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  • 8/2/2019 VP Copytex w12 2011(2)


    Vilda ProfessionalNew WebFinal copy texts week 12,20119 942 words

    Home page

    Welcome to Vileda Professional.Cleaning solutions forprofessional cleaners!

    The Origo lineMore than 1.2 Million trolley combinations. Andmore than 9 000 Origos sold!

    Breazy. The new wave in wiping.A semi-disposable cloth with dirt pick-uppockets.

    Infection rate down by1/3 in St. Johns HospitalLearn how hospitals beat the super-bug

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Solutions at work.Real-world solutions that makea difference

    Theory is one thing, real-life day-to-day tough product usageis quite another.This is when you experience that quality and thought-

    through solutions really pay off.

    100.000 m2 of floors are now cleaner atCopenhagen Airport.How to clean effectively when 22.000.000people are watching

    Effective hotel cleaning keeps guestscoming back.Fast turn-around times between check out andcheck in requires fast and effective cleaning

    No matter the size of your site or where you are Vileda Professional is there tohelp keeping your business clean!

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Case Copenhagen

    Swep has landed onCopenhagen Airport.Big assignment. Great outcome.

    1.With almost 22 million peoplepassing Copenhagen airport everyyear, it puts tough demands on thecleaning infrastructure.

    2.One important condition for airportcleaning is that it has to beperformed among all travellers.Therefore the utensils have to look


    3.Heavy floor traffic requires floorsback in use immediately aftercleaning. Vileda Professionalmicrofiber mops are ideal for this.

    4.Our pilot team were the

    ambassadors when implementing theVileda Professional solution andutensils to the complete cleaningteam.

    5.We needed to replace an obsoleteexisting cleaning system with one that ismodern, not only today but alsotomorrow.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Suzanne Rosendahl

    When cleaning getsreally big.100.000 m2 of floor area, 21.5 milliontravellers passing yearly, 22.000 employees its a mega task to keep Copenhagen Airport

    clean and immaculate to fit the image as oneof Europes most attractive airports. Especiallybecause cleaning has to be performed withoutinterfering with the visitors usage of theairport facilities.

    400.000 m2

    21 500 000 yearly travellers22 000 Employees

    Complete system. Completely new.

    The Swep system from Vileda Professional iscentral for Copenhagen Airports new cleaningapproach.Swep is a one-step mopping system for dampcleaning, where each individual mop head iscentrally prepared with the exact dosage ofcleaning solution.Its fast, cost effective, easy to handle and itleaves nothing but a clean floor behind.

    On locationCategory

    Airport cleaning



    Scope 100.000 m2floor area mopping.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Airport cleaning

    Dusting Surfacecleaning wiping. Transportation of cleaningutensils - Origo Training Implementation

    Staff 200 cleaners,Supervisors Professionalteam Managers Other

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Product Setup

    Reducing time and over-all costs.Increasing well-being, motivation andcleaning results.With a need to clean 100,000 m2 floor area inas short time as possible the natural solutionwas Vileda Professionals Swep system - acomplete microfiber floorcleaning systemdesigned to fulfil all cleaning requirements.Including floors, walls, staircases and high orawkward to reach areas.Regarding the enormous floor area to becovered, it was natural to choose a Swep Duosolution double sided mops and frames,covering twice the cleaning area with just aflip of the frame.For wiping Copenhagen Airport chosemicrofiber cloths for fast and effective one-

    step wiping no streaks left behind and noafter wiping needed.

    All utensils have their home-base on award-winning Origo trolleys, where the cleaner haseverything needed for effective cleaningcomfortably at hand.

    Double sided mops for2xcoverage of cleaning area

    Duo Mop frame - 35, 50 & 75 cmWith the Swep Duo concept CopenhagenAirport doubled the cleaning area with thesame mops.

    Telescopic handles - 100-180cm, 50-90cm

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Ergonomic and award-winning handles thatminimize physical strain.

    Dustpan + sweeperCollect even small particles.Smooth surface contact to the floor.

    Swep Duo Allround mops50 cm 50% polyester, 50%

    viscosev for good cleaning

    performance, good absorptionability and durability. Used forfloor cleaning and dry moppingof small areas.

    Origo 500 H and HH trolleys Flexiblecleaning utensils trolley in doublecompartment execution.

    Swep Duo MicroTech 75 cm100% polyestermicrofibre fringe mop for dry mopping.Intensive microfiber cleaning performance,ideal on large areas

    Swep Duo MicroPlus 35 cm100%polyester, cut pile mop. Used for stairs andwall cleaning. Strong microfiber cleaningperformance even on structured floors

    QuickStar micro blue and red Microfiber

    cloth, ideal for pre-prepared method. Highperformance without the need for chemicals.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    On-Site executions and results

    Total cleaning system up-gradeAs traffic and premises constantly grew atCopenhagen Airport there was a huge need toup-grade the complete cleaning system washing facilities, logistics and infrastructure/distribution, cleaning utensils and the cleaningprocess.After a thorough evaluation and trial processof several players, the choice was ViledaProfessional and their complete systemsolution.

    From analysis to implementationAlready from the beginning a pilot team fromthe cleaning staff was highly involved in theevaluation and decision making process. Aftera thorough training session the pilot teamstarted using the new Vileda Professional

    system.The outcome was extremely successful andthe pilot teams served as the systems bestambassadors amongst their colleagues.

    A crisp and clean resultConstantly monitoring and evaluating theresults, its clear that the new solution has met or outscored the defined goals.All in all the Vileda Professional solution haspresented some obvious advantages: Higher cleaning standard Shorter time for cleaning Better ergonomics Lower overall costs Lower sick leave

    Back to Product Setup

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Case St Johns

    Beating superbugs in St JohnsHospitalHealthier Health Care. Cleanerhospital.


    With the Swep system we managed to beatthe MSRA superbug almost to zero,Margaret Christie, Domestic ServicesManager at St Johns Hospital .

    2.After the cleaning of a patient room or award, the dirty mop is changed into a freshone. Very low risk for spreading bacteria.


    In the old days we used traditional wetmopping. That way we were not able to cutthe infection rate.

    4.The microfibers literally scrapes the dirtaway. This reduces the risk for bacteriagrowth or spreading.

    5.Swep mops are guaranteed to last 1,000wash cycles. That amounts to three yearsaverage usage if they are laundered dail -which has obvious cost, return on investmentand environmental benefits.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    How to beat bacteriaand cut costs.All at the same time!Hospitals all over the world constantly fight awar against more or less resistant bugs. Andwhen they develop into superbugs like MRSAthere is a huge problem spreading alongwards and hospitals.At St Johns Hospital the decision was taken tobeat the superbug and lower the infection rateby more effective cleaning and hence a higherhygiene standard.

