteurope- International conference in Budapest

First steps in cooperation between government and volunteer sector

International Year of Volunteers became a common success story achieved by government and civil sector. A real initiative that came from under and upside in the same time. The results of it are reflecting the importance and effectiveness of social cooperation.

First steps in cooperation between government and volunteer sector

2005: Act on voluntary activities was passed by Parliament, which recognized that volunteer activity contribute in added values in the society

The act covers:- Basic principles of volunteerism - Legal terms of voluntary activity- Legal forms for compensation of costs -Which citizens are eligible to perform voluntary work

in Hungary

1995-:„Gate” program was financed by the government

2000- Civil organisations gained opportunities to apply for financing of volunteer programs, and (operational) costs (National Civil Fund)

2004- European applications are all supporting volunteer programs: Volunteer Centers and training activities for volunteer sector.

How government is supporting volunteerism

2005- Organisations supported by local government can cover partly costs of the volunteers in their annual budget.

2006-2008 „Idea program” – long term volunteer program (supported with 300 000 Euro)

2009: 19 Regional Volunteer Centers will be supported with EU sources for long term projects

How government is supporting volunteerism

Volunteer Centers in Hungary

2002 ÖKA: First Volunteer Center in Hungary

2004-2006 9 regional volunteer centers are opened

2005: Volunteer Centers jointly established a Network of Volunteer Centers

Main actors in volunteerism

A) VolunteersB) Receiving organisationsC) Volunteer coordinatorsD) Volunteer support centersE) Social responsible companies

Main actors in volunteerism

A) Volunteers

-45% youth: - students in higher education - unemployed youth -25% adults: - inactive people, mostly women-30% 55+ - inactive - pensioner

B) Receiving organisations diagram


sports, recreation


health care and social services

public security

environmental protection, animal protection

community development, housing

protection of civic rights

economic development

international relations, EU

Hungarian minorities

business federation



Good practices: „Neighbourhood volunteer” program

The goal is to develop in cooperation with the population of the area a kind of support system which would make available for them the immediate handling of their needs and problems.

The inhabitants should benefit from direct information, direct opportunities concerning the problems which might occur on the level of social and mental health and also in making their way in the world.

Good practices: „Neighbourhood volunteer” program

This would mean that our actual goal is making these people be able to use their rights as Hungarian citizens.

We can benefit in developing and strengthening the neighbourhood connections and the organization of the volunteering network in the neighbourhood and also in the development of the community working system at local level.

Neighbourhood volunteers helps those people who are living around their home. (Max. 100 families)

Good practices: „Gate” program

Gate program is a volunteer help service, which provides elderly, mental or physical handicapped people with personal assistance, in their own home or in institutions.

Volunteers’ involvement is raising the quality of social care service.

Gate between disabled people and volunteers.

Good practices: „Gate” program

Gate between the younger and elder generations.

Gate between individual and residential community.

Gate between professionals and volunteers.

Gate between services provided by local governments and those provided by civil organisations.

Good practices: „Idea” program

The program aims to increase labour market chances of unemployed youth (between 18-30 years of age) by means of knowledge; by experience gained; by long term voluntary service; improvement of skills and work experience acquired at a workplace.

Besides gaining experience, the program is beneficial to the participants’ personality development, because though their voluntary activity they get committed to personal and social solidarity, empathy and acceptance.

Good practices: „Idea” program

The program also aims to facilitate the spreading of the idea of volunteerism to improve the culture of volunteering in Hungary. All organisations participating in the program give their own contribution to develop and improve the regional coordination of voluntary activities.

Young participants perform their voluntary activities at civil and state institutions for a period of 6-10 months.

Future steps of volunteerism in Hungary

Strategy formulation

Civic/government/for-profit cooperation

Appearance in public education

Alternative volunteerism (as a tool in social and employment policy)

Thanks for your attention!