    53.000 m2 floor area550 beds

    From traditional to modern, effective andhygienic

    Traditional cleaning using a single mop

    increases the risk of spreading dirt andbacteria from one ward to another.Using the Swep system is somethingcompletely different. After the cleaning of apatient room or a ward, the dirty mop ischanged into a fresh one, thereby minimizingthe risk of bacteria spreading.

    1. Trolley with several clean mops2. Take out clean mop3. Put on clean mop

    4. Cleaning patient room

    5. Remove dirty mops into seperate bin6. Take out a new clean mop7. Put on a new clean mop8. Clean another room with fresh mop

    Cutting infection rateby a third

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    After implementing the Vileda Professionalsystem, infection rates have fallen by about athird, the lowest for this type of hospital inScotland.

    Infection rate down by 1/3

    The Swep system dramatically reduces therisk of cross contamination and carryingbacteria from ward to ward as every time anew cleaning area is entered, a fresh mophead is used.At St Johns, infection rate was lowered from0.0778 per 100 beds down to 0.0548.

    "We compared well with our neighbors,Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, which had 0.1235cases. But we are always looking for ways toimprove.Margaret ChristieDomestic Services Managerat St Johns Hospital .

    On location

    Category Health Care cleaning


    St John's Hospital, Livingston Scotland


    550 beds

    000 m2 floor area

    Surface cleaning wiping.

    Transportation of cleaning

    utensils Origo.



    Staff 300 domestic assistants




    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Challenge Lower the infection rate

    Replace traditional floor cleaning methods with a modern one.

    Introduce cleaning staff to a new concept for floor cleaning.

    Low cost-in-use

    Solution Swep damp flat mopping system.

    Origo trolleys

    Tailor-made training and system implementation.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Product Setup

    Complete systems for beating bacteria

    One major difference to traditional wet mopcleaning is that Swep forms a completesystem its a complete microfiber cleaningsystem designed to fulfill all cleaningrequirements including floors, walls, staircasesand high or awkward to reach areas.

    The use of ultrafine micro fibres literallyscrapes, removes and absorbs dirt from thesurface, leaving nothing behind but tiny waterdroplets. This improves cleanliness andreduces risk for bacteria growth or spreading.

    Double sided mops for2xcoverage of cleaning area

    Telescopic handles - 100-180cm, 50-90cm

    Ergonomic and award winning handles thatminimize physical strai

    On-site Executions and Results at St Johns

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    On-site Executions and Results

    Beating the superbug required a newcleaning concept

    St Johns compared well to other hospitalsinfection rate, but is always looking for waysto improve. Logically they discovered thatmore effective cleaning is providing thesolution.Before moving to the Vileda Professional SwepMicrofibre cleaning system, the cleaningteams at St Johns had been using traditionalwet mopping, but came across the Swepsystem at an exhibition.

    Training for maximum resultA vital part of the success is the tailor-madetraining that was set up for the domesticassistants at St Johns Hospital.

    Three Vileda Professional representativescame into the hospital to train the domesticassistants in total over 300 and the trainingtook place also at nights and at weekends,which is when some of the cleaning isperformed. The domestic assistants wereprovided with all the Swep equipment requiredto carry out extensive trials within thehospital.

    A healthy resultThe outcome of the concept change is

    impressive not only has the infection rate gonedown by 1/3, also costs and well-being hasbeen affected positively: Lower infection rate down by 1/3 Lower costs on chemicals due tomicrofiber technology Quick return on investment Faster cleaning Better ergonomic Lower sick-leave

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Back to Product Setup

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Origo systemOne trolley, millions of possibilities. Origo isthe future-proof cleaning trolley, fullyadaptable to all individual needs.

    Swep SystemSwep is a complete system for damp, flat floorcleaning. Covers every floor type, everyindividual need and is unbeatable fast.

    UltraSpeed SystemComplete wet flat mopping system thatcombines intensive microfiber cleaning with arevolutionary high performance press

    Window cleaningTrolleys

    Brooms & brushesGlovesMattingFloor cleaningScouring

    Products sorted by type

    Products sorted by room

    Alphabetical order

    Download the full product catalogue as a PDFfile here.

    Vileda Professionals view on productdesignHigh quality products that really do the job area big part of our company philosophy.Check

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    out our view on product design andergonomics.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Origo.One trolley. Millions of possibilities.

    New contracts, new demands, newmethods, new staff. If there is onething certain about cleaning in thefuture its that there will be changes.Lots of changes.

    Right now. Right tomorrow. Thats thephilosophy when we designed anddeveloped the Vileda Professional Origotrolley range. As conditions constantlychange, so do the demands on the ideal

    trolley set-up and configuration. Soinstead of investing in new trolleys ascontracts change just re-configure orretrofit the one you already have. TheOrigo.

    Customer benefitsFlexibilityWith maximum flexibility andchangeability in mind we created the new

    Origo Line trolleys. You can either chooseone of our standard configurations orhave your trolley customised exactly toyour requirements. And when yourrequirements change customise itagain! In theory, there are over 1.2million possible combinations available.

    System center

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    In practice, youve got the centre of acomplete cleaning system that isprepared for whatever the future has tooffer.

    Whatever your cleaning environmentsare or whatever cleaning utensils youneed to carry, they will fit on your Origo.From the extensive list of accessories youcan configure your Origo to your exactneeds.

    User friendlyThe award winning design team behindthe Origo has put every effort intodesigning the trolley of a new century.Adjustable handlebars, height adjustabletrays and drawers, free choice of castorsize, great manoeuvrability andfullythought-through design result in a state-of-the-art

    cleaning tool.As an effect of that, you will start tosee improved cleaning results, efficiencyand more motivated cleaning staff.

    Origo 100Origo 100 is based on a plastic platform.The configuration is fixed, with fixed trayand bin bag holder.

    Origo 100 can be assembled without

    tools, and accessories are partlycompatible with Origo 300 and 500.500.

    Configure your own Origo atwww.origo.vileda.com

    Origo 300Origo 300 is based on a plastic platform,and fitting all cleaning methods.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    It has a fixed bin bag holder withintegrated steering bar and with laterpossibilities to partly retrofit.

    Accessories compatible with Origo 500and 700 series - this means that parts canbe swapped between the series, making iteasy for users to always have anoptimized Origo fleet.

    Configure your own Origo atwww.origo.vileda.com

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Origo 500Origo 500 has a steel frame construction,fitting all cleaning methods. It is zinc andpowder anti-corrosion protected and canbe fully retrofitted.

    Accessories are compatible with Origo300 and 700 series - this means thatparts can be swapped between the series,making it easy for users to always havean optimized Origo fleet.

    Configure your own Origo atwww.origo.vileda.com

    Origo EquipmentThe Origo Line is designed to fit yourindividual needs.

    There is a wide array of accessories tochoose from - trays, buckets, drawers,lids, pre-boxes, frame holders, handle

    holders, flat-press, hooks and many more.One trolley. Millions of possibilities.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Swep flat moppingsystemFor the most economic andergonomic floor cleaning

    Swep is the markets most innovativeand complete system for pre-prepareddamp floor cleaning no matter whatfloor or what floor type is to be cleaned,as long as it is a hard floor.

    Its a one-step concept, with no needfor initial vacuuming or after treatment.As the mops are used damp, with aminimum of water, the release of wateris kept to a minimum and the floors areback in use in shortest possible time.

    The Swep system comes in two

    executions Swep Classic and SwepDuo.Swep Classic>Swep Duo>

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Swep ClassicThe Swep Classic System is designed forthe one step pre-prepared moppingmethod, where mops can be preparedmanually or in the washing machine.

    The wide Swep Classic mop rangeoffers best cleaning performance on

    hard floors and the mop dampness istuned on the required dirt and/orhygiene level.

    Customer benefitsEconomy: Reduced cost in use due to afaster and easier mopping of hard floorswith high quality system parts.

    Ergonomics: The light weight systemoffers comfort in use due to its easy

    gliding mops, low weight frames andhighly ergonomic shaped telescopichandles.

    System efficiency: Innovative, highquality fibre mops ensure superiorcleaning results.

    Environmental Responsibility: Due to themop pre-preparation process, only therequired amount of chemicals and wateris taken.

    Hygiene: Beside the outstandingbacteria removal of the Swep mops, theSwep concept in the Healthcare sectoralso means one mop used per room.Thereby the risk of cross contaminationthrough cleaning is virtually eliminated

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Swep DuoTwice as intelligent

    Swep Duo System is the mop system of anew generation. Just like Swep Classic thefocus is kept on ergonomic andeffectivity, but with a number of improvedfeatures and a brand new talent: two-

    sided microfiber mops doubling thecleaning capacity!The result? Improved ergonomic and

    above all better cleaning economy.

    Two-sided mops = twice the cleaning areaThe new Swep Duo System gives you thesame great cleaning performance on bothsides of the mop. This means up to thedouble area cleaned by each mop, andhalf as many mop swaps. Its quite

    obvious that this saves cleaning time, butit also means a lot of other savings.

    Fewer mops = lower costsIf youre looking for cost cuts, youll soondiscover that fewer mops have to bepurchased, washed and pre-prepared.And fewer mops have to be brought tothe cleaning area.Lower costs? Of course, and besides youcan still keep on using your single-sidedSwep mops. Which means that the initialinvestments can be kept down, and youllhave maximum flexibility right away.

    A new standard in ergonomic =healthier staffThe Swep Duo System is designed torelieve and facilitate, in every detail. Oneexample is the new, ergonomically

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    designed and colour-coded handle withvarious hand positions and a soft roundedtop, shaped to suit the palm.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Swep Duo frameA mop system that doubles thecleaning area. The mop issuitable for both horizontal andvertical surfaces, and itsefficient even in corners andother hard-to-reach spaces.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    UltraSpeedPerformance made easy

    Ultra Speed is the complete wet flatmopping system that combinesintensive microfiber cleaning with arevolutionary high performance press.The system is so easy to use thatanyone can start cleaning without theneed for training.

    The unique press wrings out morewater than traditional gear presses,allowing floors to dry faster and be backin use quicker vital in high trafficareas.

    The unique strip fastening of mopsmeans there is no need to remove themfor wringing.


    The UltraSpeed System is designed tosave you time whilst reducing your floorcleaning costs in all general building andHoReCa environments - irrespective ofsize with or without laundry facilities.

    ErgonomicsThe innovative new press design allowsmops to be wrung with less effort and

    without the need for excessive bending.The lightweight materials and

    ergonomic grips used in all parts of thesystem reduce the effort required in thecleaning process.

    VersatilityThe system easily covers all yourcleaning requirements - the mops and

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    frame can be used with a 15 liter singlebucket, a 25 liter single bucket or 2x25liter double bucket on wheels dependingon the size of your area.

    The mops and frames are versatileand can be used to clean floors, skirtingboards, walls, staircases and ceilings.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Product descriptionThe heart of the system is the innovative(patented) press, which can be used ona variety of buckets with or without leverdepending on the application area whether it is a 15 liter bucket for smallareas, or a 25 liter bucket on wheels formedium to large areas.

    Two 25 liter buckets can even becombined to create a double bucketsystem.

    Used with a simple break frame, fourhigh performance mops and our newergonomic handles, UltraSpeed offerpowerful advantages when it comes tohigh speed, and ergonomic flat moppingwith colour coding featuring on allhandles and buckets.

    UltraSpeed frameThe light weight and robust frame canalso be used with pocket mops.

    Its easy to fit to the UltraSpeed moppad and has an effective swivel joint withintegrated ball catch.

    UltraSpeed bucket-on-wheelsComplete UltraSpeed with a bucket-on-wheels solution for improved ergonomic.

    As the bucket sits in a chassis,

    emptying and filling is much easier as youdont need to lift the complete chassis.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Room by room


    A clean kitchen keeps yourbusiness healthy

    Keeping the kitchen or catering facilities at

    maximum hygienic level is paramount forkeeping the business sound. Not only do youkeep you guest healthy and happy, a cleanand well-kept kitchen also adds to the cookingresults.

    A crisp and clean resultHygiene is paramount in every kitchen, and byselecting the correct products you optimizecleanliness and minimize bacteria spreading.We have the correct tools and systems!

    /text by the hand symbol/Take a trip around the kitchenClick on the kitchen hot spots, and find outwhat products are the most suitable for anexcellent cleaning result.

    Hot spots textsNumbers referring to Room-to-room layouts/

    (1. Sink)

    Wettex sponge cloth is ideal for usage in allareas where high absorbency and spill pick-upare essential. Bio-degradable.

    Dish brush with special bristle shape makes itideal to deal with a wide variety of objects andallows for effective cleaning.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Multipurpose glove is high durability naturallatex glove with a strong chemical resistance.Pure cotton flock lining for maximum comfort.

    (2. Hot plate)

    The complete griddle kit comes with handle scourer scourer screen. Its ergnonomic andthe scourer is super abrasive for maximumcleaning performance.

    Multipurpose glove is high durability naturallatex glove with a strong chemical resistance.Pure cotton flock lining for maximum comfort.

    (3. Stove grille)The flat scourer is super abrasive formaximum cleaning performance.

    (4. Floor)The UltraSpeed system is ideal for wet,

    vertical floor mopping. Compatible with allVileda Professional frames.Deck scrubber for wet scrubbing of floors andeven walls. Compatible with ViledaProfessional handle 111533.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    4.4 Access room-by-room/Patient room/

    No room for bacteria

    Your patients must leave the hospital in bettershape than when they arrived. Therefore itscrucial to keep the patient rooms completelyclean and bacteria free.

    A healthy hospitalNo bacteria spreading and no crosscontamination are vital conditions whencleaning patient rooms.We have the correct tools and systems!

    /text by the hand symbol/Take a trip around the patient roomClick on the patient room hot spots, and findout what products are the most suitable for amaximum hygienic result.

    Hot spots textsNumbers referring to Room-to-room layouts/

    (1. Wiping)NanoTech micro is a ideal pre-preparedmicrofiber cloth for highly hygienic sensitiveareas. Due to embedded nano particles ofsilver, NanoTech micro removes 99.93% ofbacteria or germs, and even kills bacteria indirect contact. Maximum hygienic effect!

    Multipurpose glove is high durability naturallatex glove with a strong chemical resistance.Pure cotton flock lining for maximum comfort.

    (2. Floor)Swep Duo pre-prepared damp moppingsystem is ideal in health care environments,where you eliminate cross contamination by aone room one mop approach.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Lobby dust pan is tailor-made to pick up dirt inthe most ergonomic and hygienic way, bysweeping dirt directly into a dust bag.

    4.4 Access room-by-room/Class room/

    Dirt has no place in schoolThe teaching situation can be tough enough.

    So make it easier by keeping the premisesspic and span, and at the same time be sureto keep risk of bacteria spreading to aminimum.

    An inviting class roomA nice and well-kept classroom is a good startfor high class education.We have the correct tools and systems!

    /text by the hand symbol/

    Take a trip around the classroomClick on the classroom hot spots, and find outwhat products are the most suitable for asuperb cleaning result.

    /Hot spots textsNumbers referring to Room-to-room layouts/

    (1. Table tops)Swep Classic pre-prepared mopping system isideal for cleaning tabletops, using a short

    handle.Or use MicroSmart for super-effective one-stepwiping. Easy to rinse out, and very ergonomicthrough easy gliding.

    (2. Table tops)Swep Classic pre-prepared mopping system isideal for cleaning tabletops, using a shorthandle.

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    Or use MicroSmart for super-effective one-stepwiping. Easy to rinse out, and very ergonomicthrough easy gliding.

    (3. Floor)The UltraSpeed system is ideal for wet,vertical floor mopping.Use it together with a soft broom with PPbristles for hygienic and effective drysweeping.

    4.4 Access room-by-room/Hotel room/

    Welcome to our hotel!

    Turn around time between check out andcheck in is tight. You need to clean the hotelroom in a short time, not jeopardizing thecleaning result. The guest has high

    expectations and you can fulfil them with aclean and neat hotel room.

    Fast, easy and effectiveWe have the utensils you need for fast andeffective hotel room cleaning, and of course itfits on your trolley.

    /text by the hand symbol/Take a trip around the hotel roomClick on the hotel room hot spots, and find outwhat products are the most suitable for a

    superb cleaning result.

    /Hot spots textsNumbers referring to Room-to-room layouts/

    (1. Floor and skirt boards)The perfect problem-solver for spot cleaning. Itremoves tough marks, stains and ground-indirt with a minimum of effort. No chemicalsneeded.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    (2. Table tops)QuickStar micro (Blue) is the ideal pre-prepared cloth for super-effective one-stepwiping. High resistance against chlorine,bleach, disinfections etc.

    Multipurpose glove is high durability naturallatex glove with a strong chemical resistance.Pure cotton flock lining for maximum comfort.

    (3. Floor)The UltraSpeed system is ideal for wet,vertical floor mopping.Or use ExPress system with the choice ofsemi-disposable mops or disposable mops forthe highly soiled floors.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    4.4 Access room-by-room/bath room/

    Let it shine!

    No matter in what environment you enter thebathroom, you expect to find it in absolutetiptop, hygienic and shiny shape to keep yourguest happy!

    A crisp and clean resultWith the correct cleaning utensils you keepthe bathroom both shining and antiseptic.We have what you need for a top hygienicresult, fast and easy and with a minimum riskof cross contamination.

    /text by the hand symbol/Take a trip around the bathroomClick on the bathroom hot spots, and find outwhat products are the most suitable for asuperb cleaning result.

    /Hot spots textsNumbers referring to Room-to-room layouts/

    (1. Toilet bowl)Toilet brush with PP bristles, for fast andeffective cleaning of toilet bowl. Available ineco and superior version.

    QuickStar micro (Red) is the ideal pre-prepared cloth for super-effective one-step

    wiping. High resistance against chlorine,bleach, disinfections etc.

    Multipurpose glove is high durability naturallatex glove with a strong chemical resistance.Pure cotton flock lining for maximum comfort.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    (2. Bath tub)QuickStar micro (Yellow) is the ideal pre-prepared cloth for super-effective one-stepwiping. High resistance against chlorine,bleach, disinfections etc.

    PurActive (Yellow) easily lifts grease and grimewithout scratching the surface. Fast anpowerful cleaning saves time and money, asPurActive cleans and cares in one.

    Multipurpose glove is high durability naturallatex glove with a strong chemical resistance.Pure cotton flock lining for maximum comfort.

    (3. Sink)QuickStar micro (Yellow) is the ideal pre-prepared cloth for super-effective one-stepwiping. High resistance against chlorine,bleach, disinfections etc.

    PurActive (Yellow) easily lifts grease and grimewithout scratching the surface. Fast anpowerful cleaning saves time and money, asPurActive cleans and cares in one.

    Multipurpose glove is high durability naturallatex glove with a strong chemical resistance.Pure cotton flock lining for maximum comfort.

    (4. Floor)Swep Duo pre-prepared damp mopping

    system is ideal in for example health careenvironments, where Swep most likely isalready used in other areas.

    The UltraSpeed system is ideal for wet,vertical floor mopping.

    The perfect problem-solver for spot cleaning. Itremoves tough marks, stains and ground-indirt with a minimum of effort. No chemicalsneeded.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Multipurpose glove is high durability naturallatex glove with a strong chemical resistance.Pure cotton flock lining for maximum comfort.

    4.4 Access room-by-room/public toilet/

    Keep it better thanexpected!

    A public toilet can be a tough place to keepclean and spic-and-span. And as the traffic isnormally high, you need to clean as quickly aspossible but without jeopardizing thecleaning result.

    A crisp and clean resultWith the correct cleaning utensils you keep

    the public toilet both clean and inviting.We have what you need for a top result, fastand easily done.

    /text by the hand symbol/Take a trip around the bathroomClick on the toilet hot spots, and find out whatproducts are the most suitable for a superbcleaning result.

    /Hot spots texts

    Numbers referring to Room-to-room layouts/

    (1. Mirrors)QuickStar micro (Yellow) is the ideal pre-prepared cloth for super-effective one-stepwiping. High resistance against chlorine,bleach, disinfections etc.

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    Multipurpose glove is high durability naturallatex glove with a strong chemical resistance.Pure cotton flock lining for maximum comfort.

    (2. Sink)QuickStar micro (Yellow) is the ideal pre-prepared cloth for super-effective one-stepwiping. High resistance against chlorine,bleach, disinfections etc.

    PurActive (Yellow) easily lifts grease and grimewithout scratching the surface. Fast andpowerful cleaning saves time and money, asPurActive cleans and cares in one.

    Multipurpose glove is high durability naturallatex glove with a strong chemical resistance.Pure cotton flock lining for maximum comfort.

    4.4 Access room-by-room/Office/

    A clean workingenvironment

    Daytime office cleaning puts high demands onboth utensils and the cleaning staff. Topcleaning result without interfering with theoffice business is the trick.

    Complete office solutionsOur range of cleaning systems and solutionscover the complete office needs and all kinds

    of surfaces from reception to kitchen andbathrooms.And with a performance that cuts time neededfor cleaning the various surfaces.

    /text by the hand symbol/Take a trip around the officeClick on the hot spots, and find out whatproducts are the most suitable for a topcleaning result.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    /Hot spots texts/Numbers referring to Room-to-room layouts/

    (1. Computer screen )MicroSmart for super-effective one-step wipingeven on delicate surfaces. Easy to rinse out,and very ergonomic through easy gliding.

    (2. Table tops)MicroSmart for super-effective one-stepwiping. Easy to rinse out, and very ergonomicthrough easy gliding.

    Multipurpose glove is high durability naturallatex glove with a strong chemical resistance.Pure cotton flock lining for maximum comfort.

    (3.Floor)The UltraSpeed system is ideal for wet,vertical floor mopping.

    4.4 Access room-by-room/Entrance/Hotel lobby/

    Youll never get a secondchance to make a first

    impressionAs soon as you step through the entrance yourimpression of the place starts forming.Welcome your guest with a clean and shinyreception or lobby, and be that the visit toyour place starts in a good mood.

    1 +2 +3 = Clean

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Our range of cleaning systems and solutionscover every corner of the reception/lobby.From entrance mats (1) that stops dirt alreadyat the door to above floor (2) and floor andcleaning (3).

    /text by the hand symbol/Take a trip around the lobbyClick on the lobby hot spots, and find out whatproducts are the most suitable for a topcleaning result.

    /Hot spots texts/Numbers referring to Room-to-room layouts/

    (1. Window cleaning)Evolution is the complete window cleaningsystem, with accessories and flexibility to dealwith most window cleaning tasks. The 4-1multi-position handle makes window cleaningeffective and ergonomic.

    MicroWindow big is an over-sized and bulkymicrofiber cloth, that is ideal for one-stepwindow cleaning. It glides easily and leavesnothing but a top result behind.

    (2. Table top)QuickStar micro (blue) is the ideal pre-prepared cloth for super-effective one-stepwiping. High resistance against chlorine,bleach, disinfections etc.

    Multipurpose glove is high durability natural

    latex glove with a strong chemical resistance.Pure cotton flock lining for maximum comfort.

    (3. Floor pads)DynaCross Superpads are designed to lastlonger, do the job faster and prolong the life ofthe floor coating.Improved machine stability and even wearacross pad surfaces re Dynacorss hallmarks.

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    (4. Floor cleaning)Swep Classic or Swep Duo pre-prepared dampmopping system is ideal for fast and effectivefloor mopping.

    The UltraSpeed system is ideal for wet,vertical floor mopping.Both can be fitted with Vileda Professionalsergnomic telescopic handle.

    4.4 Access room-by-room/Operating theatre/

    Highest possible demands

    Few environments put as high demands onhygiene and cleanliness as an operatingtheatre. Inferior hygiene is a threat to both thepatient and the hospital as such.

    Keep the highest possible standard

    Regardless of surface, there is a solution fortop hygienic results within our productportfolio. The most suitable offers bacteriareduction to up to 99.99%.

    /text by the hand symbol/Take a trip around the operating theatreClick on the hot spots, and find out whatproducts are the most suitable for a tophygienic cleaning result.

    /Hot spots texts/Numbers referring to Room-to-room layouts/

    (1. Operating table)NanoTech micro is a ideal pre-preparedmicrofiber cloth for highly hygienic sensitiveareas. Due to embedded nano particles ofsilver, NanoTech micro removes 99.93% of

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    bacteria or germs, and even kills bacteria indirect contact. Maximum hygienic effect!

    QuickStar micro (blue) is the ideal pre-prepared cloth for super-effective and hygienicone-step wiping. High resistance againstchlorine, bleach, disinfections etc.

    Multipurpose glove is high durability naturallatex glove with a strong chemical resistance.Pure cotton flock lining for maximum comfort.

    (2 Wall cleaning)Swep Duo pre-prepared damp moppingsystem is ideal in for fast, effective andhygienic wall mopping. Colour coded mops toprevent cross contamination.

    Multipurpose glove is high durability naturallatex glove with a strong chemical resistance.Pure cotton flock lining for maximum comfort.

    (3. Other surfaces)QuickStar micro (green) is the ideal pre-prepared cloth for super-effective and hygienicone-step wiping. High resistance againstchlorine, bleach, disinfections etc.

    (4. Floor)Swep Duo pre-prepared damp moppingsystem is ideal in for fast, effective andhygienic floor mopping. Colour coded mops toprevent cross contamination.

    Lobby dust pan is tailor-made to pick up dirt inthe most ergonomic and hygienic way, bysweeping dirt directly into a dust bag.

    4.4 Access room-by-room/Restaurant/

    Keep unwanted visitors out

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    Hygiene is paramount in the restaurant andcatering business. Not only to give a clean andinviting impression, but also all to keep germsand bacteria out.

    We cover every surfaceDeep cleaning, spot cleaning, spillage pick-up whatever the cleaning needs there is asolution in our systems or product portfolio.For fast, effective and hygienic cleaning.

    /text by the hand symbol/Take a trip around the restaurantClick on the restaurant hot spots, and find outwhat products are the most suitable for a tophygienic cleaning result.

    /Hot spots texts/Numbers referring to Room-to-room layouts/

    (1. Floor)The UltraSpeed system is ideal for wet,vertical floor mopping.

    (2. Bar top)Breazy is a semi-disposable cloth with apatented wave structure. Excellent dirt pick-upand with a bacteria reduction of 96.3%.

    NanoTech micro is a microfiber cloth with nanoparticles of silver embedded. NanoTech micro

    removes 99.93% of bacteria or germs, andeven kills bacteria in direct contact. Maximumhygienic effect!

    (3. Staircase)SprayExpress is the perfect way for spot-cleaning of floors or staircases. With aseparate tank for water or cleaning solution,everything you need is always at hand - in the

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    same unit. Compatible with all ViledaProfessional frames.

    (4. Table tops)Breazy is a semi-disposable cloth with apatented wave structure. Excellent dirt pick-upand with a bacteria reduction of 96.3%.

    (5. Sink????)Wettex sponge cloth is ideal for usage in allareas where high absorbency and spill pick-upare essential. Bio-degradable.

    Dish brush with special bristle shape makes itideal to deal with a wide variety of objects andallows for effective cleaning.

    The flat scourer is super abrasive formaximum cleaning performance.

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    The Vileda Professional Way

    The Vileda Professional WayCleaning systems for maximumperformance and profit

    Philosophy of cleaningThe way of cleaningFacts on cleaning

    Your guide to better cleaningAsk Vileda Professional

    Our PhilosophyHygiene, Sustainability, Economy

    HygieneInferior hygiene can put you out ofbusinessWith the swine in mind and new pandemicsspreading with the speed of light, top hygiene

    will continue to be paramount in more or lessevery environment. And within Health Care,elderly peoples homes, Kindergartens andHoReCa environments top hygiene isparamount.In these sectors a clean environment could bea survival factor, and definitely a competitionfactor. Players with inferior hygiene will sooneror later be out of business.So why settle for something less than triedand tested products and solutions from ViledaProfessional. Solutions that will keep your

    hygiene on top and your business healthy.

    SustainabilityIts all about the futureAt Vileda Professional and Freudenberg webring ecological, social and economic values tolife everyday, by doing business based on theprinciples of sustainability.What we are doing is to carefully fine-tune andmonitor every stage in a product life cycle to

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    minimize impact on the environment, as wellas use as little of the earths resources aspossible. This means we pay extra attention toall stages in a products life cycle: rawmaterial manufacturing distribution product performance waste management.

    EconomyIts all about profitBasically youre in the business to do business.Which in turn means profit on the bottom line,every year when you close your companybooks.Short term you might save Euros by usingcheap products in your operation, but longterm both you and we know that qualityproducts pays off.Higher quality, higher cleaning performance,better durability, lower stress on cleaningpersonnel = best possible product life cyclecosts.

    Thats what Vileda Professional stands for, and

    thats you gain in a cooperation with us.What else do you need?

    Our view on SustainabilityEvery day, in very operation we do, we keepour minds on acting in the most possiblesustainable way.

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    /links to this CEO statement/

    Passing on to our futuregenerationsMaking professional cleaning easier anddelivering superior services to our customershave been our highest priorities since whenand what was the first VP products.Since then the needs have changed and sohave our solutions have developed - forexample our cloth range has beencontinuously upgraded in terms ofperformance and durability, allowing now upto 300 wash cycles for our microfiber cloths.More relevant professional examples.

    We look far into the futureAlready since the start of the company wehave had long-term oriented focus ondeveloping and providing products thatminimise the environmental impact, and an an

    important part of this is our approach tosustainability.Our products are known for their durability,washability, performance and ergonomics. Wepay attention to the sourcing of our rawmaterials, how our products aremanufactured, distributed, applied anddisposed of. We are certified in accordancewith the standards ISO 14001 and OHSAS18001.A good example of for a country-specificcertificate is the Scandinavian eco-label

    Nordic Swan for Vileda Professional SwepMops.Furthermore, the FHP-plant in Germany hasestablished a sustainable developmentprogram honored with the Eco Award Agenda21 in 2006.

    We all take careSustainability means for us to live ecological,social and economic values day-to-day and we

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    are committed to do business while respectingthe principles of sustainability.We are fully aware that sustainability is anongoing everyday-challenge and has to becontinuously implemented and lived in alldivisions of the company.

    The long-term responsibility towards peopleand the environment is anchored in the ViledaProfessional Guiding Principles laid down byour parent company Freudenberg and apersonal commitment of the entire FHPorganization.

    Dr. Klaus-Peter MeierPresident & CEOFreudenberg Haushaltsprodukte KG

    Bottom text box

    We know that the key to success is listeningcarefully to your needs.And because we do exactly that, weunderstand the daily needs of the cleaningbusiness and therefore provide cleaningoperators with the best possible solutions.

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    The way of cleaning

    The Vileda Professional WaySystems and products for maximumperformance and profit

    Invest a little, save a lot.How to cut costs and not efficiency.

    You can save some Euro-cents when buying acheap cloth. You can save Euros whenacquiring a second grade quality floor cleaningsystem.But its the figures on the bottom line thatcounts. Its the actual cost-in-use that countswhen you have taken quality, washability,water consumption, labor costs sick leave etcinto consideration. And when you do thatmathematics, Vileda Professional generallycomes out as the winner.So in the long run it pays off to invest a little to

    save a lot.

    Invest a little. Save a lot.How to cut costs and not efficiency.

    You can save some Eurocents whenbuying a cheap cloth. You can save Euroswhen acquiring a second grade qualityfloor cleaning system.But its the figures on the bottom line that

    counts. Its the actual cost-in-use that countswhen you have taken quality, washability,water consumption, labor costs sick leave etcinto consideration. And when you do thatmathematics, Vileda Professional generallycomes out as the winner.

    So in the long run it pays off to invest alittle to save a lot.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    1 Clean away the old habits.2 Take good care of your people.3 Cut costs. Not efficiency.4 So you think you know how to clean?5 "No cleaning agents in my drinking water, please."6 Tomorrow was here already yesterday.

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    Mouse over No 1/overall economy related/

    Clean away the old habits.Are you ready for nicer figures on thebottom line?

    Its definitely possible to polish the

    figures by changing into modern cleaningconcepts.Do business with Vileda Professional and youwill get access to our expert knowledge ineffective cleaning.And to tailor-made training on how to clean inthe most economical and timesaving ways.

    Mouse over No 2/ergonomy related/

    Take good care of your peopleKeeping sick-leave to a minimum boostsyour profit, thats for sure.

    Thats why we offer cleaning productsthat definitely improve your staffs well-being.

    For example microfiber cloths with one-stepcleaning performance for minimizing strain onhands and wrists. Award-winning ergonomichandles, or floor-cleaning systems thatminimize lifting of heavy water buckets.

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    Mouse over No 3/speed - performance related/

    Cut costs. Not efficiency.Keep your contracts by cleaner cleaning.

    The key question is how clean you clean.

    Not only how fast you clean.This means that only the player that offers100% customer satisfaction will get a contractrenewal.

    With methods, systems and products fromVIleda Professional you can be sure to cleanboth fast and effectively.

    Mouse over No 4/quality - training related/

    So you think you know how toclean?Customer satisfaction is the name of thegame.

    Of course you can win contracts based onthe lowest price, but in the long run thequality of cleaning is always part of the

    deal.There's no room for streaks, scuffmarks, floorsdrenched in water or bacteria transfer anymore. Clean, tidy and safe office is the name ofthe game.

    How to get there is simple when you dobusiness with Vileda Professional.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Mouse over No 5/environment related/

    No cleaning agents in mydrinking water, pleaseLess is more. At least when it comes tomodern cleaning.

    Cleaning with lots of chemicals and waterbelongs to the past and does not apply tomodern environmental thinking.Thats why we offer a range of microfiberproducts, that clean in-depth without cleaningagents or excessive water usage, and thedurable approach minimizes wastemanagement.

    Quite simply a lower impact on both

    environment and wallet.

    Mouse over No 6/sustainability/

    Tomorrow was here alreadyyesterday.How to keep your nose clean.

    Whichever way you look at it, adoptingresponsible and sustainable systems,solutions and procedures makes goodbusiness sense.It reduce costs and attract customers who careabout green credentials, it raises staff moraleand it puts you ahead of the game whenlegislation becomes tighter on responsible

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    waste management and sustainability.Above all, it will help saving the worlds

    natural resources.

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    Facts on cleaning

    The Vileda Professional WaySystems and products for maximumperformance and profit

    "Helping you make a difference" is our tag line.

    And be sure that everything we provide you with

    will make a difference in your business whether its products, training or support.We believe that high quality, high

    performance cleaning is the way to both keepon-going assignments and win new contractsthat last for long. We believe that providing yourstaff with easy-to-use and ergonomic products isthe way to helping them stay motivated andhealthy.

    Once youve experienced the difference, itseasy to see the benefits.

    Ready for some facts?

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    Cut costs. Not efficiency.While speed is clearly important, there's a hugedifference between cleaning fast and cleaningeffectively. But with the right methods, systemsand knowledge you can speed up cleaningperformance dramatically.

    By selecting the right cloth for each surfaceit's possible to cut cleaning time by up to 50%without sacrificing the cleaning result.

    Simplicity paysBesides maximum efficiency, Vileda Professionalhas another straightforward mission: To createuser- friendly and easy-to-understand methodsand systems.

    The result - a flying start for new orinexperienced staff, plus substantial cost savings

    Products made to be seen

    In the old days most offices were cleaned atnight. Today, your personnel often work duringthe daytime and have to blend into manydifferent environments whilst always lookingpositive and professional.

    Modern, functional, well-designed productswith an attractive, professional image will helpyou create the right impression at the cleaningsites.

    Think healthy = healthy thinking

    We innovate, develop and manufacture productsfor people. We're absolutely convinced thatpeople who feel well and like their tools, performbetter.

    In the end, this definitely contributes to betterbusiness, less staff absence, less administrationand less need for hiring new personnel.

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    The more you know, the more effective canyou be

    Right method for the jobOne vital condition for both cleaning result andeconomy is choosing the right method for thejob. Consult us and well guide you to the mosteffective solution, for example

    Large sites with access to laundry-we recommend pre-prepared cleaning withSwep and microfiber wipes. Small sites with limited access towater we recommend Spray Express andmicrofiber wiping as the best solution. General sites - we recommend theUltraSpeed bucket-and- wringer method isthe natural choice.

    All in all we cover all your cleaning needs.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Your guide to better cleaning

    The Vileda Professional WaySystems and products for maximumperformance and profit

    Our cooperation process making goodeven better!

    Generally speaking, our products are easy to use buta clean fast-and-go- way is not always the bestapproach to cost effective and high performancecleaning.

    Thats why we believe in a systematic approach toour cooperation, and we accompany you from thevery beginning until you are up and running in themost effective way.

    For sure you know how to clean otherwise

    you wouldnt be in the business. But if youreally want to squeeze the most out of yourcleaning utensils, we will be more than happyto share our experiences and collectedknowledge.

    To reach there, we follow a structured process.You can either pick from this la carte menu or choose the fullmonty for best possible result.

    Listen Analyze Train Implement



    First step is to collect all the necessary information on yourcleaning needs and conditions for the contract or siteinvolved.

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    From out of the input and basic facts we do aneed/conditions analysis, and put together a proposal thatis that most optimal in terms of costs and expectedoutcome.


    Next step is to transfer our proposed solution/s/ into hands-on cleaning execution. And to be sure that you will get themost out of the systems and products, we can offer tailor-made training sessions that introduce your staff to ordeepen their knowledge in the Vileda Professional way ofcost effective and high performance cleaning.


    The moment of truth is here its time for the ViledaProfessionals proposed solutions to go live.

    Also at this stage, we will not leave you unaccompanied.


    Need new training or help with performance evaluation?Need technical support in winning a new contact?

    One vital part of the cooperation with Vileda Professionalis the support we can provide you with after having

    implemented our systems and utensils. By always stayingon top of the business competition, you ensure prolongedcontracts, you will take place on your clients or prospectsshopping-list and you will constantly improve your image.

    We will be there to help you and you support you inevery way we can!

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    Need more information, help or advice?Please get in contact with us, and we willguide you to better cleaning

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    Ask Vileda Professional!

    For sure you know how to clean otherwiseyou wouldnt be in the business. But if youreally want to squeeze the most out of yourcleaning utensils, we will be more than happyto share our experiences and collectedknowledge.

    More info to come

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    The Vileda Professional WayCleaning systems for maximumperformance and profit

    About us

    Vileda Professional offers cleaning solutionsand innovative systems for professional users.With over 30 years in the business we knowwhat needs professional users in differentenvironments are looking for, and we offersolutions that help you clean faster, moreeffective and to lower total costs.

    Strong partner wherever you areToday, Vileda Professional is working with ourother sales offices in 14 countries and hasapproximately 200 employees.

    The head office is located in Weinheim,

    Germany, due to its close location toFreudenbergs research anddevelopment centres.

    A member of the Freudenberg GroupFounded in 1849, the Freudenberg group istoday a diversified family company withactivities in non-wovens, system & toolengineering, flooring and many other areas.

    The group has around 28,000 employees in 44countries and the Groups sales amounted to

    3 918 million.Vileda Professional is part of FHP Freudenberg Household Products togetherwith Vileda consumer division.

    Bottom text boxWe know that the key to success is listeningcarefully to your needs.

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    And because we do exactly that, weunderstand the daily needs of the cleaningbusiness and therefore provide cleaningoperators with the best possible solutions.

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    Research & Development

    Research and DevelopmentInvesting in your cleaning results

    R&D for your benefitThree pillars, which we base our work on, willadd benefits to our customers in terms ofexcellent products and solutions:1. Investing in both research and developmentmeans that we are working more and more onbasic understanding of dirt avoidance andremoval.2. We do extensive networking to adjacentand far-off knowledge areas, to get input fornew and revolutionary cleaning ideas.3. We listen carefully to our customersdemands and needs for their daily cleaningwork.

    Leaders in innovationMore than 60 engineers and developers areconstantly working with developing highquality and business leading products andsolutions.A majority of these engineers and developersare based in Weinheim, Germany.

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    Product design & Ergonomics

    Outstanding product designFeel better, look better, clean better

    The Vileda Proffessional designphilosophy- a smart balanced product architecture

    AestheticsHigh attraction

    FunctionalityBest performance

    ErgonomicsUser friendliness

    The Vileda Professional philosophy has alwaysbeen not to float with the current, but beingahead with intelligent product & systemdesigns.Everything - from the smallest fabric to thefuture cleaning visions - should match thisidentity.

    The outcome - clear forms with smoothtransitions, smartly balanced on ergonomic,aesthetic and functional criteria.For the user, this means attractive products towork with and top ergonomics.

    Not two bodies are alikeTall or short, big or small hands, heavily ordelicately built cleaning utensils must fitevery body type.

    Thats why we develop products that areadjustable and flexible so every user can workin the most comfortable and relaxed position.And thereby reduce muscular stress.

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    DimensionsEach user and each workflow is individual.

    Thats why we consider all elements that arerelated to individual physical ergonomics whendesigning our cleaning utensils.Elements like human anatomical,anthropometric, physiological andbiomechanical characteristics.

    Elementary design

    Soft touch and feelBy carefully selecting the correct material forhandles and grips, we create a comfortableand safe feeling while using our products inaction.

    This specifically goes for handles, grips andsteering bars, which is created and havingsurface material that promotes both the bestpossible ergonomics plus a nice feel whengripped.Also the Evolon material used in microfibercloths has a soft and subtle feel.

    Grip comfort

    Easy-to-identify colour schemeFeeling good, functioning well and looking

    attractive these are demands on every ViledaProfessional product.

    The colour scheme has been carefully workedout to meet this aesthetic demand, but also tomake our products easy to identify and tostand out in the products crowd.

    Unique design

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    Certificates & Environment

    Certificates & EnvironmentSaying is one thing. Proving what we dois more important.

    We all take care

    In every stage in a products life cycle frommanufacturing to waste management wetake every possible step to meet demands onsustainability.

    Which means we strive to meet as manycriterias from objective institutes as possible.

    Today we are proud of certfied within differentareas - ranging from stating low environmentalimpact to excellent product quality.

    Download certificatesPlease note that certificates are provided onthe overall downloads page. Go there now byclicking on the following link.

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    jederzeitigen strungsfreien Zugangbernimmt die Freudenberg & Co.Kommanditgesellschaft dennoch keineGewhr. Es handelt sich bei diesen Seiten um

    ein unverbindliches Informationsangebot derFreudenberg & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft,welches jederzeit, auch ohne vorherigeAnkndigung, gendert, ergnzt oder gelschtwerden kann. Dies gilt auch fr alle zumDownload zur Verfgung gestellten Inhalte.Die einzelnen Seiten des Webangeboteswerden von den jeweiligen als verantwortlichangegeben Gesellschaften unseresUnternehmens entsprechend den gesetzlichenAnforderungen am Sitz der jeweiligenGesellschaft betrieben und verwaltet. Wird das

    Webangebot von anderen Orten aus benutzt,so ist der Nutzer fr die bereinstimmung derNutzung mit den dort jeweils geltendenVorschriften selbst verantwortlich.2. Keine Haftung fr Links:Die Freudenberg & Co. Kommanditgesellschafthaftet weder fr die Verfgbarkeit noch frInhalte auf Internetseiten Dritter, auf die sieLinks (Verknpfungen) gesetzt hat. Dies giltsowohl fr Inhalte, die bei Setzen des Links

    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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    bereits vorhanden waren, wie auch frnachtrgliche nderungen auf denInternetseiten des Dritten. Es wird hiermitausdrcklich erklrt, dass zum Zeitpunkt derLinksetzung keine illegalen Inhalte auf den zuverlinkenden Seiten erkennbar waren.3.Keine Beschaffenheitsangaben undGarantien: Keinesfalls enthalten dieInformationen auf diesen InternetseitenBeschaffenheitsangaben ber Produkte oderDienstleistungen und begrnden keineGarantie, Zusage oder Haftung seitens derFreudenberg & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft, seies ausdrcklich oder stillschweigend.Insbesondere knnen auch diese Angaben

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    Graffiti Hkan Oscarsson

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